Soil and Water NCDQ Stream Debris Removal grant amendmentSteve Troxler North Carolina Department of Agriculture N. David Smith Commissioner and Consumer Services Chief Deputy Commissioner March 28, 2018 Ms. Dru Harrison New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 100 Wilmington, NC 28403 CONTRACT NUMBER: 17- 175 -4023 AMENDMENT NUMBER: 01 -2018 Dear Ms. Harrison On behalf of Commissioner Steve Troxler and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services — Division of Soil & Water Conservation, it is with great pleasure that I offer to amend your existing agreement for the contract number 17- 1754023. The amendment is necessary to modify the scope of work and to add funds allocated to New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District in response to your request for additional funds for the Stream Debris Removal Project initiated in 2017. Your project end date remains December 31, 2019. Two original amendment packets must be printed. completed and returned to the NCDA &CS, making sure that the amendments and certain forms have been signed, dated, and witnessed. Signing these documents represents your understanding and acknowledgement that all other terms and conditions of the original contract are still in effect. Please return the two packets to: David B. Williams, Deputy Director N.C. Division of Soil & Water Conservation 1614 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1614 One fully executed, original amendment will be returned to you for your records. If you have any questions about your amendment or any of the forms contained in your offer packet, please contact David Williams at (919) 707 -3772, or David. B.Williams(cDncaar.00v. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for participating in the Stream Debris Removal Program Si erely, l N. David Smith Chief Deputy Commissioner Enclosure cc: L.L. McMillan, Grants and Contracts Administrative Assistant Email: David.Smith @ncagr.gov 1001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1001 (919) 707 -3033 • Fax (919) 715 -0026 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer fi;n,,A� NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES Steven W. Troxler, Commissioner NCDA &CS Division of Soil and Water Conservation /Stream Debris Removal Project Agreement Contract Amendment Check Off List for Grantee INSTRUCTIONS: Check the "Yes" boxes in the left column for the document titles that are being returned with the two signed, dated and notarized copies of the contract amendment with signatures in blue ink. Be sure to include all the other documents specified in your contract amendment package. If "No" has been checked off for you, that document is not required for this grant program or project. This form must be returned with your completed contract amendment package. GRANTEE ORGANIZATION NAME: New Hanover SWCD PROJECT TITLE /NAME: Stream Debris Removal Project CONTRACT #: 17- 175 -4023 AMENDMENT #: 01 -2018 Check one box Document title Division Use - Documents Attached or On File Grants & Contracts Use - Documents Attached Yes ❑ No Contract Amendment "Check Off List' for Grantee ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Contract Amendment Cover ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Attachment A— Revised Scope of Work ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Attachment B — Signature Card ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No NCDA &CS — Check Off List — Amendment Rev 07/14; 8/16;1/17 Departmental Use Only CENTER: 2975.4786 ACCOUNT: 536502 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ` AMOUNT: $2z7sao.00 COUNTY OF WAKE CENTER: 2975.4786 I F ACCOUNT: 536502 AMOUNT: 75.540.00 North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Soil and Water Conservation Stream Debris Removal Program Amendment Number: 01 -2018 Contract Number: 17- 175 -4023 This document amends the Contract bearing the effective date of January 1, 2017, between the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency" and the New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee." The Grantee's tax ID number is 56- 6000324. The Grantee's DUNS number is 0400029563. As provided for under the terms of the original Contract, the Agency and the Grantee agree to amend the Contract provisions as outlined below. 1I.Section III. Grantee's Duties The previous Section III is hereby amended by replacing the previous Attachment B: Scope of Work with the revised Attachment A: Scope of Work. The purpose of the replacement Scope of Work is to add additional segments for Stream Debris Removal. These additional segments are over and above the specified work in the original agreement. 2.Section V. Agency's Duties The previous Section IV is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: The Agency shall pay the Grantee in the manner and in the amounts specified in the Contract Documents. The total amount paid by the Agency to the Grantee under this Contract shall not exceed $227,540.00. This amount consists of an increase of $75,540.00 in State funds. The Grantee's matching requirement is, which consists of: In Kind $ Cash $ Cash and In -kind $ Cash and /or In -kind $66,000.00 Other/Specify $ The total contract amount is $293,540.00. All other terms and conditions as set forth in the original contract document shall remain in effect for the duration of this amendment. NCDA &CS — Contract Cover - Amendment — 07/14; 4/17 Page 1 o1`2 Signature Warranty: The undersigned represent and warrant that they are authorized to bind their principals to the terms of this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantee and the Agency execute this Amendment in two (2) originals, one (1) of which is retained by the Grantee and one (1) which is retained by the Agency. �l l r TMaFt�U C, 1"Xtt ,-QSS SSi� \0.n�r Ouv1 j Printed Name j Title S•z�f• 7018' Signature Date V4- 4'�e Printed NaN Title (DI North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Signature of Authorized Representative N. David Smith, Chief Deputy Commissioner NCDA &CS — Contract Cover - Amendment — 07/14: 4/17 Page 2 of 2 Attachment A SCOPE OF WORK STREAM DEBRIS REMOVAL PROJECT New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District (the "GRANTEE ") will complete stream debris removal and restoration activities including cutting and removing downed trees, broken tops, woody /vegetative debris and sediment that impede or potentially impede water flow in the streams and tributaries included in Table B 1 below (taken from the application submitted by the GRANTEE). The GRANTEE must use its best judgment to only remove debris resulting from Hurricane Matthew or Tropical Storms Hermine and Julia. TABLE B1: Stream/Ditch Semnents to be repaired Name/Description of Stream or Channel Description of Damage and Planned Repair Approximate Length of Channel (ft) Number of Known Beaver Dams to Remove Smith Creek Urban Vegetation removal 25,000 3 Motts Creek Urban Ve etation removal 9,700 4 Prince George Creek Urban Vegetation removal 3,300 5 Reserve at West Bay Urban Vegetation removal 1,800 Tribuatary to Prince George Creek Urban Vegetation removal 2,700 3 Tributary to Smith Creek Acorn Branch Urban Vegetation removal 6,000 Tributary to Smith Creek (Black Swamp Run Urban Vegetation removal 8,000 The GRANTEE will ensure that all required permits are secured for each site before any work proceeds for that site. NCDA &CS (Gov't Contract Cover - Soil & Water) Rev. 7/14; 12/14 Page 1 of 2 The GRANTEE will ensure that it follows the Best Management Practices for Selective Clearing and Snagging to manage all woody debris removed from streams. These guidelines can be downloaded at hLtp: / /www.ncagr. gov /SWC/ disasterresponse/ documentsBestManagementPracticesforSelective Clearin andSnag iging_Rdf In the event the Grantee completes the work specified in the Scope of Work without exhausting the funds in the Contract, the Agency Contract Administrator may issue a Work Authorization to approve stream debris removal work for additional stream segments requested by the Grantee, not to exceed the funds available in the Contract. NCDA &CS (Gov't Contract Cover - Soil & Water) Rev. 7/14; 12/14 Page 2 of 2 Signature Card �Gw�uuu�.M � P CONTRACT & FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS INSTRUCTIONS: Please read and fill in the required information to the right of each field where applicable. Signatures must match the Contract signatures. In the event the affixed signature(s) are no longer valid, a revised. form must be submitted prior to processing any contractual documents or submitting "Request for Payments" or any other financial documents. If more than two people will sign for the organization, this form may be duplicated. SECTION I. Date: C a 1 Legal Applicant Organization /Agency Name: t�tw i�nnnoer Cut i of der Federal Tax Identification Number: rj - 00 n�� SECTION IL Certification: By affixing my signature below, I certify that person(s) identified are designated having legal authorization to sign on behalf of the organization named in Section I., above, for purposes of executing contractual documents and preparing, approving and executing all financial documents; including "Requests for Payments." I understand the legal implications of any and all misrepresentation, which include but are not limited to defrauding the State of North Carolina, and certify that the person signing below has full authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the named organization. NON - GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ONLY Must match Contract signature) Board Chair, Executive Director, etc. Financial Representative, Treasurer, etc. Print Name & Title: Print Name & Title: Signature: Signature: GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES Must match Contract signature) Authorized Governmental Official Chief Fiscal Officer Print Name & Title: Print Name & Title: > & un L� yr baclAer �c7 Signature' NCDA&CS - Signature Card — NGO & Governmental Page 1 of 1 Rev 7/14; 1/17: 1 1 /17