MAY 25 2018 BUILD APPSZot6-5s*) L8-=J.5jI1NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI I| TYPE: CO4I4ERCIAL PLEASE AIGXER AII. QIJESTIOI.IS APPLICABLE Tq YOUR PROJECT -Project Responstbilitf APPLICATIT'S !,lAllE: LandmarkCommercial, lnc. DEVELOPER: . Landmark Commercial, lnc. PRO]ECT 2027 Capital Drive Wlminoton OCCUPANT/BUSITiESS NrlfiE: New Tenant - Raleio h Brewinq. LLC PROPERTY oUNERTS tlA E: Landmark Commercial, lnc. OhINER'S ADDRESST 5O?2 Wrighisville AvenlJe CITY: Wilminqton CONTRACTOR: Landmark Commercial lnc - LICENSE #z 71397 ADDRESS: 5022 htsville Avenue . CIry:\ryilmington .sr EI4AIL ADDRESS:npo merct .net PHONE *: PRO]ECT PE : Steve Davenport aP-FlLI:mN fiumber (OFfi<e tlse) _DATE:5111118 - PtoNE *: 9,lO-392_7 201ztp:2}4os sr: NczIP:28403 :NC ZIP:28403 91G392-7201 . PI()NE #: a1(Lq2 o5? (check aLl rh3t apply) O(IST CONSTRT'CTTON:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a NatuEl Gas Une on the r-l REI'loVATr(x{ l-l bJrrentsitez [-H GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATIOf _ r,ro rs BLoc Dfl-YesJ-No $En .o*r*ur.ron, 3ACCESSORY STRT'CTURE: fl FAsr rMcr n SHELL El UpFrr f] ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruREERECT I{E}I SIRI'CIURE N/A Is Elect PoHer on this Building tr. Yes f. NO *a*.* rs rtEs A cHAltGE oF ocG.pAt{cy tsE}f yEs f_ tb *+*.* IF Yes, Ehat Es the Pr€vious occupancy Typel _ tftat is the NeE Occupancy Tvoe?anflr WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAL: Mark Grenell Architecture PH PH : 910-233..1061 ttrc REG *7438 | 9rc.2a0-3747 Nc REG $: 018518ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIOML L Itinq Engineers DESCRIPTION OF U]ORK:lniliSffffiof new tenant space for beer storage and disctibution ts food or beverages prepared or seNed in $is structure?f - Veslfi- t lo ls The Property Localed ln The Floodplainf - ve{X-No OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: Landmark Gommercial lnc.SIGNATURE: (O,....t} (Pritrtb'r) Noic O€rnolldoo nolificatoars a 6bas r€nElEl Perrn appti:atix6 are to be $brhtted usirE tE ag9licatbn form Steve DavenDort(DHHS3768) r^+Elher the bc'fdy resident conrain Asb€slos or not You are eqrired b ca! tle i'larirEl Elnbs'roi Slsrdads br Hazaders Air Folldanb (NESHAA d €19P07-5960 at hasl 10 daF pri@ to lhe derno&irn d ary tacilty or Ulidng. S€e A$e$6 Wob SilB htFrrl'n' ,/.epi.state.nc.u5fezu?sb€sloslahmg hE:: TOTAL PRoJECT COSr: $70,000 BUILDING HEIGHT: 24' SQ FT PER FLR: - 2500 # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:#OFSTRUCTURES: 1 ACRESDISTURBED: N/A EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMTT? -$- YES TNO N/A SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A SQ FT 1 1 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:N/A ffi COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL sEPnC [1 r-] WELL T1 ZONING USE CLASSIHvare seprc aliorrrleuHrw FICATIoN lndustrial PERMIT FEE: : pAyMENT METHOD: f CASH fr. cneCr lenvRelE To NHc) f - AMERIcAN E1PRESs f , MgvlsA f-- otscoveR (FOR OFFICf USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH. . RH- B-- Approval: City: DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft.-_ZONE: OFFICER N Comment *DISCLAIMER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION I,IEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDABLE _ PtroNE s: 94U392-72O1 . If UPFIT - The Shell Pennit *:2017-11273 # OF UNITS: 1 rOrAL AREA sQ FI ,___2500_- TOTAL SQ FT UNDERT6--OF-F--Z5OO-_ pRopERry usE: f]oFFrcE I nesmunenr ffi r',lencnmr-e[ EDUcfl- APrfL coNDo orHEr - 05-1'l-'18 07:30 FROlvl- FL0RES AND F0LEY 191 07985763 RECEIVED MAY 112018 T-151 **?8J8-rFg/,a- lroS PPLICATIOI{ UIlbar \J'IA l' NET.I HAM)VER COUNTY BUILDII{G PER}IIT APPLIatZEtt rYPEr CdrilriE RCIAL PLIAJIE AIt'IEi ^IL QUESIIoTI A'PLICIALE TO }qJR PftO]ECI .Proj.ct Rerpon5lbilltta APPLICIrI'S ll lE! Danlel 91er.t| - PloqrEE6 PoiEt coadoB D iEt c5/11/2oLB PROJECT AmRESS: ITra Sale,le Es,le €fTYr ri].DiEcEo,n zIP r:gj!L occupA TEtrsE{Ess ruE: PTOPER'Y OIiER'S ilTUE !Pt€!f, *: ST: ossr corcirRr.Errox! E ALrERArror A *#irfi EE**r REp rRs I-l RELEArIC{ I Rdocdoo, b tEre a t,r.rtrs-t Gss Liie on the &rea geZ [Ve-flr.r" SAnC SeRt-ttrc-nfOa I Ves ftr,s [E]t co srRrJcTrcr: fl rrucr rcr srRrrIrRE ! rmr relcx E sse r.r- ! unnr ! ADD ?o ExniT sTRl'rr[RG ACCESSORY STRUCTmE I Is Elect Ftoxer on thls Eulldtng E Yes E to O{' ER,S ADDRESSi CfTYi Z79 t CoI{TRACToR; FloreE E FoLev LrcEtisE a: !9596 ADORESS: 1s:6 ca.t1€ gsyac Rd.qITY: ]!!IE$q!!E -- sTr S_ zlPr:lggl EltAIl- ADDRESST .lh'tn:EElet raf PllOllE *r (e1o) 3 - 1.1o0 PROJECT COI{TAET PERSOiI: Glvnn Roblneott PfloIrE *! JlI9)gg:4!!I_ lf UPFII - The shcu P.nrit i: {.r. ls THIS A CrrEE rF Yei, r6dt bs dre Prcviars ossupancy Typal tr caD rrY us:r lvrs flrc '....Irrt Ir ifi. lB O..rrparcy Ttpe? l*cH DEsIq PROFElSldlAt. EIGR OESIG'I PNOFE55IOflAI.; PH: pHi i{ RE6 *r C RE6 *: DE5CRIPTIOTI OF ISRXI Re-roof 1 !n1l.1atn6 b tuod orba,ra: pograd a ravsd h fir *r.rrn? Ev"u Elr.ro bTr ftopiry Loca.d h nr. Fco+t-l?Eyc Eltb pRopEHTyt se EloFFrcE EnssrAF Nr Esqrrl-e Elanr Epr flcomo OTFCR WATER TtCFFt A r-lcoi rr{TY 6}SIEI nrtEr nDt,oG U8E CLASSE|CAT|Oi*ssrm ficrnn fics.rntserrc D pHvare seprrc S6unuvrvsrsran - sFaFAlE pERMtrs FrEourF€D FoR Efcf. MEot. PLEG GAs EoLllF, FREAas a LtsEFttB s PAYTTE {r iiEr}u} gcasr [oe< F YAEErc ]Hq flrtEnnu ecness tsrcu8A Eoscorm (Ffi OFHCEi,{EqAD IEI/TE' tBIEiYt!'IiZONE OFFICER SETBAd(S F: LH: RH B:App'qrd:- OM-.-DATE-- FLooA ---- EFE+AE_AY}{ &* OWI{€RTONTRAGTOFU Elorec and ?ol.v LuiEA sctn.tdr N.ar hrEIsr n.i'ad..B r.*E |!rd D.r*.rr*.. rr E L rB-d r-! i..l?abr brtr6rdrl.i,-F.qnc. Y(r| Irllqrt'tdacdi. rGllt tuB ffibllttiqrfiF lr- 0Gt{fPr a O97u/ffr Lryo.l5re Eh,rctoL.lOtF FlrGllldqir5ollc.'vr**hr {! !. Art trnrD* haa^r9,.1i,!r-,nc.ort{sdsa.r.arig,tfrrt rorAl pRoJEcr cos'n q5. 4 6f; .clc Bur..Dt{c rGrc*tr:TOTAAREAGQFT: SQ FTFCRFI-R:- |OFATORES: IOTASQ FTGDER rcOF:- # OF STFUGN.RES:*trH-OOFS_ ACRES DISTTTEEU E<sT r-Aro Dlsn FB$G etnmm Eves E rc l€W llrFlEnvlot,s AnEA SOFT E{a'IDlG LtPERVtot*raFEA - SO FT PERMTT FEE 3 DEVELoPERT PHOIE fr _ # oF t t{Ts: ffi 2d6-sgB \-bNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTUTION WPE: RESIDENIIAL Pr.EASI ,1HSWEB A[ QUISTIONSAppLIC_Agtt TO yOUn pRO.]tCr 'Prorect RorponCblFw-) APPTICINTS NAME PRO'tCI AOORCSS: ST'BDIVISK,N: ll.t.r,\/\i ,,''.,_i) t __ D.ta:,a-l.:i oTY:t\/LM)N(f/'-)i l?: LOT ll PRoPIR Y owNtR's NAME. ' i {-l'] \o rlJS 1 (.. n )( I PHONE d ow €lts ADDREsS: \ 1 ..) q C H q. c,-i- i \? '=1^lY <I |-,rr zr:..i1{.r..tcr ., r, (,ll( ..I+\* N\ { T- \ Rlrs,Lt\s l(, . r't.: \l L, CIW: Vri ,- I.\ I COI'ITRA CIO R ADDRTiS: il-la srA". 'Rf*'r.t \ BTOG CENSE d:---- \ \-'r4 . \.1 (j -J\dr CfrY: \\r_ PHONE ,ron, 4l';-. /{"').\\ sri rr( z|Pr ZI{4O(: tMAll. ADDiESs: .-f'-( ]CvQ.t (.j\ PROJECT COHTACT PtRSoN:-- ' Ji r'-'N\K;, ' Yi i1 -v <- .\ \<!]$_ tXlSTlt{G CONSIRUCTIOIi ,i Alteration E Renovarion [:] GeneratRepatrs NEW CONSTRUCIIOT{: fl ", ect New Residence [] Additlon to txlstint Residence r] fielocstlon " ' PTEAS t CH ECX Al{O AIISW E R Bt Lo!,V Al.l THAT AP?IY TO YOUR PROJ tCT. r. /t D€t G..ese {sr}.,*. .- - D Pool(5t) _. - n Atr Gara8e (SE) ___-' fl Sunroom (sf) n Porch 15f) D StoraSe Shed (5f) __ _ a] Othrr (5r) _,I-] Greenhouse (sFl__ O D€ck (Sf) =-- li the p.oposed worl changin8 the cxisting foorprint? O Yer fl No IOTAI- SQ FI UNOER ROOF Ao( ptoposed wort) Ho.tsdl Unh€atedi *'_) ('t-: TOTATmOJTCTCOST iters l-ol): S 5t<- Js the proposed work chan8lng the numbet of brdroomt? O Ycr !0r llo ls any tlecdcal, Plumblht or Meahsrkalwork beln8 done to the Act€3rory Structure Eb Ye' D No tf the projert is . Relocrllon,ls there a Natural Ga5 Line on the.urrent slte? L_l Yer Ll llo li lhere Electflcal Power on thi,r Bu,lding?Fr Ycr ll No '/ -5C){ ) Propcrty Use/ occuparry:>tsingh famlry L-l Duphx O lorvflhoss€ Ocrslpuon olWorl: -s\^,1'a,.1\ / rY(-e (-\ >r( ,,-: S' (- A).itl!.1 \" li{drEtlon "'NOI[: Any ivo.l pe.l(,mcd wfthod lhc apo.o9{l.te p.nnk N,lllb€ ln vloblbfi ol lh. NCSl.l. Bld8 code.rd rubl.cl lo fi.o3 up lo i5O0 00"' Own€r/Cohtr 'l\(,ci T\Ru C-rl('. srrneture: -f, 'U.cnsed Qualiller" Ptht Nane ls the p.operty located in a floodplain? O V* p ffo Exirtlnl lmp€rviousAre.l -- Sq Ft Tolal Ac.et Oldurbed: New lmpe.vlous Area: - - - -- 5q ft txlrtlng Land Dlrturblng Parmltr [J Yet L-] No g616v, )-)'\ WAT€R; X''CfPUA L.l Community Svstem tl Pdv?te well D CentralWell [] Aqua SEwtR: IC'CfPUA 0 cornmunity svstem lll Private septi. O ceniralseptic fl Aqu .*,(-1Foo3**,: Qftl - serracts1nd&r,rrNA t.rrl.lil rrldA tpprovar: lL- cky' -.[/[ o"", {rt}t6 ,rood: (A) .-- (v) - (N) - L " Ciii lnspeclion flequrreo, gt 0.254.m0J 8fE+itlt= -_ _- o..nlr t-.. ( ln l-arrrr wwP only; A n-1 ex]crior cha.rJ.s d,ll ,"ffn" COA a(fioval r ! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPL'CAIICN TYP& RESIDETITIAL PTEAST AI{SWTR AU QUESIIOI{S APPIJCASI.E TO YOUR PRoJECT 'PIqFd n€spoos&*ff|f t ?e\g-5*8 Apdlaatloar l{umbcr (of&e use) APruCAlT,S NAME. -IH =,*". A R,\ q,S D3tc:*/,a/ C-., e.zp,-ffiFPRjoJECT ADORf,SS:r l -: 9 C-#lg <f++* n\t-r <?-crY; lr\l4t\)(Fu:ss\ SUBDMSbI'l: PROPERTY OIA'NEIYs NAMI:-7Ro$'6S + CaRt LOr S: \ Rns.Lr\s PHontr: {ls 7(ss-\l [{- OW ENS ADDRESS:I \s + cH q. q.']- N\:T s-r 6n y.Uz*y\1r\uGil aP.a34{]s CO TRACTOR:il..ta st=$ ADDRISS:s eMar.monrss: fcRrl Q-r.ts (\ q\arc. c.ntx pRoJEcrcot{rAcrprnson,-:6 >N\tF G"-n q-NS 51. icap, Z.84qS PHONE: e1*xL 4)9:7 qo.\\ h4- \ BI"OG lt. cnY: EnSn G COI{SIRUCnOiIS hheration E Renovation E G€ne6lRepai6 NEW CO STRUCIION: tr| L.ect New Rasidence D Addition to Existi4 Residence fl Reloca0On ...?IEASE CHFCf, AIIO AIISIi'CR BE]OW AIL I}IAT AP?LY TO YOT'R PiOIECT..J D Att Garage (SF) _E Porch (SF) fl Sunroom (SF)tr Storage Sh€d (SF) _ tr Other (5F) _E Greenhouse (SF) O Deck (SF) _ ls the pmpos€d Lo* dansirrg the eining footprint? tr Yes E No TOTAI SQ FI UNDER ROOf (Fr proposed trort) Heated:-5oc> TOTAI PROJECT COST (tess tot): S 5K- ls the propo6ed work chanSing the number of b€drooms? tr Y6 B tlo ls any ElcclrL.l, PtsrrbliE or Machaok l work beinS done to th€ Accessory Structure EbYcs E t{o ftheprojectisaRelocdon,lsthereaNatu6lGasllneonthecurrentsite?trY6trt{o ls there Electrical Power on this BuildingrEtr Y€. El o tr Dupaex 0 lownhouseProperty Use/F.mily I Ctrtt '8 t 0 r36fln Descrlptlorr ofE\A(>t( r isleG-r >( aS <=-^t<I-t J tr-, la$ at|d o.dinar6 aid .etdaitoar fte lfHC Oqrlbp.rstt Se.virr Ca.rtar r b. notnad d.oy draige. h tlE apgorrad CarB and se.dietkB ar d8rf,e in tonl,l.dor Ir ornatbrl"'OTE:Anvuor*perlo.med*tthoutthrapp.opri.le,Ermltsutllbeioviratfo.o,that{CSt.trSl&Codea.!dadracttofinc!upto95U).@"' (, 'uc!]trscd auollfiel Prlnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? I Ver p to Erkdn3lmpeNiorsArca: _ Sq Ft Tot l Acrcs Usturb.d: t{aw lmpervious Aree: _ Sq ft Existnt Lnd Dishrrbkrg Pefmlt: tr Y€s D No WATER:-XftFPUA E community syst€m E Pri[te well D centralwell E Aqua sEWER: _FCFPUA E Community System U Private S€ptic E Centralseptic D Aqua zone - Offlcar: - setb.crs (R - (tHl - (RH) - (Bl -Appmy.l - Chy: - D.t :- flood: (Al -N) - (N) - 8F[+2fts - lGl oetearaee(sr)- tr Pool (Sf) _ Unhe.ted: *5 '> c> oflncr/cont rcror: -il'-) \(S 6Ru C$Q si,.ture: Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERMlT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Projest Responsibiliq/ Application loffice use) APPIICANf S NAME: lnoram Bros. - -[nc-Date:4112/18 PROJECT ADDRESS: 5504 DUnmore Road CIFY: Wilmin0ton ZIP:28409 SUBDIVISIO ; Halcvon Forpst PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Beata & Peter Desmond PHOiIE #: (910) 508-0793 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 55n4 f)rnm^ra R^a.l CITY: Wilminr on ZIP:28409 CONTRACTOR: lnoram Bros.. lnc.BtD6 UCENSE fl:€548o-- ADDRESS: 17oA Caslla Slrcct EMAILADDRESS: nrojectsrdingramhrns net PHONE: 19101 762-96C5 PROJECT CONTACI PERSON: Dale AlLrrecht PHONE: l9'10't 762- EXISTING COI{STRUCnON: E Alteration D Renovation fl General Repairs EW COI{STnUCTIOI{: ! Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation .*.PLEASE CHECX AND AT{SWCR BELOW Att THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*'T n Aft Garage (sF)_ n Sunroom (5F)E Storage Shed (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF)E Other (SF)252 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes n No TOTAI SQ FT UI{DERROOF (Jor proposed workl Heatedi Unheated: ToTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot)r S 17.200.00 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes X o ?,1BpFt 1f tltlgpl,!lsanyElcctrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesElNo lf the projed is a Relocatlon, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes fl No Property Use/ Occupancy: El Sinde Famiry n Dupler I Toh'nhouse Descriptlon or Work: match exislino home with hio/reverse oable roof svslem DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that ellthe information inthas appli.ation is correct and allwork willcomply with th€ State Building Code and laws and ordinances and re8ulations- The NHC Oevelopment S€rvices Center willbe notm€d ofany.henges in the approved plans and lnformatlon. '1*NOTET Any work pertormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation otthe NC state Eldg Code and su Owner/Contractor:Dale Albrechl Signature: 'Licensed Quolifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Ei t{o Existing lmpervious Area: 2904 Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: 0 Eristihg Land Disturbihg Permit: E Yes I No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Well fl Central Well n Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community SYstem n Private Septic Centlalseptic fl Aqua Lii)' lnSp4C[on Re{Uireo. g; applicable State and local or change in .ontractor U-lJ4-&rJlzrn"r 7'15 omcer: O|fb setuacrs (rl 3s/(u) lot {nx} to/ BE o,t",4bl!6 Flood: (A) - (v) - (N X Art+2ft= _Approval: Coriment: atv: lLlUl Fee:9k-t UAen Eq" to fines d oSe) P xclats tna..l exle eclva/iE- 4?o 6/ in+o ol f€$utred f,onl ana Eeo,( Zot4-ssg l€_+atus LOT #: 57R CITY: wilminoton ST; NC ZIP: 28403 n Det GaraEe (SF) D Pool {SF) _ n Porch {sF)_ New lmpervious Area: 3156 Sq Ft X OTC- Pe,ccn 'l & NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPUCANO N TYP E: RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER AU OUESTIONS APPLIC.ASLE TO YOUR PROITCI 'Prolect Rerpomblnt/ CITYi 1 Zor45ss5 appllodoo Number loiice u!r) APPUCAIf'S I{AME:4dL Date: f'2{4 Y ztPt o E:lil2kPROJECT ADDRESS: suEDtvlsloN:C--t iti)..LOT E PHONE 'Lq CITY:z'?:Ztal ?- PROPERTY OWNER'S iIAME: OWNER'S ADDRESg: CONTPACTOR: ADDRESS: ELDG LlCtNSE #:--- 113 CITY Sr'@_ZlP: Ztat Z -S Zo.zq.rt'EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECT COI{IACT PERSON: r-r IIr..l E *h^P,{,NEI 1gt2Dfr7{ EXISTING CONSIRUCflON: O Alteratlon D Renovation D General R€pairs NEU, CTO STRUCrloN: E Erect New R6idence El Addltion to EristinS Residence El Relqcation ...PIEASE OIEO( AiID AT{SiWER BELOW A1I. THAT APPIY TO YOI,R PiOJECT*.i fl Att Garage (SF) _n Det Garaae {sF)tr Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)O Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (SF) _ E 6reenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF)tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work drangln8the existirE footprint? E Yes El No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF W ptoposed wort) Heated: rorAl pRoJEcr cosr ltQss Lotlt s5 s9,@ ls the proposed work charEing the numb€r of bedroqms? tr Yes tr No lsanyEl€ctricrl,PlumbintorMechankalworkbelngdonetotheAcc6soryStucturetrYcstrNo lf the prolect is a Rclocatlon,ls therc a Natural Gas llne on the current slte? D Yes D No ls there Eledrlcal Power on this Buildlng? O Yet D tlo Property Us€/ Occuprncy: E Si Famlly D Townhouse Desqiptlon ot Wotk: laws and ordhances and regulations The N nter lvillb. notlned ot any.h,lt.3 hthe appiEv€d pldns and speclfcauonsor ch.nte ln conir.cbr Inform.tlon. "'l{OTt: Any t/o{l wtll b€ ln ylolatson ol rh€ Nc 5iate gldg Code subi€ri io fln!5 95m.m... Sl8naturc: ls the property inafloodplaln?EY6ENo Eristint rvious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: mpervlous Arca: - Sq Ft Exldlnt Land Disturblnt Pe,mhi E Yes E No WATER: D CFPUA E Community system D Private well E Centralwell D Aqua Snltlu tr CFPUA E Community System fl Private SePtic D Cent alseptic El Aqua zone: _- officel: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: --- City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - 8FE+ZF - Owner/ConEa cto 'Ltcehsed QuolAer' Comment:P€.mit Fe€r S Unhcated: FLOOD ZONE Lotb-Ss[oo ., ' ,.' ',, iiffitr APPIICANI'S NAME PROJECI ADDRaSST sUSOlVlSlONi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N |YPE: RtslDENT,Al, rtt45L AnswUt aLL oufsTroNS AppLtcaEtE To youn fRoltcl 'proled n.rponsibllttl/' w-:4 tl> Da(e I / ;/,,y,nhlan zn, fu{Aag enontu. (b'/.t\ tl In l_lr"-U1,,^_ R..f Ia+s,I ,J-.r-t lt-1,,,,,CITY lJ. Il? PR0P€RrY OWNER'S NAr*t, -J6,1a1| [a21- fl o€l Garago {st) _-- LJ Pool (St)_- -- :-i Deck {St) il Por.h (Sf)_ I I Store8€ Shed (sr)__ l l Oth€r (SF)_ - i-Bl'?8 -_ztP jJ8!10 3 D ZOIVE a- tl GaraSc (SF)__ i I Sunroorn (Sf )__ . I G.eenhorre (Sf)_ {xscrlptlon ot work ?\4:tiytIl Cl ADORTSS:rITY EMAIL AO0RISST .. j I ,z w\ {: PRO,,ECT CONIATT PERSON lAv"\ €X15Ilt{G (ONSTRUCTION: ll Allcrdtlor M Senovat'on n General,lcoarrs NtW COI{SIRUCIION: fl Irect N€w Residence O Addit]on to E,(istinS Rcildcn(e 1,, Relocatlon .,.PLEAsT CHECX AI{D ANSWER BTTOW AI.t THAT AFPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' le the prop03ed work chrnglnS tho (xrsLir€ footprin(? i , Yrs t{iooIOTAc 5Q FT UNoIR ROoF Uot ptopoted wotl) NealcdiT,,TorAL PRo'rcTcosT(r."u J'tr saf lslL ls r,,e p,opo3ed wor\ charyinS the number ol bcdroonrs? , Yer X No ls any tlectriEal, PlumbinS or Me.haolcal work being done to lhe Ac(essory Structure }rY€s D No ll ths proiect l! a Relorition, ir there a Nat!ralGa5 Llne on the curreol site? 0 Y€5ANo !s there thclricalPower on thls Sulldlngi }( Y€i EJ No Property UJ€/ OccupaocyXSlngle famlly n Duplex n Townhoure S rre 44*,l.i)l {l-..,yr€€"$ v caT/ la\tt.nd o,drri^.caa1d rew rLonr.Tte Mrc Dcvdopo.nl 9.tuk . Cc.ler wiu bc mtilled oI .nY <hs8!! t th? a9flovr:d /onr r nd rt .:flc.tro'1t o. tho nEc h conl,.<'lor .t(Ymrtior ,..noTr ar,Y w ppropdat. parhh! *llr!.ln vrolrlloo or lh€ a't.l€lldSc n. r ur 19.i5oo 0O'"'-,-' ownea/contrattol:. ) s rhe propedy o(ated in a lloodplalnT 91Ye5 txltlint lmperulour Atear -, . - 5q fl ,Naw lnrperYlous AIes: -- Sq fl rr p9(o, med wirr,oJt lnf i fr,tt [,,,,1 ).t|/ ( O!\ srSnaturc: .. [(It.i..w. (slv.rlo.l H. f,-e r^.,.,-..r,-5 Ae lZ_ Total Acre! Dlsturbtd: frlsiln8 Land OleturblnB Per.fllt: - Ye5 -l No 1*orr*' 3 CFPUA J communitv sYllem [l Prlvale well f] centralwell fl aqua stwf& r cFPUA I Communltv svrtcm a,/ f iv;resepti( J central sepllc 'i Aqua','"::'LAi;';;,", id'::,;".;';,3o-u'i r51**r-t5-tur 'sGnru'v''t'on &sa:rca- Aoorovit: clty: - - Date: -- tlood: (Al IL-- (v) - lnl ,= arr*zlt= l{ -'"i,"i,"f.rc's,-tuir^rtral -lorp'uuril"-rt - Nr E' t ' ---terrnirrce s i{uq..'oa -[ff,*,gert g*r atlarfrl '-rc'p-r\ r"u6\K * Anl tha'tap rerlrutrc's a- rsvir,,.r bq Cq /oxn^1- Cif,,ln:r:Clion ReOltrsr.r, g10.254 r)gfX) rl owNEn's ADoRrssr l_rlr_s--11 ICONTRACTOR u zotB-s,trt AppliGtloo lotfce usll APPtICAT,IT'S NAME; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPUCAflO N TY?E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWE R ALL QUESTIOI{S APP UCABTE TO YOUR PROJICT 'Itolect Rlr9o lblnif 4t1y\ crrY: LT l,a'Ur*,t /1 zlPnil PHONE f 6+b C Wa-CITY: PRO.ICCT ADDRESS; SUBDMsto: PROPE RTY OWNER'S T'IAME: OWNEf,,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIt ADDREsSI PROJECT CONTASI PERSON: (B u 77 m,?8403 ZKzp' ? 84?3 7 CITY /L PHONE:o (-St- 38s" Z EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration NEW COI{STRUCTIONi E Ered New Residence E Addition to ftisting Residence D Relocation ...PIIASE O{EO( AITD ANSWER BELOW AIl THAT APPLY TO YOI.IR PNoJECT..T fl Att Garage (SF)_O Det Garage (SF) _ E Sunroom (SF)C Pool (SF) I nenovation E General Repairs tr Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)D Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed wo* changlng the existin8 footp.int? E Yes $)boTOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJot ptoposed work) Heated; rorAL pRojEcrcosr lLess Lotlt 9s / l, roa Unheated: ls the propos€d work charBlns the number of bedrooms? tr Ves p( tio ls any Electric.l, Plumblng or Mechanhal work being done to the Accessory Strucure I Y€5 E] No lf the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural Ga5 LIne or the current slte? E Yes ANo ls there Electrlcal Power on thls Buildlng? EYes El tlo PropertY U5€/lly D Dupler D Townhouse txrsiption of lans and ordinanc6and regulauont.The NHC Dcvelopnttnt Serulcci center willb! notllled ol any chan8e3 ln the appmvcd pt nr and speclicauons or chsnge ln contrado. Inrofmetlon. "'NmE: Any worl apprcpdate permlts wlll be ln vbbtlon ollhe Nc 5tet€ gldS 00... owner/ContIa ctor:sl8nalurc: 'Llcensed Quolfiat' Prlnt Norne lsthe property located ln a floodplaln? E Yes E No Exlsting lmpervious Arca: - Sq ft Total Acres oist!rbed: nNew lmpervious Area: - Sq Pt Erlstlng Laid oisturblnt Permh! fl Yes E No lWnrtn, N CFPUA D Community system fl Private well D Centralwell D Aqua ,r*r* " CFPUA E Community System y' Private Septic D Centralseptlc D Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacls (F) - (LH) - (RH) -- (B) -Approval _-- CitY: - Dat€i - Floodr (A) -- (v) - (N) - 8FE+zfts - CQ Comment:Permit fee: S Date: E Porch (S0 _ ee 2o lg ssb p APPUCAI{T,S NAME: R Date: C zt z-l PROJECTADOREsS: suBDrvlSloN: ld t1 .)Drzcnnz CITY: Ur W A-r<z s'ro n. PROPERTY OWNEPS NAMe: Sronno Etrcr ozrrrs IE^C owNER'sADoREss: Z8L e oosentoL t4 dts'F CONTRACToR: !r\ n l{t.^ f2." ,'olJS PHO lfl Ito-279- 63ttt LOld: IZJ CITY:tu,,ztP:289t7 sloclrcrlNsl * 7 3E t7 ADDREsS: Z8( 6 oz.,u*.i Arl tf)sd Cfi\: lL ST:{ZlP 23\t PHOt{t q e- ?15- L lu_ PHONE: 9)91_? 7 4 - 6,J Yo EMAIL ADDRESS: .5!{)h', Ii AH Garase (sF) -1q:'-tr sunroom (sF)-:tfA- D Greenhouse (SF) \r/i{ c.4 E (lSTll{G CONSTRUCIION: El Alteration D Renovation 0 General Repalrs NEW CONSInUCTIOI{: S Erect New Residence D Additlon to Exirting Residence El Relocation TTTNBq!iE crIEO( AIf D AT{SWER BELOW AII.IHAT APPLY TO Y 'R PROJECT..' D Det Garage (sF) ,/t tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work d)anglng the €xistint footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL sq FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed wo*)1163166; 2 !-'t (-Unheated: 4 o ( TOTAL PROIECI c(XI (Lesi tot): S l(d, ooo.oo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes El o ls any Ehctdc.l, PlumbinS or Mechankel work belng done to the Acrfisory Structure D Yei El o lf the project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGa5 Llne on the current site? E YCs EJ tlo ls there Electrical Power on tlls Building? D YesE }lo Property Use/ O.rupanGI;E Slngl€ Famlly D Duplex D TownhoBe Descdptlon of Work: B.,tt, n,s,^€2 larvs and ondhanc6 ind r€gulation! The NHC Devdopm€m Servkes Center willb. notlflld of any ch$8es lnthe.pp.Ev€d plans and lpeclicatlons of chan8e ln mntra.lo. lntormrtlon,'r" OTt: any work p! dormed wlthout the eppropriate permlts wlll be ln vlolauon ol the Owner/Co ntraston \j l(o a Total Acres oitturbed:o, lq SlBnatur€: 'Llcensed Quolner" ls the property located ln a floodplaln? tr Ye' E] No Existlng lmpervious Area: -\- 5q Ft New lmpervlo!s Area:3Yqt Sq Pt Ellnlng lard Di3turblng Petmh E Yes E No WAfER: E CFPUA E Community System D Prlvate Well E Centralwell D Aqua SEfrtR: Ei CFPUA tr Communitysvstem E Private Septic D Centralseptic fl Aqua Zone: - Offceri - setbatk! (F) - (1H) - (RH) - (B) -ApproYal: Comment: A "Z' U;ct to nn$ uP to ssm oo"' - Glty: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+zG - Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LTAflON TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLT.A5E ANSWER AU OUTSTIONS APPTICABI,E TO YOUR PNOJECT 'rlo,l.ct Rlrpooslbl ty, AppliGtlon Numb€r loficeu3el PRoJEGT CONTACI Prnson: /(aur,, 2s*nrlJr ^8 Porch (SF) 3 6 a tr Storare shed (sF) ru/4 D other lx1 at / A APPTICANT'S NAME:q I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT'ON ryPE.. RESIDENTIAT PLTASE ANSWER AtI- QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Project Responsibiliv' "6 Iuc - CITY: i" < ?IotO Application Number (office use) 5-4't8 PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: Date LI ztP 7*4 I I tt^a-l*\#J PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACIOR wdutw q LLL ttll lto 3Sz 1{t4 ctl'tt trj; w4h,*Vt-aPzNqo f, a-. T- ALDG IICENSE #t 7ob43 ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO,IECT CONTACT PERSON Davbu frcn.l* EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation f) General Repairs 4to fiV >NP lto z,ig 2lz7 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ D other {sF) F No o CITY:sI: i,tr.ztP: Z&q60 PHONE PHONE NEW CONSTRUCTION: rX ! att Garage (sr){c ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) ( Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes I No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF $or proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 Description of Work: Erect New Residenc€ ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation **ItPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Det Garage (SF)_XL Porch {sF)35 ! Greenhouse (SF)Bb 133 @-2.,*b lsthe proposedwork changingthe numberof bedrooms? tr Ves fl trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanic:lwork beingdone to the dccessory Structure E Yes lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Ves E llo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E tlo Property Use/ Occuo"n"r, foi Single Family Duplex D Townhouse Unheated: II laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chang€s in t roved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Code and s clt S5oo SignatuOwner/Contrador: "Licensed Quolifrer" ls the property located in a floodplain Existing lmpervious Area:N I 0 ves!-ro Sq Ft TolalAcres Disturbed: -7 ,0 New lmpervious Are ^, ffi *"' 3 ,Wb Existing Land Dlsturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: X CFPUA El community system D Private well E central well E Aqua sEwER: kCFPUA E Community system E Private septic E centrai septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: -- setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - tlood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:*DISCLAIME R: SUBMITIING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT E SUEH]TTAL CHARGE ]S - REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S Zot&55v1 tu+21 PHONE #l 4 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP UUT|ON TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responslblliq/' }.1OHIZQN HUMES UF WILMING IUN LLU pRoJECr ADDRESS. z+uz+ r g(J(JuwLr(JU wAY crw:WILMINU IUN ffi 7ct& - ar3zd 18 -164I Application Number APPLICANT'S NAME:Date: (otfic€ u Z ZIP: SUBDIVISION:FUF{ I UI\ts, I'LAUts tol f 1(l PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: HU HOHIZON NE,W HOMES LLC PHONE #: 910-520-6011 TY: WILryct HUHIZUN HUMI!, UI- WILMING IUN LLU HUIl IZgNH(,M EUtsILLINU gGMAIL. UUM PfiN;-eru-su8-6b55 aroe ucgHsr r: /0E6 / IUN NU 2WO6ST:ztPl. 910-622-5274 367 n Storage Shed (SF)_ CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: H CITYi EMAIL ADDRESS: , JOIJA tsINNt I IPROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: I Alteration n Renovation E ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: = Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *at ara E att carage 1sf1 422 ! Det Garage (sF) = Porch (sF) E Sunroom (sf)- D Greenhouse (Sn _ tr Pool (sF) fl Dect (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTALSqFT UNDER ROOF (tor proposed work) Heated:2889 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 250,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsany Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being doneto the Accessory structure E Yes E No lf theproiectisa Rclocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ycs E ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Y.s E No 'City Engineering ROW FleviewPropcrty Use/ Description of occupancl: E Sin work. u \LiLE E Duplex E TownhouseI\EW HUME L,UI\Ii I HUL, I IUI\8le Family I-A IVI IL Y e I DISCLAIMEi: I hereby certify that allthe information in thh epplicatlon b corect and allwo* wlll comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws end ordlnances and regulatlong. The NHC Development Services cenler wlllbe notlfied ofany chang6ln the apptoved plans and speclf 8e ln contractor infomation. 'r'NoTEi Any work performed without the appro priate permits will be in violation ofthe Nc stat€ gh8 and subjed to ro Ssoo.mt*. Owncr/Contractor:P. PrlilJS JZ_Signature: "Ucenscd Qualiliel Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existin8 lmpervious Area: 0 sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: - 1 New lmpervlous Ar"", 2980 ,or, Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr community system E Private well El crntral well E Aqua Communitv System Private Septic tf central septic E Aqua iii lnsooclion Requtre,o, g I 0-2 54.0,0SEWER: E CFPUA N zon",Mf'L (4tR.",, Approval: l)tb setbacks (r) l5 (LH) b (RH)(B)IS o"r". Slz z l6rood: (Al - tvt (N) )i BFE+zft= -c7 cEp()A t C,.3 s l,/(Permit Fee: $1b33."- Comment tr Other (St)_ 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAIETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTERDRTVE . SLIITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798,7308 Fm: 910.798.781 I Interne t: www,nhcgov.com 4TO7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT Iffr, rRAcK) STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING HORIZON HOMES OF WILN4INGTON L|,,amsubmittinganapplicationforanewresidential construction building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: I have attached an official CFPUA document that has acknowledged an approvalof the payment made to CFPUA. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the officia! submittal date/time (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I underctand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working.day. Signed in acknowledgment: DEANS HACKNEY Signature Printed Name Date Address for the proposed residential work: 4841 GOODWOOD WAY 28412 V I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of \Mlmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. (<fzz, " a\ \F;' :,.. ''ffi.,' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATI O N rYPE: RESI DENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" n?'m?e B-I5I&,^ (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME: PeteT DeniCoIa Date:05/14118 PRoJEcT ADDRESS: 3515 Lakewood Place Clw:Wilminqton ztP:28409 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: ChaTIeS Wa|ton PHoNE #: 710-742-0690 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3515 Lakewood Place CITY: Wilminoton ZIP 2B4OO coNTRACToR: Peter Denicola CITY: l\,4ooresville BLDG LICENSE C 60946 Sr. NC ztp: 281 15ADDRESS: 919 N l\,4ain Street EMAIL ADDRESS: miarvis@oowerhome.com PHoNE: 704-209-9893 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: I\4Eqan JATViS PHONE: 704-209-9893 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation i.*'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** n Aft Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (5F) D Deck (SF)! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s3e 120.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes n No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family D Duplex D Townhouse Des€ription of Work: 26 roof mounted modules, qrid tied, 7.67 KW solar installation on existin q residence laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notifled ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. **'NOTEi Aoy work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of th€ NC State Sldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' owner/Contractor: Peter Denicola Signature: 'Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed D \= New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: ! CFPUA n Community System E Private Well ! Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Septic ! Central Septic E Aqua zone:_ officer: _ setbacks (F)_(tH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ city: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment: Permit Fee: S h lt o'* LOT #: ! Porch (sF)_ tr Storage shed (sF)_ tr other (sF)_ Unheated: _ € ':) fcl--"- F"'- I ,.^l|" 4,rrl*) Print -UrqiI t 'lbtu Application Number (office use) s f ,rl,sAPPI-ICANTS NAME: a NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICAELE TOYOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiliv, PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:5o Date Clw: Nr a\ ztp: l€rt tl, E PHONE f: CITY: t^ti I"-,^j"x ZlPl U BLD6 LICENSE f S<lo3 | sT:f1CA? 2?,1.1? PHONE:/o-2-1q- q2-7t PHONE qro-alg-427( $oA,^--^ I corr CONTRACTOR:A |.S.rn L ADDRESS:CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: A.a. PROIECT CONTACT PERSON An,/.eL il-,/,/Jar.- EXISTING COI{STRUCTION: ! Alteration X Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EEtOW AI.L THAT APPLY R ! Att Garage (5F)_! Det Garage (sF)_ n Sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF) E 6reenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ENo TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF (for proposed wort) Heatedi 60 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): $I S tto<> ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ves (lto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ff Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes fi ttto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E[ Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Oescription of Work:t-Ae clon Owner/Contrador: "Licensed Quolifrer" A-r/no-l 4ryLou srgnatu n Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ I6HAV ig l?!39P ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes,Q tlo Existing lmpervious Areat F Sqfi TotalAcres Disturbed:a A {i/< s Fu f, laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe nolified ofany cha ap plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wili be in violation of to fines up to S500.00*" New lmpervious Area:a 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATERT Et CFPUA D Community System E Private well E Centralwell D Aqua SEWTR: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zonei - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RX) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: .*r A-l_) L- / Permit Feei S D qother (sF) 6O t3"-lk k-o.lel n4Liq sb-*_.i\\\ fe-,.-rr'ir\€.D t \'{ aFFtTaTi-oN Nunbe. (0ffl(e U!.) . DAT , /-8"/R "('1 \$'> ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L Icar toY IYPE ; COHI4ERCIAL Ptrlst Alrtr{i AtL Q(r€SIlofts appLtcAsLt t0 yorrt pflo)t(r "Project Responslblllty" OCCUPATJT/8US INs55 AnE | -a.r i4n 9,,rr.\ n, *,- /1 :U APPI"IC'NT'S NAfif I PROPER]Y OIHER'5 NA}IE: olllNtnrS ADoRESS: ,/ Dtv€LtlPEn: PROJEC'' AD c0l{TR ADDRE EMAI L zoNe CB Pltol,tE p: - Pt OUt *, '1 IPI ^. ./J l- t irt I ST:. ZlPt 2 zfitLr\ loY t{ot + ( ttcENsE t: CITY r of' ACTOR; 551 PRO][C'T CONTACT PE 5Tl PHONE *I r YEs 1' f) L 5T STRUCIURT -Yes f tlo NO so FI airi 1(*f) , EXIST CONSTRUCTION ll R€localion. Is lhere a N / ((h.(l /r)l lh.t &rly) : - aLTERATIoN m REN0VATI0II T-l6EtlERAt REPAIRS T-l RELOCATI0N nrhir cas Lrne o" rhctlronr siro? fl *d5 *o rs atoc snH'rxrcne o1-; . N3, .onrrrr,rron, n ERGCT El,l srRU(ruRE fl FAsr rRAc( [ sxEtt- E uPFrr ! Aoo ro Ex ACCESSORY STRUCIURE I If UPFII - Ihe 5hel.1 OESCRIPI ION OF I,IORK:\./LV ls lood or boveroges prep8red ot sewcd ln lhls slruclurc?fl, Ves[Ho ls Tho Pro]erry Localed to The Ftoodp frvuqtr.fi.r., If Y€s, ,hat lras the Previ Itrtfi lousrrr, ProEEssror.AL ; rll6R oESI6N PnoF€SSIO|&L:_ OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ToTAL pnoJEcr cosr l/ TOTAL ANEA SO FT wAl [n our O.(lpancy type? 4 ^lr,: x Ytsls t .r ts lrils A (I1!IGE 0F occupaxcy usE lt Is flect Por.rer o.r this EuiIdinE Pll: lic lltc Pll:- !c Ita6 ['1 tro '"'' he ttew occupancy I if\a.1r'ft*L opplicable S.lb Pe.mlt ,l; I s€ DrScL4llJES. r horol,y cetut thil.I intorm6tion lD and lo.olra6 ed o.dhlicE s .d ,ooiJhtimi. Ih,or (ianfic in conlraclor or oll'clor ii'tdm.rL,^ ... Suble<r'lo rin€e Up Io 3500 00"' Nore: oc'r(o1 norirolildi a srLetlos,.rEvot pormit srric.lionr,ro ro t o,ub.nlrci, srtn! nro,pr!{![ tor,n (Olir.odr.h tu.iros ., not. Y@ lre r.qrk.d lo caI rh. t{ari66t fftl,llon St.nd..d, to. llar.dor: atr ioruuaB llttSrilOden{r,riox.{ .ny ,rciiit/ d ,!Idin!L Soe Arbo'lor lVeD 9ro: h1lp.,rnw.r,pi.st. ra..r.!s,epy.rt*"VoLp t,*i - rS.37681 Y/hsrhe, he,.ciriiy o l.l (919)707.5950.r1..n 10 SIGNATURE: BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FI.R: ll OF UNITS tig Cod. s I/ OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTUFBED:EXST I,AND OISTURSING PERMIT?NI]W I[,IPEBVIOUS AREA SO FI 6XISIING I}iIPERVIOI]S AREA PnoPE'1rY USE: Sorrrce I nrsreunaur I uencexrte[ eouc[[] coruoo olre r SEWER COMMUNITY SYSTEM C[NIRAT SEP)IC T fi WELL ATE SEPIC n Tl 2ONTNG-UoMMUNllUSf CLASSIFICA'I ION S YSTE lr1 SIr,/tri/1It ,,f nr.lltS ,lt OLrrtrf tr tOri I r I.Cl ,Jaclr.ritfl(: (irrsfo(,r,.,,tt rAlrsr1 xlsIrits r-on orfrct ust oNrY) , OF STORIES { OF FLOORS: ffi3iiux E PNYI'4ENII,,lE]IIOD: r' CASh r CHECK IPAYAIJTI ,IO NIIC)AMERIc^N ExpREss f- ucrursa [.-DISCOVER OFT ICER Approvat OL Ct td DATE ,,/SETBA lSrtooD Cxs: r:l. A 1sxA ",B_AYA $q+(raFE+2tt EERMIT FEED5lr a:ltar:hcd A PPI,OW n.twi),,1 Pnl(,,rrnL6l b4 rcwuul.+ L\n Coo]lren' ,r,,(&wfil " cii)'n$peclion Requrreo, 91 0.2S4.0g0tl1 bI Apgr"wa tW pn a nul Y15Or,7-,4 Ctt' \ ilv\l:lz.^\ik Llti,tn P80NE lr r ornr so rr uruoEnE66Fl- I ,fi \n'?J01 ( )u+ e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPL TCAIION TYPE: COIITII,IERCIAL PLEAS€ A Sl,ltR ALr- QUESTIoNS APPLICABTE TO YOUR pRot€Cr "Project Responslbility"\\"- l/AFFTT_ATIoN 1{umber (Oftt(. Use) .DATE:/-x-lxAPPL ICA','T'S I.IAIIE : DEVE LOPER: OCCUPAXT/BUSII{ESS trA E: <qn 9.,r.,) nA- PROPERTY O[.T,IER'S IIA'.IE : OI,JNER,5 ADDRESS: l./ CONTRACTOR:A a, ,/-. ,--., LPHoNE sr ilo''l 5l-) ILI 4 51: LLztP | ? EL( o *t NLzrP:L8\{oY zr? i {o LLL f. CITY: - LICENSE 8: CITY: # PHOIIE f: r ADORESS: EI1AIL No tlEt,J COTl5TRUCTION: ACCESSONY STRUCTURE: ()a PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocalion, is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the ,. ((he(k AII That Apgly) l-Kl REr{ovArroN J--l GENERAL REPATRS J--l RE LOCATTON tirrent site? f-; vEdffi tto tS BLDG sphfiKLEREDf. yesf, E EBEcr NEr.l srRucruRE EFAsr rRAcK D SHELL E upFrr ADD TO €XIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: r'... Is THIS A C}|ANGE OF OCCUP IF Yes, rrhat Has the Pnevlous Occupancy Type? IX8fi ?rrrr* PRoFEssroxAl EIIGR DESIGT,I PRoFESSIOI{AL r- Is Elect Polien on this Building tE Yes f ANcY usE?f. YEs F;, xo .,-..(?Oef I(Sc*\_ l{hat ls the Neu Occupatcy t NO PH: PH:- TC REG T: NC neG r:- NC SLrre SQ FT ls food or beverages prepared o. served in this struclure?l:, YesJ-6 No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainftve{2f6.:NoDISCLAIMER I hereby certfy thal allrnlormaton n and locrl laws snd ordinances snd requlations The or chanoe rn contraclor ol contraclor rnforma$on "'Subjedlo Frnes Up To i500.00"' lhis applicadon is clnect and allwork willcomply wilh lhe Slate Buildng Code and 6ll other appl€able State NHC Develoomenl Serv|ces Cenler $1llb€ not(€dNOTE Any Work Performed w/O lie App.opnale owNER/coNrRACroR: A\M nJ ;A U,7;v.-.. SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS conrrtn Asbesros or nor- You ..e r€quired b .al lhe Nalioial Emisrb.r siand6rds lo. tbzardous Air PoJlu6nts {NESliaP) ar (919)707'5950 d lea$ l0 dsya prlor ro uE de,ylolitjon o{ any lacility or buildino. Soe Asbestos Web Sne: hllpJl il\r.epi.stale.nc.us,,e8asb€ioyahmp hlml ToTAL PROJECT CoSr: Ll( oo BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDEF ROOF f OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA; PROPERTY USE CONDO OTHE' COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC ... SEPARAI E Pf RMITS REOUIREO fOR EIECI. MICH PIBG. GAS EOUIP PFETABS&INSEF]S I OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: T'1 WELL TJ ZONING USE CLAS PHIVATE sEPTtc E-doMMUNrrY WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUAE SIFICATION ZONE: OFFICER PAYMFNT METHOD f- casH f- cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f AMERTCAN EXPRESS l- r,,rcrrlrsa J-, otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE OHLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH Aooroval: Citv: DATE FLOOD: BFE+2ft, AVN Comment PERMIT FEE:: 4Hrr ln,.t;k [L)o^ PHONE *: PRO]ECT t-lrur lh^ -({-ar..t-r PHOtIE DEscRrprroN oF woRKt-fru;p^+u4 cat.-,s ^^t t-,,-l<.(( faK ()Nlf,tJ\€y(€ *e(<(: floFF r cE I nesrau naNr f] r\rencaNrrr-e [-l eoucf] eer !. frF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIOENTIAt Plt St ANSlVtR Att QUt5llON5 APPL|CABLt TO yOJR PROItCl "Project ResponslblllV' &at'- 593'( APPTICANT'S NAMt PROITCT ADORTSS: suBDrvlSioN: r,1t) L ' (., lofi'ca ui.)_)d o"" Af,y'{-.r;, llP "r r'lr tt L \ ". t ,.,. . r !.--\) .i,,. t'. t) .,,'.iiPROPERTY OWNER'5 NAMT: OW"[,i'S aOOnrSS, ;1 ,' ,i _,4r .:+J,) \rs Pnolt a ,1 I CITY: l^-:L- tOT ri BI DG IICTNST T :"'Lt ( /101CONIRA(IOR ,.. (, .1.-/. ':."! 'AoDRrss: (, c. i't /lt.,r",J,i tMAll- AODRTSS: l-rL r., r\- 1,',-r-r ].., . ,l Lt Od-, .' ' I I l!.,lc I CITY )1 _ sr,l{ zrp, ?Y(< "'.)'t c t 41t ;li ! ,-rr -l : r.-:r, ..::.t'! . - - -. .,,PHoNE .- l/rl. PHONT '/j'(PNO.] ICT CONTAC] PERSON TOTAL PROJTCT CO5T (iess Lot): S IXISTING CONSTRUCTION HtW CONSTRUCIION: X Ll art 6aratri (5F) D suoroom (5F) l-t i] Pool{sF} -- f Greenhoute {5t) D oeck (Sf). ls the proposed work chonging the cxisting footprintT f Yes D No TOTAI- 5Q ry UNOER ROOF (for ptoposed worl) Healedi a0 ll Alteration I i Renovation E 6eneral Repairs Ered New Residence ! Addition to txrsting riesidence fJ Relocation ... PI"fASE CHTCX AND ANSWTR 8EI-OW AI.I THAT APPTY IO YOUR PRO',ECT"' 0 Det Gara8c 15r)_ __ C Porch (SF)2c L storaSe Shed (SF) O Other {SF} Unheated 15 the propoted worl chantin8 lhe number of bedrooms? D Yrs tr No ls aoy El.ctrlcal, Plumbin! or Mechanl(al work beinS done to the A((essory Str!cture O Yes D lf the projed ir a Relo{allon, is there a Natural Ga5 tine on the current !ite? [:] Yer D llg ls there fle.tricalPower on this Building? fl Yos Cl t{o Prop.rty Ur./ Octup.ncy: Ug SlnSl€ Famlly fl Duplrr D Towrhou5e t' ooscrlptlon ol Wotl:i t., i .2.r)).^\r *8".q'a ,nlo,m.r,on'..NO.It:Anywo.kH_r.r,. f.'rtr,,.nli, t1* ti: !!, i!,r,1r.,.r, (n".t)1J 2 L.r trwr and ordinafterand re8!l.tronr. The NBC Oev.l,cpment S.M(egCanrer r llb€ nol[i.dof..y rhrnter inll'+.pproved plan! rnd lp€r'fic.lionr or.hrnt! ln tontr.nor Owner/Contrador: ;.1r, _.- ' 1rc6red Quotltet i. Lr.,SrSnaturo Ir the property lo(ated ,n a floodplain? U Yes E No Erlslin8 lmperviour Area: _ - _ Sq tt TolalAtrcs Oillurbcdl New lmpervlous Arear SqFt tristint Land oisturblnS Petmiti: Yes:-; No wAIER: / CFPUA aJ Community System D PrivateWell D Cenl.alWell D Aqua stwfn: / CfP-uA il Comrnunity Syslem I PrivatPscplic C CentralSeptic [] Aqua ,^"C lNti,",,O(U, setuacrs(r)tri(tnt5-tnn) 5" (s) 15' Approvar. Qf.. c,ry. -lLi oaV 2.9116 trooa: lat {v) {N) I srt,zh- commentr. [11us1 t^-tt r /f i_ScJf-',.:..q F. !.v$d.V(r"ryaitfS permirFeei t Cii; lnsrrtion Requrrco 9i0.254.090j tA-$.5o . olY i.. ,, | ;ii- l),11; - zlP,l )) 'i( 'r .)tffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BU]LDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responsiblliq/' CITY tort -s53t tA-r45o ( Application Number (office use) APPLICANTS NAME:Date PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIONI ztP PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR AODRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: AzrvOn - Eaehe)i-PHON 44j- f 3x- l)t{d L ! t--ZIP:'Z? 44\ 6 {r voL) BLDG LICENST #DL1 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON il:4... ST:M AP: Zt PHoNEt 4)o - 2)1-oi 4L PHINE q/6- 2)1 -d1 44 ,lNa l-ctw .on,-]rualT / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUSrION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation ***PLAqSt CHECK AND ANSW€R BELOW AI-T THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (sF))1 n Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF) BflB'i 16 8 r 5 5l:1fl :rEffi Description of Work: a.+ Nl e5r \raw laws and ordinances and regulations- The NHC Development services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor ffi ;;;,:' - a: :' i _.i7;:i;" *' - " "' " ;:::::';:* l' "l "Licensed Quolifiet" Ptint Nofie / and subject tofines up to SSoO.m.** ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes B No Existing lmpervious Area:5q Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes ! No { F zon€: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: $ WATER: SEWER: CFPUA D Community System ! Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua CTPUA n CommunitySystem n Private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua L'IL+,OD LOT #: CITY: E Det Garage (SF) _ ! Pool (SF) _ a Porch lsil )ZA ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes fl No ToTAtsqFTUNDER Root (Jot proposed wor*l xeated; )160 untreateO, 7 f rorAt PRoJECT cosT (Less Lot): S I4A oc*." lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? tr Yes ! No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesDNo lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes fl No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy: EJ Single Family n Duplex tr Townhouse Lt-a ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilit)/' APPLICANT'S l,lAl4E: tqunqo Homes of North Carolina, Tnc DEVELOPER:11gn ]orB - 557,< L8-L62]. APPLICATION Number (office Use) o Homes of North Carolina Inc CITY: wi 1mi nsrcn ZIP i 28477 LoT fi: ]lj_ P}()NE S: aA3-22T -842'7 ST: NC ZIP: 21502 PROIECT ADDRESS: 436 rsLand End couir SUBDIVISIo : wi rrow Glen PROPERTY OhlNER'S tlAtitE: Munqo Homes of North CaroLina OIrl{ER'S ADDRESS: 2521 Schieffelin Road CONTRACTOR: Mun o Homes of North Caro-Llna In BLOCK #: Inc CITYi ADex '70466 ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: 2521 schieffelrn Road sr: IL zIP : :fllll ElilAI L ADDRESS: tb--rryGmungo. com (Tabatha Berry)PHONE #: 8A3-22'/ - I42'1 PROJECT COI{TACT PERSO{: Brad Tilyou lproiect mana qer)PIONE #: 803-60C-7s27 Exrsrrr{G coNsrRucrroN: ! alrearrroru f} nenovrrroru ! eerurnal REpArRs fl RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ! mOrrrOH TO EXISTTNG RESTDENCE *'TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSIIER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: ATT GARAGE 424 SF ! oer elnree - sF PORCH 1rs SF SF I sroRacr sueo SF SFSF OTHER: LICENSE *: CITY: apex ! noor- ! orcx TOTAL HEATED SQ FT a 2'7'7 a TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3369 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: -r36e TOTAL PROIECT COST rress rot) | $ ttz'tsa f OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUl.,lBIl{G or MECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure?Yes E No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? [ Ves Is there ElectricaL Power on this Building?[v"r [ruo E ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAI{CY:SINGLE FAMILY DUP LEX n TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTIoN OF lloRK: New sinq.le FamiLy Residence DISCLAIMER: lhersby cedry hal all inbmation in his applicaton is corecl and all work willcomplywih tre Stale Building Cod€ and all oher applicable St6E and local lsws and odinances and r€gulalions. The NHC Development S€rvices Cenbr willbe nolifed ofany changes in he approved plans and specifcalions or change in contaclcr or conracbr inbrmalion '*NOTE AnyWork Perfomed W/O he OI'INER/CONTRACTOR i xrista De schamp AppropriaE Pemils willbs in Violalron oflhe NC S s for Munqo Home SIGNATURE: rEb Bldg Code snd Subjeci b Frnes lJp To $500 00"' l1liW&fieLu.*b :* * * * * * * it ,t {r :} + {r + + {r + )i rr + )i rr )t )t r( )i * 'l * '* 't ,1 ,* * + + r, 'i ,l * {, ,1 * * + + + + + + + + + )t :1. * + * ,t ,t * i( r - r r - - r i r.' r - r - - - - - - - - - - - ,} *E NOIS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES I EXISTING I',IPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ,32 NEW II,IPERVIOT,S AREA: 3284 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERNTIT:l-l ves JTI ro *** sEPARATE PERI'IITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** PAYtrEt{T |IETHOD: I CaSn I CHECX (PAYABLE TO NHC) E BrLL acc(lrirT E rclVrSa I OTSCOVEn ****,***,*,*,t)t,* {r+,} +*** +** **** *,N,}*,t+,t *:i+ +:},t + *,} )t* + + * it ,}:t,} * +*:i,t +:i:i .a,i:i :t !t * * * ****,1(i(* *,} * * ,} * * * ,*,t * * ,} * (FOR OFfICE USE OiILY) REVISED DATE O4l].1/12 ZoNE : _ 0F FICE R:SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ ADDroval: Citv: DATE: FLOOD: BFE+2ft= AVN 1ry1 oo .,a.-:', - ',@, I surunoom 133 sF ! cn e eruxous r _ sF DATE: 05/18/2018 PHONE #: 979- 4tB-'7 968 lrarER: I cFpuA E co lrluNrw sysrEM E pRrvATE WELL ! crrurnll wrrr sEwER: I cFpuA E CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvarr sEprrc E co]utuNrry sysrEM I \\c 11208 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLTASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABTT TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proiect Re5ponsiblliv, ?otu szsj t3 - /roD R ffi APPLICANT,S NAME: ParKer ConSIrUction Grouo.LLC,Dater5/10/18 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Sterlino Kenan & Jebb McCracken PHONE # OWNER'S ADDRESS: 12 Sandv Point CITY ztPt 28411 CONTRACTOR: Parker Construclion Group. LLC- BLDG LICENSI f:55883 ADDRESS: PO Box 925 CITY: Wrightsville Beach STr NL zrP 28480 tMAll- ADDRESST roberl@oarkerconstruclionoroUo-com PHoNE: 910:256-4229 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Hoberl-la;11an PHONE: 919-771 8531 EXISTING CONSTRUCIIOII: ! Alteration A Renovation D General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIONT E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...P1'ASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI..' @ Porch (SF)240 tr Storage Shed {sF)_ E Other (SF)204 TOIAL 5q FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed wor*) Heated: IOtAt PROJECT COsT (Less Lot)r S180 000.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes A No lsanyEledrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYesONo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYe5f]No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildint? 0 Yes f No Property Use/ Occupancy: I Slngle Famlly 0 Duplex tr Townhoure Dercliption of Workl lawr and ordinanrer and regulations, The NHC Development SeNices Cente. wlllbe notified of any changeg ln the app.oved 9lan5 and speciti(ations or rhanSe in contrcctor rntormatron. "'NOTE: any wo.k performed without the appropriate pelmirs will be in vlolation ol the NC Slate BldS Cod. and subiect to fine5 up !o 950O.0O"' Owner/Contracto.: "Licensed Quolifier" signature: Robert Jarman ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Area:38llf_ Sq Ft Total Arres Dlsturbed: O New lmpervious Area: 3800 Sq ft Existing l.3nd Disturbing P€rmit: ! Yes [a No WATER: C CFPUA A CommunitySystem E PrivateWell D CentralWell ! Aqu3 SEWER: ! CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic D Aqua zone: _ oflicer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) - (8)- Approvali_ Clty:- Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permlt tee: S I cbar Form PROJECT ADDRESS: '12 Sandy Poinl CITY: Wilmingion ZIP:28411 suaotvtston, Figr." I T Lor#: O Att Garage {SF)L68lL_ D Detcarage(SF)_ C Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ E Greenhouse ISF)_ D Deck (5F)855 ls the propos€d work changinS the existing footprint? n Yes A No Unheated: zJlllll_ lln {.ia intari^r naw fl^^rin^ ran^v.t6 h.ihr ^mc ^.ihi