06072018 June 7 2018 PB Agenda PackageAGENDA N E W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y P LA N N I N G B OA R D A ssembly R o o m, New Hano ver C ounty Histo ric C ourthouse 24 No rth T hird S treet, R oo m 301 W ilmingto n, N C ERNEST W. OLDS, CHAIRMAN - THOMAS "JORDY" RAWL, VICE-CHAIRMAN PAUL D. BONEY, BOARD MEMBER - H. ALLEN POPE, BOARD MEMBER DONNA GIRARDOT, BOARD MEMBER - EDWARD T. (TED) SHIPLEY, III, BOARD MEMBER DAVID WEAVER, BOARD MEMBER WAYNE CLARK, PLANNING AND LAND USE DIRECTOR - KENNETH VAFIER, PLANNING MANAGER J U N E 7, 2018 6:00 P M Meeting Called To Order Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes RE G UL AR I T E M S O F B US INE S S The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. 1 P ublic Hearing Rezoning R equest (Z18-05) – Request by D esign S olutions on behalf of the property owner, J ohn D ieffenbauch et al, to rezone approximately 4.2 acres of land located at the 7300 block of Mason L anding R oad from R -20 S , Residential District, to (C Z D ) R -20, Conditional Residential, in order to construct a performance residential development. 2 P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 18-06) – Request by Gary W. Keyes L and S urveying on behalf of the property owner, Germain Nadaud, to rezone approximately 5.3 acres of land located at the 3100-3200 block of E rvins P lace Drive f rom R-20, R esidential D istrict, to R -10, Residential District. 3 P ublic Hearing S pecial Use P ermit Request (S 18-02) – Request by Herrington Classic Homes, L L C , on behalf of the property owner, L inda T. McCall, for a Special Use Permit f or a high density development on an approximately 5.8-acre parcel located at 6724 C arolina B each Road. 4 P ublic Hearing S pecial Use Permit R equest (S 18-03) – Request by Milestone C ommunications, on behalf of the property owner, New Hanover County, f or a S pecial Use Permit f or a telecommunications tower on an approximately 200-acre parcel located of f of Halyburton Memorial Parkway. T E C HNI C AL RE V I E W C O M M I T T E E RE P O RT 1 Technical R eview Committee R eport - A pril-May 2018 O T HE R I T E M S Planning Board - June 7, 2018 1 Other I tems of Business Planning Board - June 7, 2018 Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 6/7/2018 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler; Ben Andrea; Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor; Ken Vafier, Planning Manager; and Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18-05) – Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, John Dieffenbauch et al, to rezone approximately 4.2 acres of land located at the 7300 block of Mason Landing Road from R-20S, Residential District, to (CZD) R-20, Conditional Residential, in order to construct a performance residential development. BRIEF SUMMARY: Design Solutions, on behalf of the property owners, John Dieffenbauch et al, is requesting to rezone approximately 4.2 acres of land located at the 7300 block of Mason Landing Road from R- 20S to (CZD) R-20 in order to construct a performance residential development consisting of eight single-family lots. A performance residential development provides more flexibility in the design of subdivisions by not requiring a minimum lot size and by allowing for multiple housing types. However, these types of developments are subject to a maximum density requirement. Performance developments within the proposed R-20 district are permitted a maximum density of 1.9 dwelling units per acre, which equates to a maximum of eight dwelling units on the subject property. R-20S does not allow performance residential developments, permitting only conventional subdivisions which require a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. The average lot size of the proposed performance development is approximately 12,000 square feet. By not requiring a minimum lot size, performance developments allow for additional land to be utilized for open space and stormwater purposes. The proposed development will provide 1.22 acres of open space (29% of the subject property). The applicant has provided trip generation numbers for the proposed development. Those numbers illustrate that the proposal is not expected to generate more than 100 peak hour trips and therefore, according to Section 61.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, a Traffic Impact Analysis was not required to be completed. Traffic impacts will be reviewed by NCDOT through the driveway permitting process. Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies the subject property as General Residential. This Place Type promotes lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. The proposed performance residential subdivision is CONSISTENT with this place type because it provides infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area, while protecting environmentally sensitive land. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT:  Intelligent Growth and Economic Development RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval and suggest the following motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 4.2 acres from the R-20S district, to a Conditional R-20 district, as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area, while protecting environmentally sensitive land. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the project’s reliance on performance residential standards allows for the preservation of increased amounts of open space and for the protection of the natural environment and wildlife habitats. Conditions: 1. Duplex, townhome, multi-family, and mobile home housing shall be prohibited. SCRIPT for Conditional Zoning District Application (Z18-05) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, John Dieffenbauch et al, to rezone approximately 4.2 acres of land located at the 7300 block of Mason Landing Road from R-20S, Residential District, to (CZD) R-20, Conditional Residential, in order to construct a performance residential development. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 4.2 acres from the R-20S district, to a Conditional R-20 district, as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area, while protecting environmentally sensitive land. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the project’s reliance on performance residential standards allows for the preservation of increased amounts of open space and for the protection of the natural environment and wildlife habitats. Conditions: 1. Duplex, townhome, multi-family, and mobile home housing shall be prohibited. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: Motion to recommend [Approval/Denial], as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 4.2 acres from the R-20S district, to a Conditional R-20 district, as described is: 1. [Consistent/Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistent]. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 2. [Reasonable/Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments]. Conditions: [List any agreed upon conditions] Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 2 Z18-05 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 1 of 6 STAFF SUMMARY FOR Z18-05 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z18-05 Request: Conditional R-20 Zoning District in order to develop a performance residential development Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions John Dieffenbauch et al Location: Acreage: 7300 Block of Mason Landing Road 4.2 acres PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R04500-004-007-001 General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Performance residential subdivision Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-20S (CZD) R-20 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential R-20S, (CUD) R-15 East Single-Family Residential, Marina (Mason Harbour Yacht Club) R-20S, (CUD) R-15 South Single-Family Residential R-20S West Single-Family Residential R-20S Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 Z18-05 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 2 of 6 ZONING HISTORY May 18, 1970 Initially zoned R-20 (Area 3) January 4, 1988 Rezoned to R-20S (Z-335) November 5, 2007 Rezoned to (CUD) R-20 to be developed as a phase of the Mason Harbour Yacht Club (Z-838M) August 1, 2011 Rezoned to back to R-20S (Z-838M) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water services are provided by Carolina Water Service, Inc. and sewer services are provided by CFPUA. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Ogden Schools Castle Hayne Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Noble Middle, and Laney High schools Recreation Pages Creek Park Preserve, Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 Z18-05 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 3 of 6 PROPOSED SITE PLAN  This application proposes to construct a performance residential development consisting of eight single-family lots. A performance residential development provides more flexibility in the design of subdivisions by not requiring a minimum lot size and by allowing for multiple housing types. However, these types of developments are subject to a maximum density requirement. Performance developments within the proposed R-20 district are permitted a maximum density of 1.9 dwelling units per acre, which equates to a maximum of eight dwelling units on the subject property.  R-20S does not allow performance residential developments, permitting only conventional subdivisions which require a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. The average lot size of the proposed performance development is approximately 12,000 square feet.  By not requiring a minimum lot size, performance developments allow for additional land to be utilized for open space and stormwater purposes. The proposed development will provide 1.22 acres of open space (29% of the subject property).  The application proposes to restrict the housing type for the development to detached single-family dwellings. TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided to the subject property by Mason Landing Road (SR 1404) which connects to Middle Sound Loop Road (SR 1403).  NCDOT has reviewed the plan and provided preliminary comments to the applicant. The proposed subdivision must obtain a driveway permit from NCDOT. Trip Generation LAND USE (ITE Code) INTENSITY AM PEAK PM PEAK Single-Family Home (210) 8 dwelling units 6 8 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 3 Z18-05 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 4 of 6 Traffic Counts Road Location Volume Capacity V/C LOS Middle Sound Loop Road 1,000 feet southeast of Market Street 13,526 12,520 1.08 F Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses No TIAs are currently being drafted or have been completed for projects within a one-mile radius from the subject site within the last five years. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 4 Z18-05 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 5 of 6 Two projects are included in State Transportation Improvement Program that will improve the portion of Market Street adjacent to the Middle Sound community:  STIP Project U-4751 o Extension of Military Cutoff Road from Market Street to I-140. Construction of this project has begun and is expected to be completed in 2021.  STIP Project U-4902D o Installation of a center median on Market Street from Middle Sound Road to Marsh Oaks Drive. Also includes the installation of a sidewalk on the western side of Market Street and a multi-use path on the eastern side. Construction is expected to begin in early 2019. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  The applicant has identified approximately 15,000 square feet of wetlands on the property. These wetlands will be preserved within the open space provided with the development.  The property is within the Pages Creek (SA;HQW) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class II (moderate limitation) and Class III (severe limitation) soils. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN  The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 5 Z18-05 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 6 of 6 Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Analysis The intent of the General Residential place type is to preserve existing residential neighborhoods and provide opportunities for similar lower density residential development and supportive commercial, civic, and recreational development. The performance residential design of the proposed development would allow for the conservation of environmentally sensitive land, while providing single-family lots at a density consistent with surrounding neighborhoods. Development at this density is appropriate for an infill site and balances the existing development pattern with efficient use of existing infrastructure. Consistency Recommendation The proposed performance residential subdivision is CONSISTENT with this place type because it provides infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area, while protecting environmentally sensitive land. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application with conditions. Staff concludes that the application is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area, while protecting environmentally sensitive land. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the project’s reliance on performance residential standards allows for the preservation of increased amounts of open space and for the protection of the natural environment and wildlife habitats. Conditions: 1. Duplex, townhome, multi-family, and mobile home housing shall be prohibited. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 6 R E G I S T E R L N MI D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D MASON LANDING RD C A N A D Y R D MARK T W A I N D R H E S S S T DEN I S E D R FIELD V I E W R D GL E N A R B O R D R TRE A S U R E I S L A N D W A Y D E E P C R E E K R U N T R A D I T I O N A L L N BUENA VISTA CIR A T L A N T I C D R OL D F I E L D R D MOU N T P L E A S A N T D R BUE N A V I S T A D R CHEW N I N G S T MID D L E L N LO N G J O H N S I L V E R D R R O B E R T S T E P H E N S O N D R GREG O R Y T H O R P E L N ARTIF A C T C T SHEL L M I D D E N C T R-20S R-20 R-15 CUD R-15 R E G I S T E R L N MASO N L A N D I N G R D MI D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D H E S S S T MARK T W A I N D R G L E N A R B O R D R C A N A D Y R D FIELD V I E W R D A T L A N T I C D R ®Z18-05 Case: Z18-05 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed ZoningSite Address: 7300 block Mason Landing Rd R-20S/ Undeveloped (CZD) R-20 1,000 Feet R Physical Address Physical Address Physical Address 7301 EDITH CT 7300 ARTIFACT CT 7414 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 7304 EDITH CT 7302 EDITH CT 2007 DEEP CREEK RUN 7305 EDITH CT 7415 MASON LANDING RD 7413 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 7301 ARTIFACT CT 7301 SHELL MIDDEN CT 1908 DEEP CREEK RUN 7303 ARTIFACT CT 7300 EDITH CT 1945 DEEP CREEK RUN 7305 SHELL MIDDEN CT 1700 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7421 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 1815 REGISTER LN 1807 REGISTER LN 7408 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 122 MARK TWAIN DR 1720 REGISTER LN 1914 DEEP CREEK RUN 1812 REGISTER LN 1716 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 1919 DEEP CREEK RUN 7300 SHELL MIDDEN CT 1621 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 1915 DEEP CREEK RUN 1712 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 1918 DEEP CREEK RUN 1818 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7218 GREGORY THORPE LN 1824 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7222 GREGORY THORPE LN 7305 ARTIFACT CT 1940 DEEP CREEK RUN 7409 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 7307 MASON LANDING RD 1722 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7420 MASON LANDING RD 7423 MASON LANDING RD 1810 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7402 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 1944 DEEP CREEK RUN 0 DEEP CREEK RUN 1806 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 1804 REGISTER LN 1926 DEEP CREEK RUN 1927 DEEP CREEK RUN 49 CHARLES LANGDON RD 1911 DEEP CREEK RUN 7326 MASON LANDING RD 1716 REGISTER LN 1708 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7420 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 7304 SHELL MIDDEN CT 7417 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 2011 DEEP CREEK RUN 7401 MASON LANDING RD 1923 DEEP CREEK RUN 1922 DEEP CREEK RUN 1818 REGISTER LN 1907 DEEP CREEK RUN 7413 MASON LANDING RD 1811 REGISTER LN 1704 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7226 GREGORY THORPE LN 7323 MASON LANDING RD 1936 DEEP CREEK RUN 2016 DEEP CREEK RUN 7405 MASON LANDING RD 7312 MASON LANDING RD 1970 DEEP CREEK RUN 1970 DEEP CREEK RUN 7426 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 1970 DEEP CREEK RUN 41 CHARLES LANGDON RD 7405 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 2002 DEEP CREEK RUN 7303 EDITH CT 1930 DEEP CREEK RUN 2028 DEEP CREEK RUN 1617 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP RD 7432 NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR 7409 MASON LANDING RD 2010 DEEP CREEK RUN Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 F I E L D V I E W R D BUENA VISTA C I R GL E N A R B O R D R MASON LAN D I N G R D TREA S U R E I S L A N D W A Y JAN I C E L N H E S S S T H E A R N D R B A I L E Y A V E EDITH CT ARTIF A C T C T MOU N T P L E A S A N T D R C A N A D Y R D SHEL L MIDD E N C T OLD F I E L D R D MI D D L E S O U N D L O O P R D RA N D Y P L NOR T H H I L L S D R C H A R L E S L A N G D O N R D EPLIN G DR T R A D I T I O N A L L N D E E P C R E E K R U N LO N G J O H N S I L V E R D R ALOF T W A Y F R I D A Y D R MIDDL E L N MARK T W A I N D R LUC K Y FISH L N K A N N A P O L I S D R FIELD V I E W R D D U N N PL A C E D R CHEW N I N G S T NORT H BEND R D T R I N I T Y A V E B A L D W I N P A R K D R NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR A T L A N T I C D R GREG O R Y THO R P E L N BU E N A V I S T A D R R O B E R T S T E P H E N S O N D R DEN I S E D R RE G I S T E R L N CUD R-15 R-20SR-20 R-15 ® Z18-05 Zoning Districts SHOD A-I AR B-1 B-2 EDZD I-1 I-2 O&I PD R-10 R-15 R-20 R-20S R-7 RA RFMU SC Incorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 55.1 of the Zoning OrdinanceCOD Case: Z18-05 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed ZoningSite Address: 7300 block Mason Landing Rd R-20S/ Undeveloped (CZD) R-20 Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main 1,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 4 - 1 H E A R N D R EDITH CT ARTIF A C T C T SHEL L MIDD E N C T R A N D Y P L C H A R L E S L A N G D O N R D EPLIN G DR JAN I C E LN MOU N T PLEA S A N T D R ALOF T W A Y F R I D A Y D R MIDDL E L N LUC K Y FISH L N K A N N A P O L I S D R D U N N PL A C E D R NOR T H H I L L S D R CHEW N I N G S T NOR T H BEN D R D T R I N I T Y A V E B A L D W I N P A R K D R NAUTICA YACHT CLUB DR MARK T W A I N D R A T L A N T I C D R B U E N A VI S T A C I R GREG O R Y THO R P E L N LON G J O H N SILV E R D R D E E P C R E E K R U N FIELD V I E W R D C A N A D Y R D TRE A S U R E ISL A N D W A Y BU E N A V I S T A D R TRADI T I O N A L L N MASON LANDING RD R O B E R T S T E P H E N S O N D R GL E N A R B O R D R B A I L E Y A V E OL D F I E L D R D DEN I S E D R RE G I S T E R L N H E S S S T MID D L E S O U N D L O O P R D CONSERVATION GENERAL RESIDENTIAL ® Z18-05 Place Types Commerce Zone Employment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation Case: Z18-05 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed ZoningSite Address: 7300 block Mason Landing Rd R-20S/ Undeveloped (CZD) R-20 1,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 1 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz May 9, 2018 New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Government Center Dr., Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: 7312 Mason Landing Road / Loblolly Landing A Conditional Zoning District petition is attached with all supporting documentation, except for a report of a community information meeting. That meeting has been scheduled for Monday, May 21st. A copy of the notice mailed and posted is included. The referenced project was reviewed by County staff during the standard four- week preliminary plat approval process, and then presented to the Technical Review Committee on Wednesday, April 25th. It was only then brought to light that development in the R-20S district was not afforded the right to use the performance development subdivision standards. Rezoning to an R-20 district was necessary, and time was limited to meet the next process cycle submittal deadline. The rezoning request is simply to allow the development to be designed by the performance provisions. No density increase is being proposed. The meeting will be held prior to advertisement for and hearing by the Planning Board on Thursday, June 7th. A report will be filed immediately after. We do not believe that the minor delay in completing the meeting will have an impact on the process, and that the spirit, purpose and intent of the ordinance will be still be satisfied. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Cindee Wolf – Authorized Agent for the Owner   Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 2 Page 4 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: ______________________ Total Acreage of Proposed District: __________ Only uses allowed by right in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (please provide additional pages if needed). ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Proposed Condition(s) Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding General Use District regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CZDR-20 4.20 AC. PERFORMANCE SUBDIVISIONW/EIGHT(8)SINGLE-FAMILYRESIDENTIALLOTS PRIVATESTREETW/CONNECTIONTOAPRIVATEWATERSYSTEM&PUBLICSANITARYSEWERSERVICES. WETLANDPOCKETWILLBEPRESERVEDANDOPENSPACESDEDICATED. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 3 Page 5 of 7 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 5/2017 Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: _________________________________________________________________________________ Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.): __________________________________ AM Peak Hour Trips: ___________________________ PM Peak Hour Trips: ______________________________ CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community-at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Use Zoning District meets the following criteria. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development? (For example: the Comprehensive Plan and applicable small area plans) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property’s classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ SINGLE-FAMILYHOME /210 CALCULATEDPER8DWELLINGUNITS 68 Thepoliciesforgrowthanddevelopmentencouragesafeandaffordablehousingtobeavailabletoevery citizen.SustainabilityoftheCountydependsonsensiblein-fillandmaximizinguseoflandsalready accessibletourbanservices. TheplacetypeisGeneralResidential.ThezoningchangefromR-20StoR-20addsnoextradensity,but willsimplyallowthetracttobedevelopedunder"performance"criteriainsteadof"conventional" requirementsforlayoutandlotsizing. Whenthispropertywasinitiallyzoned,therewerenopublicutilitiesinthearea.Nowbothaprivatewater utilityandpublicsanitarysewersystemservicesareavailable.Therehavebeenmanynewresidential projectsdevelopedintheMiddleSoundareaoverthepastseveralyears,themajorityofthemhaveused theperformancestandards. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 6 73 1 2 M a s o n L a n d i n g R d PI N : 3 1 6 8 0 8 . 9 9 . 5 9 9 0 PI D : R 0 4 5 0 0 - 0 0 4 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 1 Legal Description for  Rezoning of 7312 Mason Landing Road  From R‐20S to CZD / R‐20    Beginning at a point in the southern boundary of Mason Landing Road (S.R. 1404), a 60’ public  right‐of‐way; said point being located eastwardly 21’+/‐ feet from the intersection of the  northeastern boundary of Register Lane, a 40’ private right‐of‐way recorded among the land  records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 39, at Page 320; and running thence  from the point of beginning with the Mason Landing right‐of‐way,    North 79006’04” East, 271.11 feet to a point; thence  South 51059’25” East, 96.49 feet to a point; thence  South 52008’20” East, 347.24 feet to a point; thence  South 47015’03” East, 114.23 feet to a point; thence  South 47004’20” East, 12.00 feet to a point; thence  South 41054’26” East, 334.99 feet to a point; thence  South 53043’19” West, 157.99 feet to a point; thence  North 47027’39” West, 329.27 feet to a point; thence  North 36059’38” East, 2.50 feet to a point; thence  North 53000’22” West, 706.57 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 4.20 acres  more or less.    Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 8 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal May 10, 2018 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: Loblolly Landing The owner of the tract at 7312 Mason Landing Road has submitted a subdivision proposal for an eight (8)-lot residential community. An exhibit is attached. The parcel is within 500 feet of your property. We wanted to provide neighbors and any other interested parties an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Monday, May 21st, in the Watkins Room of the New Hanover County NE Library (access through the main library), 1241 Military Cutoff Road, 6:00 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 9 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - J u n e 7 , 2 0 1 8 IT E M : 1 - 7 - 1 0 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Project Name: Loblolly Landing Proposed Zoning: R-20S to (CZD) R-20 The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on May 9, 2018 . A copy of the written notice is also attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Monday, May 21, 2018; 6:00 p.m.; Watkins Room, New Hanover County NE Library, 1241 Military Cutoff Road The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Reference attached sign-in List The following issues were discussed at the meeting: A presentation was given on the tract status, the purpose of the conditional rezoning request and on the performance residential development method. A question and answer period followed. Primary concerns were over the size and quality of the proposed homes to be built on the lots. Adjacent owners from both Register Place and Mason Landing suggested buffer plantings to be installed on the common boundary lines. It was explained that this proposal was not requesting any additional density and since the units would all be single-family homes, that there was no requirement for buffering between same uses. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: The developer committed to preserving as much of the existing vegetation within the building lots and along the rear property boundaries as possible, and to review the need for visual buffering after construction. Date: May 21, 2018 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf cc: Brad Schuler – NHCo Associate Planner Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 11 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 12 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal May 10, 2018 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: Loblolly Landing The owner of the tract at 7312 Mason Landing Road has submitted a subdivision proposal for an eight (8)-lot residential community. An exhibit is attached. The parcel is within 500 feet of your property. We wanted to provide neighbors and any other interested parties an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Monday, May 21st, in the Watkins Room of the New Hanover County NE Library (access through the main library), 1241 Military Cutoff Road, 6:00 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 15 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal May 11, 2018 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: Loblolly Landing The tract at 7312 Mason Landing Road is zoned R-20S, a district in which “performance” development is not an option. A request for a Conditional District rezoning - but only from R-20S to R-20 (CZD) has been submitted for County approval. This tract is within 500 feet of your property. A Conditional District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use and layout presented with an approved proposal can be developed. With some creative design, this R-20S tract could be subdivided into up to eight conventional 20,000 s.f. lots. However, an R-20 district would permit the performance criteria to yield the same eight lots in exchange for building the street, preserving the wetlands, and dedicating more open space. Approval as a Conditional Zoning District guarantees that the housing will be single-family lots in the configuration shown on the plan. We want to provide neighbors and any other interested parties an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Monday, May 21st, in the Watkins Room of the New Hanover County NE Library (access through the main library), 1241 Military Cutoff Road, 6:00 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 16 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - J u n e 7 , 2 0 1 8 IT E M : 1 - 7 - 1 7 21 9 S t a t i o n R o a d | S t e 1 0 1 | W i l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 0 5 | t : 9 1 0 . 2 5 6 . 9 2 7 7 | l i c e n s e # : C - 0 8 3 2 | w w . w i t h e r s r a v e n e l . c o m Revisions W: \ 1 7 \ 1 7 - 0 1 9 0 \ 1 7 0 1 9 8 . 0 1 - L o b l o l l y S u b d i v i s i o n \ C A D \ 0 3 1 7 0 1 9 8 - B A S E . d w g - T u e s d a y , A p r i l 1 7 , 2 0 1 8 1 1 : 4 0 : 4 0 A M - G A R R I C H , T O M Sheet No. Designer Drawn By Date Job No. Wi t h e r s R a v e n e l En g i n e e r s | P l a n n e r s | S u r v e y o r s LO B L O L L Y L A N D I N G NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y , N C PE R F O R M A N C E RE S I D E N T I A L PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 1 of 2 03170198.01 3-6-18 W&R JSB 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 PRELIMINARY NOT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES: OWNER:JOHN C DIEFFENBAUCH & MICHAEL D HRITZ ADDRESS:530 CAUSEWAY DRIVE, SUITE D1 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 PHONE:(910) 239-9277 ATTN:CHRIS DIEFFENBAUCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARCEL NO.: R04500-004-007-001 ALT ID NOS.: 316808.99.5990.000 TOTAL TRACT AREA: 4.20 AC.± ZONING DISTRICT: R-20S LAND CLASSIFICATION: GENERAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DATA: AREA OF LOTS - 2.23 AC.± AREA OF R/W - 0.74 AC.± REC. AREA ACTIVE/PASSIVE - 1.23 AC.± WETLAND AREA - 0.30 AC TOTAL TRACT AREA - 4.20 AC. PERMITTED DENSITY - 4.20 AC. @ 1.9 UNITS/AC. (R-20 - PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL) TOTAL UNITS PERMITTED - 8 TOTAL LOTS PROPOSED - 8 OVERALL DENSITY - 1.91 UNITS/AC. AVERAGE LOT SIZE - 12,174 S.F. TOTAL LINEAR FEET IN ROADS - 685 L.F. TOTAL ROAD SURFACES - 18,880 S.F. RECREATION SPACE - 8 LOTS @ .03 AC./UNIT = 0.24 AC. REQUIRED ACTIVE RECREATION AREA - 16,076 S.F. = 0.37 AC.± PASSIVE RECREATION AREA - 37,210 S.F. = 0.85 AC.± TOTAL RECREATION AREA - 1.22 AC. BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT - 10 FT SIDES - 10 FT REAR - 20 FT APPROXIMATE # OF BEDROOMS/LOT = 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA COORDINATION NOTES: 1.THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY/ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THESE PLANS. 2.ALL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY, CAROLINA WATER SERVICE INC OF NC, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, AND THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 3.THE CONTRACTOR IS TO ESTABLISH AND CHECK ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS TO BE USED WITH THE PROJECT. IN ADDITION, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO COMPUTE THE LAYOUT OF THE ENTIRE SITE PLAN IN ADVANCE OF BEGINNING ANY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUBJECT PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY A PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR TO PERFORM SITE IMPROVEMENT STAKEOUT(S). 4.ANY TIME WORK IS PERFORMED OFF-SITE OR WITHIN AN EXISTING EASEMENT, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY THE HOLDER OF SAID EASEMENT AS TO THE NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK, AND TO FOLLOW ANY GUIDELINES OR STANDARDS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH OR REFERENCED IN THE RECORDED EASEMENT. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTOR AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. AT A MINIMUM; THE CONTRACTOR, COUNTY INSPECTOR, AND ENGINEER SHALL ATTEND THIS MEETING. 6.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH NCDOT FOR THE REMOVAL AND STORAGE OF ANY TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT OR SIGNS DURING DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPENING OF THIS DEVELOPMENT. 7.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABOUT ANY EQUIPMENT REMOVED, RELOCATED, OR DEMOLISHED DURING THE DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION AND OPENING OF THIS DEVELOPMENT. 8.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE DIRECTLY WITH ENGINEERING TO DETERMINE IF ANY DRIVEWAY PERMITS/REVISIONS/REVIEW PROCESSES ARE REQUIRED. 9.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH NCDOT FOR THE CLOSURE OF STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OR DRIVEWAYS AND IMPLEMENTATIONS OF THE VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC PLAN TO BE USED FOR THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT. THE PLAN MUST INCLUDE LOCATIONS OF SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS THAT WILL BE CLOSED, AS WELL AS, LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCING, AND PROTECTION AREAS. 10.A TEMPORARY DETOUR AND CLOSURE PLAN WILL NEED TO BE FILED WITH NHC 911 FOR THE CLOSURE OF ANY PUBLIC STREETS. GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. 2.PROPERTY IS ZONED R-20S. 3.THE BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES SURVEY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY GEOINNOVATION, PC. THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THE GROUND SURVEY FOR THIS PROJECT IS NAVD 88. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL ELEVATIONS IN THE FIELD. 4.THE TREE SURVEY HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY DIEFFENBAUCH & HRITZ, PLLC. 5.REASONABLE CARE HAS BEEN EXERCISED IN SHOWING THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ON THE PLANS. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES IS NOT KNOWN IN ALL CASES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPLORE THE AREA AHEAD OF DITCHING OPERATIONS BY OBSERVATIONS, ELECTRONIC DEVICES, HAND DIGGING AND BY PERSONAL CONTACT WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES. IN ORDER TO LOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES IN ADVANCE OF TRENCHING OPERATIONS SO AS TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RESULTING FROM ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING UTILITY LINES INCLUDING LOSS OF UTILITY REVENUES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXISTING UTILITIES, SUCH AS POLES, CONDUITS, FIBER OPTIC CABLES, TELEPHONE CABLES, WATER LINES, ETC. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST REVISIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED UNDER THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLAN AND CONSTRUCT WORK SO AS TO CAUSE MINIMUM INCONVENIENCE TO THE OWNER AND THE PUBLIC. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN AT ALL TIMES DURING THE PROGRESS OR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF WORK, SUITABLE BARRIERS, FENCES, SIGNS OR OTHER ADEQUATE PROTECTION, INCLUDING FLAGMEN AND WATCHMEN AS NECESSARY TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC AS WELL AS THOSE ENGAGED IN THE CONSTRUCTION WORK. CONSTRUCTION SIGNING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF "CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES" BY THE DOT. 8.ALL MATERIAL CLEARED OR DEMOLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ORDER TO CONSTRUCT THE WORK SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. 9.ALL WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE WARRANTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER THE OWNER ACCEPTS THE WORK. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE NORTH CAROLINA ONE-CALL CENTER AT 811 AND ALLOW THE CENTER TO LOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE DIGGING. 11.IF THESE UNITS ARE SOLD AT ANY POINT, THE BUYER MUST RECEIVE A SUBDIVISION STREET DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. PLEASE NOTE THIS ON THE SITE PLAN AND ADVISE THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THIS REQUIREMENT. 12.THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WITHIN ANY FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS EVIDENCED ON N.C. FLOOD MAP 3720316800J, 3720316900J & 3720317800J. 13.THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ENDANGERED SPECIES OR HABITAT ISSUES ON THE SITE. 14.THERE ARE CONSERVATION RESOURCE AREAS AFFECTING THIS PROPERTY. 15.NO GATES, TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES OR ON-STREET PARKING (PRIVATE ROADS) PERMITTED UNLESS REVIEWED BY TRC. 16.WITHERSRAVENEL WILL SUBMIT A LIGHTING PLAN CONFORMING TO ALL NEW HANOVER COUNTY REQUIREMENTS AT A LATER DATE. UTILITY NOTES: 1.EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICES ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO THE SITE FROM PUBLIC SYSTEMS. WATER SERVICE PROVIDED BY CAROLINA WATER SERVICE INC. OF NC AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WILL BE PROVIDED BY CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY. 2.ALL UTILITY SERVICES, SUCH AS ELECTRIC POWER, CATV, GAS, AND TELEPHONE SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND. 3.ALL WATER & SEWER UTILITIES TO BE INSTALLED PER CFPUA AND CAROLINA WATER SERVICE INC. OF NC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS. 4.WATER METER(S) CANNOT BE RELEASED UNTIL ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE MET AND N.C.D.E.N.R. HAS ISSUED THEIR "FINAL APPROVAL". 5.ALL COMMERCIAL WATER SERVICES AND ANY IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SUPPLIED BY UTILITIES, INC, WATER SHALL HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ACCEPTABLE TO THE COUNTY AND APPROVED BY USCFCCCHR OR ASSE. 6.WATER AND SEWER SERVICES CAN NOT BE ACTIVATED ON NEW MAINS UNTIL THE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION AND AS-BUILTS ARE RECEIVED AND "FINAL APPROVAL" ISSUED BY THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SECTION OF NCDENR, AND "FINAL ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION" ISSUED BY DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SECTION OF N.C.D.E.N.R. 7.IF CONTRACTOR DESIRES WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION, HE SHALL APPLY IN ADVANCE FOR THIS SERVICE AND MUST PROVIDE A REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE (RPZ) BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ON THE DEVELOPER'S SIDE OF THE WATER METER BOX. 8.WHEN PVC WATER MAINS AND SERVICES ARE PROPOSED, THE PIPES ARE TO BE MARKED WITH NO. 10 INSULATED COPPER WIRE INSTALLED AND STRAPPED TO THE PIPES WITH DUCT TAPE. THE INSULATED WIRE IS TO BE STRIPPED TO BARE WIRE AND SECURED TO ALL VALVES AND FITTINGS. THIS WIRE IS TO BE ACCESSIBLE IN ALL VALVE AND METER BOXES TO AID IN FUTURE LOCATION OF FACILITIES. 9.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OR EXISTING UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. DAMAGED ITEMS SHALL BE REPAIRED TO AT LEAST THE QUALITY OR WORKMANSHIP FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL ITEM. 10.THE BELLSOUTH CONTACT IS STEVE DAYVAULT, BUILDING INDUSTRY CONSULTANT, AT 910-392-8712. CONTACT HIM PRIOR TO STARTING THE PROJECT IN ORDER TO FACILITATE GOOD COMMUNICATION AND MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY. 11.THE PROCESS FOR TELEPHONE CABLE PLACEMENT: 11.1.FINAL GRADE WILL NEED TO BE ESTABLISHED. 11.2.POWER WILL PLACE THEIR CABLE FIRST - APPROXIMATELY 3' DEEP. 11.3.BELLSOUTH & CABLE TV WILL THEN PLACE THEIR CABLE AT APPROXIMATELY 2' DEEP. 12.SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL TO BE SERVED BY PRIVATELY CONTRACTED DUMPSTER PICKUP. 13.FIRE HYDRANTS WILL REQUIRE STORTZ CONNECTOR WHEN INSTALLED ADN A FLOW TEST AFTER WATER IS RELEASED FROM PROVIDER. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES: 1.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WILL MEET COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS. 2.SITE DRAINAGE FLOWS TO PAGES CREEK WITHIN THE WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN CLASS SA WATERS. PRIVATE ROADS CERTIFICATION: I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PRIVATE ROADS AS DEPICTED ON SUBDIVISION PLAT _____________________ HAVE BEEN DESIGNED, INSTALLED, INSPECTED, AND APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 52-4 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODES PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ALL OR A PORTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. BY CERTIFYING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THESE ROADS AS PRIVATE, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR ASSURANCES OF ACCEPTANCE OF SAID ROADS BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ___________________________DATE ____________________________ SEAL ___________________________ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL STREET SECTION MINIMUM PAVEMENT DESIGN 2" S-9.5 B 6" A.B.C. WETLANDS MODIFIED VALLEY CURB N E S W Site ACTIVE OPEN SPACE PASSIVE OPEN SPACE STORMWATER SWALE (TYP.) SETBACK (TYP.) PROJECT BOUNDARY (TYP.) 20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (TYP.) 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP.)PROPOSED 6" PVC WATERLINE 6" GATE VAVE & PLUG FOR FUTURE CONNECTION BY OTHERS CONNECT TO SEWER SYSTEM VIA PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING STORM DRAIN (TYP.) 40' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERLINE 6" GATE VAVE 20' PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT (TYP.) END OF RIGHT OF WAY LOBLOLLY LANE (PRIVATE 45' ROW) 20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (TYP.) 20' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT (TYP.) R36.5'R36.5' R30' R30'PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT (TYP.) BEGIN DRIVEWAY END DRIVEWAY TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTION MINIMUM PAVEMENT DESIGN 2" S-9.5 B 6" A.B.C. ACTIVE OPEN SPACE PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 1 21 9 S t a t i o n R o a d | S t e 1 0 1 | W i l m i n g t o n , N C 2 8 4 0 5 | t : 9 1 0 . 2 5 6 . 9 2 7 7 | l i c e n s e # : C - 0 8 3 2 | w w . w i t h e r s r a v e n e l . c o m Revisions W: \ 1 7 \ 1 7 - 0 1 9 0 \ 1 7 0 1 9 8 . 0 1 - L o b l o l l y S u b d i v i s i o n \ C A D \ 0 3 1 7 0 1 9 8 - B A S E . d w g - T u e s d a y , A p r i l 1 7 , 2 0 1 8 1 1 : 4 0 : 4 0 A M - G A R R I C H , T O M Sheet No. Designer Drawn By Date Job No. Wi t h e r s R a v e n e l En g i n e e r s | P l a n n e r s | S u r v e y o r s LO B L O L L Y L A N D I N G NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y , N C PE R F O R M A N C E RE S I D E N T I A L PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T 1 of 2 03170198.01 3-6-18 W&R JSB 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 PRELIMINARY NOT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES: OWNER:JOHN C DIEFFENBAUCH & MICHAEL D HRITZ ADDRESS:530 CAUSEWAY DRIVE, SUITE D1 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 PHONE:(910) 239-9277 ATTN:CHRIS DIEFFENBAUCH NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARCEL NO.: R04500-004-007-001 ALT ID NOS.: 316808.99.5990.000 TOTAL TRACT AREA: 4.20 AC.± ZONING DISTRICT: R-20S LAND CLASSIFICATION: GENERAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DATA: AREA OF LOTS - 2.23 AC.± AREA OF R/W - 0.74 AC.± REC. AREA ACTIVE/PASSIVE - 1.23 AC.± WETLAND AREA - 0.30 AC TOTAL TRACT AREA - 4.20 AC. PERMITTED DENSITY - 4.20 AC. @ 1.9 UNITS/AC. (R-20 - PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL) TOTAL UNITS PERMITTED - 8 TOTAL LOTS PROPOSED - 8 OVERALL DENSITY - 1.91 UNITS/AC. AVERAGE LOT SIZE - 12,174 S.F. TOTAL LINEAR FEET IN ROADS - 685 L.F. TOTAL ROAD SURFACES - 18,880 S.F. RECREATION SPACE - 8 LOTS @ .03 AC./UNIT = 0.24 AC. REQUIRED ACTIVE RECREATION AREA - 16,076 S.F. = 0.37 AC.± PASSIVE RECREATION AREA - 37,210 S.F. = 0.85 AC.± TOTAL RECREATION AREA - 1.22 AC. BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT - 10 FT SIDES - 10 FT REAR - 20 FT APPROXIMATE # OF BEDROOMS/LOT = 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA COORDINATION NOTES: 1.THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY/ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THESE PLANS. 2.ALL WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY, CAROLINA WATER SERVICE INC OF NC, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, AND THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 3.THE CONTRACTOR IS TO ESTABLISH AND CHECK ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS TO BE USED WITH THE PROJECT. IN ADDITION, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO COMPUTE THE LAYOUT OF THE ENTIRE SITE PLAN IN ADVANCE OF BEGINNING ANY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUBJECT PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY A PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR TO PERFORM SITE IMPROVEMENT STAKEOUT(S). 4.ANY TIME WORK IS PERFORMED OFF-SITE OR WITHIN AN EXISTING EASEMENT, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY THE HOLDER OF SAID EASEMENT AS TO THE NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK, AND TO FOLLOW ANY GUIDELINES OR STANDARDS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH OR REFERENCED IN THE RECORDED EASEMENT. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTOR AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. AT A MINIMUM; THE CONTRACTOR, COUNTY INSPECTOR, AND ENGINEER SHALL ATTEND THIS MEETING. 6.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH NCDOT FOR THE REMOVAL AND STORAGE OF ANY TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT OR SIGNS DURING DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPENING OF THIS DEVELOPMENT. 7.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABOUT ANY EQUIPMENT REMOVED, RELOCATED, OR DEMOLISHED DURING THE DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION AND OPENING OF THIS DEVELOPMENT. 8.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE DIRECTLY WITH ENGINEERING TO DETERMINE IF ANY DRIVEWAY PERMITS/REVISIONS/REVIEW PROCESSES ARE REQUIRED. 9.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH NCDOT FOR THE CLOSURE OF STREETS, SIDEWALKS, OR DRIVEWAYS AND IMPLEMENTATIONS OF THE VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC PLAN TO BE USED FOR THE DURATION OF THIS PROJECT. THE PLAN MUST INCLUDE LOCATIONS OF SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS THAT WILL BE CLOSED, AS WELL AS, LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION FENCING, AND PROTECTION AREAS. 10.A TEMPORARY DETOUR AND CLOSURE PLAN WILL NEED TO BE FILED WITH NHC 911 FOR THE CLOSURE OF ANY PUBLIC STREETS. GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. 2.PROPERTY IS ZONED R-20S. 3.THE BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES SURVEY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY GEOINNOVATION, PC. THE VERTICAL DATUM FOR THE GROUND SURVEY FOR THIS PROJECT IS NAVD 88. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL ELEVATIONS IN THE FIELD. 4.THE TREE SURVEY HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY DIEFFENBAUCH & HRITZ, PLLC. 5.REASONABLE CARE HAS BEEN EXERCISED IN SHOWING THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ON THE PLANS. THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES IS NOT KNOWN IN ALL CASES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPLORE THE AREA AHEAD OF DITCHING OPERATIONS BY OBSERVATIONS, ELECTRONIC DEVICES, HAND DIGGING AND BY PERSONAL CONTACT WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES. IN ORDER TO LOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES IN ADVANCE OF TRENCHING OPERATIONS SO AS TO ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RESULTING FROM ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING UTILITY LINES INCLUDING LOSS OF UTILITY REVENUES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXISTING UTILITIES, SUCH AS POLES, CONDUITS, FIBER OPTIC CABLES, TELEPHONE CABLES, WATER LINES, ETC. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST REVISIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED UNDER THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLAN AND CONSTRUCT WORK SO AS TO CAUSE MINIMUM INCONVENIENCE TO THE OWNER AND THE PUBLIC. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN AT ALL TIMES DURING THE PROGRESS OR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF WORK, SUITABLE BARRIERS, FENCES, SIGNS OR OTHER ADEQUATE PROTECTION, INCLUDING FLAGMEN AND WATCHMEN AS NECESSARY TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC AS WELL AS THOSE ENGAGED IN THE CONSTRUCTION WORK. CONSTRUCTION SIGNING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF "CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES" BY THE DOT. 8.ALL MATERIAL CLEARED OR DEMOLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ORDER TO CONSTRUCT THE WORK SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. 9.ALL WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE WARRANTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER THE OWNER ACCEPTS THE WORK. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE NORTH CAROLINA ONE-CALL CENTER AT 811 AND ALLOW THE CENTER TO LOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE DIGGING. 11.IF THESE UNITS ARE SOLD AT ANY POINT, THE BUYER MUST RECEIVE A SUBDIVISION STREET DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. PLEASE NOTE THIS ON THE SITE PLAN AND ADVISE THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THIS REQUIREMENT. 12.THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WITHIN ANY FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS EVIDENCED ON N.C. FLOOD MAP 3720316800J, 3720316900J & 3720317800J. 13.THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ENDANGERED SPECIES OR HABITAT ISSUES ON THE SITE. 14.THERE ARE CONSERVATION RESOURCE AREAS AFFECTING THIS PROPERTY. 15.NO GATES, TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES OR ON-STREET PARKING (PRIVATE ROADS) PERMITTED UNLESS REVIEWED BY TRC. 16.WITHERSRAVENEL WILL SUBMIT A LIGHTING PLAN CONFORMING TO ALL NEW HANOVER COUNTY REQUIREMENTS AT A LATER DATE. UTILITY NOTES: 1.EXISTING WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICES ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO THE SITE FROM PUBLIC SYSTEMS. WATER SERVICE PROVIDED BY CAROLINA WATER SERVICE INC. OF NC AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WILL BE PROVIDED BY CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY. 2.ALL UTILITY SERVICES, SUCH AS ELECTRIC POWER, CATV, GAS, AND TELEPHONE SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND. 3.ALL WATER & SEWER UTILITIES TO BE INSTALLED PER CFPUA AND CAROLINA WATER SERVICE INC. OF NC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS. 4.WATER METER(S) CANNOT BE RELEASED UNTIL ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE MET AND N.C.D.E.N.R. HAS ISSUED THEIR "FINAL APPROVAL". 5.ALL COMMERCIAL WATER SERVICES AND ANY IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SUPPLIED BY UTILITIES, INC, WATER SHALL HAVE A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ACCEPTABLE TO THE COUNTY AND APPROVED BY USCFCCCHR OR ASSE. 6.WATER AND SEWER SERVICES CAN NOT BE ACTIVATED ON NEW MAINS UNTIL THE ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION AND AS-BUILTS ARE RECEIVED AND "FINAL APPROVAL" ISSUED BY THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SECTION OF NCDENR, AND "FINAL ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION" ISSUED BY DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SECTION OF N.C.D.E.N.R. 7.IF CONTRACTOR DESIRES WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION, HE SHALL APPLY IN ADVANCE FOR THIS SERVICE AND MUST PROVIDE A REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE (RPZ) BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ON THE DEVELOPER'S SIDE OF THE WATER METER BOX. 8.WHEN PVC WATER MAINS AND SERVICES ARE PROPOSED, THE PIPES ARE TO BE MARKED WITH NO. 10 INSULATED COPPER WIRE INSTALLED AND STRAPPED TO THE PIPES WITH DUCT TAPE. THE INSULATED WIRE IS TO BE STRIPPED TO BARE WIRE AND SECURED TO ALL VALVES AND FITTINGS. THIS WIRE IS TO BE ACCESSIBLE IN ALL VALVE AND METER BOXES TO AID IN FUTURE LOCATION OF FACILITIES. 9.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OR EXISTING UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. DAMAGED ITEMS SHALL BE REPAIRED TO AT LEAST THE QUALITY OR WORKMANSHIP FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL ITEM. 10.THE BELLSOUTH CONTACT IS STEVE DAYVAULT, BUILDING INDUSTRY CONSULTANT, AT 910-392-8712. CONTACT HIM PRIOR TO STARTING THE PROJECT IN ORDER TO FACILITATE GOOD COMMUNICATION AND MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY. 11.THE PROCESS FOR TELEPHONE CABLE PLACEMENT: 11.1.FINAL GRADE WILL NEED TO BE ESTABLISHED. 11.2.POWER WILL PLACE THEIR CABLE FIRST - APPROXIMATELY 3' DEEP. 11.3.BELLSOUTH & CABLE TV WILL THEN PLACE THEIR CABLE AT APPROXIMATELY 2' DEEP. 12.SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL TO BE SERVED BY PRIVATELY CONTRACTED DUMPSTER PICKUP. 13.FIRE HYDRANTS WILL REQUIRE STORTZ CONNECTOR WHEN INSTALLED ADN A FLOW TEST AFTER WATER IS RELEASED FROM PROVIDER. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES: 1.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT WILL MEET COUNTY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS. 2.SITE DRAINAGE FLOWS TO PAGES CREEK WITHIN THE WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN CLASS SA WATERS. PRIVATE ROADS CERTIFICATION: I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PRIVATE ROADS AS DEPICTED ON SUBDIVISION PLAT _____________________ HAVE BEEN DESIGNED, INSTALLED, INSPECTED, AND APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 52-4 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODES PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ALL OR A PORTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. BY CERTIFYING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THESE ROADS AS PRIVATE, THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR ASSURANCES OF ACCEPTANCE OF SAID ROADS BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ___________________________DATE ____________________________ SEAL ___________________________ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL STREET SECTION MINIMUM PAVEMENT DESIGN 2" S-9.5 B 6" A.B.C. WETLANDS MODIFIED VALLEY CURB N E S W Site ACTIVE OPEN SPACE PASSIVE OPEN SPACE STORMWATER SWALE (TYP.) SETBACK (TYP.) PROJECT BOUNDARY (TYP.) 20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (TYP.) 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP.)PROPOSED 6" PVC WATERLINE 6" GATE VAVE & PLUG FOR FUTURE CONNECTION BY OTHERS CONNECT TO SEWER SYSTEM VIA PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING STORM DRAIN (TYP.) 40' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERLINE 6" GATE VAVE 20' PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT (TYP.) END OF RIGHT OF WAY LOBLOLLY LANE (PRIVATE 45' ROW) 20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (TYP.) 20' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT (TYP.) R36.5'R36.5' R30' R30'PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT (TYP.) BEGIN DRIVEWAY END DRIVEWAY TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTION MINIMUM PAVEMENT DESIGN 2" S-9.5 B 6" A.B.C. ACTIVE OPEN SPACE Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 1 Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 6/7/2018 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler; Ben Andrea; Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor; Ken Vafier, Planning Manager; and Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18-06) – Request by Gary W. Keyes Land Surveying on behalf of the property owner, Germain Nadaud, to rezone approximately 5.3 acres of land located at the 3100-3200 block of Ervins Place Drive from R-20, Residential District, to R-10, Residential District. BRIEF SUMMARY: Gary W. Keyes Land Surveying, on behalf of the property owner, Germain Nadaud, is requesting to rezone 5.3 acres of land located at the 1500 block of Rockhill Road, along the western side of Ervins Place Drive, from R-20 to R-10. Because this is a general map amendment and not a conditional rezoning, uses that would be allowed on the property are those allowed by right or by Special Use Permit in the R-10 district based on the Table of Permitted Uses in the Zoning Ordinance. As both the R-20 and R-10 districts are residential districts, the uses permitted within them are mostly similar with only slight variations. The primary difference between the districts is that the R-10 district allows for smaller lots and higher density. Under the performance residential standards, the subject property would be permitted a maximum of 10 dwelling units in the current R-20 district, and 17 dwelling units in the proposed R-10 district. Traffic impacts will be analyzed at the time a development is proposed. Any use that exceeds 100 AM or PM peak hour trips will be required to have an approved Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prior to development. Even if a TIA is not required, improvements may be required when any proposed use is reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. Based on the size of the property and the permitted density, it is not anticipated that a by-right residential development would generate enough traffic to warrant a TIA. A detached single-family dwelling typically generates about one trip during the peak hours. The proposed rezoning would allow seven additional dwelling units on the property, which would generate approximately seven additional trips during the peak hours. Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies the subject property as General Residential. This Place Type promotes lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. The proposed performance residential subdivision is generally CONSISTENT with this place type because it provides infill residential development similar to the pattern of adjacent neighborhoods, is in line with the density recommendations for General Residential. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT:  Intelligent Growth and Economic Development RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval and suggest the following motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 5.3 acres from the R-20 district, to a R-10 district, as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area and aligns with the density recommendation for the General Residential place type. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal provides a reasonable extension of an existing R-10 zoning district in an area where public water and sewer is available. SCRIPT for Conditional Zoning District Application (Z18-06) Request by Gary W. Keyes Land Surveying on behalf of the property owner, Germain Nadaud, to rezone approximately 5.3 acres of land located at the 3100-3200 block of Ervins Place Drive from R- 20, Residential District, to R-10, Residential District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 5.3 acres from the R-20 district to a R-10 district as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area and aligns with the density recommendation for the General Residential place type. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal provides a reasonable extension of an existing R-10 zoning district in an area where public water and sewer is available. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: Motion to recommend [Approval/Denial], as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 5.3 acres from the R-20 district to a R-10 district as described is: 1. [Consistent/Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistent]. 2. [Reasonable/Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments]. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 Z18-06 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 1 of 6 STAFF SUMMARY FOR Z18-06 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z18-06 Request: Zoning Map amendment to rezone 5.3 acres from R-20 to R-10 Applicant: Property Owner(s): Gary Keyes of Gary W. Keyes Land Surveying, P.C. Germain Nadaud Location: Acreage: Near the 1500 block of Rockhill Road, along the western side of Ervins Place Drive 5.3 acres PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02500-003-008-001; R02500-003-016-000; R02500-003-007-000; and R02500-003-066-000. General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped The property would be allowed to be developed in accordance with the R-10 district Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-20 R-10 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential, Undeveloped R-20 East Single-Family Residential R-20 South Single-Family Residential R-20 West Single-Family Residential, Undeveloped R-20, R-10 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 1 Z18-06 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 2 of 6 ZONING HISTORY July 1, 1974 Initially zoned R-20 (Area 10A) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer CFPUA water and sewer services are available in the area. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Wrightsboro Schools Wrightsboro Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools Recreation Optimist Park, Northern Regional Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources ZONING ORDINANCE CONSIDERATIONS  The purpose of the R-10, Residential zoning district is to provide for residential development with access to either public water or sewer services.  Because this is a general map amendment and not a conditional rezoning, uses that would be allowed on the property are those allowed by right or by Special Use Permit in the R- 10 district based on the Table of Permitted Uses in the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 2 Z18-06 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 3 of 6  As both the R-20 and R-10 districts are residential districts, the uses permitted within them are mostly similar with only slight variations. The primary difference between the districts is that the R-10 district allows for smaller lots and higher density as highlighted on the table below: R-20 R-10 Min Lot Size (Conventional) 20,000 sf 10,000 sf Max Density (Performance) 1.9 du/ac 3.3 du/ac  Under the performance residential standards, the subject property would be permitted a maximum of 10 dwelling units in the current R-20 district, and 17 dwelling units in the proposed R-10 district. TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided to the subject property by Ervins Place Drive which connects to Rockhill Road (SR 1331).  In May 2018, the Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution requesting that NCDOT review Ervins Place Drive and add it into the State’s Secondary Road System if it meets NCDOT’s standards for acceptance. NCDOT has inspected the road and provided a list of improvements that need to be completed to the road prior to it being added to the State’s Secondary Road System.  Traffic impacts will be analyzed at the time a development is proposed. Any use that exceeds 100 AM or PM peak hour trips will be required to have an approved Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prior to development. Even if a TIA is not required, improvements may be required when any proposed use is reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process.  Based on the size of the property and the permitted density, it is not anticipated that a by-right residential development would generate enough traffic to warrant a TIA. A detached single-family dwelling typically generates about one trip during the peak hours.  The proposed rezoning would allow seven additional dwelling units on the property, which would generate approximately seven additional trips during the peak hours. Traffic Counts Road Location Volume Capacity V/C LOS Castle Hayne Road 1,000 feet south of Rockhill Road 13,526 12,520 1.08 F Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 3 Z18-06 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 4 of 6 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses No TIAs are currently being drafted or have been completed for projects within a one-mile radius from the subject site within the last five years. One project is included in State Transportation Improvement Program that will improve the portion of Castle Hayne Road adjacent to the subject property:  STIP Project U-5863 o Widening of Castle Hayne Road to multi-lanes from I-140 to Division Drive. Right-of- way acquisition is expected to begin in 2021 and construction is expected to begin in 2023. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 4 Z18-06 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 5 of 6 ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  The property is within the Ness Creek (C;Sw) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation), Class II (moderate limitation), and Class III (severe limitation) soils. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN  The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Analysis The intent of the General Residential place type is to preserve existing residential neighborhoods and provide opportunities for similar lower density residential development and supportive commercial, civic, and recreational development. The proposed R-10 zoning would allow residential development at a density consistent with the intent of this place type and consistent with an adjacent residential neighborhood. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 5 Z18-06 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 6 of 6 Consistency Recommendation The proposed performance residential subdivision is generally CONSISTENT with this place type because it provides infill residential development similar to the pattern of adjacent neighborhoods, is in line with the density recommendations for General Residential. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application. Staff concludes that the application is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides for infill residential development similar to the existing pattern of the area and aligns with the density recommendation for the General Residential place type. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal provides a reasonable extension of an existing R-10 zoning district in an area where public water and sewer is available. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 6 ROCKHILL RD I-1 4 0 E OAKLEY RD APP L E R D I-1 4 0 W BOUNTIFUL LN STO N E Y R D BEL T R D VEL V A D R BER R Y S T OAK L E Y C I R HARVEST RD MEM O R Y L N REM I N I S C E R D KEN N E D Y D R ANGUS D R PRI V A T E CARDIFF RD FAWN ST RU S T I C L N DIAMO N D D R HAMPT O N D R HIGH S T EVE N I N G R D THA T C H C T RU B Y L N FAR M H O U S E R D BRIER RD GRANITE LN HEA T H E R L N TR A N Q U I L I T Y L N DUTT O N D R SILO C T WHIT T E D C I R MISTY L N SUN BEAM CT BA B A E D D I E L N OLD B A R N C T TI N G A C T GOOSE P O N D C T HOUSTON C T PRIVATE PRI V A T E PRI V A T E R-20 R-10 PD R-15 ROCKHILL RD APP L E R D BOUNTIFUL L N STO N E Y R D BEL T R D BER R Y S T HARVE S T R D I-1 4 0 E MEM O R Y L N REM I N I S C E R D CARDIFF RD DIAMOND D R HIGH S T RU B Y L N THA T C H C T ® Z18-06 Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site Case: Z18-06 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed ZoningSite Address: 1500 block Rockhill Rd R-20/ Undeveloped R-10 1,000 Feet R Physical Address Physical Address Physical Address 3108 ERVINS PLACE DR 3015 355 HARVEST RD 3211 REMINISCE RD 101 APPLE RD 1601 ROCK HILL RD 211 BERRY ST 204 BERRY ST 3135 REMINISCE RD 3132 REMINISCE RD 206 BERRY ST 316 BOUNTIFUL LN 217 BERRY ST 3228 ERVINS PLACE DR 308 BOUNTIFUL LN 206 HEATHER LN 215 BERRY ST 3116 ERVINS PLACE DR 109 APPLE RD 205 BERRY ST 3011 HARVEST RD 3216 ERVINS PLACE DR 3104 ERVINS PLACE DR 3201 REMINISCE RD 308 COTTON WOOD LN 306 CARDIFF RD 207 HEATHER LN 3131 REMINISCE RD 3120 ERVINS PLACE DR 3209 REMINISCE RD 3001 TINGA CT 211 HEATHER LN 3203 REMINISCE RD 3022 HARVEST RD 202 HEATHER LN 3010 359 HARVEST RD 11 APPLE RD 1529 ROCK HILL RD 112 APPLE RD 3105 SUN BEAM CT 3018 HARVEST RD 13 APPLE RD 3220 ERVINS PLACE DR 107 APPLE RD 323 COTTON WOOD LN 3128 REMINISCE RD 309 CARDIFF RD 327 COTTON WOOD LN 312 BOUNTIFUL LN 201 BERRY ST 105 APPLE RD 3014 HARVEST RD 19 APPLE RD 15 APPLE RD 1516 ROCK HILL RD 108 APPLE RD 3101 SUN BEAM CT 3023 HARVEST RD 322 CARDIFF RD 110 APPLE RD 209 BERRY ST 311 CARDIFF RD 1524 ROCK HILL RD 3108 SUN BEAM CT 213 BERRY ST 306 COTTON WOOD LN 1611 ROCK HILL RD 203 BERRY ST 205 HEATHER LN 3100 SUN BEAM CT 201 HEATHER LN 3140 REMINISCE RD 240 BOUNTIFUL LN 3212 ERVINS PLACE DR 106 BERRY ST 1521 ROCK HILL RD 3123 REMINISCE RD 103 BERRY ST 105 BERRY ST 335 COTTON WOOD LN 17 APPLE RD 3008 TINGA CT 103 APPLE RD 319 COTTON WOOD LN 3127 REMINISCE RD 3207 REMINISCE RD 1504 ROCK HILL RD 207 BERRY ST 203 HEATHER LN 3006 TINGA CT 3101 ERVINS PLACE DR 204 HEATHER LN 3139 REMINISCE RD 1701 ROCK HILL RD 308 CARDIFF RD 3104 HARVEST RD 3112 ERVINS PLACE DR 3208 REMINISCE RD 3007 HARVEST RD 3006 HARVEST RD 1608 ROCK HILL RD 3104 SUN BEAM CT 1716 ROCK HILL RD 1605 ROCK HILL RD 3005 TINGA CT 3213 WHITTED CIR 304 COTTON WOOD LN 3000 TINGA CT 3136 REMINISCE RD 209 HEATHER LN 244 BOUNTIFUL LN 304 BOUNTIFUL LN 3208 ERVINS PLACE DR 3005 HARVEST RD 108 BERRY ST 331 COTTON WOOD LN 3107 HARVEST RD 208 HEATHER LN 3004 TINGA CT 3002 TINGA CT 3202 REMINISCE RD 3119 REMINISCE RD 3027 HARVEST RD 1529 ROCK HILL RD 107 BERRY ST 109 BERRY ST 3009 HARVEST RD 300 BOUNTIFUL LN 202 BERRY ST 208 BERRY ST 113 APPLE RD 3105 HARVEST RD 3100 ERVINS PLACE DR 210 BERRY ST 236 BOUNTIFUL LN 1603 ROCK HILL RD 3213 REMINISCE RD 3019 HARVEST RD 3205 REMINISCE RD 3200 ERVINS PLACE DR 115 APPLE RD 1540 ROCK HILL RD 1526 ROCK HILL RD 104 BERRY ST 1520 ROCK HILL RD 1401 ROCK HILL RD 3204 ERVINS PLACE DR 3224 ERVINS PLACE DR Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 PD R-20 R-10 R-15 ® Z18-06 Zoning Districts SHOD A-I AR B-1 B-2 EDZD I-1 I-2 O&I PD R-10 R-15 R-20 R-20S R-7 RA RFMU SC Incorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 55.1 of the Zoning OrdinanceCOD Case: Z18-06 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed ZoningSite Address: 1500 block Rockhill Rd R-20/ Undeveloped R-10 Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main 1,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 OAKLEY C I R OAKLEY RD FAWN ST I-1 4 0 E I-1 4 0 W HAMPT O N D R GRANITE LN DORSEY LN CO T T O N W O O D L N SAL V A D O R W A Y MEM O R Y L N FAR M H O U S E R D EVE N I N G R D PRI V A T E PRIVA T E CRIB B C T PE A R L C T TI N G A C T ROCKHILL RD HIGH S T GRA V E L L N ARTHU R C T TH A T C H C T HOUSTON C T BOUNTIFUL LN SILO C T APPLE RD STIL E C T OLD B A R N C T RE M I N I S C E R D MI S T Y L N CARDIFF RD GOOSE P O N D C T SUN BEAM CT BER R Y S T PRI V A T E P R I V A T E DIAMOND D R OAK L E Y R D BRIER RD RU B Y L N JO H N G R A D Y R D HEA T H E R L N STO N E Y R D LIT T L E C R E E K R D TR A N Q U I L I T Y L N HAR V E S T R D RU S T I C L N PRI V A T E WHITTED C I R KEN N E D Y D R BEL T R D VEL V A D R ERV I N S P L A C E D R CONSERVATION GENERAL RESIDENTIAL ® Z18-06 Place Types Commerce Zone Employment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation Case: Z18-06 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed ZoningSite Address: 1500 block Rockhill Rd R-20/ Undeveloped R-10 1,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 7 Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 6/7/2018 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Brad Schuler; Ben Andrea; Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor; Ken Vafier, Planning Manager; and Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request (S18-02) – Request by Herrington Classic Homes, LLC, on behalf of the property owner, Linda T. McCall, for a Special Use Permit for a high density development on an approximately 5.8-acre parcel located at 6724 Carolina Beach Road. BRIEF SUMMARY: Herrington Classic Homes, LLC, on behalf of the property owner, Linda T. McCall, is requesting a Special Use Permit in order to construct a high density single-family residential development on approximately 5.8 acres of land located at the 6724 Carolina Beach Road. The proposed development will consist of 37 single-family lots, which equates to a density of 6.4 dwelling units per acre. According to trip generation numbers provided by the applicant, the development is not expected to generate more than 100 peak hour trips and therefore, according to Section 61.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, a Traffic Impact Analysis was not required to be completed. However, the traffic impacts of the project will be reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies the subject property as Community Mixed Use. This Place Type promotes small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of uses encouraged include office, retail, mixed use, recreation, commercial, institutional, single-family, and multi- family residential. The proposed high density development is generally CONSISTENT with the Community Mixed Use place type. It provides housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in this place type and along with the adjacent land uses, creates the desired mix of uses. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT:  Intelligent Growth and Economic Development Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff has conducted an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package and has created preliminary findings of fact to support each of the conclusions required to be reached to approve the special use permit request. These preliminary findings of fact and conclusions are based solely on the information provided to date, prior to any information or testimony in support or opposition to the request that may be presented at the upcoming public hearing at the Board meeting. Staff concludes that based on the information presented with the application and supplemental correspondence, the four required conclusions could be met to approve the Special Use Permit request. Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary, and with the conditions as recommended by staff. Example Motion for Denial: Motion to deny, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity of the plans of development for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons to why it is not being met] SCRIPT for SPECIAL USE PERMIT Application (S18-02) Request by Herrington Classic Homes, LLC, on behalf of the property owner, Linda T. McCall, for a Special Use Permit for a high density development on an approximately 5.8-acre parcel located at 6724 Carolina Beach Road. 1. Swear witnesses: Announce that “the Special Use Permit process requires a quasi-judicial hearing; therefore, any person wishing to testify must be sworn in. All persons who signed in to speak or who want to present testimony please step forward to be sworn in. Thank you.” 2. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 3. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 4. Close the Public Hearing 5. Board discussion 6. A Special Use Permit which is denied may only be resubmitted if there has been a substantial change in the facts, evidence, or conditions of the application as determined by the Planning Director. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 7. Ask Applicant whether he/she agrees with staff findings and any proposed conditions. 8. Vote on the Special Use Permit application. Motion to recommend approval of the permit - All findings are positive. Motion to recommend approval of the permit, subject to conditions specified below: (State Conditions) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Motion to recommend denial of the permit because the Board cannot find: a. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed for the following reason: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b. That the use meets all required condition and specifications: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 c. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ d. That the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and is in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary, and with the conditions as recommended by staff. Example Motion for Denial: Motion to recommend denial, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity of the plans of development for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons to why it is not being met] Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 1 of 7 STAFF SUMMARY OF S18-02 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: S18-02 Request: Special use permit in order to develop a high density single-family residential development Applicant: Property Owner(s): Craig Johnson, Herrington Classic Homes, LLC Linda T. McCall Location: Acreage: 6724 Carolina Beach Road 5.784 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R08200-001-032-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Single-family dwelling High density single-family residential development Current Zoning: R-15 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Religious Institution (Immaculate Conception Catholic Church) R-15 East Single-Family Residential R-15 South Welding Shop I-2 West Telecommunication Tower I-2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 2 of 7 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Zoned R-15 (Area 4) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer The project will connect to CFPUA water and sewer services Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Federal Point Station Schools Anderson Elementary, Coddington Elementary, Murray Middle, and Ashley High Schools Recreation Veterans Park & Snows Cut Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 2 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 3 of 7 Proposed Site Plan  This application proposes to construct a high density development consisting of 37 single- family lots. This equates to a density of 6.4 du/ac. A by-right performance development in the R-15 district is allowed up to 2.5 du/ac, for a maximum of 14 dwelling units on the subject property. Proposed Site Plan TRANSPORTATION  Access is proposed to be provided to the subject property by Carolina Beach Road (US 421).  NCDOT has reviewed the plan and provided preliminary comments to the applicant. The proposed subdivision must obtain a driveway permit from NCDOT. LAND USE INTENSITY AM PEAK PM PEAK Single-Family Residential 37 units 28 37 Traffic Counts - 2017 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C LOS Carolina Beach Road 400 feet north of Myrtle Grove Road 32,526 40,900 0.8 D Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 3 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 4 of 7 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses No TIAs are currently being drafted or have been completed for projects within a one-mile radius from the subject site within the last five years. ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas, wetlands, or Natural Heritage Areas.  The subject property is within the Lords Creek (C;Sw) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation) and Class III (severe limitations) soils, however the project will be served by public utilities. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 4 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 5 of 7 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the Comprehensive Plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Analysis The subject property is located in a Community Mixed Use corridor established along the southern portion of Carolina Beach Rd. New development in this place type is intended to incorporate a mix of office, retail, and housing. The nonresidential components of the desired mixed use pattern are already present in the general vicinity. The proposed project provides compatible residential development, moving this area closer to the integration of uses envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. Consistency Recommendation The proposed Cypress Village project is generally CONSISTENT with the Community Mixed Use place type. It provides housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in this place type and along with the adjacent land uses, creates the desired mix of uses. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 5 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 6 of 7 STAFF PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS OF FACT: Staff has conducted an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package and has created preliminary findings of fact for each of the conclusions required to be reached to approve the special use permit request. These preliminary findings of fact and conclusions are based solely on the information provided to date, prior to any information or testimony in support or opposition to the request that may be presented at the upcoming public hearing at the Board meeting. Finding 1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is accessed from Carolina Beach Road, a major arterial street that is operating at an acceptable Level of Service. B. Water and sewer services must be provided and designed in accordance with CFPUA’s standards. C. The subject property is located in the New Hanover County South Fire Service District. D. The site is not located within any Special Flood Hazard Area. E. Traffic impacts will be review by NCDOT through the driveway permitting process. The proposed development is not estimated to generate enough traffic to require a Traffic Impact Analysis be conducted. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed. Finding 2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The site is zoned R-15, Residential District. B. High density developments are allowed by special use permit in the R-15 zoning districts. C. The site plan has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and complies with all applicable technical standards including Zoning Ordinance Section 72-43: High Density Development. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use meets all of the required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. Finding 3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The surrounding area contains a mixture of land uses including residential, institutional, and industrial. B. No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 6 S18-02 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 7 of 7 Staff Suggestion: The evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. Finding 4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The 2016 Comprehensive Plan classifies the area proposed for the development as Community Mixed Use, and the proposal aligns with the intent of this land use classification. The proposal provides housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in this place type and along with the adjacent land uses, creates the desired mix of uses. B. The proposal includes a 20-foot-wide access easement for a future multi-use path, consistent with the Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use is general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. Staff Suggested Conditions 1. A 20-foot-wide easement shall be dedicated to the County along Carolina Beach Road for the purposes of installing a future pedestrian facility in accordance with the Wilmington/NHC Comprehensive Greenway Plan. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 7 MYRT L E G R O V E R D CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D TI D A L W A L K D R SEAVIEW RD E GLEN A R T H U R D R PRIVATE BONFIR E D R JOEY CT CUPOLA DR EGRET POINT RD EDGEWATER MHP RD DAN T O N S T PO R C H E S D R JOHNS CREEK RD BANCR O F T D R SUMMER HIDEAWAY SEAVIEW RD W BREE Z E W A Y SE A V I E W R D N FLIP F L O P L N SA G O P A L M D R OLIVE R C T XING CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D PRI V A T E PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE POR C H E S D R R-15 I-2 CZD O&I R-10 B-1 CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D MCQUILLAN DR CH A M P L A I N D R MYRT L E G R O V E R D CHIMNEY LN HILL VALLEY WLK TI D A L W A L K D R JOEY CT PRIVATE HAIL S H A M D R SEAVIEW RD E PORCHES DR SAGO BAY DR SUNRISE LN BURROUGHS DR CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D PRIVATE PRIVA T E ® S18-02 Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site Case: S18-02 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed UseSite Address: 6700 block Carolina Beach Rd R-15/ Undeveloped R-15 High Density Case Site Neighboring Parcels (within 500 feet) 1,000 Feet R Physical Address 103 SEAVIEW RD N 6731 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6705 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6715 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6724 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6744 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6736 CAROLINA BEACH RD 109 SEAVIEW RD N 6740 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6736 CAROLINA BEACH RD 101 SEAVIEW RD N 6670 CAROLINA BEACH RD 7824 MYRTLE GROVE RD 6748 CAROLINA BEACH RD 117 SEAVIEW RD N 212 SEAVIEW RD W 6747 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6727 CAROLINA BEACH RD 121 SEAVIEW RD N 6709 CAROLINA BEACH RD 125 SEAVIEW RD N 6743 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6650 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6743 CAROLINA BEACH RD 6737 CAROLINA BEACH RD Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 SEAVIEW RD W TA N L A W CT MACKAY CT XING XING PRIVATE PR I V A T E GLEN A R T H U R D R PRIVATE BURROUGHS DR PRIVATE CH O R L E Y R D OLIVE R C T MYRT L E G R O V E R D SE A V I E W R D N CUPOLA DR TI D A L W A L K D R PRIVATE PO R C H E S D R BANCR O F T D R DAN T O N S T DUNE W A L K C T PR I V A T E BURTON LN CHELW O O D CT PRIVATE POR C H E S DR PRIVATE PRIVATE FLIP F L O P L N PRIVATE SA G O P A L M D R CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D BONFIR E D R PRIVATE HAIL S H A M D R BREE Z E W A Y PRIVATE SUMMER HIDEAWAY JOHNS CREEK RD PRIVATE JOEY CT PRIVATE EGRET POINT RD EDGEWATER MHP RD SEAVIEW RD EI-2 R-10 R-15 ® S18-02 Zoning Districts SHOD A-I AR B-1 B-2 EDZD I-1 I-2 O&I PD R-10 R-15 R-20 R-20S R-7 RA RFMU SC Incorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 55.1 of the Zoning OrdinanceCOD Case: S18-02 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed UseSite Address: 6700 block Carolina Beach Rd R-15/ Undeveloped R-15 High Density Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main 1,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 1 SEAVIEW RD W XING XING PRIVATE PR I V A T E GLEN A R T H U R D R PRIVATE BURROUGHS DR PRIVATE CH O R L E Y R D OLIVE R C T MYRT L E G R O V E R D SE A V I E W R D N CUPOLA DR TI D A L W A L K D R PRIVATE PO R C H E S D R BANCR O F T D R DAN T O N S T DUNE W A L K C T PR I V A T E BURTON LN CHELW O O D C T PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE FLIP F L O P L N PRIVATE SA G O P A L M D R CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D BONFIR E D R PRIVATE HAIL S H A M D R BREE Z E W A Y PRIVATE SUMMER HIDEAWAY JOHNS CREEK RD PRIVATE JOEY CT PRIVATE EGRET POINT RD EDGEWATER MHP RD SEAVIEW RD E CONSERVATION GENERAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE ® S18-02 Place Types Commerce Zone Employment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation Case: S18-02 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed UseSite Address: 6700 block Carolina Beach Rd R-15/ Undeveloped R-15 High Density 1,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 7 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 8 - 1 O H P OHP OHP O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P G A S G A S G A S G A S G A S D I # 2 DI #3 DI #4 DI #5 ER W A T E R W A T E R W A T E R W A T E R WA T E R 29 27 26 25 24 33 24 32 32 27 29 29 27 29 27 29 29 27 24 29 31 27 29 24 24 24 2 6 2 5 2 6 2 6 26 25 24 26 24 2 3 28 26 3031 31 25 26 28 30 30 2 8 2 6 2 5 2 4 23 24 25 26 28 28 26 25 24 22 28 2 6 2 5 2 4 23 22 22 23 23 23 24 28 26 25 30 31 30 8 O V E R F L O W OVE R F L O W 2" w 2" w 8" s s 8" ss 8" ss 8" ss A 1 5 ' 15 ' 24 ' D R I V E AIS L E 15 ' D R I V E AI S L E 45 ' S T R E E T R O W 47 , 8 5 3 S F 15' UTILITY EASEMENT, TYP. 15 ' D R I V E AI S L E 63 ' S T R E E T R O W 20' ACCESS E A S E M E N T DEDICATED T O N H C FOR NHC/WIL M I N G T O N GREENWAY O N L Y 5'-0" SIDEWALK, TYP. 4'-0" LANDSCAPE PLAZA, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 15'-0" DRIVE AISLE, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 5'-0" SIDEWALK, TYP. 4'-0" LANDSCAPE PLAZA, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 15'-0" DRIVE AISLE, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 11'-0" STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA C A R O L I N A B E A C H R O A D 6 0 ' P U B L I C R / W ROAD A 45' RIGHT-OF-W A Y 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 242526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3637 EXISTING C H U R C H P A R K I N G L O T 25' SETBACK EXISTING LIVE OAKS AND OTHER TREES IN OPEN SPACE TO REMAIN, TYPICAL ADDRESS:6724 CAROLINA BEACH ROAD PARCEL ID: R08200-001-032-000 TOTAL PROJECT AREA5.784 ACRES EXISTING ZONINGR-15 PROPOSED USEHIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT IN R-15 RESIDENTIAL UNITS PROPOSED37 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS; 3-4 BEDS/UNIT BULK REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROVIDED MIN. PERIMETER SETBACK 25'25' MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS10'10' MAX. DENSITY10.2 DU/A6.4 DU/A 10.2(5.784)59 UNITS 37 UNITS MAX BUILDING HEIGHT40'40' MAX IMPERVIOUS SURFACE RATIO40%40% PEDESTRIAN TRAIL WITH NATURAL PLANTING AROUND TRAIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 1314 R E G I S T E R E D L A N D S C A P E A R C H I TECT X N O R T H C A R O L I N A X J O S H UA W . M I H A L Y Revisions Y N E 5 of sheets Job Number: Phase: Date: Checked by: Drawn by: Designed by: Sheet Title: Sheet Number: PR O J E C T CY P R E S S V I L L A G E 67 2 4 C A R O L I N A B E A C H R O A D WI L M I N G T O N , N C SI T E P L A N 03/28/2018 460-52 1 - CL I E N T HE R R I N G T O N C L A S S I C H O M E S , L L C P. O . B O X 5 3 8 WR I G H T S V I L L E B E A C H , N C (9 1 0 ) 3 9 9 - 5 6 8 8 2018-05-07: REVISIONS PER COMMENTS FROM NHC 0 SCALE: feet306090 1" = 30'N O R T H NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D MY R T L E G R O V E R D RI V E R R O A D SANDERS ROAD PI N E R R O A D SITE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE RALEIGH LAND USE: RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES ZONING: R-15 R08200-001-033-000 NE V E R E N O U G H I N C . LA N D U S E : R E T A I L ZO N I N G : I - 2 R0 8 2 0 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 3 1 - 0 0 0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DA #1 7 LOTS @ 2,000 SF EACH14,000 SF STREETS6,000 SF SIDEWALK 2,000 SF VOLUME NEEDED22,000 SF AREA +/-5,500 SF @ +/- 2' DEPTH DA #2 30 LOTS @ 2,000 SF EACH60,000 SF SIDEWALK 4,400 SF VOLUME NEEDED64,400 SF AREA +/- SECTION A - ROADWAY CROSS SECTION AND DRAINAGE DESIGN SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN MLD MAS JWM L1.0 SYMBOL LEGEND EXISTING TREES PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN PATH OPEN SPACE AREA MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION STREET LIGHT, TYP EXISTING STORM DRAIN EXISTING SHED TO REMAIN AND BE RENOVATED INTO COMMUNITY POTTING SHED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 25' SETBACK 2 5 ' S E T B A C K 2 5 ' S E T B A C K NEVER ENOUGH INC. LAND USE: RETAIL ZONING: I-2 R08200-001-031-000 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. 25 EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED SEWER LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE LINE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE REMOVED 1.PLAN BASED ON SURVEY PROVIDED BY DEREK DANFORD, DATED FEB. 27, 2018 2.ALL INFORMATION FOR ADJACENT PROPERTIES PROVIDED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY GIS DATA. 3.PROVIDED LOCATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL. EXISTING WATER AND SEWER LINES ARE OWNED BY CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY. 4.ALL PROTECTED TREES WILL BE PRESERVED OR MITIGATED. 5.SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT. 6.ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE UNDERGROUND. 7.ALL SIGNS WILL BE LOCATED AND APPROVED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 8.TACTILE WARNING MATS WILL BE INSTALLED ON ALL WHEELCHAIR RAMPS. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL-WEATHER ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10.NO EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED ON SITE UNTIL ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND SILT FENCING IS INSTALLED AND APPROVED. PROTECTIVE FENCING IS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT, AND CONTRACTORS SHALL RECEIVE ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION ON TREE PROTECTION METHODS. 11.WATER AND SEWER SERVICE SHALL MEET CFPUA DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 12.PROPOSED WATER SERVICE WILL REQUIRE A STATE WATER PERMIT. 13.NO LAND DISTURBANCE INCLUDING TREE REMOVAL IS TO OCCUR OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHOWN ON THE PLANS 14.PROTECTIVE FENCING IS TO BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 15.LAND CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS SHALL RECEIVE ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION ON TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS. 16.ANY TREES AND/OR AREAS DESIGNATED TO BE PROTECTED MUST BE PROPERLY BARRICADED WITH FENCING AND PROTECTED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT NO CLEARING AND GRADING OR STAGING OF MATERIALS WILL OCCUR IN THOSE AREAS. 17.ANY GROUND LEVEL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED AS NECESSARY. 18.THIS PLAN IS PRELIMINARY AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. GENERAL NOTES PROPOSED SEWER LINE, TYP. PROPOSED WATER LINE, TYP. FIRE HYDRANT, TYP MANHOLE EXISTING LIGHTS TO BE REMOVED, TYP. EXISTING GAS EXISTING WATER BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING SHED TO BE REMOVED GAS WATER OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT REQUIRED PROVIDED TOTAL OPEN SPACE35%39% 35% (5.784)2 ACRES2.20 ACRES IMPROVED OPEN SPACE15%15% 15% (5.784).87 ACRES.87 ACRES IMPROVED OPEN SPACE AREA MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION COMMUNITY MAIL KIOSK WITH ADJACENT PARKING SPACES IMPROVED ACTIVE OPEN SPACE AREA, .15 AC 2 0 ' A C C E S S E A S E M E N T IMPROVED ACTIVE OPEN SPACE, .72 AC GARDEN WALK TREE SAVE SEATING AREAS Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - J u n e 7 , 2 0 1 8 IT E M : 3 - 9 - 1 Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 6/7/2018 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Ben Andrea, Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor CONTACT(S): Ben Andrea; Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor; Ken Vafier, Planning Manager; and Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request (S18-03) – Request by Milestone Communications, on behalf of the property owner, New Hanover County, for a Special Use Permit for a telecommunications tower on an approximately 200-acre parcel located off of Halyburton Memorial Parkway. BRIEF SUMMARY: Milestone Communications is requesting a Special Use Permit to develop a 140’ tall, monopole style telecommunications tower in Veterans Park, a public park owned and operated by New Hanover County. The park is adjacent to Murray Middle School and Ashley High School, and surrounded by single family residential. The tower would be located in an existing vegetated area between a parking area and ball fields, 421.6’ away from the nearest residential property. The tower would be within a 75’ by 35’ lease area along with ground-level equipment to support the antennas on the tower. The tower is designed to accommodate up to 5 carriers. Surrounding the tower and equipment would be a chain link fence with privacy slats and a 25’ wide landscape buffer to provide visual screening. Departments of New Hanover County Government including Information Technology, Parks and Gardens, and Planning have been in coordination with Milestone since the initial proposal. The staff summary includes a detailed analysis of the ordinance requirements that support that the four conclusions required for approval of the Special Use Permit can be met based on the information received in the application package. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT:  Intelligent Growth and Economic Development Planning Board – June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff has conducted an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package and has created preliminary findings of fact to support each of the conclusions required to be reached to approve the special use permit request. These preliminary findings of fact and conclusions are based solely on the information provided to date, prior to any information or testimony in support or opposition to the request that may be presented at the upcoming public hearing at the Board meeting. Staff concludes that based on the information presented with the application and supplemental correspondence, the four required conclusions could be met to approve the Special Use Permit request. Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this application for a special use permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary. Example Motion for Denial: Motion to deny, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity of the plans of development for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons to why it is not being met] SCRIPT for SPECIAL USE PERMIT Application (S18-03) Request by Milestone Communications, on behalf of the property owner, New Hanover County, for a Special Use Permit for a telecommunications tower on an approximately 200-acre parcel located off of Halyburton Memorial Parkway. 1. Swear witnesses: Announce that “the Special Use Permit process requires a quasi-judicial hearing; therefore, any person wishing to testify must be sworn in. All persons who signed in to speak or who want to present testimony please step forward to be sworn in. Thank you.” 2. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 3. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s cross examination/rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 4. Close the Public Hearing 5. Board discussion 6. A Special Use Permit which is denied may only be resubmitted if there has been a substantial change in the facts, evidence, or conditions of the application as determined by the Planning Director. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. What do you wish to do? 7. Ask Applicant whether he/she agrees with staff findings and any proposed conditions. 8. Vote on the Special Use Permit application. Motion to recommend approval of the permit - All findings are positive. Motion to recommend approval of the permit, subject to conditions specified below: (State Conditions) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Motion to recommend denial of the permit because the Board cannot find: a. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed for the following reason: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ b. That the use meets all required condition and specifications: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 c. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ d. That the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is located and is in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Example Motion for Approval: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this application for a Special Use Permit meets the four required conclusions based on the findings of fact included in the Staff Summary. Example Motion for Denial: Motion to recommend denial, as the Board cannot find that this proposal: 1. Will not materially endanger the public health or safety; 2. Meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; 3. Will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; 4. Will be in harmony with the surrounding area, and is in general conformity of the plans of development for New Hanover County. [State the finding(s) that the application does not meet and include reasons to why it is not being met] Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 2 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 1 of 7 STAFF SUMMARY OF S18-03 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: S18-03 Request: Special Use Permit in order to develop a telecommunications tower Applicant: Property Owner(s): Johnathan Yates for Milestone Communications New Hanover County Location: Acreage: Veterans Park, Halyburton Memorial Parkway 199.82 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R08100-006-026-000 General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Public Schools and Parks/Recreation Facility Telecommunications Tower Current Zoning: R-15 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential R-15/R-10 East Single-Family Residential R-15 South Single-Family Residential R-15 West Single-Family Residential R-15 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 1 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 2 of 7 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 4) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and Sewer is available through CFPUA but not necessary for this use Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Myrtle Grove Station Schools Anderson Elementary, Codington Elementary, Murray Middle, and Ashley High Schools Recreation Veterans Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 2 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 3 of 7 Proposed Site Plan  The application proposes a 140’ tall monopole style telecommunications tower: Proposed Site Plan TRANSPORTATION  Access will be provided via a new access easement to the tower site from Halyburton Memorial Parkway over the existing entrance drive and parking lot. Trip Generation LAND USE INTENSITY AM PEAK PM PEAK Wireless Communication Facility N/A ≤ 1 ≤ 1  Traffic Impact Analyses are required to be completed for proposals that will generate more than 100 peak hour trips in either the AM or PM peak hours.  This project will have virtually no impact on traffic on the nearby road network. ENVIRONMENTAL  The site does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas, wetlands, or Natural Heritage Areas.  The subject property drains to the Cape Fear River.  Soils at the site are Kureb Sand according to the Soil Survey for New Hanover County. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 3 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 4 of 7 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the Comprehensive Plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Analysis The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically address the location of telecommunications towers and other infrastructure, and the place type description for General Residential does not provide substantive guidance for evaluating the applicant’s petition. However, the Comprehensive Plan’s implementation guidelines do aim to support business success, workforce development, and economic prosperity, and telecommunications infrastructure can help to advance those goals when placed to best serve the needs of surrounding residents and the adjacent schools. Consistency Recommendation The proposed telecommunications tower is generally CONSISTENT with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it will provide for the communications infrastructure necessary to support the educational and economic activities of nearby residents, businesses, and students Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 4 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 5 of 7 STAFF PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS OF FACT: Staff has conducted an analysis of the proposed use and the information provided as part of the application package and has created preliminary findings of fact for each of the conclusions required to be reached to approve the special use permit request. These preliminary findings of fact and conclusions are based solely on the information provided to date, prior to any information or testimony in support or opposition to the request that may be presented at the upcoming public hearing at the Board meeting. Conclusion 1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. Water and sewer infrastructure and capacity are available to serve the site, but not necessary for the proposed use. B. The subject property is located in the New Hanover County South Service District. C. Access to the tower site will be provided by a new access easement to the tower site from Halyburton Memorial Parkway over the existing entrance drive and parking lot. D. The subject site does not host any known cultural, archaeological, or environmental resources. E. The proposed use will have virtually no traffic impact on the surrounding transportation network. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety where proposed. Conclusion 2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Telecommunication Communication Facilities, Cellular, and Related Towers are allowed by Special Use Permit in the R-15, Residential zoning district provided that the project meets the standards of Section 63.5-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Section 63.5-1(A) requires that the setback from any existing residential property line or residential zoning district boundary for any tower, antenna, or related structure in any zoning district be a distance equal to the height of the tower as measured from the base of the tower. The location of the proposed 140’ tall tower is approximately 422’ from the nearest property line, meeting the setback requirement of Section 63.5-1(A). C. Section 63.5-1(B)1 requires that the minimum distance between the tower and any other adjoining parcel of land or road must be equal to the minimum setback of 50’ described in Section 63.5-1(A), plus any additional distance necessary to ensure that the tower, as designed, will fall within the tower site. The proposed location complies with this provision, and no evidence has been submitted suggesting that additional distance is necessary. D. Section 63.5-1(B)2 requires the applicant to submit photographs and statements as to the potential visual and aesthetic impacts on all adjacent residential zoning districts. Information provided in Tab 8 of the application binder meets this requirement. E. Section 63.5-1(C) requires a landscaped buffer with a base width not less than 25 feet and providing 100% opacity, in addition to a minimum 8 ft. tall fence surrounding the tower base. The proposed plans meet this requirement. F. Section 63.5-1(D) requires that all applicants seeking approval for the construction of any new towers, antennas, and related structures shall submit written evidence in the form of a report to demonstrate that collocation on any existing tower, antenna or usable structure in the search area for the new tower is not reasonable or possible. Technical data in the report Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 5 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 6 of 7 shall include certification by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina or other qualified professional, whose qualifications shall be included, regarding service gaps or service expansions that are addressed by the proposed telecommunication tower and accompanying maps and calculations demonstrating the need for the proposed tower. A map showing the search ring and an inventory of all structures investigated for co-location shall be included as well as a radio frequency analysis indicating the coverage of existing wireless communications sites, coverage prediction, and design radius, together with a certification from the applicant’s radio frequency (RF) engineer that the proposed network design is intended to improve coverage or capacity potential or reduce interference and the proposed facility cannot be achieved by any higher ranked alternative such as a concealed (stealth) facility, attached facility, replacement facility, co-location, or new antenna support structure. An analysis and report provided in Tab 9 of the application package meets these requirements. G. Section 63.5-1(E) requires that towers over 150’ tall be engineered to accommodate a minimum of two additional providers. The proposed tower is 140’ tall and not required to meet this provision; however, the tower has been designed to co-locate four additional providers’ equipment in addition to the Verizon antennas as depicted on Sheet Z2 in Tab 1 of the application package. H. Section 63.5-1(F) requires that all applicants seeking approval shall also submit a written affidavit from a qualified person or persons, including evidence of their qualifications, certifying that the construction or placement of such structures meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rules Sections 1.1311, 1.1312, 1.1307 and all other applicable federal, state and local laws. The statement must certify that radio frequency emissions from the antenna array(s) comply with the FCC standards. The statement shall also certify that both individually and cumulatively the proposed facilities located on or adjacent to the proposed facility will comply with current FCC standards. Documentation from EBI Consulting in Tab 11 of the application package meets these requirements. I. Section 63.5-1(I) regulates the signage allowed on the tower and related equipment. The signage proposed is compliant with this ordinance provision. J. Section 63.5-1(J) prohibits the storage of equipment, hazardous waste, or materials not needed for the operation, prohibits outdoor storage yards in a tower equipment compound, and prohibits habitable space within the compound area. The applicant’s proposal complies with this ordinance section. K. Section 63.5-1(L) requires that, when the proposed tower site is within 10,000 feet of an airport or within any runway approach zone, the applicant submit Form 7460 to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to assure compliance with all FAA standards. An FAA Aeronautical Evaluation was included with the application (Tab 10) and indicates that the site and proposal is in compliance with FAA regulations. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use meets all of the required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. Conclusion 3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The location of the proposed telecommunications tower is located in an area with other nonresidential uses including active parks facilities, a water tower, and public schools. B. The nearest residential properties are 421.6’ south of the proposed tower location. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 6 S18-03 Staff Summary PB 6.7.2018 Page 7 of 7 C. Predominant land uses in the immediate vicinity of the subject site are light industrial uses as well as Olsen Park, a public recreation area. D. A 25’ wide buffer surrounding the tower base will provide visual screening. E. No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. Conclusion 4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The subject site is in a county-owned public park facility that is primarily used for active recreation, with facilities including baseball and softball fields, soccer fields, and associated lighting, parking, and amenities. B. The nearest residential properties are 421.6’ south of the proposed tower location. C. The site is classified as General Residential by the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan; these areas focus on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Infrastructure including telecommunications infrastructure are appropriate within this placetype when located appropriately. D. The proposed telecommunications tower is generally CONSISTENT with the General Residential place type from the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Staff Suggestion: Evidence in the record at this time supports a finding that the use is in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 7 R-15 R-10 B-2 I-2 O&I PRIVATE CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D HILLSIDE DR PILOTS RIDGE RD CH A M P L A I N D R GOLDEN RD TAHOE R D O N T A R I O R D LE N O I R D R HAIL S H A M D R HEATHCLIFF RD WALSTON DR BER R I D G E D R SUPERIO R R D LACEWOOD CT MARIA CT SA G O P A L M D R BURROUGHS DR CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D PRIVATE PRIV A T E P R I V A T E PRIVATE PRIVA T E ® S18-03 Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site Case: S18-03 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed UseSite Address: 700 block Halyburton Memorial Pky R-15/ School Telecom Tower 2,000 Feet R S18-03 Physical Address 555 HALYBURTON MEMORIAL PKY 605 BURROUGHS DR 607 BURROUGHS DR 609 BURROUGHS DR 611 BURROUGHS DR 613 BURROUGHS DR 615 BURROUGHS DR 617 BURROUGHS DR 619 BURROUGHS DR 621 BURROUGHS DR 623 BURROUGHS DR 701 BURROUGHS DR 703 BURROUGHS DR 705 BURROUGHS DRPlanning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 3 - 1 B-2 CUD B-1 CUD B-2 I-2 R-10 B-1 R-15 O&I ® S18-03 Zoning Districts SHOD A-I AR B-1 B-2 EDZD I-1 I-2 O&I PD R-10 R-15 R-20 R-20S R-7 RA RFMU SC Incorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 55.1 of the Zoning OrdinanceCOD Case: S18-03 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed UseSite Address: 700 block Halyburton Memorial Pky R-15/ School Telecom Tower Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main 2,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 4 - 1 HURONDR SEAVIEWRDW CATHAYRD XING CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D AMSDENCT ALG O A B A Y L N SUNRISE LN WINDGATEDR OLIVE R C T VANCOUVER CT GROVEPOINTRD WACCAMAWCT HONS TRL BURROUGHSDR ZEPHYR DR KIRKWOODDR SO P H I A C T L O W R Y C T HILLSIDEDR WELBORN R D VENTURADR PRIVATE RICE MARSH WAY WEDDERBURN DR ST O N E C T GLENARTHURDR DANTONST TEVI O T R D BANCROFTDR MYRT L E G R O V E R D FONTANA RD O K E ECHOBEE R D LENOIRDR STODDARD R D MO R R O W R D KINSELLACT PONTCHAR T R AINRD BURTON LN MYRTLELANDINGPL S T E A R M A N CT BURBANKRD GAMMONCT LACEWOOD CT TR I N I T Y B A Y C T RIVERBREEZE DR IVERST O NECT LAMBS CT HAIL S H A M D R ONTARIORD HEPWORTHWAY L I PSCOMBDR ERI E CT HAL Y B U R T O NMEMORIAL PKY RIV E R R D WIND S RIDGE D R CLA R K H I L L R D BELLAPORT L N WATAUG A R D FAULKE N B E R RYRD PASSAGEGATEWAY BERRIDGEDR WALSTONDR CHAMPLAI NDR SAINTCLAIRDR NAPLESDR WELMONTDR BAYLORDR BR A N F O R D R D MARIACT STA P L E T O N R D BONFIREDR ROCKLEDGE R D STANDSBE R R Y LN SAGOPALMDR EGRETPOINTRD C HISSOMRD TAHOE RD LAVEENWAY CASTINEWAY SAGO BAY DR EDGEWATERMHPRD ADELE CT JOEYCT DORRINGTON DR COUNTRYPLACERD SUPERIOR RD BRADBURYCT SEAVIEW RD E HEATHCLIFF RD COLQUITTDR GOLDENRD PILOTS RIDGE RD CONSERVATION GENERAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE ® S18-03 Place Types Commerce Zone Employment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation Case: S18-03 Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed UseSite Address: 700 block Halyburton Memorial Pky R-15/ School Telecom Tower 2,000 Feet R Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 8 HTLLMAN Ynres & TISDALE ATTT]RNEYS AND COUNSELBRs¡ AT LAW JONATHAN L. YATES DTRECT VOICE A43 414-9754 J LY@H ELLMANYATES. coM HELLMAN YATES & TISDALE, PA I05 BROAD STREET, THIRÞ FLOOR CHARLESToN, SoUTH CARoLINA 294C)I v 443 266-9099 F 443 266-9 I aa May 4, zorS VIA FBDERAL EXPRE,SS Ben Andrea,CZA, AICP Current Planning &, Zoning Supervisor Planning & Inspections- Planning &. Zoning New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 7e8-7s7r Re: Proposed 140-foot monopole-style wireless communications facility to be located off of Halyburton Memorial Parkway, Wilmington, NC 28412 by Milestone Communications. Dear Ben, We are pleased to present this application on behalf of Milestone Communications for a proposed 14O-foot monopole-style wireless communications facility to be located off of Halyburton Memorial Parkway, Wilmington, NC 28412. The underlying property is owned by New Hanover County and is designated as New Hanover County tax map # R08100-006-026- 000. The property is zoned R-15, The facility is desperately needed in order to provide adequate voice and advanced data coverage and capacity to the surrounding area. We have taken the liberty of recasting the relevant sections of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance below with our response to the relevant section in bold. As you will see from the following, all of the New Hanover County requirements have been met. Section 63.5-1: Telecommunication Communication Facilities, Cellular and Related Towers These f¿cilities may be located by right in the I-1 and I-2 Districts and by special use permit in all other zoning districts. In addition, these facilities shall be subject to the following: (A) Except for amateur radio antenna up to 90 feet, any tower, antenna or related structure in any zoning district shall set back from any existing residential property line or residential Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 9 May 4, zorS Page z zoning district boundary a distance equal to the height of the tower as measured from the base of the tower. In no case shall the setback for any tower, antenna or related structure be less than 50 feet. As shown on Sheet Vl of the Site Plans and Drawings, attached hereto as Exhibit "l" and incorporated herein by reference, the proposed wireless telecommunications facility is more than 421feet from any residential zoning district, and at least 50 feet from all property lies, thereby complying with this requirements. Furthermore, the fall zone for the proposed monopole-style communications tower has been certified at less than 140 feet, as shown in the ANSU Fall Zone Certification by North Carolina Professional Engineer Keith J. Tindall' attached hereto as Exhibit oo7" ^ndincorporated herein by reference. (B) Where Special Use Permits are required, all of the following standards shall be applied, and all requirements must be met. Additional conditions may be determined to be necessary to mitigate negative impacts, and the permit should be approved only if all negative impacts can be mitigated. No reductions in setbacks may be granted for this use under Section 62.1- 4 of this ordinance. The minimum distance between the tower and any other adjoining parcel of land or road must be equal to the minimum setback described above, plus any additional distance necessary to ensure that the tower, as designed, will fall within the tower site The fall zone for the proposed monopole-style wireless communications tower has been certified at less than 140 feet, as shown in Exhibit "7", thus fully contained on the New Hanover County property. The applicant shall provide simulated photographic evidence of the proposed appearance of the tower from four (4) vantage points and a statement as to the potential visual and aesthetic impacts on all adjacent residential zoning districts. The simulation shall include overall height; configuration; physical location; mass and scale; materials and color (including proposals for stealth structures); and illumination. Photo simulations for the proposed monopole-style communications facility are attached hereto as Exhibit "S" and incorporated herein by reference. Concealed (stealth) or camouflaged facilities are encouraged when the method of concealment is appropriate to the proposed location. Auached stealth facilities may include but are not limited to: painted antenna and feed lines to match the color of a building or structure, faux windows, dormers, or other architectural features that blend with an existing or proposed building or structure. Freestanding stealth facilities typically have a secondary, obvious function such as church steeple, windmill, silo, light standard, flagpole, bell/clock tower, water tower, or tree. There is no appropriate method of concealment for this facility on the New Hanover County property. We are deploying the monopole deign, as it has been T 2. 3 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 10 May4, zorS Page 3 found to be the most innocuous and visibly-pleasing to the surrounding area by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 4. The proposed appearance of concealed or non-concealed facilities shall be evaluated for compatibility with the surrounding community prior to submission of the special use application. Applicants shall meet with Planning and Land Use staff for a preliminary review of proposed appearance in order to assure each facility will impose the least obtrusive visual impact. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. (C) A landscaped buffer with a base width not less than21 feet and providing 100% opacity shall be required within the tower site to screen the exterior of protective fencing or walls. The base of the tower and each guy wire anchor must be surrounded by a fence or wall not less than 8 feet in height. As shown on Sheet 22 of Exhibit'01", the proposed facility will be enclosed by an eight-foot chain-linked fence with a green-slat privacy screen. Also, as shown on Sheet 7ß of Exhibit 'ol"rtb,e proposed facility will have a 25' landscape buffer consisting of 34 Nellie R. Stevens Holly's which will be at least 6-feet high at time of planting. (D) All applicants seeking approval for the construction of any new towers, antennas, and related structures shall submit written evidence in the form of a report to demonstrate that collocation on any existing tower, antenna or usable structure in the search area for the new tower is not reasonable or possible. Technical data in the report shall include certification by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina or other qualihed professional, whose qualifications shall be included, regarding service gaps or service expansions that are addressed by the proposed telecommunication tower and accompanying maps and calculations demonstrating the need for the proposed tower. A map showing the search ring and an inventory of all structures investigated for co-location shall be included as well as a radio frequency analysis indicating the coverage of existing wireless communications sites, coverage prediction, and design radius, together with a certification from the applicant's radio frequency (RF) engineer that the proposed network design is intended to improve coverage or capacity potential or reduce interference and the proposed facility cannot be achieved by any higher ranked altemative such as a concealed (stealth) facility, attached facility, replacement facility, co-location, or new antenna support structure. Please see the letter by Zlatko Bibic of Verizon \ilireless and Coverage Analysis, which are attached hereto as Exhibit oo9" and incorporated herein by reference. (E) All towers shall be constructed to accommodate collocation. Towers over 150 feet in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimum two additional providers. Towers 150 feet or less in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimum one additional provider. As shown of Sheet 22 of F,x}nibit "l", the proposed facility has been designed for Verizon Wireless and at least four (4) other wireless carrierso thereby complying with this requirement. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 11 May 4, zorS Page 4 (F) All applicants seeking approval shall also submit a written affidavit from a qualified person or persons, including evidence of their qualifications, certiffing that the construction or placement of such structures meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rules Sections 1.1311, l.l3l2,1.1307 and all other applicable federal, state and local laws. The statement must certifr that radio frequency emissions from the antenna anay(s) comply with the FCC standards. The statement shall also certify that both individually and cumulatively the proposed facilities located on or adjacent to the proposed facility will comply with current FCC standards. In accordance with NCGS I53A-349.52(a),the County cannot base its permitting decision on public safety implications of radio frequency emissions of wireless facilities. Please see the NEPA and FCC Standards Compliance Letter by Jason Los' of EBI Consulting, attached hereto as Exhibit o'11" and incorporated herein by reference. (G) Any tower and associated equipment which was lawfully constructed under the terms of the Ordinance, which is now considered a nonconforming improvement, may continue or be reconstructed as a conforming improvement even through the tower and associated equipment may not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance for the district in which it is located. Towers and associated equipment may only be enlarged and/or relocated if the enlarged or relocated tower eliminates the need for an additional tower, provides additional collocation opportunities on the tower, or provides additional antenna space on the tower; and provided further that the enlargement and/or relocation shall be in conformance with the following regulations and design limitations : 1. Tower height may not be increased by more than l5o/o of the originally constructed tower height. Increases in height greater than 15o/o will require a variance from the Board of Adjustment. 2. A tower shall be allowed to be reconstructed and relocated within the boundaries of the property on which it is located so long as the decrease in the setback does not exceed 15% of the originally constructed tower height and the relocated tower is sited to minimize any increase in the existing nonconformity. Any request to reconstruct and relocate the tower where the resulting decrease in setback exceeds 15% of the originally constructed tower height shall require a variance from the Board of Adjustment. (814197) This provision is not applicable, as this is an application for a new tower. (H) Cellular and PCS antennas attached to existing structures shall not add more than six feet to the overall height ofa structure. (10/02) This provision is not applicable, as this is an application for a new tower. (I) Signage: 1. Attaching commercial messages for off-site or on-site advertising shall be prohibited. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 12 9 May 4, zorS Page 5 2 The only signage that is permitted upon a tower, antenna support structure, equipment cabinet, or fence shall be informational, and for the pulpose of identiffing (1) the antenna support structure (such as ASR registration number); (2) the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility; (3) its current address and telephone number; (4) security or safety signs; (5) properfy manager signs for the tower (if applicable); and (6) signage appropriate to warn the general public as to the use of the facility for radi ofrequency transmissions. Milestone Communications and all other users of the proposed communications facility will only place the federally-required site identification and emergency signage on the proposed facility, as shown on Sheet 24 of Exhibit "1,'. (J) Equipment Compound l. Shall not be used for the storage of any equipment or hazardous waste (e.g., discarded batteries) or materials not needed for the operation. No outdoor storage yards shall be allowed in a tower equipment compound. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. 2. Shall not be used as habitable space The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. (K) Outside Experts and Disputes 1. Siting of telecommunications facilities may involve complex technical issues that require review and input by outside experts. Staff may require the applicant to pay the reasonable costs of a third-party technical study of a proposed facility. Selection of expert(s) to review the proposal shall be at the sole discretion of the decision-making body. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. 2.If anapplicant for a telecommunications facility claims that one (l) or more standards of this Ordinance are inconsistent with federal law as applied to a particular property, or would prohibit the effective provision of wireless communications within the relevant market area, the decision-making body may require that the application be reviewed by a qualified engineer for a determination of the accuracy of such claims. Any costs shall be charged to the applicant. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. (L) The applicant shall submit Form 7460 to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to assure compliance with all FAA standards and to resolve issues of concem, including required lighting, possible transmission interference or other conflicts when the proposed tower site is located within ten thousand (10,000) feet of an airport or within any runway approach zone. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 13 May 4, zorS Page 6 Please see the FAA Filing & Letter of Ken Patterson of Ken Patterson Airspace Consultingo Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit'010" and incorporated herein by reference. In addition, we have also enclosed the following documents: 1. Copy of Current Tax Map, attached hereto as Exhibit "2" artd incorporated herein by reference; 2. Site Survey, attached hereto as Exhibit "3" and incorporated herein by reference; 3. Adjacent Property Owners and Uses, attached hereto as Exhibit "4" aîd incorporated herein by reference; 4. Traffic Impact Worksheet, attached hereto as Exhibit'05" and incorporated herein by reference; 5. Authority for Appointment of Agent, attached hereto as Exhibit o'6" and incorporated herein by reference; and Once you have a chance to review the enclosed documents, please let us know if there are any outstanding materials or fees needed for this submittal. I can be reached at 843-414-9756. We would respectfully request that this application be placed on the Planning Board's Agenda for their June 7, 2018 meeting. Thank you so much for taking a look and for all your help with this. With warmest regards,I am Yours very truly, J L/' Jonathan L. JLY:jlc Enclosures Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 14 Index to Exhibits 1.) Site Plans & Drawings; 2.) Copy of Current Tax Map; 3.) Site Survey; 4.) Adjacent Property Owners and Uses; 5.) Traffic Impact Worksheet; 6.) Authority for Appointment of Agent; 7.) ANSI/ Fall Zone letter; 8.) Photo Simulations; 9.) Carrier Coverage Analysis and Search Ring; 10.) FAA Filing & Letter of Ken Patterson Airspace Consulting, Inc.; and 11.) Compliance Letter by Jason Los of EBI Consulting. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 15 Exhibit 1 Subject Property Photos Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 16 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 17 SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615 Ph. (864) 288-0553 Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 18 SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615 Ph. (864) 288-0553 Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E SITE SURVEY V2Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 19 SITE SURVEY V3 SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615 Ph. (864) 288-0553 Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 20 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 21 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 22 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 23 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 24 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 25 Exhibit 2 Site Plans and Drawings Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 26 Exhibit 3 Coordination Letters Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 28 SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 29 Exhibit 4 Conceptual Drawings Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 30 SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553 Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 31 SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E SITE SURVEY V2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 32 SITE SURVEY V3 SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus Drive Greenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 33 Exhibit 5 Memorandum of Community Meeting Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 34 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 35 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 1 Exhibit 6 Site Aerial Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 3 Exhibit 7 Visual Impact & Photo Simulations Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 4 April 26, 2018 Chris Harold Milestone Communications 12110 Sunset Hill Road, Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 RE: Proposed 140’ (extendible to 150’) Monopole for Halyburton Park, NC (Sabre #18-7045-JDS) Dear Chris, As shown in our Structural Design Report #18-7045-JDS dated April 24, 2018, the above referenced monopole has been designed for a Basic Wind Speed of 115 mph (148 mph ultimate) with no ice and 30 mph with 1/4” radial ice, Structure Class II, Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 1 in accordance with the Telecommunications Industry Association Standard ANSI/TIA-222-G, “Structural Standard for Antenna Supporting Structures and Antennas”. When designed according to this standard, the wind pressures and steel strength capacities include several safety factors, resulting in an overall minimum safety factor of 25%. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the monopole will fail structurally in a wind event where the design wind speed is exceeded within the range of the built-in safety factors. Should the wind speed increase beyond the capacity of the built-in safety factors, to the point of failure of one or more structural elements, the most likely location of the failure would be within one of the upper sections of the monopole shaft. Assuming that the wind pressure profile is similar to that used to design the monopole, the monopole will buckle at the location of the highest combined stress ratio within one of the upper sections. This is likely to result in the portion of the monopole above leaning over and remaining in a permanently deformed condition. Please note that this letter only applies to the above referenced monopole designed and manufactured by Sabre Towers & Poles. The fall radius for the monopole design described above is less than 140 feet. Sincerely, Keith J. Tindall, P.E. Vice President of Engineering Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 5 Exhibit 8 Search Ring Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 6 Exhibit 9 South Carolina Historical & Architectural Survey Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 13 Benjamin Andrea Current Planning and Zoning Supervisor 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington NC 28403 Verizon has 2 existing sites that surround the proposed new site “Eugene Ashley”. Those sites are: Penders Point , located at 6124 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 Pilots Ridge, located at 6736 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 We are experiencing capacity issues at both of these 2 sites, and the Eugene Ashley site is needed to offload traffic from both of them. On the top of that it will provide an excellent coverage for the Eugene Ashley High School. Verizon RF Engineer Zlatko Bibic Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 14 WIRELESS NETWORK CONSULTING RF DESIGN ANALYSIS Halyburton Park Capacity Cell Split 2018Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 1 Certification This analysis and report was created by Steven Kennedy an RF Engineer with over 30 years of experience in Wireless Network Engineering. I certify that the attached RF analysis and report is correct to the best of my knowledge, and all calculations, assumptions and conclusions are based on generally acceptable engineering practices: _______________________________ Report Stamped By Madhan Kumar Kantha Samy 05/22/2018 05/22/18 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 2 2018 Penders Point and Pilots Ridge Sites Current State Sectors covering Hwy 421 and into Halyburton Park are overloaded HALYBURTON PARK PILOTS RIDGE PENDERS POINT Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 3 2018 Capacity Objective of new site Offload Northern sectors of Pilots Ridge and Southern Sectors of Penders Point –Sectors facing highways are overloaded from connection demands and have low throughput per user –Capacity is the primary requirement for the site –In building coverage and capacity will be increased in neighborhoods and shopping areas –Once new site comes on air, throughput and connections served will be increased Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 4 2018 Tower Location Search Ring Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 5 2018 Existing Structures evaluated Search Ring centered around existing Water tank Water tank structural would not allow for any more antennas on tank Ball Field light poles were not tall enough to allow for colocation of multiple carriers Due to access issues and security on schools, landowner recommended another location on property Carolina Beach Airport airspace protection would not allow for structure to be built at height needed in the North side of the search ring Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 6 2018 FAA & FCC database search results FCC -No structures in database search for search ring FAA –only towers were significantly outside search ring Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 7 2018 Capacity/Coverage analysis Green –in building coverage Yellow –in vehicle coverage Red –open field coverage While area currently has in building coverage the amount of users and data being requested by those users creates the need for a capacity site in the area. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 8 2018 RSRP Current Coverage Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 9 2018 RSRP Coverage with new site Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 10 2018 Concealed Pole / Stealth Pole With the site designed to handle 4 carriers a stealth pole would be a detriment to the capacity and coverage compared to the tower being requested Carriers are placing more equipment on the tower which allows for more capacity and better coverage for subscribers Forcing the site to a canister or stealth pole would not allow the subscribers in the area the advantages of tower mounted radio’s and all the services they provide It is recommended to keep the tower design as it is to allow for tower mounted radio’s Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 1 2018 Conclusion Search ring was created due to capacity need on Verizon network Existing structures in area would not meet need due to external factors (height/access/security/structural) Milestone towers worked with various entities and agencies to obtain best location for new structure RF requirement is not coverage but capacity for existing users although new site will increase in building coverage in schools Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 2 Exhibit 10 Wetlands & Waters Letter Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 3 « OE/AAA Add a new Case Off Airport - Desk Reference Guide V_2017.4.0 Add a New Case Off Airport for Wind Turbines - Met Towers - Desk Reference Guide V_2017.4.0 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration - Off Airport Project Name:MILES-000465416-18 Sponsor:Milestone Communications Details for Case : Halyburton Park Show Project Summary Case Status ASN:2018-ASO-8415-OE Status:Accepted Public Comments:None Date Accepted:04/25/2018 Date Determined: Letters:None Documents:04/25/2018 HALYBURTON PARK -... Project Documents: None Construction / Alteration Information Structure Summary Notice Of:Construction Duration:Permanent if Temporary :Months: Days: Work Schedule - Start: Work Schedule - End: *For temporary cranes-Does the permanent structure require separate notice to the FAA? To find out, use the Notice Criteria Tool. If separate notice is required, please ensure it is filed. If it is not filed, please state the reason in the Description of Proposal. State Filing: Structure Type:Antenna Tower Structure Name:Halyburton Park FDC NOTAM: NOTAM Number: FCC Number: Prior ASN: Structure Details Proposed Frequency Bands Latitude:34° 5' 56.84'' N Longitude:77° 54' 20.55'' W Horizontal Datum:NAD83 Site Elevation (SE):24 (nearest foot) PASSED Structure Height (AGL):146 (nearest foot) Current Height (AGL): * For notice of alteration or existing provide the current AGL height of the existing structure. Include details in the Description of Proposal (nearest foot) Minimum Operating Height (AGL): * For aeronautical study of a crane or construction equipment the maximum height should be listed above as the Structure Height (AGL). Additionally, provide the minimum operating height to avoid delays if impacts are identified that require negotiation to a reduced height. If the Structure Height and minimum operating height are the same enter the same value in both fields. (nearest foot) Requested Marking/Lighting:None Other : Recommended Marking/Lighting: Current Marking/Lighting:N/A Proposed Structure Other : Nearest City:Wilmington Nearest State:North Carolina Description of Location: On the Project Summary page upload any certified survey. 520' North of the jeep trail. Description of Proposal:Proposed tower Select any combination of the applicable frequencies/powers identified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition, Antenna System Co-Location, Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, to be evaluated by the FAA with your filing. If not within one of the frequency bands listed below, manually input your proposed frequency(ies) and power using the Add Specific Frequency link. Add Specific Frequency Low FreqHigh FreqFreq UnitERPERP Unit 67GHz55dBW 67GHz42dBW 1011.7GHz55dBW 1011.7GHz42dBW 17.719.7GHz55dBW 17.719.7GHz42dBW 21.223.6GHz55dBW 21.223.6GHz42dBW 614698MHz1000W 614698MHz2000W 698806MHz1000W 806901MHz500W 806824MHz500W 824849MHz500W 851866MHz500W 869894MHz500W 896901MHz500W 901902MHz7W 929932MHz3500W 930931MHz3500W 931932MHz3500W 932932.5MHz17dBW 935940MHz1000W 940941MHz3500W 16701675MHz500W 17101755MHz500W 18501910MHz1640W 18501990MHz1640W 19301990MHz1640W 19902025MHz500W 21102200MHz500W 23052360MHz2000W 23052310MHz2000W 23452360MHz2000W 24962690MHz500W Previous Back to Search Result Next Page 1of 2Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration -Off Airport 4/25/2018https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/eFiling/locationAction.jsp?action=showLocationForm... Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 4 141 Massengale Road, Brooks, GA 30205 (770) 461-0563 kpac0@bellsouth.net Site ID: Halyburton ParkApril 24, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: On April 24, 2018, I personally conducted an evaluation of a proposed telecommunications site for AC&S Engineering and Surveying, Inc. The study was to determine if the proposed structure would create any adverse effect on navigable airspace. The site is located near Wilmington, North Carolina at 34° 05’ 56.84” North and 77° 54’ 20.55” West (NAD 83). The site elevation is 24’ above mean sea level (AMSL). The proposed structure height is 146’ above ground level (AGL) or 170’ AMSL. Part 77 of the Federal Air Regulations and Part 17 of the FCC Rules and Regulations were used as the primary reference for this evaluation. The closest public use landing surface is Runway 06 at Wilmington International Airport. The distance to the runway is 9.75 nautical miles on a true bearing of 178.66° from the runway end. Pilot’s Ridge private use airport is located approximately 1,800’ north of the proposed site. At the proposed site, the stucture would have no adverse impact on this private use airport. The proposed 146’ AGL (170’ AMSL) structure would not exceed any FAR Part 77 or FCC Part 17 notice requirement and, therefore, notice to the FAA is not required for this structure. If filed, the proposed 146’ AGL structure should be approved by the FAA. Normally, structures that do not require notice to the FAA do not require marking and/or lighting. AM broadcast stations are not a factor for this site. For additional information or questions about this study, contact my office anytime. Sincerely, Ken Patterson KP 15681 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 5 Pilots Ridge Private Use Airport 00615 00304 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 6 Exhibit 11 Community Meeting Memorandum from Planning Commission Chair Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 7  21 B Street Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: (781) 273-2500 www.ebiconsulting.com ENVIROBUSINESS, INC. LOCATIONS | ATLANTA, GA | BALTIMORE, MD | BURLINGTON, MA | CHICAGO, IL DALLAS, TX | DENVER, CO | HOUSTON, TX | LONG BEACH, CA | NEW YORK, NY | PHOENIX, AZ PORTLAND, OR | RICHMOND, VA | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | SEATTLE, WA | YORK, PA May 24, 2018 Mr. David Goldsmith Milestone Communications 12110 Sunset Hills Road; Suite 100 Reston, Virginia 20140 Subject: Preliminary NEPA Findings Letter - Halyburton Park Proposed 140-foot Monopole 555 Halyburton Memorial Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Goldsmith, EBI Consulting (EBI) is pleased to provide you with this Preliminary National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Findings Letter (Letter) for the proposed communications installation at the address noted above (the Subject Property). The purpose of this Letter is to provide the findings of EBI’s preliminary evaluation of the proposed communications installation upon Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules implementing NEPA (47 CFR §1.1307). As of the date of this Letter, Milestone Communications proposes to construct a 140-foot monopole tower at the Subject Property. Based upon the results of EBI’s initial assessment, the proposed installation will not result in a significant environmental effect. The proposed undertaking meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rules Sections 1.1311, 1.1312, 1.1307, and all other applicable federal, state and local laws. Per Milestone Communications, radio frequency (RF) emissions from the antenna arrays will comply with established FCC standards. Additionally, facilities located on or adjacent to the proposed facility will also comply with current FCC standards, both individually and cumulatively. Thank you for the opportunity to prepare this Letter, and assist you with this project. Please call us if you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance. Respectfully Submitted, Jason Los Account Executive – Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Regions Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 8 Jason Los Account Executive Perry Hall, MD 21128 Mobile:443-604-1775 Summary of Experience Jason Los is skilled Account Executive with a proven track record of identifying and acquiring high value clients, growing profitable relationships, and surpassing established sales goals. Mr. Los has over 15 years of progressive client management experience and has held numerous positions as a Senior Account/Program Manager where he developed profitable customer relationships and provided best in class services. Mr. Los is also an Environmental Scientist, specializing in Phase I/Phase II environmental site investigations and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Screenings, having conducted and managed several thousand environmental site assessments/due diligence assignments for a wide range of properties throughout the United States. These assessments were completed for commercial real estate, telecommunications sector, and Federal clients to evaluate existing site conditions, off-site liabilities, environmental control systems, and site remediation costs in order to advise prospective buyers, current operators, and owners of potential and existing environmental concerns and liabilities. Mr. Los also has extensive experience managing large, multi-site compliance portfolios with strict completion timeframes for diverse, high level clients. Mr. Los currently serves as an Account Executive within EBI’s Telecom Division. His responsibilities include the expansion of EBI’s Telecom, Retail, and EH&S consulting groups within the Mid-Atlantic Region. Core competencies include Telecommunications Compliance & Consulting, New Business Development, Strategic Planning, Territory Management & Development, Risk Management, cost and proposal development, budget analysis, field support, data acquisition and management, and client/project management. Relevant Project Experience Environmental Site Assessments: Conducted several thousand ASTM and Client-specific Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Preliminary Environmental Site Screenings, and soil and groundwater sampling surveys. Prepared Phase I and Phase II compliance reports for properties located throughout the United States. These included industrial, manufacturing, commercial, retail, multi-family residential (including HUD) properties, as well as telecommunications sites. Mr. Los has also performed asbestos surveys and conducted bulk lead-based paint sampling. NEPA Screening Reports: Prepared, reviewed, and managed several thousand NEPA Screening Reports for each of the primary wireless telecommunications carriers and their supporting site acquisition/site development consultants throughout the United States. These reports ensured compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and included the analysis of historic properties, wetlands, endangered species habitat, floodplains, and other sensitive areas of environmental concern where there was the potential for impact from the proposed installation of telecommunications equipment. Responsibilities included the coordination and management of staff to meet established deadlines for multiple client portfolios. Successfully negotiated prosperous relationships with State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, the National Park Service, varying Certified Local Government agencies and municipal planning/zoning representatives to address regulatory compliance matters in a timely manner. Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 9 Jason Los Account Executive Perry Hall, MD 21128 Mobile:443-604-1775 NEPA Regulatory Screenings; Program Manager. Worked with Real Estate Managers and lead site acquisition personnel on multi-year buildouts to ensure compliance with established NEPA regulations. This included the management of EA/MOAs associated with wetlands, floodplains, and adverse effect determinations from corresponding SHPOs where potential impacts to historic or archaeological resources within the surrounding Area of Potential Effect were identified. Comprehensive understanding of project milestones, deliverables, and client established project management systems. NEPA Regulatory Compliance Audit; Program Manager. Served as Program Manager for a team providing a broad range of NEPA support services to a national carrier, successfully managing a 500-site NEPA Back-Compliance Audit portfolio. NEPA Regulatory Compliance Audit; Program Manager. Oversaw the successful completion of an 840+ site Desktop NEPA Audit portfolio. Managed all aspects of project life- cycle including the preparation of client deliverables, task delegation to supporting staff, fulfillment of contractual obligations and time and budget management. Served as primary point of contact with the client to determine priorities and preferences, and maintain open lines of communication. Education M.S., University of Maryland University College (Environmental Management) B.S., Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV (Environmental Studies) Professional Affiliations Maryland/DC Wireless Association Pennsylvania Wireless Association Professional Registrations OSHA 40-Hour Health and Safety Training 29 CFR 1910.120 EPA/AHERA Certified Asbestos Inspector ASTM Environmental Site Assessments for Commercial Real Estate OSHA Phase Contrast Microscopy Training- NIOSH 582 Equivalency RF Site Safety Awareness Training NATE Fall Prevention Working Training Course Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 10 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 1 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 12 - 1 SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 12 - 2 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 12 - 3 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 12 - 4 Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 12 - 5 NE W HAN O VE R C O UN T Y P LAN N IN G B O AR D R E Q UE S T F OR B OAR D AC T IO N ME E T IN G D AT E: 6/7/2018 Technic al R eview C o mmittee R eport D E PART ME N T: P lanning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Brad S chuler, C urrent P lanner C O N TAC T (S ): S UB J E C T: Technical Review Committee Report - April-May 2018 B R IE F S UMMARY: S T R AT E G IC P LAN ALIG N ME N T: Intelligent G rowth and Ec o nomic Develo p ment R E C O MME N D E D MO T IO N AN D R E QUE S T E D AC T ION S : No actio n req uired. C O UN T Y MAN AGE R'S C OMME N T S AN D R E C OMME N DAT ION S : (only Manager) Planning Board - June 7, 2018 ITEM: 5 Page 1 of 4 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE PLANNING BOARD APRIL & MAY, 2018 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) met three (4) times during the months of April and May to review six (6) residential site plans located in the unincorporated area of the County. Covey Commons (Performance Plan) Covey Commons is located in the northeastern portion of New Hanover County near the 7100 block of Murrayville Road and is classified as Community Mixed Use on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Site Plan Attributes  Zoning District: R-15 Residential  Water Service: Public (CFPUA)  Sewer Service: Public (CFPUA)  Road System: Private (to be maintained by HOA/POA)  Lots: 15  Acreage: 6.36  TIA: No  Conservation Resources: No  Schools: Murrayville & Eaton Elem (over-capacity) Holly Shelter Middle (under capacity) Laney High (over capacity) TRC approval affirmed by WMPO, Planning & Land Use, County Engineering, & County Fire Services. Congleton Farms (Performance Plan) Congleton Farms is located in the southern portion of New Hanover County near the 6300 block of Myrtle Grove Road and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted Comprehensive Plan. Site Plan Attributes  Zoning District: R-15 Residential  Water Service: Public (CFPUA)  Sewer Service: Public (CFPUA)  Road System: Private but for Public Use (to be maintained by HOA/POA)  Lots: 171 (includes existing cell tower site) Page 2 of 4  Acreage: 68.9  TIA: Yes, approved in February, 2018  Conservation Resources: No  Schools: Codington, Bellamy, & CREEC Elementary (over capacity) Murray Middle (over capacity) Ashley High (over capacity) TRC approval affirmed by WMPO, Planning & Land Use, County Engineering, County Fire Services. Cypress Village (High Density) Cypress Village is located near the south central portion of New Hanover County near the 6700 block of Carolina Beach Road and is classified as Community Mixed Use on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Site Plan Attributes  Zoning District: R-15 Residential  Water Service: Public (CFPUA)  Sewer Service: Public (CFPUA)  Road System: Private (to be maintained by HOA/POA)  Lots: 37  Acreage: 5.7  TIA: No  Conservation Resources: None TRC approval affirmed by WMPO, Planning & Land Use, County Engineering, County Fire Services. Windsor Pines (Performance Plan) Windsor Pines is located in the southern portion of New Hanover County. The project is located within The Cape subdivision and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Site Plan Attributes  Zoning District: R-15 Residential  Water Service: Private (Aqua of NC)  Sewer Service: Private (Aqua of NC)  Road System: Private (to be maintained by HOA/POA)  Lots: 82 Page 3 of 4  Acreage: 32.76  TIA: No  Conservation Resources: None (verified by private consultant)  Schools: Codington & Carolina Beach Elem (over capacity) Murray Middle (over capacity) Ashley High (over capacity) TRC approval affirmed by WMPO, Planning & Land Us e, County Engineering, County Fire Services. Smith Creek Village (High Density) Smith Creek Village is located in the central portion of New Hanover County near the 4600 block of Gordon Road (north side) and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Site Plan Attributes  Zoning District: R-15 Residential  Water Service: Public (CFPUA)  Sewer Service: Public (CFPUA)  Road System: Private (to be maintained by HOA/POA)  Units: 318 (13 3-story buildings with amenities)  Acreage: 41.21  TIA: Yes (scoping approved)  Conservation Resources: Yes (area delineated) TRC approval affirmed by Planning & Land Use, County Fire Services, & County Engineering . The Landing at Lewis Creek Estates (High Density) The Landing at Lewis Creek Estates is located in the central portion of New Hanover County near the 4700 block of Gordon Road (south side) and is classified as General Residential on the County’s adopted 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Site Plan Attributes  Zoning District: (CUD) R-15 Residential  Water Service: Public (CFPUA)  Sewer Service: Public (CFPUA)  Road System: Private (to be maintained by HOA/POA)  Units: 422 (190 single-family, 40 townhomes, 192 apartments) Page 4 of 4  Acreage: 85.19  TIA: Approved October 9, 2017  Conservation Resources: Swamp Forest TRC approval affirmed by Planning & land Use, WMPO, County Fire Services, and County Engineering. WET WET WET WET WET WET WET WET W E T W E T WET WET W E T WET W E T WET WET WET WET W E T W E T WET WET W ET WET WET W E T W E T W E T WET W E T W E T W E T WET WET WET W E T W E T QUAILWOODS SECTION13(REV) MB36,PG335 QUAILWOODS SECTION11(REV) MB35,PG311 COSWALD,LLC DB2601PG496 COSWALD,LLC DB2601PG496 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 720.04' N3 1 ° 4 9 ' 1 9 " E ROADB 45'PRIVATER/W 10'UTILITYEASEMENT 60 ' A L T E R N A T E AC C E S S ES M T 3 3 8 .4 7 ' S 7 1 °3 6 '5 7 "E 10 5 . 5 6 ' S58°10'41"E S 1 1 ° 4 0 ' 3 0 " WS84°2 7 '1 6 "E 3 3 2 .2 2 ' 3 5 2 . 8 8 ' W ACTIVE OPENSPACE 1.23AC 2 0 'P E R I P H E R A L S E T B A C K N58°10'41"W 20'PERIPHERALSETBACK 1468.68' PASSIVE OPENSPACE 0.03AC PASSIVE OPENSPACE 0.25AC W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM SS SS SS SS SS SS SS S S S S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 14 15 PASSIVE OPENSPACE 0.14AC C O V E Y L A N E 5 0 ' P R I V A T E R / W 45 ' 24 ' BC - B C 22' 60 ' 60' SETTER LN Q U A I L W O O D S R D QUAIL WOODS S P A N I E L C T YELLOW BELLRD GANDER DR S PRIN GERRD FL U S HIN G D R COVEY LN RETRIEVER LN MEADOWVIEW AVE QUAIL WOODS RD CLEWIS AV MURRAYVILLE RD POINTER LN S E T T E R C T QUAIL WOODS CROOKED PINE RD DA T E : SC A L E : DE S I G N E D : DR A W N : CH E C K E D : PEIJOB#: CO N C E P T U A L L A Y O U T : PR E L I M I N A R Y L A Y O U T : FI N A L D E S I G N : RE L E A S E D F O R C O N S T : PR O J E C T S T A T U S RE V I S I O N S : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N SEAL CL I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N : TG C JC M JC M 1" = 5 0 ' 3/ 1 3 / 1 8 NO R T H C A R O L I N A NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E P L A N C-2.0 16146.PE CO V E Y C O M M O N S DE W I T T T H R E E , L L C 18 0 0 E A S T W O O D R O A D , U N I T 1 1 4 WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 0 2550 100 200 SCALE:1"=50' GRAPHICSCALE PARCELDATA SITENAME:COVEYCOMMONS SITEADDRESS:COVEYLANE CURRENTZONING:R-15RESIDENTIALDISTRICT NEWHANOVERCOUNTYTAXPARCELID#:R02700-001-004-027 PERFORMANCERESIDENTIALDISTRICTREQUIREMENTS:R-15 1.BUILDINGSONTHEPERIPHERYOFAPERFORMANCERESIDENTIALDEVELOPMENTSHALL SETBACKNOLESSTHANTWENTY(20)FEETFROMTHEADJOININGPROPERTYLINE. 2.INNOCASESHALLANYPARTOFADETACHEDSINGLE-FAMILYDWELLINGUNITBELOCATED CLOSERTHANTEN(10)FEETTOANYPARTOFANYOTHERDETACHEDSINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING. DENSITYCALCULATIONS TOTALTRACTAREA6.36ACRES DENSITYALLOWED2.5UNITSPERACRE=16UNITS TOTALNUMBERPROPOSED:15UNITS SITEDATAANDLOTINFORMATION 1.TAXPARCELID#:R02700-001-004-027 2.DEEDINFORMATION:DB5938PG1929 MB61PG95,TRACT5 3.TOTALACREAGEINTRACT:6.36Ac. 4.TOTALNUMBEROFLOTS:15SINGLEFAMILYLOTS 5.OPENSPACE/RECREATIONALAREA(BASEDON15LOTS): -TOTALAREAREQ'D(.03AC/UNIT):0.45AC -TOTALAREAPROVIDED:1.65AC -ACTIVEOPENSPACEREQ'D:0.20AC -ACTIVEOPENSPACEPROVIDED:1.23AC -PASSIVEOPENSPACEPROVIDED:0.42AC 6.SINGLEFAMILYRESIDENCEWITHAPPROXIMATELY3BEDROOMS 7.ALLRECREATIONANDOPENSPACEAREATOBEDEDICATEDANDMAINTAINEDBYTHE CAMERONTRACEHOMESOWNERSASSOCIATION. IMPERVIOUSINFORMATION ROADS:39,810±SF SIDEWALK:6,300±SF ROADS 1.ALLSTREETSSHALLBEPRIVATEANDCONSTRUCTEDTONCDOTSTANDARDSAND INSPECTEDANDCERTIFIEDBYENGINEERTOVERIFYTHEYWEREBUILTTONCDOT STANDARDS. 2.NOGATES,OBSTRUCTIONS,SPEEDCALMINGDEVICES,ORONSTREETPARKINGIS PERMITTED. 3.ALLSIDEWALKSWILLBECONSTRUCTEDINCOMPLIANCEWITHADAREQUIREMENTS. 4.STREETNAMESTOBEVERIFIEDBYE-911PRIORTORECORDATIONOFSINGLEFAMILY LOTS. 5.AREAWITHINRIGHT-OF-WAY=1.63AC 5.CONNECTIVITYRATIO=3LINKS/2NODES=1.5 6.ALLSIDEWALKSSHALLHAVEADARAMPSWITHTACTILEWARNINGMAPS UTILITIES 1.ALLWATERANDSEWERUTILITIESWILLBECOORDINATEDWITHCFPUA. 2.WATERPROVIDEDBYCAPEFEARPUBLICUTILITYAUTHORITY.CFPUAVERIFIEDCAPACITY ISAVAILABLETOSERVETHISPROJECT. 3.SANITARYSEWERPROVIDEDBYCAPEFEARPUBLICUTILITYAUTHORITY.CFPUAVERIFIED CAPACITYISAVAILABLETOSERVETHISPROJECT. 4.STORMWATERWILLBEHANDLEDONSITEINCOMPLIANCEWITHALLSTATEANDLOCAL STORMWATERSTANDARDS. 5.STREETLIGHTSWILLBEPROVIDEDASPERSECTION52-9OFTHENEWHANOVERCOUNTY SUBDIVISIONORDINANCE. 6.VERTICALOBSTRUCTIONS,FENCES,WALLS,ETC.ARENOTALLOWED INUTILITY/DRAINAGEEASEMENTS. 7.A10'UTILITYEASEMENTWILLBEPROVIDEDALONGALLLOTFRONTAGES. LANDSCAPE 1.ALLLANDSCAPEWILLCOMPLYWITHNEWHANOVERCOUNTYORDINANCESANDA LANDSCAPEPLANWILLBESUPPLIEDASPARTOFTHEPERMITTINGDOCUMENTS. 70' 10 ' 22' 1/2"PERFT1/4"PERFT SLOPES=3:1 MODIFIEDVALLEYCURB SLOPES=3:1 1' 45FTR/W 6"-B25.0BBASE 1/4"PERFT 1.5"-SF9.5ASURFACE 5' SIDEWALK 10.5'5.5'1' 1'1' LANDDISTURBANCENOTE: SITEEXCEEDSONEACREINDISTURBANCE,ALLSTATE PERMITSWILLHAVETOBESECUREDPRIORTOISSUANCEOFA BUILDINGPERMIT. SURVEYNOTE: TOPOGRAPHICANDBOUNDARYSURVEYCOMPLETEDBYC.I. GLOVERCOMPANYANDSEALEDBYCHRISGLOVER,PLS. FEMANOTE: SITEDOESNOTFALLWITHINAFLOODZONEACCORDINGTO FEMAMAPNUMBER3720325000JHAVINGANEFFECTIVEDATE OFAPRIL3,2006. PRIVATEROADSCERTIFICATION I(WE)THEDEVELOPERSOFCOVEYCOMMONSSUBDIVISIONLOCATEDINTHEUNINCORPORATEDAREAOF NEWHANOVERCOUNTYUNDERSTANDTHATTHEROADSINSAIDSUBDIVISIONAREDESIGNATEDPRIVATE. IUNDERSTANDTHATOWNERSHIPANDMAINTENANCEOFTHEROADSWILLBETHERESPONSIBILITYOF THEDEVELOPERUNTILSUCHTIMETHATTHEDEVELOPERDESIGNATESTHERESPONSIBILITYTOTHE PROPERTYOWNERS'ASSOCIATION.RESPONSIBILITIESMUSTBEACCEPTEDBYTHEHOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONASSPECIFIEDINTHEHOMEOWNERCOVENANTSFORSAIDSUBDIVISION.THEPRIVATE ROADSINSAIDSUBDIVISIONARETOBECONSTRUCTEDINACCORDANCEWITHSECTION52-4OFTHENEW HANOVERCOUNTYSUBDIVISIONORDINANCEANDALLAPPLICABLECOUNTYCODESWHICHINCLUDESTHE DESIGN,INSTALLATION,INSPECTION,ANDAPPROVALBYALICENSEDENGINEER(PE)RECOGNIZEDINTHE STATEOFNORTHCAROLINAPRIORTOFINALPLATAPPROVALFORALLORAPORTIONOFTHE SUBDIVISION.IFALLORAPORTIONOFTHEROADINFRASTRUCTURESYSTEMWITHINTHESUBDIVISIONIS BONDEDTHROUGHASURETY,PERFORMANCEBOND,ORCASHESCROW,NOBONDSHALLBERELEASED UNTILALLROADCONSTRUCTIONIMPROVEMENTSARECOMPLETEANDCERTIFIEDBYTHEPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. ITSHALLBEDISCLOSEDTOTHEPROSPECTIVEBUYEROFALOTORLOTSWITHINASUBDIVISIONTHAT ROADMAINTENANCESHALLRUNTHROUGHTHEPROPERTYOWNERSASSOCIATIONINPERPETUITYAFTER ACCEPTANCEFROMTHEDEVELOPERUNTILSUCHTIMETHATTHEROADSARERE-PLATTEDASPUBLICLY DESIGNATEDROADSANDTAKENOVERFORMAINTENANCETHROUGHTHENORTHCAROLINA DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION(NCDOT)ORAPPROPRIATEGOVERNINGAUTHORITY. DATE__________________ VICINITYMAP SCALE:1"=1,000' SITE =PROPERTYLINE =EXISTING404WETLANDS =OPENSPACE =SANITARYSEWER =WATERLINE =FIREHYDRANT =SANITARYSEWERMANHOLE LEGEND WET WET W SS 6"STONEUNDER CURBINGIFREQUIRED NOTTOSCALE PROPOSED8"C900 PVCGRAVITYSEWERMAIN PROPOSEDFIRE HYDRANT(TYP.) PROPOSED8"C900 PVCWATERMAIN TREENOTE: THEREARENOSIGNIFICANTTREESINTHEUPLANDAREAS OFTHISTRACTASSHOWNONTHESURVEYCOMPLETEDBY C.I.GLOVERCOMPANY. PROPOSED2'-0"CURB &GUTTER(TYP.) PROPOSEDMULCH TRAILAROUNDPOND PROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERFORCEMAIN PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENTAREA PROPOSEDMAIL KIOSK 10'X70'SIGHTTRIANGLE STOPSIGNPERMUTCDSTANDARDS This page intentionally left blank. 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 S 86°35'27" W 191.79' N 82°44'04" W 1 9 8 . 5 0 ' ( T O T A L ) 26 1 . 2 1 ' ( T O T A L ) LINEBEARINGDISTANCE L1S 37°29'26" W307.82' L2N 35°02'33" E25.00' L3S 87°03'12" E72.16' L4N 77°56'24" E77.72' L5N 49°36'15" E78.81' L6N 56°03'25" E53.37' L7N 36°17'53" E37.71' L8N 86°42'00" E32.44' L9S 36°17'53" W62.75' L10S 56°03'25" W53.64' L11S 49°36'15" W86.85' L12S 77°56'24" W87.32' L13N 87°03'12" W82.64' L14S 24°26'49" W30.00' L15N 24°27'04" E60.00' L16S 23°19'21" W60.16' CURVERADIUSARC LENGTHCHORD LENGTHCHORD BEARINGDELTA C1260.00'296.27'280.50'S 57°05'26" W65°17'15" C2200.00'181.51'175.35'S 63°44'04" W52°00'00" C3200.00'227.90'215.77'S 57°05'26" W65°17'15" C4260.00'235.97'227.95'S 63°44'04" W52°00'00" 330 . 7 7 ' S 47 ° 3 4 ' 1 8 " W 423.62' (TOTAL)N 89°53'06" W L1 ( T O T A L ) 34 7 . 0 0 ' S 0 0 ° 4 0 ' 1 1 " W 125 . 0 0 ' 12 5 . 0 0 ' 125 . 0 0 ' 12 5 . 0 0 ' N 5 4 ° 5 7 ' 2 7 " W 215 . 7 9 ' 234 . 3 163 . 1 9 ' 2,9 0 3 . 5 4 ' ( T O T A L ) S 6 5 ° 3 0 ' 0 9 " E 630 . 0 7 ' 22. 4 2 ' 193 . 3 4 ' 50. 1 5 ' 235 . 0 8 ' 329 . 6 8 ' 114. 9 3 ' 97.2 4 ' 46. 0 6 ' 43. 9 7 ' 136 . 3 5 ' 44. 2 1 ' 24.49' 10. 4 9 ' 297 . 3 3 ' 327.71' 132.09' N 86°04'44" W 34 0 . 6 5 ' N 5 3 ° 5 5 ' 3 7 " W S 72°57 ' 5 4 " W S 2 8 ° 4 9 ' 2 3 " W 148 . 9 0 ' 122.94' N 5 6 ° 2 8 ' 5 6 " W 79 4 . 2 7 ' N 1 1 ° 3 8 ' 4 6 " E 11 0 2 . 6 1 ' ( T O T A L ) N 1 4 ° 2 4 ' 0 4 " E N 3 5 ° 0 2 ' 3 4 " E S 5 4 ° 5 7 ' 2 7 " E S 3 5 ° 0 2 ' 3 4 " W 27 1 . 9 2 ' 21 5 . 5 3 ' 16 2 . 8 8 ' 51 . 9 8 ' 68 . 5 0 ' 73 . 2 8 ' 10 5 . 9 7 ' 81 . 9 6 ' 30 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' 29 7 . 3 9 ' S 2 1 ° 4 2 ' 0 4 " W 75.56' 399.13' W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 20 ' B U F F E R A R E A 20 ' P E R I M E T E R S E T B A C K 20' P E R I M E T E R S E T B A C K 20' PERIMETER SETBACK AE ZONE 10 FP F P FP FP FP F P FP FP W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS W W W W W W W W W W S S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS S S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 10+0010+00 11+00 12+0012+10.65 1 0 + 0 0 1 0 + 0 0 1 1 + 0 0 1 2 + 0 0 1 2 + 3 8 . 7 1 SS SS S S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 1 Z:19.55 171 10 + 0 0 11 + 0 0 12 + 0 0 13 + 0 0 13+ 5 8 . 6 6                                                                                                                       50' 26' 50' 24' 50' 24' 50' 24' 50'24' 21' 21' 50' 26' R1 1 0 0 ' R230' R 1 5 0 ' R155' R230' R1 5 0 0 ' R310' R230' R20 0 ' R200 ' R 1 5 0 ' R150 ' R1 7 0 ' R3 0 ' R3 0 ' R 3 0 ' R30 ' R 6 0 ' R60 ' R60' R 6 0 ' R 6 0 ' R60' R30' R 3 0 ' R30' R 3 0 ' R200 ' R200' R1 0 ' R1 0 ' R11 3 ' R 1 1 3 ' R 1 1 3 ' R11 3 ' 5' 5' 5' 5' 5' 47' 60' R 2 0 0 ' R 2 0 0 ' R 2 0 ' R 2 0 ' URG DR OM A TT O X D R LT C O N G L E T O N R D BIG CYPRESS D R LT C O N G L E T O N R D MIDD L E O A K S D R BA L S A M D R RO Y A L O A K BO O G E R WO MY R T L E G R O V ER D DA R L E Y LN HICKORY KN S/D MY R T L E G R O V E R D L SASSERS MHP SE N T R Y O A K S D R                                                                                                      DA T E : SC A L E : DE S I G N E D : DR A W N : CH E C K E D : PEI JOB#: CO N C E P T U A L L A Y O U T : PR E L I M I N A R Y L A Y O U T : FI N A L D E S I G N : RE L E A S E D F O R C O N S T : PR O J E C T S T A T U S RE V I S I O N S : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N SEAL CL I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N : RE V I S E D P E R T R C C O M M E N T S R E C E I V E D 4 / 2 / 1 8 RE V I S E D P E R I N C R E A S E I N S I T E A C R E A G E RE V I S E D P E R T R C C O M M E N T S RE V I S E D P E R T R C C O M M E N T S R E C E I V E D 5 / 1 5 / 1 7 TG C JC M JC M 1" = 1 0 0 ' 4/ 6 / 1 8 N O R T H C A R O L I N A N E W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y 1 3 1 8 L T C O N G L E T O N R O A D C O N G L E T O N F A R M S C-2.0 16384.PE 5/ 1 7 / 1 7 6/ 2 8 / 1 7 3/ 1 4 / 1 8 4/ 6 / 1 8 RA L E I G H - W I L M I N G T O N I N V E S T O R S , L L C . 6 1 3 1 F A L L S O F N E U S E R D . R A L E I G H , N C PE R F O R M A N C E R E S I D E N T I A L S U B D I V I S I O N PR E L I M I N A R Y D E S I G N - N O T R E L E A S E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N NORTH VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1' = 1000' SITE 0 50 100 200 400 SCALE: 1"=100' GRAPHIC SCALE SITE INFORMATION OWNERS: RALEIGH-WILMINGTON INVESTORS, LLC 6131 FALLS OF NEUSE ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27609 PAT'S HOLDINGS, LLC 1005 CAROLINA BEACH AVE. NORTH, APT. 3 CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1318 LT CONGLETON RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 PARCEL IDs:R07900-003-039-000, R07900-003-039-002, R07900-003-089-000 CURRENT ZONING: R-15 PROPOSED ZONING:R-15 PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL TOTAL SITE AREA:68.90 AC RECORDED DEED BOOK:DB 9908, PG 2816 CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION:WATERSHED RESOURCE PROTECTION AREA EXISTING LAND USE:GENERAL RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED LAND USE:SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (3 BEDROOM) COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE: GENERAL RESIDENTIAL SITE DATA AVERAGE SINGLE FAMILY LOT SIZE:60' X 130' & 50' X 120' MAX BUILDING HEIGHT:35' TOTAL UNITS:171 LOTS (170 DWELLING UNITS / 1 CELL TOWER) DENSITY:2.48 DU/ AC DIMENSION STANDARDS PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS 59.1.1-2.1 BUILDINGS ON THE PERIPHERY OF A PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SHALL SETBACK NO LESS THAN TWENTY (20) FEET FROM THE ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE. (6/16/86) 59.1.1-2.2 IN NO CASE SHALL ANY PART OF A DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT BE LOCATED CLOSER THAN TEN (10) FEET TO ANY PART OF ANY OTHER DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING; AND IN NO CASE SHALL ANY PART OF A MULTIPLE DWELLING UNIT BE LOCATED CLOSER THAN TWENTY (20) FEET TO ANY PART OF ANOTHER DWELLING UNIT. (6/1/92) OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS REQUIRED (0.03 X 171 LOTS):5.13 AC 2.565 AC ACTIVE OPEN SPACE 2.565 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE PROVIDED:+ 18.17 AC + 3.63 AC ACTIVE OPEN SPACE + 14.54 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE ASSOCIATION MAINTENANCE ALL BUFFERS, DRAINAGE AREAS AND PASSIVE / ACTIVE OPEN SPACE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION LAND DISTURBANCE NOTE: SITE EXCEEDS ONE ACRE IN DISTURBANCE, ALL STATE PERMITS WILL HAVE TO BE SECURED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. SURVEY NOTE: TOPOGRAPHIC AND BOUNDARY SURVEY COMPLETED BY PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC. AND SEALED BY CHRISTOPHER J. GAGNE, PLS, ON APRIL 25, 2017. FEMA NOTE: MOST LOTS EXIST WITHIN FLOOD ZONE 'X', AS SHOWN BY FEMA FLOOD PANEL 3720313300J WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF APRIL 3, 2006. PORTIONS OF LOTS LIE WITHIN FLOOD ZONE 'AE' WITH A BASE ELEVATION OF 10'. ROADS 1.ALL STREETS SHALL BE PRIVATE AND CONSTRUCTED TO NCDOT STANDARDS AND INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED BY ENGINEER TO VERIFY THEY WERE BUILT TO NCDOT STANDARDS. 2.ALL SIDEWALKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. 3.STREET NAMES TO BE VERIFIED BY E-911 PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF SINGLE FAMILY LOTS. 4.CONNECTIVITY RATIO REQUIRED:1.40 PROVIDED:1.60 UTILITIES 1.ALL WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES WILL BE COORDINATED WITH CFPUA. 2.STORMWATER WILL BE HANDLED ON SITE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL STATE AND LOCAL STORMWATER STANDARDS. 3.VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS, FENCES, WALLS, ETC. ARE NOT ALLOWED IN UTILITY/DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. 4.STREET LIGHTS WILL BE PROVIDED AS PER SECTION 52-9 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. TRAFFIC 1.THERE IS TIA APPROVAL FROM WMPO, NCDOT AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY, DATED FEBRUARY 7, 2018 LANDSCAPE 1.ALL LANDSCAPE WILL COMPLY WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY ORDINANCES AND A LANDSCAPE PLAN WILL BE SUPPLIED AS PART OF THE PERMITTING DOCUMENTS AS NECESSARY. 2.EXISTING VEGETATION SHALL BE PRESERVED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE; REMOVAL OF EXISTING VEGETATION SHALL PERTAIN TO NECESSARY AND ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT. 3.EXISTING TREES GREATER THAN 8" DBH SHALL NOT BE REMOVED FROM A TWENTY FOOT BUFFER STRIP ALONG THE PERIMETER. 4.THIS PROJECT IS SURROUNDED BY RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTY AND DOES NOT REQUIRE ADDITIONAL BUFFERING. TREE PRESERVATION 1.ANY SIGNIFICANT TREES REQUIRING REMOVAL WILL BE MITIGATED / PAID FOR IN-LIEU IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 62.1-3 AND 67 WETLAND DELINEATION NOTES 1.THERE IS A SIGNED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD) FOR THIS PROPERTY, DATED SEPTEMBER 1, 2017 MULTI-USE PATH 1.AN EASEMENT OF 20' (MULTI-USE PATH) IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ADOPTED GREENWAY PLAN WILL BE RESERVED ALONG THE PROJECT'S ROAD FRONTAGE OF MYRTLE GROVE ROAD = PROPERTY LINE = WETLANDS = ACTIVE OPEN SPACE = PASSIVE OPEN SPACE = SETBACK = PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT = CURVE RADIUS = WATERLINE = SEWER LINE = FIRE HYDRANT LEGEND R W SS PRIVATE ROADS CERTIFICATION I (WE) THE DEVELOPERS OF CLEARWATER PRESERVE SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY UNDERSTAND THAT THE ROADS IN SAID SUBDIVISION ARE DESIGNATED PRIVATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE DEVELOPER DESIGNATES THE RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. RESPONSIBILITIES MUST BE ACCEPTED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AS SPECIFIED IN THE HOMEOWNER COVENANTS FOR SAID SUBDIVISION. THE PRIVATE ROADS IN SAID SUBDIVISION ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 52-4 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE COUNTY CODES WHICH INCLUDES THE DESIGN, INSTALLATION, INSPECTION, AND APPROVAL BY A LICENSED ENGINEER (PE) RECOGNIZED IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR ALL OR A PORTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. IF ALL OR A PORTION OF THE ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEM WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION IS BONDED THROUGH A SURETY, PERFORMANCE BOND, OR CASH ESCROW, NO BOND SHALL BE RELEASED UNTIL ALL ROAD CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETE AND CERTIFIED BY THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. IT SHALL BE DISCLOSED TO THE PROSPECTIVE BUYER OF A LOT OR LOTS WITHIN A SUBDIVISION THAT ROAD MAINTENANCE SHALL RUN THROUGH THE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION IN PERPETUITY AFTER ACCEPTANCE FROM THE DEVELOPER UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE ROADS ARE RE-PLATTED AS PUBLICLY DESIGNATED ROADS AND TAKEN OVER FOR MAINTENANCE THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) OR APPROPRIATE GOVERNING AUTHORITY. RALEIGH-WILMINGTON INVESTORS_______________________________________ DATE __________________ 26' 1/2" PER FT1/4" PER FT SLOPES= 3:1 MODIFIED VALLEY CURB SLOPES= 3:1 1' 50 FT R/W 6"-B25.0B BASE 1/4" PER FT 6" STONE UNDER CURBING 1.5"-SF9.5A SURFACE 6' SIDEWALK 11'5'1' 1'1' 70' 10 ' NOT TO SCALE WET WET ACTIVE OPEN SPACE/ AMENITY SITE 2.27 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 6.65 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 1.92 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 0.46 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 0.14 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 0.11 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 0.35 AC NEW PAVEMENT TO TIE INTO EXISTING PAVEMENT, TYP. NEW PAVEMENT TO TIE INTO EXISTING PAVEMENT, TYP. PROPOSED STORMWATER POND 3.40 AC PROPOSED STORMWATER POND 1.89 AC 40' REALIGNED ACCESS EASEMENT TO EXISTING CELL TOWER SITE; TO INCLUDE GRAVEL PATH EXISTING WETLANDS, TYP. + 0.37 AC. FLOODPLAIN AE 10, TYP. PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 0.14 AC PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION, TYP. PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN, TYP. 10' X 70' SIGHT TRIANGLE, TYP. 24' 1/2" PER FT1/4" PER FT SLOPES= 3:1 MODIFIED VALLEY CURB SLOPES= 3:1 1' 50 FT R/W 6"-B25.0B BASE 1/4" PER FT 6" STONE UNDER CURBING 1.5"-SF9.5A SURFACE SIDEWALK 12'7'1' 1'1' PROPOSED SEWER MAIN, TYP. 30' SEWER EASEMENT, TYP. 10' GENERAL UTILITY EASEMENT, TYP. SIDEWALK 5' SIDEWALK ACCESS EASEMENT TO DEER CROSSING NEIGHBORHOOD WITH 8' PEDESTRIAN TRAIL NEW PAVEMENT TO EXTEND TO EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT SIDEWALK TO BE REINFORCED WITHIN EASEMENT AREA PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 1.65 AC PROPOSED STORMWATER POND 0.80 AC PROPOSED 5' WIDE SIDEWALK, TYP. LT CONGLETON ROAD TO BE MAINTAINED AS A PRIVATE R.O.W. FOR PUBLIC USE PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 3.00 AC ACTIVE OPEN SPACE 1.36 AC PASSIVE OPEN SPACE 0.12 AC CELL TOWER SITE SIDEWALKS ON BOTH SIDES OF ROAD ENDS AND SINGLE SIDED SIDEWALK TO MYRTLE GROVE ROAD BEGINS This page intentionally left blank. O H P OHP OHP O H P O H P O H P OH P O H P O H P OH P OH P G A S G A S G A S G A S G A S D I # 2 DI #3 DI #4 DI #5 ER W A T E R W A T E R W A T E R W A T E R WA T E R 29 27 26 25 24 33 24 32 32 27 29 29 27 29 27 29 29 27 24 29 31 27 29 24 24 24 2 6 2 5 2 6 2 6 26 25 24 26 24 2 3 28 26 3031 31 25 26 28 30 30 2 8 2 6 2 5 2 4 23 24 25 26 28 28 26 25 24 22 28 2 6 2 5 2 4 23 22 22 23 23 23 24 28 26 25 30 31 30 8 O V E R F L O W OVE R F L O W 2" w 2" w 8" s s 8" ss 8" ss 8" ss A 1 5 ' 1 5 ' 24 ' D R I V E AIS L E 15 ' D R I V E AI S L E 45 ' S T R E E T R O W 47 , 8 5 3 S F 15' UTILITY EASEMENT, TYP. 15 ' D R I V E AI S L E 63 ' S T R E E T R O W 4'-0" SIDEWALK, TYP. 5'-0" LANDSCAPE PLAZA, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 15'-0" DRIVE AISLE, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 4'-0" SIDEWALK, TYP. 5'-0" LANDSCAPE PLAZA, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 15'-0" DRIVE AISLE, TYP.1'-0" CURB, TYP. 11'-0" STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA C A R O L I N A B E A C H R O A D 6 0 ' P U B L I C R / W ROAD A 45' RIGHT-OF-W A Y 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 242526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3637 EXISTING C H U R C H P A R K I N G L O T 25' SETBACK EXISTING LIVE OAKS AND OTHER TREES IN OPEN SPACE TO REMAIN, TYPICAL ADDRESS:6724 INDEPENDENCE BLVD. PARCEL ID: R08200-001-032-000 TOTAL PROJECT AREA5.784 ACRES EXISTING ZONINGR-15 PROPOSED USEHIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT IN R-15 RESIDENTIAL UNITS PROPOSED37 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS; 3-4 BEDS/UNIT BULK REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROVIDED MIN. PERIMETER SETBACK 25'25' MIN. OPEN SPACE/IMPROVED REC LAND35%39% 35% (5.784)2 ACRES2.20 ACRES MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS10'10' MAX. DENSITY10.2 DU/A5.6 DU/A 10.2(5.784)58 UNITS 37 UNITS MAX BUILDING HEIGHT40'40' MAX IMPERVIOUS SURFACE RATIO40%40% PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 1314 R E G I S T E R E D L A N D S C A P E A R C H I TECT X N O R T H C A R O L I N A X J O S H UA W . M I H A L Y Revisions Y N E 5 of sheets Job Number: Phase: Date: Checked by: Drawn by: Designed by: Sheet Title: Sheet Number: PR O J E C T CY P R E S S V I L L A G E 67 2 4 C A R O L I N A B E A C H R O A D WI L M I N G T O N , N C SI T E P L A N 03/28/2018 460-52 1 - CL I E N T HE R R I N G T O N C L A S S I C H O M E S , L L C P. O . B O X 5 3 8 WR I G H T S V I L L E B E A C H , N C (9 1 0 ) 3 9 9 - 5 6 8 8 0 SCALE: feet306090 1" = 30'N O R T H NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D MY R T L E G R O V E R D RI V E R R O A D SANDERS ROAD PI N E R R O A D SITE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE RALEIGH LAND USE: RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES ZONING: R-15 R08200-001-033-000 NE V E R E N O U G H I N C . LA N D U S E : R E T A I L ZO N I N G : I - 2 R0 8 2 0 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 3 1 - 0 0 0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DA #1 7 LOTS @ 2,000 SF EACH14,000 SF STREETS6,000 SF SIDEWALK 2,000 SF VOLUME NEEDED22,000 SF AREA +/-5,500 SF @ +/- 2' DEPTH DA #2 30 LOTS @ 2,000 SF EACH60,000 SF SIDEWALK 4,400 SF VOLUME NEEDED64,400 SF AREA +/- SECTION A - ROADWAY CROSS SECTION AND DRAINAGE DESIGN SCALE : 3" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN MLD MAS JWM L1.0 SYMBOL LEGEND EXISTING TREES PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN PATH OPEN SPACE AREA MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION STREET LIGHT, TYP EXISTING STORM DRAIN EXISTING SHED TO REMAIN AND BE RENOVATED INTO COMMUNITY POTTING SHED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA 25' SETBACK 2 5 ' S E T B A C K 2 5 ' S E T B A C K NEVER ENOUGH INC. LAND USE: RETAIL ZONING: I-2 R08200-001-031-000 4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK, TYP. 25 EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED SEWER LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE LINE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE REMOVED 1.PLAN BASED ON SURVEY PROVIDED BY DEREK DANFORD, DATED FEB. 27, 2018 2.ALL INFORMATION FOR ADJACENT PROPERTIES PROVIDED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY GIS DATA. 3.PROVIDED LOCATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL. EXISTING WATER AND SEWER LINES ARE OWNED BY CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY. 4.ALL PROTECTED TREES WILL BE PRESERVED OR MITIGATED. 5.SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT. 6.ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE UNDERGROUND. 7.ALL SIGNS WILL BE LOCATED AND APPROVED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 8.TACTILE WARNING MATS WILL BE INSTALLED ON ALL WHEELCHAIR RAMPS. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL-WEATHER ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10.NO EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED ON SITE UNTIL ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND SILT FENCING IS INSTALLED AND APPROVED. PROTECTIVE FENCING IS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT, AND CONTRACTORS SHALL RECEIVE ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION ON TREE PROTECTION METHODS. 11.WATER AND SEWER SERVICE SHALL MEET CFPUA DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 12.PROPOSED WATER SERVICE WILL REQUIRE A STATE WATER PERMIT. 13.NO LAND DISTURBANCE INCLUDING TREE REMOVAL IS TO OCCUR OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHOWN ON THE PLANS 14.PROTECTIVE FENCING IS TO BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 15.LAND CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS SHALL RECEIVE ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION ON TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS. 16.ANY TREES AND/OR AREAS DESIGNATED TO BE PROTECTED MUST BE PROPERLY BARRICADED WITH FENCING AND PROTECTED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT NO CLEARING AND GRADING OR STAGING OF MATERIALS WILL OCCUR IN THOSE AREAS. 17.ANY GROUND LEVEL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED AS NECESSARY. 18.THIS PLAN IS PRELIMINARY AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. GENERAL NOTES PROPOSED SEWER LINE, TYP. PROPOSED WATER LINE, TYP. FIRE HYDRANT, TYP MANHOLE EXISTING LIGHTS TO BE REMOVED, TYP. EXISTING GAS EXISTING WATER BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING SHED TO BE REMOVED GAS WATER This page intentionally left blank. This page intentionally left blank. NORT H C A R O L I N A DEPA R T M E N T O F TRAN S P O R T A T I O N DB 11 9 2 @ 1 8 2 0 PARC E L I D # R 0 3 5 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 0 CO A S T A L C A R O L I N A D E V E L O P E R S IN C . DB 2 2 2 2 @ 4 0 0 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 0 0 - 0 0 4 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 0 NEW H A N O V E R C O U N T Y DB 59 3 0 @ 1 1 7 5 PARC E L I D # R 0 3 5 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 NEW H A N O V E R C O U N T Y DB 5 9 3 0 @ 1 1 7 5 PAR C E L I D # R 0 3 5 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 NEW H A N O V E R C O U N T Y DB 59 3 0 @ 1 1 7 5 PARC E L I D # R 0 3 5 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 RIC K S . V I N C I MA R I E A . V I N C I DB 6 0 7 0 @ 1 5 7 9 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 5 - 0 0 0 JA C Q U E L I N E D A W S O N DB 3 8 0 6 @ 8 6 7 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 4 - 0 0 0 DA N I E L W . T R A S K REV O C A B L E T R U S T DB 6 0 3 3 @ 3 7 5 PAR C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 0 SAM U E L J . H O W I E DB 1 4 5 2 @ 5 5 5 PAR C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 PE A R L N . M C Q U E E N DB 9 9 0 2 @ 1 6 0 9 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 0 21 RO N A L D A . B R U N S O N TIF F A N Y C . B R U N S O N DB 1 5 8 8 @ 1 6 1 1 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 RO N A L D A . B R U N S O N TIF F A N Y C . B R U N S O N DB 6 0 5 3 @ 2 6 5 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 0 JA C Q U E L I N E M . M A S S E Y DB 9 9 0 2 @ 2 1 1 6 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 4 - 0 0 0 JA N I S S . L I V I N G S T O N DB 3 2 3 5 @ 2 1 1 6 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 0 DE S H O N T . B R I G G S DB 5 0 1 3 @ 2 1 6 4 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 0 WIL L I E R . N E W T O N I I DB 5 7 9 4 @ 9 7 PA R C E L I D # R 0 3 5 1 7 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 RO B E R T C L I N T O N LO T T I E E . C L I N T O N DB 1 7 0 5 @ 1 0 9 2 PA R C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 5 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 5 - 0 0 0 WI L L I A M K . B A N I S T E R SA N D R A D . B A N I S T E R DB 5 5 5 3 @ 2 5 3 1 PA R C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 5 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 4 - 0 0 0 CH A R L E S W . A L L E N DB 2 3 7 3 @ 7 8 PA R C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 5 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 0 DA N I E L W . T R A S K DB 1 1 1 6 @ 2 0 5 PA R C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 5 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 0 WIL L I A M A . M C G L E N N HEN R I E T T A W . M C G L E N N DB 1 3 0 8 @ 7 1 4 PAR C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 5 - 0 0 0 CAR R I E W O O T E N DB 9 9 0 6 @ 1 1 0 6 PAR C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 CHA R L E S R . C L A Y & ESS I E W . C L A Y T R U S T DB 4 7 9 7 @ 3 9 7 PAR C E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 JAME S A . W I C K E R DB 50 4 2 @ 4 2 8 PARC E L I D # R 0 4 3 0 0 - 0 0 1 - 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 X X T T T FLOO D W A Y FLOOD W A Y FLOODWAY FLOODWAY FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FL O O D W A Y FL O O D W A Y FL O O D W A Y FL O O D W A Y FL O O D W A Y FL O O D W A Y F FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLOO D W A Y FLOO D W A Y FLOO D W A Y FLO O D W A Y ZONE X - 1 % FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y FLO O D W A Y ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZONE A E ZONE A E ZONE A E FLOO D W A Y FLOO D W A Y ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZONE X ( S H A D E D ) ZON E X ( S H A D E D ) SO I L D R I V E LINE BEARI N G DISTA N C E L1 N 71°5 1 ' 4 3 " W 59.56' L2 S 64°2 8 ' 4 0 " W 75.20' L3 S 70°3 8 ' 4 0 " W 53.65' L4 S 89°0 0 ' 3 2 " W 42.15' L5 N 75°5 1 ' 2 7 " W 58.41' L6 N 80°0 2 ' 2 5 " W 39.10' L7 N 71°5 3 ' 5 4 " W 50.06' L8 N 80°5 3 ' 1 2 " W 52.04' L9 N 71°5 9 ' 3 4 " W 55.78' L10 N 69°4 8 ' 5 2 " W 50.05' L11 N 64°5 5 ' 5 0 " W 34.44' L12 N 71°1 2 ' 2 7 " W 31.38' L13 N 01°4 4 ' 4 2 " E 86.67' L14 N 39°0 6 ' 4 1 " E 77.20' L15 N 57°3 4 ' 2 4 " E 82.44' L16 N 21°5 8 ' 5 8 " E 72.67' L17 N 11°3 0 ' 4 0 " E 83.63' L18 N 02°5 8 ' 2 2 " E 94.69' L19 S 35°5 2 ' 4 5 " W 84.71' L20 S 38°5 1 ' 4 2 " W 72.48' L21 S 04°4 4 ' 4 8 " E 84.92' L22 S 28°5 5 ' 5 7 " E 70.65' L23 S 16°0 4 ' 2 7 " E 77.12' L24 S 09°4 3 ' 4 1 " W 77.95' L1 432 . 7 3 ' N 1 1 ° 4 5 ' 3 9 " E 16 4 . 5 5 ' S 7 4 ° 3 6 ' 4 9 " E 504 . 5 1 ' N 1 2 ° 3 8 ' 0 6 " E 1 1 8 . 4 5 ' N 6 6 ° 2 6 ' 4 4 " W 135 . 8 9 ' N 1 4 ° 0 9 ' 4 2 " E L2L3L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L1 0 L 1 1 L1 2 L1 3 26 1 . 3 8 ' N 0 1 ° 4 9 ' 5 3 " E 11 1 . 6 0 ' N 0 4 ° 2 2 ' 2 7 " W L14 L15 L16 L17 214 . 0 4 ' N 7 9 ° 0 6 ' 3 5 " W CURVE RADIU S ARC L E N G T H CHOR D L E N G T H CHOR D B E A R I N G DELTA C1 1363.4 5 ' 255.69 ' 255.31 ' N 17°1 8 ' 0 7 " W 10°44' 4 1 " 1142.9 9 ' 811.85 ' 794.89 ' N 02°1 3 ' 1 2 " W 40°41' 4 6 " 50' 930.96 ' 926.20 ' N 28°3 1 ' 2 3 " E 20°05' 3 9 " 148.19 ' 145.64 ' S 31°0 3 ' 3 1 " W 36°54' 5 8 " 888' 38.58' S 24°5 8 ' 3 4 " W 24°45' 0 5 " 39.38' S 24°4 2 ' 5 8 " W 25°16' 1 7 " C1 11 3 . 6 3 S 0 0 ° 0 0 ' 4 7 " L2 5 L2 6 L2 7 L28 L2 9 L30 2 1 6 . 4 8 ' S 4 3 ° 1 0 ' 1 5 " E 174.2 1 ' N 88° 4 8 ' 4 7 " E L 3 1 L32 L33 186 . 3 2 ' N 16 ° 3 1 ' 1 0 " E 116. 3 5 ' N 25 ° 2 3 ' 5 9 " E 12 5 . 3 5 ' N 0 4 ° 1 1 ' 1 0 " E L34 750.9 3 ' S 88 ° 2 5 ' 1 6 " E 26 0 . 0 6 ' S 0 1 ° 3 4 ' 0 8 " W 309. 8 8 ' S 28 ° 5 2 ' 2 6 " W 25 7 . 6 3 ' S 0 1 ° 3 6 ' 4 4 " E L35 L36 252 . 6 8 ' S 1 2 ° 2 6 ' 4 3 " W 15 0 . 0 0 ' N 7 7 ° 3 3 ' 1 6 " W 220 . 1 0 ' N 1 2 ° 2 6 ' 4 3 " E L37 L 3 8 L39 L40L41L42L43L44 290 . 8 2 ' S 1 2 ° 3 7 ' 4 9 " W L4 5 760 . 0 3 ' S 1 2 ° 3 7 ' 5 0 " W 18 0 . 0 1 ' N 7 7 ° 2 5 ' 5 8 " W 299 . 9 5 ' S 1 2 ° 3 6 ' 0 2 " W 12 8 . 5 8 ' N 7 7 ° 3 4 ' 5 2 " W L46 L 4 7 C4 130 . 0 1 ' S 1 2 ° 3 6 ' 0 2 " W C5 L48 C6 L49 LINE BEARI N G DISTA N C E L25 S 17°1 0 ' 5 7 " E 96.21' L26 S 03°3 8 ' 3 6 " W 64.61' L27 S 78°4 6 ' 1 0 " E 60.73' L28 S 79°1 5 ' 4 3 " E 50.17' L29 S 03°1 4 ' 0 5 " W 29.55' L30 S 11°3 7 ' 3 4 " W 73.78' L31 S 51°3 9 ' 2 3 " E 95.93' L32 N 65°5 0 ' 2 0 " E 55.60' L33 N 29°3 3 ' 2 2 " E 61.29' L34 N 20°2 5 ' 4 1 " E 61.92' L35 S 88°3 0 ' 0 1 " W 45.68' L36 N 86°2 5 ' 4 1 " W 78.85' L37 S 88°0 7 ' 4 4 " W 10.50' L38 N 48°0 3 ' 5 4 " W 17.44' L39 S 83°4 8 ' 2 4 " W 55.36' L40 S 77°1 4 ' 2 5 " W 56.98' L41 S 57°0 5 ' 3 8 " W 51.71' L42 S 66°5 7 ' 2 0 " W 49.30' L43 S 75°0 6 ' 4 5 " W 44.40' L44 S 65°2 7 ' 2 6 " W 12.86' L45 S 78°1 0 ' 1 7 " E 10.16' L46 N 12°4 9 ' 1 1 " E 19.94' L47 S 40°3 7 ' 4 8 " E 19.82' L48 S 37°2 1 ' 0 6 " W 64.86' L49 S 12°0 4 ' 4 9 " W 35.19' TY P E 2 TY P E 1 E TY P E 2 T Y P E 1 E TYP E 1 E TYP E 1 E TY P E 1 E TY P E 2 TYP E 4 TY P E 1 E TYP E 2 TYP E 2 TY PE 1 E 4, 4 En Flo o 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 8 17 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 10 9 8 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 12 1313 11 1 0 9 8 7 14 15 1 6 1 7 1 8 17 16 15 14 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 23 22 21 10 11 12 13 17 1 7 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CO D CO D CO D CO D CO D C O D COD CODCODCODCOD C O D COD COD CODCOD C O D CO D C O D C O D C O D CO D CO D C O D C O D CO D COD COD COD COD COD COD Fen c e d B u f f e r y a r d n/fGordo n R o a d Invest m e n t s LLCM.B. 5 6 / 2 5 Z o n e d R-15 n/fSaleh K h a l i d M.B. 4 9 / 2 1 4 Zoned B - 1 n/fWoote n60' Ea s e m e n t Gor d o n R o a d / S R (Pu b l i c R / W ) Ex. vegetation to be preserved & supplemented as necessary to provide required buffer screening. 1 4 6 ' ( M i n . 1 2 3 . 7 5 ' S e t b a c k ) Floodplain, typ. 1 2 4 ' ( M i n . 1 2 3 . 7 5 ' S e t b a c k ) 30' Public Utility Easement 20' Stabilized Emergency Access Only (will extend from end of existing pavement; location of gate, signage & other provisions to prevent blockage will be coordinated w/ NHCo Fire prior to CO issuance) Pu b l i c U t i l i t y Ea s e m e n t (W i d t h V a r i e s ) P u b l i c U t i l i t y E a s e m e n t (W i d t h V a r i e s ) BLDG 6 BLDG 8 BLDG 9 BLDG 10 BLDG 4 BLDG 3 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 7 25' S e t b a c k 25' S e t b a c k 25' COD Setback Stormwater Pond 200 ' F r i n g e 200' Fri n g e 200' Frin g e Veg e t a t e d Buf f e r y a r d Wetlands, typ. To be left Undisturbed Wetlands, typ. To be left Undisturbed Wetlands, typ. To be left Undisturbed BLDG 11 BLDG 12 BLDG 13DOG PARK PLAYGROUND DUMPSTER MAINTENANCE BUILDING POOL PARK WITH GRILL PAVILION Typical X-Section at Parking Area Min. 1/4" Per 24' Drive Aisle9'x18' Parking Spaces5' Conc. Walk R/W Ft. Slope 24'' Curb& Gutter 9'x18' Parking Spaces Grassed Grassed Private Street X-Section MedianSidewalk Conc. 12' "A" Curb 24'' Type 18' 60' R.O.W. 7'5' R/W "A" Curb 24'' Type 18' Median Min. 1/4" Per Ft. Slope Min. 1/4" Per Ft. Slope 20' B u f f e r y a r d CLUBHOUSE FITNESS CENTER 20' B u f f e r Scale: 1'' = 500' Overall Parcel Map Development Area - ±27.5 Ac. Permanent Conservation/ Passive Rec Area ±13.71 Ac. Scale: 1'' = 500' Total Tract Boundary - ±41.21 Ac. DA T E : SC A L E : DE S I G N E D : DR A W N : PEI JOB#: CO N C E P T U A L L A Y O U T : PR E L I M I N A R Y L A Y O U T : FI N A L D E S I G N : RE L E A S E D F O R C O N S T : PR O J E C T S T A T U S RE V I S I O N S : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N SEAL CL I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N : 12 2 C i n e m a D r i v e Wi l m i n g t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 8 4 0 3 (9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 ( O ) ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 ( F ) # S M I T H C R E E K V I L L A G E N E W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y N O R T H C A R O L I N A 16252.PE HA W T H O R N E S M I T H C R E E K 29 1 8 M A R T I N S V I L L E R O A D G R E E N S B O R O , N C 2 7 4 0 8 Brie r w o o d R d Blo u n t D r Ro g e r s D r Ha r g r o v e D r Gordon R o a d Gordon Road Dewberry Bl a c k b e r r y R d Shaw Dr Northbrook Dr Rd N C o l l e g e R d / H w y 1 3 2 Business Dr In t e r s t a t e H w y 4 0 EXISTING SITE DATA PROJECT ADDRESS:4645 GORDON RD PIN:314910.34.3553 PID:4300-001-004-000 TOTAL TRACT AREA:± 41.21 AC ZONING DISTRICT:R-15 LAND CLASSIFICATION:URBAN & CONSERVATION WETLAND AREAS:±18.28 AC DEVELOPMENT DATA HIGH-DENSITY RESDENTIAL DENSITY10.2 UNITS/AC ALLOWABLE UNITS420 UNITS ±41.21 AC x 10.2 PROVIDED UNITS318 UNITS PROVIDED DENSITY7.72 UNITS/AC 318 UNITS/41.21 OPEN SPACE REQUIRED14.42 AC 35% x 41.21 AC OPEN SPACE PROVIDED±29.77 AC EXCLUDES POND SURFACE AND ALL IMPERVIOUS AREAS IMPROVED REC AREA REQUIRED6.18 AC 15% x 41.21 AC IMPROVED REC AREA PROVIDED± 6.50 AC BUILDING COVERAGE± 9% BUILDING HEIGHT45' HT max (13) 3-STORY BUILDINGS TOTAL APARTMENT BEDROOMS552 (114) 1-BR, (348) 2-BR, (90) 3-BR PARKING REQUIRED PARKING SPACES650 204 units @ 2/unit = 408 114 units @ 1.5/unit = 171 579 Clubhouse Spaces = 71 1 space / 100 sf PROVIDED PARKING SPACES601 Residential Unit Parking Standard Spaces547 Garage Spaces 35 579 Clubhouse Spaces 22 Reduction allowance requested HC Spaces Provided 16 (2% of Total to be HC = 13) 200' FRINGE AREA TOTAL FRINGE AREA±11.31 AC TOTAL UNITS ALLOWED85 7.5 UNITS x 11.31 AC TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED<15 IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ROOFTOPS171,550 SF PAVEMENT216,616 SF SIDEWALKS 35,000 SF 423,166 SF (23%) AREA WITHIN FLOODWAY±1.86 AC AREA WITHIN S.F.H.A.±9.23 AC AREA OF WETLANDS±18.28 AC WETLAND FILL PROPOSED±0.10 AC SITE INVENTORY NOTES 1.Soils Type: Be (Baymeade fine sand), Se (Seagate fine sand) & Jo (Johnston) 2.This property is not impacted by any AEC. 3.Swamp forest conservation overlay setbacks have been provided for min. 0.5 preservation. 4.This site is not impacted by any recognized historic or archeological significance. 5.No cemeteries were evidenced on the site. 6.There are no Significant trees within the proposed development area. 7.There is no evidence of jurisdictional wetlands within the proposed development area. 8.There is no evidence of endangered species or habitat issues on the site. 9.A portion of this property is within a Special Flood Hazard Area as evidenced on N.C. Flood Map 3720324000J, dated April 3, 2006 / Zone AE 29±. 10.The site drainage flows into the Smith Creek drainage basin, into SC classified waters. DEVELOPMENT NOTES 1.All development shall be in accordance with the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. 2.Project shall comply with all Federal, State & New Hanover County regulations 3.A NCDOT Driveway Permit from the project's primary entrance with Gordon Rod and approvedTIA off-site road improvements will be provided. 4.No gates, obstructions, traffic calming devices or on-street parking shall be permitted on streets. 5.Streetlights shall be provided at the rate of one fixture per 500 linear feet or less of roadway. 6.Pedestrian and bike access from the northern portion of the apartment campus to the Couty Park/ property (where appropriate) shall be provided as required. 7.A bike lane located along tht Gordon Road frontage will be coordinated with NCDOT and the office of the WMPO. 8.A WAVE Transit shelter near the entrance to the project will be coordinated with WAVE Transit and the New Hanover County School System VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE NORTH HI G H - D E N S I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T SI T E P L A N C-1 4/ 2 7 / 1 8 1" = 6 0 ' JR C JR C N O R T H 0 SCALE: 60'120'180' 1" = 60' Contour lines compiled from New Hanover County aerial topographic maps, not from an actual field survey. Boundary compiled from a survey recorded in Map Book 56/25 Contour Interval - 2' BLDG 5 A WAVE Transit shelter will be coordinated with WAVE Transit and the NHC School System This page intentionally left blank. VICINITY MAP INDEX OF SHEETS SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN THE LANDING AT LEWIS CREEK ESTATES PREPARED BY: DEVELOPER/OWNER WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 2017 LEGEND FOR SITE DATA TABLE McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 PHONE: (910) 799-3006 No. License # Revision Designer Drawn By DateBy Scale Date Job No. PREPARED FOR:Sheet No.THE LANDING AT LEWIS CREEK ESTATES McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-799-3006WilmingtonNew Hanover County North Carolina GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 02550100 C-3.1 No. License # Revision Designer Drawn By DateBy Scale Date Job No. PREPARED FOR:Sheet No.THE LANDING AT LEWIS CREEK ESTATES McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-799-3006WilmingtonNew Hanover County North Carolina GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 02550100 C-3.2 No. License # Revision Designer Drawn By DateBy Scale Date Job No. PREPARED FOR:Sheet No.THE LANDING AT LEWIS CREEK ESTATES McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-799-3006WilmingtonNew Hanover County North Carolina GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 02550100 C-3.3 No. License # Revision Designer Drawn By DateBy Scale Date Job No. PREPARED FOR:Sheet No.THE LANDING AT LEWIS CREEK ESTATES McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-799-3006WilmingtonNew Hanover County North Carolina GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 02550100 C-3.4 No. License # Revision Designer Drawn By DateBy Scale Date Job No. PREPARED FOR:Sheet No.THE LANDING AT LEWIS CREEK ESTATES McADAMS HOMES, LLC 6626-C GORDON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-799-3006WilmingtonNew Hanover County North Carolina C-3.5 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 50 ft. 50 02550100