JUNE 1 2018 BUILD APPS2o g4t 1 AppL-fCAT--rON Number (offlce Use) DATE:6411312s1s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMIIERCIAL PI-EASE ANSI.JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibllity" APPLICANT'S NAITIE: s.h,. Beau Rivase, LLC DEVELoPER: Echo Beau Rivage, LLC PRO]ECT : 5920 Carolina Beach Rd - PHONE #: 412-8so-s3os ZIP i 28412 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAtlE: g.1o Beau Rivage, LLC OIINER'S ADDRESS: 550 rpsilon Drrve CONTRACToR: rBD E^ CITY: p,s 1.6,,.n1.,ST: ps ZIP: 15236 ADDRESS: 1 11,1 |.J* t1 a..,\ci-, r c EiIAIL ADDRESS: c 1_ e\ie CITY:b,ru ST: ZlPi CS . COu4 PHONE S ^-b)401-1)12( PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:OH PHONE #: EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the NoNEl{ CONSTRUCTION: (Check A1l Ihat Apply) ERECT NEI.I STRUCTURE FAST TRACK T- RENOvarroN T--l GFNFRAI REPAIRS f]bJrrent Site? ;- *J;- Ho ts BLDG sp-RtN RELOCATION KLEREDr Yes![ SHELL UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building E. Yes r NO r:**'* rs THrS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r YES J NO **.'* IF Yes, uhat lras the Previous Occupancy Type? _ tlhat is the lieu Occupancy IXtfitrrtrut pRoFEssro AL: prosr:essive Arcbit NC REG #:51346 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ."ar." *nrr...ing - Ptl: g8o-221-861a i-progressive Architecture Engineering - PH:616-365-256g NC REG #: 51348 DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Exrerior facade improvemenrs ro att buildings in the shopping center ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yes! No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf- _ Yeil_ NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all information in this application is conect and all work will comply wilh the State Building Code and all other applicable Stateand local laws and ordi or chanoeSublectlo Fines lJp To nances and regulat,Onor conlra.tor infomat$500.00-'ion. "'NOTE:Any oDment Servrces Center will be notilled of anv cha e Appropriale Permils will soeoficatr Bldg Code s. The NHC Devel in contractor wo th OWNER/CONTRACTOR: pedro s Neira (owner's Rep)SIGNATURE TOTAL PROJECT COST: 45l], t](]C BUILDING HEIcHT: 36, o', (auaDi64 en Nam) Note: Demolition notifcations & asbeslos removel pemit applications are lo be submitled using lhe applicrtion form (DHHS-3768) wh€ther the facility or buildang was found to conlain Asbeslos or not. You are required to calllhe Nalaonal Emassion Standards lor Hazardous Ak Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al teast 10 days prior to the demolilion ofany facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: httpr/www.ep state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.htm ans and State and SQ FT # OF UNITS: 1 TOTALAREASQFT:n/a - fascade SQFTPERFLR: .n/a - fascade TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: n/a-exr. #OFSTRUCTURES: r # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS 1 ACRES DISTURBED: N/A NEW ll\,IPERVIOUS AREA: s7n EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/a T''I ZONING USE CLASS ?ouutururrv IFICATION s-: CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T-.l WELLHvare srprrc EM EPARATE PERI\iIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT I\4ECH, PL8G, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cASH f-. cHecr lenvnBLE ro NHc) f _ AMERIcAN ExnRESS [-_ ucnrrsn l-_ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BApproval:_ Ciry:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_BFE+2ft, N PERMIT FEE: IComment DISCLAIMER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICAT]ON MEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDABLE s CITY: w'L..n9ron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE : Mul-trpre tenanrs - PHONE #: 412-8so-530s LICENSE #: pRopERry USE: f]oFFtcE ! nesrnunenr @ r',lencnNrLef[ eoucl-lner[ D .LOlt,- 56ot 18 -1697 APPLICANT'S llAllE: ttunqo Homes of Nolth carof .ina. lnc DEVELOPER: Munqo Homes of Noith Car.olina, Inc PRoIECT ADDRESS: 613 Bedminster Lane CITY: wi Lminqt on SUBDMSIOI{: Landfal I Resency BLOCK #: APPLICATION Number (offlce use) PROPERTY Oi,NER'S tlAfiE: OiINER'S ADDRESS: 2s2l Munqo Homes of North Carolina, Inc schieffel i.n Road CITY: Apex PHoNE #: 919-4r8-?968 zIP i 23!!:_ LOT #: ]1_ PIIONE *: 843 221 8421 sT: l!_ zIP : ?flg1_ CONTRACTOR: Munqo Homes of North Carolina, Inc LICENSE #: 70466 ACCOUNT #: ADORESS: 2521 Schieffelrn Road CITY: apex ST: NC ZIP: 27502 EiIAIL ADDRESS: tberryGmungo . com lTabatha Berry)PI€NE S: 8a3-221-8421 PROJECT CONTACT PERSO{: eraa TiLvou lproiect mana qer)PHONE #: 803-600-7s27 EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: ! AlreRnrrOlr ! neHOVarrOru !GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NE|l, CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE OT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOId ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 457 SF ! oer cauce - sF PoRCH 106 SF ! sulnoom SF POo t SF f] sronaee sueo SF SFI eneerunous e SF ! orcr SF OTHE R: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:2s9s TOTAL SQ TOTAL PROIECT COST 1r-ess rorl : $ ,3852 FT UNDER ROOF: 31s I # OF STORIES: 2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT:315 8 Is Any ELECTRICAL, If the pnoject i PLUIiBING or TIECHA ICAL work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ ruo s a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current site? [ ves I No Is there Electrical Power on this Buitding?[v"t [ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUP LEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF IIORK:Neu sinqle Eami.lv Residence contracbr inbrmalion '-NOTE: Any Work Perlomed W/O he AppropriaE Pomits will b€ in Violation of the NC Sta Oi{NER/CONTRACTOR: rai:atta Berry for Munso Homes SIGI{ATURE: (Print Na'ne)++*+++++,1,t,t ,t,*++ ++++ ++++f ,t,t ,t +++,*,t ,t ,l,t+*,t,t*****,r*************,r,r************)i)i)i*)i)i)i)r)i****)i)i* DISCLAIITER: lherebycenrry hal allinfomation in his applicalion is co@ct and all work will comply wih he StaE Building Code and alloher applicable SlaE and local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Devslopm€ni Services C€nEr willbe notifed olany changes in lhe approved plans and specifcalions orchange in conUaclcror E rylgggle snd Subiecr !c Fines lJp To $500.00"'' lWaityb,Lu.*b IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOOOPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIOT,S AREA: O 5Q FT NEW IMPERVIOt,S AREA: ?54 SQ FT tl ! coNnururw sYsrEM E PRrvArE wELL ! cerurmr sEPrrc E PRTvATE sEPTrc YE5 T NO EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l-l vts lT] ro MTER: SEt.iER: CFPUA CFPUA CENTRAL WELL ! communrrv svsreu *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, FIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** payltENr ltErHoD: I casn Icxecx (eAvABLE To NHc) EBrLL AccolJ]{r E uclvrsa I orscoven )t)*)*)*{({(:k:t,*)*)*,t{.++++:ti()i++**t:f*iitt**,}***x**,}++**)t*{.*,t*****++*,},}i.**+*******)****)t***,******,***,* (rOR OFFICE USE ol'lLY) REVISED DAIE 04111112 zoNE: _ oF FrcE R:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- BFE+2ft=Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ N e IqoU u) \! ta,: NE[^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,UER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" DATE: 0s,,21l2018 LoP) 58 L8-1697 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rrPf r R ESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibi.lity" APPLICATION Number (Offl€e Use) APPLICANT'S l,lAIilE: Munqo Hornes of Nort.h Carolina, Inc DEVELOPER: Munqo Homes of Nort.h Caroliua, Inc PRoIECT ADDRESS: 611 Bedminster Lane SUBDIVISIoN: LandfaII Reqency PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI'IE: lluDqo Homcs rrf Norrh CaroliIra, lnc OTJNER'S ADDRESS: 2s21 Schielfelin Road CITY: A ZIP i 2B,tc5 BLOCK S:LOT *: e3 PHoNE #: 801-227-8.127 PHoNE S:919-418-?968 CITY: vJi lmingron sTr ]!_ zIP: f1:.q1_ LICENSE S: CITY: Apex 'to466 ACCOUNT #: ADDRESST 2s21 schieffelin Road sf | ]!L zIP | 2I!!2_ EttAIL ADDRESS: !berly.amunso.com (TabaEha aerry)PHoNE *:8ol-227-842-i No PROIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: tsrad 1i1yoL, (proiect rnanaqer)PHoNE $; 80:'600 752? EXISTTNG CONSTRUCTION: I alrtnarrOr ! nrlrOVnrrOlr fl crnrnaL REPATRs fI RE LOCATION NElJ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI4 RESIDENCE oT ADDITION IO EXISTING RESIDENCE .*PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSHER SELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE !:]-_ SF SUNROOM SF 5F OTHE R :5F If the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturat Gas Line on the Cunrent Sitel Ives TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT:2595 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3158 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 3158 TOTAL PROJECT CoSTrressLoo : $ z:tssz S 0F SToRIES: Is any ELECTRICaL, PLUI,IBING on T1ECHANICAL work Seing Done to the Accessony Stnucture? [ Yes I Ilo I cnrerurous: - sr f] oecr Is there Electrical Power on this Building? pRopERTy usE / OCCUPANCY: E] SrtClr rnl.1rrv DESCRIPTIoII OF |,JoRK: New sinsre Family Residence Yes No DUPLEX TONNHOUSE E.d ordinsnces and.egulali6ns. Th€ NHC Dovehpmenl Serv€es Cenbr will be notlEd o,a.\y chaig€s in lhe approved plans aod specifrcalions o.chan0e in conlr-t'.or co.lracbf lnhmaion. OWNER/CONTR "'NOTE.AnyWort Perlomed W/O ho Appropr ACTOR: tatattra Berry for Mul iab Pemliiswilloe invlolarlon olthe Nc sr nqo llomes SIGNATURE: 1F Bdg cElg ard sJbj€cr 14 r nes uo ro sa00 00'"- lll&Weilwn LMb : ':f, <,)(5 i5 (Da::ti{)<\ -4) {:} a:). a:tr;:. (r.l.t \dr!)r+{rir+rrirrrrrrr..ri++.{t+*rrr*+*l$+rrtrr+4rr++*++.rr.rrrrrrrr*r++.t+,t.ti*+rttrr.ttr+4r.rr IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINI YES NO EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: o SQ FT NEI,lJ MPERVIOUS AREA; ?s4 _ SQ FT I,IAIER: Z CFPUA SEWER: El cFPUA ,o*r, R-ZD (aoR oFFItE us€ otLY) SETBAC(S: F: 2. approval:--ll!- city: lL vyl ,orr,.fljg@ r,-ooo, EXrST LANO OTSTURETNG PERMTT: E YEs T NO ! cowunrw sysrE[4 n pRrvATE I{ELL I crrurnal well CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC C0l"1f,1UN Iry SYSTEI"l PAYHENT IIEIHOD: D COS,I cHEcx (PAYABLE ro NHc) EBrLL AccouNr Dnclvrsa Iorscorr* .'* SrpaRATE PTRITITS REQUIRED roR ELrcf, fiECri) pLBG, GAS EQUTP, PRETiABS 8 TNSERTS ri. *r*********,r***l*r*+il**r*******t1**ir*t*****t+**************,i*********************r***** OF F IcE R: Dt t {oo,*,n. n nEVtstD oArE 34/ l1/12 RH: S B'. io _l__ 8FE+2ft= _ LH t r r Conl'rent:I .(l N PERMIT FEE: $J4Q4 * b DATE': J:JJll?9)3_ CONTRACToR i Mun.ro llomcs of NorEh Car.olina, Inc. ! orr clnace sF mPoRcH 106 sF ! eool - sr f] sronncr sH€D - st 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT AP P L rcAruoN rYPE, CotltlERCIAL tLtA5L ANSIJIR Ar L QUESIIoN5 ATTLICABL€ TO yq.ln pSolECI "ProJect Responsibllity,, 2or$-567? Lffi926 AFFIT TI6N Number (offic. urc) APPLICANI'5 NAi.1E: Rhetson co,npanles, Inc.-oA1Et 1218 /2017 DEVELoPER: t,6r 5 Dovclol,manr croup, r,r,c CITYa !r trn]lieror! PHoNE *r 9r0-944-080r ?1r' zsa12pitoJtc r at)CdroLlna Beaol Road ( 3606l OCCUPANT/SUSINESS NAfiE. DoI I aT General PRoPERTY OIJNER',S NAHEI p.r 5 Dev€lopmcnt croup, LLc OI,]NER' 5 ADDRESS i 2075 Junlb6r l-dke Rosd CoNTRACToR r Rhetson companlao, rnc, AODRESS: 20?5 Junlper Loko Road EXIST CONSTRUCTION: PHoNE #i 9ro-9{{-oBBl CITY: ncst End LICENSE d: ss928 CITY: rses! End ST: Nc zIPl27376 E'44IL ADDBESS i J{:nntfererhetsoncompanies. com PHON€ #: pROIECT CoNTACI PERSoN; Jennller $lncklhofor PHOIIE * (Check ilr Ih!t ipply) IRECT NEll] STRUCTUNE n FAST TRAC( n sHELr fl upFrT I ADD ro Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Permlt ,t Is Elect Power on 'th1s Bulldlng fl Ycs frr N0 :9r0-9{a-0881 i 910-944-0881 l, R6localion, is thoro € NsluralGas Line on tho AITERATION H RENOVATION lronr slro? f-1 T'.] 6ENERAL REPAIRS T.] RELocAIIoN#;-tr u. rs a-oo spH.lx.unrD4-l yoslil No NEW CONSTRUCTIONi +.... rs rHrs A cH t{Gt 0F occupaNcy usE?fl yEs J:} o r.... II Y.s, krnt ,Bs the orevlous Occupency Iypel _ lJhat is tha ttew O.cupancy trt8fi'DTSIGN PRotESSIoNA!"r Hood Hcrrirg; .rohn C. Hood Pltt 252-399-2100 EIIGS DE5I6N PROFESSIONAL i..l,n-'l'€oll ilngl.nccrlngi BenJarnin no-IIin:Pll | 919-7?B-906{ NC REG ,r: 1168 { Nc RE6 * rTztr{T- s,t(. Plans- No,rs & Tunstalli PhoomDL5C{llrlIoN 0l l.lORI(: Propoaed conatruc€Ion oJ a Dol]a! cen6ra- ls food or bevcragos prepared or sorved ln thls structuro?fl Yesl-L No ls The Propedy Located ln The Floodpbin1-Ly"EEj N8",n,*,n, ,nu,uo, and lo.illcx6 Md ddld.hr.m " aonimctorstubloLiloI LEs Urr To S EWII] sYsTEL4 co.lily ltlol olllnlormuUao ln rl s sptllcarrol ls o116 t 6rd sI \i/oft *{,l mmdy $Ith Urs Stalo BL rsncor Bnd t6o rlallon r. t h6 N H(: u6vetcrh6n l s€tulcdr csnts, wll b€ noL;{istl ol snv chnmssctr 4onL uclo. ,n lor 'nalidr "'NOIE'Arv Wdk P.ylorfir€d w/O llk, Apfrop,lhte Pdo'h wifl tD lri500.00," lldlng Cods and all drnrd oo oa ..y l*l ry o. blldhC. S.. tubcaos W.b Sll.: n{rrrrii'd, .pt st E.ncu3/6fn tbonog.hnp.ltfit TOTAL PROJECTCOST: 16s,000 BUILOING HEIGHT: tB ll OF UNITS: 1 OWNER/CONTRACTOR, Brlanclodlelter SIGNATURE TOTALAREASOFI:9,100 so FT PER FLRj 9,100 , OF STORIEST I TOTAL SQ rT UNDER ROOF: 9, roo ll OF STRUCTUR 1 H OF FLOORS ACRES OIS t.UIiBEDi 6L755 sq. ft EXsr LAND DrsruRBrue crnvrlr .|-;ves J-1lro EXISTING IMPERVIOUS N REA:SOFINEYJ IMPIRVICUS AREA: .]l .545 SO FT r,RoPERTy r.lsIr !oFr=rce I ae sreuRerur urRc,tu rr.r. f| eouc[ ecrf[coNDo o-n lEt Vt L]J Cf:PUA (]TPUA COMMUNII V SYS IEIV T'] WhLL Tl ZONING USf CLASSIF,CNTION CFNTRAL SEPTTC fI FRIVATI: SEPTTC E.dOMVUNIIY"' SLpAAATt pEnMtrs ncoulfi!o t,c,t uLtct, MtcH, PLtjc, GIs EoUlP, PlrLFAas 4 tlsculs PAYII ENT ZONE:( r Ftc t,, Rl lv\tETH(,)cirsH fi1 CH ECK (PA cAN EXPRESS fl_ucrasa f-1 orscoveR BtrH n pproval City \- DATE RH FLOOD BFE+2t N PERMIT FEEI I f. IL1ior..( fL6vrqtn,".( ,'j', lnrn.'rntinn pr4qr rrra6. q1 0.1(,1 r'l0n{ IL r,,1 l" I r.l [i t, ,",r. n f,,ltr [.t,(t u,- TI A l-C-'omm N1,I .STi Nc ZIP | 273i6 I I I I :J: 7 ZotS-5dJ9 LH926NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLICATT1N rYPE: COITIiIERCIAL PL€AsE AXSI{TR ALL QT]EST]O',JS APPLICABLE TO YqJR PRO]ECT "Pnoject Responslbility" l-l-No IS BLDG S T-'l R ELJPIIINKLEREDtrl yes[flLOCATION aFFfrTA'm^-oN l,lumber (CffLce Use) : carol Beach Road (3606 ) OCCUPANT/BUSINESS iIAME l Dollar cenerar PRoPERTY oWltlER'S I,lAItlE: Par 5 DevelopBent croup, LLc OWNER'S ADORESS: 2075 Juni,er Lake Road CITY: Hest End LICENSE f: s5928 ADDRESS: 2075 Juniper Lake Road CITY: west End EfirlAII ADDRESS : .Iennifer€rhetsoncompanies . colrl PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jennlfer wlncklhofer (Ch€(k AU Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: Rolocation, is thorc a NaturalGas Line on the ALIERATION trUUrrent Site? fl RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS Z\P i 2a4t2 ST: NC ZfP:27376 , ST: uc ZIP: 273?6 PHONE f:910-944-os8t PHONE S:910-944-os81 lf NoNE CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTU R I{ UPFIT - Thc 5he11 Permit f:Is Elect Polrer on this Buildlng ff Yes lfl NO x**** rs THrs a cHAr'tGE oF occupalllcy usE? fl yEs f-1 ro r.'r* fF Yes, what was the Prevlous occupancy Typel _ t,hat is tha Nex Occupancy AilEi'DESIGN pRoFESSIOML: Eood gerrLng; John c, Eood ENGR DESIGN PROTESSIONAL :-En-Tech Engineering; Benjami- noll-nr PH:9lt:7tr:ttr5i- NC REG *i 72641 Site Plans- Norri3 & Tunstall: Phooe-91c282:59fl1: NC Reor: C.364fDESCRIPTIoN OF IIORK: Propo6ed construcaion of a DoIIar ceneral ls food o( beverages prepared or served In thls structure?fl Yesff I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain 1-1_veflrfNoDISCLAIMER: I h€reby certify f€t all inicrmalion ln lhis sppllcalloo ls corl€ct snd al,\ir'o* wlllcomply wlth th€ End loc€l laws 6nd ordlnencos sod requhdons. The NHC D€v€bofiont Sowtcss Cener wilt b6 notifled of snv oa chanqe h conlraclor or conlJoclor lnlorma on. T"NOTE: Any Work P€rlonned WrO th€ Appropdst€ PermitsSubi€cl'lo Fln66 Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR. Brianclodtelter SIGNATURE BUILDING HEIGHT:. 18 SQ FT PER FLR: .9,100 Stat€ Buildlng Code and all othe. appiicable Stat6 cha soecifica llon sand # OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: 1 SO FT Nol6: Oomo lon nollicallons A asb6los removal pfmlt appllcrtions 610 to bo submliled lJslng th€ appllcaUon form (DliHS-3768) whethor ho &cillty or buid;ng was fuod io conlah Asboslos or nol. You sre lBguirod to aall lhe l{atbml Emlsslon Sbndards lo. HazsrdoB l* Polhlads (NESHAP) st (9tg)7o7,5950 at bast 10 drys prto{ to th€ rhmdhbfi ot !,ly fedlfty o. hradhg. Se8 Asbanos W6b SAd hlp:rwww.epl.st8t6.nc.uyepi/asbeslos/ahmp.hlm] TOTAL PROJECT COST: 36s ' 000 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 9 , 100 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: e,100 ACRES OISTURBED: 61.7ss sq. ft f OF STRUCTUREg. 1 I Exsr LAND DrsruRarruc eenurrrflves Jip'ro NEW IMPEFVIOUS AREA: 31,s4s SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE [ornrce !RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDU APT CONDO OTHET WATER SEWER SYSTEM aCFPUA CFPUA SE CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL SEPTIC ' SEPARATE PERM]TS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLA6. GAS EQUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHODi ricASH rrlcHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHC) I]l AMER|CAN EXpREss rLMC /tsa f-l orscoven (FoR oFFrcE usE oNLY) ZONE: OFFICER Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, E COMMUNITY SYSTEM r.1 WELL T-1 ZONING UHvere seprrc g3Tor,,tuururw Comment N PERMIT FEE: I APPLICANT,S l.lAME: Rhetdon conpanleB, rnc, DAIEr L2,/A/zotj DEVELoPER: ou.so : groliililif- PRO]ECT . CIIY: .Wllnlngton - PHONE I: 910-94{-08s1 COTITRACTOR: Rhetaon Conpanies, Inc. EREcr NEt^l srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK n SHELL E upFrr f] ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE - PHi252-399-2700 NC REG S:31584 # OF FLOORS: SETBACKS: F: LH: RH-. B-- NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION IYPE j R ESI DENTIAL PIEASt AU5!En AtL QUESItON5 AppLICIBLE TO y0UR pROIECT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NA}IE i r4unqo Homes of NorEh Carol dr ZotS-5S39L8-**3 APPTICATION Number (offt(e Use) Inc DEVELOPERT Muncto Homes of NorEh Carol ina,Inc PRoJECT ADDRESst 621 aedmirrster Lane SUBDIVISIONT Land fa 11 Reqency PROPERTY OI.JNER'S tlAItlE: yunqo Homes of Nor BLoCK f: _ LoT f: el PHoNE T: 80l-227'8427 PHoNE *: 919-4r8,7e58 ST: NC ZIP:27502 ACCOUT/r S: PHoNE ti 8oi-22?,8427 Yes tJo th Carol ina, Inc ol"INER'S AoDRESS: 2s2.I schieffelin Road CITY: A LICENSE #: 70465 ADDRESS: 2' ? I Schreffelrr) Road CITY: Ei'1AIL ADDRESS: tberryiimun go. con (TabaEha Berry) PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSoN: sraa ritvou (proiect manaqer) EXISTIN6 CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION ! nruovarror'r f]GENERAL REPA]RS fl ne rocarrox NEI,I CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE on ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOI,I AI.L THAT APPLY IO YOUR PROJECTI P0RCH 216 SF STORAGE SHED SF! cn rruous e _ sF OTHER:SF ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: yzz TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: re38 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: rers ToTAL PRoIECT COST lress roq : $ zsazss S OF SToRIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIBING or flECHANICAT t,tork Being Oone to the Ac(essory Stru(turel E yes If the p.oject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Is thene Electrical Power on this Suilding? Eyes NO PRoPERTY USE / oCCUPANCY I SINGLE F/\IVlILY ! ounLex !TOI,\iNHOUSE ATT GARAGE 45e SF SUNROOI1 5F DET GARAGE - SF POOL _ SF DECK SF tloI t I DESCRIPTION 0F WoRl(: New s1n ZOI,IE: aporoval: (( City: /[lil le Fami I Residence ni -09ffrDISCLAIMERT lhereoy cenit hal atr inbrmallon in lhrs applaalon is co(ecr and arr workwittcompty wrfl he Star€ Buitdhg Cod6 and alroh€r sppricabto sl.te and toca|aws and o.dinances and reoulalons Ihe NHC Developmenl Serv,ces Cenle.wallbe notned o{any changes in be approveO ptans and speci,ications orchange in contracbror conrracto. i.brmalon. "'NOTE:Anywork Pertormed w/O he Appropriale pemitswi be in V re Bld!and subjecr ro Fines Up Io $500 00 " OWNE R/ CONTRACTOR: rabarha Berry for Mun SIGNATURE:Luel<, IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTIiIG IIiIPERVIOUS AREA: !-- SQ FT NEI,{ II4PERVIOUS AREA: 752 SQ FT WATER: Z CFPUA sEr.,ER: E] cFPUA fx * * *,* * ,l *,t I * *,i * * * * *,| + * ** * * ** ** +* * * + * * ** * * *1* * * + YE5 t NO ToTAL ACRES DISTUR8ED | .11 EXIST I.AND DISTURBING PERMII: E YES NO f] colrmuuw svsrru ! pRrvATE T,JELL ! crnrnar wr r r CENTRAL SEPT]C ! enrvarr srerrc ! corlr4uNrTy sysrEM PAYMENT HETHOO: ! COSH cHEcK (payaBLE ro rucy f] artr rccourr f] uc/rrro Iorscover r*. SEpARATE pERITITS REQUlRED roR EL[CT, tlEctt, ptBG, CAS EQuIp, pREFAoS & TNSERTS *r+r **********t***i(**,1**+***11**r*,r*+****1*****i.*+**t+j***************:tf**,N***************+** oF FrcER: \-) I Q, (Fofi or Ft(E SETBAC DATE:)/( { J(, On. Y) ct ?l"tD 01r, ol. I t. .2 KSi Ft_lr LH:_:) RH; ') Bi lu LooD: - " BFE+2ft= - 1.,, ,t ,r, , ,, (.t) $ I Comment:t .( i/\ ( tt4,(c5 i8r ,u,:,\ t ,.ri#*rrr rrr, OAf Ei 05/2t / 2..)18 CITY: l,rilminqton ZIPi 28405 CONTRACToR: I\4lrnqo Homes oI No|Eh Carot jna, Inc. 51; rs6:-[ll7ii6z PHoNE #i 803-600,7s27 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,{ER ATL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S f,lAi4E: ttL.rnqo Hon\es of North CaroIina, In -5839 APPLICATIOI{ Number (office Use) DATE:05,2r../20r8 DEVELOPER: Munqo Homes of North Carolina, Inc PRO]ECT ADDRESS:621 Bedninster Lane SUBDIVISION:l-andfal-I Reqencv PROPERTY O[,NER'S tlAl4E: Munqo Homes of North Carofina Inc O{t'lER'S ADDRESS: 2s21 Schieffelin Road CTTY: LICENSE #: 704 66 CITY: EIi'lAI L ADDRESS: tberryLanunso. com (Tabatha Berr v) PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Brad Tilvou (Droiect manaqer) BLOCK #: LOT f: l_i_ PHONE f: 843-221 8421 CITY: wi lmioqton PHoNE #:919-4r8-?968 ZIP'. 2a4os ST: NC ZIP:2?502 ACCOUNT #: sT: l:J!_ zIP: :ljlll PIONE *: 8a3- 22i - 842'7 PHoNE #: 803-6oo-?s2? EXISTIIiIG CONSTRUCTION :ALTERATION ! neuovarror ! ceruenar REpArRs n RElocarroN NEltl CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or E ADDITION TO EXTST {G RESTDENCE *IPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: PoRcH jLSF trtr 5F ! sronaee sneo OTHER: SF DE CK TOTAL HEATED SQ Ff i 3,"22 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3938 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 11]8 TOTAL PROIECT COST lress rotl : $ 2s825s f OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUtttBING or fitECHAtJICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"t [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves p ruo Is thene Electricat Power on this Building?[Ves [[ r'ro PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCY:STNGLE FAMTLY ! Ouer-rx fl roulHouse DESCRIPTION OF WORK: New sinsl.e Eamilv Residence ATT GARAGE 459 SF suNRooM _ sF GREENHOUSE SF ! eoor ! oer erneer _ sF SF NEW IIiiPERVIOI,S AREA: ?52 SQ FT EXrST LAND DISTURBTNG penmrr: l-l yES E No I'IATER: SEtalER: cFpuA E corrr'ruNrw sysrEr4 n pRrvATE r.tELL cFpuA E CENTRAL sEpTrc ! eRrvare srerrc ZONE : _ 0F FICE R: I cerurnal wrll ! commururrv svsrem (FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) REVIsED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ *** SEPARATE PERI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, i4ECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABs & INSERTS *** PAYttEt{T IETHOD: ! aotn cHEcK (pAyaBLE rO NHC) E BrLL ACCOUT{r I ucTvrsr I orscoven )k )* )* )* * * )* * * * * + + + * * ,i ,* ,t * ,t ,t + + ,t ,ti * * * * ,N ,t * * * * * * * * ,t + * * ri + * ,* * * * * * * ,i )r )r )* )* x x )r rhr + * * )t ,* * ,r ,r * * * )* )* )r )i )r )* * * )* )* + + + r Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ " BFE+2ft= d CoNTRACTOR: Munso Homes of North Carolina, Inc. ADDRESS: 2 521 schieffelin Road SF DISCLAIUER: lhereby cediry tlal allinbmation in tlis applicalion is conectand allwo* willcomplywih he State Building Code and attofer sppticable staE and bcaltaws and ordinances and regulalions. Tho NHc Dev€lopment S€Nic€s CenEr willb6 nolifed olanychanges in lh€ approved plans and specifications orchange in contracbror contaclcr informalion "'NOTErAny Work Perfomed W/O h€ Appropriab P6rrnits willbe in Vioiation ol th6 NC StBb 899j9 snd Subject b Fines Up To $500.00." O'INER/CONTRACTOR: rdbdLha Berrv ror Munqo Hones SIG{ATURE: llwq&l Lu,tb )r )i )i + :r +,r + r * * ,*,i * * * * * * * * * * *** *(ii'll Jil"] ** * " * * *** * **)r )i:i+:i:i:i+* +*,r,r,r,i )i)i)r**++++,r,*,r***,r )i)i,i* *)r)r)r ** rs rHE pRopERw LocArED rN A FLOODPLATN? [ veS El 'uOEXISTII{G I}IPERVIoUS AREA: 0 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .17 FLOOD ZONE ?etT*N y'.1 , \t1rvr,- a-,)</. EIOG tlcfNSt n:----- - lL, ' l(r.)t:, t z_: /\ .. ]|P_ )Sy{"J Y ,_tlu_L7 t,u!<otL/Lo, /lt-NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAIrc N rYPE: RtSIDENTIAI pttASa AN5!!tA AU. OUTST ONS APPtI(Aetl TO YOUR PiOlfCr 'PIoled Rotpontlblllt/ Appuc^m,s flAME: -/l q n i i.l , '>.'rt.t z, I PRolftlADDRtss: -rL. ,/.tr-: l/u lL: ClrY U-,/'11,'1,, suBDtvrstoN. Lic':l!uJ-t'/ u^'.',, I /* ( t'et l' -\ trrt Dal€ pRoprRrY owr{txrs NAnar, D ,i .,,. /-&, ,.L{*4-1!lrn-*- ()wNtR's Aoofltss: *-- .--lal[ < ,/l, o-Ltr,--- 1::rn..,rl puown 7'/C -/'/'l - ',/(' () ", _ctrY.__zlP CONIRACTOR AODRESS; .- TMATLADOnESST,_4.1 tlrAN l4- (.', u& r.c' _ cn 4), /'a.4hv. sr ryi-zrp- . s'/( t - -_proYi'_L/t __:sL . _. Ll ) cttow ') t(' ','t' \'l t-3pRoJrcT coNrAsr prRsou. - /l !., t; S .-.-'.)-' ttl tl *-l li A.,l l.rU tXl5IlNG f ONSIRUCIIONT Ullt(rarion l - Senovalion il Ge^er]l Il{:patrs NtW CONSIRUCTIoN U €rect Ntw flclidence []'i;dilion to txllling nesldence L, Relocdtion ...Pi-tASI CHECK AT{D ANSWTR BITOW Att IHAI AP?TY TO YOUR P8O'TCI"' L Alt Ga.a8e {St)--,.--- f+rurroom(sri -il8 Y - O O€t Grrige {SF)_-__ll Po,.h (sr) t I Storage Shed (Sf)_! Pool{Sf) {.j oreenhoure lsr)- , Wect lsr) J I .( I t orhe' {sri lrlha proposedworkrhanSlntthe!xrstinS footprintT fi'Vet ["] No ToTAL sQ rT U NDt R no ol \lot propotect *ork) lu"t"a' ,..iS 1 - Unheated: TOTAL ?Roitcl cosT {tet*totl:5. /)/.-5,, t,ttc> lr the propo5ed work chantinS lh€ oumber of bedrooms? t.l Y.t &No rr any tleclrlc.l, Plumblnl or Mcchlnk l work beln8 don€ to the Ac(essorY Struclure. g/Yes fl llo I the prolect 15 a Relocallon, is there a Nalural-Ga! tine on the .urrent rh€? f-l YEs U/No r tlrere tlectrlcllPov/er on thl5 8!lldlng? W4n U W Property Ure/ occupatrcy: ld'sintl€ F.mliy [l oupler f_l Townhou!e 5. r r. rt_rt"'. lj ltDe*rlplioh ol Work tn-. ( ),\fu--1l a "s'*o,--(ir 1,... , Irt.-.1r\. 1'' J 'l+\ utsq/\lMtt,hrr.br4n4in.!a,ith..rordi,,'rlhrr.rrr'(irir.ri(!'.rrr^drl*!,1*lrl(6gtsnfiheJt-le!u:rdl.€<4&..d.llotr't.a9liiallt9tr..ndbr. lrkj..dordn:n.....d,.arrrlE.! th! Nrr( O.vdoplrnr s.Nktr rrntB -ll & milntd o'.,,r (h-s<t h Uo aPP.oy.d oLnt..d !p.c i(.tlolt or (hrn!. l. .onlrttd r"r.ri,,t,or'..NorrAiywo.tp!dsmriwithoJrfiEapprop.t.r.r.mhrEllrbrhvDtnorolltNCstalcEldtcote.,x,llbtsn10ni.tuoto$&.mt" ovrner/contractor: lJ ttx,A L] rs the property lotated 1n a floodplalnT !rlrlint lmpervlout Area: -n_1!:j:t SC ft New lmpervlour Area: -;Ltl, Sq r, c"n,r"nt, \\O- Slgnalurr u\rr(! Y+h(ct(\ +),, ./ .,/ r-[ r z;- /,-1.-/1ta, ,- |, 'tr,at 1)7t- WATTR: X fFPUA Lr CDmmunilySy(lem Tl P.ivat€ Well n CentralWell [) Aquo StwtR i ( 'UA lr aornnrunity Syttcm fl Pnv.!t Septic :i CentralS|ptic L) Aqua ,.^"lL-AD-- ,mr".LYF -sErbacke[t) 3D' tLnt lt1'..taxt,l5' rotJ.1l Approvar: 0 Ll oryDLLifJ orre[-;l],I 6 rtooa: 1^] .U--, (v] 1x1 * -,- ore .ztt= [Ll- 3lYug-'t rre Lr\ 5rua-,-N0 { ,u"No Prc \-r ir\(ir (.(r-i At: L{(echu.t 'jrYrr'.{e' Iot.l Acre! oirturbedl trlrtlng Land Olrturblni Permltr , Yor -\Ao rPermlt f€.r 5f.( r(rottccl',U rr.'nL! \'-)Ll hr-,c.irI cno.rr tAil'lu:+('aIl)' LirnPwlL'J : 'lns0,"e tinn ilenrrrreo q)0.254-0glf ffir NEW HANOVERCOUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LTAflON TYPE: RESIDENIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI- OU€STIOIS APPI.ICABI-T TO YOUR PNO'|ECT 'Prolc.t RcaPonslblftlf ?A$-W Numbet loffce use) B APPLICA T,S NAME:/)LatA tU -52-u at:1 PRO'CCTADDRESS:irc:N) /rni,<ttz"- 4t' rot*, / X :28Vo7 "//o -a7y - roo3 Dete t -z>-t?f CITY: suBDlvlSlot{: PROPERTY OWNEtrS T.'AME:Dq^,. t 8,n .l<^t A [, r't Sza ,.rt1 PHONE #l owNrR',S AOORESST 54 vh ?-CITY:ZlPl J/ EMAII ADDRESS:=z-Aa ,.r-i-T A t)L)air. E CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: WATER: SEWER: ctw BLDG TICTNSf PHONE lro->aa:37 t3 7Nt PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ht,NA Sz.A ^,'T EXIsTING CONSIRUCnoN: Ul4lteratlon D Renovation E) GeneralRepalrs NEW COiISTRUCf|oN: E Erect New Residence Bl6ditlon to Existing R$ldence El Relocation ...PtfAE O{EO( AiID ANSWER BELOW AlI THAT APPLY TO YOIJR PRo.|ECT'.' fl Aft Garare (SF)Fl D€t GaraPe {SF)tr Porch (SF) El.6unroom (SF)a1 I D Greenhouse (sF) - Treck (SF) ls the proposed work dlanglngthe existing footPrint? EfYes E tr Pool (Sr) - i?o No tr Storase Shed (SF) _ tr Other (St) TOTA| SQ FI UNOER ROOI lJor prcposed work) Heat€d:38 /Unheated: ToTAL PROJECT coST (Less Lot)i S c) ts the prcposed work charEinS the number of bedrooms? tr Yes bfNo ls any Ehctricrl, Plumblng or Mechathal work being done to the Accecsory Strucure- B/Yes O lto lf the project is a Relocati,on, ls there a Natural-Gas Une on the current site? n Yes h/ No ls there ElectrfcalPower on tllls Bullding? {vq O no Property us€/ Occup.r*y: /Sl,rgb f.-tly E Dupl€r D TownhouJe b* Descrlption of Work: "W S Ja b-ri- OISO-AIrER: I herebl c.nify that.l] rhe irfofi|atk n in lhls appllc:tlo li con.<land.llwo u/tllcoltlply wnh the SEte Bulldln! Code and allother aPdiebleStite 'nd b@I laws and ordinances and reguletions. The NtlC Dev€loprruni Servrc€r center willb! mtlfled of afly chrnS€s ln the appmved plan3 and speclflcauons ot chBn8e ln conlraclor frtrN A l) the .pproprlatc Pennlls wlll 5'zat *i) be ln vt btlon ol I h€ N c state BldS code and rutt€cl to Rn+ up lo S5m.o0'" 'I nlo(matton, ..'NgTt: any woat plrfo@ed wltho ut sltnature: at. O,rrner/€onba ctor: 'Llccnsed Quolnct' ls the property located in a floodPlaln? D Yes Erirting lmpervlous Arca, :9-7j.i95q tt New lmpe,.ious Area' 3 O C) Sq R F 6*o Total Acres Disturbed Exlstlng l-and Disturblnt Permh: tr Yes rylfo CFPUA D Communitysystem fl Private Well D Centralwell E Aqua CFPUA E Communlty System D Private septic O CentralSeptic fl Aqua 1..tO,3 F Zone: -- offi.cr: - Setbacks [F] - (LH] - (RH) - (8] -Approval: - Cltyr- Dat€: - Flood: (A) -- (vl - (N)- BfE+2tts C.omment: -Parrrrn r"", s ( iffi ',tl t8 'ta tt APP'IC-At{-T'S NAMT: PROJICI ADDRtss: -_ SUBDrVrSrON: Lt lT ' ' [v- At ze t_.ctl't: 4a, 1 -lq.!rt-ztP. 2- E-t05 o/ T€/s,n Tor', )/'L NTW HANOVER COUNfi BUITDING PERMIT AP P L tCAnO N Typ F: RE5tDENItAL Pt rr,st ANsfJEfl Att outtTloNS ArpLtc att ToyouR pno]tcr I t u;r[ 'P,olccl lteJpontlblllty' Date PNOPER]'' OWNTS'S NAMT t t ltr r,,f*",1:owNtR'sAooRtsS: ..'_) ). t ) tute,-tat, JX- ;'*lr*t:!:- P CITY 2n,2. y 26j CONI RACTOR ADDRtSST - TMAIT AODRtSS; L/a ,1t ll ,'--s- llVa t-J^ 4o 0to6 LlctNst ri- .L::,rt ,-t t v1)- tttl g.i .,crn:rl Gt q.,,2-, pRoJ[crcoNrACr pERsox,l; :., 1 7 t5. 1r'527 toNE EXISTINGCONSTRUCTION: Lif^ltcration f_l Renovation r]-General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCIION: : tre.l Nrw Resldence O Additionto trirtinS Rertdenco fl Relocation ".PTLASE CIITCX ANO AI!sWIR BEI.OW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCI*T' (',,t /t' .// ) (/ TOTAT SQ FT UNo[R ROOF lfot ptoposed wotkJ Laated ToTAL PRoJtcf cosT(tettLott S (:-' c',(iLd U.r hoatEd lt lhe proposed work chantint the number ol bedrooms? tJ Yes EzNo ls any tlert,i..l, Plumblnt or Me(hanlal work belnS done to the Acces3ory Structure A Yes No lf the proJe.t ;s a Relo.allon, i! there a Natural Gar LlDe on the current site? E Yor E No ls there tlectrlcdl Power on thls Eulldlng? gaier g1 to I oupler fl Townhou,e l_l Porch (SF) _-_ _ Il Slora8e Shed (SF)_ ! I other lsr) __- . .t,,1r 13$ta.Co.dh.i.er.ldr.er'.t'o1r Tte NrrC OevLlop/'rnI JtDk.rt!rt.r $lllb.,lorir!dc,..y(he8.! ln rhc red y'..! rnd !p{. n(.rlol, o..ha.6. h 6nnr(l.r irlorhllro.. "'narTl lky wrl t!dtnea wlrhoJt tLe n.l. pErhl! qil b. r^ykl.tronol rh. Nc5t te /rr TotnlAcros Oirlurbrd J tl,.lt r ir.t ,/1 Irt^ <t r \" l,-{l 77 ,t'7/l J l!SlSnatural 7i2)"'**"'Owner/Contra.tor:. 'Lt(ent.d Auotir.t' Pthl None lr the lrope.ty lo(ated In a lloodplaln? f v"r (Uo [xlrtint lmpervlour Ar€a 5q ft New lmDervlgur Area: Sq fl Exlltlnt L,.nd Ditlurblnt Pe.mhr L Yer :,-.- No', wrJrR: /l uPUA -- Conlnrun,ry systcni ': Privatc well :l cehtral well [:] Aqun StwfR: /1 C]PU^ f, Co,l,n,un,iySysrcln C PrivdtcSrpri( E Centrdlseptic Ll Aqua ,.^"'Li1 - ofii.e,: PI t) serbacrr F) ---4L- lLxi t-1, tnxt - ip- tatZ< approvar: lf ciry: lLi\ o","r5ldil6r,ooa, t^)-. -.(v) (Nl--j\-Bttrzh= --.on,."n,, "/Ll-+:.l -tvI I k /> sel t.'c,<I Itff,it;t* <1 S Pe'mitrep: s ( i, 'lnn'rtion Reoutteo,9l0'254 mn l-ol t: Ll Alt GaraSe (SI)_ D Der Ga.a8c lsr)_ E Sunroonr (Sf)_ i,r Pool (St)_ t j Grcelhouse(SF)__ J Deck(SFl _..-..-_._ lt the propoled work chatBlng tho oxistin8 lootprint?{C Yes C No 7 lt, V.J APPTICA[T,S NAME:U PROJECT AODRESS: suBDtvlsloN: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Qot6 584\. -...,rytaz appllGdon Numt€r Ioffce us.) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPL'CANON TYPE' RESIDENNAL PLEASE ANSWER Atf QUESTIOI{S APP UCABIE TO YdJ R PRO',TCT 'hojad R.rponrlblIq/,^t Lott frc CITY tJ r /l- Datei,ok atP.. LOT S PROPERTY OWNEIjS }.IAME:/rrrl r OWNER'S ADORTSS; lLt PHONE # C lTYi G ztP?- \ 'AJ BL06 TICENSE CITY sry'c ae: LtrV? 1 L,PHONE 'n-Q(/-toL7EMAIL AODRESS: PROJECT CONTACI PERSON a UzuruZ PHONE:G/E-// €xlsTlNG CONSTRUSfloN: E#lteratlon D Renovation Ereeneral Repairs NEW CONSInUCTIoN: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Besidence D Relocation ...PIEASE O{EO( AITD AT{SWER BELOW A1I. THAT APPLY TO YOI,R PNoJECT..I n Att GaraEe lSFl E Sunroom (5F)- D Greenhouse (SF)- D Det Garage (SF) - tr Parch (SF) O Storage Shed (sF) -- tr other (SF) 15 th€ propos€d work dlanglngthe €xisti4 footPrint?g Yes El No ToTAt sq FT utilDER ?ooF lfor proposed work) Heat€d: - lJnhcated: roTAL PRolEcT cosT ltess totl s O- S1d/ ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? tr Yes "A-No ls any Elcctrical, Plumbint or Ivlech.okal work belng done to the Actessory Structure tr Yes 6fto lf the prolect is a ReloGatlon, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current slte? D Yes ,I No ls there Eleqtrlcal Pourer on this Bulldiog? ^EiVes tr ffo Property Use/ OccupeDcy: tr Slngh FamllY El Duph D Townhouse 3_/ a tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) 24Hfl'? tB 12 t2l P',rl t tb,[c ild @tv"1*\2.e. Owne/Conlxactor: 'tlcenscd Quol$er' tulnt Nome lstie property located ln afloodplaln? E Yes E No EristirS lmpervlous Ar€a: -- Sq ft ot Work: t-,ta ,^ OlscL^ltti€n: I hetebY c.(fY iMt.ll tha hforrnalion in thl! appllcatl ls cor.ld and dl work will cornpty vIh rhe stite Bulldlng colh and all other aPdioble stat€ and bcr I laws and ordirance, and r€gulatront The NHC OevdoPmcnt SEwkaj center will b. ootlfl.d of any ch.n8€5ln the phnr and 3peclicauons oa chanta ln mntraalor 0o...lnto(mrtlon. "'NOT[: arry worl plrformed \xlthout the propriate pQrmlts rrlll be ln vbbtion ol lh€ Nc Stat€ SlSnature:7)Z: Total Acres oitturbed: New lmpervDus Area: --Sq R Erlstlnt tand Dlsturblnt Petmlt: E Yes D No *orr^, f ,rruO E Community system D Prlvate well E Centralw€ll D Aqua sEwER: ,t CFPUA E communltvsystem C Private septic El Centralseptic D Aqua zone: _.- officer: - setbadc(F)-([H)-(RH)-(B)- Apprcval: - Crt$ - Date: -- flood: (A) -- (v1- (N) - BFE+zfts -Comment:Permit fee: S ,ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A PPLICATIO N fYPf: RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWTR ATT QUESTIONS APPTICAEI-E TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Project Responsibility" Lot?i-51tLl 18-1698 Appltcation (offiae use) A99LICANT,S NAME: D R Horton pRorEC, ADDRESS: 7917 Huron Drive SUBDtvtStoNr Bass Lake PROPEBTY OWNER,S NAME: D.R' HOTION pxoNrs.910-821 8557 OWNER,S AOORESS: '131 Raone Drive Suile 201 CITY Wilminqton 71p 28403 CSNTRACT9R: D.R. Horlon s196 11sgr{56 s. 29676 ADDRE5S: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 c|fy. Wilmington ST: NC ZtP: 28403 EMAIT ADDRESS:fu rhorton.com pHoNE:910-821-8557 PROJ€CT CONTACT PERSON: R an Willis p11gr!6.910-46$1906 IXISIING CONSTRUCTIoN: C Alteration ! Renovarion E General Repairt NEW CONSTRUCTION: $, Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .J'PLEASE CHECI( AI{D ANSWER BELOW ATI, THATAPPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'' 6Att earaee {sr) 2960 E Det Garage (sF) - E Porch (sF) a Sunroom (SF)U Pool(SF)E StoraSe Shed (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (sF)Deck (SF)R other (sF)165 ls the proposed work changing lh€ existint footprint? p_Ves tr No TOrAt SQ FT UNOTR AOOF \Jor Noposed work)Heated:2529 Unheated:629 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Iess Iot): S 167400 ls the proposed work changinglhe number of bedrooms? D Yes F. No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinS done to the Accessory Structure B,yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas line on the current site? E yes E-I{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes INo Property Use/ occupancy: p sintl€ Family E ouplex E rownhous€ Description of workr New Sinqle Familv Residence l.wsand ordinances and re8ul.taons. The NHC Develop(ent S€Nices Centerwillbe notilied Of any (ha intormation. .'.NOTE: Any wort pertormed without rhe appropriate permits v,iitbe in viotatioo ot lhe n8es in the approved pla 8,dg Code a.ld n5 and speaifications or change in contrartor 9ubject to fines up to 5500-00... owner/c ontractor: Janet Furr Signaturei "Litehsed Qualilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves d, ruo fr(istint lmpgrvlous Area: --.- 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: . I 7 NewlmperyiousArea:3171 -SqFt ExtrtinB Lrnd Disturbtng?ermat: E ves E No WATER: FCFPUA E Community System E private Welt E CentratWe El Aqua SEW! RT d{FPUA E Community System 0 private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zore: -- Officer; _ Setbacks (F) .-_ (LH) _ (RH) _--_ (B) _ Approvat _-- Crty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al _ Ol _ (Nl _ AfE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S c)o g31g;526/'lE CfTy; Wilmington 21p 28412 LOT #: 268 &B NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APPLI CATTON TYPE; RISIDENTIAL PLiASt AtiSWEi ALr OUESTIONS AppllC.A8LE tO youR aRo]Ea "P.oied nespon3ibility' ,5,u41 6ste- Pno}r.aiAPPLICANT'S NAM€ PRoIFCT qooRtss: 556 Z S.tca., ffi Apph(at,on iolti(c !9e) P5. /L{-Oate -*.- crTY PROPERTY OWNER'SNAMEI J.I44d S A'I/ E ,5 Aol?4n t1ful_eaonee, To-A2{ OwN€fi'S AODRESS: c))l .t,at-tto t < corutnlcton 5-r"r rl do,v c,pe o Pez T/" s ,L ADoRESS: )) t 4.+t.*t o TMAIL ADDRESS:'ou G P PROJECT CONTACT PERSON {rcue TOTAL PROJTCI COST {Lcs! Lor} S - {,33 I? a?. et7 t I ELDG LfCEnsE {: >3-(b A a' CITY l./ /t-,q ,n&1ird sr ,yc.ztq. )tr?/ l -6-4!L-J-q]f-?--ptio|iE. _LLA-:-?/2A._.6 i, > b PIIONE 710-d?a- b33 b lnz J Storage Shcd {5F) _ rz EXlSTlt{G CO STRUCTTONT J Ahe(arion [-l Renovation E GcTlerat Repairs./ NEw coNsTRUCflO y'€rcd New Residenre i Addition to Exrstrn€ R€ridercc E Relocation ...pLEASf CHECX aND ANSWER SErOfn ALr THAT Appry To youR pnoltg... : Att Gdrage (5ll_ tr Der Gerage (SF)_ i porch {SF) - --l Suhroom (5F)-'-_ n poot (Sr)_._ r Greenhouse(5F]- n o.rr t rt 7.5G Is thc proposed work changinB the existing lootprint? i, yes --.1 No ToTAL sQ tT ut{DtR RooF l,ror propoted worrl Neateo: t 5 $(p.- untr."t"O, - orhPr (5f)_ /-<)La lr the proposed work changinB the nurnber of bedroomsT D yes c4"24t1ffY l8 2r35Pt ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mcch:nical work being donc to the A((ersory 5rru<ture n ycs ll lhe [.rcjr,ct r,, n Relo.ation, r:, thcro i Naturdl Ga5 Lrrron thc current 5rte? = yug fro ls there €lectfrcal gower oo thrs Burldrng? 0 Y6 Ef No {*" ',iIla, DlSCtAlMlAr I hrreby ..n y lhnt rll th! intorlnation in lnrJ rrpt'.nt,o, ri corr.d rnd :rU \sorl Bitlrompty wirh the l.rwr and ordirln^(e1 ind .oSulrtionr. ih,l tttac D(wlopm€nt 5ervi(e( (cnl{r liti te notif€d of riy a}!;n;:lrlnlormJrion "^rclt, ARy r.orl perlcrmeo *rihoul tlt€rpproprBt€ pe,mcgw ttr m vtoLtior at rh. BC Owner/Contaactor:{r€/e -fTe j , _ Signature: Permit Fe€: 5 'Liaen$l Qr'r!t_lP.' *int Notlr.t 1r ths property locited io a fioodplarn? 3 Ves fro f{sting lmpewlo!9 Arear _ Sq ft Totsl Acrei Disturb€d New lmpcrvious Area t4W Sq ft ExistioE Lnnd Dirturbing P€.mitl Cfry Englneering S€ WF R: uA E Communiry Systern E Privete wetl El Centrnl Wclt fI /\qu3 UA n Community System O Privrtc Scptic D Central Septic E Aqua ROW Reviewz"^o,fl:-l of ficer: -Of(2 Setbnck! (F) 1;' qx1 €,tri^"t ili$t Zd rc)2rr{-,ermit Require6approval: Qll- cityr l!1y'\Oate:sluA \ commenr: /Vl45l h li mi+ r egr,ri rcva"* -Cit:' lnsFcilon Requreo, 91 0'254'q9flt) z;lz+lez'c-29 403 ZSrDtz2 Propcrtv Uie/ Occupancy, !/ngte. ramily E Duptex D T-ownhousc - Ioercriprionotwork, ..)9.,.t2 E"t.^r\C- tf-rr*rll (C<\ACtnCA- s1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL'CATION TY PE: RESIDENTIAT pt€A5r ANSWFR Art QLrESTlOtiS AppltcrBLE io youR ?Rot[- "P.oject Rerponiibilityz 5qN Stta- P*aepi I APPLICAN''S NAME PROIFCT AT}DRESS: suBDrvtstoN: s50.i 5r.fi1o\'e PRoPERTY owNtR'S NA|t/,et .fA+4 Saa/e PA ?4 OWNER'S ADDRESS )2 L<r 4tu o t < - CONTRACTOR: 'Al t/ fo'd b Pee rt? ADDRESS: ,r/ fi at *t o -l-!f--exolrr *, ?r o - a?t-t"3JI= ztP ->tt t \ B1.DG rrcEr{s€,: >3-b 7 tD ctTY l.lrt-tt 4C ztP. )77! ) \qZ J Storage Shed (SF)_ n Olher (SF)_ €3. /LL slzqln L-ztp ?'6qo3CITY 'Jb€ Etrn^|L ADoREss: .14<ta,/ Sot/ G_ Pe&/li 4(a.6 4t_.cem._PtioNt a -d,>v- pRorEcr co1;rAcr p r*ton {leUC _l-., r}ncrt _rrow, _V!-:!?t_9Bj g_ EXISTING COI{STRUCTION: I Alt€ratton fl Rcnovation [] Generul Reparrr./NEW CONSIRUCTION -!.trccr New Residence I Addition to Exrsrtng Residefi.e [: Retoc.rrion r..pt"EAsE cHEcx ANp ANSW€R EEtpW ar! rHAJ Appt!_To youn p8or€ql.,. --1 Attcarage(5[)_ E) Det Garage{SF}_ _] porch (SF) ---/:;.- -,' Y.- ' rOrA[ 5Q rT UNDER ROO1 llor prooosed vror*1 neateu: t AZ k)_ Unheated:4. TOTAI PRO.,[CT COsT {l-r,ir tor} S 15 the propoied work chenginB the number of bedrooms? B yes lJ any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechenicalwork being donc to the Accesso(y Stru.ture n ye: lf t he pr cje'ct r! r Relocation, i5 there n Natu.il Gd5 Line gn thc currenl site? 0 yes El-{o ,4 ?4ttnv t8 ?3 JSPI{ DlSCltlMERr t hercby cerlrly rhit rll th€ mtorm.tion in thrg apptEaron L Con..! irod :ial vort wl co.npt $, h rh€t*rt3 and ofdininr(r )rd.egrrlitio^t.llr( ltllc Orrclopment ServiregCrntlr ailt bc.rot,ti€d ol rny atan*a 'nro,mdtion ""tOlt Afiy yr€rt p€rtormed wtthoul lhelpp.oprj:rie pcrmrts r,rll bc vio:atiol1 gt th€ EC owoer/contr.ctor: *eft :.4-) Ji t itc.J -._ siEnatur€: New lmp ./ rs the propcrty lo{ated in ,.' lloodplarn) X Ves /to Erlsting lmpawious Areal '--- Sq tt Total Acrer Disturbed: _ /" '' L'74u- "'E stint t.nd DinurbinS p€ fl P.ivatp !vei! C Centrrl Wt-U n /\qu.l ,lt-r/\Date:a4q /i- a^L ,/(-t ort, -e' ?,.3' f.S' ?-.c- ROW p,-ermit gineerin3 Review RequiredApproval: Comment: -0L cit [A"rp r':" , 1,..- ^rtnnr. ... ,. ir', 'vtl!", Darrr lirfia at n.^a : ::^'I ':r\/VI9rrWrnt r! ihere tle(tncal Power on this BgjHrnB? fl ver El tro Propo.ty Use/Occu panolt /iagte Family E Duplex E Townhousc oescription of work' rf f . C-r >- rf *e- _,PZ^^ i ( Y rt-e4,, Ar qt a 5_ v\ ,?.'" 1 ',.. 'ffi: APPTIC-^r{I'S HAMT: PROJTCI AODRtSSI sUS0lvlJlO l NEW HAIIOVER COUNTY EUIIDI'TG PERMIT APPUUNON NPE: RESIDENTIAT PttAgt attswEi AUQUtSIlOtlS AtPllct0Lt TO YO'uR pnOJtcrrprolfft R!rpqrrtbUtt/ -- wu slzql r? t-l''\t* NLztP-2GAl( \g-qa v?* ALBI [\u ].1 , e t ( . 1!. /- 6,r!r r;;-Q ( -l r",-I iPA-(ITY LOt I PROPIRTY OWNtE's NAM[: .qd < f1\,*,3, owNtR's AooRtSS: :Z A.el. oL!,$ ,- Arlt i tle ."J.1 81-"., Pflor{r x._3_:t - d, * rl:_-r1".1 & _crn.L\eliv,i[e arc zrp-?-t863 Z3Cot{IfactoR: /\r..C,A BloG uctr'lst I AOORfs5:'t 0..*,!{J ;.--- ..--sr,ttJ<* ltt.]\! t( - EMAII ADDRESST f l-e J,-r,'l/.{$71o1,(a..,tt P o'i]r:3/AJa1!4Jbfo2- pRo,EcrcorrAsrpErcox,lfiol-&)qlL4eA- --PHoNt:9/0-6/a fuqO Extsrl G coNsfftucTlon, tt'o*ron g{erwtatwn Eic6ftral seP.ks t{rlry Co SIlUcTloN: tl Erest Ner/ Rerldeflcc gd-d-ltlon to lrlstint neslder.e O Relocatlon t o{to( A}lo A Swrn IELOW ALl rttAr APPTY rO Y(xjR PRo.,ECT'|' O Afl Gar.8e (stl--- D DGt Ga/ag. (Sf)-- n Sunroom (st) ., - -.., O Pool(5r)., t] Greenhoure (Sr)..---_ tr oe.k(5f)-.---,. Ir the propor.d wori dranglngthe erttio8 footprint? Elr'te5 ! No U Porch (sF) _} k l.'\, ' fl Storete Shcd {Sr) f tl Other {5r) ToTAI PnotEcr cosT ll.c$ Lotl S A./Ut-r: CC lr the propoled wolk chan8ln8 lhr numbel ol bedloomt? U'4er U No ts any tLstrl(,.l, Pllrmbln, or Mlai.nkfl wo* belng don€ to rhe A.leslory st'ucture Wlo O no li the project 15 a Islo(ilon, 15 ihere 3 Natural Gas Une on th€ .urrent !lte? D Ye' Cl llo 15 there Sectrlt.l Psw€r on thls Bulldln8? E4et D ffo Property Ur./ O{uPrncy:f.mlty fl I)!pler D Intl.;d\. 6l'r+'t!r +t-a"olr u:, *,/ odl matif3_. z- BooclOeiqlpllon o, W"l Abo-'' .a"f-c y Pu. A^r -tc\t - ?{ L(rl Dljarlirfr i I h. l. ry c.nify I l)3l .l u. irronrrt bo - lhlt .p9llotrol\ L (oflr< a6i, all r,.ort *lll codpv xlh tie 3t la lulldh!(:o&and allotlal apClqbl!grt a.dlo.|L lret..d ordh..i6.nd rtallnjor!. TLe tltlcD.vdorrn ttr s.Nlrl c. nt?r lNlrl b. rtorl,l.d ol . ny .hrFt h li€ .Ppto Qd phn, .nd .Pac llcad'o]tr oa ail'U. ln cpnl,.atE lnl o(mllron. . "ll(n t: Ary wod parforrtd wllhout \h! tppaortlrta permht wltl b ! ttl vtiatlon ot lha l'lc 5taL nn.rupio 53m.cD'.' ()y,/^e,/fontti(to. 'llc?^tad Qualq.t' ,l* ll,,*s (llal;autl -"Slgntlur€: ls tle proprrtY located lo a floodplalnT O Y.r YNo trlrtlm lmpervlo!: A,€ z: Zl28 sqtt IotitAcr€' oistu'b'd: New lmpe rvloui Alea; ??-l , SqR [rlsllng Lhd Dliurblnt Pl7mlr: D Yes C Ho wAllR: p4rPUA fi communltY system f l Priv.te well 3 CenttalWell Cl Aqua SfWf e lTCf pUA D Communltv Svttem O Prival€ Seplic D Ce'rtralS€ptlc El Aqu! .o"",Li0- o',ncer' l)T Q:setbrd(t Ir) gltu) I r:' (RH) I d iB) -e< Approvrt ;[ clq: [Un D.re:'5]41( rrood: (A) --.(v]-(Nl-X-etE+2ft=.-^^*r, ffirn+'l ,r,alxf 7O J.elvacf- (ffurry4gnf5 Per"'rttceie .- , -, lpn6^1.1inrr 06,p,,r,6r. 9l {l ol I nnq l\ ToTAr sq Fr uNoEn i ool Vo, pro4scd tto*l ttezud" -:/6L-- uoac;,i(.'lt -/fZ,- - &3 Revision -+ {elr -cr#6Lo8'359 PROJECT ADDRESS| Ztl 'zi.-rl\ <f,;ffibuNw BUTLDTNG pERMrr APPUCANON TYPE: RESIDENTIAI. PLEASE Ai{SWER ALL QUESTIO'{S APP TICABTE TO YOU R PROJECT 'P'oJrcr R.sPomlblltY/ ^r{CITY: Date sl t? ZlPi a64 t( zrPr ?t8o3 ELDG TICTNSE Z S:I:|EZIP:2L4 tl ?HoNl' 9/D 6 /e. lzq O t8-1.? Appliction Number (offce urll APPTICA'{T,S NAME: SUBDIVISIOI: LOT E 9 PHONE JPROPERTY OWNER'S I.IAME: OWNTR,S ADDRESSI Z r,.r lR ' A ,l.'\e.CITY: COMRACIOR: ADDRESS: EMAILADDRISST A tr A$ Garage (5F) - fl Sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (SF) - e ; ,JC_o 1.1R ctw: rv\ ExlSTlNGCof{STRucnon:trd1herationBd1er*"tionBdeneralRepairs NEU' COISTRUCT1ON: E Erect New Residence Et'dd.rlon to ExistinS R$ldence E Relocation ...PIIASE CHECX AND AiISWER BELOW AlI THAT APPLV TO YOUR PRolECT"' D D€t Garage (SF)-E Porch (SF) tr Pool(sF) tr Decr (SF) E Storag€ Shed (SF) tr Other (5r) Ir the propos€d work dtanSlnBth€ existinE footprint? $l/ir fl No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot ptoPosed work) 'teated: 1K/Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot); S ls the proposed work chaqiry th€ number of bedrooms?E fes tr tto ls any El€ctIkal, Plumblnt or Mech.nlcal work being done to the Accessory Strudure w4e J xo lf the project is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Ga5 Uneonthe current site? fl Yct D No ls there Electrical Powet on thls BulldinS? tsr'?es tr o Properw Us€/ OccuparrcY:Famlly fl o Townhouse D€scription of ,.\b rD €e<)-/ od9 m *\h -+ Lr'r o t I P,* 6r'1^i7 A^r<\z- Beoca gt:o O u a^) DlSCtAni€i: I heEbY c.nifY that .ll th. hformation in thls .ppllc:tldl Is con.ct a nd .ll work will corrplY wllh the St le Bulldlng Co.le and all other aPdioble StitE end lool laws.nd odhances and regulations.The NHc D€vdopnEnr serylc.!center wtllbG rEtlfled of any.huSet lnthe aPpmved Phn3and speclf.atlons or chante ln mntla<lo' lnfo(m.tlon. "'NSTE: any wo.t plrtormed wlthout the appropriat€ perm[s Mll be ln vlolaion ol th' ilc sbte fin !3 up lo 95m 0D"' Owne/Co nrractorl 'Llc.ns.d Quoltlcr' Sltnature: ls the property located ln a floodplain? fl Yes ElNo Eristing lmpervious A rca: 2)!S-sqtt New lmpervious Area, -fi]-1-9cft Exlstlng Land Disturblnt Permh: fl Yes E No WAIE* V^FPUA E Community system E Private well D Centralwell E Aqua SEWTR: ,rCFPUA E Community System C Private Septic E CentralSeptic El Aqua zone: _- officeri- setbacks (F) - (tfi) -(RH! - (8) - Total Acres Distutbed: Approval! Comm€nt: - Citr - he: -_ Flood: (A) - (v) - (Nl - BFE+2ft - Permit fee: S I pRoJEcr coNTAcT p eason, ptrlwc: Q/D 6/U lA?O I q 0c/ clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L, CAT @ N rY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSWTR ALL qUE5TION5 APPlICABTE T' YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibility'' ,Lolb -;7r) t Date Ll - l1-sott-:ztp.--AAlftl LOT # ztP BLDG LICENSE lr:- - ST:l\ L ZIP , et,'4)-L.q- 0t APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESSI 5i/I .Ci4 Jl crw,ir)r/,'1 S NAME:PHONE ri CITY PROPERTY OWNER, OWNER'S ADDRESS \ Ur', UJL 1, 15 irt Li'. -,L, ADDRESS:L/ EMAIL ADORESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSONi Sunroom {SF ) Description of Wo.k . (..Crfv: f PHONE: PH ONE q It-.)q K L rL n,t[,,rl Iti t0 ,. ,1 /(Jc)'l q,i- 0t1t i EXtSTltlc CONSTRUCTION: il Alteration ll Renovatron / GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION| I Erect New Residence E Addition to ExistinB Residence I Relocation +*aPLEASE CHECK AI{D ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*.* 0 Det Garage (sF) -- I Porch (SF)f-l Att Garage (SF)- f Pool(Sl) L Deck {SF) - Storage Shed {SF)- I Other (SF)- Greenhouse (5F)- ls the propo5ed work changint the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF (/or proposed work) lleated TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 t5 il: Unheated: rsthppropo5cdworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? I Yes 7 No ts any Electrical, plumbing or Mechaokal work being done to the Atcessory Sttucture f Yes !i No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? 3 Yes 7 No t:LL' ' dls there Electrical Power on this Buildint?Yes lL l No Property Use/ O.cup"n.y, q5ingt"Faftilv n Duplex l l Townhouse tlt Lt<5 rifi fI-labilizr.fiay- orJcl-AIMER; lhe,:by LrrlifY that allth. information 'n this.ppliotion i5 core'! f,nd allworl wi ly wth rhc Srarp B[i]dinCCode and allother apphcable statp aod Iotal 1iw5 and ordinancer and reeulanonl rhe NtlC Deve opment service5 Center will be notilied of 'nychanges in the apProved plahs and spccrircations or.hahSe in.ontra.lor k Lnformarion. "'NOTE: AnY work pedormed wrthoutthe \-.e.v-Owner/Contractor "Lrcensed Quoliljer- p.rmitswillbe in violation of the NC State EldgCode and subject to fin$ up to,5500.00"'i,4!f.,-Signature:l,Jr'- lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? a Yes [/ No €xisting lmpervious Area; - Sq Ft Total Acres oisturbed: New lmp€rvlous A.ea: -- Sq Ft Eristing Land Dinurbint Permlt: tl Yes E No WATER: ! CFPUA :l community System '-- Private Well D Central Well ll Aqua SEWER: :l CFPUA I Community System E Private Septic D CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setback (t) - - ILH) -(RH) ,--- tB)- Approval: ,- City: - Oate: -- Flood: {A} - (V) (N) gFE+2ft= - Comment:P€rmit Fe€: S 'tr )) r f71 CONTRACTOR ,;t i,L ,Dv1 N PPLICANT,S NAME PROJECI' AD DRESS:\_) ;S pLtL_!. ,1 crrv, Ll)rJ,t,,uPt'^'-tOTH Zotfl -562) oxn' Ll l?-)a/-l, -.2w, abl'l'i ZIPabtnT ffi, Ctear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PL€AST AN5WTR ATL qUI STIONS APPIICABTE TO YOUR PRO'fCT "P.ojecl RcsPonsibilitY" uuadrLll-.l)-t.tL (jlt! PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME owNER',S ADDRrssr :-,-/ 1 7- CONTRACTOR AooRtssr i EMAII. ADDRTSS PRO'ECI CONTACT P€RSON t uS'L Lti Si,,,{lu-PHONT II: CITY crTY: (1 .,1-\ , pHoNE BLDG LlctNSE f:- I)- ',)q 1 .-st,y)( ae,.,j4b*)buIL itlLL ( z(1 rrrDl ('-{ln tt. . ( t:-hAN a-.. /L(,L a)r \PHONE () l'/.f EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I I Alteration -l Renovation General Repailt NEWcoNSTRucTloN:-lErc(tNewResidence.]AdditiontoFxistingResidence[]Relo(ation .,*PLTASE CHE CX AND ANSWER BTLOW AI.T THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECI'*I / i Sunroom {5t) Ll (ireenhouse (St) -, --, - Att Gor38c (sl:) .t, i(,lrt I I E Det Garage (5f), , I Pool(S[) i , Drck (sr) fl Porch (SF) il Stora8e Shed (Sf ) ---.I Orher (sF) j4bi,'t l<l't() '-, ls the proposed work chan8rne thr exi5ling footprlnt? trl Yc:' Ll No ToTAt SQ FT UNDTR ROOI Uot pto\osed wor,t) tleated tOTAt PRoltCT COST (Less tot)iS ti Unheuted LD l\ lhe proposed work changing tire rrumber of bedroonls) -L Ves / lo 15 any Electrltal, Plumbing or Me.hanical work bein8 done to the Alccsso'y Sttuclure 1 .1 Y€s fl No lf the project is a Relo.ation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current sito? O tes ly' no ls there tle(trical Power on thls Euildingi Y€s fl No eroperty use/ occupancy: iy'JinSle Famllv t.l Duplex I I Townhouse Desariptron ol Work ,h orsaLAlMER: I her(by (.rt,fy (,.1alr th. inldmation rn this appli(rtion r! tofte't 'dd a I wo'l rawr 3nd ordind.cc! dnd reBqlanooi Ih. Ntlc Oevelopmenr s€rvi.etCtnr'' w'lr Ur tot'it(l ot "Y'h' a+Lllr{Lihc\L r,ly w,rhrhpsi.rp 8u di.s aod. .nd ill orhcr rpplkable Slnt€ and lo(rl ntcr h rhe apprord plan! and ,pc.rn.ation, o..han8c l. (onr,.(tor t to frner up ro Ss00 00"' /-', !/,,, - < ti,'tlt A;Dctu'- (<5 f-.;( r.t\ I ,l _ _ slSnaturer i-lp'-'- /- +L inrorflrJtiorr. "rNOIt. Any work per{ormed wilhout tho.iirta permits u,illbe nr violrlion oi lhe NC Stite BldS [ode and tubie( Owner/contraclor "lrcensed Quohllet" Lr..; l, the proDertv located in a floodplain? tl Yes E No exlstlng lmpervious Atea: - - -- Sq Ft New lmpcrvlous Area: _ _,_- sq f t 'lotal A(rFs Olst rbpd ExistinB tand Dlsturbing Pcrmit; L i Yes I No WATER: lr CIPUA tl Comrrun)ty Systenr L] PrivalrWell [-.1 Ccntral W.ll l-] Aqua SEWEB: [l CfPUA D Conlnunity Syslcnr n Private Septrc fl CcntralS.ptic L.l Aqua zon"(16 - onicer: Di L: setba.ks(F)-l{4.{LntNUA tnst NJA rq-N/f\ Auorovar: t)[( cirv, ltll\ ou,o'5fz',)1661ooo, 141 (vl - (Nl x--BFE+21 .o,"-"",,. I'1or9,.\'r,.t29,,.,'t r-,r{1 , Na-fL,,,t., t i '' (}rs}'n', {'( \ (\ \r\\ I' lnlntlion Requneo, 91 [)"254"090 -Purait fn", S suEDlvlsloN: -_h ) ltt D-z t8' tc'/'/ #fi, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TVPf; RESIDENTIAt !,tTAS€ ANSWEII AtT OUESTIOHS APPI i(ABIf TO YOUi Pf,OIICI "Prolect ResPonsibllitY" APPUCANT'5 NAMf: S|EI]IiTLII . --PRolECr ADDRFss: -{4!7a6i!ffi ,Z{T sUBDrvrsloN: Chll4ft.tstate*,".|:aer-. Dater ,l/3/2018'f-R.( - i,*, sEr4s&,,- ZlPi 28405 -o__ LOl a'-#4 owNrR'S ADDRTSS: 227 Foresl&L- C'TY: lrulltingt9n,.- ....- -, ZIP: ?91Q1 PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAMtr .Cj!'oll o Barnes PH0Nt {:910.471'3901 BLOG LICaNSE l,::l3l5l ADDRrSs: j:l ii I rails EndRd clrY: !!OjLq!gaL-.- . -"* sr; :1Q- zlPi ?8-a!L-.,- EMA[. ADDRISS:,sjn0gA99AdBlur[l!09!q[Eepl!l9r]! ---... .PHONE: 910-7S8'2880 PROJICT CONTACI PERSON: S-Ial](l S!ril,! --PHONE:910"264-2075 €XISTING CoNSfRUCTION: { i Alteration :l Renovation E GeneralRepaks Ntw CoNSTRUCTION: E [rect New Residence It Addilion to ExlstinS Rcsidcnce u Relocalion ..'PtIASE CHECX AND ANSWER BTTOW ATL T}IAT APPIY TO YOUR PNO,ECI' " 3 Att Garage {SF) n oet Garage (SF) *, ----- [-] Sunroom (5F)- C Pool (S, )-- ---- fl 6reenhou5e (Sf )---- Lj Dcck {5f } --. - -ls the proposed work changinS thc exittinS rootprint?& uesr${!.|,p TOTAT SO fT UND€R R OOt llot p.agosed work) Heated:,!llo - Unhealedi ToTAl" PRoJECT COsT {Less tot}: S?,5.370.00 U Porch {SF) ,- --_ I I Sto.a8e Shed {SF) tk o,no, {rr} ',4u ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes B No ts any Electrlcal, Plumblng o. Mechanicalwork bein8 done to the Accessory Structure fu ves n Uo It the project is a Relocation, is there a Nstu.al Gas tine on the (urrent site? [l Yes $ Io l5 there Electrical Power on (his SuildinS? E Yes I I No Prope,ly Ur€l Occupancy: V singk famtly '! Duplex i I townhouse Dor(ription of Worl: Build 101 L14' Bslhro_om aOdiljq!.jllAS!-qlLqF9.. ,r,5rma!,on "'NOT[r Any work perlo.rncd wiihoul the.pproe,iatc pe,mits wlllb. in violatlon ol tho NC SEl./r/rdrc lnd rubjed !o/r.ftr up roSsm.mr" owner/contractor: Ei!t9r-Slli!! sltnature: ,./l " .. ,, , ,1... ; t, Ir thc property localcd in a floodplain? | I Yet X*, €rlstlnt lmpervlour A rea: -!1/ i- 5qg ou, Area: 141)5q rt Total Acreg Disturbedr 0 €xlstlnt Land Dlsturbint Pel,nltr n Ves ! lo WAr€Rr l CrPUA i: Conrmunity Syste{r Ll Privale Welt Tl Cent.alWelt O Aqua lilj-rXi'il;'ilt1}::;;.d;fj:f .i;;:ill['L;l.," ctif insprcrion Requreo, et0.254.0eri.i approvat, _Lp- city, {L1ut ,r,", (!l{ ,,oor, 1oy _ (vl -_ {N} \_ BrE+zh= , commenrr_ f I e(1L.. f,r+x V L- lS 1<( *rg! (<7lrL r_, o, * ",!) ._ pe,mrr Feo: S _.__ \f' cONTRACTOS: Cla!tal-q'lM!S!9&CpE---..... CL.r Form REOGIVED l{AY 29 ?O1B NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIII)II{G PERMIT APPLICATDN flPE : RES|DEI{TIAL PI.IAS€ A'{sWER AII QUESIIONS APPI"ICASI"E TO YOUR PROJECT 'Pror.d ncsponatully 7pffi-58%@ADdlotbo l{umb€r (offc. us€) N *L mOPEnTY OWI{ErS MME: John Albert Dickson and Arnaftta Thomas Didcon pflOitE f; OWI{ER'S ADDRESS:1?O Brial.re Wav CITY: 770/ A?:28412 CONTMCTOR:sclf Ja<a LtCt4o,)8rllrc IICE SE *:- ADORESS; '120 ldarrl Wav OTY:5I: NC ZIP: 28412 EMrUL ADof E55: iav(Anhus PRO'ECT COfiTAcI PERSOI{: .lohn l.)ir.Iq^n I Sunroom (SF) C Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (sF) ls th€ proposed work changlng th€ edsting fmtprint? n y", fro IOTAI SQ Ff UrifDER R@F (lor proposed work) HeaH;o TOrAL PROTECT OOtr (tess Lot):11 fi)O 77r}A PH(XE: g)3-&t8-77orl PHOflE: ,/ EXitS?ll{G COt{sTnUCflo : ts4heration E Renovation n General Repalrs t{EW CO $nUCIbl* E Erect New R6ldence E Addtdon to E{sting Residence n Rebcauon ...PIEASE CHECfi ATID AI{$'ER AEOW AI.L 1I{AT APP1Y IO YOUN PiO'ECrr" Att Garage (SF) _n Det GaraEc lSFl tr Pool (sF) _ tr Pofch (SF) _ tr Storag€ Shed (SF) _ D Other (Sf) exterior srairs /4at€f ls the proposed work changlng the numb€r of bedrooms? E YGs &"{nh any Electrlcd, Plumbhg or Mcdnnhel uork being done to the Accessory Structure tr.ye6 lf the project h a nabcsdon, is there a Naturalcas Une on the cunent slte? E Ves E/lfo ls tfiere Electrlcal Power on thislulldlnt? EiVcs D ]to Prop. y Ure/ Occl.|panry E/sllEl. F.m0y tl Duplcx El fownhousG D6arlptlon ot worti DECLAIi tl I hertty (ertlry that all ttrc Infonffithn h thk applkitirn Is conect .nd alt yo.t wii coorply stth th. SEtG &it kE Code .nd aI otter applk bh State and bc.i laM6 and o.dlnancca ard .eguletlons.Iha tlHC Delreloprn€nf S€ivk$ Canta. r.,lll be notlied ofaary dEnSes ln the appror€d plana and rpedncstbht or dl.qac ln contractotinfonnatioo. "'|OTE: Any wo.t p€rfonn€d withod the egpropriate permtts will b€ in vblatbn oft le ilc and !ubj.'ct to fiiles up ssoo.m... Ournet/Cootr.aton Jdtn Alb€rt Dld(son SEnatuE: 'li(Enscd Qrolifr.t' &iat Nom. ,/ ls the prop€rty located ln a f,oodplain? tr Vo gdfo Erlstlrg lmp€rvious *:e: 4.lt sq rt Total Atrrs Disturbcd, i/rt Ne{ lmpendour AEa: ^/A Sq rt Edldrf Lnd Dlsturtllu pclmtL E vn A W llt WATER: D CFPUA D Community System fl Private Well E Centratwell B Aqua SCWEnT C CfPUA D Community SFtem E Privat€ Septic D Centralsepth Ef Aqua Zone: _ Oficer: _ S€tbadc (Fl _ (tHl _ FHI _ (Bl _ Apprw.l: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ lV, _ l l _ BfE+Zft _\CommGnt:Pemlt Fee: $ eU.ll APPUCATYrS AME: John Did(son Dstc: May29,201g PROJECI AOOnESS: 12O tstand BrtdgE Wey OTy: Witmtngon AqJ9412 SUBDMSIOI{: River tsland LOT fli g_ Unheeted: 0 *