JUNE 4 2018 BUILD APPSNEW HATIIOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP UCAfl ON |YPE : RESIDENTIAL PlEAsE ANSWIF AL!QU€STIONS APPTICAAIE TO IOUR PROJECT "Proi€d nesponsibiftt/ JgtB sQ4\ 18-1573 (ortu E) D.re: t16l18APPTKAN-rS NAME: ,rROrEcT ADDRESS: 1720 Newkirk Rd CITY ZtP:28409 PROPTRTY OWNER'S iIAME:Pxo r r: 910 795 3722 OWNER'5 ADDREsS:CITY:ZIP: 28409 CONfRACTOR:EIDG TI'ENSF d ADONESS:311 ST: n c- zlP: 28405 EIr'lAltADOnEsS: grumFybuilder@gmeitcpm phol{E:91079(]9247 gflorEcT coilfAcT pEtSO : Mike Evana pHOlEr 9i{X?01979 EXEING COI{STRUCnON! D Alt€ration E Renovation :l Gener.lRepeirs t{Ew CONsrrucIrO : D Ered Neu Restdeh.e E addition to tlxEflru ftesEeoc. fi ReJoEadon ..IPTIASE CHEO( AIID AXSWER BETOW AITTHAT TO YOUn PROIECT". tr An GaBge lsF) _ X Sunroqm {SF) _ E DetGarage (SF)_ tr Storuge Shed (Sr) _ tr other (sF) tr PooliSF) tr Gt €nhoure (SF) _ tr Oeck {SF) 256 ls the propo6ed worl chanliig the etisth8 footprint? El Yei E l,io ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOE llor proposed wotk)Heated: 2085 4:i3 TOTAI Pf,oJEcr cosT (L6t L6t): $ 3384 r 8.00 ls th. pro!,osed $ort d|.ntirB tt* number of bedrooms? El Y€. E Xo lsmyElsctri.al.PllInUlEorMeafiaricalr,,rortbehgalonetotielccllsoryStruatlf.EY!6ONo lf tha pror.ct li.8do.atton, is tharr a Nltur'lGa3 tin€ on the cur..nt 3ite? tr Yer Ei o lltherc EhdrkslPoweronthi!&rlHint? n Yes E l{o Ptopcrty t sa/ Oaorpancyr fl Sirt3lc Famfly tr D!d.{ O Ioxnhor.la D"!.rFton dffr6d( 3i ie-- appli.ahL stite lnd I@l lslhe properlyloeted inarroodphin? E Yer E Io Existlng lmpervioos Arcai _ Sq Ft Tot:lAses Dlsturbed: .5 l,lew lmpervloB Ar.i:l5gjil Sq Ft ErX rrg l,rnd Diiorbing felmit: C Ye3 E o WATER: X CTPUA fl Community Systern E Priv.te Well E Centrelwell f] Aqfi SEWER: E CFPUA B Community System 5 Private Septic d Centrals.ptic D Aqua Zolie: - Orfi.cr: - serDacrs (Fl - (tl{, -(nfi) {8)- -- apprq/dl: - oty: - Ilat.: - Flood: (Al-(vl- (xl BrE+2ft= - Comment: _Permir Fe!: $l2l-"" SUlDIvtglOx: I tOT t: iB-R,l tl PorEh {3O 177 i'l). NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERIIIT APPLICAfidI TYPE.. COi.I}IERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOI'R PROJECT '?roject Responsibllity'' APPLICAiIT'S MllE: ssx12911 EottBS oF 1IL!.1INGToN LLc DEVELOPER: FoRrrrNE pLAcE EoLDTNGS LLc PRO]ECT : agoA Goonwooo mr . WTLMINGTON OCCUPAI{T/BUSII{ESS tlAltE: !'oRrrrNE pLAcE BoA ohll{ER' S ADDRESS: p.o. sox 3lqz CONTRACTOR: BoRrzoN E9MES oF wrr,urNcToN LLC _ LICE SE : rogeI ADDRESS: p.o- Box 3442 - CITY: w11y11161gN EIiAIL ADDRESS 3 HoRr zoNHor,rEsBrLrrNGEqtArL. cor,t PROIECT CONTACT PERSOI{: y6pn ssNNErT EXIST CONSTRUCTIO lf Relocation, is there a N 2,e\g-@ a), L$-$99 AFFEATiOII Number (offtce Use) . DATE:1-24-18 PK)NE *: ZIP:2g4y2 5T; Ng ZIP:26495 ST: Nc ZIP:28406 - PK)NE S:910-s2o-501r - PKINE S: src-622-s27 4 :E atural ALTERATION Gas Line on the (Check aU ltat Apply) r-1 REIIDVATIOT{ T-1 GEI{ERAL REPAIRS - RELOCATION tiunentsitea;- H;- No rsBLDGsph NKLEREDtr- yesf- No NEhI CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NElr srRUcruRE E FASr rRAcK E SHELL f] uPFrr E AID TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: u-f\.C,s)tA t =s5 -nd?s If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect Pder on this Building f. Yes f NO ....* rs lllrs a cHAt{GE oF occuPANcY lrsE? r YEs [. ]o rrrrt IF Yes, xhat yas the Pnevious Occupancy Typ€? - Ihat ls the €t occupan€y cLUBEousE DESIGN PROFESSIOT{AL;PH;NC REG #: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSION/TL :-J R DICKERSON ENGIMERING PLLC PH: (910)297-7374 Nc REG *:p-0994 DESCRIPTION 0F hIORK: NEw coNsIauctloN cLuBEoUSE ls ,ood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l- Vesl-- tto ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf- Yefr- state tue TvoelAncH OWNER/CONTRACTOR: @ SIGNATURE (Ai.ilt r) (ftlnt Ndn ) li*: Oomollilon ndfLalbs E asbeat6 r€flDvd pafilt applk llois lle b ba submh.ld uslng lho Eppllcatirl t m (DHH$3768) wlloltr€r lh€ itdllly or conlsln Asb6sto6 or nd. You are requlr€d to c6llth€ Ns0omlEmls{oh Stand!.ds tor H@rdou6 Alr Polldana (NESHAP) 5l (91S)707-5950 3l l6ast 10 days p.ior ro lhe demolitbn of any ladlily or bulldlng. See Asb6to6 Wbb Sit€: httpj riv/w.opi s,l6le nc.uJaDuasb€stos/ahmp.html PAYMENT METHOD CASH I- CHE K (PAYABLE TO NHC) r- AMERICAN EXPRESS l-- tvtCnrrse l-- olscovER ..t)c\ra Gd<l)aFAd. TOTAL PROJECT COST: 989, OOO # OF UNITS:I SQ FT PER FLR: 1974 # OF STORIES: r # OF STRUCTU # oF FLOORS: iTOTAL SO FT UNOER ROOF: 197 4 ACRES DISTURBED: -1 SEWER; SYSTEM EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? -l- YES r NO E CLASSIFI :1 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2e73 sQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: 3160 PROPERW USE troFFrcE E RESTAURANT E MERCANTILED EDUC[ aerf[ cottoo SQ WATER CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM E-' SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC f}N WELL T'] ZONING US Anlvare seprrc EToMMUNTTY OTHEIcT-ugnouse -E................- CATIONn-rs pERFoRuAN(ll--------2tu, zore,rtrtF.L9r Approval:2K FICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: r:*- ua # RHd BgL - City PERMIT FEE: :Comm lza w,l// /azz N 7?z/31 PROPERTY ot{{ER'S llAfiE: FSRTUNE pLAcE H6LDTNGS LLc - CITY: s1s61p61,611 _ Ptol{E *: BUILDING HEIGHT: 22 . TOTAL AREA SO FT : 1974 -a-o FLOOD:- BFE+2ft- 9ow-4ro/18-1599 Application Number (off{ce use) NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP Lt CAf t O N TY P E : RESIDENTIAt PLEAS€ ANSWER ALT QUTSTIONS APPTICABI-E TO YOIJR PRO,,ECT "Proiect Responsibilitly'' AppLtcANrS NAMr; D R Horton p31g; 5/26/18 PROTECT ADDRESS: 7905 Huron Drive CIW: ryiltington 71p.28412 SUBDtVtStON: Bass Lake LoT * 271 PRoPIRTY owNER's NAME: D.R. Horton pHoNE s: 910-821-8557 EWNER'S ADDRESS: 131 Raclne Drive Suite 201 CIW: Wilmington 21p 28403 CONTMCTOR: O.R. Horlon gtcrc ttcrrst r' 29676 ADORESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 q1n1 Wilmington Sr: NC ztP 28403 d EMATL ADDRESS: irun@drhorlon,€om PHONE: 910-821-8557 PROtEcr CONTACT PERSOI'I: Ryan Willis pHoNE:910-46$1906 ExlSTlt{G CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration ! Rcnovation fl Generai Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: M Erect New Residence n Addition to ExistinB Residence D Relocation l,ra at* Att Garaee {sF) 2820 tl Det Gara8e (5F)- d Porch {sF) D Storage Shed (SF) --! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF)S/other (sF)140 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint?+Yes E No TOTAI SQ FI UNDER ROOF \for p.oposed wotk\9gs1g6;2388 TOTAT PROJECI COST {Less Lot): S 1s8520 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes t8;to ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure f Yes D No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? E Yes EP No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E ves p'No Prqperty lrse/ Description of single Family D Duplex E Townhou3e Work: New Fami Residence intormalion "'NOT€: Any vlork performed withoul lhe appropriate p€rmils will be in violalion of lhe NC State Bldg Code d subiect lo fine3 up to S50O.m"' Owner/Contra ctor: Janet Furr SiSnature: 'Li.ensed Quolllier" 32 tawseno orornancesand re8ulations. The NHC Developmefll S€rvices Cenler willbe notilied ofany ahaoges io the approved plans and specificatioos orchanSe in contractor ls the propeny located in a floodplain? D Ves-p trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres oisturbed: 1 5 New lmpervious Ars3; 3002 5q 61 lxirting LandoistuAing Permft:S. Ye5 El No WATER: $ CFPUA E community system E Private Well E central well EI Aqua SEWGR; +CFPUA E Conlmunity System E Privat€ Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: -- oflicer: =-_ Setbacls (t) ltll) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood;(Al-(Vl -(N)-BfEr2tt=-Comnent: Permit Fee; $l33o dl ! ffi E Sunroom (SF)--E Pool ISF) - gnhg31s6;604 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINGTON. NORTII CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Far: 910.798.781 I lnt e rne t : u,tt ty. nhcgov. com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNOERSTANDING Janet furr , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr J have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n I have attached an official proof of an aBproval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf tbe application is correct and complete with the reqUired drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 {seven) wor*ing days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: ffi I, Signature Printed Name Address for the proposed residential work Date brstla-I lsrzdr,g I I17905 Huron Drive Lot 271 _ -,' ). "i+tiffiil APPTICAIfl,S PROJTCT ADO luEDtvlsloN: runrar, Jyr rr4\ i ,r .Rrss, i\ ! VNt h NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLIUTION Tf PEt RESIDENTIAt pLt^st Afis\ryt8 AuQUtsltoNS APPLlC,AErt rOYOUI PnOjICT 'P.ol!.t n.tponslbllld l? t1>s Date, S-,J l-2d,ltr .- 7]P-f--tL\!)--\rJ C c tl t L, C_Lr!-iI \+ PROPIRIY OWNTN'S NAMT owNri's ADDRfSSI -t, flry: w\\!1.-- t oronr, C( I c '>((: G (t> Ll E Por.h (5F) _ t:l Storase Shed (SFl -- , l-l other {sr} _ ,__- . Ll Pool(5r) vd",r1sxY;1 1*--.- l9 lhe propor€d work chBnSlnS tho exrltinE footprint? f i Ye, D/flo ToTAt 5q Fr uNotR Roor Uor proposed wotkl Heat4d:--,-- unheated: ToTAL PRoltCT COST (Leti Lot)i 5 0 Prope rty Ute/ Oatuprnct XSingle farnlly n Duplcra Tovhhouse l)cJc.lplion o, Worlr t"ti:8,.\s1 ,ln tr.r.,,. O \tt.,urn"rLt-PHoNu qf.d - ("22- 1'1 c1 I crrv. v- iif^. .=- zrp2 ri Yr t lL.-!j \.1 J. ^, \(.i \r-cr,S -stoc r,crNs, r'5-jtZ-2-2 - .tt) . /r q^ -Ptr,oYrt /1\L: .,*--w- -sr,'fu-ztc,]. ! OC l(-Lt >tf col{IRncTO AODnt5s: VY c'c d(. ,1ftMArr ADDnrssr-ibllY PROJECI COi{IACI PTR'ON. -Jf+rol Owner/Contrartori,-l&\ StwtR: zonn, P- com e nl: _1,y1 a IXISTING CONSTRUCIION: I Altcrdlion &/t(enovation -l Gene,alRep.rrr tJtWcO S]RUcfloN: ii trect New Relldtnce Il Additlon to &istin8 Retldcncc E Rplo(alon ...P1€A5T CHICX AHO ANSWTR E EIOW AIt THAI APPIY TO YOUR PROJTCT"' Ll Arl GariSe (SF)- I Sunroom {Sr)-- n 6reenhou!e {5F)-- -- n DEt Garace {SFl .to ls the ptopored v/ork chan8ins the number of bedrooms? [-] Ye! $'do ts any fl€ct.lc.l, Plumblnt or Meahank l wod( beln8 done to the A(ce5sory Stru'ture J Yes i!]-i(o l, the proleat ls a Relo.atlon, r! lhele a Nalulal 6as Line on the curren! !lle? tr Yes 6Xo ]s there tlectricil Powe, on thls Sulldlns? [J Yes U No lLLt 1l .rc,^Els d ll it aPPlIr. o h.o,!(t al'J.lr i/or! *lll (oapv wnh lhestle Bulldhtod. .d.ll olrfi rpdi@blt glte i^d lo!. lasr.0d ordhrn(€i rnd r.8J.t c1t. tl€ Nrlc o.v.{ ol,n' nl seik'r C.rt€r snlb! mlln!d c,any(hus.i l^ th. !PProvcd plant.nd srl.dn.allo.r or chlnEr ti conlrxi(, tf {orfrrrror ...NqIr :A.ry wcrt pano.n€d wllhout:Ie rppfotn.r.,erml wl,, b€ l. !khllol ol lh. llc sttte BUaCoce i^J rubiell to 0i.t ur lo 3500.CO"' /,L'.r-('Y.--.'o-dafd-SlSnalurei ls lhe property lo.ated ln a {loodplaln? tl Ycs tzaNo Erlrtint lmpervlout Area: -* - Sq ft NEw lmperuloll Areai .-- . Sqft IotalAc.er Di3turb.d: Exlstlng Land DlJt!rbln3 Permitl il Ye3 Ll No BrE +2lt= Permir feei S g-Crpua,: Communitysylrem : P,lvatewell :l Centralwell f- Aqur nOl utSrt,k f rc rr\g,W4q I - tii; ln:lmlion Requueo, 9l 0'254'09lli tOT !l ,-L c{ vt wLcAtt O f,ivatc Septir C CentralSepti. l-l Aqun 5 9 rLnr K:' rnxt -Xl) ot 7<> floodr (A) -=_lv) - -- nal fio (eY 2ot9 - 543c18-1485NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AiISWER ALT QUESTIOT,IS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S IIAME: Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: 1112 Harborside ct CITY: wilminqton BLOCK f: T APPLICATION Number (offtce Use) DATE: os /o e/18 ZIP i 2a4)-), 035SUBDIVISIoN: southHaven at. Anchor's Bend PRoPERTY olalN ER'S NAME: Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS:6131 Fa11s of Neuse Rd. Ste 200 CITY: Rareiqh CoNTRACToR: Robuck Homes Triangle, tLC LICENSE #: 57083 ADDRESS: 5131 Fa116 of Neuse Rd.sLe 200 CITY: Raleich LOT #: PHONE #: 919-876-9200 ST: NC ZIP: 27609 sT: s_ zIP: 2750e EIIAIL ADDRESS: i norbechorobuckhomea. com PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: 'lai Norbech - i norbech@robuckhoines . com EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: f] nrtrnnrrOl\l ! nenOVarroru GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTTOru: El eneCr NE[,' RESTDENCE o" I nOOrrrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND AT'ISWER SELOId ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 439 SF ! orr eannee - sF PoRCH .L_SF STORAGE SHED PHONE $: PHONE #: 919-8't6-9200 919 27'7 - 7124 POOL SF SF OTHE R: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:2s1s TorAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF : rs47 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: rsq: TOTAL PROIECT COST lress loq : $ zaszgo.oo # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI4BIII6 or MECHANICAL tJork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Yes I Nor No suNRooM _sF GREENHOUSE SF 5t SF If the project is a ReLocatlon, ls thene a Natural Gas Line on the cunrent Site? [ Yes rs there Electrical Power on this Building?[v"t Iro sTNGLE FAMTLy f] ouerrx I rowruuousrPROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCV: DESCRIPTI0N OF hORK: new home aPrlnt NaD€)* ,* ,t {( )* * r. r. * * :} * )r )r ,t * * ,r ,r ,8 ,} ,r * * * t rii rl * * * t* + * * * * * + + ,} * * + ,} + + + + * '} :} :t * ,* * :t * * * i. * * + * ,r + * * * ,* * * * ,k ,t ii * l * + * )* ,r * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINT I_I YES EXISTING IIIIPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT NEI/'J IMPERVIOUS AREA: 324? SQ FT I,JATER:CFPUA f] COMI'IUNITY SYsTEil N PRIVATE WELL NO TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: 36.0t EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: T-I YES I NO CENTRAL h,ELL SEHER: [l cFpuA E CENTRAL sEPTrc I cnrvare sEPTrc E cot4l'luNrrY sYsrEN **!* SEPARATE PERI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, i'IECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS *** ,or"rr, ,rr*or, - E aot* Earta* (PAYABLE ro nr.1 f] o,t*,.1N ExpREss E 1,1clvrsr I orscoven )t**+ *** * * * + * * * * ,t,l * ,t *,i* *:t * * t:i+* *** ***,t )t 't* + t***:t* * * !r ** 't* 't 'l )t ** 'i** )* *:t+ 'l * '* ** 'l:t* '|*:** '* 't 'l':t ***'* +* (fOR OFFICT USE 0.ILY) REVISEO DATE 0'/1l11/!2 ZONE :OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLOoD: - N t BF E+2ft=l1'l5pd OEVELOPER: Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLc PHONE #: 919 a'75-92o0 ! oecr rtd ordinsnces and regutations. The NHC Dewtopmenl SeNlces Cent€r wlllbo nodlled ot any ctsnges in he approved plans s.rd spoofiaalicns or change ln contracbr or contscbr htormston. r..NOTE: Aoy Work Perbmad WO fie AppmprlaE termilswillb€ ln Vbhdon of lho NC Stab aEo Colro and Sublect b Flnes Up To $5O0.m"' owNER/coNTRAcToR: charJ.es ,r. B j 6hop rv STGNATURE: 4'{ /" "7- Tpfa*s?r7\) APPTICAi'T'S t{AtuE: stevens Fine Homes PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDlvlslo : Round Tree HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLI @TION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PIfASE ANSWER AtI QUESTIONS APPLICASTE TO YOUR PROIECTdProject ResponsibilM ctIY: wlmington Application Nunber (office use) Date:slqol,g 21e. 28412 LOT f:2 pRopERTy owt{Efipg 11ll149 S-tevens Building Company px6xs g; 91 G794-8699 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5710 Oteander Drive Suite 200 crw: Wlmington 4p 284O3 GSNTRACT6R: Stevens Buflding Company ,,o6 ucExs6 6. 31626 ADDRESS:5710 Obandsr Drive Suite 200 q1y; Wlmingrton g; NC 4p. 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS:snicfi olson@stevensfi nehomes.com pxOre: 91S794-8699 103 n Stordge Shed (SF)_ tr Other (sR 3t HffY 18 8:::8F E(tSTlr{G COiaSIRUCTIOiI: tr Atteration I Renovation E Generdl Repairs ]{EW @I{SIRITTKrI{, d fr".t t{* noldence E Additioo to Eristing Residence E Relocation 'r.PIEASE ctIECX AI{D AITSWEn BEIiOW AtI TI{AT APPLY TO YOUR PRoJECT**+ d Aft Garage (SF) -l7v WOO E sunroom (sF)tr Pool(SF) E Greenhouse (5F)-! Deck (sF)- OaSClAtlEn: I @y c€rtit that allth€ inbrmatirl in tfiis amlbtidr b conect and all worl will co.nply with th€ State Building Code and all odrer apdicab{e Stete and locl laws and crdiMnc6 and reguhtiorE. The NHC Dg/elopment S,ervk6 Cefiter will be notified of arry dlan€es in the dans ahd ?ecifiaatirrs o. dange in cortractor infonnalron. ..'NOTE: Any work perrorm€d with.ut the appropriet€ permits wlll be in violation of the NC State subFct to fin€5 up to $500.m*r' Michael craig StevensOwner/C-ontracor: 'Licensed Quolifief Print Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes tr tlo Eristirx lmpervious *.", l{{l sqn f{ew lmperYious Area:nql Sq Ft Si8natlre: Toal A.res Distu.bed:1t3 Edsdng land Disalrblng Pemft: tr ves d lo wArER: d CFPUA tr community system E Private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr community System E Private Septic E c.entralSeptic d aqua Zone: - Officer: - Sertacts (Fl - (tHl - (RHl - (Bl -ApproYal: - GtY: - Date: \ Comment:Permit Fee: $\ 4 "14-J14- pROJECT CO1TITACT pgX56X; Staci NiJplson p9666. 91G3328515 ls the proposed wort dranginS the existing foosrint? tr Yes n [-o TotAsQFlU,{DEn RooF(forpropedwo*l )trcru,lt lqlT Urt'|ond' 552 TOTAI PRoTECI OOSI (t-ess rot): 5fa49q - ls the proposed wort changing the number of bedrmms? tr Yes E Xo ls any EectrLal, Plumt ftE or xtedErac.l wort being don€ to the Accessory Structure EI V"o d fo tftheproiectisanCocatton,isth€reaNaturalGasUneonthecurrentsite?EYesdtlo ls there El€ctrical Power on this Building? tr Vcs d m koperty usr/ Ocqrpancf tr glth Famfy tr Dlrplcr tr TounhoGe Descrigtlon of wor|L Constud new simh fanily rexsirence. Flood: (A| - (V| - {N} - BFE+2ft= - & 4- c- ,?{t f+.. a APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/' l€."^) d Pdnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLt CAT TO N TY PE : RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER AtT QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Responsibilw LL 2ot0- 5oaB I ib-t+ u Application Numbe. {office use) S- lc,- /21 CITY: C + (-L rxorr*, . 3/3: 3,3?/ CrV: t:. {w,-z &?4 r ( r-\ C) Oate ;24;jz.i5-= 1lzt2LOT f PROPERW OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTO ADDRESS: EXISTING CONSTRUCTI NEW CONSTRUCTION: E:() ^<\,(:LL(StDG TICENSE 7rro2 5T:ZP: 2 C \pCITY Crr^--\ PHONE PHONE UR Unheated: e o.: S,'^ EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON 6 _) --2... €1 ON: fl A ration ! Renovation E General Repairs Ered New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *I*PIEASE CHECK AND A 6{fie"r"c"lsrl lt- ! Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (sF) f* f/t"./.- ,/-71 3 i Porch (SF) Description of work: .^-lLo- Ozr 2,t 36t16V lS lg::14t1lsthe proposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? D Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E singl Family D Duplex Townh information. "'NOTE: Any rk performed without the appropriate permils will be in violation ofthe NC State Bl O,) State Building Code and allother applicable State and local ap d speci to fi DISCLAIMERT I hereby certary that allthe information in this application is correcl and allwork will comply with the laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of any changes in the ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Existing rmpervious ar"", 6 73?sqa New rmpervious Ar"", 37 / \ro ,, Signatu TotalAcresDisturbedr . Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E ttlo o-t, ,4' WATERT frPUA E Community System E Private wetl E Central well E Aqua SEWERT 6PUA E community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zonei - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit tee: S lVto,*.oo Cloar Form [-- I LJ ! Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) _n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (SF) _ 8) ].ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? O t"r,-D^l't: _ TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF ffor prcposed workl tleated: I ) Q a TOTAT PROJECT cosT (Less Lotl: 5 ) c p , c, &j hl NEW IlANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PENMlT APPLICATION TYPE, RESIDENTIALpl.r^sr ANswrn Au quEsTtoNs AppUcABt-E To youn psojtcT ?roject llespoIslblllty', Applkallolr Numlret (ol0rc ,s.) RVl.l64 AppLlcANT,s NAMEr H & H Construclors.or F€yollovllls, LLc Date:05/08/2018 PnOJECTADDnfSS: 4815 Wavos Polnte CtTYr Wlmlngton h 284',12 St,BDtVtStONr Rlvorliohls tOT ll: 164 PnoPEnTY oWNER'S NAME: H & H Conslructors ot [-ayolleville. LLC P ONE ltr 910.219.1485 OWNEn'SADDnESST 1107 New Polnl6 Blvd Sult€ 1 clTY: Leland Pt 28451 CONTnACTOR: H & H Consuuctor8 of FayollevlllE, LLC DtDGUCTNSEll:74158 ADDRESS! 1107 New Pohrte Blvd., Sullo 1 clrY: Lolalld sr; Nc zlPr 2845', -EMA - ADDnESS: iullcafforty@hhhomos.conv lerryhrennln0@hhhom6s.com PHONtT 910.219.1485 PROJECI CONTACI PERSONI JJ BTOl]nINg PHOnr:910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Cl Altcratlon E Renova on E General Repal6 NEW CONSTIIUCTION: E Erect Ncw nesHenca E Addt oo to Extstlng Restd€nce E Relocatlon T..PLEASI CHEC( AND AN rrt Bl Att Garage (SF) 528 tr oet Gara8e (SF)_ Et porch lsF) 113 E Sunroom (Sf)_tr storage shed (sFl_ E Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Dcck (SFl __ ls the prqposed work changlng the exlstlng footprlnt? tr Ycs E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed workl Heatedt 2272 unhcared:64'l TOIAI PROTECT coST (l"ess l-ot): S 132,189 ls the proposedwork chaD8ln8 the number of bedrooms? E Yes El No ls any Electrlaal, Plumblng or Mechafllcal work behtg done to the Accersory Structure E yes--E_ lftheprolectlsaRelocatlon,lstheresNaturalGasllneonthecurrentslte?EYesENoeI ls there Elcctrlcal Powar on thls Bullding? @ Yes E No No W ffinng !rTeemrng1 Proporly Urs/ occupancyr @ Sln8le Farnlly E Duplex El Townhouse R0WV lRevnew Descrlpt lon or Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ...,THE PLAN IS AN OLIVER D ELEVATION"" lnformallon. 'r'NolE: Any work perlormcd v/llhoul lle approprlat. permlls $rlllba ln vtolatlon ol the NC St.te EldS Code and 3ub,acl b fhos up to 5500.00'.. dl owner/con1y3s1s;; JJ Brennlng SlBnaturo; "Lhensed Qwl[i.t' &lna Nonte ls the propertylocated ln I floodplaln? E Yes El No Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: __Sq tt TotalAcras Dlsturbod: .1 1 New lmpervlous Area: 2765 sqft Exlstln8 Land Dlrturblng Permlt: E Yes E No WATtnr El CFPUA D communlty System E Private Well E centralwell E Aqus SEWER: El CTPUA E Communlty System E Privatc Septlc E Centralseptlc E Aqua zon",('1 ((D)ort.". Approvalr --QP- cltyr cor,n"nt,-l9l T2( Lr) S' (nn) S' (.1 .f/ : (A)- (v) - (N) ^ erE+2rt= - -PIb Itrv\ setuacls (rl-.!d( ort.'5/tSlXnooa I ?>\ o-n I't-Pannlt feei $ br?hoserr 6tvrar-\raxtS A Cii;' lnsprclion llequteo, 9l 0-254-0)U) lryb-co AOta'5Btt 18-1705 I tr Pool(5f)_ tr Othsr (SF) --- t t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF NDERSTANDING JuliCafferty , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Juli Cafferty 5/8/2018 Signature Printed Name 4815 Waves PointeAddress for the proposed residenlial work: Date NEW IIANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENI' OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 ?-ux: 910.798.781 I lnteme I : Ytytyt. nfi s g6y. sem da. Egf JstO-50rq 18-1719NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERMIT APPU CAfl ON fY PE : RES,DENTTAL PI.EASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABI€ TO YOUR PRO,,ECT "Prolect Responslblllty', Appli..rl0n lJulnber {omce us€l AppUcANr,s t{AME. Plantatlon Building of Wilminglon, lnc. PROJECT AODRESST ungannon oate: CITY ngton ztP 403 SUBDIVISIONT Aulumn HAII tor fl, 203 PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAMEI owNER's ADDRESS: 624 Councit St. Apt. 'l05 Kenneth & Theresa Orchard PHONI . 908.E t2.9665 a,"r. Wilml ngton aP '264(J3 coNTRACToR: Plantation Building of Wihington, lnc Btoc t tcttrlst l: 68712 sr, NC ap, zr 910.899.8162 600 aoonESS: PO tnx 2473 c|IY. wrmrngton EMAIt ADDRESS: roSemon planlationbuildlngcorp.c0m pHoiE-tr1-o.z63s760- PRortcr coNrAcr PERsoN. Kate Eames PXONE IXISTINC CONSTRUCTIoNT D Alteratlon D Renovatlon [J General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCfIOI: O-f6-ct ruew nesldence E Addition to Extsting Resldence C Retocatlon ..TPIEASE CHECI( ANO ANSWER 8EI.OW AlL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.. ' O attearage(sr) 580 O Detcarage(sF)- D porch (sF) ! sunroom (sf)D Pool(sF) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprlnt? E yes C No fOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROO1 lJor proposed work) Neated: 4270 unheated: 1180 TOrAI PROJECT COSf (Less Lot]: S 785,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroomsT C Y€s E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblnsorM€chanlcalworkbelngdonetoth€AccessorystructureEYesENo lf the proiecl is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural 6as l-ine on the cu.rent slte? D Ves El ls th€re ElectricalPower onlhls Euildins? E yes El lto D Greenhouse (sF) Propedy use/ occrlp tr Deck (sFl ancy: El-{l-nglo tsulld a srnglo Faml ly D Duplex home wlth an attached garageDTownhouse lamll Eity ffingineering ROW Review 0 Storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (St)305 -r"rrn r"., g t re rrv-"rl S Descrlptlon of Work: la$/J and ordlnenc€s and reSulatlons. The NHC Oevelopm€nt Selvlaer Cenlar wlll be notlfled of.ny chen8er ln lhe.pprovrd pl.nr and rp€(lalcilloni or ahange ln aontr.ctor infohatlon. "'l,loIEr Any worl performed urhiorrt lhe appropll,le permlts wlll be in vlolitlor of th€ NC 8ld8 .nd rublrct to llner up to $5m.@'.' Owner/conlraclo.:Angola Roseman SlSnature 'Licenscd Auolifiet" v a-tls the property located in a floodplaln? E Yes Exlsting lmpervlous Area: a---------r sq Ft Zonei Approvati., D[ crty, \t ln\ rH)IRH}{8)3 : (Al - (v) - {N} -ZL- BFE+2ft= Total Acres Dlslurbed: New lmpervlous Arer;3906 Sq Ft Exlstlnt Land Dlsturblng Permll:el E lto waree: iePva community system E Private well E central well E Aqua SEWER;PUA tr Communlty Svstem E Prlvate Septic E CentralSeptlc tr lj\Y. om."', D{t"setbacrrlr) N/A 1 orr"'5h'tttfrrooo 3 )r 'a cii'lnqorfion hureo grc.2s4.agu) $\rY\\A\tl srlu^rus--oLt$rComment:fll\ast--$r:&f--Vq\ Jt6\< 'c.\, fl\*r\rrvu2\ v'zr.oiwrurrn he5hl kfu,r 5t25t18 .15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SI.JITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone; 910.798.7 308 Fax: 910.798.7811 Internet ; www. nhcgov. com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING , am submitting an application for a residentaal building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the bo:t/boxes below to acknowledge that: E I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. A I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. D I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. !f the application is correct and complete with the required drawings' and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no fufther clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Buitding Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aDDlacation is ubmitted orior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Angela Boseman 5/30/18 Signature Printed Name 525 Dungannon Blvd : ffi t, Address for the proposed residential work: Date ffi) fcr---;rF;l E gotb-Sg7q l8 - lzt3 Application Number (office use) T -3.'^/ 8 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PL€ASE ANSWER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project ResponslbiliV' APPLICANT'S NAME:r < <-) tor 6-: ll:..r 5c-a Date PROJECT ADDR suBDtvtstoN: ESS r .i v <.- crry /3.".i ( c/ l LK PHONE CITY: t-l -\^6e..1-.. c p, 2 R-r 1t 313^-lT>( TOT fl PROPERTY OWNER'5 OWNERS ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 4. < ,/- 1'ztP oG tr (^ENSE CIW: LJ ,., I.a 4r,-- sr (./v'\rxon-, I )., =3 K 7sfa2v2Pl EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ,- 11 .} t c- .-,\er da..--L PHONE R ,l EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: lJllteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIIO n, Kea nen Aesidence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation T APPLY TO orch (SF) f.6^f pur. L-/flSr=,/q./d*aaraeelsr'l rl E Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) ! Det Garage (5F)_ tr Pool(SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOi (for proposed work) Heated: Yes I No>)q O unheated: e\7 -q TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 2oo o5 0 ls the proposed work changing the n u mber of bedrooms? E Yes fl trto ls any El€ctrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E o Property Use/ 30r10v 18 i0: ?3ffr'l Description of orruo"n l.l4neh Famity E ouptex /row9nouse l*o,i. .-/l' - l1 ^< cl O '- e g,l " { f)"t 1< f.^of 4. (-tro' €.I w.J,.r O c^.- DISCIAIMER: Ihereby ce laws and ordinances and information. *"NOTE: A Owner/Contraclor: "Licensed Quolilier" rtify that allthe information in this application is corred and allwork willcomplywith the State Bullding Code and allother applicable State and local regulations- The NHc Development Services Center willbe notified ofany chanSes in the approved plan ny \^prk performed without th .\.o...-*-flo e appropriate permits willbe in ^ U.Vr^r[violation ofthe NC State Bldg subject Signature: ssoo.00"* 6.ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existins rmpervious or.", e12 ) ,o rr.TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:_78Iq Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No -/^ WATER: dCFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua ./- SEWER: /cFPUA E Community system D Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Commentl Permit fee: S l)@tn'oo Print fl Storage Shed (SF)_ D other (sF)_ ( tr Deck (SF)_ n\q5?oQ NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIaATIN TYPE: COIvIIIERCIAL PLEASE Al.rSr{ER Al-L QUESTJOT{S APPLICAB|-E TO youi PRO]ECT 'Pnoject Responslbil.ity" 18-1082 AFFIfA-rroN umber (office Use) APPLICAI{T'j S NAIrlE : ;orrn Mcrnryre _DATE: 3/29/tB DEVELoPER: crowder coosLruction compary PROJ ECT i 3436 Riwer Road fli lmi n Loo _ PHOI{E #: 919.61s.827i ZIP:2g4y2 (rcCUPAI{T/BUSIiIESS NA E: Southside t{a6tewater Tlearmenr planr PROPERTY OI{T,IER' S I,IAIIIE :Fear Public Uti 1it Authorlty OIi ER'S ADDRESS: 23s Governmenr cenrer Drive - CIW: p11611gse11 CONTRACTOR: crowdei construction company _ LICENSE f: 216a ADORESS: 1111 Burma Drive CITY: apex (che.k All That apply) _ PHONE *: sto -332.64't4 ST:116 ZIP:2sa s3 ST:p6 ZIP:27539 PTONE #: 919.618.82?r PHOiIE #: 919 . 61s . Ba?1 EXIST CONSTRUCTIO :ALTERATION GENERAL RE lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the No NErd co[STRUcTIOt{:fl EREcr NEr,r srRucruRE n FAsr rRAc( f] IS SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ReconstmcEion of ineta_L loofinq *ni:[[r'fr8 PAIRS BLDG S trPRIN RELOCATIO KLEREDGYNo UPFTT ADD TO EXIsT STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit ,f:Is Elect Pouen on this Building El Yes E *O *{i*TI* IS THIS A C}UTNGE OF OCCUPAI{CY USE?N YES IF Yes, Hhat was the Previous occupancy Typel s-2 storage _ fn?{ ts e flew occupancy s 2 storage TvDe? ARCH DESI6N PR0FESSIOi/AL: Hazen and Sar,ryei - Dean Waldrop PRoFESSIOiIAL i-Hazen and Sasryer - ceorgina varelas PH PH 919.833.7152 Nc nEe *:l!ffi-919 . 833 .71s2 NC REG fi 10106 ENGR DESIGI{ DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: u"-Eul ,oof5..,g replacement ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struaure?f] veslil ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodptainfl Yesfif N,8".o,,ERj lh€raby cErdry tfut sllinform8tbn in this eppiication is coned and allworkwill witr tfle State BuiHing Code and all othe. applicable SraE and locsl lav,s and ordinances and regulations. Ihe NHC DeveloDment Seruic€s Qr chango u conlraclor or -contrsJtor lnbrmaton *NoTE Any work PedormedSubiecllo Finss Up To t500.00." WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM C€ntsr willb€ofw/O the Appoprble ot andE Code and SIGNAT lol,3ririei) Not€r Demolilion no0ficelirns f, asbeslos rearEval p€rmit applkations srE to be submhtod uslng lh€ appllcatlon brm HS whelher the lecilily or buildlno 6o.rEin Asbestos or nol. You ar€ roqulr€d to calllhe NsUooalEmlsslon Sland6(ls for Hazardous rlir Pollutants (919)707-5950 al l€asl 10 days pnor the domollion of any faclllty or buildinO. Sss fubesb6 Web Sils: http/ vn1 ,Bpisbts.nc.ls/sri/asbesbs/ahmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: gl,Iso,ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: .s s feet # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SO FT : 2 e, 2s5 SO FT PER FLR:.2e,2s6 # OF STORIES: : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 29, 256 ACRES DISTURBEO: O .48 # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:o SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 352,0r2 CONDO OTHEf cFpuA m{tp ;1 SQ FI PAYMENT METHOD I cesn fl cuecK (PAYABLE ro NHC) B AMERTcAN EXeRESS I rr,rcnirsa l-l orscovER ONLY) CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNIry SYSTEM T-I WELL CENTRAL SEPIC n HVare Seerrc T-'I ZONING USE CLASS lion,tnururry EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? NYES J-I NO IFICATION -. SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS 6 NSERTS (FOR OFFICE USE ZONE: OFFICER: Comment CLt-'62s,):,\ - N PERMIT FEE: I (eD E'IAILADDffi PROJECT CONTACT PERSOI: Brian Boyte OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rotrn Mcrnt)rre pRopERry USE: EoFFrcE ! nesrnunnrur f| MERCANILE l-1 EDUcf]- APrD SETBACKS: F: LH: RH B Approval:- City: DATE- FLOOD:-BFE+2fts ,[]jg-1qav NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATIotJ rvPE: ColitlilE RCf AL PLEASE AIISIJER ALt QUEST]ONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICA T'S llArqE : .rotur l.tcrnryre DEVELoPER: crowder conetruction comlrany PROJECT ADDRESSI-4 3 5 niver noad CI]Y: .Wil,"f"Sro" OCCUPANT/BUSII{ESS NA!'IE : sourhside wasrewarer Trearmenr plant PROPERTY OtJtlER'S NAr,lE: caDF Fear pub1 ic UErriE Authori OI{NER'S ADDRESS: 23s Governmenr Cenrer Drive , CITY: yll6ipgsqn CONTRACTOR: crowder Colrgtruction company _ LICEI{SE #: 216a AODRESS: 1111 Burma Drive CITY: 1p61 EIilAIt ADDRESS: bboyte@crowderuea.com PROTECT C0NTACT PERSOII: s1i3' s.r1. (Check Atl That Apply) 18-1087 AFFTffii-IoN Nunber (of+l.c Use) DATE i 1/)at1r _ PHONE fl: 919.618.8221 ZIP:2sai2 - PtOI'lE #: gLa .332 .6474 ST: Ns ZIP:2sa63 ST: Ng ZIP:27539 _ PtO E *: 919.618. s271 - PHOilE f: 9Ls.618.821t ExIsT coNsTRUcTIoN: fl ALTERATIoiI ! RENoVArro lf Relocation, is there a Natura-l Gas Line on thecfrrent Srte? ENoi'iEw corusrnucrroN: fI ERECT NEU STRUCTURE N FAST ACCESSORY STRUCfURE: Recon€trucrion of rrnderdrain GENERAL REPATRS ra RELOCATToN Ei *o rS BLDG SP-FITNKLERED?fI_ YesJ-l_es rRAcr( fl sHErL E uPFrr f] Pump sEatiotr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building I Yes tr NO *rr.* IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUpAt{Cy USEfE yES fl ruO r.r.r IF Yes, what vas the Prevlous occupancy Type? NA _ l,Jhat is the Ner Occupancy NA contain Asbestos or not. You ars required to c6ll lhe Nsriona Emission standa6s for HrzedousAlr Pollularns (NEsl|AP) al d€motiion of sny hcitfiy o( bu ild ing. Sa€ ,\!b€sros wsb Sii8: hnpl^,vr!u/,epi.slat€.nc.ugeplb sbestogah mp.hlml Tvoel ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: g"r.r, and Sawyer , Dean waldrop - PH:919.933. r 1t,NC REG f:10106 EI{GR DESI6I{ PROFESSIONAL :-Hazen and sawyer - Georgina varelas .PH :919.833 - 7152 lc Rec *: frdfif- DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Ne1; taderdrain pump staEj.on manhole and valve vault ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?E Yeslil tto ls The Property Located ln EuiHing rhe Floodplainfl YeE]- Code and all other applicable Stale ln plans ondNC SEIC andthe OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: oohn McrnEyre SIGNATU Norc:Oemdfuon nolifiaalions & ssbeslos lelrlnalpemh applicaiions 8re to b€ submJned using lhe applicslbn f6rn the lacility ortuildiig TOTAL PROJECTCOST] $340, OOO BL]ILDING HEIGHT: XA TOTAL AREA SO FT : NA TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF: ul ACRES DISTURBED, O.As NEW l[,IPERVIOUS AREA: o PAYMENT METHOD ZONE: Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD 9)707€950 at Lesgl I 0 d€ys pdor th€ f OF UNITS SE CLASSIFICATION BFE+At. SQ FT PER FLR: }TA # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:# OF STRUCTURES: NA SO FT EXISTING II\,IPERVIOIJS AREA: ]52, O12 SQ FT MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHET cFpuA ww: P WATER: SEWER: SYSTEI\,,I pRopERTY USE; EOFFICE I nestnUnerur I CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM Tl WELL TJ ZONING U CENTRAL SEPrc I-1 pXlvArE sEPlc ETOMMUNITY -. SEPARATE PERMIIS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS E CASH ElcHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) fJ AMERIoAN ExPREss I rrrcrursn l-L olscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) Comment N d0 EXST LAND DTSTURBING PERMIT? nYES E NO I I I I SETBACKS: F: LH, RH BOFFICER: PERMIT FEE: I w6"ra66 &- IQrtt 'rr,r\ 6r I'lEl^J HANOVER COUNTY BUIL0ING PERMIT APPI.lCAIION rYPf r R ESfDENTIAI- FltAtl /nr1l]tl Arr 2'F5rlars al,Ptl(acri ro icur. Pk(iit(I r' lt tA, .ojcct R csf t;l ons ibi l/t ]ity" APPt ICATION Nuiber (0ftice u* )''|o[ft: ') L/''t zw:)i lt /, 1 Priol Ec T A00Rt55 rrHoNt I PIIONI ii: ] ?\ PRoPt RrY otl\ER ) S Al'tE: SUBOIvIslOr',: CONT RA( IOR AOOR I S5 /t c,pruJ \iir,'/-l- owfltn's AD,Rtss: ' '' -1 ;=fr lc'i-IIIY , /' r: 116 p- p5 6 1; (' 51 1,tt 21p tt \/c/ pHoNt sr .Jl,, ) 5t tt vos fl Ho .i, ACCOUNT #r st t.<=-67iT/rlnult,i.,,, [,1 /t'r'l,L CITY:(trt /t) ht t t4Ar t ADORIS5: PRO]TCT COI{IAC T PTRSON:,1, L AT] G/iRA6t _ 5l 5Ut{R00r4 sl D[5CR IPI ION Ai$ l,t) 0F poRK: ",1 tr'n t. /!'L f] nr. cnnncr -- sr I . (o / 0Tflk s OF STORIE5: / -. )- , t.l tlPHoNt *: / /;/ ) /"t) RE t C(/,T ]CII / tr"',; [xrsl rNG (ONSTfluCrrOt{: f] ALTERATIOH I nrnovarrol Eqtnnon, arnnrns I Nti/l (ON5TnUCTI0N:ERTCT NEl..l RtSIDfNCt or ADI]]TIOII 'O T) ISTING IITSIOTNCT ,,!Lt,l!t (HE(x ,/lno aNs!{tlt Sttorl aLL THAr al'Pll'la /ouR Pn0lt('l PC'r (l1 fC0i .,1 ST0RACr SHtO f cnrtnHotsr sr [crcx - -'r IOTAT HEATED 5Q FT:)aU roTAL sQ FT uNDER aoor: i4'ic) TorAt AREA sQ rr; /J7(' . TOTAL PR0IECT C05 T rr* L"$ Sc ,lr I Ir Any ftECTRICAL, PLUllBIN6 or l'ltCllAlllCAl l\rork tieing 0ont to th{, /l((oss0ry lf 1tr. pr oject is a Re.lo.ation, is t hero a l'/ntu..l G,rs L ine o'r thc' Js thcrc Ile.tlr(n] Por,/.r. on ihr5 Erril.jingl flfvot [ruo sl.ucture) []l vcs fi ro PRoPtRTY USE / oCCUPANCY I tsSIN6LL I AI,I]LY tr Dl.lp t tx t(nJN;loustflliD /t'a t/ cut. ^ Cu rrent Sit( I O4 AL"ax /Lt{)tl_ 7' i-; j,il]r *' *,, J s"oo 0'"' L l)tsctA rrEn lhc(), c!rrll llrJt rllnrJtrralEn nr rlls a,) alrdor,:x..a\r',r.q,llk,r: lheUllCl\,vrlrrni.fl:id'?,crs(l,rt-,*,r I'r.r'ire{ioli"vcr\.r9e36t'..pposr oblu arl spor l{ar{n* cttang. in co^l,xbr!r ..n!._rr , )t,'mr!)i 'lJO1! A ,'! /\,j,,oirrrli 1,,,,ir3s'115.,,,'!1,i,11.1'r,rrJ{ S r /l(( Ol^lNE R / CONTRACTOR : ",ty,tt,llbt-'1rh,| ( ntlt t"C SIGNATURE: r.ari.r.riir IS THt PROPERTY LOCATED IN A I'LOOOPLAINI IXISTIiJG IHI,.RVIOUS AREA ] 5Q FT NEh IIIPERVIOUS AR!A: __ 5Q l-I SEBER I l'.t 5i cr nua l-- l corslu&I Ty svsreu ! pRIvATe l.tErl YEs lRl ro TOTAT ACRES OI5 i$uu, TXl5I LANI.} DI5IURtJ]NG PE NTlI T flvrs I Iu CIIJTRAI I,iE I IItft ! crruranr srerrr f] pRIVATT sEprrr fl ccurrrtrv svsrtn ..r srpA!{Alt ptHfltt5 RaQUI D r0h ttcl, A[cll, P185, 64., tQUlP, PRtFAns & rtstRr5 .r' rayr€ll rrrfilo: Icnsu f-l carcr (p^y^slr to unc) Esl,. occouv, IncTvrsl Iorscovra zorr ' HD(, cr-r: c: a: ,rpp.oval OLL 6iry co*n"nt ,-[ il( L" JLir1- oa-- 'fJ,'il.-i: ,' 'r,.t/A ,,' NIA o,' HliA o,-aJA''t't']n^t' 4t11)11) tt 5lScll{ rrooD: - - f Brr:,2{1 . Y."r! A11r.fi ,,r\r\{1',f rr\ \^l . rz 31 ___ PERMII r[t | $ rfP -tX -zireIx t.?.,....i"{ c\fqr!\i{} Cc( ( APPL](ANT'S NAV t I DTVEI OPTR. CITY: BLO(X l: ___ l0l lr: _ _ 4 rcY '.t {r APPLICANTS NAME:Re,d dYs 04 {*ilf , Clcar Form tulnt e ail NEUT' HANOVER @UNTTY BUUI)TUG PERMTT APTCAT]O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PIEASE A"5WfB 'If OUfSIJO,IISAPPIJCAEI TO YOU' PBOIECT 'Project Responsibiliv' Zo$-564k &ttqo Application Number {office use) PRO,ICT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: dO Ave CITY Date fl'. ztP: ZB *o3 L Px.rilE#t 1lo- 93t-loZe cnt: h/ r /n,inqton zP: ZZ</o1 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS;3Zz t;,,Wcc r *COiITRACTOR ADDRESS: Rei,l Lotro n CITY BIDG U(XNSE B 5T:ZIP: EMAIL ADDRESS:0 L PHOTIE: PHONE:PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:el a14lt 4 ta '/lt - /o 7b E Att 6a.age (5F) _E oet 6arap (sr, 36'{O Forch (5F) ! Pool(SF)E sunroom (SF) _ C Greenhouse (sF)O Decl (Stl ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes B No TOTAI Sq FT UNDERROO] Vot proposed work) Heated: E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Oth€r (sF) Unheated, 36q 2 tit8,./ 18 12r l3Ptloescription of Work:Mr6 468 ise +hq ool +N* C"Floo, &r2 ,l.1 otsctarllER:se ii <o.trd. attd dluo(k{lll casq!, t rh th. St te Ehrkli.tscodp rrd 3U o$€r apdicable State and local law! and ordimnces aDd reSulations. The NHC Development Se ices Centerwillbe ndified ofany dan86 in the approv€d plantand specifications orchange in conrador information.'++NOTE: Afly work p.rrormed *ithout the will be in violat-lon ot the NC Stare BldS Cod4 and subject to fines up to S5@.m+' ' Owner/Contractor:el Lar'<n "Licensed QudliJief Print Nome T ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes F. Xo Extstlnt tmpervious 1r.", 36 9 sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:L+31 Sq Ft Efrting LaDd Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: F trPUA A Communiav sy'tem C ftit/atE lV",' E Central Weal C Aqua SEWER: f, CFPUA tr Communw System E Private Septic E Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: - officer: - Setbacks (Fl -(U0 -(Rt$ -(81 -Approval: - City: - me:- Flood: (Al- lV) -{ l - BrE+2rt= - Comment:Permit Fee: S TOTAT PROJECI cosl ltesstoi, S L c'tt c) ls the proposed work chanting the number of bedrooms? tl Y€5 F I{o ls any Electr'rcal, Plumbing or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structure ( Yes g o lf the proiect isa Relocatbn, isthere a NaturalGas lin€on the current site? tr Yes Ef o ls there ElectrlcalPower onthls BuildlnS? E, Yes D o Prcperty Use/ (kcupancs fl Single Family ! Duplcr Ll Townhouse EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO :D Alterataon E' Renovation E General RepaiB NEW CONSTRUCflON: ! Ered New Residence E Addation to €xisting Residence ! Relocation rITP1Bq56 CHECIT AT{D A'{SWER BELOW AII THAT APPTY TO YOUR PNOJECI... ,t APPucnm's NAME: k-...}q. ?RolEct AoDREssl 2 LL. -_4 suB0tvl5lo: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PUATIO N tYPE: RESIDENIIAI PTIAST ANSWTN AU QUESTIONSAPPIIC,ABI"E TO YOUR P8O]ECI 'Proled nerponrlblllt/ Br.'ll-,--, l' D,'*/,;-(- 13t-.,*^. o"", -5- f -1 | tX 1,.,- - zrP- 1.tr-4-:.,'\ 209-6797 tfl-lt/l ICINSE B: s\11 ztP: at,n !,1\/t FLOOD ZONE !-) ti:l' l. i.:i. i,ffii .A <:+IITY vl, lqt'ffi PROPInTY OWHER'S Nar*r, kJ * I owNrR'5 AoDRf SSi AZ(, |.,*1. 6i . ,n,"o*, n ctr\: -!y!-1)a1.,ZtP:{llt: 1 '\3 ?5,I I L /31-."^.CONTRNCTOR: AD0RtSSI 7 EMAIL ADDRtSSI L,; Sunroonr (5F) _ sL06 r. PlroNt 2. C CITY t- '$23l 07'!'\t/ 5PROJTCI CON}ArI PTRJON PHONT EXISTINC CONSTRUCIIONT& Alteration n flenovation ftr General Repalrs NtW COiISTnUCIION: - j Erect New Residence f Addition to Eri5lin8 Reiidence [_] Relocatlon ...PLfAT CHICK ANO ANSWER 8 EI-OW AI,I.IHAT APPLY IO YOUR PNO]ECT"' Lj Atl 6ara8e 15F)_E oet Grra8e (St) _ 'J Pool{9f)[.] Storege Shed lsf) _ 1 . Other (5f ) ---- a c { ii l3 ;: ili / ls the proposed workrhao8lnsthe nunrber of bedrooms? O Yet f.l t{o ls any t lect ical, Plumblnt or Mech.nlel work bslnS done to the Accessory Structure 0 Yer fl No ll th. proJe(t Ir a Reloratlon. is there a Natu.al Ga5 tlne on the curr€nt slte? D Yer q No ls there EledrlcalPower on thls Brrllding? ! Ye. O tlo Property Ure/ O&upancy Slngle Oer.rlptlon ot Workl nlly a Dupler il)ho Ro, 7, u,',' 4.,,1 q, -.,^ s -t/ 1-.. 4.r. 1('1., Lil-/-, ^ tg!r- l ...L rB, Total AcreJ oiJturbedl Exlning Land oirlurblhg Permtt. - Ye5 ilNo A./L 4o.,rA ",y'o e l.:. Dl$UrMaR: I l"...by c.nify I iJr rllDa nlordsr(,i rn !. e.9p rcrrro. rr co(!!r rnd.lro.r *1ll.odpt e[h thett.ta 8uidl.8Cod. and aI otfier ',.} .pdicDr. 9l.l! ird b( or chan€a il corrtrdo. 3500.o'.. l"-.1,' 1Lclawt and ordhrn.el.nd retiiitlro.t. Tla rlc Dtvrlor acnl s!Nlc.! (rnler willb. oolllledot a, ych.n3.! h t he rpprovcd phnr a nd rp?criaatloxr rn,orm.rror. ."Nmt:A,!y we.l plLormed tMhout:he appropdare p..nrnr wll b€ r^ vbLtlon 6l rhe NC Sr.re glCS coce.nd $bkd to no.!.Jr to owner/contracto. (r,i Lg!5-.,1i" .J D ,L l'."J8/'".r4 rru,r. C ,,-'")- .; 4 n'Ltc'^'?dQuo\tet' PttDtNo'ne -]( (,'r.t^,t xg-ttJt fiff( lv, ll|l ls the property tocered tn a ltoodptatn? [: yes nT2ft 1..,r,,,,-, a r\".\ At_ lZ_., WAITR: li CFPUA i.: Communrty Systen :- Privatt\!ell _ CentiaiWell f] Aqua stwtn x CfPUA [_.] Corimunlty Syrte,i LJ PrivalcScptic O CentralSeptlc fl Aqua Erltllng lrnpe.\rlout Atea: -_,__ 5q ft New lmpe.vlourArea: .___, Sq tt ,onntLl$ -- on ",, tY-i' Approval:ctty: L-1lUrl Comment: BtE+2at. Permlt feer S lrr '>['t lN []r Jron.< 6nL1 " x\: grrprrnsi6--^I lC\ ar i;i:' lnsprciion llequreo, gl 0.254,0gip 7t2\ (,2ir)o.6 v*2-*e '/3 I Greenhouse (SF)_ I oe.k {SF) ___ ls lha propoild work clan8lnsthe e!sting footprlnt? Li Ye5 F No tolAt 3Q rT u oER R oot llot proposed worxl xeauat * I I L) () vnneated: TOrAr, PSOJICT COST ( tast Lot): s -*n 3(2, 0 t.) ! ) D Porch (5t)_ . us I(i ?tlg'61x ,,:: ' lt, ,4 qa,crerr Form RECEIVEP"TMAY 2 3 z0ls ers.,r NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT A P PLICATION fYP E: RESIDENTIAI- PTEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPTICABTT TO VOUR PROJEcr 'Projecl Respooslblllty/ffi APPI-lCANT,S NAME: OCean BIUe Poo,s and Soas of NC Datc: S23l?018 _ .,pRoJEcIADDRESS::121,1[4AISa-OriYL_-_CllyrWitrningtnn Ztp.JULL_ SUBDlvlSlON; lfg CO TRACIoR: gAea BIDG UCEI{SE E:f3750-- AO0RESST clTY: Wilmlngton ,_ ST: !9' ZIP:-!!{pl_ __ EMAIL ADDRESST ofpaobluewilrninglool@gmailcom _ PHONE: g1Gt99!!lD?J_-._ ._ . - _ _ PROJECT CONTACI pERSON: Arin Keryeski _ PSON€: 910-799-3022 EXlSTlt{G CONSIRUCIIOT{: :l Alter.tion 0 Renovation C General Repairs NtW CONSIRUCTION: ll trect New Resldence g Addition to Extstlng Restdehce O Relocauon T..PI.IASE CHEC( ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL TXAT APPIY TO YOU e exlJtln8 lootprint? B Yes & No Unheatcd: TOrAL PROIECT COST (Less l-ot): S 36.726 ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? O Yli 81. No ls any Electdcal, Plurnbint or Me.hanlc.lwotk betngdone to the Acce ssory Struct u re q,ye, 0 No If the project ls a Relocotlon, is there a Natrrral Gar Llne on the cur.ent sitc? f ye' tr( No It lhere Electr;cal Power on this Bu)ldjntT J{ Yet O No Property Us./ Occupancy:igtlngle fsmlly 0 ouptex D Townhouse OeJcriptlon of Work: lnstal! e 231-xl2'6: I0qqund fiborglass pool with 623 sauars feet of concreto decking. ---..- ol5cLAlMtR: lh$.by..nify tir! rlrthr lnronn.rion in thir.ppliorlon lt.o.r.ar rnd rtiwork \i,llt.onpty with tn6 strte Euildi ! An Garage (stl_ . Suoroom (SF)_ I Gre€nhoure (SF) __ ls the proposed !r'ork changlng th (crpua : communrty syrrem 5 EWt '11-CeUa Ll community system D Private Zone:,D Offlcer ,It, D Del Garage (SF) _ K Pool{sF)2BB 3 Porch lsF) ( oect< lsry 623 ttls ng l.rnd Dlrturblng permttl 0 yes -.J No i Priyare Weil C CentralWell E Aqua Sepric : CentralSeptic ur1 .!t)- , 1nr1- t o- 1e; I tA)_. (v). _ (N) h$! rnd ord naicas end reglrl.i;onr lhi NltC D.vetoom.nt SaNt..r Ccnt.rwirlbe norifi.d ofNny (hrna.r in rhe a9g.oved ot.ru.ndin{ord!rio.. "'NOTt:,tnv wo.t parto,mld wilhout rh. .tp,oprirt. p€mil, *i,lbr h viot.r Bldt Code a Owner/Contracto "Lic?hsed Quohlief Slgnaturc: ls the prope(y lo.ared in e ftoodplain? I yesA No ExlstlnS tmpervious Are.: 3 ?23 Sq Ft Total Aarer Dislurbed: 0 New lmpervlous Area: 3.846 Sq Ft .nd .ll olher . ppi(.l,e !t.t..nd locrt tp€.lforlo.r o..han8e l. (o.t.acror lo fine3 up ro s5m m.'. R: e ,lL crty,-/Lt1\ ,y'lt\ rr:.5c, c r11-_,<C\ .,r.tttjUA 6124lt8rn" Sctb Da tc I:,l. Srt \-,c^c f kl'- o Agua lL) xr- r**I iyrurs Pefmlt Fee: $Co m ment .l d 2tt= t- nln^rIn^r\i LOT fl: 31 ___ PROPERW OWNTR's NAMEI Amy 8r.wn & Morgan Neal qBONE it 702-927_2337 OWNER'S AODRESS: 1215 Mattr,o nriv6 CtW: Witmlngron 2tp:28412 TOTAI" SQ FT UI{OER ROOF Vor ptopoted workl Heated: .- C storage Shed (SF)_ O olher (sF)_ f L8-L552 (olr,ce use) .i. fdo, fe' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CAT I ON TYPE.. RESI DENTIAL PL€ASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICANT,s NAME: BELL CUSTOM HOMES oate:51221'18 PRoJEcT ADoREss: 913 SUNRUNNER PLACE Clw: WILMINGTON ztP:28405 SU BDIVISION: LANDFALT tOT ll:4 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: AUGUSTI NE & LISA TANTILLO PHoNE H: 703-250-6483 oWN ER's ADDRESS: 10'191 SIMPSO N LANE CIIYI BURKE, VA ztpt 22015 coNTRACToR: BE LL CUSTOIV HO]t,4ES BtDG UCENSE #.760q4 ADDRE55:PO BOX 55 clrY: ROCKY POINT 5T;!Q ZtP:28457 EMATL ADDRESS: JESSICAfOBELLCUSTOIVHOME .cot\,t PHoNEr9'10-859-8062 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: DOUG THORP PHoNE:410-610-5794 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation '* * PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI,I, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garase (SF) 859 SF E Det Garage (5F)_! Porch (sF)014 SF n Sunroom (SF)n Storase Shed (SF) D Greenhouse (SF)_tr oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes D No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Var proposed wotkl Heated: 40'14 SQ FT Unheated: 1874 SQ FT TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s725,000 Jstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes D No lsanyElect.ical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYeslNo lf the project is a Relocation, is the re a N atu ral Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? D Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family ! Duplex D Townhouse Description ot Work v . NPs Rpr nc.ti, ll..rP Owner/Contractor "Liceosed QuoIilier" laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHc Development servic€s cenler will be notltied ol any changes in the approved plans and specificalions or chanSe in contractor inrornrataon. "'NOTET Any work pe.fotmed without the appropriate permiE will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00r.. Cress Bell signaturer ()"r-A,1/ ls the property lo€ated in a floodplain? fl Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 2 o/" I 175 acre s New lmpervlous Area: 7,347 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permitr ! yes ! No WATER: X CFPUA f] CommunitySystem f] PrivateWell ! CentratWell ! Aqua ! Aqua ?/1() SEWER^ E CFPUA ! CommunitySystem n PrivateSeptic ! Central Septic zon", f,')t0 otricer: O-[ u setbacks (r) rto ([H) tgl (RH) ) <' (B) Ci' ln:ntelion Reouyen, gl A.254.!gfi) Approval: Comment: 9rtooa: (A) - (v) - (N) x '- i:y?iwten,; BFt+2ft=city: ) t-iY\ oate: S ?Ll r,ts l rY.l lt ermit Fee: S utg- Scrq ! Pool (SF)_ ! Other (SF)_ Ao8- 51oLl Clear Fomr PRO.ltcT AooREss: 248 Pin eare $tekv.y Prlnt o Mall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT DN TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PTIASI AN5W€R ATL QUESTION5 APPI.ICAgIE IO YOUR PROJ€CT "Projecl R€rponriblltl/' f{1 ('E- lbl I ffi' Iom.. !i!l APPr-ICANrS NAME: JaEhUAJgreS,_ _ _,.-- Oate: 512A2018 SUBDIVISIONT Lake EOrcSt -. CITY; Wilmjngton . LOT H: ZIP 2?AO1 PRoPIRIY Owr{rR'5 NAMEr AIIAC JghnEgn OWNEn'S ADORtSS: 2.t0 Prnecrost CONTRACIOR: -, -t.-\\rr + Lrr. ADORESS: 'Licensed Quolifiei ls the property located io a floodplain? f] Yes ErlrllnS lmp€rvlour Arc.: _-_ Sq Fl New lmpervlous Area &rt PtloN[ {i 847-337-1393 crrY lvllntElon ztP 28/.01 BLDG IICENSE '9l ,r,r. Fr,,nt . Sf Cfi: AJ, J,r,,..r/,^ PHONE 5rr A,( ZrP: ,2lgo l- EMATLAODRESS: , ).1 ... . .l , r,^r.9tY'qoU a I L\) h il.,tt' g,,gi, igqiirr ;r,I t \)./.t't,Ni U1 E(|SIING CONSTRUCTION: r] Alreration VRenovation L) GeneralRepairs NEW CoNSTRUCIION: ! €rect New Re5idence fl Addition to ExistinS Residence D ReloGtion ...PLEA'E CHTCX AND ANsWER 8EI.OW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' PROJECI CONTACT P€RSON: JoShua Tones D Att GaraSe (SF) -- [l Sunroom (SF] ! 6reenhouse {5F}_ PHONE: 918:406.6120 D Porch {5t) _-_ il Storase Shed (5F) L'l Other (Stltl Deck {sF) 15 the proposed work chan8ing the eristln8 footprint? D Yes D No TOTAT SQ FT UtiDf R ROOF Uot ptoposed wotk)Heated:450 Unhealedr rolAl" PROTICT COST (Lesr Lat): S 185OO ls the proposed work rhan8inS the number ot bedrooms? g Ves {ffo Ir any tl?ctric:l, Plumbln8 or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structu.e fl YeJ lf the proiect is a R?loc.tlon, ls there a Natural Gas Line on the current slte? D Y€s ! Xo ls lhere Electrical Porr,/e.onthis Euilding? & y"! tr Ho Prop!.ty Ui€/ occupanry: i I SlnSlo Frmily ^oupler - I Townhourc Detcdptlon o, wori: lnlenoFrraminq, ilmryall; flooringi rcptoeirxtcriilinq.rifldorys. replEcinr, andadrlina exilstinqs.ectric8l El Det Garase (sfl.----- - Pool (SF) No (4N/A tut Nl[ rnxrNrA {B)/,//A {no rnlom.tlon "rtlOT:rAni rort pcrto.med wi(hout the approprial. pe.ritr willb. i6 vloletbn ol the NC St.r. BldS Cade rn( !ub,e(l to t,ner !p to li{qX}.:! Owner/Contractor: jgibgalones -_.--.-_-- --.-- , Slgnature: ( <:" Iotal Acrer Olrturbed: trjstlnf tand Olrturbing Permh: D Yer [] No WArtR; S fWEn i y' croua 1 Community System y' crrue Ll clmmunlty sysrem b omcer, \) \ (: seruacrs Ll Private Well L) CentralWell Ll Aqua D Private septic D Cent,alseptic D Aqua ( zon",f' Approval "r",5P41$flqod: {A}lv) __ (n) J_ BFr+2ft= Comment: t') I city, jltl\ o -*Pttr" a-*a( f oc>l' 1:'t 1 6\- 141 ey i ttr'-.-Uttr:i L t\e?Permil Fee: S - ?3lliv t8 9:20Rt.1 ?anl.^i6^ 6vi.li^^ hn 'mhi^^ )a$- SVqb I , cloar Fo.m Prlnt eilall NEW HANOVERCOUNTY EUIU)ING PERM{I APPLICATION WPE : RESIDENTIAT Pl r,tsl A^rSWfI at I Qtrt.s rJortls Appt lrj8l t ,o yolrS pBoltrr "P.o.Je(t R$ponsibtlit}/' R) 18 -/aQc., 5-30-,Q J APPLICANT'S NAME PNOJTrI,ADDRESS: suEDtvtstoN: n- tI \(--r(i L-Ar, j,1 Oate,rl vc.C'TY Lt1, -1t ztP._jZ*1_"-2.. .-. tol l, PROPTRTY OWN!R'S NAMf: o*^*g'5 19gp555, . -lr- /- CONINACIOR t PHONE II 'l l,; 'i 5, ' ,r rn L,CfiY: 1.9, ;'f 41, til ictt zlq: 2 'L-.</;'1 CITY BLDG LICE SE f ST;ztP tMAlf. ADoR[S5: -. ".J.Ar ;S ,t,-l 1/ AODRESST___ _ PRO,'ICT CONTACT PESSON / \ t tt I L- ,,t t,'-. )\ .t,( r ,''r EXISTING CONSIfrUCIION: _ Alieration D( Renovation (J General Repairs NaW CONSTiUCfIO : n €r€(t New Residcncc (l Addition to €xisiin8 Rerid€nce :l Rclocation ...PLEAsT CHECK AND ANSWER SEIOW AIT THAT APPIY IO YOUR PROIECT' T' 8l Der cardsc (srl -&jl--l l Att Garage (5f) - [ ] Sunroom (SF) - {-l G(eenhoute (St) _ D Pool(5r) Ll oed (sfl ly il ouplex ,, Townhoure ls the propos(d work chrnging tlre existing foolprint? - l Ye5 Dl No rOTAt SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed wort) Heated TOTAr PROTECI COST (Letr lot): S .L '.-.:. t ..-, lslheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? :l Yes [d No ls any tlectrical, PlumbirS or Me.hanical wo.k being done to lhe Accessory Structu.e ( Yes L-l t{o lf the projecr is a Relo(ation. is there n Natural Gas l,ine on the (urrent site? Ll Yes 5a l,lo ls therc E lectrlcal Power on thls Euilding? S Ye' l-l No unheat€d: :v'''i Properly Ure/ O.cupancy:(srnrle rami o€scrlption o, work: -;-{f (ittttsc,//{+,ir'+liot t q ')N.v Cc/\f'/r,", r! {),,,1 ,*";;m"m,,7J rtEk*a."{f ,'il,sla[.tr (o(eci &\d.U {{o<|. e.itl (Aaply sirh tl\i grre Adlina (.d. &d rllorha.:pglqbl{ lrr(€ .id lo(rl .fo,n1,rrron "'ryOTt Any y/ork pedor lne.l w r hoL,l l ho r ppropnate pe.|Ilil t wirl be ln violel ion ol tie NC State 8ld8 C6de .nd .ubj€.t 10 llner up lo S!00.@"' Owner/Contractor:Sgnature, 'Ucensed Qioliliet" F.int Nome ls lhe property lo{atcd in a floodplain? ! Yes F No Erlstlnt lmpe.vlous A."", it ti sq rr New lmpervious Are 2, 4 3L -sqtt WAIER: F CfPUA :-l Comrnsr!,ty Sfstenr ": Privrte we,l O Centra, Well Li Aqsi UA Co mmun ity System [,] Private Septic :l Centralseptic r--- Aqua ller'l L;17.5 . ,t ' 'lnlorc*on Reqlyrr, gl0.2f4"09tu: sEwt Zoner of(icer'. ,r, fLtApproval'--ly--Ci lr1 orr", Total Acres Olrlurbed: Erislln8 Land Disturbirg permit: i I Yes i.1 No l*r ood: (A)lv)(N) 21 BF +211= () R: Bl ctPLIL Dru,Setbackr (€l -MAt*rNiA t**1 N/A 1e1 ri/\ 6l nt 5r0r1 0)Cltt.') Comment: ir-r c',rr4 ih .[ gr i n1- Permlt Fee: S pxoxt: 'l ' . '1 )' ,t /t, lf Ao.rh (5r) _ D SloraS. Shed (Sf) (--l other (srl __ !) ,1 KeViS)on * hg-c^ter 'ffibuNry BUTLDTNG pERMrr AP P L ICAT|O N WpE; REStDENIIAL I,rtAst ANSWflt ALt OUtSIlONS AppUCA0IE TO yOUR tfiOrtfl'proJ.ct Blrponrlblfl tf - Bu \.t, ".1 C. &! p A& .1 oate, ., {al ltz.t]:-1-a;-\ ,l---.- ' --,-.1_crw,ld ,Iw..___]g_(__ zrc, pg11 1t l:( -1 \?, - ,(. 1t :). APPTICAIII'S NAM€: ALBA PRo,tCT ADDRtSST -et Lj] sUBolvlslo l pIroptRTy OwNtR.s NAr.,rr, 9.. <,.n*,-_!_;{)-L -- <- ow tR'SADDRISS: 2. ?t-s_p l_8, A-,\V,lle coNTRAcroR At.E)A ProNt x __t:x -- 4 * rl - "q Li xcrrv ,\rLr,ll e Jlf C _z,P_?8ss( j eLoc uctHsr r,-13j34 -.-...-- cIIYr!{lr_\ ,.\ __Sr:^L-ztpt}- t</ I I tol 4 ADDR€SSr'-/'/t Pr-1('\J-\' EMAIt AOORtSST 4-4., ork; A llr. f? GAal:< PROJTCT CONTACI PTSJON ExlSI lNG CO STRUCTIoH: 5-i-n!ration g-("norrt,on Fftreneral Repa ir j Ntw COI{9TRUCTIONi il tre.t New Restdence ffi on to Eristing Rertdencc Il Retocalton ... PI€ASE CHTCX ANO A?IsWEi BEI.OW AI.I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO]TCTt " l1i u1 t!l:./incn .-- _- C AtlGarage ISF).- [-] Sunroom (5f) _ -l Greenhoure (sFl_ E Det GaraSe (SFl_ t thr propoied work chanSln8 thc cxisting lootp.int? tizles Ll No TOTAI,5Q FI UNDTR RO Ol IJot p.oposed wotk) Xaauja, 1k/ TOTAT PROItcl COST (te!1 Lot) S- Property use/ Oaupancyr ts/Slne le F.mlly fl Duplcr fj Tow.houle 0 Porch (sr) lkFr Ll Storafle Shed {Sr}O Pool(5F) X Deck (Sr) Unhralcd = othc, (Sr) /4'/* _ Is the progosed work !han8ln8 the number of bedrooms? g4es 3 tio ls any Electricrl, Plumbln8 or Mechanlcilwork belng done to the Accessory Suucture g,{es g1 No if the pro]ecl ls a Reloaatlon, is there a liatural Ga! llne on the (urfent slte? I_'] yej t I No rs there Eleclrical Power on thls Buildin8? g4es p tlo Z L'OC \- : E_a:, L! A\b *,oJ 1r: I h + r-'r., -r I '.1 P rv,. tt''t uohtloi ol rle Nc srite IotelAcreJ Darturbed: ) .__ {v) _, ') t"', -<f ou19 ,nau ) d. ls the prope.ly lorated in a tloodplalnT t-l Yer VNo fulrting lmpervious Arear ?l2k sqrt c+*--3< Olsc( )ailtir h.r.by (!.trly t rrJl .1: t5€ .fortrlr i, '. rn r.ppjr..rr.D Ircon.d.nj, last.^d ordh inicr .nd ,.A! l.l io . Ir € nrrc ftfr{oprrent Seryl@jCrr ttrwiltb. mtIrlor6nl:i "'NOTI : AE/ wsl o!rlo.6rd lrtho!t :}!.0Dropnat. Demfi !wlt L,? t. l*!rt *ll corrpla erh lhe strte 8u,Elr!Cod. a.d allok,s aritreLh !l!tt r.dtoc. lllrd ol any ch&t8lr th. ipprov.d dt.! andrp.cti..[o1! or ct.nA.l. (onlrr.to. o 0n.! er ro 35@ oJ.. ! Owner/Contrartorl 4-,1.1,*lJlio /i t+,zl Slgaature:/-;'d*Jr; New lmp..vloui Ar0.: . 2 ?-] r. -SqFt trlstlng land OisturblnS PermltrL Ye5 a,_ flo WAIEP.', 4FPUA :- Comrnunity Sy\l.nl ar privalt Well -l CentralWrll E Aqua StWt* ,z.ClPl)A - (orilnuiily Syltcrll al P.ivat0Septi. :l CentralScptic D Aqua ."",('{0 - o*,",, frb serba(krlr) 3a'11x1 /Q-inH1 --7 o' ol Z5' {N) \ Brr+2h= _ l?,n{_Llf S permlr[e€: S __ , tl;01cion requrrco, 9l tl-2rq-u.ltr aaor<tver (,t c|(\: l( )n oerc. Sf .l lflfiFtoadt t^ ,o,- *,' flT,as I iw4l l?'t L'-' :! I ;l c?-f\u ,ffi,9 PBoNt::11L6 /4 /4<l O- PH)NE:.//O 6/, /AciO a=\ NEW HANOVER COUNIY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATTON ffPE : nESIDENTIA| PI€ASE ANSW€R AI.I QU€SIIONS APPIICAOI."E TO YOUR P8O]ECT "prorcct icipon3lbiliV, 1// APPI,ICANT'S NAMT:?srr.., N.", [L*7 |L.+L Oate f,tet z l" \. PROJECT ADDRESS suEDlvlstoN: '- LAua r <.. rt.-q i/,*.{CITY: r.^1,.&,-, <.!dc ZIP z,€ Lo<tatn6< A4 ttr.ttw(LOT 'lll PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS: ,r.y,,".., !Lr-,HONt r. a,o 4(r . /{r o brol o+< *no<.t-01 <a,1< 2o,ClWi 4..^,t<,- ^J L ?r^," (n^n*n,,, ,,..BIDG IICENSE [i ZlPt Zr4o7 544"1CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:Qto< on-"*, *1,'11 2"\9it o,t a tf,/i1 el ClTf i \:tLt\t.<./t, - STll::-ZlP p11ONt: At; q<1. t4o PRO.'ECI CONTACT PIRSON l/r^a" - (.1 Greenhouse {St)_ L Deck(Sr).*_ ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? [ Ye5 D No €MAII- ADDRTsS; Dercrlption of Work: PHONE: Q1o zK2 t,l1<t EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: i_l Alteration fl Renovation 0 6ener.l Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIIOiI: {:fErect New lesidence LJ Additron to txisdng Restdence fJ ffelocation t] Att GaraSe (Sf) /rg O Su6.oom (Sg)-- n Det Garage {SF)_ [] Pool (sF) UnheltGd: (4o TOTAT PROItCT COST (Less Lot)i 5 tb DD," ls the proposed \ro.k changing the number ot bedroomr? Ll Y.r O No ls a ny Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mcchanlcal work belng done to the Ac.esso.y Structure fl yei E No lftheprolectisaReloc.tlon,i5th€reaNatural6asLineonthecurrentsite?OyesnNo ls there Hectrical Power on thls Bulldlng? [:) YGi 3 No P.operty Us€/ Occu prnry, d Sl nlle Frmlly Ll Duplox U I 9!te 4l& Pro b, il{ ltt t-q<,3{iA^ (rLo..a L0 .,,L- i,{1,! (3r'r< DISC[AlMtf,: I hereby c.^rly rh.t all the rnlormatron rn thrr app|cation i, correcl and aI work wil compty lawlandordinan.erandretul.liont.TheNHCD?velopm.nrS€ryi€esCehrerwill&norifiedolanychro8. ,nirrmrr'o.."'NOII:AnyworIp..for6edw(ho\rrih!.pprop,iategermirJwdtb€inviohnonofth.NC Owner/Conl.actor: "Lrc.nsed Quolilie/ ?r,n Q,*[aax"x<'o., t,r. Communlty System [_l Private Seplic [] .nd rllothar rppl..ble Sl.te and local rpecili(,!roni o. chanr. in contrrdot lo linrr up to StoO.S"' tfu mrtgirteer'fimg ffi{.ffiW ffiev$ewr Sitnature: ls the prop€rty located ih a lloodplaan? fl YesX No Exi3ting lmp.rviour Ai!a: _ Sq Et Tot.l Actas Oiiturbed: New lmporvlous Are.: ,_ _ Sq Fl Exi.ting L.nd OisturblnS Permit; fl yiA? WATER: EaCIPUA i.l Communirysystem U private We[ U Centralwetl f] Aqua Uli sEwtR: E/CFPUA ('l zon",llli:L9 t".,, approvtt: (X city, /U{ commsnr: A i\ woy U f1v sctb.ck5 (r) l5 (rxl j'C'eTrnalSeptlc D Aqua,Y^ -{ ^t } -ErEf:--(iHl -s' (Bl / s ' o*e:€f tf //rtooa:61 a(brcrt.\ 1A( i.., 2tr= .fl',,,,,1',,;ri j 8F€+,'I Permlt tee: S1ir( t d Tififr,;r,i I* 6*, ri,J,,: ,;.'::', lp^n1pli64 [enl::SC, 910 151 !ll!l TOTAI 5Q FT UNDER ROOF (fot ptoposed wotk) He.tad -ZZ t b n Porch lsf ) 2 ar _,_- D Sro.age Shed (SF) _ [,] Other (Sr) -- l!' (.^Jt bv NEW HArtovER couNTy BUTLDING pERMtT APPIICATION |YPE : REStDENTtAt" PLEAST ANSWER AU QUESTIONS APPIICIBLf TO YOUR PRO)ICI,,proied Barponsibiltty, ("-.. /E'1n33 APPLICANT'S NAME: Lottaoe< t\,tL octe: fJ,+l ;\ lt'*)PRO.'ECT ADDR'SS suBDrvtstoN: w CllY: Li,.,-,-,.r.r r.r.zt?.--237e\ _A4 tJts.n^aL PROPERTY OWNEf,'S NAME: OWNER'S ADORESSI &,c.A-s,!, . uuc PHONE I .\rr, 4(a -/*o bto( oo<t^o<M CIIY: ),.*,.+r,- .r L Zlp| 7 8467 ?r^.- t,n.^.La r$) tL.L-gl"DG LlCf NSE f,i l! 5b4"UCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:Q\aa OC$.,$4- A.4tX1 ?r\rua[ao EssI-bro,t a v:-l *--*_- qrry |LJIL,/-,.</P- ST: F( IIP:;aAll__ PHONE: -', - '1(1 . r(;c PROJECT CONTACI PERSON ?r*"..PHONE: {r c t'lta EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alterarion D Renovation iJ G€nerat Reparrs NEt,,t,t CONSfRUCTION; y'Erea New Residence 0 Addition to €xisinS Restdence 0 gelocation ... PL€ASE CHECK AND ANSWTR SETOW AI.T IHAT APPI.Y IO YOUR PROJTCT" ' [,.] Att Gara8e (SF) ,r8 [-] Sunroom (Sf)--- Ll Greenhoure {SF}--L-l Deck (Sr) Is the proposed work changlng the e)(is ng lootp.lnt? t-i yes {_l No TOIAISq Ff UNDERROOF Uot ptoposed wort) Heated: Zztb UnheBled: (.4; TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S tb o@'" ls thepropo5edworkchangingthenumberolbedrooms? D yer a No ls any tloctdc.l, plumbing or Mc.hlnk.lwork belng done to the Accersory Strucl!.e D ve, fl No ,ftheproject is a Relocatlon, isthe,ea Natural 6as tine on th€ current site ? D yrs fl No ls lhereflectricalPoweronthisBulldtngT n Y€r O No Property U5e/ Occuprncy , gl stnrl, €tL(1.< 1,"F.mlty [] Duplsx [:l To-wnL'a (A*^." 11.-( rtr+.i house Affu.ra on fiu< lda,< n Det Garage (SF)_- n Pool (SF)___ ._, ,'. : _ t Le<L\ L0 o, f,{or tot,<,Oeic.lptlon ot Work DISCIAJMEI: I her.byc€rraly lh.t rl,the jriormrtiotr i. !h,r aogtr.tior Itco.r€ct.ndaI worl wi com lawt r.d ordin.nc.t.nd re8ulationr.Ihe ilHC O.!.eropm.nt Scryrcer C.nter eilt be.otrli.d ol.ny.h. rn{o,matrcn. "'NOTt. Any worl p.rformed wnhout th. .ppropri.t€ p(rfnits witt be r^ viotarlon o, th. Owne./Contractor lr,*. Q,-Signatu.o: . nd .ll oih.r ,pglic.bl. Srat..nd loc.l rp..rli(.lioas or ch.n8c rn contr..tor to trn.t uD to Ssm.m"' ''Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? t l Ye! X No Exittlnt lmpervious Arer: _ Sg Ft L Tot.l Acrer Diiturbsd New lmp.rvlour Are!; ___ 5q Ft Exlstirt L.nd Diiturbint Permit WATER: dCFPUA :l Community Syetem f-l Private well ;f Centralwell E Aqua sEwER: lacrpu^ : community system L I privare septic.,n "Tlr:l:":t,S€jor"zon"J{! ]-Lt#o,, -![_Q.. sctb.ck (F) 15 (tH] -:l,, (RH] S' (8] l\ city iLi\\. o*",alrl/Floodr (A)(v) -(N) { .8lE+2fr= : fl Yet Approv!l: Commsnt: 'rl ' :'l '',( 'aa\S l Permlt tee: S ,35 {^r,J L.r t lror.r \ { (2 L\\ ( z r}(2.,t IU LOT I: t1 tr Porch (St) 2zz I Stotage Shed (St) _ lJ Other (SF)-. t, Cii; lnrptlion Requrreo, 0l 0-254-09tIl B Cte€r Fol.n eMall NTW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTUTION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL plttrsF ANswtR Atl outsTtoNs APpllcABLt ro YouR lRorrcl "Prorect Respon5lblllV' RECqYED UAY 3 1m$ l6-t+5 r lofir.o{14) J APPLICANT'S ,,&-EfraB r^t\:fl Xrr, .t:un "b ( crrv: tr)rlrlirr.l Dale: l ztP: t-,)Dh PRO'ICI ADDRE'S: SUBOIVISTO : 0 llii cz t/or x PROPERTY OWNIR' OWNER,S AODRESS s"o"e,.1J-(( ' ,?,4u5' {) t lc,'PHONT }:/o-5rv-t5- CO NTR-ACTOR AODR€SS EMAIL AD0RESSI PROJECT COI.ITACI PtRSON: . Ia R" CtCK?:,t - crw: -lr )iI L, PHO N€ Etoc r-rc€NsEl, ST Qt.e " r.tc zre,At3?be,l, - Ll9L /t')h t \l- pt Q c5 ed crrv, - (.11-4iq11 \|IElJk*b\tA.t el.u PHON ELf \1,.n flLr \J q/L',f'lq- anE D Att Garate (SF)_n Det GaraSe (5f)_t,l Porch (Sf) O Pool (sF)i i S'rnroom {SF) - L.l Greenhouse (St)_- Ll Occk (SF)- -ls the proposed work changing the exisling footprint? F Ye5 Lr No ToTAf SQ fT UNDER RoOl Aot propoted work) Heatedr Unheatedr - I I Storate Shed (SP] _,- n Other (St)_ l1 No TOIAL PROJECT COST llers Lot): $ i_u 15 the proposed work changing the nunrber of bcc,rooms? [ Yet A No ls anv Elecrrlcrl, Plumbi.g or Meci!nl.alwork being done to th€ Accessory Struclure U Yes lf the prorect it a Relocatlon, is there a NaluralGaJ Line on lhe current site? J-l Yei 2l l{o ls there Electrical Power on lhls 8ulldin8? ,5 Yes !l No Property Ure/ occupincyr A-Slntle Famlly :,j Dupler i I Townhouse _J l( (l .\ t{r{ I L(tt{5Isi.,De5crlptlo -_l!lt,ta ,t,;;,,rt n ot wort: CXLJ 'J-n ol'u"t { c,l:1q ba lr l,t ft (,1i I DlSClr'\lMEAi i he.cby <erlily I(lormrrion l.rhlr,ppl,catlon6(orrc(t.nd sllwoflwlll( [\t romply urilh the Slrt. Suildlng Cod. and ,ll othc, .mtk.bt. Sr.rr dd to<.t.h:.tc ln lh. epp.ov.d pbn, .nd sp.(ill.arlonj or.h.n8! h tonir..nn rh.lic Srart Udt Code.od rubJe.r to tiner up to 5500.00... liwr rnd ddinaMet a.d r.Sul.tion! nr. NHC Delelopnt.l strviacj Canle. wlll b. ^otlft.d ot.ny lnlcrn,alron "'NOTE: Anv wo.l pc,milt willb. in viot.tioo ot Ownea/Contractqr q6(( tn Slgnature "Ll.c tcd Quolilet' Pinl Nome ls lhe propcrly lo<otcd ln s tloodplain? I I Yo' ll No ExistlnS lmpeMous Area | _--* Sq tt Tolal Ac'es Dlsturbed: .- -_. __- _ _ New lmpervlous Areai ---_- _.,__ - Sq Ft Exlstlng l"and Olsturbing Permlt: fl Yes [: No WAftR, \ CFpUA.,: Commlrnity Systerrr ii Private Well tICentralWell | | Aqua SEWERT [: cFPun ll Cofixnuniry Syste,n ll Prlvate seplic [.] conrrolscptlc L.l Aqua zon ", LIO- oni( er,, p- :-1,!a serba ck, ( r ) NL (*rr rJA raxr t-.t 1A-- ts r dl( approvat, O/ ..- ciq' lLlL\ o".", lal1lfl,tooo,tot --(v) . .1ru1 )'-.orr*zn. -comment: jyg1.\o.\..2n 1cp".;1 ;-, 1 . Nu c hovlJ e 1r Clfsi'',1 (e JlJ,rrlpe,mrr ree: s - i'i,' ln:prction l{equtteo' 9'(0'254'09tI] .-+r' EXISTING CO^ISIRUCTION: [J Altcration I-. Renovalion lfGereral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: {J Erect New tleside^.c [J Addition to ExistinE Besldence LJ Relocation T,.PT.EASI CHEC( AND ANSWER BILOW ALT THAI APPI.Y IO YOUs PROJECT" '