2018-03-28 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 28, 2018 PRESENT: Joe Benson, Mayor – Town of Carolina Beach Bill Blair, Mayor – Town of Wrightsville Beach Craig Bloszinsky, Mayor – Town of Kure Beach Jason Bryant – Vacation Rental Properties TeDra George, Hotel Manager – (-150 rooms) Kim Hufham, President/CEO – NHC TDA Nicolas Montoya, Hotel Manager/Owner – (150+ rooms) Daniel Perkins, Hotel Manager – (150+ rooms) Chuck Pennington – County Bed and Breakfast LeAnn Pierce, Hotel – Carolina Beach Bill Saffo, Mayor – City of Wilmington Lisa Wurtzbacher – New Hanover County Finance Officer EXCUSED: Natalie English, Peggy Sloan, Anne Brodsky, Commissioner Patricia Kusek, Angela Rhodes STAFF: Jeanette Foster, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Linda Brothers, Financial Analyst, New Hanover County Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager John Sneed, VP Sales Shawn Braden, VP Marketing GUESTS: Sam Black, Blockade Runner Don Anderson, DCG Chairman Nicolas Montoya called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 5:35 p.m. in the Lucie Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Complex. He officially welcomed Mayor Joe Benson of Carolina Beach and Mayor Craig Bloszinsky of Kure Beach to the Board. 1 ITEM #1 – EXCUSED – NICOLAS MONTOYA Natalie English, Peggy Sloan, Anne Brodsky, Commissioner Patricia Kusek, Angela Rhodes. ITEM #2 – APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES FOR JANUARY 24, 2018 – NICOLAS MONTOYA \[Motion made by Jason Bryant, seconded by Daniel Perkins and unanimously accepted to approve the January 24, 2018 TDA Board minutes as read.\] ITEM #3 – FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT – LISA WURTZBACHER New Hanover County Finance Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher reported on the stnd Financial/ROT Report for July 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018. 1 and 2 3% revenues are at $3,408,665 collected for the months mentioned or 47% collected. As for expenditures, $2,722,101 spent or 38%. ROT collections (July – January) are mostly showing a healthy growth. First 3% through November up 3.22%. Second 3% shows Wrightsville Beach down slightly. City is down some. Some properties are doing renovations; we’ve had cold weather and only one movie crew in previous year. Complete report can be found in Exhibit Book XIII. ITEM #4 – EXPENDITURE REQUESTS – KURE BEACH – KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented funding requests from the Town of Kure Beach.  The Town of Kure Beach respectfully requests TDA funds in the amount of $178,202.68 for expenditures for lifeguard services for the summer of 2017. The requested funds include expenditures for two budget years 2016-17 and 2017-18. This program is directly related to tourism to protect vacationers and visitors as they swim and enjoy the beach strand. Visitors are attracted to areas offering lifeguard services, especially those with young children and older adults.  The Town of Kure Beach respectfully requests TDA funds in the amount of $8,800.00 during the summer of 2017 (FY 2017-2018) for the Pleasure Island Chamber of Commerce Free Summer Concerts. The six free summer concerts, held at the Fort Fisher Military Recreation area, attract tourists to Kure Beach by providing an enjoyable and affordable venue. Total funds are available in the amount of $187,002.68. 2 \[Motion made by Leanne Pierce, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously accepted to approve the Kure Beach expenditure requests in the amount of $187,002.68 as presented.\] ITEM #5- DCG PRESENTATION – DON ANDERSON Chairman Nicolas Montoya introduced Don Anderson with DCG who will be in charge of doing our Strategic Vision Plan. This had been discussed at our January meeting and voted on to give the contract to Mr. Anderson. Nicolas advised what had been taking place since Monday with our Executive Committee and Don to get the process of the plan started. Don’s summary of what has and will be taking place proposed long term plans to get customers to come back. Don noted he has been in business since 1996 and has worked with 250+ CVB’s, TDA’s, etc. In May, he will be bringing in his partner Gary Sherwin. Has done work in other places in North Carolina to include Charlotte, Asheville, Raleigh, Lake Norman, Halifax County, Johnson County, etc., plus 30+ board related DMO’s in other areas from South Carolina to California. In developing our Strategic Vision Plan, wants to drive more visitors here, enhance the visitor experience, communicate relevancy and viability and refresh and replenish our community. In doing so, there is a four step assessment/plan approach (secondary research evaluation including current visitor information, marketing plans, partners’ strategic plans, and TDA members and staff consultations through dedicated meetings/online surveys and/or community/visitor industry workshops. Step One: Current Destination/CVB Analysis (Where are we now?) Topics covered and/or prepared: top-of-mind issues, SWOT/future map and competitive analyses, primary market segments, visitor/destination product experience evaluation given separate DestinationNEXT survey report, CVB performance record and main challenges. Step Two: Future Destination/CVB Opportunities (Where would we like to be?) Topics covered and/or prepared: destination/tourism drivers and new product potential, visitor growth segments, vision, mission/beliefs, value propositions, long- term goals and agreed-to destination vision. Step Three: Priority Destination/CVB Initiatives (What do we need to do?) Topics covered and/or prepared: priority strategies related to visitor product development, advocacy and partner/ community relations, industry communications, and CVB resources (funding, talent and technology capabilities). Step Four: Destination/CVB Plan Development and Communications (How we communicate what we do?) Topics covered and/or prepared: user friendly documentation for immediate execution and subsequent stakeholder/partner understanding and program investment with expected measurable returns. 3 Don stated that Steps one, two and three are where the heavy lifting will be. Step One – “Where we are now” – will be sending out a survey to fill out in the next few weeks. Very important this be done. The Strategic Vision Plan will have a one-page document. Plan will have a good rationale behind it. Hopes to have a final plan done by September. Was emphasized that we have great resources to do things right. Chairman Montoya expressed the importance of the Strategic Vision Plan and what it will mean for New Hanover County. Board member discussion stressed the need to “tell our story.” ITEM #6 – PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS – KIM HUFHAM  President/CEO Kim Hufham stressed the survey is of utmost importance in being filled out. The Tourism Development Authority takes the lead on this.  nd Will have a workshop with Don and Gary on May 2. To be a lunch/working session with the TDA Board and to run from 12 Noon until 3 p.m. Venue to be advised. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.  National Tourism Week will be May 6-13, 2018 with the Travel Rally Breakfast being held on May 11 at the Wilmington Convention Center.  Kim gave an update on the 365 Conference which some of the staff attended recently and noted it will be held here next March.  Due to Tourism Legislation Day being held later in May, the TDA Board meeting will be moved to May 30.  th The General Manager’s Roundtable will be held on April 19. Location and time to be advised. ITEM #7 – OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS N/A ITEM #8 – CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS – NICOLAS MONTOYA Chairman Montoya went over Don’s visit here this week (Monday – Wednesday) and the excitement of what will be going on with the Strategic Vision Plan. Will have a lot of work to do and Leanne Pierce and Jason Bryant will be on the Executive Committee to assist with all that will be going on. Stressed again the importance of doing the survey and attending the workshop and the importance of this Program of Work Plan. One of the areas covered this week was visiting with the three MAC committees and they are really excited as well. As there was no further business, meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 4 Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Daniel Perkins, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XIII 5