JUNE 13 2018 BUILD APP\ NEiJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION TYPE: COIIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,{ER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" )orK 37-t'; PERMIT 18.855 AFmfefil-oN Number (office use) DATE: 3/20/18 )e cz, t N APPLICANT'S NAIIE: grian Barefoot, Bluewave Deployment obo American Tower LLC DEVELOPER: American Tower LLC _PHO E S: s$-772 25s4 PROJECT ADDHESS: 52u7 r,larker sr-, OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE: American rower LLC PROPERTY Oi{NER'S NAIIE: ssNNsll co}o4ERCrAr pRop LLC ObINER'S ADDRESS: s2t7 MARKET sr TRACTOR: Ericsson rnc ADDRESS :63 eg CITY: wi tmi.orJ,n NC ZIP z2g4u5 - PHONE S: ,', L,,6*n -+- \ll qt ?- l-_\32 CITY: LICENSE #: r7ag6 5T:11g ZIP:2949r . 5T: 1y ZIP: 75624 EIIAI L ADDRESS: Brianebtuewavedepfoymenr . com PHONE *: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Brian Barefoor - PHONE #: 9t9-291-r625 (Che€k All Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on lhe urrent Site?l- NoES GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION IS BLDG S KLEREDtr- Yesf - UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUREERECT I'IEU STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL* t N8n coNsrRucrroN: 4! loccessonv srRucruRE: tI I Z wA, \f) II.9 =d <J.- ev- Se2 + Is Elect Pouer on this Building f. Yes r NO :**T.** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YES Ii. O **'** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy TvDe?ATIH OESIGN PROFESSIOT{ALi Tower Engineering p!ofessionals - PH:919-661-6351 NC REG *tc-t'794 ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIOI.IAL :-PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF HORK: Replacing existing antennae with new antennae at the same height and location ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Vef_ tlo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainii_ YeE-_ No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenity that all information in this application is conect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordlinances and ulalions.The NHC Develooment SeNices Cenler wll be nolified of anv chanoes in lhe aooroved olans and soecrfrcatrons n. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O lhe Appropriale Permrls will ble in Violati6n ol the NC Stale Bldg Code andor ch in cos SIGNATURE: . '- ' Note:Demolilion mitled using fie applicelion form (DHHS-3768) whetherlhe facrlity or buildino was found to contain Asbestos or not. You are required to calllhe Natonal Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al least '10 days pdor to the demolition ofanyfacility or building. See Asbeslos Web Sile: httpJ/wuw.ep . slale. nc. us/epi/asbestos/a h mp. html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 15,OOO.OO BUILDING HEIGHT: #OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT # OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IIVIPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT I\4ERCANTILE EDU APT CONDO OTHEtcefl towe r WATER SEWER SYSTEM trtr CFPUA CFPUA COI\4MUNITY SYSTEI'/1 CENTRAL SEPTIC T] WELL T-[ ZONING USE CLAS FnlverE seprrc BiCoMMUNTTY SIFICATION ". SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYIV]ENT METHOD f CASH l- cnecx lenvnBlE ro NHc) f AMERICAN EXPRESS l- vcrursn J-- olscovER ZONE: OFFICER Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD:- BFE+2ft'- /oo -_ WNER/CONTRACTOR: g.i"" Bare root 0 Comment N PERMIT FEE: I r If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: SQ FT PER FLR, ._ # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH . RH- B-- t- RECEIVED MAY 3 0 2018 Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prored Responsibility" hard Boyd Building Company LLC E 2r:/g-5 8-t Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Blanc 9s1g.5-30-20'18 SUBDIVISION:t-oT g CONTRACTOR: Blanchard Boyd Building Company LLC CtTy. Southport 9196 U6g115g g. 77129 51 NC 21p 2846'1ADDRESS: 6473 Walden Pond EMATL ADDRESST Jack@blanchardboyd.com p11911p. (910)520-7441 pROJECT CONTACT p6p5gp. Jack Boyd PHONE. (910) 520-7441 tr Att Garage (sF)_! Det Garage (sF)_D Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF)D stora8e Shed (sF)_ n Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor ptoposed work)Hs3166.'1896 Unheated:750 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 92,135.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re E) Yes E No lf theprojectisa R€location, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this 8u ilding? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E ouplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: lnstall replacement windows, install new light fixtures, relocale 1 toilel, install new llooring thru out, sheetrock repair, painting, information. "'NOTE: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code a ct to fines up to 5500.00"' owner/6sn113ct61' jack Boyd Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Pint Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious 41s3' NiA 5q61 New lmpervious Area: N/A Sq Ft Existing tand Oisturbing Permit: ! Yes E No Total Acres Disturbed: 0 WAT€R; tr CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private septic E Central Septic E Aqua 76ng; R-15 Ofticer: _ Setbacks (F) M (111) 25 (RH) 25 (B) 104 Approval: _ city: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - 8FE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee;$ *t5\ ll ffi pROJECT ADDRESS: 420 Camway Drive CtTy. Wilmington 1p 28461 pROpERW OWNER,5 1141y16. William Adams pHONE t. (9'10) 23'l-6025 OWNER S ADDRESS. 420 Camway Drive C|TY. Wilmington 1p. 284O3 tr other (sF) 1896 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT." install2 new bathroom vanities., install Ctops, laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specificataons or change in contractor .rts d\"e9,y Date ,rhlt ao6 .("AV3 /8 -tss5 Application Number (office use) $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATI O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT qUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proi€ct Responsibility'' AppL1CANT,S NAME: Stevens Fine Homes PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: sUBDtvtstoN: Round Tree Ridge crwr Wilmi 21p. 28412 LOT S pROp€R1y OWNER,5 paplg; Stevens Building Company OWNER,S ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 ptOtr *: 910-794-8699 611y, Wilmington zt 28403 CONTRACTOR: Stevens Building Company BrD6 UCENSE S. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 g;1y. Wilminglon Sr: NC zp. 28403 EMATL ADDREss: snicholson@stevensfi nehomes.com pxour. 910-794-8699 pRoJEcT cOttTAcT p5xgg1; Staci Nicholson pxolr:910-332-8515 D sunroom (sF)! Pool (SF)E storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (sF)n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aot proposed work) Heatedl nq,l unheated; 5OZ TOrAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 120,000 BJLiN iE 8! 19RT1 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes [II No ls any Electrical, Plqmbint or Mechanicalwork beingdoneto the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes d lto lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ildingl ! Ves d no dno laws end ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servaces Centerwillb€ notified ofany chan8es in the app plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE:Any work perform€d withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State B subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... Owner/Contractor: Michael Craig Stevens Signature: "Liceased Quoliliel Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves d ruo Existing tmpervious er"", l0 0Z ,q r,Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 New lmpervious Area:t10?Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: tr Yes / tto WArrR: d CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community System E Private Septic D Central Septic dAqua Zone: _ Offtcer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approvah _ City: _ Date; _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+zft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S t,.i3. l5b LeT;4F EXISTING CO STRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCnON: d Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *..PLEA5E CHECI( AI{D A'{SWER BETOW AlI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*T* d rttc"r"e"tso 'l l? E Detcarase(sF)- d porcn$rl 05 n other (sF)_ Prope.ty Use/ Occupancy: E Singl€ Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work Construct new single family residence. r001 N Itll}illtfiI@ r I Ft li n04{ o A1n{ 0 n. ? I A ygn a ,Qnolion\.Aq|latrSegdcC€ntsaltrSrptlcSEWET:I4 Flood:Dite:u.llLl\ Prlt etetr (fl SFtemd s' _{BfEi2ft! FI<l(RH'3_(rHlzoner Approt al: Commlllt IP..mlt FrC: (rlM(allr5'l{Cfttl {^ iIEW H/IT{OVER COUNTY BUI1DNG PMTiITAi?L/Elfr,fl VtW: RESEGIYT| t PtEAsC rSWEi AllqjC5rx)i6 Ar?tlc Blf mvouR piorEcT "rol.tl 0.Toll.&ftf clo(ts =6ebg'*-"..*l /b - /,ssc Appadoi Itms.t(ofto(E.) llr-I,'.J: ZTI l.;L:.1 l:.::.r I:ILtl I eJuil 1( Ii r:iJ.l.' EtEttI€ O glIrfio* tr rhrdon tr i]orrdon O c.lrd iFl'r f,lw GOEI trllot+ d fna f- erCd",. tr Addtdon b trftt i.d&,oe tr ndo.r0or "a d D tr 6.ti*lol (5n - b dr..r Ehcfbl brroo tl6 Btffrg? tr Vrr O Ddc.f.lr FFI _ tr Fool lSFl - D deo,arryn 102.'.....--.r- &'clr:t5l /Za <;:,et<,,tzo ftecq 6sz Engineet Ir tft. p.lpcdfi.f drqt{tr.6l5erll? tr vs d ro rpr^lrerilm rprr|!@/s*l re l15O rur.1 mEr6r (rs tllt Sl44gL_ b ttr. lroeadrtdrnlfu dranmbrof ldocnr? tr vt d fo tr tomhoor lladw AttltDr lstft. Fq.ttloc.a.dh.noodehh? tr Yr d flo 212,rdl Dartr!.d:l/B ethrd Dhrtharnrttr rc dro2t7' wef* El cfrflr tr cdlmrtysyli'rr tr pdr,*. wrt EI calts.l wGI tr A.In ?o t€ ^ tu1 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITOING P APPLTAflON twf; R EftgCLirl*f ERMIT p|-EA5E AflSWtR AU QU€STlOfiS APPLIC.A!tt rO YCtll PROItcr - -Prol..t Rl'porlttblflrf $ - {7a\ APPUCAIIT'S NAMT PRO,ECT AODRtss:CITY \Nur (+r,r toT!J ,at*.-OI orto 5 \ zlP Ll ,- zrP 4 _-z-J_. suaDrylsloll PROPERTY OWI{tFS NAT.'I ploxt e' I ll , c,w t,1,,\fr1i:1..( C i ' ,r!..,'owNtR',s ADOA€SS co*Tn croR: Ge.:telLGrgdi? -DbN fo1 tdu,grO-Z-i-e 8t bG UCf st B: ST 7t?((, r r1:r\ ! O att G.rat.lst)- O oer Garage (sF)- fl Slnroom (5t).- Q Pool(St) ,- r'l Greenhou!. (st) tr Dtd (5F) -le rh. propo!.d sork efi.Iuhg tiQ existi^t tootlrtrt? O vcsf,Ho ToTAL SQ FI UNDTR RaOF Uot progoted '.o.t) H?rEdl U nhcatedi TOTAL PRorEcT cosT (tes tot): 5 ls the prqposld work ch.rBing the numbel of bedrooms? E Yet L*o lsanytb<lrlcrlplumbl.l3orMclh.tlkalworkbelngdonetotheAcr6sorYStuctuteDYeatrNo lf th€ prolecl l! a ialo(ltiotl, l. thrlE a Natural 6a3 Une on the cunenl th.? E Yt!' E tlo ts there Electdal Pqwet on thls BllldlqT tr Yer O tlo Propcrty Uia/ Oc.uD.iEY:sin8le Femlly f Dudcr n towtrhouse i\,(.:-r. l-6qo Ex6T!r\.c cofisr.Uc.oN: g Artcrauon lRenoy.tron o cener.rR€rarrs hS'ltot Cq Z\ tr\ ttflY @IISTnUCT|ON: D trect Nere Residcnce 3 Additlon to Etirhng R"ldence D Relocatloo ' ' 'PtrASI O{ECx Al{D A SWER Bftotr'' Att TxlT AF?IY TO YOI'|8 P[()J[CT"' D Porch (SFl , D Storaee Shed (5F) D Other {5r) .. Dr!.riptron of Wo.k: -{, ,,*! --:-\ (-] Y6 .':.1-',. dso.rtal I h.,tbY e^iYth'l aLt lrt. itomtbn,n thlr.Ftiorlo Ir conlct..d all yofi rdldrpty t th ih! 5Eta lr,ldln! c5!t a,,au olh.r .pEou.5lt.nd rral lrwi.nd ollh3n(6.nd r.gr ation! Trre il ric O.vdopri.tl S.ryter (.nt r sll b. rbuflld ot .ny ahrE!! l, thc apFDved gl nr rrld spaclll odon! or chl n€a h tdi r.(rd r.fc,mll oa "'r O1l,^er/Cont.ctor 'uc.hsadQvolfu' I'tlht ls the propcrty hoted ln 3 tloodplaln? D €-xlsllnl larpewlo{rt Arca: =- 5c tt - \ strnatur€: Total Acrer Disturbed NEw rmoervrour Ara.: Sq [t EIldry l,d Oltturblnt Plrmh: E Y't D i'lo'/ wArtR: /CiFUA - Conlnr!nr1Y syllenl - Pr,!3te well E Centralwell D Aqua SfWt* 1/ierrta -' (orr runrlysyelcni - l"vate Seplic D Ccntr'l Septlc El Aqua zon", ' olfrolt; - s.tb.clt lF) - (t$) - (RH) - (8) -Approwl: -- Ctrr - o.tr: - Flood: {A) - (v) - (N} - 0f t'zft= Permit F.e: Scomment: .' 't ".,ffi: ADORTSS: TMAIT ADDNTSS ) \4.\,. €ITY: ffi t rii' insprclion Requrreo, qi offifil-ffi NEW HANovER couNry BUTLDTNG pERnrr Lg ($.|+ff APPLICATIU{ ryPE: RESIDEI{TIAL ApplrcArro.lPLEASE Ai{5NE8 AtL QUESrrOr{S APpLtC St-E 10 YoUR PRoltCT umber "project Responsibiltty'' (offi(€ use),/'{ae #4n r.z.-n- oarc,f/tt /rFAPPLICANT'S ilAfiE: DEVELOPER:{) PRO]ECT ADORESS:a o 7- /;n/r" t-.,/; /4'7 9 PROPERry g{NER,S l.lAflE: 6 OPAOV Ea*t i>, /.-t BLOCK ui sr&zrptz;kli 7-<; ?vZ /d a CllY I t/L1 ,/a,,,,L,t -r..\,J Pttur9 *:'/;1ffi;1PZ<> ztp:2??t iL- LOT *: ADDRESS: EHAIL ADORESS; PRO]ECT COtfiACI PERSON: CITY:/)12 "a, /,v ptoNE t 'n 7{Z- l(+ot,PHOTIE f A LT E R AT IOI.I R E I.IOVAT IO N GENINAL REPAIRS RE LOCATlON ERECT NEII RESIDENCE OT ffmtTION TO EXISTIM R ESIDENCE TTPLEAsC CHECK A'i'D AI{SPER BELOT{ AI.I" T}IAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECTI txrSTrNG C0 STRUqTlotl: IIEI,J CO',ISTBUCTIO : AIT GARAGE - SF suNRoot'l _sF GREENHOIJSE - SF DET GARAGE - SF P@r **- sF f] noacx -. sF I sronace sHEo -- sF OTHER: SFECK.2oc>5F D€SCRIPTIOI.I OF I,'ORK;Vut,.- a,wL A't i>9.1/( a *4/l/: tt/r,-.e A* l(, / /Z DlSCLAluEft Ih€rBby cett,fy tral sI hb.madon h hls eppks&n ' conBct and 6l wort wil com9ly win fie sbre Eulldh0 oode Efld dl ol1er apdkable s'tab d ,0.61 laws ond ordinsoces ond togutsl.n6. Ttlo NHC Oewtopmonl Sorvices CenB. will bo noliRod otarychoogos ir rDr opgoved plms md sp€cificatons or cnaoea n (Dnr&lr, oi c"ont*br klbmalm "IYOTE: Anv lvork Pertormed w0 fie ApproprLb pemllswill bo ln Vlobtlon or lno NC Slab Eldg b Fhe6 Up To 3500.0f " Ot'['l E R/coitrRAcroRtJ,6Fr-/1-7.v12,-5I (P.lnt N.'a).at4,atr aaat.**a+at+.ral**'I*la*r'*'l++*+l*+}.+t**ltlt* I,IATER: SEl,lER: d7 rs rHE pRopERTy LocarED rN n rloooprlrul lCl vrs EXISTING IiTPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEtl IHPERVIOT S AREA: --SQ FT P TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: EXIST LAND DIS]URBING PERMIT:[C'Il ves lCIl Ho CENTRAL WELL COlt '1t,ilITY SYSTEH BF E+2ft= CFPUA CF PUA I cowrunrw svsrru f] pRrvATE IIELL f] ctHrur seprrc I-l pRrvArE srPrrc payh€rfi irErHoD: (J.*, ff crr.K (pAyaELE ro ttc; (f arrnrcAlt ExpREss ff,ncTvrsa (Jorscorr* r*+rr*rrtt,**i.t)ta,t.;*a+t,iit*1xt*r)t**tt****tl,l****ri,*t++i*)c+**tat*t****,ta)t****,i+**,1{.***i,}*+ zoNE:[U*{ orFrcER: Aooroval: Dl- citv: DTG (FOC Orrrrr u5r orLY) / / / ltvlsto o^tt oalLt/t) sErBAcKs: r, /-0 u: t nx' 6 s' 3 It t{l oatt: SfGl$ ,rmr' ^/" Dyd.Lb\yJ x+.r, ys:i::!..,1(, **a ^nt^"lord P a.*o\ Jerl* ua"1 5USDrVrSlOr.J: PHorE * r' 7 " 1-' €ft:-Za{f- o./lrERrs ADoRE5S. ,)q" dy<ldrz lrqa/ ?", GITY: *:ktt4bo-t--ST:,Lt ZlP: )*?tZ- CA\$RACIOR:@ LICENSE f: il , .. , t il it.: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: --- TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF i - TOTAT ANEA SQ FT: ZA:> TorAL PRolEcr cosr o.oss rot) : $ 7b5'a - * oF sroRrEs : Is Any €LECInICAL, pLu BING o. ttEc}lArtlcAt l,Iork Being Done to the Accessory st,'lcturel 0 Vq EhA," -If the project is a Relocation, ls there a Na\!ryn Gas Line on the Current Site? QVes pffio rs there Electrical Power on thls Bufldrng? WY"t Ql ruo pRopERw usE / occuPANcY, ff*o,t rnmrrv I oucrtx f] rowlxousr NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N TYPE: RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE AXs}'ER ALL QUESTIOI'IS APPLICABLE TO YOI,IR PROfECT *Project Responsibility" APP;cAr{r' s NAIqE :,r//-7ar-'' DEVELOPER: APPLI€ATIOl,l Number (oFfice use) oArE,t/a/tg O wane *z?to -7YZ- /L Z.C EI'IATL AIDRESS: MOJECT CO TACT PERSON:r'l+,z Exrsrrr{G co sTrucIIo s ! arrrnarron I neHwarroru flernrnlr- REPAIR5 fl RELocATIoN Elr c(xsrnucrror: l-l enecr NE14 RE5IDE1{€E o" [lafirrrOt TO ExIsTIt{G RESIDEI{CE *,.PLEAsE CHECK ATt[' A SI{ER BEL(}I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOT'R PROfECT: trtr ATT @RAGE - SF suNRooM _sF DET GARAGE - SF PORCH _ SF STORAGE SHED PRO]ECT AIDRESS: SUBDIWSION:V-n/E-a /.r'7 5 PROPERTY OOIER' s tuIl/le: 60@Ot)Ba*,,b, *->. O}INER 's aDREss: 33 CO|TITRACTOR:t \Ua-tZ /a7zo <.,? ADORESS MOPERTY USE / OCCI'PA CY:I,IGLE FAHILY crw:t-Ll L..r,,-/:,.,J zrpl&rZ- BLOCK #: LOT *: CITY:s1?^( zI'P.;&4 Lr flv !g I l:06f,it I ouelex I rowruxcuse LICE}.ISE *: c;ry- /,. --:---: sr.&zwt&3 _sF ^1oo 5F OTHE R: SF GREENHO{,,SE SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL SQ FT UIIIDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 7A-> TOTAL PROJECT COST cess rorl : $-7G5'D- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLInIBIIIG or IIFCHAIICAL t{ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure?I ves n*t Qdtcr If the project j.s a Relocation, is thene a Natutyi Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? rs there Electrical Porer on this Building?€l'v"t Fn Ho CI w- ves ffio DESCRTPTION OF IIORK:Rur,- a ,'t I Al i>E/t .A)lF a&r^r ,4?z/2r<- tb.//2 Dl9OAnaER I hereby cedt fiatal hbrmalirr h $is Opbstt n b cdrectdld sI t4orkwil cornply wih t|€ Stare bibing Code -d d otEr 4p[c*b StaE and locd l s and odhances and r€gulalDns The NHC De\4bprnenl SeNbes Centsrwillbe notfu of aty chaEps h he 4proved pEts ad gecific2liorls or change in cDnlr&br or conf&lcr hfcrmaton. "'NOTE: Any ltork Perbrmed W0 fie Approprisre Pemits will be in \rlobtbn of fte NC StaE b Fides Up To $500.OC" OtINER/G,NTRACTOR #tr ,4/*..-/o,-s *** *:r t* *** )t *+** ++:**** **** *'* ** ++* +'**+ +* +* ti'{'* ** '* ++++ I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FLO@PLATI{? EXISTII{G I!'TPERWOI S AREA: - SQ FT NEW II'lPERtfI(ruS AREA: - SQ FT uarrn: / crnur tr CO,IFiUNITY SYSTETl sEuERzvcFPuA CENTRAL SEPTIC tl TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAiID DISTURBII{G PER,{IT: TCT YES r,rELL E CENTRAL I{ELL Prrc f] cofirrrr rry sYsrEH YE5 PRIVATE PRTVATE SE o o 0Ho SEPARATE PERI4ITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, 645 EqJIP, PAYHET{T HETHOO:0.*,p cnscx (IAYABLE ro rrc)CI Afi€RICAI{ E)@RESS 0*mto o DISCOVER :i:ti+*t:t+t*+*++***ta:t*++**!t*:)ta*,t*+i.***'aa**{r***:}**:}****+++***l*,}*'t+*r+a***,t*'a***********l' (FOA OFFTCE UsE OXLY) R€vISfD oArE O4l11/12 ZONE: -OFFICER: - SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- ADonoval: Citv: DATE: FL@D: BFE+2ft= qbw ffi PxnE ,r: 'Z"Z'rcf ' t if*f etane */tt-z{Z_}_6_b wwr *€A ZE:J@Z<; * OF STORIES: --'.i.'... .,..m',, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTO N ryPEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projed Responsibiliv, ?ofi -@,5Itt I Application Number (office use) lg- APPtICANT'S NAME: KRIS JOHNSON oatet 512912018 PROJECT ADDRESSi 1r02 BUTLER NATIONAL CITY: WLMINGTON ZIP 28405 SUBDIVISION: PORTERS NECK PROPERTY OwNER'5 NAME; BRIAN & NANCY PARSONS PHONE f: 301-785-1282 OWNER'S ADORESS: 10115|c ROCK RD CITY:SILVE R SPRINGS ZIP: 20901 CONTRACTOR: KRIS JOHNSON CUSTOM HOME BUILDER BIDG LICENSE#:41380 ADDRESS: 15965 Hyul/ 17 CITY: HAMPSTEAD Zl?: 28443ST:Xq EMAII- ADDRESS: KJCH8695@GMAI L,9O[,4 PHONE: 9'104433977 Jrwf \ ' cc'n PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: KRIS JOHNSON PHONE: 9104433977 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: n Erect New Residence g(addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ,**,*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT ** tr Att Garage (SF)D Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) tr Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (sF)_ n Greenhouse (SF)_D Deck (5F)! Other (SF) lsthe proposed work changinB the existing footprint? I ves firuo/TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 28,330.00 lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Na ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Ves Mruo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAfcessoryStructure!Yes!No Unheated: 4 Jllii 1 6 7:flLlr ls there Electrical Power on ing? Property Use/ Occupancy:Family tr Duplexn Townhouse this Build oil," tur.al Gas Line on the current site? n Yes ! No pves r r'ro Description pf Work OISCLAIMER: I here certifythatalltheinformationinthisapplicationiscorrectandallworkwillcomplywiththeStateBuildingCodeandallotherapplicableStateandlocal laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the app plans and specifjcations or chanSe in contractor information. *"NOTE: Any work,rmed withoutthe appropriate permitswillbe in violation ofthe NC 8dc ject to fines up to 9500.00*+r Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed QuoIiliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area: Sq Ft -/'New lmpervious Areai / SqFt WATER: N CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Well n Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: N CFPUA D CommunitySystem D PrivateSeptic n CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (lH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ comment; Permit Fee; S )/uo TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbin8 Permlti n Yes E No rnrd _ ;Jl- /* 5 qro Z SUBDlvlsloNr y'VL PROPERTY OWNER's N Ai/]EI L€'8.'- _C'- OWNER'5 ADDRTSS:Z NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Proled Responsibiliqf 5i ra pa.CffY: \A I L-ft1, t FHONE # CITY .\L N|JaDt 4812ffi tb + APPLICANTS NAME: PRO,'ECT ADDRESSI Q*^, /,n 1*c-PHONE 4la -Zjt *a/ Daler zlP ,{ da 3 ztP:7 ??o 9 sr, l{ L;zte 77./r ? o 'z- 4, d)/- # -o{ CONTRACTOR:D Bl*lc^ ADDRESS: I5 TMAIL ADORESS PROIECT CONTACT PERsON BLO LICENSE #:- €ITY; , C o,,a P HON E: O(lSnNG CONSTRUCIION: F Alreralion [: Renovation B General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Resldence gfnddition to Exinrng ReFidence E Re/ocarion * * I PI.EAs€ CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'1 E Det Garage (SF) _ E Pool(sF) tr Other (SF)tr Deck {SF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the exist ng footprinr? E Yes M No Property use/ Occupancy:ownho Description of workr o Li*/,""/"rr/ h U+ li the proposed work chan6lng the number of bedrooms? I Ves 4rvols any EleEtric€ l, PlombinE or Meghan ic..l work being done to the Accesso ry Structure E Yes &.ruolftheprojesti5aRelocation,istherpaNaturalGasLineonthecurrent5ite?Eyes$No ls there Electrical Powe. on this Bullding? F Yes tr No f Slngle ramily - Duplex ?Zr {d f DlSCLAlMEft: lhereby csrt ry that sllihe infomation jn tht5 spplicaton i! corr!.r.nd olJwori vJi .omp ywith th€StEre Errr dlng Code.nd al other applaw5 and ordin.ncE5 aod regul.tions e NHC Devalopm€nt SeNlcer Ce0tEr\\,ill benotfled ofenyrhangls tn th€ approved plans and t nbn6e,n "onv""ro,informalion-'t'NOTE: A.y wo.k d wirho ul the a pproprj.re permltr wrll bQ D viotltion Ef the N C State Etdg Cod6 ind su bj€ct owne/Contaectorl "Licehted Quoltfler" SiBnature: ls the property located n a floodplain? E Yes ," Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcre, Disturbed: New lmpervloLig Area:/ C,/sq l't ExlstinB tsnd Dlsturbin8 Psrmlti D yes E No wArERl F CFPUA fl Cornmuniry System E private Well E c@nrralwell fl Aqua SEWEB: F CFPUA E Community System i privateSepttc E Centralsepflc fj Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks (F) _(LHl_(RHI _(Bl _ Approval: _ Clty,_ D.ter _ Ftoodr(A)_(V)_(N)_BFE+2fi=_ Comment:Permit Fee:9 i i I El Aft G.re8e (Sr)-- D4 sunroom (sFr I Sy' sz ff--------'-3- D Greenhouse (5F) _ O Porch {sF) ! tr Storag€ shed (sF)_ TOIAL sq Fr UNDER RooE lfot proposed wo,f) leateat / $ { i/. o- unn "t"d, -_ roTAL PROJECT cosT ltess tatl:5 //, 4a a. "- I I I l