JUNE 14 2018 BUILD APPAPPLICANT'S NAHE: Laure1 c \,-+Vfu DATE: 5.16 - L8 U 8-1s90APPLICATI$,, rypE: RESIDE PLEASE AN]SHER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE APPLICATION Number (office use) TIAL YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnoject Responsibili DEVELOPER; p wland Co PRO]ECT ADDRESS:Indl s1 SUBDIVfSI0N: RiverLi hts PROPERW OI,NER'S i,lAflE : L e] C OhNER'S ADORESS: 101 seaview Rd CONTRACToR: Iraurel Companies, LLC ADDRESS: 101 seaveiw Rd PHONE # CI l,li 1mi ton BLoCX #: _ LOT S: ZIP:2s4t2 t73 L],C LICENSE CITY: wi CITY: wi i 14369 PORCH 210 STORAGE SHED SF R: 5T: NC ZIP: 28409 ST: NC ZIP: 2s409 5F SF BF E+ 2ft = EIIAIL ADDRESS: r im@Iaurel c PHOI{E S: 910 632-3?6s PROIECT CONTACT PERSOII: rim B ker PIONE f: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVAT ION n cer'r RAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI.J RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE TTPLEASE CHECI( At{D ANSWER BELOII ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: ies. com DET GARAGE 240 SF POOL _ SF DECKGR E ENHOUSE - SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q ATT GARAGE - SF SUNROOM SF SF ToTAL SQ FT UNDER R00Fi 16 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROIECT C0ST (Less Lor) ; i z:egoo Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIBING or TECHANICAL Work B€ing Done to the A cesso.y St.ucturel I V"s I No If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current Site? [ves flloIs there Electrical Pov,,er on this Building? l-''lv"r fl rio PROPERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: ! Strcle rlrlrLv DUP LEX T NHOUSELo* 3-7 IDESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: 4 uo}r lex s unit 3 FT:1s10 OISCLAIMER: lhereby ceiify that all inbrmarcn h this appticaton is coflect and aI work willcomptywih and ordmances and regulations. Ths NHC Dev€lopment Services CenGr wlltbe notfied ofany changos in conroc!,r inbrma[on. '"NoTE: Any work Performed wo tle Applopria& p€rmirswifl b€ in vblarion ot ih 0tlNER/CONTRACT0R :-/,,; Baeba_SIGNA IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FL@DPLAIN? N YES EXISTIT'IG IIPERyIOUS AREA: _SQ FT ts Bldg Code andSu sUpTo 00" ,| *,t )t )t *i** * r*+ * * ** * *,t * TOTAL ACRES DfSTURBED: t?6o sF EXIST LAND ISTURBING PERIIIT:I ves I r.ro PRIVATE I,JE L L c TRAL HELI Iry SYSTEI"I EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *'i ExPREss E "currro I orscovrr REVIsED DATE O4l11112 e slate Bul6ing code and a oher apphabb slaE sE tocat ta^,s e approved plans 6nd speaificalons or change in contractc, or NC Sra RE: NEI!, ITIPERVIOUS AREA: i576 SQ FT I.'/ATER:CF PUA COI4MUNI TY SYSTEM SEWER:CF PUA I crrurnal srerrc ff pRrvATE sEprrc Ic *+* SEPARATE PERI1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELEIT, MECHJ PLEG' C pAylrEirr ritErHoD: ! cosr, I cHrcK (PAYABLE ro rwc; I mrarc {aoR oPfrcE u5E o{LY) SETBAC(s: F:- L ,| +,* * *,f*,1rt* * ,t * ,*,* * )*,** **+ rt *+ * *)t* )t ri*,* *,fi,* * * ++* * +* )i*i t Jt, ,t,t ,,* * t *t )i,t,t )i* *** *,* * * * ** * ** * )**** *,i * + * * ZONE OFFICER: Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD Comme nt : : RH:_ 8:_ N PERMIT FEE: $ I NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILbING PERMIT 2 PHONE f: 910-398-886?I * oF sTohIES: 2 I Eruo U,cct>o- t i.r. t l''\ 1t,rr')'v.i ?lrA (,1 5"SAov-n Ll ll o) i,c, ilB NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII A?qLICATI0N rypf; R ESfDE PLIAST ANs!]€R ALL QUEsrIoNs ApPII.ABLF "pnoject Responsibili ING PERMIT L8 - 1s90TIAL 2otS-tovru U ri, t --', APPLICATION Number ApPLICANT,S N^/llE | -.,,,,.r- (.,rn:.r.,i,)s I_l.c 0EV€LOPER: ije?te1. i.o)-o PRO]I]CT /TDDRFSS: ATI GARAGI - SF suNRoorY -- sF 6REENHOUSE -- SI CIT PHONE 'I DATEi 5-16 r8 rnC:qo a:l]8. l.l SLlBDIVISI0ll: 1rr r,.,..:i:'. r pROpEBTY ohNER,S NA E: :,ri,rer .,),LLC oLJNER'S ADDRESS: ror rieavie. r?d CoNIRACT0RT Lrure.t CorDaDiej ),:_i: ADDRTSS: I tl EI1AIL ADDR f5 5; !ir:rrai:ri:tcor ZIP:23r\: CITY: ril LlCENSE CITYr l.i i SL 35rO.C0 "! BIOCX fl: LOT *: l1r PHoNE #; 91. l9s - ?rl6t ST: ll_ ZIP: :,r j r l 'j ,l ) d9 PROIECI CoNTACT pERSott: rinr !l1.i..rr EXr5TrN6 CONsTRUCrrOlr, I ALTERATTON f) Rrnovarroru NEW CONSIRUCTToN: [] rnrcr NEul REsTDENCE o" ! AOOttIoru to ".PLIASE CI]['K AND ANsI,,IER 8tLOI,] AI,L THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO]ECI: DFT 6ARA6E 240 sF POOI -- sF 5Ti l,'c ZfP:2,,r.., PHoNE S: 913 6't2- PHONE T1: 6EN RAL REPAIRS RTTOCAIION EXISTING RESIDENCE poRcft :r r.0 SF SToRAGE SHro _ sF ER:5t:! orcx ._-.-- sr s 0F sTo lJat u 6as Is Any ETECIRTCAL) pLtllllSIN6 o. MECHANICAL tio.k Being Done to the TOIAL PROIECT C05T ir,6s ra,) : $:,yteta If the project is a Rclo.ati(n], is there aIs there Electrical pourcr on thls Building? I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATEO IN A FLOOOPLAIN? EXISTING IIIPERVIoUS AREA: _SQ FT NEI^J II,IPERVIOUS AREA: 1.'i6 5Q FT hIATE R raL Ycs tine No on tl)e/ Current Sito2t :11 ' l' ' e app,oved prsns and speciJicatof\s o, chonie in confiacbror NC Slrlo srdg Coda and COMI4UNI I Y SYSTEIl P RIVATE I,iIII IES: ., cessory 5 tructore i CF RAL ]/IE LL i .IUNIIY SYSTEI'1, NO t ElJ, y u.l. l,t,r -+t y tl l,rly'']UrrUtr 690,,, 11clvIsA N PERI,IIT FEE i pRopERTy usE / occupaNcy: ! srrucr-r rnmrlv I aunrrx @ r NllousE {, , t. t,lt-. I i'? -1 i fI r'". I DESCRIPTIoN 0F WoRK: a ur:iL OISCLAIMER: I hereby ceni, l)rit ari inbrnrarion m rh sappica[on is co ect.nd ailv]o,kwrlcclrlpty!riti a.U orddarcox an! rclulotons.lhe NBC Dc\€lopnlent S€rvrces Cenlor r [ !e uUie.lotanyCiarqoiin coilaclo{ nb,nrnron "'NoTE:/ln.r/ nb,l Pefformed y//o theApprcqiate P.|il rsw bsilviohtDno,l ONNER/CONTRACTOR : (i,\i: )24' .I YES I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: r i;,r : EXIST LAND ISTI.IRBING PERI1IT: I yES C FPUA PAYIlEflI IlETTIOD;T (A 5ri i.,'lri) ', ,, 1. CHECK (PAYAI]LE IO NHC) [1 {co;or,r,ro l)Tb (rok ori r.: rsL cltr SETBACKS: F : I enenLc IXPRIS5 D I orscovrn '*+l:rx:rf+i** / rtvl\t1 n\rt en.r t/./ : U IiH: !, B:O - X BFt+2ft- _ SEI.JER:cFPUA E CEI.]TIIAL SEPTIC I nnrvare srerrc f]c ZON€ opp.ouot.E- Conlment I tr -.clX :) ieav 5e city: lCi!'\ DATE t8 r rooo: ('r:?lc. yr 6 f!. t I I f' TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: rrlc TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: lr'a TOIAL AREA so Fr. STGNATpRE: dr DEVELoPER: r.(.l ar.n PRO] ECT AODR ESs: "Project Responsibilit -)cr\-b?fl APPLICAIION Nunrber (0fficc u5c) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIL rNG PERMTT l-8 - 15 87 APPLICAfIOT'J rYPEi R ESI DEN IAL Plra5t aNsk(R LL QUESIIOXS l\pprl(AnLE T APPLICANT'S NA,f4E: i,ar !,? ] cor Ll..: PHONE f: I::diqo S l3Ee 7,a SUBDIVISI0N: Iirv, PRoPERTY ol^INER'S NAllE: i.anler (r. ohNER'5 ADDRESS: --rr ::,i-r,i'r p,l CoNTRACT0R: I.':t ir',.,1 ao,:r,ari.s, LJ,rl ADDRESS: lcr st-.:ve:r rd EIiAIL ADDRESS: c 1rr.r-drrreIconl PRoIECT CONTACT PERSONi ri:n ::a.ie1' CITYi 7rlrr sT I Sl: ZIP : !::Ll:_ L ICENSE i 11Jt;9 cITY: iii 1 STr lr! ZIP: :?4!9 [] nrr'rovarron l-l crrrr RAL REPAIRS RE LOCAT ]ON XISTING RESIDENCE PoRCH 210 5F BLoC( #: _ LoT #: j1)_ PHoNE f: 9ru 196 885'i ST0RA6E SHED _ SF llER: SF CI TY EXIST ING CONSTT{Uc TION AI T{ RATION NEI,i CONSTRUCTION:ERECT Ntr,J RESTDENCE o" ! aOOttrOrl rO I*PLEAST CHE'K AND ANSII€R SETOI,J AtL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT 6ARAGE SI TOTAL HEATEo SQ FT; r45r ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER R00F: llo #OFST I ES; 2 Is A y fIEaTRICAI , PIUIIBING or I'IE(HANICAL [,ork Eeing Dooe to the Ac 1F thc project i s a nelocation, is therlr a i\latural Gas line Is there Elect.ical Poi,rer on this Euilding?Eyes Lhls is unit 1) i;i (i ! cssory st.Lrcl ure) n Yes IJo Sralc ErilJing code n a alroher appricab,-. iltah an e applownpansand spocifical:onsorchs.qo nconlra.Dror on r. .!ife li t],,,1 il yqr ,8,il, t, I I ,1pRopERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: I SrnCrr rAmtrV DUP L EX Vt NIJOU5[ DESCRIPTI0N 0F W0RK: .t r,:r,r 1ex OWNER/CONTRACTOR: NC Sr,@ AUg Cdle dn., Srolect p se, -i,",,/, )r ' r50aF TOTAL AREA 5Q F'I.: - E vesrXIruo ;Pttlut,rt i€(ilu6A, f o t <crr SQ SUNROOI4 SF GREENHOUSE _ SF DECK SF !'Ill+11' -- -..'--* r**r+r* i,,r* * OISCI-AIMER:lherebyccniryUraralirfuinirll)li[hjsapplicauion]scolectaijdattwrrkwilcolrptywlh and oidrnaf.es,n,l regulaloni rhe NHC D.lDropn,phl S.NrerCpnlor w llbs.otlieil o,anydjanges in I I U-ttq,tt r tl, conuaciorDbrmarod'NOTE:Anty/orkne,lorrredW/OlheAogoDnarePe.mnsrtJbereViolationot ,l )1", lzr.,L. sr6NA IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EX]S]ING IIiIPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEt^l I|1PERVIoUS AREA; _ SQ FT (c')orr,.ro YE5 I8ACK5: F NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXI5T LAND 15T!RBIN6 PERI'1IT; TRAL I,]E L t\ ], llUNITY SYSTEII1 E - -..,-,"i". ";l;;;;-., *,.. * I \ t1 a', -1, ,:: WATER: ffi crcua I corl\uNrTY sysrEM I enrvaru r,irLr f] cr sEl^rER: EcFPUA I ce urRnl seerrc I PRIVAIT SIPTIC PAYI.I!NT IIEIHOD I CASH Icnrcx llavlelr ro rrc;AI,1E R I CAil t(llLt , 'i.irr,) \ t:. iit,r,1ExPRrss lullflc/vrsr [ ] orscovERr,**,,**/.,-.*++.**r r * r+ I i r I i {* r *} * 1 x * + a ** } x r,r 1 i r ! i *,r * * *,i + t * r * * ":l * *r *,t + * * (r!R O;fr(r u5! 4,!LY) / ZONI: city, iL lV\DATE ii Z TLOOD _ kavrlro rrarE or,.rr/r)i0 a: (i' X 8,-F+2fr= _ PERMII FEE; $ ()RIJ t\( ts I Approval Corunent: I bacy .1y,r,.rl Qcl P,,3Y, L c.,su *.640V - io,l t( DATE r t-r i'13 ,rr: n, rnqto:. ZIP: r3.l:.. PHONE #: 9:r p-5 j2-lr6! FHoNE Sr E] orr canacr 240 sF I eool _ sr TOTAL PROJECT COSI (Les.,Lor) : $ lg.rsco v ffi NEl.l HANOVER COUNTY BUIL APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDE IAL PLEAST Ar,rSr,lER ALI- oUESTIONS AppLICAALE "Project Responsibili n3'bab ING PERMIT 18.1587 APP LI CATI OiI Number (offi.e Use) APPLICANT'S l,lAilE: r,aurer c LLC Ll 4 zs crrY YOUR PROJECT Wi I mingtoo DEVELOPER: Newland PRO]ECT ADORESS:Indiqo slaEe wav SUBDIyISIOtl: Ri rL t PROPERfY O,JNER'5 llAIt{E : Laurel. otlNER'S ADDRESS: 101 seaview Rd CONTRACTOR: Laule1 companies, r,Lc ADDRESS: l or seaveiw R.i EitAI L ADORESS: rj.m@laurel les. com ,*:* r** + ** + *'* ** *,t *** * ** * * *** *( PooL _ sF DECK SF PHo E fi: 910-632-375s PHONE *: ER; Slale Bulldino Code aod all ofier apdicable Stale and local lars e appm\€d plans and specifcalions orchanoe in conracbror To $500.q t,****)i*****rt +* + +rt,* + )t* !i * *,t** ** PHONE S: ZIP i 284L2 LOT *: 373 ST: Nc ZfP: 28409 ST:I!_ZIP:2840e REVISEo DATE bal11/12 anles LLC CITY: wil 1n '74369LICENSE CITY: wi PROJECT CONTACT PERSON; rim Barker EXISTIT{G CO'TSTRUCTTON: ! AlrrnnrrOtt f] neruwrrroru fl RAL REPAIRS I RelocarroruGEN NE}J COi'ISTRUCTION:ERECT NEh] RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO XISTING RESIDENCE .'PLEASE CHEC( AT'ID A}IsI{ER BELOI.I ALL THAT APPLY TO YqJR PRO]ECT: ! arr ernrer _ sF I oer canacr 24a sF PORCH 210 SF suNRooM _ sF GREENHOUSE SF STORAGE SHED SF 5F r-66 T NHOUSE DESCRIPTIoN OF hIORK: a unit d 1ex (thi6 i6 unit 1 TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: lass T0TAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: TOTAL PROIECT COST(LessLor) : $ rgagoo * OF STO TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ IES: L Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLul.lBII{G o. TIECHANICAL l,lork Being Done to the Ac esso.y structurel I Ver [l lo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal 6as Line on the Current site? flves [l ro Is there Electrical Por.rer on this Building? l-'lves l-'l to PRoPEiw UsE / occUPATtcY: ! sTrucIT FAMILY N DUPLEX S looP DISC1A|MEk lher€by cenit fiat att inbrmalion h tlis apptication is consct and alt work willcomdy wtul and odinanes and regulatbns. The NHc De\cbrr.nenl s€rvices cenEr wi! b€ notfed olanychanges n conracto, hbrmarion. '-NoTE: Any work Perlormed wo tle AppmpriaE Permttswil be in vjotation ol NC Srab Brdq code and 0tlNER/CONTRACToR :,2 ta,2_ sIGl,lA RE:AE * *:r** + * * + + !t *r *!*** * :i,* * ++ * + r * t 15 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING ImPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT NEI4, I,'IPERVIOUS AREA: - 5Q FT E!ruo TOTAL ACRES DISTTJRBED: IIIIT C5F rsruRBrNc PERMTT: n YEs /x[ NO YES WATER I EI CFPUA 5EWER: f=fcFpuA pAy ENr fiErHoD: El cnsn EcnrcK (pAyaBLE To NHc) E,t*** * +it *:t+ +:|* ** *,r* *,r* * * )r* + +* +* *+*,t*** x *,r * * **t * +*,*t (FON OfFICE UsE O6ILY) ZONE: OFFfCER: SETBAC(s: F: **i SEPARATE P€RI'IITS REQU]RED FON ELECT, fiECHJ PLEG' AITERI L ncr TRAL hlELL NITY sYsTEM : RH: B: BF E+2f EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS '*{ ExPREss E[rclrrso E orscovrn * **+ * r * */r * ++ * * + * + + * + * r:r * *:*:i 'r, I cowrunrrv sysrEM E pRrvATE I^/ELL ! cerurRal srerrc ! PRTvATE sEprrc EXIST LANO tr ADpToVaI: CitV: DATE; TLOOD: conment: Ctrg)A,u)PERMIT FEE:1q60b DAT E : ___::.Li_!1_ BLOCK #: PHONE *: 910 398 8867 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIL APPLICATION IypE: R ESI DE 2LLnSl lSrifl /^.t L QrrrlrrorJa AppLIcA'rLt "Project Responsibilit ?o\8-Qz=> l-l rr' -1 18 - 1589 APPLICATION Nu,nben ING PERMIT TIAL 6$ APPLICANT'S NA,r4E: r,.irret co I,LC DEVELOPER: reqta::.i cort, PRO]€CT ADORESS:l:xj j S:., te 7la SUBDIVISION: nr!,,, ;.iLri,1 - PR0PERTY 0l,lNER'S NAME: r,a,,r L I,i ol.JNER'S AoDRESS: rai seavicq Rcl 8L0CK f: _ LOT *r 312 PHONE #: e1o'398 886, PHOHE *: C0NTRACTOR r ADDRESS: r (il :.1r, re I fotrLD.1r.i.$, i,-a CIT : 2i I r\i CITY: h,I LICENSE s: 7,t ra9 5T: NC ZIP: 28.r.e ST: N. ZIP: 2lr uir PHoNE Jj: !tr,a'j2 -j-l:,. PHONE il: I zlPi 2irr.\2 I orscoven //NO/I5t0 0A tt crlr I / t.) tie:r.,,/_, i !r pd CITY: ii SOFST IES; 2 PRO]EC] CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:I arrennrron ! nmrovarror f] ce RAL REPAIRS fIE LOCAT ION NEW CONSTRUCTION i ERECT NEW RESIDENCE o" ! aoorttOtr tO E XISTING RESIOENCE '+PLEASE CHECK AND ANsl,lER 8ELolJ ALI. THAT AppLY T0 YoUR PRol€CI: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 151,-. ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER RoOF: PoRCll ,I 0 st- SF 5F :st6 TOTAT AREA SQ FT: ATT GARAGE - 5F suNllooM _ sF DET GARAGE 210 SF P00L _ SF OECK SF STORAGE SHEO HER:GRITNHOUSE 5F TOTAL PROIECT COST1",.r"l : $ rrarc,c, Is Any ELECTRICAL, PtUttBIN6 or IIIECHANICAL Wor.k Belng Done to thc A (esso.y Stnuctu.ei E YeS NoIf thc p.ojcct is a Relocati.on, is there a Is there Electric.rl Power on thls Buj.lding? PROPERTY U5E / OCCUPANCY: ! SrrCLe rar,lrrv DESCRIPTlON OF l^loRK: ,1 r)nir riimg; *0,7 NO Nrtrrrn I G.r s Line on t h e--Guri((:fl \!i/ l l o5 Yos E*o I DUP LEX @t HOUSE r)ii: is rl:ri i i, DISCI AIMFRT lhereby.e'rily t lsl:rir i.6rhatioo h nris arptcal,ol is.oroct r6d alt@rkwrt complywilh and oidi.ancesaIO reoulatons the NHC C.v?lopment S€rvrc€s Cenle.wrIbo no,icd otanychangcain riJ €ppror€J plals 6nd 5pccifcations or chr.Ue iI connacDr o!.o,r,dt! nrbtrnaiof. lloTE Anvyrort Pe.trrn.n vr':o lnc nnror!lnlc u(xnnlsrl he h vioti,i^.rr,Na Srrre Bijg C(rJo iind OITNER/CONTRACTOR:,/1.'.Ea,z be .t- IS TH€ PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOOOPLAIN? EXISTING ImPERVIoUS AREA: __ SQ FT NE}J II4PERVIOUS AREA: 1i.;5 SQ FT ,4 F ir + .r r*r l * * * * * t TOTAL ACRE 0ISTURBED i 1?6Lr sr. EXIST LANO DISTURBIN6 PERT1IT:YES NTRAI- I/\,Et.I SIGNA RE i I{ATER:CF PUA co}!,quNIt Y sYSTElil PRIVATE I,JELL SETJER: E CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC I anrvarr ssprrc [] PAYAlENT I,lETHOD ** * * * * * l rr* *t r * t rY,i i * ! .r.r * *)l *! * * i r * ]TY SYSTEI'1 .:arR tl_rL. t! rfr:I, PL:lc. cE casr tr CHEC( (PAYABLE TO NHC)AI1€RIC N TXPRESS I rclvrsaD V \\, NO c L YES TBACKS. F: 5 lltlhnfleqLl,yr 9!025 rryl t r * * t| * i: r + + + 1r+ * (ron {)rFrcE u9€ cNLY) * * ** * i, * r * ** * r * *:lr I i * 0, (co) ZONE: A.I . 'oF FICER:orr"o,Jlp_.r,, .rc^-(s 5 ; (t an: O'e, O PERMIT FEE: $- tc'' 4i6 it-lvt_DATE 2'.i tt rtOIJIJ B ,,\ BF E+ 2ft= _(I I t Comflent: \ ?rrr '1(f !.r'tc F .ivr-"vlrC Cry or\(:i.S<il,&-l i'lv 0ATE: : i6- l8 ET,IAIL ADORESS:t r r , -j I .r u r !' I : , , rar;rs-r 1 I _/i-t:.-. .t'fu, APPLICAI'IT'S NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUIL APPLI.ATIO\| rypE i RESfDE PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIO S APPI.ICABLE "Project Responslbili rNG PERMIT 18-1589TIAL 'b,fl-lobd'z ! rv' -t QL APP LI CATIOiI Number (office Use) YOUR PRO]ECT IJAHE:LA e1 DEVELOPER; Newland co PROJECT ADDRESS: 1es L Indi Slat.e Wa DATE: s,16 -18 PHONE #: SUBDIVfSION: RiverLi hts PROPERTY OUJNER'S tlAl,tE: Laurel c oUllER'S ADDRESS: 101 seaview Rd TOTAL PROIECT CoST 1r*" u.9 : $ z:<soo CI 1 ton ZLP | 284t2 BLOCK f: LOT #: _373 LLC CITY; !r ST: Nc ZIP: 28409 ST: NC ZIP: 29409 EXISTING RESIDENCE DET GARAGE 240 SF PooL _ sF DECK SF TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF:ts16 ToTAL AREA 5Q FT3 #oF5 IES: 2 cessory structurel fl ves Q uo on the Cunrent Site? [ ves [l no n t1c,/vI5A tr _ BFE+zft N PERIiIIT FEE: $ CONTRACTOR: Laurel Companies, LLC LJCENSE 743 69 ADDRESS: 101 seaveiw Rd CfTY: wi E AIL ADDRESS: rimoLaur n1es . cor.l-PlOilE *: 9to - 632-3], Gs PROJECT CONTACI PERSON: ri-m Barker PHONE }: EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: fl alrrnarroru [ neruovarroH ! ar RAL REPAIRS ! nr rocnrroru NEhl col{sTRUCTTO T El rnecr E]l RESTDENCE o" ! loorttott to T"IPLEASE CIIECX Al{0 AtiShlER BELOtt ALL T}U[T Apply TO YOUR pROIECT: ATT GARAGE - 5F suNRoo _sF GREENHOTJSE 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: tsl 0 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUItBIt{c or I{ECHAI,IICAL Work Being Done to the A If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line Is there Electrical Power on this Building? l-'l Ves f]to pRopERTy usE / occupaNcy: ! srrucle rlurlv DUP LEX a USE DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: 4 unir d lex thls is unit 2 OISCLAIMER: I hereby certrfy hat atl inlrrmation in tris appticaron is corftt and alr work wil comptywith NHC De\€lopmenl SeMces Cln€r willbe notfied ofanychanges in State Buttsino Code and alt orher applicabte StaE and toc6t t6ws spproved pbls and specif.atiqrs or change in conracbr orwor* Perlormed wo ire Approprist€ Pomilswrl be rn BaekeL-SI61'lA NC Srab Bdg Code and Su ad odinances and regulatbns. The conlracbr inbrmaron '-NoTE: Any O}.INER/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL ACRE DISTURBED: 176 o s. EXIST LAND DISTURBING PER[lIT:I-] ves T NO EOI]IP, PREFABS & INSERTS 'I** RE i.**++,1*,t ***,r:i,t{(:N,t* **x)t *+:t,}**,},}+* rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rlooopurru? l--'l vts EXISTING ImPERVIOT S AREA: _SQ FT NEIll I}IPERWOT,S AREA: 15?5 5Q FT hIATER:CF PUA COT4MUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE I^]E LL c NTRAL t^lE LL sEwER: El cFpuA E CENTRAL sEprrc ! tnrvnrr srcrrc I c ITY 5Y5TEI"1 **i SEPARATE PERXIIS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I{ECH, PL8G, pAYltEilT r.rETHoD: I crsn flclrc( (pAyaBLE ro xxcl fiA}ten (Fofi oFFrcE lrsE o LY) SETBACKS: F:_ DIsTOVERIt*******+*+'t+)i:f i+++)t++ !t,| * * )t* *+ * )** )t )i )F + * * * ,t * *:*:t * )t * )t***:*)*i!** * * + * ** )*x* * )N* * )* *:* *** *,* )t** * r* *)*,* * EXPRESS REVr5tD DAIE O4l11/12 : RH: B:ZONE: _OF FICE R : Approval Corunent : :_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _cO PIIONE f: er.o-398-886? I Ll eoncn 210 sF--J- [_ll sronaee SHED _ sF IoTHER: _ 5F Ero )x-b IL 5g( APPLICATION Number (offi.e use) .t 4_ 'fr,' APPLICANT'S NAIi'IE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: RiverLl hts PROPERTY OhINER'S NAIIE: r,aurel ol,S,lER'S ADDRESS: r01 seaview f,d YOUR PRO]EIT DATE: s 1s tB PHONE *: ZIP i 284a2 LoT #: 3?3 PORCH 210 5F SF SF 1665 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ IES: 2 cessory structurer I V"r @ No on the current site? [ ves I Ho CTTY: LICEN DET GARAGE 24o SF POOL _ SF DECK SF STORAGE SHED ER: NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUIL APPLICATIA1 TYPE: RESIDE PI-EAsE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE "Project Responsibilit Laurel C ies Indiqo s1 ,1 l9 CITY wilminqton lv ING PERMIT L8-1-59LTIAL LLC fn Eon ST : IS_ zIP ;:!l!:_ SE 71369 ADDRESS: io1 seaveiw Rd CITY: wil ST: NC ZIP: 2s409 Ei,lAIL ADDRESS: r im@taurelc anles. com PTONE f: 910-632-3?6s PROIECT CONTACT PERSOiI: riri Ba.PHONE f: GEN RAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION r{Eur coNsTRUcTIor: @ rnrcr NEh, RESIDENCE o" ! rcorrroN ro EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE - SF suNRooH _ sF GREENHOUSE SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: lass TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: ToTAL PRoIECT C05T lress r-or1 : I :.gqgoo f OF STO Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUiIBII'16 on fiIECHANICAL Work Being Done to the If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line Is there Electrical Power on this Buitding?[Ves fl to pRopERry usE / occupar{cy r ! srrucrr relrr-v ! ouelrx @ uni t ad this i.s unit 4 OhINE R/CONTRACTOR:SIGNA RE: * ++:i +,r+ * + + )i ,r i! t!:r *** * r**t* ** *(i+ i!lx* *x *,! x*:* )r **:r )t+*+ +** OISCLAIMER: I hereby cedry lt'd an inturmation in fiis appljcarion is correcr and allworkwiI complywirr and ordinances and rcgulati'5ns. Th€ NHC Oevek pm€nt S€rvies GnEr witt be notfed ol any chan€€s m conlrabr anbmatbn. '-l{oTE: Any work Performed wo $e App.opriab Pemnswi be in vDtarbn of $ale Eullding Code ard alt other appliceble Stat €nd locat tatvs ?prove6 pEns a]d s9ecrfEarons or cllaue n cooraclrr o{ rs rHE pRopERw LocarED rN l rloooplarru? l-'] yrs EXISTING IIIPERWOIJS AREA: _ SQ FT NEhl II{PERWoUS AREA: _ SQ FT NO TOTAL ACRE DISTURBED: EXIsT LAND DI5TURBIN6 PERMIT:Ivrs f]rc c NTRAL WELL UNITY 5Y5TEM EqJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** EXPRESS E "c/rrso tr DISCOVER NHOUSE 1 70 NC Stab Bklg Code and Subje supTos REVr5to DATI O{/ 11/12 - 5toop :_ RH: _ B:_ BFE+2ft= .*** SEPARATE PERI1ITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, It]ECH, PLBG, pAyHEt{r ETHoD: f] cos*r ficnrcK (PAYABLE ro rnc) Emrnr E (FOR OffrCE USE q{rY) SETBAC(S: F: )t+* * ri )i,i,*t(,t * *,| +,t ,t x )i * ,r,* ri *.t )t * * * * + +,rr.t* **,t,* *,t * *,*1* *x! rt*** * ***i * *:** )*:* ;* *:* * rF,f * **)t *,t* * * )t** )t* * r* * * ZONE:OFFICER: Appnoval: City: DATE: F LOOD: N CONTRACTOR: Laurel Cocrpanies. LLC BLOCX *: PIONE #: 910-398-886? a EXTsTrNG CONSTRUCTTON: ! arrrAnrrOru ! nrr'rOVl-rrOru ! DESCRIPTION OF WORK: !,rATER: I cFpua E com,4uNrTy sysTEM E PRIVATE WELL n sEtlER: f] CFPUA E CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvarr seprrc E comment: I pERMrr FEE: $_ dE,.!fl NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BU]L AppLICATToN rypE; R ESI DE "P.oject Rcsponsibilit PLEA5L ANsl{l€R AIL QUESTlO 9 AppLl(A8!E r YOUR PRO.]€(I Ll tv,4 - b3bv i/ APPL ICATION Number APPLICANT'5 NAivE: I-au re I i' ING PERMIT TIAL PHONE f: CITY: ri . 1 LICEN5 E 14 l6 'CITY: xi I PIiONE SF PoRCii i rn SF STORA6E S'1ED ces so.y Structu.c? E Yes € approv€d plansand so€cric.r ons o. cr L8 - 1591_ ZIP | 2!t.i 1 ;,. 5F 5F OEVEL0PER: tiev/ .r r r.j a(r1 PRO]ECT AODR€SS I :l'/ t:tldrL'.r Slir. ii,i,. SUBDIVISIoN: " :r-' r.,:r: . PRoPERTY ol4NER'S NAI4E: Lar:rei !oLl.:in:e,l 1,1,! OlrNER'5 ADDRESS: r r,r r'i.a.. CONTRACTOR: i^,!i el ..,,,,r)a,,i.s, r,r,c AoDRESS: l ir r sPr,,.eiri r..: EI/AIL ADDRESS: r i:il 1.1 reli:cx PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSoN: ii1 rark.l EXlSTING CONSTRUCTION : l,lErl CONSIRUCTIoN BLoc( #: _ tot a: 31p_ PHoNE H; 910-398-118('/ 5T: IS_ ZIP I jjli ST: _ll!_ zIP: 284 rre # : , 1 ,) - 6 .] 2 - 3 ? a, 5 PHONE #: ALI ERA] ION RLNOVA I ION GEN flAL RTPA]R5 RELOCATION @ r,nrcr NEt,t REsIDENCE or !ADOITION TO EXISTING RES]DENCE .'PTEASE 'IIECK AND AIJSI.ItR 8€LOI.I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT [fl oer canacrATT GARAGF - SF suNRoor'l _ sF GREENHOUSE SF 2.t 0 f] roor _ sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: rri! I0TAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: []l orc<st HER L65l ll 0F 5To I ES: 2 {aci Dle}: l ch:s is u::t t 1 5I6NA RE: '-,I+T1.,.....,,,,.--..-"-.,1. TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - IOTAL PROIECT COSTrrrssLor: $ :rrr,;c Is Any EIECTRICAT, PLUIIBING o. I4ECHANICAI Llork Bcing Done to the A I o If the project is a Relocation, is there .t fs therc Elect.i.al Powcr on thts Bullding? oi) thp r,,'r.n- Sito) Tl yesIr ::- \'. i Natrr ral 6is linc ves I tto NA. pRopERTv usE / occupaNcy: fl srlrcre raurlv I ouerex @ r HOUS E DESCRIPTION OF hJORK: .1 unro(DTSCLAIMER: r herebycemr/ urat ar 'nbrn3tu.In 0ris app{caron E co(ocr nnd aB vrorr( !i r .omprI \!i|ll.,rl!,'lun,({s 11. 'e0ular&ns. Thc NHc Ddvcrupf€ r servic€s cdrrlr vr[ De ro!ricd or trnych€nges i. .onlraclor in,ormak)n "'NOTE ny!r/o.* Pe,lo,med W,/C lhcAppropriae pernrlswi|] be in Vbhtbrot ot^lN E R/ CoNTRACTo R : oFFrcER: iY ;v NC Srdkr n(lo cuJe lnd Sr,rject UNITY SYST FI4 rrl, r , slrr|r'.l I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN} EXISTIN6 IT1PERVIOUS AREA SQ FT NEt4] II4PERVIoUS AnEA; _ 5Q FT Ir'JATER:CI: PUA SEhTER I CFPUA YEs F *o TOTAL ACRE EXIST LANO 5 DISTURBTD: DISIURBING PERMII: E YE5 NO I conmururrv svsrrm I enrvarr wrll I c NTRAI iI[ L L CTNTRAL SEPTTC I pnrvare seerrc f] c ' ' /n"n,rnlinn 067.,,,,6a Ql(t o( t 461 p^y n\rr,,rErHoD: [.ns, l]curc* (PAYABLE To r,Hc1 !anenrc!+ r+nls***rirr***f ra*+,ii++*r;ir*,i****,i+r*+nr*+r *r****i***** *,r! f r *** + t*11*4 a-** * + I Fi + f ,r* *. EXPREss I r,rcTvrsl zorr,((D)(.,1r or oFrrcE !5: c{iYi 5ETBACKS; F: ./ ^Lvtsto 5^tt o4/ 11/tzo ^r, i'B 0 X BF h r 2ft, .- u rrpproval: l)L.- city: lLtTl oatr, !>l2ill8 rrcoo, ,o r"n, A PERI,IIT FEE: $C+S Ji! {Crv\L( -lrt'r tr t iL)(ct\.'j:lb,^cE c(ccl i(Y Qot\, cr,<.p '1Jn1 \0( - to' tl'18 _ crTY i DAIEi 5 15-rl tr I rrscovro NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIAN TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECf "Project Responsibility'' q<a 3vc 7218-17 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S I,IA E : DEVELOPER: rza Jason Ortiz CITY: [^]i rminsr on PIo E S: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: 226 E Blackbeard Road OhINER'S ADDRESS: 226 E Blackbeard Road CO TRACTOR: Cape Fear soLar systems ADDRESS: 901 Martin street EIiAIL ADDRESS: supportGcapefearsolarsystems.com BLOCK f: _ LOT #: CITY: !,1,i lml nqt on ST: NC zIP: 28409 sT: J!_ zrP: l_91!_1_ LICENSE #: 656?? CITY: wl lminqton PHONE #: PHONE #: 910-599-0428 PROIECT CONTACT PERSO I: Jason ortiz EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATToN ! nenoverroru ! eeruenal REPATRS E RELocarroN NEhr cot{srRucTroN: I enecr NEw RESTDENCE o" ! aoorrrot To ExrsTrNG RESTDENCE .*PLEASE CHECI( AI,ID ANSWER EELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI',R PRO]ECT: 910-599-0428 ! arr canaee _ sF ! surunoora - sF DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF f] sronaer snro ! eoncu - sF SF ! cnerruxouse _ sF ! oecx SF OTHE R:SF DESCRIPTIOIiI OF UORK: rnstaflation of solar panels upon rooftop DISCLAIMER: lhereby cedify tlat all inbmaion in his application is corecr and all work willcompiy wih tte Si,ato Building Code and all oher applicable StaE and local l6ws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oovelopmonl SeNices CenEr willbe nolifed ofanychang€s in lhe approved plans and specificalrons orchange in contracbror contacbr inbrmation. '-NOTE: Any Wo.k Perbm€d w/O he Appropriab Pemils willbe in Violalion of the NC StaE Bldg Code and Subject b Finss Up To $500.00"' OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: Jason orriz SIGNATURE : ,* t ii. + ii + + + + + + + + + + + + + + :tr ir :t :t + + if i. + :t + * i t ,, ,l * * * * * * * * * * * * )t * ,* ,* + ,* ,t * ,. ,. ,t ,* ,* * * * * * ,r ,r )r * * * ,t ,* * * * * * ,* ,r * * * * ,| ,t ,* * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? SQ FT [ves Ero TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:EXISTING IiIPERVIOUS AREA: NEW II''TPERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIiiIT: I-'] YES E NO r'arER: ! cFpuA E cofir,luNrw svsreu ! pRrvArE WELL ! crrurnar wrlr sEr.JER: ! creua ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! rnrvare srerrc I coMMUNrry sysrEM *** SEPARATE PERIIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAyltENT nETHoD: ! casn flcxrcK (PAYABLE ro unc; I mrnrcAir ExpREss E rclvrso I orscovrn + + + * ,r + + + + + + + + + + + + * )r ,r )r ,i )i x )r )i ,i )i )i + )r )i )i * * * * * * )* * * :a * * * :* + :t * * * * * )a * * * * + * * * * + i.i * * * * + t * * * * * i( ,* ,t * ,* * * ,* ,t ,t (FOR OFFICE U5E O|{LY) REVISED DArE O4l11./12 ZONE : _ 0F F ICE R:SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: BFE+2ft=Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLmD: _ , * TS, t: (i( \i DATE:__!_LJg:I_ zIP | 2Sj!2_ PROPERTY OLII'IER'S tJAfiE: Nancv scott PHONE #: 9].0-612-8065 TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UttlDER ROOF3 _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST rr-ess roq : $ ao,oqg.oo # OF STORIES3 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBIIG or ttECHlt{ICAL l,lonk Eeing Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current sitet I ves [ ruo Is there Electnical Power on this Building? !ves l-'l lo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCV: @ STNEIT FAMILY E DUPLEX N TOWNHOUSE ToX-bbs) ,.,:.-rir ':i\ (s,r aPPL ICAtiT' 5 ttA,r,lE : DEVELOPER: NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT APPLTCA|I0N TYPEr RESIDENTIAL PrElSt A,ll5liti ALL qJtSlIOilS tppLI(A .a TO yqn pRolacr "P.oJ€ct nerponrlblUty" L8 -1-27 3 APPI-ITIIIO tturbef(orfr.r ur.) t , LLA DAIE: PRoIE(I AIDA€SS: 45? Atrlts Road CllYr Hilminqtoi ZIP | 2ata1 8I0c( fi LoT fr PnoPERIY Ol.lf,lER' S l{A}lE: Ton\ ar)d vLratnla cotanLuono ._ Ptg{E [: _ftl ER'S AoDRESST {s'r AirIl€ Ro6d CITY: vlilmlnqLolr 5T: j!_ zIP r lltIl- CoI,|IRACToR: North state Partncr s ConeEr ucL lon, LLC LICENSE {: ?OO4 5 AD0RE55: P. o. Box l5e CIIY: [llqhtsvill€ Eoach SI r Jq zIP I Lgjlg EltlAIL ADORESSt or r tceanorrh6ra.e.u.rdn*,ull PffolECI COIITACT pERSOflr .tim r4isexu,,PlloNE r: 9ro-a.a2,?57,{ txIsTril6 co Jrnucrrot/:ALTIRAIION f, nrrovrrror ! cenrnar- nenrns f] BrLocArror,{ NEr.' IONSTRUCTTON: @ e8rCr reW RESIOET{CE or I nOOrrrOr TO EXISTrttG RESTOENC! ..PI.EA5[ (HEC'( AtiD Afls}IER EEI.OII ALI" IHAT APPTY TO YOOS PRO]ECII [J nrr canaer s, @ DEl GARAGE _!!j_ sr @ eonct 1EE- sF flsunnoou -sr E pmr - sr fl sToRAcE SHED _ sr OTHER! enetrrousr -- sr f) orcx - sr SF IoIAL HEATED SQ tTi 212t IOTAL SQ FT UIIDER RoOF: ll93_ TOIAL AREA SQ lT: l!9j_ IOIAT PRoJECT CosTtrosld) r l -?!q.gq.g_ fl 0F SToRIES: 2 Is Any EIE(IRICAI, PLt,l,lEIl{G or tlE(lllrllcnl !,/ork Erln8 oon€ to the A((essory St If the project ls a R€lo(at1on, 1s there a r,latural. Gas l,lne on the Cu Is there E1e(tricat Power on thls Butldtng?EIY"r IHo pRopERTY USE / OCCUPAICY: E] Srrcte raUrtV f] oUCLtX D rolurousr Yes, D tio ffifl$ilmT6r,$i?"fm li'l ffi14/ R (]\/fl"91'y/ lii,fgd e? DESCRIPTIoN 0F h,oRK: c.,.st olsclAlt ER ln.r€byc.d yrhar sr hbrhau.n r. hi3.pplrc!roo k.otu.r a^d.( work cill MDIy*ih 66 sbi.0xrdho 06da sd lir otr.. ap ,odordinec.! -d E9u o.5 Ih.nrHco.v.ropmnrs.rkoc@Irllb..olrrdobnycn,'!E.in..ppro,a,p!.r.idspcc coiircr, rnhmris. 'NoTE r ^^y wqt F\,iormed w/o ho Apcr ooi irt! t.n t! $ n b. n v& E10n o, rh! Nc srrb oid 9 ohli E R/CONIRACTOR: \r1m err6eman SIGl,llTURE: - .,,'*r.*.**'r.r*----.-".-(li$lirl"i...r*r..,++,+*..**...1*{ rs rHE pRopcnry r"ocATGD rN a rloooclarrul f] ves EXISIIII6 II,IPERVIOUS ,NEAI O SQ F, NEl,l ITIPERVIO1JS AREA: :]- SQ fT r./arERr El creua ! comluNlTy svslel !enrvare urrl f] cttrnet nttt- stl,r6R I Z crnua fl CENTRAL sEPTIc I nnrvnre srnrrc f] (cr,F NrrY sYsrEl.l .T' STPANATT PEATIIIS IIEQUIIIEO FOR EI-t'CI, IITCti, PL8G, GAS EQt]IP, PNtFAB5 S INSIRI5 "' payr,iEryr nETHm: I cos, I crrc* (paYA6tr ro rurc) E urnrcll rxpn:ss [ ,czrrtn I orscov:n TOTAL ACRTS OISTURAEO: EXIST LANO DTSTURBIIJ6 PERI|III:l--l ves I no SEIEAC(S: F:rx,lQl nx, \O' a,lS'zorr: R- l9 orrrcen Approval:- crtv: h\llLlyl oarr' 5--.ll-18 rLooo Conment: I ,r4 + + * * r*. + *.*4 a rr. *.'r*+r r+a* 'r * ir**r*t..1* r +rr lr rr rr. r a r*r****r *r 8F l+2ft= ERI'IIT TEE I NOi;Ot !z,t.r"\ .a-oQ^Jil4\lv".tlt a-<&rr" .rot 4{i'^l '50' nspTtl0n tieqUtre0 9i 0{Sa.0p0,r PlF,Jt S| sUSDIVISIOII: PK)NE lf: 910-20o 9r'7{ F* Wn'(!6V NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDINC PERII,IIT APP LICArIOII TYPEI RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE AJISIiER ALL QUESTIOI{s APPLICAALT TO YCI,,R PRO]ECT "ProJ€ct Rcsponstbtlity" APPLICATI('{ tlrtber (offlc. r,r3o) APPLICTIIIT'5 tlAl'lE : DE\'ELOPER: Norlh SEate PartnerE ConstrucLlon , LLC DATE: Ploi{E *: PRO]ECT ADORESS:45? Airlie Road CITY; wilrhinq!on ZIP:28{03 stJBDIVISIot{:BLOC( *: LOr *: PROPERTY oltlER's tlA E: Ton and virqinia ColanLuono PKNE S: Orlt{ER'5 ADDRESS: 4s7 Airl:e Rcac CITY:ST: Nc ZID: 2s{03 COI{TRACTOR: North State Partne!6 Co!1€!ructicn, LLC LICET{sE *:70046 ADOfiESS: p.o. Box 3ss CITY: -gE].g!f _ ST:lqzlp:4glig E AIL ADORESS:6ffi dFlar6rthFf cecuatomb.:i lde16 - com PIONE *: 9to 2oo-e1?4 PROIECT Cd{TACT PERS0[{: ,rim trireman E[STrirG CO{STRUCTTON; ! alrrnarrOl ! ArtOarron I celrrel nenlrns ! RELOCATTOi| r{E}r cor{sTRucTronr E] enrcr ilEu rEstDEr{cE o" ! aoorrlcr To ExrsTIr{G RESIDENCE +.PLEAsE CHECK A}5 AI'gIER BELOIi ALL THAT APPLY TO YOiN PRO]ECT, [f arr ennaer soi sF E oer cauer -14- sr @ eoncH ass sF I surnoor'r -sF ! roor. _ sr I sronle e SHED _ sF ! cnrrlHousr _ sr ! oecx _ sr orHER:SF ToTAL HEATED sQ FT: 3::l_ ToTAL sQ FT UNDER ROOF: .q ToTAL AREA SQ FI: {ao2 T0TAL PROIECT C0ST ru"q r-a) : $ ::-S-9,9.9_ * OF sTOftI ES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PUn'lBIt{G or i|SC}UI|ICAL tlo.k Betnt Done to the A.(.rsory Structurc? @ V"r f] ltoIf the project ls a Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Llne on the Current Site? f] Ves ItoIs there Electrical PoNer on this Buitdingl [lVes Ito PROPERTY USE / OCOJPATICY:sr{GLE faltlly ! oucr-rx E ro,rmrouse DESCRIPTIOIII OF tloR(i ConatrucL Sinqle FamiLy Resi,dence DISCLAIIER lhc..by ceniry tltl3l hbrmatbn ln tll6 lpptcalon B conact aM .[ wo.k wlll co.nply ryih !|e Sr.i. Butding Cod6 aod Jtoher lltd odin.rce3 a d lEgd elbns. Th. NH C D6$.hpmont SG rylco5 C.nbl wil b? nolified oi any chdEes h ti. .ppov.d pb. s and@ntacbr inbmalon. '-|{OTE:Any Work P€rbmed W/O ihe ApproprlsE Fermit! wtl be n Vhtrlon of rhe NC Srsts B&g Codq To $sOOOC" Ofi ER/COf{TRACTOR: ;im nlEenan SIGI.IATURE: *'** ** *+*,r **r* * **** **, *** * *(I!tI! JffJ * r r* r * ' *... * * i + *+ + r )ir.,i,i,i i(,i IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED I1{ A FLOMPLAIN? N YEs r] t[ EXISTTiE IT,IPERVIOI S AREA: _9__ SQ FT NEtl IiPERVIOUS AREA: >1 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEo: ,1 EXIST LAND DISTURBII'IG PERI|IIT:l-ll vrs E ro I.rarER: I creua f] com.rur{rry svsrrm I pRrvATE uIELL ! celrnll urll sEuER: fl crnua ! CENTRAL sEprrc f] rnrvnrr srrrrc f] co{r{r rry sysrEM ..+ SEPARATE PER}IITS REqJIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS Eg]IP, PREFABS 8 IISERTS "ipayirEnr hErr{rD I E CaSn ECxeCx (payaBLE ro nrrl I menrc.u :xnnrss E nclvrsl I orscovrn**+*+*,i*,1*+,t*+***l *,1+*,t++,|*,r**tt(** r* ** ++*'i t t * + !N * * * rt * * ,t * *++** +*+***t i.:t,t ** ****rt t+ *******)t *)t (For oFFrar usE orlty) RtvtSlD DATC O./1rl12 ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft=avt Come nt : ft PERMII FEE:q5a s) L8-L27 3 PTONE i: 97a-442-75?4 #tr, NEt.ll HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT applrcarroN rypE; RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANS!/€8 AtL QUESTIOIIs Appt IaAgrE 10 YUJS pRolr(t ,.proJect Responrlbility,, -Nb-bffi tt-t235 @ APPLICATION Nunber (offlce use) APPLICAflI'S NA,'1[: N rh .! DTVELOPEN: L DAfEi 4- 12-2010 PROJECT ADDRESS: SUB0MSI0Ni 55 Alr) ie CITY, wtln,tn ZIP | 2a401 SI: !q ZrP I f]ljgg PNOPERTY ONNER'S NA'4E: BLoC( *: _-- LOI n: _ PloitE #:oI^,NER ' S ADDn CONIRACTOR: ESS: 455 Airl lB d CIFV: l{1lmtnoton STr g ZIp:?!j!l LL(]LICEI,ISE fl: CIIY:l'Iri.rh '10046 lsvl116 aeachADDRESS: p o aox 159 ti\tAIL ADDRISS: ot_ticeororLhd PRoIECI CoNTACI PEn50N: .rrm Hts ExrsrrNc corusrnucrroN: n ALTERATTOI fi arruovnrrol f] eelenar Ree,rrRs f] RETOCATTON lEl, CoNsTRUCTTON: fi rntcr ruru RESIDE CE o" I nootrrot To ExISIIflG RESIDENCE ,TPLEAST CHICK AIID TXS|iEN OIIOT{ ATt TtUlI APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECTI flJnrr cannce s56 sF I orr caRne r _- sF suNR00r.1 .=- 5f [-l sromc r su ro s F 6BEENfl0USE _ 5F 5t' PoR(tl 613 SFI noor _- sr DEC( --. sF 0THER: TOrAL HEATEO 5Q FT: rszo TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER ROOF: 52ee TOTAL PRoJECT C05T lress r.or1 : $ -g_q!,goo ,, OF STORIESi 2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: s2ee Is Any EI.ECTRICAL, pt-UMBIflG or flECH,.(IICAL LJork Being Done to the A€(essoryIf the project 1s a Relocatlon, ls there a l,Jatural 6as tine on theIs there Electrical power on this Building?tl Yes NO s!rq(tq,ie I E,-yer Eckrdl,'ffitdt*ffi[gp sE0uerfiilI o arr **r r*ri.** **1*r* *x*l lF{OVrvl fl.?mqrfle\ry redl $jj PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAIJCY:VI SIIiGLE f AilII Y ff oucrrx [] rownlousr DTSCRIPTION OF WORK: OISO-AIMEA] rherer,yccrtrry$0ta[ hbrnretbn h h,s rpp{couon ie co(eci6nd sIwo,tdt.on}ptywi,l tre Sls!€ n,dng Codo 6nd 3l ohor.gpladlrJo SBb adond ordh6rc6s €nd ,eollattonr Tho NtiC Dowropm€. t 56 Bico! Contr, wti bo noriied o, -y chan0ss in rD sppro|Jd daistuld 3reciic.tio.3 or.r,.onuacs{ irtxnBlhn. "'NOTE:AnyWort l)6rbnnod W/O rre ApFoprlats tenrls v/ tro tn Vrola on or h€ NC Sl6b Stdo Conb "no S,osd r." ol.JNER/CoNI RAC tOR:SIGNATURE:ml? EXISIINC Ii.IPIRVIOUS AflEAI o SQ FT foTAL ACRES DISTURBE0T '1NEt{ IYPERVIoUS AREA: :L__,_ 5Q rr cxIST LAND DISTURBING PERMTT: rf vrs [fl ruo lJ rtR I CFPUA COI$.IUNITY 5YsTT14 PRIVATE iiE LL CENTRAL I"JEt L r +***rrr**** + F*i*+,,***r*****(!iTili'fl*r +. *,,,+, * *** + i+ +*** +* r *,rrr** rs rHE pRopERTv LocATED rN n rLooonlarrul fl ves X*o SEHER: m cl-run f] crNrRAL sEpTrc I nnrvnre srnrtc f] c0f[4r.,Nrry sysTEr,l .i!. s,-paRAtf t,Il];1I15 tiEQt/InllD tjolt ll.tiLt/ tll:ftj, t,t. G, (iA5 lr)uIp, PBtIAIJ5 tt luslIr:; r;r pAyflrNr rlrTHoD: fJ casn flcrrc,r (pAv BLE T0 Hucl flArter:cm exrnrss I rclvrsa l]lorscovt,ilt******t**tt***r*t*ti**'i1***+*rti.**t**rt1*r,ta,.*ri*rr**r*,***t+r*rr**+l*,****l,a**rlii,i+** ,0r,, {s- \5 ot.rr.uo (ro[ oFrI(€ Ltt oftr) n(vltto 0r,f o!/)l/r7 sETBAc(s: r'..10' ur, lh- nH: lO- g']5' Approval:--City:Nlt ln orre '5 ll-lt [L00Di __* _--V srt+rrt=-;."\_ r'Pgttltr FEE: s f rpnrffi 1 t{eqilrii[ql], I d-Dit] co'urrcrrt; ?yj,J6[ -lgstaa-ei".e!o!1;) 'ir , brzfu A/o. N, a"qJ4a{r! (^ .(-Ql. t., Wl xx-c"z t/"l^H'p,,tw-\k PHo E ,,l PfloNE A: e1o_200 9114 PHoNE rr; 910-442-7s?{ nxffi NEW HAITIOVER COT NTY BUILDING pERI{rT APPLICATIdT rypE; RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE ANST{ER A[L qJESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YOIJR PRO]ECT "project ResponsibiuEp 18-1235 ffi APPLICATIOT{ Number (Offl.ce Use) APPLICA f'S l,lAllE: Norrh State Partnets ConstrucE i on,LLC DATE:4-12-201s DEVELOPER:P}loNE *: PROIECT ADDRESS: 45s Airlie Road CITY: wilminqton ZIP i 2a4o3SUEDIVISION:BLOCK *: LOT *: PROPERW 0!{ ER,S t{A}tE: Noel Fox/Frances eoodman P}ONE $: Ollt{ER' S ADDRESS: 4ss Airlie Road CITY: wilminqron sT: NC ZIP: 28403 C0 TRACToR: Norrh state parrners construction, LtC LICEIlsE *: ?0045 ADDRESS: p. o. Box 359 CfTY: wrichtsvil l e Beach 5T: Nc ZfP: 284BoEIIIAIL ADDRESS: of fic e@northstaE ecustortbui 1der6 - com PTONE *: 9tO-2oo-91?4 PRoJECT COMrACT PERSOI{: ,rim wiEeman PIONE *: "o -442 -'t 5'14 EXrSTritG CONSTRUCTTON; ! ltrenarrot ! nrnovlrror !errrul REPaIRS f]RELOCATION r{Er{ coNsrRucrrolr: I rnscr Ehl REsrDEt{CE o" ! aoortrot ro Exrsrrr{G REsrDEt{cE ..PLEASE CIIECI( ATD A'ISTER BELO{ ALL I}IAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: [|arr oanaer 865 sF fl orr oenaer _ sF SF atrSUNROOM PoRCH g:__ sF SToRAGE SHED _ sFf] enrrrHousr _ sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FTa 3B2o TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF 3 s2ee TOTAL AREA SQ FT: s2se TOTAL PROIECT COST qrcss Lor1 : g goo,ooo # OF STORIES! 2 rs any ELEcrRrcAL, pLt ltBrNc or tlEcllArucAt work Being Done to the accessory stnuctur€? [ v", E noIf the project j.s a Relocation, is thene a Natural Is there Electrical poHer on this Building?nyes Gas Line on the Cunrent Sitei I V"s f] ro No PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCY, EI Srrcle FAi.lrLy ! uJpLEX n TObINHOUSE DESCRIPTIoN OF I'loRK: tEollsrrucr sinqte Family Reside I DISCLAIiVER I her€by cerri, tial atl tnbrmalbn tn fiis @p[cation ts corecr and afl work wilard ordlnances and r€gutalons, The NHC Deyslopfll€nt Selices Cenbr wi! b€ noffed of a!conracbr Inbma{on. ""NoTE:Anywork porbrmed wo he Approprhe permtrs wfltbe in comply wlfi tle Stato Euilding Code and a! oth€r spp c&te Siate and toc€l y chang€s an the appm!€d pbns and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rim wi se*an ,*,r:r +,i * * )*++*:r.r'*,r ******* **** *(Iitl JiT] * * ** ** ****,l**r)*:|+ + * i.:,.:r.:i * a***** EXISTIiG II.IPERVIoUS AREA: o Violatlon ofbe NC SlaE SIG$IATURE : Edg Code and +**)** )*,t'i*** * )trt** )t *,t:* )t* TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAiD DISTURBII{G PER,4IT: T-I YEs HArER: I cFpuA ! co 4rrNrry sysrErl E pRrvarE UELL f] crxrnal nrrl SEUER: ffi cFpua E CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvnrr sEprrc E coi$rrNrry sysrEt! '*' SEpaRATE PERxrrs REQUTFEo FoR ELECT, HECH, pLBG, GAs EQUrp, PREFABS & TNSERTS *** pAynE r itErHoD: flcnsn fl crrcx (pAyaBLE ro nry I mrrnrcjil ExpRE;s E nalrr* - E DrscovER:i*rt* t*+*,+rt****'t * *,r,t '* 'l * r.:* * * *,i,t,*,*:t*:i:t*i*t:t:t:at,|t:**+++t+:r*,|:l +tt *,t,it,l'trtt**,t:t***+*:t*,i***,*)r*:*:r.r (FOR OFFTCE UsE Or{t-y) REVTSED DArE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Conment: SQ FT sQ Fr I NONEhl IMPERVIOUS AREA: >l OFFICER: BF E+2ft= |t PERi4IT FEE: 'CL,C PfuA ,0o SF OTHER: sF ! noor _ sr ! oecx _ rs rHE pRopERry LocArED rN a Fr@DpLAr ? r'l yEs El ro ZONE: Cleo. Foi(n ITP rl.rl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAflON fYP E : RESIDENTIAt PtEtrST ^NsWER A!.I.QUE51IOH5 APPLI(ABIT IO YOUR PROJTCT "P.oject Re5pontibility' APPLIC-ANT'5 HAMt PROJTCT AOORE55: suBorvrSroN: PRoPtRTY owtrs's N^MEr Y,Ut -li.r,l owNLR'5AooRtss ' l fllt,v.- ,- fi1ujy1 *1So/q^r a91 Sosr zly <- odre b/ I )liuju.- in ilylot o tutg - t$b\ /tr0) fF C ITY PHoHr ,' 'l t() - '/ ')/ ' ;') t I ctw !o,,21y6' 1,.,, i' , uc 21,1,t.1' c,n f..r,'-.( I tDG tlCtNS[ , -'q<l sr:Nr zo: 2f,{{f . coNrRAcroR Xutu - f ,*lw r AooRrsir f,o\ {r. iJ..rhg. ..N!/. thr lt-. _ . rMArr AoDRtss: x loatkt Alrn<i1. <ant pRoircrcoNrAcTpr,soN. -Xdvtr, -11"/r,, PHON€ PHON T clA' 62ct - qo 7.1 [xlSTlNG COt{STnUCIION: :rf'Altcration : Renov,]tron I General ReDarr! tlEW COflSTXUCIIONT il Erect New nelldence fl Additrontotxistin6Reedence fj Reloc.tron ...PIEASE CHECX AIiD AN'WIfi BtI.OW ATI. IHAT APPTY TO YOUR Pf,OJ€CII " +je A. {"(Lb.44t Exlrrlng lmperviour Ar ""t -fog24f, -qL- Udlsoad f! oet Garage {SF}_! Porch (SF) ! Storate Shcd (5r ) /03,5 ^8.r in th. arrrov.d pl.oJrndip.ill.atrontor.hi.6e in (onni.tor rlc sl.rc old€ C€d. rnd tubjed ro fin.! up to 95@.m..r Iotal Acres Disturbed: txlrtlht Land Dllturbing Permiti Jl Yer X No O An Garage (5F) __ n Sunroom ISF)tr Pool (5r) -. - -c] Greenhoure(5F)_ O oeck {5t) F Other(Sr) ls the proposed work chantint the eristint lootprlnt? O Yes F N,) IOTAI 5q FT UNDER ROOE llor ptoposed wotl) Heated: Unheated: IOTAL PROTECI COSI (tesr tot)s l5.0rttT Ir the propored work chantiot the numt er of bedroomrl I Yei No t5 nny Elect.la.l, Pluftbint or Me<hanlc.l ,r/ork beint done to the Accar5ory 5tructure El Y6 a tlo tl the project l! a Reloc.llon, ir the.e a Natural Gar [ine on lhe curre^t siteT a Yes I No Ir there Electrical power on thi! Bu,ldrn8? & Yes f No Property Ure/ Ocop.ncy: ff $lqle family I ouplrr ! Toffihoute Description of w l .:. J l.l l3 l1rr5fitl '[qr ti :)c!^lty rh.t.llrhe i.tom.Ooo in lhlr.pplkato..r c6,e(l rnd.rlro.l rrllcc,.ply*drlh€ sDte Blildint Codc,.d allouar appl[)bleSt.t..|ndloEat lawi andord,n)n..r.nd r.iulillonr The Nu( oir.lolmc nr L ryi(.r (..rri eillb. norifi.d of rny rh. i^lo,m.t.o. "'NOlt'Any {orl o..lg.n.d {tho(l lh. app|ogriare peri u w'llbe 'n v'ol.tjo.r ol lha\/Lowner/conrr.cror: lWtCf bn(/<t - slsn.tuE: ''L;ce.sed Quo her' r'r,,r ,!{)rn. Ir the property o(ated in a floodplain? :l Yer C No New lmperviouJ Area D Sq Ft WATIn: F CFPUA ll Cornmunity Syttem : ltrvate Well :l CenlralWel:l Aqua 5tWEl: liJ tfPLiA:l (o'rmun ry Systenr J Prv.teSeptic:j CentralSepti. :l Aqu. ,-!..'15 -.orn,u,, DIt,serurcrc1 l\ A(ulilA srtN)A plN/A ooo,*n, -Ll .,n, /.irl o,,", e/t .sltGi,", .-(v) (N) ,( 6FE+2r= co..enr, /,1-r'zr1ot !@t t "i '17, Nt c'1,",r*1t5 .l .u..{r.,lg,r i6.} permirree:s C:r'!n:n'rcl!on Qeo,:ltgtt, 910 ?11 fql l xl Print Jrlb- sz18-154 Application Number (office use) LJ d -1 Clear Form APPTICANT'S NAME: ROOST HO B itdi LLC PROJEcT ADDRESS: 3705 Merqanser Lalle jllEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDTNG PERMTT AP PLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' .a CITY: Wilminqton Date: Nlay 10, 2018 ztp:28409 SUBDIVISION:LOT #:2A PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: Roost Home BuiIdino, LLC owNER's ADDRESS: 1602 Briqantine Drive PHoNE #: 910-51 5-2925 Clw: Wilminqton ZIP: NC PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: DTeW SheAffeT PHONE: 91 0-515-2925 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E ErectNew Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation **+PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT]'" n Att Garage (SF) 561 tr Porch (SF)396 n sunroom (5F)tr Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_n other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes J No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl Heated:3866 Unheated:4823 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)5422126 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? ! Yes n No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes E No lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes n No lsthere Electrical Power on this Build ing? ! Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family n Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: - laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services centerwill be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "iNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... Owner/Contractor: Drew Sheaffer Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .1 15 New lmpervious Area: 5037 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes f No WATER: n CFPUA tr Community System D Private Well ! Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic n Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S )tg? D coNTRAcToR: Roost Home Buildinq 9196 11651156 6 7Ra6o ADDRESS: 1602 Brioantine drive C|TY: wilminoton ST: NC ZIP: 28405 EMAtt ADDRESS: Drew@roosthomebuilding.com PHONE: 910-51 5-2925 O Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (SF)_ n Deck (SF) _ u/ rlvEW HANOVER COUNTY BUtLDtNG PERMTT J-otB - s>4-t 18-1540 APP(ICANT,s NAMEi Roost Home BUiIdinq, LLC (orrrce use) Date: lvay 10, 2018 PROJECT ADDRESS :3705 Meroanser Lane CITY: Wllminoton ZIP:28409 SUBDIVIS]ON PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: RooSI Home BUiIdinq, LLC OWNER'SA0DRESS: 1602 Brioantine Drive PHONE #: 910-515-2925 CITY: Wilminaton ZIP: NC PROTECT CONTACI ptRSON: Drew Sheaffer PHoNE:910-515-2925 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [J Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidenceOAdditiontoExistingResidenceOReiocation ' *.PtfASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW AtL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJ ECT i'' T ! Att Garage (St )561 D Det Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)O Pool (Sr) LJ Oreennouse l5l,n Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes Il No TOTAL Sq FT UNOER ROOF lfor proposed work)Heated:3866 Unheated:4823 TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess tot)5422126 lstheproposedworkchan8in8thenumberof bedrooms? [ Yes I No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structlrre O Yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGaslineonthecurrentsite?trYestrNo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? D Yes n No P,operty Use/ Occupancy: E Single Famlly D Duplextr Townhoute Description of work: laws and ordlnaflc€s and re8ulationt. The NHC oevelopment Servicet Cenlerwillbe notilied ofanyahanSet in the approved plent and specifi(ationt orchanSe in cont.actor inlormaliofl. "'NoT€: Any work perormed without the approprlare permits will be in v olation ot the Nc5tate 8ld8 Code and subject to finer up to 5500.00... Owner/contractor: Drew Sheaffer Total Acres Disturbed: I 15 Signatlre: DU.O2- WATER: I CFPUA n SEWERT E CFPUA tr 2."",P'15 orlice.:setbacks (F) ..f0 (ui) tJ 1rr1 la' $ -3o' Exlsting Land Dlsturblng Permitr I Yes ll No Community System El Private Well [] CentralWell D Aqua CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic D CentralSeptic E AoUa (ii;' tr15pt{:119n av Cityl Date s 6Flood (A)- (v) - (N) X srr+zft. keqttiel, y t u. )i,t_vyu t Approval Comment r lOt' 7e6al,z6 Froal- 1;etr.+, F 5 bo+X f"-r"\.s Permit Feei S ' ,t, . m APPLICATIO N fYP E: RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prore.t Responslbllity'' LOT #:2A coNTfiAcToR: Roost Home Buildinq B|"DG UCENSE fl:7Ad6n ADORESS: 1602 Brioantine drive C|TY: wilminalon STr NqZrP:28405 EMAILADDRESS: Drow@roosthomebuildinq.com PHONE:910-515-2925 D Porch (SF)396 0 Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other {sF)- "Licensed Quoliliet" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes ! No Existlng lmpervious Area; 0 Sq Ft New lmpervlous Areat 5037 5q Ft ru .r.;-*-i.:. i.r fif,i r-':,,E[S,,ii NEW HANOVER COUNW BUII."DING PERMIT AP PUCAnON IYPE : RESIDENTIAt PIEASE AT,ISWER Al.l QU[$]OllS APPUCAa$ 70 YO UR PIO.,ECT 'ProrcEt R€rponsibilhy'' 90$-btuc 18-1858 C, lttltgzo. A6*1olAPPLICAN?S NAM€:Blll Clark Hom6s of LLC PiO,ECTADDREsS: suEDtvrstoN: PROPERTY owlrn,s lra .rs: Blll Clark Hom6s of Wllm,ngton, LLC Date: OIy. W'dmlnllon toT t: PHOfl€ f:9 1 0.350.1 744 OWNER's ADDRESS:127 Racine Driv€. StJte 20,clry. Wi,nlnfrtotl CONIRACTOR:Billcla* Homes o, wilmington, LLC ETDG UCENSE * 345a6 ADDRISS, 127 Radn€ Drive, Sui[. ml CITY:Sr: W 28403 EMArr' ADDnEs! l{d'arlo Al b;l I U 4-rlz tP rzus . Lo.f'v'PHONE:910.350.17,14 Pf,oJEcr coNTAcr PERson. l,^rt't PHONE:910.350.1744 EXISTING COiISIRITCTION: O Alt.r.tion E Rrnovatlon O Gmeral Repalrs NCtl, cOt{sTRUgTlONr E lrect New Resldence D Addruon to ExlnirE Relrden(e E nebaation ...PITASE CHECX AflD AISWER IEIOW AI.I. IHAT APPTY IO YOUR PNOECT"' E Att Gsnre (sF) -- tr Drt Gense (SF) -_ E Po.ch (5R -- tr sunroom (5O- n Pool(sr)- Cl stor.Se shcd (sF)- fl Greenhous€ (sF)-- O DecltsFl- E olher (sR- ls the proposed work.hanging the existing footprint? El Yer Ei No TOTAI. SQ FT UNDER ROOF He.!€d:lYte'-)qq{," Unharted: IOTAT PROTECT COST (LEss qa' ls the proposrd work drrnSing the nuhber ot badrooms? E Y.s E o ls ary A€cHaal, Plullrbint or Madrani.al work balng don. to the Ac.Esory structura El Y€t E No tfthe projact ii a n loc.tlon, i5 there a NaturalGarune on thc cu.rent slt.T O Y!5 E ilo L there Electriaal Pow€r on thls Bulldln!? O Y.! 5l to P?Dgerty U,e/ oGajprncy: Ei sind. F.nily E DuphrE} Tovnhous. Deaariptlon ot Work:..w conrbrraab.r of ringl. Ian{y ,€.ld.hc. rpproprbL D.rhlB wfi b! in vloLdo.! ot th. 2qp; 28403 Dllornaa: r i.eby4dit rhn,lnl. hfomrdo. h $B rpplk ti6 rr @Gt..d !! e(t un.omrlv,uh rll. sEL &iktln, cod..rd.l! 6rh.r a!a&.d. tt.ll t^n b., E$ d drie.c.r -d ltd.rift. lh xHC oa4lopfi.nr seirG Cdt.r wfl b. nodllod ol ,ry .hria6 h lh. .rDroEd FbiB .id sD.dfiationt o. drt$ li ((om.td 58n1tur€; r'l( !r . &g cod.Id lubFcr to)l'.n O4-1, 1-;c.ntd, Qtoff.f P.iat Nan ls the orooertv loceted In a f,ood-ol.ln? O Yes E tlo Exutins tmpGrvlou! A,.r, -S * ,, rotal a<res oo.*a, - [ Q O""a ncw mporviou:a'.c: ff[{Sq n Edstlng lrnd DRtlrbtrr r.-n kro tr *o WATER: E cFpUA E Communirysyn€m El P.lr.t€ well E centrllwel E Aqua StwER E CFPUA D community synefi EI Priv.te septic E centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - Orlic.r: - Sctb.dG (rl - (lH) - {RH) - (8) -Appioval: _ Elty: _ Drt.i _ Foo*(Al_M _ (Xl_ Br&zft= _ commertt Permlt FcG: $l)1q,CI A : fifi. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI C AT ION TY PEJ RESIDENTIAI. PLtAst n NslVtR ALL QUESI IONS APPLICAIIL € 1O YOU,I PROlt,C I "Proiect Responsibility" APPLICANT,S NAME. IJUIIE HOfiCS Datc 5-29-18 pFolEcT ADDRESS: 41'19 Passerjno Ave suBolvrsroN: DeLWg!q3luellgl,!! PROPERTY OWNIR,S NAMEr Pulle Homes owNER's ADDrrrssr .1q0,4..F-1!|1Sq-9I.9..C!l!! . coNTRACTOR: Pulle Homes CITY, IV ]e Beach ?tP. ?9579 BroG UCENSE /t 19311 ADDRESST 3504 Faringdon Court EMATL ADDRESS: TiFfany.Dunn Pulte.com PBOIECT CONTACT P€R5ONi unn ING CONSTRUCTIoN: li Alteration Li Renovation ll General Repairs cONSTRUcIloN: /€rect tr:ew Residence il Addition to Existing Residence l:-l Relocation clTYi !Yrtle Beach ST: SC ztp: 29579 pnorur:843-353-5119 pnons:843-353'5119 EXIST Ntw Vn,d', D WTR BEL W ALt THAT APP t Garage (SF )487 nroom (5F)212 E oet Gara l-J Pool (SF) fl Deck (st) se {sF)_dPorch (sF) f.l storn8e 5h i-l other (sF) 50 ed (SF) ri Greenhouse (s F) ls the proposed wo.k changinB the exasling Footprint? tl Yes Li No TOTAT SQ rT UNDER ROOa llar proposed v,/otk)Hsir1s6l 2306 TOTAI PnOJECT CO5T {tess l.ot): S 141866 Unheated:537 ls the proposed work changing the number ol be{rrooms? D Yes fl No ls any Electrical, Plumbin8 or Me.hanlcalwork being done to the Accetsory Structule E yes D No lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on tlle culreflt site? D ves $-{C, , ls there Electrical Power on thrs Bualding? tl ves D tto Le['f ' Property use/ o.cupun.y, /Slngtu Fantily D Duplex E Townhouse Oescription of Wo rk: N4artin Ray with SLrr'rroon'r and Garaqe Exler'rsiol] r)f!'l,t;'ii,;,] I ;:''':, ':l1 olSC! lMERr I h$eby certify thit alllhe r.tonra lr vrTlr[lTl] r\ ri \. r --:i -tr rt;--:r; r4 rhc 5rdro grrldrnn !odc and rlrotl.er #pl (abln 5(Jl. a.d lD( r't'on rn rhtr applic.lron a5 .ore.t and allwott wrll codp y w idfo,m.tior). "'NOTE:Anyworkperlormtdwilhoullherppropriate pornit5 urll be i. violaiion o, the NC owner/contractor: f(g!!-qry -- signature "Lic?nsed Quoltret" Prtnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yej Existlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt New lmpervious Area Sq Ft wAlERr U CTPUA n communitySystem Existlng l,!nd Dlsturbing permiti E Yas ! No E Prrvarewp, fl centrar well O lqu; /,, to linei up to 5500.00"' -,__,, Permit Fee: S Q/,'to Total Acres Disturbed: SEWER: f] CI.PUA f]unitySyslenr D privateseptic n Central Septic fl Aqua zon"Qil (cD) orl..,,setbacks(Ft lOlfr.rr 5' t*rl 5' frt 5- cirv: hllL.tl\ o"t",tp-:!'- 11 Flood: (A) -..---, (v) - -- (N) -,I BtE+2rt= - ,.,,,,,,,,rrrltrr)0, gl A.ljl.t)ftr t, Approval: Comment ctTY:Wilmington --_.-.-ztp:28412 ----tot tt:9114 __ nHoruE rr:!!!.!!P__51,]9_ ___ _ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICA| ION TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect ResponsibilitY' t&e?aft" Application Number (ofiice use) AppgCANT,S NAME: Pulte Homes Oate: 5-29-'18 CtW Wilmington 21p.28412 SUBDIVISION: Del Webb Riverli hts pROpERTy oWNER,5 1g1yg; Pulte Homes LOT e: 01127 pHoNE f: 843-353-51 19 owNER's ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court CtTy: Myrtle Beach 2p.29579 EMAII. ADDRESS:Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pROtECT CONTACT pgXggp. Tiffany Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: JZiErect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation E CHECX AN ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY R PR Garage (SF) 487 E Det Garage (SF)Lf Porch (sF)50 pHoNE: 843-353-51 19 pxOrr: 843-353-51 19 !/ou dtunroom (sF)ztt ! Greenhouse (sF)_ tr Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF) ! storage shed (sF) _ E other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes I No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed workl Xeated:2306 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 141866 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electric.l, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes E No lf the projectisa Retocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E lto ls there ElectricalPower on this Building? E Yes E No / Property Use/ Occupancy: dsintle Family D Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Martin Ray with Sunroom and Garaqe Extension lrw5 and ordinances and regulataons. The NHC Development S€rvices Center will be notified of any chanBe5 in the approved plans and specifications or.hange in contractor information. '+ *NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permit5 will be in vjolation oI lhe NC dB Code and subj to fines up to 5500.00"' Owne/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome Is the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft a/*' Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System El private we E Centrat Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic E) Central Septic E Aqua Zone: -- Officer: _ s€tbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit tee: S ffi; pRoJECT ADDRESs: 4'l '19 Passerine Ave co1TRlcroR: Pulte Homes gp6 11691199 x. 19311 aeps655, sso+ h rr,-99-;;'.?9!Zg unhsslgd;537 lj;5 "" DM;-e- .)(,,8-b3az NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT' ON TYPE. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" u APPtrcANrs NAM e, tt{ la ,Sn , S lol q Application Number (office use) PRoJECT ADDRE5S,217 fTz,,tan s s el Av- suBDtvtstoN:S tar, set ctr: tttl /,u )tqlo,t,r'Lof *, Date:5-r- rc ztP: Lgyd/ ztP:al a:SI e PHONE #:t0 713- g c3 q CITY:A/ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'SADDRESS:Zr7 Te ^./r/ eJJ ee rtue CONTRACTOR e- ADDRESS:t1,c'S O-uve EMAIL ADDRESS:a 40 ,L /4 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: L/Jn CITY BLDG LICENSE f:- ST: zl?l J PHONE: PH}NEQ( 0-7L3'L3q EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION; E Erect New Residence g'fddition to Existing Residence n Relocation *i.,I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI'I'I' f-l Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I ves I Uo TOTAL 5Q FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heatedi Unheated:l0 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes JX No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes ,[X No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes ANo 4,. Property Use/ Occupangr: n eFa lv fl lex NT houoae?L' laws end ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor Descri ption o tC,yLq I information. "+NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC S Eldg Code and s ject to fines up to 55C|O.OO... owner/contractor t Ull $.s 4Ju Signature: "Licensed QuoIifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? O vesfr no Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes fl No WATER: fl CFPUA ! Community System D Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA ! Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S .,Y\'.'.:f-r'v ,i.\,/' {l \21r.. ( [!z6et Garage (sF) 5 otl n Pool (sF)_ n Deck (sF)_ tr Att Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_ n Porch (SF)_ tr Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Other (SF)_ TOTAT PRoJ ECT CO sT lLess Lotl: 5 6l OUO r)ry \1 / fifi' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICAnON NPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEAS€ ANSWEs AIL QUTSTIONS APIILICAETE TO YOUR PRO]ICI "Proiect Responrlbllity" Zre(8'6W l*-flu( APPtIcANT'S NAME: L/ PRoIECI AoDRtSST .: I 1 SUBDIVIS,ON: .!,!.r ! PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME owNtR'SADDR€SS:2I7 ulCONT RACIOff ADDRESS: ]:Lr1r ,:! tMAlt ADDRESS: t lo lyt.rt, : lry/. o 'Trlrur'rtrt. Av. t' l' ctrv l,u, f ,n-r i ru.rl4,.,r, 'Lot n oare .- !.,_- .l . 1 ,f ztq L6' Lc / 6J- !-63 q ^r lP .'.iL/t'/ i-u-.r,,,' l, , < ^ il I e u*lel J e e l+ ue vnour n. t1 1 Sl . J crv ;,r)/ . ,.., / r ( -:li! ., L r1r "r'. / () t,, 1. s ,',"1 ELDG I|CENSE f r.-.. -- ST: ZIPC ITY inin PflONI PHoNE:q I o - fL ) . t L3 qPRO'TCT CONTACT PENSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; l_l Alteration ! Renovation D General nepaks NtW CONSTRUCIION: C Erect New Resid"n.n S,Iddition to Exi5ting Re5idence n Retocation ..TPLEASE CIIECX AND ANSWER BETOW AI.I. THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJTcT" ' {--] A(t Garage (SF}ffiet ca(aae lsFl - 5 O0 D Poot(st) f Deck (SF) ls lhe proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? 3 ves fi Uo TOTAT SQ fT UNDTR ROOF Uor proposcd wo.l) Heatedi - Unheated: TOIAL PRO.,tfi COST lLess Lotl g L, OU O'_-f ts the proposed worl (han8rnB th, nrrn'l,or nlbedroomtl 3 Ves fltto ts any Electrical, plumbint or Mech.ni(nl r.or* be,ng done to ttre fcessory Structure i 1 ves lf the project is a f,elocatlon, is thcre n Natu.al Gas Line on lhe curent sita? LJ Yes ,X tlo ls rhere Electrical Power on this Building? tl Yes Arvo Propeny U5e/ Occup.rnlyi lc Fn lvD uD lex Town hou s rSinStt)tld .r, f S0nroom {SF) [] Greenhouse (5F] 0er ( rlfrtion ol tr Porch (SF) -. E StoraBe Shed ISF) O Other (5t) 5do An, Dc€l t',rlr ,Jl ou t: 1 *1,;,k u,'tl ' !:;,,'/:.rt-ll;l. Z'.1 -drr V-bib..*-g t s- *1y'. II." L,!,l L./ laws J.d ord'na.!g n.d ,eSular od5 lhcNBCOe!clopmcnts€ryi(erCentc.wilrbcnol,f'edol.rnychii6esintherpprovedplanir.dspeof.rllon!or.han6ein.onlra(tor nioinJl,on "rNOIt:A owner/Contractor "Licented Quolilier" ny wofl perfo.med withoul rhc sppropnire permir! willbc rn vrol i6n o, rne Nc 5r te gldS ; :;)'^Ii."." "' *' uP r' s5m m"' SlBnature: oate, (l'S' E tlood:(A)--,-(v) - {N}X srt*zft= ,5 tne propcrl! locJted rn J lloodplarnr g Vesf ruo Exiiling lmpervious Area: Sq Ft Total Acres oisturbedl New lmperviour Area: Sq tt Eristin8 l-and DisturbinS Permit: LJ Yer - I No WAT€Rr D C[PUA D Community sy5tem D Private Well ] CentralWell E Aqua ' tnr.r .1!j1 D:a:],:^ 0t n ^r / rl^o,SEWERi DCFPUAtrC itysyslem X PrivateSeptic fl CentralSeptic E Aqua zon.,Ql ofricer:setbacks (F) ,N)\'A (rH)-5' (RH) 5-ror-S] Approval: - ciryr WILW\ comment: l^nt Yj b.^\d,^rd, N\,t'rot ^-.tt Permit Fe e: S \t r{c qO.-r'lS (l 63ao NEW }IANOVERCOUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON TYPE: RESIDENIIAI PTEASE ANSWEN A[QU€SIIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PSOJICI 'Prolect BEsPoBlbllhlf I Date: June 4 2018 PROPERTY OWNEPS T.IAME:Morris Brown pHoxr l: 910-.143-4239 OWT.IERS ADDRESS:1OO5 Choriot CITY:Wilmi ngton v19' 2841? ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDiESS:6o--\ c\r.J A-i-E: N ,4,\ r'(rz G ."ta,L . CITY ST: zI? n- lqj 'z3PHO T; PHOI{EPROJECT COiYTACT PERSOI{: ExfilNG CoNsTrucflol{i E Alteration D Renovation D General RePalrs NEW COi|STRUCTION: D Erect New Residen.e D Addition to B.isting ReJidence E Relocation ...PTEISE O{EO( AND ANSWER BELOW AI"I TIIAT APPLY TO VOUR PRoIECTTT' rl Del Garaee {SF}tr Porch (5F)fl Att Garage {5F) _ [] Sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (SF) - tr Pool{sf) tr Dc{k (SF) E stonceShed {sr} 112 tF D oth€r (Sr) lsthe proposed work chanShg the exining footPrint? E Yes D No TOTAL sQfT UNoER FOOP W prdposed wo*) He*ed.UBh€ated: x TOTAL PROTECT COST (tess Lot): S- 15 the grqposed vrgrk chan8inB tie number of bedrooms? E Yes E Ng ls any El€ctric.l, i{umbirB or Mech.t cal work b€ing doneto the Accessory SE.r.lure tr Y€s E 1{o lf the project is a ilelgcado[. is there a Nihrral Gas Line on the curent slte? E Y€E ts tto 15 there Electrital Power on this BuildirB? tr Yes trl t'lo P.ooerty Us./ Oc{{pan€y: E Slngb f.mlly tr Dupler O Tow.house DcrcriBion qf Work: Slorcge Shied ( Kit From Low's Building supply's )Heartland Do-it-yourself size 12'x 16' lars and oidinares and .egubtjons, The fHC D€vetopmenr Sedc8 center will bG notmEd of arr ch€re! kr lhe aprrEv"d pbnB afd sp€clicatlons or $ante ln (ontraclDt In ormttlgn, t'rNgTt: AnY performed wthout permtts *ilr b€ tn vbbnon ol lhe NC siat€ Eldt code an l rubiect t! fin€s up to 95(D,m"' slgnat!re: 'llcehse.l QuoIOe.' t t Norne ls the property loGted in a floodplain? D Yes & No E i.tiirg lmpe!.ious Ar€a: .- 5q Ft Total Acres DGtutbed: Netv lmpervious Arcar _--Sq Pr t,(lsdng land Disrurblnt Permhi O Yes C No WATEn: E CFPUA D Community System |] Prlvate Well D Central Well D Aqua S[Wtn: F CFPUA D Community System B Private Seplic D Cent alseptic D Aqua ?orer _- oificen - setbacks (F) -(tH) -..- (RH) - (B) -Approyal: _-* City: - Date; - tttod: {A} -- (V} - (N}- 9rE+2G - Perrnit F€e: S APPuclafi's ruaME: Ai\orris Brown PRdECTADDRESS: 1OO5 Chariot,Ct ctTY: Wiltningtoh ztP:284\? suSolvtslo : Lot 83 sec 6 SteePlechose Extention Corioge Hills ror*: Lot 83 cor,nucron, lAlu r{ ais ?-rtLo"u rJ EtoG tl€rIrEE #:-.._==-- Id/ Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LICAT' O N W PE.. RESI DENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTiONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilitt/ ro / -(LjIE-fliv Application {office use) fluw 7t/0 ffi APPI-ICANT'S NAME:l:t!F* tu,tn*t PROJECT ADDR suBDrvrsroN: r) dl PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: I u tal,Sotnl f//WL,tfu ln, Utvi TY CITY PH CITY ) a 6fin DateN"t,ZlPl Vt #:'7 7 o7 " btltl aE 6! An,ra 7o*71*,7* b NtL. ztp.71W BI"DG LICENSE #; pLB16o EMAIL AODRESS: e PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ! Att Garage (SF)_ a4 n, PHONE 4to' PHONE:btJ i.I.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BE AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..' [] Det Garage (sF)_! Porch (sF) ! storage Shed (SF)n sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) ! creenhouse (SF) _tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes D No TOTAf- 5Q FT UNDER ROOE Aot proposed work) Heated: /o,ner (SF) Unheated: ub0 Wl /L/tL -" lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ral Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No Property use/ occup"nry U singh ra.ily D Duplex E Townhouse SJUll 18 8!B7BH Description of work: f t,tttl lawr and ordanances and reSulatioos. The NHC Dev€lopment Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifiGtions orrhanSe in contractor infofiflation. ".NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will b€ in violation of the N Code and subject to fines upto S50O.00"' owner/contractor: "Liceosed Qualilier" eazl T Signature: / "1rl s?it4.Fi' Deut /r", n *ols the property located in a floodplain? Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes fl No WATER: E creuo{ community system E Private well E central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System .d Private Septic El Centralseptic E Aqua zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ city: _ Date; _ Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S 11 I EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation rorAr PRoJEcr cost ltess toi: SZdt %0'o) ry) \/ * pa(g- hsog18-1856 Applicatlon Number (of{ice ure) c /ro/rr ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PPLI CAT,ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PT€ASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI-ICASLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Proiect Responsibtlity" APPI.ICANT,S NAM€: JANET FUTT Date pROJECT ADDRESS: 612 Gravel Lane sUBotvtstoN: Rivendell Bay IOT #: 25 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: D R. Horton owNER's ADDRESS; 13'1 Racine Drive Suite 201 p119p5 s. 9'10€21-8557 CtTy. Wilmington 21p 28403 CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton g196 Uggar5s 6. 29676 ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 611y Wilmington sT: NC zrP EMAIL ADDRESS:ifun@drhorlon.com PHONT: 910-821-8557 pROJEST 6oNTACT pgx56p Jeff Jones p116116. 9'1 0-585-9833 IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrroN: f, Erea New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *..PI€ASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI,OW ATT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.,ECT"' PAtt Garage (SF) 421 E Det carage (SF)_ q, porch (SF) Sl ! Poot (sF) D Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? $ yes n ruo TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF Aot proposed workl 11931g6; 1927 gn6g31s6;472 TOTAI, PROJECT COST (t-ess Lot): S 127 2?5 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes 6 l{o ls any Electrical, Prumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E, yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas l-ine on the current site? E Ves d to ls there Electrical Povyer on this Euilding? E yes d No Property Use/ Occupancy: &single Family D Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n of work: New Single Family Residence DlgclalME8: I hereby ce nify that allthe inlormation ln lhisappljcalion is cofect and allwo* witlcomplywith the state Building code and a olherapplkabte state and tocallaws andordinances and regulalions. The NHc oevelopment setuices center willbe notlfied ofany.hanges in the approved ph;s and specificatioo s or cha n8e in (ontractorintorrnatron. '''NoTE: any work pe.fo.m ed withoul ihe appropnale perm itg wilt be In violation of the Nc stale BtdB cod€ and subjert io fines up to S5oo.oo. . . Owner/Contractor: Janet Furr SiBnature: 'Lirensed Quolifier" tuint Nomc ls the property located in a floodplain? EI ves ol.tto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt TotalAcresDisturbed: 20 New lmpgrv1eu5 4193; 2013 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permiti E yes E tto WATER: (CFPUA E Community System E Private well El CentralWe[ D Aqua SEWERT d.CFPUA E Community System El Private Septic El central Septic E Aqua zone; _ Officeri _ Setbacks (t) _ (1,H,_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Floodr (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S l0(ocl oo C|Ty: Castle Hayne 21p. 28429 28403 D Sunroom (SF)_D Storate Shed (SF) _ tr other (sF) _ NEW HANOVERCOUNW BUILOING PERMIT APP L,CAfl O N TYP E: RESIDENTIAT PIEASE ANSW€R AU OUESTDTS APPLICABTE TOYOUR PROJECT 'Plolect R.sPonslbltlv -zo/2 - bsza Appllcdon lofRce u3.) APPTICAifi,S NAME:ts 9/+,D4 PRO]ECTADDRESS:qDl 6//LL(-*16 CITY:t lRt Dat€ r Lrrl pr'/,tPZFqZT LOT *:SUBDlVlSlOl{: -- PRoPERTY OWNER'S ?'IAME:s PHONE # ut LLt:-CITY:w )Llh 5-7 3 zt OWNTR'S ADDRTSS:a q0q uR(6 &.T,6 COMRACTOR:R /.s B4 ,n ST BLOG tlctt'lsE f:-=.-- tP: (0 \ '77'73lr)rs clTY ADORTSS: u r/1 R tTsT ,1 7?@ G/4 4rt a Z2 Lr4 PHONT o,/ EMAIL AODRESS:fr PROJECT CONTACT PERSONT zf'l t.5 5/+64R EXlSTlttG CONSTRUCnON: D Alteration D Renovation El Gencral Rcpairs NEW @NSInUCTON: D Erect N€tJ Residence pLndditlon to Eristing Residence E Relocation ...PLEar o{Eo( AND ANSWER BELOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PiOJECT*'T O rl.j.ca,'selsq q(oO I LL€Lr 0^{ :NLt, PHONE:q/n -tf3 :a223 CJ Att Garage (SF) ..-- E Sunroom (SF) ..-.- B Greenhouse (SF) - tr Pool (SF) _-.- tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work dlanglng the existing footPrint? E ves fi t'to TOTAf- SQ FT UNDER ROO! lfor proposed work) HBt€d: =-- TOTAI PRoJEGT CoST l*sstotl:5 i5 t @O tr Porch (SF) _----- E Stor.ge Shed (sF) - El o$er (5r) -.-- Unheated: ts the proposed work chantinS, the number oI bedrooms? tr Yes/E:No t, anyilearicel, Plumbilrt or Mcch'nkel work being done to the Ac.c6sory if tfr" prorca it " n fo..tion, is there a NaturalGas une onthe curent 5he? ts there rjectrlcal Po{rer on thls Bulldlng? E Yes tr No Strudurei4Yes 0 o tr YesFl No :,JUN t8 2:44Pt1 Prcperty Use/ OccuPanqr: D€rcflption of Wo]k: Slrule F.mlly tr DuPlex D ToY'nhouteF +t:R Dllcr^nrr€i: I herebY c.n Y thai aU th. irlonriotirn in thls.ppilctld! ls conro .nd .ll wo x,ill conply ,rnh the Sta'te Bulldht code and all other aPptEblE st'te and b..l lawg and ondhancet and r€gslation3'The NtlC Devdopm€nt servlcE!c€nter will b. mtlflld ol anY phn! and speclficauons or chanSa ln conlr'clo' uP ro 95m.00r" C. I nlo('nlalon, ...NOTE: Any *o.t plrfdnl€d *,1thout the .PPmPda!e permhs w l bs tn vbr0on ol the ow6er/conlra ctol:4tR gABT Sl8nature: 'Ltc.ns.il auolilct' "'ww" ls the property located in a floodPlaln? tr Yes Erlrting lmpervious Ar€ ,, -$L sqfi New lmpertious Alea:D sqH WATER: El CFPUA B Community svstem fl Private w€ll E Centralw€ll E Aqua Srwt* y'creun El community Svstem C Private septic El Centralseptic El Aqua zonei -- ofhc€l: .- setbacks (F} -_ (LH} - (RH) - (B} -Approval: -_ city: - Dale: -- Ftood: (A) --(v) - (N)- Br Total Acres oisturbed Exlstlng Land Oisturblnt Permh: tr Yes F No E+2ft= _ *n" c,omment: P€rmit fee: r 7:.- jir':.\ .. / ]'l \iar ). .. ffi:.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT I ON fYPE; RESt DENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsibility,, 6srb-affiTt3 Application Number (office use) PRoJECT aDDRESS| 245 SHORE POINT DRIVE CITY:WILMINGT N ztP:28411 SUBDIVISION; BAYSHO RE ESTATES SEC 7 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: JOSEPH & AMANDA MILLS PHONE # owNER's ADDRESS: 245 SHORE POINT DR IVE clrY: WILMINGTON ztP 28411 CoNTRACToR: PORCH CONVERSION BLDG LICENSE fl 78247 ADDRESS: 6821 MARKET STREET CITY: WILMINGTON sT: NC zlP: 28405 EMAIT ADDRESS: Oorchconversion qmail.com PRoJEcT cONrAcT PERSON: BRIAN WALSH PHONE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E/ Addition to Existing Residence C Relocation *{.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*I'* tr Att Gara8e (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes [] No ToTAL sQ Fr UNDER RooE lfor proposed work') Heatedl Unheatedi 420 TOTAL PRO.|ECT COST (Less Lot): S 000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes {,, dn.ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechaniml work being done to the Accessory Structure t yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes d No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes d No Property Use/ Occupancy: ! Single Family E Duplex I Townhouse Description of Work: laws and o.dinances and reSulations. The NHC Development services Center will be notified of any changes in approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor information. "'NOTI: Any work performed without c( <^ the A violation of the NCSta e and subject t fines up to S50O.0O"' Signature:owner/Contracior: "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E ves E( No Existing lmpervious Area: 3,569 sq ft ous Area: 420 sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Y CFPUA E Community System n Private Well D Central Well ! Aqua CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic E Central Septic f] Aqua Zone: -- Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+zft= - Total Acres Disturbed: 0.0096 New lmpervi Uffn: / StWtn: J o Comment:Permil Fee: S il, L'v-- APPtIcANfS NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Date:6/3/18 LOT f:239 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 A Det Garage (sF) 420 n Pool (5F) -- n Porch (SF) --n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF)-- T) ,., ' jll ., t, ffi'"p(z -brf( NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT I ON TY pEi RESt DENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibillty', L8-tjl'14 Application Numb€r {office use) clrY: WILMINGTON ZIP:28411 SUBDIVISION BAYSHORE ESTATES SEC 7 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAM€: DOUG LAS NTCGRAW OwNER'S ADDRESS:241 SHORE POTNT DRIVE PHONE # ClrY; WILMINGTON ztp:28411 CoNTRACToR: PORCH CONVERSION BLDG LICENSE #'7 A)17 ADDRESS: 682'1 MARKET STREET clrY: WILMINGTON ZIP:28405ST;!Q PRoJEcT cONTACT PERSoN: BRIAN WALSH PHoNE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence El'Aaai,ion,o Existing Residence n Relocation **,PLTASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** E) Det Garage (sF) 420 D Pool (sF) tr Deck (SF) TOTAT sq fl UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heatedi TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 12 000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes g/No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure I yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas l-iryr on the current site? fl yes dNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E/No ^/Property Use/ Occupancy: ff Single Family n Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: EB StAB d*o DlSCl.AlMER| I hereby certify that allthe information in this application is aorrect and allwork will compty, laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Devetopment Serviae5 Center will be notified ofany change information. "'NOTI:Anywork performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation orthe NC Owner/contractor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN Signature: "Licensed Quolilier"Print Nome with the State BuildinS Code and all other applicable State and local e approved plans and specifications or change in contra€to. I Code and ubje flnes up to 5500.00+*. ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 3163 sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0.0096 d*o New lmpervious Area:420 sq ft Existing land Disturbing permit: ! yes fl No/- WATER: ffi CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA ! Communitysystem E Private Septic D Central Septic I Aqua zone: _ Officen _ Setbacks (r) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) __ BFE+2ft= _ L CommPnt: LOf dt24o APPLICANTS NAMT: PORCH CONVERSION DAIC: 6/3/,18 PROJECT ADDRESS:241 SHORE POINT DRIVE EMAIL ADDRESS: Dorchconversion@omail.com PHONE: 910-777-3363 D Att Garage (5F)-* D Sunroom (5F) _ n Greenhouse (SF) _ E Porch (5F)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_ fl other (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? g Ves / ruo Unheated:420 // '.oJ\^ c,corFo,n, Prior FLPOD ZONE NEI.J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT T,6-IS(, ffi AP PL ICAT ION IYPrr COMITTERCIAL Pltast ANSHIR ALL QUtSlIoarS APzTtCABLt rO yOUfl 'sOrrCT"ProJect ResponsibiUty" APP-mITT6N I'lumber (o{ftce use) DEVELOPER: PROI EC-r ' .,411 R.i,4"'r n.i -OAfE: .,t tglt;tit PHONE 8 i ,) , , - { . . ) - ,j ri I il ZI?:2;4,2 PROPERTY 0t,t{ER'S t{A E: :,.ri: i.rl,,(. i,,.,i ,\:r:r.)..r.rr.. OWNER'S ADDRESS: , r,. ,, ,, oCCUPANI/BUSINESS NAilt: l.r I I i i , i , , r I : , r r :.r,, L:i. /:.ir,, I CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: - , E^,IAIL ADDRESS: ;:r:...: j:;irr ,:..,.,:.1 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISI CONSTRUC TION:AL TE RAT ION GEt,IEIAL R t PAIRS ll Relocalron, is lhere a Nalural Gas Line on the rrsnl Sit€? T €s IS ELDG S PHOflE }: 5T: 's 1. ZIPI-.1;.. ,,, , , L LfCEIJSE f: .. ., ; .' , CITY: ;r, .. ,ST; .;, ZIP: , , PHONE f: ) t. :,:.. ':.iPHONE H H.RELOCATION KTERED'lt*- Yesf* *f.Ho No I,IEI,/ CONSTRUCTION: ACCISSORY STRUCTUREi (:){.,x..!.],, (t)/),x,j .,, tt.t,.,.rt2', ilin,xji,, t}t ),i,:'.,,Llt) !,rrl), ,;.,,,:ii,9 rtir.i:, If UPFIT - Ihe Shell Permit si Is Elect Poxen on thls Buildlng [i Yes T N0 rr"r! 15 THrs A (HANCE OF oCCUPAJTCY UsEIT yES fi. nO..... IF Ye', rhat Has the Previous Oc(upancy lype? - tlh.t is the New occuPan(y I{8fi roesrc,. PnoF€ssro ^L: NC REG fi NC R€6 I':TNGR OT5I6N PROTESSIOML: DESCRIPTION OF NORX: rrs!tiir('x.28(.,(:1)6,x; , , i 8 , 3 , x .J 2 ' , ( J ) ,i ' x ! 6 , , { :i l ,/) ", 1 l;i..jii,:..r. ,.j .. : ts food or beverages prepared or served in lhts srructure? T yesli ruo ls The Propedy Located In The Floodplainz li ves l- No 0tSCLAtMER the,eby certify lhat allin{ormation in rhis aoDlicarro,r rs correcland allwort wjll comply with lho Slalc Euilding Co<re ard allolhcr arplc.cle Slale rnd lo..!traws rnd ordinancoe and raOUlalions Thc {FC Oov!,cro o, chanoo rn conlraclor or conraclor ,-nfonna tio n "N(-)It AryW Subjectlo Frnes Up Io S500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR; v:, r;,r-r'; :,,r,rt dedxrilioo or any racilny o. bu,ld,ng See Asb€slos web S,re: :, '. ' IOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: ,, OF UNITS| tr,unt 5rrv., ri Croler w lll|a ror,,icd d r.v (hanoos lh lhr. dDorove,J olnrs ard socao.r l,orron,,e,t!a/'O rho Apnropnoro P€flrrls 4,lr & ro Volruoi, or thBNC Srare 8kl9 SO FT PER FLR fl OF STORIES # OF STRUCTURES I OF FLOORS tFrcATtoN r cAsH r CHECK (PAYABLE TO Nr.{C) r ATUEnTCAN E ( ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT CONDO OTIlEI TOTAL AREA SO FI TOTAL SQ FT UNOER BOOF: o, WATER: r"!CFPUA sEWER: LI CFPUA PAYMEN T MII IIOD COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC D T''I WELI T-] ZONING USE CI ASSLJ PRIVATE SEPTIC LJ COMMUNITY SYSTEM ERHi(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) zone,lllD OFFICER SETBACKS: r: t rn RH Approval _ Cily:NlLrY\t?- 13 lg FL00D:_ ?//itenr,,,,r ree, , t\ II Comment ?.qod Q'cn E d o% nof etc.aad k i :'lin,Ii,ffi;o!:1s1r. 9l I ri I Trx.) v ((ho.k il) ,h!i aprly) RENOVAT ION ERECT NEI,J STRUCTURE n FAsr rRAc( n SHILI I Uprrr n ADD TO EXrST SIRUCTURE NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERry usE: noFFrcE IRrsuuneNr f] r"lrncerurrLe I EDUcn APTI PHi SIGNATURE: | -rFi, t, a Fi;F";l IJ ,1 Application ll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION rYPEi RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorec't Responsibility"\\-bgffi[, APPLICANT'S NAME:F ?",!)L ?962/'') CITY LOT # flt PHONE fPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6 o D Date f .?/'>a/x tt, )P A1 .& 8._; PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDlvtstoN: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ?r: D- all a{ EMAILADDRESS: R)o - e )rz^, P c/hArl . a t/n 1/z',*'<zn:.-t 3?-;l BLDG I.ICENSE T: SftLZlP ))"?7 CITY 6 crw (,PHONE/ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ! Att Garage (SF) _ ! Sunroom (St) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfot ptoposed work) Heated:n<6 K;c PHONE ,"PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI** @fetaaraeelsil llSb n Porch (SF) tr Pool (sF) -I- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs -..NEW CONSTRUCTION: trErect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation /60 D Storage Shed (SF)_ 1/,5,Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 ooD lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf theproiectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes D No Property Use/ occu panq: d/gngte lamily E Duplex D Townhouse J DO 3l l{fiY 18 l8:4,jR t.l Description of Work:a t 6 laws and ordinancer and regulations. The NHc Development services Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and spe(ifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE:A Owner/Contractor: ny work performed without ppropriate permits will be infr "Licensed Quolifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:lls Sq Ft )L/Vr violatioo of the NC State Bldg Code an+qrbiect lqfines up to S5m.00... sisnature: u/1 fr^ "?,* *'a- l WATER: E CFPUA E Community System SEWER: tr CFPUA E Community System e4 ) Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No O/private wett E Central Well E Aqua dvate Septic E Central Septic E Aqua h Zone: Approvali _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ Bf E+2ft= _ Comment: Permit fee: S n I 8 onicer: - setua"r, 1ry Q'JD lLny J) 1nx1 l/ Fl -g ' Print ! other (sF)_ * NEW PERMIT APPL|ATIO\I IYPE ; (OMI.IERCIAL tlfasf ArSr{En arL QUtsrIoNS ApttICASLI TO yOUi pto]acr "ProJect Responslbillty" APPLICANT'5 NAIIE: s--.u,. !.'Jl ino ,,,rd sl:eei Me(at corp 0EVEL0PERT ,kr**t/hrrrLuruo t3- APPLICAIION Nunber (ofll.! Use) Irl (- pROJECT ADDRESS; {3lt olcander Drt,,?e OCCUPANI/8US INESS llAllf: capc !-ear Ccnimercial PROPERTY OWNER'S l.lAfiE: Cape !'ear ao.nmercial Ol,il'lER'5 ADDnESS: losr MitiEa)-y clraof f Road CoNIRACToR: sinr.iri Roo: r n,.t an.l s)r..eL t4.1 .1: C.r'D LICEtls€ Si 25a24 ClTY: Younclstoun, CITY: r.ri lninqron CITY: i lrninqron PIONE #i llo,62e-?651 PK)I{E [; 9ro-s2o-r062 sT: llg- zIP:3!19:_ SI: oH ZIP; 41 512 PHONE t:3.10-629-?551 ADDRESS: 'ru xa:aqo nverr.re ETUIL ADDRESS: cdoni t zeo is imo:rroo{ i nq . conr ExrsT cotsrRucrroN: D arrEnArron tr *rilifr;riii 'b^llrlil*l Rrprras l-l RErocArrol rlRolocation. is lherea NalurarGas Lrne on rhc Eircnr Sircz flvFfllr.ro ,sarDGspi rlenroz f] vesIuo NEr.l coNsTRucTroN: I rnrcr rrw srnucrunr f]TASI TRACN SHELT D uprrr I noo ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCES50RY STnUCIURE I If UPFIT - The Shell Permit tr:Is Etect Poven on this Buildlng E Yes E rc ,.*.* rs THrs a cHANcr oF occupAr,lcy usel f]vesIF Yes, wltat yas the Previoug Occupancy Type? _ Uhat ls the NeH o((upancy Type? ARCH OESIGII PROI E55ION.AL : EN6R DESI6Ii PROFESSIOIIAL, Pll.C RtG ';NC RIG }: 18 food or bsve.sgos p(€Arred o( ssved in thts srururet Qves i] No b Tha Prop€dy Locded ln Tho Roo{rplatn? ! ves fifruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby cortty lh6l all in,orma0olt in lhrs applaaljoo ia.orrect and all wotl willcomdy vrilh lho rnd locallaws and ordrnances and rmulatons Tie NHC Oevelonmenl ServicesCenler {llhe notilied olanv o, chanoe ln conlrsctor or conlraclor r6'ormal'on " NO It A1y Wo{ Perlotmed \ry/O lhe App'opriale Permits Sublocllo Frnes Up To 3500.00"' Slale aujding Codc and allolhe, applcable Slale chJnoer rn lhe aooroved olans,rnd sDecrfic.lionsw ld'e rn Vrolarioi ol rheNC Srarr Eldg Code ,nd PH: DESCRIPTIoN Of WoR(: koof r(:stor,rr.io|r, er-bccldirq d poly fabric:n a iiquiil inembrane OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Crndr DoniLzen SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: $52,039, ]5 TOTAL SQ FI UNDER R@F: - # OF STRUCTURESI # OF STORIES f OF FLOORS TOTAL AFEA SQ FT 5,Ct0 ACRES DISTURBED: - EXST tnND DTSTURBTNG pERMtl? n YES f] NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPEBVIOUS AREA: Nolot O6molfoo oot rcatons A o6bosbo rrroysl p€rmh.pplLdorls al! io bo tubmltbd utl D o|o lpplhalon ban (DtfS-3786) wh€8Dr $o tsdllr or bulhlig was lound lo contsln AtDosbs or not You aro loquliBd lo coll tlb Nrtoml Embllon Slgndrdt lbr Harardo{! AIr Pdlut nE (NESiIAP) .l t919)707-5}5O 3l loost '10 dBF flor !c $s d6mollilon ol6ny hclllly or bulldlm. Soo Agbsalos wob shai h!lp://',i.r'/wopl stot€.nc 0sropl./esbestos/aimp hlrnl BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: SO FT pRoPERry usE: DoFFlcE ftesrnuner.rr f]uencmtrlr.r f]eouc WATER: ECFPUA SEWERT [f CFPUA zoNe:Rb OFFICER: DTt' Approval:E city: /L, Yl DATE T-]COMMUNITYSYSTEM TIWELLfi cerurml seertc fl P-RMATE sEPrlc APT CONDO OTHER DZONING USE CTASSIFICATION; !coMMUNrrY SYSTEM REMSED DATEI]1I112 4t> <?X ' E+2ft= N PfllMlT FEE: $-.__ dA a Commont K(t of)otr I No chc, ., tn:n')clon rieQuleo, 9i 0-2iq-'j'ltr; ffi DAl E | !:l)Sl3!)2 ZIP:28{03 PROIECT CoNTACT PlRsoNi .ran\es cornell PIIONE l: l!3_fLL!trLz_ f OF UNITSi pAyMEr.rT METHoo: ICaSN flcxeCx lelvrou TO NHC) IAMERICAN EXPRESS I l,rCrvtse I orscown RECEIVEt) JUN 12?018 Claar Form Prlnt elrsll NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY DEVETOPMENT SERVICES CENTER 230 Governl,rnt Cent€n 0rlve, Sulte 178!/rLHrN6r0x) t{oRTN CARoI.INA 284S3rrlEPlto r (9r0) 798 7108 @ 1vr' ib ltt;REVrsroNs Ni PtOl ECI APPLICATI0a{ f: 201&S5Sz OATE SUEIII'TED: . cltY: witrnnston 6tt2r'tB P1 15( projc(t" Strcat lddrer3. SSO4 Ounm..e Road Cootraator: lnQmm gros.. in..llane o{ Prgje(t r D.Bm(}rrd Email ; g'qlec1561nq.anbros,ne( The Revliiont are for;(chech oLL thot aFpLy) 8ui ldin6 Electri(r1 llechrn lc a 1 Zoolng ;[ eng!.neerlng flrr -fL oth€r(cxplaln bcr.or) fs thcre a ch:mge 1. the Oc(upancy Type froi *tat ls shfll (xl the orlglnal appllcatlo.r? _[- Ws (1f yes crplaln bctox) -_Ji. no hange or Inctease lll Square Footage fr6 xhat is shryfl on the oritinal applicatlonl _Jf yrs (lf yer explaln betow) _.|- m --r vts (lf yei .xplaln bclor) f lp pleose gtv? us o brief but detailed deicription of your revisions lnctudinq chonges ln sgwrc footoqe,tt chong.s affe.t project cost,ond th? uqsted proJect cost. .-,< tl 0P v' rs thcre i a .\,j\t$ k" y"u"!$^*r [-\o " See atLocied drawjrn 'll\^.l' .,, ,,'.c.ri gt! 1.1 Tryl If rerrlslons are c6rs1d€red ^lubstantlal" lt toay req!1re a ncw appllcati.on Oaie Allrrerht Pr nt lla6e Slgnature . . . .1t r. r. r. a r r r r a I r .. r . . * . r. . r FoR 0FFICE usE oaJLY.r...tr......r.a....,r....r.... AIIClfilolt PLAIS E)UltIlER: PLease notify DSC lf these .evlsloqs chanS! the pcrilt footprlnt/square foota8e tnfornatlon atdlol cost of ths project. pt ra iE-REyrEli FEES ntE XCqTIRED t l THIS 'noltcl FoR: ?fovl. ng rcirl.e !r(.aten . 'of o!, <itti.n, ti ced,illloi a <olloto?oti6 riti| dll .kq.twtt, og<ocl.t t lorltdlcal'f.s lr t/!. .onl a.rr(tldr a d.v!t'F nt of tt't lbttor,c. cNtl' Itron@ , '.: '!-:-a= .- .f] t* ]-a Ertc J-L necr fL ptsc I-L zotrrc TL rIRE fI- * co.rsultant: _. (l) r. a, Cl- rl tr,, u.. +: RECTI APPTICANT'S I{AM€ pnojrcr AooR€ss; 22 2 A Fbl A n-l- Lc.n-,- SUgDlvl9ON) PROPTRTY OWNIR,S rlAMI; n NEW HAI{OVER COUT{TY BUITDING FERM'T APPUCATAN IYPE : RtSlDf ,CTl,Al. PtrAsc Al6w€8 Al.r ou$nofls Ap9ucABtt To YouR PaorEcI '}tqF.t ir.foiilbllltf' 18 Prht ffi 1f,1fi1\ -. oara: Cy'ry' Za/l . .- ,:lPt 'r.{,.< -- -ct1.r. lal;ltlt t /ybbn. tot # ?HoNa Ht qtn- qA - 2./2/ owa{tR's ADoRESsl 2,?2e 6x H.,nJ--/dl cttlt r r r lrrt;no hlt llp. I I '/.( co TRACTOfi ^DoREst )a_, t L_-uL___ud_--- CITY v- Br.06 r"tctNsg, !od1 /1pn!sr: lJLztP: -2I1{L EMA . AOO(ESS:tha,tl O, uua**h., tca'r.hn r,/nz,flaa -ftm pltoNr: PRorfcr coNrAcr tE esax, fllA.#' G,,.' EXI$lt{G CONSTiUCIION: C Alter.llon E Renovatlon O Generel nepairs fW CONSTRUCTIONT t: trect New Resldencc (Addltlon to Exlstlng Rasldence J f,elocarlon 1..PLEAsE CHECK AIIO AI{9!{E8 BE ATt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' d74- P$oxr, 9.i. :524 -O/ j//: I D Att Garlge (5F)__ n sunroom {51)__ 'J Greeohouse (SF)-- f Der Garage (5t)_-.1 Porch {sF} U Storage 5hed (sF)_ tr Other (SF) ,J-eool (SF)q{o J oeck (sr) ls the proposed wo,k chanSing th e exi!ting footprint? : Ves 8r Ho TOTAT 5q FI UfiOtR RoOF Uot ptoposed woll) Hrat.d:unhcatedr C/ lOTAl, PROJTCT COST {Less Lot) S k the p.opoied work chingin8 the number of bcdrooms? D vet { llo ls any Electrl(rl, PlumblrS or Me(hrnlcrl work being done to the Acceslory Slructure &.Yci D No Il the project is a Rcloaatlon, is lhere a Nalural 6as Llne on the ( urrent site? l:] Yei fl ilo ls there flect.i(al power on this BuildinS?lg, Y€t D No P.oprrty use/ Octupincy:.d sln8le rrmlly tr Duplrr tr Townhousl D€irrlpdon ot Work: /') //2 hs . ^d odrn. r!, an d r.gutr tioni the N Ha tevetolrm.nr S.rutr .( c.oirr wi ll b? nodlrcd ol .ny ch. n8. r h ahr app.ov?d p l. n! . nd , p.rltkollotu or chang! ln rcntr.<to, inlormailon. ."NOT!|Anv wort p.rlormaO t/irho'Jl th6 app?opnil? parmht wlllbr l^\',olallox ofthe tlc Slnle rd8 code rnd subjecr ro froer vp to 3500.00"' 0wn.r/contractot: 'Ltaented QsoUtf SlEnrtured/ ls the propeny located in a floodplaln? 0 ves (tto Erlstlnt lmpervlout Ar.r, -..,)l- Sq f, TotalA.res Dlsturb.d. :.'dif*95b- s"tu r.H) rS >t Naw lmpcrvlour Arcr: -)Sq Ft Exirtlnt Lrnd olrturbln8 Permlt: A Yei 0 No wAltn: 4cfPUA D community syttem n Pravate well n c€ntralwell I Aqu' D Communlty Syslem O Privrte Septlc O CenlralSeptlc E] Aqua Approvali (RHl r.s/ {B)3/ ;{nl--(vl---( }x 8FE+2f1" --Ct Parmlt Fca:3Commenl: cer IIg- o"t"' i.ii; lnsp^ction Requrcq, !10:25{!9$l- v .i'),.., '"ffii FI*pQDZONE,I,,V -lr; b(,lsNIW IlANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PgRMIT APPUAfiAN IYPE; RtSIDENIIAt PLTAST ANSWEB ALT QUI9IOIIS APP LICASt T lOYOUR PROJTCI 'Prol!d nerponrlblllhf CITY .Ar:kt Date -vl/< -zw-J.fupa* APPIICAr{I,S PRO'ICI AOD susDlvlSloN CONTRACTOR AODRtSst L)/i , /tltLttU h^ loi PRoPaRTY OwNtn's NA ue, -Q.ft '".,1 owNtR't ADDRtSST l5 7<# 44t:^ (.ar-.,r,- esom,,7341) 5 J8l L. _. v, L!44/t,t -/-;4j,1_ _ *,_Z!,// I_*_.cl at,/,ru t -.,- --Pttoxl /l,l'- /'u*, l, r, 8l-oc LlCtNst r:-. -CITYT,OUiG$1 yt st,t)*- ztp -1_ /,t ?. E - TMAIL ADDRI55: Property Ure/ Oc4up Der.rlpllon of Wort: Jrb ,-5t,irt'Jli/ /- PROJECI CON'ACI PTRSON ll Att Gara8e {St)__ Ll sunroom {St}- wont,/.)).-fi, 3t'lL tXIST,NG COiISTRUCIIOH: D /.llerdtion,S R.novatron C Generel Repslrs NfW CO8SIRUCIION: : , Ere.t New Reridence ! Addition to Er;stin8 Rcradc^ce Ll Relocatioh ...PI.IAsI CHETX AND ANSWCi BfTOW AI.I^ THAT APPLY IO YOUR PRO.,TCII" n Det Garage (5r)_ D Pool(Sf) Ll Por.h (5t)__ * D StoraSe Shed {St} _ _. tJ other (5F) _fl Greenhouse (SF)_- D Oe.k (Stl- lr th. propotld wo.k dranglng tho exirting footprint? O Yes E-[,lo TOTAL SQ FI UNDER RAof Aor propoted warkl Heeted:/ Yi L unh.ared: IOTAT PRO,ICT CO5T {l,esr Lol) s '2 >, tsZtz' ls the proposed wgrk chantinS the number of bedroornt? Eler lJ No ls any aleslrlBl, Plumblnt or Mechrnlcal work b€ln8 done to the A(cessory St ucture O Yes *fo lf the project Is a Relocatlon, i5 there a Naturai Gar tlne on the €urr.nl rlte? O Ye9 [] No ls there ttectri.il Powrr on thl, Eulldin8? h1e, O No lelamlly fl Duplar ()7) ancy,[:] fownhouse ,'?u. l-f-- lQzr .:u.--llt,t t t-t OISOTru l: i h!.aby c!nir} r[r a J ltr nfo,nEIi, ro rh]r.pp lc.rlo.r l] cot ad and ll *a.l *illaonpv trih lia 5bte SuldrrSCo6€ and sllolner apdltlrESaik.nd loor lnlo.m.t ron '''tqft A ot *r l pr rlo.n*d wtlholl l,10 ,pprop.l.k 9e mrl t w1l' !€ h y]olatlon o Ownerfcohl aalor:t (.,SlSnatu "tttented Quol0ct' y Syrlcrn n p.ivalc Soptic D C€ntralSepti. [] Aqua I rh. lrc st,rc lE&g,!:ld:ry,"=-7'f(1 ro fi.r! ue lo JSm.O)'.'--2 <- ls the propeity lo(ated ln a lloodplaln? f!-Yo f No Erlitint tmpervlour Ar "r,l-/-f'L sq^ rotal Acres Di,turbedr Ne\^,lmpervious Area: J-LiL- tqr. txlnlng Land ol.turblnt Plrmlti i r Ye! WAIERT t-CtPUA ! Community Syst{'n1 I P/ivatewell a CentralW€il f Aqua stwtRi kicrPUA :l ,o"",['[5 -N$l inHt rA€[Z.i"r \No PPrrlrll feei S Ofli.ef City: _ erba(ke (r) p[n (r8i N(la{s}-N{A r* 14, (Pnl'*;^a'dDate j (O'-lq: l8 flood: l^nf:ro (N) _ 8rt+2iludfun'-conrn enr: [)sf a -S qryfOmh q, r-\P-row9]tf aertAca.k re6r,.,^id. t'to e,$qYb;on o( d<ortqp'ra,-tat. ) 8 ::r: jl ApJrroval: *__ v'l . -;t;i a:ffi tt,lrlNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PTRMIT APPUCANO N TYPE: RESID€NTIAT Pt-rAsr Ariswtt Au QUtsfloI5 A?PLrc Srr 10 Youl Pffortcl 'ProJert B!rponrlblllttf-a [>,.t Z4a7 APPUCAMT's NAMT: PROjICT ADDRISI suB0tvtSlot{; 5e t? PN,O}IRTY OWNER'S NAME OW EN'S ADDftfSS: Cl,!K -{i-gr!',*t |(,, , ol ,",- L(- ,ron, n oau: t, '//./ V .t:. .,/ /1 ., /,c.rv: .//./trr l,lrn ZlP.'{;i ,, !5Q 7//tt[/ CONIRACIOR ADORESS: EMA|! AoDREss: - h-r;.s t qr,fe S xs6 -;.rEZ'-R{',r J.tC,OL'e C CITY: *__ f,,'qav oroe ucrrsr l, -('ilc l-- -s7:U:.4Pt2 ZtP t!-.tc*t:P hed (sr) _._- )*__ 't(CIYY;orr. qt1, \/ I j //'/2 PHINE, cl / c) 7/ J I /2 gt/) \ i i.il,i lir ,ir.i:; ti L(-5r Plt_j^,' pRo,EcrcoNrAcr pE uon, ,b',// ii, ,-, IXISTING CONSTRUCIIONT 5{tterat,on i f/nenovarion I I General Rcpairs Ntw COtlSIfiUcIloN: i I tre(t New Reriderce :-) Addition to trirtinS Rerldence Ll R?location ' ' r Ptri'S t CtiECt( AND ANSWS* Bt l-OW Atl THAI APPTY TO YOUS P8Oj ECI' r i O Det GaraSe (5f) *-E-Porch (SF[_] Atl Gara8€ (Sal_ L I Sunroorn (sfi - O Pool{Sr)Ll StoreBe S tl Olher (5tD Greenholsa (SF) _ D D..k lsf ) -_-_-, Ir the proposed work ciansln8 tic exislin8 footprant? I I Ye5 D No ToTAr sq FI uNDIR R oo1 llot ptopoted wort<) ueatno: '& 136!.1 unh?aled: IOIAT PROTtCT COST {test Lot) s \EK 15 the propo!€d wolk chantlnt the number of bed.ooms? t,l Ye, AfHg lranytl.ctrlcrl,PlumblntorMecharlc.lworkbelngdonetotheAcressorYStrudureOYgONo ll the prolect ls a f,€locltlon, is there 3 Natural Gae Llne on the aurent slle? D Ye' tri't!6 ls there tle.trlcllPowe. on thls Bulldlng? ffies g Ao Property Use/ Oc(lpanrrr fJ-slngle F:mlly n Dupler D lowrhoute Dexrlptlon ot work: I:.:. 1 - -t - - - t:-.l-,. L^ orr,o,^ll&I. l r.rcb, cnity rhd r !i{ ,/L.,, c,A.lo/r --il}t. :I -{/,lyr5.11rr4Ity:::-*,, t - I t}r. irlo.rialrr,n lh,r app\(.tio' i, (o an and il *rr.l J (Orrpiv wnhlha Strte But diri C6d€ and ritotnar rpdio Ute 9. t. .nd too' l2wr . nd o.dhan(et r nd re lulalio^g lle NHC Orvr{op[r. nr SEMclr c?ntrr will b. norl0ld o, 3ny (nrqc1 ln rhe n ppmv.d pllnl a nd sfircir](itlonr o, change ta contlrdorl.lamrion "'ftOTt rry*..1p?do.rned *lttoul'JtE.pprorn.tr pcrmni wll. UE ln vbLa,onol rt€ttcSlrt€ Sld8Coap.nJ robied ro nh.3ur toJ5@00,.. Owner/Contraator 'Li.e^sed Quo!0ct' n Sltn:ture: Nrw lmp€rYlour Ar!a: _ tCFl WAIfRi E/CFPUA f: Communiry system - Prlvate Well i.l CentralWeii f: Aqu. ErlrllnE tand Dlsturblng permllr ._ Yei il No 5 - om.u , - pI b serba.ki (Fl N/ r,"r d/r*rr ITA rrr dTA , Q$ cty, -!f,fi oavtwg oodt l^l lv) (Nl ,,! 8rE{ztt= -, lZr:rrqJ-_ior.xV;i;\,1_t rrJc rr,riivrJrs +iJZfF,*+'.^irru",s. - - dreue 1 Community syrlem al F.ivate 5ep1,c I central Septic Ll Aqu.StWtti ,"^.L'l Approvil Comment i"' ,ln^n.,;,fi4rr onqr,,,61,1 0)0 orr 46* ls the property lo.ated br. tloodpraln? B Yes Wfio E l,tinS lmpe.vlors A.ear- ,_-_5qIl Tot.l Acre, 0i rtu rbedl