JUNE 20 2018 BUILD APPt ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE.. RESIOENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responsibility'' Applicatlon Number (otfice use) appltcANT,s NAME. Plantation Building ol Wilmington, lnc Oate 5t24t18 PRoJECT ADDRESS. //13 ljunewalk ur. SUBDIVISION: ctw. Wilming ton 28449ztP 520LOT S pRopERw owNER,s NAME. Eric & Alecia Barbee owNER,s ADDREss. 5033 Dockside Drive PHONE f: c|.Iy. Wilmington 2840SztP: coNTRAcroR: Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc atoe ttceruse *: 68712 ADORESS:PO ct.l.y. Wilmington sr, Iq ,* Er- tMAtL ADDREss: roseman @plantationbuildingcorp.com PHONE.910.763.8760 occupancy: E single Familv E Duplex Ediwnhouse work. tsuild a townhome wtth an anached garage. ExlSflNG CONSTRUCrION: n Aheration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residenc€ D Relocation *a* *lt TOTAT sQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Healedl 2313 Unheated:1 088 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 285,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E ruo ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory structure E Yes E No lftheprojectisa Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E) ves E no Property Use/ Description of laws and ordanances and reSulations. The N}lC Development Services Cente. will be notified of any ahanges in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in conlractor informaiion. "'NOT€: Any wor* performed without the appropriate p€rmits\/illbe inviolation of the NCState Sldg and nrbject to fines up to SSm.m"t Owner/Contractor:Angela Boseman Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? Mas B no Exlsting lmpervlous lrear j-- sq rt New tmpervious Ar"", 2255 sq rt Total Acres Dlsturbed: 12 -/'WATER: tr CFPUA E community system E Private well E Central Well E Aqua,/ sEwER: E/CFPUA E community System E Private septic E central Septic E nqua zoner- Officer: - Setbacks lF) - (LH! - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood:(A)-(v) -(N)-BFE+2ft=- Existing Land Disturbing Permlt: E yes E lrto <| Comment: _Permit Fee: S 1ott (ob7?"1€=+;684- 910.452.7157 pRoJEcT coNTAcT,r*ron. Will Weir pHoNE. 910.599.5462 B{iit carase (Sr) 738 E Det Garage (sF) E Sunroom (SF) _ ! Pool (sF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Deck(sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No El-P6-rch (sr) 318 E Storage Shed (SF)_ kffi-er (sF) Balcony 32 I i ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT ION TYPE., RESIDE NTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslbility'' Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc i,))..( -(;L, -\t-:teF*tg5 Application Number (oflice usel Date;5l24nAAPPI,ICANTS NAME; PROJECT ADDRESS:7/ 17 Dunewalk ol ctTy. Wilmington 2840F)ZlPi suBDtvtstoN: TidalWalk ror #. 519 PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAME:Eric & Alecia Barbee PHONE #:910.452.71s7 oWNER,s ADDREss. 5033 Dockside Drive ctTy. Wilmington ztP.28409 coNTRAcroR: Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc.BTD6 TICENSE #: ADDRESS;PO Box 2473 irwry-r, t'tc PHONG.910.763.8760EMAtt ADDRESs; roseman@ planlationbuildingcorp.com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: Q,rr6ct New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *aa a.a 68712 28402zlP: B,/n oarage (sr) 738 ! Sunroom (sF) - ! Greenhouse (SF)_ E Det Garage (sF)B-P6rch (sF)318 ! Storage shed (sF) _ f,-effi'er (sF)Balcony 32 n Pool (SF) rr<6[ (sr)61 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heated, 2313 unheated:1149 TOTAL PROTEcT COST (Less Lot): $285,000 lstheproposedworkchanginSthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any El€ctrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structu re E Yes E No lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Description of occupancy: E single Family E ouplex g4iownhouse Work. tsuild a townhome wrth an attached garage. laws and ordinances and reSulationr. The NHC Development Servicer center will be notified of any ahanSes in the approved plans and speaifications or change in contractor information. "*NOTIr Any wort performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Code and subiect to rines upto S5o0.oo"' owner/contractor:Angela Roseman Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome rs the property located in a floodplain? *4(O ^o Existing lmpervious Area: 0 sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Atea;2359 Sq Ft €xisting Land Disturbing Permit: E{6 tr lo WATER: Ei"-CFPUA E community system E Private well D central well E Aqua -,./ sEwER: EI.tFPUA E community System E Private septic E central septic Cl Aqua Zone: - officer: - setbacks (Fl - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood:(A)-(v) -(N)-BFE+2ft=- 12 5aE - Comment: Permlt Fee: S pRoJEcr coNTAcr pERsoN. Will Weir pHoNE. 910.599.5462 t RECEIVED JUN Os.2O18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI O N ryPE: RESt DENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "project Responsibility,, )ng -'Uffi S ffi W APPTICANT'S NAME: l6L?- c d e*J Number (office use) ol</ut zrp: Zd4o"r Nl., tt Date CITY: tlPRO'ECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlstoN; \crvt,!h.t-- NC \r&a€(ulfr(1.LOTf: ZQ PROPERW OWNEnrS AMEi t l)c , LLL PHONE #: qrr 4(2 . t4 t. OWNER,S ADDRESS; GTc,I a oLt a pt)0<- <€ Zn\clllt: Arv.,..trt-- r.t c zlP: zt4p7.1 CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS: ?."(*.,',n-,BLOG LICENSE #AL <Aoz k lO< DL6a-o<,l-0,.J.-ir<CITY: A, ca,-4rz-r Sf . A! Ztp. ZC46? PHoNE: 4( o 4 PHONE: 4rc 774 - 3ti t EMAIL ADDRESS:.' loa PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:a <? . r4ro EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation n Generat Reparrs NEw coNsrRucrloN: / Erect New aesidence n Addition to Existing Residence - Rerocation ..IPI,"EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR P f Att Garage (SF) Z4o D Det Garage {SF)-- n Sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF) n Deck (SF)I Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes n No IOTAT SQ Fr UNOERROOF Vot ptoposed workl Heete* l4 tj ROJECTT".'l l1o fl Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF) unheated: 240 TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot): S lla @a.* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! ves y'ruo ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re n yes E/Nolf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes g/ Nolsthere Electrical Power on this Building? fl yes gfNo Propeny Use/ Occupancy: fl Single Family D Duplex g/ Townhouse 7ea, Oescription of Work: or qL!, A00 ov{l, -f!d^ l+vh e ?,rtut 3€€BUJ€C t - 2t346e /'^ \ OlSClAlMtRr I hereby certify that all the information jn thtsapplication rs correct and al work wrll comply with the State 8 rlding Code and all other appticabte State and tocallaws and ordinances and regulatoni. The NHC Devetopment Seruices Center will be notified ot any changes in the app nd specifications or chanSe in contractorinformation. ". NOTE: Any york performed with ,lowner/contracton {l-or"- A 0"-n--- "Licensed Quolifier" print Nome ls the property locat€d in a floodplain? n yes E/No Existin8 lmperviousArea: o Sq Ft New lmpervious Area; A9b Sq Ft out the appropriate permits wilt be in viotation of the NC State Signature: TotalAcresDisturbed: a.a\ Existing Land Disturbing Permit: (ves a nto je( to fines up 1o 5500 00..' WATER: E( CFPUA D Community System E private wel fl Centrat We D Aqua SEWER: EfCFPUA n Community System E private Septic ! Centratseptic I Aqua/\zone: fi(u(coJ Officer: _ S€tbacks (Fl _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S $+?l- ffi 2,0rc -Ufu5: {office ure) APPLICANT'S NAME:?,Ni.,,Date b ( PROJECT ADDRESS; SUBDIVISION: t Ete Bttlt*t bvL CITY zt? LOT H 307 '.t .oa e o-d rtc\.4o.J.Jl+rr^F.\ PROPERW OWNEBS NAME: 1u-^"^-^,-. OWNER,S ADDRESSz Q\a< o )n"r, ^n^,. LLL PHoNE #: Akr 4<?. . 14t, L.E It p /)€ Zn\Cll\: lf r*,*o. u, Zl?.7tAp11 ?,.C*CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:b lO( ocr,r- o<,n-0,t CITY BLDG LICENSE d {L <yioz EMAIL ADDRESS:eA PHONE: 4{o 4<2 . /4ro PHONE Arc 71q-38!PROJECT CONTACT PERSOiI:[.a EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO : E Alteration E Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: { Erec Hew nesidence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Retocation ..'PITASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL IHAT APPTY TO YOUR P I Att Garage (SF) Z4o D Det Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)! Pool (sF) I Greenhouse (SF) ROJECT** * tr Deck (SF)t1a ls the p.oposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNOERRo()F Vor proposed workl Heated: I 4ct Unheated: Z4O ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lZo ooo .* ls the proposed work chanting the number of bedrooms? D yes N/ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanicar work being done to the Accessory structu re n ves g/Ho lf the project isa neleatlon, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? fl yes EfNolsthere Electrical Power on this Building? tr yes gfNo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family D Duplex gf'Townhouse Oescription of Work: Pa e,,.,...,A0?eo dn r}rF €(*ut 1J€€ BwEA(a,., \a- 2a34 DISCLAIMER: r herebv certify that allthe intormation jn thlsepplication is correct and a work wi compty with thelaws and ordinan€es and regulatlons. The NHc Devetopment s€rvices center wiI be notified of any changes in thernlormatioo. "'NorE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wilt be in vroration of the Nc state Bl Code and all other applicable State and tocat and specifications or change in contractor bject to fines up to 5500.00+'+ State 8u d Owner/ContractOr:4or.-, A Pr-n--* "Licensed Quolifiel' priht Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! yes M/lIo Existing lmperviousArea: O Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: o Dl Signature New lmpervious Area: GSb SqFt Existing Land Disturbing permit: E/Ves I trto WAT€R: gf CFPUA E Community System ! private We E Centrat We[ E Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA ! Community System E private Septic ! Centrat Septic D Aqua zone: r[ lr (co) Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (rH) - (RH) _ (B] _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: -.- Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Feei S \+t\-- !\f,@NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CATIO N rYPE: RESTDENTTAL PTEASE ANSW€R ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility', Sf I a\Ztp. Ze4o\ tr Porch (SF)-- D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF).- APPTICANT'5 NAME: RECEIVEO JUN OE 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNry BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE., RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUTSTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, l,lNr, *o".. ",- )ar -uu; I Number (offrce use) Date r €*zo Bvt Aa,-t CITY: hl,.-,,,'-,PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:NL ZIP5J,q,^eLaAL PROPERTY OWNEPS I.AME: ' , LLL PHONE #: A,r-" 4tZ - t4 t.De OWNER'S ADDRESS: GT.L< OLnapot 04-. 1.t.( €. zn\CITYI. Arcc,".trr"-ZIP:7tAo1 ?ru"ou (^-",n-BLDG LICENSE #AL <yio4 EMAIL ADDRESS: ADORESS:Gto( ou a- O(vu Sa . 1rt'1< 7;CITY: A, ca",.-arz-r Sf I lgatp. Ze$b< PHONE: 4(c 4 PHONE: 4rc 7'?4 - iri t en lri 5? . !4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:ll,a EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOT{: E Alteration E Renovation I General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrrotr: ( Erect rew nesidence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Rerocation ..TP1IASE CHECK AND ANSWER EEtOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* r,* :l Att Garage lSFl Z4a n Sunroom (Sf)_ n Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_D Porch (SF) tr Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF)l) a ls the proposed work chantingthe existing footprint? D yes ! No TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lZa oao .* ls the proposed wort changint the number of bedrooms? D Ves y'ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure a ves /ttolf the project is a Reloration, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n yes g/No lsthere Electrical power on thisBuilding? n yes dno Propenv Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family : Duplex g/ Townhouse ?ee",oJ (Lrr A00 t+or.€ fo*r I 3€€B u!./ {CdP 1^ \ ra' 2114 olscLAlMER: r hereby certlfy that arrthe rnformation in thra appricatjon is correct and al work wiI compry with the srlaws and ordinances and reSuraflons. The NHc oevelopment servrces center wiI be notified of any chanSes in rhe apinformation. 'r'NorE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits wrri be in vioration of the Nc State Brdg and al other applicable State end local specifications or change in contractor to fines up to s500.00.'. ate Burlding Cod Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" 4or.^,APe Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? 3 v"r g/ruo Existing lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed ,. A . O I New lmpervious Area: A9a Sq Ft Existing Land DisturbinS permit: ts/yes E trto WATER: g/ CFPUA E Community System E private Well ! Centrat We D Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA fl Community System ! private Septic D Centrat Septic ! Aqua/\zone: t[ lr (co] Officer: _ Setbacks {F} _ (rH} _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Oty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _$g0b Comment:Permit Feer S -/-+S-+*btffi LOT *: Z4 CONTRACTOR: ! Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF)-- roTAt sQ FT UNOEi,R@F Vor proposea wor*y xeatea: /{L? Unheated: Z4() ffi RECEIVED JUN O$'2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPEi RESTDENTTAL PTEASE ANSWER AI.L QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "project Responsibility,, Nl., }OlV ,-_lrltaq/ Application (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: 5urh/r',E,LLJlrL ,ve Date: la ( PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: CITY: t l N(- ZIP \c 4o.Jp*omt\LOT f: Z1 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: 5 Ds,r, .r* r , LLL PHoNE #: Ak-" 4() , t4 t. OWNER'S ADDRESS: Gto < Ot-ta po(Aa-. 7.1<( Z,\CITY: t-l ZlP. 7tA 01 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ?."-,o,., co-'n nlL f, o.r , LLL BLDG LICENSE #AL qAo4btol o*o<'r- 0'r . i,tr<t ?;CITY: A, cr-,,,r:-z.r Sf : ylyZtp: 1!!t>\ PHONE: q(o .(EMAIL ADDRESST fun 5? . t4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:u Au=.u PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOT{: D Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrlor{: / Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Rerocation ..'PLIASE CHECK A'{D ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**I' I Att Gara8e lSFl Z4a E Det Garage (SF)-- I Sunroom (SF)! Pool (5F) n Greenhouse (SF)ll on Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes E No TOTAT sQ FT UNOERR@F llor proposed work) Heated:(bj unheared: Z4a TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S )za oqJo - ls the proposed work changinS the number of bedrooms? 3 ves g/trto ls a ny Electrical, plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re n ves E/lolf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as l-ine on the current site? fl yes g/ No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D yes dNo Propeny Use/ Occupancy: fl Sintle Family D Duplex / Townhouse Description ot Work: leeu,ou Llr AQQA"vr D -f!"r., r+Dh€ {2.rr,r t <ee BwEAeA$ \d-Zt .?q DISCLAIMtR: r hereby certify that altthe inlormation in thtsapplication is correct and a work wiltcomply with the State 8ui rnB Code nges in the approvlaws and ordinances and regulattons. The NHC Oevetopment Servtces Center wi be norified of any charnformatron."NOTE:Anyworkperformedwithouttheappropriatepermirswiltbeinviotationoithe and allother applicable State and local specifications or change ln contractor to fines up to 5500.00...NC State Bldg C Owner/Contractor;4o*.- A . Pr".-.Signature"Licensed Quolifier" print Ndme ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes E/No Existing lmpervious Atea: o Sq Ft New lmpervious Area| GSb Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: g/Ves 3 wo WATER: Ef CFPUA f] Community System U private We f] Centrat We n Aqua SrWtn, y'CrCUl fl Communitysystem E private Septic D Centrat Septic E Aqua Officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Datei _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ TotalAcresDisturbed: a.Dl $t0b Comment:Permit Fee: S .* ! Porch (SF)--- D Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)-*-- zon", rltfr (co) r.Jo prrc luoCPuA 2Ott u(tu2- NovER couthy BuTLDTNG pERrqrr l€+tflgl APPLICArIoTI ryPE.. CO}T ERCIAL NEW \AFFi:eFfo umber (Offtce Use) -DATE: s.rr.ie PTEASE Ar,aSl{ER Arr Qt ESTIo 5 AppLIcAatt To yorR pRoltcT "Project Responsibillty,, APPLICANT'S l{AllE: 66sn61155 and RabiI Cont!acrors DEVELOPER: r/- ' i202 Medical Center Dr - CfTY: silrinnlon - PIloNE #:910-350-0554 ZIP i 284or ST: pq ZIF.2Baol ST: Nc ZfP: 28405 Wi.Imj.ngton OCCUPAI{T/BUSII{ESS ttA E: xohut Denta.r PROPERTY Ot IER'S NAIIE: wilminqron Hea.Lth Associares O$T ER .,S ADDRESS: 1202 Medical cente!: Dr COi{TRACTOR: Chambtjss and Rabrl ADDRESS _ Pll()liE ,: 910-341-3300 - LICEI{SE f: r sez:i 6426 C wind,nill tlay - CITY: j,yr1^, nrlon EIlAIL AITDRESS: robc chambl is s-rabi.r . com - PflONE S:910-lsO-05s4 PRO]ECT CO TACT PERSO : Rob Nipper - PHONE f: 9t 0-231-2138 EXIST COI{STRUCTIO i lf Relocalion , is there a Nalural Gas Line on the urrent Sile?rNo NEH COI{STRUCTIO{: GE ERAL REPAIRS li- No lS BLDG S'H. RELOCATIOI{ KLEREDr _ Yesl-_ (che.r All rhrt Appty) es E EREcr r{Er{ srRUcruRE n FAsr riAcx E] SHELL E UPFrT E aDO TO EXrST sTRTTCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURC: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Pouer on this Building l- yes f NO YEs l-. rc "1'r1s the Ier occupancy **... 15 THIs A CHAIIGE OF OCCUPA}ICY IJSE? TIF Yc', rhat iras the Prcvious Occupancy TypG? l{hat TvDe?ANTH DESICI{ PROFESSIO ALT Bor*.n Murray Henuningway EI,IGR DESIGN PROFESSIoIIAL:_ PH': g1g -1 62-2527 NC REG 9:5s424 PHi llC REG g:- Nerd finishes in existj.nq suite. Ne$ toilet room Electrical Io! equipment all other applh3blo State and ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? l- Yesli lto ts The property Located ln The Floodplain? l- yes li ruo DISCLAIMERT l hereby cerE that alt inrormalron h and locallaws and ordinsnces and regulatjons. Thegr chanoo in conlraclor or contraclor iiformatDn. "'Subrecllo Fines Up To 1500.00"' lhis applrcalron rs correct snd att yrort wi compty with lhe Slate Buildrno Coat€ and J3?EDiffi&T,t}:i#ffi :9',i3iiyll|o&Jr,15i1o4.9[{.:i,",'T."';tmfSf 8i'fl sDecilrcations Bldg Code end DESCRIPTION OF I.IORK No!e. Ocmo{lDi noo'llc5tbns t s!b.!los Emovel p€rmal applrcalions er. lo !€ submitted usino dE apl*carion to.rn (DHHS3768) whether th€contarn Asbesbs or not- You 6re roquirod lo csll th6 Nationsl Ehi66aoo Standsrdc lor Har,ardous Ar Polursms (NESHAP) at (9lg)707-S950 6ld€molition ol any tscjlty or buildine. Sae Asb€stos W6b Siter hnD 4ww epr stale ^. usre p,rasb€stos ia hma hlnn OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Rob N:ppe r TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5 ?5,ooo TOTAL AREA so FT., IZoT- TOTAT SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: 0 SIGNATURE: buildrn{ was lound lo lea$ l0 days prior lo th€ BUILDING HEIGHT: existinq SQ FT PER FLR #oF STRUCTURES ,OFFLOORS: I EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SA FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT IFICATION B CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA E coMMUNrTy SYSTEM D WELL _B ZONTNG USE CLASS E! ceurRal seprrc l=L pnrvrre sEplc E coMMUNrTy sysrEM IE PERMIIS REOUIREO FOII E!€CT M€CI] PIAG GAS EOUIP PREFABS A INSERIS PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMER|CAN EXPRESS [- - rYlcnrrsa l- , otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH Approva l:_ Ciry:_ DATE _ FLOOO,___^ _____i_____T_ Comment PERMIT FEE: : ^w PROJ ECT ALT€RATION RENOVATIOI,I NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: na d OF UNITS: , OF STORIES pRopERTy usE: EloFFtcE ! nesraunnr'rr fl MERCANILE T1 EDUoTI AprE BFE+2fl' . I .+\. 0 \J NEW HANOVER COUNW BU]LDING PERMIT APP LiCATiON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtI QUfSTlOllS APPLlCr{BtE TO YOIjR PSOJECT 'Proted Rctponslblfitr OY(Z CITY Qa )g -U?,b / ArpllEUon lo,trce u3a) a/o /ts ztr 7P4t/APPUCA'{T,S NAME: PRO,ECT ADDRISS:LOT # suBDlVlsloN:D'A**fr-r,n)htnlJ&,o*,0 4to-,6/Z -5u% PROPERTY OWNEPS t'lAMt: OWNER'S ADORESSI CONTRACTOR:a-t I ktrvrz ADORESS: fMA!L ADDRISS; YAt CITY zl?t__ CITY BLOG I-ICENSE PHONT PHONE:u ST: -AP:.,C2, PROIECI CONIACT PERSONi 3z EX|STING CONSrRUCflON: O Alteration E Renovation O General Repairs NElrv @I{sTnUcTloN: E Erect New Residence Efdditlon to Eristing Residence E Relocatlon I..]'LEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCT'.T fl Att Garage (SF) D Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) - B the proposed work dlanSlng the existing footptint work) Heatrdt -v TOTAL SqFT UNDER ROOF (for TOTAI. PROJECI COST (L€Ss LOt} O Det Gara8e {SF)f) Porch (SF) tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (SF) ag#. I ro D Storace Shed (St)-' El Other (5F) ..-- Unheated: s /4 ls the proposed r^,ork changing the number oI bedrooms?q.6'"No ls any Elestris.l, Plumbilu or Mechaokalwork being done to the Aclessory the cunent she? sructure Ey'eslo o fl Yes E-fl5- ' €'Jlili l8 3r ?3Ft1 Description ot Work: DlsctaltJER: i herebY clnify that .llth. hfomlstirn in lhls appllcetldr 15 coned .nd .ll work r/lll conpv wtth the State Bulldlng Co.h and all other apdiobtE Stite and loel laws and ordhanc6 and.egulatrons"The NHC DevdoPtn€ servl(2r c.ntcrvYitl b. rlotlflld of anYchrtBca h the approved plins and tFcalffcauont or chenSe ln contlaclo' permhs wlll be ln vlobtlon ol lhe Nc Code uProt56.00,.' tntof matron, "'NorE: aiY wod Owne/Contractol: "Llcenseel Quolryet' /;1 ,Sl8nature: ts the property located ln a floodplain? tr vtt Nrfo Existint lmpervious Arca: --- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed" - SEWER:Sf6uo B communitv svstem C Private septic E Centrdl Septic D Aqua uCthoutlf,le iPProPrlate D.Auv rz x New lmpervious ^tea: ..- Sq R Exlnlng L3nd oistlrblng Permh: E Yes E No ,/ WAIER: Q,/FPUA E Community System El Private Well D Centralwell O Aqua zonei - offiG€r: - setbacks (F} - (LH} - (RH) _- (B) -Approva1 _-- crty: - Date: - flood: (A) -(v) - (N)- BfE+28 -.o,nr"n* Permlt fee: s g@- 9tP ?tr,.t E ?to tr Dupler 0 Towtrhoute \ 1 $q0r I ffi Clear FoIm Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLt CATTON rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PtEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prorect Responsibility" &ot -,UOUS Application Number (office use) AppUCANT,S NAME. Hagood Homes, lnc Date.5-9-18 SUBDIV|StON: Catherine's Cove LOT #: 3 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Hagood Homes lnc pgg11g 6 910-256-8284 OWNER,S ADDRESS: PO Box 1369 ClTY. Wrightsville Beach aP. 28480 CONTRACTOR: Hagood Homes lnc g1p6 U6Eit55 6 36868 EMAIL ADDRESS: kirbyl@hagoodhomes.com pHONE 910-256-8284 p66115.910-256-828a TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work)Hg3gg6.2317 Unheated:962 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 305000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Build ing? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: = Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse Descript ion of Work: New Conslr SFR 2lflflY l3 !r36Pfl laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be nolified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor BldE ct to fines up to SS00.00++t owner/Contractor: Hagood Homes, lnc "Licensed Quolifier" P.int Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: \ CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua I-SEWER: q CFPUA tr Community System fl Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer; _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval: .'- ..-..- City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2tt= _ informatlon. r*'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violataon oft SiSnature: he NC State Code and e ,a{o"q kft s\,t51- Comment:Permit fee: S PROJECT ADDRESS. 409 Highgreen Drive C|TY. Vvilminglon 71p. 28411 ADDRESS. POBox1369 CtTy. Wrightsville Beach 51. NC 21p. 28480 PROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Kirby Trundle EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: = Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AII THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROIECTI** E Att Garage (SF) 608 n Det Garage (SF)_ E Porch (SF) 202 ! Sunroom (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) ! Deck(SF)_ fl Other(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes [] No IY 2ott btd,ak,I rirl :., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{TT APPLIcATIott TYPE: COII!|ER€IAL 't E APPLICANT' S NAIIE: A&N Rosidentiat Roofng LLC ANSI,IER ALL QUESTTONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT -Project Responsibilit)/'CEIVED |,lAY 1t't0ts DATE: Number (office use) 5/16/2018 oEvELOPER: .NA PRO]ECT OCCUPANT Street Witminglon - PHONE *3 91G799$723 ZIP 3 2t/;o1 : Bespoke Cotfee./ Port City Sheesesteak Company PROPERTY OirlNER'S tlA E: princ€ss on 2nd. LLc _ PHONE *: 312-48&1060 OIINER' S ADDRESS: 8309 Fazao Drive CONTRACTOR: A&N Residenriat Roofng LLc CIW! !vi1m16g1qn ST: p6 ZIP:26a1.1 _ LICENSE 8: 55931 ADDRESS: 26 New Bern Street CITY: yyp6ng1e6 - 5T: p6 ZIP: 26463 EI'1AIL ADDRESS: asm.t952@bizec.rr.corn - PHONE #: 910,799-6723 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 4e1gqr61;566 - PHONE #: 910-s2G0167 (Check A.tl Ihat Apply) ExIST CONSTRUCTIOT'I:ALTERATION l{ Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the n RENOVATTON [7 GENERAL REPATRS l-l tinenr site? l--vE6- ruo IS BLDG sPHfN RELOCAT]ON KLEREDr_ Yeslr_ UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURENoiiEw corusrRucrroN: fl EREcr r'rEt'r srRucruR€ fl FAsr rRAcK fl SHELL ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: none 202 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f: NA Is Elect Power on this Building F. Yes f NO I**'' IS THIS A C}IANGE OF OCA'PA'{CY USE? T, YEs lI. iE +'*'' IF Yes, what Has th€ Pr€vious Occupancy Typel Mq - Uhat is the ller Occupancy NA IXEfi ?rrsre* PRoFEssro[AL: None , PH: PHJ TOTAL PROJECT COST; $17,560.00 # OF UNITS: I TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 2.500 SQ FT PER FLR: .z,soo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: s.ooo # OF STRUCTU EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMM T YES JT NO NEW IIMPERVIOUS AREA: +SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: Ne SQ FT PROPERry USE: IOFFTCE I neSraUnArr MERCANTILE APT CONDO OTHET NC REG #; HC REG *:-ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL:-1en6 DESCRIPTION OF hrORK: Reroofing over existing roofihg; no visual changes to exterio, of buitding: no stuctural chang.s ts food or beverages prepared or served in this slruclure? li. vasf-- no ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz l- yes li ruo all olher applicabb Stale olans and sDecillcations NC Stale Bbg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ruex s. uurcnison {aual@ ermN6,tE} contatn Asbestos or noL You are requlred to call ths Na{o at Emiss:on standards for H@rdous Ar Pollutaots (NESHAP) at (s19)707-595o 6t least 10 days ldor lo the demoll on of any taciliry o{ bulldlng. See Asbeslos Web Sne: http;/fu$/w.epl.state.nc.udepi/asboslodahmp-htinl WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNTTY SYSTEM, fl WELL _fl ZONTNG USE CLASSTFT Ll cerurRnl seprc L-.1 pRlvArE sEprc Ll coMMUNrry sysrEM CATION ". SEPARATE PfRMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS * PAYtlrENT METHOD:r oASH r. CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) F-AMERTCAN EXPRESS [-- r'ACnrrSe J-- OTSCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH FLOOD: B BFE+2ftAooroval: CiW: D Comment RH N PERMIT FEE: :. SrcNerua*22.t1-rz-,.-+^l) BUILDING HEIGHT: .32 r€et ACRES DISTURBED: +. # OF STORIES: z # OF FLOORS: ;-- APPLICATIOA {2 \art bbbe I€,tBi,t8 l rgl@APPLICATION 'a '1 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE APPLICATIaII TyPEj COII}4ERCTAL alrsr.rEi lt-L Qt Esrrots Appl"IcaxrE To yaJR pRolEcI oProject ResponslbJllty', APPLICANT'S NAIIE I A&N Rosidsntjat Rootino LLC DEVELOPER: M PROJECI ncoss Slrcot : ,@!g!9L OCCUPANT/BUSINE E i oe3pok€ Crlloo / Port Clty Sh€osost6sk Comp8ny pROPERIY 0HNER'5 tlAl4E: p ncsss on 2nd, LLC OWNEN,S ADDRESS ; 83og Fau to Crivo . CITY : 1y;g6y1g166 CONTRACTOR: A&N Rcaidcnuat Roofing LLC - LICENSE $: 55e31 AODRESS ; 26 i16y1 gsm g&qq1 - CfTYt yy;1m1nglon EA1AI L PRO]ECT CONT Nox Murc,lison (Check 41, u.t Appty) EXIST CONS}RUCT'ofl:ALIERATJON TI RENOVAIION TA GENERAL REPAIRS TI tinanr s e? ;-- *i6_ uo rs BLDG spFtl'r ECEIV ED MAY 1'6't0ls unber (ottl(. use ) DAIE: stldeolo -PHONE *: 91G799€72j ZIP i 2g4g1 - PHO E *: 312-,{80-t060 5T: x6 ZIP,26a11 . ST; ryg ZIP: 294p3 _PHONE f! 910.799-6723 . PH0NE f: 9j0.52G010? lf Relocation. is lherB a Nalura lGas Line on the NoNEW COI'ISTRUCTTO :n ERECT IIEI{ STRUCTURE n FA5T rRAcK f] ssErl n uPFrr DACCEssoRY STRUCTUREi nono RELOCATION KLERED{-_ Yesfi_ ADD TO EXISI STRUCTURE L UPFIT - The Shell Permlt ,l: NA Is Elect Porrer on thls Eulldlng lI'. Yes f NO Fthe llel{ occupancy NA '.,.. I5 T1.tI5 A CltAllGE 0F oCCUPAICY USEI r, yEs IF Yes, lrhat uas the Prcvlous Occupancy Type? N - Uiat fs T\,oe lAnEH 0ESI6ll PROFESSIoIIAL: Nono Pll: ENGR DESTCN PROTESSIONAL :-None PH DESCRIPTI0N 0F WORK: p6y6q6n9 sy€r oxlgtjn! rcotin!; no vk!6t dpnrei to oxt6rior of building; no Blruclural chaales ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? 15. Yesf . No ls The Property Located ln Th6 Ftoodplah? f Yes Ji No {o!.n.1 (fthrNrE) dsnolluon of any tadllry or bulldhg. Scc A!b.s!o5 Web Sho: htlprl/.*w..gl.st0te.nc,ugspu6sboslogalmp.hlhl OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rr,rex s. uur.r,ison TOTAL PROJECT COST: slz.560.00 BUILDING HEIGHT:.32resl # OF UNITS: I TOTAL AREA SO FIi2,5!0 SQ FT PER FLRI 2.4*a f OF STORIES: 2 TOIAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r.ooo f ACRES DISTURBED: l:-_ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: {- OF STRUCIUR #oF FLOORS: 2 SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NA 6ll olher ogglkable Slale olans rrd smdficalions ),IC SrDrc tho CodB and EXST LANO DISTURBING PERI\IIT? TYES Ji NO SO FT WATER: SEWER: ricFPUA Elcrpur coMMUNmYSYSTEM nWELL n ZONTNG USE CLASS CENTRAL sEPTrc fl- rrlre seprrc E--couuutrry sysrela IFICATION .' SIPAIiAI! PTRMIIS REQUIRLO TOR ELECI, MECH, PI8G. GAS EOUIP. PflEFIAS & INSE'ITS "' cAsH r. oHECK (PAYABLE rO NHC) Ir_AMERTCAN EXPRESS r_ MC /SA r_ OTSCOVER (FOR OFFTCE USEO ER:CKS l',}/[,.* N/4",,trla DA BFE+2tt oof /e clrl,0n+N . PERMIT FEE: :,lu-u-.Comment *lprinl- FLOOD ii; lnp*lion Requreo, 91 0-254.0901 ADDRESS : 6e11952,p512g6 rr,co6 NC REG f: NC REG *:- I stc,l"eruae.&a<12-z>a"a) pRoPERry usE: I]OFFTCE I nesreUner.rr ElMERCANTTLEn EDUCnApTfJ coNDo oTHEr _ NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOTT TYPE: COIIII4ERCIAL ECEIVE D MAY 1"6',1[ts APPLICANT'S NAIIE: A&N Residentiat Rooing LLC DEVELOPER: NA PRO]ECT Steet I .wilmington occuPAilT/BusINEss : Bespoke Coffee / Po.t City Sheesest€ak Company PRoPERT oUNER'S l,lAME: princess on 2nd, LLc OWNER'S ADDRESS ! e309 ruzio D,iu"CITY: q11161nn1on CONTRACTOR: A&N Residentja, Roofing LLC - LICENSE S: 55931 ADDRESS: 26 New Bern Sheer - CITY: u7i1m16g1q6 EI'IAIL ADDRESS: asm1952@bizec.n-.om PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Asl gudl;so6 (check all rhat Apply) NIY ANSI{ER ALL QUEsTIONS APPLICABLE TO YqJR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilit)," 9nk (tb({,#, Numbe. (office Use) l iii ! Ph _DATE: stl6tzo1g - Pll(ll,lE #: 9i G799-6723 ZtP:28401 _ PHOl,lE *: 312-480-1060 ST: x6 ZIP:26a11 - 5T: p6 ZIP: 26493 - PHONE *: 910-520-0167 EXIST CONSTRUCTIOil: Nlf Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATION Gas Line on the n RENOVATIoN M GEITIERAL REPAIRS tEnent Site? f- YES Jii- No lS BLDG s RELOCATIONofl-ves[_ No NEI,I CONSTRUCTIO :ERECT IIIEI{ STRUCTURE f] FA5T TRACK fI 5HELL E UPFIT f] AI'D TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: none If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit *: NA rs Elect Pouer on this Building Jil. Yes r N0 '!r,*'1, rs THrs a cHAr{GE oF ocojpAticy usE}r, yEs [. tlo ..**" IF Yes, uhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? p4 - !,ihat is the eu Occupancy NA . PH:NC REG #: ENGR DESIGII PROF ESSfOilAL :-xone PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF hIORK: Reroofing ov€r existing roofing; no visual changes to exterior oi blilding; no sblclural changes ts food or beverages prepared or served in this struaure?lf- vesf-- no ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz F ves lf l',to all other applicable Stale olans and soecrfi cationsNC Stale Bldo Code and OWN EFyCONTRACTORI ,qrex s. Murchison(Ouarfis4 ednNan€) contain Arbeslos o. nol You are requked to callthg National Emiiion Standsrds for Ha2adous Alr Pollulants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior lo lhe demolition ofany faclllty or building- See Asbeslos Web Slte: httpr/www.epi.state.nc-uJepuasbeslos/ahmp.htrnl BUILDING HEIGHT: 32I€et SQ FT PER FLR: z.soo # OF STORIES: z # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS:2 ACRES DISTURBED: ,o-EXST LANO DISTURBING PERM|T? T YES J- NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: na PROPERTY USE: IOFFTCE ! ReSreUnaUr MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHET SQ FT WATER: SEWER: CFPUA I COMMUNTTY SYST CFPUA LICENTRAL SEPTIC n WELL _t] ZONTNG USE CLASST pRtvATE SEprrC LI COrAl Ur.rrrv SVSTeU EM FICATION ". SEPARATE P[RMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, M'CH. PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l-. CneCr leaveBLE TO NHC) [i- AMERICAN EXPRESS f-- UCruSn l-- OISCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH B Comment RH N PERMIT FEE: : T fATf( _ PHONE #: 910-Z99-6723 I[Pfi ?orrr* PRoFEssro!,rAL; None srcNxvae&-<-{rz-2".-z*]l TOTAL AREA SQ FT ::!q_ TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: s.ooo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -o- TOTAL PROJECT COST: 917,560.00 # OF UNITS: 1 Approval:_ City: DATE- FLooD:- BFE+2ft'- CI ? NEW HANO VER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION ryPE j COfiIiIERCIAL dur*b,ffi,*,, ION EC 1v E D MAY 1'f 'lfih^n'*".f" Y"ffi:,T::',]ii'rfi;y' ^.,'"unber (otrtcc use ) APPLICANf'S NAIIE: AaN Residsn1al Roolifo LLC DATE r itfit2o,t8 DEVEL0PERT NA PHONE *; 91g.7994723---,T:2u01PRO]ECT OCCUPANT Slj€at /sUsrNESS : Sespoks Cotteo / Pon City Sh€6s6st6ak Company PROPERTY oUINER'S MI{E: prinqrss on 2nd. t-LC OWTIER'S ADDRESS:8309 Fs2io orivo - PHOIE $: 312-4sG1060 CITY: yy11616g1e6 C0IIIIRACTOi: A&N Rcstdentrgl Roofing LLC AIDRESSl 26 NeyTgsln 5yss1 E AIL ADDRESS: gsmi PRO]ECT CONIACT P . LICENSE fl 55931 CIIYI W16ftglo6 - ST: 16 ZIP: 26.163 _PHONE Si 910.799.6723 PHONE $:9ro.s2o-0r67 (Che(k All rh.t &ply)EXISI CONSTRUCTION:ALIERATION n RENoVATToN [7 GE!|ERAr REPATRS -tinenr srre? f-. 6i6- tto rs BLoc sp'Flil RELOCATION KLERED?f-. Yesli_ UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE N N lf Relocation, is there a Nalurdl Gas Llne on lho oEl.l CONSTRUCTTO :n ERECT NE}I STRUCTURE flFAsr rRAcK fl SHELL nACCE55oRY STRUCTURE: nono Is Elect Power on this Buildlng lf. Yes f NO r+ri. r5 THrs A cMNiE OF oCCUptrCy USE? r. yEs fi. lrO *""r IF Yes, lhat was th€ Prevlous occuparcy Type? M{ _ tlhat Is the Ner occupancy Tvrre) AATH oESICtl PR0FESSIoIUIL: Nons REG *: nEG *:-. PH:NC NCrR6R OESI6N PROFESSIONAL :-Noae PH: DESCRIPTION OF l,lOR(: Ro6i[ii* "rl"ins r*fiflo; no yiaurtchanso! lo oxtedor or building: no suuclural clan0og ls food orbsverages prepar€d or servBd in this structure? li. Yesl-. No ts The Property Locsred ln Ths Ftoodptain? f- ves fi ruo ail olher applicable Stalc duns ,nd smdfi.ilionsNC SLat€ Bldq Code and OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: ruox s. tlurctrison TOTAL PROJECT COST: s17,s6o.oo TOTAL AREA SQ FT : z.5oo SQ FT PER FLR:.r.soo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 5,ooo # OF STRUCIURES:.i SIGNATUFE(O!.lt'e4 {&t{r{.h.} c!.lloh AsboslN o. noL Yor.ra rcquircd to c.ll lha Ndlcrd €d$$ion Sbndards fo. H.addrt At Polt rnrs (lEStiAP) st (919)707-SS5O 6t le6{ 10 dayr pdo. b lhs ds,rlotr0on ol any ,acfiry or Urjldr'o. Sco lsbostos W.b Sile: i&:/yn w.e9lsl:to.nc.urepU6sb€ros/ahmp.filrnl f OF STORIES: : H OF FLOORS: z ACRES DISTURBED: g_ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:.o. pRopERw usE: EoFFtcE I Resrnuner'vr MERCANTILE EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMr? r yES Jr NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPEBVIOUS AREA: xr, EDU APT CONDO OTHE' SETBACKS v SO FT IFICATION PAYMENT r oASH r. CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) li- AMERTCAN EXPRESS r_ MC|(SA r* D|SCOVER (FOR OFFTCE USE O wArER: r,;]CFPUA - COMMUNffY SYSTEM Tl WELL TJ ZONTNG USE CLASS sEWER: ElcFpuA E!aut r*r tatrrc n- pn-rvnre seprc I coMMUNry sysrEM -' se"[^ae ,r^*r r " *EeurRED r€R Er.Ecr, rrEc]r, pLBc, c,q.s Eeurp. ,REFABS t TN'ERTS -. I'irA*+4.RH-/A ,ilL gFE+2ft. zoN Approval: OFFICER: PERMIT FEE: I.Dtal^ DATE FLOOD Ciii lnrPrclion Requreo, 91 0'254 -09u .ltllbdn0lon sr;f,f,-IrFfifi[ If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt $: NA I BUILDING HEIGHT:.tztset fl OF UNITS: N Comment NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLTCAflON TYP€ : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER Alt QUESTIONS APPI,ICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prcject Responsibility" CtTy. Wilmington )ot?-tabt<:tH923 Application Number (offite use) APPTICANT'S I'IAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBOiVISIONT . BiU Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC Date:("-l ztP:228L*lYb I PROPERTY OWNER's NAME;Bill Clark Homes of Wilmhgton, LLC p11sr{6 s. 91 0.350.1 7rg OWNEB'S ADDRESS;127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 OTy. Wilmlngton zt1. 28403 CONTRACTOR . Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC g[De rtcrNsr *. 34586 ADDRESS:127 Racin€ Orive, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington 51. NC 2;p 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS fiCS . C-O rt'r PHONE 9 to_350.1744 PROJECI CONTACT PERSON:Courtney Bain PHONE:910.350.1744 ExlsTlNG coNslRucnoN: E Alteration 0 Renovatron D General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCnON:=ErectNewResidenceEAdditionto€xistingResidenceERelocation **lPLEASI CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt. THAI APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*.'' Ei Att Garage (sF) - C Det Garage (5F) - E Porch (9F) D Pool (sFl tr Deck (sF) D Storage Shed (5F) _ = other (sF) ls the p(oposed work changing the extsting footprint? [ Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UND.ER RqgF lfor propqed workl Healedl 2>t I Unheated;153 TOTAT PROJECT COST (l-ess tot):AEB. ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yei E No lsanyElecuical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYesENo lftheproiectisaR€locatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DYesEtto ls there Electrical Power on thls Building? E Yes El No Property use/ occupencf: E sin8le Family E Duplex g Townhouse Description o, Work: now construc[on of singlo family residonce E Sunroom {5F)- n Greenhouse (5F)- hwr and ordinenc€, rnd re$ .tioni. The RHC Oevelopment Sefrcer Cenler vill be notified of anll chanBcs in lh. approyed plan5 and 3pe.iflcatlons or chante in @nt.acto r informataon. "'NOTI: Owner/contracto Any work pcdo.mad wilhout th. .pprorriat. pennrt! will be ln V*^. Dryt+..,r(r*i" code aM subiect to finat0ulc--violalion o, the NC SUtc BldC uP to 950o.OO'i' Signaturer "Licensed Quowef Print Nor,,e lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes El No Existing tmpervious A r"., Q ,rr* New lmpervious Are"t @l6sq r, Total Acree D,sturbed: Exltting Land Disturbin ) g Permit: D Yeg NO WATER: El CFPUA E community syst€m Cl Private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA E community System E Privat€ septic E centralSeptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (Fl - (tH) - (RHl - (Bt -Approval: _ Cltyr _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _-___-_ (Vf - (N) _ 8FE+ztt= _ Comment: Permlt Fee: S oo ,ffi tors:_a(Z_- rI1,(8-bh AppLtcaNT,s NAME: stevens Fine Homes PROJECT ADDRESS:b h NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD!NG PERMIT APP UAn ON TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitt/' CrIy: Wilmin Application Number office use) e Date:U fl ZlPl 12 SUBDIVISIONI Round Tree Ridqe LOT#: b PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Stevens Building Company OW]{ER,S ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 PHONE S: 910-794€699 qry. Wilmington ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR:Stevens Building Company gLp6 U6sx5g s. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 ctw. wilmington Sr: NC Zrp. 28403 EXISTI G COIIISTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation I General Repairs NEW COiISIRUCnON: d Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation i**PLEASE CI{ECK AT{D ANSWER BETOW AI.T THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT+" , U AVId An earage 1sr; 1 ? I E Det Garage (sF)- d Porch (sF) EMATL ADDRESS: snicholson nehomes.com pROJECT CO;{TACT pERSO : Staci Nicholson n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (5F)n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTATSQ FTU DERROOF lJor proposed work) Heated:Lail TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 120,000 PHONE: 910-794-8699 pxotr:910-332-8515 100 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes EI No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork beingdone to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves d lo ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ild ing? E yes d lo dno lBJUH 18 B: !'s!-rI'l Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E Duplex E Townhous€ Description of work; Construct new single family residence. laws and ordinances end r€Sulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofanychanges in the approved informetion. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be an violation of the NC State plans and speciffcations orchange an contractor nd subject to fines up to S5o0.OO..* Owner/contactor: Michael Craig Stevens signature: "Licensed Quolifle( Ptint Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? D Yes E trto tuisting tmpervious 4r"", l0 4 | sq rt Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 t{ew tmpervious Ar"", lS4l Sqft Existtng Land Disturbing permit: tr ves dto WATER: d CFPUA D Community System D private Well E Central We E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA E Community System E privat€ Septic E Central Septic d Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F, _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ city; _ Date: _ Flood: (A| _ (V| _ (Nl _ BFE+2rt= permit Fee: gComment:D^b,D ! storage shed (sF)_ tr other (sF)-- urn""no, 5b1