JUNE 25 2018 BUILD APPSNEt'l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT trPLIcATIott rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSXTR ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAETE IO YO{JR PRO]TCT 'Project Responsibility" EG3 Construction / Port Citr/ Poos 9o r 133 APPLICATION Numb€ r (office Use) APPLICAI{T'S M}tE: DEVELOPER: DATE: os 21 1B' PHONE $: PROIECT ADORESS: 7so3 Jonsuil cr SUBDMSION: windward oaks PROPERTY o|'[{ER'S IUUE: zach & Eliz th CroRer Om{ER'S ADDRESS: 7s03 .ronquit cr CO|{TRACTOR: EG: consErucEiorr ADDRESS: 6110 Lydden Rd EfiilAIL ADDRESS: qmdzrm@hotmail . com CITY: wiminqEon ZIP i 28409 BLOCK f:LOT *: l!_ CfTY: wilminqton CITY:wilminqton PHONE r: 9t9 s24 3'7os 5T: nc ZIP: 28409 sT:-l!ILZIP:2840e PHONE #: sto 622-LsG6 5F 5F I No PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXI5TIt'lG CONSTRUCTTON:ALTERATION f] RrrcvarroH ! ernrnal REpArRs fl RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt{ RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AI{D AiISIER BELOTI ALL T}i/lT APPLY TO Y(UR PRO]ECT: l-l arr eanacr _ sF ! oer canacr 5F E poRcn _ sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA sQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COST lrass r-o9 : $ s:,ooo.oo # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI'lgIl{6 on llECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Stnuctunel I ves I toIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? E yes fs there Electrical Power on this Building?[Ves Iffo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPATiCY:SINGLE FAMILY ! ouerrx fl rowHxousr DESCRIPTIo OF ]l()RX: -Tnstall inqr.ouid fibei:glass pool DtsOlXER lhereby cenily tral allrnbrmaton in tlis applEaton rs conect and all work si complywirl he $aG Buildinq Code and at orl€r applbabte StaE and kJca a! /s and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Developmenl Services Cen|er willbe not tred ofany changes in rle approved plans and specitications orchange in cofltracbr orcontacbr intlrmaton. "1{OTE: Any Work Performed w/O tle AppopriaE Permits wittbe in Vlotalion otlhe NC Stab ! sunnoor'r _ sF! e nrrmousr _ sF I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTIiIG II,IPERVIOT,S AREA: -SQ FT NEW U'IPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT l+,t+ + + + * + * ++,i i. *,t,t*,t * * * * *,t * *,t* )*+ )i:f + i + ir + *,*,* * )r,r,r * * P@L 4so sF I sronacr sxro DECK 5F OTHER: ffi********** s up To $soo.axf* ,t**,t * + * *,t+ i +,t +,t,it** ** OIINER/CONTRACTOR: C,"a (wo.t*-SIGII{ATURE : + ++ +,4+ + + ++ +:t ir,** **,r *,r YES S ETBACKS oArE.5 -Zl1?FLOOD: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXrST LAI{D DISTURBTNG PER[{IT: [- YtS [- riO MTER: r cFpuA cor,uururry sysrrm : pRrvArE wELL ., *tirlir'f*fp1, liOn po^,, SEUER: cFpuA cEirrRAL sEprrc pRrvArE sEprrc cor.ir.rrNrry svsren-" t[v1lu!!fu,9:/0-ZS4.0SA, *** SEPARATE PEMITS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, IitECH, PL8G, GAS EQ(,IP, PREFAES & I}ISERTS **I pAy E T IETH0D: I-- casn f: cHEcK (pAyaBLE ro nnc) f- A,,rERrcar{ ExpREss E rclvrsa f- DrscovER ,,f * +++ 'i +**,i * +,i * i + )i it:i ir ,* ,i ii :i *,**,f *r(,t* ** {( *,t )*,f +*,t + ,t )t,t + *,f*,f,t* * * +i + t+ +* +,ir (foR 0FftcE usE ot{LY)i EVt5ED oArE O4l11/12 ,onr, R- 15 OFFICER:F'j\I/f \0 o $?s-LH:aH: \D B X \ Appnoval: corrnent:. fY\,l,lat citylrJlL[/n t-ov\^42q ,^r[G AF F+2ft= \ d:xL+ f\l-turL^r\.ervl "UI*Jq ,l.r*ti J,d nrh rr FEE: $%"f'€.l LICEI{SE #: 5s1se ^A ProNE #: c\tO toZT'110$ eandS {.lti:\.W NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT, ON fYPE: RESI DENTIAI PIEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Proiect Responsibility'' 7t>\8-'a04518-+€85 Application (office use) APPLICANTS NAME:<.@rne Oate9tkJ(,-CITY L,ln"<l-oar zlP agy/dPROIECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:a\z_ ( oae A a+o.. Aar< C_.-,"..1,r..* (u6 ro .?ftJ ?uu PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:?"\sE-3-.-^s\ owNER's ADDRESS., l O l A) , L- e,+ rli<-.| b c PHONE # CITY: tO I {l ege ucense *. )4 V.? sr 4x ztP: Auq6? CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:I t> t ll . Z*.a,1io, ,, t>f CITY L EMAIT AODRESS:PHONE PROJECT CONTACI PERSON:PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation - General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation ,}I.I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'},. ( patt carage 1sr1 )4-"'n Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (sF) ! Deck (5F) tr Porch (SF)>5c) f, Storage Shed (SF) _ f Other (5F) D Sunroom (SF) fl Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROoF lfor prcposed workl Heatedi BO lb unheated: /oo c, TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S @o lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes ! No ls any Electdcal, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure gYes ! No lftheprojectisaRelo€ation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DYestNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes I No Property Use/ Occupan cyxsincle family E Duplex D Townhous€ Description of Work: .l.i e -: Cc,^- s.{,r uc{t' ._r.., ,/ law3 and ordinaices a information. "'NOTE e NHC D€velopment Services Cent€r will be notifa€d ofa.y chan8es in the approved plans and specifications orchen8e in cohtractor outthe appropriare permirs will be in violarion of the NCStete Bldg Code and subj€ctto fines up to 5500-00"' sisnature: ?St""t 8a'rn-5Owner/Contrastor: "Licensed Quolifie/' ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft dQ" TotalAcres Disturbed: SO I ll.n New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: f Yes f, No WATER: D CFPUA I community System ! Private Well - Central well $ Aoua SEWER: E CFPUA I Community System - Private Septic ! Centralseptic )bqua zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - [RH) - (B] -Approval: _ City: _ Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - c'!mm€nt; Permit fee: s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsI./ER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICAI{T'S NA}IE: uunso Homes of North CaroIina, Inc ?o\F5-Utasbf g-{:964', APPLICATIOI{ Number (offtce Use) PHONE #: CONTRACTOR: Munq Schieffelin Road o Homes of North Carofina, Inc LICENSE f: r0466 PHoNE #: 803- 221-8421 ACCOUNT S: sT: l!_ zIP : ?fgll PK)NE s: Bo 3- 22t -a42i PROPERW OI^INER'S tlAI{E: O.INER ' S ADORESS: 2s2i Mungo Homes of North Ca rolina, Inc ADDRESS: 2 521 SchleffeIln Road CITY: Ef,lAIL ADDRESS: tberry@mungo. com (Tabatha Be rry ) PROIECT CONTACT pERSON: Brad Tilyou (project manaser)PHONE #: 8a3- 60o -1521 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:trA LTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHEC( AND AI'ISWER BELOT{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: trtr PORCH LSFATT GARAGE 420 SF SUNROOM -SF GREENHOUSE SF DEI GARAGE - SF POOL _ SF DECK SF trtr ! sronrcr snro OTHE R : SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ Ff | 2259 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 284e TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 284e TOTAL PROIECT COST 1r-ess rorl : $ n g, e zs # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or IECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structune? [ Ves [ ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the cunrent Site? [ ves [l ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building?[V"r firuo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPAT{CY:SINGLE FAMILY ! ouelex f| rowruuouse DESCRIPTION OF IIORK: New Sinqle Famlly Resldence O'INER/CONTRACTOR: :abattra Berry for Munso Homes SIGNATURE: (P.lnt Nane) + + + + :i:t + + + it l. il it +,t + + + it ,t,t it ,t + + + * + + + + ,t ,| + ,t * * ,1 * + * * * * )i * * :i :t:t * * * * *:f )t** * )i* )i,i+++ )i:t + +:* ++ + + +,* )r ***,**** ** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YEs l-'1 rrro TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ,23EXISTING II.TPERVIOT,S AREA: O SQ FT NEW III.IPERVIOUS AREA: 94]SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERI{IT: EI YES EI NO WATER:CF PUA COIVIIUNI IY SYSTEM PRIVATE WELL CENTRAT WELL SEt/ER:CF PUA ! crrurnnr sEPrrc E and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvices C.ener will be nolified ol any changes in he 6pprov6d plans and specifications or change in contractcr or contactrr inbmaton "'NOTE:Any Work Pertormed W/O he Appropriab Pemits willbe in Violatron ol lhe NC Slab Bldg Code and Subjeci b Fines Up To $500 00"' PRIVATE SEPTIC E coullururrv svsrrm *T* SEPARATE PERT.4ITs REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS **'} pAyr4Er{T r,lErHoD: flcsn ficxecK (PAYABLE ro NHC) EBrLL Accour{r I r.lclvrsl I orscoven * )i * * *** * * ++ +++*,!*:t+:t** +)tit*,a:Biiit,i** **r(,i,i,t ** *** )* **+,t*** **,t* *** ** x ri +** + +:t rt + ,*,t*,t,*,t,t ,t * * *,**,t )r * * (FOR OFFICE U5E ONLY) REVISED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ZoNE: 0F FICE R: I Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: l_ N BFE+2ft= @ DATE2 6/12/2At8 DEVELOPER: Munso Homes of North Carol.ina, Inc. PRoIECT ADDRESS: ry CITY: I:lgsglpl_ ZIP 2 28417 SUBDMSIoI{: Marsh oaks BLOCK f: LOT f: 670 CITY: 3ECI_ ST: q ZIP:4L utB-{'0b<l P-#c *t*',*3,Y.11:?',H.-":"13'1i':"t-:' ,ar*t ^ni*ra-i..ao*ttlolls AtPlJcaBt! 10 YouR PRoltcr Dat.: at Ft, a. \At'CITY:ztP dtAPPUC IT'S TIAME: btq . PRO.'ECI ADORESS: suBDlvlslol: PROPEiTY OWNETS owNER'SAOOtrESS: CO TRACTOR: oel oQ.'\-L\ -rNAMf:\rz PHONE 'crry: ,.., :. , . !p.___ I ELOG llct?{st a- PHOltt 1l o- 1ffi - zz 6g PHONE: - r'' $,EL zo - !i'-:--:CITY: ADORESS: ETJTAIL ADDRISS: El Atr G.E8e (st) E Slnroom (Sf) AI{D ANSWER BELOW rO YOI,R PS()JECTT ' ' O Porch (Sn D storate ShGd (sF) -.- tr other (Sr) '/r? 1 ?f /' PROIECT COi{TACI PER9ONI EXiSTING CONSIf,UCNON:/^rn"rr^ El Rcnovatlon D Gener'l R€palrr NEW COii5IRUCIIO : E Ere ctN€{ Sdldcnce O Addltlon to Eistitl! R!5ld'nce tr Rdocttl'on ...?tfat o{Eo(AtI. TI{AT AP?LY E Grcenhoute (s0 _.- ttre cxilli'lt rootprht? /Ye6\ li tha Prgp6ld wo't dl'nghg TOTAI SQ FI UNOER BOOf Vot peoposed vot*\ ll.aal.dl TOTAT PlrorEcl cosl (Lest Lot): S oo9 O D€t Car.8c (sR _- tr Pool(sF) a/ed $il do oNo o f.nlly tr DuPl€r D Tornhoutt 15 the Propos.d work chantint th! numbcJ of bedrooms? O Yet 13 anY Ehcitlcel, PtumbII or Meth.nLal work b€lng done to the A'ces5ory ll the prole.t i5 a ntloa:don.i! thare a Nalural Gar Un€ on the olrrrnl !h'?OY6trNo ls there tleatrkal Power on lry? E Yrr El o ,/ Structure O Vel g/to toHgv l8 2:5tF Pro9ettY Usr/ Ot uPatry: ilts)ttltd M. slr$. Octdldion ot ttro.l: OltO.lri[i: I nc.rbY .tn Yrha rll lhr trloml'tbn rn thtt a9p dr r,olt stll corlPtY wth thc sLL ldldh!Co<le an l allolha aP ou' sl'tt 'nd l"'l ordhana.t.nd..tul.tioti fta Nr€ OardoPrn ., s.rvtc'r c.nt.t wlll b. mttflld cf .nY chn8.! h th€ apg.oved ,lrn'and ?adnc.uoff or chlnt.l' cstnctd ...roTt I Air i,o.l 9a rhntEo ulthoJt f.rtnt! tal b. In vlo&. ol rt* ttc Sr.tc Stdt cooc .,td ,.t a ro o..r u, lo 33@ 00t" owlter/Conlt.ctor: 'Ltc.ns"d @ro l.t' lsthe propertY locatedlnalloodplaln? E YCs O No Erlrdnt lmptrvlout Arta: _=- sq Fl New lmp.rvlour At.a: =--- sq tr Sltnatut€: rotal aar6 Dittlrtad: Erlslnt Lnd Dlsturbltt Permltr E Ye! E No 4tlt st,LLC ' wm* \ CFPUA El Community system D Prlvate well D c'ntr'l wGll C Aqua StWt* k CFPUA tr CommunltY Svstem O Private Septic D Cent-al S€ptlc El aqua zon", \ olfrdltt - sttbt(tt [r) -- (lfl] - (Rh) _- (8) -Apptov.l: --- Cltyr -_ Dal': - flood: (A) _--(v,) -- tn'- tt"'* -*-* r".,, Cornlncnt: untrcnca O -- -- t.LA /1/n/3 t -b lt ul NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsiblllt!/ -fRAe\ 5lw+1g.19 CITY lal tuM PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME .I-Rn.e\ 5r@fi'als PHONE # OWNER'S ADDRESS:I Cna.x-ez, -TP.*lv ctw (ILM ffi Clear Form ox., blL ?-6t8APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECI ADORESS:ztP suBDtvtstoN:LOr#: 9l t ztP: lt ,L CONTRACTOR ADORESS: EMAIL ADDRESS YA,C PROJECT CONTACT PERSON {<xrs tktLEP- BLDG LICENSE # CITY IL rvL i, t)ctPt ltvn PHONE PHONE 1tD-.t-?o- qL33 o/n EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: EfAlteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residsn6q E/Additlon to Existing Residence E Relocation .*APLEASE CHECT AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THATAPPLY TO YOUR PRO,IECT'" / Sunroom (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E/ Yes tr No TOTAL SQ Fr UNDER ROOF (lor ptoposed work) Heated:0 .k Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S /. o or, 8os{lr E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes g/tfo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natugl Gas Line on the current site? tr V"r Mitlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? d Yes E No {*"4JUH lB I l;4SBt'1 Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: New lmpervlous amily E Duplex Sq Ft a e T J r/l cln-%{ Existing Land DisturbinS Permit: E Yes fl No ch;+1 h/.-use r information. "'NOTE: Any work rmed without th€ appropriate permitswillbe in violation of the NC State Sldg Code and subject to fines !pto 5500.00." gnature v;dL'l,rdel,\, lawsand ordinancesand regulations- The NHC Development Seryices Center will be notifi€d ofanychanges in th€approved plans and specifications or change in contractor Owner/Contracton "Licensed Quolifie/' 'tD WATER: SEWER: PUA E Community System D Private Well fl CentralWell E Aqua CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic E Aqua zone: _ Otficer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2fb _ Comment: Permlt Fee: S 'fff4tr4 ,/j a Print tr Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (sF)_ tl Pool (SF)_ E/Deck (sF)- ! Porch (SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (SF)_ ls the property located in a floodplain? C Yes /No Existint lmpervious A r"r, lbSO Sqct Totat Acres Oisturb€d: - g APPLICANT'S NAME: Pfiot NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilih/ Application Number (office use) PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrsro : 224 l.trolarcan ^Frl Date:6't4. tg ctw:zn, L**dot PHONE #t4-8, ctw zlP: NC- BLDG tICENSE S:- ctw ST: _ ZIP: PHONE enonc: 4b-Ll4-blrrq ! Storage Shed (SF)_q'Aat E( ott'"r 1sr1 +Bot G*xg' AdJrf,or, pRopERwowNER,rnor., Rar.'a[J T. 4 trg] S. gcad OWI{ER'S ADDRESS: 2 O t^rueu 1nCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: n Greenhouse (5F) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence Ef Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *tIPI.EAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*T* n Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (5F) n sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF) E( Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? B Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FI UNDERROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated:o TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):Booo ,trttlnheated: ls the proposed work changing the numirer of bedrooms? fl Yes E( t{o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure d Yes E No lf the project is a Reloration, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes I lo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildingZ [, Ves a ]llo Property Use/ Occupancy:S Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse l4 JIJN l8 B:26fl1'{ Description of Work:tlx I '- q,t 'rbt Q+o ?o Signature: Iaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopm€nt Services Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plansand spe.itications orchange in contractor information. "'NOTET Any out the willbe in violation olthe NCState Eldg Cod€ and subject to fines up to S5OO.m.r.TOwner/Conrador: "Licehsed Quolilie/ ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes tr, No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft . Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: D Yes D No WATER: E( CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Well ! Central Welt n Aqua SEWER: P CFPUA ! Community System f] Private Septic ! Centralseptic fl Aqua Officer: _ s€tbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ {N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Feei S Clear Form 2o\&(t\U0 +$=as,t Prlnl 2ot}.l-tfi& L8-L726 ApplLrtion (ofik l,t l AppucANT,s ,{AME: Addis Construction + Property Mainlenance, LLC p313. 05/30/18 pRorEcr ADDRE55. 432 Mons Creek Bd CITY r Wilminoton a?; 2912 sUBotvtstoN: Holly Ridqe pROpERTy OWNER,S 1{AME: lrap lnvestments pHOt{E fl: 1-571-201-4918 owNtR,s ADDRESs; 511 Shipyard Blvd 611y. Wilmington 4p 28412 €ot{TRACToR: Addis funstruction + Property Maintenance, LLC SIOG I,ICENSC I:52117 p116x6. 91 04521 66341 04432638 txlSnIG CONSTRUCnON: E Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW OOTIISTRUCflON: D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PIIAIE CI{ECX AI{D A'{SWER BETOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PBO'EC[.. ' pROTECT COMTACI pgX591, Brooks Addis TOTAT SQ FT Ua{DERROOF Vor proposed workl 11""196; 1640 TOTAT PROTECT COST {Less tot): S 137,0m ls the proposed work chengint the number of bedrooms? E Y!3 D No ls any Bcctric.l, Plumbln3 or Mcdranlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Y.i El o lf the project is a Rcloc.Oon, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the current rite? D Y6 E t{o ls there tlectrical Pow€r on this Buildin8? tr Y6 D o Property Ur./ Oaup.ncy: D Sllrtrc frmlly fl Duplcr tr Torrnhousc tr Porch (Sf)186+200=386 E Stora8e Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)carporl 486 sf Oescription ot Work: Construcl new 1,640 sl home per plan laws and ordinancE ard retulationa. The NHc Dawloprn€nl kl.kai Centcr will bc nditied of aoy ahan8at in tha approved pl.nt .nd $eaificationi or rh.rte in Eontra€tor hforrhatioh. "'NOT€: Any worl p.rlorm.d withoirt the approprbte p€rmiti $,ill be in viol.tion ot the NC ldg cod€subiect to fner up to 5Y!o-q)"' owner/contractots Brooks Addis Sltnrtur€: 'Liceosed Quolilict' Ptint Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? D Y!3 E o €xistint lmpervious Area: N/A Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb66' 0.059 New lmperu;6u5 4yg3; 2,588 Sq Ft Existlnt Land Disturbint Permlt: - Yes : lJo wATEn: El CTPUA :l Community System E Private wel E centrat wel D Aqua SEWER: El CTPUA [] Community System Ll Private Septic D Centratseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ S.tb.cb lfl _ (tHl _ lRHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Clty: _ D.t.: _ Flood: (Af _ (Vl _ (t{l _ BFE+2ft= _ Clalr Form NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAtl ON TY P E : RESIDEI{T|AL PIEAST ANSWTR Att QUESTION5 APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROJTCT 'Projact Rsrponsibilih/ LOI i: 22 1991659; 511 Shipyard Blvd Ctry. Wilmington Sr: NC zrp: 28412 EMAtt ADDRESS: addishomebuilders@gmail.com pHoilE. 910-452-1663 tr AttGaraSe{SF) E Det GaraSe (SF} E Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Deck(SFl_ ls the proposed wort changing the existing footprint? fl Yes fl No unheatcd:948 Print t Application (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNW BU]LD]NG PERMIT APPLICATION WPE ' RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsiblllt/ APPI.ICANT'S NAME:lvey Custom Builders, LLC 931s; 6/19/18 pROJE6T ADDRESS: 506 S. 18th Stoet CtW. Wilmington 21p. 284O3 SUBD,Vt5tON: Westbrook Gardens pRopERw owNER,5 1q116s. lvey Custom Builders, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3261 Camden Circle p116pp 6. 910-617-5234 611y. Wilmington 719. 284O3 CONTRACTOR lvey Custom Builders, LLC OW. Wilmington g1p6 Lt6gxgp s. 77240 s1. NC 21p.28403ADDRESS: 3261 Camden Cirde EMAf ADDR€SS: iveydarren@gmail.com p96119.910417-5234 pRoJ€CI coNTAcT p6p591. Danen lvey pg6x5.9'10-617-5234 E{lSTll{G CONSInUCIION; E Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NtW CO SrnUCTION: = Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK AIID AT{SWER BELOW AII TI{AT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' i Att Garage (5F) - C Oet Garage (SF) _ W porch (SF)182 E sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (SF) _C Oeck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAI SQ FI UI{DER ROOF lJot proposed workl g""1"6. 1456 gr1t".1"6. 182 TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 140.000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes O No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbiry or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure El Ves E ,{o tf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current slte? D yes E o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yls E o}/ Property Use/ (kcup"n"yr ffslngl" F"rlly E Duplex E Townhouse Desc ption of Work: Construcl new singlo family dwelling 20Jtll l8 l:53Pfl DISCI'AIMER; lhereby cenifY that allthe information in thlg application Is.onect and allwork willcomplywlth rhe State Bu din8 Cod€ and allother applicable State and locallaws and ordinancesand regulations. The NHc Development services Gnterwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications orchan 8e in contractorinformatlon. ...NOTE: Any work performed wtthout the appropriate permitJ willbe an vtotation of the NCState e and subiect up to S50o.0o"' Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quoliliel Darrcn lvey Signature: Vils the property located in a floodplain? E yes Eistint lmpervlous Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Aqes Disturbed: 0.10 Sa..-, El Private we No Pemit fee; I E Private Sep b"ttrrZ0iul {' 1nx1 {' 1s1 15'"rfu,\ry.Approvat; _ cky: NlLlyt oate: b-20,18 Fbod: (A) _ (v| _ (Nt BFE+2ft= CorrrmeDt; A*a@av i,4t4 4tor.t r M^,rgfo 8t r^tO q.rJ t,yw\pYJ (,d ffi 7D1q - bn< w*+1+3 Gloar Form LOT f: 8 tr Pool (sF)_! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF) _ WATER:CFPUA 1900 SEWER:{oruo zon"rL-6 N $ -co1< - tqcb RECEIYEI! Jutt 15 ?t18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L,CAfl O N f Y PEI RESIDENTIAI. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proj€d ResponsibiliV'tu lotfice use) suBDtvtstoN WHITEHURST:PARID: R071 08-006-005-000 tOT f : '16 PROPERTY OwNER's NAME: Owner HALL MALCOM LISA S PHoNE tr (910) 799-2057 ADDRESS:4122 Bennett Memorial Dr.Suite 304 CITY: Ourham sri NC aP:27705 EMAIt ADDRESS: betsv@ramiackusa com PHONE 91 9-309-9727 ir-t h7 n Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage {5F)_! Porch (SF)-- E Storage Shed (SF)_D Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) D Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D ves,2ft'to tr Other (SF) TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uo. proposed wort) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot): 54.450.00 Unh€ated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? O yes E(No ls any €lectrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E yesy' o lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas t-ine on the current site ? E yes !, No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Euilding? A, yes tr o Property Use/ occup anc'lr2filiagle Fzmity D Duptex D Townhouse Description of wo.k: lnstall helical Diers to stabilize foundation as desiqned bV structural enoineer laws and ordinances and regulations.The NHc Dev€lopment ServlcesCenter willbe notified ofany.hanges in the approved ptans and speclficataonsor chan8e tn contractorlntormation.'*.NOTE: Any wo.k performed without ihe atpropriate permtt5wi( be in viotation ofthe NC5tate Btd8 Code.subiecl to lines up to Owner/cont ractor; Betsy Tate Sltnature: "Licensed Quolilie." ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes tr No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Oisturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land DisturbinS Permit: E Yes E No WATER: fu CFPUA D Communitysystem E privatewe E Centratwe E Aqua qCFPUA tr CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic C Centralseptic E AquaWER ne: _ offi.er: _ Setbacks (F)_ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Dat€;_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S ,'@Y*r'9 APPLTCANT',S AME:F.S. LLC Ua Ram Jack Date: 06/15/20.18 PRoJEcr ADDREss: 42'17 WHITEHUBST DR _ ctry: Witminoton ,i@ owNER's ADDRESS: 4217 WHITEHURST DR _ oTy: Witminoton ztp 284O9 CONTRACIOR: F.S. LLC Va Ram Jack B1DG LTCENSE s 517?A PROjECT CONTACT PERsON: Betsv Tale pHot{E: 9'19-309-9727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration A Reoovationy'General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:DErectNewResidenceDAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ' "PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW AI.t THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' APPI-lClNT's NAME: F.S. LLC Ua Ram Jsck RECEIIED JUH 15 ?O$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT P P U EAN O N.f YP E I RESIDENT1 Prt45t ANSWcn AL! OUISflONS ApptrC.ASLE IO yOUli pROlfcr "P.oje.t R.tpon3lbllhy'' O.'or8-b.lSB '8 - iq0b'L%) tl-/ t$) Dare: C6/15i2018 PROJEcT A0DRI55: 4217 WHI'IEH URST OR cl ; Wil0i!.!slqL- zlP 28409 suaDtvtsloN: IVHITEHURST: PARID: R071 -005-000 tOT [: 16 COITRASIOR: F.S. LLC L/a Ram Jack BtDG LlcENsE r:53278 PROJE.I CON,ACI PEBSONIBeISy TaIo PHoNE: 919'309-9727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alte.alion L"l Renovatlony'Gencrrl lcpairs NEW COI{STRUCTIOII: fl tre(t New netidence [:J Addirloo to bristin8 Seridcnce E Relocation ...pt [Ast olEcx ANo At{swEn BE[ow Au- THAr Appty To youR pRoJEcI..r n Att Garage {SF) _C) oet Ga,a8e (Sf)_tr Porch {SF) 0 Sunroom (Sf)O Pool(srl____C) Storage Shsd {Srl_ f Greenhoule ISF)_, _O oe.k {St) li the proposed work .han8inS the exjsting footprint? E Ver,{fNo IOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uot ptopoted wotkl lle.ledl TOTAT PROJECI COST {ters t-ot): S4,j15gjq., _ 15 the proposed work changing the rumber el bedroomr? tl ves Zitto 15 any €l€cirl(al, Plurnblht or Mechanl.al work belng done to lhe Aaressory Structure tr Yery' No lf rhe proJect ls a Relocatlon, i! the.e a Natural 6ai Llne on the current gite? O Yes.2l o It the.e Electrical Power on this Buildint? EiYei tr No P.op€rty t re/ occupanry:/Singlr ramtlv tf Dupler 0 Townhouse De!(riptlon ol work, lnslallhelrca oiers lo stsbilizs loundation ss desionod bv slruclural enqin6or lnlorr,arioo, ')'NOT[:A6y work palonncd without the appropri.l. te.mil, \i?illtJ! ]n tiolat'on oi tne NC 5lale 8lr8 Code, Owne./Contaactor: BelSv Tate l.w5 dnd ord,n,n(c! ond redul.licn, Ile N llc De!{lormed seNice, (eote. wll be nolili4d of iny (h..ger in I h? rpproved p,itrr , fl rirt ll,.ar ronr or (hr.8a in (o.t0!to r -_Sltrat!rer "Llc.ntcd Qoolili2.- P.intiiomc rj the plcpcrty located ln a lloodptain? O Y"ix ^lo Erlstlng llnp.rvloui Area: -- Sq ft Tot.lA.,e. Dlnu.bod: New lrnp€rvlouJ Area:Sq tt Erlstint Land OliturbinS Permitr U Yee :l No WATER: i,l CfPUA Ll Community Syst.m El Private Well 0 CentralWelJ E Aqua S rt'i:'ut; SEWTR: _ CIPUA Ij Community Sysiern O Privete Seplic E C€ntralSeptr( ] Aqua ,on",(.6 on,u,,fiVs€rbi(rrrrr,rUA (LHrNjAr*rrnjf\ r")dlA apyovat Qp - c,,r, JIJIA orrc, bltl61oo6' rA) -- (v) lN) -:.-p1trztt. -co^^cnr, Tp171y1afufi'e4-ylpqis oa-(;1, Nollvry,a6 *-a-LotfTthPermrt tee: s/l (,,i,' rrilP"ur,0r i neQu:ri0, r r u'i oo I PROPERIY OWNER'5[{AME: Owner HALL MALCOM LISAS _PHONE!: (910) 799.2057 __ owNER'sADDREsSr 4217 WHITEHURST OR _ Ctlyi Witmlnoton zte:2M09 A0oREssr 4122 Eenne(-l&,rl]9Icl8!.S!l!o_3!1*".*- -,_____ crTyr Q!O!o__ sr: NLztpr:7705 EMAII A00RE55| betsy@rarliackusa,com _______ PHONE: 919.309-9727 O Other {Srl- Unheated: Clear Form NB/t/ HANO/B @UNTY zuI I.I)l NG PBII IT, APPII@.floITYPEFE,DE{TIAL H-EASEA ISiVEFiAL|OIjBnO{SAFH.JCAAEIO\qJRPFOfCT "Proied ResPonsibilitY" David Lennard Builders, lnc. Prinl E J.or6 - o-(+D la-pn Application Numbe( (otfi@ use) 6.15.1 I APPI-ICANT'S NAME Oate: un ory:m rng zP.2441-l bar randing Phase ll lof #: ' Charles R and Caroline H Neal PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'SATDE 41 2.400.1638 NAME5509 chelon unve rngton 28411AP David Lennard Builders, lnc c 38081 n ou OTY:mrng EIEU n P 2E411ADOEC BvtAILADOFFS lennardd @ bellsouln. net Pl-lot'lE David Lennard PHONE 910.262.2421FM.ECT @NTACT PB$N E{Snl{G @l\lslH, CnON: tr Aterdion tr Fbnolalion n C€neral tupairs NEit, @i{SIHJCnCN: E Eect Nevv Fbddence tr Additionto Bisting FHidence D FHocaion -"' PtBSECtE(AtlDANSll/B EOt/l' ALT}IATAPE-YTO\OURPmtr' - 720 tr torch ($)1091:l Att C€rage (SF) tr $nroom ($)D Sor4e $ed (SF) tr Oher ($)389! Geenhoue ($) - lsthe proposed work dlanging the exjging lootprint? tr Yes = M TOTALSO Ff UNDB FOOF (for propod wotl<) l+Ei.edi 4539 Unheated r 2200 TgrAL PmtT Gr (Less Lot ) : $1,606,252 lsthe proposed work changing the number ol bedrooms? tr Yes E tlo lsanyEectrical,PturtingorMedlanicalwolkbeirEdonetotheAccesrygructureEYestrib ll the projed isa Elocation, isthere a f,tdural C€s Ljne on the orrenl ste? tr Yes E tb lsthere Eedrical Fcwer on this Atilding? E Yes tr ib l0.ilili iij 1E:85i1'! Ropefiy Ug Oorpancy: 3 Sngle Family tr Otplex tr Torrnhoue DesiDtim of work: erect new single family residence IISC!.AM ER I hereby certity thd dt the iiformaion in thisapplication iscorred and all work willcomdy with the Sde tuild ng Ode and all other applicahe g ate and local taws and ordinances and regulations T}le NrcDar'elopment $rvi@sGrter will be notitied of any danges in the approved plansand specillcations or dangE in contrdor intormdion "'NOIE Any work performed wrt hout t he appropriate permitswill be in vrolation of the NlCSde 8dg Ode and srqed to fines upto $5o0 m"' o,ner/6ntrador. David Lennard Builders, lnc ggruture:Ea-irl X"^J "Licensed Quolifiet" ftint lbme lsthepropertylocded inalloodplain? tr \bs E lb Edsting lmprvious&€a, n/a q R total loes ueurueo: 0 1 66 llev, ImperviousArea:7239.375 qR EdstirE Land tlsturtirE Ermit: tr Yes = tlo WAIE tr CFRJA tr ommunity q/stem E Ptilde we tr Gntral we D Aqua SEI rR E CFRJA n Ommunityq/Sem tr pri!€te Sptic tr entrat Sptic tr Aqua 7se: _ offier: _ $tbad<s(F) _(u, _ (Ft0 _(B _ Appro\ial: _ oty: _ Bte:_ Bood: (A _M _ (N) _ ffir2ft=_ ftrmtt Ee: $OcmrEnt:46l.oo q tEnvtsl.)N' - Det C€raSe (SD - ! ncol 1gl seP Pool Per ! Deck ($) - tr Att Garage (SF) --E Sunroom (SF) -- E) Greenhouse (SF) - JorB -51cq , 4?OL NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P L,CATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAT PTTASE ANSWT,R AU OUESTIOT{ S APP I.IC.A8TT 10 YOUR PRO,ITCI ',tolect ResDonslblftt/ Arpllcnon lofice u3e) n)APPUCAIT,S NAME: CITY: PRO]ECTADDRESS: suBDlvlsloN: PHONE f: PROPERTY OWNEtrS }"IAME: CITY OWNER'S ADDRESS: COMRACTOR:CITY ADDRESS:PHONE EMAIL ADDRISS: PROJECT CONTACI PERSON:'ca EXEIING CONSrRUCnON: E Alteration I nenovarion E) Gen€ral Repairs t{Ew coNsTnuclloN: E Erect Ner,r Residence D Additlon to Existing Residence 0 Relocatlon T..PLEASE CI{ECX AND ANSWER gELOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PBOJECT'T ztP s zlP: ucrNsE ST: ,nn , ?1V3s-V b?s B D€t Gatage (SF)-- O Poot (SF) tr Deck (SF) ves ! No O Porch (SF) --..-"-- tr Storase Shed (sF) - tr Other (SF) -=.-- ts th€ proposed work chantingthe number o' bedrooms? ls any Ehctticrl, Plurnbing or Mech'nk'l work belng done lf thc proiect is a Relocattotl, ls there a Natural Gas Llne on ts theie EiearlcalPowe, on thls Building?,li Yet f) No tr ver.Et no to theAiessory Sructurex Yca 0 t{o . , thecurrentsite? n Y.r,[ n" $i an/e-i= b o,rt ,7 rAr.r*o) ts thc propos€d work dlangln8 the existin€ footprint? f] rOTAt Sq fT UNDER ROot Vor $oPosed work) He3tcdt TOTAI PROTECT C()sT ltess totl:3 .3?rO O O Unheated:3-f Total Acres Ditturbed: Exlstlng Land Disturblnt Petmhr D Yes D No ProDerty Use/ Occu9arcy: E Single Famlly F DuPlex El Tovnho$e ownet/cg nlxactori 'Llc.nsed Quollfet" lsthe propertY loc.ted lnafloodplaln? E Ye5 D No Erlstlnt lmpervlous Atea: --- sq Ft New lmpervious Arear .- Sq Pt wAfER: X'CFPUA D Community System D Private Well D Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: /q.CFPUA E Communlty system El Private Septjc D CentralSeptic n Aqua offiGer: setbacks (F) - (LH) -(RH) -- (Bl -Approval:_--City:-Dat€:--flood:(A)--(V)-(N)-BfE+2ft=-P€rmil Fee: $ Comment: Dat€: DISO.ATMER: NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUANO N TW E. RESIDENTIAI PIEASE ANSWER AU qUESTI@iS APPI.ICABI-E TO YOUR PfiO'ECT 'Ptolcct Rrspoislblrltf Appll6Uon loffica u3al oaw: E'A'18uunalqp\ *-47[7CITY: APPUCAI{I'S NAM.: -Q-^g.eL-;f vfi^lrraJ PRO',ECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlsloN: PRoPERTY OWNEtrs t{AMEr F.tNr)^aEErl4D^I OWNER'5 ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACI PERSON:Rle tr/t,rl'tai EXISTING CONSTRUCnON: D Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs lf EW CONSTRUCIIoN: E Erect New Residence g/aoaition,o frirting Residence E Relocation fl Att Garage (St) - E sunroom (5F)tr Pool(SF) Ef o"* lsr)1qo Jr., o ,o TOTAL Sq FI UNDER ROOF Vot proposed wort) Heatedr t 6q,Unheated: trrv, tl!l , t;klttl sr,r]a- PHolNE: 4lO *7' 5 3 alocLtctNSEt:L&Ja-,t.z*4ol 3zl 2- PHONE ':L CITYi .rr+rlur:1t0'44 7.3zrz r..P1P455 OIEO( AND ANSWER BEI.OW AII THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..' Ft D€t Garac€ lSFl tr Porch (SF) tr Storage Shed (St)_ g(aa",6r1 FlArdaL'.El Greenhouse (Sf)- ls the proposed work dranSlnB the existi4 footPrint? TorAL PRorEcr cost (wss Lotl: S Zta lT1 C. ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n v", g(lo ls any Ehctrlc.l, PlumblB or Mcchanhal work being done to the Accessory lf the p.oject ls a i€location, is there a Natural Ga5 Llne oh the current site? ls there Electrlcal Power on thls Building? Ef ves tr ffo/ Propcrty ute/ OccupaGy: Ef Si]ltle Famlly tr Dupler D Towrhousc St uaure E/ves E lo D v"" E/no laHav 18 1::81t: Desc ptior of work: DIICIAF*E* I h.reby c..tlfy that .li th. itfonnstbfl in thlr .pp lc.lldl lr cor.d .nd .ll wtll codply wnh the Slale BuildlngCo& and ellother apdiEbl€ Stit! .nd loc.l lavrs and ordhances and r€Culrtion! The Ntrc alevdopflErnSeMas Center witlba nolnld of enydl l|Fr ln th. approv€d pldns and sp€clicauont of chant.ln cootraator Inro(mrtlon, "'NqTtI Ary worl prlate permhs wlll be !n vbbuon ol I hc NC State Sldg Code end $[t€ct io flnc5 !,p lo SSm.Oo,.' owner/Conuactor: 'Llcensed Quollfrct' SlBnature: ts the property located in a floodplaln? Jro I no ErlstinS tmpeivlous A r"r, 2Pb1 ,,sqtt Total acteJ Dittorbed: New lmp€rylous Area,. 7(O . SCn Exlstlng Land oisturblnt Permtt E Yes D No WATER: 96 CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Centralwell E Aqua SEWTR: M CFPUA E Community System n Private Septic D Centralseptic D Aqua zonei _- offiter: - Setbecls (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (S) -Approval: - City: - Dat€: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N)- 8FE+zft - Kts- Commentl Permil Feer 5 eotK-(oWU''/- -ffirw LOT d: .alq FLOOD ZONE Zatr-^uvtL ff AppltcArT's N^Mr, Q-ace4;{ vtrr.l pnJ paorrcr eoonrss 'p1-1 E tt:a? n-, \us,tvtsto[: gQ.^!) {;Y /-E}:EY- Po CoNTRACIOR TIE ST._ owner/conv.ctor: rs lh(' properly lo(dL{rd in d Iloodplain? 'J v"' l' *o f,-xirrrng lmpervlors Are "' fnO!-J'sqtt NEW HANOVTR COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT AP P UCANO N IYPE RESIOENTIAI. rt I A\L Ah\Wt q Ar I Ot,ttr'ONS APPI ra BLt 'lO YOr,r rAOitCr 'PIole.r nEtPonrlblllM &J .^J(/r&alqp.\r !i, I !8ztP-'O1b3-cft ,/ 2) Date :i_t()t r PRoPTR'Y OWHE R',S NAM[: lE-tlvt)L!t4E+15ot\t owNrR',s AooRrss: 2\l'1 6pAptf-Y (kEL tu^Lf -Q-P- O+*AA 7 /',tl57?/aw) rxorio 1$fictrt Ll)L- .._7t? i6 40)lll laub ADDRISST IMAII AODRT ,1.-. t'L@ t *,a.1 .art-5s: lhi PROJTCT CONIACI PtRsON Rors Mr'no*-?etoar f lc a47 3rt' orro r,rr*r, o -QEbllf ' i[aZ<fr.-L s1 ,y-ztc.P!a J rloNE 3Jq :X,L-r212- Ll Porch tsr) _ t I sto.aBe Shed (stl ClrY kJ-] , ... PLLAS t CHTCX AtIO ANSWfR BTTOW ATT TH T APPLY IO YOUR PRO]ECTT" !: Arr c'ara8e (sf )-- O Del Gara8c (stl_- l- sunroom {sF)-- - : Pool lsf) -. G,..nhoJlersn { o"*611 lf;Go-./ r! lhe propoeed work chanB'rB tho r (rtLing lootp'int I M Yes : No Tor^L sQ rr u NotR Ro ot \!o/ ptolo\Pd wotkJ Hsated:. -l1A--- unheatadr To'rA[ PRor[d co$I (tesstot]:9 Z(t{1-LQ- I5 the proposed work ahantinS the number of bed'ooil st I Yer r/Ho Ir any tlectric.l, Plumblng or Meahahlc'al work beln8 don e to lhe Actessory Stroclule 'r/r", a, no rl the project is a Relo(3tlon, i! therc , Nat!Ial Gar [lne on the (urent rite? n Yer /Ho !, tlrtrr tlrrt tricalPower oa lhis Buildint? U( Yer U No / Ortr,pancy: y'SingteFamllv r'upler -l Iownhousc ^.t1Oer.ription ol WoIl fXISTING CONSIRUCIILIN: L I Alteration ['] Renowtion fl GentralRcpails NtWCO'ISIBUCTION -l tre.t New Residence d Addllon to tr'!Un8 R{'sldcncc tr R€locotion {" tte t\"14 S w 1\ S{o4--.LuJoi -{r". Glk" ttlr,.(' trs:sc FLOOD ZONE r./ou,., rrrt eiAlffiae- .i OiSar^rMtR trr.b/..('lY rhat rllrna hlortul*J. n! rl,rt.ppho!'d '5!!tia(l '^l ?ii wnh rie 5lalo srirl.raodeind.ll on,et ar';li-!l' f i':"dh"i rae!..d oicrrr^.e5..d r.8rJrti.,1t.Ife Nrrc DtYLlul,{ Ent sEHle! C(iltr wtlr l)' rblinrJ.r d"v.h.r&e, rn rht.Ppmlt d dan!i,'dsPe(ri(alrons d (hanErl' (onl''<rd ^tdh roi ..'tro(t-^r,y wrl p?rlc,ncd rorrlnlr o.or1twil ut !r rbLl6. o, rn lraS!.te Brdraoc(r6l ruD,r:r110 n^.r J, to !9rc r,I' SlBnitute L{{t'<\.rv 'JE t[, \lt e \i,rr.rqfrrr 1 rl t. t'\ TotalA(tes Dislurbcd:rlO Ne$J lmpervious AIEai .2b'- ,Sqst txlstlng tand Disturbln8 Perfilt: - Ye! '- No :JjI. i::::: : :,:::ill;,:": ; ::::::::;1,',-';:".:;:: :'::- cii,, rns2;ctio. hqu',nr er0 2 -"-RiO- omre. 1L-*,0",t,1'l3C'riHt-!S-rnnr \" rtr :XLrni;itvi,.\'t"t'Iir""t r-'tt-r"Jl' ^lrffl'*=" i-,Gu """'l .Li i'l'--'' r^i--'" It''nt -'- - o""r E t \ k'( I \ v c- -1i,,"^,r{t ,"_.,.,-u.d,,\,,.,'' F,*'*,i::l).f{i.,,*, ,ll*.:*::t'.ll;\\:.r,,\,csi,ia '-,1'.. r \,r,r , ( $ l(''r< '' ,n\1.i. r-(r\\1n''(Iit''r 'r "v 'l \'r ,",,rtr,i,.i . o ic a+lar,hiii frti'tu. tnc, Ee r/4 t / 1'drlti ro/r'5' 54-091) L)' (,v' l,)' ,al -1+1-le-++++83 Claar Form print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TypE: REStDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI.ICAELE TO YOUR PRO.I ECT,,project Responslbllltl/, ),otf b Appr,..:tlcn Number (office us€) 'a APPI.ICANTS NAME:bAt/r DJ .)ort , u*l?\,18 PROJECT ADDRESS: 81)\lAle*srzP-rl..l u ctTY: W lLAll ul.,lr\r,k4.;ip L>4<)3SUBDIVISION: /4d )11J !^/1 l+*(,1 PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: *AJL t=)B, OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHoNEs:9lD .Z\19.2t,9e ctw ztP aB4l)7 CONTRACTORI hAr/rD J ES CO BLDG LICENSE #:421I ADDRESS: bA OI t>ArDY 2)> SU tTE l*cFY: U, rl vv\ ryqla,sT: N\aztP :L :9ll)>--11 2L PHoNE:9lD- 443-334 EMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:D lrt s -\t<. EXISTING CONSIRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcrroN: F Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Rerocation ...PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ATI, THAT APP[Y TO YOUR PROJECT'** F Attcaraee(sF) F"?5 E Sunroom (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) L--] Deck {SF) S Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Oth€!' (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated:?3&unheated: \l C) TOTAI PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S Mo Property Use/ Occupanay: F Single Family n Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? tr yes n No ls any Elestrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessorv struct ,r. I ves t/tt.- [:[:J:i:xi:: Hffi'::1;:ffiil5'J"l::s Lineoon the current site? ! yes . -e]l'1ty E rn g n n ee rn r.'l g l JLN IA r r.r6fr11 ROWr'Revtew ,l 5\*o*,t [r-se DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this appljcation is correct and allwork wittcompty wtth the State Burldtng Code notified of anychanSes ,n the approved plens andlaws and ordinances and regutations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will b€informetion. ...NOTE:Anywork p€rformed without the appropriate permit5 wilt be in vaolation ofthe NC Code a Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/ bAvrD . J F.rltZ1 Signature: lsthe property located in a floodplain? ! yes El No Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq 61 Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Ar€a:Sq Ft ExistinS Land Disturbing permit: tr yes I Nq WATER:.E(CfeUa E Community System n private Well D Centralwell E Aqua SEWERT {rrruo E community system ! private se otfi""r, dhc Setbacks (F) . (rHl ptic n Central Sepflc E Aqua,-,/ -/ -/.{ (RHl 15 (Bl 6 ,f{ and allother applicable State and local specifications or change in aontractor to fines up to S5O0.OO.r. Zone: Approval: Comment: t-!54.f)9k cttyt ll h't tE IJE/rtL,x Flood:(A)_(v)_(Nl X grr+zft=C/ /"o"Permit Fee: $ach.r+b'ra/,Cebr|i"re-d 5e+ba-LL S ESy'.€z 0utfuor 51o[76a*s fnc.4 e.<+<]1d inlo / LOT fl: :P 19< T] $ \ats (e NEW HAT{OVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMTT APPUUTDN fypE: REStDENnAt PTEASE ANSWER AI,I QIJESTIONS APPLICABTI TO YOUR PROJECT,koilcr R.spomlbl[typ APPUCANTS AME:?srr.* tk lLo ,114 Date;t Appli€ation (office use) PRO'ECT ADDNESSI suEDtvtstoN:CITY dc ZlPitol.< ly1 ).y,.ltt eL'.J4.14- PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: OWNEtrS AOORESS: L***PHONE * A'ID IKL.Ibrol o.4a^o<- ot 11 2or CITY:ar..t.+4. ) ,.J !ZIP:2d4.7 5d<o,CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: oYln"-(o^q.rrl,t rr*,, Lva-a[-D6 LTCENSE fl:Gtos Ott-t^-,Dat A<4.tt11 ?ot CITY: Vtc,r,,.tttu ST: ,'!ZIP: Z9{ o IEMAIL ADDRESS:O\lA PHOtrtE: OL o 4(t - r4rc PHONE: 4to 4fz ' t4toPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING COI{STRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation B General Repairs NEW COrtrSTRUCrl() : /Erea New Residence D Addition to Exis ng R6idence D Rerocation ...PLEASE C}IECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.t THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'ECT"' E Att Garase (sF) 4ZS D Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) .=._- tr Porch (sF) - ztL _ E Storage Shed (SF) _ D Other (SF) f{Atn b?1tL r'h<r r [] Greenhouse (SF] _D Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes D No TOTAL Sq FT UNOER ROOF lJot proposed wo.k) Heated: Property UsG/ Occup.ncy:Fam [] Duplex !Dercription of Wo.k: DISOTATMEi: I her€by certify that all the intormatron in this applic?tion is correct and altwork wilt ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes D No ls any ElGctrlc.l, plumbing or i/iachank l wo* being done to the Accessory Structure D yes E NolftheproiectisaRcloc.tion,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DyesDNo lsthere Electricalpoweronthis Bullding? E yes D No Unhe.ted: Qj t SJUll l8 9 ! ?68r{ 0 laws and ordinances.nd re8ulatiohs. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified o,any chantes in thernformation. ...NOTE: Any work perforhed without the appropri.te permits willbe in viohtion of the NC State Owner/Contr.ctor: "Licehsed Quolifi.r-Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes E No Existint lmpcrvious Ar..: _ sq Ft Tot.l Acres Disturbcd: Builda Code and.llother applicabte St.te and tocat h3 and sp€cifiaataons or change in contractor subi"cl to fincs up to S5O0.m... N.w lmpaMour Ara.: _.-Sq Fl EristinS l.and Distur,ng pemit: tr y6 E ,to WATER: EaCFPUA a Community System C private Well E Centrat Welt E Aqua sEwER: t/cFpuA E community system fl private septic O c[3[,]n;.ggeua Zone: - Otfic.r: _ Setb.cks (Fl _ (l-rl t**j_-{B)_ Approvrt: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _:ommrnt: Permit Fee:s 4\-#* * LiOT X: I I ToTAL PRoJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 lb,ooo.e NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATON WPE RESIDENTIAT PLEASE AIISW€8 ATT QUISIIONS APPLICABII TO YOUR PROJTCI "Proirct Rsrponribilitl/' ("- ?dY,- b?e1 APPTICANI'5 NAMT:?r"-*. * PNOJECI ADDSTSS SUBDIVISION:o11Abe< A-1 +)at^.tl.vl t)ato _ CITY: !:t r. 1. ,.r !:,_.-. I IOT H lP ZB.16i _. l{ -- *var Jr.a^r, , Li.pHoN€B a\! 4(.i.1,. CITY: r!,"n.a<,.' ^r sDL a4l- (o. r,,,^ r,..,, c,. lt?: l':4" r CONTRATTOR ADDRISS: BIrrG LlctNst fl:-fq "?n" t-- (i\ e< Otlt.,tlL ()c . ,t.,11 ?r crY STr P( PHONE:-,: ' ', (l ;q:c zt?:-l9-i , a EMAIL ADDRTSS: PROJTCI CONTACI PTRSON lL*,-, lr*"-PHoNt: 'ir c 4(l r4<, EXISTING CONSTRUCIIONj [-] Alteration II Renova(ion l) oeneral Sepairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: 6(trea New Residen{€ ij Additionto txistinB Reiidence !l Reloc.hon ...PI.CAs€ CHECK ANO ANSWER BEI.OW AI.t THAT APPLY TO YOU [- Alt Garage (St) - f-l Sunroom {SF)_ . r Greenhouie (St)__ n Det GaraSe ISF)__ al Pool(5F) ___ [.] Porch (SF) ,_ C Stor.ge Shed {Sf)_ . i Other (st)L Dcct (SF) ls the proposed v,ork chantint lhe existinS lootprinl? : l Yes il No tOTAt SQ FI UNDER ROO€ llor proposed wol,k) H6ated: _, _ __ rOIAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $ I fu Unhe.ted: DLD . ls thr! proposed worl rhanting the number of bedrooms? I Y.5 [ ] No ls any tlectrlcrl, Plumbint or Mechanlaal wotk belng done lo lhe Aacessor} Structure i l Yer i I No tf the project is a R6lo..tlon, is therE. Natural6a5 Line on the cufient site? ll Yes [] No ls there flectricalPower on this BulldinST [.] Yer D No Property Ure/ O.rupancy, g( Slngl. family tl Duplox C Townhgure €i.L< $<."< F^,u,,e H,p (,\< Ai'ilti,ra 6. ll,,u< A(AA^ (-,rj,.r .D ," i'i't , ,.: .,Der.rlption of Worl Dl5CrAlMtRr Ih..€bvcertlYih.l.llrhcrhlormrl6n m lh,tapPl,crtion'! o .ci lawr.nd o.dr..nc.r and ,.aular ione. lhe flHC Oe!€loomcnl servrtt C.nle, will rnlo,m.no^. "'NOIE. any wort p.rlo,6ad *'lholl rh. .Pproor.le p.n.(r w'l .nd all wurt w'll mrily wrln lhe sl.t. Eundrn bc not,rEd or .nv ch!n8€' ,n rt'cppp'i'd cA r bc,n v'olrr,on olrh€ NC State ep6Coorrlt it t cod..nd all orh.r applroble St.ia.^d loc.l .r rhd 3p.c{'..r'onior chrn8o o.nnir..td rlbt.d ro I rr up lo 5500.00"' Sign!ture:owner/cohtr!clorl ''Ircens.d Qeohft.t l'ttnt Non.e s the prop"rty lo( atcd rn a floodpla,n? I Y.t )+ No Existing lmperuious Ar€a: ----.*.. Sq Ft [otal Acaai Di3tl.]tbed: New lmp€rviour Ar€a: -._-- Sq ft txiiting Land Dltlurblng Permit: - l WAI€R: i{CtPUA I' CommunitySyslem II Privatewell ij CentralWell i-] Aqua zon"'[{f1 Offl cer:Cte.S€tb ***,, ?,,-*,, 8 UA . Communty System r.t Plivrleseptic Ll ,!, t, No il ii ". SEW€R ecks lFl /5 I ulzilv"*, fi.'ntlal Septic C Aqua,. ,\ -&r^e47(RH)l (B) ll,_ (v) __ i?_6 r8)) Oat e 1A) __\ttJ {e( -l-Permil tee: S --Commant t/crp L(Co) Cii.; lnspxlion Requtreo, 9l 0'254'090) {N} -L__ BFE} P$l,bl PROPTRIY OWNER'S NAME owNEfl's AooRtsSl /1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP L'CAI 'ON TYPE. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proled n6ponsibiliv' futl b{o6 APPLICANTS NAME:?r-."- ,V-5PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsroN:(,frf*t-6,5 ^'( aN,,\ t^ atLv,lAL.V Date CITY:rLM,raro.J N4 ZIP LOTfl: lO PROPERTY OWNEnJS NAME: OWN€R'5 ADDRESS: z_.2L,rrv\ 6 (t,LLJltLtl D*,.or*-n.*-PHoNE f: qt o 4(t- t'lt oo< OLE^,1\4- l>L. a)fl L CITY:t) u-,ut ,,.^lL ztP:2€^b7 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 'lot LLC tlout.,.r*t.o l5blo3 Gto<Ot€t ,.r$c (w 7.rq4 zo\CITY /t i )r,sr. NL aP, ruqo< EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE: Qrc 4<2.Itfic PROJECT CO,'ITACT PERSON:tt 0r*o"PHoNE: qLo 11A -31 tt EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: g Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *..PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..' y'a*earaselsrl lLC I Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (sF)n StoraSe Shed (sF)_ U Greenhouse (SF)_E Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes fl No ls the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? fl yes I No lsanyElectdcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure!yesnNo lfthepro.lectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?!yesnNo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Bqilding? [ Yes E No ?60[I t7 3:43pi Propcrty Use/ Occupancy:Single Family ! Duplex n Townhouse Desctiption of Work:tL OISO-ATMER: lhereby ce^ifuthat allthe information in this apptication is correct and aI workwil comply with the Stat€ng Code and all other applica bte State and toc.llaws and ordinances and retulat'ons. The NHC Development S€rvices Centerwill be notifjed of and specifications or chan8e in contractorrnformation. ... NOTa: Any work p€rrormed withoutthe aF,propriate permitswifl be in vioLtion of the NC State ubrect to fin€s up to S50O.m... Existint lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft TotalAc.es Disturbed: . lO New lmpervious Arca:Sq Ft Existint Land Distu.bing permit: E/ yes fl No WATER CFPUA n Community System fl private Well D Central Well D Aqua SEWER:dCFPUA ! Communitysystem ! private Septic fl Certrafseptic fl Aqua, *< .:|1r.*,r.ar-.E-. Zone: _ Otficer: -- Setb.cks (f) _ (tH) _{RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _Comment:Permit Fee: S (office use) d Porch (sF) Zl1- I Sunroom (SF) _ D Other (SF) _ ToTAL Sq FI UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: ZllZ S unteatea: (13? 6 ToTAt PRoJECT cosT (Less Lot): S I 60,000.o ------I----- ,t /\ '-) /'Owner/Contr.ctor: l*r..'*" V.,.-, . V-n" (**-.*"-. t^- Sitnarure: 'Licensed Quolilier" p ht Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? 5 Vcs g/No \. o.t APPLICANT'5 NAME NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT A P P Ll CATI ON TY Pr: RESI DENTIAt PI.€ASE ANSWER AILQU€STIONS APPI-ICA8E TOYOUR Pf,OJECT "Proicct R.sponsibiliW" ?ru.,- nQ* (0,*.. t-r^ )alr - bKde,; lotflc. usel Date: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUSDtVtStON: 4a4F -rx-^rz-tsw t.*..a Co'f'raAet A< )tu,ut,r"vJ Av+ PROPERIY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: CITY t^I,. *, -N zlP LoTf: lO (!\a< O($t^,.t\1t- (><. 1Lr1L /+ r PHoNE r: 4i o 4Ct- t'l o Clfl: llt tatrtU(oe Ac ttp:244o7 ?t,-" Lu."*tt- ,WL BIDG IICCN5E fl:ic SVotCONTRACTOR: ADDREsS:bl<,C Oct,,.ert4c (w 7.tfi{ Zor otY' F,r*..+r",st, Nc zrp. Z4,lo< EMAIL ADDRESS:ho*..)prnp.to adelelvug/ , ra-,PHONtI Qrc 4<z lI**" ();PROJECI CONTACT PERSON:PHoNE: qLo 714 - 3l9t EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:0 Alteration 0 Renovation El General Repair5 NEw CONSTRUCIION: /Erect New Resldence fl Additlon lo Exirtlng Residence 0 Relocation ...PI"EAsI CHECK AND ANSWER STTOW ALl THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT"' /ancurace$ 4L(n Dct Garaee (SFl ]s the proposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? E Yes [ ] No lsanyEloctrlc.l,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbelngdonetolheAccessoryStructurenYesONo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthe,eaNaturalGaiLineonthecur,entsite?DYesONo ls there ElectricalPower on this BulldinST D Yes fl No 2rlLrcr tZ I 14lplt Property Use/ OccupanEyi Slntle frmilv E Duplex f]Townhqus€ Description o, Work:I t tt OISC(AIMEn: lne.ebY.€rl,ly th.t.lllha inlorm.lion in thrr applicnlion rr .orr.d .nrl .ll wo.k will compty wilh lh. $6re inE Cod. and:ll other.ppli6bl. Srat. .nd lo.!l lEwe .nd o.dinancor a^d r.Eul.tion3, Ttu NllC Olvoloprncot Serytcer Cent.rwlllb. ndritied of.ny.h.n!.r in th.and rpecilic.l iohs o r chaiSe in co.kactor bj€rr to finer up to 55m.(x)"'r.rormation. "'NOT[: Any wort pe,lormld wilhout th!.ppropri.!. germils wittb. in viot.rbn ot the NCSr.te Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quoliiet" tl.-.-,?,-,^, ?,--uG*-.Sitnaturel ls the property located ln a floodplain? g Vcr g/trto ExistinS lmp.rvlouJ Aree: __---1Q_ Sq Ft lot.lAcres Ditturbedl . 1O Aqua l{ew lmDorulour Are3: SqFt txlstln8 !.nd Dlstu,blng permlt: dyes [:] No,/ WATER: ty' CFPUA f-l Communlty Sygtem D private Well D CentralWelt f) Aqua sEWE Zone: R:gl*p Co System O Private Septic 0 C sctbacks (rfU (rH)L, Approval: Commenl: Clty Dnt odi lA) City lnmection Requrreo, gl 0"154.0rr.I 8FE+2 rmlt Fee: S $2i2-- D Sunroom {SF)- D Pool(SF)- L_l Greenhoure (SF)_ tJ Drck(SF)_ ls the proposed work ch3nglng the existlng footprint? D Yes [] No dPorch (sF) Zt"L D Slorage Shed (SF)-- D other (sf)-_-- ToTAL5QFIUNDIR RooF (fot p@poted wolr) Heatedr ZllZ S unl"at"a, &?? d ToTAL PRoJEcTcosT (Less Lo0:S l6O,OoO.d --------f------ ' ffi. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE : REStDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit}/, gton. LLC CtTy. Wlmington '8 loT'al 18ts+514 Applicarion (office use) AppgcANT,s NAME. Bill Clark Homes of Wilmln PROJECT ADD SUBDIVISION: Date: LOT fi pHsxg 6. 9't0.350.1744 ZlPl pRopERTy OWNER,s NAME. Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS. '127 Racins Drive, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington 21p.28403 CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s1p6 u6gt'r56 g. 34586 ADDRESS: 127 Racine Orive, Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington sT. NC ztP. 28403 EMAII, ADDRESS rLQDt PROIECT CONTACT PERSON V \,o ?6.-r Y(- ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: = Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation Ky PHONE.910.350.1744 pHsr!s.9'10.350.1744 PIEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW AI.I- THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO'ECTI*' ! Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (SF)E Att Garase (sF) fl Greenhouse (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing foot TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed wo*l 44 D Pool(sF) \oDeck (sF) print? E Yes E X""t"a, \5 rorAt PRorEcr cosr lLess Loty; S | 6 t -J {) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EyesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy; E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n Of WOrk: new construction ot singls family residence DISCLAIMER: I he.ebycenify th.t all $e anformation ln thts appltGtjon is corect and allurolaws.nd ordinances end regulatlons. The NHC Development Service! Centerwillb. no fied and .ll othar .ppliaable State and local speclflcations or change lh contrictorgldg Cod€ end Jubject up to 9500.00. . . 6* rk willcomply with the State Bujtdtng Code ofany chanSes in the approvcd planl.ndinformation. ...NOT[; AnV work pcrformed without the appropriate permits willb. tn violation ofthe NC Owner/Contractorr 'Licensed Quolifiet" Lw+hu Sign ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmperviou5 Area:Sq Ft Total Actes Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes No WATER: E CFPUA fl Community System E private well E Central We E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zon€: _ Officer; _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Cttyr _ Date; _ ftood: (A) _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Cgmment:ng8 & Permit Fee: $ D Storage Shed (SF)_ other (SF)_ E Sunroom (St) _ n a'r'Aunheatea: /J. I .-[3t8ft \er-\Kt.o Oate Application Number ufaslfitAPPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: suBorvtstoN: ten C-on h [,n /-\rr\ ztP -tt1^Q=t" )-PROPERTY OWNER,S NAM!: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR e- L PHON E IIoCITY ztP BtDG LICENSE # ST:ztPADD RESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: f Alteration E Renovation General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: L-.t- Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *,}*PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** 3.)- E Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF) n Pool (SF) n Deck (sF) tr Porch (SF) _ I I Storage Shed (SF)n Su nroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_n Other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed work) Heated U n heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ,3.6d) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroom s? Z Yes Zd ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes n No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ^zf No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fYes n No Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family E Duplex n Townhouse Cet t^Jo ' Descripti on of Work: ^a- laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change ,n contractor information " rNOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO.. - owner/contractor :,Wsignature: "Licensed Quohfier" tutnl Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes I No WATER: n CFPUA n Community System n private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: ff CFPUA n CommunitySystem n privateSeptic fl Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftoodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S 0()' ! ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" CITY: CITY $rc- Clear Form RECEIVED JUN 18 20ts 2ctK - 0%(P.inl €Mail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AP PLt CATTO N TypE : RESTDENTTAL PIIASE ANSWTR AI-L QUESTIONS APPUCABT-E TO YOUR PROJECT"proie<t Respolr5lbilay Appli('tion (office usel APPUCANTS NAME;(DatePROJECT ADDRTSS: SUBD'VISION:CITY ztP f:OD PROPERTY OWNER'S AIAME:A lart elz PHONE S.D-/?-9 one( OWNER'S ADDRESS:{CITYi ZlPl CONTRACTOR 5ou eCL ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDR PROJECT CONTACT PERSON s fl Sunroom (SF) _.- D Greenhouse (5F) _ 15 the proposed work chanBing the existing footprint? E Vesy' ruo TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF lfot ptoposed work) Heated: hoorr0n IocK,-tc.PHOI{E: 9l0 n4 CITY: BIDG l,tcEt{sE # sr:&tzrp PHONE: -&??-9/?I EXISTI G CONSTRUCTTON: fl Alteration E Renovation fi General Repairs ,tlEW CONSInUCnON: ! Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .I'PI.EASE CHECX AND A SWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT* ** E Att Garage (SF) _E Det Garage (SF)--.-D Porch ISF) tr Pool (SF)tr Storage Shed (SF) ..- tr Deck (sF) -- tr Other (SF) rorAr- pRorEcrcosr lLess Loi. s Ae.2 E l. qQ ts the proposed work.hrnr,n, ,h" nu-1IIII-.*,nr, ls any Elect lcal, plumbing or Mechanicll work being done lf the project is a Relocatbn, is there a Natural Gas Line on ls there Electrical power on this Buildint? €. yes f] o Property Use,/ Occupancy:d Siryle Family D DuDescription of Work: o.ek dlo Unheated: tr yes Efto to the Accessory Structure E yes Engo the current she? E y.s fl o plex D Townhouse -f-L ht [r,) s [t.,r S rcL fo(l OISCIAIMER: I h.reby centfy ihat .[ th€ tnformaoon in thirapplietlon is correct and allwork u/ill compt with the Stat Buitding Co&.nd al otherl.Eand ordinanc6 .nd .eAutation.. Ihe NHC D4clop6€nt Scwt€es Ccnter wilt be notmed of.ny ch.nges ih the approvGd ptans and sp.ciflBflons o. drehge ln contrectorinformation- ...NOTE: Any wor!rformed wittErt the appropriate permits wil be in viotation of the Nc State Btdt Code and subiect to,ines up to ss00.mr.. Oirner/Contractor:&/\.flor(-acAJov,---'Signature:'Licensed euolifrei Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n to fl *o EristitB lmpewious Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervlous Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Oisturbing permft: :l yes D No WATER: ! CFPUA E Community System n private Well E Centratwel D Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA a Community System ! private Septic fl Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: -- Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(tH)--(RHl_(8,_ Approval -- City: -- Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) ---- (Nl _ BFE+2ft=Comment:Pernit Fee:s \) i: L't $5-