JULY 9 2018 BUILD APPS07102018095423, i! a\o \\2ct0-1\o5rffio3 APPLICATION Number (office use) \) L6 V) Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L IoAT IoN TYPE: COt{lrlERC IAL PLEASE ANSIIER ALL QUESTIOI,{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitf' APPLICANT' S NAIIE i e.ni"" y11s;_DATE:672172s1g DEVELOPER:PHONE #: ' 4640 Gordon Road 'Wilmington ZIP:2946s oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E: r-Mobi r e PROPERTY OWNER'S NMEi A...i.un Tor".PHONE #: OIINER' S ADDRESS:3500 Regency parkway COI{TRACTOR: rnflnlty communi car ions ADDRESS:rru !rrrru ndy EiIAIL ADDRESS : daphne G r nf in i t ycornm.Ll c . com _ LICENSE *: rqorg ST: p6 ZIP:27516 ST: NC ZIP: 2llo3_ CIW: Durham PHONE *: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: dvrier@re (check AI1 That Apply) GENERAL REPAIRS l- No lS BLDG S , PHONE #: 9aa-2a2-5233 trPRIN KLEREof_ Yesl-_ RE LOCATIONEXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building l-'. Yes f No **r.* rs rHrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r yES li. NO ***** IF Yes, uhat was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? - What is the t{ey Occupancy TvDe?ARIH DESIGN PROFESSIOT.IAL:NC REG #: EI{GR DESIGN PROF ESSIOIIAL :-s65,, g.r1 TEp . PH: , PH:966-262-5553 NC REG f:O43120 DESCRIPTION OF I''ORK: Adding d.ieset generator to existing pad (existing ce11 site, no tower work) Cenlerwill be notified of a in the ificalionsW/O the Appropriale Perm will aoDroved Dlans and s tion ofthe Nc state B Code and ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yesfi- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ Yefr- NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all information in this application is corecl and allwork will c!mply with the Stale Building Code and all olher applicabls State and local laws and ordinances and regulallons. The NHC Development Servicesor chanqe in contrador or conlraclor information "'NOTE: Any Work Performed SLrbjed'lo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTORT oenise vrret SIGNATURE: contain Asbeslos or nol. You are required to callthe National Emission Standardstor Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 al leest l0 days prior to the demolition ot any facilily or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: httpJ/www.epi.slate.nc.us/epi/asbesros/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS Exsr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET COMMUNITY SYSTEM 'L CFPUA CFPUA T-1 WELL I'Rlvnre seprrc T1 ZONING USE CLASSI tO[,ttUUrutrY FICATION CENTRAL SEPTIC EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH. PLEG GAS EQUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT IVETHOD f CASH f- cnecx lenveBLE ro NHc) f - AMERTCAN EXPRESS f-_ ucrurse l-_ orscoven ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH B Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,-- AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I rr {ae PRO]ECT _ CITY: carv ERECr NEr{ STRUCTURE E FAST TRACK E SHELL n upFrr E ADD ro Exrsr STRUCTURE NoNEt{ CoNSTRUCTION: I I ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED: SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM vta*v337 AppllEUon NEW HANOVERCOUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TWE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE AIISWER ALI- QUISTIONS APPI.ICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT R.ipoislblnt/ iZ CITY u3e) APPUCAM'S NAM 4 Date o zt r PROJECTADDRTSS: suBDtvtslol{:* r 16L- 6bbL 0OWNER'S ADDiISS:CITY zt CONTRACTOR:ELOG LlCtItlSE r:- ADDRESS:OTY: lr.Nfi sr'-zrr, 2Bl5l EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE: qI0 1eb 9ROJECT CONTACI PERSON:0 PHONE: EXISTING CONSrRUCnON:X Alteration El Renovation D GeneralRepairs t{EW CONSTRUCflON: E Erect New Resldence D Additlon to Existing Residence E Relecation ...PI.EAS[ CHECX AI{D A SWER BEITOIII, AiITHAT APPLY TO YOUR PNoIECT*.' tr Att Garage {SF)_D Det Garage (sF)_ tr Sunroom (5F)C Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF)^E.otherlsF) PROPERTY OWNTR'S i.IAME:HONE T: Yes E No C.nn""r"r, TOTAL PROTECT COST (l-ess Lot): S ls the proposed work charEinS the number of bedrooms? E Yer El o ls any El€ctric.l, tlumbhg or Mech.olcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure tr Yes F No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas ljne on the cunent she? & Ycs fl o ls there Electrical Power on thls Buildlng? II Yes fl No Property us€/ Occupancy;!.Faml D Dupler tr Dercription o, wo.k: .J Inro(matlon. "'NOT[:Any,orl plrforrned without the appmpriaE p€rmhs wi! be In vbbt on ollhaNCState AJ.;. r'rA x 2_b_Gq9 ls the propos€d work G\anglng the existiq footprint? E TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed wor,() Heated: ?5tit! ta 9:5i8ll t\ laws and ordhances and r€gulations. The NHC Devdopm€nt Servlcs center willb. nollfled of any chanSes ln the appmv€d plans and speclfciuong or chon€e ln mntractot and qrt €ct!oUnrJ upto!56.00r.. Owne/Conuacton "Llcens.d Quolil.r" ,^A',7-Sltnatur€: ls the property loceted in a floodplaln? D Yesg No Eristlnt tmpervlous Area: -- 5q Ft Total ActeJ Distuibrdl New lmperyious Arear -Sq R Exlstlnt taod olsturblnt Permh: tr Yes E tlo WATER: ts CFPUA E Community System D Private Well E Centralw€ll f] Aqua SEWER: BL CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua zone: - offtceri - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - {8) -Approval: -- City: -_ Dat€: - Flood:(A)-(v)-(N)-Bft+zft- Comment:Permit Fee: S * tr Porch (SB _ 1*' ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLt CAT,ON l'lPf: R€SIDENTIAL ?t.a.rr-)i -l;.-1";l i;.. :Ji:ll atr. -.t:/ _r{riil-l '.!ra!rriJrra.)r,Ll "t'roj{,at nesponsibility" l,l.'.q G.'.,-,-.1Ad'tN:L\z!- . ac t?- to1+5 L1- ttdi D.,,. ?-? - ltr ,,, '",. '. -,-1,,: .- 7,-z&)oi - . 'Lol, 1to"??.1- 8t62-pHotJf ,r c,rv UiJ r41i '.-ztr'2Eloi r'1---^ BrD6 ucrNsE e -T <101' APPLICANT'S NAI\,'T: PRO,}TCI AODR'55J slllJDt\4st0N PRI]Pf,RTY OWNTR,S NAMf owhtaR's aDDRtsS: 2021 CONTRACTO ADDRIJS:1:i i.-,-- + ' 1i -g,j_+.i Tll. L;8;t tz> * Clrr,l l&r G^r tMAlr AO0RaSS j 5u.,eo! {Srl -_"_ - * --7 )r /-1- !l I t-Lr-l: ,j (t',\1 ."ri i !!lPRC'TCI COi\1ACT PEBSON txlSTlNG CONsTRUCTION: : I Alteration , Renovairon I Geierai gepair! NtW CONSTBI.TCTION T [.fat llev, R.!irl,,r.. -- nd.]i:r. . 11-' !r ': 'i: 1.,r,C.,-.' - r,-111,11:1', .. "PlTAS€ CHECT. Ai]O AN1WIq 8IIOW Ai.L lHAI APP!Y TO YOUR PROJ€CT' " I An 6ar;a. {5fr _- Porcl li F) l,l$...t. st(d i:l i __ ".; /irr:enhoirirj lsfl * ,3 tha rroposed work ahanS,ng the existing looipr .17 f lOIAI SQ FT UNDTR ROOI lj.i ,.rrorp,i w,:r, Herted ]orAl pRo)fcT rosr i'-e s tot i-21?t5.. 9tc,, ljl,i ili; Yee f No r.t orher (sf) ! nheitedi tt l( lh. r.ofc!r. "1r.'l aharrltrFtihe:i.,rbp..)a'";,1'::.. 1r -. Y.i \ i!o 1,, a.y tlectriaal, Plumbin8 ar tv'l€ahanical !.lcir br.,r:ii Ja,r.rictl':..a:.:\cr;5lri,alui(, ._ Yet .i No li lfie proJrct rt a Reloaattol, i5 there a Nitural Gas !,nc on ine (u:rent srte2 :... Yes i( No Ir there €lectrical Powe. on lhis Building? 8' Yes :_ No ?ropefi.l Usel Oacuparay. l Jjnsle Family '- Dirplsr i To*nhoirre 0esrription ot Workl ^L\ 4 1 t- OirCLArtltti: n.r.lr ... 1r '.:' i' !ir j :r.r._r,:*i. rlilrid-r,i-n- -"a f.rF:. !-.r . a.,r:r'- , r.r!rrtul'c,! "'{a\li Aq vior( rerlo,rnec w,:ncur lhr ap*oir owroi./co.tra.ro. iTit fl.. .Lr.)t - 4 r ^.i u!r. ''c ., , ,l'r,1, " anr stiUtti !{r firol drio r5m 0(r,.. _ Si;rrturr l, lr'.. ir(joiriv.;(a:ri,r.::; l3s3p 2.r' _ Yc! a No lxrltlnt {mpervr.u5 Area,,,-_ i'il .--Sqlt lotal Acre! Orrturb€d: O Nr.re .mpervrorr Area - .-,'/i - 5q Ft trrltrnf, Lano Disturbin, "",*,,. - yes ,,u No WAIER: iY CFPUA .J CommlrnLty Sy5tem - Prrvai. Vy'el, :- Cenr.n, We ,-: Aqua sfw€li: t ailLn LofiriLniySyll.ln I Prv;:.r,1;1..:, aeqr"rt Sar:r -- /,.t -,-j Zone: ___ _ Oflicer: -.._ __, Setbrck! {f ) ___ {LHi _ lR ) -____ {8} App.ovilr aitYr - D"1!.: _ tloodr iAi_. tV) --. *{N)-._-- Eat.lft._-__ Commenlr -,PPr it fee S crry !,,,,.-h ts, lL11,.o!,sr lriLzp TFICO - PlioNE iid-ri-., ;*r).- f it l+ ii -r*x-&p.a- APPLICAN].S NAME PROJfCT AODR€55: G,n'-.,-.., u;l t\7', ..yrg1l-lC(r t{-'l a:1'r( --ztP.-Zl!!!!S__ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CATI O N fY Pfi RESIDENnAt f l. talt,11!',trt R r r'JiraSTro!s ar,pr r( ill, r -o Yli rR rni)rl a:' "Proje.t ResPonsibilirY" ? lJ-., coNrRAcroR. C!r.lfo[.. 1 aoonrss. -1i--flf,,-i4- -- tMAIL AoDRISS: L, | 1--- cl t. ,',U, I PRorrcT coNlAcr pE*tn* ,1 it EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: : Alterat NtW CONSTRUCTION _,- Fre.t N.w l",lJ-1-Gq-^^y 'tol s 9ro -1i3. ]s\! s,oc ,.,cr"sr r. ? ZZfc' 0Q-::i-zs=,-- !r :-l,-,..,a crn' pRoprRry owNER,s NAMt, w it fG,,.-].'l o1-r ;. (hrslrqL! owNrR'sADoRtss: @L{:g.ll;-l -f<4. U^;l k?w;l "_ ttp 264og O.t- ItJADIVIS:ON : Atl Garage (SFi_ __ I i Sun.oom ISF) -__ _,_ !!1L- - ri, ctn'.r.tr.rht,",l-_ -t--*,PHONT t-u- Pl roNt ron D Renovation X Gen€ralRepairs Residen.e : ,AdCit,rx la Exillint: Residcrce .:l Ren.alion .." PLE'(;T CHECX AND ANSlVIR EEtOW ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PNO,JTCTT" D {-rel GaraE,i istr - _ i Pool (Sli _---. _ : Porch {sFl ! Urher {St) _-_U S,eenhousc ISF)__* IOIAI- 5Q FI UND€R ROOF Uor ptopo'd vr'o.l) Neated: _- I uihented:- l-,, - - ls the proposed work changrnt the exil ting tootprinl? J Yes f No TOTAT PROJFCT COST lless Lott 5-2 i.'it:)nl,,lotcj!yo.kcha.1l'|t lhe"-irrl,rjr oil)[.iroor., Y.rs,. f{c l. iny Ele(triaal Plumbingor Me(hanital \,ra"l Ea.rgoa r!'L t:! A.i{'r\r_,ri 51r.(i.r,! Yc, r No 11 the proje(t it a Relo.atlolr, i5 tnere a Nalurar Gas tine on (he current 'te i : Yes ii: No ls there ElectricalPower on this BuildirS? [& Yes C No Prcqeiy Utel Oa.upancy: _ Single Family f: Dupier i Townhouse Dcs.ription otWorl: - v-o-Lt i,a ,?ts lnlotor,ll(rn "'NOltrAry wo,r( tcrlormed wdhrxt rhe appropfi.,te p€rmir wril b€ i^ viclitlo. ol lhc NC 5ia:e Bt.g, owne'/contra(ror' 3ll 4, ,-..l.al ,' stgnotu,c. j'i ',r..as,.. uuu,i,,. ,,,r:lrr." - '-.-/ ii cde a.d !!b,e( lo irner !pto t500 15 :lre D.ooeriy loaated ro d floodpl.:rir) :. Yet i No I txrrtrnE lmperviour Arer: _'.r- rtl ---Sq ft lotal Aarea Oisturbedt C _. l\cw lmpervious Aree,_Ji_ :,q ft Existing land Dirturbiog Permit: - Yes .& No WATTR: I CfPUA ] Communrty System |. Private Werl ir CentralWell a Aqua SEWEE: -{ LIgUA - Con/nun iv s.,/stelrr : prvaiF iegti( _- t.er:,.1 5"r' - -' ,."- Zoo€: _ Ot icer: -'-_ Serb.cls (r) __ (i.tl) _ (RH) .*_ (B) -,, -_ Approval: -_ .- City: * Date: ___., tiood:{A)._ _ {V} __(N)_ 8Ft+2ft= *__ :./'1 Comrnentr Pernril [eei S - \n 39b NEW HANOVER COUIITY 8U'LDIT{G PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPF: RESIDENTIA! r' l,tsf li'i(!Yiii nL. rl.,asrr.llj. 1!ipli,',:':il I-, Y/ l . r;ii,r,'l 'r'roiecl Re5ponsibility" 2'e l1-1 C(iUL ;7-aft3,,.- l-\;rt." '!lP"'1't(CITY LOT r pHrNrr grq.21?-Z7t 7n;I C iTY C|TYl Ljr-'n ql.l ztp 2tqos coNrRAcroR Clrr. r hln,. oonrrs. j,::.Fl(J-,i-il..lJ,r: G-lo,n, EMA,I AoDn Iss: -Ll]ardLi]:\[; BroG ,cENsr ! ??zrc - PHON f pRo,Ecr coNTAcr p€nso* -jJt (11,',LLy PHONT I .)':i,i ! €xlSTlNG CONSTnUCTIOII: a tA,terarron i- Renovation X General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCTION: '-'l fr..t Nev,/ R.1i''1..n{. - i'lrlli.. 1o Ii::.iinf Fc5]d.^... : PPi...'i. n ." PTEASE CHTCX AND ANSWER BELOW AIt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO',ECTTTT : Att GJr.gc (Sf) *i air€edhou.,{: i9l j_ ls the propo3ed work chan8iot IOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOT i'O the exi';ting footprinl? Cl Yes E No r rr.po ..ri s/..k) Heated: P I lt ,, Porch (sFl l-_ ()rhe. (5F ) rNo - Poo (!F, ___ a Ut'r.1s.i i!. lotAt PRoJtcT cosT (Lc(. rotr ( - Zr7X5 -,,, :he p.oposeJ worl ijranG nP lll€ n.r,nb'er .r bEcroo .., _ Ycr .( l.(, ls,rnyElectri(al.Pl{mbinsorMechanica,!!o,lbr'rU,j.r:ut,t'.1arAir.r!!l, rStrJait,ro - Yat li tne project 13 a Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Linc on the (u.rent lrte? : Yer d- No ls there El€ctrical Power on this Suildir g? Iir Yes : No Property Use/ Oaclpanry. - 5in8le family , Dupiex ^ Townhous. Derariprion of Woak: - rnloira;tor, " '. NOll A owner/Cohtrnctor . .ll'l:l \ !J,],, xtwork !€rfornleo with)ul theappropn.le pcrd ?ll c1,,..,1.o1,-. ?t;.it!:L.-; .5rirelluro!it! will lu r. vicluirLla ol lhe N __ Sirn.tture de a^d \ibt?(t to fines uD 10 S5m.0C'.. 13 ihe proprrty lo€atcd iN.l oodpi;rr.^ _ Yes ,! No IExr5linElmterviou!Area -r/ti _5qft lotalAcrrsOilturbed: f"' Ncw lmpervious Arca, wili --:,q ft flistint land Oistuibirg permit: - tei I! NO WATER: ill CFPUA -l Community Slstem - Private Well !] Centrallvell i- Aq,ra SEWER: ,\ LFPIIA Cor-'i.1u6,t/ Strr!,r1 - jr.rvTie Seplic l_ fentiirSeprt i.qLr\r Zooe:__- _ Oificer._ _-.__ Setb.ct!(Fl_- _(t-Hi__(RHj- .._ (gi - -- Approvali Crty: _ Oatf : -_- ood. {A) lV) {N) ._ SFf +2ft: Cqmt'lent:Pernllr feer S .- APPLT.AN'S NAM': (l::h1,, R,1,,*t PROJtCf ADDRlSS: .-3- "i Li-. it-<!.c_ _|<) suBorvrsroN. l;, '1t,6,'ll"- ,"1'. t pRoprRryowNrR s Nor, w=,|iI; t t- W* h"*t, owNtR's ADDREss: ?qLEaj+*aA A. _U^;l l?Y Unheoted: " /rl lr l,r..rh ST: v!-ZlP a)Ll5v lrrlr).2ii-):!-L-l- lcrl-- lC rCL!) IIEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PL|CATIO N TYPF; RESIDENIIAL -italt rl :1,,: t It, i)l.lsl,t]ri.,..af i ranB : 1 L,"r i r-\ii/),,i '-'t roie(r Reston5ibility" \ 1- 3rqL{ APPI ICANl'S NAM€ PRO,,fCT ADDRISS: 1,..l. ^., lot ji 9ro '?5Q: ttfiS -zP 28t1os - \{, -,:.. J C,. U";'l-la 1'Dar c +-1 -tx SUEOIV'SION: PROPERTY O!INtR'S owNI R',s tDDfftSS r'iarur, it{-.*r-dib:n6cl_'an RA Aqn,5u*..PH(JN[ 'crry ctrv, \dl..r! PHONE 4.. -,- PHOi']E untreoteo: ---1L /ii -..-,, .",t rITY rr ,11' U;+ I4 '-'r-e^ EIDG LlctNsE ! t <( 4" sr sjc pRorrcr coNrAcr PE*ro* J,-1'! l'] , , h. i '1,, r €X|ST|NG COIiISTRUCTION: L_l Alteratron a Re.ovataon X GeneralReparrs NEW CONSTRUCTIONT --'l ErF(t Nev/ 8f<idi-ncF - ^iC:' , . '. fv':ll.! R,,.,.Fi.r i Pr..,-: .i .-1r. .., PTEAST CHiCK AND AN5IVtR BTLOVJ ALL TTIA'T APPIY IO YOU'T PKOJTCT'T ' : hti Gar;Be {5f I __.__C Dei (,?rdt! {5lr __Pa.ai rSl i - Siorafe she(: i!f) L o[ner (5f ) ___.J Creento,jsa (sri -_ Is the proposed \rork ahanging the existilt footpriot? : Yeq E No !'!.k (Si; lt; h th(r D.ciroled ";orl, r l,:r'rl: fl'tf,i .:.,:lf r1r oi irlr(rcor ,,r Yes ,i N(j ls aai €iectrical. Plumbint or lrechaniral ,^;c.lircnilliujl!irlr.;1aae,)-.',::rLit!r(. Yes r No ll tire prolecl rs a Relocatlon, is there a NAtural (ras Lrne on lhe .u.renr site? I Yet l( No ls there Elecrrical Power on this Buildinti' 8l Yes : No Propedy Ure/ O..upancv: -- Sintle Family : _' Ouplex ,i iownhouse Descrl0tion ofVrro.k TOTAL SQ fT UNDTR ROOI l,ror ,.i)D,r\.i, lvofli; Nealod TOTAT PRorFCr CoST u*r,nr, : ?,765 'l' t'1,lul: r1,.rr iri(,i "'l!lL A|y rori !er'orrec wrlrru rr'e aCyorf ri. fr€ Owner/Coalrarlor:?ll 71 .tL 1,,-, Ir Llrf t,lop€r:y ,Jadteq in a f ooColdil]? :, Yet l No dr r.4 srhlF. . l,ne5 p ro 5rO0 trC." - _, ._ 5ignature IristrnE lmperviour Area: ''r ll 3q tl lotal Acrei DiJturbed: (2 Ncvv lmp?wious Area: v/f!- -- Sq ft €xisting Land Oisturbint Permit: ,.- yes d! No WATIRT I CFPUA ] Community System :-- Prirate Well - Ce.tralWdl a Aoua StWtR j. CFPUT1 __ Cor)l,run,lv )ysleri _ Fr\i.:tSell;( - iei:,rl!e91.1 - 4q.J., Zoo€: __, Ofliccri __ Setb icts {f} __ (tH} _ (Rrr) _. {B) Approval: ___,_ City: _ , Date: -__ Floodi IA)- _ . {V) _ (N) _,. Btt}lfi= - __, coNrRAcroR Chr,ltrrL... ?, 1J,". G*.^^,, aoontss, I>rdx id <,i I i I ,ro,..oro^Er,]n tt I* pi-i -ti.^, .. - ,. 7.,,J- lL(t ':/ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI O N ryPfi RESIDENTIAt PltASf .\NSr{tR lii OllFSTiOxl aPflrCAFlt tC Yr:)Uh tiJlial "Project Responsibility" C.n,-.,^,1 Un+tf'x' l.t-r@ l3:i ?.-1 - tYAPPr-rcANrsNAME: Ar;*Ll PROJtcr ADDRE5S:., lo,:-9 -GsuBDtvrsroN: \,r./- ". )r ij,,1,. cliY LOT i PROPTRTY OWNf R'S NAIVlT aooRtss: t: \;Ei;liE, -l -,,vk"rI" t-vsl.\-1 2,, A".+l5oOwNER'5 ADDR6sS: 2OX conr*.ron Ch t, t i(, IJlaGrp"v l?r 1,.,erawr.2lZ-fl crry hr;,u nc +^^ 1 . 3Ll5l z0 ?iLlos sroc ucrirsr r ',?ZZ-F-.-.crn \,.tr.,.h tr,. ll 'PlioN[. ,*-1. sr, t JCz TaqSa't Etu1ArL AoDRESS: -j!,1 :LlurLJd-a.s,".^ pRortcT coNrAcr pE^to" -i;. ,it i ).r..', Li',,',- -.68-l,:.z* ' --- , - Porch lSFl i, 5torage Sned ISF) --_. r t-]0N t txlSTlNG CONS'RUCIION: il Alieratron C Reflovalon X GcneralReparrs f{EW CONSTRUCIION --:rF.tN€s Re<iC€nae -- 1.. ;(.l. Fx'.r":'q?:'c:... ' Pi'1(il ..' ... PLEISE CHIC( AND At./sWER B[,LOW A LL T}IAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCT't' -l An 63ra8e {SF} tr .j Sunioon {5f, j lrcerit:o.{ lstt __ }, l1 lhe p.oposed work chanBint the ex stinF footprint? : IOIAL SQ FT UNDTR RQOFtJoT propased *o./tJ H.nted roTAL pROJrCr COST rle(r I oll S 2,w5 - I Det Garrp€ l5fl looj(5F) Del.i i5ri l-- Uther (5t) l;l l'it YPr f No Unheated: l! ihe p/Ono<'Cl wcr! chandirii t\t . J :,b€. of l-..crcor.r,,; _ Yr! .. l,la Irany€lectrical.PlumbinsorMechan(alvro.ii€in6conctctl\eAc!ci\o./Strr(iirre _ Yes v No lltheprorectiraReloaatlon,isthere.NaturatGasLrneonthecurrenrsite?: yes C No ls there Electrical Power on this Euildirlg? lf Yes - No property U5e,/ Oc.!pan.y: -- Sjngle family ouDler i Townhous! Oetcriplion ot Work: -. tt t.y,:,; r-5 owncr/co^tiacro': --trJt O- :].rlr"l -'....,,r",j LuJ.,l.. ,,,;1\;; - ,/.-Signetu/e 1., l!',: Droic,ty iocaied .' il itoodl)1., r) -- yeJ ?" |lo It slrns lmpervrous Area: - -J1i 5qp1 Iotal Aarcs Oisturbedi (> trrttin8land Oisturbrnt Peamtt: i, yc! r,.l NoN(]w lmpervicus Arca l.q;t WATER: m CFPUA:l Community Syttern ; private Welt |: CentrarWe :l Aoua stwlRj _Il CTPUA .- Corinunrtv 5t,te'ij : P.rv.:e iepr,c - Cenlr.{Seoi." - Acud Zone: _ Oflker: ___ Sctbacfts {r) __ (U1) _ {R,r) - _ . {B) _ __ Approval: _-. -- city: _ oate:__ fiood:lA) _ _{v}..-{N) _ 8aE+2ft= Commenll Per^rir Fee. S ,t )j1^€+41 f NEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CATION rYPf; RESIOENTIAt Prri,,t ^r:!vi:F ^Lt ali.':sT ("\1 Afr ri-ln,i"irY,:lll,r'i:cra'r "Lloje(t ReJpon(ibih:y" APPTICAN?S NAMI: PRO,!TCT ADDRESS:\lSUaDlvlSiON: -f&-,. CONTRACTOR ADDR!SS ()t Datc-\,":f,r;i l-.i'rjr '4 I G,,1J..,r ?f,|G,. u"at crTl' ),,\nLl\ pRoprRTy owNrR's Norr. j++, h.q* 1'" Qqlt ro 5.2',n owNEe,s AoDRrss 2o7\_Gs).el ?J . U',1] t I 3l Clrr,ltpir-. 1 - -.,i-;r _1.!- rj':,l l!r__jl l,U-'...5 G."1p^, j k i .-- -- pro*r , ctlY 'l lo -t)Ll3- fitL|z't ?tloS crrv 1"..,. ,q_.g'l.,,1 'PHONE ,,.on,-,.r"r, o -Zzzxq *l'r sr t iC EMrrr-AODRE55: l. ll,:g &,-,:.Lo pRoltcr coNIAcr ptRsoN. _.lJ-l (.Jf, , - Alt !3rig(. (Sfl !-t sun.ol)n: iSF) --- t_ _ [tlSIlNG CONSTRUCTION: a Alteratron a Renovation X General Repairs tlEW CONSTRUCTION ia ETect New RFsidroce '- ACCii;c,r 1o Erir,lint; ?csid...e q.lo.irllon .." PLEA;E CHEC( AND ANSWER 8EI.OW ALL TXAI APPIY TO YOUR PROJTCI''T ._ Porch (Srl_____ '- 5',oragr Shed {5}i _ _ , ij rijceolrorre {sti -_ ia ls the proposed work changing the exr: trng lootprinl? -n IOIAi SQ fT UNDTR ROOI Ua( propoled war;:) Hcrled 0t(i (!i?i urher (5fi Yes I! No Unheatri - .- 1., Torat pRoltcr cosr 1 i.'. .orl, S_21ffi5 ll tni ?..)os,jd \.ro.i ( handirg t1t: r.nr rL)r,r 01 5.( ocn... '] Ycs ;r 11u ls nnt electrical, Plumbing or Mechani:al wo r k lrcin,l cc -,! r a Ll:r A,-r,( .-siirI St: rct ul'(. Yr,a ; No lf the p.olect rs a Relqcatoo, is there a Naturar Gas [ioe on tne curftnt site? : Yes ai No ls there Eleqtrical Power on this Buildtng? (& Yes : No Ptoperty Use/ O(cupancy: _ Sintle f rmily . , Duplex :i Iownhousc Oes(ription of Work lsll*a IOr5q.ArU€Rr h?r.hy...'l! rr,c: . tte i,n.mnl .wi n.rr orliri!ir.\ an: r.t,l.ti... rh. rrttlt:t ,nior6ar,on. .',r,totL: Any wo,k f,€rformed wittx Owner/Contraator !,i.xr.J L uoirre: irf -_ Crty: _-_ Datc: _ flocd: (Ai___-iV)__{N)_. Br€.2ft: ls tlrr groOerty locateC rn a fioodpl.r4? _ yei tr No trrltrng lmpervious Arear *-,/rl Sqff l'otitAcrer D,rturo€o: ,- New lmpedrour Arca. _ "lA _sqtt Exastin8 Land DirtLrrt int permrt: : ye5./i tto WAf€n: y, CFPUA |l Communitv Syetem -,p.jvateWe[ t]CenlralWe[: Aqua SiWIRi .r LrPU,\ , COmrnLn ty,yj1em I I,,rvateS€clr4 I C.niritS!p:ta -- l!!" zoie:__ offi.e.: _.- Setbsck!{f) ltH} lR8) iB)__. Afrproval Cgmm€nt '2 Prrnlrt Fee: S 7_ct_t(il=E-r--. oro*r, (ro-) z;i -1g-r- l.. Del Cdrrr;! iS: f: Pool 15Fl-- hIEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI\4IT A PPL| CATI O ti rYP6: RE5l DENTIAI :Lt a'; Aft! wi ii ar I li,aSiia^,'.,rar'rlCA:ll r L Y: 1,r oi / r', 1 :",*oje.t Rerponsibili:y" FHOt'r[ t qtq -t - ?tat ilifil 7-1-tt to 3!!q! O.'P PHONT ,\ r'(/ ^ _;-) _,r AppLrcAN?s NAME: ()r::L:,\,.. G- 1J,"., ProJtcI AoDRtss: lolg f-l:l *'.- d" -L!. ' susorvrsroN: f&[.;],f* t!, u-i:\ - C-lt a:f lrl a'CITY PROPERTY OWNIR'S NAMT Owrif R'5 ADORfSS: ?d2 ( iT'l co TRAcroR Clnr,lhlr.. !.,U."t G^6",ooonrss,Tr,-ifir6i,t - j , ,*o,,. oo*'rrr.--'f ,.r-.t-.,,i;, 1r-, -. , -,1 pRo,rcr coNrACr pr*.o* I . I .1, ,. , iir-,la, ,too rrrr*ru f??Yc !1, fru.,,-6.)611'1 !r.- | c1 'r,*oN lr sr i.JL "-!t__ tXlSTlNG CONSIRUCTIONi al Alterat(,n -_ Renovarron X (ienerai Rrpair:' NEU, CONSTnUCTTON - Ere.t N._,r rrsi,r.1.; - 4r,.;.:., ro E> ,! .r. p,,.,!j.--,. - Pi i.-..:. ir ...PI:ASI. C}tTCX ANO ANSWER BTTOW AtI, IHAT APPLY TO YOUR PffO,ITCT.., ,:! Att Garar:r {SFi__- _* j 6r.e1ho.s{, ilrl __, _ Por.h (Srl ___-.,,__ -- Sror;fl€ Shso {!ll _____ '-j (xhe. (SF) No ls the propo3ed worl chanBing the existing ,ootorint? l,-] Ye5 f iJo IOTAT 5q fi U DER ROO' lror pr)co!"d wcr() Herted: -- -Y]-li-- Unhcated: , - " TOTAI eRO,tCT COST,, F\\ ,.ri : ?'"{5-t,' l,:ne p'c!ot, 'l r.,crl .ha:;a:_! i'rL _-nrt,eroi::;r:ro;;:. Yr.! -- No l,t nn! Sectri(al. Plumbing or Mechahi,:a, ,/o.L b, ',,;n'.-:cl ra l:r:r..-.ii, -(: i.,:,,r. \cs, It rhe prolect r, a Rclocalrcn, is there a Natural 6as [..ne o,r rre (uren: slte? : Yes { No 15 the.r Electrical Power on thir BLildin8? l{ Yer j No Ptoperly U5e/ O(.upat(y: " SinElc Frmlly Duplex |. Iownhousc Deicription olwork: - . -----*-i1""h*f' ownei/co6r'a.ror; -GLi-C]l"\' ,r:,1 i,. - lr lha p(oge,tt io(,itec,n a llcodp j,ni * Yes :a No I trr5tint rmpervioutArca: ,-r,ll iq lt ;ota, A.rer Drrturb4d: ',/ Ncw [npervious Arra: ---3[--- Sq ft trisriilt land Oiitu.br.]E hermll: , WAI€R: S CTPUA :] Communrty System - Private Well r CentralWelt - Aq,re Stwfti: t Li?U,'{ _ LoFniJn ir 5y!leri - p;.s.j:r ifil,a - Centidi Se!::( - ;q. d Zoft: _- Oflrrer.__ s.lba.trll)_ _lrd) _(Rh)--_{0i..... Yes { No City:-- Da c:_,_ tloed.lA,._ (v)_-*{ry) _ Br[+2h:Approval: Comment.P(:rnri lee S .. Zt,i] )rc tC NEW HANOVER COUNW gUlLDlr'lc PERMIT APPUCAfiON TYP [; RESIDENTIAL f'LIA\i: r.Ns\l,'rn AL. lJlsi:a S ArP'-arl i IO r:tLrr rr-Lrl.,:: 'Proiect Re5poneibility" APPLICANT'S NA[I€ PRO]fCT ADDRiSS: ?,'1J,. c N.1- A.). ,:.' 1' (ofice !s.i o.to J-?-(.zrP:lLlJj C,N :: t:, t-u, suE0rvr5toN coNrRAcro R 4Lr.l!air. - 1 J,.", aoontss']q-Q-4$ri EMAIL AooRESS: b !1.., clr. ,',lft1l.,i LOT ' C iTY PHOi]€,cl-n - ce-qo? aLDG ucENsE ,222b.,- !l .ul sr NLz PROPERTY OWNER'5 owNtli's aDDRtss: : Att Orr38e (sri_-_ : siJ,rroonr {5t) Oei(riptron ol Work' Owiret/Contra.tor' r,/a.rsf ,r (_lrlu|,rL" '2u I Dei uir.il{-isl-t _-_ i/ool [5ri --_-- '').< I - 2orch iSFj '_/,..:,.. . : Otner Isf l NAME: #G 2ol7 6;I 7tP2t995 io'1I- *.i pnoJrcr coNrAcr pErto, ll. tl (11r,.,11i"- EXISIING CONSTRUCIION: :l Alteratrorl f Renova(ion li Gcneral Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCITON: --j Irect N.w Resiflpn.e - A.j.ririo,!t(] rv;\rir. apird.il!, prr...r:^- .. -PLEA.;E CHECK AND ANSWT.R BELOW ALL THAI APPLY I O YOUR PNO]ECT"' Li 6recnho{rie {5t) -- it Ue(ki5t,--i5!, l! the proposed worl chan8ing the exi:ting ,ootprint? D Yer E No .IOTAI SQ fI UNOTR ROOI lJor ptlpott\i \vor() Heated rorAl pRoJEcr cosI 1i-".' toti, S 24775 _ It th€ p|oposed worh i.hil tr.ing the tJrltrr'rof Dr:.1rc\o...,: , Yes ;i- p1 l! i ry flectrical. Plu m bing or Me(hani :a I wo,li t-,a,ri.rici!:r.otira;\ace.,!(r,,SirJitJir yc5 { No ll the proiect ii a ficloCatron, is there a Natu.al 6as lrne on the current s,le? ; Yes f No 15 there tlectrical Power on this 8!.ilding? ril Yes: No Propeny Use/ O..upancyr . SintleF.imily: Duplex I Townnouse *- I ,: unheakd OEq-ArMtA: r hrr.D} cen rfv thar il, ttr r^1ofm!l on nih r.a,o':rrt o, i!(orir'rt rnd G0irr.,,* .r.'pror3i :ir -i. t$r' irc,i,,, !1,.r'i :, .i, r. a,, .. r6ro.6at'c,'. "rHolt Any forl p€rlormeo without the appropnate perfirtl ,L.,1'--i ,'1x",. - lJ the Droce,ly lo{ated in d floodptd,n? _ ye5 t No €xiltin8 rmpervlous A.ea: -_'J_]E -- SqFt IotnlAcrer ti3turb€d: C New lmperylous Area, --:/A Sq f t Eristing Land Oistu.bint permai: a yp5 * tto WATER: I CTPUA:l Communrty Sy;rem -l private Well ,J CentralWell : Aqua SIWEft' j.. Li;rUA - t!''ri.':iU,i :v Sr;'.enr -, P.!\...,5e,1,,! - atjnlrd iairi. - A,,," zoo.: _____ Oftker: -- Satbacks lr) ___ (tH)--- (RH)___ iB) __approvelr _ crty:__ _ Date:.._ Flood: {A) {v) lN}_ Brt+2ft= Comr'tent:Pe.mir terI I .-- _ I1*gso Kl. U^;+ 6j clrY \. | )-Vi 7at1-lri\2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL|CATI O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL flt^Sl AN!w;84!. iU:SIiar\: aPP!r{i8ri ia./r YOUA nFl-'i;l "Proje(t Respon.ibility" G..n ,r- Zt94-vJC/,'l +-q- (APPLIC.AN?S NAME PRO.,ICT ADDRTSS:',tsil'"a>lh:+CITY ,'.i,.I ZIP IJ su 8D tvlSlo N LO-r ,r qto- l4?- +1&o ztp ? 8191 ,rou urrr.o o'???Ycnry roDntss: lLl IMA!LAOORISS b,ll4"dri,;Lrd!.it,crrY. U .\ t ,PHO p*oprR,y owNr R \ Narar. \^i'... i. r:,' - kss.l Hxr; nq owNrq's ADDRrss: 2az1 -e,>),,,wA'%.. Ut'* tll I CITY CONTRACTOR ("lrr, r J yrX-Si+1' ,NE: t,io): St: \iLz p*orrcr coNracr pE^ro* _f1 l.)r*-!i&=r- IXISTING CONSIRUCTION: O Alleratr.n :j Renovation X General Reparrs tlEW CONSIRUCTION: f-' €rect New llesidFo.p * Add;iio^ 'o t':slinfl qe5idpl(. '-r RF'o.atict ..'PtEAS E CHTCK ANO ANSWT R BETOVJ ALt'IHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJT<T"' -6-L.:i-z:! : An Gar.8e (stl-*_ ll Sunroom (5r) - J 6re .nho!s8 {Sf ) _- - Dei GJraPe ISl, L--] Pool (SF) _- _ qcrch 15., _ Sto'age Shed (5r)_--, - fther (5fi 15 the proposed worl chanSing the existing lootprint? E Ycs f No IOTA! SQ FT UNDTR ROOF Aot pt.paset $'all) Heated TOIAT PRO.,tCr COST t "rr r"r,,:-2fr1 -- k tte ,.opo9ed wort (halg,ng 1r,6 nu.lber ol baCro r,.: Yes i No l1 anyElcctrical,PlumbingcrMechaniralwork|€,tcl:..t.t,rrAi:!rrru:iSrruir!rr:,. Ye5 y No lltheproiectrsafl?loaatlor,lsthereaNalural6as[ineontnecurren(site?:Yesa:No ls there tlectrical Power on thir Blildrnt? Il Yes j No Property l,rre/ Occlpancyr - Sintle Frmilv . Duplei.ji Townhous4 Unheated:- l* Degcrirtion otworkl rn'orilanon "'hOTt Any work p€.tornlen w,thrur rherFD.oa4Jlc o€,i. tr wrl[)e,n vrolarron or:he Na 3r.r. ____?*L.&g.a Own€r/Contraatot i_?, ll o,, .r]."'l i'r I i\: 1,.,.4.../ l! lhe prooerly located,. a floodriaj.) _ Yc5 t No Itlslin8. lmpervrour Areo: _J_fl_ t.q ft Torai Aci€s Distlrbadi a) ; Ncw lmpervtousAree, -iL-;qFt [ti5tin6 Laftd Distu,bint permit: .; y.! & tto WATERT E CIPUA C Community Svstem :: Private Well l_t C€ntralWell :) Aqua SEW€R: tr i.i,LiA -_ aoninlJi:r5r-it€,rj _ Pi,dteS.riC I Ccntrdi:<r:. _ Aq!! Zone: _ Ofticer: __ 5€tb6ckr (t) _.- _ (LH) _ {rrH} _ iB) _, App.oy.l: ,____ Ciry:--.-_ Oat!:__.__- flood:iA)-_(vl , _(N) _ BrE+2ft: Commertl U?l l,t I I'"\L-NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CAflON TYP f; RESIOENTIAL pLEAlra\sw(FAL- auas' J.!5A2PLr,-An:i'lcYSuE caortrlT "Proiect Responsibility" ..1 - r,t'i(-- ^(-i )- \ \u 'u APPLICAN]'S NAME P8O',T'T ADDRI55 suEolvlStOft: -\&i PROPERTY OWNIR'5 owNtR'5 aooR€ss: ADDRTS5:!1, .'n.,..11. iu.,\ sr --]"*o-* d.rdlrt G,no,n, D":1t 61 r'rarvrr, '!+ii, 2q73 6r),r.lI 3,*,oI gt. &:+ tT oate +-q-ts 9t1 -ilo-Sq? crrv w,_aP ?t.lo S EtDG LrC€NSf t '-)')-Yc&-'jcc ?HONI ] tt' l t2)_,'.:. l CIT? .onr*.ro*, C-\r' J .Y J- ): pRorrcr coNracr pr*ron, -I.,j-]-t*-L t,:,,L*!l II'IIAIL ADDR€SS \, ll ;l Ah GaraEe IsF)-** :,r Sunroom {SF, :-,1 GreeT iou* isf) __ ls the proposed work changint th 'TOTAL SQ FI UNOER ROOI Uor p txlSIlNG CONSTRUCTION: CJ Alte.atron 3 Renovation X GeneralRepairs NEW CONSfRUCTION' : t.e.t N.w llesidcn.P :- adCi!,nn to triJling Peside.c- ' I Rerc.atro. .." PLEAS E CHECX AND AN5WER SttOW AI.T TXAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO/ECT"' ft oei Garare lSF, ! PoorlSF) __ -,' Porch iSFl li D<.1isF) e eris:in8 footprin!? f, Yes I I'lo ropos,:tt t,tc!k) Hc.tcdi ---___! torAL PRoJtCr cosr (Les! Lor): S- 4+tS -lr l1e proposed wor, chnag,.B the nLncer cr )eCrcor!l Yo! -.. No ls nny Electl(al, Plumbinaof Mechani(alwo'k beihu oone'-o th( A(cirs.r!y Sr-rJctJre Ycs y No ll the prored ii a Rclocation, ,s there a latural Gas Lrne on the current s(e? : Yer l: No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildinl:? [] Yeg : No Property U'e/ O.cupan.y: -, Sin8le family . , Dup,cr j! iownhousr OerEriplion olWork: - OrlaLAlMEt:, her!',(?a,ly i1. .*t ,.1..,n,nr..}. r-.'.t , _i' 1^rornBtrod. "'NOIi. Any work :-.'_.'-'l. -i-",1.. perlornled *,rlro rt lie aprropr,ir. p€rr: ie tr1rr b Owner/Conira(tor.?llO,, .L.,1' )l}r,4,:c . rn vlolrlicn ot lh€ N '' r:' L'' i.c !.,i,.erl 1o INB uF to St00.m.'. SiSniture: 15 tl,e prr,ferty iccetec il . f,oociplarn? : Yes X No IlstrnE lmpervr 'lqtal Acres oist.rrb€d:, Ncw lmgrrviousArea :rt tt axistanE tand Oi5tu,bint Fermit: . ycJ ^ fuo WATER: f, CFPUA I Comrnuniry System :l P.ivare Weit a_J CenrralWe : Aqua SEWEkT j. eifUil _ arij]r:irt ,ty 5!Sierr - f,r!rlt.5rrl,.: C:nlr"t Sca,,. _ ;.-.. Zone: _- _ Otlicer: _ 5ettacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RB) _ {B)_- Appro l:_. cily:_ _ Date:_.. ,tood:iA)_{v) _(N)_Bft+2ft= . _-Permit tee: S ,|.) Commcit t+-at*s- crw. \,./ 1,,'i .9 l,n__ zte. 2t -lt:5 rLol g, - 9:o'ii,e Sred i5i) _ L-l other {5F)_ unrrcaterl, ----11/i - -- D",v. 8 x[,t-J ilC\k" tJ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL'CANON ryPE RESIDENTIAL PLiA<T ANSWTR ALL XUESTIO!\' APPLICAEIT TO YOUF FPCJT''I' 'Proie.t Responsibility" ITY W ,\ APPLICANT,S NAMT: PRO,,TCI ADDR!55: oarc " -7- lt zt . 2bqo\ -- 5UBOwISTON: PPOP€RTY OWNTR'S NAM€ OWNER'S ADDRESS Qo21 -G *:'q 7L_* _ ,CITY IOT i k.;lL PIIONI t - 621 - ?Cco ztc ?$lQJ coNrRAcroR: Clr r, lloir.. 1 aoonrss, 1i'- ltel.t - ,rO,r"oO rtt,'-h,It ;E;i; PRoJECT coNTAcr PEnsolr I . 1l J.,C,^O"' v\./ clrY,',v,i ,\1.,i il" ir<1,, Sr '..J(- 8t-DG LtCtNSt f ??ztro1l 4".t-.lJ]"i PHON Ii --ri !-)','$ fxlsrlfrtc CO STRUCTION, -i A,terar]on : Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCTION: a Erect New Reridenre i- Addition to txiltioe Resrde^ce I 'l Pelo.ation ... PLTA:i€ CH'CX AND ANSWTR 8EI.OW AII. THAT APPIY 1O YOUR PRO,,ECI"' :: An Garag€ isf t ___ : Sunroorn lst) _ ! GreenhoJ!€ isfj_ ls the proposed worl chanting the exirting tootprint TOrAt 5Q Fr UNDIRROOFUot pt.Lpo! ed watkj He D Dei 6ari'Ix. 15F: __ Ll Poo. {sti ' Po.ch iSFl yr De.k (SFr i)U _ S'tor.a8e Shed {5F)_ :- Une. {5r j ?DYesENo Iated: f-r/ r+ Uhhe{ted _t TOTAT PRO.,ECT COST (Le5s r-oi): S I ?t5 ls :l'e proposed wo.l .hanB,nEth{ r.r.1ber o' a€or0o,rs, _ Yes _1: No ls any Eleftrical. Plurnbins or Merhaniral wo.k be ne c on! lo ii.t Accti:a., Slr u(l .ir c Yes r No li the ptoJ€cl is a Relo'aalion, is the.e a Natirral Gas lrne on (he currenr srte? : Yer a No 15 there Eledrical Power on this Euildirg? E: Yes I No Ptoperty Ute/ Or(upancy: - Single finliiy _ Dupleri lownhouse ir: Owner/Contra.lor'?"ll n,,.rl,-o),". Prntt',r;i.t,c Description of lryorl: - nd !,b,en lo nne3 oF ro 5.r0O.00... Sitnal{rr€ 15 tne ptgperty located !n n llocdplain) ._ Yes a No txrstint lmperyious A,"", ;f6 -,-- t" ,,TotalAcresDisturbed: C NewlmperviousArc., -/l\,q rt Etbtint land OisturbinS Ferrail: ._ Yer * tro WATER: f CfPUA D Community Sl,stem Ji Pr:vate Wel a CentratWe : Aqua STWER: -r. aff,U^ ._ ComnrJn,i./ 5\-ite|r _ fir !...E s€pt;c : CenlrirlSe0t,{ Aeua Zone: _ Offi.er: _ Sc ba.kl (f) _ (tH) _ (RHj --- (B) _ Approy.l: ___ ciry: , Dat.t: -__- Floodi {A) ,_ (v) _ _ (N) _ BF€.2tr= Cgrttlneat;PPrmi: tce: S t:L-4+7a :11 _6,Lr;-*.r__ 1., ;.-r,i-1-liLil " 1..4e) APPI.ICANTS NAME PFCJTC'T ADDRT55: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PPLI CATI ON TYPE: RESIOENTIAL ?La.!sE alts'jy[F AL" Quts.or\:,lPPi rc.Agj l: YouR Pqojil-'_r "Proied Rerponsibility" 'l) rJ,(-..n lr,ltse- on," ?-?-lf1 1 I U +crv -11l1,1o-u f'r -LO; :sugDrvrSroN: PiTONE ''9o-a56 - 62p ztp ?,6905 ,.on ,,.r*r, o.fZ?-E- ---., PROPERTY OWNTR'J NAME OWN€R'S ADDRESS: 20? .o"r*o.ro*, Clt r, j AODRISS: IMAIL AO ,=c-1 C ITY J," 4ril; pRo,EcT coftrAcr pE.ro* Jft =Jr-r r.p.-- , --- DRESS : All Gari8e lsf)_ o*o*, (r4:ti 3.r, -tXlSTlNG CONSTBUCTIOI{: Cl Aller,rt on ', Renovalion X Gexernl Rep.ri.s NEW CONSTRUCIION: :- Erect New l€srdpn.e - Addnicr lo Ex,sti,)p Resrde.cc Relo.nl'on ...PTEA:,E CHECX ANO ANSVJ€R S€LOW ATL'THAT APP!Y IO YOUR PROIECI"' -::,q'.t:da.i-::;. _. __ po:i'r i5:. Sunroom (5Fi __ r. PooJ {5f ) __ - Siorage Shed (5Fl __ ,i Grcenholrc{5.i- )i ilscx {sti - i72-- :. orher (sF) -, lJ rhe proposed work chan8int the eristing ,oolprint? : yes f No f OTAI sq f T Uttof R ROOF Uc]' !rcpc..!.d !/0,';;1 neatcd: n'l;t-, - Unheatco: ',/,i rOtAL PROrtgI COSI tr-er: tort. S 2?E5', 15:he rroposed worl chang,rn8 thc rlnrber ci bedrooms) : Yei:){ No lr .ny tlect.iaal, Plurnt ng or Mcchanl|rl work bernL C ore ,.o the Ac(rsro.y sti,Jc:,r f e - Yer !. No li the p.orect is a R.bcatlon, rs there a Nalurar Ga5 Lrne on tne cur.enr site? : Yes tr No ls there tle.tr;cal Power on this Br,ildina? 0! Yer I No Propeny Ute/ O(.uptn(y: Singre firrnily , Dqpiex J. iownhourc Oei.ription o, work _i--\ l/!tr-&ira aDd 1 rbre(t to trles u! to J5O0 m.r. nr!.q:.i(in.r.- ir' aecr.r'... _.e \ii rj"\,r. r-r^j .,o.. .-, a n .,, t. i t rn1o,n'al,,r ."xoli AnV wo,t pr4oh.c w'th.ur rhe.ltroxnate ne'r,,le *.rrl ir own?r/conr.aco.: 31"11 O,',LalLrt,../ (,.r u,,u r.(, 'r.I.,,.,,,,. -._ Si6n.ture \ .lL ll the oroserty located in a iioodDlarr? : Yes a No iaxistant lmperv;oui Area: - lil _ s4 rt Totel Acre: 0isturoedt a) New lmperyrou5 Area:Exrstint tar,rC O6turbrn8 Pcrnllt: , Yer .lir fuo WAIER: |r CFPUA f Commlnrty sy:.ter. - Pr:vare \t/eti CeritratWell i Aqua 5€WER: ](.'-aouA _ LorirnirIl:y 5l:terr: * l.rvi!eSfglr( -- Cer,tiiils!Dt;c -..Ari-a Zone: __ Otfi(e r: _-- SertErkr (r)_ (rH) _ (RH) _ {B} -.Approve,: _-. Crty: _ _- Oate -,, - - Hoodr lAi ---- {vi _ _ {N} __ Brt+2h: Cornrnent: _5*ft Pcrrnii Fee: S PHONT .- i,*Lsr' rjL2p $f '!6-a:rl=.,f- #'\.'2ur"l tilCl tr4tTIUEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPU CAn O N rYPf; R€Sl DENTIAL PttASt ANSWEF AL! OUESTIONS APP'-r(18 Lt rO YOUe F\Olt(':,,[iojec Responsibilit1/ Da!e f -7-ttr ztP: z6Llo t 'LOT P crr\ PROPERTY OWN€R'S NAMT 9wq^PflONE,1p-7?7- tlla 01/NER5 ADDR€SS: 2,29 q(7p 2tq6 5 noomss, jp.-Q,fC!r,r[rrL.. ?,lJ-1Grp^e T-- -, ,, Br.Dc r. tcENsz. r,222Yc-----CONTRACTOR cnt W;)n;t,.)on CIIY sT 1v\-Z?-rto t'{AIL AODRESS ;tr u.-:-,;; PRoircr coNrAcr PEr*n ?, l! (Jrr > \,\,'-,rorr, (if z3'J ?cc t D(!s?la{G COltSfnUCTlOtt: A Aiteratn)n : Renovauon X Gereral Repai.s NEW CONSTRUCTION: I €rect NFw Fesidencp :- Addition to f)iistine Fesider,ce -- Rerc.ation '.'PL€AsE cHECX ANo AtotwtR aErowArL rHAr llllt Lo_Yryr llotg'.. .] Ait 6.r.ige (St) -- E O€: Ga.a0e islt __ * go,'ch is.j ___- _ Poa 5i _ S:o'a8e shed istl_ iJ 6reenhou5e (5r)- li D€ci {sEi *!Jt- -- r l C'ther (5r) lr the proposed work changin8 the eristing footprint? fl Yes ts No TOtAL SQfT UNDERROOFUa, ptapat=aLo;^r Hc.tcd: - ,'!'t!-.- JnheJrcd: a-- rorAl PRoJEO cosr lLess Lctt:5-23X5 --rtls :he .DfofJosed work changing the "Ji)ber of bedroa^:i: I Ye< ;r 1o l! any Electric.l, Plumungor Mech.nl.rl wo.k bein8 oon€ to the Acce5so.i Svuclre : Yer ta No li the project rs a Relocatlon, is there a Natu.arGas Lrne on the current !le? i_ Yer tr No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Lf, Ye! a No P.operty Use/ Octupanay: a-- Single Fimi,y ,- . Duplex f lov,/nhourc Description qt Work Dnv trisdnt tmpe,violr Ar"", -11[- - ,rq rt TotalAcreiDisturbedi, New h!,€wiou3 Arear -h Sq t,. Er'rllint L.nd Ctislurbing pe,mi!: ,: y6 tto WAIER: E CFPUA ll Communrty Systern C Private We fl Cent/atWe| , Aqua StWtB: -t !.ltA - LJniltlr it j/5t.ll. _ pfiv"ies.plr I !enr,.i5.91. -_ OO zo't€: -- Ofti(er: -- Srtbacli {F)_ (tH} _ {RH) _ lB) _ Approrralr _ .,. City: _-_ Date: Ftood: {A} tV) IN) BFE+2ft: mtoharlon "'rroTt:Ant worl rlrformed w{hcur tho rpprop^ r p!.rtrit! q,[ be rn liorai,c. ot tne NC 5t r 0rlrode and !uLreo to r,nes un ro t5O0 m... o*ne./conrr.cror. - i3,il O. ra:L"lr". - srrnarure: z'-o-''--- ': -pt.,pa1-c!,1,t I p.,..,f,vo-. ..-'-" ' l1 $re aroJerty loc.led ir a f:oodp 3 .; f Ye! :a No Permi! Fee: S Appr.rcANT.s NAM': ()i ::\on\l-. G,.IJ,,., Q.nr*,^, rnorecr aoonus, E4-ZE.-- a- ?.1. i (,t;+ lci susorvrsror, 'v,,,[ihFE f^at:.- -- -- . -',i ;ir' t 1 :- ur h /'L^ I tJ" ) APPUCANT'S NAME: PRO][C7 ADORtJ5: :::"; :.,1 irG sB, N€W HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL' CATI ON TTPE RESI DENTIAL ?l-[AS€ A,tSIt L-R /.LL O.)eSTioti ] App'-ia €Ll rC YOUir P,iojtl:i "Project Rerponsibilit]r J P*aa 5 ,U."1 (*no'*1 lA,+tltt?Oatecrn'L'.i,''r ;-L"'i- -, LO.r ,:. h;r pHorve c 9 t0 -qa2 crrv. Ui m; BLD'u..ENs,. t322L- ....$a ??so 7-1-tl suaDrvrSroN: PROPIR'I-Y OI{NIR'S NAME OWN€R5 ADORFSs:lr".ppJ 7tP o5 TMAIL ADDRESS:!" i ia cJa i';r=g u.^ cllY PRoJ€cr coNracr pr"ron, !, ii -] ,.o"o,5 i.,,i ltl l,:c1 EXlSfl G COISTRUCIION: i-l Alterar on -- Renovat,on X General Repairs NtW CONS'RUCTION: - tre.t New lesiden.e ': Additjen 1o fristinS Rr5iCr.ce i-r Pero.]!ion ...PIEA:,E CHECX ANO ANSWTN BTIOW ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO,ICT"' _ ?orch iSFj _ sto'aEe SheC iSFr _ : Othe' (Sr) ===- : An Gar;ge (Sf) C De: Garafle lSF. : Suntoor- lSFr _ : Poo I'F)_ _ .__ C Grernho,,/re {Sr) - E D".f (5Fi --f5, - l! th! p.oposed wort chan8ins the exrsiiog tootprint? f: Yes f No TOIAL SQ fl UNDEq ROOI l:c{ propar d .votil ile.ted rOrAL PRoJECT COST {Lei! Lc:) S--- \?75 -l', :he p/oposed \ygrk chaflg,rg t te irn be. oi te(l roon r r -_ Yes jri No 15 .ny Elect ical, Plum bint cr Mechanlcal wo:k be nE o o ne to :. !r i1ti.t5!r.f 5!r, i.i u r,: yes y: No i'i:1e proieai t5. Rllocilion, is thare a raaturai Ga5 lrne on the curren! s(e) : yes f No ll there ElectricalPower on thi, Euildinti? ltr Yer'_: No Prop€rty U!e/ Oc(upro.Vi - singr€ F;otily Dupi€r -\ Io$/nhousc ---- Udhented: --- -/.I ortclAlL;A: ir,ctr,/ f.n tr rirl i I rlr r rrrr,i i,.r {r ii,r;ri r..!( - r,:o,ieri ir,i a I ro,! I r arn, i7. ,.lo,rir'o^. "-iOla: A.r wo.r partormad *tthorr r.e apo.op,,.te f..m|! wJlbe ri liorllirn ot lhc Na Slrla ({de i.d !!bl€ ro rrncs uF lo S5m.m... owne'/conrra(or. 3ill O',.:LpL... ' n,. t v,,nilr e.n_,\rr-.,, 11 theprooertyiocated,.altoo<itld.) * yes X i,lo €rtting lmpewious A."r' 'rft___ 5o rt tlcw lnplrvioss Arca, ----:-ltl sqrt Exisiiot Laftd Distrr,bint perrnir: : y6 i. No WATER: la CFPUA : Communjtysys:em - pr:vate We . Cenirat tryeti -_ Aqua StwEt{i _i !;pun _ Ccr--rLin.!/ty5 e.. .-_ ,.,,"trjei,t.c - Ce-,tro jgo,.c dqrd Zgna: officor: lar-,.ba.r(, (Fi _.* {Lri) *_ {RH) _, _ {B} _ aFFror,'.|. _ , clty: _ Datei _* flood: la) *_. lv] __ (N) _ gFt+2ft:co,rnicrt;_ . ii rec. s SiE.alure I otal Acres Orsturo..d: . , -: ,: - CONTRACTOR ADD&T5S:{! t PHONE Oessriptbn ol wo,l: -- t./r. V\Y