JULY 18 2018 BUILD APPClear Fom APPLICAIIT'S NAME: PROJECT AODRESS: 4T2 J4 6T€U A2 B,TL DA Prir' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICA|IoN TYPE : RESIDEt{TlAL PLENE ANsWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "koiect Responsibllttl/ffi N\,-r,1?L3.J\'lt, Numbea Date:o CITY: A,/lLrt4 t rvi fa ztP 28{t I suBDrvtstoN:N/*tOT Sr 3 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:TnDtl i-Ff6Mt\t r pxottze' 1lo - 4q3 - 25(o3 OWt{ ER'S ADDRESS:403-1 Gt-F^' Aar,ceL D'?.CITY I I tttllt t,.l ztD: 28q / t CONTRACTORT mr+ fi'llZLJ CAar< .at\)5-1-nLL.OC^-/ |,.-<-BIOG LICENSE #: pl+ ADDRESS I t44l Alc tfUY zta crY.: R6.ky fttlr sT:NL ztp: Z?4€7- EMAIL ADORESS:Mbn'ad,/hA TT*E uc AQll-C0us 777dcT').4r.l PHONE:1n - lZ{-dfl TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): $7L,,ao ls the proposed work changing the number ot bedrooms? E ves (lto 1s any Electrlcal, PlumblnS or Mech3nlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure Yes fl No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Ef t,to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E[ Ves E tto .r lllr to i tEorit Property Use/ occupancy; E sintle Family D Duplex Townhouse Descrlptlon of Work:lttstflLL l*t/-nDctxJO LA55 SUtMtN(t PO.c r"H€t-t- laws and ordinances and re8Ulations The NHC De!elopment Se^,lces Center will be notified of .ny changes ii the approved plans and specifications or chanS€ in contractor Information. "'NOTE: Any wcrk pedormed wlthout the appropriale permil! wrtL be in vrolation ol the NC S and subiect to fines upto 9500.00"' fV*nq-,u Cmrr,-Signature: Ptint Nome Own€r/Contractor "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves {rtro Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: )l sqFt TotalAcres Disturbed: ) 1 t{cw lmpervious Area:Sq Ft ErlstinS Land Disturbing P€rmit: u ves ( lto WATER; E CFPUA E Community System E Private well E Centralwell E Aqua sEWER: E[ CFPUA E community System E Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua zone: - Otticer; - Setbacks {F) - (tH) - (RH} - (B) -Approvalr - city; - Date: - Flood: (A) - (Vl - (Nl - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Feei S ls_1b* pRorEcr coNrAcr p ERsoI* {ylt'rr . *r<ta paont: al7 - 5 2t - o/ 4 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOII: tr Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs l{EW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence ( Addltion to Existing Residence ! Relocation +*+PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"'. nAttGafa8e(sF)-nDetGara8e(sF)-EPorch(SF)- I sunroom (sF)- $yeool lsrl 45O E Srorage shed (sF) - I Greenhouse (SF] tr Deck (SF]_ B Other (SF) _ ls the proposed work chanting the existing footprint? tr Yes { tto TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfot ptoposed workl Heated,: O Unheated: O NJflC Zorn'tffi I t-zt 8z- Applicatlon Numb€r (offict us€l RECEIVED JUL O9 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERM]T APP LIC;ATION TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLTASE AN5WER ALL qUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prricct Responsibilit!/ APPUCATfS AME; JAMESI L trOLLOwAY Datc:7-92018 PRO'ECTADDRESS:3023 ANSWORTH DR OTY: WILMINGTON a* 28405 suBDMSK)it:NORTH CHASE [oT r PROPERW OWNER'S NAME:JAMES CHALKER PHoNE s: 9102622162 owr{Efrs IDDRESS:3023 ANSWORTH DR cny: WILMINGTON ZIP:284O5 COI{TRACrOI: JWH BUILDERS, LLC BIDG L|CENSE * 7ee.4a ADDRESS:12S MAYPOP LANE CITY: WLMINGTON ST: NC ZP; 28412 EMAIL ADDR€SSi iwhbuilders(Avahoo-com PHONET 9'1G72&4831 PROJECT co TACT PERSONT william PHONE:gl G726-4431 EXfSn G @l{$nucnofl: E Afteraflon E R€novation E Gen.ralRrpalrs NEW COf{sInUCnO : E Errct t{cw R6idence E Additlon to Exasting Residencr fl Relocation .I*PT"EASE O{ECK AI{D A'{SWER BETOW ATI IHAT AP9TY TO YOUR PROJECT'*I tr Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (sF)_ TOIAI Sq fT UNDER ROO? Aor proposed work) Hea&.d: ToTAI PRoJECI oosr (tess tot): SA}qIUXI_ lsthe proposed wo*changingthe number of bedroons? tr Yes ! o ls any Elcdric!|, Plumbln3 or M.ch.nlcd work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Vo 6 ]{o f the projcct ls a nGlbcadon, is th€re a Naturrl Gas Llne on the currlrfi she? E YGr D o ls there EhclricalPower on this Building? lVo 5 fo ir,iul ig -l:i1Iil,l Prop.rty Urd Oocup.nqf, Siny'c frmtly fl DuC.x fl Tot/nhour. D6.r{ption of wod(: TO EOUIPMENT UNDER NEW laws end ordlnrnc$ and regulrtions. The NHC Davclopment Servic6 Canllr will be not8ed ot any daryas in the approved plsns snd speclffcetons o. chrngc ki contructor lntormation. "'NOTE: Any work p€rfomed without the appropriat. permits willbe In violation ofth. NC5t t€ AUt Cod€ and $biect to finer upto 5y)0.m... Own.r/Contractor:JAMES W HOLLOWA SiSneture: 'Ucensed Quolifie/ ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ytg E No Eristint lmpervious Arc.; _ Sq ft Total Acru Dlsturbcd New lmpcrvious Area:Sq Ft ExistlrE Land Olsturblnt P.rmit: D Yes fl No WATCR: E CFPUA E Community Systcm E PrivaE Well Cl Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA I Community System f] Private s€ptic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone : _ Officcr: _ sltb.drs (Fl _(tH)_ (RHl _ (Bl_ Approval: _ Gty: _ D.te: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ tr other (sF) Unheated: Cgmment:qrrmit fec: S -1 t-. oOt .r' YC. tr Att Garage (SF)_ El Det Garage (5F)_ fl Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool(sF)_ D Gr€enhouse (SF) - ! Oecf 1Sr1 ZtO ls th! propos.d work changint the exlstlng footprint? E Y"s E No Clear Form App CANT'S NAME. Art Davis Construclion lnc. Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT., APPLICATION TYPE:RESIDENTIAI ; PLEASE ANSWER ALL euEsloNs AppucABtE ro voun nnorrcr fl "Proiect Responsibiliv :l E--1@q \B- Application (office use)ffi 9"1". June 23, 20'18 pROlEcT ADDREss: 1367 TIDALWALK DRIVE ctTY. wtLMtNGTON 21p. 28409 SUBDtVtStON: TIDALWALK pRopERTy owNER,5 1ayg, Marc& Dawn Lagomarsino OwNER,s ADDR€S5. 7626 VANCOUVER COURT p11sxs s. 910-297-'1758 611y. WILMINGTON 21p. 28412 coNrRAcroR: ART DAVIS CONSTRUCTION INC 9196 116sr!gs 6. 64667 ADDRESS; 3910 SPICETREE DRIVE CtTy. WILMINGTON 51. NC 21p. 28412 J \) EMATL ADDRESS: art@artdavisco.com PHONE.910-612-6596 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: n Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; = Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation '**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**' = Att Garage (sF)1,045 n Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (sF)800 -_- ! Sunroom (sF)tr Pool (sF)D Storage Shed (5F)_I ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes D No n Greenhouse (sF)n Deck (5F)tr other (sF) TOTAI, SQ FT UNOERROOF (lor proposed workl Heated:3290 g6hs31g6. 1045 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5620.000.00 Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family fl ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Build Single Family Residence DISCIAIMtR: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and allwork will co with the State Euilding Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any information. ***NoTE:Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation of s in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor State BldB Code and subject tofines up to S50O.00*" Owner/contractor: Art Davis Construction lnc Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/'P nt Norne Av{\q._t Z, DAvi( lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 9- sq Ft TotalAcres Disturb"6. less than .10 acres New lmperv;eu517s31 3,073 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well fl Central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E central Septic ! Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Oate:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (Nl - BFE+2ft= -Comment: OfR)ft\\tU, Permit Fee: S tqa3'D 191s. 4'16 J pRoJECT CONTACT pst5sN. Art Davis pXgX6. 910-6'12-6596 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lfthe project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes D No lsthere Electrical Power on this Buildin8? E Yes D No Pr.s\ i c ?0"\s 9a$:1tao1irc:fi6 Datc 'dAPPLICAI{1,S NAME: paorrct AoDRE5$r :;:\, ii ffi of.s\e- Efr Er NEw HANoVER couNw BUTIDTNG renrurrf APPLTCAflON |YPE; RESIDENTIAL FDLEA.CE AIISWFq AU QUESTIOIiS APPLIO{BTT TO YOUR PROJTT I 'Proj.cr n!tponrlbllltf t-oi i: a0NTAAeIORi CITY: rjt ss,ik urru r,arnrr u. 5lt5 71.* sr, NC zre,&8![i---o d tMAIL ADDRESST J An Ga.a8e {5t} - ! l,^. o*u"r, .tl0 -*01'Ct'tll €xl5Tllt6 CONStiufilONl i:l Alteratien n Benovation l GenetalR€palr! N€W COTIS'RUCIION: fj trecl Ne$, Residence I Addilion to EristinS Residence I R€lecation ,*'PITA T CHTCI{ A}TD ANSWTR SEIOWAtT T}IAT AP?LY IO YOUN PBOJECT'T' - s nroon {SF) rt Det Garale (SF) r ol '1-'qPool (sF) -? I I : creenloute iSF) - r= Derk {SR ,r tha prcpos.d wo* cfian8!.gthe exi5ting foqtprirt? C Yei C Nc TOtAt Sq rT UNDER ROOF (lot ptopoted worf) Hert€d: -- Unheatedi "ioTAt PR0lfCi COST {Less loti; S is the r.eposed rtork chaiEirs the nlrnbcr o, bedrooms? fi Y"l U o 15 any Ele.t ic:l, Plumbhg ot Mechmlr.il work being don€ to the Accessory S'!.ucture = Yes I f'lo !l the project is a Belotatlon, i5 lhere a Natural €a! Line on the curre.rl .ite? : Ye, il No lsthereEectricalPowerqnlhlr BulldlnS? n Yet D t{o Property Use/Slngle frmlly . Duplex f Townho!.i€ C€rcriptlo$ of ,l t,tcl.Alw!€llr I h. reby atr'lify 1rlt 6:i$!;dnnsri*n rn th:! 3lrrrarliotl it {orltc'! .nr rl uro* *lli totnpt t th $e stale ?ulrdlr! fr* a}d tll olhtr epdi(rb}! s{:tt znd br.l lt. e $.t: Dler'dapr,ltr* Servtc.-s Cent€r ,.ill bc !*ri!l,d ca .ry ah&18!r ln r}tc npp'roved plrnt elld tp€aiicatio:s or lhar,Ea t1 (]onll,.lBr in{ornl rtton. ..'li fit: Any rod plt{o'tnad rrthout tha app.opritta p€rmB wil lr€ h vrthioa ot ih. NC suie BldS coce .nd rllr.ct r! fin.r u, to s500-m" ' 0wner/contla(aori )h ta . a) o n P- 1\ o5 r", t t( 'Lrc.at,Qoo,ii.t" :s the property lo..aied in s ,loedplain? J: Y.5 Exirting tmpervious A.cal--- Sq Ft Nlw l$parvlorsAr€al *_,--* Sq ft ::*i: Total Acres Dlgt.rtbedi lristlng l"and Dislrr.blnt Psrmlt : Ye. : No WAIEB: : CFPUA ' CommunitY SYstem i: privatew€lt f Centralwell C Agua SIWIR: - CFPUA C CommunltySY5rem f:] priv.tesepiic: CentralSeptic n Aqtra Zoner ---- Officer: - Setbs.ks {r} - {tH} -- (eHl -- (81 -Appror.lr *.*- City: - Datej -_ Flood: {A) *- (v} ,-- (N} - BfE+ztt= -. PerrEit fee: $ crrv: 1.r/ i i.,.ljjqt-i.:,_. zrp*ftIlll_ !_-1. PRO]EC]: COIITACT ?EISON:* .&r-dcL\dLrtak-c{--- il Porch {sF} ___ fl Storage Shed lsr) -.C othe. {Sfi -- ,'- \ .l>'P\-tlY\ NEW HANovER couNw BUILDING pERMtr ft,16_Tll1 APPLtcATtoNTYPE:RES|DENT|A|_ L8*7*OArrrk",j"" PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT NumbeI "Project Responsibilit/' (office use) ApplcANT,S NAME. Tongue & Groove LLC p31s.5.29.18 pROJ€CT ADDRESS. 8516 Bald Eagle Lane ct.ry. Wilmington 71p. 28411 SUBDtVtStON: coNTRAcToR: Tongue & Groove LLC ctTy. Wilmington BLOG LICENSE #: st: NC 54432 ADDRESS, 6331 Oleander Drive ]4P.28403 EMATL ADDREssT mark@longue-and-groove.com pROJECT CONTACT p5j5gnt. Mark Batson EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation ***PI.EASE CHECN AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*|.'} tr Att Garage (SF)_! Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (sF) n Sunroom (SF)E Pool (sF)1 ,913 PHoNE. 910-679-461 0 PHONE. 9'10-679-46'10 E Greenhouse (SF)_! Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed workl Heatedi TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S 100,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on th is Build ing? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Build Pool and Fence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc oevelopment services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and speciflcations or chanSe in contractor information. trtNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO*.. Owner/contractor: Mark Batson SiBnature: "Licensed Quolilier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervious 4193; N/A 5q61 TotalAcres Disturbed: 0.924 acres New lmpervi6us 41s3; 9,606 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes G tto WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl_ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ {N} _ BFE+2ft= _ ,fi228*-- Comment: permit Fee: S /,i l9til \,-\ ! ffi' 16T s. (labeled on lot survey) pROpERTy owNER,5 p41ys. David Rizzo pH9N5 s. 910-679-4610 OWNER,S ADDRESS. 6331 Oleander Drive c11y. Wilmington 7;,p. 28403 Unheated: .r6lb- /bsl RECEIVED JUL O5 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICAT@N |YPE: RESIDENTIAI PLtASt AIiSWER ALI QUESTIOTJSAPP!lCiEtt TO YO{rF prio-riCr 'Itolrct R.5ponrlblfl g/ -/.rd,^,,. f. "r,, . * ''r'rffi,,vo Pr.s\ i c ?0"\s Oat€:l-9",8 suBDtvl5loil (^ctry tt? w'_. OWNER,S ADDRESS: ,,,4 "HONE,ICITYi Lr,/i ik ,,*u.r*.0.515Jl_ sr'NCzre Alrlll PHOtlt: _ , o,o.,.' .110 -{01- 61q} cor'rT RnCTo R r Att Gara8e {SF} -_.- davr €XISTING CONSfRUCnO :fl Alteratron ll Renovatior *- GeneralRePairs HEW CONSTnUfiloN: : Erect New Reriden.e I Addilion to Existing Residence C Relocadon rTT4Pry;E CHEC( AI\.D ANSWEE BELOW ATL TI{AT APPIY TO YOUR PNOJECT..' l_, Sunrocm {SFi -.-.-- : c.eenhouse {SF} _ n Det Garaee {5F) i{joor1sr1 g Porch (SF) _ tr Storate Shed lsr) _. t Cther (5F) __ le th. propoicd work cian8lrg the existi4 footPrint? C Yes = Ho T(:lrAL SQFT U'{DER ROOF ('OT tjnheated: TOTAL PROIECI COST itess Lot) ls the p.gpos€d wo.k changinS the numb€r of bedrooms? . Ye5 ! o ls ant tl€qt lcrl, Hurniiot cr Melhanlc.l work beint done to the Accessory Structure = Yes I No ll the pro;ect is a iclot tlon, is there a Natlral Gas Line on the cur.ent site? : Yas Cl o i1 ihere Eiedrical Power on tJris Euildios? E Ye. E tlo Property Use/Single Famlty a-l Duplex al To!fihourr LI2\111r3,-c\ rnai !r.j !,ta i:forlnr rcn m tiisrpprr@:iofl is corrct rF.l Jlslrr $ll..raply *lh fie sr.le autalnE CtdG ..,C .ll otiet apdioble lrtti.nd roc.L t!$t ari oran;..rrar, t.gel:tio1! ]te {|rc D6doPli.m s.ryk 5 Cenrr Hll bG notlfl.d oi ar'Y cnrlli h th€ iPP.E!€d plr.s .nd sP..'i6tl6rr or chrn€. ii dnl '&!d I cfrlior. '.'tt!(E: A.t-wr.t tadorme! wilhojt:ip app{oP,iai. pen n5lrtl b€ l^ vlo$on dl l!i. NCs!.t€ 8H€ C.!€.d sJtirt rc iln!3 !5 ro s300.00t" Awnet I Cont.Jzclatl 5l''"ng 1(osniK 'Ltcznscd Cualtfc{ ?rlnt ame, i5 tne property loceted io e {loodplain? : Yes E. No trirting lmperviour A.ea: --=.-_ Sq Ft Nerv lmpervjous Area: =.--- sqFt WATER: \CFPUA = Corimunity Systcm :l Prlvate Well : CentralW€ll f: Aqua S[WE&'-!\CFPUA C Community Systetn 0 Private Septic ! Central Septi' n Aqu' zoner _- offi.err - sethacki [F] - (rH] - (RH] -.-- (8] -Approvet: -- city: -- Date: -- Flood: (A) -- {v-} - ,n, - uttt'* ;-"r*, ,"., , TotalAaras Disturbed: tulrtlnt trnd Oirturblnt Permhr : Yes : No Ccmment: s?s "\<il .e ga Rd 1 9 *Jlt"ilHT' HAilOT'ER @T']Y'Y BI'I1.DIre PERMIT Am$ATfr N T[PE: RESIDilTIAI PI€ASE ATEWBAlI AUSNOTIE AP?UCAETETOYOI.IR PNOlEcr- trirfcnetn*rtf Drts:*c- t<-1 JGAIUTS NAME I.IECT ADDRESS: ,DMOttl:s OPEtrW OW ETS T{AM& UI'IIIERSADDNES& CITY:IJ AP: eHo Eth - CI?T:\, I z|xgJl ,-5qK )MRAIGTOR: DDRESS: orY: UAIL ADORESS: PTloXE ROJAST corrAGT PEASOIX:a\J-..1-r<-PHqG 9rrr - l(E'nreOot61f,lrca0* B Ntarmr B Renordon tr Geierd nepalfs Eu, oq{slmtrIultr tr aec l{ew Resde, oe tr Addtbn to Eriffrg @ tr nehcadon a I Att G.r€e (sR - I Sunroom (Sd .-.- 3 Grea*rose (SF) tr DGtGJEgE FA EfPool(sFl . (z/ Ll tr Ded(lsFl-_- AlGITEEft Ll sc r\-a -Ll ? tr Pordr (sR - tr sbr{psbd (sB_- tr o&erF0- Pmpetty Usa/tr DplGrtr Dscsdoa of ffrodg oECl t * I h.nlyc.tlfrll€t .Jtltehtttl.tu b lSTPHoo ts crtect rd.l r't r,l(!.!0r,fnin s &eg6da.d .r &.P[bt&$aresd lo(ll hw'.nd old|nocaa .rd rcati&os.th. XIE D.rraoo.lgit S.!rib. G.i!.d LnffidrnY.h|!ia.httaapud DbB-d .f"sandt E aloiEP Ll @|lltacltr anywtPr,t'!U iillcutrrr. .PrEPrfe FE srl t hvn&rdltt xc riicr o ftE sP!6sSm.C.. InfonlEdolr -'llorE 0wner/Conr:or QK $lr Sipdue Uceredqdv mft,lor2 E d't€ preoced uro.t dtaogku tte c'dsBtg b@rint? tr Yes El-llo rrrra SQFT tmf, mm uuFqpod *uto ttsfrt ...-...- rorAlpnorEcrG6T(ltls tst): s-Jg*qQ,o- B th. prop6.d t to.t dtanghg trre nJtreer cf be&ooms? o Y6 Err'o []"r[ffi,*ta*;-1, *tttbt&ttdoretotieA'casorvsh6t'c Ekver El llo ;,hj ;; i.. n t"dt t'rsthere a ilatunl G's Une on tlre anrertdu? tr YB El-to i; ;; ;"*i.t t"".ton tib 8r'tr&tg? Elaoo E ro B tnc prqeny locaterl h a 0oo@sm? tr vel Gffio aoO;mgcrurr'6-SqPtTodfc'6DEntt'& N.ry hp.n lolrlrG sqFt EGltf trd DEtrrfftt Pr'ftdE E v:a El to wATEn: E/cfPrrA tr co'nmunEy ry6t3m Et PtlrEE wdl El @rtltd wdl E] A4la ,rw* */e*tr caruunrv wrr tr PtriBE sedc tr cs*rd serdc tr esn zonEi - omcEc--.,- sebdum-(u{|-(m-ol- ^rrr-*- GaF- rts- nood [rl-M-00-8EilF' UnhesEd: oo Commcttb Rin*FcclS-=-- ffiIt[nbar(06(EtE) LOT r: Clcar Form APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: /2/]A,tclp.'t Botd a-bq suBDfvrsroN; AChort Aend Prlnl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPL,CATK,N TVPE : RESIDEHTIAL PIEASE AI$SWER AU QUESNO 5 APPLICACT€ TO YOUR PNOIECT 'Projlcr n€sponslbllliyffi 2d\:mEl*.+S Nurntlet (officr use) LL.Date ?o/ ZIP I zrY/ ICITY; PROPERTY OWNER'SNAMEI ITAMIE 'TK-, UIV| OWNER'S ADDRESS:zl CONTRACTOR 4,, ADDRESS: PHONE S:9t€-62{- 232C EMAII. AODRESS:(vv l-+ a inn 41h or-tskoclton , LD(t1 ztp: /t( ll BLDG LICENSE #l ST: M-ztP Zl4f7 PHONE:qfi- <2f - o/ r,l PHoNE: qi9- s24- oI 3.{ D storage Shed (SF) O '.1-lUL 18 ! |58P CITY CITY: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CoNSTRUCTION: fl Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: L Erect New Residence XAddition to Existing Residence n Relocation i.**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI-OW ALt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'ECT**' n Att Garage {SF)n Det Garage (SF)! Porch {SF)C) E Sunroom (SF) C ! Greenhouse [5F) O s the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [] Yes n No ToTAt Sq FT UNOERROOF (lor proposed work) Heated:(, TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ZL,ru'@ Prope rty Use/ occupancy:{ Slngle tamily E Dgpl E Townhouse Description of Work: n Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) 42o o unheat€dr O ls the proposed work changinB the nurnber of bedrooms? E yes I no Is any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory strt,cture ( Ye3 0 No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on th€ current site? D ves ( ttto ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf ff Ves tr ilo hz laws and ordlnances and reguletions. The NHC Oevelopment s€rvices C€nt€r willbe notified of.ny chantes in the approved plant and sp€cilications or ahange ln contra(tor lnformatlon. "'NOTai Any work performed withou! the approPnaie perhitt Y,/ill be in violation ol the NC S g Code and subJedto flnes up to SS0O.00"' owner/Contractori "Licensed Auolifier" SlSnature: Ptint Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? tr ves ( lto Existint lmpervious Area: )l- sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedr >/ New lmpervlous Area:>t Sq Ft €xisting Land Disturbing Permit: ( Yes O No WATER: fi CFPUA tr Community System E private well E central Well D Aqua sEwEn: d. CFPUA tl community System D Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: - offlcer: - setbackt (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood: (Al - (V) - (N, - BFE+zft= -Comment: Permit Fee: $ - LOT f: _ fl other (sF) c> J ,j NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT aPPLI1AI tOH rYPf ; COi1I'IEBCIAL Pttist ANsrJtlt Atl QUtSrIONS APPLI(ABlI ro Youn Pno]t(T "Project iesPonsibilitY" APPLICANT' S IIAHI O(&.r1 A Jl.r+/r (ONTRACTOR: ADDRTSS: e\wp j7 0Ar t aFFtfffffoN Nunber (offi(t Ut.) .tk/n- DEVELoPtR: L //7/'t PROIrcl ^DDnEssl--occuPANT/BUSrNtSS ti,lfit ; -f:0-',| lu4 ( CITY: t IcI CITY: PHoNI t: Photi t PTICNE I: (TtPt 2 t t/2,f Pl6l,lE l: 5I: zlP iPROPERTY OI'II,JER, S OI.INT R, S ADDRESS : NAITT _( LL 7i/NSE Iic'I sr:tr1 ttc: fi57o'fu3':,tJl iz-TI1AI t ADDRIS a PRO]EC] TONTACI PT8 Itrtfi ?orsro., PRorEssro{aL : TIIGR DESIGN PROI ESSIOlllL:. oEscRlPrloN ot broR L /),ls lood oI llivc I Ot Al. PuoJr.cl (losI TOTAL AREA SO FI {(n.rr rll lhrt Aoply) txISI Cotls'IRucIIox: fl ALIER TIofl h Relocalion, lslhere a Nalutl(ias Llnc on lhe NotlEH CotlsTRl.}CTIOtl: LJ ACCESSORY STNUCTURT: RENOVAI ION 6INTRAI REPAIRS R t LOCAT l0+l rrelll Site? f,es l]t *o ls BIDG sm..KLEtTEDl-i Ye!fr, r! Elect PoFer on this ouildlng ERECI Nt}J SINUCTURE FAST TRACK n slrEtt @6vrtt n ADD ro Exrsr slrt'clurE fYes f NOI{ UPfII - thc Sh€Il Permit {: .... r 1s T If Yes, Yhai ras th€ Prevlout O(< HIs A (I|ATI6E Of OCCUPATICY U5 uprn.y fyPer,F"l E"' o,','.ir. ^,, 4 7v offvr lihat ls t PH: PH: tIC REG I: tt Rt6 *: t/o,f t/, ts Ihe Ploperty Localed ln all (oo';,1, wru! !r sl^rre 0u,ld'ng ire I loodpl 1- t.f'I orved in lhrS sll alute'/ tc4 11 c.r,Kl in6 rll erlr rn€ HrlC l)tvttof'trrc '.r' "ll()l F Anr \Yo'r nl Sti 'tes Conlr, lll! rrcll.({Rd \l/O drc AOr'r.trrblt Y t,t -/C SIGNAl UIII: ot.nr (harrocs 6 rt[. Perhil\ .il f, 'h vDla ; or rhe NC Stale BIdq code Er'o ,rvi; 88a,o,,.,r,, l ht,( t y, r4,ry lr'nt etr rok n\J r'nd LxEl la*3 6^d udrgo(.3 sc, r('9uUl'or'd .han@ n (url,d(l.x o{ cml,6(1r, r^1'lm&l Su6lcdlo r'^6r Ul l', i500 0O"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Nore D.mor.#ffidin6 [ ,rDG,a. rdb\.d Fr," .ffi1 " o. * 'r.r.n !'* olerrao.' ro.n lc*rrs376E) $€ri.r !€ h.rrr s.u,rdvE r'63 t\'{ to mnbin at.sros or ,rol yo! ar. roqufled ro (,! h; N";;1i-'.r-r s'""n"rr,or ta.rrr(,ous A, Polrdahls lNEsrw))at (919)707 5]50 ol l'a!l 10 d'vt 9oo' ]o $t OenouOn a any txrry or Ulri Sce A{baalo6 wcb SIE nnp /A'w Gti 5i're n6'uye!,.9be516,l6lvno hlml ?u 7tt BUITDII.IG 11E IGHT SQ FT PER FLR: )0t c IOIAL SO FT UNDER ROOF , OF S]RUC'TUNES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? rYES lur{<t SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FTI,IEW IMPETTVIOUS AIITA pRopERrY uSE DOFFICE I neStnunnrur I MERCANTILE t.Du CONDO O]HEI WATER SEWTN SYSIEM 7, w\P\]r. COI,IMUNIIY SYSIEM CENTRAL SEPTIC HVATE SEPTIC D WEtLI'UA N ZONING USE CLASSIF ICATION ?or,,tuulrrrv PAYMENT MElHOD r C^llri l- orrc rLlrrontrr(l trtclr tllJ .' t K (PAYABLE to Nttcl lV/r,t.tI [it(] rr EXPRESS J- ucrurse [- olscovEn . F"AAr.l f ; , FMrls Rli()uI FICER City (FOn O[f tct usE TIJACKS . 'Ans I rNstRrs fllln .,UlauN/A e,r,/AoNrlAL___oF ppoval. D/-FLOOU Y BF E+2lt L) ;--' trr"rl;LttUt t[uqu:r;u, Ilu'-,i i;rl1 F'E Fl\,111 FtfCommerrl(rl <y rcv v..torl- ATE ,5F,iltt /ic^ d OF UNITS, , Of STORIES: f OF FLOORSI APrD 9ot0t-Xtpc-$c I a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPLTCAr I(N TVPE: COiIiIERCIAL PLEASE AIISWER ATT QUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ICT "Project ResPonslbility" Oua-n z AFFI-rcArroN Number (offi.e use) APPLICAI'IT' S i,lAl,lE : DEVELOPER: L PRO]ECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS TIA}IE : PROPERTY OIS.IER'S NAllE: OI,INER, S ADDRESS: DATE :( a L/-CITY: PHONE f:l14 D PHONE S: 5T: ztPtZfu) o CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: LICENSE fl: CITY: es ;A)L ztPt 2,ry57% -qoTVtlz- 44 EiIAIL ADDR PRO]ECT CONTACT E t ApPlv) GENERAL REPAIRS [-- f tlo ls BLDG s ST E S: PHONE f: RELOCATIONuPRINrtraeof:-te{1/ E ADD ro Exrsr srRucTURE EXIST CONSTRUCTION: tl Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the ,z (Che(l All rul'RErovATroN tirrent Site? f-1 iltn ao*r*r.trot{: fl EREcr NElil srRucruRE n FAsr rRAcx E sHELL g6w ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Ittfi ?ottro', PR'FEssrottAl :PH PH If UPFIT - tF Yes, lrha The Shell Permit s: Is Elect PoYer on this Building f:i Yes fi NO ...r. rs rHrs a cttAr{GE oF occuPAt{cY uset T'{tes ft ito *r"a ,t lras the Previous occuPancy typet,ff4- - r6tsi rt tlie e' octupantv ,f4 ,\fut/to' EN6R DESIG}{ PROFESSIONAL DESCRIPTION OF T.,,ORK: ls lood or ZONE: OFFICER a B NC REG f: HC RtG *:- SO FT /oef WATER adFPUA SEWER: E[zfPUASYSTEM ...SE PAYMENT METHOD: PARAIE PERMIIS REOUIRED FOR ELECT,I'/tECH PLBG GAPUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS f cASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To ruHct P-Jr.,rentcru exeness l- r..I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL N ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION fl ceNrnaL sEplc fl Hvere seprtc 3-Coutountrv ls The Property Located ln Floodplain t-uv{,, EXST LAND DrsruRBtNG PERMIT? f ves l,K ucrutsn [- DtscovER served in lhis )t/ all other applicable Slale nlans and so€cifcalionsl.lc Stare Bldq code and SIGNATURE: (oudine4 (Pdd N5n€) Nole: Demotition noffications ! asbestos removal permi aPdicalions are to be subm conlain Asbeslos or nol. You are required lo call the Nallonal Emlsslon stendards fol ined using lhe aPPlicaion lorm (DHHS'3768) whelher lhe tacilhy or building was lound lo Bazsrdo;s An Pollutanls {NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 al leasl lodsvs pdor lo he dernotn-ron of sny lecilily ot building. Se€ Asbesros web Site: htlp://ww.epi.slate.nc.u,epi/asb€sro6/ahmp hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT : BUTLDTNGHEIGHT, 2(lr'# OF UNITS SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF d OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBEDj NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERry USE: EOFFICE ! neSraunnHr I uencarurlle EDU APT CONDO OTHEI (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: Approval:- Ciry:- DATE- FLOOD Commenl BFE+2ft, g2 )ceo,rc'\n*, LH RH N ALTERATION zlP i OWNER/CONTRACTOR: PERMIT FEE: : a ,, ,\a ?r;t6--nQoL8=a929ITEI{ !{'IT()VER Cqff{TY BUILDI}IC PERIIIIT APPLICATIflI TYP,E: COIIIERCIAL PLEASE llt9rGR ALL QIJESTIoiE APPLICAALE TO vUrn PROIECT "ProJ.ct Responslbtllttf : Cameron Conpany APPLTCATIq aluder (o+flcG lrr.) I,ATE: 06/16/18APPIICAT{T' S DEVELOPER I PllotlE fl:970i6226't, PROJECT ADOR ! 4403 Ofeander Dr occuPAr{T/SS A E: Mercantile - Vanilla Box PROPERTY 'S l{AllE: cameron conpany q{T{ER, S SS:1201. GIen Meade Rd. (rSC'), LICETSE *:1r,f08 ) CIW: wilriinqton Nc CfTY: Itilninqon PTINE f: 970-7 62-26-t 6 sT: NC ZIP:28401 CO TRACTOR: ADORESS:CITY3 ST: ZIP: EIiATL ADDRE Pl{OllE l: 910-409-s304 PRO]ECT COIIT PERSOI{: ArchiLect - .lohn Rees -Tirl GC Determined PHq{E *:910-409-s304 (ch€ct All Thrt Apply) EXISr C(I{ST f] mrenarrcr I REM'VATIO{6EI{ERAI REPAINS tr NE LOCATICI lf RCocdon, is a Natural Gas Line on th€ Cunent Site?Yes EI No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[v"s [!lro ,{ET t fl rnrcr trEH srmrcnnE I rrsr rnecr I snerr.wrrr f] ArD ro Exrsr srf,{rrrnE G cclptlrY rsel flvts []mr ..... Lrrt ls lrlG ta.r. Occuprncy t/pct 9104095304 IC REG S: 10541Pfl PH NC REG *: IF Yes, {rrt ANCfl DESIGI{ EI*N DISIOI Greg McDowel. ..... ls rHIs a oJufiiE the Pr€vlo.rs Occuprncy Tl.pet SIq{/lL: John Rees DESCRlPTIO}I hlrlRK r.500 s. E. uPEIT IO VANILTA BOX -MERCANTILE - UNIT E b bod or Fwtd a rlloa rr ur lrnrrlz [ves @ No b Ib pnil..ty Locrat h Ih. HoodC&?El vo lE l.ro DtsctAtirER: r cEdty ttrot d mrnldo.r ln rhts ard local ond andor arlanooSubl€dlo ot cortracbr3500.00-.o b coard rll otho. Epdkatt Srt6 Dlan3 ard 3oedfi.alihsNC Steb Bldg Code and ellrlrrr) NoL: Dqrcfoll cdrbhArn*a d.Do$d| ormy t rb.O rrn id p..tlt Wolr mb b. lJhnH r*g tp.pdlcdql bln tEt QdhriltEEtu d! Yor rDttqlrid bdrr dqa El|ldon Srxlrt b tLrldolr A& Poaum OES{AP} aa brr(t$ 8x A.D- lt$ S Il$:/rlru.?L.tir.lE ur/bpa/l.t-b.rrll||9Jtnt * ld l0 nyr Flor b h TOTAL COST: a s, 000 TOTAAREA TOTAL SCI FT FT: ROOF: 15, 355 ACRES DI NO CHANGE B(ST lrND D|STURB|MI pERHrmEVes I ro NEW AREA: N/A SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOTIS AREA:N,/A sotT PROPERTY EoFFtcE EnssrAUR nr MERcANrltr florc E]epr Ecoroo OTHER WATER SEYIIER: aa Elcorflltr{rys}rilq!_ f]nEt- EIzoNiE r.EE cussrlcrirbr -ficanrnelsernc fifr-wrrrselc g6xnuxnvsvtrsu ". SEPARATE PERMITS REOTJIREO FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, CTAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' PAY1IEITT flcasr f]oreo<plvraue ro]+E) lnremcenmsss firrcnmr fluscol=n (FOi OFFICE rJsE Ot{t Y)iE!,I€TD DA'E 4fl UI2 OFFICER:SEtBArClGlr F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:_clt[-DATE: FLooD]___BFE+zn=_ AVN Comm6rit ZIP: 284 03 ACCESSORY SThI'CTUNE: rf lrPFrr - Tfe sheu Permlt *: rs Elect poy€r on this Buttdlng 13 yes fl r{o coflsrRtlc ilJll-DING HEIGHT: 2s * OF UtllTS; SQFTPERFLR: 15,335 f,OFSTORES: T f, OF STRT CTURES: -1_ *oFFLoORS:1 PERM]T FEE: $- REcETvED ruL lozorFLOOD ZONE 'btT-l6o '?g-)ffi11,d ffi NEN HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcATIoN |YPEi C0l4l'1E RCIAL P!rASE Atsr{EC ALL QuEsrtoris APr!t(A8Lt r0 rt('8 piolE(r "Project Respons tbi 1i.ty" app-IieffiIo-n Nunber (otfi.e usa) APPLICANT'5 NAl,l€ : r,t ke Farsueon , DAT€ I )7,c5,2arE DEVELOPER i PROIECT ADoFIS5 r s?2 s (e.rA./efJ-r s3 OCCUPANT/EUSINESS NA,I'IE : PROPERTY Ol4NEi'S NAI'IE: Can.tewycr HoA ln. Ol,,lN E R' S ADDRESS; l4Nonn6rnsvoo CONTRACTOR : l,t,cbaot t{ay Forguscn ADDRESS: p9 ge1 rsags EHAIL AODRESS: M.ke Ferguso.@MRFsrguson6onstruclon com CITY: ,,j;1-,no1o,.1 IICENSE f: 5s1s5 CIIV: ,L4;*ns6;- _ PHONE $; srq-833.s823 ST: N6 ZIP I 26as1 5i: Nc ZIP: 2e4:r . PH0NE St !10-2is.o4?t CITY: y,1n,,,,0,0,.ZIP:2g403 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON; s116 5p,r,"on PIIONE *; e1e,27e-9a2r {Ch..k All tnat a9plr) EXISI CONSIRUCTION:ALTERATION ll Relocalion. is there a Nalural Gas Line on lhe rl NoNEtl CoNSTRUCTIoN I ACCESsORY STBUCTURE: 6EiIERAL REPAIRS TI RELOCATION [-- No rs BLDG SPh{KLERED]- vos[- - RENOVATION renl Sire? f es ERECT NEI^J STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(SHELL uPFrr fJ ADD TO EXrSr STRUCTURE ..*. t5 Tl]I5 A (HANGE 0F OCCUPAITCY USEIT yES [-. HO...'. IF yes, {hat xas the Prevlous o.(upancy Typel - trhat ls the New occupancy IX8fi 'orrro* PRoFEssroNAL; 'NGR DESI6N PROTE55IONAI" I- ls Elect Porrer on this Building T Yes T N0 PHI PH:- NC RE6 }: NC RE6 l;-- ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure? [- YesI-. No lsThe P.operty Located ln The Floodplain? li yno l- lro Jnd tora,la*s anO ordrnanccs 6ft1rLrQulaton!. Tho NHC fcve,opnlcnl Sarv(as Conpr wlilbo not',cd olany chrnQes al Ihe rpprovcd glafis and spec''(al,o4s ur ch€ noc rn conl rac lor o. conrlacb. rnlornatoi. "'NOT E Al/ Wo,',( Pc dorfted WlO l4c Arp.opn 3lc Pcrn) ls wrll tjc r^ Vo'atan ol th! NC Srato 8ld€ Codc a.rl Sub e.llc Frncs uo To S500 00"' DESCRIPTION 0F l'l0R(: q3m6r6 6,rd replac6 .rxi51o9 \rcod stei, s pl{rtlcnns an6 ha,,-d 'a,ts OWNER/CONTRACTORi tlrciraet ltay Fe,suso'r SIGNATURE: BUILDINC HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR , OF STORIES: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:, OF STRUCTURES ,l OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERI,IIIT? T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING lf/,PERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE: [OrrrCe I RESTAURANT MERCANTLEI-J EDUCI Aprn CONDO OrHEr rOvrLfi., 1P.,, l\ar., Notoioomorrron norill(alions, osbollo3 ,e,novar pnrDrl nfrolic.tions l|,{ lo bo sulrmd|cd irs,rg lho Oppircarrn,orm (DHllS-3768) r$r,!in A5b€slos o. ^ol. You ,rs reqrt.d !o.3lllro N.lon.l Eh ssr. Sl,)ndaris lcrllirradou. A, l,ollutalls (NESI{AP) al i9l9) d.0oinon ol any laciln? or b J,ldrng See Asaestos Wob Sdo nlt!).;tF*.p strte.c us ep/isheshil,inorp xlnl FE@@D[ZONE TOTAL PROJECT COST: !9,500 TOTAL AREA SO FT : SO FI WATER SEWEfI CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC E WELL _E ZONTNG usE Cl ASS PRIVATE SEPTIC LJ COI IIUNITV SYSTCU E IVl N 0 IF ICAIION PAYMENT ITETHOD: r CASH r CHECK {PAYABLE rO NHC) r AMER'C N EXPRESS T_ i,4ClflSA l- OTSCOvER zour:ll4F M orFrcEF: &:p ::TrT$::lStLH N/A RHNIA BjLlA . t Approvar _-.])f_ cirytA)rLn4 DAT1T )G.18 FLooD:Pl. { - -. BFE+2h ,q, { Comnrent ERMIT FEE: l 0 rLxp,\ns{onfu fux|pAnl, N ilr0c+ton Cotl r€ch)'l.',4^ u0u'rr ,J re u 6I(,rl r{ Ci[, lnsprlion REulreo, gl 0.154.0g0,00I uvd u0ii.x,1, PHONE #I If UPFIT - The Shel.1 Pennit f: ,, OF UNITS: ACRES DISTURBEO: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: f 'Zol g-10c1 PERMTTjP+aeelq5NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'5 NAME; M re rersuson DATE :07 05 2018 DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRE55 i 522 5 11"r 4ug gn1 53 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAlilE: Candle!,vyck HOA tnc ONNER'5 ADDRESS: 114 Norrh 6th Slreel CONTRACTOR : I\,4ichaet Ray Ferguson ADDRESS: po Box 10408 EI'IAIL ADDRESS : Nt ke.Ferguson@MRFergusonconstruction com CITY: wtmrnqton ZIP : ""^^" CITY: yy;,n rn161 CITY: wtm,nston 5T:16 ZIP:264s1 5T: Nc ZIP:24404 _ PHONE S: s1a-27s-s427 PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: y 1s 6.,.r...PHONE S: s1a-2ts-s421 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit # DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Is Elect Power on this Building T Yes T N0 IX8fi?,PH PH NC REG #:ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL I DESCRIPTION 0F WORK : Remove and replace existing wood slairs ptatforms and handraits ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f- yesl-. ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain: li yes l* uo DTSCLAIMER: I hereby ceni, that all information n this applicar on is correcl and all work will comply wiih the State Building Code and a I olher applcable State a']d local dws a1d ordinances and regulal,o'rs The \HC Dpvelopmenl SeruEes Ce'ller wrloe nolrfied o'any changes rn tne approved plan! and speclcairons or chanoe rn conrracro'or conrracror inlomario'l. "'NOI f'Any Work Performed WO he Appropflale oe m,ls wrll be r'l Vio al.on or lhe \C Slate B dg Code and Subtect'io Frnes Up To 5500 00"' (Olalilier) (Pi.lName) conlain p€bestos or not You are requ r€d ro ca ll the Nationa I Em ission Slandards lor Hazardous Air Pollutants (N ESHAP) at (91 9)707-5950 al leasi 1 0 days pnor to lhe demolilion of a ny lacility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: hnpl/www ep .slate. nc us/epi/asbeslos/ah nr p. htm I roTAL PROJECT COST: $9,500 BUILDING HEIGHT: #OFUNITS: OWNER/CONTRACTORi M,cnaer Ray Ferguson TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF - # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTU RBED # OF FLOORS EXSTLAND DISTURBING PERM ?TYES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: RESTAURANT I\,1ERCANT LE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI E I\,1 fl WELL PR VATE SEPT]C LJ COMI\,1UN ITY SYSTEI\,4 ZONING USE CLASS FICATION NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERTY USE: NOFF CE E WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COIVlMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f AMER|CAN EXPRESS l- nrcnrrsl l- DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: .. SEPARATE PEBM ITS FEOUIRED FOB ElECT MECH. PLAG. GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS *- OFF ICER B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD ZONE: B F E+2ft TI Comment LH RH N PERMIT FEE: ,1,ffi firffi""{F AFEII.^r rd-CAT ION Numbe r (office Use ) PHONE *: _ PHONE f: 9to-833-s823 _ LICENSE #: 5e155 (check all rhat apply) Exlsr coNsrRUcrIoN: E ALTERATIoN fl RENoVATIoN I-a GENERAL REPAIRS E RELocATIoN lf Relocarion. is there a Na ;l cas Line on theb;rrent Srte? T vEif- uo ls BLDG SP-RINKLEREDTI- Yes[- NoI'JiW COI'ISTNUCTTON: E ERECT NEI4 STRUCTURE E FAST TRACK I SHTII N UPFIT E ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ***r.,|t Is THIS A CHANGE 0F OCCUPANCY USE?T YES l- NO **"** IF Yes, what l/as the Previous Occupancy Type? - l,'Jhat ls the NeH Occupancy NC REG S: SIGNATURE: # OF STORIES: t.. - .,l ]j \i ffi<Y APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT AOORESS: SUBDIVISION: RECEIVED JUL 18 2O1B NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATIO N TYPEr RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PRO] "Pro.iect Responsibility" 2ot$-7tN't C 4too*{orfice use) 0o ht',r<- f{ ,ne E Date -1-ibru Toqq RerJ{T.lo clrY:{l) ,l d,,r rflAf 'r fl zlP:.)9,Li(i' ?oru,' PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: .d tY,oA OWNER'S ADDRESS: -7 t) CONTRACTOR ;l;Dt <i5 5T sq N (ap,,?3'15L oNE: qt() t.-,/q $5-7L PHoNE: c? lO G t( D';7 v PHON 1l CITY ztP !i,-{I, l BtDG LICEN ADDR ESS EMAII ADDRESS PROJECT CONTACT PERSON E Sunroom (SF ) -.1..CITY l)C // EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E/Ceneral Repa;rs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation '**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' ! Att Garage (S F)El Det Garage (sF)_rtorchlstl n Pool (SF) D Deck (5F) ! Storage Shed (5F)_ Ll Greennouse t)l) _I Other (5F) U nh eated:lqK 1G' ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated: TOTAI- PROJECT cosT (Less Lot): S- Property Use/ Occupan.y ls the proposed work changing the number ol bedrooms? a v., {t'lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes @fo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? f] Yes g-r.f o(;,'r rfk n" ".t) M4ingte ramity I Duptex D rownhouse ?4,, ,.lOZ L Et r 5{,r.n d( Dc.<-.1"tDescription of work: it:l C<<l<-- laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specificatlons o. ch.nge in contractor information. "'NOTErAny work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violatlon of the NC 5late Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00**t Owner/Contractor:SiBnaturei "Licensed Quolilier" Pint Nome ls the property located in a tloodplain? ! Yes E]-No EristinB lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total A.res Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land DisturbinB Permit: r Yes I No WATER: tr CFPUA fl CommunitySystem E PrivateWell ! CentralWell n Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA E CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic ! Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH)_ {RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S (! I ffi**,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibili Wt^ff47q13-tffiS 18-3 64 . rev2 [SrrNJ Appllcatlon Number (offlce u,e) AppLtcANT,s NAME: l'l & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC p31s 07/'16/2018 pRolEcT ADDREss: 4799 Tupelo Drive ctTy: Wilmington 71p.2A411 suBDlvtstoN; clearwater Preserve PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: H & H CONSTTUCTOTS Of FAYEIIEVIIIE. LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: '1107 New Pointe Blvd., Suite 1 Lot l: 057 pnolrr a; 9'10.2'19.1485 CtTy: Leland y1p. 28451 coNTRAcToR: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC s1p6 U66159 g. 74158 St: NC ZtP: 28451ADDREss: 1107 New Pointe BIvd., Suite 1 611y; Leland pRoJEcT coNTAcT p6p5gp1 JJ Brenning pxorur; 910.219.1485 ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E ErectNew Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation *+*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'I'* El Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (SF)243 tr Pool(SF)E stora8e Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)D Deck (sF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed 'Jork changing the existing footprint? E Yes El No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF (fot proposed work)Hg3qs6;2689 gnhs3lgd;652 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):'153,358 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plu mblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? El Yes El ttto lawsand ordloancesand regulations. The NHc Development Servlces Centerwllibe notlfled ofanychanSes in the approved plans and speclficatlons or chan8e in contractor lnformatlon. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropalate permlls will be ln violation of the NC State and subie.tto ftnes up to 5500.00..* Owner/Contractor: JJ Brennin Signature: "Licensed QuoliJier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves E No Exlsting lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .17 New lmpervlousArs3; 3140 5q p1 Existlng Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No WATER; E CFPUA tr Community system O Private Well E Central well E Aqua SEWER; E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zonei _ Officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl_ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Datei_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ comment: permit Fee: S EMATL ADDRESS: julicafferty@hhhomes.com/ jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com pxorur:910.219.1485 E Att Garase (sF)j199 E sunroom (sF)_ Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING RVI,2O(I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIVIII APPLICATION TYPET RESIDENTIAt PTEASE NSWTN AU AUISTIONS APPTICAOI.E TO YOUN PROJICT "Pro.lect ltasponslblllty" TotB 1155 tE:2242 Appll(.rilon Number lol,lce ri€) pRoJ[cI ADDnEss: 274 Trisall Terrsce CtTyr Wllmln0toD 7p1 28412 St.,BDlVlSlONr Rlvclllghts tOT l: 206 PIIOPENIY OWN[N'5 NAMEI H & ll Conslruclors of Fayoltoville , r.Lc pIoNE l,r I10,210,1485 owNER,s AoDnEss: 1107 New Polnte Blvd.Suit€ 1 C|TY: Leland 7p; 2845'l CONTIACToR: H & H Constructors ol Fayoltsville, LLC 91P6 11661159 P; 74158 ADDnESSI 1107 New Polnts Blvd., Sulto 1 g11y; Leland sT: Nc zlP: 28451 EMAtLADDnEsST Jullcatfsrly@hhhomes.com/.lerrybrennlng@hhhomes.co,n PHONEi B'10.210.'1485 PROJECT cONTACT PEnSONT !J Bronnlnq pttOrurr 910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION! D Alteratlon El Rcnovatlon El Generol Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCTIONT @ frcct New ReJldenca tr Addltlon to Exlstlng Resldcnce E Relocatlon ...PIEASE CHEC( AND ANSWEB BEI.OW AI.t THAT APPTY TO YOUR PBOJECTTI' E Att Garage (sF) -- El oel Garage (5F) 528 tr Porch lsF) 216 E Sunroom (Sf) __ tl Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Pool(sF) tr Deck (SF) tr Storase Shed (Sfl_ ls the propored work changlng the exbtlng footprint? E Yos El No TOTAI Sq fi UNDEfi ROoF lJor propoted work)Heated:2293 tirhs3lsy'; 744 TOTAT PROJECT COST (l-ess Lot): S 136,226 ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblnBorMochsnlcalworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lflheprorect15a f,eloaatlon,ls therea NaturalGas Une on the currcnt sltB? E Yes El No ls there Electrlcal Power on thls Bulldh8? E yer E No Pioperty Use/ occupancyr @ slngle Famlly E ouplex E Townhouse Dcscrlptl on o, Worki SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING -.OLIVER PLAN, O ELEVATION WCOVERED BREEZEWAY A ADDITIONAL PATIOT" la\r5 and ordlnanc€r and rcSulotlodr, Tha tltlc Devdoprnanl sedaes cenle, wlllbe mlllled otany(honlerln lh. rpp.oyad plans ind rlE m(otlons or.h.n8e ln.ontraator lnforrnatlon. ' |'NOTI r Any wod perlormrd wlthout lhe opproprlale permll! wlll ba ln vloletlon o, lhe NC Stat. dd8 Coda and n l&(t to ,lnet up lo S5m.OO... owner/co ntractor; JJ BrBnnlng Sltnaturoi "Ll.eosed Quofifttrr" Prlnl ltone lsthepropertylocatedln 0lloodplah? E yes E No Exlstlng lmperulous Arear _5q Ft NewlmperulourArea:3157 -sqrt WATES: E CFPUA E comm(nltysystem E Prlvate Well tr CcntrolWell E Aqua Comrrunlty System E Prlvate centralseptlc E Aqua ExlstlnS Land Dlsturblng normlt: tr \iiti Sif ffimqflr1$erfi11g' SEWERI 14 CTPIJA tr zouo,?-f @L,,.",,f)f[a sotlacts 1;1 \d itl,t\ o.,",1lsld ,"" septlc E rH) 6(li'r('r,'t i rrl ii l;.rlr r;epprovat: OIL ctty:dr (A) + nH)5 (B) _l p (Nl Y BrE+zft= M& taV< permtrFee:S 'i ' i i ulrekil oc)Comrnent: 4 IQA lo k.lwtetn Alw (v) v4-5 Ciil'lnsyrclionRequreo,910.254.090l APPLIc NT'S NAME:. px1s; 07/0U2018 __ o other (st) 72 sq. F( PaUo TotalAcres Dlsturbcd,..139 _ (ffi 1.ffiT- 9o(8.1')1 (orllce Ulc) l{vr.92 AppUCANT,s NAMrr ll & H Constuctors of Fayotlevlllo, Ll-C NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PTRMIT APP l.l CATION TYPE : nESIDINTlAt PI.TAST ANSWIR ALI QUCSIIONS APPI"ICABTE TOYOUR PIiO'ECI "ProJoct llesponslblllty,, 9q1s;07/03/201t} pnorrcr nuunrss: jE!lQ!Llq!tq9!E!t _ SUBDIVISION; Riverllghls PROPIRTY OWNEN'S NAMTI H & H Corrslftrctors of Fayslt€vlllo , Ll.c OWNEn,s ADDnEssr '1107 Nsw Polnto Blvd.Sulte 1 coNTnAcTon:ll & H Conslruclors of l;ay€ttsvlllo, LLC 4s9n2ss; 1 107 Now Polnlo Blvd., Sulls 1 clTyr Wllmlngton yy, 28412 PHoNE lr: 910.219.1485 CIIYi Leland 21p 2845'l 31P6 11991159;; 74'l58 CITY:Loland EMAIt ADDnESSi lulicallerlv@hhhomes,com/ iorrvbrennln s@hhhomos,com pHONEi 910.219.l4B5 pROTECT CONTACT pEnSoNr JJ BrBnn,ng pHONt:910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTnUCTIoNT E Alteratlon E nenovatlon E Generalflepalrs NEW CONSIRUCTION| E Erect New Resldcnce O Addltlon to ExistlnS Relldencs E Relocatlon .I'PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EEIOW AIL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PNO,,ECI*Ti E Att Gara8e (sF)-- @ Det Garace {SF}!39_ @ Porch (SF)325 St: NC ZtP: 28451 trl sunroom (st)_ Cl Grecnhouse lsF)_ tr storsSe shed (sF)_ B Other lsF) ls the proposed work changlng the exlstln8 lootprlnt? E Yes E No TOTAI Sq tI UNOER ROOF Uot ptopose.l workl Hs11g6; 2311 unhqslgd; 853 TOIAL PRO.IECT CoST (Lcss tot): $140,287 Property Use/ Occupancyr E Slngle [amlly E ouplex El Townhouse Rff,W R.evfrevuDescrlptlon oIWotk:SING LE FAMILY DWELLING tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changlnS the nunrberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyEleclrlcsLPlumblngorMochanlcalworkbeln8donetotheAcrelsoryStructureEYesENo lf the project ls a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Gas Llno on the current slte? E Yes E No. . rsthereErcctrr.alPo$,oronthrsEurldrns? E Yes E No UilEy, htrTs0megffim[q, '"FRITZ PLAN, D ELEVATION WBONUS ROOM"' OlSCtAlMEf,r lherebyar,tlfy thal &llthe lnfornatlon ln thlr lpplkotlon L.or..t rnd.0 rvo* wlllconph Mth ftrformellon. " 'NoTE: Any v/ork pcrlornrcd wlthout tha approprlat. pcrnllr wlllbe h vlolatlon oIl[e Nc Co{,eand subr?crro fiooi t p to s500.00II owner/con1s66ge;; JJ Brennhrg sl8nature: "Llcenscd Q@lifiel' P,lntuon,€ ls the property located ln a rloodplaln? E ves E No Exlstlng lmporvlous Arear _ Sq ft TotalAcrcs Dlsturbed: .14 Ncw tmpervlous Areo; 2914 5q 11 Exlstlng Land Dlsturblnt pennltr E yes E No WATEnT O CTPUA E Conlmunlty Systenr E Prlvate Well E CentralWell E Aqua sEW€n: E- ctPUA E ComnunltySystem E Prtvate S8ptlc E Centralsepuc E Aqua zono(!$!ottt.o,,-ffi setbacks(F). tp' 1La1-yL6a1 $' 1o1 to) Approvat: OE crry: f-\2fl|\ orr", {b[66;0o,1, (A)- (v)- {N)-rL-- EFr+2tt=rlns/]r]al-!- r6,!!_gk_permrt ree! g t Commontl ltasY d tO?*ie2w 5W ii, lnsprclion Requrco, 91 0.254.0t0, o0 tOT fl: 092 'll B -171s \l APPLICAN?S NAME:Stevens Fine Homes PROJECT ADORESS:c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPU CATION TVPE: RESIDEI{TIAI PI.IASE ANSWER A[ qUESTIONS APPUCASLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'Proiect Responslbilitf Ow. Wilmington Date: t&-%4 Applicetion Numb€r (office us€) 'l t,tt ZlPi 12 5g691y1519x; Round Ridge LOT f:il PROPERTY OW{ER S NAME:Stsvens Building Company OW11EnfS ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 p1.16x6 6' 91&794{699 ow: Wlmington aP28/,03 CONTRACTOR:Stevens BuiHing Company EIDG ucExsE s. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 OTy: Wlmington 51; NC 2p. 28403 EXEnI{G COI{STRUCTIO : tr Aheration ! Renovation E General Repai6 ilEW @llSIRt CnO , d tr".t l* noidence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation . ..*F E45[ ctIECX AXD A'{sWEN EAOW Al.J. TIIAT AP?TY TO YOT.IR PSOJECT*T* d atte"r"e"lsrt lbT oo ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (Sfl El Deck (SF)n Greenhouse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! ves d lo TOIAI SQ FI Uf,DER ROOF (hr Noqed lrork) lleated:bllo ufr*d, ,'lb TOTAL PROJECT @ST (Less tot): 5 120,000 EMAIL ADDRESS:snicholson@stevensfi n€homes.com Property Use/ OctupancF tr SlnSh Famlly 0 Dtrplel tr Trynhouse p11sxs. 91G794-8599 qb D Storate Shed (SF) .-- tr other lsFl dn" ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes Ef Xo ls any Eectrlcal, PfumHng or Mednnkal work beingdoneto the Acclssory Structure E yes tf the project is a ndocation, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the clnent sltel E Ves d xo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Ves d rc D6cription of Wodc constud nel simb family re{*lonce. OULLAnrcn: I hereby certitr, $at allfie infurmation in this applicatim is correct and all work will cornply with the State Building Code and a[ othe,aPPliaable State and lotallaws and o.dinence5 and reguletions. Th€ t{HC Oevelopmefit Sewi:es center wtll be ndified of any dEnge. in the plans and gedfidtirrs or darEe in cortractorinformation...'OIE:Anywo*p€rfom€dwithosttheappropriatepenniBwillbeinviolati,,loftheNCStat subiect to fin€s up to S5&.6a.. ourner/co ractoc Micfiael Craig Stevens sgnsture: 'Liceased Quolifrel Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes dilo EdsdrE tmpervbus *o, A10l tqo ew lmpervious Area:ho,1 &Ft Edsdng land DktrIbing pemir tr yes dr{o mfrf: d cFpUA E Community System E private Well E Gntrdl Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System 0 private Septic E Centralseptic dAqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Sabads (Fl _ (tHl_(RHl _ (Bl _ Total Acres Oisurlted: 'l /3 Approval; _ Oty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A! _ (V) _ (ill _ BFE+Zft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S 11 t0 co pR1yECT cot{TACI pmsor: Staci Nirtrolson pg6rX6. 91G3i}2€515 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIID]NG PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibillt/ c|Ty: Wilmington , ?pra-11t2r$43o Application Number {ofrice use) ilttl,sAPPLICANT,S NAME:Stevens Fine Homes PROJECT ADDRESS: sUBDtvtstoN: Round Tree pRopERTy owl{ER,5 1atr69 Stevens Building Company w Oate: LOT#: 91 71e. 28/'12 p119xs s. 910-794-8699 owNER,s ADDRE5S: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 CITY:Wilminqton ?lP.2UO3 CONTRACTOR;Stevens Building Company s1p6 g6gXgg g. 31626 ADDRE5S: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 611y. Wilmington 5I: NC ztP.28/103 EMAIL ADDRESS:snicholson@stevensfi nehomes.mm pxsxs. 910-79S699 p11sxs. 91G332-8515 06 D Storage Shed (5F)_ ! other {SF) O(lSnI{G COI{STRUCTIOI{: ! Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs l{EW COi{STRUCnON: d Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation " lPtEAsE O{EO( AIID AT{SWEN BErcW AtI. TI{AT APPTY TO YOUR ItroJECT"* d rtte"raeetset {17 o *,*.*#o, pRoJEcT cot{IAcT p6pg6p; Staci Nicfiolson E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UI{DER ROOF (lor proposed wo*l Neztfd,':41'.|unheated: 5Ot TOTAT PRO.TECT CiOST (Less Lot):120,000 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes [7] tto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves d Xo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr ves d m d", Property Us€/ Ocorpancy: E gnde Family tr lxlpler tr Tfrnhous€ Description of work Construc-t na /single familv residence. laws and ordinances and regulataons. The NHc Development s€rvices center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and sPecifrcations or dange in contra,ctorintormation. "'I{OTE: Any u/ork performed withorrt the appropriate perm ils will be in violation of the NC State subject to fines up to 55@-m.'. O*m€r/Contractor: Michael Craig Stevens Signature: 'Licensed Quolifref Print Nome ls the property located in afloodplain? E Yes El No Existing tmpervious er"", l$02 sq r,Total Acres Disturbed: 'l /3 New lmpervious Area:rcoL Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbang Permit: tr Y", dfo WATER: El CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E CentralWelt EI Aqua SEUTER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centrat Septic /Aqua Zone; _ ()fficer: _ Setbacks {F} _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (81 _ Approval: _ City; _ Datei _ Flood: (A)_(Vl_(l{}_ BFE+zft= Comment:Permit Fee; S a) }o$-t)t;NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI1ATIoN TYPE; COHIJIERCIAL PLEAST ANSU/E8 ALI QT-IE5IION5 APPLICASLE TO YOIJS P8O]EC] "Project Responsibility" 18-19+1 APPLICATION Number ( Offi.ce Use ) APPLICANT'S NA}IE ; M,chaer eu,Brey DATE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD PHONE *: RE55 i 555 113y5u71gn Menronal Parkway 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAt'lE: Ashley High Schoot PROPERTY OWNER'S NAfiE: New Hanovercounry schoots 0|.JNER' 5 ADDRESS: 6401 carotina Beach Road CONTRACTOR : E ncornpnjs Roofi1t and wa1"rproofing ADDRESS: 10920- I rvtenomont prrtway El'lAIL AoDRESS : wvr'V/ encompassfw.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: y3ry;6 5L".kettord - Operaions Manater CIIY: 1y1*1nt1on ZIP: 2g1r2 PHONE S: CIIY: r,y;6;6*1on , LICENSE S: CITY : 6 56ao1e 12416 ST: NC ZIP: 2826e PHONE *: 704-714-1317 - PHONE #: 704-j6l-71s2 If UPFIT - Ihe Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this Buildi,ng li Yes f No ...T* IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE?T YEs Ii, IIO '-'*'IF Yes, what lras the Previous Occupaocy Type? - t/hat is the i/et{ occupancy IX8fi torrru, pRoFEssroNAL I PH: A00.493-9028 NC REG }: tlc REG *:lll!fr--PH i ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOI'IAL:-REl EngLnee6 DESCRIpTION 0F l^lORK: R oof R epta.emenl p€r New Hnnover s chools ls food or beverages prepa.ed o. served in this structure? T ves[-, ruo ls The Property Located ln The Ftoodplainz l- yes l- ruo OTSCLATMER I her€by certify that all intormation in thas application rs correct and all work will comply wilh the Slate Build Code and allother appllcable Slale Serur.es Ccnlp. wrl be nolil pd ol anv erfornrea W/O the Appropnate Permrts app ilicalionsRllBldgof the and local laws and o.dinanc6s and roqulalions Thn NHC Deverop,nenl or ch.tnoe r^ conl,aclo. o. co^t'aclor rnlo'malrcr "'NOfE' ary Work p Subtedlo Frnes Up To S500 0O"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:-r-r . r,.r.rr^., WATER: r-'ICFPUAL.J SEWER D CFPUA COMN,4UNITY SYSTEM WELI,fl zoNrNG usE cLASS.FTCATTON! coivnruru,r" svsrru SIGNATURE Code and or L,r'ldrng was iouni ro SO FT Itole Oomolal6n 6orlica0ons & asbesros re.noval perrnd applrcalrom aro to b€ submr(ed usn0 tho npplicanon {orm (DHH 763) *rrerhei ihe ric: cont3n Asbostos or no!. You ara requirod ro call lhe National Emrssron Sra.d.rds lor Haaardous Ai Pollutanrs (NESHAP) ar {9:3)707-5950 at k}asr 10 days p.ro, io the dsmolition ol any lacrliry or bu di^g. Soe Asbestos Web Sile: hirp,;ww epr srarc nc us,,epi/asbostos/ahmp tlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: r725,ooo.oo BUILDING HEIGHT: z0 d OF UNITS: rr,rc TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR IOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: rer.ooosr T OF STRUCIURES ACRES DISTURBED. o EXSr LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES Jr NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA T SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o CONDO OTHEf5 q6661 PAYMENT METHOD l- cnsn r_ cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f -AMEBICAN EXPRESS f-_ rucMsn f-- orscoven ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F,tH RH CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC .rai-!ir;r::!i1r.tiii'.aa:ri!,)tl_i::rri.:.i-,,,11.,:ral:i,,,.1 Li:rL, -,.a:ir.ts 1rf..:i:,rt:i Apo'oval:_ Cily _ DATE_ FLOOD -----=--- BFE,2f r Commenl - PERMIT FEE: l 5I: p6 ZIP:2s412 (che<k aI1 lhat Apply) EXrSr CON5TRUCTTOT.T: n ALTERATTON J-a RENOVATTON [a GEiIERAL REPATRS l-l RELoCATTON rf Rerocarion. rs rhere a Natural Gas Lrne on thebdrrenr Site? f vti[- ruo ls BLDG sPhiNKLEREDfi - Yesl- NoiiEw cotsrnucrroNr E EREcr NEIJ srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAc( E sHELL n upFIr f] ADD To Exrsl sTiucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: # OF STORIES: , OF FLOORS: PRoPERTY uSE; noFFtcE I nesrnuneNr I rr.rencaNrrre l-J EDUCI-I AprD B a) nor6-l aa4 1g=agsl AFP-LrcATroN Numbe r (off1.e Use) c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPr: COIIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSUIER AtL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibllity'' APPLICANT' S l,lAllE : y;qh6q1 quirtsy DATE : PHONE #: PROIECT ADDEEss: sss Ha bunon Mernorial Parkwa OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAiIE: Asht€y High schoot PROPERTY OWNER'S NAM: p6q7 g.13n6y6s county s choots OWNER'S ADDRESS: 64Oj Carotina Beach Road C0 TRACTOR: Encompass Roofing and Waterproofing ADDRESS: jo92o- I Metromont parkway EIIIAIL ADDRESS : www.encompass|M/.com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Maruin shacketford - operatjons t\,tanaser (che(k All Ihat Apply) CITY: wil.i"gt-ZIP i 284j2 PHONE *: 5T: x6 ZIP:2s412 ST: Nc ZIP: zsu eq - LICENSE #: 72416 CITY:666d611s _ PHONE *: 704-714-1,311 , PHONE *: 704-361-1352 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the r;l RENovArroN l-rl GENERAL REPATRS Ebinent Site? ;'- vEi;-- uo ts BLDG sP-RrN RELOCATION KLEREDfr- Yesl- tr UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUREERECT NEtl STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is E1ect Poyer on this Building li Yes r NO * :T:}:} IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YES Ii. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ what is the fiew occupancy Tvoe?ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:. PH:NC REG *: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-R EI E ngineers - PH:8OO-495-9028 NC REG #: C -1520 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Roof ReplacementperNewHanoverschools ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f yesl- ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? f- y." l- uo DlSCLA|i.4ERr I hereby certiry that all inrormation in lhis applicalion is conect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all olher applicable State and local laws and ordrnances and reoulalions. The NHC Develooment Setuices Center wrll be nolifred of anv chanoes in the aDDroved olans and soecifications or change in contraclor oI contractor i-nlormation. "'NOTE Any Work Perlormed w/O lhe Appropnale Permils will bie in Violati6n of the NC Stale BldO Code andSubjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: rrantstrat<etroro SIGNATURE: (Oualif€r) en Nare) conlain Asbeslos or nol. You are required to call the National Emission Standads tor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at leasl 10 days pdor to rhe demolition ol anyfacilily or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http/www.epi.srate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: $725,o0o.oo BUILDING HEIGHT: 20. # OF UNITS: two TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: roe,ooosr # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED: o EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMIT? -r yES J. NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ FT EXISTING IN,IPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT D MERCANTLE l-l EDUCI-1 Apr CONDO OTHEtsctroor WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: ECFPUA coMr\iluNrTY SYSTEM fI WELL _D ZONTNG USE CLASS CENTRAL SEPTIC LI pnlveIe SEPTIC E CoMMUNITY SYSTEM IFICATION '" SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS'" PAYMENT MEIHOD f cAsH f-. cnecr lenvnBlE ro NHc) f_AMER|CAN EXPRESS l-_ ucnrrsn J- DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER RH- B- BFE+2ft,Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD II Comment LH N PERMIT FEE: : 'rQi!n9l DEVE LOPER: - CITY: y11d6g1s6 NoNEt{ CoNSTRUGTION: L_l ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: kz N[U'I HAfVOVER COUNW BUITOING PEf{MIT APPUANON TYPE: RESIDINIIAt Pi.rAtt ArlswIn 6II og6sflo|l5.4rr!l.Aitf To Ycun pSoJfcl 'Prolrct nlsponslbUlty} Pr"s{c ?oo\s C)a! _ (d:q5 a: irl\qu"t o-Sls'eb (,v!i![R?S ADOnfSS;LI!Y: o<kI ,5L5?_1_ Al.lDllESS: ..flT? ,,{/ilL ADOnISST PlioN[; ass-\{hlt aVeii EXISTING COIISTRUCflO :il Alter"tion a Renovation I Gener.lR€pairs NLy, CO STRUrIIONT *: Ereat Ney.r Residence : Addition io txiJting Residencc L Relocatio. . T 'PITAsE CI'!C( A II D ANSWER 8&OW AIL T'{AT APPLY 'O YOUR PNOJECT'*T ,_- /\'-i ;cracL {SS) _. _ n Det Gara8e (SF)_ :. srn.ocm{sr.)*---* 'yr*r1sX.$"lb I creenncuss (SF)*_..-* : Deck {!F) ._*_"__.__, - ls ih€ prcttosed lvork ch3,58i!:g the €xietind iootp.int? l'-. Yes i Nc ;l Parch iSF) I.li 110 -101" 6xqs f Storage Shed (Sa) *_*- :: otle. {SF},_ ,___ --. -. l OTAL sQ fi UI{DER ROOI AT prcDar?d ,rk) Herted i',J t,\ L ptolfcr cos I { tou r ".1, S .4 2',,,00(D Unheaied: - -----__,,__,__ ,s iheprooosed v/ork chan8inE the numb€r of badrooms? lj Yes ij tlo ls lny llectrical Pl{mbin8 or lvlerhanlcal v./o* being done to the Arceslory Structure : Yei [] fto if the project is a ielocation, i5 there a Nalural Gas Line on the current site? :l Yes a.l No '5 there Ejeqtrical Fower on this Building? D Yes U tlD Prope.lv Use/ Occupaoci:f,Slngle Family J Dupler a loerrho!5e D,:scrilltiol: ol Work: 0wr1er/tont.;rtori -* (-! Jrlcctor$ 9,,)i,h^, ''.r:'1. ,. :l- ,! -: . : :. i. ,,.' .1.' c,.t l\ i "Li.Pi.teC QDIfizt' P4nt Notne "j:lrei, aoart!'.oti1ed. ::;ordr,a.t: YC!'-,,l:. ExistinF lmpErvioui Area: __ _ 5q It i;?rr ltrpe;.trinir3,frei,: - --_--*.__- S<.tli !-:tisilrrt i.;:iid Oistlrtlrng Pernl;:: -_ ..,'j i.tc 1r,rAI:It: ,;r,, '-.r,.;:\ i".,.Itr_.i:..; Syiii:a, -- f:Lv;:rj \V,l:t '-: Cen:ral!Vei: i Aqra j:liiIi: '!: :::.,r l::-:i:-.^it).-<yst:-.:,: --- ,:.;r,j,..r:i'r::j ^' a?ntf::iSl9i;. I l\.1}!, ., i2'r5 '',,-. DiG :.:.,:.a':j(::NfAr,,,: /0',''"' 10',ut../0.',, .- . O.-F , _lcr4 ,, 1l3il(,.,:,, ,r ) ,.",;: ,,,',,.,,, fll\ dccEinl an4 agupn*nl r'!,ru_sl .be_Sd-...i,,,., ,i brtclr "tl )le.,sl i6'v " eii,,' lnsg:clion Requueo, 91 0'254'0901 18-216 i