JULY 23 2018 BUILD APPSAPPLICANT'S NAME:I-< --: fcr"-r;rr"-, I rPil--l lott' 1151 n-zz?fr Application {ot{ice use) 7-./9-/ a- P:2 2 lD-83 Ii, Zfuo eo NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLIUTION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSW€R ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Proied Responslbllit!/' w1 Lt L CITY q-/- toT # ( PROJECT ADDRE suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: E: 0 L(- ). Lse ) PHONE #: CITY rI \I EMAIL ADDRESS:A/\J LJ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON la,.- CONTRACTO ADDRESS: O4tt c"r"ee (sr) Cl A n Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F) ctw . (6 c"a.-ps915 (y'r, pxorue' BLDG LICENSE #7 rf c:2t st:(V (zrp 2*.t o Go-o \ 26 C- rl EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr AI on n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION rect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AN D ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.* r n Det Garage (5F) D Deck (SF) d6rch(sr)/-( 1 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTA| SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:22qo Unheated: TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): $Q.o O5o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E tto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E Property Use/ Occupancl: E Single Family Duplex i Townhouse Description ot Work:E 3!{-(-ol lo^.,LtZ3 S f It,^ r '€ ,t\t DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all th€ information in this application is correct and all work witt compty with the State Buitdin8 Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: Any performed without the - "-- a.--fL o. -(^)t appropriate permits willbe in violetaon ofthe NC State Btdg Owner/Conractor: "Licensed Quolifier" re: TotalAcres Disturbedl ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing tmpervious ar".r67 36 5o p1 *{ New tmperviousAr.., 3> LI ol Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E lto.aWATER: ErCFPUA E Community System D private Well E Central Well E Aqua-^ SEWER: BGPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -- City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S ,a) tlca- I LL n Storage Shed (SF)_ n other {5F)_ tr Pool (SF)_ gw. [-- I r=;__l i'l 230/E s-1q95 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' L CITY: .-i (L PHONE # Application Number (office use) APPTICANT'S NAME:n€.t-/-(J PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S A PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: E: I C-/\ ("I3 , Date c LOT T s / B-BS3 / CITY t-J il-.*: -* A--ze;Zl!*t oA-)' BTDG TICENS #.tJ-o P(O I_ l.e t^ o L CITY: EMAII. ADDRESS:PHONE PHONE: PLEASE CHECN AND ANSWER BEI-OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT***--D Det Garage (SF)_ UI porch (SF) pRorEcr coNrAcT pERsoN: 1",^**L^.',^^- (> <,r rI-*uL-lr EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs-.^ NEW CONSTRUCTION: B-Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation Z,'-'l-l Att Garage (SF)S12 ! Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) lL{ 7 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing foot TOTAT 5q rr UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 7oo , oo lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Ves E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes E ruo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes D No Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy; E Single Family lex Tovynhouse print? Lj Yes D No G*c*T 2on L^ ,".r"a,2\.[o unheated: 63b l1-3-st= ,,\t-ir e-O J-< a \)t Description of Work:E t-< r-O-r-e- J;e o* 5 {A eF DISCIAIMER: I hereby certifythat allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcomplywith thestate Bu ding Code and allother applicable State and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of anychanges in the a ns and specifications or change in contractorinformation. "'NOfE: Any rk performed without the appropraat€ permit5 witl be in viotation of the NC State subject to fines u to S5oo.00+"Lse SignOwn e r/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves Effi- 616'bExistinS lmpervious Area:Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Ao Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E No WATER: A/6}PUA E community System E private We E centrat we E Aqua SEWER: d'i;iuA E Community System E private Septic E Centratseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _Comment: permit Fee: S 1,308'oD J Cloar Form t I tr Pool(SF)_ n other (sF)_ t TotalAcres Disturbe Ot , I ,r\l APPLICANT'S NAME:l-€ L. NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPUATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Proiect Responsibilit},,' 6*: tl l LC CITY &otB Appli.ation Number (omce use) Date )- l', -/ I P, 1 LOT #3.<- PHONE #3r -? CITY: L)\-\.2 a fcl*" F.,- I iff*zn PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtStoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: ng 6-t l"t,LLC o ztr CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Ae,.^) -<,-.-,/';L Property Use/ Occu 9an"1r {single camily E Duplex E Townhouse BLDG LICENSE f 7 tJ?1 sr.ALztP, IQqoGlil,r:,ne tn- s-lo-3rs E: CITY: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON J6,-n-t(^c..-.-G-ir+6 *. L- PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI,I: t'Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'** frttea,aeetsrl 16 d ,r' n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) L( J-O G ! storage shed (sF)_ tr Other (SF)3tD Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes ! No TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl 11s21s6, QCo ro unheated: 16 [ I TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S ?vo U o lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf theprojectisa Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No fro*f 3.-, /^2ro (f-- o I rU L, Description of Workl E-.-* J,\I .uL DISCLAIMER: I hereby ce(ifythat allthe information in thisapplication is corre€t and eltwork willcomplywith the State BuildingCode and allother applicebl€ State and locallaws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center will b€ notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: Any performed withoutthe appropriate permits witt be in viotatioo of th€ NC State subj ss00.00"' Owner/Contractor:J;n d'k L..:cl.-bo.J^Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" {r"L ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes Existing tmpervious or""' /Y, /)3 ,o ,, New rmpervious-llre", tF.,l ,o ,, w erca: a{gpe o1o.,r*n[rrr,., o stwn: t(rpua a community system E No Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ ( Approval: _ City: _ Date: Flood Comment: Existing Lard Disturbing permit: E yes E lrto well E Central we E equa septic E central Septic E Aqua rH) _ (RHl _ (Bl _ : (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Private Private Permit Fee: S 6a&, o) Print TotalAcres Disturbe 0,, . /L{ nilr-9o6.vod ,.i'"i\.rw fi lsb\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATTO N TY PE : RESIDENTIAI- PLEAsE ANSWER ATL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PBOJECT 'Proiect Responsibilitl/' APPI.ICAI{T'S NAME: Shane Smith Date: 06/2912018 PROPE RTY OWNER,s NAME: Adam RiCe PHoNE 8: 910-620-3860 OWNER,S AODRESS 6244 Suoar Pine Dr. CONTRACTOR: Coastal Buildino Concepts BLDG UCENSE fi 711q1 ADDRESS: 5'18 Trails End Rd.gTY: Wlmin-qtgn ST: !l ZIP: 28412 EMAIt ADDRESS: shane@coasta lbuildinqconeots.com PHONE: 910-798-2880 PROJECI CONTACT PERSON: Shane Smith PHONE: 910-264-2075 I EX|STING CONSTRUCTION: M' Alteration ! Renovation fl General Repairs(! l{EW CONSTRIrTION: D Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation I'TPLEASE CHECl( AND AT{SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT.+* E Att Garage (SF)_ D Sunroom (SF)_ D Greenhouse (sF)_ E Det Garage (5F) _ ! Pool(sF) D Deck (SF) [] Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed worft) Heated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 524.877.00 ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? n vo! frfo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdone!otheAccessoryStructur.fov""gtto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? 3 Ves $ t'to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yet D No Property use/ occupancy: ft Single Family I Duplex n Townhouse Description ot Workl R model master bathroom and master closet DTSCLAIMER: lherebycertify that allthe information in this eppllcation is corectand work will com ply with the State BuildinS Code and allother applicable Strte and local lawsand ordinances and regLrlations. The NHC Development Servkes Gnter will be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and speclflcations or change h contractor information.'*'NOTE: Any worl per{ormed withoutthe appropriale permit5 willbe in violalion of the NC State Unheated: Total Acres Disturbed: 0 .,r-tUl- lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? 3 ves I no Sq Ft n./*ExistinB lmpervious Area: New Impervious Area:Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes WATER: M CFPUA ! Communitv System D Private Well f] Centralwell D Aquar'\ Stwee, I CFPIJA E Communitv System E Private Septic E Centralseptic T] Aqua Zone: Oflicer: - Setbad6 (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Sq Ft 1," rr') Comment:Permit Fee: S 4oo oo PROJECT ADDRESS: 62i14 Suoar Pine Dr-. CIW: Wlminoton ZIP:28,4-12 SUBDIVISION: Beag Rivaoe LOT #: 2 CITY: Wlminqton ZlPl NC Owner/contrador: Shane Smilh signature: 'Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome utear ForTn Z o(7-1ttot Application Number (office use) ?-t3./a ZIP: 28 q li. =;"- ll -':. . __.1 i!:C J t- NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CATI O N TYPE; RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' nt;*L Lt-C.APPI-ICANT,S NAME: pRoJlcr ADDRES* 372 t sJa*n-v 6,iie suEDtvrsloN:Lu Date ctw LOT #: 3Z PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME cn .- lJ-^o rh..+{. L(4 PH owNER's ADDRESS, l?ll1 Drr-e--*ctw: Jo ?o-k- ?/?-67L -erod zn,@_2f CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: lZ EMAIL ADDRESS: J Ro BLDG LICENSE 6 68ltlo t -r <l.+4 A C'rt: Rcr-(et P: 27 6t4 PHONE Qtl- *zz-L?fo pHoNE:q/0. BSS- +t1 <,<) CT+*,t EI- Porch (sF)st3 ! storage Shed (SF)_ * other (sr)!+7 altie- cl'. Ca €APROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ! Greenhouse (5F) _ tXlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation *'i*P|-EASE CHEC D ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APP B, Att Garage (sF) +oZ ! sunroom (sF) E Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes B No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor prcposed work) Healedi Unheatedi /Zb Z- TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S z o<><) ls the proposed work changing the n u mber of bedrooms? D Yes U0 No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes El No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes El- No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy:e Family E Duplex E JownhorseL( 5" k-e,.1 a-Description ot Work:c..,,,iL ^.e.*) 0m€1",-Jo,-,.- DISCLAIMER: I hereby ce laws and ordinances and information.'++NOTE: A Owner/Contractor: rtit that allthe information in this application is correct and all work willcomply with the State Bullding code and allother appticable state and tocat regulations. The NHc Development Services Center will be notifled ofany changes in the approved plans and spectfications or change in contractor nywork performed wlthout the appropriate permits will be in violation oft _ Signature: he NC State Eldg Code and s bject to fines up 5s00.00'+* //i.-!-,-.- "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: D yes D No WATER: [! CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: .- Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S &) Print E Det Garage (SF) _ D Pool (SF) - Z3G+ I I- r -,,-;-l-l l: . l: ':'l:*_ I Number (office use) Date:7-t* aPt ZA <[Z:f LoT#: .<f PH Eh ltt-ctt-8ro,t ne,216fY Zctg'-t K@(A'W- APPLICANT'S NAME:G"**, 125 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATI O N TYPE RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit)/' CITY: r- PROJECT AODR srrBDrvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:r l.L tte OWNER'S ADDRESS:(.rra, CONTRACIOR: JOI ?"&- ADDRESS:r.!v'a- EMAIL ADDRESS:. \?oc,,tz- 6l-d+r.". e,r.-r-t,r^r+t, Cr],\ €b) PHON E:t-+* b?f PHONE:?ta-83r tlJ?a C ITY: CITY:Lz. BLDG LICENSE # sr: DC:rp Z /t bPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' ElaAtt Garage (sF)4?,E Det Garage (SF)_d. Porch (sF)2ZQ, D Sunroom (SF)C Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)6otnu.. (sr)67o - r.z,#ic ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes F- t',to TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Uor prcposed work) Heated:2271 unheated:ED TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S /eo, ooo lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes fr Ho ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes fi No lf the projectisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes ELNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy: Er Single m Duplex T wnhouse Description of Work:s, /on a.- laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development Services center will be notified ofanychanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contraclor information. Owner/Co "'NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permits will be in ntractor: he NC Srate EldgC4-*.. violation ol t Signature: ode and subied to fines up to S500.0O... "Licensed Quoljfie/' Pint Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D Yes E ruo Existing lm pervious Area: _ 5q ,, , TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! yes D No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System D Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA fl Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood; (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S oo Print E Deck (SF) _ I & I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION TYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,'ECT "Project Responsibility'' LorB'l*bzLWffi Application Number (office use) J !', AppLlCAN?S NAME. Hagood Homes, lnc 931".7-17-18 PROjECT ADDRESS. 210 Windy Hills Dr ClTy. Wlmington z,P. 28409 SUBDtVtStON: Avalon Oaks LOT #: 2 OWNER,S ADDRESS:zlP CONTRACTOR: Hagood Homes, lnc s196 U65r{56 s. 36868 ADDRESS: PO Box 1369 ClTy. Wrightsville Beach 51. NC 2gp. 28480 EMATL ADDRESS: kirbyt@hagoodhomes.com pHONE.910-256-828a pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Ross Stallworthy EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: = Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation I.**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR P p116119.910622-0170 ROJ ECT* * {. tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl 11s31s6.3395 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 446111 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesINo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! yes - No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description Of WOrk: New Construction SFR DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Codelaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans andinformation. t*'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be io violation of the NC ldc Code and sub Owner/Contractori Hagood Homes, lnc signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: 4631 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: ! Ves E lto WATER: Ef CFPUA E Community System D private We D Central Welt E Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA D Community System fl private Septic E Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _-- Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= and allother applicable State and local speciflcations or change in contractor to fines up to S50O.00'.. Comment:Permit Fee: $8l .@ t"""1 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEi XUTI HUff PHONE #: CITY: = Att Garage (SF) 920 n Sunroom (5F)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ n Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (sF)_= Porch (SF) 982 ! Storage Shed (5F)_ n other (sF)_ gnh93166.3791 a ffi APPLICANT'S N PROJECT ADDR susDtvlstoN: AME: ESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PT€ASE ANSWER ATL QUEsTIONS APPTICABI.E TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect R€sponsibilit/ Bill clark Homes oF Wil , LLC g6y. Wilmington Piuen )ua''l 5 Application (otfice ur€l Da,Le: '7 t9 ZlPi&r/trl PROPEETY OWNER's NAME:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC LOY S:45 pHexp s. 910.350.1744 OWNER'S ADDRESS:127 Racine Driv€, Suite 201 CITYI Wilmington ztP 28403 CONTRACTOR:Bill Clart Homes of Wilmington, LLC BTDG TICENSE #;34586 ADDRESS:127 Racine Drive, Suate 201 EMAIT ADDRE55.Orv\e5 . co /r'\PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:il;,n Mr* EXISTTNG CoNSTRUCTIoN: D Alteration D Renovatlon fl General Repairs NEW CoNSTRUCTIoN: El Erect New R€sidence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation 69ry. Wlmington sr: NC ztPr 28403 .PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AII THATAPPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'€CTT*' El Det Garage (sF) - E Porch (SFl E Pool(SF) 550 g2/ PHoNr;l 4,0 g* /,Ya--' Jql E other (sFI kLkA '751 /40 z attearagelsrl il gl fl sunroom (SF) - n Greenhouse (sF)tr Deck (5t) Yes El No, Lagl ls the propos€d work changing the existing footprint? D ToTAI 5q FT UNDER RoOF (for proposed work) Heated Unheated: roTAr. PRorEcT co sr lte* totl' S lOl, 165, ls th€ proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? [J Yes El lto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbein8donetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lf the pro.iect is a Relocatlon, ts there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes El No ls there €lectrlcalPower on this Building? O Yes El No Property Use/ occupanclr E sintle Family D Duplex fl rownhouse Descriptlon of Work:n6w conshuction of slngle tdanlly r€sidence law, .nd ordlnanc€s and reguiatlms. The NHC Oeveloprhent Se.vicer Ce.ter will be notiffed of any chrnSea in the approved pl3ff .nd rp€ciftartlon5 or d|.ru€ in contracto/ infoahation."'Of€:Any,r,orkFer(ormedwitho{r(heappropoatep€rmkswillbeinlio{.tlonoftheHCStakBldECodeandnbjecttofihesuptoSsD.oO'r' 10, [Na*,Signature: Print Nome Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolillet" ls the propenylocated in atloodplain? f] Yes E llo €xisting lmpervlous Ar"", I sq rt New tmpervtous Ar"", - '3 t O3-- ro ,, Total Acres Disturbed:,54 4cpa Existing tand Oiltqrbing Permltr D YEs E! uo WAIER; CFPUA E communaty System E priv-ate Well O Central Well E Aqua SEWER: r CFPUA E Community System B Privete Septic 0 Centralseptic EAqua Zone: _ officeri _ Setbads (Ff _ {tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval; _ City: _ Date: _ flood: (Al (V)_(Nl_BFE+2ft=_ Comment: Permit Fee: S @ D Storage shed (5F)- ) ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATION TY PEi RESIDE NTIAt PtEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbility'' Application Number (office use) appltcANT,s NAME, Plantation Building ot Wilmington, lnc Date.7l3l18 pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 3535 Watercraft Ferry Ave ctw. Wilmington 28412ztP: SUBDIVISION:verLightsBi 29LOT fl pRopERTY owNER,s NAME. Planlation Building ol Wilmington, lnc owNER,s ADDRESS . PO Box 2473 PHONE $: 910.443.0746 ctTy. Wilmingfon 24402ztP: coNTRAcroR: Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc. Clw. Wilmington BLDG LICENSE #: sr: NCADDRESS: PO Box 2473 24402ztP EMATL ADDRESS: roseman@ plantationbuildingcorp.com PHONE. 910.763,8 760 PRO.'ECT CONTACT PERSON:Will Weir PHONE. 910.599.5462 EXISTII{G CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration fl Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation . * I TPIEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW A![ THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT II--ditt ear.e. $rl 429 o Det Garage (sF) G./orch lsFl 360 ! sunroom (sF)tr Pool (sF)E Storage shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (sF)_tr Deck (sF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No unheated: 789 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 300,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbelngdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesENo lfthe proiectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes El No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Desciiption of occupancy: E Single familv E Duplex By'olwnhouse Work. tsuirld a townhome wtth an atlached garage. Ihis is the prevtousty approved lJrake plan laws and ordinanc€s and re8ulations. The NHc oevelopment services center willbe notiried of any chan8es in the app.oved planl and specifications oachange in aontractorinformation. ."NOT!: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC BldS Code fines up to Owner/Contractor:Angela Roseman Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr v", Gld Existing lmpervlous Area: 0 sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 06 New lmpervlous Areai Sq Ft Existlng Land oisturblng Permltr Oka *o-/WATER: EI'CFPUA E communlty system Ef private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E-<FPUA El Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setba€ks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date; _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: $55,o, 'UJ$ 1891Lffi1,6 68712 TOTAT Sq FT UNDE R ROol (for proposed work'; Heated: 2485 frB NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LIC ATI O N TYPE; RESIDENTTAL PIEASE ANSW€R AIT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE IO YOI]R PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' ctw mrng n Sot7-188'7 E*2+*$ (offile u5c) coNTRACToR: Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc. AODRESS: PO B6x 2473 -- -' EMATL ADDREsS: roseman@plantationbuildingcorp.com eloc ttCEuSE r,: 68712 o,*'Wilnrln0to-" sr. NC -z;Jf40f'-" ' - ,no"r, 910 76-763.8760- .-_-.-* Date 7l3t'tB ;;.264rr-' LOT fl: ." PHON8fl.910.443.0746 ctw:Wlming-ioi--""-^''''28442 PRoJEcT coNTAcr PERsoN wi'il weir PHoNE.910.599.5462 EXISTING CONsTRUCTION: [-] Alteration L] Renovation ['l General Repairs NEW CONS'RUCTIONi I:l Erect New Residence [] Additionto Existln8 Residence {.-} fielocation ''su tE e rucx.AuD_aNsluff lElqw 4!! t414 Q,y.Q_q8_u=o]E!I,../. B/ltt ca,age 1sr; 429 ,- E Der carage (sf) il4trrch (sr)360 ---,, ,- zlP U stora8e Shed {SF}_n sunroonr (5F) _tl Pool (sF)- . E Greenhouse (SF)_ E Deck{sF)_- ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? l l Yes n No TOTAL Sq FT UNDTR ROOF Uor prcposed work) Heated:2485 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less tot): S 300,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes 0 ttto lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbelngdonetolheAccessoryStru[tureEyesENo lF the project ls a Retocation, is tllere a Naturdl Gas Line on the current site? 0 Yos fl No ls there Electrical Porver on this Building? E Yes E No Unheated: 789 -.- Property Use/ occupancyi D oescrlption ol work: .}j!-a ., Slngle Famllv E Ouplex El.1'ownhouse lo\r!nhorne wilh an atlached garage. I hrs rs tne prevrousty approved urake ptan laws and ordinan ce. a.d .e8n lal ione. The NliC DevelopmcnI Servicer Ccntcr willbe norilicd ol any chan8cr ln th! approved plans and tpecificdtionr or(ianee in conr..clorinformalion. "'NOIEi lny work p.dormed wilhout thc appropriate pcrmiB willbe in violation of thc 0bi..! to fines up lo Sr00.00'.1N(S( owner/cont.acto.: lng ela Floseman Signature: "LicensPd QuoliliPt" P.int Notne ls the property located an a floodplain? A yes A-rt €xistint lmpervlous Aru j--- Sq rt New lmpe,vlous Area, ]331--*-- sq rt Exielng Land Disturbing permtr: Aqd A no WAfERt Y4PUA fl Communlty System E Private Well E Centrat Well D Agua sEwEx: B-cFpuA E communiry system ft private septic o cenrrat sepric n noro ['ir)'ifiSplCll0n *eqtflle.0, V fi-id,+-v,tr]i, ,on"f'191(c-Qom.",,ff,f- serbacks(rlA:-{rH},j,X (RH) I (s}-J{.. approvat OV- crrv: Il rV\ oate, -l.U.l8 Ftood: {A) _ (v) _ {N} X BrE+2fr= _ co,,"nt,\'p1 (1v0t lir,\rti t ) lU.',i fA'J Nl"i-u r'..i rt ()t1'..'r ;'' il\n# thn:;i \0,19c+ f;P!r5 pe,mitree:s AppllcANT,S NAME: Plantation Building oF Wilmington, lnc. pRolEcT ADDRrss: 355fW-ar6icidlt Ferry Avri. SUBOtVtStON: I livnr i rghli pRopERTy oWNf R,s NAME. Planlation Uuitding of Witmingion, lnc, owNER,S ADDRESS: PO Aox 24iij i Other (sF) .*. ._ Total Acres Disturbed: 06 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L' CAT tON IYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ALI. QUESTION5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responslbility'' ctry ngtonm Lpt""187oL8+tft Application Number (offic€ use) AppLtCANT,s NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc PROJECT ADDRESS:tercra efiy VE SUBDIVISION: Riv tS pRopERw owNER,s NAME, Plantation Building ol Wilmington, lnc OwNER,s ADoRE5S. PO Box 2473 713118Dale:26417ztP: tOt e: 28 PHONE #:910.443.0746 ctTy. Wilmington ZIP:28402 coNTRAcToR: Plantalion Building of Wilmington, lnc ct.r"y. Wilmington BLDG TICENSE S: St: NC 6A712 PO Box 2473 28402ztP EMA|t ADDRESS: roseman @plantationbuildingcorp.com PHONE,910.763.8 PRO.lECT CONTACT PERSON Will Weir PHONEI 910.599.5462 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation 260-- Att Garage (SF) ! sunroom (5F) n Greenhouse (sF)_ ...PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT+T+ 543 E Det Garage (sF) (/porch grl n Pool (SF) 360 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF)D Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDEQ,ROOF Uor proposed workl He"ledi 3136 TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 300,000 Is the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Eleclrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E No lf the projectisa Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there €lectrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Description of occupancy: O Slntle Famlly E Duplex E5wnhouse yyor1. tsuiild a townhome wrth an attach€d garage. lhis is the previously approved Balboa plan. laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofanychanSes in the approved plans and speaifications or chanSe in contractot information. t"NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in vaolation of the NC State 8ld8 Code aod subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... owner/contractori Angela Roseman Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Exlsting lmpervlous lrea: -|- Sq rt e4 Total Acres Disrurbed: 06 New lmpervious Area:1226 Sq Ft Existing Land DisturbinS Permlt: l<6 O I{o./WATER: Ef CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: #FPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Oflicer: _ Setbacks (F)_ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft: _ Comment:Permit Fee: S 00 ADDRESS: unheatedr 903 frr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATI O N f YPEr RESIOENTIAL PLTA5EANSWFRALI.QUTSTIONSAPPLICABIE TOYOURPRO]FCI "ProJect Responslbillty'' +841t7-- AppLtcANT,s NAMEr Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc PROJECTADDRESS:3537 Warr)iilialiTciiy sUBDtvtstoN: Flive.Lights pRoptRTy owNER,s NAME. Plantation Building ol Wilmington, lnc ci; Wiimlnslon' 713118 ;;36412 ''Date tOt tt: ?'B 910.443.0746,_ PHONE fi OWNER'5 ADDRESST PO Box 24t3 ClTy. Wilmington zlP coNTRACToR: Plantalion BUilding ol Wilmington, lnc gtoc Ltcensr n: 68712 5r. NC ztP: 21402- '-- aDon€ssr PO tlox 24?!t 'l,rr. Wilmlnglon €MAtl, ADDRESS: rosema lantaiionbulldi ngc0rp.c0m PHONT. s'10.763.8760 PnolEcr coNTAcr PERsoN' wlll weir PHONE 910.599,5462 EXISTING CONSTRUCrION: fl Alteralioo C Renovation [i GenaralRepairs NEw CONSTRUCTIONT D €recr New R€sldence D Addition to €xisting nesidence D Relocation ..grEA5t cHECt( ANOr4t'TSWER BETOW Atr TBAr lpprY TO YOUR PROJECT*.. -./Terr Ga.age {sF) ."-" tr Det Ga'a8c (5F)_ trPorch (sF)360 i-l Pool (SF) -_-_-,,__n Storage Shed {SF)_-- n Greenhouse (5F)_._tr Deck (Sr)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? O Yes ! No lstheproposedworkchangingthenllmbcrofbedrooms? E Yes D No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcalwork bcing done to the Accessory Structure fl Y€s E No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E tlo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? 0 Yes E No Slgnature: - "Licensed Quolilier" Properly Use/ oc.upancy: 0 Slngle Fanrlly Cl ouplex Q-trt-wnhoure Dercrtprlon ot work: ljurild a loworrorne wlth an attaohed garage: ] hrs rs ]L9 q.re!ryslv apProygd j9!ry,9 !r Owner/Contractor: Angela Roseman an anform.tlo.. "r(OIE Any work performed wilholl rhe.pp.oprble perrnirr willbe in vrolation ot rhe NC Srrre BldS Code and subiert ro liner up to S50O.OO'.. vd New lmpervious Area, 1226 Sqrt ExistinS tand oisturblng Permtti g-6; O uo Wlf;ERT {cFPl)A O Comnrunity System 0 PrivateWell D Central Well E Aqua s€wER: /cFpuA D communiry sysrcm o privale sepric tr c.nr.or s"ptf o ^" ," Cil; lnspclion Requtreo' 9,l0'25q'0yu" ,on"f\zlg--@)om."r,2{Y setbacks(r} 5 (rH)-K-(nx) .X (a} * ls the property lo.ated in a floodplaln? E Yes Existint lmpervlous A,"r, 0 SqFt LV Citv:Y--; VLr V-rrttV lri\rls 1\\11q1;s. ''(\,.,','- Approval Li \ulY-\ oate : -j...lL!! Total Ac.ei Dlitr.lrbed:06 (v)-lN) * src*zrt= tfComment hypvutr Permit Fee: S luE-1tct0 n Sunroom {5F) ,_ TOTA! SQ FT UND€R ROOF Aar proposed wor,() Heated: rorAt PRo,Ecr cosr 1L"tt Lotl, S !9!t000 -, untreated: !-03 ---,-,-. ,- ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT IO N TYPE RESIDE NTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" {sW{? Application Number (office use) AppltCANys NAME. Plantation Building of Wlmington, lnc Date:7t3118 PROJEcT ADDREss: 3539 Watercratt Ferry Ave ctw Wilmington 24412zlP suBDtvtstoN: RiverLights tot a:27 pRopERTy owNER,s NAME. Planlation Building of Wilmington, lnc. owNER,s ADDRISS . PO Box 2473 PHONE #:910.443.0746 a,rr. Wilmington 244022tP coNTRAcToR: Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc AODRESSi PO Box 2473 Crfl. Wilmington BLDG I.ICENSE g: sl: NC 28402ztP EMAtt ADDREss: roseman@plantationbuildingcorp.com PROJECT CONTACI PERSON Will Weir PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence fj Relocation 'I*PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*T* 417 E Det Garage (sF) E-Florch (sr) E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) PHON€.910.763.8 760 910.599.5462 Att Garage (SF)336 El Greenhouse (SF)_ Occupancy: D Single Famlly E Duplex Work. Buirld a townhome wtth an anac 6.#,nhousehed garage. t his ts the previousty approved cartier ptan ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes [] No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heated;unheated:748 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 300,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structu re E yes E tto lf the project is a Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrlcal Power on this Building? E Yes EI No Property Use/ Description of laws and ordinances and reSulalions. The NHc Development servi.es center will be notified of any chan8er in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinlormation. "'NOIE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Stare aldg Code and subject to fines up to SSOO.OO.*. Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" Angela Roseman Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves Art Existing lmpervious Area: 0 sqrt Total Acres Disturbed: O6 New Impervlous Area:1 266 Sq Ft ExistinS Land Dlsturbing Permit; +# U *o WATER: tr CFPUA E Community System Cl private Well E Central We E Aqua./ SEWCR: GZCFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic EI Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approvalr _ Clty: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) .- BFE+2ft= _ Comment: _ permit Fee: S [523 * 64712 fl Deck (SF)_ 2681 E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF)_ do ,ftt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU!I-DING PERMIT APPL, CATION TYPEj RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAOL[ TO YOUR PROIECI "Project Responsibillty" LotslffiL +€--r{=+8 AppLtCANT,s NAMEi Plantation Brrilding ol Wilmington, lnc pRojEcT ADDREss: s559 Wat{iitidiii ety AVE SUEDtVlSrON:tliver g OWNER'S ADDRESS: PO BOX 2473 Date: 7/3/18 rtilmingoh zt;28412 LOf d: zl PltoNE r. 910.443.0746 clTy. Wilrrriiglon ztP 2?402 C ITY coNTnAcTon: Plantalion Building of Wlmington, lnc CITY 8t0G LtcENSE t:'Wilirilngtoit sr: NCA,DRESS: PO Eoi2nTd- PHON E: EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration D Renovation n GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: I I Erect New Residence [f Additlon to Exlsting Residence D Relocation ''TPtEASE CTIECI( AND ANSWER 8EI,OW AI"I THAT AP PTY TO YOUR PRO'ECT'}' 68712 ;1'; 28442 BTiid-- :{K auaeu lsrl .117 -( j Sunroonl (sF). - -- [-.] Greenhouse (5F) ___ tr oet Garage (SF)___€orch(stJ 336 n Deck {sr) n Storage shed (St)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? C Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNOER R OOf \lar prcpoted vtor*; xeatud, 26!l Property Use/ occup Oescription of Work; owner/contra.tor lls:11 Frotg ancyi D StnBle tnrnlly U Duplex GJdnhoute Buirld a townhome wrth an anached garage thts rs the prevlously approved Carlier plan unheated, 748 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S 300,000 ls thc proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 0 Yes E No lsanyEleatrl.al,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAcccssoryStruatureDYesENo tf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No Ir there ElectricalPower on this Building? fl Ye! fl No inior,$arron."rNOT|:anywo.lperfornr€dwitiouttheappropriareperniits$rillbainviolalionoltheNCStategid8Codeands!bjecttofine!upto5500.00"' man Sltnature "Liaensed QuoliJiet" Print Notne ls thc property located irr a floodplain? E Ves Q-d Erirllng lmpervious Ar""r 0 sqFt New lmpervlous Area: .1 266 Sq rt WAT€R: g<f PUA n Communlty system 0 Privale Well O Cenkal Well E Aqua SEWERT /CIPUA E conrnrunity System D P.ivate septic E Centrrl Septic E Aqua ,""",1AL.@)o*.er:fll1lserbacks{r}.L-(LH) * .lRH) *. (B) .X- i"''1.:.1t1,01 !Sfllt::^ 0r n 4r,, .)ae , approval: ()[. clty:l,.\ltl$ o"t",'1 {,.18 Flood: (a)-(v) - -(N) .}-.- BFE+2ft'- com-enr, Pdf (yct Li4hi5fl\rvinr..,{LI\ari,cRrr^:c \Yr ftg' t ( >?P> pe,mrr Nl1'r't(-<..\ Pta r t '- ,t tee:5 pRopERry OwNER,s NAM€. Plantalion Building of Wilrnington, lnc. rMAtr ADoR;ssj rosemanoptariiationtruitoingcoip.iom ------' pRoJEcr coNTAcr pERsoN \ryill weir pHoN€. 910'599 5462 D Pool (sF)_ D other {sF) __.,, _ Toral Afies Dlsturbed, j1,- -- ----- Exlstint Land Disturbing Pe.mlt: "-/*;;" HOR064 Appt-tCANT,S NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APPL|CAT|ON rYPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEAST ANSW€R ALt QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibllity" bl\ 1Qlzl.Wfi-t Applkatlon Number (ofltce use) p61g 07/18/2018 pRoJECT ADDREss: 1325 Goldengrove Lane SUBDIVtStON: Sanctuary at Hanover Reserve pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: H & H Conslructors of Fayetteville , LtC oWNER,s ADDRESST 1 107 New Pointe Blvd., Suite 1 CITY: Wilmin 1p.28411n LoT #: 064 pHsxg s 910.219.1485 611y; Leland ztP. 28451 coNTRAcToR: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC s1p6 U6sr{5s 6. 74158 ADDRESST '1 107 New Pointe Blvd., Suite 1 Ctry: Leland ST: NC 71P 28451 EMATL ADDRESS: .iulicafferty@hhhomes.com/jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com pHoNE: 910.219.1485 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: JJ BTENniNg pxsx9.910.219.1485 tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No gnhg31s6;800 TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): s 156,500 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the projectisa Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes A No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description ot Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING owner/contractor: JJ Brenning Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: .18 New lmpe rviousArea;3492 Sq Ft Existlng Land Disturblng Permit: E yes E No WATER: El CFPUA tr Community System EI Private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER; E CFPUA tr Community System E PrivatesepticECentralsepticDAqua Zone: _ _ oftlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tli] _ (RH) _ (B] _ Approval: _ Cityr_ Dater _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ la\ /s and ordlnances and regulatlons The NHc Development servlcas center wlll be notlfled of any changes ln the approved pla;s and speciflcauons or ahange jn cont ractorlnfotmatlon. "'NoTE: Anywork performed wlthout the approprlate permlts wlllbe tn vlolatlon of the NC State Bldg code and subrect io flnes up to SS00.o0... It r- comment: permit Feer $ OD EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PIEASEIHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'*'} EI Att Garage (SF) 523 tl Detcarage (SF)_ @ po.ch lSFl 277 E Sunroom(SF)_ tr pooi (SF)_ tr storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)tr other (sF)-- TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated: 2666 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P UCA1ON rYPE : RESIDENIIAL PLEAS€ ANsWE8 Al.L QUESNONs APPUCAS(! TO YOUS PRO'ECT "Prolect Re.lor3ibilM 1,0(anq30WT9 z/.zffiappucrxt"s NAME: Bm Claft Homes ol Wlm LLC PROJfcTADDRESSi su8Dtvlsro: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Bill Clark Homss of Wilmington, LLC ffi Oatel zrP LoT I p69ps p 910.350.1744 OW ER'SAOORESS:'127 Racine Drlve, S!it6 201 ctry:2sp 28403 CO'T'RACIOR:BillCla* Homes of Wilmingtoo. LLc ADORESS;1 27 Rache Orlvg, Suite 201 €MAIT ADDRESs- PROltCr COUTACT PCRSoI'il dTy.lnmhg&n euo"t T-ttl 51. NC 2sp. 28403Se_trgv-- BI.DG ucENsE r !1!!9-- *o 66'O itk?* 4€5 tnas . Le.n PHOtlEl Exl$lil6 col'lsISucTlot{: E lJter.lion O Renov.tion E 6€neral R.pairs ,{Ew cot{SrRtfTF :E Ered il€i/ Reridence E Addition to Er-rsting Reidenie O Reloc€tlon . ..PIIASE CHECI( AIID A'{sW€N AEtoW Arl THAT APPIY TO YOU i PAO'ECT' " z N\ c.tas.lsFl 48 E Det Ga.age (sF)- E Porch(sf, tr sunroom (sF) -- n Pod{sF)- tr creenhouse (sF)- tr De.* (5r)-- ls the propored worft cha nging thc cxistlnS footprint? fl Yes E No tr Stor.6e Shed (Sf) - E other (sF)/LO TotAL SO FT UI{OER ROOF Vot proposed wotkl Ea.real, ea3Q. vnhe.t.r,t /oy'l rorAl rRorEcf cosT (Less tol.S l9Lt3O5- h the propos€d work changing th. number of Hrooms? E Ycr El lrlc Ir any Ele.tdel, Phfibint or M€.honk l worl bein3 done to th. Acceasotystruclure E Ya5 E ?{o lfthe groje.a ls a Relor.tion, isthere. t{atul€lGas Lloe on th. cuFenttlte? Cl Ye. E No h there El€ctrical Po,rer on this sulUing? O Y..E o P.opety urtl o.rup.nq': E slngl. F.mlly El ouphr O Tourrfiolse Ollcription of Work:l* co.rrulrn, oI rhgL iam y Ddds{c. hiom.tid. '..tlOIE Aiy Bt Frrqmd wttEur th. rleroont! o.nt. ru b€ in Folaton ol $! Nc srrt Blda c.d. .nd ,!t!j.<t to,n.! u9 to 99&.@r'' Owner/Co ntra.tor:1r*.^VL,4-gtnature:JL',;- (Oa..* "Lic.hs.d fuolif.t' Prlnt ttome lJ the property loceted ln a floodplain? E Yrr El No Grlstlng lmp€rviorrr Arca E sqn TohlA.res Ditlurted: ttew tmpcrvtous area:-1E{4 .sqrt Erlniot rand Diiturblrr3 P.milr O Ycr O NoI wATEa: El cfPUA O communlty Syncm O Prhstew.ll E c€ntralw€ll El Aqua SEttrfRr E CFPUA E Clmmunhysynem El P.rlate S€pdc E Cern6ls€?tic E Aqua Zone: -- oftlcer: - sctb..e' (r) - (ttl) - IRB) - (8) -Approv.l - ctty: - D.t.: - Food:(rt)-(V)-(l{)-BFE+2ft=- cormrrentj P€rmh tcc: S D6ClAtMtfi: I I's.6t ..nit thlr .rr rh. irorudon in rhir +pliod.. i, ...ncr .rd .l sEt r{ cmDiy srb th. $n. Bo,ldl4 C.d. rd .ll ot}Er .pr&$lc ttrte ed locrr l,w'.id crdlEr.r.6d ..g!lrtloE. Tn. xc o.ilopnsx t dl6 C..t.rrtl!. nod.n ol rry drr.s h th!.9p@d prc &d,P.dic.tioni d ct$te h drE.ad , tti lVcr,o ! (I) ct M-mzt ffi. NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TOYOUR PRO,E T "Proiect Responsabilit/ L8-2280 Application (office u5e) appltcaNT,s NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmingtton, LLC PROJECT ADDR SUBOIVIStON: Datel 611y. Wilmington ZlPl LOT f: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 c|Ty. Wilmington ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC CITY Wlmington eroe ttcrtlse r. 34586 sT: NC z;p. 28403ADDRESS:127 Racine Driv€, Suite 201 EMAIL ADDRESS,&r frCs.cO"r''PHONE:4.ro PHONE;t0 EXIsTING CONSTRUCTIoN: E Alteration n Renovation D GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation rta aaa Z Anearage 1sn Lf22^ n Detcarate(sF)- E Porch (sF) l!,r, In rk- E Sunroom (SF) a3 D Storage Shed (SF)- fl Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? E Yes E No ToTAt SQ tT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work) Heated:l"Unheated: ToTAt PROJEcT coST (Less Lot): S tuz-bo ls the proposed work chanBin8 the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbein8donetotheAccessoryStructureDYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EvesExo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes El lrlo Property use/ occupancy: El single tamily O Duplex El Townhouse Description of Work:new const.uction ol singl€ family residgnca C Deck (sF) DIsCLAIMER: I hereby cenify lh.t allthe inform.tion in thls .pplication It correct I.ws and ordinances and rcguhtion!. The NHC DeveloPment Servlcar Ceoterwill informatlon. '.'NOTI: Any wor* pcrformed without th€ appropriat€ p€rmh5 wil and all wort wlllcomply with the State guildlnS Code and alloth€r applic.ble State and lo.al bc notllied ofany thanSes in the approved pLnr and sp.ciflaations or dr.oge ln contracbr lb! in vlolatton of the Nc State gldg code.nd subject to finer up to !500110"'t*;" fl*k-P;nOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/' Signature: ls the propertv located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Oisturbedi New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permitr E Yes D No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private septic E Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (Fl - (tHl - (RHl - (Bl -Approval: - city: - Date; - flood: (Al - (Vl - (Nl - BFE+2ft= -commenti Permit Fee: S Itts ' -: pROpERTy OWNER.5 1141y1g, Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC pX9it6 s. 910.350.1744 PROJECT CONTACT PERSONI D Pool (sF) - E other (5F)_ ,/-\i a al Zat6-1t33NEW HANOVER COTJNTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPLICAr Io,J TYPE.. COilI,IERCIAL PI-EAsE AT{SYER ALL Q(JTSIIOIS APPLICASIE TO YOt'i PRO]ECT "Project Rcsponstbility" Pooch Enterprises Roger Pooch 18-1159 eFFffEilfldn 1{u6€r (offlc! us.) 9ra1s3 4-4-18 _PHot{E s: 910-520-0234 ztP I /1 APPLTCA T, S M}tE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD g OCCUPANT/8USIT{ESS M''IE : PROPERW OT'{ER'S IIATE :_PHoirE s: 910-520-0234 ohrirER, s arDREsS: 1 0g Vi.ia Lane CONTRACTOR: Owner ST: NC ZIP:28443 . sr:ZIP i _ PHo{E s: 910-520-0234 -PH(XE f: 910-383-2500 ADDRESS:ctw: CfiAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT Coi{TACT PE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: bort@mail.com John Bortone (check All Th.t Apply) EXIST CO STRI'CTIO :!ALTERATIOT{I-'] RE OVATIOITI T-] GENERAL REPAIRS I-'] bdnentsite? J- *J1 ruo rsBLoGSPhIfr RE LOCATIOI'I KLEREDtr- YesJ--lf Relocaton. is there a Natural Gas Line on lhe No rriEH co srRucrror{: E EREcr NErd srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK E sxEL[ ! upFrr I ADo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSOfiY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Pennit #:Is Elect PoreP on thts Butlding f-.Yes rN0...*. rs rHrs A clt^t|GE oF (rcupAracy usE?f yEs f-- to ..e.. IF Yes, xhat ras the Prevlous Occupancy Typ€? _ Uhat is the l{et, Occup.ocy IIEfitr.rr* pRoFEssror.Al: R.penningronErrRDEsrGr{mor:ssroul:ffiaggel pr: 910-520-0278 rc RE6 *:025045 PH: gi10Rl97{808 Nc REc *:f,11n ls food or boverages prepsred or s€rved in this structure?f- vefi- No ls Th€ Pmperty Located ln The Floodplain1NoYe{-_ No DISC|AIMER: I herEby crnify tlEl oll inbnnation in thls apdicalioo is cooecl cnd a[ rvort will compt vrilh the State Buluing Code rnd sll od€r apglhaue State 6nd local Lrws sad ddinsrEG ord roguhirlc. Tho N!€ Dglrol@nlcrf Sarvi!6 Carner wil be rEt16d a arw c,trm.3 ir lha aodot cd oLns er|d la€.IficatirEor dlgmp an co. racio. g. cotrsctor frtornElirr. "'NOTE: Any Wo.x Pedonn€d WrO th6 AgpEorilie Pormis win & in Vrolrtorl d 0loNc Slst6 Bkh Cods a.dsut*rcf io Fin6 Up To 1500-00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ROgETPOOCh SIGNATURE:(Or.x..) (Prh N.rr.) t{ob: t o.llotdon ndiiolioru & asffi rroE ,6l pqldt Aprcatdls s! b ba r6.nlhd us&rC tr6 .pdlcrdo lirm (OtFl$3766) ,hotror 0E hclity q bdun9 ra tdrd b oqlath Asb6b. or tlol. Yo! !r€ ,!qdl!d io c.l lh€ Ndixlol Emb6bn Sirrldrnh b H.r.n ota At Poltut rlG (NESHAP) .t (9tg)r0ru050 .t hrc 10 days Fio o th. d.nrddolt ol any Lalily o, hradk{. Saa Albaa$ Web StE: htF/wrw.oft.ststc.rE.us/6t i/Sst .tcrahmp.hhl TOTAL pROJECT COST: 275,000 BU1LD1NG HETGHT: 23' fl OF UN;TS: 1 TOTAL AREA SO FT. 8,000 Sa FT PER FLR: . 8,000 #OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:_.,,1Q ACRES DISTURBED: 28,000 sf NEw IMPERVIOUS AREA: 18,000 PROPERTY USE SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: noFFlcE I nesraunarur ! ruencalrrr-e|-l eo # OF FLOORS: I EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMr?-r YES r NO APT CONDO OTHEI SIFICATION SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM COMMUNITY SYSTEM Iq WELL T-'] ZONING USE CLAS CENTRAL SEpIc E filvare sEpflc D?oMMUNrryE CFPUA CFPUA 'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ETECT MECtl, PL8G, GAS EOUIP PREFABS 8 INSEfIIS PAYMENT METHOD T CASH TT CHECK (PAYABLE To NHc) T.AMERICAN EXPRESS I-. r,ilcnrrsn I* DISooVER ZONE: OFFICER Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft, AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I Rooer Pooch CIIY: Hampstead - LICE SE S: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH_. RH_ B__ R\ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT A P P Ll CATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' b\8-14qq Lffi292 Application (office use) AppucANT,S NAME; Janet Furr g71q 7120118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1748 Still Creek Lane CtTy: WiEington 1p. 2841'l SUBDtvtstONr Murrayville pRopERTy owN€R,s NAME: D.R. Horton pHoNE #: 910-821€557 CONTRACTOR; D.R. Horton g1p5 Ugsx56 s. 29676 ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CtTy Wilmington Sr: NC 2tp 28403 EMATL ADDRESS: jfun@drhorton.com PHONE: 910-821-8557 pRoJEcT coNTACT pERsoN: Sean Reynolds ptOrur: 910-524-1 689 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation n 6eneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: EI Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **iPTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'A D Att Garage (SF) 409 E Det Garage {SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (5F) D Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? a Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl 9g3196; 2175 Unhg3lg{; 472 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)5140865 lsthepropos€dworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n of work: New Sinole Family Residence laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in vaolation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to tsOO.OO... owner/Contractor: Janet Furr signature. Janet Furr Total Acres Disturbed: .1 5 New lmperu1su5 gys3. 2'187 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E,PrivateSeptic ! Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Offtcer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S oo t l:l tOT #: 1 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CtTy: Wilmington Ap. 28403 "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Areat _ Sq Ft Gl Porch (sF) 63 D Storage Shed (SF) _ n other (sF)_ Rert'?A ^ ,, ,ElB-frs4t€--2499 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE, RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER AII OUEsTIONS APPI-ICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Re5ponsibility/ CtTy. Wilmington Appllcation Number (ofrlce uiel tlz t8APPLICANT,S NAME:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmi , LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrsloN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMg. Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC Date ztP: LOT Hi PI{ON s s, 910.350.1744 OWNER'S AODRESS:127 Radne Drive, Suite 201 C11y Wilmington 71p. 2MQ3 CONTRACTOR;Bill Clark Homes ot Wilmington, LLc BLDG UCTNSE fir 34586 sr: NC zlP 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS OrnCS .Lortl PROJECI CONTACT PER5ON: Kt ADDRESS. 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 6gry. Wilmington p116p9.910.35O.1744 p1.1sNs.910.350.1744 r ta, D Det Garage (sF)- = Porch (sF) n stora8e Shed (5F)- Ei Att Garage (sF)+q E Sunroom (5F)- E Greenhouse (sF) I tr pool (sFl D Deck tsF)Qther (S Pa+r E F)aIols the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E tto ls the proposed work changing the nuober of bedrooms? E ves E No ls any El€criEal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure O Yes E t{o lfthe project is a Relocation, i5therea Natural 6a5 Une on the current site? O Yes El No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E Yes E tlo OISCIAIMEi: lhereby certifythrt allthc informatlon in this applic.tton is correct ind a[ woa witlcompty with th. l.w3 and o.dlnances and reSulation,. Tha NHC Development Servlcel Cent€r will be notified oI any chanSes in the informator. '.'NOTE: Any woll pertorm€d whhout the .ppropriata germits will be h vioiation ot th! NC State Bl State SrildinBCod. and.llorher applicable State and local rpprovcd plans and specification!o. change in @ntrdcto. de tlY)SiEnature:t/d qode and subjc.t !o fin€s up to SSO0,&)... La"k-Owner/Contractor: 'Licedscd Quolltle( ls the property located in a flood P.int Nome lain?EYesENo Exictlng lmp€rvious Aree:5q Ft New rmpervious Are., 3*SQsoFt Exis ng Land orsturbrng permit: El yes E tto WATER: ll CFPUA tr Communitysystem E private We E Centralwell B Aqua SEWERT CFPUA E Community System E private Septic D Centralseptic lE Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setba€fs (Fl _- (tHl * {RHl _ (B} _ Approval: _ City; _ Oate; _ Hood: (A| (Vl _ (N, _ BFE+2ft,. _ Comment;Permit Fee: S gO EXISTING CONSTRUCIoN: B Alteration Renovation n GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION| E Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence D Relocatioo rorAt sQ Fr UNDER Root (Jor proposed *or*l u""t"a, &t34 unn"at"a, 87 J ' rorAL pRorEcr co sr 1t"", totl S I Q 45 h O. Property Use/ Occr,rpancy: E Slngle Family E ouplex E Townhouse Degcription of Work: new conslruction of slngls family r6sidence rorat Acres Disturbe o. 4 f /O O f r lprt'TsaLffital NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT 'ATIOT,! TyPE, RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTId'IS APPLICTBLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibllity" crw BLOCK * ITY: LICEiISE *: CITY PORCH POO L 5F E sroneee sHED *.- sF D ECK SF OTHER:5F TOTAL S # OF STORIES: LY D{"IP L TONI{HOUSE ,i APPLICATIO Number f,Na PRO]ECT ADORE SUBDIWSION : PHOIE *: DATE: LOT #: PROPERW G{IIER,S IIAfi E : OqNER'S ADORE CONTRACTOR : ADDRESS: E AIL ADDRESS: suNRootlt _sF GREENHOUSE SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: T0TAL PROIECT COST 1t-.* uoq ERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: RIPTION OF I{ORK: M/{ PH${E PH(}TIE :, sr?{Y;llr-frl4l}tzfl-ffifril.o PRO]ECT COI{TACT PERSON : EXISTII}G COfl STRUCTION :ALTERATION I Renwarror fl e er're nar- ne rarns ! RELocATToN NEH CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NET{ RESIDENCE oT ! morrron ro Exrsrruc REsrDElrcE ,r ,o%hlQW **PLEASE CHECK AND AIISIdER BELOTI ALL THAT APPLY TO Yq.'R MO]ECT: E(r, **u, d-40 tt I orr ermee - sF @sF Q Fr ur{DER ^oor49&l rorAl AREA ,c rr, l40l,#p Is Any ELdCTRICAL, PLu4BII{6 on IltEcHA ICAL Work Belng Done to the Accessory structure? E V"t El(J l If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gasline on the cunrent slte? [ ves f] *" n\& Is there Electrical PoHer on this Buil.ding? E v"t EJr,ro PROP DESC l'J srtlglr .rer.rr I rcafkthhl &rn'\,rhmcsiru\e t'rw LetT tYq, d ard ordirmcss snd rBgu l6llon6.Thc NHC Dsv€lopm6nt SBrvic66 C6n br uill b€ noliod ol ary dl(rges h lh€ EpprcvBd pld)6 Bnd ordlanga in cnntracbror contaclor lnftrma{on, *NOTET Any wo* P€rformed W,t] $sAppropdsb Pemltswiu be ln Vlobdon oltho NC Fhes To 500. O,S{ER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNAT n EXISTIT"IG IIiPERVIOUS AREA : NEttl IMPERYIoUS AREA: **' * ** * *,t,*,* *r.*,* * ** * *t* **** *(!iT i,l!11* * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOOPLAIN?E lrl(, TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED i .l a ff* YES SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft SQ FT SQ FT hIATER: SEtJER: ZONE : Vrsruo M.rpua f] cotuunrry svsreN I pRrvArE rdELL CENTRAL l^lEL L tr cENTRAL sEprrc f] nnrvare seerrc ! coMl,uNrw sysrEM *** SEPARATE PERiIITS REQIJIRED FOR ELECTJ I1ECHJ PL86' GAS EqUIP' PREFABS & INSERTS **+ payuENr r,lErHoD: I casx flcrrcK (pAvABLE ro rrrc) E or.rtnrconr ExpREss ff r,rcTt rsr I orscovrn + +* * *** **** *+** i.* ** *** ***+ +** * +** **** *+ * ***** +*t ** *l ** * * +++ ++* +,|:l+** * ** i.** *t** ** i.{. +*** ** (FoR OFTICE USE OrLy) REVISEo OITI O4l11/12 OF FICE R: cltv:Aoonoval,:DATE: o0 APPLICAI{T'S NA}IE: DEVELOPER: n w EXIST LAND DISTURBII{G PERITIIT: J: YEs (\eo$-1Qrac1 APPLICATION Nunber (office Use) a z i 7 1 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.aTION rYPr: COMMERCIAL PLEAST ANSWER ALL QUE5TION5 APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICANT'S I{AME: McKinley Building corp - DATE :7 11- 18 DEVELoPER: The oteander company, fnc PHONE #: ' 3512 Oleande-r Dr-LVe, S-iLe 110 Wl lmiogton ZIP i2a4a3 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAtlE: Af&T Mcb:L t 1ry PROPERTY OhNER'S NAME: The oleander comp-ny,Inc OWNER'S ADDRESS: t1o3 A rndependen.e Btvo . CITY: ry116ing;6n CONTRACTOR: McKrnley Bui tdrn CITY:611*ir1"sor. PHONE #: ST:Nc ZIP::a+o.t - PHONE #:910 39s do36 g Corp EF1AIL ADDRESS: btiskomckinte,buj tdj ng. cor PROIECT CONTACT pERSON: Brandon Lisk - PHONE *: 910-395-5039 lf EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the RENOVATION rrent Site? f - GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCAIIONliNo IS BLDG SP NKLERED ?r UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ES No NEI.,J CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt^l STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: U If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 2oaa' :1t:6 Is Elect Power on this Building f. yes li NO *'**** rs THrs a CHANGE OF OCCUpaNcy USE?r yES li. NO ***** IF Yes, uhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ L{hat is the New Occupancy TvDe?ARtH OESIGN PROFESSIONAL i Cothran Harris Architecture ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :-David Sims Associates - PH:910 _ 793 3431 NC REG *:4 2 96 r.:c Rec #: !ll!-,PH :910-791-8016 No work permit for separating the Upfit from the she11 permit.Ref shel1 Drdgs ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f yesl-l- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? l- v". li tto DISCt AIMf R l hereby certity that all rnformation a1d locallaws and ordinances anO regulatrons. Tor chanqe tn conlractor or contrador information.Subjecllo Frnes Up To $500.00"' in thjs application is correct and allwork willcomply with the Stale Bujlding Code and a other applicable Statehe NHC Devel Center will be notified n the roved ans and s ific€tions"'NOTE Any W/O the Appropriate Permr{s will 6'e rn g Code and SIGNATUREOWNERiCONTRACTOR: Brandcn Lrsk(Oualifie4 (P.intName) Note: Demolition notilications & asbestos removat permit applications are to be submined using rhe application conlain Asbesros or not. You are required to call the National Emission standards for Hazardous Air pollutants dernolition ofany facility or building. See Asbesros Web Site: httpJ/www.epi.state_nc.!s/,Api/asbesros/ahmp.hlnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: o BUILDING HEIGHT: NA ACRES DISTURBED: NA (DHl_lS-3768) whether the laciliry or building was found ro (N ESH AP) al (91 9)707-5950 at teasr 1O days prior ro the I # OF UNITS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERI\,4IT? T YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:NA SQ FTNEW IIVIPERVlOUS AREA:NA PROPERTY USE WATER OFFICE RESTAURANT [,4ERCANTIt E COIVlMUNITY SYSTEIV fTWELL CENTRAL SEPTIC EDU APTl-1 coNoo orrer ERMIT FEE: I CFPUA CFPUA ZONING USE CLASSIFICAIION PRIVATE SEPTIC E SETBACKS: F SEWER ZONE: OFFICER ". SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP PREFABS & INSERTS "'PAYMENT METHoD: f oASH l-- cnecx lenvnBlE ro NHc) l-_nusnrceru exehiis f_ r14c1/tsA l-_ DtscovER(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment BFE+2ftAVN cerur ch.c LL PRO] ECT _ LICENSE *: :oase ADDRESS: 3807 peachtree Ave.. suire 2oo ST: 1'16 ZIP:264s3 (Check Al1 Ihat Apply) DESCRIPTION OF WORK: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 1, sO1 TOTAL SO FT UNDERF6F;--SQ FT PER FLR: . # OF SIRUCTURES--# OF STORIES; # OF FLOORS: COIVMUNITY SYSTEM LHRHB NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" eDl€;1c10) APPLICATION Numbe r (Office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME: 200 Market street, LLC DATE: 04/os/18 DEVELOPER: 2oo Market street, LLC LI I Y: r\ri tminglon PHONE #: l9t0) 232-3t 4'/ ZIP i 2a 4olPRO]ECT ADUKE55: 200 Market Street OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Ol,/NER'S ADDRESS: p. o. 200 Market Street, LLC CITY: ocean Tsle Beach PHONE #: \9ro) 232-3't 4i ST: NC ZIP: 28469Box 6280 CoNTRACTOR: Talmadge M. i{atson ADDRESS: 217 Teakr^,ood Drive EMAIL ADDRESS: t\datsonplumbQgmail,com LICENSE #: 2e2oB CITY: carolina Beach PHoNE #: (9lat 4sB -6222 PHONE #: lrta\ nr414lPROIECT CONTACT PERSON: John sutton (Check AlL lhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural No NEt/,J CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: eCu ERECT NEtn STRUCTURE ALTERATION Gas Line on th RENOVATION rrent Site? O GENERAL REPAIRS O no rs BLDG s RE LOCATION SPRINKLEFS TC BE INSTALLED DURING Yes trPRIN KLERED'4J YesO uPFrr FAST TRACK SHELL a UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The She1l Pernit #: t7-342s Is Elect Power on this Building D Yes NO ***** I5 THIS A CHANGE OF OccUPANcY USE?O YES @ t'to ***** IF Yes, u,hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy l{8fi'oESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Stan Douglas Eowler PH: (919) 155-0731 NC REG S: 97Bs EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: Ronald lqayne sparks PH:191i1 ztz-aztt NC REG #023439 f.lorc: D€molrtion notificatrons & asbestos removal pernrit applicalions are to be subrnitied using the apphcaton form (DHH 768)whether lhe tac lty or bLrildrng was fould to ls food or beverages prepared or seTved in this structure?O Vesp No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain O O,r"NoilrSCLAlMER. I hereby certify that all information i dn j l^.al laws anO ordinances and regulalron- Thc,'-ha-oe inconl,dcior or (ontactor rnformatton'::ubtectlo Frnes Up To $500 00"' n thrs application rs correct and all work will colnply with the State Buildrng Code and all other applicabte Stale e NHC Developmenl Servr(p: ,entFr wrl. b€ .olrfied ol anv lhanoes rn the aoDroved Dlans and soecrhcattons"NOll Any Wo,I Perlorrred W O the Apptop, ate PFrm'ls wll br"e In Violalron oi ihe NC Srale Bldq Lode a'rd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: 200 Maiket street, LLc (oL'ner) SIGNATURE John Sutton acmolition ol ary faci rty or build ng See Asbeslos Web Slte I LiLr:.,ai.', ,-i . .r.\' 't, ),..: ) .. .:r.. 1.r..t. ':t.t: tt .1 'roTAL PROJECT COST. $400, 000 BUILDING HEIGHT: 27' TOTAL AREA SQ FT 9915.6 SQ FT PER FLR: 4e57.8 lOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ee1s.6 #OFSTRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED; O NEW iMPERVIOUS AREA: 0 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? DYES O NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 5116 2 EDUC APT CONDO OTHEf A2 ts BFE+2ft # OF UNITS: e # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS SQ FI OFFICE f nrsrnunaxr [} rr,rrncaxrrrefl WATER SE!1/ER SYSTEM aa CFPUA CFPUA COIV]MUNITY SYSTEIVI CENTRAL SEPTIC TI WELL f,Rlvnre srprrc l:a zoNrNG u ?owmunrrv SE CLASSIFICATION CBD PAYI\IENT I\,lETHOD QcnsH p cnrcK (eAvABLE lo NHC) O_ AN,TERTcAN EXeRESS Q rucn,rsep DtscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD II Comrnent LH RH N PERIVIIT FFF : I e laar Form l ST: Nc ZIP: 28428 DESCRIPTION 0F hlORK: lnstatt int"-rior non-load bearing walfs, plumbing, mechanicaf, & electlical. PI]OPERTY USE: .;rQr)4* \dh ! \f a*-ffi &i., l HETI IIAT{OVER COIJITITV BT'ILDIiIG PERI4IT BqeLrcatrd typf .- (oFilEnCtrAL etutt[. Er*i rtr Qttsrx!6 ,\ppLI(JlaLE ro mtt eEJlLt 'Pfloj€st Re.tofif lbll.lt}l" ao t0r40 ) B40qLotrl"LIC TTff iPPLfCATIT't ,lAtt: 2Oo !lE--tct Br!"eer , IJn f,dcr (affl4c OrG) _mTE: s+/04t/.18DA'EL*ET:2SO lt .rtaE .3trafe, IJ.:Pl.UlE l: ( 9!o) 1,rl-3?r?p€t) 6c?: ]O0 Xarlft :it!(e! fiff.ptt I/BUsrxEsS lrArf : Pff[tPERTY f,&Ef's rallE: 3OO trr-rk<r stre-t, r,LcgtaERts tDoiEsS : P.O. Bor 6280 C6{TRA(TO*: T.l-uaag€ X. ila.taou ADD*ES9: 217 le6l rood Drir,c E,. TL aoo*ESS: ttrlteoElrlrlbegr.i I.cffipro) EcT (offft PEESO'{: rrohn Sutton : lfiLaiA9l€--aIT: r${o t - PtS*€ :: (91o) 2fz-17(r? CITY: Oeqa Ic].e Eoacl LI€El.sE ti 2e20a CITY: Caroti-oll roeacr d- sT: 19C zlPti&{69 Sf : Isc rlp: 2s{28 rrloltE a: 1ero1 lso-+}:;r Fttl{E a: (rlo, 2jz-r7t7 HIST CCll9lRLEtIdtr: l-l tr Rcoarirr. ia lse e r&H (ct .t au rFt ALTENATTfr T-I RETOVAI T-1e t ane ca rrcucrrtr* sE? DE 4EDrY) EEPAL REPAIRS T'] RELOCATIfl rs BIDG sdRrrNKrrnEoo sFftr{(r t Hs to trFl?€TAlltD Hrll(iY6fltrr'r Eltpfrr EJ rm ro Exrsr srRrEnRE Ho lrlDru ocrnurrror: IrccEssosY srnu(ruEE; EEEcr Elr srFucrrxE fl Flsr I r tPFrr - Ihc thcll Pff.it tr t ,-l{}5 I5 Elc<t Oo.ff (r tntu &ildinA O yas o NO rF Y€s, *.st * ** *"L',.=o"Hrlrff, * * TH vs6mrtlr- i3 thr l (Xqrpatt<y TVo.?,0nb{DErrGra PEffESS:[gmI: Et.D E]oEgla5 Ed-er Ftl: (919) 7ss-O73, ea:JFIE1-ll?l-rtfiF lf RfG a: ,78tt* mc *r?T I5FIIm DESISI PR(TESSIITIAL:-rro.a.].d Yaylt€gDarka TST I PRO,lLcl cosJ- $4oo,ooo Bt lt DD{ri Hf tcfiI_ 2?' TOTAI- ARFASQFT: eet5.6 SO FT PER FL[I. A'f f.E TOTAI SOFI UM,EF FOOF: eer:i.6 *OF SI RUCIURESJ ACRL,S 6ETURB€D: O M W IMPLRI/IOUS ARFA. O E(sr rAlo olsTURElrlG prRMtr? lns $xoSOFT EXISTING BIPFRI/IOUS ARfA 51T6 on{f t Ai lCATltlN cBD SO FT Pfi,oFERry rr$(; fJor I rcr flaesr*rnerur @ wncru,rrnr f] r rxJq] Apr D cftoo WATER sEtryF8: SYSTEM g8-.ffi H*#ffiIlffiHffiI**,o gffiI*E clA'ss* - Saltlttt a psflrsnEolEo FoR EtEcrr, tafc( ptffi,GAs[qp, m.,ra$ e Et, $ ffAtruErrrrtGrlr.x' DcAs+{ Qc+re,(lraraelrl3.tp;|-r*o(mEss flucrursafi flseovLR ZONI:OFFICFR:$I- IBACKS. }:Lll RH t1 Aprroval j_ Ciry:__ DA t{:---- FLOOD:tlFl a2!1, Corrfilcnl CzlCf,.e lcePua N f,FRHIT FEE; : ,{ t\')'rj,(rPr-' / ocrF-; i II #OF UNITS: ? *OF STffiES 2toFFLOORS--- DI SCRIPII0I{ OF IorR(: In-5Eif-G6rlor aoo-lrrod be., ioq -lle, pltdinr, rocb.rrlcft, a +ketr lool. __tto lr lln ftoperV to€Gd h nE FtoodshQ S uc SKiNATURT: irr-dn rr q&i 4r!4 C. .a. !.Eo.Q.r {a r, {sJar, E tdli, S*I,**r rryob S+hcr,lt-lfaaFa aXi. rrrt{riararrrariraE(' l'.rd ^a\[r\Ci'ry lnsprclion Requreo, 91 0.254.0900 7tK*1qo5 i8 )))) blzl]u.'tz .l)'; .' iil.ffi.;: \P Cletr Form pdnt oia6,l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT, APPI|CAfiON TYPE: AESIOENTIAI PI€ASE AASW€R ATL QUESTIONS APPIICISI.E lOYOUR PROJECI "ProJect Rcsponslblllty/ o CITY: Ct-- APPLICANTS NAME PRO.,ErI ADDBESS: PHON E o-'L'l2o:3 CIIYI 8t06 t-tcEt'lsE Oate zwLeile3* t:T e'5 BL/L{ { z|.3l!12- SUsDlvlsloN: Cfl PROP€RTY OWNER'S NAME: OWN€R'S ADORISS: CONTRAgTOR ADDTTSS:C\5Y t+ eMAr. ADonrsr _ DI62 I 5 4 @ AOL ".€9A ___..-=-*-_ pHo,{o- -l 3\w234tt- EXlSTlt'lG CONSIRUCTION: E Alteratlon 2( Renovalon O GeneralRepat.s tlEW CONsTRUCIION: 3 €rect New Reildehcc 8J Addiflon to Exlstln8 Restdence E fietocaflon I"PLEASE CHTCK AND ANSWER EIIOW AI.I,IHAI APPIY TO YOUR PfiOJECI"' !l Att Gara8e {5f)_B oet Gar.Be (St)_{ Porch {sr}tls t-l Sunroom (st)D Storage Shed (5t)-- if Greenhouse (SF)_ I Pool(sF) A Deck (st) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint?gyes E No TOTAT Sq FI UNDER ROAi Uor ploposed wort) Hoatedi TOIAI PROJICT COST [esr rog: 5 6 S,CDO AU)D other (5r) irlL u.rh.atedi 135 ls the proposed work chanSinS the oumber ot U"Oroo.ffi v"s,[ no ls any Eleatrlc.l, Plumblnt or Mechrntcrl work betng dof,e to the icltssory Structure E(v* g l,lo ll the project i! a Rclocstlon,ls the.€ a Natural Gai Lina on the cu,r€nt stte? B yet g t{o ls there Electrlcal Power on thls Eulldlng? [, Ves O No Properly Uselo.cupancyrE Slnglc Famlly t] Oupler; fownhouse 25 rUil l! l2r'rgPfi Deicrlptlon of Work: D )Od €)t-Slgnatur.i fotalAcres Dlcturb6d "D0 4 olLtotL.ls,J lnlormation. "'NoItrAnY woll p€formed wllhoul the .ppropri,te germltt willb€ ln vrolano^ of lhe NC l!.ta Ed8 Code.nd robl!( lo thar uo lo SSOO OO'.. 01*ftu" tt &.,rtOwner/Contractori 'Ll.ehted Quolilicr" ls the property located an a floodplain? i'l yeiXNo ExlstlnS lmpervlous Ar"o: -L!?5-- sq rt New lmpeMour Arsr, \G'J sq f, ErttflnS Land olsturbtn3 permtt: 0 vu, d rfo wATER: I CFPUA t] Communlty System [:] prtvate we al centrslwefl D Aqua S€WTR:X CfPUA [] CommunitySyltcm f,] P.ivatc Septi( :lf*tt'taxl 1'tqls! CentralSeptir O Aqua epyoval: -Qf,*- cty:d: lA) _ {v}lN)gF[+2ft. Permlt Fee: SCommenti beqmd Cnwtnl nrr1aon rmih6 iJa eefbaupf. I pRorEcr coNrAcr pGRsoN' T\^u I rJ -j? '1oc:y2- enone$|9;!!L _Scl !)__ zone, 12: { onicen CTlt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI ON rYPEi RESIoENTIAt PtEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAsTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" zot6 -Var( APPLICANT'S NAME R Date PROJECT ADORESS SUBDIVISION: CITY: \^/, t n/l .ztP etto ' PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME:R.r*t 5'\nn OWNER'S ADORESS: CONTRACTOR --a: ADDRESS EMAIT ADDRESS PHONE I'()- CITY ZIP CITY BTDG LICENSE # 5T:ztP PHONE PHONE b-)( ,/ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration ! Renovation gGeneral Reparrs NEWCONSTRUCTION:!ErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ***PLEASE CHECI( ANO ANSWER BETOW AI-I- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*iT PRO',ECT CONTACT PERSON tr Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse {sF)_ fl Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool (SF) al Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing lootprint? I Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor prcposed wolk) Heated:s1 F+, ToTAL PROJECT cosT (Less Lot)I-- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to lf the project is a Relocation, i 1s there Electrical Power on th Property Use/ Occupancy: Yes tVNo the Accessory Strurture 3 Yes qy'No e current site? o/Yes D Nos there a Natural Gas Line on th is Buildins? JYes n ruo sincr" r;'rnlly J*"- o , s ( , nrlt\ ownhouse U nheated Description of Work DIsCLAIMER: I her€by cedify thu,V,n" '.ro,.n ation in this application is correct and allwork wrllcomply with the Stat€ guildinS Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specilications or change in contractor information. "*NOTErAny work pe.formed without the approprlate permits wiLl be nviolationoftheNCStateBldgCodeandsubjecttofinesuptoSS00.00r" Owner/Contractor Sitnature "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Name / ls the property located in a fjoodplain? ! Ves E/trto Existing tmpervious A."r, 06ti sq r,TotalAcres Disturbe O, -iN.- Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: ! Yes I Noli tl sNew lmpervious Area: \ qFt,T CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E PrivateWell fl CentralWell E Aqua CFPUA ! CommunitySystem ! PrivateSeptic ! Central Septic E Aqua WATER: SEWER:\ Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (S) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ {N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S I ffi I LOT JI: tr Porch (SF)- {storage shed(sF) - {orn* $rl 3.. i t'.,,-,s } kv,'t,,". ,/ *,/ { a *8<q-a,' NEtl| HA Aots ??zs A-PPLrcarroN Number (Office Use) 6a:1- ERC NTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI0N TyPE.. COI'TIiTERCIAL PI.EASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICAIiIT' S l,lAllE: ;656 Breshears rt DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ' 1650 Greenfield St reet 'llifmlnocon PHol{E #: st9.s2o.269.1 ZIP:284o1 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: NHC Heal-th and Human services PROPERTY Ot{NER'5 NAIIE: Nevr Hanover counry property Manaqemenr otlNER'S ADDRESS:200 Divi slon Drave CITYi w11,11nqr_p" CO TRACTOR: Monteith consrrucrion corp _ LICENSE #: :::-s ADORESS: 32 N. Fronr srreer clw: wi1.r.,gto., EIIAIL ADDRESS: byoung6monreithco. com PROJECT CO|'ITACT PERSON: Brirrlnl youns/John Breshears _ PHO E #: 910.198.4338 ST: NC ZIP:28401 5T: NC ZIP: 28401 _ PHONE #:910.?91.8r0r . PHONE S: 979 . s2a .26g'i EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the (ch€ck AII That App]y)T- RENovarroN T- GENERAL REPATRS f]Hurrent Site? 5 *J5 r.r. ts BLDG sp-RtN RELOCATION KLEREO?r- YesT ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The shell Permit #:Is E1ect Power on this Building f.Yes rNo ***** rs rHrs A cHAtrtcE oF occupANcy usE? f yEs f. No ****,r IF Yes, what uas the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the Ne!, Occupancy TvDe? ARTH DESIGN PROFESSION/\L: .^....^- ----r,. -herwood and Associates - PH:91g.162.ngg2 NC REG $:52349 ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIOI,JAL :-Wo ods E,gineering - PH:910.343.8001 NC REG #:19475 DESCRIPTION OF WORK:New Construction of HHS buiLdino behind the existin g Dss bu i ldinq ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, yeslf_ lto ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf Ye{-_ NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all infonnation in this application is conect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulatons, The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ol anv chanoes in the aooroved Dlans and soecificattons or chanoe in conlrador or contraclor information. "'NOTE Any Work Performed w/O the Appropriate Permits wll 5e in Violation of the ItC State Bldg Code andSubjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:;.},. Breshears SIGNATURE: i'k E'<,hn" (Auali6er) (Pn Nam) Note: Demolilion notmcaiions & asbeslos removal pormil applicetions are io be submined using the application torm (DHHS-3768) whetherlhe facitity or buitding was lound lo conlain Asbeslos or nol. You are r€quhed to call the Nalional Emission Standards for Haza rdous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the demolition of any f6cilily or building. See Asbestos Web Sile: http://www.epi slate. nc. u s/epi/asbestos/a h m p. html TOTAL PROJECT COST: srg, ooo, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: e: TOTALAREASOFT:ob,lo.SQ FT PER FLR: :;339 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: e6, 163 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: s NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: s 63 # OF STORIES: a # OF FLOORS: q EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES JT NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ir,1 # OF UNITS L 532 PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT TTERCANILE l-1 Eouc|J APrJ-J coND O OTHET 41'7 SO FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA "s COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM T-l WELL fL PRlvArE sEPrc T-[ ZONING USE CLASSI iCot'itttturutry FICATION EPARATE PERI\4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT I\4ECH PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cASH l-. cnecx leevnBLE ro NHc) [-_ nraenrcnru EXeRESS l-_ ucnrrsn f-_ otscovER ZONE (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B Approval:BFE+2ft, Ilr Comment itv DATE FLOOD: LH RH N _DATE: 3 26 2 616 NoNEI'I coNsrRUcTIoN: Ul ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: OFFICER: PERN4IT FEE: I )ntx Tn NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLTCAflO N TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLI-AST ANSWER AU QUESTIOHS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJTCI 'Ptolect Rct9ontlblnqf ,? APPlLttdl l|umbcr lofnca w.) Date z a do/r€ /0 ( cu. il,(itprLt4-t-APPUCA[T,S NAME:AD PROJECT ADDRTSS /o ctl:t Lli: /o / r,lAMt: SUBDMSIO : a o6c R.a>l/UNlrs - L1rcAt, Ct?AD/ ?$oNE i .262'/422 PROPERIY OWNEl|,S OWNER'5 ADORTSS: Cfi\: A)Lu. i/,/oi ? s,7614 5t COMRACTOR:A.//13 LAb d/?.BLDG TICENSE B.HouEau,,t4. C|TYl u)tLl,,l 'srrtll!; zrP,ailo t -22,ADDRESS:/ot 7s.iotl 5f,IEMAIL ADDRESS :b PROJECI CONTACT PERSON: PHONE PHONE: EXETI G CONSTRUCnON: El Alteration D Renovati NEW COIISTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence Addition General R€pairs 2Af , I>&K to Existing Residence D Relocation r' r..p1g{s6 CHEO( AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROICT''' tr An Garage (st) - E Sunroom (SF) -_ E Greenhouse (sF) - Ir the proposcd work dlanglng th TOTAI SQ Fr UNDER ROOF (ror TOTAL PRolEcI CoST (tess Lot) tr Porch (SF) ._.---- tr Storage Shed (SF) - D OEler (SF) =-..-- 418 sF'e€xistin8 footprint? E Yes El No He.ted:Uoheated: {*o ?B.IUN 18 $:37ft ts the proposed work chanting the number of bedrooms? E Yet ls any Elect ic.l,Plumblu or Mechankel work being done to the Acc€ssory St ucture tr Y". Efio lf the prolect is a Rslgcation, i5 there a Natural Gas llne on the current 5lte?Dy€sE o ls there EleclrlcalPswer on thls BuildinS? fl Yes E No Prcperty use/ Oaf,upansv, E/Silgb famtlY tr Lupl€r D Townhous€ Dcsglption of Wotl: Cb 5 A DISCIAIM€R: I h.rcbY c.nifY tl€t all the irfonhai,l in lhls appllr.tldr 15 concd and dl {io wlll coJrply wth the StEte Bulldlng Cotl€ and all othe( .PpteblE Sttt! 'nd loal law5end ondhances and r€Sulatto ns.The l.ltlc DevdopnP SeMc.r Center will bc no nedof.nYch rS!3 tn the appmved phns.nd sp€cl3auon9 oa chen€a In contr.do' IiIo(m.tlon. "'N(,It: Ar'v wort p.rforrn€d \xlthout the aPProPnate permhs wlll be ln vbhuon ol th. NC Bldg Code and ar+cl to SJ00.m"" a a) Owne/ConllaGtor: "Llcused Quolr.r' A/rLSa A,)(i slgnature: e ts the property located in a floodplaln? tr Yes E {o Erlrtlr!8 lmpcNlous Atca: - sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedt - Naw lmpervlous Area: - Sq Pt Exlstlng Land Dlsturblng Petmtt! E Yes D No wArER: orlcFPUA E community system D Private well n centralw€ll D Aqua Sfwrn: ! CFPUA E Communitysystem C Privateseptic D centtalseptic O Aqua zone: -l- officet: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -- clty: - Date: - Flood: (A)-(v) - lN) - BFEr2ft -coar"n* P€rmit Fee:9 (ffi+\ LOT S: O Det Garage (SF) - O Pool (Sr) --- {ooun 4,18 se d$t, NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT|O N rYPE : RtSIDENTIAI PtTA5[ ANSWTs ALL QU(SIIONS APPIICABIT TO YOUN MO)TCT 'ftoJ.d RGtPon!lbllltr /L9^/A li/ crw / i(u. Aolt fin APPUCA'fl,S NAMT: ?^f,tcl ^aDuset .!(9! LS:, !9 srJBDlVlsloH tJ, (' . *u. 2 o dutt€ /0 ( rc.1$10 LOI I (' PBO Pt BrY OWHER'S |,lAJrlt: owHrR',s ADDitssl loiL:\ /nlt 5aoft .=.1>uAQ ds - lvtLtc TAD PlloNt 'alP.: /<) .262./(Zz *,( , - jrell /,,, CONIRACIoR A.///--"r &/ lrlt U:/, AOORrsr: ,/ziz t ts:tt-:'l.r. .. :1,;' cffit -t'd tL l-l ' Pt{otiL. PIONr: 2er. b&K f,elxatlon / IO YOUs PRO,,tCT'" D Porch {St) _ Br 06 UctNlt | y'i-''|E? tar Lc{ srl+-l ( , z'P ,ul': : Z'..so aAbTMAIT AODffSS: PROJgCI CONIAC' PERSON fXl3YlNG CONS{nUCnON: O Alteratlon A Ae'tovelyD Gener'l Rc9alrs Ntw COll'rfnUCtlONi ! f.€rt Nsw R€lldence 8'lddttton to t'itting Resldcnce O ... Ptf^sr o{to( Aflo atlswfR 8tl-ow AtlTHAl APPTY D An Gara8. {SF)-- fl 5unroom(5f) -.,-0 GreenhouE {Sf)=-- 'tt..B.d Qlro\fct' lJ the property loc.ted ln.lloodploln? D Ycs B'lfo Erlrlln, lrnpedlout Atc.: -- 5q F! Ngw lmperyloot Area: - _ _-- 5q ft WAIIR: C Store8e Shed {sf)--- D olher (5f) IOIAT Sq FT UNDER ROOE W plopoted |'otk) -Het|4di ToTAt Pf,oJEcr cosf ( t*tort,s9e61 '" l! rhe proposed rvorl.hal{,int th€ numb.r of bedroomi? O Yt {}1o ,i .n, ito*r..,, ,lutUlnt or M!(hm}al wort b'lng done to the Ac(etrorY st'ucture O ver E,'No tl ttre prolert it a Relocalon, ls th.re a Nelvral G.t tine on the cuBrnt 'hc? D Y6 [rftlg tr tlrere tiectrlEal Po*e. on thls Bulldlnt? 5 va g-*o i5 tha propotld wo* dl.nSlnglie exrrtjnB footprht? D Yes D no o.*rozf,r6F Unheatedl 4rr8 St- Sl3nflurei ?E 'IUH t( 3:37tx prcp€rty U!./ Occlp.txs lrl. h femlty Aosphr f) Townhoutl octtrlptlon ol Wo.k: rr,,L'5l'f-wclt.on'. !:f: A I)€ij^ or lorfiItl I h! r.H cnity t \!r ax Or itoni.l bo ln I hr! . ppllatEr tr (ona<l ,6r, ,l!,ort *tllLo.noty rnh lh€5E1a BulEli! CDta aial lllo$er apd-U? g,tt.nalbal lrwr andodh.n(.llnd r.artrtion! Tne NIK o.{doPnt'rl tr t'r c.ntd 1111b. .'otl0.d ol.nY dr5r.r h tl€.Dr'oe'd gl.nl '^drFcrtlc'uont o' ch"\t!l^ co'lt!'@' ro l3@.tr" I it c.mll ron r .'ft ott; n, r!.1 plrro.rEd iltDui 'n. rqp.oPrl.ta Pe arntl rlt ba l. vlobnon ol rlx l{c l!8 (!,c. r^l r!bi. Ovrnet/CDhmator./urlSov Q A,) ,1 /Ll:7-{' rolalArres 0iiturb?d Llnln! LIld olnurbln, permtti I Yer Ll No 5 twt PUA C Communlty System 0 Private Septi( O Cenv.lSepti( fl A L'^,Fy.R.-.2 /rfruo g Comrnunity syttern O Privatewell D Centr.lwell D Aqua (rf--PI J 2ft= _-_l/ Permlt fee: s - 't t ln+o a ttg,tire) lronl *,,,,( I Zonei offic.ri!L s.tbr*r (r) o",,h/all '1a' wt I IRH)1:_tgt /6 c:,rY ll llA /trooa, $l --- (v) -. (Nl { I nu.t mi4itttvott 3*bqcuna<)ox) ptc-ta or A<cV 4L "\?ttfe^Y €c+bai-Y- Ciii lnspaclion Requrreo, 9I 0'254'm0) tW O Det GaaSc (Sf).-- O Poor (st) --g/o".t sn 4'tOE- A!proval: (ommcnt: Clea. Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING P APPLICATION TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prolect Responslblllv PRO'ECT ADDRESS: 213 OYSTER BAY LANE cnY: wILMINGTON D Application Number (office use) ztP 24409 suBDtvtstoN: oYSTEH BAY PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: NANCY CUMMINGHAM / BILL HESSION OWNER'S ADDRESS: 213 OYSTER BAY LANE LOT f: PHONE s: 910-233-0445 cnY. wILMINGTON z|P.2UO9 CONTRACTOR: LAZZARI CONSTRUCTION INC BLDG TICENSE #58894 ADDRESS: 445 SHIPYARD BLVD cnY. WILMINGTON 51; NC 21P:28412 EMATL AoDREss: ERIC. LAZZARI.CONSTRUCTION @GMAIL.COM p1161r16. 910-20G4187 pROJECT cONrACr pspsgx. BEKAH WAGNER pHsr{s. 910-599-8253 EXISTING CONSTRUCIEN: n Alteration E/Renovation ! General Repairs t{EW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation ..+PTEASE CHECK AI{D ANSWER BELOW AU THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..I E Det Garage (SF)n Porch (SF) n Pool (sF)n Storage Shed (SF)_ n Greenhouse (SF) _tr Deck (sF)tr Other (SF) ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes A/no TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed workl Heated':- 551a + unheared: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 108,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a 'te6 W"No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureCYesnNo lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? n Yes n No iti'-iull lB grilRfl ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? Ef Yes f] No Property Use/ Occu panclt g/$i,ngle family ! Duplex n Townhous€ Descriptlon of Work: Ferrlr'.lal kitchervdining to in^l".la rarn.'ving r',all per attached engineering lettet inctall netv cahineta, rl^orir counter tops and appliances laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvices Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plansand specifications orchange in c information. '*'NOT€: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to SSOO.OO... I owner/Contractor: F)ztc- e LAZZ,^z t Sitnature://* X %pr f. lion Reourca olR''('I ffi^ "Licensed Quolilie/' ls the property located in a floodplain? Print Nome 4$ \r'Existint lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: I{ew lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes I No WATER; tr CFPUA n Community System n private Well n Central Well X Aqua SEWER:tr CFPUA [] Community System n Private Septic E Central Septic fl Aqua L sntbacks4t# [rlJl Oild $l Kyes ! Clf'lnspc City: &_ 11_ Zone: Approval: Comment: Flood: ((vl N 2ft=1 FeeTqx to!)l- =,'toO. tto+ a sobsfcrr:fri i"r.?yo ucltf^t, ApplcANrs NAMS: ERIC IAZZABI I IAZZARI CONSTRUCTION INC sa131612712018 n Att Garage (SF) _ n Sunroom (SF) _ EoLg -- ?r-as ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYP6; R ESTDENTTAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOL]R PNO]L' I "Project Responsibility" (///7/a fl3 <itox 5 e ),r!to.1 I APPTICANT'S NAMEI Crrvr (,t., I q 7. 3 -/tr ztP ZFqr\-Dat. PRO'lECT ADORESS suBDrvrstoN:oh LOT II Adl/ PROP ERTY OWNER'S NAME:?J 4 PHONE Ii 7to 33,/- f:r.7 / OWN E R'S ADORESSI o Z"x f,4 j2-CITY Ll- I (ztp )4' /6' CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: l?c74,c.f --2 ,- .2 1:a/ BLDG LICE NS E ,-.za-)., aZ-: 7/o ictc, O { qu-3}- tMAll. ADDRESS: J l)U-,e( \4OAcl+ e (3/rL.t0)L . z:o/-L- PRO]tCT CONTACT PERSON Ort It) C ITY /t rc sr,l4,,_Zt_l/-oC ,HONET //C ;,ta - !>-3i -( PHONE Iteration D Rcnovation n Gerleral Repairs New [iesiclence f] Addition to Ix sting Resic]cnce fl 8{rlocatior PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALT THAI APPTY TO YOU N PROJECI' "' CL.- r (./:?_7 €XISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! A NEW CONSTRUCTIO'X,::: ilanc^racetsrl 6 y'f D Sunroonr {St)_ D Pool (St) _ i l Greenhouse (St) _ ! Deck (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No E Dct Girrat,(,(St)(Porch (sr1- 1 Storage Slre(l i, Orher lS[) .3_A o ls the proposed work changing the nunrber of bedrooms? I VeM rrro ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Str!rctLrre i- l ycs lf the project i5 a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? 1l Ves\ lto ls there Electricat Power on this Building? D Vesflruo Property Use/ Occupancyl Single Family ! Ouplex ! lownhouse Oescription of Work: V*o /u <-- lawr and ordinan(€5 and regulaliont. The NHC Oevelopnrent Services Cenrer will b€ norified of any crr. Inlo,rnation. "'NOI t:Anv wDlt perfornred without Ihe ,pproorirrp i+rmrrr witt b, .., v,otdtro^ o, I rrc owne./conr,actor: !L t ; e, "! p'(- sirn.,!ure: ''Licented Quotiliet" U Ptint Nome lir lptrovcrl r aIj rld rptr l.at oni.r.'rr, |(tae onc il,rd luble.r '. I.c! !p r. !5fl00' Existing tand DisturbinB cermit\ yes I No ls the property located in a floodplain? f_l Yes E No Er istint lmpervious Area Sq Ft New lmperuious Area:+7it Sq Ft WATER: D Cf nUa ICon',,rrnity System I Private Well n Cenrral well ! Aqua SEWER: HCTPUA D Community System [] Private Septic !l Cenrral Sepr c lj n(lr. Zone: _ Officeri _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH)_ (RH) _, (B) App,oval: ___ City:_ Dare: _ tlood:(A) _(V) _(N), Comment: BF[-211. $\ r5q''{ Pcrf I Irt.'q -t\' TorAl-sQfT UNDE RRooF lfo( proposed *o,*) n"rr"a, 357(l unhcitcclr 7-AQ roTAL PRorEcI cosr (tess [ot): S l'7 \, C>O<:'' Total Acres Disturbedr . Z V , r ,Lt )otz ?vo1 #$ Ci'q' lnsprlion Requrreo, I I 0{54.090, ctott Fottn pdnt eMail NEYt/ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMII. APPLICATION TYP€: REStoeNItAt PITASE AASWTR ALI QIJESI]ONS APPIICNELE IO YOUR PROJECI 'ProJect Rerponribility', r''.u' PPL]CANI'S I,IAME PROiEcr ADORESs: _j?_d ELDG LI ; lz,-, t ? -L lL SrlSDlVl5lON ali.ULl^rA tilY IL _ Date ztea .13 *c--\ _ ot c: Lof }a BL/L'( 5s9__ PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAMI - - owr,rrn's eoontss, _j 1.1. p,rH Cr CONT HACTOR ADD1rt-r:rlerr-r-* EMAIL AODRESS Df b2l54 (' 1161L.441t PRoiEcl coNr^fi PERsor,, Dau i r,Ur2JJi5'L. tto*uflto 6l't 'l?r 1 tv r,tl t!i1-2.I z lL= z'P J.!.lt Ll ___-__tlft W,l,qt".<mnl;Hoil?Ja IXISTING CONSTRUCIION: :: Alterrtioi / Renovation :l GeneralRcprirs NtW CONSTRUCIION: I Ire(l New Reridencc E Addjtion to Exirtin8 Rerideoce [l Relocation . i . PI.EASE CHICK ANO ANsWER BETOW ATI. THAT APPTY I O YOUR PROJECI" I __ atl crra8e (tt j__ :-,',-.!1 B oEt 6rr.8r (5F) _, _j Pool (Sr)_____ X Deck lsf ) ,A(X) L.Ullirrat.d ( rc.itt (5t ) 6reei,houre (5Fi _,.,, _ is rhe proposed wo.k ahan8rng the erirtin8 footprint/y'Yer C No TOTAT SQ FT UNDt,l ROOI U(]/ rrluii.i.J 'ro/ri Hr'dted TOTAT PROIECT COST (lotc lot) 'rx')c) s the prarre.t / tocated !r a llocdplarn ? txlrtins tmpcrvlous Arec: lt25 sq rt ves )( No Neu/ lrh pervlou i Area \c,'l Sq Fl ls lrc JI!ruo5ed *o,k chdr8rnd tho n',nrb', "t Uc,trrror,rffi Vusr\ lo t!.rnyEle.trlr.l.Plumbln8orMechanlcalu.orruerngdoiei{,tteic&!,or}Structurc Xyer * No lf the projecl is. Relo(atlon,l! there a NaturalGar Line on the.urrent srte2 -l Yer a tlo ( rhl.re t,ccr,(nl Powe, o. thls Bulldt.87 X yer .l No Properly Use/Oc(upsncyrX S{ntle family i-l Dup[.r ] fov/ntroule i'1, l! I l, DEicrlptlon ot Worl: - E1L-Slgfature @ --N-eru )al<* &lflgl_ ]t-lIU)Lto tL. ltri, r',, Ap.s hlonna(ro. "'NOTt: Airy wort p€rlonntd wilholllh? ipp,oor.le r0rnrilr willb. n vrol.ro^ o, rhe ric ltlre BldS Cod. rid rubtelr ro nn.! uD ro 550O 0C,'. Owner/Contrnrtor -Q-urtrt-V-.-Al C.{*#-.,, tt 41-^r",' wAT€Rj E CIPUA al CommunltySystem Li Prlvarelvell :.1 cenrr.lwelr a Aqua IotolAcrer 0l.turbed Exls!lnE Land olrturbl ' --* o!) 4 n8 Permr!: I Ye! ( No *{8) /s It :1 tsrt+2it /-Permil Feer S <-64{-hE\d._S. I ,uoNr,?9*bJ!.,- Vq ll -_ i i.i Stora8e shed (5t)_ _, : Olhe. {5f)_ \3s / (/ ( \''z'' Cily: 5tWE8i K crPUA : aomn rtY sts!cn une' ll'-5 .- ot'*,, C(t, PrrvAtc 5epli( _ Zp|f,,tl- Commcnt be4ond c^r(en+ ? 1. APPLICAIT'S N'$tE: a c 91,hu} )oL{-?rJS PERITIIT tH*€NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIa TYPE: COIIIIERCIAL PLEASE AilSxER Al-l- qTESTIOi'IS APPLICABLE IO YqrR PROIICT 'ProJect Responsiblllty" Chn.6l;,s '1 ?"[;l 6^:l-"1.* ap-plrclrrot llumber (Ofric. Usc) -oare, {' 4'lb DEVELOPER:rtlx PRO] ECT O(CUPAiIT/3USII{ESS tlAr,lE: Cap, f.o, S,,tnt erlAI.t aw PROIECT Co|,|TACT PERSOfl: f..<g 1J,pp <.. (che.r Atl rh.t Apply) tb At Q t c,,,r,ao p) -PHONE S: qro -3tO. o55+ ztP't LR+c I -PHO E *: {7a.35r: o5-51 PflO E #: 33-O - os-5{ 6rlez ?r*n"urret N,r,.^ (on*',-- -plo E t: 1(d' )C3'O93 /PROPERTY OItl{ER'S MIIE : ollr{ER' S ADORESS: / /3J l ,J ;c - l Ceal.- Dr .ClrY"N;t;j;l;st: /LzrPt ,gtbt co{rRAcToR: (lanLl;<, '. K"9, I -LIcEnsE *: 111$1f ADDRESS: to{zO- < w-li,lt Ei _ CITY: lV, t s7t N(ztP:?8 lef EXIST CO STRUCTIOIJ: Ilf Relocation, is there a Natura ALTERATIOI{ I Gas Line on the r-'l RE}IO'ATION T-.I GENERAL REPAIRS T-'I urrenrsire? ;- H; *o 'ssr-oosphd,r RELOCATIOT{ KLEREDI-- Yesf - ilt* aor,rr.rarrolt , fl ewcr r{E}, srRrrcruRE E FAsr rRAc( ACCESSORY STRI'CTURt: ! SHELL EupFrr fl ADo r0 Exrsr srRt cruRE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit s: ..... rs rHts a o rEG oF occupary usE? f yEs f/.n .*.. IF Yes, uhat ,as thc Prevlous occupancy T)Dc? - Lh.t ls talc tart occupancy IXH?DEsrGr{ proFESsrOI/rr-: M... la l-uJ-r/ ^ l\<* Is Elcct Por.er on this Buil.ding f. Yes rNo PH: PH: 9l --7Loo Nc REG *t lO1>L XC Aee t:@EHGR oESIGll PROFESSIOTaAL :-J{D -7aL]71 I ls rood or beverages prepared or serued in lhis struclure?f . Yetl/-n" rcn eroperty Located ln The Floodplainf - Y NoDrSC and local bws EM oidnamea and r€ldalrons. or chanoe m coflraclot or contractor informatioSubiedlo Fhes UP To S5fl).00"' Th€ NHC DavebDment SeNrcas Canlar will bc rpltficd o{ anv clrano€s rn l}le aooaovcd Dlann. "'NOTE: Any Wort Pcnonrlod w/O lhc Arpromale Pennils will 50 in Vlolad$ ol lh. NC soecilicatoflS EldO Code ad DESCRIPTION OF hIORK: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (4u.16., NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA L"J )r^(^l oG LAIMER: I horeby cenify that allinlormalion in this applrcatrcn is co.roct snd sI wo.t will comp, with the State Bulldin0 Code and 6ll oth€r spplicsble Sbre aod SIGNATURE: # OF FLOORS Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMtr? -,,|_ yES f No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: EDU ICATION @rrain AsDeslG or nol. You ere r6+irEd io crl th. Nslionc Ernlssim sl,rnd.ds lof Her{dorn air Poltrlhb (NESHAP) d (919)707-5950 st b.6t 10 dayr Fior ro fie d€moliUon or arly tadtty or bolbrg- Saa ArbcstoB Wob Slta: htlp //www epi stara nc us/apr/asbestoslehrnp hlml TorAL pRoJEcr coar. J 750, oaa BuTLDTNG HErcHT, 7-$ ' ooFr"ns, I roTAL AREA SQ FT: c;91-SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: L #OFSTRUCTURES: ITOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF _ ACRES DISTURBED: PROPERW USE: EOFFTCE ! nesraUnaNr ff rriteRCerurlle[cTLAPrDcoNDo OTHET La.1.y' WATERJ ICFPUA SEWER: ITCFPUA SYSTEM '4 COMMUNITY SYSTEM T''] WELL T''I ZONING USE CLASSIF CENTRAL sEPIc D pRlvArE SEprC g?orv ,,runrrv PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f _ AMERTCAN EXPRESS l- _ lacnrrsl l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RHApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_,:n"*-$1r68 Ir co,","n,[ F-lfe- Ll Cfprr*N PERMIT FEE: I SQ FT NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT,O N TYPEi RESI DENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Responsibllity" gott -+€Y1LW Application Number {of{ice use} ,HORo13 pRopERTy oWNER,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC pXONr s: 910.219.1485 owNER's ADDRESS: 1 '107 New Pointe BIvd., Suite 1 c|Ty; Leland z|P. 28/.51 coNTRAcToR; H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC g1s6 11651156 g. 74'158 Sr: NC ZtP: 2845'lADDRESS: 1107 New Pointe Blvd., Suite 1 611y; Leland EMATL ADDRESS; julicafferty@hhhomeq.go!llliC[y!I9!]trlIlq@hhhomep.com pnorur:9'10.219.1485 pRotEcT coNTACT pERsoN: JJ Brenning pnonr: 910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; B Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ** *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROIECT*'* O Det Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (sF)tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes @ No Unhg3lsd;8'12 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 152,248 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Elecrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes EI No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E lrto ls there Electrlcal Poweron this Building? E Yes E ruo Property Use/ occupancyi E single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descript lon o, Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING laws and ordlnancesand regulations. The NHc Development Services centerwillbe notlfled ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change ln aontraator lnformatlon. "'NOTE: AnY work perform€d wllhout the appropriate permits wlll be In vlolatlon of the NC State Bldg Code and subjecl to flnes up to 550O.0O... Owner/Contractor: JJ Brenning Signature: 'Llcensed QuoliJiet" P nt Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E yes E No Exlstlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .22 New lmperviousArea2 3472 5q Ft Existlng land Dlsturbing permit: E yes E t',to WATER: E CfPUA D Community System E private We E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zonei _ _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ city; _ Datei _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2tt=+r Permlt Fee: $ ----Comment: tsuL( Appt-tcANrs NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC oate: 07/16/2018 PRoJECT ADDRESS: clTY: Wilmington 1p 28411 SUBDtVtstoN: Sanctuary at Hanovsr Reserve toT fl; 013 E Att Garage (sFl 478 E Porch (SF) 334 E storage shed (5F) 0 other (sF)_ TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF tfor proposed workl Heate& 2574 C ,ar, '!a ,olq NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMlT APPUATDN TYPE. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Prorect ResponsibiliV' Application Number {office use) APPLICANT'S NAME; PROJECT ADDRESS: e-!Date 7/a I rfeerhqt C.t CITY ztP:5 suEDtvtstoN:T toT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:e- ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ezT ef PHONE 8:o' br qJ crTY: I , 1"1*r ztP 27{OS- BI-DG LTCENSE #: 43 17 I sr: AJe ZIP 2,F )NE qD- -fqq-of,e7 aQ-CITY P EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration EfRenovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ..*P|-EASE CHECK AND ANS Cr'.. ! Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (sF) ! Pool (SF) PHoNE:?d - t-11'O5'2 1 n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes d-no Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):S ll,tto7- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E lto lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No /sinste Family tr Duplex E Townhouse work:( Property Use/ Oescription ot Ourner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolifier" tt-C 5 DISCLAIMER: lhereby certifuthat allthe iflformation in this application iscorrect and allwork witlcomptywith the State Building Code and allother applicable State and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwi be notifled ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractorinformation. ++*NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permits wilt be in violatjon ofthe NC State aldg Code d subjectto fines up to S500.O0*.. Signature: lsthe property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed; New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing t-and Disturbing permit: E yes E No wAre nr h CFPUA E Community System D private well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: { CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic fl Centratseptic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee; S $rs"- Clsar Form Print ! Att Garage (SF) _ ! Sunroom (SF)_ ! Deck (SF)_{ouglsfl 3b TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed wo*l Heated; -?G )Q1,ff- TKI* 5U B0lvl5loll -- I,ttVJ ll/rl'IOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIi AP I'LI (A?'ION IYPI : RTSIDENTIAT ,,,r.r, ni 5.11r el ot/tsrl.aNlAFP!lc-A'l{'o 4ruP P8^'i(| 'Prolect R'tPontlbllllY- 1Il /,rral(]\NI',5llAtr[: PeO.rtCT DDRTSS: - '..,1 -.,;,htfitJAhn f,tlt'a,,,"", i.-?-fr,'n [/1'ln4lot llt' PROPtqT.Y OWNTR'5 NAT I OVi'Ntt'S ADDRTSS /4zrtt aoNl F-ACTOn t qt r.D0 a t r,,At1 ADDRtss fi.t\(\ Irlolt! I cor,'rAc_l ltR5Oli )os tx,5TlN6 COhSTRUCIION: I lJlrrnt'er I :- (iuo"tt c' :l 6enrra 8t'Prris JV XI avl- ttce yah,loa , t. ,'lqnat t 111, zt l??d I 6/ L.:.3-1'-3--f lilOril ?/0 '0,1b -35t s rr Po, (r lSrl tJ Stor.8e Shed (51) lr Oll(r (5t) - ,- b'i - E k,{,,- ( -@' &y.h,e pr.rel'+1 -,f '1t^7tu i,tit)Lt ll "" l,i/a1bn nstr:7.bt71 NTYI CONS IRUCTLOh L' , Ar16ara8. (5t)--- . ' slrrc3m (5t) ---, rs5 3 )Y? ne r/Ccnt. a.lol -l trc(l 11€w Relidr ...PttAst cll[ - ,1t06 LlCl;;;aii//L{4k--'protr ?/O - "," t-n:l:,"tltf .\,n.,u,c (7 . n.r ' , Addil,on to EriltirrS RrJidc..t I - Belo"tirr' Eflow AtL TltA T APPLY'ID YOUR PROJTCT..' O D€t Garaso lsr)-- ! P oc: isf)----=- I ; iirtl'lrrol'5c 1St) -- - : Decl (5t)--' - -- ,rrr rro;or.ov.c,r^ila B 'Il'''( (^\t -LI'JL. ' ''' "t' tl-ttlr lorAt sO FI U Not R Ro ot llot Ptopoted v'a' t') A?ated: 17()-O u \eated rorAr pRoltcr cosr (L o* totr 5- J,JI-Lj-A' 1€d work chan* n8 thc nurntr'r ol bcdrcom i 1: Yer fia l1 ant I l€ rtric.l. Plumblng or M..hanlc:l worl bcrrrB done to lrr e r\rt{.6r{'rYj t't}cutt : Y!!i,j No Plu* . thr (u.rart ,ltc? :' Y Prop.^y ut€/ Oc(upincYr ffsint It timlly i I DuPler l-l To\A11houte Oe*rlpllon ol WoIl Kiiclz..&^lo &(.|lc,t),4,A?, , rir f, !, ELccl n l1,A,MiR r.. tla..r''lr:'r t jrr .lo/fnrm a tht .n,:'r"trd 1! 'On?d rnd rl *o!l trll run0 / qllt tr'e -(talc 0r' dr? r \ a R€locetlon, il lti?r{, a Nirlur'l G'r line o rtLslPower on this Bu ldln87 tll io! tJ No l-,r -tr-L -. illr).1'4 c.5 1( r rnd!r.at..tro.! or.n!nt.I" o rrxld 5r?r1!c I ..t r: r. tir,! ,r"'r]*t i_a i crr':.! ril r.atl ':,rt6.ri, tr1 !..noIt /. r, *il9! * rllr rc or r! ' (hrB.r f :hr 'pir''(J ,r'' ! rt,r t,optr ri lo.ated r' \ i ttttc'F 2 t'1 Yl"( :-fio Erislirt'-pe.vrou, A'(n , - -tqIl ,,J.w l pr,v;out Arta: ,- 5q ti slI Tot!l A(.e3 Orrl!r b ed' trl,tlng l.nd Oitlurblnt Petnllt - Yor - No $r/.rfS \ aili)l', lrr " "'rrt 5i1l''r" - ['i'nt!f!i- (t'lr'lV'/€i' ]'I !\jJ stwrf \ ilPlrA _ artr)rstn:'lY Svsl( or 'l lr:\)l( Scplrc : (P/r!ralS0tt'c I Aqu'r ,"., [lS .. r,i^,",V@ !.rbi(k5 lr) $10 r"xt N1p-lnrrr N10 rllNf] ^,'r,"",, (rr I'^JL!]I) 0'rr ?-'l?'lt tro(,dlla) (\') - (Nl f, Lrri'rtr '- ,":,,:";, -- i\; fl{o*,pn ;/ -t.!\sY!ql-i^--'144 P''^lri"e l(4-t; -7-r )ott-i5t;-' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P UCAflO tt |YPE: RESIDENTIAI ,..^, oni*t, o, orEsfloNs APPtIcABLt ro YouR PRoltc' 'Pr;l.ct Rcsgon3lblnM Applletlon lofice us.l oate: (6r ?-{y APPTICAI{T,S NAME:L PRO'ECI AODRESS: susDlvlslot{: PROPERTY OWNEtrS OWNEtrS ADDRESS: t\lAMEi CONTMCTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECI CONTACI PTR5ON os L klat ExlsTlNG CoNSTRUCTIoN: C Alteration E'fl"*"tion D GeneralRepalrs Addltion to Existing Residence D Relocation ztPCITYi CITY LOT T PHONE CITY;ZI?: LLC toe uflnlr-t:7bt?1 sr: Q!l-zn: l?4&7 3PHONE P}IONE:-3595- NEW COt{flnUCIlON: fl Erect New Residence fl 'r'ftfAsE otEo( AND ANSWEB BELOW AI.I THAT O Det Garage (SF) -._- O Pool (Sr) ==-- tr De.I (SF) APPLY TO YOUR PRoJECT''' D Att Garage {sF) -.- El Sunroom {Sf) - E Greenhouse (SF) -.-- ls the proposed work dlanglnBthe exining footprint? E Yes TOTAL Sq Ff UNDER F.}ot llot proPoted work) He't€d:()Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT C()6T (LESS LOt}: S D Porch (SF) - El StoraEe Shed (5F)--- D Other (SF) -..- ls the proPosed work chandng the number ol bedrooms? El i, "nv tt"*i..r, nrrblu or Mech'nlcal work being dqne to iitt " pro1ra rt " nefocaUor, is there a Natu'af9lt-tlne.on th ls there Eiectrlca! Pswer on thls Building? Efl6 D No therltlGr.€ilr-secctsre 61es g lo e curent slte? El YGs Bzno Plu^L,'1 -Ek'(io( Prcperty Usc/ Occup.nct': Ed-ngb ramtly 0 Du9hr D Townhousc D€tctlptlon of Wort:r{. DlsclalirER: I heftbY cntf)rbai 'u the hfor',stbn in lh* 'ppll'tld! .ll wod( r/ill @rlp[ wnh the SEle Bulldhg Code alld all olher .PCiabh SEtr rnd lo(.l laws end odhance3 and ragulatjons'The tlHC OcvdoPlYl€ni SlNiccl Centet viill b€ mtlfl.d of .nY chJlglr ln the app.lv€d Planl and spaclicaBont or ch8n8. ln contri@r I nlo(mttlon. "'NgIt: AnY wod p'rformr{withorit the apPruPnatc Permlls wlll be ln vtohtlon ol the NC St'tc BldS code and erbFct to Iine! up to S5m.0O"' MA sltnature:Owner/Contractor: 'Llcens.d Aoollrer' ls the property located in a floodplain? O vo g{i Erirtiry lmpewlous Arcal -_- sq Ft New lmpervious Ar.al _=- sq R Total AcrGs Ditturbed: Exlstln8 Land Oistutblnt Permhr O Ye! D No Pdnl Nofie 9JUL tB 1Br 1fr WATER: SNA'ER: \ CFPUA D Community System D Privatewell E Centralw€ll D Aqua 5 attrO n Community System E Private Septic E Cent'alsepti€ E Aqua zone: -- officeI: - setbacks [F} - |LH} - (RH) - {B} -Approv.L -- City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (vl- (N) - 8rE*t* -r"r.n r"",, Comment: $xs-- Clear Form Print e[Ia il NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATION TY PEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.]ECT "Project Responsibility" gA8-Htu Number - I ..,. m,, APPLICANT,S NAME: DaVe Rowland Date: 711012018 PROJECT ADDRESS: 7513 Aloft Wav CITY: Wilmington ZtP 2841 I SUBDIVISION: Anchors Rpnrl LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Dave Rowland PHONE #: 240-28'14792 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 751 3 Aloft Wav C ITY ooln coNTRAcToR: Kraig Knotts BIDG LtcENsE # ADDRESS: 1509 Sorino Ct CITY: Leland ZIP 28451 ZIP: 28411 ST: ALC EMAIL ADDRESS: kraioknottsconst on@omail com PHONE:910-352-2745 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Kraio Knotts PHONE: 910-352-2745 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration ! Renovation n General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation 1.,},}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** lJ Porch (SF) N storage Shed (sF) 192 n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existang footprint? tr yes ts No TOTAL Sq fT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:unteatea: 142 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr yes F No i1..tUL lg !E:?=_.gi{ lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr yes F No Property Use/ Oc€upancy: n Single Family tr Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: Briild 1 x16'storaoe h ildino Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolifie/' DISCtAIMER: I hereby certify that alt the information in thrs apptication is correct and at laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvices Center wi be notinformation. 'r'NOTE: Any work p rformed without lhe appropriate permits w I be in I work will comply with the State Buitding Code and a| other appticabte Srate and tocalified of any chang€s in rhe approved ptans and spe.ifications or change in contracrorviolation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.0O*r. Signaturer ls the property located in a floodplain? t I yes X No Existing lmpervious lr.", 161 60Z gqFt TotalAcres Disturbed New lmpervious Area: /o Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: ! yes E No WATER: \CFPUA ! Community System f] private Well n CentratWell fl Aqua SEWER: \CFPUA ll Communitysystem ! private Septic l l Centralseptic [] Aqua zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:)Permit Fee: $?S tr Att Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)-- n Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool (SF)-- ! Other (SF)_ i)-)ot t ,nzrl Apficrlorr 'dbj clgar Foml NBiV MNOVER OUNry BUILDI NG PEFM IT AFPUCAN OII TYFE RES DENT|AL tt-F{(EAJ.lS,4t}tALAJS;nO{SAFHJC &! tO\OURH{).Uit'ftojed Fhspondbility' (AN A-,-eNAprrcANrsMME (oWU llterFno.crADoffi_]?_t-,9 SaL ^rueE lt^L+-AW. WaU*rtJGToN Z€U&-lVSOtl aAr.J Dr-A LL LOTT pFCFHr"yo aJERsNAt4E Ff oNEit /0 't.-Lo/vNursAtDrffi /?D<.<AGNAfUlZ€flr\Le or/'e,ro, oq ZP.JE1J' Gllrlufi(}l ADOM l/E-77eN LotTo/.\ BeaLD arcS g.DG U(INS8 73q UL e a'r OTY a1t1:zdtf o sr' t'/c np zlq o S .B,rAlLAmFrrs (ot V^N eTle^!enaLb.r_af^FT]G\E 7qL- gt FFo.rcrGvTAcrPEFScrl Ro&etzr (t\N E-(-, EN Ft-ofrE qt0 7112*Q tS6 E{Sn NG @tlSIFlJCnq,l 0 Aterstion p{ FDnovalion O Gnerat tupairs NBr'r' co'rsrFl]C1lo.{ n &ed r.b Fbddence Ll Addirion ro Bjsing tuidence D tu{ocarion RECtlvr0 JUN zq ?01q. . ' PTFIS OIEK ANO ANSA,B BA-O/V A[ ]}1AI AFPTY TO \OJR PRAET, ' ' 6 Ntcrliry$n t/oo tj SJrxoom ($) ---- (c*<eoa7 srrrz) p pu1 6r*(5=)_ o Geenhoule (S) .- t] h((S)_.---- lslhe propoed work chan(ing lhe exiding foolprint? C yes E tto 7sF IOTAL Ff0fcr CCST (Less t-ot)S d)o.oo lsthe proposed work dtanging lhe number ot bedrocms? D YesE No 16 any Eedrical, Flumbing or Medranical work being done to the A@essory grudurff1f,6Ei,6lo '. l, the pro.jed ,s a fulocatioo, is there a Nalural Ges Line on lhe oJrrenl dte? 6-,y6-p-11o lsthere Bejrical Forer on lhis BJilding? E Yes O No o Bcrdr ($) j Iloperly Usd G[upallry: tr I Desiplion of Vlbrk -(€xola 'L nde larni u O,rplex E Town house R. u tuor($)_ A L.t gorry glLt (SF)_ n Oher (S)_ ENlaNb-LL inro.lL{io,r " ' ^DIE Ary wod( pe(torrDed wilhoul lhe ,opropriile Frmils will be ln violalion of lho NC g als adg ftde ffd $bjed lo fim6 up lo SSoO-O'..staurer(pR- A'7/^CA eD E UtN€e A_R o'vner/Ontrador kav.k(erra-t'l 'tiilrl*d Q.rirlrer'Filnt l.trm€ lsthe prop€ity located in a tloodplain? tr Y€s F[ No &i$ing lmpeMousArea _ q n Total Ases Ddurbed New lfl)pervrousAr@: .-- q R &i$ing Land Ddurbing turmil; D Yes D No wAltR o cFH-tA o ommunrly rysern cl Flrvae Mrbll o Gnlrd !1,bll tr &ua SBM]T O CFruA O Gmmunity q$eln O Fiivate Sptic D Gntral Sptic O Aqua zon"k'CXficer G stoacts roN/A ruo dlArr+rr *lA @Nh teprova): DL oty: ILI4 oate:Hood: (A) _ M _(N)X BFEt2lt ='pg6yffir."sooo)nrmeni. lr'rlzv i^ : ' lp.y1fiQfl Reourten, 910-25,1-00r)'t \n- . \.,]r'\)'1/ -\*+*L - {r-,1 .r{tR,(&E Clear Form NBA/ FTANOVER@UNTY BUITDING PEF'VI IT AFFUCATI Ol.l T\trE FES DENflAL REASEAI{Sr'IIERA.L(xJESIICI,ISAFHJCAB.ETO \l}JRFM.ECT'ftojed FbsponsbilitY' traN e-r7AN AotY -Y7{ Aprlicdion Nurnber (otlice use) AraJcAr.{rsrw4E kgeg<Date:ol FFO,ECTADDFSS S.JEDiVtSQN: lzog <at r.J^-roe, ?&LE OIy WZltLzNeToN ZP tloE LA^r DEA LOT* FRoFERTyo NERSMME 4Al./\ MAKKHATA PHCX.IE#qto Z-LruEE ftAL€'OTV 0 zPz!.gt tar- oNlmcroR ADDFESS t/FN E1-/eN Lo S'to/t\ 6"lU>eILS BIDG U CEI{SE#:73q 0z qq77 At EL=A cT OTY Sr: ttJL ze 2-lrlof A{]NLADDF€|f' (og@ V^NETTE dgoaLb.c-ot'/\ Hfite l0 -7qL- gtf pRoEr@NrAcr-FEHpr,l . RoGr*t (6p E-?zeN PI(]NE qlo 7q2-e tS6 DCSnNG@NSIFLCTIOiI: D Aterdion F[ Reno'/dion tr C€ne.d Rpairs NE^/CC}ISIFiJCnO{: tr B'ed ller/ Fuddenc tr Addition to Bising Fbsidence tr rulocation --, H,EAS CHEO(AND A}.,IS^iER BEOW AI1]}tAT APFLY TO \OJR PRO.ECT'" fi Nt Ggl.rye $) qO) (caceoeT s-Yte) g Det C€ree(s)- RECE|VED JUN 2f 208 tr SJnroorn ($)tr Fcol ($) o Qeenhouse (SF) _n Deck (SF) lsthe proposd work dansingthe e)dding fmtprint? tr Yes Et tto TOTAL SQ Fl- UNDERROOF(for propo-d work) lleated 27 3t Unheated: 692 Sr TOTAL PFO.fCf G-r (Less l-ot):$3 @o,oo lsthe propo-d workdlarlingthe number of bedrooms? tr Yes E No 16 a'ry Eedrical, Humbing or Medranicalwork being done to the Accesory Srudure€riB.E.filo-- lf the projed isa Blocation, isthere a l,hural C€s Line on the oirrent dte? p--g-g1o- lsthere Eedricd tu1/eron thisElrilding? tr Yes tr I'lo froperty L,sd De$iption cf !r$ork: tr Sngie PdnilytrKaa tuplexB Tow se H Lo\D €D K CrS-AMER lhereby @rtiry thd dlthe intormdion in t his apdicdion is corred and all workwill comply with the Sate arildhg @e dd €llother eplic$le Sde a.d locd larvs dd ordjnares ad regulations lhe t$CoeldopnE l gvicesGfe, wil, be no{ified of ary ddues in the appro\€d plfls and specjricdiorE or d nge in corlrada informdion. '" il(rE pJry work gertormed withor.rt the appropride p€rrnits will be in vioJation ot I he tlc gate Bdg Ode arE grbied to fin€s up to $500,(D"'' owner/ontrador: kk f< VAN e17ad 'ti€nsed Oralifia'Rir Mme 13 tha property located in afloodplain? tr Y€s Ej tlo BiSing lmperviousAea _ q R Total A.les Dstutued: New lmperviousAea:qR Bising Land D$urbing Fermit: D Yes D tlo wAlER tr CFFIA tr Ommunity qge-n tr fti\Ete\ Hl tr Gntrd I /ell tr Aqua g/wR B CFHJA O Ommunity q/S€rn tr ftivaeSptic tr Gntrai Sptic tr Aqua Tl,ne:. _ Offier:_ $tbacks (0 _ (l.F0 _ (Fl-0 _ (q _ Approvd: _ Oty: _ Dde: _ Hood: (4 _ M _ (N) _ BtEt2ft = _Omment: ftrmlt fte: $ sw*we7(2c<- $q4o- r,.F. 'fy Print o turd (s)- o sorage $ed ($) tr oher (s)- (,tear rorm AppLtCANT,S NAME. Michael Evenson NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT ION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" -A- .J Application Number (office use) Da:.r.. 7t3t2018 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3212 Snowberry Ct 611y. Wilmington aP 28409 1616. 52R SECTION 2 Woodberry pROpERW OWNER,5 1141yg. Randy and Brenda Reeves OWNER,S ADDRESS. 3212 Snowberry Ct PHONE f: 910-262-5311 6;ry. Wlmington ztP 28409 CONTRACTOR: Michael Evenson Customs lnc BLDG LICENSE #: NA ADDRESS: 6107 Lydden Rd EMA[- ADDRESS: customwoodartist@live.com pROJECT CONTACI pgp561. Michael Evenson EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** PHONE. 910-524-0963 PHONE. 9'10-524-0963 Unheated: 0 r Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Enlarging an existing deck and installing new decking, steps and handrails, laws and ordinances and re8ulataons. The NHc Development services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in .ontractorinformation. '**NOTE: Any wort performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... owner/Contractor: Michael Evenson Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes = No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E ruo WATER: E CFPUA n Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: = CFPUA E Community System E private Septic fl Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al_ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S .l l .,' ,ffi.,' blt-w +-+++l I rrrnr I lr SUBDIVISION: 61ry. Wlmington ST. NC Ztp. 28409 E Att Garage (SF)_ tr Det Garage (SF)_ D Sunroom(SF)_ n Pool (SF)_ I Greenhouse(SF)- E Deck(SF) 193 ls the proposed work changlng the existing footprint? E ves E t'lo TOTAI, SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: 0 1 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lo11; 5 8,317 76 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Lineon thecurrentsite? E yes E trto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? = Yes ! No E Porch {SF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (SF)_ $?s- v"NEW HANOVER COUNTY BI APPLICAf ION TYPE: RE PITAst ANSW;R AII QUT5IIONS AIIPLIC "proJect Respon5ib re, UITDING PERMIT IsroENrAr I AELE TO YOL'R PROITTT I,ilir/' t iolE 1.17y fir AppUCANT,s NAMt. N4ichael Evenson pRol ECT ADDRtssj 3212 Snowberr/--Cl suBorvrSroN: pROptflTY OWNER.S NAME: Randy and Elrenda Reeves OWNtR,S AOORISS. 3212 Snowbe,ry 0r CONTRACTOR: [rrchael Evenson Cuslor]ls lnc ADDnESS:610/ Lydden tMAtt AODRESS: customv/oodanisl@live com Dare 7/3/2019 CtTy W m nglon Ztp 28409 tOT : 52fl.SEC IION 2 Woodberry PlloNt fl: 910-262-5311 Ctfi Wlmington zP 28409 EIDG ICINSI t NA zlP 28409C ITY Wlmington Sf NC PHONE 910 524-0963 pROtECI CONTACT pERSON Mrchael Evenson PHONT 910-524.0963 €xlSIlNc CONSTRUCIIONi E Altcration [: Renovation I Genera Reparrs NtW CONTIRUCTION: : l Erecl New Resideoce (- Addition to txisrrng Residence :] Relocation "'PI,EAST CHTCK AND ANSWTR 8!IOW ATI- THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'TCT" ' ilAltGaraBe(SF) :l Dercara8e(St) . ._ I porch (SF) :l Sunroom (SF) L-, Pr:ol (5F) : Sto.age Shed (Sf) :l GreenhoL,se (5r) _-= E Deck (SF) 193 fl Orher {SF) rs the p,oposed work changing the exisling footprint2 E Ves E ruo IOTAI SQ FI UNDER ROOF llor proposect work) Heared: ! .. Unheu,u,l, -O--l'tJ roTAt PRoJrcr cosr (te5s [or) S9117.79 _ ls the proposed work changing the nunrber of bed.ooms? D yes I No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Me(hanical werk being done to the Accessory structure D yes Ei No l{ the project rs a Relocatlon, i5 there a Natural Gas Lrne on the current site? D yee El No ls there €lectri.al Power on this Building? E Ves E tto Slgnature; ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves E tto Existint lmperviour Area: __ Sq f t Total Acres Disturbed. New Impervious A.ed: 5q ft tristin8 Land Distu.bint permit: Ll ves O No ,nformalio6 "'NOTE Anywo.lperfo.nledwrrho!rlheappropr..teperm(swrlbeinvrotarionottheNCSriteOtdSCodeand,ublecrtot,noiupto550O0O,.. WATERT E Crpu^ D Comnrunity Syslent E private Well fl Central well ! Aoua sEwft:. E cFpuA D communrty syrteflr D prrvate septrc E cenlral septrc O Aqua ( li'ln^l'fli ,.."(.15 o,fticet:.frb-setback5(r) 3r' { tx):b'tnnl )o, la) Zi o'l p4gir''an, gll,trt nno, Approvar - or- cir1, -LL]/A o^"ru,'fll1fl aood: (A) _ (v) (N) , BFr+2't=c'mmen'i'M'im#'Ir'i!\t11': rhtrI:.,!;;ll"ttrJ"^zi-' Properly Use/ Occupancy: E Slngle Family D Duplex D Iownhouse Degcrlptlon of Work: Lnlargng an er€ling dect and rnslalling ncw declrng. sleps and handra ts. owne,/cont.actori l\'4ichael Evenson -l (ented Quottlti- p,a,,rt iii,