JULY 25 2018 BUILD APPS07262018103834Ltqo tD DaS tqNt LLL qot&' futrX 18-1411 Applic.tion Number Ioffice use) Date:4.so.ttAPPLICANTS NAME PRO'ECTADDRESS:10 tsgiFr,* ?b goorfl fa cn\. latLrrtNiToN ztP {4 suBDrvfsroN: Ftao92 0 13.*NO LOT #: PROPERTY OW ER S T{AME OWNERS ADORESS: eO ttl tc H Att- etccog6Nt be*c\, ?a gouTrt PHONE #,,r.q4tr. r228 Ct'N: lot L tyl ) Lf Ot)ztP 2 741) co rRAcToR: L'QulD O'tlq^ts BLOG TICENSE #&b 74) ADDRES5: PO BOX ?ctii\. P oLe39 tclf st: ttYzp: C1S ) I EMA|L ADDnEss: otaiq@ liqv;/dt9i4v5 41611 PHoNE: ,, 1' 72r'OtLta- - PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Cf Nc, MA,Ihuah pHoNE: qt1.1et'otq7 ExlsrtNc col{sTRucrrou: n nterajon O *,l"r"j* E General Repairs NEw coI{STRUcTIoN: E EreEt New Residence E Addition to Existing Resldence O Relocation , ncu tovtclelC poo ...PIE,ASE CHECX Af,D ANSWER BELOW AlI THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..' D Att Garage (SF) _n Det Garaee ISF)tr Porch (SF) I 1p. D sunroom (sF) fl Greenhouse (SF)- d Pool (sr) D Dec* (SF) 51r.E storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aor prcposed wort) Heat€dr TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S l0o \o oo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ycs E t{o ls any Eloctrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Acce$ory Structure E/ Ves tr tto lfthe project isa Relocatlon, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current slte? D Yes ! o ls there Electrical Power on this Bullding? E Yes tr lto Property Use/ Occupancy: E Slngle Famlly tr Duphx D Townhouse Descdptlon of Work: (r^ 3lv u (.ti 4 c on L(.ra 5 '.ri wrali ol { sp> DISCIAIMER: lhereby cenify that allthe lnfo.matlon io this application iscorrect and all wor* wlll comply with rhe Srate Building code and all other icable State and local la\rs and ordinances and reguhtions Tte ltHC Deyelop.nent SeNices Center s,lllbe notirled of any in contractor information. 1r'NOTE: Any work p€rformEd without the appropriate permits will be in viobtion ofthe 0,,/),q l near4huc,h t) " prinittorl) ls the property loceted in a floodplain? 6]ves tr lo + Fristing tmpervious lrea: 5'? 46 q rt Owner/Contractori "Lkensed Qtolifiet' Slgnature: Total Ases Dlsturbed: * ew lmpervlous Ar""' 6/3 t , Se Ft Exlstlng lrnd Dlsturtlng Permtt: D Yes E t{o WAIER: tr CFPUA E Community System E Pri\rate Well D Centralwell tr Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA E Communlty System E/ Private Septlc E Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _- Offlcer: - setback(Fl-(LHl-(RH)-(Bl- Appmval: - Crty: - Date: -- Flood: (Al -(V) -(l,l)- BFE+2tt= - .4 Code Comment:Pelmh tce: S rl5 -oo NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUI1DING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSTER ALt OUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT 'PrdGct ResponslblltV Unhested; -- ao 16 -tro tP4 6\,-115 B,trlq &tcy \)u,rld"1G,l'lS grr,\e.1 (ft t dil",irrilv"r 7q- ts, 4.&_L)Ulrlr Kr/)\qu.r k .'..,:Z1t.x '. l. \1 . ).rt 1-:l ',]/ I ^r- fr( rL), \ .^t.. ,V -l g:l;tttry\ lld r t4 n^,,1 ,2 15 ,)it . l.i/A /oO( itrrt 1)tslt* t\t\ dvct rr4r1 /rrJ (f,u(fo v b,ick "rl )12c,>[ 17.,"t lL't0 ) h(rtl fiau sl . Ciii' lnspclion Requueo, 9l 0'254'090'i rcztee-------l E .:;jji.'., 1: ':-. 's,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLt CAn O N TYP E : RESIDENTIAt PLT.{IT ANSWTII AII QUESTIOI.IS APPLICAB|-E TO YOUR PRO]ICi 'Proiect n.rporrlblllly' .=tor8 - Boa5 i t8'uffi (r: L 6+t' oo\sAPP!ICAfl7S NAM PAOJTCIADORTSS -l ,t i,,v;{.,t1r..CITY t.,, i ,41"5 K;r.'q;c-5\S- E12til[E"& u=n'\k ai'1Y: BI"9G L{CTNSE E: 'AE 5157J_coHrFACroR: Shot', a- K AODRESS: EMAII AO 7 o zl €XISTING CONSTRUCTION: Ll Alteration .] Renovation - GeneralRepairs t{tw CO STRUCIION: : ErectNew Resldence n Addition to Eristin8 Residence E Relocatlon ...PI.EAST CHTCX A'{D AI{SWEN gtLOW AIL II{AT APPIY TO YOUR PROIECTT'' D Det Garage {5F) _-'D Porch (sFi ,ro*r, 110 -101- 61'11 Lj Att GaraSe (SF)_ J Sunroorn {Sf) _ al Greenhoirse (SF)_ TOTAL PROJECT COST {Lcss Loi): 5_ E Storage Shed jSF) ___ Irth€ proposed worii chan8lngthe €rrrtirB footp.int? Ll Yes i ilo 'iO'rAL 5q FT UNDER ROOF Vor ptopcied lrork) He.teC:Unhei!cd: DL)O Ir the proposed work charBins the number of bedrooms? E Yr5 D lto ls any lt cdrai, Plunrbint or Mecharlt.l work beinE dooe to the Actessory Structur€ :: Yes .] t{o ii the prolect ls a Reloc.ttorl is there a Natural GaJ Line on the curreit 5he? . Y6 C No s there Electrl.riPower on this Eullding? g Y€t E] o\/ Property Ure/ Oc{upancyiAslngle Famlly f ouplex -l Townhoutc oescriptiori ol Work oYvner/contsactor 't.i."r\ed Qur!iid' 5h.ne 1(osniK "J ,ro:( L'j slgnature Exlstlng Laad Dirturblnt Pe.fih: - Ye5 : No ' fu";f^.."., t"6! anC or(li:.ff.s a1(,,egli.ljo . Ite I}lC Dsslop.rE 'r S! t.r Crnt., ullb. Md8.d ct.iy.hrB.r ln th€ apprca€d pt Bandrp.r:fic.tiof or chr^€e ii contrrcror L.icrm:r,ri..'lioTr:A.tywdp.rforiEdrxrrhoutthErppropnatcp€rftnrwflbrtnvb$onolth.NCSEt SldS Cr.ie .id qrH..t ro rin.3 er io 590O.m"' -\ t\-.-,L--'r<-'\-r'. s the property iocated rn a iioocpiain? a- Ye5 Exigt,ng lmperviout Arear _ Sg Ft Nesr lfipcrviour Area: _-.-- Sq Ft $,,ATER: {CFPUA : Community SFtem : grivate \,vell : CentralWell D Aqua SEWER: VCFpUA - CommJnity Svstern 3 PriveteSeptic: Centrsl Septic D Aquar, zone: -' - offi.er: - selbrckt {F) - (tt{} - (RHl - (B} -Approvali-.- Clty: - DatE:- Flood: (A) --_ (v) - - {Nl - Bf E+Zft= --dommenl:P€rmit Feer S 15.oo P.. s\ i., t -J"r&t-\J[*4k!{-- clrY: _ld!.oA 'l t'l RECEIVEO ]UL O6?M8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMN AP P L I CANO N fYP E : RESIOETTTIAT Pt t'A.tE Allgw I n AtI qu ttr 0H5 A, t uc^tr t fo yous ,fioJ trt'P.oi..l Srtporirlblllh/ i otG tua1 R\ g-av( PnOPtRTY OWNTR'S r,,.r,'r owNrn'r^ooitrt i\'1 APPUC.A}fl,5 TJAMI: PROTICI ADORT-ISl sult fvr5loN [= tt t^;,,t f'( L \. I rr, 1,,' i ' r\ LI lr€ Uctl6t t 1-.4-tx -.1'1.. 1t? t. ,li t, tt ,.1 'l l1 n,ShQi P ,. \"0:r,\KCOlJI&ccronI ^DDRtss: i. ) tMAIt AODRTSS: PROIICl COI{TACr Pr{SON 1,. ilr.qr l.J -1-,,11. ' .t.:ir.,(1/ Jo-rdntl \Jhitaka( irJ,,..., i. !iC, , sT J.r(. zp.3g$a --r,r'',i ' r, -qo1'bAL1+ .,o",, 1!0401'61q+v EXEfltG COflniUCnON: fl Aherrtlon D nroor..tion 0 6an.r.lRep.lr. tltw @t{'InucTlott: ! Er.ct Nery R!rldc,.! O Addl(loo to trirtina n.rd€n E O Relocrtlon .,.ftfAsrl}rrcx AND AtSWtA BrtOWAU" TH rAPptyTO_tOUn PROJttT..r D AttcrG!!(stl n D.t crr.ec (SO- O Podr {!n O sqnroorh {5r} . )(-l fsn )-39 0 srordgr shrd lsr} O 6r..nhour.l5f) _ C O.d (SD D Onrr (5F) It tha prgpored woA dlandng the erirdnS (ootpl.hl? (f Ye! D tlo TOIAI tqF Ulloli iOOi W proryt.d m*) tLn dt Unhr:tcdr TOTAI, PXOTICI CO$ (l,er! tot) $c,oD Ir dr! propo*d wort.lt.ltl,I lh. humbat ot bldroomi? O YrtQ o tr.nytbs*r,Pturnll'IorMlclt.rl(rlwortbaiBdonetoth!AcctalorYSbucturEDY6OHo Illt! p(o)act b i tala.doG Lr th.E. Nrnrd 61, u o.| ti..!mil tl.? D Y6 O rro l! th?r! Elcctrtcal Fgrar on tnlr &lldktT D Yar O Xo r-p"rty Urd O."rp.rr9><Nh t.mllY tr Otpht O lq*r$oun .r! 1( rnr.on o! r-t'orr' ,--*rqround- 5piffi,nS ncc:\ otolrtrst: rh!r.u,'.,4ry,", ,r; *."-r,. " ,Jt r*uo,,- ".r.,*, , ", i,Jto^ J, co*n.rn,n. rn. -Er.t c4.. r,,a r0 olrr, .r&br. tr!tt.nd ro.. lrwrr.6odhlrl..r,a|llrant 06. Tr. ril€ DtlaoFrt ].'!arr C.,nn rill h ,nfhd oi.,tY drrr6 h In.?l,Drd drt!.d i{r(llk tb,ar o. drMa. ln 6trrD. tiac.h roi ...tvnirr! ro.t r{.t had r^t (^Ut .pFogn t pa.rirr ril b. h r.&o.l ol tti. NCtOt aua &da rr }.aFd lo rh ia to 3J& @"' Own.r/Conts.ctorl --5 hona \( os niK ,\ lt u? prop€ny lo..t.d ln. noodpl.rnT O t"X*. trlirlnr lmo.Moul Artar Sq tt Nr* lmr(rvloutArlrl 3q Ft Tot.lA(rar 0lrlurbad: tuldnt lrd oltllrtl^l PttmtL C Y.r i No .,,i'-/ M6Lcco) Q"it , ^/A' S' tpotowt' ILV otyJiI[- orrr][!f/tp6o6,,o, - com,rrnt, {l\ Sgc?ir'1 a.ot e4"igrnr,rv {e AutlL) S2'lbaClL S'U ""5'r' '/5 rvt lNl 1 6It.Ift: 1y.ist ,;iE P.r,.itr..:s Pre st ij g Po"\st{to'r $.1e fosl Lvr. ! Clh' ln:ryrtion Reo'Jlrgl' 910'254'qgq') ChD RECEtvED tuL oGzots NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP UANO N |YPE' RESIDENTIAT PLEAST A'{5WEi AUQUISTIO 5 APPI.ICATT! TO YOUR PRO]ECI-ItolcGt R!ipolrrlblllqf Pr.s\ i c ?o'\s CITY Jare-td.ct t8'as/ loftcr ural APPUCAIT,S NAME:1-Dtte:-t \ PRO.IECT AODRf,S5: sulDrvlSloll: ztP ,ll n\vt^ ik LOT E I: zl 8LI'G UCII{sE I 6tt 11 ST:ztP,ag{la t ,lPROPIRTY OWNIRS OWNER'S ADOR€SSI PHONE H: CIIYi PHONI: fr CON'iACIOR: ADDREJS: TMAIL AODNESs: o< o CiTY PROIECT COITACI PERSON:davr \Jhikake(,*"n* 1lo-{01.61q?.r EXISIING COI{SIRUCIION: O Alteratlon D Renoyation 0 Gencr.lRep.lE t{EW CO sInUC rl{: E Erest New Resldrncc E Additlon to Exirtint Resldence D Relocadon r:TPLETSE CHECX MD AflSU'CR BITOT' ATI 'HAT APDIY TO Yo('N PTO,IECTt'T D Att Grrslr (Stl _ E Sunroorn (SF) - B Grrcnhous. (S0 - n D€t Garaee ISF)tr Porch (5F) --tr Storate Shrd (Sf) -' tr Other (Sf) -- )*ooron D Deck (SR 13q Ir th. propGcd wor* drrrulng the qistjnt footp.ht? tr Yes E No IOTAL Sq FI UNDIR ROOI $or ptupos.d wor*) Hcetedl Unhc.ted: TOTAT PROIECI COST (Less tot): S bo0 ls thc proposed work chlnglry th! numbcr ot bedrooms? D Ytl O tlo lsanytLctdc.l,Plumbll3orMrcianLalwo*belnsdonetothaAccassorystructuretrYertrt{o lfthc prolect ls. Lloa.dor,ls th€re a I'l.trral Gls tlne oo the cunctlt slte? tr YE tr o lsth.re ElectdcalPoseronthis Eulldlng? E Y.t O fo P,operty Ur./F.mlV E Duplex D Tow'rhourc oe9€riptlon ol titofmi$on. ...tioTt: Any ro.t pldqrnad wthout $e.pp.opd.t! p..mB llll b. h t loEon ol rh. xc st.t lua cod. and !# r. ffntl up to 33lE.D"' Ouncr/Contrr ctor:5 hone \(osni K sllnalurc: 'Ltccntcd Auo rat' rlttltq\r rs the prop€rty loc.ted ln a floodplaln? C ,*Y "oErirtlnt lmpervioui Atcr: -- 5q Ft ' Total acres Oltturbld: New lmpa.vloui AtGr: -- Sq ft Erldltt !.id Dlrturblnt PlrmlL E Yet E l{o ,rota*\d *rro E community system E Prlvate w€ll E centralwell El Aqua t*t*\Gtrro C CommL,nity System O Private Septic D Clntt?lseptr D Aqua zone, / \ (rff,crr: - srtbrckr [F] - (lH] - (RH) -- (Bl -Approvah - clty: -_ ort!:- Flood: (A) _--.---(vl- (Nl - 8FE+zft= -Commcnt Permit Feer S ti, A --f-l.l Clear Form ffi 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prorect Responsibilitl/' rEtnstrl- 3.0 16 - ?oto Do> Application Number (office use) AppL1CANT,S NAME: Brenl Tenuta e11.p-. 711112018 pROJECT ADDRES5: 1402 Orange Street 611y. Wilmington 71p. 284.01 suBotvrsroN:rorr: ,l^1 ELL^1 OWNER,S ADDRESS. 1402 Orange Street glTy. Wilmington 71p. 28401 coNTRAcToR: Brent Tenuta Construction Co s1p6 11ggx5g g. 22595 ADDRESS: 2001 A Corporate Drive 611y. Wilmington 51. NC 21p.28409 EMATL ADDRESS: 8te7505898@aol.com pRoJECT CoNTACT p6x5g1. Brent Tenuta EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration = Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation * **PtEASE CHECX AN D ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.IECTI*+ p6gxs.910-231€796 PHoNE. 910-231-8796 ! Att Garage (sF)_I Det Garage (SF)_ n Deck (sF) E Porch (SF) ! storage shed (sF)_ D other (sF) fl sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROoF Vor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S 50,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No IsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? E Yes E No Il -tul 1B 3t49Pi'1 Propeny Use/ Occupancy; E Sintle Family D Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work. Renovate kitchen and bath. l-.Jpdate interor cosmetically / lnstall new HVAC system. No in toobrinl laws and ordinances and regulataons. The NHC Development Services Center wall be notified ofanychan plans and specifications or nge in contractor 00*+.informatioh. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violatioh of th Eldg cod Owner/Contractor: Brent Tenuta Signature "Licensed QuoliJie/' Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: Existint Land Disturbing Permit; E Y Well E central Well E Aqua Septic E Central Septic E Aqua LnlN/ArnxrlfA (BldJA A)_(v)_(N) Permit Fee: S a{ew lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft.,/ WATER: / CFPUA E communitysystem E Private SEWEa': fl CFPUA ! Community system E Private zon. (/-3 omcer, Oi-b setbacks(F) IlfA( rpprovar: OL city: Il nn Datq 1l\\[\r{;ood esD o .{,rO, O) ;ii.'lnso. Comment .e{\ o (C X BFE+2ft= I pRopERTy OWNER,S NAME. Victoria Monfort pHgXg s. 239-8234674 n Pool (sF)- 910-25a-ilt0 $-w.)\?0\-.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaI n/PE; COl,lllERCIAL PL€ASE AXST'ER ALI. QUESTTOAS APPLICABL€ TO YOJi PiOJ€CI "Project Responslblllty" 1 9 AFFEI-PLrcArror{ llumbcr (offl<e Uie) APPLICAIIT'S NAiIE I 13sp61 Ngwrun DATE :6-1'r.2018 OEVELOPER: PRO] ECT : 3333 J80dh IXw unlt l20 OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS t{AriE : Becker Morsan Grcup P}ONE fl: wilminglon ZIP:2s403 - PlOllE S: 763-5111 OIIER' S ADDRESS: Bumt Mil busin6ss psrk CO{TRACTOR: Newrnanbros - LICEIISE l: 71912 5T:6 ZIP:2sa63CfTY: 141166g16n ADORESS: t 02 otd eastwood nt b2 CITY: q41669se6 EIIAIL AIDRESS : ine,,/.ian@lnsr,vnenbros.com PHONE S PROIECT CONTACT PERSO{: psper newnnn . PlOl{E f : 526-s12s (Che.k A1l lh.t apply ) EXIST Col{sTRUcTIo : n ALTERATIoil n REurvATIol{ n 6E ERAL REPAIRS ll Relocation, is there a Nau-AlGas Line on thet-unent Site? l- Vdf-. No ts BLoc s,H.KLEREDr _ Yesli - RELOCATION ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE NoilEtJ CO STRUCTIOT{: Ll ACCESSONY STRUCTURE: ERECT NEW STRUCTURE tr FAST TRACX n SHELL UPFIT a a If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt $:20r7-tr14o Is Elect Poyer on this Bulldlng 1-'. Yes f NO ..... r5 THrS A CHAilGE 0F OCCI pA[Cy tSErr yES li. ilO...*. IF Yes, rhat uas the Pr€vr.ous O€cupancy Type? _ tthat Is the t{er O<cupancy Tvoc?AnC[ DESIGII PIOFESSIOTIAL: bed(er nE !6tl croup CIGR DESIG PaOFESSrOial:-ffi PH:341-7600 tlC RE6 *: 16776 NC REG ':7138PH:781-8016 DESCRIPTION OF }.'ORK:ofiice upfir ls food or beveraoes prepared or served in this structure?f veslf No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainr [- yes lf No all olher applicaue Sbte ol6ns aM sDecificalionsNC Srsre Bldg Code and e^-r'l<.- (Ol.L.) Orh l{rr:) tlob: DGrnolfbn mdfctdoor t albadoq r.rnoral pafinit a0plhatlo.6 rle b bo 6l6.rrll6d usho lE apCia6lbn bnn (DH wieuler f|€ todllty or Dulldlne $rss rdrtd lo d|l.ln A!bo9o6 d nd. You rrs l.qtLrd ro c.ll th. E0dt r Efii6don strldads for ]Edo.r! Alr Polubnrs (NEs]tAP) Er (El9)707-5o50 a Lad 10 dryt !rto( b tha &nrolhlon ol sny ladllty o. brikllrE. S€o Asb€dc tvab Sha: hID/ f,ir.€pl.slde.nc.t6,bpvlaD6do6/6hmp.hml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 22O,OoO BUILDING HEIGHT:27 #OFUNITS: I TOTAL AREA SO FT : 2762 SO FT PER FLR: .osf oF srRtrcTUR-- ACRES DISTURBED: n"EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? F YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: .a SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: h. PROPERry USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE Eoucf-l APrD CONDO OTHEI # OF STORIES; r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: lsrs SO FT WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM l-1 WELL D ZONTNG USE CLASS CENTRAL SEpflc E ,*-,vare sEprrc E?ouuuNrw sysrerr,l IFICATION .- SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIR€D TOR ELECi MECI.i, PLBG GAS EQUIF. PREFABS E INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD; f- CASH l- CXeCX leeVaBLE TO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS li_ MCA/|SA l-_ OtSCOVen (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F :LHRHB Approval:_ Ciry:_ DATE_ FTOOD BFE+2fr..- N PERMIT FEE IComment 02lfi,el ,.po[PuA, PROPERTY O&'Ii{ER'5 tlA}tE : Norman Braitsrord . ST:,* ZIP: 26as3 DISCLAIMER SIGNATURE: i OF FLOORS: FIEOOD,Z@NE 2orwWSlrffiC,o8r Form APPI.ICANT'5 NAME;es Cosst Rsstoration, LLC Prlnl NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPL,CATION rrP6r RESIDENTIAt PLTN€ ANSWER ATT QUTSITONS APPIICAETE'TO YOUR PROJECT "P.ol€ct Rerponslblliv .4) ffi (oltic€ uta) Date:€it19l1B pROJECT ADDRTSS: 18 Madison Slroet CTy, Wilminglon zl 28401 SUBDlVlSlotlr PROPERTYOWNTR'S AMEI \'Villiam \ryood8ll pxonr l. 910-762-3814 OWNEN'S ADDRTSSI 18 Madison Sveot CONTRACIOni Soa Coast Rsstoratlon, LLC Cffy. Wilminglon 4p.2Y01 EtoG LrcENS!77066 ADDRESS. 2840 S. Coll6go Road Slito 152 q11y. Wllminglon 5y, NC 21p 28412 91,1411 19pp ggg; dwood@Beacoast estoration.oom ---_._ PHONE; 9!'782-2465 pROlICT COTiTACT ppX5gN. Devid Wood p11611s.910€19.3799 ExlSIlNG CONSTRUCnO : Ll Alteration E Rcnovation fieneral Repairs NEW CONSIRUCnON: U €red Ncw Residencc Ll Addition to Exlstin8 Resldence [f Relocation ...euatElHEgl( Arir p ANSWER 0Erow Arl rHAI A.p_glyilcllouBlg9lgcl.'. El Att GaraEe {sF) - _-- t-i oct Garage (Sf } -._ [l Porch (SF} ,. .-=_ ! Sunroom (Sf)_ _ El Pool(St)-.---- E stora8e shed {sr} __ 3 Greenhouse {5F}-_ O Decf (stl_.-- D other (5F}_ ls the proposed wo* chan8ing the existing foolprint? E Yes E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROO! llor proposed wotkl 11s51g6. 1775 Unheated: !l-. TOTAT PnOrtcr COST {less tot)t 90,000q Oescrlptlon of Worlc ilrls tlv^c ..d dr.l !toa, ..a$ a@ ld! llq .r.<rLd .r'vL. ..p,, re.a ,@.irit d p.ilrl. r.b!k .,.fE!.d ,.dr r4d 6lr{ra 6.i..d., 14 !dd' ts rhe proposed work changlng the fiumber of bcdrooms? 0 ves {Ho lsany Electrlaal, Plumblngor Methanlcalworl beioS done lo the Acceisory Structure 0 Y€5 INo lf the proiect lsa Reloetlon, le lhete a Nitu.al Gas Line on t he cvrrent site? tr Yes 5l No I5 there Elect.ic.l Power on thii BuildinB? E yes E No p,operty usc/ (kcuprftcy: r srn!,6 Frmily D Duprer o rownhour. city lnspgction Requtteo, 91 0'25{-0g00 t\ r i'i l.w' ,nd ordiname! r^d ,caul.tion!. De NrlC olv.lopmc.t S.rvlc.r Chlcr will b! notfled ol,ny tirn8s3 h $a rpplovld pla snd ! or arlrt€a in.ontraclo. inform.tloh. "'NOIEi Ahy s.!rl rerorm.d withorrt lh!.pproprl.lo peml(s wlllbe ln violatio.gdt Coda and rubj(t rc Rnai ro 558.00"' Ownerlcontractoti Davld Wood Slsnatu "tlceotcd Quolifret' Priht Nome l5 the property locatcd in a lloodplain? [ Yer txlrtlng lmporrlou3 Aroa: **-...-- Sq Ft New lmpcrvlous Atca: -_--- Sq ft f,rlrtlng l.rnd olrturblng Permhr E Ye3 El No WATER: E cfpu^ n Community system E Private well E CentralW€ll D Aquo E{f.*i.ra Ae1 +a{n"Preiituutrvtrg t€1 TotalAc.es Olrturbed: B\de Va-[-()€. $au, roo Nr! FLOOD ZONE ft F€e: I $r\'' SEWERT O cFPtiA 0 c-ommunity Syslem E Private Septic E centralSeplic ,on.,O9!)*.,r, ?-X-F scrbackr (F) L/A- (ut N/A tnxl Nrrl rst appromtr D(- cry,WlS. oateiLffi rloqd: (A).-1:- (v) --- (N)u:_ a YLil6t6Y1 +l/'zvrt^)Urt'rj & paPosid th" uoodc iS O lqu N1A ----:-BFEr2ftj 5,tUs'lan'tral \ rnprtwnonF.llmpro"emtn{ RECETVED JUN 19 2018 Prirrt 2o\0-8oSq 6AE3 )Cloar Fom APPIICANTS NAME:Coast Restoration, LLC lffil NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LTCAT|ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI-EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI,ICAEI.I TO YOUR PROJECT "ProFct Responsiblllv Applkation Number (offi.e ui€) 9319.6/19/18 pRO.IECT AoDREssr 18 Madison Street OTrr. Wilmington 712 28401 suBDtvtslor{: pROpERIy oWNER,S 1ag6, \Mlliam Woodall px6xps.910-762-3814 OWNERT ADDRESS: 18 Madison Street crry. \Mlmington 71e. 28401 g919114g161, Sea Goasl Restoratlon, LLC BIOG UCENsE #- I/066 AOORESS: 2840 S. College Road Suite 152 Cffy. Wllmington 57. NC 2;p. 28412 ! sunroom (SF)_ I Greenhouse (SF] ,- EMAIL ADDnESS: dlrrood@Eeacoastrestoration.com p6gss. 910-782-2465 pROTECT CONTACT p96561. David Wood p116116.910S19-3799 ExlsIlNG CONSTRUCnoN: D Alteration E Renoration !-ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCno : E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEASE CHEGI( AlrlD ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APpt YTO YOUR PfiOrECT.r* D Att Garage (sF) _ D Det Garage (Sf)_ E Porch (SF) I storage Shed (sF] -- D other (sF) =---- l! the proposed work changingthe existing footprint? E Yes = No TOTAL Sq FT UI{DER ROOE Aot ptoposed workl 11""1"6. 1775 TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot):90.000 ls th€ proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves (No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes E ,,to lfthe project isa Reloc.tlon, isthere a NaturalGas Line on the current site? f] Y€6 E No ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? E yes O No Propeny use/ occupan<y: El single Famlly U Duphx fl Townhouse Descrlption of wotlq R.d4 HvAc and d$r rcfi. r6rdr ld tom fie, !r.c!ler .5vr6 Epr. rdd ioqrrE -d p6ld, r.blld (bdtagEi Fd, eiE (ho4€a sdEn d h p..ri l!r'i,t I (- DISCIAMEnT I her€by certir th.t all the inlormation in thi5 applis.tion is correci and all work will comply wllh the State Suildhs Code and all other applicable State and lo(:l laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC D€velopment Servlces center willbe noti{ed ofanychan8es in rheapproved plans a.d specifi.al or.iange in contractor lnformation. "*NOTE: Ahy work p€rformed withot t the appropriate permlts will be ln viol.tion of State Bld8 Code and subject to fine6 p to 55m 00"' tr Pool(sF) fl Deck (SF) Owner/Contractor:David Wood 9gnature: 'Licehsed Quolifiel *int Nome lsthe property located inafloodplain? E Yes E No txistlng lmpe.v,ous Area: _ _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedi Ita€w lmpervious Area: - sq Ft Erisdng land Dlsturbirg Permitl E Yes E No WATTR: O CFPUA E Community system fl Private Well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA El Community System El Privdte Septic E ceotralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks lFl - (tH) - (RH) - (Bl -Approvdl; -=_ crty: -. Date: - Flood: (Al -(V) -- (l{}-BFE+2ft=- Comment: _ permit Fee: $ 'Lvt LOT #: _'--=-- Unheated: 30 t NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' 2c\O_gocin L8-*H6 Appllcation (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:oatet 71512018 PROJECT ADDRESS CITY: Wilminoton ZIP 28405 SUBOIVISION: Landfall: Reoencv Court PROPERW OWNER'S NAME:PHoNE #: 631-827-8114 OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY: Wilminoton ZtP: 28405 CONTRACTOR: Southern Exoosure Sunrooms BLDG LICENSE #:68138- ADDRESS: PO Box 12007 clTY: Wilmington 5T: trlL zlP: 28405 EMAIL ADDRESS:oosuresunrooms.com PHONE:910-793-2762 PRoJECT cONTACT PERSON: John bhckev PHoNE: 910-793-2762 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation T'T*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* * * fl Att Garage (SF) - E Det Garage (sF)_ /sunroom (sr)20u ! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER ROOF Aot proposed work) Heated:Unheated:260 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 33502 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Ves g/ruo ls any Eledrical, Plumbing o r Mechanical work being done to th e Accessory Structu re fl Yes n No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatu9GasLineonthecurrentsite?DYesnNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? g Yes D No Property Use,/ Occupancy: y'Single family tr Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notifled ofany chanSes ln the approved plans and specifications orchan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the approp.iat€ p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject ro fines up to SSOO.O0... owner/Contractor: John Hickev Signature: "Licensed Quolifrer" )(+ Nle Total A€res Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Ves E/No d*, WATER: &f /,CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well n Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: Ef CFPUA E Community System n Private Septic ! Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ 9ol q.( Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT #: 58 tr Pool (SF)_ tr Deck (SF)_ n Porch (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF)_ ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 5037 Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Prolect Responsibilitl/' '?e9'ffi)Application Number (of{ice use) o.r",1'b'I8 zP p g3{ o? zv, ffr-lol BTDGLTcENSE#: -1 31 l3 o^o*n l-.1*JAPPI.ICANT'S NAME: PROIECT ADDRTSS:CITY: suBDtvtstoN: CONTRACTOR ., Ui[tane + El;>^Lttb &.*-4 LOT #: PHONE #ilf'q43{PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS:2 clrY: h)i I c ,/ADDRESS:Orro,. ooo tl RESSr o PHON E: PROJEgT CONTACT P EXISTING CONSTRU iAlteration E Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCTION:New Residence !' Addition to Existing Residence n Rel on Ptt aaraee (sF)fl Det Garase (sF) E sunroom (sF)! Pocjl (SF) E Deck (5F). Greenhouse (sf) e existing footprint? fl Ves pHo proposed workl Aealed 3 Os €f TOTAL PROJECT COST :S D oto ls the proposed work c the U ber of bedrooms? E F*" fr *l1(-2tp,3f,'7o7 O-O1P? PnoNr: d-l s O-t?fl I I work being done to Structure p Y is the a Natural6as Line on the t site? E Yes E No iS BUi ins? ! Yes 0F No Q'Porch (sr) O Storage Sh tr other (sF) ed Unheated: _e kf-A €/t l,r- Land Disturbing Permit: tr vesAruo ls the proposed work TOTAT Sq FI UNDER ls any Electrical, Plum lf the project is a Relo ls there Electrical Property Use/ Occupa Description of Work; DISOIIMER: I hereby ce bws end ordinances and ilv Duplex O o use d allwork will comply rvith th€ildlng code and alloth€r appllca ble state .nd local . notifa€d ofany.hancei in the a 5 or chanEe in contractor be in violation of the NCState Bldg Code 5ubjed up to 5500.00"' Signature: in{ormation- "'NOTE: Any Owher/Contrador: 'Lkensed Quolifier' ls the property locat Existing lmpervious A New lmpervious Area: ts F in? tr ves pm Sq Ft Sq Ft E WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA Communi system O Private ell CentralWell fl Aqua Community System E Private s ptic Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _rl , setback {F)_ (ttl} - (RH) - (B}+- Approval: _ Comment: - Date: - rlood: (A) - (V) - (N) - - BFE+2ft= -- lt es le cu a n t ( c I I the infr r. The Nl "*1" rl" lz its ct ill I vill ata kp( \* rmation in this applaGtion is ( C Development Services cent without the appropriate pern 4l-,,1.) a oodpl Permit Fee: I TotalAcres Dlrturbed:.to I I CITY: ,fr' a 't, N-l !' zs NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMITIERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOTJR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' LDlb- 8oq4 L7=gT3o APPLICATION Number (offlce use) DEVELOPER: r,ance suppty Inc PHoNE #:480-?ss-09s9 PROJECT ADDRESS: 5891 Swan I,1i11 Rd, occuPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE: chick-Fit:A ST: TiC ZIP: - PHoNE #:252-443-1554 CONTRACTOR: R & l, Bullders ADDRESS: 5189 Barnhilf Farm Rd LICENSE #: s3723 u CITY: Battleboro EI'IAIL ADDRESS: ke./inG r-1bui 1ders. con If UPFfT - The 5hel1 Permit #: IF Yes, what uas the Previous Occupancy Type? *'rr* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usel flves fllxo ***** what is the New occupancy Type? PH: PH: DESCRIPTION 0F WoRK: 1nsta11 overhead canopy over existing dr].yq!}!ru to shade employees & vehj.cles lo ,ood or b6\r6ragpo pr€par€d a sv€d h ttts atruct rer I ves fl ruo u ne eroperty Locatad ln tho Eoodflairn f] ves [t No 1c'ttu*y - Noto: D€ridtton n<rjfcdlorb & a6bo6to6 rornoval parmit afdlcdonG arglo ba lrA.nlibd usino fi6 apdlr,on tolm (DHHS-$,68) vrilothd the 6dllv or hit&q wa6 iound to oontah Asb6to6 o. nol You atg r€qdrsd lo callt le Natloftd Em}sglon st&Ed(ls fo( HeaftbtE Air Pollutaob (NESHA4 an (919)707-5950 at looat 10 days p.ior !o ttg demolilioo ot anyladllv d buildlng. S€e Asboslos W6b S{ta: htlpJ !/vnJ.ed.srae.nc.ured,/asb€stos/*nphunl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $as 000 BUILDING HEIGHT:f OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: TOTAL SA FT UNDER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:E(sr LAND Drsrunenc eenurr Ives I No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT pRopERryusE: EoFFrcE f]nesraunnNr f]uencrurnle leouc [nnr f]coNoo OTHER ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: NC REG *: NC REG #: EEI flCoMMUNIrYsYsrE!, Et'rE-L EzoNlNGl,rSEcl-AsSlFlCATloN:.fl ctrrnelsemcf le-nvrreserncfl-coMMuNtnrsysrEM WAIER: SE:WER: PAYMEi{TMETHOD: ECASH f]CneCXleeVealETONHC) finUenrcmexeness flucnnsl florscorrrn CFPUA CFPUA .. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS '' ........ffi (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLn REvtsED DA]E 4/t1/t2ZONE:_OFFICER: _ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLOOD: __ _ BFE+fr N Comment roo/nruchl p\s,n 5 APPLICANT'5 ilAl4E: DATE:-!!!-:!Lr- CITY, @g!on _ ZIP:28405 PROPERTY OI{NER'S NAiIE: PHONE *: @ ot{NER' S ADDRESS: @ CITY: 4_sT:qZIP:ry PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSOI'I: PHONE #: (che.k All That APPIy) Exrsr coNsTRUcTroN: E ALrERArron @ nrrcvnrror fl GENERAL REPATRS ! nrlOCnrrOn tf Rolocdlon, is there a Narurat Gas Line on the -Currenl 51., I VFI r.lo lS SLDG SpRIN-fl-eneOZ I Ve" [ ruo NEr^l coNsrRucrroN: El enecr NEbt srRUcruRE ! rasr rnacr fl sreur. ! uerrr I aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect pouer on this Building E Yes E uO PERMIT FEE: $- ''' i ":': ,ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATI O N TY PE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' Application Number (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME: JEff TETry Date: 5-28-18 PRoJEcT ADDRESS: 7236 River Rd Clw: Wilminqton ztP:28412 suBDlvlsloN: Tidelands at the River LOT # PROPERTY owNER'S NAME: Jeff Terry (same as above) owNER'S ADDRESS: 7236 River Rd PHoNE #: 91 0-231-7814 ClTryi Wilminqton ztP:28412 coNTRACfOR: Jeff Terry (same as above)BtDG LICENSE #ne ADDRESS: 7236 River Rd clTY: Wilminqton sT: NC zrP: 284',I2 EMAIL AoDRESS: ieff@diliqentrealty.com PHoNE: 910-231-7814 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:JEff TETry PHONE:910-231-7814 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation "**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.T THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*"* E Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (5F) n Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) n Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ X Other (SF) E Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes f No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOI (for proposed work)Heated; '1934 Unheated: 706 Description of Work: laws and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Developm€nt services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifacations or change rn contractor rnformation. "*NOTE: Any worl( perform€d without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bld g Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00**' Owner/Contraclor: "Licensed QuoIifier" ls the property loca Signaturei 5.oH T>7 t--28-E ted in a floodplain? ! Yes n TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! yes F No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System E private Well n Centrat We /Aqua SEWERf E CFPUA n Community System ffirivate Septic n Centrat Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment Permit Fee; $ $sv>- 7o)K;fu ToTAt PRoJECT co sT (Less Lot):5 L\O@O ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a Yes Fllo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes WNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ra I Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes,ZfNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Z-Yes ! No Property Use/ Occu pancy: V(Single Farnily ! Duplex n Townhouse 1--.- Existint tmpervious grf,"i 9&.rO sqrt FLOOD ZONE kot s gol; ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATTON rYPf ; CoMMIRCIAL r la( PERMIT a APPI.ICATION NumberPtEA5[ AIiSIJTR ALL OUESIIOIIs AP'LICASLE TO YOUR PRO]I(I "ProJe(t Respon s lb 11.1ty" APPLICANT, S NA E: DEV€ LoPER r PRO]ECT ADORESS OCCUPANT/BUSIN€SS IAHE : PROPERTY O}]NER' 5 OI.,NER'S ADOR€SS: CONIRACIOR: D ,-)b,(Prulc ADORESS; ET1AI L ADDRESS I t^€e PRO]EC'T CONTACT ER50N I Br*,{\o-0*4a )n,t ()a7tef<lc. CITY .fa{a @t.rt ff2UU lt" ,{ PHONE d: DATE \B . to t^-/,t iMl (&t l,n CI'fY I ) LICENSI I': CITY: , coy'* -.zlw.1-t1-.t3,P ^ir.;2";; ,'Z;rtl ,r, *rrinrOl -*,1-to-5AT-3'3L| E PXONE PHONE a t a ,rLa b EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: n ALTERATTON It Rslocatlon is lhere a NalLrialGas Line or the CU RENoVATToN l-l crHena "n, s,r", flv.?E ruo L REPA:RS RELOCAIION IS BI-DG SPRINKI ERED?[v"s flro NEId CONSTRUCIION I ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: EREcr NEW srnucrune I r.6s ,4-n<4r<-c-.lio^.t\ r rnacx l--l I tl"Wr l-l up lY-h FIT(/t l-'l aoo ro Exrsr srRucruRE 27 LL ._) If UPFIT - Ihe Shell Permit t Is Elect Power on this luilding f] Yes NO PHAiCH OESIGN PROTESSIONAL: ENGR OESIGN PROF€ssIONAL:Pll I C REG T: [C BE6 'I DT S( RI PI lON Of WORX ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: on€(r and allwffl wllcomdywilh lhe Servrccs Cenrc' w,llbc notned u, anv edornred y//O lhe !ppl@, ale t ermils r:\ll Codeanc 9.rur li 12i:;!l: SO FT 1{r' + ll t ts lood or b€vsro06s prepsrod or 6erv6d In this stuaure? [Yes I No ls Tho Proporty Locatod ln Ths Roodplainr I v"s I Ho Stirlc 0uld,r)c Codc aod all olher apd,coble Slaio aonraln Atbono! or nc(, You 6la roqulrld to coll lia Nr mrl Emhslon Standard3 loa Ha&rdooa ,,lr Polltn8dr { NESHAP) .t {919}707.5Sr5O al laat 10 dtys plor lo l\e d6nlolnlo'1 ol any lsdllly ot TOTAT PROJECT C e l6b6gtos Wob Sne: h1l9:i\r$t'/.eu slaio.nc.u*ep/a5be!tos/.imp.nlt.l bt{)BUILDING HEIGHT:. TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FtR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - d OF STRUCTURES pRopERryusE: floFflcE EnrsmuRrrur [uencmrtre !rouc Ieer f]coroo orxen WATER: ACFPUA -] SEWER: T\ CFPUA T''] cor,,rMuNrTy SYSTEM fIWELL fIZONTNG USE CLASSIFTCAT|ON: CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPIIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM ,A'MENTMETHoDi.E::::.F-T:::g::f::l:,:'1.:l..Hy::l:i::yi:::...?.y:::.i fioscoveR EOO tE &r-t/12 \ Eflcctrvrz_).o*r,R'[5 oFFrcERi Approval: tl14 City f OF UNITSI f OF STORIESf OF FLOORS: Exsr LAND DrsruRsrNo penmrrl T-] ves NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: (FOR OFFTCE USE SETBACKS: oNrY)(a H:RH FlVrS t0 FLOOD -- BFE+zDATE 9oo.rc\PERi4lT FEE: $_ i,gk't vu.lena\r re6r-,rrtd N Comment Ianov-9-+lg) @rtd aP st:b ?t&n F ei'r,,' lnsl,"ction Requreo, I I 0'254-090t1 ^&l tr np 28.vtl ....r rs rHrs A cHAxcE oF o((upar(y usrl flves !m.....IF Yes, what ,as the P.evious oc(upan(y Iype? *- l.rhat is the Ne!.r Occupan(y Typel -- ^ SIGNATURE: At'n NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUII'.DI},IC PERI'IIT AppLrcar IoN rypEi CorttilERCIAL PLTASE tlSliER rli g-rtsrroas npirLl(n0Lt ro yout pfiolt(r Nt*-w1t 18 - 1909 ^FFfffimnllu[b.n-.,- 'rProJ t (oift.. ur.) . DATE I 6.r 1.2018 PHONE {: - PH0I{E tll 763.5111 ?Ii t 26ax1 9I: nc ZIPi 2&o! APPLICA T'5 IIA'4E: OEVETOPER: PRO]EC T ADO ; 3333 J.6ci4a oriee rmil 120 OCCUPANI/EUSINESS l,lAllE I Becter Moman Grorp pROPgRTY 0l,lNER'5 tlr\r.lE: Nonnrr B6rltord Ol.ll,ltfl' 5 ADDBESSI Bur.1l Mr1 bu!io6!s po*. eilYi wr,r,r,,cro; C0ITRACTOR I Nowman bro3 - LICINSI ll:71612 ADDRESS: 192 qs6 qssrvood 16 62 CITY; na1fl{nct6o E,'lAIL AD0RESS : tnoy/m.nO,nor,?n'anbror.com PRolEcI coNTAcI FEISS-I/: iaspor hoto: tiomo[non mnlranong i o!to!!o3 lofitoyOl rarrxl gppl,cAlion3 ,l! lo ba $tmlnod u!,n0 hO sprl,aalDn krm BUILOING HEIGHT: 27 . ST: 66 ZIP: 29aq3 PHONE C: . PHONE f: 526.6126 rxrsr coNsrRUcTroN: r-'r ^LrEn^TroN - RENJffii;'ri 'il'3t'iLol. REpArRs rr RELocATToN I Rctocarior, ,s rhero l rahdt Gas lint, on rhedrrsnt stre? ;. *dJf - t.to ls BLDG sPh {KLEnED?f-.- Yesli No NEl,t C0NSTf,UCTIoN:D ERacr [Er,l sTRUcruRE D FAsr rnAc( n sHEu.UPFrI I AoD T0 €XIsT SIRU(IURE ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE r rf UPFIT - rhe shell Penmlt r,: 3g.:IL:lg_ Is Eloct Po}irr on this BulldlnS li. YQs r rrc 'r... ts TSrs a (HA}]6E 0r occupa-Ncy u5:? r yEs fi. ilo '..i'IF Yor, $hat war ths Prevl.oui oacupancy lypel - Hhat ls the tlev oc(upancy It8fi ?oesrcr pRoFtsslot{ALr b'cr'r mq.,arcro,p . Pll:!{ t.7000 NC REG l,: 10776 IIIGR OTSI6N PNOFESSIONAL l- devtd Srm6 rnd Alioclaloo Prrt6I;6G- ru( ne6 4:'ill[-- OESCRIPTION Or uoRK: oififfi- ts tood or boycrages prepared or sorved in lhis strucrurs? l-. Yssli. No ls The Prop€rty Localed ln Ths Floodptainr l- vos Ii No 6ll olho, apfrtablc Sterc o,6ns and soeailicel,o.rs NC Sr6ro Sldo Codo and a'wJluc- .J*, domolltion ol 0o? lraiiry o, DoldnO Soo Aiboalo, \4'ob Sft i hno lrrwr',{.opl.rhlo nc.wepvrtborloyrhll'r,hx$l SQ FI PER FLR: nI f OF STRUCTURESI;- .rhorho, oo Lr'ity or truitdfio .,a5 laJ0,l to B OF UNITS: fl OF STORIES: I n OF FLOOR6: i--- ToTAL PnOJEcrcosT, 3!9!g_ TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 2162 TOTAL SO FI UNDER ROOF: r rlr:r ACRES DISTURBED:jt__ NEw IMPERVIOUS AREA:n. EXST tAt\,ID DTSTT.,RBINO PERM ?.Ii YES .T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOIJS AREA: na SO FT PFOPER]Y USE oFFrcE n RESTAURANT ! r,{EHCANTTLE D EDUcf]. APTD coNDo orHEr_-_ '" ifii,ii.,iiil,Erir,1i;rili\'i(r{i:i/irln iri., i tli'.:ri.:Ldi ii'\s irii,llr r:aitiii i, }is:,.Jj PAYMENT METHOD. rCASH r CHECK (pAyABrE rO NHC) r AMERTCAN EXPRESS F MC^/|SA r_ Dlscov€R 1r-oE orFrcE usE oN WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA T'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T^I WELL T1 ZONING USE CLASSIFICAIION L' CENTFAL SEPTIC I.J PRIVATE SEPTIC LJ COMMUNITY SYSTEM zoN Approval *OFF ICER o1{,SETBACKS: F DATE rLoo lil/A ,., N/A o,B-^t/A 8F e+2lt' Comnrenl Cir Ci'ry lnsgrllon tuquroo, 91 0-254.090t1 N PERMIT FEE: I Responslbll lty" , LI I y; Wfirh0ton I I :I I I