2009-03-16 Budget Work SessionNEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 16, 2009 PAGE 571 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Monday. March 16, 2009, at 10.35 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover Count-v Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.: Vice-Chairmman Jason R. Thompson: Commissioner Robert G. Greer: Commissioner William A. Caster: Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.: County Attorney Wanda M. Copley: Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore: and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Chairman Davis called the meeting to order and requested County Manager Bruce Shell begin with a budget update. County Manager Bruce Shell presented an oveiview of past measures dealing with the budget shortfall: • Januaiv 2008 - Discoveiv of error in tax base of $7 million • Impacted FY 08-09 Budget • October 2008 - Expenditure Reduction Initiative due to deteriorating economic conditions • A total of $1.6 million reductions from County Departments, Schools, Cape Fear Community College, and Courts February 13 - Budget Reduction Initiative • Early Retirement Incentive Program • Employees must firlough a minimum of 40 hours during the remainder of FY 2009 Suspend 3.0769 x hours of personal leave accrual per pay period for the remainder of FY 2009 Departments provided operating and capital expenditure reductions (February 27) Involuntary Reduction in Force (RIF) Plan Economic Downturn Budget Reduction Plan County Manager Shell reported that his Economic Downturn Budget Reduction Plan is developed with the goal of presenting the FY 09-10 Recommended Budget without a tax increase. He estimated an 8% reduction in sales tax revenues or approximately a $12 million gap in revenues for the upcoming year. The plan is as follows: • 10 Furlough days in FY 09-10 and reduced accrual rate of 5 personal days $ 3,500,000 • Represents a 4% pay reduction • 45 Positions vacated due to retirement will remain vacant through FY 09-10 $ 2387,114 • Maintain 45 currently frozen positions during FY 09-10 $ 2,000,000 • Reduction in Force of 27 employees $ 1,625,000 • 5% Budget cuts for Schools, CFCC, and SE Center for Mental Health $ 3,805,318 • Miscellaneous Decreases $ 2,097,000 • Total Decreases $ 15,414,432 Between Year Adjustments: • Schools adjustment (increase in debt service/decrease in projected sales tax) $ (1,632,213) • Adjustment for salaiv lag in FY 09-10 $ (1,211,818) • Adjustment for increase in last year's market adjustment for FY 09-10 $ (600,000) • Total Between Year Adjustments $ (3,444,031) • Total Economic Downturn Budget Reduction Plan $ 11,970,401 The Board briefly discussed other budget concerns: • Impact of voter approved school bond referendum on budgets for next five to seven years • Fire Service District - Indirect costs of $600,000 to be passed on to taxpayers in the unincorporated area for fire services (includes costs of internal services of Human Resources, Finance, Budget, IT, and Property Management) • Mandated programs cost 80% of General Fund Budget • Human Relations, a non-mandated program, costs $450,000 a year • Revenue Option of 1/4 cent Sales Tax Referendum for FY 2011 ($7 to $8 million) • Federal Stimulus Package allocated through the Governor's Office Consensus: A majority of the Board did not support a tax increase to cover the shortfall because of the impact it would have on citizens who are struggling during the current economic downturn. However, Commissioner Barfield believed that a tax increase may be needed and requested more information on other options. He did not support a reduction in pay for County employees through the use of furlough days. In conclusion, County Manager Shell pointed out additional factors that the Board should consider during the budget process: 0 Spending cuts in quality of life departments are difficult to make up NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, MARCH 16, 2009 BOOK 31 PAGE 572 Loss of $1 inillion in Article 44 sales tax revenues as part of the Medicaid/Sales tax swap in FY 2011 Operational challenges for each department with less employees Budget Work Session Scheduled In discussion of the budget process, the Board scheduled a tentative budget work session to receive further updates on April 20, 2009, after the Regular Board Meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m. Respectfiilly submitted, Teresa P. Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board