JULY 27 2018 BUILD APPSirrl a,\NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Responsibilitlf JOLB.MSLL8"-229* Appli.ation Number (office us€) SUBDTVISTON:Murrawille owNCR'S ADORESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CITY:Wilminqton 71e. 28403 ADDRESS:131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington ST: NC ZIP: 28403 **.PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER ATI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* E Att Garage (SF) 411 tr Det Garage (5F)E Porch (SF)28 ! sunroom (sF)! Pool (SF)n storage shed (sF)_ E other (sF)136! Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes I No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed workl 11g31s6;1734 gn6s21s6;575 TOTAL PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S 121245 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Elecrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E trto lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No "Licensed Quoliliel Print Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .17 New lmpervious 4196; 2884 Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturblng Permit: fl Yes E No WATTR: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E central well fl Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua Zone; _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ d) /: H AppucANTs NAME: Janet Furr 6a1s. 7l2ol18 PROTECT ADDRESS; 7033 Bayou Way 611y; Wilmington 71p. 28411 IOT f: 36 pRopCRTy owNER,s I{AME: D.R. Horton pHoNE s: 910-821-8557 6611x4619x. D.R. Horton g1p6 U6g1it56 6. 29676 EMA - ADDRESS: ilurr@drhorton.com pX6xg; 910-821-8557 pRorEct coNTAct pcRsoN: sean Reynolds px9115. 910-524-1689 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration f] Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E] Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Famlly El Duplex El Townhouse Description of work: New Sinole Family Residence laws and ordinances and regulations- The NHC Development Services Centerwillb€ notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chante in contrador information. '*tNOTI: Any work performed u/ithout the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and rubject to fines up to S50O.00... Owner/Contractor; Janet Fun Sign"trr"t &&s6Zot ;'..i' j. :',1.' '',ffi.,' APPLICANT'S NAME:D'41a1 A"'tltntarc. 000 tv€t< Po* Prinl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" Applkation Numb€r (offlce use) CITY:tlmtn Datei 7-1-18 ztP| 2A.1tLPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:# PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: IVIhZV <TIIgT+ILT CM.LI SL€PHINE* (gto) 6o - tt"o8 owNER'S ADDRESS: ?0f, Btenheir*,, Dr.CITY letql^Nc CONTRACTOR: Drr B^,idows {,tsc. ADDRESS:Co,t EMAIL ADDRESS: rl CITY: BI.DG IICENSE #:3oSltc {vl t srt AJ1lztPt 28.log PHONE PHoNE: 7 tO - 95? 'btoS t e PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: @.,/ect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Greenhouse {SF)_ ! Porch (5F)t7c8 ! Stora8e Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes Zf No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re tr Yes E/No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes Ezf{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes @4(o Property Use/ Occup anay {single Family fl Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: Colst>t.cr Ne-l i,/-,Al lJnr^ laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified of any changes in the approved plans and sperifications orchanSe in contractor information. *"NOTE: Any work perfo d withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC Code and subject to fines upto S50O 00+.' Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? IVes o Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Are., ?4* Sqft Existing Land Disturbing permit: a Ves y'lo WATER: ! CFPUA n Community System D Private Well D Central Well EZqua SEWER: D CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic ! Central Septic ftZqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(LH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood:(A)_(V)_(N)_BFE+2ft=_ TotalAcres Disturbed: Comment:Permit Fee: S Clear Fo.m C lz El Att Garase (5F) /?rO ! Sunroom (SF)_ D Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ a Deck l*) lf7 ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? fl Yes ! No ToTAL sq FT UNDER RooF lfor proposed wort) xeateat 0 45{ unneatea, 3?l{ ToTAt PRoJECI cOS r ltess tot): S 2.1 /4,tti oat o a c N'] Y ?s t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE aPPLICATION TYPE: COIIIIIERCIAL PTEASE ANSHER ALL QIJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" R,. I Aolr Srre ITRFI CITY: - LICE SE *:\5?$ $L C ITY: AFFffca-rroN Number (offlce Use) DATE:5-zg't8 -p}or{E #: .lto -Z3l - 0U37 ztP I AgLt ll PHONE f: sr: (IC zIP:33IlL . sr:0/L zrP:4u5 PTONE *: PTIONE #: APPLICANT, S t,IAitE : DEVELOPER: ,l PRO] ECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA'4E : PROPERTY OWNER'S NA}IE: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EfiAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the No NE}J CO STRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTU tr RE:lork UPf.f eC rrl lo lo- (che.k All Ihat Apply)oq) T-] RE OVATION T-.I bJrrent sitez [ *J GEI'IERAL REPAIRS l- lro ts BLDG s trPRIN RE LOCATION KLEREDf _ Yesf E FASI TRACK E SHELL ffi urrrr n ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE J ERECT NEW STRUCTURE N" -i /n< If UPFIT - Th€ Shell Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Euilding 1- t"t ffto ***** IS THIS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPAiICY USE?T IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ Uhat Tvoe?ARTS DESIGN PROFESSIOT'IAL :NC REG #: lC ntG *:-Et{6R DESIG'{ PROFESSIO'{AL :- ls food or beverages prepared or serued in this structure? l- Yes No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? l-Yes No Code and all other applicable lhe Nole: Demolition nolmcalions & asbeslos removal permil applicrtons are to b€ submitted using the applhiton form (DHH ) whelher lhe lacjliiy or bullding conl,aln Asbestos or not. You 6re required to callth€ Natjonal E missjon Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NE demolilion ofany tacility or buiHing. See Asbestos Web She: hltp / ^,$r.epi.slale.nc.us/epi/asbesros/ahmp.hlml (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT : oi BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS ?- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: 4OOO # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS ,r, d * ***** is the New occupancy arr!rur1 lLr Il iJ:rr and SQ FT PH PH I d.'PROPERTY USE rrce ! nesraunrrur ff urencnr.rrrr-e l-1 eouc CONDO OTHEI ACRES OTSTURBE O, 150u Pcr ga17 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA ZONE: OFFICER Exsr LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMrr? -r yEs f No SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA APT WATER: IiA6FPUAu-) SEwER: LSTCFPUA CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM EI WELL DZONTNGUSECLASS cENTRALSEpTc Ll pnrvrre seprrc E colauururw sysreur IFICATION ...SEPARATE PERMIIS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD J- cesn J- cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f - AMERTcAN EXeRESS f-_ rucrurse J-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ AVN BFE+2ft. Comment PERMIT FEE DESCRIPTIoN oF tJoRK: ----N-O UJoC\( VP(,1 c ? I.J I Y ? u, a c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE APP LICAT lolr TYPE: COilltlERC IAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YOJR PRO]ECT -ProJect Responsiblllty" ^b;l CITY:iY\ LICENSE #:\58L5 \lr- CITY: rC '.4 (ch€.k All That Apply)o.il RIIT4 it A-PPLrcATroi ilumber (office Use) APPLICA T,S A',IE: DEVELOPER: TvDe?ARTH - DATE :-Z _ PI|oNE #: qto -2_3,-ot)3 zIPt Ag3)l sr:@7tE@ sr:ffL zrP:4u5 PHO E #: PIONE *: 7 PRO] ECT OCCUPAI{T/BUsI ESs tIAfiE : PROPERTY OT{{ER, S I{A',IE : OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL PRO]ECT CONT E RECT l.l STRUCTURE FAsr rRAcK n tJ NE o If UPFIT - The She1l Permit #: IF Yes, i{hat vJas the Previous Occupancy Type? ]J ,o- RELOCATION KLERED'{-_ YesJ-_ sHEtt flJ upFrr E aDD ro Exrsr srRucruRE _ Hhat is the NeU occupancy PH..NC REG #: NC ntG *:-PH] No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? l- Yes No Code and all other applicable State and Bldg Code and EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E lf Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATION Gas Line on the l-'l REnbvATroN r- GFiTFRAT REPAIRS EbJnenr site? ;-. *d;-- r',ro rs BLDG sp-FuN NoNEl'l CONSTRUCTIo : L_l ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect PoHer on this Building l-. Yes NO :*:.*:** IS THIS A C|{A GE OF OCCUpAt{Cy USE?r yES dn.*'**z.;l,rilH 1 I 1?: 3?i:.tt DISCLAIMER. I hereby cenily thal allinformalion in this and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NH or chanoe in contactor or contractor iirformation, "'NOsubiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' blGNATURE contain Asbeslos or not, You are required to callthe National Emission Sl,andardsfor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NES demolilion ofany facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: http://www.ep .stale.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hlrnt DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ls food or beverages prcpared or served in this structure?f Yes ACRES DISTURBED: IIOO PC( U^IY NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA ) OWNER/CONTRACTO (a!alier) Note:Demolition notifrcations & asbeslos removal permit applications are to be submitied using the application form (DH )whelher lhe facilily or building (919)707-5950 6t least 10 days priorto rhe TOTAL PROJECT COST: O 2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF; 1OOO #OFSTRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES T NO APT SQ FT PROPERW USE ZONE: OFFICER: d:"'FrcE E RESTAURANT E MERCANILED EDUCI-1 CONDO OTHET FICATION PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f CHECK (PAYABLE To NHc) f-AMER|CAN EXPRESS [-_ rvrcn/sa [-_ otscovER WATER SEWER gpr3ue E coMMUNrry sysrEM D WELL _E zoNtNG usE cLASSt V"rruo Ecerurnal seprrc E Inrvnre sEprc E;oMMUNrry sysrEM" aaol*ra oaor,,a REeu RED FoR ELECT, T,TECH 'LBG GAS Eourp pFEr Atss & TNSEtsTS "' (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOT,-__ u ____T BFE+2ft, n l<r ItlilrtE!:,i Ll- Comment PERMIT FEE: +T Aott _<t n 0lffi Pll() E *: DEscRrprIoN oF r.,oRK: ----N-S tJoC\< \,,P(t.l BUILDING HEIGHT: ._ # OF UNITS; SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: l.otg --ttvz Lg+W-NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDTNG PERITIIT APPLI.AT ION IYPf, : COftllilERCIAL PLEASI AI,IS!.ITR ALT QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YO{.]R PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICAI{Tj S NAltlE: nobert High DevetopmenE, Lr,c DEVELoPER: Robert High Development, LLC PRO]ECT ADDEESs: -6-G".ao" na Bld. .F'SITY: wiIm1;;r; OCCUPAiIT/BUSINESS iIAIE: Robert High DeveIopmenL, LLC PROPERTY Oflt{ER'S wAIttE: cordon Road, LLC O{NER' 5 ADORESS:223 Greenvitle Avenue CITY: wi 16i1gs.n CONTRACTOR: Roberr High Del,elopmert,, TICENSE *i toeqt ffi AFFff- Tfoil Nunber (Offic€ Us.) DATE: n< rr rq _ PHOt'lE *: 910-790 - 9490 zrPa2}tf'l. EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural NoNEt' Coils IRUCTIOiI:ERECT ilEt/ SIRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION T-'I RENOVATION Gas Line on theHurrent Site2 I- GEIERAL REPAIRS T-'I RE LOCATIO li ruo rs BLDG SJRiNKLEREDE Yesf _ PHO E #: 9to-7so-s4so ST: xs ZIP:26a63 ES FAsI TRACI(SHEL L UPFIT ADD TO EXISI SIRUCTURE LI,C ADDRESS: 223 creenvilfe Ave - CITY: pi 1*inggorl 5T: Nc ZIP:26a63 EIiAIL ADDRESS: ronioroberrhighdeylloplet!:c9!,/carotyn@loberEhighdevelopmenr _ PHO E f: 910 - 790 - 94 90 PROJECT COI{TACT PERSOII: a6ni ..rohpson & carotyn whiEe - PHO E *: 910-790-e490 (Chect All Th.t apply) If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect PoH€r on this Building f-'. Yes f N0 *.,r.* Is THrs a cHAllGE oF occupa cy usElr yEs lE. to .*.*" IF Yes, rrhat *as the Previous O.cupancy Type? _ Uhat is the Ner Occupancy lvoe?ARTH OESIG|{ PROFESSIOIIAL : go15t "n Harris Archi rect ure PH:910 - ?93 - 343 3 NC REG *:pq4296 EN6R DESI6A' PROFESS fOIAL;-Frahewor Ls EngineeT.i ng DESCRIPTION OF l,,OR(; nv-!to-I!.--iui I ai,.,q r PH :5 78 -310-9191 NC REc *:frf12-!fr- ls food or beverages prepared or served in th,s structure?f Yef No ls The Propeny Located ln The Floodplainf Ve{i NoDJSCLA,MER I hereby cenr,y lhal all rnlormalion m this application as cdred eod all work uill comply with the State Building Code ahd stt olh6r appticable Slaleand local laws and ordrnances and re€ulalions The NHC Developmenl Sgrvices Center will be nd €d ol anv chanoes in lhe aDDrov€d olans 6nd';oecifi..ti6n<or change in @nlrador or conlraclor infotmatim "'NOTE' Aoy Work Perlornled wO rhe Approprrare permris wrll 6e in Vlotariiti of rh€ l,,tc Sra(e 8fu0 Cod€;ndSubiect io Fr.l€s Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: nolerr u aien (olrdn'..) (Pin[€rc) Nole: Oemolilion noltc€tons E 6sbssl6 ernoval perm applcalbns are to be suuni@d uslng th€ appltcaton to.m 37 lh€ racihty or hrldng was lound to domolition ol any lacrlly or buildang 56€ Asb€stos \ryeb Sile: htrp:/,1tr,w.epi state nc.us/epr/asbeslosiahmp.irtmt TOTAL PROJECT COST: 304,250.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: 1?..1. #oFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 7, e 3o SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES. 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF] 7e3o # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS ACRES D'STURBED EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES Ji NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT CONDO OTHEIseI f srorage WATER SEWER SYSTEM E CFPUA CFPUA TI COMMUNITY SYSTEM TI WELL T-'I ZONING U! cerurnal seerc fl FRlvArE sEprrc TilrCoMMUNrry [\l-l(14 SE CLASSIFICATION PAYMENT METHOD CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS 'i N4C^/ISA T OISCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH RH B SEPARAI E PERMITS BFOU!PED FOP EI ECT MECIi PLEG GAS EOI 'IP. PP€FABS A IIJSERTg Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft NIY 1 L8tt(- PltFt Comment Ilc l\r/J.({Pu,* PERMIT FEE ,i SIGNATURE: PRopERry USE: [oFFtcE ! nrsreuneur ! MERCANILE l-1 EoucD Aprf] NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN IYPE: COMMERCIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUEsTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Rot yoqs APPLICATION Number Office Use APPLICANT'S NA E: DEVELOPER: ULa PERSON:Lb ookc th,i oorlels /cBr*\ PHONE #: PHONE DATE :I PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT,i EUSINESS NAME PROPERTY OWNER' 5 OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: D ADDRESS i EMAIL ADDRESS:n@ PRO]ECT CONTACT r @eej ,^\ o.(ro-bt1-13?P nsr,Pql;;ZBFal ,o?94 Booo (t" CITY:'t4 it LICENSE #: CITY:a CITY: .t , cot- ,l . zo 4^- E:(.P"Aa - €a LoA Ac a PHONE S: PHONE S: <)-A 1 fL.cD RE LOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[vu" f]uo 5T; ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE (/ EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes Druo NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI^] STRUCTUR E ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:Ans*ru at7u Is Etect Power on this Building I Yes NO t**r* rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupaNcy usrr Ivrs [rc ----, ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: NC REG $ NC REG # DESCRIPTION OF I^JORK ls rood or boverages pr€pared or served in this struciure? nYe" I No b The Property Located ln Tha Fboapain?[ves [ ruo DISCLAIMER:ihe erliiy thalall information in Buildrng Code and allolher applicable SlaleThendtions CSubjeciFines Up To s500.00-'dg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR (o@lifi€r) SIGNATURE Note: Demolition nolncatons &appl inod using th€ application form contain Asbeslos or nol. You are r6quk6d to callthe National Emlsslon Sland6rds for HazardousAlr Pollutarns (NESHAP)ar (919)707-5950 al Ean l0days prio. to the demolition ofany fadlity or blildin AsbGslos Web Siie: hllp:r\*vvw.epi.staie.nc.us/epi/asbelo6./ahmp.hlml reby c ordlna TOTAL PROJECT CO TOTAL AREA SO FT : /fr BUILDING HEtcHT:# OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: flvrs flruo (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL' SETBACKS: F:LH:_ RH:_ B:DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ft= N PERMIT FEE: $ ?JUL 19 1? r 5'i F ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PRoPERTy USE: EoFFrcE flnesreunerur luencanrLe [eouc !ner CONDO OTHER: WATER: SEWER: AqCFPUA CFPUA coMMUNTTY SYSTEM EWELL CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATE SEPTIC EZONING USE CLASSIFICATION ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM PAYMENT METHoD: lcnsn flcnecx leevmLE To NHc) [auenrclr{ EXPRESS I Llcnnse I orscoven ZONE Approval SQ FT Comment OFFICER: REVISED OA]E lJl1/12 r,:i'a\ nc,28\dl If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit #; IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ l^lhat is the Net, occupancy Type? PH: PH: I .. | -l SQ FT PER FLR: - # OF STRUCTURES:TOTAL SQ F I UNDER ROOF: _# OF FLOORS:_ ,r:ii/ i./ RE(,{: lVi ir iirli 2 'r 7;1; M8 8/81- ^FFi.LITI6N|lumber (offi(e us!) Ctear Forn) prlnt cMoll NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATION IYPFI cOMI'lERc IA L Pt[15: lxsitER At.L QUESTIOIS AppLICASIE rO yoli pno]!CT "proJect Responslblllty,, :lr APPLICANT' S NATE I .{:-, PHONI II DATE:| ?tct'y't r,OEVELOPER: PRO] ECT AOD OCCUPANT/BU ll, SINESS \^ ( PHoUE ili 5T: - l).t () zrP ' )-qlo 3 z7P : ^!or f:^.r, i1, PROPgNTY OI,JNER' 5 NAI!E I OI,]NER'5 AODRESS:CIIY i a0N-TRACT0R r ADDRESS I EFIAIL ADDRESS i PBO] ECT COAITAC t o< T PE s L ICENS E I': CITY:3\\\1 6 (n NEr,i corsTnucTloNr I ERECT NEl,r sTRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: FAST TNAC( T r^x'. zrP: Icd?D PHONE I}I ct k1 tlqt-("7 :<( PHoNE ti | 1o ltl Jiqc) NILOCATION KLEREDI-_ Yosf, SIIELL UPFIT n AoD I0 ExrsT STRUCTUnE 5 I EXIST C0NSTRUCTIoN: l-lll Peloc.rtr:)lr. rs th.rr.'a N.rlil7;t ((he(t Alt rhar ^pely)ALTEnATToN ffi nurovnrrolr l---l 6ENERAL REpAtRs cos t. nc o,r r,,aa!-..ent srlc, T ttig ruo ts BLDG s If UPFIT - The She1l permlt tt Is Elect Power on this Bultdlng Prl r Yes r,_Or'!...I I5 THIs A CHANGf OF O'CI;PAI;CY USEIr YES rtzIt yes, rrhat uir tne prevloJs occuprn(y lypel _ niri lr atr'Nel./ Occupancy IXtfi 'rurro, pRor EssroN^L : ET,'GR OEsI6N PROTESSIONAL I |H. frc RE6 , AJC REG IJ 0t.:,CRIPIICN .Jt trORKl ro tAl so FT ut:t)[R ROr)fj AC]RES DISTUR tIE') T]E,^./ II.tPERViOUS ARE/r PIIOPERIY USE ac,pe<:.LLl;,,.L- ls lood or bcve r.J0es prep.rcd or scNod i,l lltis skuctLrro? Jl; ycsffi. No ls The Property l.ccatcd ln fhe FloodplatnZ [- Ves fr:vo 11!C:11,,181 r hercr:7 1.di, :h r a ntormrrrcn jn rhis.tuiicarirr is.o,r€.r ljiid a wad e/il coDpty wtth tt,6 sh16 8u,r a. ocal :Jr i a, d )rd nrnccs aIJ rcaLlallo^5. !l.o !tc oevctopnrcht scrvrccs c6ltor z:rl be norrr'c., oj anv ct.Jnocau.(rdrco i.ror,(,,(r.r,rr. ,..NOrE: Any 0/ork pe,tor,,,cr: lv,Oir,o aprirop-,lJr! ed,ii,ls;iiid;;"Srir,Jnclio ir.s Ur' 1o 5500.00"' N OF S'TRLJCTLJ fl l:.i SIGNATURE , OF UNITS lCin,J Codd .rni, nilotlici u o NCSr.k) tsili;ta O\//NER/CONTRACTOR iC!J'r.rl Noroi Oe,nol.r:on mrincatiihs E an,oslos,6r ionloh A3b.stos o,not. Youarc rcquked to rLn.ll:on ri nay lr:,lnl or britdi"q S.. Ase noeir p8rnrlr al'plicarlons aro lo b6;ulr.ill6tl usil0 riro .p,rr],r) rbn lonn (oI ilts,3768) rvhdther th{ ti,ciliror t.!ld{10 vris tu.,,d rocrllrl,. Nalro lEnrission Standar<ls ,o, tlazo rdous Ajr polutants {NES p) at (0lC)707-5950 o .asli0 ctrys prior to thcosl:s y,'eb Slro' hrlprr,r^1?cpi slrtc n.!s/eri/oslestos,ahnrhtn.l ] OTAL PBOJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SO FT I / aOO EUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FiR ;/ oF sroRlESr i/ of: FLooRs: NfAtn 146a, a/A oilA E4btrce I lnesrrrunarur f-l EXsr LANo DlsruRBrNc pErti!4lr? .l-,yrs J- r,ro SO FT EXISTI|.IG I|/PERVIOUS AREA: Se Fr lvlERCANTll-E EDU API coNDo otllEf S IFJC AI'IO NY,/ATEtl: ! St:\^/Ef1: ! CFPUA CFPI]A COi/I,\IU\ITY SYST CENTRAL SEP TIC WELL n zoNrNG USE CLAS vATE sEpTrc I cour,lunrr v svsrerur E f.l Pilt p6ir^]: p;,}, Is REOUtS{:U FOB [l iic r, t1ECf1. pLBc, C,\S EOUt,), tIlEf,\8S f, ti\iSERIS ,,, I)AY!lEll I iUETftOl)i zorue: fu oFF t P1.,,o',af *-{ -C ;- casu f-CliEcK (pAyABLE To NHc) f'. At'/ERlcAN ExpREss f'' uc,vtsn f-_ ot;cor.rr,tr ITJCI] OFFICE USE ONI \'l t0L R o(G SEl EACI(S: F rry:-ll fi DA E FLOOD of ^1. L Ia acoln x BFE +2ft d N - PERtvllT F EE: i It Conlnlenl l"0r' I i: ' ln:ry:clion }leorrrreo, 9t0.?5d.000 r F^l- \,f ,t,*r-..+" . . ) D 7-o$ Stul APPLICANT'S NAIIE: xen coffer DEVELOPER: Secof Constructlon Compary, PROIECT ADDRESs: 4225 Dutch cove ct SUBDMSION: Parsons llill Farn LWLS APPLTCATION tlumber (off!<e Uee) DAfEi't/12/20\a PHoNE S:910-es8-s605 CITY: caagtle ltayne ZIPI 28429 BIoCX *: LoT fl: 17 PHONE S: 910-833-4 065 CITY: Carol.lna Beach ST: NC ZIP: 284?8 PHoNE Br 910-458-sEos PHONE #: 910-833-4065 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIIOI,I TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AIISI.IER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICABLI TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect ResponsibiLitY' lnc PROPERTY OI,,NER,S NAI'IE: P HilI, tLC OiINER'S ADDRESS: 1202 N Lak6 ?a!k Blvd CONTRACTOR: secof construotion cotnpany, rnc ADDRESS: l2o2 N r,ake Park BIvd EIIAIL ADDRESS: .kenjresecofconEtruotion.com PROIECT CONTACf PERSON: xen coffer LTCENSE #: 4 8248 CIIY: carollna Beach ACCOUNT fI sT: NC zIP: 28428 EXrSrrNG CON5TRUCTTONT I ArrrnArror fl nrrovlrrou !crr al nenarrs ! RELocArroN NEt,t coNsrRucrrou, El :necr NEN RESTDENcE o" I aoorrrolt ro ExrsrrNc RESTDENcE **PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSTJER 8Elotl ALL THAT APPIY TO YOIrR PRoIECTI I err enme r I sulnoor,t ! cnrrnrousr ZONE i Approval: Corrnent: f! oer ennaor I eoor- I orrx sr fleoncu 2Bo sF I sronacr snro OTHER: ss? SF SF SF SF SF SFSF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2883 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: 3580 TOTAL PROJECT COST tLesu r-oq : $ $rso.Ooo # OF 5T0RIE5: 2.s TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 3580 Is Any EIECfRICAL, PLUtlBIil6 or HECHAI'IICAL Work Eelng Done to the Accessory Structur€i I Yes n No If the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current 51tet lves I No Is thene Electrlcal Power on thls BulLdingi nYeg I No pRopERry usE / occupANcy: flsrruele rmrrv I oueLrx I towHHousr DESCRIPTION OF WoR|(: Slngl€ Fattdly Hotne or 61ab. DlSCI-AIHER I heroby canithat sllhbrmalion h fiic €pplacalon b conecl and all work Mllclmply wifi $s Sbte Building Cod€ ard allohor applicable Stale and snd odinances ond Ggulstjonr. Ths NHC Dowloptnenl So,vlcos Cenbr wil be noufad olanych6ng6s in hB 6pptovod pbnr and spscillaatoni orchangs ln conr€cbr hbmolon. TiNOTE:AnyWo ( Psrlbrm€d w/O haAppDPrl.l P.mlb l,,ltbe In Vobion ol ths Nc 5r,6b Erdg Cod€ .nd ts rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN l rrmopr.firl l-T yes I HO 5Q FI SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEO; EXIST LANO DISTURBING PERI.IIT:l--l ves l-J r'ro 0,iNER/CONTRACfOR: Ker coffer r ,r.,i + r:i r. *,r* * *:i +,r ** *** r* ** " * J!!',*! Jiltl"* SIGNATURE : )t,***,1*********:l ****:**:* :l* B EXISTING II1PERVIOUS AREA: NEt^l IIiIPERVIOUS AREAI unrrn: I creur I co{r,tuNrry svsren I pRrvATE wELL I cerrRnl wer-l s*trn: [} crrul I cENTRAL sEprrc I eRrvlrt stlrrc I comhuNrry sysrEt4 **T SEPABAIE PEnltITS FEq'IREO FOR ELECII HECH' PI-BG, GAS EQIJIP' PBEFABS & INSERTS *** pAyrcxr fiErHoD: E.su Ecsecr (pAvABLE ro rttc1 [aru mcottr f] rcnrsr I orscovrn r.,tit tl * +$* i r:*i.:irr **t,i****t l+tt**t ji*:}t:l:irt t +*+ *** t*++ +*,it ltt t**,I* *t:1. *+*+ t*****l**+****r.*{. (foi orErcE usE o{LY) REvlsEo DATE 04/11/12 ,t* *,1:1,* **** +* BFE+2ft= N PERJiUT FEE: $ OF FICE R: Lrry:DATE: SETBACKS: F: . FLOOD: LH:RH: l5q0 g) a ,/\l J '9 tc'""'F"-r I .J (L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE. RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TOYOUR PROJECT "Prciect Responsibiliv' A ion &l lo,zolo CITY: CASIL' HA,{c. API 2814zZ7 LOT S PHoNE#: llo - 5q-7'5r"lo CITY: Cl$fk H A.v^e aP zglzq BLDG LICENSE C:lt qzs Cfv: Hooos{cnP at 2e9Y.iqrb-2ctl - gaqq 3sI APPLICANT,S NAME:Date PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:€ OWNER'S ADDRESS:l coNTRAcToR: JM. ADDRESS: (, 4 ST: EMAILADDRESS: 0 NC 6r.rcr CCI.J Stauc:tt6 ^, AOSA (Orrt PHO'{E: PRoJEcr coNrAcr PERsoN: s{nr s cqc6of- pHoNE q b-2ct1-6011 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs,/' NEW CONSTRUCTION: f Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*'* /att earage (Sr) {23 f Det Garase (SF) - /eorcn (Sr}16l tr Storage Shed (5F)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)n Other (SF) laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development seNices Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information. "*NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits witt be in violation of the NC State code and subject to fines up to S500.00..+ Owner/Contractor:JAru.< s^.66f-Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome lsthe property located in a floodplain? n Ves Efltto Existing lmperviousarea: O Sq ft New lmpervious Arear 2 3 I t\ Sq Ft WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System SEWER: tr CFPUA tr Community System Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Total Acres Disturbed: , Z Acr. s _ Existing Lend Disturbing Permit: E yes E No El' Private Well E Central Well E Aqua #rivate Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Co^ment, permit Fee: S loSz * Print E Sunroom (SF)_! Pool (SF)_ tr Deck (SF)_ Number {off.e use) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTALSq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: lJ?\ Unlreated: 594 ToTAL PRoJECI COsr (Less tot): S I 51 mc) lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lftheproiectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E lto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E ves E lrto Property Use/ occu paac1trt dsingle ramily D Duplex E Townhouse Description otwork: 8.. rtd Afg,, uOaa lr-- ?ctq'8(+8-2229 Application (office use) 7q\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLICAT I O N TYP E : RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER A[ QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECI 'Project Responsibilit/ APPLICANTS NAME: Redland Development lnc Datet 711312018 PROJECT ADDRESS:1000 [ridnioht Channel Road CITY: Wilminqton ZIP 28403 suBDtvtstoN:mnH LOT #: 133 PHONE #: 910-443-2700 OwNER'S ADDRESS: 66224 !3Q!don EOarL CITY: Wilminoton ztL 28411 CONTRACTOR: Redland Development lnc.ETDG LICENSE T 30zno ADDRESS: 6622A Gordon Road CITY: Wilminqton EMATL ADDRESS: Redtandl @icloud .com PHONE:910443-2700 PROTECT CONTACI PERSON: Martin Sorensen PHONE:910143-2700 S(IST|NG CONSrRUCTION: I Alteration I Renovation n General Repairs t{EW COiISTRUCTION: I Erea New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence f] Relocation *'*PIEASE O{EO( AI{D ATTSWER BELOW AI,I THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRoJECT* .. E Att Garage (sF) 845 D Sunroom (SF)-- I Greenhouse (SF] 5T: !l ZIP: 28411 E Det Gara8e (SF)_ fl Pool (SF) C Deck (sF)fl Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed workl Heated: 3961 lJnheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5534.735 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work beint done to the Accessory Structure D y6 fJ No lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes f] No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes tr No\,Property Use/ Occupancy: 6 Single Family E Duplex f, Townhouse Dgcription of Work; OISCTAIMER:I herebyceftfy that allthe inrormstion in this application ls conect and allwo.t wlllcompty with rhe State Eu dtnS end all othe r :pplicable State and localnances and re8ulation!. The NHC Developmenr Services Center wittbe noufled ofany chan8es in the pproved speciflcations or change in contractor "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permita will be ih violaflon of the NC State Owner/Contrdctor; Martin Sorensen Signature: "Licensed Quolifief print Nome ls the property located in a floodptain? fl yes B No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed . , 7 0 I New Impervious Area: 4781 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: K yes Ll No Warfn, IVcrpUa E Community System n private well E Central We E Aqua SEWER: E[ CFPUA D Community System ! private Septic E Centratseptic f] Aqua zonei =-- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _. BFE+2ft= -.- uP to S5o0.o0'a' Comment:Permlt Fee: S 22Q']'uo PROPERTY OWNEtrS NAME: Redland Develooment lnc. fi Porch (sr) 263 E Storage Shed (sF) _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA oN lYPfi RESIDENTIAL ILEAST Al,15W|lt AIL (1U[SIlONS APPIIaAI]tE Ia, YOI-llit PilOll Cr "Pro.iect nespontlbllity'' APPUcANT'S NAME: -8-!:dli!0"Lo_qylt!Ap,l!A!L!0.e,* PROJ€cT AODRESS:10qq!1id-q'Sl! t!!!!]!!lt.-o.?1_____-_._ __- __ clrY: *,lmjnq SU BDlvlslON: lutlJ|lt.ritE!__- 1pt(-ttsg $=Tz{9 io,llr?!rE) Drte:7/13/20'18 EMA,L AD0RfS!: Bertl.lrdl (oilla (.' I r.o4l PROPIRTY OwNER'S NAMr: BgOI]ifO 9q-"!-e-lqptx-e,!l lrrc. owNER'S ADDBESS: 9QZZAjla(ta!-BeeL- coNIRACToR: lledla C Dlrvoil9p-fl9,'1.h!,-....... -- A 0 D R ES S r e,tz ?:tlf,oi-(19!-Bo ai..l PROJtcT coNTACI PERSONI ill !!rl!ls!t X Att Gari8e (5r) g[i-.- t".l Sunroorn (S F) --,. ..- ---.,-- t Grcenhouse {SF}_- ztP. 21)45:j LOT l/i 133 PHON€ r: 910'443-2700 CIIY] -Wil![|[qhn- -_-*- zlP.M-'J ELDG ttCE NSE ,r-l-olllil . . CIIY: _WiElinqlon _ '.* SI: lll AP 28n11 PIIONE:910.443.27AC _ PfloNEr !lq-443ia. EXISTING CONSIf,UCTION: ['r Altcrntion D Renovotion i | GencralRepaart N€w CONSTRUCTIONi X Irect Nelv ne5idence ,] nddilion to IristinB Relidence il nelocalion ..IPIEAS' CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALL T'IAI APPTY ]O YOUR PROJECT"' E( Por(h (sF).2tj3fl Dct Garage (5t),-_ -- Ll Pool {St) .--...__, .___n stora,tri Shed (5 F) I Dcck 15f) ls lhr propospd lvcrk .hanSinB the cxrsting footprint? l.l YeJ -l No ToTAL sO fT UNDIR Roo! llot proposed wo*] tlealad: 3!Q_1--- . - trnhented TOIAI PROJECI COST {LES, LOt)I S531,/35 rs rhe proposed wo.k changing th{: numbcr ot bcdrooms? .l Yes Lj No lsanyElcctri(.,.PlumbingorMechanicalvJorkbcingdcnetotheAccessory5lruclure i-1 yes U No It lhe project is a Relocatlon, ;J there a Nrtural Grs Line on lhe current site? fl Yes l'-j t! there tlL,clri(al Power on lhis BuildinS? L-l yas i-l No tl Other {SFl N9/. Propc.ty U5c/ O.cup.nqr X Slntla ramtly l l lrlrplcx Tl Townhouse l .:' , ,,\., , ii Oescriplion ol Work: Crcct e*3n9lr,milt-rcanlooc.,'{annl1$aer't"]-3(6r36tt}:),j '-''--..' '- --' -i':-r-_ J':_ "L_ lr::..'':.'..'' ,' i 1i' rl,.' ' .1. r'' - OISCIAIM€A: I harpbyre(ily lnnr illltre hlor'naUcn 1r oiit a9lilicalbn is.orrect llrd.llvdrl wlll (o,rplv wnh t\e r.*ri^rlo.d,rdri..r.nJ,etlllnonr Ir NhC l).vfbpnre.r s€rv,rct (e.1.. wnlO( nol trrtorrirrion. "'Nolf: ,\.ysork pe,fo.meo wirhoin ln. ropropri.l. pe.n{le willhc h Ovrner/Contractor: l'/ralio_rsqllU! --_ '1i.?ns.d Qtotiliet'' lnii*n.i'-"- '-- -- r9 Llrc p,op(rly l0(:rted in a Jloodpl.in? :-l Yes V No fxistlng lorpervious Arca; Sq Ft Ndw lrnperviou5 Areai jfll . ., ___-_ Sq ft Erisling Land Dislurt ing Permitr X SlBnature: !r lo S5t{,.1I"' Fot.il Acres Disturbed ,)."0 ,j 1N v crcul :1 co,nmunity systsft :l ,,rivate wcil f; ccntral\,,ell *l nqu., lic ll Aqur ulo (Bl {N), Y_, Br€+2ft= 1-/n*Sl t"< l':crnrrt Fe€, $ d l.i!, ln,.'r,v.linrr 1)56' 1rrn,'r I 5tlvER: ).',. CTPUA;j CornnlUnrrySlslrm .' PrrvrreScpt,r I (rntrat5gp ,onn'[.tX/P]ffi,,.,, DFo setbactrs(r) !{.(Llt 3'-toxl r' npp,outt' t Q/-- Lttv: -.)(.tA, o^re, .1-Lfll6euo,t' tal -. (v) . c om ^"'r F-'^ror i{ *l#r:"*9"W;,i,",t At+",lli1111) ,i ffi<F APPLICANT'S NAME PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: CONTRACIO ADDRESS: {.}1(NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AIL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ICT "Project Responsibility" <-I (, ^,.,^-. :il "<Date!\ ZIP: A ?p(8 - Ua3 '7 - l)-/3 2 n( *-<(^ L.-^L a I: L- r-C t CITY 'l) c LOT I'7='3 ",^ u, llo\^o*, o 1r <>-3r 3 -?)3ZP:2 oG PROPERTY OWNER'S NA OWNER'S ADDRE <./2 CITY LJ -<J t-lq-I )BTDG TICENSE ff 7f?9.r o 3 CITY C O ,-\ PHoNE sr, {l(ztp,)l <oCorlfEMAIL ADDRESS: Description ol Workr t4 € 0- 6 *.Ar ('D u. c-Q.--.-PHONE ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aot proposed work) Heated Yes E No ^5, o I lrnheared f .,^l(". rL-DISt TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less lot): S J ls the proposed work changing the number oI bedrooms? ! Yes ! No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinE? ! Yes E No ,/Property Use/ Oc.upancyi L}zSingle Family - Duplex I Townhouse (A Ile iJe*cC DISC|AIM€R: I hereby cedit that allthe information in lhis applacation is corecr laws and ordinances and reBUlation5. The NHC Development 5eryices Center will and allwork wrll comply with the State BuildinB Code and att other appticable stare and tocat b€ notified ofany<hanges in theapproved p performed without lhe appropriate permiG will be,n v o al on ol lhe NC State Elde C :..^ c-4{." -..t: <\ --, L'., information "'NOTE: A Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes ! No Existing lmperuious Area Sq Ft ",-:\ nalute:.- Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area:7o t7 Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: I Yes ! No./^WATER: tr CFIJA p/Community System D Private Well E CentralWe ! Aqua./ SEWER: UfCFPUA D CommunitySystem fl privateSeptic D Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Ofticer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RB) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+Zft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S '5 00 ( PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation D General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: d-t?At New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *1*PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT** * Ka".e"rsrt27O tn S71 E Sunroom{SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ E Storage Shed (SF ) _ - Greenhouse (SF) - tr Deck (SF) - E.dther (SF) <3 :<. 7/ t. ia letc'gtotlord(6NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIIOTI IYPE,. RESIDEITITIAL PLEASE AIIST'ER AIL qJESTIO'S APPLICAALE TO YU'R PROJECT "Project ResponsLbility" 8,, APPLICATION ltumber (OFfic€ Use) APPLICANT'S DEVELOPER: DATE: PK)[{E *:3t ZIP :?LOf *: 3Q PIoNE $:?/o::!uj:al? sr tntC zr.? | 2??ll s'r:lVCzp:2k?/) PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OI {ER'S M}IE: O,*iER'S ADDf,ESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CO TACT PERSO : CITY: CITY: LICEI,ISE *: CTTY: LI BLOCK *: EI|AIL ADDRESS:PtfiNE * : !19 -,2f1;11 Zlt wmt.. *Ql!1lll1[/!t EXISTIiG CONSTRUCTTOT{: I ArrenarroN f]RENovArroN f] erruenar neearns f] RELocArroN r{Ehr corrrsTRucTlor: ffientcr IEl{ RESIDEiEE or [ 4pr6111961 TO EXISTIT{G RESIDET{CE *TPLEAS€ CHE€K ATD AIISTER EELd{ ALL THAI APPLY TO Yq'R PROJECT: ffiarr ernnee VCI,S sr floer eruce sr $noncn xb3 SF ! surnoor,r _ sF PooL _ sF SF I sronaer sHED _ sF oTHER: SFf] cnerxHousr _ sF I oecx TOTAL HEATED SQ n, lStl€TOTAL sQ Fr UNDER noocrlr2S9,Sroral AREA sQ t:1,/21.5 TOTAL PROIECT COST(.ssrar . $ u4-900. * oF sToRrEs3 I Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLlSBI G or f'tEcUufCA lr.i-k Seing Donc to the Accessory Structur.e? [ Ves fr ffoIf the project j.s a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas .Line on the curnent Site? [ Ves I UoIs there Electrical Polrer on this Building? flves fino PROPERTY tlSE / OCCUPATEY: ffi SINGLE FAI,IILY f] ruer-ex I rouHnouse I ErJUL l8 t:35Ptt DESCRIPTIOI{ OF T{ORK: D|SCIAIGR t heeby cenity hat ol ht mstbn h tlis eptaslon Ls cofiEct and d wo{t wil conptywitl tle State auildhg Code eE d ofier appfEabte gaE and locd t6yvsand ord.Ences d|d rogutetons. nre nHC Devebp.ne.l Servaes C6nEr wil be mtfed ot anyd nges h the epaorcd ptsts aE speo.ficatbns or change h contrabr orconlabr hbrmaion. .-NoTE: r,ny OlrlHER/COiITRACTOR: ZoNE: _ OFFICER: WorX Peffonned w/O Ale App.oprtee PemiB w-il b€ in \rroleiirn 01 lhe NC Slab Code a.ld $Dilcr Lb To S500-0(r"( SIGa{ATURE 3 (P.int*.i:t,l ,t:f:. ii+,** *:i++:l***,t* * *t *,a )t*i.,t** +.t,t:i:i:3 *:tla * * ,t*,t I t,t:| rt * t:t * t,* *:*:i*,* t:t * **,i*rs rHE pRopERw LOCATED rN A FLooOpLArNt fl Vrs . [t ro EXISTIT.IG IIi,IP ERVIOUS AREA:o SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: I'IEW II|PERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT Exlsr LAI\D DrsrURBr{G pER rr: f] yes l-'1 rrc naren, fficrrun ! corruurw svsrem ! pRrvar€ uELL sEr{ER: fi creua I cE TRAL sEprrc I nnrvrre seerrC tr CEIITRAL h'ELL CO M'iITY SYSTEI4 *** SEPARATE PERltrrs REQIJTRED FoR ELEcr, ltEcH, pLsG, ca5 EQtJrp, ,REFABS & rt{sERTs .**pa' Err ltEr*oo: Iosn ficrecr (payaBLE ro;t tr;;;; ;;, '-d;*ro"'"Errr.or.. *+'**:i**t't:t:t:t:'t* *''t:l r't*:r:r*r* *a++ *t,t ***:a,r+!trt * 'i'ia *+i **** rtr* r**t'|*:**,ta:r +:| r,t,* * +,t,r * * + a++ *:t,l,t ** Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLmD: _- Coorcrt: a (FOR OFfTCE USE Oll,Y) SETEACKS: F: LH : RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= i€wsED DArE O4l11/12 N PERIIIT FEE:d) /^ NEW HANOVERCOUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTcr'.fi O N rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTTASI ANSWER AU QUESTIOI{S APPLICABTE TO YotJR PRO'l[cI 'Prolcct RlrPonslblny A,AL s9 50 NVI-- 2 0)7 &or r Appllstlon lofic! rr3a) Y Datei APPUCAI{T,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:t1 suBDlvlsloN: PROPERTY OWt{EtrS OWNER'S ADORTSS; tIAME:v<a COIVTRACTOR:rV ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: ts the proposed work cianglntthe €xiJtint footpdnt? d TOTAL SqF UNDER rcOF lfor proposed work) Heated: a-CITY CITY PHONE 'CITYr vX\ BLOG LlCtNsE ZIP,. PHONE: PHONE:q io .CaP a4t Q:G462 ST: ^6 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON B0SI|NG CONSrRUCflO :D Alteration E Renovalion El GeneralR€pai6 Ntw coNSIRUcIloN: fl Erect New R€sidence El Additlon to Exitting Relidence D Relocatlon E Sunroom (Sr) _.-tr Pool (SF) _._- E Greenhouse (sF) - sf o".rtsR E)CredO Deak tr other (SF) o E Att Garase {sF)-.- n *t u"ra," ("} -----6 on fcaarrj fo 0ct't D Storage Shed (SF)- Yes E No Unheat€d:L.-> I BJUI{ lg l8r 59fil{ Propefi use/ occuPaoc$ E'shgh Fsmtly D Du9lex O Townho$e AODr,v6 A 5 /5 D€scriptlon of Wotk:'x a'2O 'xt5 +b Deck A D0tf toN -5 Q-nz Qout)A p0 Olsclalt Ei: I hetebY..n{Y tl€t ali th! irdornEtbo an thlt appllc.tlo 15 con'ct . nd .ll u.orl will conpty vth th e Strte Bolldhg Cr)d€ l3ws and ord-rnanc6 and r€8ui.tions.Ihe NttC Devdopm. servL.r centcr will b. nodned ol .nv chdBes in the apptov€d plans and I nto(matlon. "'NSIE: Any wo.t parform€d wlthout the b€ ln vbbuon ol lhe Ncstat BldScode elL ,,12*n on ner/contractol:/nl (e o{,r.r'SB SrtSS ature: "Llcensed Quohf.t' TotalAcret Disturbed: Exlstlng Land Disturblnt Permh: E Yes D No wAfER: y' CFPUA El Community Svstem fl Private well El Centralwell D Aqua SnvER: 7 CFPUA D Community System C Private Septic El Centralseptic D Aqua ?6r,l offfceri setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) _- (B! -Approvali - CitY: - oate: - tlood: (A) -- (V) - (N) - 8f E{zfts - Permlt Feer S and all other.pCiEble SrlE.nd lo(.l sPaclotauons or ci6ng. ln ontrador to flh.t up to t5m.O"' lsthe property located ln a tloodplain? El Yes D No Eristint lmPervlous Arcar -- Sq Ft New lmpervious Alea: -- Sq R r?5- Comment: LOT E: rorAr. PROJTCT COST (Less l-o0: s I \ , 540 ' 6 ls th€ propased workchangirythe number of bedrooms? C Yes E}/ o ,, anrlt"Li.a,, nrabim or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory structure tr Ye5 Ef No tl the proJect ls a Relocatlott, ls there a Natural Gas Ljne on the current she? El Y€s E/ No ls there Electrlcat Pswer on thls Bulldin8? fl Yer EfNo #NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI ON TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Respon5lbility, Zotg-8tg ot}=z*O Applic.tion Number (otlice u5e) APPLICANT's tlAME: PORCH CONVERSION Date 7112118 PRojEsI ADDRESS; 3021 WEATHERBY COURT crTY:WLMINGTON zlP 28405 SUBDrVrStor.J: \MNCHESTER SEC 6 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: DELMAR & FLORA MYERS PHoNE f:910632-778 OWNER'S AODRESS:3021 WEATHERBY COURT clrY: WLMINGTON ZtP:28405 coNTRAcroR: PORCH CONVERSION BLDG I.ICENSE I:76247 ADDRESS: 6821 MARKET STREET ctw: WLMINGTON sT: NC zrP:28405 EMAIL ADDRESS: oorchconversion@qmail.com PHoNE: 910-777-3353 PROJECT coNTAcT PERSoN: BRIAN WALSH PHoNE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUGIIOT{: E Alteration [9/Renovation E General Repairs NEw cONSfRUCnO : E Erect New Residence El Addition to ExistinS Residence E Relocation r..PI,f,ASE CHECK AND ANsWER BEIOW A[I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR P8O.|CCI..' TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 14.200 ls the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natugl Gas Line on ls there Electrical Power on this Building? M Yes D No o ves /ro to the Accessory Structure /Yes g lto the current site? El Yes dNo / Propertv Use/ O€cupancV: d Slngle Family fl Dupl€x E Townhouse oescrlption of Work: OISCTAIMER; I heleby ce(ify lhel all th€ Intormation in lhit .pplication ir correct and allwort will cohpV with the State Euildins Code and all other applic.ble Stare and hcal lawl and ordinan(e5 and reSulationr Th€ NHC O.velopment S!Nice! Centar willba notitied of any(hantrs thc and rpecificrtions or (hange in contractor information- "'NOT€: Ahy wo.k p€rformed without the appropriat€ p€rmitJ willbr in viol.tion of the C te BldB to fines up to 95m 00"' Owner/Contractor: AGENT JEREMYMARTIN Sign.ture: 'Licensed QuolAer"Pfint Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? [ Yes Exlsting lmpervious Area: 3199 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0 d/n" New lmpervlous Area: Q_ Sq ft €xlstlry Land Disturblnt pefmlt: D ves E No WATER: O CFPUA tr Community System E private Well ! Central Well I Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA tr Community System a private Septic :] Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (tl _ (tHl _(RH) _ (Bl _ Approval; _ City:_ Oate: _ Ftood:(A)_lV)_lNl_BtE+2ft=_ 5Comment:Permit Fee:firy<'',o tOT ,:49 DArtGere8e(sF}-EDetGara8e(sF)EPorch(SF}- dsunroom (Srl 148 E Pool (SFl - E Stora8e Shed (SFl- E Greenhouse(5F)_ E oeck(sFl_ E OtherlsFl_ ls the proposed r,rork changing the exlsting footp nt?E ves B4no ToTAtsqFTuNDERaooFUolproposedwork)Heated:!![-Unheated:- "JdO ';"'i Oear Form Hnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDCilflAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESNONS APruCABTE TO YOTJR PROjECT "Proi.:ct R6ponibiliqaffi Applicatior Number (office ure) APPUCAT{f S IIAME:lnnram Flrrq lnc Oate: 7111118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 219 Naw Wales Parke CITY: lMlmindtnn ZIP: 28412 suBotvtstofl:ea ^r'lu Parko ^l thp Villanc /A' Mnnc I ^ndin.t PROPERTY OW EnfS AM€: Perl 8, Cvnihie lrvintcr PHo € #: (609) 73r'.-OzOA OW ER'S ADDRESS:,lo N w Pztue CITY: lMlmingr^n ll9: 28412 COI{TRACTOn: lngram Bros.. lnc. EIDG UCtt{SE $:€8180- ADDRESS: 1706 Crsrle Strcct CITY: Wilminoion ST: IIC ZIP EMAIIADORESS: FrnFctsiainnramhros nel PHOIIE: /ql o'l 7A2- PRO'ECI COI{TACT PERSON Bar^h Slahhenc PHONE: /910) 616-61 EXISr!I{G COttISIRU(TlOtl: E Alteradon I Renoyation f] Generdl Repairs I{EW CO]{SInUCn()x: D Erect New Resideoce E Addition to Eristing Residence D Relocation O AI{SWER EELOW Arl II{AT APPLY TO YOUR PiO.IECI*.. I Att Garage (SFl _E O€t Gara8e (SF) _I Porch (Sf] E Sunroom (SF)144 ! Pool (SF)D Storage Shed {SF) _ [ Greenhouse (SF)tr Oeck (SF)tr other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? fl Yes n No Unh€ated: 144 IOTAI- PROJECI COST (Less Lot):)o 49,4 ls the proposed work €hanging the number of bedrooms? D Yes E o ls any Elcctrical, Pllrmlr.ng or M€dEnica, work hing done to the Accessory Structure E yes E ttlo lf the proiect is. Rclo(atioo, is there a Natural 6as tine on the dlrrent site? E yer ts o lsthereElectrical PoweronthisBuilding? E Y6 tr tto prop€rty Use/ Oc€upancy: E Sinds Family I t]rpl.r E Townhouse !BJUL lS 2!46P[ ing Code plans Descriptlon of Worfti IXSCLAIUm: Ih€reby aert-rt that allthe inlormation an this application ts cor.ect and allwork wil.omply laws and ordinan.es and regu,ations. The NHC DevElopment Services Center willbe notified ofany changes allother app,icable State and ,oaal iricetions or change in contractor nes up to Ssm.m'.a'NOT[: Any worl p€rtorDed wltholt the approprlae p€rmlts will b€ tn vlolatlon of the C tofl Our*r/Cdrtractd: Bardr StFdrarLq Stn [lfe: 'L:rgnscd ot,,lifE.f pritt t{E,,,rE lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? D ves E llo Erisi.E lmFrvious Area: 2971 Sq R Total A.res Oishtrbed: 0 fls lmpelious Aiea: m71 5q Ft Eristirq tand Oisturbing permit: I yes C Xo WATER; fi CFPUA I Community System U prtvate Well I Central Well E Aqua SEVYEn: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic El Centralseptic I Aqua Zone; _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (nHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date; _ Flood: lA) _ (V) _ {N} _ BfE+2ft= Comrilnt Permit Fec:s 10$ -trtg',tg+b tOT r: lO7 TOTALSQFT U DERROOT Vor proposed work) Heated: _ # it L )08'?on t t8-2188 APPLICANT,S NAME: Caivin Potter Applic.tion Number (office use) Datr: O7lO2l2O18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A PP LI CATIO N TY PE. RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibilM 8118 Beddoes Drive CITY: Wilminqton ztP:28411PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:Blue Point PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: Calvin Potter PHONE s: 252-53&1 1 '11 OWNER'S ADDRESS:8118 Beddoes Drive CITY: Wilminqton ZIP:2841'l c BI.DG I.ICENSE #: ADDRESS:CITY t://Cztp z EMAITADDRESS; (ra v.n 2 e!/PH _6ru PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Calvin Potter PHONE 252-536,-1 1',l EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI** tr Att Garage (SF)_E Det carage (SF)_ fl Sunroom (SF)! Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_t I Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes D No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOI lfor proposed work) Heated;Unheated: 160 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 2.600.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes D No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure l I Yes fl No lfthe project is a Relocatl,on, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? ! Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Slngle Famlly ! Duplex n Townhouse Descrlption of Work: Slu^*/) laws and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Centerwill be notified of any changes in the approved plans and sp€cifications or chanSe an cont.actor anfonnation. "'NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permitswillbe an violation ofthe Ncstate Bldg Cod€ and subjecl up to 95m oo"' OsE/GortacE: Calvin Potter Signaturc; 'Li@nsed Quolifier" Print Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes D No ExlstinS lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: ilew lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturting Permit: n Yes D No WATER: I CFPUA I Community System D Private Well E Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: U CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic E Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Offfcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ ( ) _ BFE+2ft= _ sComment:Permit Fee: LOT #: 124 fl Porch (SF)_ d Storage shed (sF) 160 tr Other (SF)_ ..-va,, Le JUL r 0 lulu -J \A Appt-tcANT,s NAMEi ocean Biu6 Pools and spss of Nc IE NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATTO N TYPE'; RESIDENTIAL PL€AsT AN5IVIR AI.T OUTSIIONS APPUTJEL€ IOYOUR PROJ€CT "Prolect Reepon!iblllt/ffi {b'ZsttY Number {emce u!e) s21a.711812018 pRoJECT ADoRESS: '105 Chelssa Lane 611y, Wilmlnglon vp,28409 SUSO|VIStON: Lansdowno Est.[oT fl. 148 CONTRACTO x. Ocean Blue Pools and Spas of NC sLDG L'CENSE I:737 60 1ppg555, 30 Covil Avenue Clry. Wilnrington 5T: NC zlP lal | | pRolEcT coNTAST ppx561.1. Susan Rowland p11sp.rg. 910-799'3022 IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ;l Aiterstion f Renovation a.l General R€palrs N€W CONSTRUCIION: f Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Eesidencc 0 Relocation ...Pr.EASE CHEC|( ANp ANSWER BrrOW At L THAT APPTY TO YOUR pROJECr..i n Att 6a.age tSF) _ n Det Garage {5F)_ [] Po.ch {SF) 3 Pool{SF)608 ! Storage Shed (St)_ : 6.eenholse {5F)- U Oect 1Sf1 040 ls the proposed work cirangin8 the erislinS footprint? :l Ye5 El No . Sunroom (5F)_ a Othe. (SF) TOTAT SQ tT UNDER ROOI lfor propoted wo,,l) Heatedi Unheated: TOTAI PROTECT COST {Iess tot)557625.00 lstheproposedworkchangingth€numberof bedrooms? 0 Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcslworkbelogdonetotheAccessoryStructureEY€JENo lf rhe projacl is a Relocalion, is there a Natural Gar Llne on the current site? n Yes ll No :s there Electricai Power on this Building? El Yes D No Prope y Use/ Occupancy: 3 singla tamily n DuplcxE Townhoure Dercrip tion o, Work: anslali Fibsrglass lngrcund Pod 38X16 W./App.ox.840 sq. tt. 8.oom Finlshed Conc.role. PoolCodc Main Droins E PoolCodc Aiams. DIICLAIMER: I lereby rcrrily iiwr rnd o,Clnaraer arc re6u ,rlcrm.tio:r. 'i'NOT!: A.r w5,1 pe'lor cd w'lhou: tfe aDOrogrinlc Otrrnitt *ill be rn J\t\rr--r L)u nn\-( lh!t ari lha inlormatio. i. trie app itatloo ii (o(ecl a.d a:lworl w ll comply wlrh the Srar€ Buildlng Cod? and ettoth€r sppt:cabta slate ard toc:i :aticn, The Nric OtYeiopmenr Sarvice3 Ccnt(a willbe notilied O, any ahange! lD the eprro\,ld plans and rpaaltrcntionr or change,n conraacror violrl'oo o{ th. NC Stntr SldB CoCe.nd rubjact to t,ner up ro S90J.00..' \Owner/Contractor "LK?nttd Quoliliet" 5i8natu.e rs the property located in a fioodplain? E Yes Existing lmperylour Ar"". 1996 5q p1 N€w lmperviou! Area: p$_--_- sq rt X No WATER: E CFPUA:i Comnrunitv System D PrivaleWetl E Central Weil C Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA : Co.n.nun,iv System D Privalesegtic [] Centralsepric D Aqua TotalA(resDi5tu.bed: 0 tristln8 Land Dllturbing permit: E ves Ei No )0' X grr+zn= zon", p-'-11$ ori."., tJI'"r. setuacrs (r) AilA {ruy 10 lnxy ; o/ 1s1 approvarr 0F city: ILIYI onr"ilpblltrr.oa: {A}- (v)- (N) ,r\{ 11 I bc c cCommentlA(i eii' ln:ticlicrn Peclrel, 91 0.15 {.,lgCIl Permit tee: $ pnOpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Clarence & Marlene Murphy p66Xg p. 910-200-2055 61,y1y99,5 1999655. 1!5 Chelsea Lane C;1y. Wilmington Zlp. 28y'09 EMATL ADDRESS. oceanbluewilminglon@gmail.com p;.16Xg.910-799-3022