160278 Tarin Woods II Addendum FINAL 07.30.2018This report is printed on recycled paper with 30% post-consumer content. All paper is FSC Certified. The entire document, including binding, is 100% recyclable. ADDENDUM July 30, 2018 Tarin Woods II New Hanover County, NC Prepared for Rock Hill Road Investments, LLC Project #: 160278 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 1 ADDENDUM Introduction The client has given notice to DAVENPORT that they are pursuing re-zoning of the property with New Hanover County. The land plan and re-zoning request includes a build phase not previously evaluated in the submitted Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). The client, NCDOT, and WMPO wish to have analysis results for the proposed land use size, which is 339 single family homes and 192 apartments. Since the proposed land use size is between the Phase 2A and Phase 2B submitted in the TIA, this new/additional phase will be labeled as Phase 2B(1). It is assumed that the build year is 2019. Additionally, this phase is to be analyzed with the main access only via US 421 at Manassas Drive, and then accesses at Shiloh Drive, Appomattox Drive, and Tarin Road. The distribution used is similar to that of Phase 2A, with a small change in the Phase 2B(1) distribution to add traffic flow to Shiloh Drive (which is not utilized in Phase 2A). Trip Generation Trips for Phase 2B(1) were projected using TripGen2013 software, based on the 9th edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Table 1 presents the results. Table 1 - ITE Trip Generation Tarin Woods II Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Two-Way Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method - Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Phase 2B(1) Single Family Detached Housing 210 339 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Rate 3,227 64 190 214 125 Apartments 220 192 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Equation 1,287 20 78 80 43 Tarin Woods II Phase 2B(1) Total Trips 4,514 84 268 294 168 Trip Distribution Site trips for this Phase 2B(1) were distributed based on the previously approved Phase 2A distribution, with a small change to add traffic flow to Shiloh Drive. These are shown in Figure A, and the directional distributions for site trips are as follows: • 75% to and from the north on US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) • 20% to and from the south on US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) • 5% to and from the west on Sanders Road 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 2 2019 Phase 2B(1) Total Traffic The 2019 Phase 2B(1) total traffic volumes were obtained by summing 2019 future no build volumes (Figure B) and site trips due to the proposed development. Site trips are shown in Figure C. The 2019 Phase 2B(1) build volumes are shown for the AM and PM peaks in Figure D. *** NOT TO SCALE *** PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN WOODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. FIGUREAPHASE 2B(1)TRIP DISTRIBUTION DESTINATION NODE% RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT 100% OUT Kings  Highway Lieutenant Congleton Road Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d US   4 2 1 75% 20% 20 % I N 80 % I N 75 % O U T 20 % O U T 20 % O U T 75 % I N 75 % I N 75 % O U T 55% IN 5% IN 5% IN 5% O U T 5% O U T 55 % O U T 60% OUT 60% IN 5% IN 5% 5% O U T DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVER Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e 75 % I N 75 % O U T BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED Autumn Care  Nursing Home 75 % I N 75 % O U T 40% IN 40 % O U T Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN WOODS II N 0 / 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE B 2019 FUTURE NO BUILD VOLUMES Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED 168 / 235 13 9 / 1 0 7 21 4 7 / 1 5 5 7 53 / 1 3 1 13 6 6 / 1 9 0 8 11 / 3 3 18 / 3 1 17 8 8 / 1 1 1 8 46 / 1 3 1 RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e 1 / 1 0 / 0 0 / 2 537 / 4390 / 0 147 / 94 3 / 0 12 1 6 / 2 0 2 4 36 0 / 3 7 1 0 / 1 14 8 2 / 1 1 9 9 12 8 / 9 8 166 / 83 18 / 43 0 / 0 145 / 54 0 / 0 1 / 048 / 109 4 / 23 0 / 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 24 / 1 3 56 / 108 19 2 / 6 8 Ta r i n Ro a d 5 / 5 0 / 1 3 / 67 / 30 1 / 0 41 / 8 58 / 9 4 13 / 1 1 17 / 2 0 19 / 2 3 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVERKings  Highway72 / 102 15 3 / 1 6 8 14 9 3 / 1 8 7 1 38 / 7 8 17 0 6 / 2 4 7 1 22 6 9 / 1 4 9 8 90 / 1 2 8 6 / 38 8 / 5 20 0 3 / 1 5 7 0 1 / 9 10 / 1 0 16 / 1 0 15 8 0 / 2 3 1 7 Sh i l o h   Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN WOODS II N 0 / 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE C PHASE 2B(1) SITE TRIPS Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 0 / 0 0 / 0 20 1 / 1 2 6 67 / 2 3 5 54 / 3 4 0 / 0 17 / 5 9 0 / 0 0 / 0 RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 00 / 0 4 / 15 0 / 0 63 / 2 2 1 0 / 0 0 / 0 20 1 / 1 2 6 13 / 8 268 / 168 0 / 0 0 / 0 161 / 101 0 / 0 34 / 11850 / 176 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 10 7 / 6 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 15 13 / 8 Ta r i n Ro a d 0 / 0 0 / 0 4 / 150 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 54 / 3 4 0 / 0 0 / 0 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVERKings  Highway0 / 0 0 / 0 63 / 2 2 1 0 / 0 63 / 2 2 1 20 1 / 1 2 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 20 1 / 1 2 6 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 63 / 2 2 1 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED 46 / 162 0 / 0 14 7 / 9 2 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 13 / 8 0 / 0 Sh i l o h   Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Autumn Care  Nursing Home PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN WOODS II N 0 / 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND AM / PM PEAKS FIGURE D 2019 PHASE 2B FUTURE BUILD Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,isintendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuse of,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwrittenauthorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. 168 / 235 13 9 / 1 0 7 23 4 8 / 1 6 8 3 12 0 / 3 6 7 14 2 0 / 1 9 4 1 11 / 3 3 35 / 8 9 17 8 8 / 1 1 1 8 46 / 1 3 1 RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT US   4 2 1 Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Sanders Road Manassas Drive Sh i l o h   D r i v e 1 / 1 0 / 0 0 / 2 537 / 4390 / 0 152 / 108 3 / 0 12 7 9 / 2 2 4 5 36 0 / 3 7 1 0 / 1 16 8 3 / 1 3 2 5 14 1 / 1 0 6 434 / 251 18 / 43 0 / 0 306 / 155 0 / 0 35 / 11898 / 286 4 / 23 0 / 2 0 / 0 10 7 / 6 7 0 / 0 0 / 0 24 / 1 3 60 / 123 20 5 / 7 7 Ta r i n Ro a d 0 / 0 5 / 5 4 / 153 / 6 0 / 0 41 / 8 58 / 9 4 67 / 4 5 17 / 2 0 19 / 2 3 DIRECTIONAL CROSSOVERKings  Highway72 / 102 15 3 / 1 6 8 15 5 6 / 2 0 9 1 38 / 7 8 17 6 9 / 2 6 9 2 24 7 0 / 1 6 2 4 90 / 1 2 8 6 / 38 8 / 5 22 0 4 / 1 6 9 6 1 / 9 10 / 1 0 16 / 1 0 16 4 3 / 2 5 3 7 BLACK = EXISTING BLUE = PROPOSED GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED 46 / 162 0 / 0 14 7 / 9 2 0 / 0 1 / 0 0 / 1 7 / 30 0 / 0 13 / 8 0 / 0 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 3 2019 Phase 2B(1) Discussion of Results The following section discusses 2019 Phase 2B(1) build level of service for each intersection. US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Kings Highway This signalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in the AM peak and LOS C in the PM peak in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to remain the same. Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate Phase 2B(1) traffic. Table 2 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Kings Highway Scenario LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (18.1) L T R L T R L T R L T R E (60.3) E (67.2) E (62.3) B (13.8) A (4.0) E (77.4) B (10.6) A (5.3) E (60.3) E (67.2) B (14.4) B (16.5) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build B (19.8) L T R L T R L T R L T R E (60.3) E (67.2) E (62.3) B (18.9) A (4.0) E (78.9) A (8.7) A (3.9) E (60.3) E (67.2) B (19.1) B (14.7) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build C (20.4) L T R L T R L T R L T R E (59.8) E (71.1) D (53.6) B (11.5) A (6.0) E (79.7) B (13.9) A (4.6) E (59.8) E (71.1) B (13.4) B (18.8) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build C (24.1) L T R L T R L T R L T R E (59.8) E (71.2) D (53.6) B (12.5) A (6.0) E (79.7) C (22.2) A (4.4) E (59.8) E (71.2) B (14.2) C (25.7) 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 4 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Sanders Road This signalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS D in both the AM and PM peaks in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS E in both the AM and PM peaks. It is recommended to provide an additional northbound left turn lane consisting of a shared left and U-turn lane with 200 feet of storage and appropriate taper. Additionally, signal modifications will be necessary. With recommended improvements in place, this intersection is expected to operate at LOS D in both the AM and PM peaks. Table 3 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Sanders Road Scenario LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build D (41.9) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (97.2) F (100.1) E (60.7) E (67.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) F (283.9) C (21.7) C (21.7) E (72.2) C (21.8) A (3.5) F (90.6) E (67.5) D (44.3) B (18.3) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build E (59.8) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (97.2) F (100.1) E (61.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) F (563.2) C (25.1) C (25.1) E (72.2) C (22.7) A (3.5) F (90.5) E (67.5) F (84.2) B (19.2) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build with Improvements D (37.4) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (101.4) F (104.3) E (62.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) E (67.5) F (89.8) C (24.1) C (24.1) E (74.3) C (24.5) A (4.2) F (94.0) E (67.5) C (31.3) C (20.7) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build D (48.4) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (188.8) F (195.5) E (75.2) E (70.3) E (70.3) E (70.3) F (134.2) B (14.1) B (14.1) F (86.4) D (39.2) A (3.5) F (171.8) E (70.3) C (24.1) C (34.2) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build E (64.7) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (188.8) F (195.5) F (80.1) E (70.3) E (70.3) E (70.3) F (237.5) B (17.7) B (17.7) F (85.5) E (64.9) A (3.3) F (170.2) E (70.3) D (40.2) E (56.4) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build with Improvements D (53.5) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R F (166.6) F (172.5) E (76.7) E (71.2) E (71.2) E (71.2) F (118.8) B (15.4) B (15.4) F (86.8) E (55.5) A (2.6) F (151.3) E (71.2) C (26.0) D (48.4) 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 5 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Manassas Drive This signalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in both the AM and PM peaks in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS E in the AM peak and LOS C in the PM peak. It is recommended to provide a second westbound right turn lane with 200 feet of storage and appropriate taper. Additionally, signal modifications will be necessary. With recommended improvements in place, this intersection is expected to operate at LOS C during the AM peak and LOS B during the PM peak. Table 4 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Manassas Drive Scenario LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (16.2) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.6) D (49.8) C (32.9) B (12.6) A (4.3) C (30.4) A (3.1) A (2.5) C (30.6) D (49.8) N/A* N/A* 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build E (79.7) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.6) F (367.2) C (32.9) B (14.0) A (4.5) C (34.0) A (3.2) A (2.5) C (30.6) F (367.2) N/A* N/A* 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build with Improvements C (23.3) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.6) D (44.6) C (32.9) B (18.0) A (5.6) C (29.7) A (3.2) A (2.5) C (30.6) D (44.6) N/A* N/A* PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (13.8) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.7) C (32.4) D (38.8) A (7.0) A (4.7) C (31.9) B (11.9) A (2.7) C (30.7) C (32.4) N/A* N/A* 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build C (20.5) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.7) D (39.3) D (38.8) B (10.7) A (6.8) D (39.7) B (10.9) A (2.6) C (30.7) D (39.3) N/A* N/A* 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build with Improvements B (17.4) L T R L T R LU T R LU T R C (30.7) C (21.7) D (38.8) B (14.5) B (10.0) C (24.5) B (10.6) A (2.6) C (30.7) C (21.7) N/A* N/A* *Due to Synchro modeling practices for superstreets, which requires 2 separate nodes, the approach LOS can not be provided 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 6 Manassas Drive at Shiloh Drive This unsignalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in both the AM and PM peaks in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS C in both the AM and PM peaks. Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate Phase 2B(1) traffic. Table 5 - Manassas Drive at Shiloh Drive Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (10.2) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.6) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.2) B (10.2) B (10.2) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (9.9) A (0.1) A (0.2) B (10.2) A (9.9) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build C (15.7) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (8.1) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.4) A (0.0) A (0.0) C (15.7) C (15.7) C (15.7) B (11.6) B (11.6) B (11.6) A (2.1) A (0.1) C (15.7) B (11.6) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (10.0) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) B (10.0) B (10.0) B (10.0) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (9.6) A (0.2) A (0.5) B (10.0) A (9.6) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build C (18.6) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (8.0) A (0.0) A (0.0) C (18.6) C (18.6) C (18.6) B (10.4) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (2.2) A (0.2) C (18.6) B (10.4) 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 7 Manassas Drive at Appomattox Drive This unsignalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in the AM peak and LOS A in the PM peak in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS B in the AM peak and LOS C in the PM peak. Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate Phase 2B(1) traffic. Table 6 - Manassas Drive at Appomattox Drive* Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (10.4) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (0.5) A (0.5) B (10.4) B (10.4) A (9.1) A (9.1) A (0.5) B (10.4) A (9.1) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build B (15.6) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (3.3) A (3.3) C (15.6) C (15.6) A (9.0) A (9.0) A (3.3) C (15.6) A (9.0) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build A (9.7) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (0.3) A (0.3) A (9.7) A (9.7) A (9.2) A (9.2) A (0.3) A (9.7) A (9.2) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build C (15.4) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (4.6) A (4.6) C (15.4) C (15.4) A (8.9) A (8.9) A (4.6) C (15.4) A (8.9) *HCM 2000 used for results at this intersection due to HCM 2010 being unable to produce results based on geometric configuration 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 8 Lieutenant Congleton Road at Tarin Road This unsignalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in both the AM and PM peaks in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to remain unchanged. Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate Phase 2B(1) traffic. Table 7 - Lieutenant Congleton Road at Tarin Road Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build A (8.8) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.2) A (0.0) A (8.8) A (8.8) A (0.0) A (3.2) A (8.8) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build A (9.1) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.2) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.2) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.1) A (9.1) A (9.1) A (8.7) A (8.7) A (8.7) A (2.1) A (2.2) A (9.1) A (8.7) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build A (8.6) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (8.6) A (8.6) A (0.0) A (1.2) A (8.6) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build A (9.0) NB Approach L T R L T R L T R L T R A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (7.3) A (0.0) A (0.0) A (9.0) A (9.0) A (9.0) A (8.9) A (8.9) A (8.9) A (2.1) A (0.7) A (9.0) A (8.9) 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 9 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at U-turn north of Kings Highway This signalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in the AM peak and LOS B in the PM peak in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to remain unchanged. Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate Phase 2B(1) traffic. Table 8 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at U-Turn north of Kings Highway Scenario LOS Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build A (7.1) L T R L T R U T R L T R E (72.9) A (0.0) A (3.6) N/A* A (3.6) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build A (6.9) L T R L T R U T R L T R E (70.5) A (0.0) A (3.7) N/A* A (3.7) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build B (10.1) L T R L T R U T R L T R E (72.1) A (0.0) A (6.9) N/A* A (6.9) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build B (11.5) L T R L T R U T R L T R E (79.4) A (0.0) A (8.2) N/A* A (8.2) *Due to Synchro modeling practices for superstreets, which requires 2 separate nodes, the approach LOS can not be provided 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 10 US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Autumn Care Nursing Home This unsignalized intersection is expected to operate at LOS C in both the AM and PM peaks in 2019 future no build conditions. In 2019 Phase 2B(1) build conditions, it is expected to operate at LOS D in the AM peak and LOS C in the PM peak. Therefore, no improvements are recommended to accommodate Phase 2B(1) traffic. Table 9 - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Autumn Care Nursing Home Scenario LOS of Worst Approach Level of Service by Approach (Delay in sec/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound AM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build C (23.4) WB Approach L T R L T R U T R LU T R C (23.4) C (21.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) F (57.6) A (0.0) C (23.4) A (0.0) A (0.9) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build D (27.0) WB Approach L T R L T R U T R LU T R D (27.0) C (22.8) A (0.0) A (0.0) F (86.0) A (0.0) D (27.0) A (0.0) A (1.3) PM Peak Hour 2019 Future No Build C (19.4) WB Approach L T R L T R U T R LU T R C (19.4) F (50.5) A (0.0) A (0.0) D (33.5) A (0.0) C (19.4) A (0.3) A (0.3) 2019 Phase 2B(1) Future Build C (21.3) WB Approach L T R L T R U T R LU T R C (21.3) F (66.9) A (0.0) A (0.0) E (41.4) A (0.0) C (21.3) A (0.4) A (0.3) 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 11 Queue Results Table 10 below shows the queue results for all exclusive turn lanes during the Phase 2B(1) scenario. Figure E shows the recommended improvements. Table 10 - Queue Results AM Peak Hour Queues Scenario US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Kings Highway US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Sanders Road US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Manassas Drive US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at U-turn north of Kings Highway US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 2019 FNB EBR WBR NBL NBR SBL EBL EBR NBLU SBLU SBR NBLU NBR SBLU SBR EBR WBR NBU NBU SBLU WBR Max Queue (ft) 69 181 120 60 292 400 275 625 36 350 72 29 85 30 48 918 75 0 72 31 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 68 141 103 59 244 474 217 347 51 83 52 9 71 5 27 164 116 0 27.5 2.5 Storage Bay (ft) 100+FULL 200+FULL 325 250 600 300 200 550 125 100 350 100 400 175 FULL FULL 600 325 325 FULL 2019 Phase 2B(1) EBR WBR NBL NBR SBL EBL EBR NBLU SBLU SBR NBLU NBR SBLU SBR EBR WBR NBU NBU SBLU WBR Max Queue (ft) 115 159 147 122 264 400 275 625 35 341 73 87 109 28 71 924 91 0 73 31 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 68 141 103 59 202 474 225 516 51 83 52 14 122 5 27 518 107 0 40 2.5 Storage Bay (ft) 100+FULL 200+FULL 325 250 600 300 200 550 125 100 350 100 400 175 FULL FULL 600 325 325 FULL 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements EBR WBR NBL NBR SBL EBL EBR NBLU SBLU SBR NBLU NBR SBLU SBR EBR WBR NBU NBU SBLU WBR Max Queue (ft) 400 275 170 32 350 73 28 104 50 50 152 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 487 227 178 52 98 52 16 115 5 27 205 Storage Bay (ft) 300 200 550 + 200 125 100 350 100 400 175 FULL FULL + 200 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 12 PM Peak Hour Queues Scenario US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Kings Highway US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Sanders Road US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Manassas Drive US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at U-turn north of Kings Highway US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) at Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 2019 FNB EBR WBR NBL NBR SBL EBL EBR NBLU SBLU SBR NBLU NBR SBLU SBR EBR WBR NBU NBU SBLU WBR Max Queue (ft) 160 223 214 63 282 400 275 333 53 350 73 28 109 66 67 82 73 25 31 53 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 90 191 123 62 250 502 166 259 43 53 120 15 109 7 49 75 214 10 12.5 12.5 Storage Bay (ft) 100+FULL 200+FULL 325 250 600 300 200 550 125 100 350 100 400 175 FULL FULL 600 325 325 FULL 2019 Phase 2B(1) EBR WBR NBL NBR SBL EBL EBR NBLU SBLU SBR NBLU NBR SBLU SBR EBR WBR NBU NBU SBLU WBR Max Queue (ft) 132 312 114 64 257 400 275 390 325 350 91 111 104 52 50 238 110 52 424 52 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 90 191 124 59 248 502 188 372 39 75 120 37 231 6 49 228 206 12.5 15 15 Storage Bay (ft) 100+FULL 200+FULL 325 250 600 300 200 550 125 100 350 100 400 175 FULL FULL 600 325 325 FULL 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements EBR WBR NBL NBR SBL EBL EBR NBLU SBLU SBR NBLU NBR SBLU SBR EBR WBR NBU NBU SBLU WBR Max Queue (ft) 400 275 138 324 350 96 94 122 52 71 126 95th Percentile Queue (ft) 490 187 169 39 63 120 50 243 6 49 84 Storage Bay (ft) 300 200 550 + 200 125 100 350 100 400 175 FULL FULL + 200 600 325 325 FULL Sh i l o h Dr i v e Ta r i n Ro a d Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e PROJECT NUMBER 160278 TARIN WOODS II N SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND Thisdocument,togetherwiththeconceptsanddesignspresentedherein,is intendedonlyforthespecificpurposeandclientforwhichitwasprepared.Reuseof,orimproperrelianceon,thisdocumentbyotherswithoutwritten authorizationandadaptationbyDAVENPORTshallbewithoutliabilitytoDAVENPORTandshallbeaviolationoftheagreementbetweenDAVENPORTandtheclient. FIGUREEPHASE 2B(1)RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Sanders Road RIGHTIN / RIGHTOUT 300' SPEEDLIMIT55 FULL SPEEDLIMIT45 SPEEDLIMIT 35 SPEEDLIMIT 35 US   4 2 1 Sh i l o h   D r i v e Lieutenant Congleton Road Ap p o m a t t o x   Dr i v e Manassas Drive SPEEDLIMIT 55 US   4 2 1 32 5 ' 55 0 ' 200' 12 5 ' 10 0 ' 17 5 ' 40 0 ' FULL 35 0 ' 10 0 ' Ta r i n Ro a d FULL Kings  Highway 60 0 ' 100' FULL FU L L 60 0 ' 200' 25 0 ' BLACK = EXISTING GREY = UNANALYZED GREEN = COMMITTED BLUE = PROPOSEDINPHASE 2B(1) PURPLE = RECOMMENDEDIN PHASE 2A 200' 20 0 ' Signal Modifications Signal Modifications 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 13 Density Calculation The client wishes for DAVENPORT to analyze the Phase 2A build to see if the amount of homes can be increased before either of the improvements listed for Phase 2B(1) would need to be implemented. The current Phase 2A is for 214 single family homes. The closest level of service that will increase is at the intersection of US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Manassas Drive. The current Level of Service is a C in the AM peak. The amount of single family homes can be increased to 255 homes before the Level of Service C in the PM peak were to rise to LOS D. Therefore, 255 homes could be constructed prior to providing the improvements outlined for Phase 2B(1). Summary and Conclusion The client has given notice to DAVENPORT that they are pursuing re-zoning of the property with New Hanover County. The land plan and re-zoning request includes a build phase not previously evaluated in the submitted Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). The client, NCDOT, and WMPO wish to have analysis results for the proposed land use size, which is 339 single family homes and 192 apartments. Since the proposed land use size is between the Phase 2A and Phase 2B submitted in the TIA, this new/additional phase will be labeled as Phase 2B(1). It is assumed that the build year is 2019. Based on the analysis, below are the recommendations: • Provide an additional northbound left turn lane consisting of a shared left and U- turn lane with 200 feet of storage and appropriate taper at the US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Sanders Road intersection. Additionally, signal modifications will be necessary. • Provide a second westbound right turn lane with 200 feet of storage and appropriate taper at the US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Manassas Drive intersection. Additionally, signal modifications will be necessary. In conclusion, this study has reviewed the impacts of both background traffic and the Phase 2B(1) development traffic, and has determined that with the recommended improvements in place that there will be adequate capacity to accommodate future traffic. Please note that all accesses to the site are required to be constructed by NCDOT standards. 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 14 APPENDIX 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 15 LOS Results Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 14 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)007200168582147139153149338 Future Volume (vph)007200168582147139153149338 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)010002003252506000 Storage Lanes01011111 Taper Length (ft)2525300150 Lane Util. Factor1.001.000.881.001.000.881.000.951.001.000.951.00 Frt0.8500.8500.8500.850 Flt Protected0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Flt Permitted0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)35355555 Link Distance (ft)54315662019582 Travel Time (s)10.630.525.07.2 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)008000187642386154170165942 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)008000187642386154170165942 Turn TypeOverOverProtNAPermProtNAPerm Protected Phases373276 Permitted Phases 26 Detector Phase3 7322766 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.2%21.2%21.2%78.8%78.8%21.2%78.8%78.8% Maximum Green (s)26.927.026.9117.1117.127.0116.8116.8 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0-1.1-0.9-0.9-1.0-1.2-1.2 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MinC-MinNoneC-MinC-Min Act Effct Green (s)20.420.420.4125.6125.620.4125.6125.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.220.510.280.840.120.740.580.03 Control Delay60.367.262.313.84.077.410.35.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay60.367.262.313.84.077.410.65.3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 15 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSEEEBAEBA Approach Delay60.367.214.416.5 Approach LOS EEBB Queue Length 50th (ft)4210260652291713588 Queue Length 95th (ft)681411039915924459127 Internal Link Dist (ft)46314861939502 Turn Bay Length (ft)100200325250600 Base Capacity (vph)5005003172848127431728481274 Starvation Cap Reductn0 000004620 Spillback Cap Reductn0 0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0 0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.160.370.200.840.120.540.700.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 156 Actuated Cycle Length: 156 Offset: 150 (96%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.84 Intersection Signal Delay: 18.1Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 76.2%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 16 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)53741474411312814824173 Future Volume (vph)53741474411312814824173 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.985 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9780.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583017940017703539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018350017703539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)59741634411414216474193 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)298303163 090015616510022 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)24.3%24.3%24.3%9.7%9.7%10.4%10.4%55.6%10.4%10.4% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s)26.826.826.87.28.993.17.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.950.960.550.101.430.720.24 Control Delay97.2100.160.767.5283.921.772.2 Queue Delay0. Total Delay97.2100.160.767.5283.921.772.2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 17 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)1216360 Future Volume (vph)1216360 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)1351400 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)1351400 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)80.035.0 Total Split (%)55.6%24.3% Maximum Green (s)73.428.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)85.9117.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.600.82 v/c Ratio0.640.31 Control Delay21.83.5 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay21.83.5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 18 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFCE Approach Delay90.667.544.3 Approach LOSFED Queue Length 50th (ft)2902961398~19754520 Queue Length 95th (ft)#474#48421729#34784251 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)328329308961092286111 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.910.920.530.091.430.720.20 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 144 Actuated Cycle Length: 144 Offset: 90 (63%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 110 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.43 Intersection Signal Delay: 41.9Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 84.5%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 19 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSCA Approach Delay18.3 Approach LOSB Queue Length 50th (ft)40459 Queue Length 95th (ft)60683 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)21091310 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.640.31 Intersection Summary Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 20 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)19530001660178818000 Future Volume (vph)19530001660178818000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected0.987 Satd. Flow (prot)018390001611035391583000 Flt Permitted0.987 Satd. Flow (perm)018390001611035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)76991122769 Travel Time (s)2.619.31.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)21590001840198720000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0800001840198720000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)25.0%25.0%25.0%75.0%75.0% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)11.711.752.252.2 Actuated g/C Ratio0.150.150.690.69 v/c Ratio0.280.740.820.02 Control Delay30.449.812.64.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.449.812.64.3 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.449.812.5 Approach LOSCDB Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 21 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)33823203 Queue Length 95th (ft)71#1644329 Internal Link Dist (ft)191142689 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)31927924321088 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.250.660.820.02 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.82 Intersection Signal Delay: 16.2Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 78.8%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 22 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0018046 00000136611 Future Volume (vph)0018046 00000136611 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0020051 00000151812 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0020051 00000151812 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.1%21.1%78.9%78.9% Maximum Green (s)10.710.753.953.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)8.78.765.864.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.110.110.870.85 v/c Ratio0.110.240.500.01 Control Delay30.632.93.12.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.632.93.12.5 LOSCCAA Approach Delay30.632.93.1 Approach LOSCCA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 23 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)922961 Queue Length 95th (ft)27521595 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)26931130621345 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.070.160.500.01 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.50 Intersection Signal Delay: 4.4Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.4%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 26 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh1.9 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h14844145424 44444 Future Vol, veh/h14844145424 44444 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeStopStopStopStopStopStop RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length------------ Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0--0--0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow15344161427 44444 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1Minor2 Conflicting Flow All16600580023523256234232163 Stage 1------5858-172172- Stage 2------177174-6260- Critical Hdwy4.12--4.12--7.126.526.227.126.526.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1------6.125.52-6.125.52- Critical Hdwy Stg 2------6.125.52-6.125.52- Follow-up Hdwy2.218--2.218--3.5184.0183.3183.5184.0183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1412--1546--7206681011721668882 Stage 1------954847-830756- Stage 2------825755-949845- Platoon blocked, %---- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1412--1546--7116651011712665882 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------711665-712665- Stage 1------953846-829754- Stage 2------814753-939844- ApproachEBWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s0. HCM LOSBA Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h)7321412--1546--742 HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0490.001--0.003--0.018 HCM Control Delay (s)10.27.60-7.30-9.9 HCM Lane LOSBAA-AA-A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.20--0--0.1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 28 MovementEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h)456192444 Future Volume (Veh/h)456192444 Sign ControlFreeStopStop Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)462213444 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeRaised Median storage veh)1 Upstream signal (ft)1315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume04539700 vC1, stage 1 conf vol39390 vC2, stage 2 conf vol6070 vCu, unblocked vol04539700 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free %100769999100 cM capacity (veh/h)16238817847591085 Direction, Lane #EB 1NB 1SB 1 Volume Total662178 Volume Left42130 Volume Right6204 cSH1623879893 Volume to Capacity0.000.250.01 Queue Length 95th (ft)0241 Control Delay (s)0.510.49.1 Lane LOSABA Approach Delay (s)0.510.49.1 Approach LOSBA Intersection Summary Average Delay 8.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 27.9%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min)15 HCM 2010 TWSC 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 32 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh6.5 MovementEBTEBRWBLWBTNBLNBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h3745411 Future Vol, veh/h3745411 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeStopStop RT Channelized-None-None-None Storage Length----0- Veh in Median Storage, #0--00- Grade, %0--00- Peak Hour Factor909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222 Mvmt Flow3846461 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1 Conflicting Flow All00110217 Stage 1----7- Stage 2----14- Critical Hdwy--4.12-6.426.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1----5.42- Critical Hdwy Stg 2----5.42- Follow-up Hdwy--2.218-3.5183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver--1608-9961075 Stage 1----1016- Stage 2----1009- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver--1608-9941075 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver----994- Stage 1----1016- Stage 2----1007- ApproachEBWBNB HCM Control Delay, s03.28.8 HCM LOSA Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBTEBRWBLWBT Capacity (veh/h)996--1608- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.047--0.003- HCM Control Delay (s)8.8--7.20 HCM Lane LOSA--AA HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.1--0- Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 33 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)90 00001706 Future Volume (vph)90 00001706 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)1770 00005085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)1770 00005085 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)305555 Link Distance (ft)65115709 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)100 00001896 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)100 00001896 Turn TypeProtNA Protected Phases56 Permitted Phases Detector Phase56 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.012.0 Minimum Split (s)22.522.5 Total Split (s)33.0123.0 Total Split (%)21.2%78.8% Maximum Green (s)26.9117.0 Yellow Time (s)3.04.5 All-Red Time (s)3.11.5 Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0 Total Lost Time (s)5.05.0 Lead/LagLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)2.06.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.03.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.030.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.060.0 Recall ModeNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s)14.3131.7 Actuated g/C Ratio0.090.84 v/c Ratio0.620.44 Control Delay72.93.6 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay72.93.6 LOSEA Approach Delay72.93.6 Approach LOSEA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 34 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Queue Length 50th (ft)101141 Queue Length 95th (ft)m116201 Internal Link Dist (ft)135629 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)3174292 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn078 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.320.45 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 156 Actuated Cycle Length: 156 Offset: 130 (83%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.62 Intersection Signal Delay: 7.1Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 103.2%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 700: US 421 & U-Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursin Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 37 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.4 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0612003810161580 Future Vol, veh/h0612003810161580 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow0712226911181756 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-1117128100223322340 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0202219--52229- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-202219--9696- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s23.400.9 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)219--20296- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.005--0.0330.301- HCM Control Delay (s)21.5--23.457.6- HCM Lane LOSC--CF- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0--0.11.1- Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 14 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)007200168582348139153155638 Future Volume (vph)007200168582348139153155638 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)010002003252506000 Storage Lanes01011111 Taper Length (ft)2525300150 Lane Util. Factor1.001.000.881.001.000.881.000.951.001.000.951.00 Frt0.8500.8500.8500.850 Flt Protected0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Flt Permitted0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)35355555 Link Distance (ft)54315662018582 Travel Time (s)10.630.525.07.2 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)008000187642609154170172942 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)008000187642609154170172942 Turn TypeOverOverProtNAPermProtNAPerm Protected Phases373276 Permitted Phases 26 Detector Phase3 7322766 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.2%21.2%21.2%78.8%78.8%21.2%78.8%78.8% Maximum Green (s)26.927.026.9117.1117.127.0116.8116.8 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0-1.1-0.9-0.9-1.0-1.2-1.2 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MinC-MinNoneC-MinC-Min Act Effct Green (s)20.420.420.4125.6125.620.4125.6125.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.220.510.280.920.120.740.610.03 Control Delay60.367.262.318. Queue Delay0. Total Delay60.367.262.318. Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 15 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSEEEBAEAA Approach Delay60.367.219.114.7 Approach LOS EEBB Queue Length 50th (ft)4210260883291702747 Queue Length 95th (ft)68141103#14395920264027 Internal Link Dist (ft)46314861938502 Turn Bay Length (ft)100200325250600 Base Capacity (vph)5005003172848127431728481274 Starvation Cap Reductn0 000003760 Spillback Cap Reductn0 0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0 0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.160.370.200.920.120.540.700.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 156 Actuated Cycle Length: 156 Offset: 150 (96%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.92 Intersection Signal Delay: 19.8Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 81.7%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 16 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)53741524416714116834173 Future Volume (vph)53741524416714116834173 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.985 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9780.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583017940017703539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018350017703539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)59741694417415718704193 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)298303169 090023118740022 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)24.3%24.3%24.3%9.7%9.7%10.4%10.4%55.6%10.4%10.4% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s)26.826.826.87.28.993.17.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.950.960.570.102.120.820.24 Control Delay97.2100.161.567.5563.225.172.2 Queue Delay0. Total Delay97.2100.161.567.5563.225.172.2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 17 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)1279360 Future Volume (vph)1279360 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)1421400 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)1421400 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)80.035.0 Total Split (%)55.6%24.3% Maximum Green (s)73.428.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)85.9117.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.600.82 v/c Ratio0.670.31 Control Delay22.73.5 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay22.73.5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 18 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFCE Approach Delay90.567.584.2 Approach LOSFEF Queue Length 50th (ft)2902961448~34370220 Queue Length 95th (ft)#474#48422529#516#112151 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)328329308961092286111 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.910.920.550.092.120.820.20 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 144 Actuated Cycle Length: 144 Offset: 90 (63%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 140 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 2.12 Intersection Signal Delay: 59.8Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 90.0%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 19 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSCA Approach Delay19.2 Approach LOSB Queue Length 50th (ft)43859 Queue Length 95th (ft)65783 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)21091310 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.670.31 Intersection Summary Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 20 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)191200004340178835000 Future Volume (vph)191200004340178835000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected0.993 Satd. Flow (prot)018500001611035391583000 Flt Permitted0.993 Satd. Flow (perm)018500001611035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)76991122769 Travel Time (s)2.619.31.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)211330004820198739000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)01540004820198739000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)25.0%25.0%25.0%75.0%75.0% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0.170.170.670.67 v/c Ratio0.481.730.840.04 Control Delay34.0367.214.04.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay34.0367.214.04.5 LOSCFBA Approach Delay34.0367.213.8 Approach LOSCFB Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 21 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)66~3423205 Queue Length 95th (ft)122#51843214 Internal Link Dist (ft)191142689 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)32127923601056 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.481.730.840.04 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 100 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.73 Intersection Signal Delay: 79.0Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 98.6%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 22 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0018046 00000142011 Future Volume (vph)0018046 00000142011 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0020051 00000157812 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0020051 00000157812 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.1%21.1%78.9%78.9% Maximum Green (s)10.710.753.953.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)8.78.765.864.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.110.110.870.85 v/c Ratio0.110.240.520.01 Control Delay30.632.93.22.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.632.93.22.5 LOSCCAA Approach Delay30.632.93.2 Approach LOSCCA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 23 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)9221031 Queue Length 95th (ft)27521715 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)26931130621345 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.070.160.520.01 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.52 Intersection Signal Delay: 4.5Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 100.4%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 26 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh3.6 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h359844306424 4444107 Future Vol, veh/h359844306424 4444107 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeStopStopStopStopStopStop RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length------------ Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0--0--0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow3910944340427 4444119 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1Minor2 Conflicting Flow All3440011300602542111544542342 Stage 1------189189-351351- Stage 2------413353-193191- Critical Hdwy4.12--4.12--7.126.526.227.126.526.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1------6.125.52-6.125.52- Critical Hdwy Stg 2------6.125.52-6.125.52- Follow-up Hdwy2.218--2.218--3.5184.0183.3183.5184.0183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1215--1476--412447942450447701 Stage 1------813744-666632- Stage 2------616631-809742- Platoon blocked, %---- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1215--1476--330431942432431701 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------330431-432431- Stage 1------785719-643630- Stage 2------506629-773717- ApproachEBWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s2.10.115.711.6 HCM LOSCB Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h)3711215--1476--672 HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0960.032--0.003--0.19 HCM Control Delay (s)15.78.10-7.40-11.6 HCM Lane LOSCAA-AA-B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.30.1--0--0.7 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 28 MovementEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h)466020544147 Future Volume (Veh/h)466020544147 Sign ControlFreeStopStop Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)516722844163 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeRaised Median storage veh)1 Upstream signal (ft)1315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume03001361690 vC1, stage 1 conf vol1361360 vC2, stage 2 conf vol1650169 vCu, unblocked vol03001361690 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free %9760999985 cM capacity (veh/h)16235696886661085 Direction, Lane #EB 1NB 1SB 1 Volume Total118232167 Volume Left512280 Volume Right670163 cSH16235711069 Volume to Capacity0.030.410.16 Queue Length 95th (ft)24914 Control Delay (s)3.315.69.0 Lane LOSACA Approach Delay (s)3.315.69.0 Approach LOSCA Intersection Summary Average Delay 10.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.1%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min)15 HCM 2010 TWSC 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 32 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh7 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h4 3745441414413 Future Vol, veh/h4 3745441414413 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeStopStopStopStopStopStop RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length------------ Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0--0--0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow4 3846446414414 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1Minor2 Conflicting Flow All100011004235736378 Stage 1------1616-1717- Stage 2------2619-1920- Critical Hdwy4.12--4.12--7.126.526.227.126.526.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1------6.125.52-6.125.52- Critical Hdwy Stg 2------6.125.52-6.125.52- Follow-up Hdwy2.218--2.218--3.5184.0183.3183.5184.0183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1610--1608--96185710759708551074 Stage 1------1004882-1002881- Stage 2------992880-1000879- Platoon blocked, %---- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1610--1608--94085210759618501074 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------940852-961850- Stage 1------1001879-999878- Stage 2------971877-991876- ApproachEBWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s2. HCM LOSAA Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h)9341610--1608--1001 HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0550.003--0.003--0.023 HCM Control Delay (s)9.17.20-7.20-8.7 HCM Lane LOSAAA-AA-A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.20--0--0.1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 33 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)90 00001769 Future Volume (vph)90 00001769 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)1770 00005085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)1770 00005085 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)305555 Link Distance (ft)65115709 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)100 00001966 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)100 00001966 Turn TypeProtNA Protected Phases56 Permitted Phases Detector Phase56 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.012.0 Minimum Split (s)22.522.5 Total Split (s)33.0123.0 Total Split (%)21.2%78.8% Maximum Green (s)26.9117.0 Yellow Time (s)3.04.5 All-Red Time (s)3.11.5 Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0 Total Lost Time (s)5.05.0 Lead/LagLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)2.06.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.03.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.030.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.060.0 Recall ModeNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s)14.3131.7 Actuated g/C Ratio0.090.84 v/c Ratio0.620.46 Control Delay70.53.7 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay70.53.7 LOSEA Approach Delay70.53.7 Approach LOSEA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 34 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Queue Length 50th (ft)98149 Queue Length 95th (ft)m107213 Internal Link Dist (ft)135629 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)3174292 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn095 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.320.47 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 156 Actuated Cycle Length: 156 Offset: 130 (83%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.62 Intersection Signal Delay: 6.9Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 110.0%ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 700: US 421 & U-Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 37 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.6 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h0612204810161643 Future Vol, veh/h0612204810161643 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow0712449911181826 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-1229133200245624580 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver0170203--37186- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-170203--7171- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s2701.3 HCM LOSD Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)203--17071- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.005--0.0390.407- HCM Control Delay (s)22.8--2786- HCM Lane LOSC--DF- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0--0.11.6- Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 16 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)53741524416714116834173 Future Volume (vph)53741524416714116834173 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00201 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.985 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9780.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583017940034333539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018350034333539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)59741694417415718704193 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)298303169 090023118740022 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)23.6%23.6%23.6%9.7%9.7%12.5%12.5%58.3%8.3%8.3% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s)26.426.426.47.211.694.06.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.970.980.580.100.840.810.26 Control Delay101.4104.362.567.589.824.174.3 Queue Delay0. Total Delay101.4104.362.567.589.824.174.3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 17 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)1279360 Future Volume (vph)1279360 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)1421400 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)1421400 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)78.034.0 Total Split (%)54.2%23.6% Maximum Green (s)71.427.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)83.6115.2 Actuated g/C Ratio0.580.80 v/c Ratio0.690.32 Control Delay24.54.2 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay24.54.2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 18 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFCE Approach Delay94.067.531.3 Approach LOSFEC Queue Length 50th (ft)293300146811168720 Queue Length 95th (ft)#487#49522729#178#107752 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)31631729796283230984 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.940.960.570.090.820.810.26 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 144 Actuated Cycle Length: 144 Offset: 90 (63%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 140 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.98 Intersection Signal Delay: 37.4Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 90.0%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 19 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSCA Approach Delay20.7 Approach LOSC Queue Length 50th (ft)45670 Queue Length 95th (ft)67798 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)20531274 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.690.31 Intersection Summary Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 20 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)191200004340178835000 Future Volume (vph)191200004340178835000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)0002000000 Storage Lanes00010100 Taper Length (ft)25252525 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8500.850 Flt Protected0.993 Satd. Flow (prot)018500002787035391583000 Flt Permitted0.993 Satd. Flow (perm)018500002787035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)76991122769 Travel Time (s)2.619.31.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)211330004820198739000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)01540004820198739000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)28.9%28.9%28.9%71.1%71.1% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)15.515.548.448.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0.200.200.640.64 v/c Ratio0.410.850.880.04 Control Delay29.744.618.05.6 Queue Delay0. Total Delay29.744.618.05.6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 21 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSCDBA Approach Delay29.744.617.8 Approach LOSCDB Queue Length 50th (ft)631233706 Queue Length 95th (ft)115#205#51416 Internal Link Dist (ft)191142689 Turn Bay Length (ft)200 Base Capacity (vph)39459422541008 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.390.810.880.04 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 75 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.88 Intersection Signal Delay: 23.3Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 86.9%ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 22 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0018046 00000142011 Future Volume (vph)0018046 00000142011 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)0020051 00000157812 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0020051 00000157812 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)21.1%21.1%78.9%78.9% Maximum Green (s)10.710.753.953.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)8.78.765.864.6 Actuated g/C Ratio0.110.110.870.85 v/c Ratio0.110.240.520.01 Control Delay30.632.93.22.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.632.93.22.5 LOSCCAA Approach Delay30.632.93.2 Approach LOSCCA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIAM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 23 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)9221031 Queue Length 95th (ft)27521715 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)26931130621345 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.070.160.520.01 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.52 Intersection Signal Delay: 4.5Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 100.4%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 14 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0010200235941557107168187178 Future Volume (vph)0010200235941557107168187178 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)010002003252506000 Storage Lanes01011111 Taper Length (ft)2525300150 Lane Util. Factor1.001.000.881.001.000.881.000.951.001.000.951.00 Frt0.8500.8500.8500.850 Flt Protected0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Flt Permitted0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)35355555 Link Distance (ft)54315662024582 Travel Time (s)10.630.525.17.2 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00113002611041730119187207987 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00113002611041730119187207987 Turn TypeOverOverProtNAPermProtNAPerm Protected Phases373276 Permitted Phases 26 Detector Phase3 7322766 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)23.924.023.9116.1116.124.0115.8115.8 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0-1.1-0.9-0.9-1.0-1.2-1.2 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MinC-MinNoneC-MinC-Min Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.290.680.430.610.090.770.740.07 Control Delay59.871.153.611.56.079.713.64.6 Queue Delay0. Total Delay59.871.153.611.56.079.713.94.6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 15 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSEEDBAEBA Approach Delay59.871.113.418.8 Approach LOS EEBB Queue Length 50th (ft)57140914342619018712 Queue Length 95th (ft)90191m123m412m622501048m49 Internal Link Dist (ft)46314861944502 Turn Bay Length (ft)100200325250600 Base Capacity (vph)4584582912818126029128181260 Starvation Cap Reductn0 000002120 Spillback Cap Reductn0 0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0 0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.250.570.360.610.090.640.800.07 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 110 (72%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.77 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.4Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.3%ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 16 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)439494241119811991204 Future Volume (vph)439494241119811991204 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.981 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9860.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583018020017703539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018270017703539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)48841042411210913321224 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)244248104 070012113330026 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)16.4%16.4%16.4%9.9%9.9%11.2%11.2%62.5%11.2%11.2% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio1.221.240.550.080.960.520.30 Control Delay188.8195.575.270.3134.214.186.4 Queue Delay0. Total Delay188.8195.575.270.3134.214.186.4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 17 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)2024371 Future Volume (vph)2024371 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)2249412 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)2249412 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)95.025.0 Total Split (%)62.5%16.4% Maximum Green (s)88.418.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)100.4123.7 Actuated g/C Ratio0.660.81 v/c Ratio0.960.32 Control Delay39.23.5 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay39.23.5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 18 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFBF Approach Delay171.870.324.1 Approach LOSFEC Queue Length 50th (ft)~311~32099712224525 Queue Length 95th (ft)#502#51216624#259654m43 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)2002001881031262545129 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio1.221.240.550.070.960.520.20 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 10 (7%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.24 Intersection Signal Delay: 48.4Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.3%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 19 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSDA Approach Delay34.2 Approach LOSC Queue Length 50th (ft)1214117 Queue Length 95th (ft)#146853 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)23371288 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.960.32 Intersection Summary Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 20 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)23131000820111831000 Future Volume (vph)23131000820111831000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected0.992 Satd. Flow (prot)018480001611035391583000 Flt Permitted0.992 Satd. Flow (perm)018480001611035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)76991122769 Travel Time (s)2.619.31.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)26146000910124234000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)0172000910124234000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)31.6%31.6%31.6%68.4%68.4% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)11.411.452.552.5 Actuated g/C Ratio0.150.150.690.69 v/c Ratio0.620.380.510.03 Control Delay31.932.47.04.7 Queue Delay0. Total Delay31.932.47.04.7 LOSCCAA Approach Delay31.932.46.9 Approach LOSCCA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 21 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)92391224 Queue Length 95th (ft)m1097520515 Internal Link Dist (ft)191142689 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)44238524441093 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.390.240.510.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 40 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.62 Intersection Signal Delay: 11.2Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 59.1%ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 22 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00420131 00000190833 Future Volume (vph)00420131 00000190833 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00470146 00000212037 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00470146 00000212037 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)9.79.754.954.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)10.710.757.955.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.140.140.760.74 v/c Ratio0.210.560.790.03 Control Delay30.738.811.92.7 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.738.811.92.7 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.738.811.8 Approach LOSCDB Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 23 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)20646486 Queue Length 95th (ft)49120m834m7 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)24828626951163 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.190.510.790.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 13.8Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 95.3%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 26 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh1.6 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h410923454413 44244 Future Vol, veh/h410923454413 44244 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeStopStopStopStopStopStop RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length------------ Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0--0--0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow412126460414 44244 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1Minor2 Conflicting Flow All64001470021921613421822762 Stage 1------143143-7171- Stage 2------7673-147156- Critical Hdwy4.12--4.12--7.126.526.227.126.526.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1------6.125.52-6.125.52- Critical Hdwy Stg 2------6.125.52-6.125.52- Follow-up Hdwy2.218--2.218--3.5184.0183.3183.5184.0183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1538--1435--7376829157386721003 Stage 1------860779-939836- Stage 2------933834-856769- Platoon blocked, %---- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1538--1435--7276789157276681003 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------727678-727668- Stage 1------857777-936833- Stage 2------921831-844767- ApproachEBWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s0.20.5109.6 HCM LOSBA Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h)7461538--1435--786 HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0310.003--0.003--0.014 HCM Control Delay (s)107.30-7.50-9.6 HCM Lane LOSBAA-AA-A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.10--0--0 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 28 MovementEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h)410868444 Future Volume (Veh/h)410868444 Sign ControlFreeStopStop Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)412076444 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeRaised Median storage veh)1 Upstream signal (ft)1315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume074681280 vC1, stage 1 conf vol68680 vC2, stage 2 conf vol60128 vCu, unblocked vol074681280 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free %100919999100 cM capacity (veh/h)16238507617151085 Direction, Lane #EB 1NB 1SB 1 Volume Total124808 Volume Left4760 Volume Right12004 cSH1623845862 Volume to Capacity0.000.090.01 Queue Length 95th (ft)081 Control Delay (s) Lane LOSAAA Approach Delay (s) Approach LOSAA Intersection Summary Average Delay 4.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 24.2%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min)15 HCM 2010 TWSC 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 32 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh2 MovementEBTEBRWBLWBTNBLNBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h630 1584 Future Vol, veh/h630 1584 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeStopStop RT Channelized-None-None-None Storage Length----0- Veh in Median Storage, #0--00- Grade, %0--00- Peak Hour Factor909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222 Mvmt Flow733 1694 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1 Conflicting Flow All004003123 Stage 1----23- Stage 2----8- Critical Hdwy--4.12-6.426.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1----5.42- Critical Hdwy Stg 2----5.42- Follow-up Hdwy--2.218-3.5183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver--1570-9831054 Stage 1----1000- Stage 2----1015- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver--1570-9821054 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver----982- Stage 1----1000- Stage 2----1014- ApproachEBWBNB HCM Control Delay, s01.28.6 HCM LOSA Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBTEBRWBLWBT Capacity (veh/h)1005--1570- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.013--0.001- HCM Control Delay (s)8.6--7.30 HCM Lane LOSA--AA HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0--0- Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 33 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)128 00002471 Future Volume (vph)128 00002471 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)1770 00005085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)1770 00005085 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)305555 Link Distance (ft)65115709 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)142 00002746 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)142 00002746 Turn TypeProtNA Protected Phases56 Permitted Phases Detector Phase56 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.012.0 Minimum Split (s)22.522.5 Total Split (s)25.0127.0 Total Split (%)16.4%83.6% Maximum Green (s)18.9121.0 Yellow Time (s)3.04.5 All-Red Time (s)3.11.5 Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0 Total Lost Time (s)5.05.0 Lead/LagLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)2.06.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.03.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.030.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.060.0 Recall ModeNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s)17.6124.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0.120.82 v/c Ratio0.700.66 Control Delay72.16.8 Queue Delay0.00.1 Total Delay72.16.9 LOSEA Approach Delay72.16.9 Approach LOSEA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 34 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Queue Length 50th (ft)137328 Queue Length 95th (ft)214458 Internal Link Dist (ft)135629 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)2414188 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn0285 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.590.70 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 95 (63%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 65 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.70 Intersection Signal Delay: 10.1Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.7%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 700: US 421 & U-Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 FNB C. Steiss Page 37 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.5 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h03891570510102317 Future Vol, veh/h03891570510102317 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow042101744611112574 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-875187900174917500 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver029289--108354- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-29289--149149- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s19.40.30.3 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)89--292149- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.112--0.1450.149- HCM Control Delay (s)50.5--19.433.5- HCM Lane LOSF--CD- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.4--0.50.5- Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 14 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)0010200235941683107168209178 Future Volume (vph)0010200235941683107168209178 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)010002003252506000 Storage Lanes01011111 Taper Length (ft)2525300150 Lane Util. Factor1.001.000.881.001.000.881.000.951.001.000.951.00 Frt0.8500.8500.8500.850 Flt Protected0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Flt Permitted0.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)002787002787177035391583177035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)35355555 Link Distance (ft)54315662027582 Travel Time (s)10.630.525.17.2 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00113002611041870119187232387 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00113002611041870119187232387 Turn TypeOverOverProtNAPermProtNAPerm Protected Phases373276 Permitted Phases 26 Detector Phase3 7322766 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)23.924.023.9116.1116.124.0115.8115.8 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0-1.1-0.9-0.9-1.0-1.2-1.2 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MinC-MinNoneC-MinC-Min Act Effct Green (s)20.920.920.9121.1121.120.9121.1121.1 Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio0.290.680.430.660.090.770.820.07 Control Delay59.871.253.612.56.079.718.54.4 Queue Delay0. Total Delay59.871.253.612.56.079.722.24.4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 15 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSEEDBAECA Approach Delay59.871.214.225.7 Approach LOSEEBC Queue Length 50th (ft)571408357542167108124 Queue Length 95th (ft)90191m124m537m59m2481295m27 Internal Link Dist (ft)46314861947502 Turn Bay Length (ft)100200325250600 Base Capacity (vph)4584582912818126029128181260 Starvation Cap Reductn0 000004070 Spillback Cap Reductn0 0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0 0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.250.570.360.660.090.640.960.07 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 110 (72%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 65 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.82 Intersection Signal Delay: 24.1Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.3%ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 16 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)43941082414510613251204 Future Volume (vph)43941082414510613251204 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00101 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.981 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9860.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583018020017703539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018270017703539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)48841202415011814721224 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)244248120 070016814730026 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)16.4%16.4%16.4%9.9%9.9%11.2%11.2%62.5%11.2%11.2% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio1.221.240.640.081.330.580.30 Control Delay188.8195.580.170.3237.517.785.5 Queue Delay0. Total Delay188.8195.580.170.3237.517.785.5 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 17 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)2245371 Future Volume (vph)2245371 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)2494412 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)2494412 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)95.025.0 Total Split (%)62.5%16.4% Maximum Green (s)88.418.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)100.4123.7 Actuated g/C Ratio0.660.81 v/c Ratio1.070.32 Control Delay64.93.3 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay64.93.3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 18 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFFEFBF Approach Delay170.270.340.2 Approach LOSFED Queue Length 50th (ft)~311~3201157~21836825 Queue Length 95th (ft)#502#51218824m#372m733m39 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)2002001881031262545129 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio1.221.240.640.071.330.580.20 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 10 (7%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.33 Intersection Signal Delay: 64.7Intersection LOS: E Intersection Capacity Utilization 105.7%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 19 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSEA Approach Delay56.4 Approach LOSE Queue Length 50th (ft)~1419109 Queue Length 95th (ft)#1704m75 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)23371288 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio1.070.32 Intersection Summary Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 20 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)233670002510111889000 Future Volume (vph)233670002510111889000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected0.997 Satd. Flow (prot)018570001611035391583000 Flt Permitted0.997 Satd. Flow (perm)018570001611035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)76991122769 Travel Time (s)2.619.31.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)264080002790124299000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)04340002790124299000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)31.6%31.6%31.6%68.4%68.4% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0.240.240.600.60 v/c Ratio0.980.720.580.10 Control Delay39.739.310.76.8 Queue Delay0. Total Delay39.739.310.76.8 LOSDDBA Approach Delay39.739.310.4 Approach LOSDDB Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 21 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)22812217018 Queue Length 95th (ft)m231#22822537 Internal Link Dist (ft)191142689 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)4443852128951 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.980.720.580.10 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.98 Intersection Signal Delay: 20.5Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 81.9%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 22 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00420131 00000194133 Future Volume (vph)00420131 00000194133 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00470146 00000215737 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00470146 00000215737 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)9.79.754.954.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)10.710.757.955.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.140.140.760.74 v/c Ratio0.210.560.800.03 Control Delay30.738.810.92.6 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.738.810.92.6 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.738.810.8 Approach LOSCDB Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 23 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)20646776 Queue Length 95th (ft)49120m744m6 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)24828626951163 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.190.510.800.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.80 Intersection Signal Delay: 12.9Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.8%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 26 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh3.1 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h118286234155413 442467 Future Vol, veh/h118286234155413 442467 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeStopStopStopStopStopStop RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length------------ Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0--0--0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow131318264172414 442474 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1Minor2 Conflicting Flow All1770034300816779331780789174 Stage 1------593593-183183- Stage 2------223186-597606- Critical Hdwy4.12--4.12--7.126.526.227.126.526.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1------6.125.52-6.125.52- Critical Hdwy Stg 2------6.125.52-6.125.52- Follow-up Hdwy2.218--2.218--3.5184.0183.3183.5184.0183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1399--1216--296327711313323869 Stage 1------492493-819748- Stage 2------780746-490487- Platoon blocked, %---- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1399--1216--243288711279284869 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------243288-279284- Stage 1------435436-724745- Stage 2------706743-426431- ApproachEBWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s2.20.218.610.4 HCM LOSCB Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h)2881399--1216--742 HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.0810.094--0.004--0.109 HCM Control Delay (s)18.67.80-80-10.4 HCM Lane LOSCAA-AA-B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.30.3--0--0.4 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 28 MovementEBLEBRNBLNBTSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h)162123774492 Future Volume (Veh/h)162123774492 Sign ControlFreeStopStop Grade0%0%0% Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Hourly flow rate (vph)1801378644102 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median typeRaised Median storage veh)1 Upstream signal (ft)1315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume05324284970 vC1, stage 1 conf vol4284280 vC2, stage 2 conf vol1040497 vCu, unblocked vol05324284970 tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free %8980999991 cM capacity (veh/h)16234344644351085 Direction, Lane #EB 1NB 1SB 1 Volume Total31790106 Volume Left180860 Volume Right1370102 cSH16234351027 Volume to Capacity0.110.210.10 Queue Length 95th (ft)9199 Control Delay (s)4.615.48.9 Lane LOSACA Approach Delay (s)4.615.48.9 Approach LOSCA Intersection Summary Average Delay 7.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 34.3%ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min)15 HCM 2010 TWSC 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 32 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh4.3 MovementEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h15630 154844448 Future Vol, veh/h15630 154844448 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 00000000000 Sign Control FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeStopStopStopStopStopStop RT Channelized--None--None--None--None Storage Length------------ Veh in Median Storage, #-0--0--0--0- Grade, %-0--0--0--0- Peak Hour Factor909090909090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 22222222222 Mvmt Flow17733 164944449 Major/MinorMajor1Major2Minor1Minor2 Conflicting Flow All1000400074692371838 Stage 1------5757-1010- Stage 2------1712-6173- Critical Hdwy4.12--4.12--7.126.526.227.126.526.22 Critical Hdwy Stg 1------6.125.52-6.125.52- Critical Hdwy Stg 2------6.125.52-6.125.52- Follow-up Hdwy2.218--2.218--3.5184.0183.3183.5184.0183.318 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver1610--1570--91682210549208071074 Stage 1------955847-1011887- Stage 2------1002886-950834- Platoon blocked, %---- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver1610--1570--89681210549047971074 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver------896812-904797- Stage 1------944838-1000886- Stage 2------988885-931825- ApproachEBWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s2.10.798.9 HCM LOSAA Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBLn1EBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRSBLn1 Capacity (veh/h)9071610--1570--947 HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.020.01--0.001--0.019 HCM Control Delay (s)97.30-7.30-8.9 HCM Lane LOSAAA-AA-A HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.10--0--0.1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 33 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)128 00002692 Future Volume (vph)128 00002692 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt Flt Protected0.950 Satd. Flow (prot)1770 00005085 Flt Permitted0.950 Satd. Flow (perm)1770 00005085 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)305555 Link Distance (ft)65115709 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)142 00002991 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)142 00002991 Turn TypeProtNA Protected Phases56 Permitted Phases Detector Phase56 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)7.012.0 Minimum Split (s)22.522.5 Total Split (s)25.0127.0 Total Split (%)16.4%83.6% Maximum Green (s)18.9121.0 Yellow Time (s)3.04.5 All-Red Time (s)3.11.5 Lost Time Adjust (s)-1.1-1.0 Total Lost Time (s)5.05.0 Lead/LagLeadLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)2.06.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.03.0 Time Before Reduce (s)0.030.0 Time To Reduce (s)0.060.0 Recall ModeNoneC-Min Act Effct Green (s)17.6124.4 Actuated g/C Ratio0.120.82 v/c Ratio0.700.72 Control Delay79.47.8 Queue Delay0.00.4 Total Delay79.48.2 LOSEA Approach Delay79.48.2 Approach LOSEA Lanes, Volumes, Timings 700: US 421 & U-Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 34 Lane GroupWBLWBRNBTNBRSBLSBT Queue Length 50th (ft)138400 Queue Length 95th (ft)206555 Internal Link Dist (ft)135629 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)2414188 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn0607 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio0.590.84 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 95 (63%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 75 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.72 Intersection Signal Delay: 11.5Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 104.4%ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 700: US 421 & U-Turn HCM 2010 TWSC 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) C. Steiss Page 37 Intersection Int Delay, s/veh0.5 MovementWBLWBRNBUNBTNBRSBUSBLSBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h03891696510102537 Future Vol, veh/h03891696510102537 Conflicting Peds, #/hr0 0000000 Sign Control StopStopFreeFreeFreeFreeFreeFree RT Channelized-None--None--None Storage Length-0325---325- Veh in Median Storage, #0--0---0 Grade, %0--0---0 Peak Hour Factor9090909090909090 Heavy Vehicles, %2 2222222 Mvmt Flow042101884611112819 Major/MinorMinor1Major1Major2 Conflicting Flow All-945205700188918900 Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- Critical Hdwy-6.946.44--6.444.14- Critical Hdwy Stg 1-------- Critical Hdwy Stg 2-------- Follow-up Hdwy-3.322.52--2.522.22- Pot Cap-1 Maneuver026368--88312- Stage 10 ------- Stage 20 ------- Platoon blocked, %--- Mov Cap-1 Maneuver-26368--121121- Mov Cap-2 Maneuver-------- Stage 1-------- Stage 2-------- ApproachWBNBSB HCM Control Delay, s21.30.40.3 HCM LOSC Minor Lane/Major MvmtNBUNBTNBRWBLn1SBLSBT Capacity (veh/h)68--263121- HCM Lane V/C Ratio0.147--0.1610.184- HCM Control Delay (s)66.9--21.341.4- HCM Lane LOSF--CE- HCM 95th %tile Q(veh)0.5--0.60.6- Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 16 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)43941082414510613251204 Future Volume (vph)43941082414510613251204 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)300200005500125 Storage Lanes11 00201 Taper Length (ft)1002575200 Lane Util. Factor0.950.951. Frt0.8500.981 Flt Protected0.9500.9530.9860.9500.950 Satd. Flow (prot)168116861583018020034333539001770 Flt Permitted0.9500.9530.9500.950 Satd. Flow (perm)168116861583018270034333539001770 Right Turn on RedNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)452555 Link Distance (ft)1083380807 Travel Time (s)16.410.410.0 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)48841202415011814721224 Shared Lane Traffic (%)50% Lane Group Flow (vph)244248120 070016814730026 Turn TypeSplitNAProtPermNAProtProtNAProtProt Protected Phases444355211 Permitted Phases3 Detector Phase 4443355211 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)13.913.913.913.413.413.113.120.312.912.9 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)17.1%17.1%17.1%9.2%9.2%9.2%9.2%64.5%9.2%9.2% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/LagLagLagLagLeadLeadLeadLeadLagLeadLead Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneC-MinNoneNone Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio0. v/c Ratio1.161.180.610.080.940.580.31 Control Delay166.6172.576.771.2118.815.486.8 Queue Delay0. Total Delay166.6172.576.771.2118.815.486.8 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 17 Lane GroupSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)2245371 Future Volume (vph)2245371 Ideal Flow (vphpl)19001900 Storage Length (ft)100 Storage Lanes1 Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor0.951.00 Frt0.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)35391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)35391583 Right Turn on RedNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)55 Link Distance (ft)749 Travel Time (s)9.3 Peak Hour Factor0.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)2494412 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)2494412 Turn TypeNApm+ov Protected Phases64 Permitted Phases6 Detector Phase64 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)14.07.0 Minimum Split (s)20.613.9 Total Split (s)98.026.0 Total Split (%)64.5%17.1% Maximum Green (s)91.419.1 Yellow Time (s)5.35.0 All-Red Time (s)1.31.9 Lost Time Adjust (s)0.00.0 Total Lost Time (s)6.66.9 Lead/LagLagLag Lead-Lag Optimize?YesYes Vehicle Extension (s)6.02.0 Minimum Gap (s)3.43.0 Time Before Reduce (s)15.00.0 Time To Reduce (s)45.00.0 Recall ModeC-MinNone Act Effct Green (s)102.6126.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.680.83 v/c Ratio1.040.31 Control Delay55.52.6 Queue Delay0.00.0 Total Delay55.52.6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 18 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBUNBLNBTNBRSBUSBL LOSFFEEFBF Approach Delay151.371.226.0 Approach LOSFEC Queue Length 50th (ft)~300~30711478727625 Queue Length 95th (ft)#490#50018724#169731m39 Internal Link Dist (ft)1003300727 Turn Bay Length (ft)300200550125 Base Capacity (vph)21121119891178253294 Starvation Cap Reductn0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000000 Storage Cap Reductn0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio1.161.180.610.080.940.580.28 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 152 Actuated Cycle Length: 152 Offset: 10 (7%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 150 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 1.18 Intersection Signal Delay: 53.5Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 94.5%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway Lanes, Volumes, Timings 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 19 Lane GroupSBTSBR LOSEA Approach Delay48.4 Approach LOSD Queue Length 50th (ft)~140191 Queue Length 95th (ft)#1666m63 Internal Link Dist (ft)669 Turn Bay Length (ft)100 Base Capacity (vph)23891321 Starvation Cap Reductn00 Spillback Cap Reductn00 Storage Cap Reductn00 Reduced v/c Ratio1.040.31 Intersection Summary Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 20 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)233670002510111889000 Future Volume (vph)233670002510111889000 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Storage Length (ft)0002000000 Storage Lanes00010100 Taper Length (ft)25252525 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8500.850 Flt Protected0.997 Satd. Flow (prot)018570002787035391583000 Flt Permitted0.997 Satd. Flow (perm)018570002787035391583000 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)20355555 Link Distance (ft)76991122769 Travel Time (s)2.619.31.59.5 Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)264080002790124299000 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)04340002790124299000 Turn TypePermNAPermNAPerm Protected Phases72 Permitted Phases772 Detector Phase77722 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.810.810.820.320.3 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)43.4%43.4%43.4%56.6%56.6% Maximum Green (s) Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)21.821.842.142.1 Actuated g/C Ratio0.290.290.550.55 v/c Ratio0.810.350.630.11 Control Delay24.521.714.510.0 Queue Delay0. Total Delay24.521.714.510.0 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 21 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR LOSCCBB Approach Delay24.521.714.2 Approach LOSCCB Queue Length 50th (ft)2395819821 Queue Length 95th (ft)m2438430850 Internal Link Dist (ft)191142689 Turn Bay Length (ft)200 Base Capacity (vph)6649971958875 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.650.280.630.11 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.81 Intersection Signal Delay: 17.4Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.2%ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 22 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph)00420131 00000194133 Future Volume (vph)00420131 00000194133 Ideal Flow (vphpl)190019001900190019001900190019001900190019001900 Lane Util. Factor1. Frt0.8650.850 Flt Protected Satd. Flow (prot)00161101863 0000035391583 Flt Permitted Satd. Flow (perm)00161101863 0000035391583 Right Turn on RedNoNoNoNoNo Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph)25205555 Link Distance (ft)348611306125 Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor0.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.900.90 Adj. Flow (vph)00470146 00000215737 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph)00470146 00000215737 Turn TypePermNANAPerm Protected Phases36 Permitted Phases36 Detector Phase3366 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s)10.310.320.120.1 Total Split (s) Total Split (%)19.7%19.7%80.3%80.3% Maximum Green (s)9.79.754.954.9 Yellow Time (s) All-Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s)-2.0-2.0-2.00.0 Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) Minimum Gap (s) Time Before Reduce (s) Time To Reduce (s) Recall ModeNoneNoneC-MaxC-Max Act Effct Green (s)10.710.757.955.9 Actuated g/C Ratio0.140.140.760.74 v/c Ratio0.210.560.800.03 Control Delay30.738.810.62.6 Queue Delay0. Total Delay30.738.810.62.6 LOSCDBA Approach Delay30.738.810.4 Approach LOSCDB Lanes, Volumes, Timings 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods IIPM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements C. Steiss Page 23 Lane GroupEBLEBTEBRWBLWBTWBRNBLNBTNBRSBLSBTSBR Queue Length 50th (ft)20646965 Queue Length 95th (ft)49120m774m6 Internal Link Dist (ft)2681122645 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph)24828626951163 Starvation Cap Reductn0000 Spillback Cap Reductn0000 Storage Cap Reductn0000 Reduced v/c Ratio0.190.510.800.03 Intersection Summary Area Type:Other Cycle Length: 76 Actuated Cycle Length: 76 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2: and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum v/c Ratio: 0.80 Intersection Signal Delay: 12.6Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.8%ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal. Splits and Phases: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 16 Queueing and Blocking Reports Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 MovementNBNB Directions ServedTT Maximum Queue (ft)822827 Average Queue (ft)406412 95th Queue (ft)10221036 Link Distance (ft)708708 Upstream Blk Time (%)3234 Queuing Penalty (veh)312337 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 10: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)112 Average Queue (ft)22 95th Queue (ft)83 Link Distance (ft)101 Upstream Blk Time (%)3 Queuing Penalty (veh)9 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)104 Average Queue (ft)20 95th Queue (ft)68 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 Queuing Penalty (veh)7 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 15: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNBB17B17 Directions ServedL TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)437509532787790 Average Queue (ft)77208192139127 95th Queue (ft)341563569581538 Link Distance (ft)437437772772 Upstream Blk Time (%)0232398 Queuing Penalty (veh)00000 Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%)24 Queuing Penalty (veh)11 Intersection: 23: Appomattox Dr & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedLRTRLT Maximum Queue (ft)7926929 Average Queue (ft)30261 95th Queue (ft)6314410 Link Distance (ft)1119262268 Upstream Blk Time (%)3 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)69441812021202452266029222722539 Average Queue (ft)34128853451031081212184974 95th Queue (ft)6837149125982322294423519621218 Link Distance (ft)485150719481948508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)00 Queuing Penalty (veh)00 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)40010232755262572977036469489350 Average Queue (ft)36966622912576565342719118555 95th Queue (ft)45510793914170394776524365361192 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669 Upstream Blk Time (%)5474 Queuing Penalty (veh)045936 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)387265115160 Queuing Penalty (veh)15829948323591 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)8591814712929 Average Queue (ft)52371106954 95th Queue (ft)9698613014019 Link Distance (ft)33908505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)50254038 Queuing Penalty (veh)3644238230 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 4 Intersection: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)48729011630 Average Queue (ft)153928385 95th Queue (ft)41767710421 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)3512 Queuing Penalty (veh)1649 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)288244116 Average Queue (ft)595925 95th Queue (ft)23317871 Link Distance (ft)271413200 Upstream Blk Time (%)15 Queuing Penalty (veh)30 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)26826 Average Queue (ft)717 95th Queue (ft)20325 Link Distance (ft)268140 Upstream Blk Time (%)11 Queuing Penalty (veh)21 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 5 Intersection: 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementNB Directions ServedLR Maximum Queue (ft)79 Average Queue (ft)32 95th Queue (ft)56 Link Distance (ft)466 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)7514413328 Average Queue (ft)6160425 95th Queue (ft)871249623 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)50 Queuing Penalty (veh)45 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursin Driveway MovementWBSB Directions ServedRUL Maximum Queue (ft)3172 Average Queue (ft)515 95th Queue (ft)2348 Link Distance (ft)330 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 2848 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 MovementNBNB Directions ServedTT Maximum Queue (ft)834827 Average Queue (ft)544548 95th Queue (ft)11371139 Link Distance (ft)708708 Upstream Blk Time (%)4749 Queuing Penalty (veh)528549 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 10: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBB25 Directions ServedLT Maximum Queue (ft)196132 Average Queue (ft)8725 95th Queue (ft)20091 Link Distance (ft)101224 Upstream Blk Time (%)34 Queuing Penalty (veh)133 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)79 Average Queue (ft)18 95th Queue (ft)55 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 15: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNBB17B17 Directions ServedL TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)437557527824811 Average Queue (ft)121276260249244 95th Queue (ft)435647638821816 Link Distance (ft)437437772772 Upstream Blk Time (%)032322421 Queuing Penalty (veh)00000 Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%)35 Queuing Penalty (veh)16 Intersection: 23: Appomattox Dr & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedLRTRLT Maximum Queue (ft)85827731 Average Queue (ft)3001803 95th Queue (ft)76137618 Link Distance (ft)1123262269 Upstream Blk Time (%)62 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1156715913814750743112226440443137 Average Queue (ft)49181076044116109111371261344 95th Queue (ft)93481561261052862624923531131018 Link Distance (ft)485150719431943508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)211 Queuing Penalty (veh)112 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)4009022752962574177035446467341 Average Queue (ft)3555421588589611274819417532 95th Queue (ft)4588353542773699672225391356134 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669 Upstream Blk Time (%)591 Queuing Penalty (veh)66410 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)23678421417 Queuing Penalty (veh)992817054360 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)10992414714687 Average Queue (ft)8291210910310 95th Queue (ft)10492113814342 Link Distance (ft)33908505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)768252491 Queuing Penalty (veh)1063603192975 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 4 Intersection: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)71731149228 Average Queue (ft)213729391 95th Queue (ft)557680999 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)3012 Queuing Penalty (veh)14410 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTRLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)49290423215 Average Queue (ft)2267232192 95th Queue (ft)18319465210 Link Distance (ft)908271413200 Upstream Blk Time (%)762293 Queuing Penalty (veh)26800 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)284304 Average Queue (ft)209216 95th Queue (ft)367369 Link Distance (ft)269269 Upstream Blk Time (%)6669 Queuing Penalty (veh)1330 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 5 Intersection: 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)5553 Average Queue (ft)2618 95th Queue (ft)5244 Link Distance (ft)466232 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)9117917950 Average Queue (ft)5868555 95th Queue (ft)9013711826 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)59 Queuing Penalty (veh)53 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBSB Directions ServedRUL Maximum Queue (ft)3173 Average Queue (ft)422 95th Queue (ft)2155 Link Distance (ft)239 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 4624 Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 10: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSB Directions ServedLT Maximum Queue (ft)8826 Average Queue (ft)232 95th Queue (ft)7414 Link Distance (ft)101101 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 MovementNBNB Directions ServedRR Maximum Queue (ft)5119 Average Queue (ft)31 95th Queue (ft)196 Link Distance (ft)508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNBNB Directions ServedLT Maximum Queue (ft)8024 Average Queue (ft)211 95th Queue (ft)658 Link Distance (ft)7474 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 Queuing Penalty (veh)6 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 15: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)20156113 Average Queue (ft)15539 95th Queue (ft)911996 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 23: Appomattox Dr & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementWB Directions ServedLR Maximum Queue (ft)73 Average Queue (ft)28 95th Queue (ft)57 Link Distance (ft)1123 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)931151811611084304575830328130312 Average Queue (ft)4517995048225242131591241353 95th Queue (ft)9154153123904274554425425827811 Link Distance (ft)485150719431943508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)00036 Queuing Penalty (veh)00029 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULLTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)40010232755017013534137332462414350 Average Queue (ft)389779228128678194207619218346 95th Queue (ft)43311193823614813933534820342332185 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669 Upstream Blk Time (%)8 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)528113160 Queuing Penalty (veh)2223403570 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)10414315212913328 Average Queue (ft)6690931101018 95th Queue (ft)10213413812312928 Link Distance (ft)33908505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)502119 Queuing Penalty (veh)70125118 Storage Bay Dist (ft)200 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 4 Intersection: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)507312211750 Average Queue (ft)114136384 95th Queue (ft)35711048822 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)31120 Queuing Penalty (veh)14570 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr MovementEBNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)715379 Average Queue (ft)132141 95th Queue (ft)454967 Link Distance (ft)908413200 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)6962 Average Queue (ft)3934 95th Queue (ft)6053 Link Distance (ft)269269 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report AM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 5 Intersection: 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)7331 Average Queue (ft)2715 95th Queue (ft)5339 Link Distance (ft)466232 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)7319612229 Average Queue (ft)6071454 95th Queue (ft)8514910220 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)56 Queuing Penalty (veh)50 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBSB Directions ServedRUL Maximum Queue (ft)2972 Average Queue (ft)126 95th Queue (ft)1064 Link Distance (ft)239 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1028 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 10: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)1328696 Average Queue (ft)4379 95th Queue (ft)1033942 Link Distance (ft)101101101 Upstream Blk Time (%)100 Queuing Penalty (veh)600 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 MovementNB Directions ServedR Maximum Queue (ft)72 Average Queue (ft)6 95th Queue (ft)31 Link Distance (ft)508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)82 Average Queue (ft)49 95th Queue (ft)98 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)9 Queuing Penalty (veh)51 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 15: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNB Directions ServedLT Maximum Queue (ft)14878 Average Queue (ft)355 95th Queue (ft)10432 Link Distance (ft)437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 23: Appomattox Dr & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementWBSB Directions ServedLRLT Maximum Queue (ft)3131 Average Queue (ft)133 95th Queue (ft)3818 Link Distance (ft)1119268 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1601252231852142883316328227638339 Average Queue (ft)6121136104701061121313870845 95th Queue (ft)119701851751432442534424518922421 Link Distance (ft)485150719511951508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)40101 Queuing Penalty (veh)20101 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSBB4 Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTRT Maximum Queue (ft)4001042275503333122675374073935069 Average Queue (ft)39080923910130131127123643631442 95th Queue (ft)4311187386332532682663566167240423 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669708 Upstream Blk Time (%)1412 Queuing Penalty (veh)01518 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)599021210 Queuing Penalty (veh)1872805803 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementB4 Directions ServedT Maximum Queue (ft)93 Average Queue (ft)3 95th Queue (ft)31 Link Distance (ft)708 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 4 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1098211010728 Average Queue (ft)773166444 95th Queue (ft)113711199919 Link Distance (ft)33908505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)5385 Queuing Penalty (veh)823119 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)677313112266 Average Queue (ft)2766798313 95th Queue (ft)568313613943 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)61680 Queuing Penalty (veh)7941512 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr MovementEBNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)165631 Average Queue (ft)1146 95th Queue (ft)54125 Link Distance (ft)908413200 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 5 Intersection: 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)4426 Average Queue (ft)235 95th Queue (ft)3722 Link Distance (ft)268140 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementNB Directions ServedLR Maximum Queue (ft)31 Average Queue (ft)13 95th Queue (ft)37 Link Distance (ft)466 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)73227702138 Average Queue (ft)6911313417 95th Queue (ft)8221039764 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)730 Queuing Penalty (veh)940 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 FNB 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 6 Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSB Directions ServedRUUL Maximum Queue (ft)532531 Average Queue (ft)23714 95th Queue (ft)472535 Link Distance (ft)360 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1047 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 10: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSBB25B25 Directions ServedL TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)17232464254 Average Queue (ft)111 2352 95th Queue (ft)18615202518 Link Distance (ft)101101101224224 Upstream Blk Time (%)10 Queuing Penalty (veh)58 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 MovementNBSB Directions ServedRT Maximum Queue (ft)10945 Average Queue (ft)221 95th Queue (ft)7115 Link Distance (ft)50874 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)117 Average Queue (ft)58 95th Queue (ft)113 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)20 Queuing Penalty (veh)126 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 15: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)807051 Average Queue (ft)28236 95th Queue (ft)756329 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 23: Appomattox Dr & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementWBSB Directions ServedLRLT Maximum Queue (ft)3131 Average Queue (ft)165 95th Queue (ft)4024 Link Distance (ft)1124269 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)1321183122541142903246425730134880 Average Queue (ft)6115148111601541641213084988 95th Queue (ft)115632412131122632724123318319938 Link Distance (ft)485150719541954508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)40421 Queuing Penalty (veh)20421 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBSBSBSBSBB4 Directions ServedLLTRLTRULTTRULTTRT Maximum Queue (ft)400106027529390276295325787777350725 Average Queue (ft)397946232728014214531645643283467 95th Queue (ft)411120738925387265269164939952502968 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669710 Upstream Blk Time (%)6125251 Queuing Penalty (veh)031931518 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)7792131300 Queuing Penalty (veh)256300471121 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementB4 Directions ServedT Maximum Queue (ft)711 Average Queue (ft)471 95th Queue (ft)966 Link Distance (ft)710 Upstream Blk Time (%)1 Queuing Penalty (veh)16 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 4 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)104238110110111 Average Queue (ft)85104965820 95th Queue (ft)9818913410660 Link Distance (ft)33908505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)621582 Queuing Penalty (veh)24259347 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)509112212252 Average Queue (ft)296669839 95th Queue (ft)558713312837 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)57690 Queuing Penalty (veh)7437611 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr MovementEBNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)745251 Average Queue (ft)221428 95th Queue (ft)634146 Link Distance (ft)908413200 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 5 Intersection: 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)7468 Average Queue (ft)2735 95th Queue (ft)4458 Link Distance (ft)269275 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)3151 Average Queue (ft)1215 95th Queue (ft)3741 Link Distance (ft)466238 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)110659499206 Average Queue (ft)7221922451 95th Queue (ft)88457428142 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)72 Queuing Penalty (veh)93 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1)07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 6 Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSBSBSB Directions ServedRUULTT Maximum Queue (ft)525242411601186 Average Queue (ft)222258251265 95th Queue (ft)4853261844891 Link Distance (ft)33219541954 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%)7 Queuing Penalty (veh)1 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 2151 Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 1 Intersection: 3: US 421 Movement Directions Served Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 95th Queue (ft) Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 10: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn MovementSBSBSBB25B12 Directions ServedL TTTT Maximum Queue (ft)1787190276103 Average Queue (ft)12188233 95th Queue (ft)194363911934 Link Distance (ft)101101101224291 Upstream Blk Time (%)1501 Queuing Penalty (veh)9007 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 13: US 421 MovementNBSBSB Directions ServedRTT Maximum Queue (ft)1485156 Average Queue (ft)2022 95th Queue (ft)881718 Link Distance (ft)5087474 Upstream Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 2 Intersection: 14: US 421 & U-Turn MovementNB Directions ServedL Maximum Queue (ft)102 Average Queue (ft)44 95th Queue (ft)105 Link Distance (ft)74 Upstream Blk Time (%)16 Queuing Penalty (veh)101 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 15: US 421 & NB Manassas Left Turn MovementNBNBNB Directions ServedLTT Maximum Queue (ft)16310191 Average Queue (ft)353715 95th Queue (ft)998957 Link Distance (ft)437437 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)350 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 23: Appomattox Dr & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementWBSB Directions ServedLRLT Maximum Queue (ft)5431 Average Queue (ft)175 95th Queue (ft)4422 Link Distance (ft)1124269 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 3 Intersection: 100: US 421 & CB Side Road/Kings Highway MovementEBEBWBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions Served RRRRLTTRLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)2341251811621943073296329246244537 Average Queue (ft)8224125948013813313173991133 95th Queue (ft)174761771661492782684328628728616 Link Distance (ft)485150719541954508508508 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)100200325250600 Storage Blk Time (%)100001 Queuing Penalty (veh)50001 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementEBEBEBWBNBNBNBNBSBSBSBSB Directions ServedLLTRLTRULLTTRULTTR Maximum Queue (ft)400106027551138118289281324776763350 Average Queue (ft)3818282165645915113733659662226 95th Queue (ft)450127437825133123261244163947946494 Link Distance (ft)1008310716716669669 Upstream Blk Time (%)302123 Queuing Penalty (veh)0269288 Storage Bay Dist (ft)300200550550125100 Storage Blk Time (%)6486328280 Queuing Penalty (veh)2112801371022 Intersection: 200: US 421 & Sanders Rd/North State Storage Driveway MovementB4B4 Directions ServedTT Maximum Queue (ft)724728 Average Queue (ft)345366 95th Queue (ft)797815 Link Distance (ft)710710 Upstream Blk Time (%)00 Queuing Penalty (veh)52 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 4 Intersection: 300: US 421 & SB Manassas Left and U-turn/Manassas Dr MovementEBWBWBNBNBNB Directions ServedLTRRTTR Maximum Queue (ft)12212611311011094 Average Queue (ft)8960551027427 95th Queue (ft)1061099112712368 Link Distance (ft)33908505050 Upstream Blk Time (%)6321164 Queuing Penalty (veh)244856516 Storage Bay Dist (ft)200 Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 301: US 421 & Sharks Eye Lane/NB Manassas Left Turn MovementEBWBSBSBSB Directions ServedRTTTR Maximum Queue (ft)719612212252 Average Queue (ft)2668849211 95th Queue (ft)598413613838 Link Distance (ft)29220616161 Upstream Blk Time (%)617100 Queuing Penalty (veh)8044641 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 400: Shiloh Dr & Manassas Dr MovementEBWBNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTRLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)72283156 Average Queue (ft)1811530 95th Queue (ft)5593951 Link Distance (ft)908271413200 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 5 Intersection: 500: Appomattox Dr & Manassas Dr MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTTR Maximum Queue (ft)7451 Average Queue (ft)2928 95th Queue (ft)5552 Link Distance (ft)269275 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 600: Tarin Rd & Lieutenant Congleton Rd MovementNBSB Directions ServedLTRLTR Maximum Queue (ft)5431 Average Queue (ft)149 95th Queue (ft)4132 Link Distance (ft)466238 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 700: US 421 & U-Turn MovementWBSBSBSB Directions ServedLTTT Maximum Queue (ft)100444689491 Average Queue (ft)6918719256 95th Queue (ft)93400491226 Link Distance (ft)19687687687 Upstream Blk Time (%)670 Queuing Penalty (veh)850 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing and Blocking Report PM 2019 Phase 2B(1) with Improvements 07/27/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II SimTraffic Report C. Steiss Page 6 Intersection: 800: US 421 & Autumn Care Nursing Driveway MovementWBNBSBSBSB Directions ServedRUULTT Maximum Queue (ft)7451534741015 Average Queue (ft)2719175286 95th Queue (ft)614742250427 Link Distance (ft)33219541954 Upstream Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft)325325 Storage Blk Time (%)0 Queuing Penalty (veh)0 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 2068 07/30/2018 160278 Tarin Woods II – Addendum 17 Supporting Documentation Trip Generation Summary - Phase 2 Project: Alternative: Open Date: Analysis Date: 160278 Alternative 1 11/17/2016 11/17/2016 ITE Land Use Enter Exit Enter Exit Average Daily Trips Enter Exit TotalTotalTotal AM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic 210SFHOUSE 2 339Dwelling Units 33912521425419064322716131614 220 APT 1 192Dwelling Units 12343809878201287643644 Unadjusted Volume 22582256451484268352294168462 Internal Capture Trips000000000 000000000 22582256451484268352294168462 Pass-By Trips Volume Added to Adjacent Streets Total AM Peak Hour Internal Capture = 0 Percent Total PM Peak Hour Internal Capture = 0 Percent 1TRIP GENERATION 2014, TRAFFICWARE, LLC Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition, 2012 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM Pe a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB R 7 1 7 1 7 2 7 2 7 3 7 3 E B R 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 3 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB R 1 6 5 1 6 5 1 6 8 1 6 8 1 7 0 2 4 5 4 1 5 W B R 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 3 5 2 3 5 2 3 7 1 4 9 3 8 6 NB L 5 7 5 7 5 8 5 8 5 9 5 9 N B L 9 2 9 2 9 4 9 4 9 5 9 5 NB T 2 0 8 1 2 0 8 1 2 5 2 1 4 7 2 0 1 2 3 4 8 2 1 6 9 5 7 2 2 2 5 N B T 1 4 9 7 1 4 9 7 3 0 1 5 5 7 1 2 6 1 6 8 3 1 5 7 2 3 4 1 6 0 6 NB R 1 3 6 1 3 6 1 3 9 1 3 9 1 4 0 6 1 4 6 N B R 1 0 5 1 0 5 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 8 2 0 1 2 8 SB L 1 5 0 1 5 0 1 5 3 1 5 3 1 5 5 6 8 2 2 3 S B L 1 6 5 1 6 5 1 6 8 1 6 8 1 7 0 2 4 1 4 1 1 SB T 1 4 4 9 1 4 4 9 1 5 1 4 9 3 6 3 1 5 5 6 1 5 0 8 3 6 1 5 4 3 S B T 1 7 9 8 1 7 9 8 3 6 1 8 7 1 2 2 1 2 0 9 1 1 8 8 9 7 2 1 9 6 0 SB R 3 7 3 7 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 S B R 7 6 7 6 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 NB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 To t a l 4 1 4 6 0 4 1 4 6 3 9 4 2 6 9 2 6 4 4 5 3 3 4 3 1 1 0 0 4 1 2 4 7 2 2 T o t a l 4 0 6 3 0 4 0 6 3 6 6 4 2 1 1 3 4 7 4 5 5 7 4 2 5 2 0 0 5 1 5 4 7 6 8 20 0 20 0 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM Pe a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 5 0 2 5 0 2 2 5 5 3 7 5 3 7 5 4 2 6 5 4 8 5 4 2 E B L 3 3 0 3 3 0 1 0 3 4 3 9 4 3 9 4 4 3 2 0 4 6 3 4 4 3 EB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB R 1 3 9 1 3 9 6 1 4 7 4 1 5 2 1 4 9 1 4 9 6 1 5 5 E B R 8 5 8 5 7 9 4 1 5 1 0 8 9 4 9 4 2 0 1 1 4 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 2 2 2 2 2 2 WB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W B R 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 NB L 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 8 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 9 1 2 9 1 9 1 4 8 N B L 8 2 8 2 1 4 9 8 8 1 0 6 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 0 NB T 1 4 5 3 1 4 5 3 1 4 8 2 2 0 1 1 6 8 3 1 4 9 7 1 0 0 1 5 9 7 6 2 1 5 5 9 N B T 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 - 2 7 1 1 9 9 1 2 6 1 3 2 5 1 2 1 1 7 7 1 2 8 9 5 4 1 2 6 6 NB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SB L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 S B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB T 1 1 9 2 1 1 9 2 1 2 1 6 6 3 1 2 7 9 1 2 2 8 6 1 1 2 8 9 3 6 1 2 6 4 S B T 1 9 4 5 1 9 4 5 4 0 2 0 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 4 5 2 0 4 4 1 0 3 2 1 4 7 7 2 2 1 1 6 SB R 3 3 9 3 3 9 1 5 3 6 0 3 6 0 3 6 4 1 9 3 8 3 3 6 4 S B R 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7 4 1 1 3 8 6 3 7 4 NB U 1 3 1 3 1 3 5 4 6 7 1 3 3 8 5 1 5 7 7 0 N B U 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 1 1 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 6 SB U 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 8 6 3 8 0 1 8 S B U 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 To t a l 3 7 8 1 0 3 7 8 1 4 8 3 9 0 5 3 3 5 4 2 4 0 3 9 4 4 2 8 5 4 2 2 9 1 7 9 4 1 2 3 T o t a l 4 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 7 9 4 2 6 1 4 0 3 4 6 6 4 4 3 0 1 4 5 5 4 7 5 7 1 9 2 4 4 9 3 US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t K i n g s H i g h w a y US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t K i n g s H i g h w a y US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t S a n d e r s R o a d US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t S a n d e r s R o a d 30 0 30 0 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM Pe a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB R 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 9 1 9 1 9 E B R 3 7 3 7 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB R 1 6 3 1 6 3 1 6 6 2 6 8 4 3 4 1 6 8 1 3 2 3 0 0 1 3 2 3 0 0 W B R 7 5 7 5 6 8 3 1 6 8 2 5 1 8 3 8 0 1 6 3 8 0 1 6 3 NB L 4 5 4 5 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 N B L 6 6 6 6 6 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 NB T 1 7 4 9 1 7 4 9 3 1 7 8 8 1 7 8 8 1 8 0 5 6 1 8 1 1 6 1 8 1 1 N B T 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 - 1 9 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 9 2 0 1 1 4 9 2 0 1 1 4 9 NB R 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 7 3 5 1 9 1 7 3 6 1 7 3 6 N B R 3 0 3 0 3 1 5 9 8 9 3 1 6 0 9 1 6 0 9 1 SB L 5 2 5 2 5 3 6 7 1 2 0 5 4 2 3 7 6 2 3 7 6 S B L 1 2 3 1 2 3 6 1 3 1 2 3 5 3 6 7 1 3 3 8 0 2 1 3 8 0 2 1 3 SB T 1 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 6 1 3 6 6 5 4 1 4 2 0 1 3 8 0 7 5 1 4 5 5 7 5 1 4 5 5 S B T 1 8 3 3 1 8 3 3 3 8 1 9 0 8 3 4 1 9 4 1 1 9 2 6 4 6 1 9 7 2 4 6 1 9 7 2 SB R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S B R 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 NB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB U 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 S B U 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 To t a l 3 4 0 9 0 3 4 0 9 9 3 4 8 7 4 0 6 3 8 9 2 3 5 2 1 2 5 3 3 7 7 4 2 5 3 3 7 7 4 T o t a l 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 3 5 0 0 4 9 6 3 9 9 6 3 5 3 4 2 8 6 3 8 2 1 2 8 6 3 8 2 1 40 0 40 0 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM Pe a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 1 1 1 3 4 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 E B L 0 0 0 1 1 8 1 1 8 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 EB T 4 7 4 7 4 8 5 0 9 8 4 8 2 9 7 7 2 9 7 7 E B T 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 9 1 7 6 2 8 6 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 EB R 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 E B R 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB T 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 5 1 6 1 3 0 6 1 4 6 9 4 2 4 1 9 4 2 4 1 W B T 5 3 5 3 5 4 1 0 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 7 1 1 2 5 7 1 1 2 WB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB L 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 5 2 5 2 5 N B L 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 NB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B L 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB R 0 0 0 1 0 7 1 0 7 0 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 S B R 0 0 0 6 7 6 7 0 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 EB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To t a l 2 1 8 0 2 1 8 0 2 2 2 3 5 2 5 7 4 2 2 5 1 7 2 3 9 6 1 7 2 3 9 6 T o t a l 1 9 8 0 1 9 8 0 2 0 2 4 6 2 6 6 4 2 0 4 2 2 1 4 2 4 2 2 1 4 2 4 Ma n a s s a s D r i v e a t S h i l o h D r i v e Ma n a s s a s D r i v e a t S h i l o h D r i v e US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t M a n a s s a s D r i v e US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t M a n a s s a s D r i v e 50 0 50 0 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 0 0 0 4 6 4 6 0 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 E B L 0 0 0 1 6 2 1 6 2 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 EB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB R 5 5 5 5 5 6 4 6 0 5 7 6 6 2 6 6 2 E B R 1 0 6 1 0 6 1 0 8 1 5 1 2 3 1 0 9 2 0 1 2 9 2 0 1 2 9 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB L 1 8 8 1 8 8 1 9 2 1 3 2 0 5 1 9 4 1 9 2 1 3 1 9 2 1 3 N B L 6 7 6 7 6 8 8 7 7 6 9 1 1 8 0 1 1 8 0 NB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB R 0 0 0 1 4 7 1 4 7 0 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 S B R 0 0 0 9 2 9 2 0 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 EB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To t a l 2 4 3 0 2 4 3 0 2 4 8 2 1 1 4 5 9 2 5 0 1 2 3 3 7 3 1 2 3 3 7 3 T o t a l 1 7 3 0 1 7 3 0 1 7 6 2 7 7 4 5 4 1 7 8 1 5 8 3 3 6 1 5 8 3 3 6 60 0 60 0 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 0 0 0 4 4 0 6 6 6 6 E B L 0 0 0 1 5 1 5 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 EB T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E B T 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 EB R 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 E B R 2 9 2 9 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WB T 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 W B T 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 WB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB L 4 0 4 0 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 N B L 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 NB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB R 0 0 0 1 3 1 3 0 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 S B R 0 0 0 8 8 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To t a l 5 6 0 5 6 0 5 6 1 8 7 5 5 8 2 5 8 2 2 5 8 2 T o t a l 4 9 0 4 9 0 5 0 2 3 7 3 5 0 3 2 8 2 3 2 8 2 70 0 70 0 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB U 8 8 8 8 9 0 9 0 9 1 1 9 1 1 0 N B U 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 2 9 1 1 1 4 0 NB T 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 5 2 2 6 9 2 0 1 2 4 7 0 2 2 9 1 2 8 3 2 5 7 4 N B T 1 4 3 9 1 4 3 9 3 0 1 4 9 8 1 2 6 1 6 2 4 1 5 1 2 1 7 2 1 6 8 4 NB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB T 1 6 5 8 1 6 5 8 1 5 1 7 0 6 6 3 1 7 6 9 1 7 2 3 8 6 1 8 0 8 S B T 2 3 8 7 2 3 8 7 3 6 2 4 7 1 2 2 1 2 6 9 2 2 4 9 6 3 0 1 2 7 9 6 SB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB U 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B U 0 0 0 0 0 0 To t a l 3 9 4 6 0 3 9 4 6 3 9 4 0 6 5 2 6 4 4 3 2 9 4 1 0 5 0 0 3 8 7 4 4 9 2 T o t a l 3 9 5 1 0 3 9 5 1 6 6 4 0 9 6 3 4 7 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 7 0 0 4 8 4 4 6 2 1 AM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 P h a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 20 2 0 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 1 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 1 Fu t u r e Bu i l d Ph a s e 2 b Sc e n a r i o 2 Tr i p s 20 2 0 P h a s e 2b Sc e n a r i o 2 Fu t u r e Bu i l d PM P e a k 20 1 7 TM C Ba l a n c i n g 20 1 7 Ba s e Ap p r o v e d De v e l o p m e n t 20 1 9 Fu t u r e N o Bu i l d Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) T r i p s 20 1 9 Ph a s e 2B ( 1 ) Fu t u r e Bu i l d 2020 Future No BuildPhase 2b Scenario 1 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 1 Future BuildPhase 2b Scenario 2 Trips2020 Phase 2b Scenario 2 Future Build EB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t U - T u r n n o r t h o f K i n g s H i g h w a y Li e u t e n a n t C o n g l e t o n R o a d a t T a r i n R o a d Ma n a s s a s D r i v e a t A p p o m a t t o x D r i v e Ma n a s s a s D r i v e a t A p p o m a t t o x D r i v e US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R o a d ) a t U - T u r n n o r t h o f K i n g s H i g h w a y Li e u t e n a n t C o n g l e t o n R o a d a t T a r i n R o a d US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R d ) a t U - T u r n A u t u m n C a r e N u r s i n g H o m e US 4 2 1 ( C a r o l i n a B e a c h R d ) a t U - T u r n A u t u m n C a r e N u r s i n g H o m e EB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 EB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 E B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB T 0 0 0 0 0 0 W B T 0 0 0 0 0 0 WB R 6 6 6 6 6 6 W B R 3 7 3 7 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 NB L 0 0 0 0 0 0 N B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB T 1 9 6 4 1 9 6 4 2 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 2 0 4 2 0 2 4 2 8 3 2 3 0 6 N B T 1 5 3 9 1 5 3 9 1 5 7 0 1 2 6 1 6 9 6 1 5 8 6 1 7 2 1 7 5 7 NB R 8 8 8 8 8 8 N B R 5 5 5 5 5 5 SB L 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 S B L 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 SB T 1 5 4 9 1 5 4 9 1 5 8 0 6 3 1 6 4 3 1 5 9 6 8 6 1 6 8 1 S B T 2 2 7 1 2 2 7 1 2 3 1 7 2 2 1 2 5 3 7 2 3 4 0 3 0 1 2 6 4 1 SB R 0 0 0 0 0 0 S B R 0 0 0 0 0 0 NB U 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 5 8 N B U 9 9 9 9 9 3 4 4 4 SB U 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 S B U 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 To t a l 3 5 5 4 0 3 5 5 4 0 3 6 2 5 2 6 4 3 8 8 9 3 6 6 2 4 2 5 4 0 8 6 0 0 T o t a l 3 8 8 1 0 3 8 8 1 0 3 9 5 9 3 4 7 4 3 0 6 3 9 9 9 5 0 7 4 5 0 5 0 0