JULY 30 2018 BUILD APPSffi Clear Form 2ot& 136'l l'g1iab Application Number (offace use) Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' J AppltCANT,S NAME. Brent Tenuta p31g. 7/05i2018 pROIECT ADDRESS: 67'15 Finian Drive g;1y. Wilmington ztP. 28409 SUBDIVISION: Windward Oaks 1919. 112 Sec 3 pROpERTy OWNER,5 141y6. Kenneth and Jeanne Bartholomew OWNER,S ADDRESS. 6715 Finian Drive p119i1s s. 269-330-9598 917y. Wilmington z,P.2UO9 CONTRACTOR: Brent Tenuta Construction Co BLDG LICENSE #. 22595 ADDRESS: 6'104 Old Branch Road 61ry. Wilmington 51. Nc 21p.28409 EMATL ADDRESS: Bte7505898@aol.com pROIECT CONTACT pgp591. Brent Tenuta pHgt{9. 910-231-8796 p116x6. 910-231-8796 TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heatedi Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 21,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Ves El t{o lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family D Dupler E Townhouse DescriptiOn Of WOfk: Re@ie existing ktde. 1.Ra@ ard instat nd etinelry.2 RedfuuE en$hg rghdng 2 RmM ad in$a[ n6w duhbing lirtu6.3 Re@6quE |lvAC suppty tin6 4.lnstall new flooring 5. Repaint No change in footprint OISCLAIMER: I hereby certifythat allthe information in this appli.ation is correct and a work willcomp ly wath the State Buildin8 Code and all other applicable State and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and spe€ifications or change in contractorinformation. "'NOTE ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves ! No €U$\ Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedr ' tnsfUion pequrreo, gl 0-25q.0g0 g Code and !bject es up to 5500.00 Permit Fee: I .--- Any{ork performed without the appropriate permits willbe in , ()KZEur TFp cr-A. violation of the N signature:Owner/Contraclor "Licensed Quolifier" New lmpervious Area: WATER; E CFP SEWER: E CFP Zone: Approval: Comment: Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permiti E yes O trto UA E Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua UA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua ofic.r, 8F setbacks(F) 1U (r.rl) [Lr (RH] [D $e]t - BFE+2ft= _ t city:[Jli-lA oateil-!-lBrrood:(A) - (v) - (N] EXISIING COI{STRUCTION: tr Alteration = Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: [] Erect NewResidence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation **.PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garage (SF)_ tr Det Garage (SF)_ E porch (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ n storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) tr Deck(SF)_ ! Other(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? A y., {d tr{".,bt.tY: "#' .) '<l\'6-\ rL2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P Lt CATION WPE: RESIDENTIAt PLTASI ANSWTR ALt OUTSfIONS APPIICAELE 1O YOUR PRO]IC] "Projed Reepon5lbility" 26\$-])8C PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: - 3) ,'L 5U EDlVtStON tlx c(t .. r-l crw Oate: /I -1/cr,4 e..,t,+ 4v L LOT f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMT: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 'jrLC t /\/a.,-r, t.; \l )rti PHONI 'J /() BtDG TICTN 1,l.rt sro CITY:ztP CONTRACTOR ADDR€SS t MAlt ADDRESSI [- ] Sunroom {SF) L Greenhouse 15F)_ L^J L.t-r" C 'TY s- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: 'l Alteraticn i{/,6]aovation t General Repai15 NEW CONSTRI",CT,ON: - Erc.t New B:side'rce 1.,-izAddrticn to ixilting Fe5idence l- Retocation r.*PLEASI] CHICX AND ANSWER BELOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'" Lj At1 Gar.Be {SF) '---_ E Der cara8e (SF} __-_ _ L-t porch (SF) PHONE -*)Qa Yt : Storage Shed {5F) _:l Pool (SFi _ . ' Deck (SF),1 7/G.dther (sF) ls the p.oposed wo.k changing the exisiiog footprint? i . Yes _:r No IOTAT SQ Fl UNDTR ROOI Vor proposed wart) Heated: 'LC,TOTAT PROr!CT COST {Less Lor): S ls lhe proposed work chanSing the numDer of bedrooms? .jr4es : Xo ls any 6lectriqa,, Pllmbi.lB or Mechanicirlwork being done to the A.ceslory Stru(ture L.l,les I j No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a |latural Gas Line on lhe current srte? : yes ?.'lo lsthere flectrical Power on this BuildinB? Uftes -l No P.operty Use/ Occupancy: 1plSingle Family -t Duplex i I Townhouse Description ot work: Unheated r4r,- t,.{. OIJCLAIM(R: I het?by (erlify thal altlhe in{o(nalr(,r in tlr! ,tplrcniof s rorreil and alt w.rk wilt comdy w'lh thr Stare $u,k1ilaw. ard ordr€naes and re8utetrong. The NHC D€vtlopment S€rurces Cente. sill be not,,,ed ot.ny changeg !n !he er.lo4nrt,on "'NOItjAnt r?ork pe., aalor Signature ed QuotiJiet" comment:f,..., ll 4t tJn /r },i C.dp and a lorher app|.alne State rnd io..i tnd spec(r(a1 o r or chr.te ir co^ir.ator bre.1 roIl.er !p lo s50c 0o... L ls the prope.ty lo.ated in a floodplain? : yes [7'l/o txistlnE lmpervious Ar"", 2 3?t- Sq rt Tot.tAcrss Oi5tgrbed: New lmpervious Area: J "?r1O 5qtl Existing Land Disturbing Permiti _: yes AzNo WATtRi : CFPUA ': Community System ::l Prtvate We {Centr.]tive [] Aq!a StWtR: :--r CFPUA ,j Community syst€m prrvale Sepr,c {Cenrra Septic I aquat- Zone: ___ Ofri.er: _ Serback5 {F) - _- (LH} __ {RH} _ - _ (B) _ Approval: _€__ city: ,,,,__,- D3te. _ Flood: (A) "__ {v) __- (N)_ Brf+2ft= - L:-Irl ft Permit Fee: $ APPLICANT,S NAMT: PHON E ttfi ,il ,lta @ 2D\tK. aFFIftITiotl Nunber (Office use) DATE:- 23- tl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE aPP L I cAr ION TYPE : COIiIiIERCIAL PI-EASE AiIShIER AI-L QT'ESIIONS APPLICAETE TO YOI,,R PRO]ICT "Project ResPonsibility" ITY: LICENSE #: = fi,tt 7 'ij:, IT L 7 c APPLICANT'S I.IA E : DEVELOPER: PROJECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tIA'48 : PROPERTY OUINER, S NA}IE : OI,TNER'S ADDRESS : *i ST ?to-za2-79) t NgzrP' z9qq3 PHONE ':os, P () CONTBACTOR : ADDRESS:crw: EI'IAIL ADDR ss:€ PRO]ECT CONTACT PE (che.k atl TION No NEId CONSTRUCTION:E EREcr NEIJ srRUcruRE fl FAsr rRAcK E ST:zrP: Zgq I I PHO'{E *: - PHoNE *:q,-U7 -)qq. SHELL tr ww fl no ro Exrsr srnucTuRE EXIST CONSTRUCTIOII: l-l It Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the r--I RENOVAt_JCurrent Sile? l-l rhat Apply) TTGENERAL REpArRs T-'l RELocarroN 6;-1 *o ts eLoo sp-RlNrLeREDfL YesfL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The She1l Permit #:Is Elect Porder on this Buildinc fl Yes l-.i'o oF occuPAr{cY usE? fl YEs f]1 lo **'** Hhat is the l{e}, OccuPancy NC REG f: NC REG {: **1.* IS THIS A CtlAl{GE IF Yes, xttat lras the Pnevigus Occupan€y Type? I[tfi ?orsto, PRoFEssrottal.PH: EIiGR DESIGN PROFESSToNAL:-PH ls lood or beverages prepared or served in lhis structure?ves[-|, t to ls The Property Located In The Floodplain 5_tv"{-i lhe state all olher applicable Slate and soecifcatons Bldo code 6nd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (audilter) SIGNATURE: lhe lacilily ot building was iound 1o Nole: Demolition noincatons E asbesbs removalp€.mit lo be submited using $e apPlication form contain Asbeslos or not You are required 10 callrhe NaliorBl Emission Standards fo, Ha?ardous Air PolluEnts (NESHAP)ar (9'19)70?-5950 at leasl 10 deys pnot b lh€ See Asbeslos Web Site: htpr^M/!ry.epi stale.nc.us/epvasbestos/ahmp html SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DtsruRetHc eenulrz -|- ves -f-l Ho NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SO FT CONDO OTHET E CLASSIFICATION demolhioo ol any facilily or building TOTAL PROJECT COST; TOTAL AREA SQ FT : WATER: i7{CFPUA SEWER: RiTcFPUASYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD; # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: OO eurLotNo xetcFlr E COMMUNIry SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC r..I WELL T-'I ZONING USFdvlrr sePrtc 5'icotvtt'rtut'ttw EM EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP' PREFABS & INSERTS f- cASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro nncl f AMERIcAN ExPREss l-- tucnrtsa [- DlscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICER Approval:- City: DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft,_- of the Commenl N PERMIT FEE: : ALTERATION DESCRIPTION OF }.'ORK: # OF UNITS: PRoPERTY usE: floFFlcE flnrsraunnr.rr I uencenrtlel-l eouc[-1rerI SETBACKS: F: LH RH BZONE: wfl.9( ilEUy H/rr{ovER corrrry Bur,.onc*poD ZONE APfll6Attr)fl nm: nE$DEflnfl. PIEASE $6mi Au qf,slxt6 Ar?t EA&tm touR p rEcTTllFCn fot:th,emltcrtonI*n ar(ofio.u5.l AIPPLICAfTITT AT.E3 SbvelB PNOJECT ADDiESS: T/A Starorlr FIle Hom€s Date:( ZP: l5 I OIYi crBoMslox!The &€ek d YYIortk I.oTft PNOPETTY oll[*s xalrE $arBtts Bddlns s10-794{@9PHOflEf: OWNERS ADD[EI5: '/10 olErdcr Bi,E &dean WImlnqb.tCIIYI zre, coxTRACrtn Sbr/€ns qftrg ADDiESS 5/10 Oeglder 0fua &ftatr EMAII. ADDiEI: rrorEct C<,I{IAct PASO :fu t\hh&o.t tr $n odtt(SFl- tr 64FI_ . ee.'lhdtt aSFl _ ! n.fs4_ lst l. ptDpor.d ruo.t cft:rffudrdl6+fit? D vtr d xo lgf L'QFIUmA W$vptoa,fl,tlu{,*l He 2,bo Ptffi9tl}?l{'flm --'-- l0 ].0crffir: orY:v\,}nhfrrt 3f: NC 1p Etlsf € O0 sltr CIlOfl: tr llrrdon tr RrnovrOon O ClEd ir9*! EW OOEI ,cTE : d rr.a n- A.g.,o" O Ad&boE eI rrad.r tr ndo.rrb,r u**r*oo {orl c**u-offi6a log FHIIG:5 O tu I! ShGd (sr) O OUlrEFl.._.- lltd:51L IUfAl, FIOEI@SI (Lers toQ:( ls ttl. propcd *!.t dlflhf tll. rurtcr d bd'oool3? tr fcr d fob.nyE @ ffiorhrtsru lcfrj dom to thr f@,'o.y f tll€ p.oFct b a ls ttE E Ele.lrlel idodn, EdrEr 'llral6rt l+. th.ornut rlt ? Pqrtrm t *l.ct? tr Vr d.t.ffifJeifu HmgimeerEmg rrlprf ur/o.qF.t: dry.rrfv O orTan tr T6,rllq ra RCW Review t S. Ksa 0ul.[EI Dcrc?ilon o{wat ltblY hfidlt...rtOrEAny Jdt!.rhnadrl,to.tturyq.aL Ffi5r,l b.hft&rdth it ol'n.'/contnol:CfBIE Sbr,E lE *n nm:at@dAffi lE(l.fl,l : l tr.Gly.t t y6.tClfiffiiDdothttrb .FDldcr b cclE ri aEt t I cdearrft dr ir-tEfC.&rd.[otLsl{.h-nb(,lbtt rd rt|n6 td.*ddonrT|r ItlCocalqlr.ri S6,taa C.E-t ifr o,r!'drt hdr.ffrr nd rpaa$c.tbu Ih..lTtoadrrahq!fr tEO.o... B th€ prlp.lq locaed fn a ruO4enef Hnrr rrt flb|r Ara! 2\{(r it At^odo/[Y.3 I tao iLr trasrbur tn : 2 tl { 6 sq n Iotd frnr otrtrtcd: 18 Edtt rd DtdlutN F..rntr tr y.. til llowef* d cFpUA tr Coflflrtry Syffm tr fttrtrw.0 tr @d Wdl tr Safgi .d cfpul tr Comnrmttysy*an tr pil'rE s.pdc EI c.nrrd S.pdc zone,K- [5 om-" Dtl'u srrrr (R lD' Grtinro f, trl,gatw* OY otyr lLM. txr,-l//;Al18rpa1a31711_M_(xt fl_ Cil',,lnsyrlion Regrrreo, g10.254.0900 -r: -llp,,x"fllD€DxComm€tfi Skuc*tvci Cz rC F3':+ Fca: $ I Pt ,,,,tnr I I I Clear Form Print 6Ma NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P UCAT D N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PttA5T ANSWtti ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PNO]TCI "Project iesponllblllty" 9d(-{)vq5 frt AppUcaNT's NAMI : vr l;)1'- a-a o",",-,Ll--l'o I ,! ztP; .ltLlu t_,PRo',ECT ADDRESS: *lJ.t]l-_-c-;\C ITY suBDrvtstoN LOT ! gtoc r.rcrrusr r,*201tr-l rl.. zrp,*Jl!oJ- CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS:.\T cliY .57 €MAlt ADDRtSST I PROIECT CONTACT PTRSON Pr{oNI lr::. ri!t -;{..)) --- PHoNE: -t!0..' bA) -' 3L' i!! fXlSTlNG CONSIRUCTION: X Aheration : Renovalio [f General Repairt NEW CoNSTRUCTION: : t.ect New nesidedce : Addtion to Erilting Reridence C Relocation ".PL€ASE CHEC( AND ANSWER EILOW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJICT" ' "- Att 6ara8e (Sr) -=-- :-. . Sunroorn {5t) *,- :_ Greenholrre (SF)- n o€t Garase lsfl f Porch {5F) : Pool (SF) : 0eck (sf) :-l Storage Shed (5F)*_- .__ / 3t 5r'!r'ott ,er \sr).) A4 t 444ax) ls rhe propoied work changint the exislinS lootprinl? :- ,", 1. *o TolAr 5Q FT uNDgR R oot llor p.aposett wor\ aeateat - /9lL)/ - unhealedi rorAL PRorEcr coST (Less Lot), S Zk.LLI L'7 rs the proposed,,ork.nunr,nr,n" nr. liiJllmr? * ves /ruo ls ant Electrlcal, Plumbing or M€chanlcal work beioE done lo the Accessory Struclnfe :l Ye! lfthep.ojectisrReloaatlon,isthereaNaturrGas[ineonlhe(urrenl site) tl Yer 3'Ho rs llrerr flcctric0:powcr on tl"rs Building? :tr Yer :: No (.) {,, Property Use/ occupancy: )' Single FamllY .'-i ot,plex i: Townhouse (lab4 ,,t 8..,1/t 'Le. ) /-,.r ri Description of worki -;;i..1)4 14.'c t, t Lq tl (y-'t', /' (Arr(Lt /,n lO / -9,it4 ..r.<:-t- Ol9CLAtMtSi I nr..br .e4,i). that ,rr t^4 i'1io.m.ti!n h rh5 .pPJ,(.i;o.6 (or.0(l atrd ill worL v/illconrply lvlh tfre Sr ,arrl.ndcrdinan(or..ore8ul.tLo^rTheNhCOEvplgpm!6tServiceeC€nlcrviillb.n.iliiedolJnychanlesirli€.p nlorcrrtrcn r"NoIt Ary *o,l0..{orm?d lvirhoJl rne approp.irle psrd,il, will ce ,n v:o'alion ol !ht ',lC Stste Sldt ate 8ur{d oE Codc rnJ alroitria ,ppl,(.blc Slrre iiC,c..1 prclsd plr^r 3na lpeol.rl;ont or.r.ir8e Ln (o.tr..tor d r{rbj?.r ro l,.er !p !o 3500 m"' owac r I Conr aaor: !!)L, "ticented Quoliliet' 11 l;tl, -l .: _ -__ Signature {*" ) X err+:ft" -*,.t No Ir rhe property located in a tloodplain? r I Yes Exi5tlng lmper.lou5 Ar.", --:,1i!1sq ,, Ncw loperviou5 Arear- C Sq Ft WATIR; $ CTPUA.- Con]munity Sysleni SEi!ER x Conmunily Syslern Zone ia€r Setb App.oval CitY: TotalAc.es Olrturbed: txistirg Lrnd Oisturbint Pe,mit: : Yet . PrivaleWell :- Cenrrallvell : aqua -- Privite5eptrc - Cenlril5eplic : Aqte R-:1 (id; iIJ rLxrN/r4ra,rN# $)N/A dr (A) .*___ {vi Coftment cno A-TL Cri'lnsliclion Requre{, 9 I 0.254.09X;t Permil feerS '-_ pRopERwowNrrsNAME:SlXdUneLLfq.l fYtrv\pru !*r.*x" I PHoN€n,-ql9:!li:5!21-)-- owNER's aDDiEgSj I(t 5l \)ir.r:-S,r.:--1i CITY: l--,lr)r,rrr pr'l _--. zrP-'ll.y!:r rJJf ,i r i ,! i.! l r'11 It/v\Date:$'tto- lkttJo Plan s Sob*',4.L*,oi( tLW Clear Form Print eMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI-EAsE ANSW€R ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV'# APPLICANTS NAME:Ibr C fr Date {office use) Glatl,t PROJECT ADDRESS suBDtvrstoN: pRopERry owNER,s NAME; ShGnr.ro n c,.,nf ffw leru s\0*]- I owNER's ADDRESS: IQ 5l *' rr"rSc<. S V /--\ ^ -coNrRACroR: 615 U [-l-L ADoREss: t oq Of-A ec..C\.,rrc J -P I EMAIL ADDRESS: f trnOAe.\.r'^ br e-<r\ P cror*.\ . Luzrv'r CITY:aP: ,rqol LOT # PHONE f qlD -urq-5D73 CITY aP: .3d Vs-l CITY BLDG LICENSE f )b3tt sr: Iljl zrP , Dttlt^ PHONE Qn-Qkk-.+-,>zJ pRorEcr coNracr pensor: 'Tt { ( S\irts\e .,t EXISTING CONSTRUCrIO : F Alteration 0 Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation **TPLBq:iE CH€CK AND AI{SWER BCLOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT.. I Att Garage (SF)_|.t Det GaraEe lSFl D Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)_! Pool (sF) PHoNE: Q \D - b1) -3QtlV E Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Ves /t'lo ! Storage Shed {SF)_ g/orn., 1rr'1 e tg./ A@4) / 355r' TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF Aor ptoposed work) Heated:,/q/L 5 Unheated: O TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S zA,LLl . t{-? r' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes {n'{*"zBJUH l8 4 14l Pfi ls any Electriel, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes lfthe projectisa Relocatlon, istherea Natur, Gas Line on the current site? D Yes Ef No lsthere Electrical Powe. on this Building? dYes n o Property Use/ Occupancy: f Single Family I Duplex tr Townhouse CooJn<o2 Borl4-qa I t-,, loDescription of Work: /),27 e .4a l4roa.q aztL lVt/"./ C,/<p.se/s ro/o t 3"r4r*',r- laws and ordinances and regulaflons. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofanychanges an the approved plans and sp€aifications o. chante in contraator information. T"NOTE: Anywork performed withoutthe appropriat€ p€rmits will be in violation ol rhe NCState Sldg Cod d subject to fines sD to 5500.00"' owner/contraclot, .T /l,JL,I "Licensed Quolrfie/ ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes ExistinS lmpervlous A r"", /5 EL sqrt Signature TotalAcres Disturbed: {^. New lmpervigus Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes WATER: $ CFPUA fl Community System E Private Welt E Centralwell a Aqua SEWER: $ CFPUA I Community System I Private Septic D Centrat Septic I Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City:_ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ o A. Comment:Permit Fee: S $,lr}- f-;;;;t FLqqBSO NE #r NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUILDING PERMIT " APPLICATTONTYPE: RESIOENT|AL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPIICABI-E TO YOUR PRO.JECT "ProJcct f, esponslblllty', 1v €S'.t'\ APPUCANT'S NAME:\;\n.rr ;t- r.- uLt r\ r rl Datel PROJEcI ADORESS; suBDtvtstoN: t5f) s.I (. tzy'- r ,/.r (. L rt rJ..C ITY \ l.-zlP: / |i, i0 l PROPERTY OWII€R'S NAME:l-e L PHONE f : .l I C, ..i .i- /c,t t :c) OWNER'S AODRESS CONTRAgTOR: , L'?r't | ^-1 i-l\t 1, (1 CITY: \.!l \ r- ir { ,;l /t r {., .\ i . ZIP L\Ll<.,3 (J ass (>Dti(--s Bt DG LtcrNsEll {'l 10 Z ADDRESS: ?.<L I),aB-€ LAt-u E 2 r>crY:sr AiLuy -Z g Ll 7.-{. EMAI! AODRESS: \.) PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON:'i 11 (, i. L- r'\,,{ t{ t oJ PHON E P HON E://t) .-l.f ott It ; EXISTING CONSIRUCTION; t-l Alteration /Renovation D Gen€rat Repairs NtW CONSTRUCTION: L. Erect NewResidence il Addition to Existing Besidence I Selocation ".PIEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER 8EI.OW AI.T THAT APPIY TO YOUR PiOJECT'rr al Att Gsrage (St)_E Det GaraBe.(SF).--D Porch (5F)--- n Sunroom (SF)--D Pool(sf)D Storag€ Shed (SF)-- [] Greenhouse {SF)D Deck {St)tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? U Yes p No TOTAT SQ FT UNDTR ROOq Vot ptoposed wotk) Heated:Unheatedr H::ff"T;::iT-l,l;l#ffi1,','o,* * n" FLooD ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mrchlnlc.l work being donei the Alessory Structure E, ycs n No lf the projecl is a Rclocstlon/ is there a NaturalGas Lin€ on the curent site? D yar I No ls there Electrical power on thls Building? RY.s rl No lJrJxz4J-&uth ZONE Property Usc/ Occup Oescription of Work: ancy: X Slntle Famlly I Duplex I Torrrnhour! (.e-r ')) DlSc(AlMtR: lh.r€bY.!rlify !h.t ,ll th. lnfor m. iion in thk.ppll(atlon i..orrect and.tl wo,k wi compvwith th. Stat. Bulld'h8 codel.\l,l3 and ordinan(€r ind reSeliiioor. Th. N C Oevelopment Scrylce3Center willbe noljfled of any.hang$ tn theapproveO plai's anJiofotm.tion. "'NoIt: Anvwolk pcrior,ned without the appropri.tc permlts willbe h violellon of the NC state gldS code.;d eubj€d and illother appli(abte St.le aad to.rt sp€riflaation ! o, (henge jn aont..ator to linee up to S5OO.m... ts the p.operty tocarea in a ftoodttainfi t* ffiExlstln8 lmpervlour Ars.: _--_ Sq Ft Ncw lmpcrviouJ Arca; _-- Sq ft WAITR: X CFPUA tJ Community System I-.1 private W Ownar/Contractor: "Licented Quolille/ sEwI Zone: PUA D unitySystem [J private S€ Ot icc setbacks (F) U0 (rit) ate:1-??fr uooa:6 Slgnature; fotal.Acrei D,stu.bed: Exlstlng land oisturbint permitr a yes [-.- No Approvall Commcnt; R: ficF,?-/s er fl centratwett n aqua fii1,| pric e cenrrarseptic D Aqua nspclionPEulrel, 9i0-254.0g0i) illnrnrt Nrn- retNtr+ r *6ELlvr - tru) srr+zrr. )S ICitv: -D No q ,JoSlq ,','^ PVO -ffir,r"u, s LOT T: ffi; PROJTCI AODNTSS suB0rvtsror,J: a3 Nv\NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAf I O N TY Pfi ntSl oENTIAL PLfA5T ATISIVTR ALL QUTSIIONS APPIICABI.€ IO YOUA PNO.,ICT "Pro,ect Nerpontibilit/' CITYr B- abt APPI,I(NNT'S NAMTI L 0al.o 7tP TI: PROPTRl'f OWNTR'5 NAM[:a4e OWNTR'S ADDRESSI ,zt>L1 u1)eri ADDRTSS: tMA - AD0Rt55:ft PRO]ICT CONIACT PERSON J NIW CONSTRU CTION { c Pnowa:4(.,-rLl I ctTt: W:l{^,W 7lP o -----v- 8tD6 r"rClNSI f 73 CIT'Y PIONT Al o - 7-A_2 - s1:N( ztP PHONE:4to - Zql-Llgl, "9!o-!-11 A(C tXISTING CONSIRUCTION: |:] Alteratioo ! Renoyation ff GeneralRcprlrr frcct New nesidence 0 Additioo to tristia8 Rcsid€nce f] Belo€ation ... PLEAsT C}IICK AND ANSWfR 8EI.OW ATL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' O A(l Garagc (5t)-* [-] sunroom {5f)_ n Det Gar,rcc {Sfl D Por(h (5r) D StoraSe Shed (SF) I Grcenhoure (Sf ] ___. E Deck {St) -.-_ Ir the proposed work changing the existing footprint? 0 Yes f] No rorAr. sQ FT UNDER R ooF lJot propoted w",k) Heated, Jf2.h!- unheatedi tOIAL PRO.IECT COST {le$ tot}s llo,@ De!crlptlon ol Workl k -lls the proposed wqrl rhrntin8 the nuribcr of bed.oomi? n Yer E No ls any tle.trl(.1, Plumblng or Me(hanl(alwork beinB done to tha Accelsory Structure ft Y lf the p.oiect l! a nelocatlon, ir the.e a Nrtural Gas line on the currcnt rite? f,] Y€s O*ifo 15 there Elect.icil Powe. o^ thir Building? Cl Ye5 [-] No Properly Ure/ Oc(upancy ;fi SlnCle famtly D Ouplerf] Townhouse i .I''.: ''l lI.' o,5CLArMtir I i(.eby (e(i,y tha(,lllhe irlornrarion ln ltlir epp,i(nt,on t, cofie(t arJ nllwol,w!.ndordrn.nctl Jnd r€golationj. Th.NXC Oavcloor,\!6t S.rvlc.! Cent!awllba iot;ird lntormat,oo. "'tloI[i Anyworl o.ilo,mcd vllrhovt thaipprop.i e permd5 wll,b€ tn ticla rl w,llco,rplywrth llrr 5trte tsuitdjnS Cod..nd !ltothe, apptk.bie Stlle.d lool any rhrn8€5 h tIc,cjletlon! o. thangt lr co.trrdo.lrox ol Ur. liC Stole l to li.ct r,r lo 3:OO m..' ownelconvador -Li.ented Quoliler- 2o nc ls the property localed ln . Iloodplain? fl Yer C No lxlrting lmp€rvloui Area: _ Sq tt TotalAuei Dlsturbed: Ncw lmperviour Area; -..-_ Sq ft tristlng Land Distqrbin8 permit: fl ysr n No WAIER S CrPUA 0 Conr munity Syrte n f) privrte We O CentrnlWc [f Aqua stwt E t,Slgnaturei l-l Comnrunity Syrtcnr i-l PrivitcSeOtic D CenrratSrptir I Aqun t5 6&&ix -Qf!,- sctbacr: {rl (LH){nH) 5- {a)cer Approyal 0{-city: ILYYl oare; \^\a a loodi (A)-.*- {v) -_ (N)I BtIr2ftj0(-L e cl .1zt bac|- Permit too; S Comment: rLffurte fonL oy- y t060'ffif 0 t6'o0linbou uollstdsul I'l!) CONIN,!.CIOR ZV st4ra-: (iltn ,ll t :nl. ) n Poollst)--- O Other {Sf} -_- t t4+o O $v I occ-tD-LC ) I ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION WPF: RESIDENTIAL PIIASTANSWtRAtLQU!STlON'APPLICABTL IO YOUR PNOJTCI "Project Responsibility"iol,iae u5.) APPIICANT'5 NAMEI ?r*... 1.1,.ri Date: "l PROJECT ADDRESS; suE0rvrStoN: I8tq Lr,.[.;rtxt.i O,u.,CIIY: d\\^^.; vto- r, i ztP a 1- "azt e (Lc;e.r tOT l: 2< Clf{. ittt\..,-ut'-owNtR's A0DRESS:Ll ?)zlP : i.\.-.. 9.t,ll!.! l, i,r . L.l.(SLDG UC€NSE x: -t!--zi-q3.. ---CONTRACTOR ADDR€SSi LL\n< a c(,'* c<-^.* 0'r t*,,rd 2"r.. t,i ClTYl, i\.!..r.j14!:r. . , STr ri,- llP 'l!.a t \ PHON€: -', .a<EMAIL ADDRESS PROJ€CT CONTACT PER5ONi lio"o- li,r,.,,"_-'.--.-_- PHONE: _91i!.;14 ' tt1, EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alter3tion . R€novation ; General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: { Erect New Residence C Addilion to Existing Reside.(e : Relocation ".PLEA5E CHECK AND ANsWI8 BIIOW AI"T THAT APPI"Y IO YOUR PROjECT+ * ' I Att Gara8c ISF) Z1: :l Sunroonl {Sf)_ . Greenhou5c (SF)_ D Det Gara8e (SF)__; Porch (5F) - ) Pool{5t) i Deck lSrJ -. .,[L [] storage Shed (5F) __ , Oth(r (5F)-_* . rs the propo5ed lvork changing the €xistiog footprint? : ' Ye5 : . No ToTALsQFTUNDIR RooF Vot proposed work. tleated: l't.r-s -- unheated Z,i,,L TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less [ot): 5 :ZC d.o ls the proposed work chan8ing the nunrber of bedroo s? :- ves ;./ tlo lsany Electrical, Plumbins or Mechanlcal work being done to the n ccessory Srructure -l Ycsa4( I{g rf t he project is a Relo.atlon, is there a N atural Gas Line on the current site ? -l ves .Z( f,fo t{,''f!'. t5 there Electricdl PoweronthisBuilding?:-l Yes y'No \:d/ tr iProperty Use/ O(cupancyi [: SlnBIe Frmlly :, Duplex 'ql Townhouse Dcscription of Work: ??lo'",s'., Ard,. /{h i?'r.. <€e S,,,-frn.,. r. -..(| l*itr \ Dl5(t^lMERr r r .r fhr cenify lhal.illth. inform.tioi nthlsapplicatioor!:crreclifd:rllrvo.\wili.o.r!:yrrthlheitr:enutj ,w! <t,rd ord trd.r(,t r6d r€tvljllonJ- I'lre NtlC OeveloOment SeM(el Cexter ?,rl bc ,joi,fied ol any chln*es i rhe,n,ir atron."'NOTI:Anyworkper,ormedwithouttheAppropriatepornlitslvrllbenvrolalionof1lreNCStnte0l d. ind all !thpr :rOrllatrtrle and rpeairicatjonr or.ha.1ge rn cootra(!c. i!blecl ro I:^aJ up ro 5500.00'r' Owner/Contracton -llr;rqr /l t i "r- .,.1 -,-------, Signature: ''Lrcensed Qtohliet" l, 1 I c a,\ ls the propcrty located in a floodplain? . ) Ye5 3' No Exirtin8 lmpervious Areai () Sq tt totalAcres Oi5turbed New lmpervious Area: 1{b 5q Fl Exirting Land Oisturbing Pe.rnit: _i,/-yes ! No wArER: :./. CrPUA D Community System D Privah Well I: Central Welr n Aqua SEWTR: /CtPUA n CommunitySystem f] privateseptic i- Centratsoptic :: Aqua 2669; rrt tf fro) omc"r, O(\a setbacrs (r) /S (Lxy 5' 1an1 O' p1 5'- 6"1",112s|{ 71ooIec r SeB d: (A) ---_ (vl _,....-,, (N) ,\8tE+2ft= YLI/1 eii,,, lnspxlion Requrreo, 9i 0-254-0900 +o ll)': i g"oK lolohc Approval: Q14_ city: l{ l71 6o.n-"n1 ,ffll rrorl( f'tr 9v m NEW HANOVER COUNIY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTAf ION TYPr; RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWTR AIL QUESTION5 APPLICAOTI 1O YOUN 'ROJTC I "Prole(t Responribllity" D - lzse loll(e ure) APPI-ICANT'S NAMEI ?-,." N,(r.,.,. ....-t,Date 'l zdr-- .- PBOJFCT ADORESS: SUADIVISION: I {lt: l|t;otat L.' Q:'t^t --.-- CllY: rr1,."",": v!?! ]r L zlP IOT t : Z'l.,,./^!Fa- ] rL ta t)"PROPERry OWNER'S NAMT:"tt rl,r- €.11 . LLt.PHONT lJ:Qtu 4<) . l,ic OWNEf,'SADDRE55: (otcta Ou'tuo{.<-fN. . <a 1 f: iaat CITY: ;i,,.^.,^r r.,-ztP: ?uirl' CONTRACTOR ?r...,,..l<rL-L L.,r ;-L i BIDG UCENs: n: -l:!!-'Z!.4-3 AODRESS: -- a./:4 EMAIL ADDR€SSl h PROJECI CONTACI PERSON NEW CONSTRUCTION d -'j-:!a(l j.!-__ . --*_CITY: f\,(-,.ad.!-, _ST: :...,_ZlP: ?e1t\ PHON€r i,' PHoNE 4.j t ;''i4 - 1t1i EXISIING CONSIRUCTION: D Alteration :l Renovation : Gene.al Repairs Erect New Residence [-l Addition to Existrng Residence : Relocarion ...PIEAS€ CHEC( AND ANSWER 8TI-OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.lECT+T ' n tt G.rra8e (SF) ;'r: : Sunroom {SF) E Det Garage (5F) --_-_ C Pool{SF)___'_ _ Porch (SF) *l Stora8e Sh€d (SF)_ :.j Other (SF)___- ,' I Greenhouse (St)_ _ Derk (SF)_*,1-1t-,,- Is the propo5ed lvork changing the exirliflg footprint? aj Yes : No TOIAI" 5Q FT UNDTR ROOE (for proposed wor*) Heated:14.Unheated; Z,+ ' TOTAI. PRO.,ECT COSI (Less Lot): S lZc aLo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? :l ru,.,/tto l5 any Eleclrical, Ptumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Acces5ory 5tru.,r|.u - fe*lf rhe project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? -l Ves z/ ttb ' ls rhere Electricai Power on this Suilding? I ves g( ruo P.operty Ure/ Occupancyi fl Single family :: Ouplex { Townhouse ilr'ro,;-, ' t. Oescription of Work: ?ea",(,,r Alilo"(n -a---^r'r',.C [ttrt.r <fC BLr(rtr a"?, Il , . I ,,i olSCtAlMtfl: I h{,reby aertrfy thal all i5e information r^ thlr applcarion ii.ore.r a^d i}ll worl v,rlt(.,nrpty with rhe Sr.rrc Bu tdi law! ind orilnan(e5 rnd r€gulatlons. ihc NHC oevelopment Service, Center wi be.olri(J ol nny (h,rnget rn tte appr '.lonnal,o^. "'N0IE: Any work p..lormed witfiout the lppropriat€ pe..r,tj !l,,t be !n vo,itio. ol the NC Srrta ng Code and rllolh.r Jpp,icrble Sritp .nd b(ai rnr lnd 5pecilicaticn! .r..riroge rn ronrra(or lect lo firer uP lo S5LrO lvJ"- Owner/Coniractor:.li( r".,) y' t,{,,. . r _ Signatu.e: "Liaehsed Qlolilier" Ptint Nome 15 tie property located in a floodplain? ll yes J'No Exirting lmpcrvious Area: C, Sq ft TotalAcros Oisturbed: a. al New lmpervious Areat __kg_Sq Ft Exlstint Land Disturbing Permit: '._/-yes . I No WAITR: -/ CFPUA C Community System Il Privare Wetl : CenlratWelt : Aqua SEWER: -/CtPUA C Community System ! PrivateSeptic * Cenrral Septic I Aquas' X r,,,rn=- zone: lt\f Lrd om."r, DT t> setbacks (t)IN {rH)(RH)(8)J c _ Al-c[Y,t t"{1fi oate,*lt;fttrloodr (A) _ (V) *_ lN) o CY a,d \a.^-r.\,>^ Approvali Comment:c-t Pernrit Fee:5ofon ) bL b5 p. 5? - v(u)cd ol Con n$p'lclion ulr OYl (- ,9t0-2 54-090, (.lt,< l