AUGUST 06 2018 BUILDING APPSt8 )cgi ft1$- ltQl NEW lrAr{ovER couNw B,*.DTNGFI-O o D Zo A P PU cAllo tl f tp E t REslDErnAt RfA5e llfWER A.l qf,5lxl6 AffqQAStI TO YOUR prcJrcr "rolrt LrpontbfLf NE ApLrloil{qd.,(.fi..l.lr.) nppucA{vrt mggr SlovorB PRo,ECT AODfElsr b T/A Sbvoos Fhe Homeg O.E: 0 CIIY;API sUBD,vtslo{l Ths Crsok d ltloild(lor f: PiOPERTY Og JffJ IIAME S6,uE &Idno CsrEsty Ptoflr *0r 0784-8899 ow m't ADOtElt:5-/'10 0Edo.DdrD &ih 200 ol1|Whlrpbn aPi 28/p,3 cot{TnACnk Sbyers Bd*tg Cfip..ly fl.DC t CgasE !::31826 2q 2&103ADI'NEiSI 6-110 oaGrdor Ditr E& m OIYi Wtntnlbn Sr: |lG EM/UL ADT,fi:s':PloilE:sls79ffiE0 ;5.0 .0 uii@ilw t0 ProiE: IorA! FRoEr 00sr (Las @;(120.m0 15 Ol. p.opo..d !,vo.t dllrlrf tr mb.t st b.dtoont? tr hr d xo r th. Pror.d B !Eaocdo.t, I Eta.! a ilrtttl G8 l&. on dE ns'rt altt? ,el'oll dlrulfir? tr Vr dt ffi#'ldflty &: m g f, meend mg1B rry !.c,l.ra, tll]rtha or lrcttbl m* !eft. doo. b th. Ac..{ory B th.r. E ctlol EXIST!!|G @ll$iUCnO : O Alt rdoo E Rrnotzttoo tr 6.r.al i.grln eW @ sn[rctxrx, d tr.a rf* n..ld.'o tr Addltbn b EdrhS S.ddr'.. O ndoodo{r , .r.f,Ilsqtrcr llD ls*t lE.ory ltl. tHlrlrtttlD vo.n tmrcl..r d oo*r.cro {0'l il**rrfro d*,6q -lo0 0 $nr€ofl (sB - fl Pol {st, - 0 swlF slEd (st} __ D 6r€.nhour. (sfl - B D.d FFI - 0 orh.r(sF) l, th. rropo.d m.t d.narlf dr.e'ta lDoorht? O Vs d Xo rsr lierruriofinoo? Wt@roil, rfrt 25b0 ,,*-a, 51L PRO.,ECT colnlcr pgrsnx; $rd Ndr&on kseIt,vrtrrlrrylroad *ffiy tr of,a:tr t ,r{8rl. 6 R'IJW Revnevu dlo.,crlpdm ol Wor& ll'orlltL I h.ay..rtrrr 6.t.l drltbdr.&r hfi tCodor l.o.rd rd Jrqt r qaf rttlt tu at-tl &d rd.l o$. +ldl. Snl. rU Ldb*, rn ortrra atd lltldol.Ir ilt oid.lrl.rSr$c CIIErtb. nouLd o( &Ydrtr h ri it iJG,vd qfrlct' hfr,,dtt'I - . r\r B tfi r p.op.rty lo.rt d rn a nooaebkrrf va, r,. A'hgdgdA Errrtrr tnf.n lorr Ar!., Zllti[ ia fod lar. dnrrr.lbar'ixmr lny rod ftoid tt bdfL ry.t Ltr p-n'tb rll b. h otabt dt.fa CoA orrn /co frloc Otrlg S6Em s|nr!rn, 9.dar&r..dqahontttolh.ilfbS6&i.. O Aqua Cili' lnsyrlion ltequreo 9l 0.25,|.090{) Dttrt d:18 cslnp.rtlot!Attt: 21{0 sqn Editha txd 0tt!6h| P.rnh tr Yr! E [o mr:* d ctPUA tr conrnunlty syfin f, Privtt! wsll O olntrslwdl B &us seww dapur tr ,on",P- t5 o*.r, Approoh J&- atYt ComFpntty ry't.m O Ptlt rte Scpdc O Cntrd Srrtk Dfu son*(R.12-1rxy s' 1ut '5' trt bm. r,lu, Azgl$rbod: (At - {vl - (r{l 5: -rrr.,*fr_*OgDxComm!nt: 5Wv<c-l.uvc5 Fs€:5 s+ i j I I i I i I I I I i I i I i 1 I i I I i at?- W$ ffi, Closr Form RF0FIVED JUN 072018 eMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD'NG PERMIT A P P Ll CATI O N TYP E ; RESIDENTIqL PTEASEANSWRAI"I OUI5TIONS APPUCASI.E TO YOUR PRO,IECT 'ProJccl RGrponslblllty'{ Arplk tlon Number (om(! u!.1 APPIICANTS NAME Oaran Bhra Pd.rlq hn.l Sn'r 6f N(:orrq: 6/8/20't 8 PRoJtcT ADDRTSS: 649 Tanbridoe Road ClfY: Wilmlnoton zlPt 28/-05 suEDtvtSloN:Tanh.idrra Prrk LoT f:27 PROPER'Y OWNER'S NAME; Paul & Alison Purificslo PHoNE fl: (561) 271 - 4088 OWNER'S ADDRESS : 649 Tanhridda Fl.tel.l clTY:Wilminolon tt?: 28405 CONTRACIOR:Ocsen Blue Pools and Soas of Wilml NC STDG UCENSI f: ADDRESS : 30 Covil Avenuo CIW: Wllmlngton ST: NC 2lP: 28403 EMAIL AoDRESSI occBnbhrewilminotonl 6omail PHONE:q10-7qq-30r2 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Arin l(Brveski PHONE;910-795-3022 EX|SnNG CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteratlon E Renovation I GenerelRepairs NEw CoNsrRUCIloN: U Erect New Resldence L-l Addltlon to Exlgting Resldence fl Relocatlon ...PITAsE CTECK AIID ANSWER 8E[OW AII THAT APPIYTO YOUR PRO.IECT..t I Att GaBge (5f) --- rl Det Gartre (SFl D Porch (SF) _ I sunroom (SF)- n Greenhouse {St}- ls the proposed Y{ork changing FlPool (sF) q Deck (stl 250 n Storage Shed (SF)- tr Other (SF)287 the existin8 footprint? n Yes A No ToIALSq FT UNDER ROoF Uot proposcd work) Hestedl Unhertedi IOTAT PROJEcTCOST ([ess !ot): S 34.379 00 ls the proposed work chanSing the number of bedroom3? D Yer F No ls any El€ctrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal wotk being done to the Accessory Structure 'R Yet O No lf the pro.lect ls a Rsloaatlon, Ir th€re a Netural Gas [.]ne on the current slte? O Ysi rP tlo ts there Electrlcal po$,er on thls Sulldlnt? fl Yes C No Property Ulel oc.up.nq: Aslnth famlly D OuplGr D Tovrnhouic Oetcrlptlon of Wor*: lnstall a26'3"x9'6'16r,nd fiberolass oool with 267 souarB f et of concrata docklno DlSClAlMtt: I h.r.by c.rilt thar.ltth. tntorrl.tion ln thlr.ppllcltlon lr.on€.t.nd all*ork y/ll@mplytl/lth lh. Strte Bulldlng Cod. and.llotnel eppli€ble Si.t..nd loc:l lawr,6d ordilrance5 rnd regul. o^r. Tt. HC D€vrlop,|n.nt SaNlcct Canllrnlllba notlflcd Olanychai8e. h lio.Cprov.d pl.^3.nd tp..lrlcatlon! or ahrht.ln (oitrrdor infohrtlon. "'N0IE: Anv tvo* p€tformad wlthosl the aprroprist. p.rmit5 will be In vlolallon ol tha oldr Cod. !,lbject to tiner up to 53(p.00"' Owner/Contractorl k.vln Dr,n S,gnature: 'Licented Quolitiet' Pint Nofic ls the property located in a floodplain? C ve: ( Ho Exlsiing lmperviout Area:2BZ- Sq tt New tmpervioqs A,esr 3139 5q Fl grlttlnB lrnd.olttutblnt p.tmlt: LI Y.r tl No WATER: 6 CTPUA ! community System l-l Prlvate Well C CentralW€ll D Aqua TotalA$cs Dlrturbed:0 Zo App.oval: Comment: w€X ( cr n",fif-orn..r,-U2 s"tba (tH)-Lq- CentralSepllc f) Tua (RH) ,0' (B) /0 PUA i] Community SYste m u Prlvate Septic Ll Floodr (A) - (v)City:DBter1 0 + (Nl 8FE+zft: Pe.mit Feei S \ /s-18'll aDt\'fuL kz ,lppucAilrs pRcldr rADo Sr.JSrlvrsloN: r*[w t{AruovEn c0u&JTr Bu[B,NG pEf'{MlT AP P L,CATIO N TYP E : &EStDENTIAI PI.F/.5' ANS!![R ALT QUfSTIOIISA!PtICAETE TO YOUF PAO]ICT 'Prrllct n€sponr,bl,it/' F".sti {..?0"\s Dalc- ,,,,u. t/ilrlrirRton ItJ't lll 4,..),ur:, .(ol,{.5 Kirrt\qul 0-515'?b 7lP &tcrt:l':'l::1.'ll;'ll ):lfllli cttx _ COtITSAL-Ioli; _(hot', o K osh 1k ADo(ESSr _,d ftlY tf',!1\!L ,ADotfS! |OO prl0N[; EXISTI$IG COllSiRUCflO,l: i Alteratjor : Renovatlon ! GeneralRepairu N['/J cONSTltUfitOll: ' -: Ere€t Ney/ R€sidence I Addition to Exirting ReJidencc L llelocatio, .tJPLE Sr C'-rICn Aatll ANSWTG EttOWJUt TfiA} Apply t0 YOURpflOJ:CI**r 8r06 *5157_1__l"lCENtE fi i,aoJr.i coNrA'i or*on, * .f!y.dq!-\J[*akd- ----PHONE:110:'f 01" ctt+ ; Ai! carage iJF) _. __ - 5rn.com {Sf) -_ n Det Gnraee lst) ' .yr*t6ri-3,7rb- il Porch (Sr) _.___ _ ., __ l--1 Siora8e Shed {SF)*_'- : Otjtsr (SF),-*i; Creenncuse {5F)__ : Deck {SF)--.__-__ ls ihe prclrcJed work chargi0g the €rEting iootprint? t--- Yes : tlo 'r OTAI SQ r; UtjDER ROO! Uot tlroocsed wrrk) Ileated rJr,1L PROIrCI CoSf (r"uro'-1 5 -\0",r00O Uoheated: - 15 ihe proprred work chantilnE the nlrmb€r of b€drooms? ii Yes L.l llo ls sfiy Elect{i.al, Plumbi[8 or Mechanlcrl u./ork being done to the A.cessory Strlcture : Y€r I No if the p(ojecl ls a ieloaation, i5 there a Natu.al Gas line on the current site? :] Yes il N, :s th€re €iecrricalFo*er or this Bvtlding? Ll Y€s L] tto'\,Propeity 1,,s./ occuf,ancy:nsln8le Family J Duplex -l Tovmhouse Jnqreurt!-9Utrhm rl ow,rey'f, ontr: ctor: --f-[q-n e i\osn\K -_t stPl)atlae: ir at"ti.€,Eei Qutitttl Pdnt Natne j lhe ir.crr.i] jo(nted t- | :/ ;icctlitle ;\1 : Ycr'g I'lo Exir:inE lrnperviour Area) -_,=_ 5q it \lew lmperyiDtr! A.ea: - .."____- Sq ft Et,stl g Lard Dill(rblng Pernit ! Yei --- No WATEn: -'{,.;:PJA Co,-:n,"6;1y 5y.is," : P.ivate \!ell : CentralWeil i_ Aq'Ja TotalA(re5 oistrrbed: ::li::,, "::,'.,, i,::r:-.'ri;-.rii.ii': _-_ f.:.,...' i::,,:'.r . ii,ra.riS:r)li( r ili,ji,,., P''(5 r,i,;".,.^D\G .,,,',, (,. NiA:,.,, lQ-l ".: lQ',ri...1.0.' ,, ,,, ,, fl\\ dqcE ,rnl rn{ z((rria" *n l ntu,.Sl . h< S'tl - ,-,,, . brrc K al .J1ac,el 16u' " Ci'r1' lnsp:tlron Requtteo, 9 I 0'254'090rl 18-216 ffi NEW HANOVSR COUNW BUITDING PTRM|T APPLICAT ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALLQU€STIONS APPI.ICABTE TO YOUR PROIEC' "Prolect Responsiblllty'' ,*tL^Jqlt clw: :, Utt\')anr + €l;>Ldt^ &r. ,4 zlP e A*lo? zw, Ffqol aa _ ,., ELDG I.ICENSE IJ: .) TI)sfLa* A&lo1-o PHONE:tr1o o-?8P ion 2o$-WiA L8 -2L63 Apglication (olllceuee)-7-t -t8APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRE55: Datei A. suEDMStON: CONTBACTOi RESS: PROJECT CONTACT D sunroom (5F) O Greenhouse (5f) ls the proposed work TOTAI. SQ FT UNDER LOT #: PHONE fl elf'1t439-PROPERTY OWNER'S N OWNER'S AODflESS:7 clIY: LJi I /ADDRESS:ugrraalt noo {l CITYr o Iteration E Renoration E GeneralRepalrs New Residence Ui Addition to Existlng Resldence El Relo D oet Garage (sF) - 0 Pool (SF) O Deck (SF) he existlng footprint? D Noposed wotkl Heeted ves ,ED No ,Os tf Unheated:e cc€ssory Structure Eru PHONai EXISTING CONSTRUCTI NEW CONSTRUCTION: Pttoaraee(sr)QQorch {sF) D Storage 5h D other (5F) ed TOTAL PROJECT COST ),9 D oro ls the proposed work c the ber of bedrooms? E l5 any Electrical, Plum ech calwork being done to t NaturalGas Line on thetf the project is a Reloc the ls there Electrical BUI ? tr ves Eno Property use/ occupa ln8 llv Ou xE oescrlpl lon of Worki olsC(AlMERr I herebY ce law3.nd ordinanaei and ihformation. "'NoIL: Ani Owner/Contraator: "Llcensed QualiJie/' ls the property locate Exl5tlnt lmpervlous A New lmpervlous Area rent site? D Yes P No central Well E Central Septlc 1an1 {o/F1 (v) _ {N} Ue r tnth0 t' Stl F^" o se & allwort willcompv the ildlng Code and lll other appllcablE Sta re and local e nolrll.d ol any chanS€ations o. chEnSe h contr.ctor in violation of thc NC leB rubjecl up lo S500.m"' Signature: alAcrGs Dlsturbed lrg tand Dlstuibl{B Pe €/t Jr^-.q wArER: H cFPuA srwrry pcreua ,on",k(5 o,i 4qua f, aqua -@ Btrmfit Requuned gimeenfiirhS-T Revse \i1/ Permlt Fee: $ lyls appr*"t, OIL c U ! F hci o on n oodpli toq 4a l muni munlCo ,Uon in thlr applirlllon It C Oevclopment Servi.es wlthout lhe approptlate p€ system D Private system E Private acks fft jD'I fib{;, tn( Pn' ell rr!) ,(h elsb ln? E Yes Sq Ft 5q Ft Comment: I ,nto r VZc foqd €rtalanle ,,! s eih' lnspaclion Requrteq, 9l 0-2 lon fer.at 5{.090f1 kt 2r71S E I I I $ NEW 2o\q-tu31 ?.5 I 3 -z-) LlHANOVER COUNTY BU]LDING PERMIT APPLICAIIoN IYPE : C0M|'IERCIAL ,TfA5T IiSI]ER ATL QUESITO'IS A''NIICABL€ IO VOUS PPC]El:1 "Project Responslbillty', (, CTIY: ffi APPL ICATION Number (ortt(e utt ) APPL ICANT ' S NAI'IE DgV€ L OPER: DAIT c r1' PHONT { | pRol tcr ADDnESs 0ccuplNr/BUsrNESs NA^l€ : PROPIRTY OI{NTR ] 5 NAil[ I OWNER'S ADOR€SS:o'i (r (l pHoruE {: 'i ,u 71o",r.t"ll) N?zlp: :ll'./t J srllgJilp,a*/.t ) 5T: ZIF: o, IfO r"o wt5{ CIIY: \^)iltv\ CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS:C TY: EITAI I. ADDRESS PROJ€CT CONTA ( "1'PHONE PI"iONE H:CT'fRSON: t(,,elr rl ] rral ,lrrlr) EXrST CON5TRUCTTON I El'Arrf RATTON R ENOVATION 6ENERAL RTPAIRS RE LOCATION ' ,,"'. .'i rliitbrlrion. is tlr(rc Nal|Ial(ias Linc on thc Current Sile,n nuo IS BIDG ST,RINKLENTD?f]ve" flruo NEl{ CONSTRUCIION:t RICT NEI{ STRUCTURE FAST TRACI(SI]ELL f] ulrrr ! roo ro Exrsl sTRUcTURT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The SheLl t,errit i':Is Elect por.,€r on this Eui]ding I Vcs f.]l) a (HAJ./6E ot occupAr(y us:t Ivrs E]'* ..... It Ycs, r.,/hrl k.ls the Prcvlotrs O((upancy lypel .---_'- l,l]h,tt j9 the Neh O(cupa (y ]ypcl ---_aRor DEsr6N pnoFtsSIOttAr ;t 6R DtSI6N PRofESStoN^t-: ll( RtG n: -- ll( RtG ri: _ DTS(RIPIION OT IICFK OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ICJ6ritrn Nor or OodorrUo. noj,fcar,ons 6 asbeslos TOIAI PROJECI COST NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: TY .-. SIGNATURE lPrtirlrr€) I F).lmn s9dlcalDn3 6re to ba auDfittlld uslrE the 6pptlc0ton dlrl (Olih c'n i r/l No ard allolhar rBrrcabte Slrn) )L $trlho, lho l.ci ir, o. CDlldho !r3s io1j.o ro d OF UNITS f OF STORIES: ,/ OF FLOORS: --*--YES NO SO F] !)L.lrr ln,(lcrhuiNo ls ThB Propsrly Loc€lod ln Ths floodptein?[ ves ':', nKls lood or bovoraoes pr6par€d oa seryodio rs OISCLAIM€Ri i irr ce.l,ly l,lal i,ll Ilorfialio,i l) o, ct,once , c01?JJtor o, corJaclc,S,,r4., r'lo r r.es (ro Ic l5f0 0t"' Itr9 apphcais. rs co,recr ?nrJ all .(.,1 $r.l (,.,r',1/ D,tr the gturu liu.t,j Io Cld(.NllCDeve.ormer'l SetvcesC(nlrr.r lLerol,ledolaaJ.'rrrx,.\hrh;","",,Nf)li r^7gictr)c,lorntcot,,,Ol,retFp.o,,.ratcl)e,,r.,lsarrttiCi.,,iotarr6i,l rr: NC Sr;l.l EluS Co.ie I do,iolirlon olrnylaalit/o, brild,ng. See Alboslos Web S,roi l,lDr1/dw,cllislalo.r..u5htrL/$slostolJlltr p.lttril CC BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO FT TorAL se FT uNl:en nooFJl a c _ ACRES DISTURBED: OF S'I'RUCTURES: EXST LAND DISTUBBING PERtllII ? SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: E: floFFrcE DResreunarur flurncnNrlr Deouc Dlrr NDO OTHER:PROPER WATEB: SEWERI CFPUA CFPUA DCoMMUNTTYSYSTEM nWELL ECENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PNIVATE SEPTIC flzoNtNG usE ctAsstFlcATtoN ncoMMUNTTY SYSTEM pAyMENr rrEt HoD: [casH [cHecK (PAYABLE TO NHC) IAMER|CAN EXPRESS E MCA/ISA I OTSCOVER iFOR OFFICE rlSE nEvrsEDo TE 41r/t? ETBACKSZONE Approval: OFFICER Qrb Sq "J!]4-rr,gr- , n NlA e, N/* City;FLOOD: _Y BFE+2fi= N PERMIT FEE: $_*-"_Commenl rO DATE: ei'r',' lnsp:clion Requue(, 91 0-25449011 n LICENSE I': 1\ e{e- t ..r,r \\o"t-a Pll i ,)lt: E7 1',y 20\6-EJ)d 7.8498-4bNEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPS: COtiIfi ERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{EN ALL qJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResponsibllitY' APPLICAT'IT,S NAITIE: IGwin caiBon (NBc reP)-DATE: 6/20/La DEVELOPER: aa PRO ] ECT i 230 Government CenCer Drive : Iiilmington OCCUPANT/BUSIiIESS NAlitE: New Hanower county PROPERTY ol,tNER's tlr\ME: New HaDover cormry OirlNER'S ADDRESS: 230 Governnent cenrer Drlve , CITY: w11n1Dg16n CO TRACTOR: W i -ul ;^A t rui Bo, - PHONE #: 910798{338 ZIP t2s463 - PiIONE *: 910?e84338 tl,/er< tnt - LICEiI5E #: CITY: ST:11g ZIP;264 93 srtlt(- ztlz 2918C) P *t s]ocBe++at--i9.-.,oE ADDRESSi ESs I PRO]ECT t€sri!-_eairor L P ExrST CoNSTRUCTION I n ALTERATIoN lf Relocalion. Is here a Natural Gas LIne on the unsnt she?E e5 ff-No alsi REPAIRS T-lt_lIS BLDG SPRIN KLEREDEI-Yesfl RELOCATION ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE (chrck aII lh.t Apply) RENOVATION GENERAL NoitEw consrnucrror'r: I ERECr NE]l srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK I sHEtL n uPFrr ACCESSORY STRIJCTURE: rf UPFIT - The shell Permlt #:Is E1ect Pouer on this Bulldin8 El Yes E N0 - PH:9162973565 .'*** IS THIS A CHrqNGE OF OCCUPANCY USE}T] YES fl UO T*ITT IF Yes, r{hat Has the Previous occupancy Type? - l'lhat is the Neu occuPaocy ItSfitrrrru^ pRoFEssroNAL: M.fi . wirriard EiI6R OESTGN PROFESSIO}IA L:-PH: NC nEG *rtolgo C nEG *:- DESCRIPTION 0F l^iORK: Renovating exl6ting kio6k tso create venaling kio6k per plartE Is food or baveraoes prepared or serv€d in thts struaure? EiYe.D No l" Th" Prperty Located In The Floodplain? Ev"" El ruo Code andDISCLAIMER: I lEreby certlfy lhal allinlonnation ln and lo.al lsws and ordinancesand rEoul€llons.The or ahanoe ln @ntraclor or conlrgclor lnformation. "' Sublecrt lo Fines up To $500.00-'the OWN ERICONTRACTOR: xew,in e.q lsoo J;hn l/" , is(n 7 srcNnrune: (ClrEIifi€!) Nots: Oemot{ton notlsatstlolls & esbssro6 remv6lrernll sppllcauons ars lo be s.,bml(od uslng lhE appllcatlon fom (0t1H93768) whelhErlhd hdlly contatn Asbedos or noL Yd, srs raquk€d lo cnll lhs NB onal Ernrsdon SlEndsds hr Hsardous Ak PolluanE (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 El lead 1 d€molmon ol Eny laclhy or olrlldilE. See Asheslos l leb sfte: hnpr trflvr.rpl.slEte.nc.ug€puasbesos/ahmp.iltnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $35, OOO BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS TOTALAREASQFT:1160 SQ FT PER FLR: .- # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STOBIES: # OF FLOORS; all olh6r applicdble SEte olans and 6Decifi cation5NC Srale Bldg Cod€ and 1or buldng vra, found O rr.ys prior tl lhe TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTUBBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS ARE,': PROPERTY USE ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:- City: DATE- FLOo Exsr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? _flYES r. _ lNo SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: oFFrcE fIRESTAURANT n MERCANILEE EDUCI- APrD CONDO OTHET SO FT WATER; ECFPUA ECoI/MUNITY SYSTEM D WELL _E ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIO sEWER: EIcFpun EcexrnelsEprc LL pRrvArE sEplc E coMMUNTTsYSTEM N '- SEPABATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG. GASEOUIP. PREFAAS A IN5ERTS'- pAytMENT METHOD: f_-'] CASH l-l CUSCr lenVaelE rO NHC) f i AMERICAN EXPRESS rL MC/vrSA l-L otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH B BFE+2ft, Comment N PERMIT FEE: I AFFTitET-IoN Number (office Use) EI.'IAIL ?Ag'garg NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPP Lr cArroN rvPrr col'lMERCIAL PTIASE ANSHER ALL qJESTTOIJS APPLICAOLE TO YOUN PNO]ECI "Project Resporsibi.l.ity" L8-+9+.4 AFEITETT:O_iI Nunber (office use) -047e. 6/20/\B DEVELoPER: na _ PHoNE #;91079s433a PRO]ECT ADulli)5: 230 coveanmen! cenEer Drive CIIY: llilminqton ZIP t28403 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: trerl ltanovs, colnEy PROPERTY 0HNEB'S NAI1E: p.1e l{anovor Colnc 0 NER'S ADDRESS: zlo covernnen; Cenrer Drlve . CIT i wllmington _ PHOiIE S: 910? 9B4 3l g ST: Nc ZIPi2s40:} CONTRACTOR:1sp - LICEN5E #: ADDRESS:CITY:ST: ZIP I - PHONE #: 910?984llB PROIECT CoNTACT PERSONT xevin caison PllOuE $i 91026.16? 2 o If UPFIr - The shell Permlt ill Is'Elect Pouer on this Building Yes [:] *0 *ITiT IS T}II5 A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE?N YES F.I NO *t"' rF Yes, what $as the Previous occupancy Type? - Hh-;a is tliiNcH occupancy Itr8fi)orsre^ PRoFEssroNAr: iy. el (li Ll iard flEG,t:t0t8o ENGR OESI6N PROFESSIO AL:-PHI REG l} DESCRIPTION 0F l,r/oRK: Ilsn6y6qing exlsLing kiosk !o creale v€flding kiosk per p].ans ls food or beve.ages preparod or seryed in thls structure?[ YesF--lNo ls Tho Propqrty Locared lnThs Floodplain? f,Yes NoI NC NC SBro Eullding Code.nd all 01!6r appl cable stala olans ond soccil_rcali.tuiNC SrJle Bldo C.do and I zoNnc usE CLASS|FICATION CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC I cor,rrtlulr nr sysreto '- SEPARATE PERMIIS REOUiREO FOR EL€CT. MECH.PLgG, OA5 EOUIP. PREFATS A INSER'IS PAYI\rENT IvIETHOD l:JcAsH fl. CHECK (PAYABLE ro NHc)l-l AN4ERTCAN EXpRess l*1 l,rcrursn f-l DlscovER NLY) nN/A r-uN/A nH N/AB1gA.ZONE:OFFiCER:D(t"{FOn OFFTCE USE O SETBACKS:app,orii']@-Ciry: (l x?1 DATE FLOOD BFE+2ft, . PH i9t O297l6 65 conrarnAsbosror or nor. You a16.equlred localllie N8tio,lal Emlsslon Srand.ds ,or Hazrrdous Ak PollLrlonls (NESIIAP) al (919)707.5950 all€an 10 daysp,ro.lo lhe demohlon o, a.y ,aclliry or buildlng. Seo Asbeslos Web S lle: hltp/nrrld.€pl.sble-nc.us,epi/osbeslo3/3hmp,hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: gr5r ooo TOTAL AREA SO FT I 1160 EUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR| OWNER/CONTRACTOB: t<evin calson SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF II OF STRUCTURES } OF STORIES: #OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTIJRBED ExsT |AND DTSTLJRBTNG pERrflr?.[:lyES rlNO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO fi EXISTING IMPERVIIUS ARLA: PROPERTY USE OFFJCE RESTAURANT MERCANILEI EDUCIJAPTD CONOO OrHEf WATER COI\,IMUNIry SYSTEi,I WELL olsclAlM En. I hereby certly (hat sll lnforft)llon In lhls ,pDllcalion ls cofied and all wavk wll comrly wi(h lhe and lo€llaws rrd oroinancei ald.eoulalrons The \HC Detooomenl Setulc€s Cerl€t will b€ nou,.8d olanv otcharoe ln conl'Ector oI conlraclor lntormation. "'NOIE:A1y v,/ork PerlormedWO lieAiproprisle Pcmils Sublectlo Flnes lJp To S5m.00"' MCFPUA UJ crpun SO FT SEWER: o N - PERMIT FEEr I I Comment n t i^\- e l lnlry:rfion llentttren, 91{)'2Y l9F) APPLICANf'S NAHE: Xevln caison lMtc rep) (check all th.r ArPly) EXrsr CONSTRUCTTONT f:l ALTERATTON r7l RENoVATToN T] GENERAT REPATFS T_l RELoC^TroN .r Rerocorion, Js rhere a Narrn-il cas I lno on lhoffr rent Slre? gYh;llro ts atoc spffNxLeneDT_4Y6sf1 Noiiiw colsrnucrron: f] EnEcr NErr srnucruR[ ft FAsr rtAcK [ gHELL X upFrr E Aoo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: EtlAIL ADoRE55: kcai6on@nhcgov,com PRO.,ECT ADORESSI SUsDrVrSlON: !Br--t 11";ttata ClfY: trl'. r.. - rr-- r,e xtg-tzat /3 * zzs( (oll(e ura) 'tl,,it '-,ztp .' iL-\"\ _- 9v APPL'CANT'S NAMEI '4*.., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P L ICAT I O N TY PT: RESIOENTIAL PTEASE ANSWTR ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLT ]O YOUR FRO]IC I "Proje(t Responsibllity" ,lNir- lic^.n,. . -..Date r,, Dr';i 1. ,.t .- -t e rt. t,t,. -io.r,.roM.. L LOT,,: Z\ PROPERTY OWNIR'S NAME:.a-v{r nl!"arl . LLL PHONT lr: Qr. 4(Z - t,it "OwNtR's ADDRESS: G\oa ou,t.,ot<, CONTRACTOR 9-l-a^r )7r1,! 7, .,r t L a ErDG l"lcENSE -- --zP. e bl;i t'lL qJial 0,L . <i1i ;1.'l clTv aDDRrSS: _- -__ (.16< O L{j/,- O.,^. 0.L,ly].1_(*Z-o^! EMAIL ADORTSS: CITY: l.\, r-,,.r.r._.,,-_ __ ST: 1. e 21p PHONE. iii; i,<i Ltc i,i:e-V. PRO,J E C I CONTACT PERSON:PAONE: A.i t i''i4 . Tti t EXIsTING CONSTRUCTION; D Alt€ration I Renovalion : General Rcpairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: d Erect New Residence n Addition to Existrog Residen(e I Setocatron ..TPIEAsE CHfCK AND ANSWER BELOW AT! TIIAT APPIY TO YOUR PflO'ECT*' * --l Grecnhouse {5f}_ ' oeck (5F)__l l!_____ ls the proposed work chan8ins the existing footprint? :.': Yes : No TOIAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed wotkl Heared: l<b1 Unheated: 2q - TolAl" PROIECT COfi (Less lot): 5 lZc n tt Garage (51) __-::::_ . : 5unroom (5F) n oet Garage (5F) ..___ a Pool (SF) ____*_ _ Porch (St) :.'l Slorage Shed {SF) _ 'l Other (5F)_-_ . ?i, O1,() t5 the p.oposed work chan8in8 the number of bedrooms? I Yet .,:/No ls any tl€ctrical, plumbing or Mechanlcalwork bein8 done to the Accessory Slructure - Fes\lf rhe p.oject i5 a Relocation, i5 there a NaturalGas Lane on the current 5ite? ,l Yes 7 Nd ' t5 there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? = yes E( no P.opertv Ure/ Occupancyi fl Sin8le tamlly -, Duplex 1 Townhouse C'v(n -r'x6rlliC iitr. ' <(6 BL',El[ar'. Oes(ription of Work: lea OISCLATMERi rh€rebycert y thal all the informa lion ln thit appl(ation rs (orrect and all wort( 1^rll(onrply with the Stnte 8u kjrnS Co.le and a.l olhar .rpplc,rl e Slirp a^d lo(ai lr*5 nrn .r,liirn.e, r,rd ,e8ul3tioni. Thc NHC Developmenl Sertjcee clnler will be iolrfrtl ol Joy (hJn8es in the a nos and rpccili(alicng or.hrdEo in conrre(ro. '.lor.rat,o. "'NOTE:Any wori pcrlormed witiolr! lha appropriate pe. rt3ld.ll oe rn v,olalioi ol lhe NC Slale Owner/Contractor: 'li( "r^,,) ll lt ' 'n ' -i.l' --- SiSnature ''Licansed Qroilier" Pr;nt Nome ole(t lo [i.et up io 55rc LY.)"' ls ttc property located in a floodplain? i: Ye! aia No €xirting lmpcrvious Area: o Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: -|!P-Sq lt WAT E R:-,/ crpua 3 community system I CrPue a community svstem :1 r Total Acrcs Distu.bed: o a' Existing tand Disturbing Permit: 1!/ Yes . I No il Private Well : Central well :r Aqua ! Private Septic Central S€ptic :trl Aq'J aS EWT R: Zone: tll/diq) on."t,Dlb setuacrs rs tpptovat: dL ctst"fu|Jil o","lL1f,i, {n {rH)(RH) 5- lB) L.tSloodr (A) - {v} - (N)BfE+2lt \.-,,1-Scev o, I Com ent: BotL les ?.51 - vtuJcd Co RS oY1 ton u Pe |J,1 , t) ',. li el8-{zz'i l -_ Dale: "l fi-nrr ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: R ES IDE NTIAL r)LtAsE AN5Wt lt ILL QiJtSl rON! APPL CAEtt rO yOUR PnOJitr "Project Responsibiliry":ol,i.:r u i{,, APPIICANT'S NAMEI ?r-.'. h]r.ri PROJECT AODRESSj SUBDIVISION: l[tq 8,r""1',*ha r.J O,,-,CIIYI |f!\t,r.- vt-, r- \ztp 1., "n4e aLJ,,.k LOT ll; 2< PRoPIRTY OWNERS NAME: 1, al yo-u.,.^-., j)Ur*,-r".,'-t.l PHONE nr llr, 4( I . t,lt "owNER',s ADDRESS: G'c': Oir,',a CONIRACTOR: ?<',tpl (a-yt,*!r.',, , 1.,. ( CITY i'.1. ,..,?1,.i,4 r.. I Zl?:: i.- -': BTDG I.ICENS€ l,rit. lAo AODRESS: - EMAII- ADDRESS (llo< oL(a*c<L (\i . 1,,,.ti z,tt CITY. . l\.!pr=t i! _ 51 , ,- ZIP '&.1 , \ PHONE| -i-.rii --,'-.-'.'*._ PHONEI *-9i119- 714 -frlr _-..-PROJ€CT CONTACT PIR5ONl iio-^*I t"" "., fxlsTlNG CONSTRUCIION: n Alteration i Renovation : General Reparrs NEw CONSTRUCfION: S Erect New Re5idence C Addjtion to [xiqing Residence : Reloc,rtion ",PLEASE CHTC( AND ANSWER SEIOW ATI. THAT APPTY ]O YOUR PRO,'ECT' T' E Det Gara8e {5F)_a' Porch (5rl ' I Pool (5F)I Storage Shed (5F) __ - tr Othcr {St) --_*. Greenhouse {SF}-- ": Oeck (stl -lic -_*..-- is the proposea rvork chan8ins the exisling footprint? ' Yes - No TOTAL sQ FT UNDER RooF llor proposed work) Heated:1483 Unheated: Z'+, TOIAL PRoJECT COST {Les5 Lot)r $it.c OLa ls fhe proposcd work chansinB the number of bedrooos? :: yes . / f'lo ls any €lectrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory 5tructrrre r Yc5.i!( I-'Jg It the project rs a Selocatlon, i5 there a Natural Gas Line on the currcnt site? ,' 'tos tr I',lo it-.', ll , ,:.' .i ' . ,\ t! rhere Etectri(al Power on thls Building? . 1 vo, / llo i i i' Property Use/ occupatcyi tr slngleramlly; Duplex iy' lownhousa f ',' : 't,' De5cription of Work: ?o-<",o,r,.,ii,r.,iN -riw,-r.:.,C iiur.. <(e El,, . i.d. r orhr.loor,r.rbre ji, i!ble(r ro f, DISCtAIMtR: r i.f(,by cedify lhal illlha inlotm.t;oo ln thls applifilios 19 :crrecl J.d ,ll rYor\ Qill tonr!lv !,rlh lhe tl! ,v!! a,'d ord nrr rat 3nd regulallont, The NHC Development Serviaar Cexte, vr!ll be rlol,fi€d o, aov (han8e5 n !he !pp iiicalrons or (ha1ge rn corl ^er up !o S50O.OO"',nldrnJtion " 'NOII: Any work pertorm€d wilhoul lhe approprlat. pcralitg wrllbe rl vrolation ol the NC Slate 0l -hcr^^., ,it ri,. .r . rl ,_ Signature: _-,Owner/Contra.tor "Lrcensed Qral'lier" Ptint Name ls the property located in a floodplain? . i Ye' ,!' No ExirtinE ImDervious Afeal aj Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: ,(b sq rt WATER .,/ ciPUA tr community syslem '/ crcua C comrnunity system Total Acrei Dislurbed, --9, ,.' Existing !and DisturllinE PeImit fl Private Well :l Central Well Tl Aqua E Private Septrc ,-- Central50ptic .i Aqud rx) 5'(nxt ,' (s)l_ : (A) - (vl-. -,1r,r1 .X orr 'i 5EWERi Approvali '-JllI- 2qng; rrr /L.lro) off,cer, -pfu setbacrs(rl /6 { 72sl$ aooaDate l_e!l-!eB \c-"'S YLttlComment:L ( Cii,,' lnspttlion Requlreo, 9 I 0'254"09011 7Ye5 'No +2ft: +o -: Att GaraBe (5F) --..:Zj:j:-- :l Sunroonr {SF)-- /"1/:'*/lcl tii NEt^l \\s \H4sOVen COUNTY BUTLDTNG PERMTT APPLICATI(N rYPr; COIIIIERCIAL PLEAsE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIOi]S APPLICABLE TO YOIR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' NR.€NA L8-2087 g-pp116a1lafi Number (off1(c Use) -DArE: (j-28-t( t$ APPLICANT'S NA}TE: DEVELOPER:PHONE $: PRO] ECT OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAitE : PRoPERTY Oi'INER' S NAlilE : ZbZ llliartz*-S( -9-ile 2ot ?taina< PHO E S: zIPZSr// sr tLa ztP tzt 4 ,/ t o OI{NER'S ADDRESS: ' oz CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDR PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: It Relocati crrY tdll"ri qb., LICENSE fl:7Ua1/ CITY: r 1 'Ln ,i atloa ST 1y'1ut, PHONE $:83'2/ PHONE # C 2 ? EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION H.KLEREDfi_ ves[-_ GENERAL REPAIRS l- No rs BLDG s R E LOCATIOI{ ((h€ck All lhat Apply) ron, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?ES No NEhI CONSTRUCTIO :ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE fl FAsr rRAcK n sHELr- E upFrr f] ADo r0 Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect Pobrer on this Building N Yes r NO ""r rs THrs A cHAt{6E 0F occuPANcY usE? r YES x rio +r"' IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupan(y Type? _ What is tfie l{eu Occupancy fustnsss--Tvoe?ARCH DESI6[{ PROFESSIO AL: ZrS nc arc *: llO3 If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Nc REG stc. llsb DESCRIPTION OF WORK:tf.' ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Vesl-ga{o ls The Proporty Locatgd ln The Floodplain1- _Ys{Z: Pti contain Asb€stos or nol You are required lo c€lllhe Nalional Emission Standards for Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) .t (919)707-5950 at l€asl 10 days prior lo rhe demolfion o, any laolity or building. S€e Asb€stos Web Site: htrprlrww.epi.stale.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hvnl BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES fL-NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE CONDO OTHEI EM ASSIFICATION SQ FT WATER: GCFPUA sEwER: I+PUA SYSTEM l-J ...s COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC Tl WELL TIZON|NG USE CL PRlvArE sEPlc TlUoMMUNlry EPARAIE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH. PTAG, GAS EQUIP PREFABSAINSERTS PAYMENT METHOD;f cASH f- cxecx leevaBlE To NHc) f_ AMERIcAN EXeRESs l-_ rr,lcnrrsa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft. ]r.*r,rruu, ' (045.& q7d, N8".o,r." OWNER/CoNTRACToR: rtnofa, a F^r /e SIGNATURE: loualire4 TOTAL PRo.IECT COST: ToTAL AREA SQ Ft ,6- TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DTSTURBE o, lU / /+ NEw IMPERVIoUS AREA: P/ h- # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: EloFFrcE I nesreuneur ! lrencellrrrel-1 EDUcD AprD Comment RECEIVED JUL 252018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN rvPE: SI6NS / BILLBOARDS PLEASE PRIiIT CLEARI-Y & AI{ShIER At! QUESTIOXS-Pnoject ResPonslbllity" J.otK -6t[r{ l({'?3b; APPLICATION Number tu (Offlc. lrse) DATE:'7/25/ raAPPLIC'INT, S t,IA}tE : DEVELOPER: Septe mbe! siqns PRO]EC] ADDRESS:5? 55 Goldon d OCCUPAIIT/BUSINESS NAIIE: Pj.nnacle storaqe L Hioh ConPROPERTY O$INER, S t,lA E: OHNER'S ADORESS:rT TY.sT: ZIP i ST: Nc ZIP: 2s4os couTRACTOR i sebtember siqn6 LICET|SE *: ADDRESS: 5731-4 Aasteldam }]av CITY: witni !on EIiAIL ADDRESS: ei11qg eDEenibersi PRoIECT CONIACT PERSON: will Nabors (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ar-rcn fl Reemn I rnuner fl cume r our PHONE s: e 1-791-9084 PIIONE S: e 10 -l9t-9044 ERECT DESCRIPTION 0F I.ORK:Chanqe n:1ac1e SEora rs srcN(s) oN oR oFF PREr,lrsEst [l oN I orr DISCLAIMER: I h6r.bv c€n, thd ell it{omston ln lhis applcation i6 co.ret 6nd all wo.t wlll comCy wlh Ue SlBle Bulldin€ fue snd all other appliceH' Slde and local law6 and o.dinsnces 3nd raguhtions. The NHC D€v€loo.n€nt S,ervicos Cenlet wll be nolifigd of any chalE6 in lhg spproved def|s and speglica ons 6 ch€rE€ in cont€clo. o. convaclor lnio.rnstorl. "'LoTE: Any WoA Portormed w/o th. Approgtulo P€mns wll be in Mo{slion of th€ NC Srat€ Bldg Code uti.cr !o Finep ro $500.00"' SIGNATURE : *rl*+** *:t ** * + *,i '.,*:i,l * * * *t*:a+ * * + **:i* * t t + *:a,t t* * * *i,: * * *:l** *+ ++ +:l' * * * * t *** ' 'li *'t * '* 'l * * * '|:*:t*t' tt'l rt * !* wPE 0F SIGN(S) trtr FREESTANDII'lG (Ground) SHINGLE trtr PRO] ECTION CANOPY I4ARQUE E WAL L ROOF OTHER Total Number of slgns on this Project: - ToTAL PRolEcT cosT: $ sooo Is THE PRoPERTY LoCATED IN A FLooDPLAII? [ ves El uo rAI SEPARATE PERfiITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, IIEOi, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES & IiISERTS '*T pAy ENT irETloo: E a*, I orecx lervlalr ro urc; I mrnrcn exrnrss E nclvrsa E orscoven SrGN 1 HeiEht: SIGN 2 Height: SIGN 3 Height: SIGN 4 Height: ZONE: OFFICER: Sign Dimensions: 22_ X 1s6.6 Sign Dimenslons: x _ Sign Dimensions: x _ sign oimensions: x _ Total SQ. FT. of Slgn: Total SQ. FT. of Sign: Total SQ. FT. of Sign: Total sQ. FT. of sign: * ** * + *** *+*,*,***** * *,t 'r!ir ir3 *:;:i:i I **,i * )i,t * *;i1*)*** *,*,I*** * ***** ** *,*,t *,t * ** l.** t !*,* * *,r )r *,t * * :t,f,i * * *,t* (FOR oFfICE UsE ONLY) iavrsro DAiE 3/30/12 SETBACKS : F :_ LH: RH:_ B:_ Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD; _ 8FE+2ft= N Comment:PERiIIT FEE:,Jc,oo P}O E $: CITY; wllminqtoin zIP: Nc PHO E *: Ot.,NER/CONTRACTOR: % E ...,'- N'E;' IRI(I 1$\ HANOVER COUNry BUTLDING PER},IIT APPLICA|IOII TYPE.. SIGNS / BILLEOAROS Jo 18 -{q fl 18-1814 Pl(,lrlE * 3 ST:7T?: I ffi PLEASE PRINT CLEARI-Y t AIS}JER AI-L QUESTIOTIS"Project Responsibillty" (office Us.) PROIECT ADDRESS: 3G06 cerol i.!la Beash Rd OCCUPAIIT/BUSINESS AltlE: Dot la! General PROPERTY Oh ER,S i.IAI|IE: otlltlER' S ADDRESS:crw: COIITRACT0R: Septe$ber siqns LICENSE *: ADDRESS: 5 ?31-4 AaErerdam way CITY: Hit-ninqron EI'IAIL ADDRESS: ,i Jf@septedbers iqns. com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSoll: Hirl Nabors (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)p rnecr ! rr-rrn f! neearn I elr-aner ! cxancr arr DESCRIPIIo OF IORX: IDEcall buildinq 6iqn and road siqn ST: Nq ZIPl 2s{os PKINE $: e1-?91-9oB{ Pl@ltlE #: 910-79r-9os{ snd o,tinsnars and reguladom. The NHC Oovolopment S€rvic€s Celnor will b€ no lied ol sny chanoes in lhe 6pproved dans and spoci,icltlons oa chanoo io clntractor or conrado. inlormation. *'NOIE: Any Work Perfomed WO lhe Appropriare P€rmits w{l ba in Vlola{on ot he NC Slsl6 Eldg Code aM Suuecl to Flnes Up To tS00.00'" rs srcil(s) oN oR oFF pREnrsEs? [ ori I orr OUNER/CONTRACTOR:5IGNATURE (Prtnt xBrle) *++ *:i +,t,t + * * **,* I +,*,*:r * **,* * *)i+* * +,1,i:t:t * + * *,t,t *:t,t,t:t't t,t,* *:t * t t*i,1. * t * * ++*++.*a *'t+'t*+** TYPE Or Sr6N(5) E t4ARQIJE E LIALL FREESTANDING (GTound ) SHINGLE ntr PRO]ECTION CANOPY ROOF OTHER Total Number of Slgns on this Prorect: -SIGN 1 HeiBht: SIGN 2 Height: SIGN 3 He18ht: sIG 4 HeiSht: 5ien Dimensions: 5 S iBn oimensions: 1,9"X2o Total 5Q. FT. of Slg Total 5Q. FT. of Sig X r.o n: 50 n: 97. 5 Sign Dimensions: _ x_ Tota} 5Q.FT. of Sign: Sign Dimensions: _ X_ Total SQ.FT. of Sign: ToTAL PRoIECT CoST: $f0k IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOOoPLAIN? E Yes I No *T* SEPARAIE PEI'IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, TECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES 8 I}ISERTS ,t*.l f] *, I cxrcx (eAvABLE ro Nrc) [ otenrcm rxrn:ss [ ,czrrso I orscovsr (foR oFFrc€ l6t oN!Y) REVISID DATE 3/10/12 SETBAC(s: F :_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:- DATE: FLoOD: - BFE+2ft= PAYI'{ENT I{ETHM: *+,|,trr**r*+,*)i****,r:ia,*:tt*,i*,1**l)i,i'l,tr*,1*:*,*,t ,t'r,,:,I,t,l++*:lir**,1)****:***,*,****)t,t,|t*,*+*,t+**++i.:t)*:*:*,*:**** N II Comment i PERIiIIT FEE: $Aoo.qe ,-<ii_\ APPLICANT'S l{A}lE: septembe! siqns OAIEi o6/os/).8DEVELOPER: PTONE *: CITY: -Ej_lg:s!s_ ZIP tjg312_ atr ZoNE : - oFFICER: \b Cl4' lntp';clrrrri lle0u:t40, 9I 0.25409Ct1 aatt -€+ rr L8 - 1814 \rrf c : Rts! ffi APPUCA T's r'14.flE I DEVELOPER: NEIII HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION ITPEI SIGNS / BILLBOARDS PLEASE PflITJT Cr"tAnLY & Al{Sl,Jgn ALL QUESIION5 "ProJect Responsiblll.ty" Seotenber Sion6 PRoIECT ADDRESST rd o6 carolina Beach Rd 0CCUPAI\T,/BUSINESS NAI4E: Do11ar censrql PHONE 'I: (offl(e Use) DAfEi o6/05/ta PROPERIY O(NER'S NAI4E : O|dI'IER'S ADDRESS: PHONE *: 5T: Nc ZIPt 2840s PHONE f:91-791-9694 PHOl.lE $: e1o-?e1-e084 C0NIRACTOR: SepEember Sl.tns LICENSE Sl ADDRESSI er:r -l Aa6!erda!! tlay CfTY: t,lilmlnqEoII EiIAIL ADDRESS I ui l toe ejt erbsr'lerls , com PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSoN: Hitr Nabors (CHECK Att IHAT APPLV)fi eaecr I ar-rrn I Rrerrn I rHr,rnce DESCRIPTIoN OF l,{oRX: Intrrall buildtnq 6lqn and road 6j.qn f] curnce our rs sr6N(s) oil oR orF pRErilrsEs) fi on I orr a^d o.dinarcrs lnn raoub[ons- fho NHC De$lopment S€rvkrs Cad6. wll bo mtifi€d ol a.y cnarp6s h tho 6rrrov6d dans 'nd spocillca on5 or chongo ln ccnr..(lor o. conrrctor inbrnsrion. _'NOTE: Ary Work Por,om€d w/O $6 Approp.loto Por(niB will bo lo \1ola$oo ol rho N0 $3le AUo Cod€ and Subjoal lo Fin€s Up 1o i5O0.@"' Ol,JNER,/CONTRACTON I SIGNATURE (e.tnl !6rc) *J* !*it* *,t * )t* *itr,r I **t t)t* t !.* ***l+ *'*i t *,*,* t *t(,t * ** ***rt******i***at a* t l i***,1** * Xrt,li TYPE 0F SI6N(S ) an FREESTANDING (Grsund) 5HIN6LE a ,4ARQUE E MtL trtr PRO]ECTION CANOPY ROOF O'THER Total Number of slgns on thls Project: -sIGN I iieight: sIG 2 Helght: SI6N 3 Helsht sIG 4 Hel8ht: TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ Tck IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? E YEs E ruO ''i SEPANATT PERIIITS REq,,,INED TOR ELECT, I..lECI, P186, Cds TQUIP, PREFABS & INs€NTS 'T' PAYfiEI,T i1ETHOD: 'l l !** +r,|*l*a* t*** *,;***)*** t)tt+*****rl****l t* I I ** l*a:** **l * ** *l * *** * ** i(*t i*+r.l.X**t$r,,il J** t4 * (ro8 orFrlE usl o{LY) / slgn Dlmenslons: x _LQ- Slgn Dimenslons: l'e" x aq.- Sign Dlmenslons: x _ Slgn Dlmens lons: X _ Total SQ.FT, of Slgn: l!_ Tota I SQ. FI. of 5ign: 21,5__Total SQ.FT. of 51gn: _ Total SQ.FT. of 51gn: _ ,/)0/12 n PERIIIT FEE: ,0rcf0 fcD"t lpproval: l\V CEfl: city:lLl&L- DArE ACKS: F: /D Ln, a// nn REVISEO OAT T:t,l/4 a'pl/[X git+zrt E gD-k-Qv;sion twe sla loo5 rnlr? dq.$cd r{s t7.G'crgJalel $tw'al 6\le ^a{,? 5'0h rx.254.09cli II Comment: ?l* 6vr-in3 mon Ci'r.; lnsprclion Requreo 9 tn $l$ CIW: -El1nl!g!9!__ ztP t!9I3_ cITYr _sf :_zIPt- I cnsn I otrcr lnavaerr ro aucl I amtnrcm exnrEss flrc/vrsa D orscovsn F LOOD: AV $fi8 6e, (RECEIVED JUL 232018 prlnt Qse - 6qJ( fi -zlsL\\\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE, RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSWER ALL QUTSTIONS APPUCAELE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility" pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 2828 White Road ctTy: Wilminqlon, NC 71p. 28411 SUBDtVtStON: Potomac woods LOT f: pRopERTy owNER,S pap15, Dennis K- and J. Prince Sr pHONE f 434-865-2434 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 2828 White Road, Wilminqlon, NC CITY: Wil n, NC 21p. 28411 coNTRAcToR: Homeowner aadJlAlE-e*dtors BIDG ucNsE f:_ pROJECT CONTACT p6jggp. Dennis K. Prince Sr. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation E Genetal Repairs flf(]- NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation I"PLEASE CHECX AND A]{SWER BEI.OW AII, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTi'' pHqx5. 434-865-2434 A)4, E Att Garage (5F)_ fl Sunroom (5F)_ C Greenhouse (SF)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool(sF) D Deck (5F) tr Porch {5F} Storage Shed ISF) replace TOTAI, PROIECf COST iless Lot): S 3538.76 ls the proposed work changing the numberof bedrooms? n v"r fi no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes ffi"o lf the proiect is a Reloaation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes F No Praperty Use/ Occupancrr SlnSle Family B Duplex O Townhorse (no 5 Descrlption of Work; Replace existing 8 x 10 storage shed wilh 10 x 16 new storage shed (lofted bam style) laws and o.dinances and regulations. The NHC D€velopment Servic6 Ceiter will be notified ot any cha information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the o,rrnertconrr*b.t .(t -b /t n I .-r .4? : 1 r -p sisnature:'u@rsedQuottfrer" n;tuonelfu1rjrj,. PhnCe ls the property located in a floodplain? f v"o {fro Existing lmperyious Area: - Sq Ft .^ ln Total Acr€s Disturbed:, YVIU" nges rn the epprov€d plans and specjticatio16 or change in contractor NC Srat€ Bldg Code and 00,.. ,/, Y"/ New lmpervious Area: *( WATER: 5EWER: Sq Ft Exlsting Land Distu.bioS Permit: X Yes CFPUA E Community System fl Privatewell E Centralwell E Aqua CFPUA E Community System D Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua (no W+ "lo atdg,lo?\24 Zone: _ Officer: _ S€tbads (rl _ (tH, _ (BHl _ (8) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Rood: tAl _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft: _ Cofirmeot: permft Fee:s 15,o o l-ilFo'ml AppLtcANT,s NAME: Dennis K- and Nancy J. Prince Sr. 66sg.07118/18 elLll ADDRESS: l eglgllrryl7 ow: Ha@psted NC sr: l{e zrp: 2€"4{3 EMATL ADDRESS: aueculCeer€hamp€*ead@€EaiL€om pHoNE: 91089&7e7l tr Other (SF) - ls the proposed lyork changintthe existint footprint? E Ves fl Ho TOTAL Sq FI UNOER R@F lJor proposed work) Hcated: - Unheated: 160 m Clear Fo(n Pnnt eMail NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L ICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEA5: ANSNIER A.L QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ITT "Pnoject Responsi.bility" 'btT x{t1 l?'7t?t7 APPL I cATMN Number (office use ) APPLICANT'5 NAME: qo5",1 6u"1*;66 DATE: 7,6,16 DEVELOPER crrY'wtrnn.lton PHONE #; 910 367-0900 PRO] ECT ADD RE55: 838 sunnwate Dr OCCUPANI/SUSINESS NAIIE : National cyosLrm PROPERTY OWNER ' S NAtlE OI,JNER'S ADORESS:CITY: _ LICENSE i: z1ttt .143-255-0926 ztP .. 5T: NC ZIP:28443 PHONE #: ST: coNTRAcToR: casretl Group DBA Builderpro LLC ADDRESS: 4,i03c oteander Dr suite 123 CITY: yr711.;no1on PROIECT C0NTACT PERSON: g"11 g6ou1 PHONE f: 9i 0_859 B3B7 PHONE S: 910-431-6324 /Chec( All Ihat AOply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION;AL TE RATION lf Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the GENERAL REPAIRS [- No lS BLDG S RE LOCATION es NKLEREDf Yesf- FAST TRACK 5HELL UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE R ENOVATION rrent Site? T NoNEI,/ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI.J SIRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shel.1 Permit #Is Elect Power on this Building T yes TNO "1** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE? T yES f- NO ....- IF Yes, what was the Prevj.ous Ocaupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy IX8fi 'ortro* PR,FEssroNAL : iu NC RTG F NC RE6 SEN6R DESIGN PROFE55]OIIAL Remove 2 walls. close in 2 doorwavs, Finish walls, add acoustic ceilinq, add VCT tile floorino is food or beverages prepa red or se rved in lhis structure? I- yes [- No ts The propedy Located ln The F lood glainl f- yes l- lo 3lSCLAll,,lER I hereby cenify lhat all rnformalion ,n thrs applicatron ,s correct and aI y/ork will compty wiih lheand local ldws and orornances and .eoulalonS The NHC OeveloDmcnl Sery,Ces Cenler wrll be norf€d ol anvoI charrqe 'r .4nlraclor or conlractor info,ralron. "'NOTE Any Wori Perlormed WO the Approp,rate perm,[( Sublecrlo F,nos Up To S500.00"' Stare Build,rg e and allolher app|cab wllb'e in V # OF UNITS OWNE R/CONTRACTOR: Roberr casrwirth SIGNAT TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISIURBED NEW IN4PERVIOUS AREA ZONE: OFFICER SQ FT PER FLR 3 OF STORIES # OF FLOORS .lemol'ncn o, a.t ,acrl(y or bu'ldrng Sec Asbestos Weh Sne " BUILDING HEIGHT 4 OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?:T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: {FOR OFFICE USE ONIY SETBACKS: F:LH RH SQ FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT IMERCAN-TILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER Stlic FPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEN,4 CENTRAL SEPTIC f]PRIVATE SEPTIC LJ COI,4I\,4UNITV SYSTEM WELL fI zoNtNG usE CLASSIFTCAT|ON PAYI'IENT METHoD f CASH f CHECK (PAYABLE To NHC) f _ Ai,4ERtcAN EXPRESS T MCA/tsA f- orscol,rn BApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD: --- BFE+2ttAVN Commenl _ PERMIT FEE: r ZIP:,"^." EMArL ADDRE5S: office@buiderpro.contractors DESCRIPTION OF Ii.JORK: !)Nr y Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN rYPf : COI{I{ERCIAL pLEAsE ANsTER ALr QUEsrroNs appLrcABLE To youR pRolEcr frq "Project Responslbility" ee 18 - rTa( tb-ZqC2 7 L AFFI-rcATroN Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME : Robert castwirth DATE : 7 td11 PRO]ECT : 838 Sunnyvale Dr OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS AfiE: Nationatcypsum Wilminqton _ PHONE #:910-367-0900 ZIP | 2a412 PROPERTY OUiIER, S tIAItE : OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY:ST: ZlP2 CONTRACTOR: Gastell croup DBA Builderpro LLC ADDRESS: 4403c oleander Dr suite 123 EIiIAIL ADDRESS : office@buiderpro.contractors _ LICENSE sz 717jj CfTY: Wlminqton _ ST: 19 ZIP: 2g4g3 PROIECT CONTACT PERSO[{: 9"1; 95e31 PHONE #:910-859-8387 PHONE f:910-431-6324 EXIST CoNSTRUCTIoN: E ALTERATIoN 17 RENOVATION - GENERAL REPAIRS n RELOCATION tf Retocation. is there a Natti;t cas Line on rhetdnent Site? ;-.65- ruo lS BLDG sPkiNKLERED'l- Yesf NoNEtl GoNSTRUCTION: Ll ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (Check All That Apply) FAST TRACK SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect PoHer on this Building f. Yes r NO ++*r* IS THIS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r yES l-. O ****r. IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ tdhat is the New Occupancy DlSCLA|ltlER: I hereby cenify that all information in th and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The N or chanae in contractol or contractor rnformaton, "'Nsub|ect-to Fines Up To $500.00"' TvDe?AQIH OESIGN PROFESSIO AL:, PH:NC REG *: ENGR DESIGI'I PROFESSIOI{AL :_PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Remove 2 walls, close in 2 doorways, Finish walls, add acoustic ceilinq.add VCT tile flooring ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f. vesl-- ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz l- yes l- ruo ns B Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Robert Gastwirrh SIGNAT (o@lii6.) demolition of any facilily or building. See Asbestos Web Sire: htpr//www. epi slate nc. us/epi/asbeslotah rn p. htm I rng and all olher applica of the # OF UNITS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING II\4PERVIOUS AREA IFICATION TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: OFFICE ZONE: OFFICER '@ "r,ro,ro ,=,o* SQ FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTURES SQ FT ! nesrnuneNr f|uencnuruef[ eoucff APTl-l cor.roo orHerPROPERTY USE: E If,::. #::::E CoMMUNrry sysrEM. flWELL lzONtNG USE CLASS LlcenrRel seprc [.-L pRrvATE sEplc E coMMUNrry sysrEM." SEPARAIE PERM TS REOUIFED FOR ELECT MECH PLtsG. GAS EOUIP PREFABS & ]NSERpAyMENr METHOD: l- CASH f-_ CUeCX lClveBLE ro NHC) t-_ euenrcnu expnes! (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) TS' Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD SETBACKS: F B l-- ucnrrsn l- DtscovER Comment LH RH N _ PERMIT FEE: I 4ro)O \!\ic I lrl DEVELOPER: - PHONE #: 443-255-0926 # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: BFE+2ft._ ffi Clcar Fornl Prirrt eMril NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rvPf: COflllERC IA L PLE^5r aNsrrrR ^LL QUIstro s AppLlcaBLt l0 youB p80]tcr il,i "Project Res pons ibility" E-ot8 - Srf a+ l?,'7t'// nFFIIGTIdT Number (offl(e use) APPLICANI' S NAHE: Robert castwirth , DATE; 7$;1e crrYtwit.iu,rto,, PHONE *: 910-367-09C0 ZIP | 2n412PRO] ECT ADDRE55: 838 sunnyvale Dr OCCUpANT,/BUSINESS lllAl1E : National cypsum PROPERTY OWIJE R ' S NAiIE: OI,{NER'S ADDRESS:C ITY i - LICENSE $: 7671 1 CITY: W,lminqton 443-255.0926 zlP : ST: 616 ZIP; 26493 PHONE fl: 5I: C0NTRAcToR: Gasrelt c.oup DBA Builde.Pro LLC ADDRESS: 4403c oleander D. suite 123 PHOiIE #: 910,859.8387 PHONE f: 9j0_431,632,1PROIECT CONTACI PERSON: gu11 g6on1 iahe.k All rhrr Apply) EXTST CONSTRI,,CTION:AL TERAT ION ll Relocalion, is thero a Nalural Gas Line on the RENOVATION rlenl Sile? T GENERAT REPATRS Tl RELoCATToN ]- r'ro tS BLDG Sp'fTilKr EREDrI- yesf-U ERECT T,/EI.] STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(SHELI UPFlT ADD IO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - Thc Shell Pernrit B:Is Elect Poyer on this Buildint T yes T. NO I'rrr IS THIS A CHANGE 0F OCCUPATJCY USE?T yES f- no '***.IF Yes, lrhat was the prevlous occupancy Type? _ l,Jhat is the Nex Occupancy IX8fi lr,srcnr pRoFEssroraL EN6R D€SI6N PROFESSIONAL PH NC R[6 ri NC REG l:-prl DESCRIPIIoN 0F IrORK: RJGG-2 *o[s. ctose in 2 doqrways, Finish walls, add acoustic ccilino,add VCT tile floorinq ls lood or beverages prepare(, or serve(J io lhrs struclure? I- Yes[- No ls The Property t.ocatcd tn The Floodptainr l- vcs [- tto hnd locdl ldws and ordrnao(cs and,equlalrcns. Ttre NltC Ocvcloomc or ch.rtrge 'I .onva.lor or cootractor , rlormat,o'r. r"NoI E: any workS,rbtP.r'io rrnFs Up To t500 00"' CcnlWO nolifcd o{ anv chanoes o0nale Perm,{s w llb'e Ln of lhe DiSCLA f.l[n i hercuT Lrrtrly lhsr irll nr,uoratiofi I th s uppticatiofl is correct and a I y,/ork wilt comolServiccse. will bc OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Robert Gasrwirlh ply with he Stale 8u td ng e and oli0rhrxnpplca 0 CoJe and SIGNAT # OF UNITS /l oF s toutES r/ oF FLOOIiS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT .cmorlo^olaiy lacn,ty u burrdng Sac Asteslos Weh Srrc r' @ ,r,ro',ro n=,o,-,,rOTAL PROJECT COSI TOTAI AFIFA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDEI] ROO[, /IC RE S DISTURBED NE!V MPERVIOUS AREA PROPERIY USI SO FT PER FLR f OF STRUCTURES SO FT oFFict CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER #FPUA FPUA COIV4MUNITY SYSTEI,,,I CENTRAL SEPTIC I WELL VATE SEPTIC n zoNrNG USE CLASSIFICATtON COMN4UNIIY SYSTEMPRI PAYMENIMETHOD: T CASH I- CIECX (PEVEBLE TO NHC) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS T MC^/ISA f- OISCOT'CN {FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE ND orrrcrn' D1t"SETBACKS: F FLOOO: ,rliA,, N/[n Approval: 0lL City or DAI'E L I! Dl,r t. rI conrmenr lnlc, 0ri; lnsPtction $e0 9]0-25 90,j kl/PERNflT FEE: : OEVELOPER: ElitArL ADDRESS : otfice@buidcrpro.contractors NONEN CoNSIRUCTION: L_l ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I nesrnunnrur I r*enclr.rrrref] eoucl-1 rerI Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYP E.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" ai! J J,o,€- e+}q yf2-277o Applic.tion Number (office use)(* I t'd&. Ug APPLICANT's NAME: David Buck oatet 7116118 PROJECT ADDRESS:1819 Reoister Lane CITY: Wilmington ZIP 28411 LOT #:SUBDIVISION: Reoister Pla PROPERTY OW NER'S NAME: Dan Brock PHoNE f: 910-617-3835 OWNER'S ADDRESS:181q Reoister I CITY: Wilminoton ztP 28411 CONTRACTOR Buckner Buil BLDG LICENSE #TNANR EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AttTHATAPPtY TO YOUR PROJECT'T* fl Att Garage {5F)n Porch (sF) ! sun room (SF)n Storage Shed (SF)- D Greenhouse (5F)-n Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work\ Heatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):5 20.000 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? n Yes F No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure F Yes n No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes fl No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes tl No Property Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family fl Duplex ! Townhouse Descnption of worx: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ...NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00*t* Owner/Contractor:David Brrakner Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? [ Yes F No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: 386 SF New lmpervious Area: 386 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: a Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Well n Centralwell n Aqua SEWER: 6 CFPUA t] Community System n Private Septic E Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comm€nt:p"rli, r""' S t15.oo eMail ADDRESS: 1735 Canady Rd clTY: wilmington 5T: Nc- ZIP: 2841 1 EMAIL ADDRESS: dbuckner@bucknerbuild.com PHONE: 9'10-409-2664 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON: David Buckner PHONE; 910-409-2664 El Det GaraPe {SF) 3M ! Pool (SF)_ n Deck (sF)- Unheated:384 Clear Form Print eM ail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI ON TYPE; RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" RECEIVED ]UL 1O 2018 }otg -g+3'1 \g - ltrl APPI.ICANT'S NAMEI e,.^tv-a r-k Lx Tic,,- Q,u crrv: V,J I lrvri rqdon Date a zlPPROIECT ADDRESST suBDlvlsloN:'-l6i a PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: ("pHoNEfll qlO q5) - tClL'l ow: ld r \ rYrrnqlrnn zre: O ?''{t4 CONTRACTOR:Ia,.n I r-r-F f ,. *e 8t-DG t-tcENSE #14t,\{) ADDRESST / EMAIL ADORESS: CITY:\il,Irtiarr\ztM sT: x\C zlP:tBY O3 ',;Ho-E] -t -lLl - S \ ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: t{ Alteration E qenovation ! Gereral Repar's71 NEwCONSTRUCTIoN:EErectNewResidenceEAdditlontoExistingResidenceERelocation .'**PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**'I E Det Garage (SF)_al Porch (SF)tr Att Garage (SF)- E Sunroom (sF) Description of Work: tr Greenhouse (SF)- tr Pool (SF) { o".t 1sr1 3("O D Storage Shed (SF)- D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footnrint? ft Yes E No TOTAT sq FT UNDER RoOt Uot proposed walk) Heated unheated: ToTAL PROJECT cosT (tess Lot)i 5 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes X No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes iftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNatural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes tr No ls there Elect'ical Power on this Build ng? h Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupa single Familv ]D lex l l Townhouse h-r tto *k rHr w-. )"! i )?r ll'u i DISCLAIMER: I herebv certifv that allthe information in this application is correct a rlwork willcomplv with the Stale Bu lding code and allother applicabl€ &'o.J^ slate and I law5 ind ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor y work performed without the appropriate permir wi be io violation of the NC Slate BldB CodE and subiect to fines up to 5500 00r"lnformation "rNOTErAn Owner/Contractor: "Licen5ed Quolifier" (,rkr brz^rborocr<E srcnatu,e,nfi,tt \, rrlrurlk [l^ New lmperuious Area;Sq tt TotalAcres DistuJbed: Existing Land Disturbing P€rmit: E Yes E No rt No wnrEn: fi cFPUA D community System E PrivateWell D CentralWell ll Aqua SEWER: ACTPUA D community System ! Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua zoneiofllter:-=-setbacks(f)-{LH)-(RH)l-(B)- Approval: - Cityr - Date : -- Flood : (A) - (V) -- (N) -- BFEt'n= -_r.,.n r"",, Com me nt: ffi pRoJEcr coNTAcr PEnsoH, I(p-, fh I a en o. llafe ivz.rborr, exorue,,1 ls the property located in a floodplain? E Y€s Existing lmPervious areal - sq Ft 85,0o ilEW HA]OVER COt,NTY BUILDII{G PERIIIIT APPLICATTilI TY"E.. COOTERCIAL ilX'T'LAR SALES OFFICE/TRAILER PLEASE AIISICR ALL QUESrI S APPLICASLE TO Y(UR PROJECT "PrcJGct Responslbllit)l" bt+-s44a 18-2338 lpp-ttcattqt lluiber (Offlce Us€) APPLICAT{T'S flffiE: Ltoyd Brinktey _DAfEt g712312yg DEVETOPER:Lloyd Brinkley - PIIO E #: 9i G264-0440 PROJECT AIDRESS: 6425 Windmilt Way CITY: Wilmington . ZIP:26495 OCCUPAITT/B{JSINESS I{A}TE : PROPERW OT ER'S iIA E:Brin 0l['lER.'S AITORESS: 6425 Windmilt Way CO TRACTOR: AlSpan Building Systems lnc AIDRESS: i36 Hartey Road EIitAIL ADORESS : neil@a[_span.c!m _ LICEI{SE *: 6637 - PHO{E f: 910-264-5440 ST: p6 ZIP:26495 - ST: 16 ZIP: 2g4g5 _ PHoNE *: 910-799-9120 : Wilmington CITY:1ry;1m;nqg.. PROIECT CO TACT PERSO : Ngitpit;pp1n1 - PHONE *: 9,10619-9734 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) NEW INSTALLATION E REPLACEMENT DESCRIPTION oF }()RK: lnstall concrete slab for metalcarport building 6nd ordinancss and r€gulstions. The NHC D€velop.noot S€rvices Center wll b€ notifu ol sny changss ifl th€ app.ov6d plans and conlrado. lntom€lbn. -'NOTE: Any Work Pedormad w/O lhe App@p.iaG Pomit6 will bo in Violation of lh6 NC Slat6 Bldg Code or change ln OI{NER/CO{'ITRACTOR : Nafl o Fitippini Jr (Prlnt Nane) TOTAL PROIECT COST: t z5O0 THIRD PAnrY CERTIFIGATI '{JTes l- No TOTAL SQ. FT. II9ER Rd)F: 12so Fd,IIDATId{ DETAIL ATTACHED? l. Yes l- No PRMTE I.IELL PRIVATE SEPTIC to Finos Up To .00"' SIGNATURE: , llPH GOIPLLA||T? f 12o rlPH or l- 13e P+l I5 TtlE PR(PEnTY LOCATED I A FLqITPL^IX? f Yes l- No RrP DEr IL IllcLlIED? f Yes l- No oEcr; l- Yes li No sq.Ft. PoRcH: f Yes l- lro sq.Ft, TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; p14 ZONE : Approval:- C f] coruunrw svsren TOTAL SITE AREA: 1.62 4qug Exrsr LAro DrsruR8rirc pERrri-li yEs -r in }** SEPARATE PERI.IITS REq,JIREO FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLg6, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & II{SERTS *TT pAyHEr{T rETHfl): J. clsr li orecx (PAYABLE m I$c) [- Arrtnrclr expness l- rrclvrsa l- orsconn *r**:lrr:!+!r*****:t**+,1*:trt:l+:t+****+++++:iaa+,1+l+*1.*i:t:l*1a:l,i**,1't'l*'trt**+ + +,i*,* *:t:l*i.:i *,t t +,i + + ++ + +* (fOR OEFICE UsE q{LY) OFFICER: .SETBACKS: F:LH: RH: B: nEvrsED 4/12112 -BF E+2ft = Coment: ity:. DATE:. FLooD: vll PERfiIT FEE:t elArER: E CFPUA E comrr rry sYsrEir SEHER: [g] CFPUA LI CENTRAL sEPrIc E aol(-&t(8 FLOOD ZONE ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING aPPLICA|IoN rYPfi CoMMERC IA L PLEISE ANsHER ALL QIJESTIONS APPLI(ABT€ TO YOUE PIO]ECI "Project Responsibility,, PERM.lr rct tt-.TqT APPL ICAT]ON APPL ICANT'S NAI'IE: Mtkc Fcrsuso,r PHONE II DATE: o7-05-2ors ZIP:.,-.. DEVLLOPTR PRO]TCI ADO 8t55: 522 5 Ke,rAve Un,l3O OCCUPANI/8U5INES5 NAI4E : PROPERTY OKNTR'S NAIIE :Candlewyck llOA lnc OltNER'S ADDRESS: lr. r\iodh 6th st 6el PHONE T: ST 9r0 833,5e23 ag ZIP: 2s.lq: ST: ,,. ZIP: ...". l-ICENSE {:59155 ADDRTSS: p6 5n, 16a65 CITY: u{,ningron ElilAIl- ADDRESS : rr(? Fo.guson@MRFelg!sonconst uclo^ coi,PHoNE f,r 9to 2/9.912i rxorue *: !fl[!a-]l--PROI t CT C0NTACT PERSONT i11e ps.r,... (.h(. r all Ihnt rrply) I] TNOVAT IONEXISI CONSTRUCTION ll Relocarron is lhere a Nalural ALTIRATION Gas Linc on the GENERAL REPAIRS T-I RELOCATION T No rS ELDG sPhil\KLEqED?f YesTutrenlSire? T es If UPFIT - The Shel1 Pe.mit '1 NO NEW CONsTRUCTION: ACC E550RY STRUCTURE Co'.n.ncnt{I ERECT NEH sTRUCTURE f] FASr rRACr( n SHELL n upFrr ADO TO EXISI SIRUCIUR E Is Elect Power on this Building T Ycs T X0 IXtf lortro" PRoFEssroNAr- : tN6R 0€ Sl6N PROIE55IONAL:- C NE6 ':It( RE6 a:- 0tSCRIPTI0N 0F W0RK: p".or" "n6.eptace exi$ng *ood staits. pratro.ms and hand.a{s ts lood or beverages preparcd or servcd in this slruclure? T Yesl- No ts Trre Propeny Located tn The Floodptain? li yes T tlo andr<atrnvi, Jndo,d,nrnler J, d regulrr;o1s Trq NHC Devoroprro, S(v,ces Cerrur n, I bc norlco or a 'y chrnaer ,n Eaoo,oecor(rdiqc conuaclor or co.1l,.( Ior ,nfomn hoo. "'NOTE AnyWork pcno,med w,O :r,c Appropnarc pcxr,l5vrn 6c'n Votat,aiotthehC 5'Ito CltJq Cod-i a,,,JSrorcflio F'ncs Jo Io550000 ' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ra oraer aay Ferguson SIG N NOLe Orn,or'ron no(,lical ons6 asoesto5 lenovalpotn{ applicanon! aro b bo subm{ledusrng lhc appl[auo YDU arcruq!{cJ roc.Liotc N,)xon.iEm'ss'on Sllnd6105 rortlazndouratr Poltumnla(NE o.ho{'on ol!n/ hcitrI or Lukrrg See sbesror\9.hS'rc h(p ry,yrl rp' sLrro cuy.prdbcsto'ahnrrhl.ir EONF; t. 3r ) T AMERICAN ExPREss T , OF UNITS H OF STORIESI H OF FLOORS. f] zoNrNG USE CLASStFICATtON COi,4]\4UNITY SYSTEM 6o-e, ()c!Oo. CJd) =Ity. Co:FoIe =ic:' IOTAL SO FT IJNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES SO FT EXSI LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES J- NO EXISI!NG IN,IPERVIOUS AREA:NE\?V It PERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY usE L IOFFTCE LJ RESTAURANT IIERCANT IL E EDUC CONDO OTI.IEI TOTAT PROJECT COST: S9.5oo rOTAL AREA SO FT BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEIV T-l WELL - t-J CENTRAI sEPTIC LI pHrvnTe SEpTIc N SO FT PAYMENT METI]OD T CASH T CHECKIPAYAALE TO NHC R DATE FLOOT zoNEN[- h QFFrc npproruL-----/ C,ty rnlr L*OR OFFICE U5E OIIL Y I\ SETBACKS F Ig,rrgJa "*,*)n [4C,^/ISN T DISCOVFR ),',#;ff Rl,llT FEEr lIwt,)0 0,, r N PE Nfrirrtrrr( !. l.;. {ix!r,-{ru-ft(AfQo6- [o,r |)t,,'I * lu" [teuoi,u* (trTr {.tau r ff4 CITY: wtmiigron C0NIRACI0R: rrichaetBay rerguson "*+i rs rtlls a cHAxGE oF occupANcY usE?T Y€5 T N0 r..r. IF Yer, rhat llas the Previous Oc(upanay Type? - llhat i5 the NeN/ o<Cupa.(y ACRES OISTURBEO /, i,' ',,ffi', Oear Form Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE : RESIDENIAL PI"EASE ANSWER AU OUESNONS APPUCABU TO YOUR PROIECT "Proied nesponsibiliy Appllcation l{umter loffic€ ure) APPUC.A'{T'S NAME:lnararn Rrnc lne o6re, 7124118 PROJECT ADDRESS: jLt06 Conoressional Lane CITY: Wilminolon ztP.. 28/.11 LOT *: { PROP€RTY OW ER,S NAME:Aichrrd Nnrm:n PHo EB: (910) 409-1878 OWNEIPS AIDRESS: 1 J nA (:^nrrrpseinn2l line CITY: Wilminoton ZIP:-28411 CONTRACTOn: lngram Bros., lnc. SIDG UCENSE #:€6489-- ADDRESS; 1706 Castle Slreet EMAIL ADDRESSi Droieds(ainoramt ros np-t PHONE:laln\ 7A)- PROTECT COiITACT PERSON: Dale Albrecht PHONE: (910) 762.9695 Exlsntlc COI{SIRUCIIOfl: E Alteration D Renoyation fl General Repairs t{EW OOl|SfnUcIlOa{: E Erest New Residence D Mdition to Existing Residence D Relocation ..IPI.EASE OIECX AIIO AITsWER BELOW At.I, THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECF.. ! Att Garage (SF) _El Det Garage (SF) _I Porch {SF} E Sunroom (SF)'187 ! Pool (SF)D Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (SF)n other (SF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? [ Yes B No TOTAI, SQ FT UI{DER ROOI Uor prcposed work) Heatedl Unheated: Il8L TOTAL Pf,OrECt OOSr (Less LotI: S 25-843 ls the proposed wort changing the number of bedrooms? E Ye6 E rlo ls any Elcctrical, PlumHnt or M€dtaflkat t,ork being done to the Accessory structure fl yca B o 24JUL l3 l:s8Pl! lf the project is a R€locadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curent site? E yes Et ,{o lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? Eg Yer E tto ProFrty Use/ Occupancy: E Singb F.mily fl ttrrpaGr E Townhorrce Descdption of Work: ino_ Olgc[AlltlEi: I hereby certify that all the intomration in this application ls corr6'ct and allwork wiltcompty with the State Building Code a larrs and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development S€rvi.es Center willbe noti{ied olany.hanSes in the approved plans alt ormatlon. "'ttOTE: Any worl performed whhout the approprlate permits wlll b€ in violatlob of the NC State BtdS Code and ble State and local nge in contractor ot.rnedcoa ractor: -Licensed Auoiftef l-lale Sagnatrrre: Pint llome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl ves E lto EristiEg lmperyiors Are.: aqgg Sq Pt Total A.rEs Olst rted: 0 flflr lmpervious Area: 33gg Sq Pt Enstint tand txsturbing permit: WATEn: E CFPUA D Community System E private Well E Central Welt D Aqua SEWEn: F CFPUA D Community System fl private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone; _ Orficeri _ S€rback {r) _ ltH} _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Date: Drle At Flood: (Al =- lV) _ lNl _ BtE Commart: EY6Ef,o +2ft= 25 BF: sPe.mit Fee: ?et\-$45<_/r(Hl SUBD]vlSIOf,: Mastcrs Rirlgc P^.tprs NFr* Plen2tion CIW: WlminOton 5T; IIC ZIP:,29[03_