AUGUST 10 2018 BUILD APPNEtil HANO\IER C0UNTY BUILDfNG PERMIT APPLACATION D"E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSDER .CrL QUEs]-IoNs 'qpptIctatr To youR pRolEcT ..proj ect Responsitilitld <ar@ -zq 56 APPLICANT' 5 NAJ.IE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDT\,{STON: pRoPERW 0,JNER's Lra.trtE: OI,I'NER'S ADDRESS: CONTTTACTO R : ADDREsS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONIACT PERSOIrI EGSTINC CO 5TRUCEON: r P}IONE #: DATE: LOT S: APPLTCATTON Nurbe n (oFfic. Use) zJP:. IU ( CIW: CITY; LICENSE S: crry: lr-Cl0 BLOCI( J} PHO E #:0.3 sr;LLzIp: ACCOUI,IT *: 5 lBUE lB 3r2lP (rl l0 Y,\o n rrnrl n STORAGE SHED #:qto.33k.a73t SF PHONE PHONE I a rrrnarro,l I na.rovlrrou fle elreul REpArRs. n RELor,qrroN NEW CONSTRUCTTON:ERECT NEI^I RESIDENCE or ! aoorrrolt ro E[srrlt6 REsTDENcE s+PLEASE CHECI( AND ll'lSl'lER BELOl,l {LL TIIAT APPLY TO Y0UR PROJEcT: ffnrr eanace 5t3 sr ! orr anuer sF E-poRcH tltQ ,, suNR@9 _sF GREENHdJSE _ sF OT}]ER: rorAl HEATED rq or, \(?3 rorAl sQ Fr uNDER Roo'; A1q+ rorAl AREA saFrrffi& rorAl pRolEcr cosrtLassl.0 r $aIOOOC SF # OF STORIES I Is Any ELECTRICAL, PIIJHBING ol. l,lEcHAflICr[ tJork Bein8 Done to the Accessory Structune? E Yes No Is there Electrical Power on thj.s Building? pRoPERry UsE / occuPANcyr f] S lOle rm.uuv P@L _ sF DECK SF Yds No DUP LEX ffromuousr If the project is a Reloc ationj is there a Natural Gas Line on the currcnt site? fives Illo DESCRIPTION OF HORK:rn n c500,ocr" +**++*r+* *++r*+**** ********(i?Jlii"?++**+***"+*+**+**+*+***+*+**it+i+t++*+**+**+i+*++*++* 15 THE PBOPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YE5 tb EXISTING TMpERVIoUS AREA: _sQ FT T0IAL AcREs DISTURBED; NEII] IiI\{PERWOUS AREA: - SQ Fr E(TST LAiID DISTURBTNG PERHTT:YE5 [f r'ro CFPUA COtlYUNIry sYsTEM I earvnrr wrll tr CENIf,AL $IELL Coiv1l,4UNI ry sYSTEr,q I.]ATER: SEI.JER:ffirnua D crivrnnr sEprrc E pRrvATE sEprrc *.! sEpn rTE, pEEfirTs nEQUItiED FoR ELECTr .AECH, pL86 GAs EQUrp, pREFt3S & rtlsERTs .-.r crsn I cnecr 1ePAYHETIT METHODI*** **** **+iitt*****!*+******+** * **BTLL ACC(rJIIT fl r.r*ro I orscoven +* **+* *** *++*** ** +**+.t** ****:!**+**,f*:!* tetrsED DA-rf 64ltr/12 SEIBACKS: F:- LH;- 8H:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= #*. rrr, sl,ro'4)'o avarr-r ro uncl fl************f***ir (roe oFFrcE usE odly) ZONE:OFFICER: AppnovaL:_ City,:_ DATE;_ FLOOD: _ _'tvCorrne nt: lt I { sr,Ll!-zrpffi45T. *,1q-.3-ll .cltft*'r NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPI.ICASLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responslbilit\/ ao(t'rglb L8-2352 Application Number {office use) pRoJEcT ADDnEss: 1537 Eastbourne Drive CtW Wilmington 71p.28411 suBDtvtsloN: Hanover Reserve owNER,s ADDRESS: 109 Hay St., Ste 301 cny: Fayetleville 21p.28301 ADDREsS: 1 09 Hay St., Ste 301 crw: Fayetteville sr: NC ztp. 28301 EMA;t ADDRESS: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com pxOtr: 9 1 0-475-7100,727 PROJECI CONTACT PERSON: JOE BO Td pxotr: 91 0-475-7100,758 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Aheration n Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCrION: E) Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation TIIPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*'T E Att Garage (SF) 401 O DetGarage (SF) E Porch (SF)282 E Sunroom (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (SF) E storage Shed (sF)_ Xottt"r(sr) 5-'l 3 3tQto"rls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UI{DERROOF llor proposed workl 11s21g63 2333 Unheated:3589 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less [ot)'I 16,650 ls the proposed work changint the number of bedrooms? E] Yes E t{o lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lftheproiectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC oevelopment Serviaes Center willbe notified ol any changes in the approved plans and speriflaations orchange in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: Any wort performed without the appropriate permjts will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5m.OO... Owner/Contractor:Kelsey Bivera lor McKee Homes Signsgr... Kelsey Rivera D'9l/ry strd b, br.., Riqr 'Licensed Quoliliel Print Nome ls the propeny located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbint Permlt: E yes E o WATER: E CFPUA fl Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Otflcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Dare: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ \Comment:Permit Fee: $Q5't.0D AppLtcANfs AMg; McKee Homes, LLC oate:7/3118 lOr r: 138 pROpERW OwNER,S taur: McKee Homes, LLC pxoxe *: 910-475-7100,727 coNTRrAcToR: GML Development gp6 1g66x5gg. 53970 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Dupler El Townhouse Descrlptlon of work: New Construction, Sinole Familv Home ,t, ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOTT rYPEr COltllERCIAL pr:A\r t\:i!4fl ALr {.tJ.,lIori5 aPPLI(A0Ll r0 YOJR PRc)rCr "Projcct Rc ipons lbi ).l,ty" )otssa3l 18-1456 AFFITA-nor umbe. (0ffi(. ure) APPLICANT'5 N.A},1E : aDr-r,r ttose.ne,.l 0ATE r u;ttaize to PH0NE X: -r..zn'r,v, PR0lECr ADDFE55T ,c5N:2nn Sr.,rer CITYi n,,r.,. ! r.7I9 i ,-. ., oc(UPANT/BUSINE55 NAHE I PROPE RIY OI,/NER, 5 NAfiE:PHONE $: 911233Ij156 0liNEn'S ADDRES5 I .ri)/ i . , ,iir ^/. t\ Col'iTRACToR: rO Br Oirift\i NaD CIIY; ;;;0r,.i 5 0-,r' ; , LICENSE J' CITY l ST: Nc ZIP: ?s4a, 5t; ZlPi ER ((f.( I All rh'r &21yr EXI5T CONSTRUCTION A LT E RAT ION R E NOVATION GEN ERAL RTPAIRS €T,AI L ADDBESS I PRO] ECT CONTAC N€H CONSTRUCTIONI ACC ESSORY S.TRUCTURE: A rproval ACDnE5S PHONE II PHONE ,, ll Rclocrtlon. rs there a Nalurol Cals Linc on the Lrr(,'rl sllc?r .S f Nc ,S tsLDG SP RELOCATION KTERED'1T YesT ERECr NEl4 STBUCTURE f]F^ST TR^CK [_] SHELL D uPFrr ff aoo ro rxrsT STRUCTURE ja Uf,FIT - i're Shell Pe.nit 4 t Is €lect Pok€. cn this U'rildin8 T Yes [i N(l A CI]ANG6 OF OCCUPANCY IF Yes, rhat ins the P.evi.ous 0<aupan(y Typef rs€rT Yrs Jr o ..". :! thc ller 0(aupan<y elH OTSIGN PROI TSSIONAL pI [;.;t].: -'j:* oer b ,1,1 oe.,l,*tt (t,,,lJ,.,o- fic tl6 ,i NC Rt6 drN6R Dt 5I6r! PROTTSSIONAL i)t 5(.R I Pl t0N of lroRr( ls fcod cr ceverage$ prcpared or served rn lhrs sl.!c llrSC( A \lfri r hrrcrt !rn ly rhar nll rnkxnarron n' li) s .,rpir.6 ,n\r 1,,..r lr,v5 .r.nj rtrrJ r.,Lcct 3N rerlLlal on5 :hc Nnc oe!d4:.aoJ, 614'r3rdr "'\oTE ArY..1r' ',', i.F ^"< uL lol5M00 ' ru,o, f- vcs[i No .! I he P iJucny lo..,,"/n ,n" ,,ooor,ninr f- ves [i ru,, r(tn Lr rode.r nnd nr w,ri srrrconply q rh n'e srare llurl(1,n0 cod! a.{t a r.'rh./ rppr,cnDh s1,rr. r oma.r Se 'tr er CmlE, ,.1 Dll .oi,[e., o'{'/ cna.,]cs ,1 lre souote.l ol.n5 dr,(r 31,€(.f(atr5\llc,{ LLrl(,rn,rd !V,C:re /.pr,'r"r,c Pc.m ls s, de,. vrrJraijl rh^},Jr SLtk 8kq Cccr.' r O$lNERi CON-IRACTOR I n"cnn n,'*o,.r,,,,0 iowr.rtRi IOTA- AREA SO FT lii.i sr SQ F f PER FLR: ,]s 5, SIGNATURE ./- z'- t- fl OF STORIES r, or F'.ooRs CONDC O tHEI zoNrNC USE CLnSSI':tCn IrON c80 rr,:,,r'o,rnr!',,3c1,:r.,0!16'njSr<As$ajloswobSc'rr.r,i{iyi,-a,isrrr.|.u!o(rrsi,.}!rct..nJ,lrr\ IOTAL PROJECT COST: 359 0,Jq BUILoING HE Ci1T .tD H OF UNITST 6 ,, .I'OTA. SO FT Ui\JDER ROOF ACRFSi IIISTLJRIJED 12 sr CFPUA C; i)irA PAYfIENT lilE EXST IANO DISTURBING PETiNIIT? T YES T NO EX]SIII.lG L[IPET]VIOUS AREA SO F'Isc':l COMIl!.]NI]Y :JYS ] L[1 slTx v/ELr # CENTNAL SEPTIC pp,vole strlc I covtrururry sys rtu T O^SH T CIIECK (PAYABIE TO N}iC) T AI..lERICAN txPRESS T [ICivIsA T* DIscoVER zonr Ch LlOD (.NA) CFFICER ouil. ''':"Ji;";J IJ DA TI BtE tzlt PE II[,,1II F L.L Crty 5 "7/A i:Loo (1iii, insyrciron x4urreo, g I tt.254.t190,r pRopEBly usE. L]oFFrcE f]aeslauiraNr fl rarncerlr[e! EDUcg ApTD ;*li.1Llt crearForm RFfiElvE0 JUL 27 2018 e a, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APPU CATION TYPE : RES!DEltlTlAt PLEASE ANSWER AII QUESTIONS APPUCABT"E TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project ResponsiHlitl/ APPLICANTS NAME: Ocean Blue Pools and Soas of NC u eotS - sA4.1 18-2,1'lo ArDli@tion Number (offfce u.€) Oate, Tl?712018 PROJECT ADDRESS: 624 Caicos Court CITY: Wilminotnn Zl?: 28/'05 SUBDIVISION: Lucia Point PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Sved & Farwa Husain PHoNE #: 201-873-0019 OWNER'5 ADDRESS: 624 Caicos Court CffY: Wilminolon ZIP: 28405 CONTRACTOR: Ocean Blue Pools and Spas of NC 8l,DG UCENSE $: 73760 ADDRESIS: 30 Covil Avenue EMAIL ADDRESS: oceanbluewilminotonl (aomail-com clw: Wilminoton sT: IIC_ Zl 28405 PHONE:910199-3022 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Arin Kcrueski PHONE: 910-799-3022 EXEI G CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..'PLEAE CTIECX AND A'{SWER BETOW AU THAT APPLY TO YOUR PNOJCCT!.. n Att Garage (SF) _n Det Garase {SF)! Porch (SF) D Sunroom (5F)B Pool (sF)375 ! Greenhouse (SF) 6l o".t ls the proposed work changlng the existing footprint? E Yes TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed work) Heatedr Property Use/ Occupancl:(SlnCle Famlly E Dupbx n Townhouse Description of Work: {sF)527 Fro lawsand ordinances and regulatlons. The NHC Development Servlces centerwlllbe notified ol any changeS ln the approved plansand specmcationi oa change in aontractor lnstall inoroLrnd fiberoless 30'12'6' oool with aooroximatelv 527 souare feet of oaver de information, "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permit will b. in violataon ofthe NC d subject to fines up to 9500.00"' Owner/Contractor: Kevin Dunne Signatur€: 'Ucensed Quolifief Pdnt Nome lsthe propertylocatedin afloodplain? E Yes n No Existing lmpervlous Area:3[3E_ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0 New lmpervious Area;3965 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: n Yes E No WATER: R CFPUA C Community Synem E Private Well n Cenralwell E Aqua SEWER: F-CFPUA E Communitysystem fl Private Septic E Centralseptic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ M _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _ comment: Permit Fe€: S t LOT fl: 45 E Storage Shed (SF) - D Other (sF)_ Unheated: _ TOTAL PROTECT COST (Less Lot): 580-508 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes EL o ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechsnlcal work being done to the Accessory Sructure & Yes E o lfthe project is a Relocetion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes &No ls there Elecrical Poweron this Building? IL Yes f] No doarFom) Rtsfill/Etj JUL 27 ?Bl8 eMaI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPU CATI o N TYP€r RESIOENTIAt PLEJ\SE ANSW€R ALt QUTSTIONS APPI-ICA8L€ TO YOI.,R PRO]ETT "prorect Rcrponribili\/ )ott-?L4n M-Zq'to ADDR€ssr 30 C.oviLAv.enue ,.- clrY: Ullrnitrqlan-- sT: NC- zlP jQ405 --- APPLlcANrs NAMEi Q.aeaonue]Eoolland_$Aa_s SiNQ_.-oatet 712'll201B PNOJECI AT)DNTSS:G24 Ceico^ Co OTY: Whlngton . - ZIP: 28405 --lOTn: 455 U ttDlVlSl0N: lusin Ppjnl PROt.tnl y owHIR's t{AME:Sv,rrl ,i Farura l-l rcrin PIIONE,I: 201-873,0010 oWNln'5 At)DRtSSr fi24 Caicos (loLrt clIYr Wilntinoton ,- ztt'1[8]_0t coNI nAcron: -Qcejut BLr-e liqaL$rnd_SgaI-ql.l{,L,BrOG tlCENSE,i; 73760 €MAll- ADDR(sS: ocaAn b.luowilmlngton r rogmailm* _ _PHOHE: 91O-7!Lq-3022 _ PRoJEcT CoiIrAct P[RsoNr Ari0l(eryeski PtIONE:910-700-3022 EXI9TIHG CONSTRUCTION! C Alteration E Reoovation O General Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCfIONT Ll Erect New Residence D Addition to Existlng Residence E Re,ocation ".PLEA5E CHECK AND ANSWE& BETOW ALt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' l.l ,.\tt Gara8e (St')n Det Garage lSF)_-_- _ll Porch (St)._- _=- n Storage Shed (S[) _ ___i ; Sunroonr (5F)_ E Pool Lj Greenhouse (5F)- d Oect ls the proposed work chanEing the exlsting footprint? D Yes (SF):t75 {sr)527 n Other (S[) F*o TO'IAI- s(l FT UNDER ROOF lJot propased wod) Heat€dl Unhcntcdi TOTAT PROjECf COST (Less l-ot): S80 508 ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? g Yes f,tJo 15 nny llsctrical, PlumbinS or Me€haniral wo* beln8 done to the Accessory Srructure ( ves 11 tlo lf the project ls a Relocntiol, i5 there a Natural cas Llne on the current slte? tr YeJ &l,lo ls there €ledrical Power on this Euilding? }( Yei D No Property Use/ Ocrupancyi (Slngle Famlly ! Duplex D Townhouse Descriptlon of Work: lnlo.n.tion. "rl,iOlEr Any wolk peformed wllhout th€ .pproprlate pprmltr will b. in viol.Uon o{ the Nc le8 Owner/Contrdrtor: 6qyinfu n|]L_. -Slgnaturei 'Licensed QuolAe/' YNo Total Acrer Disturbcdr 0 Exlstlng Land Dlnurbin8 P€rmit: Lj Yc! Ll No ls the property located ln a floodplaln? {-l Ye! Exl5ting lmperviou5 Area: 3438__ Sq Ft erviouS Arca: 3965 5q Ft tublecl tofinei up lo S5m.0o"' '1Pc.nrit fc{,r S " Inlo,rclrbn,Qcgurreo, gl L-ll4-rlon,, FE+2rt= _ **. Ncw lmp WN TER:b(CFPUA U Community System [,] privare lvell Ll CentralWoll U Aqua (. :i\),l,ct<V i'([uive]1q !t lS )ott- fqYtr FLOOD ZONE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING aPPLICATI1N rYPr: COF1M ERCfAL PLTA5E ANsIEN ALL QUTSIIONS APPTICA'TE IO YOUR PAO]E(T "ProJect ResponsibiLity" eenm..rr -ft1 t[-uqT APPLICATION APPL ICANT'S NAI1E: M,ko Fcrouson 0AT€ I oz,os-zoro DEVETOPER PHONE fl PRO ] ECT ADD8E55: 522 S KerAv!. Un,t 30 C ITY: !,{rd nrro.ZIP: ",,.. OCCUPANI/BUSINE55 NAME: C0l'/TRACTOR: r,.richaernay Fffguson PRO] tCI CONTACT PER if RelocalDn. is lhele a Nalural ALTERAT ION Gas Linc on the 6ENERAI- REPAIRS f-l RELOCATION f No tS aroc SpHNxLtqeD?T - Yesf I IC tNSE s: 5st 55 PH0NE 4: 919-279.9a27 (ch.(r rli rhot appl, i NC NEI,! (ONSTRUCTIONi ACCE5SORY STRUCTURE i R ENOVATION renr Sne? T EREcT NEr.r sTRUcruR€ n FAST rRAcx ! sHELL n upFrT ADD IO E XISI STRUCTURE rf uPFrr - The shell Pe.mit f:Is Elect Power on this Eui.lding T Ycs T N0 ..r.. Is THIS A CHAME OF OCCUPANCY USEIT YES T N0 rr.'. IF Y€r, rhat Has the Previous o(cupancy Type? IX8fi to,rro, pRoFrssroNAL : _ khat is the New o(cupBn<y LNGtt DE SI6II PROTESSIONAL:. NC REC N tl( REG I .l\DtS(xlPIlON 6l ;ORX: p"6-6,s 3n6,"rt,." "".r,"" """d. ls lood or beverages preparcd or scNed in this svucture? T Yesf_ No ts The Propeny Located tn The Floodplain? li Yes T tJo \J an6.e.rrrvir Jnd(,d'na^..r J.d rcgLlrlons TtPNHaDovoopdorSerricesCe4i,EJlbc.oxlcdo'a r cranqc\ ,n ,h; aoo,o"cd !,ais d o\r..r,r.alolto, (-d 'qc,n (on aclo'o, co.rkaclor nrormrl'on. 'NOTE A.y Wolr Pc/oned wO,hc Anpropnalc Pcnr,is drl6c,n V,orardi ot rbe ^rC S6ra llds Cod. a^J'.n1.".rio L ca Jo To 5500 00 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: M,cha€r Ray Fe,euson SIGN E 9r APT CONDO OTIIEf c)(J,.c, rI,.)<!o o.od> =cr'd)dco a(). C =:g::' ,l*) oemo('onor!n,/lncitr,orUul,ltrU See stestor w.b Srr. h I) i ny,/ crr iJe m u5 errdsutsror .ho, hrnr TOTAL PROJECT COST s9 5oo 8U LDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR TOIAT SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES TlCRES DLSTURBED lPnnrNth.) Nore O.nror'ron nol'l'ca1'odrt r3bcrtos |emovnl pcan[ aopl'cations 610 lob€ rlbh .d us,.g rho r,onatEm'sson SlJnd.,as toi Barardour Ar WATE R SEVr'E R CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSIEM E WELL cENTRAT sEPrc LJ pnrverrstprrc E E." // OF UNITSi H OF STORIES: , OF FLOORS: EXST LANo DISTURBING PERMIT? T ves J- I,To NE!V IIVPERV]OUS AREA SO FT EXISIING II\4PERVIOUS AREA pRopERTy usE noFFrcE ! assraunnrur ! nencar.rrrre I e ouc SQ FT ! zoNrNG USE CLASStFICATtON COT/I,4UNITY SYSTEM )r r,/,r.,i r- r'rr-:,1 :1rr,,,,,?rror PAYMENT TVETHoD TcAsH T cHEcKlp AYABLE To NHc) f- AMERTCAN ExpREsS T, Mc^,/isA l- orscoven zorue[\f - f!\ orrrcapprouul]c'ty ii*n..-rl.-"^jo ;#,;rrRto* DATE r)f rLl.,. r r.'i .H r-1r,.: I i,\ -r I rrj, p pRL r ^r1:. i. ._sik-5 SE TBACK FLOOT tiCorront{ t r4o r- h.r S'!\ - PERMITFEE ffi Hir,1r o ( y. lt, trll'-r.ru.- oF to,r l)t,*I * /uo [Leuni,o*(arl, f ,, a'i',(taurffil i ho iJl lliaB. PRoPERTY ol,lNER' S NAI',IE : candrewyck HoA Inc , pHONE ,: sto.s33,se23 ol.rNER's aooREss: ,,0 ^onn Sr:ll-7lITllll- ADDRESS: pog-Crry: y11,, *lo]- sr: Nc zlp: 2er,)rrrurraoo@ pHoNF n,gil,s.g,r,- EXISI CoNSTRUCIIoN I PH: ]i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" aDr( -r.+tg rct t(-aL{} APPLICATION Numbe r (office use ) ffi PERMXT APPLICANT'S NAI1E: p11" p.rnrson - DATE :07-05-201E DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AD PHONE #r ' 522 S KerrAve. Un 138 ZIP i 2a4a3 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY O[^INER'S NArIE : candlewyck HoA rnc Ot^lNER'S ADDRESS: rra ruodnoth Streer CONTRACTOR: M chaet Ray Ferguson ADDRESS: pO Box ro4o8 EMAIL ADDRESS : Mike.Ferguson@t\,{RFergusonconsrruciron.com CITY: wtmington PHONE #: 910-833,5823 5T: Nc zIP: 28401 LICENSE S: 5,c155 CITY: yy1.;nnron ST: NC ZIP: 28404 - PHONE *: sfi-2ts-s421 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ;,u11" p",ou"on PHONE S: s1a 2js-s421 (check all rhat apply) ALTE RATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the u RENOVATION rrent Site? f ES ERECT NEUI STRUCTURE FAST TRACK KLERED?T YeST SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE GENERAL REPAIRS T No SBLDGS RE LOCATION If UPFIT - The She1l Penmit # *,!*** rs THrs a CHANGE 0F occuPANcY usE? r YES l- NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? _ What is the New occupancy TvDe)ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL NC REG # ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:- DESCRIPTION 0F IrORK: Remove and reptace exisrng wood stairs. ptatforms and handra ts OISCLAII\lER lherebycenlrthalallrnformatoninthrsapplcationrscorreclandallworkwilcomplyw(htheStateBuildingCodeandal other applicable Srate op^ ent Seryrces Center wrll be nolrlled o'any cl'anoes n tl'e app oved p a1r a1d specrlLdr orsWork De.for-ed WrO rlre App'op-dre Pe.m,rs wi I be i'r V olaiio'r oj rh- NC Srare Bldq Code a1d SIGNATURE: conta,n Asbestos or not You are required lo callthe National Emrssion Standards lor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)at (919)707-5950 ar least 10 days pnorro lhe demolinon ofany Iaolity or building SeeAsbestos Web S te http //ww eplslare nc us/ep /asb€stos/a h m p htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $9,500 BUILDING HEIGHT: #OFUNITS: IOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERV]OUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA Is Elect Power on this Building f Yes f No ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f vesf- l.to ls The Property Located In The Floodplainz li ves l- lto and local lav/s and ordinances and reguiations. The NHC Deveo chanqa r cor'-dclor o' co'riraL ro' ,nfo'mairo.r " NOTF Any Subte.rio F nes Up To S500 00 " OWN ER/CONTRACTOR: Michaet Ray Ferguson No(e Demolto. notificatons & asbestos removalpermit app catrons are to be subm tred using rhe applicaton lorm lDHHS 3768) whelher the la or building was fo!nd to TOTAL SO FT I]NDER ROOF: SQ FI PROPERTY USE: EOFFICE RESTAURANT N/ ERCANI LE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET WATER CFPUA COI\,4MUNITY SYSTEM E WELL PRIVATE SEPTIC fl ZONI\C UST Cl ASSTFICAT ON_ COMMUNITY SYSTEMSEWERCFPUACENTRAL SEPTIC .'SEPAFATE PERMITS REOU]RED FOR ELECl IIECH PLBG GAS EOUIP PREFAAS & NSERTS' PAYMENT METHOD: I- CASH I- CHECX IEAVNALE TO NHC) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS T (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) MCAr'ISA T DISCOVER SETBACKS: F: LH RH B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:--- BFE+2ft,- Comment N PERMIT FE E: : EXIST CONSTRUCTION: No NEW CONSTRUCTION: Ll ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PH: PH:- NC RFG r:- C OF STRUCTURESJ-# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO ZONE: OFFICER: ll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPti RES lD E NT IAL : t al.Si ,1\-<'.. t ir All QUf ST Cl5 Ai'i | ( r,3Lt lO /Oil'.i i rrllL( I "Project Responsibility'' (G ra.,t c ig -kb i1 13-zq)i C + \, '--r, i-ry,!, \,^ stiL-q- UJ-_) + APPIICANT'S NAMT PRO,'€CI ADDRESS: Anrt Oat e tlzolt{ t7 ctlY: Ll J, '^' r,.-7l?: ZV \ 5UBolVlSloN: l-q., ') {" f t LOT Ii PROPERTY OVJNER'S NAME Q4nna d CITY CITY: n ( I ytt PHONE 5 fto 52a -3rq9 BLDG LICTNSE I;ffi;RESS:!r0 Lt, (' ArU i,l Sunroom {SFl i l Greenhouse (5t) __ PHONE PHONE: IPROJ'CT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Ll Alteration D/Renovation dGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: . Erect New Residence :j Addition totxistint Residence E Relocatlon . .. PLEASE CHECK AN O ANSWER BELOW AtI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' i I Atl Garage (St)n Det Garage (5t) ___L Porch (St ) l to - sAo - Asyl fj Pool (5F) ! Deck (SF) - Storag€ Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF)__ _,. ls the proposed work chanBinB the existing footprint? 3 ves .f No TOTAL 5Q FT UNOER ROOF Ll(t yopastC \'.,arkl Heateo: .1 /71 Unherted: TOTAL PROIECT COST {tess Lo()st()(4 1c tl)c p()iro!ed vrork cl:arlg ng the number of bedroonls? 7 Yes 1- no l. ,i^y Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done lo the Accessory Structure zf Yee :l No li rire protect ie . R€location, is there a Natural Gas Line on the c,rrreni lite? ft Ves 1 No ls ih€re tlectrical pov/er or rhis BuildinB? ZYes f No Prope.ty use/ Occupancy: U sintle Family : ouplex : Townhouse De$cription of worl: K,].n' -. + E^'rh,.,-- t c,-,;)t ( LG,ai ( Owner/Contractori SiBnature .Lre.ted Quotfer" Pr'nt Nome ls the prope(y located in a floodplaio? n YerENo E x istinB lmpervious Area Sq ft TotalA.res Disturbed New lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt ExistinB Land Oisturbing Permit: a Ye5 :- No WATER: 7 CrPUA _-l Conrnrunity System [-] PrivateW€ll [-l CeotralWell : Aqua SEwER: ;-,/Clt,Ul - Ccir),u ,tySyltenr a Pri(ateSLLri( 1l Central Sepli. i Aaoa zone: ,-- Officer , -. - Setbacks (t) - (tH) -- (RH) - (8) -- Approvalr ___ city: -- Date: - Flood: (A) - {v) - (N} - BFE+2ft= - Corrrnent:Permit Feei 5 l\)//}>< \ 7Y1 c QrA;) EMA|L AooRESS: d .n c { r ,; -, 6--<I.-l- < ,1 //r\ i\iq\f #B ., \r' RECEIVED lut 2 5 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDINC PERMIT APP LtCAf tON TYPr; RESIDENTIAL P!tASf ANSv.rEl A . OUt SITONS ApPLlCAgt€ TO YOUff PROltr t "ProJect Retponsibllily'' ,i 1." ,..'t /, t,..:' t Jor& - 6bg \ | 8-Lyto APt'LICANl'5 NN MI PROJTCT ADDRESS: s u 0rrvrsroN _' Dnte ;i-t i 1/.i'r,. P.l crrv 4u,1 !\., n.;-lt t'l ztP'.Zt -k , --.- t-oT li: pRoPERTY orvNttt's NAME j i-jzttr !,- j!..tld:,,: a 1 owN[R's ^oDRtss: ] e /:; --c 1.Q l1t l' 5s*:'l c - ,i74r;1t.1 ;ir c pxone l, . 1,11 . l;1 ) r> ,i w, t)l*ll-,t7'- - zo2lj; ).ct CONTRACTOR ADoRESS; , , f MAIT AODRTSS BtD6 tlctN5t Fr, L-)5o Ltr- -,.r*l,tz.*-F ne+ i. 5t r&-.+-tr ?-4--er:t\--- pHoNE: lU Ii crrY: fffu' 1 *t!-1jo :,')t>'i ,,1orr, 'l t{ rt}'i l\\ .pRo,tcT coNTACI PtRsoN Llt,!\, €XISTING CONSTRUCTION NtW IONSTflUCTIONT _ a f'r-( ( nltcrnlion - I Renovalioo :l General nepairt Erc(t llev,/ ne\idonce :j Addition to €xistlnS Residen(e : Re,ocatlor) t.. PLEASI CHECI{ ANO ANSWTR 8EI.OW AII. THAT APPIY IO YOUR PROJECTT " L Atl 6arate (Sr)-, ___ : Su,,r r)orn (5F) D oet GaraSe {St)__ :-' Pool {5F)_ l- Greenhouse (Sf ) ---- 7,-oeck lstl ) t t- -4 i I ls the proposed wort chanBing the eristing footpflnt? .-1 ves y'tlo TOtAl" SQ tT LJNOIR ROOt Uot proposed \vort) tieated /,'-r,. TOIAT PROJECI COST (Less tor): 5- ls the propossd vrork .hanBinS the number ol bedroornsT ! yci i:i No l5 rn/ dcctricrl. plumbin6 or Mechanlcal rvork beinB dcl)c lo lhe Acaessory Structure -' yes . ,,Il. l 1r n,. i lf the project ir a Reloratlon, ls there a Natural Gns l-ine on the (urrent rite? il yet ls there fleclri(al Pov/er on this BuildrngT 7i'var : ruo F--No Property Use/ O.cupancy Jlngle f amllv - Ouplexl Townhoure,'/De!cripllon of Worki - -tl, t rt /( t l'- DrS((AlMtli , h€rtby l:cn,ly rhrt ,ttth. rn,orfrilio. ,n tnt! apptral,on rr (or...t rnd alt.wr ,nd ordinanrpi rnd rctulitronr tha tJrt( Deletopment Servicct Cr.tcr wrI be notrntormatron'.tttolt rny qort pp,,ornred wrlho!l tl(.pp.op.i.!le !enDitr $iltbe t...) Owner/Contr.ctor i'-,, t " ,' ,-. ,'l! t..'<' 'Li:?nt?d Aloilrt" p.int Nan. ls thp pro,re.ly loantcd ij] a rloodplaln? ycs ::i No Exlitlng lnlpervlour Area Sq rt I worl *nl (ompt/ w(h rr.a 5r.tr 8u,ldrn8 Cor,e.nd a| olhcr tpptr(abte St r nnd io..l rl,Pd ol a^f (hlnEe, ln tie.pp,or rd pt.re rnd iop(ti,(irlc.r or ahrnS6 h conl4irorviorrtion ot rhr Nc 5tri. oldf (od. ,nd 5ublpct to txrdj up ro 5500 m...,')SiSnalure: , .1, , _ _.,.r,1,t .. Total A(rer Ol\lLrrbed: txistlng Lahd Oitturhlnt pcrmitr yes N.rNew lmpervlous Arra: - .__.- ,._ ._ Sq at lVATtRi :i Cl l,UA : CcJ,,i,rLrlril! Stsleor privalr vJe Centrnt !Vplt [ii' lnsprc,on pequtreo, gl 0.254.0g0,] StWtR:^I CfpUi\ I .onrnrunily Sy5tcr, :, F,rlaresFprrc : Centrrt Septic -. Aqua ,o"",.&=,lO orri*., pi,U- sctbicr.5 (F) 3l;, {ru1 ( u_ larrt L_o_tsl*Z{ approvar: -ip c,ry. iLI-14.. u""rtf'f lt(- rood:{A) . . _ (v) rr) X. uco."-"nr_.fl.\Lr/.:\ tW(t U.t.6 :ftUr..f.L __ Ft+2ft: -- Pcrmil f cc: S a Porch ISF I - Stora8e Shed (5F) __ _ l-l Other (st) - _-,- , Unheated: 3-,, ."$\ RECEIVED JUL 25 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU]TDING PERMIT APP LtCAf I ON 7Y PEr RESTDENTIAL oI .ATF ANSWER AI.L QUESTIONS APPI.ICABIS TO YOUR PROJECI 'Proiect ResPonsibillqf Aa$Stt gl t&-L\n Applicatlon l{umber (omc€ u5e) tB U r- P-rt€ (Date APPLICAI{T,5 NAME PRO.,ECT ADDRESS:47 7 CLc.t,er CITY c LOT # ztP:7 suBDlvlsloN:c. - '1 rq -'t5 1 - r tt o PROPERTY OWNER's T{AME:fli LL 1ZI _-./1/ 4f 1'1€ (Its )6qPHONE OWNER'S ADOR€S5 v CLD }I a c s€t lc <:r CITY:?e L BLDG IICENSE f zlP OZ Z. tt . < \a '-'-€ r-CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:*-ul: Lt)ete -\CITY a sr'/JJ=-zr: L-7 ta-t- PHONE:4r .i -7 "Z- 725 a EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECI CONTAcr PERSON: <3-' rt'%u c6ue C (_ PHOI{E 1t1 -'t5"{-ttro EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E(Alteratlon E Renovation n General Repairs V f{EWcONSTRUCno:IErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation 1**PTEASE CHECX ANO ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECTIl' ! Att Garage (SF)-E Det Gara8e (sF)-tr Porch (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr ves fl-lo TOTA| SQ FT UI{DERROOE lfot proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S E Sunroom {Sf)--fl Pool (sF) _- F:oeck (sF)25/ 4('l D Other (SF) unhealed: p.N. tr Stora8e Shed (SF)- L.lo.> ' l ?5JUL tS 3r ?9Pr ls the proposed work chanBing the number ol bedrooms? 3 v", fl+o ls any Elestrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natu,al Gas Line on the current site? n ves F ,!o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf Sles n lo ,/ Property Use/ oc.upancY:)<-.Slntle Family I Ouplex ! Tol nhouse t €scrlptlon of Work:t\./l x/b t.ws.nd ordinanEes and re8uletion5. The NHC Development SeM.es Center willbe notified of any chantei in the app.oved plant and tpeaificataons orchente ln contractor tnfornatlon. ...NOTE: Any work pertormed without th€ appropriate permits vrill be in violation of the NC State aldg Coda and subiect to fines uP to 3500 00"' 7), t t )]- cl.,-ec sirn.tu'e: Gg/ ,4,r.1Owner/Contractor: 'Licensad Quolilier" P.int Nofie ls the propertv located in a floodplain? tr Yes ti No Existing lmpervlous Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmperviou5 Area:Sq Ft Exlsting Land Oisturbint Permlt: I Yes f, t{o WATER: E CFPUA E Community system a Private Well ! Central well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System . Private Septic E CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zoner _ oflicer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) - (g) -Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood:{A)_{V) _(N}_BfE+2ft=_ Comment:Permit Fee: S 95cC e o Jo$'8u8) L8-207I A-PPLrcATro't Numben (office Use) _ DATE: 6t24t,tB NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COltitllERCIAL PLEASE ANSTJER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT -Project Responslbility" a, c z I 7 1, APPI-ICANT' 5 NAIIE : yenlslh Conslruction Corp DEVELOPER: Nelv Hanover Reqional Medical center (Thomas Walsh)PHONE #: PROIECT ADDREsS.1131 SlTth Street OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI!E: New Hanover Regionat Medical Center PROPERTY O.INER' S OTNER' S ADDRESS: NME I New Hanover ional Medical Cenler ffi *ilrington ZIP | 2B4Ol PHONE *: 2131 S. 17th Street CONTRACTOR : Monteith Construction C _ LICENSE #: a33t g ADDRESS: 208 princess Street _ CITY: Vylm;ng1qn EIiAI L ADDRESS: tgore@monleithco.com - PROIECT COI{TACT PERSON: Thomas Gore (ch€(k AlI That Apply) EXIST COI{STRUCTIO lf Relocation, is there a N No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE trFAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ITY: Vy11minq16n 5T: y6 ZIP: 2649.1 . ST: 16 ZIP: 26491 PHONE #: 910-617-2303 PHONE #: An-2964574 :! atura ALTE RATIOI{ lGas Line on the R ENOVATIOI{ rrent Site? f - GENERAL REPAIRS I_'I li- ro rs BLDG sPhiil KLEREDfr Yesf-_ RELOCATION u es ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l- yesl-, ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplaint l- Yes l- ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby cert y that all informaton in this applicatjon is corect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other appiicable State and local laws and ordinances and reoulalions The NHC Develooment Services Center will b€ nolified of anv chano6s in lhe aoDroved Dlans and soecifications or chanqe in conlraclorgr contiactor i-nformarion. "'\OTE: Any Work Pe,formed w/O lhe Appropriate Permils will & in Vrolatioi ofthe NC State Bldg Code andsubiectlo Fines up To $500.00"' SIGNATURE: 714,''44 E4'' ***** IS THIS A CHAI'IGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? T YES [. O ***** IF Yes, vhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? - what is the t{ex Occupancy Tvoe? ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIOIIAL: LS3p - Angeta Fatk - PH:910-397-3618 Nc REG #:12799 EfiIGR DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL :-Standford White - Daniel Robertson .PH :919-632-81 18 NC REG f: 23465 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Renovataon of existin rehabilitation center at NHRMC cam OWN ER/CONTRACTOR: Thomas core TOTAL PROJECT COST: 8,1OO,OOO # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 57,679 SQ FT PER FLR: .28.509/29 # OF STORIES: 2 TOTAL SQ FTUNDER ROOF: 57,870 #OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: 2 ACRES DISTURBED; O EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES F NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT EXISTING IN,4PERVIOUS AREA: WATER: SEWER: CFPUA r-"lCO|VIMUN|TY SYSTEM TI WELL r-I ZON|NG USE CLASS cFpuA E cENTRAL sEplc n "*"'ror. sEplc E coMMUNtry sysrEM "'"a"o*-a ra*r,ra *aou,*uo ao* aaa"r raan, rauo, oor *utp, pBEFABS & |NSERTS -' If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes r NO SO FT (a@[6er) {Pdnl Nam) conlain Asbestos or not. You are requked lo call the National Emission Standards lor Hazardous Air Pollutanls (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 al least 10 days prior to the demolition ol any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Sile: httpJ/www.ep . state. nc us/epi/as beslos/a hmp. html IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD f cASH l. cnecx lenveBlE To NHc) f _ AMERIcAN EXeRESs l-_ rrlcnlsn l-_ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B Commenl LH RH N PERMIT FEE: I BUILDING HEIGHT: 27 Ft PRoPERWUSE: noFFtcE !nesrnunnurIr',rencnr.rrLelJEDUCEAprflcoNDo oTHEFt-2 _ Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft, " lrrlti '''i ' lm,' ,J.orE -*u9) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AppLrcarro| rrps: CoM}IERCTAL - ?w8 - 297_9 prEAsE aNsrER ALL QUEsrroNs Applrca,.r ro youR pRo)Ecr '"2 aFFEfffrdN ..project Responslbtlity, (rli:"t"r:", APPLICANT'5 NAME: DEVELOPER: New Ha Monteith Conskuction Corp . DATE :6128t18 nover R ional Medical Center Thomas WalshPRO]ECT AD 2131 S, 17th Skeet OCCUPANT/EUSINESS NAME: New Hanover Reoional MedicalCenler PROPERTY OWNER'S NAiIE: New Hanover Re ional Medical Center OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE S: Wilminslon zrP " 2B4O1 2131 S. .17th Street CI : Wilminqton PBONE f; ST: NC ZIP:28401 ST: NC ZIP: 28401 NE S: 919-6.17-2393 PH0NE f: Aqe-2g6e q CONTRACIOR: AODRESS: 20 Monleilh Construction Corp _ tICENSE S: q3:19 CITY: 1,y;1r18 Princess Skeel EMAIL ADDRESS:ot onteithco.com PRO]ECT CONTACI PE i Thomas Gore (check all rhrt Apply )EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is lhere a Na ALIERATION RENOVATION ral Gas Line on lhe urrent Site?r es No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE I GENERAL REPAIRS li- No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KTERED!i_ YesJ-- UPFIT ADD TO EXISI STRUCIUR E If UPFIT - The Shell. Permit #; **.** IS THJS A CHANGE OF OCCUPAN IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Typel IX8filourro, pRoFEssroNAr-: Ls3p - Anoera Falk ENGR D ESIGN PROFESSIONAL :-Standford While - D6niel Robedso; DESCRIPTIoN 0F i^loRK:Renovation of exislinq tr,vo s Is Elect PoHer on this Building lf. yes f cY UsEl f YES [. I'lo **r*r _ l,Uhat ls the ew Occupancy NO . PHr9j0-3g7-36t8 Nc REG :12799 919-632-8118 Nc Rr6 r:fr[!- rehabililation center at NHRMC campus. ls food or beverages prepa red or served in this structure? f Yraf-- No l. Th" propsrty Located ln The Floodpla in? f- y., I- |.,Jo DISCLAIMER I h€r€Dv cerlilv lhat all informalron In lhrs appiication is corecl anct all wo,k wi comply wllh tho state Building Code and all oth€r applcable slae il8iSii!ix8,"','":i#!?f'i1r??!.,1?,gii?*"Jli;,,:e.N89Ec"Al"J"'&Ti$"sir,is$ gvi8ill'[El;,1","" ,"j,"*L*ltc5.ni,ix]fsl,""/,f,g;ja"#"j#$€!"J"1Subiecllo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ThOMAS GOrE SIGNATURE: 7T""4' E"U contain asbeslos ornol. You are rsquirec,lo call lh€ National Emission slandards to, Ha:ardous Air poluranrs {NEsHAp) at(919)707-s950 at,e.st t0 days piiorto lhedemoltion oftsnyracility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: hdplM,ir.epi.state.nc.urepl.,asb€stos/3hmp.htrnt ACRES DISTURBEDi O NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAr 6 PROPERry USE CF CF TH zor're:0+l'1 OFFICER: Approval: 0E City DATE FLOOD # OF UNITS: 1 B OF STORIES: 2boFFLOORS: 2 EXST LAND D|STURB|NG pERMtT? _r yES Jr NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: sETBACKS:r N/A Ln r.UA nH SQ FT WATER: SEWER: PAYMENT .,- Sf,PARAI: P[n[xIs AEI}UIRED f{]R ELfcI }.IEi:f], PLBG rjAS EQI,P. PRIFABS 3 IN SfRTs .,.oD: f oASH fi. cuecx leavna$_I9_N!g) f AMEnr'cnru expnEG f-- ucrvrse f-_ orscoven(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) I IOFFICE I IRESTAURANTI IL}MERCANTILE EDUC Rerl-l conoo orrerl_2 PUA PUA cErurRnr seprrc I pRtvATE SEpTtC E COU ,lUrutry sysreu COMMUNITY SYSTEM fl WELL f} zoNlNG USE CLASStFtCATtON ME B_-uh BFE+2ft rw Comment cvt Cill lnsprction Requueo, 910-5d"0e0l N _ PERI/IT FE E: I TOTAL PROJECT COST: 6,1q9,669 BUILD|NGHE|GHT: 27 FtrorAl AREA se Fr , sz.a76-- se Fr pER tn, .ze]ilE'Gi-TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF. 57,870 r Or SrnUCrUnE i- ffi $' APPLICANT'S NAME:,T,\rt,*V*..= PROJECT ADDRES st.,BDrvrsroN: \t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT'O N ryPE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" TorB -8to?r- fi->qb5 Application Number (office use) Date s lr lra zlP E'E\Aqq^V\<crrY ctwADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: IqVCO aV.oO , c, or-r PROJECT CONTACT PERSON LOT E:\\c PHoNEf: -163- ts3o -68t5 CITY e \ll ztP: &O\O,O BLDG LICENSE S @1\tq \lr\st:N)L zrp: e$Yos PHONE 9ro 35? @1q9 PHONE q\o 3sa-G'?qe sse-\\PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR h E Greenhouse (SF) i$e eoo\ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs ./NEW CONSTRUCTION: ,Z Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation I'**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*I'* {an earaee lsil G(o-l E Det GaraBe (SF)_dPorchlsF)2sz ! Sunroom {SF)n Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (sF) _ tr Deck {SF)U Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl neatea, 3218 unteatea, {?D TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S l7froD'oo lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes tr No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ral Gas Line on the current site? n Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes n No Property Use/ Occu panc-l;F/Single f amiry n Dudex n Townhouse Description of Work: 6 "l laws and ordinances and reguiations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and spec icalions or change in contractor ;,::""::'-iFtf,'-v";JI""',"''"'-"'"";;:::'":"y%zrrzy"--." "Licensed Quolifief' Ptint Nome ' / / / L t (-/ ls the property located in a floodplain? f: Ves /No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed: I o New tmpervious Area , L) 1 5'1 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes No WATERT {CFPUA E Community System n private Well E Centrat We f] Aqua sEwEk EaCFPUA f] Community System ! Private septic E centralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ ment:Permit Fee: S $.ra, 1,80a.00---7- Prlnt L-A- I L:)Q,ot? -e87 1264'1t {oltke ','e) $*, E& Clear Form 9r,, ^u", NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PTTASE ANSWIR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEI.E TO YOUN PROIECT "Pro,ect Rqspenrlbllit/ { l{,1 .. 1t,iAPPUCANT'5 NAM[;Oa te: PRoJECT ADDRESS: - 331 / L'J,." s frt^ i? l"A CIW: L)rll rao izrrr ZIP SUBDIVISION:'{oit PROPERfi OWNETI'S NAME:L PHONE II:lo 3 Z -ll OWNER'S ADDRTSS:P, ", [.,, I(,\rt I CITY: LIJ zrp: Zt1a3 BIDGgcENsEf; Stl lA? srtNoTtP: Zg/'/Lf (>t!CONTRACIORI AODR!SSl EMAII AODRESS; b/ PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON ) (.. CITY: PH NE;1-Z- *Snr^uo ({u 1., s.PHoNE: lglo)s.s z - ()r/ 3(r EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: [:] Alteration R Renovation [-l Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: f] Erect NewResidence D Addition to Existin8 Residence D Relocation ..IPLTA5€ CHECK ANO ANSWER BEI.OW AI-t THATAPPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..' [] Att Garaso (SF)_D Det Garage (5F).-__ [_] Sunroom (SF)t-l Pool (SF) p other lsil V, \ (b4t" f (>a.t hD Greenhouse {SF)n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprintT lJ Yes KNo TOTATSQFTUNDTR ROOF Vor proposed worl<) Xeatea: 19 A() TOTAI PROJECT COST (tess l-ot): $ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? C Yos E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccesioryStructureDycsENo lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,jsthereaNaturalGasUneonthecurrentsite?f]YcsDNo ls there Electrical Power on this Euildint? E Yes [_] No Property Uie/ Occupancy: fl Slngle Family fl Dupl.x D Townhouic Oeecrlption of Work: Unheatedi I tit,.l li i r,.l -1ir t Y I tr OlSCl,AlMtRr I he,eby.ertify lh.r .tl th. inform.tton tn lhir appticrlion ji.o,rect and altwort wi .omply wirhbwr.nd ordindncrr ind reSulations. The Nllc D€v€lopment Setvt.etCpnter wlllb€ nolfled of.nych.nSer inlnlorm.llon. "'liolt: Any wort performed without lhe .pproprt.tc p€.mttr wil br tn vlohltoo of th. C St.t th€app.oved planr end ! 0ld8 Code.nd rubl..t ,nd all other appli..blc Strte and ioc.l 3pcrlfic.tlonr or (hanga I.r conVactor to linrr up to S5m.00..r h. Srare Euildin8 Codc Owncr/Cont.actor: _ Slgnaturc: 'Llcensed Quolilel p.lnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplaln? [l Ycs h No Exlrtint lmp.rvlour Arca: _-- Sq ft Tot.l Acrlr Dlrlu.b.d: N.w lmpervlous Area: _-- 5q ft Exlstlnt Land DlsturblnS pcrmltr n yes fl No WATER: E Cf PUA [-] Comnrunity System Il Private Well n Central Well D Aqua sEwER: Fr CFPUA fl CommunitySystem D Privateseptic Ll CentralScptic Ll Aqua ' ln:nrclion ltequrreo, 9l 0-251-n?00 zone : .,f,j$- otftccr;Setb ,n N/L on r'!/k @N,A\ ;(A)--(v)_Approval; Cornrnent Olv Dotei ackr{r)-Nftr( ill,lr{ n "o )x BFE+2ft= Permll Fe€: $ D Porch {5F} .-- L-l storage Shed (SF)_ cfty -lLlvt NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATI)N IYPF: COIVIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE iO YOUR PqO]ECT "Project Responsiblllty" !c1( -t3qg APPLICANT'S NAI{E: A,icra Ba.ne.j on behatf AT&T Mobilir DATE:7,r18l2018 - PHONE #; f/a4) t-tt_-/57:,DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD AI'&T llobrfi! :1409 Fredrlck6on Road ZIP :29 41t5: r^iilmjngEon OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlvlE; A1,&T rvrobrtirv PROPERTY 0I^JNER'5 NAIIE: New Hancver counrv - PIIONE #: (9to) r9B 7151 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 230 covernmenL CenLer Dr:1ve -CITY: !,ti1.i.rg., - LICENSE *: 70o3r- 5T: gg ZIP:2g433 ST: yg CONTRACTOR I llasrec Nerrork Solurlons ADDRESS: 1000 Cenrre Green W.rv. suiLes 250 5. 366 - CITY: s,,, EA4ATL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Trish Haze:Lhursr (che.k AI1 That Apply) - PHONE f: r 655; ZIP: ztstz 545-1782 _ PHONT #: (404) lr2 5558 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION KLERED?tf Yesfnt Sire? ]-es :Hlf Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Line on lhe NoNEN COI,{STRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE : cettutar. :.o,Jer No IS BLDG SP ERECT NEh STRUC IURT FAST TRACK SHELL UPFII ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Is Elect Power on this Euilding r Yes li NO **+** rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPAI1CY USE?T YEs F. rO --... IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? - l4hat is the NeH occupancy IX8fi 'rrr.o* PRoFEssroNAL: ENGR DEsIGN PROFESSIONAL:- If UPFIT - The She1l Permit #: 5t4a2ts DESCRIPTION OF I"JORK: Adding aJ:._ennas and radi.,6 ro :ower NC RE6 + NC REG # ls food or beverages prepa.ed or served in this structure? f- Vesli. Uo ls The Prope.ty Located ln The FloodptainZ T Ves li ruo all olher applicable State Bldg code and SU # OF SIRUCTURES: i 'Porrulanrs (NESHAP)ar (919)707-5950al leasr 10days prior iolhe ,.\' #oFUNns: State arion foftn 1DHHS,3768) wherherlhe tacility rr building was iound lo # OF STORIES conra n Asbestos or nor. You are required lo call rhe Nanonal Emissron Standards ior Haz dcmolilron otEny la.r[y or buldrog see Asbenos web sile: hili ,n(J].L :ratrr I .s'D TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR TOTAI SO FT L]NDFR ROOF ACRES DISTURBED NEW I[4PERVIOUS AREA # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM ?.T YES J7 NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT CONDO OTHEi SO FT CON/]I\IUNITY SYSTEI\I N WELL PRIVATE SEPTICCENTRAL SEPTIC WAIER: NCFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA PAYMENT METHOD: T CASH f CXCCX IENVNALE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICER SETBACKS: F Lll Ril E ZONTNG USE CLASStFtCATION E cour.ru ry sysrFr\,4 / nacmsn f- orscoven BZONE: JU==€ts=- AFFIT.IT_IoN Number (Offi(e Use) DISCI AIN,4ER ceflify lhat all information pRopERry usE floFFrcE f] nssrnunaur I MERCANILEn EDUcI-l Aprf] Approval:_ Cityr_ DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft, I n__ commenr A v *rar*,rraa, / U D'-'---- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPr: COITIHERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,.IER ALL QIJESTlONs APPLICAELE IO YOUS PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: Atrcla Barnes on behalf AT&T MobiliEy ,,re -ffim i{E ,-01( 8 31 y APPLICATION Number (Offi(€ Use) . DATE :i / ta /2ata DEVE LOPER:d-&r rruullrLy -PHONE #: (io4i .ti4-jatj PRO] ECT ADDRE55: ltae rredrickson Ead crrY a d ii;;o;i ZIP:. ", ^. OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAtlE: .qr&1, ltobit ir,v PROPERTY Ol,lNER'S NAi'1E: New r{ano..rer ccurirv PHONE #: r91o) 798-71s1 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 23! Governmen.- Cen.er. urlve -CITY: rdil*rrrg.. CONTRACTOR; r,rasLec Ner_uork Soiur ions - LICENSE #: taat 1 ADDRESS: 100! cenEre cleen E;ay, surLes 250 6, 366 _CITY: s61y EIIAIL ADDRESS; PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSON: 111s5 HazethursL (ahe.k A11 lhat App ly) ST: Ng ZIP:2 64 s 3 ST: y6 ZlPl. zlstz 545 11a2_ PHONE #: q86 61 PHONE *: (.,104 ) 312-s6:E EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocatron, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urre NoNEtil CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEh STRUCTUR€ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Ce11u1ar _ ower GENERAL REPAIRS f-.'] R ELOCATIONLIIi No IS BLDG SPRINKLEREDfi /esf--nt Site? T CS FAST TRACK SHELL UPFlT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Is Elect Power on this Building i" Yes ii NO ***'r* rs THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE?r yES fi. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupaocy Type? _ What ls the Neu occupancy iX8fi ?r.rto* PRoFEssroNAL If UPFIT - The ShelL Permit #: 514021s ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIONAL:- DESCRIPTIoN 0F hJoRK: eaai^g ""r.""r, and rddio€ ro lower NC REG $: NC REG F: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? I- vesii. No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz J- yes F ruo DISCLA lvlER lhereby cenify that allinformatjon rn rhis appllcation is co(ectand all work will cornply with lhe Slate Building Code and allolher applicable Stal€ 3nd loca laws and ordr he NHC Develoome"'NOTE Any Wo.knr Ser,kesCErlrer wrll ue r nrieJul :,n..n-n.e!.nPedormc,r W O rhc Ap!'oir.d'F Pprmi'. w.lr ne .1 vrol" oi of l^.aldq Code and # OF FLOORS: o chanoe n tonlraclor Sub ecl-to F nes UP To OWN ER/CONTRACTOR iOua'rerl r{0l SIGNATURE Nore oemoirnon ror ilcaiions 8 asbesros removal permit appllcalions a,e to b€ submiled Lrs ng the a pplication form (DH HS-376a) wherher tne lacL] y or conlarn lsbesros or nor You are requ red ro callrhe National Emission Srandards lor Hazadous At Polldanrs (NESHAP) ar (919)707-5950ai lea$ l0days priorlorhe demo ron of6ny iaclrryor olildinq see Asbesros web si!e: h trp:/,\N!vw. epL stale nc.Lrs/cpilasbeslosrahnp.htn,,t.. t .i Y-OTAL PROJECT COST: (,..I '.' BUILDINGHEIGHI .r,'.)' COFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORlES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMII? :r YES J7 NO NEW IN4PERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA CONDO SO FT OTHEI Li) WATER SEWER C FPUA CFPUA COI\,1MUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T WELL PRIVAIE SEP TIC n ZONr\G USE CLASSII- ICATION_ COI\4I\iIUNITY SYSTEM PAYI,IENT METHOD: {^" CASH I- CHCC< IEAVNALE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS (FOR OF FICE USE ONLY)r ZONE CFFICER SETBACKS: F:LHRH IVICA/ISA T DISCOVER B- BFE+2ft,Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD 0on'tmeltl l! PERI\4IT FEE: I LF-"3S0- PH: TOIA' SO TT UNDTC ROOI- iOI.SIRUCTUqES t ACRES DISTURBED pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE I nesrnunnr.rr ! MERCANTLEf] EDUCTI APTE &vzo '-, Porch (5F) 1-'] stora8e Shld lir),"-_* Aaaessb !!8!!tirc: 'rrrorll A! Eilitlns l,tnd qlil.rltbl jvatirWgl!..,n Centtal Well.rn Unheatedr ldlnS C.9de nnd tht ll dte BldE lo linil 19,s!40 .09::il H}dA P€fitilt taol lturnba, lo$k t aal 7/rn I te OTY O.t t?'-----...-- .t*LtcE|t*r. {2ih fie sr:MZzp:Z(ytu E Gcneral Repairs E Addition to frislinS Residence -J Relocation A'{O A 'WER SCI.OW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO'ECT'" El Det Garate (Sfl _! Porch (5f) tr Pool(SFl tr oeck (SF)_ erdstin8 footprint? n Yes 6o O Stor.te Shed (Sr) _ tr Olher (SFl prop@d wotkl Xe.t.d':uoh..t d: t&b7 :s 7t, soo..--.------,-- tln number of bedrooms? n ver t'ztfo dr- sehet p cFpuA ! communiry system :l Private Septic D Central s€ptic D Aqua ofior: - scorcrr lft -- tu,, _ (RH) --_ l8l _*--- Clty: - Drtc: -_ ftood: (Al _ (vl __-. (tU _ BFE+2ft, ' trthe property tocated ina ftoodplain? O ves {Xo rdrttnS trnpcrutou *r, t th'? sqot Toht Acrcs Dirturtcd:' iLr tnP"r'lo|r A'c" t 4b7 sqrt ErisrtnS Lan.t oisturbrnt permlt: : vr3 r NowArti: IIFCTPUA 3 comluniry system - private welt - centrat wel I Aqua or llldlaokrl work beint done to the Accessory Structure I 1{o I Pounr on this there a ltlatur/ Gas Une on the currenr site? _ yer Buildins? ff y.3 E o No tlrcl Oe4ary:U/t rat r.r,, E Dgptcr - Townhours of Worl: d6 r>/fu-t/ - I hqlbf a.niIy fh.t.ll $. hrori.arpn n lib applk tion i! co,,.cr .nd all worl w[ corDply rlth the St tG B{itdrlt Cod. .nd .[ othlr .pph<.Uc Sta3Uo.rlnarEa! and l!!ll.tidr3. Thr llHC Dcvaloprncnt 5crvic6 C€nte. wll b€ notried of i ny ch.rB6 in the lpp.ored C:ai{d rpa<rfiaatoor or Ghanae - "'riolt: Aryy wort p.,rorrled Il'tho.n fr! appaopaiate permili w t be tn vrol.t|on o{ the l{te Eldt Code and iqbrect to ,|nes up to s5ln @... Owncr/Contnctor:lL 0l?ou-sllneturr:'lk ted@ lW hint Nomc !r., Zonc: Arrourl: ComnGrlt: sPcrmlt fcG:$q1 k8432* fllLE__lrvt€__cnt TOT T: iiiy),m A,^ U-<- :4to qcZ/4L1 C PHOI{E:q,o ?ys zas/ tddi ac {5F1. 0- Ut{C NEt^, HAN0VER coUNTY BUILDING PERMITApptrcATroN rypEr COMMERCfAL PTEASI ANSI,/GR ALT QUESIIONS APPIICAOIE TO YOUfi PNO]ICT.,proJect Rosponsibtllty,, MARTIN MARIETTA aL 8-.-EVZz APP TICANT'S NAT1E: DEVELopER I I\4ARTIN MARIE TTA APPLICATION Nur ber (offrco U!6) p11s1 7-11-2018 PROJECT ADDR€s5I PHONE $I E HOLLY S EL OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI,1E : CITY I CAS EMARTINI\,4ARIETTA ZLP | 28429 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI4E I ol,lNER, s ADDF€ss | 27OO MARTIN I\,lARIETTA CONTRACToR I MARTIN MARIETTA ADDRESS I 2700 wYc IFF EI4AI L ADDRESS I PRO]ECT CONIAC MERLE It4AR NM MOTOR CONTROU sIr NC z1p; 276p7 l:919-7834-EZ;- CITY r RAL G LICEI.,ISE H I crTY I RALEGII---co PHoNE Sr 919-7834526 sl; NC ztp,t 27607 T PERSON !PHONE PH0NE #r 919-526 ;x1'J*',H:[ii::,:l;,H3:]ii*'"Tl["H,:",,^3ii"fj*+$l,i^-sr,u:.H ff:.::Hr3;li:iJ1l enecr NEr.l srnucTURE grorr rro.rI srr* f]uerrr Is Elect p, rs A criANGE oF occupANcy,rr, trrr:"trl"tl]i,-"tt** tr t"' E,o pan.y Type? wti,i t" tt-u ru", occqpancy typ.? _- RE KLE LOCATION neoz I ADD TO Yes I No EXISI STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shel1 permlt #l r *.4r IS THIF YEs, what uas the provlous occu ARcH DESTG pRoFESslotlALI tNGn DESTGN pRoFESsIOIAL I DESCRIPTION OF HORK:ELECTRIC BUILDING Pl-ll PHr NC REG 'IREG $t ,a --7 C--7(2 FEVT9EOOATE l/tt/12 .riil 1B t?rl ZoNE:--oFFtCER Approval:_ Cltyi._..-- DATE (ron oFFtcE usE oNrY) SETBACK S: F:.-LH:_- RH:-- B: - _ BFE+2fl= -r Commsnt :_ FLOOD N PERMIT FEE: S V00- !11 i I I I I l IBuzz Crosby I ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CATI O N TYPE.. RESI DENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' &o lt.--gqsl Application Number (omce use) APPTICANTS NAME:t 6 Un Tpc w: 21,4t?- b Date t PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtstoN: CITY LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTORT ADDRESS:oo Or.,q t7 e J r"c BLDG LICENSE f ztP:'22,4|L (q PHONE #a.a CITY l.K- clw | [l sr iLr,r,l($o PHoNE: qIOqB trL37 PHONE 4ro4otr tr?3'7 EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON A2V' n ( EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Resiaence !$adition to Existing Residence I Relocation .'T PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDER ROOF lfot ptoposed work) Heat€d: tr Porch (SF) D StoraBe Shed (SF)_ 1o,n*saOifJ,W l SliiP l8 2 r tsP!!Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S tl,noo Description ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I t", /no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Aicessory Structure X lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr YesF N ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingt I Ves a ]\lo Property Use/ Occup"n.y, { Single Family n Duplex E Townhouse Yes ! No ^lqo ho(tJ o :d2 co [)2 o DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this application correct and allwork willcomply with the Stat€ Euilding Code and allother applicable State and tocat laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development ServicesCenter willbe notifaed of any changes in the approved plans and speciflcations or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any app riate permits will be in violation of the NC State Btdg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" Signature: e lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? ! Yes tr No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed:lt New lmpervious Are a: tl} dll(tW seFt Existing tand Disturbing Permit: _l yes tr( No WATER: n CFPUA n Community System n Private Well fl Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic (Central Septic a Aqua Zone: _ Officen _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S $7S-- D Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ I ,otB W+L b9 l. ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTIIT APPLICAT ION rypE; COMI|IERCIAL PLLASI AIIslEN ALt qJEsIION5 APPLICAELT IO YOUN PRO][CI "project Res ponsi bil ity,, A FETI-EATfi,N Humber (Offlc. Us. ) APPLICANT'S NAHE: OEV€LoPER; ltr{. o, PRO]ECT A McKi n l ey Buj Idin g Corpora L ion DATE : fi ce6 at. Ma falr-e VI, t,L(: ' 6-lal Parker firrr Drive CIIY: 4;1ring16n -PtlONE S: 9t0-195-6016 21P:26ass 5T: 1.16 Z IP:254 6 3 ST: rr'c ZIP: : g.1o: PH0l,/E S: ,to t95-6016 PHONE ,: 910-195 dol6 : tti lnington oCC UpAtlT/BUS ItI E SS AHE: nclnc, rnc pROpERTY OIINER'5 NAlitE: rhe offices at Ma yfaire vr, LLc OWNER, S ADDRESS::C:j. ) l-r., : CONTRACTOR : i\lcKintey Burtding corporat ion ADORESS:3 80? Peachtree Ave , Sul Le 200 EI,1AI L ADDR ESS : bl isierckii:Ieybui Idrfl - LICEIIISE f : :oas,; CITY:lrlliningEon g - coll PRO]ECI CONTACYI E RSON : Br a d()Il l,r !rk ((hl:(k AII rhat Apsiy) EXIST C0 STRUCTION I ALTERAIION R ENOVATION IIR No elocation, is there a NaluralGos Line on lhe U NEI,] CONsTRUC TlON I ERECT NEI,J SIRUClURE ACCESsORY STRUCTURE; GENERAL REPAIR5 RELOCATlOII rent Sile? f ,cs l-, no IS BLDG SPRINKLENED{-_ vesl-_ FASI lRACK SHEI L UPfIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCIUR E If UpFIT - The Shell Permit f: 2o:t.t-1osg3 Is Elect Pouer on this Euitding Ji. yes f NO e!,J 0ccupancy Jl,N I !1 R r lrnr ..... Is THIS A CHAN6E or ocCUPA}.IcY USETr YEs PIF Ycs, lhat rras the p.evlous Occupancy Typel ui"t -t, ti"\ II8fi?orrrcn pRoFEssronraL: ic cke r: yorsan ',1 I Ptl:919-j41-7566 NC RE6 f:16775 EN6R OESI6N PROFESSIOI.JAL -David .9rmlt AssociaLes PH 910-791-8016 NC RE6 {: lllf,- DESCRIPIION OF l,iORK: N,r. ,'r i,:1llg nli ] tloors ot an ex-i!j( r11c sl:el I tuild1no ls food or beverages prepared or served in lhis slructure?f ves[- Ho ts The property Localed ln The Ftoodptainr l- yes li lto Dlr,a:t it\,tt ft_ t t,.,t tri -.,:.tir./ l!)a1 nll ,nlr,rrIr:rs, in thjs a,.ir(ilijrl |l, .(, $-_tand all work will campJy wirh rh€ Stale BU dino Code and altother apptrable Slalern il k, -rl Ll.rt r,ri1ojdr,1J r!..s ,r .l relJrilrrons, the NHC U.,rt . rl :;rx,..( e5 Cfrrr,,,r,ll Lo r1otiltr!l ( nrl! s,lll-rOr LllJOOa r11 COnlrdChrSulifn r'[,r I nie\ t,p fo t[rfSlfln,,nto.n,ar,en "'NorE A',y;.ill,;l. I,.{lirr.r,J iil (:r 1 l'.r.,1,.' | , i...inr',! \|,. ,r. L . tr-. i,: il,it,,,.. r, 'r, r,, 11r i,,,/,.r .i,.,,,,, EUILOING HEIGHT: Exrsring # OF UNIIS # OF STORIES f OF FLOORS: EDU APT CONDO OTHET r.(' l. I li,ri.t-, .t, :1. j \.i..,,i,.r. I,i. . IOIAL PROJECT COST: 2. 5o o, Ooo TO'TAL AI]EA SO FT 16,152 SQ FT PER FLR: .variesTO'TA L SO FT TJNDER ROOF 36,l\2 noF STIiUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED se NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:N^SO FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EXST LAND DtSTURBtNc pERMtr? Jr yES r NO EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA: .IA SQFT WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNIry SYST€M WELL n zoNlNG USE CLAS D- coruru ur,rlry sysrEu s T r,lo,vlrjl f t)tsc()v{:ri SIFICATION 8FE+21t PERMIT FEE: : PAYt,fl r ftfl oD r (:ASli CENTRAT SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC fff;tc;x (r,AyABrt ro NHC) f AIIERIcAN txpRF.s(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE OFFICER Drs SETBACKS] FApprovalCity ,t.r/* LH*1i/A nHlg[,NA f,comment lnlcnio,wb{P DATE!, b FLOOD Ciii, lnsyrlion nequrreo: gmfi4.0m: ts-+4+rl- _ PHOl.lE S; 9ro-:l!s.60.t{; OWNER/CONTRACTORi ar.encrcn r.rs;<SIGNATURE: r1..,,'i !,,1r..i!,\,.. i:r.,1 ir. ):d*7\72 APPLICATION Number (office Use) o la z NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' DEVEL0PER: .The offices ar Mayfaire vr, LLC PRO] ECT 1- _DATE: 6-20-18 : 6751 Parker Farm Drive CITY: si1.1t,ngor., PHONE #; 910 I,1j 60j6 ZTP 2284o5 ST: 116 ZIP:2 sa 63 ST:116 ZIP:2sa63 _PHONE #: 910-395-503G , PHONE #: 910-39s-G036 : wi lmington OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: ncino, rnc PROPERTY Oi{NER'S NAME: Ths offices ar Mayfaire Vr, LLC OI^INER'S ADDRESS: 10 s. Cardlnat DrLve - PHONE #: 910-395-5035 CONTRACTOR: McKintey Buitding corporar ion ADDRESS: 3807 peachtree Ave., suite 200 EI,IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC _ LICENSE #: ;1oege CITY: 611*1rrn;o. b1 i sk@mckinl eybuildin com TPE : Brandon Lisk (check A11 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the rrent Site?r ES No NEUI CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: trPRIN KLEREDf_Yesf_ GENERAL REPAIRS l-_ r.ro rs BLDG s RE LOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shel1 Permit #:201?-10e8j IF Yes, Hhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? IX8fi ?oesrn* pRoFEssroNAL: Becker Morgan Is Elect Power on this Building li. Yes f NO {'t{'**{'{ IS THrS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? r YES r. O ***** _ I^lhat is the New Occupanc v I ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIONAL :_Davi d Sims Associares - PH:910 - 341_ ?6 O O NC REG *:1q776 ruC nrC *: ;13-!--_ PH:916- 791- 9616 DESCRIPTION OF t^lORK: Ne,^, upfit for ncino encompassing afl 3 floors of an existinq shett buildi ng ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structureu l-- Yesli, ruo ls The Property Locared ln The Floodplain? l- V"" li ruo OISCLAIN.{ER: I hereby cenifythat allinformation in this application is correcl and allwork wiltcom ply with the State Building Code and all other appticabte Staleand locallaws and ord:i nances ano regulalions. The NHC tievelopment Services 3(ffff1[?.c.tor intormatlon. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed will be notrfied of anv chanoes i e Appropnale Permils wll de in n the theNc srate Centerwo th and OWNER/CONTRACTORT erandon r,i sr SIGNATUR(ouame4 en Nam€) Nole: Demolilion notjficatons & asbestos removal pemit applications are lo be submitted using the application HHS-3768) wherher ihe facilty or bu lding was found to contain Asbestos or not You are requked to calllhe Natonal Emission Standards for Hazardous Ajr Pollutanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at tea$ 10 days prior lo the demolidon of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Sitet hlprl/vww.epi.state.nc_urepi/asbesros/ahmp.hrnt TOTAL PROJECT COST: 2,5oo,ooo BU|LDING HEtcHT: .Exisr ing #OFUN|TS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 36 , 352 # OF STORIES: 3TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3 5 , i s2 # OF FLOORS: i ACRES DISTURBED: NA EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? F YES T NO NEW IIMPERVIOUS AREA:NA SQ FT EXISTING li/PERVIOUS AREA:NA PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT [,4ERCANTII F EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI WATER CFPUA COIVlIVUNITY SYSTEI\,4 fT WELL fI zoNrNG usE cLASStFtcATtoN SEWER CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEpTtC E COlrtrr,tutrry sysreu or chanoe in contractorSuqectlo Fines Up To "'SEPARATE PERi\,IITSIIEQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS "'PAYMENT METHoD: f cASH ffiHecx lenvnBlE ro NHc) l-- arr,,tinrcer.r exFniil f_ r,acn/tsA f_ DtscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFEr2ft, 9 II Comment N b tffi APPLICANT'S NAME: ysKlnlsy Buitding corporarion SQ FT PER FLR: .varies #OF STRUCTURffi- SETBACKS: F: LH _ RH_ B__ SQ FT _ PERMIT FEE: i -/i\\N ll '\,'a'':-F'.ix W .r@ys )oK w?,1Clear Form print eMail NEId HANOVER COUNry BUILDTNG PERIqIT APPLICATIoN ryPf .. COI+IERCIAL PLEASE ANsXER ALL QUESTIOTIS APPLTCABLE IO YOI'R PRO]ECI..project Responsibilit/, J aF--PrrcATroN Number (Offi.e Use) APPLICAII' S ilAllE: 6i11i4n Hartnetr _DATE'. s5124 y 291sDEVELOPER: N/A PRO]ECT PROPERTY O}'NER' oI4JNER' S ADDRESS ' 3119 Enterprise Drive ;.itifmington P}IO E #: gta-262-13sA ZIP z 2g4na oCCUPANT/BUSINESS tU$tE: Northci.Iase Apartments S NAIiE: s1.. p ePr rties : 5826 samet Dlive suite 105 3 u.igh Point _ Pt0ltlE *: 336-889-1500 ST: Ng ZIP.272G5 COI'ITRACTOR: HKs Ouatity Remodelin ADDRESS: 550 4 Busi.ness Drive - LICENSE *l tsgte9 LLC EMAIL ADDRESS: hks0brzec - rr. com CITYI wit^i.,qton ST: Nc ZfP:28405 *: elf,l7e6-6llll- PHOI{E PRO]E CT CONTACT PERSON:Wi]liam ltartnet.t PIIONE *z gto-z6z-tlsq EXIST CONSTRUCTION: T-.'I ALTERATIO lf Relocation, is there a Natt#l cas Line on the nsnt S e? f- (check All lhat Appty) RENOVATION GEI{ERAL REPAIRS li- No rs BLDG s trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDf_ Yesff _NotIEH CONSTRUCTION:trACCESSORY STRUCTURE.. If UPFIT - The Shell permit #:Is Elect Pner on this Building li. yes f. NO ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l-. yesli- ruo ls The property Located ln The Floodplainz l- yes li ruo ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL LN/A DESCRIPTION OF WoRK: \rilfr-lli7-u.r"ins ar st units, deck at OWNER/CONTRACTOR: wirrian garrnerr TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 60 o BUILDING HEIGHT: 3o rr. TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 5oo ACRES DISTURBED: o *,.*** Is THIS A CHANGEIF Yes, lrhat ras the previous Occupancy Type? TvDeP ARCH DESIGfl PROFESSToMIL: p7s OF occUPAr{cY USE?f. YEs [. rio "'*** _ t{hat is the N€r, o€cupancy . PH:NC REG #: PH:NC RE6 *:- pool are Bu;lding C and a inin ollhe SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS: s1 # OF STORIES: z # OF FLOORS: 2 EXSr LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMtr? r yES J- NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA N/A SO FT APT CONDO OTHEI IFICATION SETBACKS: F B BFE+2ft, Slate and contaih Asbestos o. nol. YolJ 6rE lrquared to .all lhs National Enissi,l ste.nsr6 for Hlzarturs Ai eotans 6esiuF) at prslmz+sso "t tuot ro days p.to. !o tledemolitioo of any iacility or bulding. see AsbestG web ste hrp://u.,w.epi.state.nc_us,/epyasb€sroyehmp.hunl NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 6 PROPERTY USE ZONE OFFICER EoFFtcE ! nesreuneNr f]MERCANTLETl EDUcI-;L WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUN|TY SySrE!4 DWELL DzONtNG USE CLASS L! cerurRer seplc [=!- pRrvArE sEplc fl coMMUNrry sysrEM ". SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFAAS & NSERTS ''PAYMENT METHoD: l- CASH l-. cnecr lenvmLE ro NHc) f-_ arr,renrcm excRiis 1r_ ucrursa f-_ DtscovER (FOR OFFTCE rJSE ONLr') Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD N Comment LH RH - PERMIT FEE: I EREcr NEtil srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK fl sHELr E upFrr f] ADo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE SO FT PER FLR: .N/A # OF STRUCTURES:;- NYT Clclr Form P(lnt sM6tl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P L ICAT lO N IYPE: RESIDENTIAL 2t[ast afJsw€R irt QU€sTloNs AppUcAStE Io yout pRo]Ecr '/!roie(t nosponrlbl,lty'' c l-v-.-? 1,,\t' ,1fr-z>']L APPI,ICANT'S NAME: H.olliday Conslruction LLQ _O e, ?123/2018 PRO,€CT AODRESST -llRZ Country_ClULRoad SUBDIVISION: CITYj Wilminoton ztq: 28403 PROPERTY owNaR's NAM€: P6ula.Ko[uL_ PHON€ r: 980.229.1023 OWN!R'S ADD8E55I 1.\)) C^tt^tte C.ll'h Road CITY: 1i&llmlnolon ttP-!!!0-3 CO]'ITRACTOR: Hollidav Conslflr.til1n I I c BrDG UCENSE 'i.7968&_.-.,.. " ADDRtSS ltPql A2) EMAll, ADDnEss: jnf6@fiq]Ildayconslruclion npl ..aiJprthdlli.lau^ PROJECT CONTACI PER5ONi Lucas Cade Hcllidav olY; llljlnioqrtar_**_, sI: Ic- rlP _&j!!-8_0-7.6 PHONE:910.399.4357 PrloN E : 399J852e!llc02r10- __ tXlSTlNG CONSTRUCIIONT J Alteration -- Renovntroo -t GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Ere( New neriCencc X Addition to €xi!(ing Resldence i-. Relocatio. r'TP[IASE CHECI( ANO ANSWER BII.OW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI'i' : Att Garage {St)_..--0 Det Garage {Sf )__Porch {St} : Othar (SF) * sunroom ISF) :fIj,4:L*: Pool(SF)il storage shed {5F) *.-_-- : Greenhouse (5r) __ : oeck (Sf) -_ ls the propored worl chanSinS lhe existinS rootp,inl? :,1 Yes ; No ToTAI sq FT UNo€R ROOF Vor proposed wort; Heated:80 'l\l? - Unheated: iOTAt PROJECT COST {less LQl)r S35.000 irtheproposedwo.kchan8ingthe nt,mberolbcdrooms2 :. Yes 8 No ls any Ele(trical, Plumblng or Me(hafllcalwork bein8 done lo the Accessory Slructure E Yes --: No rf rhe project is 3 fielo(atlon, ir lhere a Natural Ges Llne o0 lhe c(lrrent site? :l Yet A No ls rhere t|ectrical Power on lhis SuildlnE? : Y€s -- No Property Ure/ Ocrupancy:,i Slnele famllY : Duplex I lownhoula raN1 ard o!3ina.r.t r.d retllirio.t Th. f{llC OlvclcD3lsnt Sc^i(er aa ^te' .rill ba norilild ot!iyci3^taj jlllha arp,o,,ed rla^r n.d tpec f(.ti06, or ahan3a n.cnlrralor lnio/mal.o..'.'flOItr,(n!$Or!pctlatmed*rlhoulllalppririlrrepa,mrltrrilne'nval{t,;^oltltN(Sr,l de rid ruble tolrlr.oro5500m"' Owner/Contractor j luCaicaiaLiQllida Sig ature: De5(ription of Work: SunroomAddition "Ljccnsed Quohliat" rg rlle property tocaleo,n a llooa,pl rn? :--l Yer x No Exi5ting lmporvious Arcit ---*-----. Sg ft TotalA(res oitturbed New lmpe.viou5 A.eil *=-..- Sq Ft WAIER: g CIPUA :l CommunilYSystcm SEWERT y CFpUA ,,j CommunitvSystem fxlsting land Oi5lurblng Permitr --: Ye5 : No , Priv.tewcll ,,: CentralU/ell : Aqua -1 privateseptlc *-- Ccntral Septic - Aq eiq'lnsp:clion pqurrec, 910.2, I oq[lua ,onu,R-15. otttcer: ..?I{: setbnsks (F)l$i) | ) .ra)tJ layl lo lsl {-'' Approval ctyrJLM ,nl!.J6/55D.r t1-.rIood: {A)-- (v){N)x e lba-t Feer S ._AL., lflu E+2ft: t-Comment sl dn3 d,ortY to si $*t n ^6 sl'vuoture. lOT ,l: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AIiISWER ALL QUESTIOI{S APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT Project Responsibility" APPLI CATION Nuirbe i (office Use) f€o..-i?u- DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AOD PHONE tr: a^ ()v {a_ZTP : LOT #:2 E.^c ^ + ?RESS:f,|.^ <,. ST,BDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER' S OWNER'S ADDRESS: NfI'E: 8o-r Lr ). .l )- .er'- CI TY: BLOCK 8: J LICENSE #:^75-o PHONE 8:l/3*35] CITY: t.r t- ).- a *-a,t^.st: (.zre: ITY: (5 (o ,rl\L.z:p,2 t"-/ob ,I \ ?ffti6 l8 3:5tPf1 r'€ -i.cr-6*(CONTRACTOR: ADORESS: EIi4AIL ADDRESS: ATT GARAGE 5G SF PHONE S: PHONE *:t20- 3 5*3 P*^, ! orr enRncr _ sF {ooo*?8" sF t{'l S ) o,,... J A.-"- L--:zl.-6.c/.. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:LTE RATION NEW CONSTRUCTION: E CHECK AND ANSWER SELOH ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: suNRoor,t _ sF GREENHOUSE SF POoL _ SF DECK SF STORAGE SH ED I a-^ OTHER: DUPLEX TOI,JNHOUS Ec.\ SF SF ToTAL PRolEcT CoSTrr-essro,) : $ )3 i-,:t Q Fr UNDER RooF. (L/iJ ror .)D # oF sroRrEs: / AL aREA sa Fr,3Ll j3TOTAL HEATED SQ Fr: r33 .l TOTAL 5 rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, Pl-uflBrNG or l''lEcHANrcAL tJork Being Done to the accessory structure? [ vur I r'ro If the project is a Retocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves I tto fs there Electrical Power on this Euilding?l-l ves I-l ruo fir*n, ,orrr"PROPERTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:L -T N< -t I L f€5,'Jenc t arE o.dinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopmenl Services Cenierwillbo not,iod olany changss in he approwd con[acbr inlormaljon. "'NOTEi Any OWNER/CONTRACTOR:5 It'e Appropaato. P-ermilswill be n Violatig. ofth€ NC Slate I( .n..- L--, c,' ^ (^"g4furr*.,>"..c-f sUpTo$0 00"' * * * * * * * * *,* * * * * * )t r( * * * * *,1* ) (p.int Name)+*+*)t/i)t*,*,1*+,1)tt++,1)t,r,,1,|++++'*,t,t**+*+,t*+,t++*+*)*****t*r)tEI5 IHE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YE5 EXISTING II4PERVIOUS AREA : NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: {/r 3)'5Q FT 5Q FT WATER: SEWER: TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED:'7 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l-l Yes l-l r,ro CF ! conrururw svsrrm ! pRrvATE wELL ! crrurnll sEPTrc n PRTvATE sEPTrc .'I SEPARATE PERI4ITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, AIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PNEFABS & INSERTS 'i" payrilENT r4ETHoo: Ecos" E$recK (PAYABLE ro rucl I nr,{rnrcAN ExpREss E razrrto I ors.or., ri*)t*,|*,i,*+*)t*)t)t)t)***++,t*+,***)*)i**)i**)i)*)t)i,|,*1(*)t*)i)t*i(*)t)t,*)*i+,ti<)i(+*,t*,t,*,t**)t**,t)k****,*)i*,*,*,**,t*,*)**,k,t FPUA zoNE: oF FIC E R: Appnoval:- c ity:- DATE:- FLooD: - BFE+2ft= - (FOR OF'ICE UsE ONLY) REVISEO DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ d.C Comnent:PERIIIT FEE: $ oD &9,7,fr4 t9:2481 ,orr, S-2 -y' BAPPLICANT'5 NAfiE: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ! Rrruovnrroru [ crr'rrnll nrenrns ! RELocArroN ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ! roorrroru To ExrsrrNc REsTDENcE ,\ t- I I ,J,/ ! crurRal we lr fl comllun rw svsr em ,.:. / i. \;,.iffi, bt$-3(4 tB4q17 Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI O N rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLiCABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICANT,S NAME: Pa].Ke. DUdIeY Datei 7/30/18 PROJECT ADDRESS: 108 FUTch CreeK Rd CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28411 SUBDIVISION:LOT #: '1 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Creekside Caoital Grouo LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 21 1 HL Smith Rd PHoNE #i 910-685-4113 CITY: Wilminqton ZIP 28411 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:o EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: David Michael CITY LDG TICENSE # PHON 910-685-41 1 3 sT: l)Z *,87O€ PHoNE: 910.685-4113 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs -/NEW CONSTRUCIION: t Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Det Garage {SF)_ I Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) [] Porch (5F)80.00 tr Other (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER RooF lJor proposed workj Heated: '1715 Unheated: 2222 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 125.000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes lz No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure ! yes dno lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? Ll Yes Zf No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes Zl' No Property Use/ Occupancy:fl Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse lr,lul lg !lt?lFi Description oJ work: Nta lL.,.l,*i/ lo,^e laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC O€veiopment Services Cent€r will be notified of any changes ir th€ approved plan! and specifications or change in contractor information. '*'NOTE:Any work Pe rmits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00*++ Signature:Owner/contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious *ea: tlr{l? sqrt TotalAcres Disturbed:,01 Ac/*o New lmpervious Ar ea: t9 411 sqtt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: l Yes ffi.ar WATER: d CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEwERt g/cFPUA n community System ! Private Septic t] central Septic D Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -- CitY: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S ! Att Garage (SF) 427 n Sunroom (sF)_ ! Greenhouse (5F) or lcl 7-ilr{1 ffi RECEIVED JUL 242018 Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT ION TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prqiect ResPonsibiliV' p Zrvc loffice ute) ardp H.rliida Datet 712412018APPLICANT'S NAME: CITY ZIP 284O3PRO,JECT ADDRESS:2124 imosa Place LOT f,SUBDIVISIONT - PHoNE Hr 910.409.0861PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:Ashlev Garner OWNER'S ADDRESS )124 ELDG LICENSE BCONlRACTORH ollid2v Constrt-l ion LLC clTYr Wilmington ST: NL zlP:-28!!5::EQl6ADDRESS:2q?5 EMAIt ADDRESSI infotO hollidavconstnrction.ne t cade@ho idavconst .tion net PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Lu cas Cade lidaY EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration X Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: . ErectNew Residence I Addition to Existing Residence f Relocation **.PLEASE CHECX AND ANS WER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*T ' - Porch iSF) PHoNET 91 0.399.4357 91 0.470.0248 PHoNE: 910.399.4357 g'10 470.0248 D Storage Shed {5F)_- f Other {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes : No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF!,for ptoposed work) Heated: TOTA! PROJECT COST (Less Lot)i S 8000 Property Use/ OccuPancY: F Single FamilY --.i ouplex I Townhouse Descrlption ot Work: ls the proposed work chanSing the number of bedrooms? - Yes F No ls anv Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicatwork being done to the Atcessory Structure F Yes - No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? I Yes/E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F Yes a No infor.nalion'...NoT€:Alywolkpedolmed*ithoultheappropristepermt'wil|beinvioationofiheNcstateBlcacodeandsubjecttoJnesUolossoo0o... owner/contractor: Lucas cade Hotlidav Signature: J **'aal- Ct0^ \t "t't^Aaq0 "Licensed Quotifet" Prinl Nome ls the property located in a floodplaln? I Yes F Ne Existing lmpervious Area: _- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: Yes - NoNew lmpervious Area WATER: 6CFPUA . communitysvstem - Privatewell I centrel Well Aqua SEWER: \(,CFPUA I Community Systern f Prlvateseptic I Central Septic I Aquar zone: ' ofli."r, - Setba.ks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -oooro*L city: _-- Date: -- tlood: (A)- (v) - (N) - at'*'n= ;f* ,"", ,Comment : Att Garage (5F)- : Sunroom (SF)-- breennouse ()rl -- E Oet Garage {SF)- I Pool {SF)_- _ DecK (5i, _- Unheated: Dot?-(b {1 443<t-z qat) ft'rrTo \,rl'^ - t,. ffi/Q \ ds$ 0!) A+ v($J APPUCA T'S NAME:D.t:712412018 PnOJtCTA0oRtSST suEDlvtSt0t: ztP.,2&91__ toT {r OWNER's A00R€5S: ,12d Mlmosa Plea^ . CllY: llfd&i0g!O!__ztP:2MQ3 CO N IP,ACIOq:H6llidnv C6hclnr.rl^^ I I c ElDG tICENSE #l AD0RESSI ClWa U4lmlngl.n 5T; !Q ZIP: 28405-8076 EMAIIAD0R!SS: lnlo@hollldavconrtn,.llon nel cad6@hollld.vconrlru.lion n.l tHONET 010.399.d357 0'l0.d7O 0rd8 PROJ€CT COI{tAc? PERSON: tucss CadA Hollldav . - _ PHON!:010_3E9.d357 oJO 470.0248 EXISIING CONSTnUCTION|O Alter.tion E Renovrtlon D GencralBtpaklt I'lEW COiIS'RUCnONT ! €rcct Net, Residrncc O Addirlon to Erlrtlnt Sesldence fl Sclo(arton ... PIEAS E C}I€CX AND ANSWER 8f I,OW AI,I.IHAI APPI.Y 'O YOUS PROJECT"' E AR 6.n8e (Sfl_ J Su'lroom {St}_ ,-1 Greenhour€ (Sf)_ tr Porch {Sr) Ir lhe proposed \vork.hanrlng lh. €xi5tlng {ootprlnt? C) TOTALSqF UNDER R0Ol Vot p,opor.d wotk) Hdat&l --+- st a)+ -s| \dey-2 * Fl 0.t G..rr. lstl tr Pod(Sr)_ g occt {Stl_ Yet O No O Storage Shed (5F)*- tr otherlst)_ UriNrt.dr _ It li6 p.oporld wo.k.hanginS tha oumber of bcdroomr? O Y.r F No ls any Electrlcel Plumbln8 or Mechankal wort behS done to the At(e$ory Srructure Ei Ylt a No lf tha g.oJest lr a Roloc.llon, It th.rc a Natu.,lG.! tln. on th€ .urront rlto? O Yerts No Ir th0ra E,cdrlftlPow?r on thlr Suildln8? F Yr3 tr No Prop.rty Ut !/ Occupr n cy: f, Sh8la F.mlly O 0uphx f) fownhoure o.tcripllon ot Worl: Er@iffiflghFfirtura'l--..-_---- IOIAI, PROrtqf COtl(tirr Lot)r S 8.000 Lw' rnd ordlnr a! lnll ratulatLr^r.Iha NlCO.valor hl t R{(.r C.6ls wU b. iotifud ol a ny chMt.! an $. .rr.adad rltn r rnd rraaifia{b^! o. lhrnt. h .o^v.cto,illo,mrt 06. r'rrlot[:Aat s.t,rrlo,f,.d *ltl$qt th.,pp.opri.l. p.r6il,,ilr b. h nor.lio. o, !t.J-J::Ut"'iiffq"'Ownlr/Contngt r @ Slinaturel.tkmr.dQtautaf Pdn? N@r. l! the propertylooted in. tloodplaln? O YerF llo Erltlln! lmrsruour Ar!.r_ 5q ft Now lmp!rylourlrlai _ Sq Ft Tot!l A..sr 015lurbed! _ Ert3tln8l.nd DlrturblnS P.rmlt: I Yer E No WAIEn: E(CIPUA E Comrnunlty Syitem C p.iv.lewcll O Centr.lwell E Aqua Ofb s"ru",arrr.l/A rrrr d/4 r.r t/A Ci4,lnspccton pEuroo, gl5EWtfl:CfPUA O Communlty Syslem O Private 5eptlc 0 CenralSeptic I Aqua Approv.l: wt-lZono, P 5 om..r, Commentl otv,l-U{-Dat::t1 (f flo : (A)- (V)(N)StE+2h. Permlt f!!:I rt-[\ 0a54.|l900 nEcEtvE0 JUL 24?010 Clerr Fo.m Prlnt ': oMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLIU ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAI. PL€As€ ANSWTR AIL qUTSTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOU8 PNO]ICI 'Prol!(t n.rponslblllh/, PRoPERTY OWt{ln'S NAME: Ashley Ger.e. PHONE {:_qL0lgg!!gl___ I i RECEIVtD AUi 01 1I_1 Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT . ( APPLtcATtoN TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PI FASE ANSW€R AIL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsiblliV' LJ.-Q tci( -?G[T 13-25 13 il Applic.tion {omce u5e} 7"st* tg (Y"t t Date: SUEDIVISION: APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWN€R'S ADDRESS: J CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO,JECT CONTACT PERSON . )e tt (>hprr CITY: CITY ZIP: )9q tr LOT # PHoHr *: I l?-C]-r CITY ZI BIDG LICENSE sl -? tc 3it'l sT:r,''l L zl S9o PHONE )0 PHONE It €.4 EXISTING CoNSTRUCTIoN: I Alteration d Renovation n General Repairs NEwcoNslRUcrIoN:!ErectNewResidencelAdditiontoExistinsResidenceDRelocation **.PLEASE CHECK ANO A}IsWER BELOW ATLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** - Att Garage (SF)- I Greenhouse (SF) Cl Det Garage (sF) - [] Porch (Sr) _- [] Storage Shed {SF) --X Other (SF) r sunroom [)Fl I Pool {SF) I Deck (SF) / ls tl".e proposed work changing the existrng footprint? : Yes g No ToTAt sQ FT UNDERRO1F lJor proposed work) Heated:.rri f unheatedr TOTAL PROJECT COST iless Lot): S 117 ,7 I d,4/ l?, lsthe proposed workchangingthe number of bedrooms? I Yes {*o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Strudure lf the pro.iecl ,sa Relocation, istherea Natur, Gas Line on the current site? I Yes ls rhere Electrical Power on this Building? Z1 Yes I No Property Use,/ OccupancY:$sinele FamllV ! Duplex n lownhouse rn(es n No {*o Description of Work: L.Ka-,'. Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifer" iL e ts,t <- ^)),;, c c.^t a -&.!-' lawr and o.dinances 6nd regllations. The NHC Deve,opment Services Center will be notified ofany changei in the approved plans rfld specifications or change in aontraclor info.mation. "'NOT€: Any wo;t)erformed v/:thorll the appropriate permits will be in violetion ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subiect to fines up to 5500-00t " 7.y/tt:t l. slgnature: ls the property located in a floodplain? I Yes Uy'l.|o Existing lmpervious Area; 5'.-r' Sq Ft TotalAcresoisturb€di l--r New lmpervigus Area:L)Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: : Ves g'/l.,o wAfER: E{ CFPUA n Community System fl Private well E Central well E Aqua S€WER: y'CFPUA X Community system n Private sept,c I Central sept'c I Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks {F} _ {LHi _ (RH) _ {8} _ Approval: _ city: _ Date;_ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ {N} _ BFE+2ft _ Comment: Permh tee: S SVI -_ Vkt6Y P.rna I,:i .i ,-.---..--.-- +J APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJICT ADORESS: lrt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TY PEi RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER AtL QUEST!ON5 APPI.ICABI,E TO YOUR PROJTCI "Prolect Re5pon!lblllty'' Cra 'brtr-k(,,r? /3- zqsd Appllaotion loflrceura) rA CITY: 0ate tlzclt( ztP Z voT- SUBDIVISIONi f{;"*; ii PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS: L L A PHONE [:fn-gat'D.,sq9 zt". Ll\t o I CONTRACIOR ADDnESSI CITY: CITY: 14 ( BLDG LICENSE lr 5T:-zlp: ?8q28' PHON E:Z Oo pxoruE' fl o ' aoq ' oo 7>PROJECT CONTACT PEflSON; EXISTING CONSTnUCfION: D Altcration O/Renovation dGenerat Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence D Addition to ExlstlnS Residence E Relocation ...PIEASE CHECX ANO ANSWER 8TI.OW AI.I. THA' APPTY IO YOUR PRO',ECT"' EMAIT ADDRTSS: tl Att GaraSe (5r) _ f) Sunroom (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)_ E Det GaraSe (SF)_ D Pool{sF) D Deck (St) tr Porch (Sr) ls the proposed work changing the exlstinS footprlnt? E Ves .dllo TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vot ptopoted wotk)neated: 21 15 unheatedl rorAL PRo,Ecr coST {tess to0: S-:[+&laj_.!4_ ls the ptoposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? D Yes dNo ls any aectrical, Plumblnt or Mecha nlcal work belng done to the Accessory Str.ucture Ef yes n No lf the project ls a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Gas Llne on the current slte? 6 yes f] No ls there tlectrical Power on this EulldlnS? E/Yes tr No Propeny Use/ Occupancy: EfSlngle Famlly tr 0uplexE Townhouse Descrlptlon ot Work: 26JUL l8 9t l SRt'r ,]. h + h^qh-rr* f (.>\o )r( lawr and o,dlntncet and reSulallon3, Ihe NHC Oeve,opment Sawl.ei Center wlllba notiliad or any ahanla5ln theapproved planr and ipeciltcalionr or (hrnge In cont.acto.hformatlon- "'NOTIrAnyworl garromed wilhorrt thr.pproprl.re permilg willbe ln ylolatlon ot lhe NC Srata Eldg Code and lubject to tine! op ro S5OO.OO..'LGra) SlSnature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E YerEfNo Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmpervlour Areai Sq Fl Exlltlnt Land Dlsturbln8 Permitt E] Yes 0 No Owoer/Contractoii "Licensed Quolnet' Zone: Approval: Comment: WATER! Ef CFPUA f] CommunltySystem El PrivateWell E] CentralWell O Aqua SEWERT EaCaPUA D Communlty System O Private Septic 0 CentralSeptlc O Aqu. R-20 om"",,DfL s"tb rrrrNit\ r^rrilA-p)$JA ci,'lnlr:n/ron Pea yea, gla 25! llrt , dr (A) - (v)orYr ,L.,71 Date; a(k!(F) A!i! Slhl-l,* € (it) k are+zft= Permlf Fce: S IOT f: _ D Storage Sh€d (Sf)_ O Other (Stl_ tg*bi'l t3'zqii Application Number (office use) 0\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT IO N WPE.' RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' (G rar) ? * U\i APPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: 0 Date tlzt,lr( ztP zynofI t ..t4-CITY3 + SUBDIVISION:LAnol" i t-oT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: RESS: A L EMAII ADDRESST PROJECT CONTACT PERSON JArn t.. U)a, | \L v/L- Y aL(tIA PnonrE*: f 7/ 92 O ')Sq9 CITY: SLDG I-ICENSE f CITY: )''l ( pHoNE: flr) Zo1 - Oc a, PHoNE: 1l {) ' ?()at ' Oo 3? *ffi:Yal- E EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D,'Renovation dGeneral Repairs NEw CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation I**PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* ! Att Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF) E Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes C No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work)neatea; 21 1 5 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S (LtLl 26JUL t8 9r t sEH ts the proposed work changing the nu mber of bedrooms? ! Ves Z/tlo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure U Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural cas Line on the current site? 6yes a no ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fYes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy: EfSingle Family ! Duplex I Townhouse Description oI work K,)chr," + b^{t"\.rr- ft..,o)cl laws and ordinances and reSLrlations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany chan8es in the approved planr and specifications or change in contractor information. "+NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to $5Oo.O0r+* Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIiliet" clna) Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? ! YesEf No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbedi New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permitl ! Yes ! No WATER: U CFPUA ! Community System fl Private Well D CentralWell fl Aqua SEWER: E"CFPUA O Community System I Private Septic ! Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officen _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S a3 )o dl^^ - /v. D Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool (SF)_ tr Deck (SF)_ 2oi6-058J l?en6 AFFI-LrcArror,r Nunben (Office Use) uL NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT aPPLICATI@,! rYPE: COIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSI./ER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pnoject Responsibility" ViLDktAaJ AUD ttu (Nr4 LOAPPLICAITIT'S t{Al,tE : DEVELOPER: -oercr tfiQfB PIIONE #: PRO]ECT i€tq cou rzr erqg ec.q, oCCuPANT/BUSINESS [AnE: tLp€ e6UL Co qurp( ctztt) PROPERTY OI{NER'S tlAIlE: Clfllt Fcb.L CCt t,t Lfa,/ eu.t, f) OI,INER, S ADDRESS:l5tfr to Ltu'7o(Lk4g Qo,H) L tJ(zlP I ZIrAc,3 - PK)NE r: 1l,Z -47, I . CITY: L^) t tx11107t 4 ST:UL ZIP: Ze,4O 3 sf i LIL zIP: Zg4o L COI{TRACTOR: \Ut\LtKt Qttr ALlt) lAut)0u114 CO,LICEi{SE #: lrlg 2- ADDRESS: i,O t tb7 _ CIIY : 1a.1 1 s1.1 1 y i1-7g ! Ei.IAIL ADDRE : f , u)*llUiodt p.eci, ,a,"t PROJECT CONTACT PEXSON:ruculA4 t)bautzcu P}O E #: PHONE *:zgt -q 0,3c, zgt - qb70 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natura Gas Line on the No EW CONSTRUCTIO : ACCESSORY STRUCTU , (Che.k Alt That Apply) lTrRErcvArrol{ l-l GENERAL REPATRS T-l R t-urrent Sire? ; v;i;'- ruo rSaLoCSphlflx E LOCATIOI{ LEREDtr yesl-yz SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE-Tl EREcr Ex srRUcruRE nFAsr rRAcK flRE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Poxer on this Building f/.v"' f No *I.*** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPA'{CY USE?f ves 7/to .*.,. IF Yes, Hhat uas the previous Occupancy Type? Tvoe ?ARrH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOT{AL: tLA JOtJ tlgTOLl _ What ls the iter Occupancy EI{GR OESIG PROFESSIO{AL _ pg: lbl-S-t3j NC REG *t 'l zL+ PH:NC REG #:-- DESCRIPTION OF I,.IORK:RErrovaTd r4e.i I'ult 4g:.l t (ru *V-r Qtstrzaoo utt trt tl rgt)€tllt 5,1!t rT0lug Qt,f.f3 t ou' Nole: Demolitbn notificalions & asbestos remoyal permii apdicalons are to be sutlinitted using the apr,licatioo krm (DHHS-3768) whether $e lacjlity or blilding was found loconlain Asb€stos or not you ar€ aequired to call Nalional Emission Slandards for Hazadous Air pollulan|s (NESHAP)ai (919)707-5950 at tea$ 10 days prior lo thedemditio of any facitity or hritding. See Asbestc Web Slte: TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERry USE: IOFF I 4t,5oo BUILDING HEtcHT: u/,.#oF UNTTS: k/a rgJUL ls lliFjBfl # OF STORIESa+z ROOF: ,,4?. SQ FT PER FLR; tt/a # OF STRUCTUR ES o o tcE RESTAURANT EXST LAND DtsTunarruc eenurrz f vss Jizp6SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA. u/o MERCANTILE EDU APTl-1coruoo /ornsr # OF FLOORS SO FT e cuufe,l cL4rL N ZONING U L-J courllurlrw SE CLASSIFICATIO t",Jg SYSTEM SEWER gZFPUA FPUA E COMMUNIry SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPTIC EwELrWATER tr LSEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR FLE I, MECH,PLBGPAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l',TCXeCr leaveBLE To NHc) f AMER|CAN ExpREss l- ucnrrsa l- DtscovER{FOR OFFICE USEzoNE: (-15 oFFtcER: ?,Vr-SETBACKS Approval oNL4 |,rs\{fl rxNlA nH BN]eU- ci BFE+2ft, N PERMIT FEE: I Comment ty' r,r rGfr -EITEiliEJs,FLOOD: C!i' lnso:cfion Requrreo, 9 I 0-254.m01 L.E . No ls The Property Localed tn The Ftoodplain? f y"r l-/No 0,4--^- Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATION ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" E ?orb-6$-l lEryst Application Number (office use) : & AppLtCANT,S NAME. Ross Trifoli 931" 7/19/2018 pROJECT ADDRESS: 48 Holland Drive ClTy Castle Hayne Ztp. 24429 SUBDtVtStON: Wr(lhtsboro Acres LOT #: 23 pROpERW OWNER'S NAME. Ross Trifoli PHONE #. 91G264-6987 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 106 Ravenswood Road CtTy Hampslead 71p' 28443 CONTRACTOR: New Vwndham Holdings CIW Vvilmington BLDG LICENSE # ST: NCADDRESS: 115 Wndham Way 71p.24411 EMAIL ADDRESS: drifoli@yahoo.com p11g1g 91G2646987 pROJECT CONTACT p6g59p. Ross Trifoli PHONE 910-264S987 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,r**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EETOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*''} E ntt Garage (sr) 558 -i Sunroom (SF) i Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)= Porch (sF)268 n Other (5F) n Pool (SF) n Deck (SF) n Storage Shed (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? n Yes = No TOTAL SQ FT UNOERROOF Vot proposed workj Heated: 2135 Unheated:2sl TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 180,000.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes = No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo iftheproject isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: = Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descript iOn Of WOrk: Conslrucl new resjdentjal dwelling 1:riUL 1S 163 53H11 DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information In this application is correct and al laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe not information. "*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in lwo.k willcomplywith the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local ified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications orchan8e in contractor he NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines to S5m.O0"' SignatureiOwner/Contractor: Ross Trifoli "Licensed Quolifiet" Ptint Norne lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervlerr5 4ys3. 22,093 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed. less than 1/2 acre New lmperviousArg3' 17,983 5q F1 Existing Land Disturbing Permitr E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System El Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA n Community System E Prlvate Septic E CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: ..'..........- City: _ Date: _ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2lt= _ 78130 Comment: Permit Fee: S 2d 8-,1t1 T APPLICATION Number (offi.e Us€) DA|E. 7-2 3. /Pra/a r/<,(2-: n <T 0 PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIiIE i e OWNER's ADDRESS, 3 3- <1zr>/-PHONE #: ENSE S * PHONT PHONE f: REPAIRS RELOCATION PHOI./E s zlr:ZV*f n No ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE srt *1.Lz7P | 2 ttz/.r sr:l)Czrp: El4+ e, 7-,a z*lGzi g ITY: ((he.k AI1 RENOVATION CITY: t- rc CITYa PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: I 'iffi'r*o, Yes L_l No EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ll Relocation, is there a Na ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: tura ALTERATION lGas Line on the Current Site?tr ts aroo spRtNrlrneoz I ves NEt4l CONSTRUCTTON: ! eRecr NEh, 5TRUCTURE I rASr rRAcr ! snrr_r_ [ unrrr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shelt Penmi.t #: ***.* IS THIS A CHAI{GEfF Yes, hrhat was the previous O(cupancy Type? OF OCCIJPANCY USI Is Elect Polrer on this Building I ves n ,O r fives Bfuo ...-- What is the NeuJ Occupancy Type? NC RE6 # NC REG #PH: DESCRIPTION OF L{ORK:ddt ls lood or boverages prepared or served in this structure?Yes pno b The proporry Located tn llre Ftoodplain? [ ves I No DISCLAIMER: Sublecllo Fl I hereby cenjfy s500 00"' lh's applicalron ,s correEl and atlworl wll comdv wlh the N3[rs"oyiJ',&T,i"l".f #[$g,g8iiyX,TJ,"LEiJ"eJ",i,tcha the plan NC dernolilloi ol any hcitiry or bu dtng. TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ihal all inlormarion inThe See ,\sbesos web Site <)d Emhslon Ssndards tor Haz6tdous Ar po uants ( I'ttp:/,^*\dw.epi.slale.nc.Us/@i/asbesto6./ahmp.hlml BUILDING HEIGHT: sampearta: ZTZI- # OF STRUCTURES: Slate Burtdi n9 Code and allother applicable Slale s andwil al (919)707-5950 st teas t0 d6ys trto. to lhe # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SO FT OWNERYCONTRACTOR (o'6ti6ed SIGNATURE Nols: Demollton notilicstions & asbeslos r€rnovat permh appllcatlons are lo be submtted using tho appticaloo torm S'376a)wtrelher or bulldifig was found loconlaln Asb€slos oa nd_ You are requtrod lo cs[ th€ N a)t NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAi PROPERTY USE: fIOFFICE I nesraunaur lnencarlle fleouc APT EcoNDo OrHER: EXST LAND DISTURATNC penirrT? Tl ves I no SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ECoMMUNITYSYSTEM J-IWELLEcENrRALsEprrc f,l.ffifieseerrc flzoNtNG USE CLASStF|CAT|ON D coMMUNtTY SYSTEM I ucnasr I orscoven WATER: ETFPUASEWER: I CFPUA zoNE:_oFFrceR: ___ (F"SffiXL[::"J:_LH:_RH:_B: Approvat:_ city: ---EIiE- FLooo, ___ .._--._]aiE_2n= N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISED OATE /V1ll12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDINC PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN rypE: COMMERCIAL PTEASE ANSl4ltR ALL QUESTIONS ApptICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility,, EMAI L ADDRESS : ACRES DISTURBED: comment A v 'i i .-,-...,. -- . PAYVTENT METHOD: ECASH lCnecx leavealE To NHC) fim,renrceN exeness NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED JUL 302018 AP PLI CAT I O N rYPf; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT 0trioZcrt pplication Number \)ot- o*{." "Project Responsibility''(office u5e)'./ APPLICANT'S N ey Williams p31s. 07-'12-18 pRoJEcT ADDRE5S: 6101 Tidal Reach Court 69ry. Wilmington 7p 28403 pRopERw oWNER,s NAME: Dr. Brian Legere & Dr. Mary Beth Bobek oWNER,s ADDRESS. 6101 Tidal Reach Court PHONE i: 910-617 -2208 611y. Wilmington 71p.28403 coNTRACToR: Balding Brothers 66865 ADDRESS: PO Box 1947 ctTy. Wilmington BLDG LICENSE # st: NC z,P.28402 EMATL ADDREssT casey@baldingbrothers.com PHONE.910-251-2721 pRoJEcT coNTACT pERsoN. Casey Williams PHONE. 910-622-2450 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *.'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl llgated: < 100 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 12,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls anyElectrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Stru ctu re E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a N atu ral Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex fl Townhouse Descrip tion of Work: Enlarqe openinq and replace door in master suite IBJLiL lg !rtgfitl laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans an information. "*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and srrbje d specification5 oa to fine pt 500 hange contractoT Owner/contractor: Nick Bald ing Signatu re: "Licensed Quolifier" ptint Nome Is the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes n No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System ! private Well fl Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Communitysystem E privateseptic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Oflicer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityt _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_ (v) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S ',) SUBDIVISION: LOT f : n Att Garage (SF)_ E sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_ ! Det Garage (sF) n Pool (sF) _ ! Porch (sF) _ n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LrcANO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAT prr sE A;;;ER At.I auEsrlot{s APPLICABLI ro YouR PRolEcr 'Pr;ie'r RetDontlblnv AppllEdon ombcr (ofice us.l :-:---:r-'; \!+ {Datci 7 ztP.APPUCAII,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWt{EtrS t'lAMEl OWNTR'S ADDRESS: CONTPASIOR ADDRESS: f,MAIL ADDRESST 1 CITY susDlvlslot{: LOT I PHONE T: --- clTY: r,v , i ,44 . ,.lP: I >'ft' ] BLOG LICINST I sT: r'.J'zlP: ZJ=/c tf PHOTIE - ex{r r: LIlC ")C APPLY TO YOUR PNOJECT.'' D Porch (SF) trl StoraBe Shed (SF).-- tr other (Sr) -- Unhcated: CITY t-r> r / PROJECI CONTACI PER'ON ExlSTlttG coNstRucnoN: E Alteration E Renovation D GeneralRepairs Addition to Existing Residence E Belocation rl!ll\ NEW CONSIRUCfIoN: O Erect New Residence E "'PtEASE O{EO( A}lD tr Att Garage (SF) _- Jsunroom (sr) a/C c] E Gr€enhouse (sF) - ANSWER BELOI,I, AIl- THAT B Det Garag€ (sf) -- tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) ls thr proposed work dranglog the €xistint 'ootPrint? trl Yes El No TOTAL Sq Fr UNDER NOOI liot proposed work) Heated:L.I L ls the proposed work changing the number oi bedrooms? E Yes [I No - lsanyElecttic.l,Plumttneori'lcchen;i*';rkb€ingdonetotheAccessorySvucturegYesONo ;;il;;j"";; *"catloo isthere a NaturelGa5 une onthecunent site? El Yes E tto - ls there tiectrlcalPqwe, on thls Bulldlng? El Ye' tr) No TOTAL PROTECI COST (Less Lot): S Us€/ Occu9anrr: Gl Slnlle Fenlb El f'uphr D rownhoustPropertY Desc.lptlon ol Work: ,'l DtSCl IMER: Ih. bY ..nfi rhat .ll th'idorha!-nn in thls ipptl(2tldl ls ooncd .nd .ll wod. will .odiply wlth the 5trL BulldlngCode and all other ipdioble SriU 'nd bBl lawsand ordnencet and tctulatrons The NtlC DeedoprEnt SetYtce! Cent€t will .h.n3!i tn rhe apBlv€d Plant .nd speclfiouont or chsnta ln conlrt'tor informrtron. "'tore: mr wort plno.nEd wlthout the eppaopriatc permlt3 wtll the Nc Slat€ sldg code and riliect tofln!3 uptoSsoo.od" sl8nature:(>ovrncr/Contradorl "Llcehszil Qoollrzr" ls the property located ln a tloodplaln? trl Yes M t{o Erirliry hpewious Area: --_- Sq tl Total Acr€s Dittu'bedt - New lrnpervious Area: _-_ 5q Ft Exlstlng land Dlsturblnt Pcrmh: E Ye! D Ng waTER: D CFPUA tl Community system E Private Well E Centralw€ll D Aqua StWtR: D CFPUA E Community System ft Private SePtic D Centralseptic D Aqua zonei - oficer: - setbad(s (F) - ILH) - (RH) --- {B} -App,oval: =-- citY: - Dat€: - tlood: (A) - (v) - (N} - 8rE*,* ;;-'n ,"". , Comment: 2ot0-8a )l(#4 4 ,c lO l'ti t l-a ' \r4t..,1 !) /1-<I .(-"-- (./ 2^or6-tu)a N-tC NEW HANOVER COUNTTY BUILDTNG PERMIT ApptICArroN rypE: RESfDENTIAL PTE4SE ANSI,iER .ELL QUEsIIONS IPPLICIS1E TO YOUR P8O]ECT "Proj ect ResponsibiJltlp APPLTCATIOI{ Nunbe n (offr.e Us€) APPLICANT's NAflE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS SUADT\TSTON: PROPERry 0^NER's Bqi4E: OI,dNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDREsS: EI1ATL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COIITACT PERSOII E|TSTINC CO STRUCrION: (DATEi P}IONE #: cIw:ZIP:- toBLOCK '} : _ LoT *: A PH0NE #: cl le- sT: i-ri-TJP.. ACCOUI'JT *: SF l/n CITYI (or,LlcEtrsE *t '131-l I crrv: ll Iflnci sT; A IC zrP: I-i&qS i Bonn , rnclr]PHONE #: A LIEPATION I nrnovanoru [ eeruennr REpArRs E RE LocAt-roN NEN CoNsTRrrcTroN, El rRscr NE!,,t RE5TDENCE o" f] aoorrroW To EGSTING fiEsrDENcE 'TPLEASE CHEC( AND Al,lsl,lER BEtOl,l {LL THAT APPLY To YoUR PROJECT: [f arr ennror bA,5 sr ! orr ernoae sr fleoncH 555 sr SUNROotll 5F 5F STORAGE 5HED 6REENHO]SE SF POOL DECK 5F OTTER: TOTAL PROIECT CO5Ttussr-.0: $# OF STORTES: : Is Arly ELECTRICAL, PLXIIBING or I,IECHTNICAL Nork BeihB Done to the Accessory Stnuctrre? ff, V"t f] ltoff the pnoject is a Relcication, is there a Naturaf Gas Line on the cunrent Site? [Ves [ruoIs there Electrical Power on this Building? [Ves f] r.io PROPERry USE / OCCUPANCY;s LE FAiILY DUP LEX TOIJNHOU5 E DESCRIPTTON 0F t^i0RK:A 2iJuL tB 4: I4Pi,,l )lo DAS cr.AfVER I h6rEby cord ly h ar a I blomadon ln hi6 app!€ bn i6 @fiEcr and all lrca Gll ard odhanE ed ,Egul8riohs. Th6 I.I,IC DsBlopm6nr S€ tulc€s C€n br u/ill b€ no d 6ed of an conr.ct.ln6nna [on. '"NOTEi Any Wod< Porkm€d IVr'o hB ApprDprlab Pe1nli6w b€ In co.nplywih ila $b 8'rildhg Codo and al otl€.apptcsbl€ Sb! Jld locz, bv/e y ch8ng€6 h h€ apprcvsd plans and S€clltatons or darO€ h €ont&br or Mohliofl 0166 NC Stsb 8ld! -Cods and Srbi€ct b Fh66 l, To gsoo,o0-^)sr6r\ lruRE: \ l- C -. -ol{NER/CONTRICIOR:6r +**++++ +*++**+++********** Ji?il{ii?+*+++***r+**+*+*+*********tit+:r*i *++* *+rr +*+ +*+** *+++ +* 15 THE PROPERTY LOCITED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YEs E uo DisT$lG IMPER\E0US AREA: _sq FT T0TAL ACRES DfSTURBED: NEU] n[pERwous AREA: _ sQ Fr EGST LAND DISII'RBING prmrr: Ll] yrs [] rc hlATER; Xl aFpuA ! coq,4uNrry sysrEM f] pRrvArE WELL I crrrRnl wrll sEr,,ER: EI cFpuA D crt'nRnL srprrc ! cnrvare srlrrc .f] co44uNrry sysTEM .8: SEPA.nATE/ PER}UTS NEqUIRED FOR ELECT, ,AECHJ PL8G, 645 EQUIP, PREF!.BS A TISE&T T'} PAYI.IEMT IETHODI qAsH I occr lravaale ro unc) E BTLL ACCdJIIT Ir,r.7vrsr I orscoven*********+*++****1,*+*,***+r******ti****+i*+***i****+ (foR oFErcE usE o,tly) * **:*:l f,*i *** + +**f*i** *i* ****3*:a****t +* ZONE: _ OFFICER: twrseD n{ra a4lt1/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ BH:_ B:Approval:_ city,r_ DATE: FLooD:rLUUU: - F ;- BFE+2ft= pERi{rT FEE: gComre nt: I Grnrrr ^t pHoNE #:3.!!.:ry. q c?!L_ .A \^trl lt ai S+e,oa ,FR frf'0? ToTAL HEATED sq rrr A5l roTAL sQ FT UNDER noor, r{t,3 I TorAL AREA sqF= ll,AArl ffiqav t{)Inrl(1 I tl <a+I NEt^l HAN0VER C0UNTY BUILDfNG PERMIT AP PT ICATIo rrpE: R ESIDENIIAL ptEAsE aNsllER Alt- QUESTTONS AppLICnBLf TO YOUR PROIECT "proj eqt Responsibi_Iiqp CITY: r BLOCta 2ot8-8u r APPLTCATTON Ntlllben (office Us€) I ] APPLTCANT's T,IA}'IE : DEVELopERT PRO]ECT ADDRESS: a_LOT*:Z:l ,$4QqBSUEDI\IISION: PROPERry Oi]N V oI^INER'S ADDRESS; CONTRACTOB:v ADDREsS: PROJ ECT CONTACT PERsON: rn,s Na r: ?nh,pr{ l,Tn"ine Bn ota.J u CITY; ^ n sI-.NL zrp | ,\461 ACCOUiIT +: sr: !|! zrP: pHoNE *: qto.33k,73t I 17! rlcrrusE *: ?33? I crrY' Ir lonT=.._- fl rolrluous e tln EfiSTINC CONSTRUCEOi]I ALTEFATION R ENOVATION I eeruenar REPAf,Rs. D RELocATToN NEh' cor sTRrrcTroN, EI etrcr NEt^, RE5TDENCE or I aoorroru To DcsTrNG RESIDENCE rtpLEAsE cHEcK AID alisHER BELol,t ALL THAT Apply to youn pno:icr, pferr oemar *')A sr ! orr mucr sr [fuoacH 319 t suNRootl P00L_ 5F DECK 5F STORAGE SHED 5F GREENHO-]SE ,SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED 5Q n.X&ob TorAL sQ FT uNDER soorr3223 TorAL AREA sq n:.9)Q TOTAL PRoJECT C05T (r"'s1"0 : $# oF sroRrEs: /.b Is Any ELECTRICAL, PUJI{BI,NG or I,IECHArIICAL tJork Being Done to the Accessory Structute? [ V". I f,to If the project is a Re]cication., is there a Natunaf 6as Line on the Cunnent Site] Eyes f] No Is there Electrical Pqwen on this Building?Yes llo ?i JtJt 1g 4 33,4FI1 PRoPERTY usE / occuparrv, EIs LE FAMILY DUP LEX DESCRTPTToN OF LJ0R(:Y l,(li ml Arr DISC:-AIMEFL I h€{6by codit halall and ordhancas ari ragul8&ns. ThB contacbr h6.lna[on, '"NoTE tuy hF)tmalbn ln hi6 +Plcalbn b corEclsnd all Mork !$ll comply witl tls SEb Eulldhg crdo ard allo+prapp[clH6 shb 'Jld lo.at t3l4c ldl c Cb',€lopm8n t se rvlc€6 can Er vrll b€ no l6sd bfany clEngss h t6 appor€d plan E and 6p€clf.zdoo6 or dangB h conrEbr oa Wod< P6rbnnsJ IVr'o h6 AppEpriah P€Ilnli6r,,/ilb€ ln VroL6on orh€ NC Sbb Stds Cod€ snd Srb,6ct b Ftos6 Lb To *5ooocr- OI{NER/CONTRACTOR:Y Buit Y Y SIGNATURE I vfp.,-.- ***+**+ +++***+***+********JiHlliil ++******fi****+* + ***+ *+* +++* * **+**** *+* +++* ++++ *+* t** rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN A FLooDILATN? yEs EJ r,ro ExIsTIilG IMpERyIoUS AREA: _sQ FT ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEW ]}tpER!.rous AREA: _SQ FT E(IST LAND DTSIURBING PERHTT: ll:] yEs r,lnrEB; ffi Creue ! coplt4uNrTy svsral I pRrvATE WELL I canMu well SENER: fi crRua I cq,rrRnL srprc ! earvnfr srlrrc I cctr,4uN]ry sysTa,t ZOniE r _ OFFICER: I'to *at srPAaarE' PERNrrs PEguftrED FoR ELEcr, HECH, plg6, GAs EQUrp, PREFAB5 & rrlsERTs a-* pAyHErr HErHoDr EqArH E.HEcr (pAyaBLE ro *.y [rr.i *;; 'tr;;;;-*tr;r*** *+****+f,**++*****t*******a*****t*f******:l****i+***+*+***ii+*t++****i.***f:t**:r*****;r***i**** (roR orErcE ust onLy) terISED OA\E n4lfi/12 Approval. :_ city,;_ DATE Corrnent: SErEACK5: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_: rLOoD: AvN PERTII|. FEE: { DATE: PHONE #; pHonr *: z?.'7q?.95_u EMATL ADDRESs:PHoNE *: qp.3?l.gcq# A$q'{r frr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbllity" ZotT- ButL W+TnAB APPLICAT]ON Number (0ff1.e use) APPLICANT'S NAME : Mark Johnson DATE: 7 /1'7 /7e DEVELOPER:PHoNE #: 9ro .4a9.242t PROPERTY OWNERJS i.IAI'IE: Oh]NERJS ADDRESS: Fred Hicknan PHONE #: CITY:ST:_ZIP:_ CoNTRACToR: mark johnson custom homes LICENSE #i 56897 ACCOUNT S; l66 o ADDRESS; 1j 19 miriraly cutoff sui te cc #211 CITY: ei lminqton ST: !s_ zIP : -?!3!: ElitAIL ADDRESS: malk@ma rk i ohnsoncus tomhome s . c PtmNE f: 9ra .443 .5422 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: mark iohnson PHoNE S: 970.443.s422 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION :A LTE RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCAT ION NEW CONSTRUCTTOII: I eneCr NEW RESTDENCE or n ADDITION TO EXISIING RESIDENCE }.iPLEASE CHECK ANO ANSI,IER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECTI [J nrr caale e s3 o sF DET GARAGE sr E] noncn -:!!- sF PooL - sF f] sronaor sHED - sF DECK SF OTHER: SF SUNROOI'1 SF fl cnrmrnous e _ sF TOTAL HEATED S0 FT: 1161 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER R00F: a501 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROIECT C05T lress rorl : $900,000 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or IiiECHTNICAL work Eeing Done to the Accessory Structure? f] Yes No If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Is thene El.ectrical Poh/er on this Building?[vut f]Ho Gunrerl!.5itg? ni! . r:: ,\'. l. 'l: i' Ve5 Ilo pRopERry usE / occupAr,rcy, E] srnorr raurlv f] ouelrx TOI.INHOUSE DESCRIPTIoN OF t^loRK: New Residence DISCLAIMER: lh6reby cerlily har all informallon in lhis applicalon ls correcl and all work will comply wih he Slate Buildino Code and all oher applicablo Slale and tl' ;(tjj and o.dinanc6s and rogulations. The NHC Lbvelopmenl SeNices C€nler wlllbs noufied oI any chang€s in he approved plans afid specilicauons orcnange in contracbr or conrracro. ifltlrmarion. "'NOTE: Anywork Pe orn'Ed w/O te Appropriale Pemlls will b€ in violallon ollheNCState Bdg Code and Subj6cr bFines UpTo$500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR i mark j ohnson STGNATURE : Mark Johnson *Fril*I:-;:::: *)* * *,t**,t,*)i,i * ,t,| * * *,t *,t + ,t ,l ,F,t + *)t + * r*** * * * + * * ** * ** + * *+ ** + *,* + + * *,t * * ** * *: * + ir * * * *,** * * * * * a i * * * ** * * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPTAINI EXISTING II1PERVIOUS AREA: 2O7OO SQ FT NEI,J II4P€RVIOUS AREA: 1a829 5Q FT e) NO ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ]ss thn I EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERI1IT: YE5 FLOOD: YE5 NO sEWEn: Z] creua I c rrnnl seerrc f] eR PRIVATE WEIL IVATE SEPTIC cENTRAL t"rELL Iil' lf:f:l^f,nn!4ATER:CF PUA COI"II'1UNIry SYSTEM *1* SEPARATE P€R,I4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELEC], I,IECH, PL8G, GAS ESJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS '** PAYT1ENT TlETHOO;tr CASH tr cHEcK (rAvABLE ro ruc; Ierll accourr a +,i,t,*,t***+a,i**+*{.+,r**,i*,i,i(t*r(*+,t+1.*i.*,Nr.,tr.*,t,t},**,t**,}***** (FoR 0FFr( E U5f oflr.Y) SETBACKS: r:25' tu:10 RH: rlclvrsA I orscovrn *** * * )*rt,f* * x * *,r *,*** * * * nEVISrD DArt 04l11/ 12/o' ", 5s' -, *urr, N PERMIT FEE: $ ,[.Di 7rGZONEOFFICER: approvaT: -8[- city It-|/|oNE:1120ltt ! I I corment: rll( oo, t- g<r f,iz pl", n . ,71orS hlvt /o' bl"J PROIECT ADDRESS: 1721 sour.h Moorirqs DV. CITY, I:L!ti!S!9!-Ig- ZIP: 2a4os SUBDIVISION: LANdf TI BLOCK T: LOT f: - S OF STORIES: 2 zotE-gbl4 L8-2I258NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoII TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE A}ISWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICATION Number (offl,ce use) DEVELOPER: DATE: 1/I1 /19 Plo E #: 9to .4o9 .2421 PROPERW OI'INER'S MltE : ott[{ER'S ADDRESS: PROJECT ADORESS: 1r21 south Moorinss CITY: ryi lninqron NC PIONE #: CITY: _ST:_ZIP:_ LICENSE #: s6891 ACCoUI{T #: 3560 CITY: wi fmi nqton ST : jS_ ZIP: 2!l!A PI|oNE #: 9ta . A43 .5422 Fred Hi ckman C0 TRACTOR: mark -johnson custom homes ADDRESS: 1-?19 niLrtary cuLofi suite cc #211 ElilAIL ADDRESS : mark!Qmark i ohn s oncustomhome s . com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:mark i ohnson PK)NE f: 910 .443 . s422 EXTSTTNG CO STRUCTTON: ! alrrnlrrON ! ReHOVATTOU ! eeUenal REPATRS E RELOCATTON NEI'l CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEll RESIDENCE o" ! AOOtrrOr TO EXISTING RESIDENCE 'I*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSIIER BELO,I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ATT GARAGE e3o SF I Oer elUee - SF PORCH LSF SUNROOM SF POO L SF f] sronace sHED _ sF ! cnrrruxouse SF ! oecr SF OTHE R:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 3361 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 4601 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COSTiressroo : $ ooo,ooo Is Any EI-ECTRICAL, PLUIIBING or ITECHANICAL tlork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"s [ ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves [ ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? ftves IHo PROPERry USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY ! ourrrx ! rownHouse DESCRIPTION OF HORK: New Residence and ordinancss and regulations. Ths NHC D€velopment Services C,enEr willb6 nolifed ofany chang€s in he approved plans and specifcalions or change in conlracbr or contacbrinformalion'"NOTE:AnyWorkP€rbmedW/OheAppropriabPemitswillbeinViolalionofir6NCSratsBldgCodeandSubjectt Fin€s Up To t500 00"' Ot{NER/CONTRACTOR: rnark i ohns on SIGNATURE: MarkJohnson (Print I'lrh€):i ++ + +++,tr++ +,*,f,* *,t,* *,* *:i:t:i:f + *:+ + + + * + *,1,i + )i )i:i + + + + + * * * )t :t,t:t:t :t +,t + :t *,t ,* * * +* )t:t,i,t*** ***:t+:i j* rt ji** t+)i + +,t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FL(XDPLAIN? N YES T NO EXISTIITIG IIIPERVIOUS AREA: 2o7oO SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: tss thn 1 NEW InPERVIOUS AREA: 1482e SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIiIIT:fl vrs I rio I'IATER : SEl,lER: CF PUA CF PUA ! cor,r,,rururw sysrEm E pRrvArE wELL ! cerurnal wrlr I cerurnal sEprrc E pRrvATE sEprrc ! commururrv svsrem *** SEPARATE PERMrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, titEcH, PLBG, GAs EQUrp, pREFAB5 & rNsERTs *** pAynEirr ErHoD; I casr flcrecK (payaBLE ro NHc) EBrri accouNr -ErcTvrsr '- -l-orr.or.a **+* *** **++:**** )t )* ++ +,t,* * *,i ri,t,* * * *,f,* **** +,i *,t +:i +,t * ,*,t *,t,t* *+** *,** +** ** )r +* *** + )*,t,t *:B:f * **:i*,***+:k* ZONE:OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) REVISED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH: B: N Appnoval :_ City:-- DATE :_ ffOOD: __;_ " BFE+2ft= /s Fr( APPLICANT'S NAIIE: uark .rol,nson zIP : Zgjll SUBDIVISION: LANdfAII BLOCK S: LOT #: - f OF STORIES: 2 )ote-r.r)l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Responslbilit/ 1 Application Number (office use) SUBDIVISION:Murrawille IOT 8: 46 OWtitER,S ADDREss: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CtTy Wilmington 71p.28403 co1{TRACTOR: D.R. Horton sroe uc:l,ts: *. 29676 ADDREss: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 ctTy. Wilmington Sr: NC ZtP: 28403 EMAIT ADDRESS : ilurr@drhorton.com PHoNE: 910-821-8557 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: Sean Reynolds pHsxs;910-524-1689 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CO STRUCTIOI{: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AtI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT.. E Att Garage (sF) 409 E Det Garage (SF) O Porch (SF)OJ E Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) E storage shed (sF)_ tr other (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? O Yes El No TOTAL SQ FT UI{DER ROOF Uor proposed workl Hs31g6; 2175 TOTAL PROTECT COST (tess l-ot):140865 ls the proposed work changint the number of bedrooms? E Yes I tto ls any Electrlc.l, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Ye3 E o lf the proiect is a Rrlocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes B tto ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? tr Yes 3 o laws and ordinancas end reSulations. The ilHC Development Seruices Centerwillbe notified oI any changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor intormation. '''NOTI : Any worl pertormed without the appropriate perm its will be in violataon of tha NC State Sldg Code and su bject to lines up to S5OO.oo... Owner/Contractor: Janet Furr Sitnature. Janet Furr D.r.r 2013.07 r 9 o2:ossr a.!o' "Licensed Quolifier' Print Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? D Yes E lto Existing lmperyious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .27 New lmpervious 47g3; 1919 Sq Ft Existing land Disturbing Permiti D Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA EI Community System fl private Well ! Central Well E Aqua SEWER; E CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic fl Central Septic E Aqua Zone offlcer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (tU _ BFE+2ft= --comment: permlt Fee: S .,4.>r:.xffi AppucANrs NAME: Janet Furr o"t"' 11914!-- pRorEcT ADDRESS: 7013 Bayou Way ctlr: Wilmington 71p. 28411 pRopERTy OwNER,5 tr14y53 D.R. Horton pH611ss. 910-821-8557 Unheated;jl!-- Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family 0 Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: New Sinole Family Residence NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AIL QUESIIONS APPTICASTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project R6ponslbllty zl'/r#lsflo Application Numb€r {offce use) suBDtvtstoN; Murrayville ADDREss: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 cffy: Wilmington sr: NC ztP. 28403 cMAtL ADORESS: ifurr@drhorton.com pHoNE: 910-821-8557 PROJECT CO'{TACT PERSON: SEAN R nolds pxOrr: 9'10-524- 1689 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: tr Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PTEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*'* E Att Garage (SF) 434 ! sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (sF) _! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOrAt SQ FT UNDER ROOP Uor proposed workl 1aa12d: 2174 TOTAL PROJECT COST (l-ess Lot): S '140540 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes E tto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the proiect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this application is corred.nd allwork willcomply wilh the State BuildinS Code and all other a ppliceble State and local laws and ordinanc€s and retulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any worl performed withoutthe app.opriate permits willbe in violation orthe NC State Bldg Code and subjectto lines up to S5m.00... Owner/Cont.actor: 'Licensed Quolilie/ Janet Furr Signature. Janet Furr De 2013.6052r '9:.2 i4!O ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .26 New lmperr1ou5 1vga; 1954 Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Olsturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System D Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (F) _ (l-Hl _ (RH) _ (Bl_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+zft= _ Comment:Permlt Fee: S /s, (i( \,"\& AppucANT,s NAME: Janet Furr oate:7120118 pRoJGcT ADDREsS: 7009 Bayou Way q1y; Wilmington 71p. 28411 LOf i: 47 pRopERTy owNER,5 pays; D.R. Horton pxOteg: 910-821-8557 owNER's ADDRES5: '1 31 Racine Drive Suite 201 ctw Wilmington 21p. 28403 CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton g1p6 1169x56 g. 29676 E Det Garage (5F) tr Pool (SF) - I Porch (sFl 32 fl Storage Shed (SFl_ tr other (SF)_ gn1',q21g6;466 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E DuplexE Townhouse oescription of work: New Single Family Residence €, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDEilTIAI PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project Responslbilltl/ Application Number (olfice use) SUBDIVISION:Murrawille tOT S: 37 ADDRESS; 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 ctw: Wilmington St; NC ZtP: 28403 n Sunroom (SF)- E Greenhouse (SF) _ EMAIT ADDRESS:ilurr@drhorton.com pxone : 9'10-821-8557 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON : Sean Reynolds pxOle: 910-524-1689 ExlsTlNG CoNSTRUCIION: D Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEWCO SrRUCflO : E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT... E Att Garage (sF) 426 E Det Garage (sF) E Porch (sF)90 D Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF) ! storaSe Shed (SF)_ ! other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT SQ FI UNDERRoOF llor proposed workl Hg3lgd; 1884 Unheated:516 TOTAT PROJECI COST (l-ess totl: S 126840 ls the proposed work chantint the number of bedrooms? E Ves I ro ls any Electrical, Plumblnt or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Struaure tl Yes E t{o lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ! t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildint? D Yes ! No Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family ! Duplex E Townhouse Descrlptlon of work: New Sinole Familv Residence lavrs and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center u/illb€ notiried ofany changes in the approved plans and specilicalionJ or change in contractor information. .''NOTE: Any wo.k performed without the appropriate perm its will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Cod€ and J ubject to fines up to SSOo.m'r' Owner/Contractor:Janet Furr SlSnature:Janel Furr 'Licensed Quolilief Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? B Yes E lto Existirg lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .23 New lmperviousglg3;1891 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permitr D yes E trto WATER: E CFPUA E community System E Private Well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System C Private septic E central septic fl Aqua zone: _ officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ city: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S .lT'':-r sffiD AppltcANT,s NAME: Janet Furr oate: 7131118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 7029 Bayou Way 65y; Wilmington 19. 28411 pROpERTy OwNER,S raut: D.R. Horton pxOrurt: 910-821-8557 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 Ctw: Wilmington 2p' 28403 corrmcron: D.R. Horton s196 U6gN56 g' 29676 D{-rt ]ld by hr Fu', NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER ALI qUESTIONS APPIICA8LE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project Responslbilitt/ 2Cl\8-\GOL8'-2503 Applicalion Number (orllce use) APPTICANT'S NAME: JANET FUTT s21s.7131118 pROJECT ADDRESS: 7017 Bayou Way cry: Wilmington 71p.28411 SUBDtVtStON: Murrayville ADDRESs: 131 Racine Drive Suile 201 611y. Wilmington St: NC aP; 28403 EMAIt ADDRESS: jlurr@drhorton.com pHoNE: 910-821 -8557 pRoJEcr cot{TAcr pERsoN: Sean Reynolds p11gx6; 910-524-1689 EXISTING CoNSTRUCTIoN: n A[eration f] Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CO STRUCfiOI{: D Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation 1*APIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"' E Att Garage (5F) 416 tr Det Garage (SF) E Porch (sF)18 C sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF)C StoraSe Shed (SF)- E Greenhouse (sF) - ! Deck (SF)! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed workl Hg61gd; 1774 TOTAL PROJECT COST (l-ess l-ot): S 1 1 7100 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes E lo ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure $ Yes E o lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes G} lo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes f fo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex n Townhouse Descrlption of work New Sinole Familv Residence laws and ordinances and reSulationJ. The NHC Development s€rviaes Center willb€ notified ol any chanSes in th€ approved plans and spccifications orchange in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any worl p€rlormed without the appropriate permiB will be in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to $500.00... Owner/Contractor:Janet Furr Slgnature . Janel Furr 0.L 20[ 07 r9 02{153 {.!O -Licensed Quolifiet' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E lto Existint lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .26 l{ew lmpervious Are21 2776 3q11 Existing land Disturbing Permlt: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic D Central Septic fl Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl_ (RHf _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: 5 /,i ({ i;-: , r: '; . &,' tOT f: 45 pRopERTy owNER s NAME: D.R. Horton pHot{E f : 910-821-8557 OwitER,S ADDnESS: 131 Racine Drivo Suit€ 201 C]Iy: Wilmington ztp. 28403 coNTRiAcToR: D.R. Horton g1pc u6gt{gg 6. 29676 Unheated: lE1_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT,ON TV P E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO'ECI 'Project Responsibllittr ?o t8- Ooa I 18 -2505 Applicalion Number (ottice use) suBDtvlstoN:Munayville ADDRESS:131 Racine Drive Suite 201 ctty: Wilmington ST: NC ztP: 28403 ExlsTlNG CoNSTRUCTION: fl Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation aaa at* E Att Garage (SF) 427 tr oet Garage (sF) E Porch (SF)51 E Sunroom (sF)tr Pool (sF)f) Storage Shed (5F)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF)D other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No ToTAt sq FT UNDER ROOF ffor proposed workl Xeated: 1927 unh661g{;478 Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family El ouplex D Townhouse D€scription of Work: New Single Family Residence Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJier" laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvices Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and sp€cificrtions or change in contractor information. .*.NOT€:Any work performed without the appropriate permi$ willbe in violation ofthe NC State aldg Code and rubject to fines up to 5500.00"' Janet Furr Signature . Janel Furr Print Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .29 New lmperu;su5 47s3; 2498 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permh: E Yes E No WATER; E CFPUA tr community system fl Private Well E central well fl Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr community system E Private septic ! central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -App.oval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permh Fee: S - B AppUcANrs AME; Janet Furr Date, !l!4!__ pRoJEcr ADDRESs: 7016 Bayou Way ctrr: Wlmington 21p' 28411 LOT #: 52 pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: D.R. Horton pxott r: 91 0-821-8557 owNER,S AODRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 C|TY: Wilmington 71p 28403 cournilcToR; D.R. Horton gp6 1g6gx5g 6. 29676 EMAtt ADDRESST jfurr@drhorton.com PHONE: 910-821-8557 pRoJEcT coNTAcT ptnsoru: Sean Reynolds pHgxg. 910-524-1689 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less l-ot): 5127495 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesEtto ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E No NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI.L QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO'ECT "Project Responsibilit/ 2ot 1 Application Number (office use) SUBDIVISION:Murrawille ADDRESS:'131 Racine Drive Suite 201 ctTy. Wilmington sr: NC ap: 28403 EMAIT ADDRESS:iturr@drhorton.com pxote: 910-821-8557 PROJECI CONTACT PERSON: SEAN REYNOIdS pxOte: 910-524-'1689 ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs Nn , CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation aaa aaa I Porch (SF)E Att Garage (SF) 416 E Sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_ E Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor prcposed workl Xeated:2340 unhg6lgd;497 TOTAL PRoJECT COST (tess tot): S 151065 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E ves E tto ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure El Yes E No lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? E Yes E uo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes D No Property Use/ occupancy: El sintle Family E Duplex D Townhouse Descrlptlon of work:New Sinqle Familv Residence hws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC D€velopment Services Center willb€ notified ofany chan8es in the app.oved Pl.ns and specifications orchanSe in contractor inlormation. ...NOTE: Any worl p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violetion of the NC State BldS Code and subject to finei up to S5m.00"' owner/contractor; Janel Furr sitnature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No o.L: 2Or a 01.05 21:l l.a2 {.!0Janel Furr Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 2498 sq rt TotalAcres Dlsturbed:34 Existing land Dasturbing Permit: E Yes E] tto WATER: E CFPUA D community System E Private well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic ! Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (B) -Approval: - CitY: - Date: - flood: (Al - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permlt Fee: S .,i.P;'i.,)..(ffi .Lr!.,,y AppucANt,s NAME: Janet Furr Date; 8/5/18 pRorEcT ADDREsS; 7012 Bayou Way cry: Wilmington 71p. 28411 LOT s: 51 pRopERw owNER,s NAME: D.R. Horton ptotr r: 9'10-821 -8557 OWNER,S AoDREss: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 c[Y. Wilmington ZIP' 28403 coNTRAcToR: D.R. Horton 9196 uggx5s 6; 29676 81 ! storage Shed (sF)_ n other (5F) _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER AI,I, QUESTIONS APPTICAEIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proicct Responslbilit/ 2or6€toDlLg-zfr1 ' Application Numb€r (office use) suBDtvtstoN: Murrayville owNER,s ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suito 201 Ctry: Wilminglon 71p. 28403 ADDRESS:131 Racine Drive Suite 201 cry: Wlmington sT: NC ztP:28403 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs l{Ew coNsTRUcTlON: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation aaa aa* D Attcarage (sF) 411 E DetGarage (SF) 0 Porch (SF)28 E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (5F) _ E Greenhouse (SF)-n oeck (sF)tr other (sF)136 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? O yes E tto TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOT (for proposed workl |ls31gd; 1734 Unheated:575 TOTAT PROJECT COST (L€ss Lot): S 121245 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E l{o ls any Electrical, PlumbinS or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E l{o lfthe proiect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E tto lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No lawi and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvices Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor information. ...NOTE: Any wort performed without the appropriate p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code.nd subject to fines up to SS00.m"' owner/contractor; Janet Furr sltnature: 'Licensed QuoliJier' Ptint Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E tto DM, 2ota.oa 05 2Hs:12 i. 00 Eristint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .20 New lmpervlous pg31 2967 Sq Ft Exlsting Land Dlsturblng Permlt: D Yes E No WATER: tl CFPUA E community system El Private well fl central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr community System E Private Septic E central Septic El Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (Bl -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (vl - (Nl- BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S Janet Furr ,#' APPuCANTS AME: Janet Furr O"t", @l!_ pRoJEcT ADDRESs: 7028 Bayou Way 6try; Wilmington 71p. 28411 totr:1087 pRopERTy owNER,5141gg; D.R. Horton pxote*: 910-821-8557 cottnilcton: D.R. Horton gtDG 1166x95 g. 29676 tuatt aoontss: jjurr@drhorton.com pxotr: 910-821 -8557 pRorEcI coNTAcI pERsot: Sean Reynolds pg6xg; 910-524-1689 Property us€/ occupancy: ft slngl€ Femlly E Duplex D Townhouse Desgiptlon of work: New Sinqle Familv Residence NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATI ON TY P E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect ResponsibiliY Zo$ &tML8-25a9 Application Number (office use) ADDRE5S: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 g;Ty. Wilmington sr: NC ztp: 28403 EMATL ADDRESS:,furr@drhorton.com pxote: 910-821-8557 PROJECT CONTACT PERSOt: Sean Reynolds pxole: 910-524-1689 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsTRucTlON: El Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .*.PLEAsE CHECX AND ANSWER BEI.OW A![ THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'T* E Attcarage (sF) 416 E Detcara8e(sF) E Porch (sF)18 E Sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF)! storage Shed (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF)_! Deck (sF)I other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E l',to TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROoF lJor proposed workl 11221sd: 1774 Unhs5lgd;434 TOTAL PRoJECT COST (l-ess [ot): S 121245 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes fl No lftheproiectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesEtto ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? D Yes El No Property Use/ occupancy: E sinSle Family ! Duplex E Townhouse Descrlption of Work: New Sinole Familv Residence laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans.nd sp€cifications or change in contrador information. ...NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropri.te p€rmita willbe in violation ofthe NC State aldS Code and 5ubject to fines up to S500.00*" owner/Contractor: Janet Furr signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E tto o.hr zor r.oa 06 2r r r a2 {a!o Existlng lmpervious Area: - sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 1 5 New lmpervious Ar s67 2776 5qg1 Existing l-and Dlsturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System fl Private well ! central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic fl Aqua zone: - officer: - Setback (F) - (tH) - (RHl - (Bl -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (Vl - (Nl - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S Janet Furr AppUcANT,s NAME: Janet Furr oate: 8/5/18 pRoJEcT ADDREsS; 7032 Bayou Way ow: Wlmington 717 28411 suBDtvtstoN: Murrayville 1611;1088 pROpERTy OwNER,s taue: D.R. Horton pxoner: 910-821-8557 owNER,s ADDRESS; 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CrY: Wilmington 71p' 28403 69x1x1616x. D.R. Horton 9196 U66x561' 29676 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect RGsponsibiliv 2.:\6- 8orc7LWfr.2 Appli.ation Numb€r (office use) SUBDIVISION : Murrayville pRopERTy owNER,s ranat: D.R. Horton pHONE s: 910-821-8557 OWNER'S ADDRESS : 131 Racine Drive Suile 201 CtW. Wilmington zt 28403 CO TRASTOR: D.R. Horton g1pr6 u66x55 g. 29676 ADDRESS ; 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 crw: Wilmington St: NC ZtP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS:ilurr@drhorton.com pHoNE: 910-821-8557 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Aheration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT..' E Att Garage (sF) 418 E Detcarage (5F) tr Porch (sF)25 fl sunroom (sF)! Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (sr) _ E Greenhouse (5F)-tr Deck (SF)! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes - No TOrAt SQ FI UNDERROOF ffor proposed workl Hs31s6; 1343 gn6"31gd;443 ToTAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 93800 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? El Yes E tto ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes D No lfthe pro.iect isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E lto lsthere Electrical Poweron thisBuildint? E Yes E to Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse oescrlption of Work:New Sinqle Family Residence O|SCIAIMERT I hereby certit that all the information in this applkation is correct .nd allworl will comply with the State BuildinS Code and .llother applicable Stat! and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe nolified ofanychange! in the approved plans and speaifications or ahanSe an contractor inform.tioh. ...NOTE: Any work performed without the eppropriate pcrmitg will be in violation ol the NC State Bldg Code and subject to tines up to S$O.00"' r: Janet Fun Signature . Janet FurrOwner/Contracto 'Licensed Quolilie/P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes El No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .1 5 New lmperviou3 712a1 2374 Sq Ft Exlstint Land Disturbing Permlt: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Cenral Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr community System E Private Septic E Central septic E Aqua zone: - officer: - Setback (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (81 -Approval: - Crty: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (vl - (N) - 8FE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S /: fl AppucANrs NAME: Janet Furr o"t", 994!-- PROJECT ADDRESS: 7036 Bayou Way 611y; Wilmington 71p 28/11 tOT fi: 1089 pRoJEcI coNTAcT pensot: Sean Reynolds pxote: 910-524-1689 SUB0IVISIONT $r\'NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAT I ON TYP E RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALT QUISIIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responslbllity'' Print 6'8635 Application Nunrber {olflre ute) Date:7 A4-/8 APt A 9403 .l o APPIICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS; . cn (lfY: lCl;/tninaha)ror F.. PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI Do",ru n?aa PHONE #,?V3 - 3555 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 55// //nterr Cl CllY /(l ),/,71;14 ztP:A 9fu7 @mo ) CONTRACTOR: AooREs* <94d 5 l/.1) EMAIL ADDRESST /ttes 6{/, nas , (!4 6 BLDG tICENSE Sl st,/c ztp, AY4r'3 Ne q,/b-gla o?3/CITYi P Dorna 4o"b.PHONEI 2to.8dz-tza1PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN: E Alteratlon E Renovation [1 GeneralRepairs NEW CONSIRUCTION: ElzErect New Residence n Additlon to Existing Residence [] Relocation .**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.,ECI*.7 n Att Garage (sF) _E Det Garage (SF)_El-Porch (sF)//t E Sunroom (sF)D Pool (sF)n Storage Shed (St)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_EI- Deck (sF)qb ! Other (sF) ls the proposed work changlng the existlng footprint? [ Yes EI No ToTAt Sq tT UNDER ROOF ffor proposed \vorkl ueatea: /9?/ vnneatea: 544 TOIAL PROJECT COST (Less lot): S Jit . t. ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? tr yes d ruo ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Merhanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes EI No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?nYesMNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Yes ! No r 6 Single Fami D ouplex E TownhouseancProperty Use/ Occup Descriptlon of Workl dr i{h e lau/s and ordlnances and regulatlons. The NHC Development Servlces Centerwlllbe nollfledofanychangesln the approved plans and specifical lonr oa cha nge ln contractor tnformatlon. ..rNOT[: Any work performed wlthout the approprlate peri)iti wlllbe ln vlolatlon of the Nc State BIdg Code and s!bject to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractori "Licensed QuoliJie/' Signature; ls the property located in a floodptain? U Yes dNo Exlstlng lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervlous Arear - sq Ft Exlstlng Land DisturblnS Permlt: E yes B No WATER: Zf CFPUA E community systern O Private Well [J Central Well E Aqua SEWER; dCFPUA E communlty System E Private Septjc E ceotralSeptic D Aqua zoner offlcer: - Setbacks (F)- (tH) - (RHl - (B) -Approval: -.. _- Cityr - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2lt= - .0 CJ Commentr Permit Fee: S l=----:i--l l.;!marl I 755d4 Conlrat{or C rrecfecL ')l.,r'\t c-e-)r-r]s --tYZzPern^.&d- I NEliJ HANOVER COUNTY APPL ICATIOI; IYPE T BUILDING PERMIT COI4ITERCIALnll^rI nnsrll ,(t Qr]tsIto 5 AprLI(^Or,t t0 you| ,r,tcrJtct "proJe c t Rospons iblt 1ty,,'l: lll::l App L rcaNT, s Nr^tE r MARTTN MARTETTA DFVELOPEn I I\4AItTIN MARIETTA RoJ Ea) ^DOR€Ssl 635 HOLLY SHELT 0ccuptrJI/8USINISs NA'tE MARTIN I"]ARIETTA PNOPERIY OI,]NER, s NAI{5 I |!4ARTIN MARIETTA APPLICATION l,Jumbc. cITY I Cn STLE pn11.7-112018 .a -7? 7Q PHoNE #j 919-783-4526 P,10[E d E OI,J|J E N I S AIJDRESS 2700 \ /YCLt iil $#fi"IMI?TARTET'IA 21A0 CL Ff IC ElisE ,tl clTY I RALEIG CITY: RALi:lGH sT: NU zrp : 27607 sr: NC zr p: 27607l: 9 19 -7 83 -4-E76- ION Ive" [l,. TO EXISI SIRUCTURE El.lAIL ADoREsS i PRO] ETT CONIIC lMl\jlERLE IIART I COT PtRSoN I SiE E ural Sas Llno o| the p H0 E PHoNE | | 919"783 526 EXI SI CONSTNUCIION:I arrrnr,rroru lr flolocallon, ]s the16 a Nal NCNOVAT IOIi T GTNERAL REPAI']S I nelocnr {chc.! All IiJt Appty If UPfIT - The Shell penmlt li NE I,. CONSTRUCTION: D ACC ESsONY STRUCTURE I lll68 DESIGit P80rE5SIo\AL I 0urenl Sitc? E o; occuPrfic !rrr ]S TJLDG SPRIVKLERED? ADD C BUITDING ERECT Nu,i srnucluRE []rnsr rnncrI sltE t t ltl uprrr I-l r... Is THIS A CHAI6€IF Ycr, (llat e.s thc pravtous Oc(up.nry ryp6) AR'I] DESIGN PROFES5IONAL, Ir Elcct polrer oI thls BLr1.1.t1nB E yes LE,rOr !!Er I YEs i lN. r ?! i\h!t ls the No,, Occupah(y Typel _ )ic R:6 {i C RE6 i]DES( iiIP'rtoN oF tvoR( | t\4OTOR CONTROLIELECTRi C o r,-,r tr u al zoNE:--oFFlcER: lro8 oFrlcE usE c)t{ Y) App,;;, r -__: c ;-,'5dJ.'i35lj.-il _ - ".-_-#;,*U,Itv 0tiIRACT olt I ?t .?Lvvui( to DsC @ rr,hcgov-. Corn N PTRMIT lrEE: $ .- ZIP | '18429 ls lood oi b6v6r!gBs prepared o, serv€d In is Th6 proporty Locatsd ln The Flcadplaln? Eyos fl No lhrs strrcrure? f-l.res lI'lr. &otr ercY NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI'ATI,N rvPE; RESIDENTIAL IiIOBILE HOIIE PLEASE PRINT CLEARTY & ANSI,JER ALT QUESTIONS"Project Responsibility" K T: crw: LICENSE #: CITY: APPL ICATION Number (drrftEnEEl *EPHON ZIP i LOT *:.3 5 /// 2 / PRO]ECT SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OhINER'S NA'itE: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI4AI L ADD s PHONE *: ST .M:zrPl sr4,lf zrr: 3f t/ 7*:4/l az77ob PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:4a K,<1 PHONE )-, s (CHECK AtT THAT APPLY) INSTALL NEW i4OBI LE HOME LOCATION OF USED IV]OBILE HOME DESCRIPTION OF taloRK:R Ct ilA rYtanLE 4-nsarl 6rgril6Zor- O|SCIAIMER] I hdeby enily tEr all hiomaoo. in 'l. .pplt6lion b @el snd aI slt rll @ol, *itl ,E SLE Builrl.! Cod€ and 3ll ottd De.lopm€,n setoies c.nllgr wiu be no f€d ol .ry dlnoes ii he appoved plans tnd spe.i$€!o.s or ci.nge in @n'8cror or @nt.ctor inlo *$'r *: 5F DISCOVER r r be. vDraton oru. Nc sr.t r* Y8 yr m /e*r -],sr$\ruRE: J ER/CONTRACTOR: **rt:t x*+** **,**,t* 't*+*,t )t*1,t **.1:t:i*+ir:i* )i )* )*** *rt +,t ++:1.+ +:t :t ,* )*****:t + ,1.:l:l ,t ,t * *,t ,* * *,t ,r ,t ,1. *,1 + * ***)* )**,t,**x,t I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?l-- Ye'>aGPROPERW USE/OCCUPA CY HUO LABEL: #GSIDEN E/HE vEAR I,4ADE: @17, ranr,a5@-IEffiF;.5k . coloR: HURRICANE ZONE: DECK: f YEsXfo TOTAL PROIECT COST 116ss rorl: $ 'xn SI.oI(E DET SF PORCH: T, ECTOR: YES Es r, N0 GARAGE: f, YES\e_- 5 ves 53ro' PAYiIENT ETHOD: ZONE: OFFICER: appnor CitY: DATE TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PE IT: CE SETBACKS: Fi LH RH FIOOD: - 4aM tIATER: SEtIER: CFPUA CFPUA coMr,luNrrY svsreu !frrvATE IJELL CENTRAL sEPTIc EPRIVATE SEPT IC NTRAL WELL COMMUNITY SYSTEM *** SEPARATE PERI4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS )ffot* f- cxecx (nAvABLE ro NHc) f-- olrnrcm txnntss J-- nclvrsa f .*+. TEUISED 4112/12 (FOR OFfI(E UsE OtrLY) B -BF E+2ft= N PERti'lIT FEE: $ II Comment: .----'rf $5JU ffi APPLICANT'S iIAI'IE : DEVELOPER: DATE: rl rl:a a.l . PHONE f:7n -a> -- -7 F--<.-:----:---.--!4,1/-.2 l #NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII,DING PERMIT APPL,CAI, ON TY PEr RESIDENTI,AI PITA5* ANsWER AIt QUESTIONS APPIiICA8TI TOTOIJR PROJTCI 'Prorert REpoodblllty' Zo$'\bab L8-t794 Apphol,on ,al'rnber lo{frc. urcl orte s!.n7 G-Ll -l B PRO,lTCI ADDRTSSI 6?33 Challont Circle CIIY: Wilminqlon dP: 28405 suBDrvrsroN;LOT r:32 PROPERTY OW [R'5 NAMg: Drew & Petra Shoafier PHoNt f: 9l O-515-2925 owt{tR's ADDRtss:1602 Brioantlno Orive CffY Wihinoton CONIRACTOR Roost Horne CffY: Wilminqlon 81.06 UCTNSE ,t:78460 zlP. 28405ADDfiE55:1602 Brioantine Dnve sr:lIl /et er..a"pn SOt tr suff€om Frl --tr Grcmhout€ llo TMAIT ADORT59:ildino com PHONT 910-515-2925 PnOJECT COAITACT Pf,ttSONr Dr€w Sheafror PHotlEr 91S515-2925 tll'n G Cot{sr rCnO : l-l Alteretlon D R.novaion L Gcnerdl ScpalD/lltw (Irf{5fnucTlo{tl: F/' Erect t{ew Residence D Addition to txlsdnf Feidenc€ I-l Relocatlon ... PTEAST O{ECT ATD A'ISWTB STTOW AIL IHAT APPIY TO VOUR PBo,ECI..' n Dct Gar&Pe (SFl El' Porch (SF,sss- O Pool (5R tr Oecr (Sfl Ll Stor.gE Shed (SF) - fl Other {Sf} lJ the proposed wort dr.r8i.E t}r€ erkung lootpnnt? [-1 Yet Pf No rOIAI lQ fi UIiDEABOCiF Aot proposcd li?r*] H..trd: ror^r pior[cr cosl tt e93 ror): s 4 31, lgo. ' 3,9!9 ls fi! propoffd worl changinS the [umber ol bedrooms? I] Vcs Uf o ls any Ebclrlcrl Flurtlure or h6.rrtrl wort beinB donr to the Actelsory Suucture [:l Yar [f tlo It th€ prolect li. ialoc.doo, lr there a llstural Gas Uae on ths currgnr dtr? il Li Ef lib ls there Electrical PowEr on rhlr Brrildiq? tr vcr El no Propcrty Urc/ Oc€upenctl d sl ltb rrm v n DupLr f Toenhous Unhe.ted:l)f,b OeirrlFtlon o, Worti Sinola Familv Rssidentiel. New Conslruclion l.*r and o.dorrrr ard rr$rl-tbnr. rh. trHC OesdoFr€nt sGrUcpi C?nrer sll be maH ol ar dr.nlrr f rf. aplrgrrd pLnr rd t9adl(.llgn or cr{rt! irr o.lltattor lnformrt|on...licrTf,turruorkp.rlo.n d rtho{rr thc appropifi! !.rmitr $il b. in rbri m ot rh! tlc SteG gl4 Codc rrd tl,bl(l rD fhcr $ to S$lD.m"' Owner/Contractor gLnlturs: Dae+u- U*n1td @!otl.r' Ptint ltoma 15 thD property lorated ln a lloodplaln? U t a ly'* f,ristlnS lmpeMour Area:0 5q tl fobl Acrtr Dirtllrbed, , Oq t{cw tmpfivtoo! A?"", 3,Q18 tq Ft frbtlnr t nd unutHtf ftrmh; D vcr Mro w TtR: gfCFPUA ll com,nunity System f Prlvatr well ll central Well [] Aqua SEWER: ld CFFUA - Community s$t€ot t.l Ptivatt !,eptlt -l Central Septlt f Aqua Otli(rr:s!tb..lr (f) (LH| (nH| . (B) Approv.l: - crv: -- o.l.: -. . rbo.t: l^l -- (Vl - (il! - 8fE{ltt' -Cgmmentt Ptamil fea: I APPUCAiTrS aMa; Drew Sheallor zlPr?8{05 Buddrno Zor[-gub1L8-*26'.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcAtIott TYPE: RESIDEilTIAL PLEASE ATS}'ER ALL qJESTIOiIS APPI-ICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project ResponslbilltF Jason Ortiz APPLICATIOI{ Number (offlce Use) APPLICA T'S M}tE: DEVELOPER: p7n DATE: 19Ju r 18 PH(XE *: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: 2 510 Guilford Avenue zIP i 28403 BLOCX #: _ LOT *: O{i{ER'S ADDRESS: 2510 Guirford Avenue CITY: wilminston sT: Nc zIP: 28403 COflTRACTOR: cape Fear so]ar Systems LICENSE #: 656?? AIDRESS: 901 Martin street CITY: !ir4!ns!en sT: Jg_ zrP: .28403 E AIL AIDRESS: supportGcapefeatsolarsvstems.com PHONE #: 910-s99-0428 PROJECT Coi{TACT PERSoi{:Jason ortiz PIONE *: 910-s99-0428 EXISTING CO STRUCTION:ALTERATToN ! nercvarrou I eeruenll nenlrns I RELocATToN l{EUl COI{STRUCTIOT: ! eneCr NEU RESIDENCE o" ! aOOrrrOt TO EXISTII{G RESIDENCE ..PLEASE CHECX AID AI{SI{ER BELOT{ ALL THAT APPLY TO Yfl',R PRO]ECT: ! arr eanaer _ sF DET GARAGE SF ! surunooll SF ! noor- _ sF ! cnrrruxousr SF ! oecr SF Eponcx -sF ! sronrer sHED _ sF OTHER: SF DESCRIPTIOITI OF }{(lRK: Installation of sol.ar panels upon the roof structule of home OSCLA|IER I h€Fby c.rlily 'let al hbnnatibn h his spplbaton b codBcl and 6l work wil comply win h6 Stat6 tuildhg Cod. 5.id all oher applcabl€ StaF 6nd locd laws €nd ordin anc€s and rogulalirns. Th€ NH C Dev€lopm€nl S€rvices C6nbr will b6 notfi€d ol any chmgos h he Epprolbd phn 6 and Ep€cifcstions or change n contracb r or conl6cbr hbrmalon. "I\IOTE: Ahy Work Perbmed WD he Appropriab Permits willb€ in Violefron of tho NC Stats Bldg Cod6 and Subiect b Fh6s Up To 3500.0(r" or{NER/COrrrrRACrOR: Jascn Drl;t N Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLoOD: -BFE+2ft= CITY: !'ri tminqr on PROPERry (I {ER'S tlAltE: stanlev G Minor P}O E f: 910-?63-9380 TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UiIDER RooF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PROJECT €OST(r-"""r-o0 : $ Jg&_e_ * OF SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI4BING or IIECHItrUCAL work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ Ves [ ruo Is there Electrical Poh,er on this Building? lfl ves l-'l Uo PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCV: I SrNele rnr.rrlv ! OUpLeX n TOUNHOUSE SIGNATURE: ++,r* rr*:i rirr*'r 'r,|++ *.** *** *** * *(ii'll illtl * * **** ***{.:r*{.:tt+:} +,}t* **t *** *,**'t,* '} rt 't,* ri,i 't ,} * '|. * *'r*'r 'r't** *+ I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED I A FLqDPLAII{? [ VCS EI rc EXISTIT{G IITPERWOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISIURBED: NEI{ r,lPERVrOrrs AnEA 3 - 5Q FT EXrSr LAID DTSTURBTTIG erRI.rrr: f] vss l-'l m l{arER: ! creul ! co luNrrY svsrrr ! PRTVATE IIELL ! crrurnal well SEIER: f] crrur I CENTRAL sEPTrc ! enrvare senrrc ! cofi]tlrNrw sYsrEl4 *** SEPARATE PER}IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'IECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS *'** pAysE T lETloo: El crsr Ecxrcx (pAyABLE ro mrcy [ *rrrrcA ExPREss E *lrrsn E orscoren .t'tt* t )t:t *!t:tt t:tii*,i+tt t:t,i,t**t +t:t'| *** **t* **** *+**:t*:ttt***:l++:t *,1* * t:*:t:i,t 't * ***'l:i:ti *:ta* * '*:*:*:t * a:t 't 't (fOR OFFICE USE OiILY} REVISED DATE O4l11/12 ZoNE: -OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Clear Form zot!-6uu-816@ Application (office use) Pdnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPE : REStDENnAt PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABI,E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitf APPLICA T,S NAME; Jethev Sox _ Date: 07-18-18 PROJECT ADDRESS:3621 Saint Francis a)rivp CITY: Wilminoton ztPt 2UO9 suBotvrsroN:q^' rth ^l \A/^^.lhar^, PROPERW OWNER'S AME:Roh (:ood OWNEtrS ADDRESS: 3621 Saint Francis Drive PHONE c: 910-465-2345 CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28409 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:.leffrev sox E Greenhouse (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? n Yes /r'lo TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heatedi toi e1,P4.Unheated: fOTAt PROTECT COST (tess tot): $/ 0,80u Description of Work: PHON Et g1O-?7 4-63A1 / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: 7 Alteration [] Renovation E General Repairs NEW CO'{STnUCTION: C Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocataon .*.PLEASE CHECK AND AI{SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"* E Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF) _ EEaother (sF) Room Over Aft Gi ?3JuL ls 3 t56P lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A4es E no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure f].{es ! No lfthe project is a Relocatloo istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? [ Yes E/tto ls there Electrical Po\ryer on this Buildlng? 0,/9es tr o Property Use/ Oc{u p"n"t, Vl$ind. f.rnily f] Duplex n Townhouse 3 D.,tC\. h (,A\""o*l!*.c D|SCIA|MER: I hereby cenify that allthe information in this application is corred and allwork willcomplywith the State EuildingCode and allother appli.able State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plansand gpecifications orchange in @ntractor information. ...NOTE: Any work perlormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation oI the NC State Bldg Code and subied to fines up to S5O0.00"' Owner/Contractor:Tr Sitnature: "Licensed Quolifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes Existing lmpervious Atea: 3224 *Fl ilew lmpervious Area: 3532 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: dn" WATER: /CFPUA E community system E Private well E central well n Aqua SEWER: d CFPUA tr Community system E Private Septic D Centralseptic D Aqua zone: - officer: - s€tbacks (Fl - (LHl - (RHl - (81 -Approval: - cltyt- Date: - Flood: (Al -Nl-(l{) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permlt Fee: S ,aJt^ r nrli _ tr Att Gara8e (SF) _ ! Sunroom (SF)_ CO TRACTOR: Jefftev Sox BiI)lG LICEI{SE f: None ADORESS: 5595 Wood Duck Circle CIrY: Wilmington ST: NC ZIP: 28409 EMAIL ADDRESS: ietfbsox@gmail.com PHONE: 910-274-6381 D Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (sF)_ tr Deck (SF) _ Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes n o \\d"RECEIVED JUL 26?fi8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOING PERMIT APPLTCATTO N IYP E: RESIDENnAI PLEISE A'ISWE B AU QUESTIOHS A}P UCABTT TO YOUN PNOJ Efi 'holacl Rltoonrlblfiif Zo$-Au-tg 1ffi+r APPUCAM''S NAME: PRO'ECTA 5U8DMsION: Pr.s\ i c ?o'\ s ?r.,\- r,qnl-r'r Joq.. \a6-lgnP-eqT-Detc: CITY :L\ . Wt l"t'rrtS"lYi; PHONE Bl rDS?0- a12+ ztP 6tq7q 1- 6tq1 Lr^CITY CONTRACTOR:o Et oG uctt6f f,: ADDRESS:o ClrY:STr EMAIT ADDRESS PHONE PROJECT COI{IACI PER9Ot{;taka(PTIONE:l lo -{o EXISTING CONSIRUCnO TD Alteration E Renovrtlon fl Gener.lRcpairs tiEVy cOaGInUCTlON: D Erect New Rerldlns€ D Additlon to Erining Resldence tr Relocador . "PIEAIIE O{Eg( AIID A'{SWER BEI.OI' AtI. THAT AP'TY TO YOTJB PNO.IECT"T 0 att G.rage (SF)_Fi D€t Gerae€ lSFl tr Porch (SF) PROPIRTY OWHTR'5 OWNER,S ADDRfSSI ,Lo XPoor(sR 3to rs the propcrtv located in a floodplaln? O V"t$ m Erktlnt lmp.Ivlou5 A.Grr - Sq tt / Total Acras Dittu]bed: N.w lmpcwlo{i Are.r - Sq fr ErEdni land Olfilrblnt Pcrmh: E Yet E No wafea,\crcun El community system E Pdvate well 0 Centralw€ll E Aqua srwrru k:rpun E community systern B P.ivate septic E ccntEl s€ptic D Aqua Izone: ' offlccr: - setb.tkl (F).-{LH} - (RH} -(B) -^orroll- a,*,-o*", - frood! (A) ---(v, - (N)- 8fE+2tE - ennrlwl k\ aztP J"rdo.n \nlhi E Sunroom (Sr)-D Storate Shed (SF) _ O Grlcnhous! (sR - O D.rr (SR - li thc propolrd work drarulng the exisun€ footprht? E Y.5 0 No TOTAT SQ fT Ut{DtR iOOl W proposcd workl Hrlttdi - Urht8t€dl tr other (Sf) -- TOTAL PRorEcT c(xT (Less Lot): S ls the proposrd wo* charl;lng tht numbct of bedrooms? E Yet 0 o ls any thct lc.l, rlsnblrrt or Mcch.ah.l wotk bel.rg done to th€ Artlssory Structure D Yas E o lfthep(oicctbanabc.don,lsthcrcstlaturalG.sUneo.lthccurrcntsite?BYattrt.o ts there Electrlcal Pqwlron thl5 Sulldlns? E Yr3 O ]{o Prop.rty Ur./Sl{lc Femlly tr DuFter O Towrhout. tx!.rlptlon ot Work;-'tI J .}.,,r"r."' lrlc(mrilon. ...Ngtt: Any iro.t paricnrd ultttost th!.pprolrt.u p.filti wg b.ln vloEon o, tha NC St t. lld8 cod..id erbl.ti to fin.i lip lo S.5O.oo"' OrYner/ConE ctor:5h"?-\(05 nt K 5lln.turc: 'uc.n!.d Quolfrat' Comment:Prrmit feer s I I I \A \.'/T^?p\g-Bbg+ a NEi^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL CITY:t-t r, PLEASE ANs}/ER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT At El*W"t Responsibirity'' APPLICATION Number (of e) z\r8APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVE LOPER:PHONE fl DATE ,QtLl 5 Lic)+ PRO]ECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: EMAIL ADDRESS: "'-c,5\ PROJECT CONTACT PER 27P I OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI.IE : PROPERTY OWNER,S NAI14E :. ol-JNER's ADDRE5S: 5l[I ,G[ Au CP.d*.t,t>"- lu(- L CITY:to- Glrta to- PHOr.rE # : PHONE #: PHONE f: LICE CITY: NSE f:b,: zrP: 2-8tl'( ,,o,+a{-zso4 ST; _ ZIP:_ ST . c** EXIsT CONSTRUCTION:AL REPAI RS RE LOCATION ll Relocation, is there a Natural IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[v"" flruo \ o.rr*orro" * *tilil;'r;li'h[?i'r. Gas Line on lhe Current Sile? L_l Yes L_-l No ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: PH NC R€G 3 NC REG *Pl.l DE5CRIPTION OF I,,]ORK:ffi ls food or beverages prepared or served in this stucture? nYe" f] No l, Thr Property Located ln The Hooaflain? flYes I No Stale Building Code and all other applicable State h€wl the # OF UNITS 8Po?lffil$Lirr s,rspn ,*SIGNATURE:(qudm€d Pdnr NEha) conlah Asbesto6 or nol. Ydr ar6 r6qulr6d to cslt the Nstlonal Emlsslon Sandards for Hazardous Ar Pollularts (NESHAP) at (319)707-5960 at le6st 10 days Eior to lhe dsmolhlon or sny holiy or buildlng, S€e ,{sb65os web Slle: hllpJ^vww.epi.stalo.nc.us/epl/asbesio€i/anmp.hlml YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT SO FT PRoPERTY usE: EoFFlcE f]nesreumrur luenceNrtle EDUC aer [colroo orHER: COMMUNITY SYSTEM cerurner seertc f]flWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC f]ZONING USE CIASSIFICATION: fl coMMUNTTY SYSTEM.'.'-:]'.'.::. PAYMENT METHOD [cesn flcnecK (eAvABLE ro NHcl f]auentcml exeness [ucnrtse f]otscoven TOTAL PROJECT COST 3tfo o7)BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SO FT 4oc SO FT PER FLR WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: ICFPUA ZONE: OFFICER:Approval:_ City:- DATE:- # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B: REVTSEO OATE 1,/11n2 FLOOD: -- - BFE+2n AVN PERMIT FEE: $Comment N ADDRESS: NEI^J CONSTRUCTION; f] rnrCr NEIJ STRUCTURE fl rasr rnlCX I Snrr-r- ! Unrrr I AOO rO EXrSr STRUCTURE rf uPFrT - rhe shell Permit #: Is Elect P\r on this Building E Yes n rro r'i*.* rs rHrs A cHATGE oF occupANcy usrr flvrs p* ',.,. IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ l^lhat is the Neu occupancy Type? _ DISCLAIMER: # OF STRUCTURES:IOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:_ ACRES DISTURBED: - F{,0' hlEt, HAN0UEft COUMIy BUILDII\IG pERfiIT Ap P Eaf IdT, rypE., TIESIDEfi rIiLprE{58 A[sn€E ltt qEsalols l,prl&E(r to ylrt pioJECI D$ -810o r4*t q. 5^*d APPLTCATIotJ .APPLTCTJrP s ilalE: DEVEI.OPES: ._- PROJECT ADDf, suSDI/jsIoil: PRoPEliTy olnlEi,s Il.tE) O NER's AODRESS:cl COi]IRACIO N, ,NDBESS: $,TIL ADDIIESS I CIry' c Y tIcE sE CIIYt DEC( _--_ st oTHER I r *'.- toT $: (offi . ur.) oaret (l'l .t8 L7P.8qa sr! Afrrpr pHot E si BLOCI( f: pHot E #r ACCOrrilT i): oosl-r$6 COlr'sIRUCEor: I etreurrou I neluuluott n GENEITAL REPATRS. E R6[oc4uoiltoitsTiucE0 ; ffrnro lru ftEsDEi,c[ o" I morrriw ro oos pRo:scr conrncr pmsoit; IVEI/.l LrasE cfirc( ,t& rxst aR ECLO' lll IttAT {ppty }o ydn ,iolEcri IrlI5 flESIDT CE t3 0., *** 43b -I orr eauar sr ftfmrcn *?O srSF suNROo4 -- __ 5F PooL_ sF I sronaae rroI enennatsr PHot r' ,t puorue *: Qlo.33(.3?31 r,A&-EP;mf5t.q.to,trtrQM4 SF ss Fr, 8l0tl Eruo 5F tr ."""--...--_sf TorAL HETTED se n, 4UA5 rorAl sQ Fr uNBER $6b5W ooor,353l rotto*2 IAL AREA TOTAL PROIECI COSId,ess ior, :ii0 Is Aoy aLECIRICA!, PLISJUG or ECH_A rcat t,lork Beti,I Done to the Acc.ssory str0ctrrr€? fiyesIf the proj€ct is a Relotatlon, ls.there a Natural 6as LinE on the cli.rent site? [f ves fi rofs there Elect.ical pewet o0 this Building?flves fl Nc PRoPERTy UsE ,/LY [*era :Iro,rr,aase DESCRIPTTON OF I4IOR(; ot{NER/Co}niArroR : *++ , rr* +l r+rrrf.++ i.r*.**** #Hlfi'f]+r1*:***r*t*+t**{*+rti*rt:r+t1 j!tt+rr:a*+**l{+*:t+*a*ltt*rs rHE pnopEtry LocATED m n rloooturui fi vrs l?l ln eih' lnqonrlion Requreo, 91 0-254-m0r) llATEfii Zcrwe ! ccwnrurn sYsTEil I euvere ct _A'n_FLOOO: utotL t ST6MTURE: FlosTrN6 $tpEililous AhEAr, _sQ ff T0TAL Acnrs DrsTURbEat! Ei, rxPERWous tnrar _--_ sQ rr p(f,6l trlllD DISIUnBT]IG rru '[ carrmt l,ru lenarrr..fl.,ws L ;;neen$rag Q r,n Jta 5EI.'EII:ffcrru [J crinnt srprc f] nnrulrr smtrc .[ cc$it4uNrTy sysl&,!t Kn".r,o J H., ,*.raeuf rr6frr5 .Bsr.s EQUTP1 PREfass a a(cd,lrr E *r*.0 ffi.P"n'*",,:]d n.i*,_i-s,{@* oot',to -, +- ,Fr*zft= _- PAY'{ET'T PERlfiXf FEE: I g{t"a .- 1}\+C Schroo ls +f I.i8 - ?3lZ OD 6W" ffi Prinl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE aPPLICATION rYPEr C0|IMERCIAL ,I.IA5L AN5'iLR ALL QU€5T:OI!5 APPLIC4BLT IO YOIIR PRO]tCI "P.oject Respons1b1llty,, R Am-LrcATIo lJumber APPLICANI'5 [Ailt: Ned Hanover (-.o.^Lv sclux)r::OAIE: a.2 r,J O€VELOPER: PRO] €CT AO !oard o( Ii-l,r{iar r or 805 Soath liLh Srt-eeL PH0llE l:,rlo zr.i ;tls Z7P:-F.1) -dt pRoPERIY Ol,lNER'S I'lAllE: 1;., Hanover cou:rr OCCUPAiIT/SUSINESS NAIIE : res I i,g DeparEr.nenr School,s PHoilE ,: ero 2a(..rles s+d:EMAI 5 ADDR€5S: 6{ l..r c.irrti,a Bea(:h Road i tli lmi qton STlr: ZIPI:t,r:: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISI CONSIRUCIION ALTERATION r:fi L ztc')[lD$ . PHONE T:4lo^9zt - zza< PHOtlE B: e?9-37:6q 6 UPFIT ADD IO EXISI S]RUCTURE 6EI,IERAL R€PAIRS N RELOCATION l- No rs BLDG SPFI&KLEREDI- YesT RAC TOR E55: L ADD 55: :i et1 e- *o SJone ul ICE NSE S 55zo ITY; L,i ,m;Y1 ,1CA (cr!(l .ll Ih.t Aeplr) R E NOVATI OT/ rrenl Site? f es ) ll Relccalion, is lhere I Nalural Gas Line on lhe rl No NEI^] CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCIURE TAST IRACK SHELL ACCE S5ORY STRUCIURE : -)\/ 'r- er{ \1 I:! rs =d If UPFIT - The shel.l Pe.mit t IF Yes, what ras the Prevlous occupalcy Typei TvoelARCX OES16I{ PROFESSIOI{AL: BMH Ar.!.rLc...t:j -, Is Ele<t Porer oo this Suilding ,i' ye5 T tio ..... r5 rHrs a cHANcE 0t occuPAIcY usElT y€s lf no ".." - t,hat ls the New o(cupahcy ENSR OE 5I6II PROFESSIONAL :-CBHF CotrsuLtl g sng - Alleo Cribb PH:9r0-?62-262: NC REG l:6at? 910-?9t-40c0 liC 8tC l:- DESCRIPT ION 0F HORK: polfl-*1",*o,.,, ,exterior door-/windor replacemcnL, nrechanical/elec!aical.l- J5 .ds>) 5 ts food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l- vesl--ruo ls The Propeny Located tn The Floodptarn? l- v", liruo )rsclAiMER tereby cenrt/ rhar all i.lormEloa rn lhls applcaron rsaorrecl ud aI wort erll.onply wiln rho s!0ro l]urunrg code and rrr orlE. arplicible stolc S!blecr s500 00"' C Oeveroonronr S6fr.€E Ct/11TE A.y lvorr Pcriormc{ w/J aol (ha.9€s in rne €oprov€d rla.r and s!.c,fcrr,ore mrl3 rv"lb" in vrlation olrh. r,c sDro 8lr,q co4e g.d * q@ i CONTRACTOR IGNATURE: Nord Oomoxr6. nnincalos E a!b3los 'u(Evarp.,tul applrcallons.ro o besubnlnoo uslng spgli.srbh lorm ioHHS !708)*h.tho.th6 ra.rr,lyor ouirdh! i!3 L,ra1ro ;nd |,rcallrss d^d o,ora.cet a,:d r 9. 1OTAI SO TT UNDER ROOF ACRLS D,S lu{8{iD :rA .Tenn i€er 14 nca*er 1,, -. ri..€.9---r.e!,ur!! *# cci .tn asb.5ror o, n Yoq s,e roq.Ard ro catl lhe Natio.ar tmlrsio. S6nd€rd6 {0, Haaado!! A,, PolluEnls (NESHAP) ar{919J707.5s50.t la.rr l0d6yr oricl torh€ d.drorrrio. o, an, tacli, r tnldlng S.o Aso.sl6 wott Si€ hnl /,!.!* .'p' srals nc lsreP]63oeslor6nm, ht', BUILDING HEIGHT: 25 , 5 "# OF UNI'TS SO FT PER FLR: 2, re6 f OF STORIES: z , OF FLOORS.,I OF STRUC'URE S EXST LAND DtSTURBiNc pERMtT? _T vts Ji r'rc SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA NA SO CONDO OTHEI IFICATION TOTAL PROJECT COST 52I2 , OOC TOTAL AREA SQ FT i 4. :)e2 -r) i\[\,1 IMPEkYTOUS AREA n,\ PROPER TY USE lorrrce fl RESTAURANT 3 r.*.o"r,r.ffiDuc[ '.. APTD .t:(-) nr,i-.:c; "8 I WATER T']CFPUA T'I COVMUNII Y SYSTEM fIWELL T] ZONING USE CLASS"-'i--Fl SEWER tJCFPIJA !CENTRALSEPTIC L-J PRIVATE SEPTIC LJ COMMUNITY SYSTEM .r:, <= F.:st-F^ll^rE ttlrrr rsFcotjrHltrI f]n ELtur Il!:;rr Pt tiai. cr\s EolrP PPErrusa 'fiiiaxls PAYMENT METHOD: zoNe: ( '\ i-4. or App.oval - {FOR OFFICE USE ON!Y) SETBACKS: F: f cnsH l-PAYABLE To Nlrc) T AMERTCAN ExpRESs T vcryrsn l- DrscovER FICER RH B ?2-oAF'\)-.._. T FLOOD ls$' \-_BFE+2fi N PERMIT FEE: :Comment Crty Mb C (1 Ll1 "*b'^.eA Clear Form I ar- #$"{ - \StC Sch'"o ls rF IsiS - terz OD ru*Cloar Form NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER APPLI|ATI)N IYPsr COMIIIERCIAL PLTAST AN5I,.IER ALL QUE5TIONS APPLICASLE IO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslbility" AFFiI-CAT roN Number (of{tce use ) -dz PRoPERTY OlilNER'S NAME: N.w Hanover counrv schoots oCCUPANT/8US I N E55 NAIIE: res!j19 DeparEnenr -r+;,, ;llj R'S ADDRESS: eero car,rira Beacn noa.i CITY:1.1i1*i"n;"" PH0NE f: 916.25a 4t9rl 5T: :vc ZfP;ze,ri: ST: ZIP I PHONE f: PHONE S: 919 254 a3e6 RACTOR: 1sp E55: ICENSE #: ITY: L ADDRESS: ECT CONTACT PERSON: rrene soEiriou (ahecl All That Apply) )No NEI,J CONSTRUCTION: r ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION ll Relocalion, rs lhere a Nalural Gas Line on the uraent S,le? GENERAL RE PAIRS l- wo ls BLDG s trPRN KLEREDIi YesT R E LOCATION UPFIT ADD IO EX]ST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: F Et5' ra v:g s5d -.1- I{tfi ' If UPFII - The Shell Penn:it lt Is Elect Power on this Building Ji' Yes T N0 ***.. J5 THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YEs II IIO ****" IF Yes, what wrs the Previous Ocaupancy Typel tJhat 15 the Ner,, Oc(uoan(v . PA:916 1s2,262'1 NC RE6 #:6at? .J \b -'l ssc) -( -) ls food or beverages prepared or served ln this slructure? l- Yesl-.No lsThe Properly Located lnThe Ftoodplain? I- yu, li- ruo DISCLA N4ER i hereby cerirfy rhar all inlorm8raon in and rccallnws and ordinances a.d regurations. Th€ or (fanoe in co'lraclor o conlraclor rnlormalion "'Slbiecr'io F nes Up Io $500.00"' rhs applcation is cor.ect and allwoik will comply wirh rhe Stare Building Code and all other applrcable Slore NHC Develo!,',elr Servces Cerler wrll uc nor led clany .iarqes In tne aooroved a,ans and iDec'i(dr,or sNOTE A, y Worr pcdormed w/O rhe Appronriare Permrls wrll6e in V,olati6n o,,leiC Slate Eldq Code ard * q@/CONT RACTOR: r.e"e so!1riou IGNATURE: 0ESI6lt PROFESSIONAL: BMlt A!chirects .Iohn i,lurray ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONALT-Csl{p Consulr ing Eng Aiten Cr.ibb PH 9I0 791 4000 NC REc ti: - DESCRIPTION OF ORK: Roof replacemenr. exterior door/window replacemenL, flrechanica l /elecErica l Nore Demo irLon norific.tions E asbeslos reinDval pormit applici tions ar€ Io b€ subminod using lho applicalion lorm (DHHS 3768)wherhor rhB iac,lilyor building i/as lolnd ro dedolilion ol any ,acilily or bu ild lno. See Asb€ sros w6b S iler hrl[//ww er]l sl6rq nc ! s/epl/asbeslogahmp htn, TOTAL PROJECT COST: 52r2, ooo TOTALAREASQFT.4,392 SQ FT PER FLR: 2,1e5 # OF STORIEST z # OF SIRUCTURES II OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURB]NG PERMII? T YES IT NO TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED irA NfW IMPERVIOUS AREA. NA SQ FT EXISTING II\,,]PERVIOUS AREA NA S REOt-iiREO FOR tl.ECT, ECtl. PrUG, G/\S EOUIP Pa?EF,llls & INSEIJIS IoS I PROPERTY uSE. L_IOFFTCE L_l RESTAURANT 3 ,.^.o*r,l. (.ouc[ -. ner[ coNDo orHEr WATER: r-l CFPUA SEWER L-] CFPUA CO[,4MUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM fl WELL E TONING USE CLAS E pR vnrr seprrc n co[.4MUNrry sysTrM zor.re: ('.'r-.,1-t {FOR OFF CE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: SIFICATION PERMIT FEE: ] u?r.-rn,JSS.I\OFF ICER Ciry\J t r 16 ''' SEPAHIITE PERM T PAYMENT METHODI T CASH T PAYABLE rO NHC) r AI,IERICAN EXPRESS l'- laCMSl f-DISCOVERCH ECK -Cl C)t\:(_tt .{tG! Approvalr-E FLOOD Comment tlb D (1 LH RH u ,^-d ffi oMallPant i APPLICAiIT'S NAI4E r New Hanower counLy scloolG -oATEi 5 L2 1s OEVELOPER: u.r ,,.,, : l10-li l!i- PRO]ECT ADD BUILDING HEIGHT: 25,.6, # OF UNITS Iotq NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT Art'LlCAfIoN rvpr I C0l,,1l,1ERC IAt r)itAtl ,,!(,|/fP t lJi tirlo!r5 alpl l(,t{,tl 10 \' ,rl ,.!ilrfar "Project Re!ponsibi lity" APPLICAIION Nurber APPL I CANT 'S NAHI DEVE LOPEN: -.1 (JAT I t) c -0 6.',1 ,._ zIPrill{\ S I:,Y ! ZIP r lyYll PRoltCI A00,iESS: C tt-L\.y y.c, !..\1, ":1 ClTY: trloNL,l pHDrtt ( OT TUPANl /BUIINT 5S NAIIT ..\ 11....; z r,- pfioprsly or,lhtA'5 ruArt; C.r,rt..-\ flo, i 2".. I UxNtR'5 AODRI55: Lttt 1t 11r,.,...i tliJ ( ol q Ar Tofi t: ADoRISS: lr0 t>i"- L Li- c R,l U$AlL ADORESS: !n-s.s,l :-..! -J,r. --(,r..:ri / Plloll( I aoNIAtl Pl.RsoN: C.,l. t"1. Ar?^"- tIttNst1l CITY i*rlrir.l,_ ST:,e 1. ztp|)?'lO'\ PH1NE nt,9t0_- t lC- 0al) PIJONE !: 1!0 -CL' -to?) Ir"' flr," :X inced mlnd':-,n,@., l4] nr-rennrrol [ ]RENOVAT ION 6[NERAI REPAIRS REIOCATION . (t*ff TXlIT IONSTRUIIION ll Reloc€lion ,. lIer. J \,rlIr;rl(;n., lr,a.r,,lh! (]xicrl S c)n lll,,, !,Jt,'t coNsTRt,alloN IRt(T NFI,] S T Ri]C TUR F FAST IRAC(5I1E L L ACCT SSORY 5] RUCTURI UPTIT ADD TO TXIST S]RU(IURI l1 UPFIT lhe Shell l'cl.rnit il lf Ye5, wh.t Has thc l'r(vioLr5 0(cup.rrrcy Typc? r,... rs .nrls i orAN6! or occuparcy us€) [_]vrs []lro'.... Is Elect Po,rer ori thig llL)jldi.)lI Whnt is thc NeB Occflp,!rr(y Iypc? ffi rr.s ll{l ARr:ll fiISIGll PRoltS5lo l : tNGR Ut 5I6rl PROrtSslONAl r i, i'11 tlr i]{ a ': f-^lt li"- r+" I \: (,n o L().,.E ts tqrd o, t)ovs'sges p,€parud u survsd in thi" "rr,rr,lu? []v,,. [J,{o ls The Proporty Loc€tod lnTho Floodplain? ! ves [}l'ic, I!. ,I l.Srnni,, ' R/CONTRACTOR c. ...5 1. lr r',,r,r,,!, L,,/.*c./. d OF UNITS # oF slonrEs: ol /NE SIGNATURE ,Jer{tnrnoi6nyranhyo,bL!rd'.oa.ootu!€5oswet,snet,lrc1/$^aer,llarBa.9er,6rtr irr/nriDrt,tn rr)t^r pnoJr rs eosr 1y4o o 0,00 ror Ar ARFA so Fr 5A() uu rLotNG I tHGBI So FT PFTi II H IOIAL SQ rl IJNDI-ti ROOF _# OF STRUCTURES:, OF FLOOIIS A(lrt-s 0ls l UHaEI)Exsr LAND DrsruRaruc ee Rnrrr flvr,s fl ruo SO FI EXISIING IMPERVIOUS NREN S'] F II.If \r'r' MPIiRVIOUS AIIEA PnoPERTY USE: f IOFFTCE nResrnUanur i,,!ERCAN I [_L ruuc flaer [coruoo ornrn wATtn I c,.pu^ [f coMMUNrry sysrEM _ L]wErr LlzoNrNG USr: crASSlr to^ ON srwrR lflCFPUA r,l cENt RAr su,r1u | ..1 PRrvArr srPrc I l(;oMMUNTTY sysr t M |Ay[4r.Nr r,,rrT]roD [_]t:rrsr [ ]0rtcx (PAYABLE TO N C) [_]Ar,rLR|CAN tXPREss f]racrut:;,,r [l urscoven .-: .:'-t ,iJ-)4l O::) :t<ai(DrJt: <DI)*] <.fN) .<)qi ato) zoNEOll-1 oFFrct R s: F:[)lA r.H:NIL nr[gu.jp . ...X- sFEt2ft=Aporoval: __ City fl Comnrent DATE SETBACK -7:iL:lL rLooo PtRM l tt.t: $t hffi5 rl ll', .'l!'' ';,ffi ----tat&ailJoX--s$q. 'I APPLICANT'S NAT1E : DEVE LOPE R : grtf kVfs -J APPLICATION Number (Ofti(e Use) D^lEt )/ to/ /3 pnonr o, Itcltii|OO.,1 )P PRO]ECT AODRESS:tf t \',^d Ot" LICENSE *: CITY: h^ ztP | )9./ l\ PHONE S: Sltlui ZlPt JgVh SI l.e ZIP )?lO \ PHONE #: qD- t70- 062) PHoNE #: 16-5tc't621 CITY oCCUPANT/BU5INES5 Nrrl4E : co.. rl.,\ tlo.l r-e* I PROPERTY OWNER,S NAIiIE : ot4NER'S ADDRESS: 619-SL;p-^.t BtuJ.CITY: Coo,sf-\ Flal-l >o,-, CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:rro Pla- w (t -c- EMAIL ADDRESS: ,.^c ..( ^.^-l t. - Q. q^+i I . <-o.'". PRolEcT coNTAcT PERsoN: C*tLl.- E4 ^,.-lr,*\X NLed mf,o EXIST CON5TRUCTION: IX] ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th d:,on ,@^aaji1.\ ,F RENOVATION GENERAL REPAI RS RE LOCATION e Currenl Site?Yes m No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?fi v""U No Is Elect Power on this Building ffi ves E^o PH:NC REG i PH:NC RE6 ': ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ENGR DESIGN PROTESSIONAL DESCRIPTION OF l,.lORK:f"-^It L).a. ra-I\: 4r- oFA.-. ls food or beveraoes prepared or servod in this structure?ves I no ls The Property Locsted ln The Floodplsinf Iv"r ffi ruo f OF UNITS cornain Abesro€ or nca. Yolr are roqulrad to cEll the Nauorlsl Emlssloh San(hrds ,or HazBrdous Alr Pollutarns NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar leasl 10 days trior to lhe dsrnolirlon olanyladlry or bulldlng. See Asbe9os w6b Sh€: lp:h^"*w.epi.state.nc.urepi/6sbeslos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COSTT XD|Od a -O0 TOTAI AREA SO FT : ShO BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: JUL lg 3r E15P TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - #OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERry USE: EOFFICE EResnunnrur !lrencarurte eouc ! eer [coNoo orreR, # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: fl WELL flzONlNG USE CLASslFlCArloNi PRTVATE SEPTTC fICOMMUNTTY SYSTEM (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) WATER: ECFPUA SEWERT I CFPUA COMMUNIry SYSTEM ceHrml seerrc f] PAYMENT METHOD:[crsn lcnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERTcAN ExeRESS [ucnrrse f]otscoven |1..:.,a.1.t., ri: r 'r:i ;:s aj lr't!. .: : : REVISED DATE 1V11/12 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval: City:- DATE:- FLOOD:--- BFE+2fi AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: $_ NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN IYPE: CoI{MERCIAL PLEASE AI'IS$/ER ATL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" \t EI NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: fl rnrcr NEhr STRUCTURE !raSr rnACX! Srer-r- ! Unrrr! noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5hel1 Penmit #: ***** rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupaNcy usrr Ivrs Gm -.-*- IF Yes, what was the Prevj.ous Occupancy Type? _ ldhat is the Neur Occupancy Type? t.J sncinteflae: r 4-* €Z---.,-'---- APPLICATION Number (office use) $)t 1$\t APPLICANT'S NAiIE: prsn gsylen _ DATE: 7-13-18 DEVELoPER: Radco construction _ PHONE #: 7O4 526_4713 PRO] ECT ADD Rt55: 4151 Emerson Street crIY: w minqton OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlilE : United Refrigeration lncorporated ,.1 V ,s b4 Ch f- ) -9 Is9\-) OWNER'S ADDRESS: 41b.1 Emeerson Street CONTRACTOR: RadcoConstruction ADDRESS : 162 Lumber Lane EMAIL ADDRESS: fsexton radcoroofl com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Btake Johnson CrrY: witminqlon ST: p6 ZIP:29463 5T: NC ZIP: 28120 PHONE *: 704 526-4713 LICENSE S: 24469 CITY: p11. 11o11, If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building f Yes li NO ***** Is THIS A CHANGE oF occUPANcY UsE?T YEs IJ. IIo ***** IF Yes, !./hat !,Jas the Previous occupancy Typel - tJhat is the New occupancy Ix8fi?DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTIoN 0F !iOR(: [,4etal Bg retrofit. Rhinobond 60m]ITPO roof system fastened lo purllns@ 57" O.C. lnf{ill metal deckflutel- s,-.>€ ls food or beverages prepared or served in th is structure? I- Ves lii Uo ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainZ J- yes li ruo DISCLA MER: lhercby c.enify lhal allinformaron in rhis appllcation s cofiectand all work will comply wilh the Slare Building Code and allolher applrcable Slale nces and requlatons Thcontra.lor inlormatron.'-o NhC Deva oomonr ser oe nolrf od ol anv chanoeq in rne aDDroveo Dl,rns /n.r soer I''\OlF. Any Wo k oFdorrco WO lne Appropra e P.r'ril5 wrl o'e rn Vio.al on o'rhe'\C Srrre Bldq Land loca laws and ord naffi _KTGNATURE: F"az.crza- S"p*snes Up To 500.00*' rmil appllcalions are lo be submiiled using lhe applicdion form (OHHS-3768) whelher lhe facilily or building was found lo *z conlain Asbestos or nor. You are requked ro callrhe Nalional Emissron Srandards lor Hazardous Arr Polluanrs (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at leasi 10 days prior 10 the demolltion of a ny fac ilyorbuildlng See Asbesios Web S ie: hllp://www epL.siate. nc. us/epi/asbestos/ahmp. hlln (o,an€rr Ql /CONTRACTOR: Francine Sexton Jr,rffi6"Nole Demolit TOTAL PROJECT COST: 152,962.99 BUILDING HEIGHT: 35, TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 53 700 SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES NEW I[.4PERVIOUS AREA: # OF UNITS: 1 16ps # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS 1(one) EXSr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? f- VrS pruO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ F'T CONDO OTHEI Warehouse E WELL PRIVATE SEPTIC D ZONTNG USE CLASS COI\,4MUNITY SYSTEM WATER SEWER IFICATION '" SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOB El-F-CT. lr'lECH. PLBG. GAS EQUIP PREFABS & NSERTS'* Aooroval: Citv: DATE FLOOD: BFE+2ft AVN PAYI\,1ENT t\,4ETHOD f CASH f CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) f ANTERTCAN EXPRESS l-_ rr,rcrursn l- DTSCOVER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFLCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH B Comment PERMIT FEE: I Clear Form I Print I NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPEI COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSlilER ALL QUESTIoNS APPLICABLE T0 YoUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" A,ol8 9613eMail Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: 17; ALTERATToN Tl REilifiir8ll 'iiT'r'il|*^. REpArRs J-l RELocArroN t{ Retocation, rs rhere a NatIEl Gas Line on theairrenr S'te? f Y;;li No ls BLDG SP-RINKLERLDtr Yesf- Nor.jiw coNsrRucrroN: n EREcr NEW srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK E 5HELL E upFrr n ADD To Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ZIP | 28403 PROPERTY OWNERJS NA!1E: DBRE 1. LLC _ PHONE #: g1g 420-1574 . PHONE #: 704 426-7511 . PH:NC REG #: ACRES DISTURBED] pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nrsrnunar.rr ! MERCANTLEJ-1 EDUC[-1APTD tr7lcTPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEMgJ IJ7.roro Elceru rnru srplc E Oear Fo?m Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.TASE ANSWER AII QUESNONS APPUCABI.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponilitM )01{ 652CwL#r- Application l*rmb€r (offce us€) ', ), 1' ,ffi.,n4-IL'Nt" AP?UCINTS NATUE:lnlrrrm Rr^q lh.Oate: 7l17l1B PROJECT ADDRESS:dis irncqw.rvl Cnlr.l CITY: lMlminaton ZlP:.28111 suBotvtsto :t-oT f: CONTRACTOR: lngram Bros., lnc. BIDG UCE SE S:€64€0.- ADDRESS; 1706 CrstlA Strect CITY: Wlmindton ST: l{f-llP:284o3 €MAII. ADDRESS:nr^ia.telarin^r2mhr^e hat PHO'{E: 191O1 762-S695 PHONE: (910) 6'16-2312PROJECT CO|{TACI PERSON: Baron Sicnhens EXISnI{6 COI{SIRUCnOfl: fl Aheration D Renovation D General Repairs EW COX$f,UCn(X{: D Ere€t New Residence 8J Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation D A'{SWER sCtOW ATI IHAT APPLY TO YOI'R PROIECT..' fl Att Garige (SF) _O O€t Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) I Greerhouse (SF)n oeck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAI SQ FT UflOEF, ROOF (Jor proposed workl Healed': TOTAI PROIECT COSr (Less LotI:21-917 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes E Xo ls any Ekctrical, PlumHng or lUednnkal work being done to the Accessory Structure I Y6 B r{o lf tte pfoject is a Rel@tion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E t{o ls there Electricil Power on this Building? E Y6 fl o PropstV Usc/ OccupancE E SirEle famih tr lhpler n Tornhogsc Dexriptlon of Work: Di9CLITMER: I he.eby ae.tity lhat allthe information in this application is correct.nd alluork willaomply with the laws and ordinances and regulations- The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the lnformatlon. "'NOTE: Any work pertorm€d wlthout the approprlate permfls wtllb€ tn violatlon of the ilc State Orynet/Contracton Raron SlelrhFns SBnaurle: 'Lt€njEd4./p.litr P'intl{p,/,tt ls the property located in a lloodplain? n Yes E llo grb&g ltngewions Arca: 1756 SqR allother appli.able State and local s or change in aontractor up to Ss,oo.mr.. Total A.1e5 Disturb€d:o ileu lmpeivious Area; 1867 Sq Fl Existing tand Oisturbing Permiti fl Yes E t{o WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Well fl Centralwell fl Aqua SEWTR: E CFPUA tr Community System D Private Septic fl Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (f) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ lB) _ Approml: _ Oty: _ Date: _ Flood: lA) _ {V) _ {N) _ BFE+2ft= _$\s-Comment:Permit Fce: 5 PROPfRTY OVy Enfs,{ArlrEi Ri.hard & Parrline Wat.rs PflO Efl: (910} 686-5490 OWXEffS ADDRESS: lr3 M^a<:wn.vt ('d', OW: lMlmingt^n ZlPt 2fl4l1 tr Pordr {SF} _ D StoraSe Shed (SF) _ E Other (SF) 1s3 Unheated: 1q3 )o\K-Bszz PRO]ECT ADD NEW L Clear Form Print eMail HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION IYPE; COMI{ERCIAL PERMIT l:' PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QUESTIONs APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAIiIE: James D. stone DATE: DEVELoPER: J stone Properties LLC crw, *irminqron - PHOIE #:910-686-7454 ZIP i 2841:1RESS: 167 Porters Neck Road unrt 13o OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: sase Nova saton PROPERTY Oi{NER'5 NAHE: J srone pr.operries LLC OWI'IER' 5 ADDRESS: 201 Marsh Fietd Dr CITY: qil.inoson CONTRACTOR: Stone Devetopment & Reslorarion LLC _ LICENSE #: SeSZg CITY;6r1.inn1on EIiTIAIL ADDRESS : petervtasdandr. com PROJECT CONIACT PER50N: sy.6. s16,g PHONE #: sfi-686-1454 ST: 516 ZIP:2g411 ST: NC ZfP: 28411 _ PHONE #:910-686-1454 _ PHONE S: 9rc- 443-36rs ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the rrent Sate? f - Yes (che<k Ar1 That apply) u Ii- tlo IS BLDG S trPRINKLERED'4f _ Yesl-_ GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION No NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 2afl_7061 Is Elect Powen on this Euilding f. Yes lf NO 'ir*r.:'. rs rHrs A cHANcE oF occupANcy usE?r yEs lr. Ho *'*** IF Yes, Hhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New occupancy Tvoe?AQtH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:PHl NC REG #: NC REG #:-ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-PH: DESCRIPTION OF I,JORK: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f Y..li No l" Th. Property Located ln The Floodplain? l- y"" lf uo DISCLAIMER: I her€by certify thal all informalion in this application is correcl and all work will com ply wilh the State Bullding Code and allother applicable State and locallas/s and ordinances and requlalions. orchanoe rn conirador or contractor informaUoSubjectlo Fines Up To $500 00"' The NHC Devel opmenl Services Cenler willbe notified W/O the Appropriale or any chanqes i4 ihe approved plans and specificalronsPermrrs will be .n Violarron ol rheNC Srare Bldg Code andn. "'NOTE: Any OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD \)-,_ SO FT Note: Oemolition nollicaiions & asbesros removalpermt applications are to be submined lsing the application fom (0i;",,,:--z__-- wh€rher rhe hcility or building wal{llUa.d it I I l48SH contain Asb€stos or not. You a.e required to call lhe National Emissron Standards for Hazadous Air Pollutanls (NESHAP) ai (919)707-5950 ar least 10 d6ys prior lo rhe dem0lition of any facilily or building. See Asbestos Web Site: htp://www.epi.slate.nc. us/epi/asbesbs/ahmp.himl ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: BUILDING HEIGHT; 13 .# OF UNITS: 1 TOTALAREASQFT:10cc # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: looo # OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERry USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET WATER CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM DWELL ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION SEWER CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC PRTVATE SEPTTC ! COVtt,rUttttV SySrrVr _^ aa"o*ra "a^r,ra ^aor,^a, a*-aaa"a. ,a"r, "a"o oo, ,,r, ,REFABS & TNSERTS -' PAYMENT I,4ETHOD f oASH l- cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMERTCAN EXPRESS J- rrrcrutsn f _ otscoven RH_ B__ BFE+zft. Comment LH N PERMIT FEE: : i:l \-:l ADDRESS: 201 Marsh Fietd Dr. EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ERECT NEW STRUCTURE n FA5T TRACK E 5HELL E UpFrr El ADD TO EXrST STRUCTURE SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 30. ooo SQ FT DER FLR: tooo # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ,"dC Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L|CATI O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI-E TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilitya tot8-- ts26 Applicetion Number (office use) t'..,' I t. 1,ffi,. Clear Form sUBDlvlSloN: HELLENIC SHORES toT # PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: ANDREW BOGER owNER's ADoREss: 4017 GLEN ARBOR DRIVE PHONE #:910-797-4519 clTY: WILMINGTON ZIP: 28411 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIO : dErect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATI. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'** ! Att Garage (5F) 677 n Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes n No TOTAL Sq fi UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heatedr 3396 Unheated: 1303 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S282000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! ves E/no ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure 3 Yes /No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes E/No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? M'Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy: /Single Family n Duplex ! Townhouse | ,I{t.l I r-< l0ri4Ftl Description of Work: WOOD FRAMED HOME FINISHES laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notlfied ofany changes in the approved plaos and specifications orchange in contractor information. *"NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subiect tofines up to S5OO.0O.** Owner/Contractor: ANDREW BOGER Signature:&oc 'Licensed Qudlifie/ Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves /tlo Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 0.58 New lmpervious Area: 4400 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes WATER: n CFPUA n Community System /Private Well ! Centrat We n Aqua SEWER: g/CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Septic I Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Otficer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ MNo $), Comment:Permit Fee: S 0w- APPLICANfS NAME: ANDREW BOGER DAIC: 6/'11118 PROTECT ADDRESS: 1202 HELLENE DRIVE CITY: WILMINGTON 2lP:28r'.11 CONTRACTOR: OWNER SELF BUILD BLDG LICENS€ f: N/A ADDRESS: 4017 GLEN ARBOR DRIVE clw: WILMINGTON ST; llQ ZIP: 2841 '1 EMAII ADDRESS: PIRATE.BOGER@GMAII .COM PHONE:910-797-4519 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ANDREW BOGER PHONE: 910- 'l q 1 - q 5 I a D Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (sF) _ ! Deck (SF)_ ! Porch (sF) 626 n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ Cft,{r,'+1 n-l Cih; ln:o'rclion Re,qtlterr 9!0'?54'$tl- No lrre, Nn (.€f uA OVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT )&,0)8 KToZ qE $$1ffi: ,\lN 1t 1$1hew 014\il1B HAN APPLICATION rYPfr COI'lllE RCIAL PIEASE AIIsHER ALT QUTS'IOIIS APPIICAALE ]O YOU8 P8O]ICI "ProJect Responsibillty'' AFFfIeITfIft Hunber (ot{i(c lrse) APPLICANT'5 t'lAr,lE ; &icky Brirr -DAIE: 51y 12s1s OEVE LOPER; PRO]ECT ADD RESs:4804 cooavooJ ray Fortrrne Plac€ Holdinqs , :.t CIIY:6i1.;nts,r,.t - PHONE f :9ro s2o.6orr ZIPI OCCUPANT/8USINE55 l,lA E; Foriune place PROPERTY Ol'rl ER'5 tlAltE: Forr.rrne place r{oldings, LLc O./NER'5 AD0RESS: po Box 1442 COI{TRACTOR: ctayr.on B!itr and sons rnc ADORESS : po Box 2e CfTY: sil6ings6n - LICENSE ll: :s:olupgl-oc _ PHONE S: 9rO-s2O-60r] 5T: 116 ZIP:2sa66 5T: p6 ZIP:26362 - PHONE S:910-sGB-slre PHONE t: 910-gGg-8319 CITY: rayer:e,,i11" ETUIT A ESS : ."or4"O"aropoolwor1d. com PROIECT CONTACT P€RSON: 65.i"6,ng s6x projec; coordinaror ((h?(k All lh.t App Iy ) EXIST CONSIRI,ICTION:AIT€RATIOH lf Relocal on, rs lhere a Nalural Gas Lrne on the U GENER L REPATRS fl RE|-oCATIO li. r,ro rs ELDG SPF-TNKLEREDr yosl- RENOVAT ION (onl Sile? T es NoNEI.I CONsTRUCIION:ERECT NEI,J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFlT ADO TO EXIS] STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: tn ground concrere/guDiLe s'irn^ing pool If UpFIT - The Shell. Permit 6: Is Elect Porrer on this Buildlng f. Yes f. N0 '.... rs THrs A cxAr,lGE 0F (xcuPA{cY usEiT yrs '-'. no..... IF Ycs, rhat va5 the P.evious occupan(y Iyp€! - l{hat is the lleH occupancy Itrtfi 'oesror PRoFsssrortaL Robert c Evans PH:910-62{-92s9 NC REG t:6536 NC RE6 I:-_*EN6R OE S IGN PflOF[55IONAI.:PH: DESCRIPTION 0F rcRK: f n gro""a c;crere/gunire suino.,ling pool OWNER/CONTRACTOR:cirrrsr ine cox - contlacLor nep. SIGNATURE ( ua(",, (lz (qrdi.l) (PrtI Nam) deinolnron o{ any la.ilny or b,Jildiog. S.. fubastos Web Sho hllp /lrt,t^r,.ed.rlale oc uJepvasbesroyahmp.hrnl IOIAL PROJECT COST: 1?z,rs?.00 BUILOING HEIGHT: fl OFUNTTS: ls food or beverages prepared or served irr this struclure? l-. yeslE- No ls Th€ Proporty Located tn The Floodplainf l- v"sfilro DISCIAIMER I hereby csrltly lhat all infomahoo in lhis apdicalioo rs coneci Brid all !\ork wll coflrply uhth lhe Sbte Building Code and att oth€r apprrcabls Stal€ and lo<al laws ard ord'nances anc, rogulalons. rhe NHC D€velopmenl Services Cenler wll b€ nolrred ol anv chafloEs rn lh€ aooroved otans and soecif.rtonso, cia^oe in conuaclo. o{ @nrraclor infcrmatjon. "'NOTE Any Wort Perlo-rned w/O th6 Approp.iate Permds , rtt de rr V,olaUoil ol the NC Stare BJdg Code andsubiedlo Fnes Up To t50o 00"' f OF STORIES , OF FTOORSIOTNL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA COMMUNITY SYSTEM u. i (czi,te4 S EXST LAND otsruRBtNc pERMtr2 -[- ves J- to SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA CONDO OTHEI SQ FT PAYMEMT METHO zorue:MF'L OFFICER Approvar:___..(_ cirv - I t wr bniiT 1!_{. r tooo _ WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA CENTHAL SEPTIC (c D: o) f- 6ASH f cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f_ AMERTcAN EXeRESs l- MCn/tsA l- orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL\0 71b , ,sFTBACKSF #LH * I WELL D ZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAION PRIVATE SEPTIC [l couluuttry SysrEpt ts ,L 't X BFE+ 2ft N 1 fl(n^t^t. sYoComn\enl lf? I-/(tl .l< ?lc.rlTit;1 m Art worP u,lilt W ((t s)llc Fir,v\6t?\ow_( g ffi TOTAL AREA SO FT : 6. eeo SO T'T PER FLR: coF s rnucrunES- pRopERTY usE: EoFFrcE f] nesreunnNr ! uencnHrrre f1 eouc[ acrf] RH* - PERlv4iT F EEr r 2cte g+az ts$t'l Al1llu APPLICANT'S l{AmE: Ri.kv RriE E EW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT IoN TYPE : COMIvIERCIAL PLEASE ANShIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' AFF_ICATIoN Number (office Use) _DATE:5,11a1261s DEVELoPER: Fortune place Holdings, LLC PRO]ECT : {804 coodwood way OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE : Forrrlne pLace PROPERTY O$INER'S NAII4E: pq.gun6 place Holdings, LLC OIINER'S ADDRESS: po Box 3442 CO TRACTOR: ctayton Britt and sons rnc ADDRESS: po Box 29 : wi lmj.ngton _ PHONE #: 9ro-s2o-G011 ztP : - PHONE #: 910-s2o-c011 CITY: 6qt6ing5en _ LICENSE #: : sz o ru1'1gr-oo 5T: Ns ZIP:2 sa 65 ST: Ng ZIP: 26362 - PHONE #: 910-888-8319 CfTY: par619..,ri11. E!.IAI L ADDRESS: ccox@spaandpoolworld. com PRO IECT CONTACT PERSON: g6lissine cox - projecr Coordinaror (ch€€k A11 lhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the RENOVATION rrent Site? f _ - PHONE *: 910-BGB-8319 u GENERAL REPAIRS li - No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLEREDtr_ Yesl-_ No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECr NEhl STRUCTURE E FAsr rRACK f] SHELL E UpFrT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: rn sround concrer.e/gunite sviftning pool If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building f. Yes f. N0 +**** rS THIS A CHAi'IGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?f- yES lf. NO ****+ IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What Is the New Occupancy IXEfitortto* pRoFEssroNAL: Roberr c Evans WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUN|TY SySrEir. EWELL EZONTNG USE CLASS U cer.rrnnr sEprc Ll pRrvATE sEprc E colauurtry svsrer'a ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? I-- ves[, uo ts The Property Located ln The Floodplaint l- yes [- ruo DISCLAIMER: lhereby certify that allin ormation in this application is correct and all work willcomplywith the State Building Code and altother applicabte Stateand local lalvs and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Cenler willbe notifii:d of any chanoes in ttie ippioveO olans and joecificatjons or (ianoe in @ntractor or conrractor i-nformatidn. *'NoiE: AnrWork parroilA Wiciih;App-ni,p-#6-p;;niG-nfi i#;;'Via;il5[dr riE ll]E SGIS ril6'i#3"ji"aSubjecllo Fines Up To $500.00"' Az - PH'.gto ezt-gzsg NC REG #:653p ENGR DESIGI'I PROFESSIoNAL PH:NC RrG *:- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: rn ground concrere/gunite swiruning pool OWNER/CONTRACTOR: crr.isti.ne cox - conrracror RCP. SIGNATURE(oualifie4 (PrituName) contain Asbestos or not You are required to call lhe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pottutants (NESHAP) at (9tg)707-5950 at teasr tO days prior ro the demolition ofany facilily or building. See Asbestos Web Site: hltpJ/www_epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.htrnt TOTAL PROJECT COST: 177,35?.oo BUILDING HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:# OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES IT NO NEW I[/1PERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERTY USE: aOrrtCe !RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDU APT CONDO OTHEI IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD ZONE: OFFICER l- cnsn l-. cnecK (PAYABLE ro NHc) f _ AMER|CAN EXPRESS lI rucnrrsa f- orscoveR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment SETBACKS: F LH RH B BFE+2ft, N . PERMIT FEE: : TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 5, 990 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: # OF UNITS: NEhI HANOVER COUT.ITY BUILDING PERMIT aPPuq'rro$ rypE: RESIDEMIAL PTEESE AT,lsIdER ALL QI]E5IIO S AOPLICAALE TO YOUR PRO]ECTEprloject ResponsibiEqf Cf,TY: \, t (-,t ( r-l DATE:7/,"/'tPHO E *: BLOCK *: _ LOT *: ?IP.z$Ll(Z ap-FE6ffin Nurbep (Otfice Use) APPLICAI'IT'S MI|IE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIWSION:-r1, l-J PROPERTY OflER'S MIitE, I O|^INER'S ADDRESS: COi,IRACIOR3 T ADDRESS: E ATL ADDRESS: 3 e t-t*4 bA CIry:A T1) \.-J PHorE *3 4@.1a,!.$lo nsrzit.@22b4\Z- ST: _ AP: _ Pt+o,tE *,re_3EL:eAo1 PIIONE *: SF A-eL Wsz-.rot utcEl6E *: ac@tr{T *: CITY:O. Ui *t PROJECI CO'IIACT PERSON:kru Lh, pcsrlr'rc co srRUcrIoN: [l alrenarroru fl nnoverrou f] ea,renr REpArRs I RELocATToN r'rEhr cor{sTnucrr{hr: f] tntcr Esr RESTDETIEE or E aoorrran x, trrsr$re RESTDET{CE .+PLEASE C1IECK A'O AIE}ER BELOI{ ALL T}iAT APPLY TO YOI'i PRO:'ECT! ATT GARAcE _ sF n oEr aanese sF EI poRcH b SF suNRool _sF l-l eool _ srGREEMqJSE_ sF I oecr _ sr ! sronaer sHED _ sF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ! -- TOTAL AREA sQ Fr3 _ TOTAL PRoJECT CoST 1r-essr_os : g \Z,ooo # OF STORIES: ? rs Any ELEcrRrcaL, pultBrl{G oF EcHAUrcaL r,Jork Being oone to the Accessor-y structure? [ ve, fi ruorf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the cunnent site? flves IltoIs there Electrical pswen on this Building? Eyes fiNo PRoPERW usE / ocqPArrY: fi srnou FAr,lILy E DupLD( n Toilt\Ftc{JsE i,.i:.lr- t! t!:Li:!it 6,^,qJ{rfL- 0F t5fI F\ 6 e OTHER: a L L l= DISCLAI,GR I hcreby c€nit hat.[hbnn3lion ir ttis app[.aton b NHC O€'€lopmanr S€rvi6 Cen c€nDctand ell vDrku,il complywitl tlg S!B!B Buildint Oo& €nd €[ ot€r Er will b6 noiH of lny.*|sn9€6 h he sppov€d plan6 ald EP€citcadons or cfiang€ in conUEDr of aPdioabb SED arld lo.al lar,r6and odhaac€s €nd rBgulsliorE The cont'&lc. in brm€ton, '.I\lOTEi Any Work perbr,ned WrO fieApprcpria6 P€rmiEwgt b€ in \rrehton of th6 NC SEb To 9500,00.- o}&|ER/@ TRACTOR:,v\^ E v- bfue{SI6MTURE *** +* !r* +* * * +**:r +* **** *** ***(IHl lil?*:t + ++* *+** +*+*+++:t+** *** +** * **** **+* +:t* **+*:t+* * ++ * ***I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? r.:I YES S TO EXISTIM II,IPERWOIE AREA: _SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEu, II4PERurous AREA: -sQ Fr E(rsr LAiE DrsruRar G ernnrr, f] yEs l:l ilo Adg Cods snd grbj€ctr Ftg66 Lh,^eld-*- },.IATER ! SE}.ICR:H CF PUA CFPUA f] com*nrw sysrEu n pRrvArE IIELLE cerrnr sEprrc f] pRrvATE sEprrc (FOR Orll<E USE OiLY) 5 f| ca'nnal wruI couururw svsrau '33 sEptiarE pESnrTs REQ,TRED FOr ELECT, '{ECH, pLE6, GAs Egurp, 'REFAaS & MTERTS +sto":_:y t1n-' Ecsn Ecxeo< ('A,ABLE ro -*l U"i,-i ;;;-'d;;-*tr;r********:lt **:t+**:t*:!:!rt*:**;t;t :t**:r+it*it*rtif,**it:t++*:r.ra****-**4ag11** *** ****:t+f* *t+* **:r t:f ** tri*:r. *:i:i *it:a i\ Appnovat: DY- city: ILV\ DATE: F: 3o u, lg Rn: /O e:'73/aEVrSA' OATE O4lU/12 -r-Corment 3 o FLOOD: L"tB- 9,tsll6:aa# DESCRIPEON OF NOR(: ,*., L' ls oFFrcER: X BFE+zft= N PER TT FEE3 $ bo:reo, 910-?54.!qn, tt)'^4432?-a qq t ftrtvcRECEIVEO JUL 24?O1S Clea. Form Priot olrail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A P P Ll CAT I O N W Pfi RESIDENTIAL 'LTAST ;\Ii9IVTA AII QU€SIIONS APPLICABTE IO YOUR PRO'TCT "Project Rerponsibllity' APPtICANT'S NAMEr luc.s Cade Holliday PROTICT AD0RE55: ?1?4 [,lirr]osa Place CIIYi Wilmlnoloa &r Rb Datet 7t24t2018 __ _._ztP-2!4_@__ SUB0lVlSlONl LOT lii PROPERTY OWNEB,S NAME: AshIcY Garner PHoNI ,:910.409.0861 OWNER'S AD0RtSs: 2124 Mjmasa,ehce._.___ CONTRACTORT Hollidav Constructlon. LLC ErDG IcrN5! t,:7858{L------ ADDnESS: 2925 Bounda.v S CITY: !U.lsti0Olon_*.._ 5I: NC_ zlPr.-2&0!16 EMAIL A00REss: jnfo@hollidaycoffturlotr-0etcade@tralidaycoosl&clioo-net -_* pHoNEr 910.399.4357 910.4 ZQ-Q240_ PRorECr coNrAcr PERsoNr ].scjrs.Cnd0'}]dL[dal-._-_*_.____-.__ PHoNE: 91.0^3.99,4357,-jl0-47_0-0e48 EXiSI|N6 CONSTRUCrION: :l Alteratio. X Renovation : GeoeralRepal.s N€W CONSIRUOION: :J- [rect New Residence :] Addition to Exi5tin8 Residence [: Relocatron I"PI"EASg CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW AI,I THAT APP[Y TO YOUR PRO'Tcr"' ,- Atl Garatti lSfl -.--E) oet Garage lst)_ ; Pool(5f)-- Sunroom (SF) : Po.(h {SF} : Other i5 [) !l Storaee Shed isF)___ - - _ Greenholse (5[)__:l oe(k {SF)--. Ycs I NolJ the proposed work changi g the eristlng footprint? :: TOTAT SQ FT UNDTR ROOF Vot ptoposed wor'*) l_leatcdl Unheatcdr ,s the proposed work changing the number of bcdroo1)s) :: Yer tr No ls any tle(trlcal, Plumblng or Mechani(al !,,ork being done lo lhe Atceglory Structure y( ve: No ll the proje(t is a Rolocatlon, i5 there a Natu.al Ga5 Line on lhe current slte? : yes rto ls there €lectrical Power on this Euildang? F Ye5 i No Properlv U5e/ Occupancy: p Slngle Famlly : ouplex : Townhouse 0escrlpllon of Worl: Bathroon-Renrodel.-tltclvioq-loileF.c.lrunqirtqvanilr,_3ink &{iqht-fixtu{c -- - TOTAL PRO,ECI COST (le5s Lot): S B 000 iilormi!on. '..NOTail^y work rs.to,m€d *rtheut lha aprror.i.t. p€.rn l, v.illb. in ]ioralion 01:he l,C 5l!le SldJ CoCa ln: rut/t€ct lu I n.t !t :o ttaO 00"' owner/conrracto4 I ucrs ca.re Holtiday stgnaturer J u4/8'- (-a0^ U"t'i'l al" 'Lrcen3ed Quolitet' Pitn Nolne - d ls the prope.ty located in a floodplain? :j Yetif No Existing lmperviour Area: _ Sq tt New lnrpervious Area: _-__-_ Sq ft WATER:x fotal A(rer olsturbed:. ----__Exlstlng L.nd Olrturblng Pernritr : Ye! : No al privat€lvell :l Cent'alWell : Aqua _)Private Sepl ic : Csnlial 5e9ti. : Aqua CFPUA : Community System CTPUA : Communlty SystemSTWTBlrt-l .Of6 sotlo.(r arrNAr**rr{A -ptNll) Crr), Inspclron Requreo, gi 0.254"010,Zon e:P 5 0,,,.".,, Approval ciry: &l!L Dnre 1 BIEr2ll= Commenti Y or ,t 7t Flood: i tt'nl e",^ttr"", s Cloar Form Pdnt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDIN6 PERMIT AP PLI CATION TYPE: RESIDENT,AL PI-fASE ANSWER ATI QU€sTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJTC' "Pror€ct Responslblllt/ \r..,v tfr4"b Ap9ll.allon (ofrice us€) APPLIcANfS AME;JelfelLSOrL, Date: 07-18.18 PROJECT ADDRESS:352'l Sainl Fr ncis Drive CllYr Wilminglon ztP: 28409 SUSDIVISION: SoUlh ot Woortherrv LOT f:__ PROPERTY OWNER'S ilAMEr Rob Goorl PHoNE ,l: 910-465-2345 OWNER'S ADDRTSS:?A?1 q.i^r Er^n.ic n/ivo CITY: Wilnrington __llP: 28409 CONTRACTOn: Jeltrey Sox EIDG UCENSE t:.rllorc-- ADDRESST qqo( W^^.1 nI C;r.lp CllY: Wilminoton__ 5T: ffi_ ZIP: 28409 PHoNE: 910-274-6381EMAIL ADDRESS: ]eJIhi ox@omail com PRo.,Ecr coNTAcT PERSON: JellrelLsox _PHONE; 910-274-6381 /EXIST,NG CONSTRUCTION: 7 Alteration [ ] Renovation D General Repairs NEW COiISIRUCIION: D Erect NewResidence I Additlon to Existing leridence f] Relocation ..,PTEASE CHTCK AND ANSWER 8EI"OW AlT THAT APPLYTO YOUR PRO.IECTT I I I Att Garage (St] _ Il Sunroom (5F)- I creenhouse (SF] _ [ oet Garage {SF} _ n Pool(sF) Il oeck (SF) n Porch (5r) _ n Storage Shed (5F)*_ E'Other {sr} Room Over A( G, ls the proposed work chan8ins the exlsting footprint? [:] yes &/tlo TOTAT SQ fT UNDER ROOF Uot proposed work) Heatedi tol s1,l;1. TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less lot): S /0,iioo Descrlptlon ot Work: Addifltrheatec|-foora-in-t,nfinig ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of bcdrooms? Wies 3 Na ls any Electdcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure U"{es a lto lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? O Yes EfNo ls there Electrical Power on this gullding? Mes L'l No ,/Property Use/ Occupancyi VSlnBle Famlly fl Duplex fl fownhouse _ Unheal€dl - lJ,^ 2l,lUL lv ,1156f'f1 cllo a)\ Gc\.roox^ . I lr..c-^,\.ilu..-\.d$.. ,.r,tt \.(.6r^e r.r f d.&'.lw-r,\ b.n*- ui{\- iv.\Lvonw. lrwJ and ordlnanaes and reSulationt. Thc NllC oevelopment Servlccr Ccnler willbc notlilcd of a.ly chrnsei in th! approved plans and specifkationr or chinge in (ontrodor intormalion. "'NOTE: Any worl p€rrormcd wlthout the appropriate permlls wlll be ln vlolalion of lhe NC Slate AU8 Codc and 5ubject to fines up to Ssm.mr.. owner/contractor:JL signaturei 'Llcensed Quolilef Print Nome ls lhe property located in a floodplain? ! Yes G/t{o Exlstln8 lmpervlous Areat 3224 SqFt TotalAcres Dlsturbed; New lmpervlous Area: D-. - sq Ft ExlstlnS Land Dlsturbing permlt; n Yes fl No WATER: y'CFPUA f] sewea: 6/Cieurr S1 zonet Q:$ ofice' Cii;' lnspr:cfon fiequrreo, gl 0"2iq"010, Community System fl Private Well D CentralWell fl communl clty: IUI ce ane( Aqut n Aqua NIA 2tt= *_Approvali Comment: -1- ^.,,^J c -X-* grr+ Permit fee:9 i'ffi,,'. o+^ APPLICANT'5 TIAMEI "vt& RECEI NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDEIJTIAL PI E.{tE AI,I5WER AlL qUESIION9 APPUCABI.E IOYOUE PNO.IECT 'Proleci Bcrponslbllhf ctrv: 10 /3*usoZ v Appll.!tlon lotff.! ure) - ->*-l ?Date: PROJICT AODRESS: suStxvtStor,ti ztP IOT Sr PROP€RTY OWNERIS NAME:Lo Lt lso* owNEf,'S AooREss: '?l'7 t. I ( PHONE fr 7 -?t?1 CITY:ztA)??< CONTRACIOR; ADDRESS: *- 9t,.,ic<BtD6 LICETISE !; OIY:sr:ElLap,>Y13-f-lq>-) /3 LCMAII. ADDiESS:L cl trl Greenhouse (5F) -*_k the proposed work chsnginS the existing foolprint? E"?er E No IoIAI Sq FI UNDIR RoOF Aot proposed rvoll) Heat€d; TOTAI PRoJECT COIT (t€ss Lotlr S ls tho proposed worl chrnEln3 th! number ol bedroom3? A ves W# lr .ny Clectrlaal. PlunrbloS or Me(hanlcal work behS done to the Accessory Structure O Yer E fo lf thc pro]est ls a nolocatton, 15 th6re I Natunl 6as tlru on thg current slte? Pr'fee tr Ho ls therc EledrkalPowor on thir Bullding? Efaes E ilo PHo.NE: 4//- -/ExlSTlNg CONSIAUCTION; ElzAlterrtloh fl Renovation E General Reprlrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: C] Erect New Residence D Addition to t lstlhS Residence D Relocatlon ...PI.IASE CHECK AND AIISWER BEI.OW AIL IHAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECI"' E Att Garage tsf)-n Det GaraPe (SFI E Porch {Sf) D Sunroom (5F|-0 Pool {sF) _fl Storage Shed (SF)- n fther {sF) ---- ,toperty ut / orcu panq:fibebsz D!6.riptlon of Wo*; c.L- ,.t ,r*'Jmc J-- IJ r I ln ormsllon. '.'l{OTE: Any w!* Oedorn d whho{rrth{ trp.oprl.t p.rmtuwillb"in vlohtlon oltiE NCSriti Sldgcldc and Ownel/Contrdctot:(/-U*n Slgnatur€l **_/^4 .'JbJ? fin{I up to s5oo.00... /Lt'-'lk.n*d Quolifier' tulnt Nom. ls the property locat€d ln s floodplaln? D YeJ Q/flo ErlsllnS lmpervioui 4r.., 4 Sqn TotslAcr€s Dijturted: Nlw lmpervloue Ara ", -- d ,o4 tx, ing lrnd Olrlurblng pErmltr n yer E No WATIRT EaCFPUA D Comounltysyit.m E Privatewell 0 C€'ltralwell tr Aqua stwtR; EaCFPUA D communlty System [I private Septlc E CcntralSepuc 0 Aqua lnrp.;cibn flequreo, g W.25 4.Agrzon", RS ofri."" E!z- serb..rH) *-l_ {RH) -1 (8, ,( Approval: Crrmmenli cr.v' IU'lt Ete:s : (Al - lvl (Nl ofE lft. *-a Prrmlt icert ,i(Co,$e s nd-14 eXI ertd i l-t ( rcsa ired se lu",.a/ up lo Z'/z ee+ : Pdit . LI pno,EcrcorurAcr'ereoa, LlocoLl bab*., - ?roNEtqft--7zo.=)go't&- Cl-Dac* (sFl !7 - Unheiled: -- - c ., \r \ RECEIVED JUL 2 5 ?019 NEW HANOVTR COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTC At I ON TYPE: RESI DENTIAL Pt€ast ^,'tSvlet al! QUtsriONS ApptlC glI ro Y0un ProJtcr "Proracl i€sponslbllltY" F9 ApDllcrlaon (o[1i(. u!.] APPI-lCANr'5 NAME: -,/- i3 oc- k-r.e ( aPRO.,ECT ADDNTsS i crry Date: (>- .--.Z\P:Z8 {" 5 12 L)5 a L PROPERTY OWN6R'S NAME 11i /.. t.. '&g c^l-r-,e ( LOT {:d:l7f.TtIirro )6ri tP2%"i t- Br.DG UCINSf ll SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOR l{PHONI 'JOWNIR,5 A ooi.Esst I c 2) c: l. D jl c .' 5 c <:1"CITY ! -, \\l)ta., . i. ,".1,, 7- AoORESS: t tMAIL ADORtSSi PRO,l T CT COI.ITACT P€R5ON l, r t,l>!lrc-Jc .1 CITY:a $&_ PHONE: .i tii - 3 ej 2'ti'i \3.,i. ?-.,rrner'aplloNt ol t{ 15't -ltto ExlsTlNc CONSTRUCTIoN:C n lteration (:l f,enovatlon : General Repalr5t/ NEW CONSIflUCTION: il !rrct New Reslder.e fi Additlon to Existln8 Residen.e I Relocatlon . T 'PTEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER SETOW ATT THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO,€CT.. ' n Att GaraSe ISF) __n Det Garace lsfl fj Porch {SF} ; Pool(5r)- 3unroom {5f).- Ll creenhouse (st) ----- {)-oe.k lsFl .}5 L t1 ir ls the proposed work ch an8lng the existlng footprlot? n Ves y'-lo TOTAT SQ FT UNOER ROOI Uor prcposed \vo*) lleatedr n storag€ Shed {5r) _,_ F*. n Other (S,).--- Unheatedr TOTAL PROJeCI COST {Less tot): S 2,'icc' "'?5JlJt. t8 ir 29Pt1 ls the proposed work changing the nlmber of bedrooms? tr Yer d-flo ls any [lect.lcal, Plumblnt or Methsnlcal work belng done to th€ Accessory Sl ructure C y€t lf the p.o,ecl ii a Relocatlon, ls thele a Natural Gar Llne on the currenl Jite? lf Vel Ai\lols there fleclrical Power on this Building? $ve: 3 tlo Property Use/ Occupancy :yl.Jltnele ranlv n ouplexD rownhouse Dercrlptlon of Workl/y''x/h c/(. c l" Ol!(IJUMtlt I nerrby cedrly ttrt :ti rhe rntoanrnlron rn ri6 lprrt,r,tron ri (orreat lawt and ordinif,r!r .nd rctulatlonj lh Nltc Dev.toprnent Servicer Cerler r,ril roforlnatlon. '"tYOI(- any wort psironned wilhout thc approprhte p.rmitt wi rnd illwork wrll{onrply $/ili tha Stata BuildinS Codernd afl oth€r appU(abh St!t..nd tr.at be nolifrod ot rnyrh,naar ln the approlrd ptanr ind tpacifiantlont or (h.nga h conrr(o.b. ln vlol)lion ol thc NC Stit. gldS Cod. .nd rebje.t ro finer up to SSOO.d.., Owner/Contraclor 'Liaanted Quolitiat" l! the propcrtv ,o.atcd in a lloodplarn? . yct : -: No tx15tlhg lmpervlout Area: _ Sq ft New lmperylo!! Area; -_____- Sq fl WAT€R zon"' l&10 orti."r,I(p s"tu Approvalr SEWER: & CrPUA I Comnlunity System f privateS.CeniralSepti( : Aqu. lotalAcre5 Olsturbed, [xlstln8 land Dl5lurblng ptrmitr :] yes : No {r B){o'(RH) l0 (s]z1 si3naturer (7olt' .,4,r, l,r** J -f)/:2,/l E CFPU.T : Conrmunly System : private Well :-.1 Cent(al Well Jj Aqua ptic :Cr'ri lnspxlionpEurreo, gl r,-2i4.0g0, d: {A) *__ (v)(n) _2i*_ Irr{zft. __-_Commont Clly:Date; a.ks IFI g, tbt{; clr Permit feei tt:-Uni e 'ri&; I Aart NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AP PLICAT lO N rYPg: RESI DENTIAt PLtA5E ANSWE8 AU- QUtST|ONS APPL|CAEtt TO YOUR PnolfCT "ProJect Responslblllty'' rb- rA.) CnY: L) 13 zqsi Application lollr(c ure, APPI.ICANT,S NAME: PRO',ECT ADDRESSI Date: ?ZL zlP Z t( I t u4,.lO SUBDlVlSloNl Ltqn,s 1,, rl v.d PHON€ ']i I.OT H: f t rs 52 a '),sqi BLOG UCTNSE P:-*-- ST: _ ZIP 2 (tztr ( PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: -. ADDRESS: 6 CITYr CITY; n( l,)r.l .2., -, + ^ - zlP: 2V\/, i /'r''l EMAII AO0RESSI fl Att Garage (Sf )__ rJ Sunroom (5f ) U Greenhouse (5[)_ PHONE: zlrr) ZD PHONE: 'lt , d|q ' 4. Or 33 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ExISTINGcONsTRUCTION: 0 Alteration CyRcnovalion dGeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: ll trect New Residence U Addition to Existins flesidence [] Rclocrtion I' IPTEASE CHECX AND ANSWER ETTOW AtI THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO]€CT..' 4 (L*(,;o I > ! Deck (sf) U Por€h {Sr) D storage Shed {St)*_ tl Other (sF) ls t he proposed work chan8ing the existing lootprlnt? D Yes ff ruo TOTAL 5q FT UNDER ROOq Uot proposed \,/otkl Hcatcd; "{ / /)Unheated: TOTAI PROTECI COSI (l"ess l"ot): 5 .,( ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? f) Yes BaNo ls any Electrl(al, Plumbing or Mechanlca I work belng done to lhe Accessory Structure AYcs D No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is thcre a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fttcs 3 tlo ls thorc tlectrical Powe . on thig Building? ffYes tr No Property Use/ Occupan.yrEfSlngle Famlly D Duplex E Townhouse ?(r.lul ,g ,1i t'Ft. Oercrlptlon of Work; K,J.h,.. + b..flrVr;._ fr.nu)<l nrforouliolr. "'NOTt: ny work performed wjthout the appropriate permiB will be in violallon of the NC State Bktg Code and rubjcrt lo finer up to 5500.00. t I Owner/Contractor: L (rr a)SlBnaturel "Licensed Quoliller' Ptint Nome ls the property located in a tloodplain? f] YesEf No ExlstinB lmperviour Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Arear _ Sq Ft Total Arrei Disturbedi Exlstlng l-and Oisturbin8 Permit: f] Ye5 [J No WATERT ElCfl,UA ll Comnrunity Systenr fl PrivateWell n CentralWell f) Aqua SIWERr #CFPUA f] Community Syst€m D Private Septic fJ Central Septic O Aqua zono, R.20 offirnr,Dt6 setback l. ll'.'.,r1c/rol,?ofll onr$$rnxrNj[-101p!$ tloodr (A) _ (v)Approva,: Commeflt:e ciryr -flll1_. oate (F) ((N) X BrE+2ft= Purmit f ce, $ '.eq 9!l ?1, 1aq , P_5 D Det Gara8e {St}_ D Pool (sF)_ ,l':" .i 'i,,. r:i #5 +: li,Ilfff,,;i,flY.i .!'^/3_lw3 APPTICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADORESSI t/, e\ r"r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT lO N fYPri RESI DENTIAL PIEAS€ ANsWER ALL QU'SIIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJ'CI "PrOject Responslblllty'' 15 l(t,r/ CITYI L r.oT ,r l1lw {oltko u5e) *, tfjofr,t zto: 7-9/t'q ._ SUBDIVISION:/-: u,ls.14. PNOPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER'SADDRESS: I l.l K /t\., /./ t PHINE tllh - v".< ?. -'15J t .1,/.t ir'?. 1/ n r cfiy I iJ , l nl, n/i h, )1 ZIP: Z.r 4d/ CO NIRACTO N ADDRESS: EMAII. ADORESS: PROJICT CONTACT PTRSON fl Sunroom (Sr)__ n oet 6a.age (Sf)_ n Pool lsF) -- D Storage Shod lsr)_ D Other (SF) lan >t t93/1( ta BIDG IICENSE '/: .11'1 1() st: qt-zlp: L\altA PfloNe tfuo - (;4i ./ t <t i'.- PEoNEt ql, - r;40 . ?/ () t* cw, /) B () EXISTING CONSIRUCTION: [] Alteration D Renovation U Goneralnepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: O trect Nev/ Rcsidence g/Addition to Existtng Residence [] Relocatlon *.*PL'ASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BETOW AI,t THAT APPIY IO YOUR PRO,ECT..t D Att Garage {SF)_,_Qlorch lsFl ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprlnt? E Yes ! No TOTA| SQ FT UN0ER ROOF Uot ptoposed v,tork) Heated: TOTAL PROJECI COST (l,ess l-ot): S ls the proposcd ivork changing the number of bedrooms? n Ves dio ls any Clectrl.al, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure diu, rs *o l0Jil! ts :r rgPil lf the projecl is a Rclocatlon, ls thcre a Natural_Gas Line on the curront site? D yes [.] No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Z/Yes C No Property Use/ Occupancy: A. Slngle Famlly ! Duplexn Townhouse Dcicrlptlon of Work: rlrk .) r,J'ri, ( ? t,h ir e lnlormrlion, "'!!O rt: Any work p.rfoftned v.llhout lhe appropriatc permil willbe in vjolatlon of the NC St.te Bldg Codp end rublect l]n ro 5s00.m'..I ownerlconractor /a) JA utl 51d()4o P srsnature: "Llcensed Quolilier" Prlnl Nome s4Nols tha properly located in a floodplain? C Yes ExistinB lmpervlous Arear __ 5q tt New lmpervlous Are.: __ Sq Ft IotalAcres 0lsturbed: txlstln8 [and Disiurbing Permitr [] Yes t-l No WAIERT gaaFPUA fl Comnrunity System f.l Priv?tewell fl CentralWell D Aqua s€wER: y';f PUA fl Comn]unity System fl Private septic fl central Septic D Aqua t.';r' Ingrclion Reeureo, 9l 0'?Y i|n zonn, P'15 orricer; -Q![2-Setbacks 10 st \{\ rafi lo tq'|A Approval; Commentr city,-f-[],| ermlt teer S D atoi trtood'(A)-- (v)- (N) X sFE+2h=-0 fc ore3 (F) ,_-( -f "ll"l-o q r.6ui"rA r Sefi.".cL n Greenhou5e (SF) __! Dcck (Sr) -- unheatedt i )() l . , l..r' INEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED IUL 3 0 ?01g APPLtcATtoN rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PI"EASI ANSWER ALI. QUE5IION5 APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT AppLtcANT,s NAME; Casey Williams FtUgU'rcNE v16 -2125^:!;i:ii \\\ p21s.07-12-'18 pR6JECTADDRES5: 6101 Tidal Reach Court e Wlmington Z'P . 28403 PROP EBTY OWNER'S NaMr: Dr. Brian Legere & Dr. Mary Beth Bobek oWNER,s ADDRESS; 6101 Tidal Reach Court pHoNE r,: 910-617-2208 coNTRAcToR: Balding Brothers ErDG UCENSE A: 66865 ADDRESS: PO Box 1947 Ctn,. Wlmington s1. NC 21p.28402 EMATL ADDREss: casey@baldingbrothers.com e11sys.910-251-2721 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteratlon D Renovation n General Repairs N EW CONSIRUCIIONi D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residonce I Relocalion r**PLEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.L THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT''*T [] Att Garage (St) --[] sunroom (sF)- E Greenhouse (SFl ! Det Garagc {sF}_ n Pool (5F) n Deck (5F) ls thc proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes E No TOrAI 5Q FT UNDERROOF Uot proposed work)llsated: < 100 Unheated: ToTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S '12,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bodrooms? O ves It'lo ls any rl€€trical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accesgory Structure E yes E No tf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the €urrent site? E Yes D No lDJllL ln !:l!ill ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yee n No ,....,_...... propertyuse/occupancy:(stngteFamtty D DuptexD rownhouse i '''lllip'tliol'' kCIQuliBtl' ii0'2lq'iyu'; Descrlp tion of work; Enlarge opening and replace door in master suite lawt and ordinances and .eBulatlons. The NHC Development Services Cenler will be nolilied of any ahnnSet in lhe approvcd plans nfld !pecifi(nliont cofrtri(lor i6,orm ion. 'r'NOTI: Any work performed withoul thc appropriate permili will bq in violation ol lhc NC Stale gld8 Code aod sybjea to fin pr 500 Owner/contraclor: Nick Balding Slgnatu "Licented Quolifiet" Pint None ts the property located in a floodplain?F. vn, D ruo $t ?,s'Lo ODZONE Exlsllng lmpervlous Arear _ Sq Ft New lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Fl WATER: E CFPUA D Community System Total Acres Disturbed: Exlstlng Land Dlsturblng Permit: D yer E No Not a ar&dx'J'oE Private Well D Central Well D Aqua D Privateseptic E Central Septic - Aqua N SEWER: E CFPUA 0 System etbacks (f) appro"utt '0L ctryt LLV o"t",floodr 3S. vqft^{'$q6,b00 E.2fr= )q,5' zonu, R-15 om..dL (LH)lg/l(RH)(B)IA (A)AELlv (N) ---- Bf Comment:0 ,7 o Chat,.l1 < )'o/oo , ) n l* permtt Fee:s ,i\ crw: Wilmington ,. Ap: 28403 pRolEcT coNTAcT pgp56x, Casey Wlliams pHp11g. 910"622-2,150 n Porch (sF)_ n Storage Shed (5F)_ tr orher (SF)_ Prlnt t\ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT a_\v67$)AP PLI CAT D N TY PE: RESIDTNTIAL PtEASI ANs!V'R AI.[ qUgSIIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOUB PNOJTCT "ProJe.t Responsilrlllty" , -^b/ pplkatlon lo,fi.cute) APPTICANT'S NAMT! PROJECI ADDNIsS: , (n .12.6 n o oro, --/-" -&y'- / I -- -"" *. Cl"lY k);/tni rtztkn ztr i? t4da,ili,SUB0lVlSlONr Donro larLt PHON E i':',?{" ,?V3 3C55 stDG Llc[NsEJ,: 75,d{ /b-als,,r'e up:3,yy'y'a NE: q,/0 ./na.a2J PNOPINTY OWNER'S NAMII owNER'S A)OREIS 55//?/n tor Cl .tTY kt)LaiAa ----...--rrr'e ly'O? CONTnACTOR:. ADDRESS: <,7 EMAll" ADDRESST E Sunroom (Sf)----.- L-l Grccnhouse {Sf)-_.- //<u GDM.5 /ne5 dr il5 t, (n rn CITYr p PnOTECT CONT CI PrnSONr*D 0 n1a "r,lr',PH}NE: q,/0.8d3 d73/ /! f] Stora8e she d {sF)*_- €XISTING CONSTRUCTION: ll Aiteratlon E fienovation l-J GeneralRepairs N[w CoNSInUCTION t ffitect New Residence f] Addition to Exlstlng Resldence fl nclociltion "'e!EAiE qt:l-EILA-NpANEWEB-qE!8wl!! tIALAPII-Y-JSIot'B IBolEc["' O AuGarage{sF)- D ootGarage(SF)- ta-Porch (Sf) ffoecxlsrl ?6 ^--.-..-tr Other (sF) -.-- ls t he proposcd \./ork changlng the exlstlnS footprint? D Yes llf No ToTAf SQ rT UNDEn ROOF Uor proposed \vork) Heatedl /97/vntrcatett: -.{-fu rorAr PRo,EcT cosT (Lest Lotl: s Jrc , d 1! d.7Jl ls the proposed lvork changing the [umber of bcdroolrrs? tr yes dllo ls any E lectrlca l, PlumblnB or Merh0nlcal work being don e lo the Acccssory Stru cturc f) Y lf the proJoct ls a Relocatlon, 15 thcrc a Natural Gas Line on the current sltc? n Y€s A No ls there Electrical Polvar on thls Buildlns? Yos E No .,ffi{W ffirngumeernmg m"mw $Ratrfrmw Property Uso/ 0ccupan ocscrlptlon of WoIk: : [I Shrgle Famll I Duplex [J hocT edr DISCI-alMtll: I hetcbyacrtl{Y lhal all the Jolormnllon lo lhl! !Dplkntlon h (orrccl ond all\Yotl wlll(o!rl l.\cland ordlnancestnd tesul.tlont.Ihe NHc 0lvelop0lcnl Se.vlcei Cenlerwltlbe nolinedola0y(ha hlormillod.*iNOI8:Anyv/o(kpertotnedlvlthoutthca0proprl!lepcrnlltswlllbclilvloltllonofthc plywltlt tle Slnle 0s,ldlng €odc rnd allolher sppllcible Slalc andlocnl nget ln lhe aDproved planr rnd !p?dfkatlo0s or(han8e,n aonlr.(tor NcStatellds Codeand soble(l to lheJ {rt)ro ss00.00 | r. ownsr/conlractor: "Llcensed Quolile/' ls the property locatcd ln a floodptaln? tl Yos dl{o txlstlnE lmparvlous Area: --- sq tt Now lnlpervlous AIeai -_ Sq f t WATER: ZrCFPUA E commu lty systcnl TotalAcros Dlsturbod: Exlstlng tand Dlsturblng Pcrmltl ll Ycs d l'to f] Privatc well [J CeotralWcll D Aqua ),10,?'.r-t/-tl- lnsp$tion Requrroo, 91 0.254"pn . Pormlt teo: S - Slgnnture: te stwEnr dcf P.UA L-l Cornnrunlty SysLcnr 0 Privatc Scptlc n Centralseptic ! Aqua f j ' z'*,E:E]SIPYTL se$ackfo,t ?o lr-H)- lo'{nrt} t o' @ i1. app,ouot, -0f- cny: lfl* rry"' 1 fi, l$ Flood: (A) ---- (v) '- (N) -- k' BFE+2ft con,mcnt: lA"sl ru4-fl:55alba-cLs n Pool (SF)-- i;;;,;;;'J l3 "2,1 Iofllce ur.) #r NEU/ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT APPLICAT| O N WP E : RESIDENTIAt Pr.€^st ANsw€nA(t QUfsTtoNs AppUcASt-E.10 youn pnoJtcl "P.oJect Responsibillty" APPTICANT'S NAME:Tait ContracllnO lnc ( Burt Tait )9319; B-1-18 pRoJICT ADDRESST 5005 Chelon Ave 61ay. Wlminglon 21p 284O9 sugotvlstot\i: Tyndall tOT H pROpERTy OWr,lER,S NAME: Michael Paratore p11exs s. 610-293-5805 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 5605 Chelon Avo crIY: Wilminqton aPL28l109 CONTRAST6RT Tail Conlracting Inc Bt06 LtctNst {52324 A0DREss: 2602 Arden Road CtTy Wilminglon Sr: NC ZtP' 28403 rMAtL ADDRESS: laitcontracling@me.com pg6;i16;910-512-7117 pROJTCT CONTACI p61159p; Burt Talt pHgxg.9l0-512-7117 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: MAlterdtion Il Renovation n Gencral Repairs7< NEW CONSTRUfiION: ll Erect New Resldence [-] Addition lo Existing Residence f] Relocation "TP[[ASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO,IECT'.' D oet Gara8e (SF)_ D Pool{Sr) u Deck (sF) D StoraSe Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed worl changing the existing footprint? fl Yes ff No TOTAI Sq FI UNDTR ROOF Uot ptoposed wod) Heatedl Unheated: TOTAT PROIECf COST (tess Lot). S 100,000 ls the proposed work changlnS the number of bedrooms? O Y€s ifNolsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMerhanlcalworkbeinsdonetotheAcces5oryStructu.eCY€snNo lf the project is a Re,ocation, Is there a Natural Gas tine on the current slte? D Y€5 C ilo 15 the.e Electrical Power on this guilding? ft Ye5 D No : Att Garage (SF)_ il Sunroom {5F)__ 3 Greenhouse (SF) - Property Ure/ Occupancy:{ Slngle ramlly D Duplor E Townhouse 1flU0 l8 :r:,l5f1l Descrlption of Work: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FOB DESCHIPTION OF WORK liwj and ordtnanaes,nd reSulrtionr. The NllC oevelopmant servi(ci Cente.wiilbe notifledofany (hanSer in ths rpp.ov€d plans and rp€aiticationt or ahanSe in aont,.ctor informntion. ...NOTI: any worl pcrformed wilhool rhe appropriar€ permilr willbe ln violation of the NC State BldtCode aod tubl.( to flnet up lo $S00.m'r'gterFA /f Slgnature:Owner/Cont.actor: "Licensed Quofillef Pinl l,lomc ls the property located ln a lloodplaln? n Ves,;{ rrro ExlstlnS lmpewlourArna, ' sq tt New lmpcrvioug Area:-_ Sq tt Existlng Land DisturblnS Permh: D Yes I No TotalAcres Olsturbed: MTER: fi CFPUA C Community System n Private well C Centralwell D Aqua SEWER:N CFPUA l-l Communlty System tl PriYateSeptic n CcntralSeptic Ll Aqua s(r) Nzon", R- 15 oricer: D-l l, setback [r t.'nr N][-t*,r $/[ (B] il fA ' i d'r/lon feg iilea, g i C.2:,i.1? C," L' Approval: Comment: 0 cttv,lM- oate:Flood: (A) - (V) - (N)BfEr2ft= rmI feer S D Porch {5F)-- [:] Other (SF) _ .'.., : r a. PRO]EC] ADDRESS &/ NEt^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN rYPf r COMIIIERCIAI PLIA5I AIISWTR tLL QUfS]IOIIS iPPL'CABL€ IO YOUR PiO]E(I ^ Al "Prgiect Responsibi]ity" AL Sk *,4 ts -D+5 APPLICATION Nu ber (ot APPIICANT,5 NAI'IE DEVELOPER::^If,qorl1z\r8 v :1 OCCUPANI/BUSINESS NAhE : PROP E RTY OI,INER,5 NA}{E:\ ol,lNER's ADoR[Ss: 51{r ],L LQnr PHONE # CONTRACIOR:Au &"<I-* ADDEESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: a's PRO]ECT CONTACl PER N tc>p I ,uC d) CITYr LICE CITY: NSE ,b,bq1',o Ac, ' t'<, " ST: UPi SI;ZIP i t( PHONE Si pHoNt ,r: 0 4,""{ E XlST CONSTRUCTION:6ENERAt REPAIRS RE LOCATION l, Rolocstion. is lhcro rr NatwalGas Line olr lhe Cullenl Sile?Yes Drvu IS BI" DG SPRINKL ERED?Ivo' f]ruo NEW CONSTRUCTlON ERECT I']EI{ STRUCTUR!fl rnsr rnacx D sxeLl D uprrr I aoo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ;1 or-rrrorrolr $RET,IOVATION lf UPFIT Thc Shell Pernit l,:Is Elect P ,.... rs rlrs A orAll6€ oF occupAlcy use l [vIt Yes, what vas the trevlous occupnn.y Type? -- l.that 19 lhe Let o((lpancy Typel ARCH O€SICN PNOf ESSIONAT:N( R€6 II IiC R€6 ' o(er on this Buildiog ,t\*..... \r", Dro PH PHEN6R DESI6N PsOf ESSIONA 0Es(nlPT IoN 0f r,lonK: L:effi Is food or boveragos pr€pared or sorvod ln thls structuo? ffYes [ ruo l" The Properly Loc€led ln Ths Roodplaln?[ves I lo Codc and allo0rcr appl;cablc Slate ,* loe!Ir.,) (Ain,l$.l NI contrin AlbeSor o. nd. You aro lo cstlth6 No0onsl fmls.lo. Slondards io? |tar,rdoo3 Ar polluaru (NESHAP) al i9l9)707.5950 Bl le?, 10 d3y! glor loln. domorii o, any laolily or nLiuln Asbanor W6b Sito; nlP:1,1^./fr.rri.sla1o....rrv6dasi€sloslsimp.itlml TOTAL PROJECT COS BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL ANEA SQ FT TOTAT SO FT UNDER ROOF: - AOF STRUCTURES f OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED ExsT LAND DTsTURBTNG pERMrr? Tl yEs n No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPEBVIOUS AREA; dffgc&[tRrr,, erlsrh SO FT pRopERry usE: florFrcE DnesreunRNr luencerurrr-e Seouc f}mr f]coruoo orHen' zoNEaLf:_larF Approval: 'OlL C H,IA,.n,,vA "HdAa,XLA RIVTSEO OATE lJtl/12 N PERMIT FEE: $ (roR oFFrcE usE tcER: o(t ETBACKS: iry: IL YIr DATE FLOOD:_- ___X_ BnE+en= 0 Chaacomment (et\ta L1 [,t'cs *ii' riiiprciion xeqtiiieu, i i u'r.;q"uii'i'r t:. CITY: PHONE : SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS: SQ TT PER FLR: ----_-_ f OF STORIES: WATER: I--ICFPUA TICOMMUNTTY SYSTEM flwEtl EZONING USE CIASSIFICATION --sEwER:.cFpuA frceHrRel seelc fl PI-|VATE sEPTlc fl-oMMUNlrY SYSTEM PA,MENTMETHoo:..=:::.:.-H.::.:-::i::lf.::l:,:i:],.F-:1'.:l:i::yi:::..H.f:i:i rotscoven