2018-08-08 Minutes 8 August 2018 Meeting Minutes Chairman Barbour called the Port, Waterway & Beach Commission (PWBC) meeting to order at ~4:00. Participant introductions were made; the meeting’s attendance sheet is attached. The July 2018 meeting minutes were approved. Current Efforts Wrightsville Beach’s (WB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) Project, Post Authorization Change Report (PACR): The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has proposed a June 2019 DRAFT PACR release date. A bullet status of the study effort, to date, has been requested. Carolina Beach (CB) CSDR Project, Beach Renourishment Evaluation Report (BRER): The USACE has proposed a DRAFT BRER release date in May 2019. A bullet status of the study effort, to date, has been requested. CB and Kure Beach (KB) FY19 CSDR Maintenance Projects: The USACE’s plans and specifications were released 8 August with bid volumes of ~650K cubic yards (cy) on CB and ~450K cy on KB. The bid opening is targeted for 7 September with an award on 28 September and a notice to proceed on 15 November. A CB Inlet maintenance dredging effort, with an estimated volume of 35,000 cy with disposal within the CSDR template, was included as a bid option. The CB bid package called out a plumbing alignment along Freeman Park’s mean high water; a re-alignment along the waterward dune toe remains as a potential near-term modification. Mason Inlet Relocation Project (MIRP): The USACE is preparing a federal solicitation for multiple NC Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) features. The USACE will include the Mason Creek crossing within the federal solicitation at full non-federal costs. As a contract option, the County will be allowed to review the USACE bid tab before a non-federal fund transfer occurs. Carolina Beach Inlet (CBI): The USACE hopper dredge Murden is wrapping up a 10-day maintenance dredging event that began on 30 July. Regulatory coordination/cooperation allowed use of the inshore dredge material management site outside the environmental window (15Nov – 31Mar). Final dredge quantities are expected within the next few days. Shoreline Mapping Program: The 2018 shoreline field transects are complete; the engineering analysis is underway. Refined Coastal Modeling (RCM): The DRAFT CB RCM is in house under review. The KB DRAFT analysis is anticipated within the month. Legislative Updates: Ruth Smith updated the County lobbying efforts in Washington; a Congressional 2018 Water Resource Development Act (WRDA) is anticipated in the fall. The PWBC welcomed Kyle Sanders the new Economic Development Strategist of Senator Tillis’s staff. Public Comment: The next NC Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) meeting is scheduled for September thth 19 and 20 at the Holiday Inn on Market Street. Topics of interest include the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway confined disposal facilities and their private use, the Kure Beach Riggings’ sand bagging and new CRC appointments. The NC State Ports Authority (NCSPA) is holding a public information and scoping meeting this week for their Section 203 study. Section 203 of WRDA 1986 allows non- federal interests to undertake studies of proposed harbor project improvements and submit them to the Secretary of the Army. The NCSPA is conducting a Section 203 study to determine the feasibility of navigation improvements at the NCSPA, Port of Wilmington. Ken Willson (Aptim) and Kathleen Riley (NCBIWA) spoke of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association’s interest in the USACE’s supplemental funding in terms of the USACE’s racking and stacking of projects and the limited US dredge fleet’s ability to execute. Meeting Adjourned. Agenda 8 August 2018, 4:00PM New Hanover County, Government Center Finance Conference Room, 500 4:00 Call to Order Welcome/Introductions Request approval of the July meeting minutes (emailed 13 July 2018). Current Efforts: Wrightsville Beach (WB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) Project, Post Authorization Change Report (PACR) A US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) draft document release date is tentatively June 2019. Carolina Beach (CB), Beach Renourishment Evaluation Report (BRER) A USACE draft document release date is tentatively May 2019. CB and Kure Beach (KB) FY19 CSDR Project The plans and specifications release are anticipated in mid-August. Placement volumes are estimated at ~650,000 cubic yards and ~450,000 cubic yards respectively. Efforts to potentially include a CB Inlet maintenance option within the FY19 CB CSDR scope continue. Mason Inlet Relocation Project (MIRP) The MIRP’s 2018 Engineering Report has determined a FY19 relocation event is not warranted. At non-federal expense, the Mason Creek Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) crossing is tentatively included in the USACE FY19 AIWW scope of work as an option. Carolina Beach Inlet (CBI) th On July 30, the Murdenbegan working a ten-day (12-hrs/day) event. http://saw-nav.usace.army.mil/INLETS/CAROLINA_BEACH/Carolina_Beach_Inlet.pdf Shoreline Mapping Program The 2018 shoreline mapping analysis is underway. Refined Coastal Modeling (RCM) The CB refined coastal modeling DRAFT documents are under review; the DRAFT KB analysis is anticipated in mid-August. Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) Meeting: thth The September 19 & 20 CRC meeting is scheduled in Wilmington, location to be announced. Legislative Update: WRDA18 is anticipated in the fall. Public Comment: Adjourn