AUG 17 2018 BUILING APPS08202018115901-;-*\ ({{,J I ( --+1426f- ffi NEtil HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIiIG PERIiIT APPL ICATIott rYPE; COi'IIIERCIAL PLTASE ANSI,IER Att QUESTIoNS APPLI(ABLE I0 YouR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (offtc€ Use) DEVELOPER: vERrzoN wrR::,Ess PHONE f: 7.4-511-8185 PHONE S: ST: TN ZIP: 3 7421 51; NC 71p; 27616 678-78'7-7 t0t OCCUPANT/EUSINESs IIAI.IE : \,ERIzoN WIRELESS PROPERTY O NER,S NAITE: MAYFAIRE TOWN CENTER LP OI{NER,S AIDRESS: 2o3o HAI4ILTON 'vD AFL Network Seruices LICETISE f: H rw: Ralerlli-- CIW: CHATTATooG; CO TRACTOR: ADORESS;c5808 Depadure Drive EI'IAI L ADDRESS:nikita.wans@afl global.conr PRO lEcrcoNTAcrpERSoN: ----NikittNetis PHONE *: PHONE T:678-787-',110t If UPFIT - The SheU Permit *: .''** IS THIS A CHAT{GE OF OCCUPANCY USET EYES I IF Yes, what ras the Previous occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGTI PROFESSION,ITL: I.I/.1 t*lat is the N€w occupancy Type? ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL:WILLIAM C.EDMONSON (KIMLEY- HORN )PH:404-57r--8785 NC REG #: 041745 NC REG $ * DESCRIPTION OF I,IIORK: PROPOSED DISTRIBUTED A}ITENNA SYSTEM WITT ROOFTOP A}ITENNA!; b bod c bcruqa propacd q acved h !*l *uctn? [ ves I No b Tho Propcrf Locatd h Tho FbodphhZ I ves I No Code and allother applicable State eppro!ed ficatons tion of the g Cod€ and tlo: Dt'El!o.' rdttao.. e -b@ lrm,r.l F.ri {pli o.:!!bb.anirftdlr rt Tplbdo.t h.m (DtltKi376t) x,tl.tl. I' t.ItydboittEiGio.rnbdtr A&.4. q nd. Yc! r! rquH D c{ lh. Ndo..l E rilbr $.'f.6 ft. }bd&r At Po.L.t (NEs}uP) r (919)m7{s50 d t61o aF Fb. to tE d..mfiton d .ny tdiy o. hnh- Sa tut- W.b Sk h$r,l,l.iv.c+idarE-t./.dbb-bithrp.hhl ,Y TOTAL PROJECT COST. . SI],6'866 BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A * OF UNITS; N/A TOTAL AREA SQ FT :25 SQ FT PER FLR: pze I OF STORIES: r,r ze TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 2s I OF STRUCWRES: I u I I OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:0 EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTn E YES I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS ARE \: No TNCREASE pRoposEp SQFT EXSTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:I]NKNOWN SO FT lmencnrnle leouc lnrr lcoloo onrec nwEu flzoNtNGusEct ,SslFlCATK'lt PRM TESEFIIC flCornruNnysysrEM PAYMENT METHOO:flusr [erecxFAyABTETo NHc) fiercrucen e<enEss Er{c rtsA lorscoventsffir._..........--...t..........-...-.... (FOROFFrcE U8€O -Y)ZoI{E:_OFFICER:_ SEIBACXS:F:_LH:_RH: B:Approyal:_ CIy:_DATE: FLOOD: __ _ BFE+aF Comm€nt A t{ PERMTTFEE: $ FEVAED DAIE 'ifi2 APPLICANT'S I{A'iIE: iERIZ']: IiIi:::SS DATE: '.1 ':!- 1] PRolEcT ADoRESS: 6808 :',iir.l s;?a:: CITY: wrlJ'llNcrcti zIP:::.i,:: Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E HO PH: (check Ali That apply) Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E ALTERATTd{ E RENOVATTON E GENERIL REPATRS E RELOCATTON It R.locadon. rs there a Narurat cas Line on the -Currenl 51sr IVFp No tS erDG SpRrN-XfeqEpr p Ves INlo r,rE11 colrsTRucrroirr ! enecr NEhl srRUcruRE ! rasr rnacx ! srrr-r- @ uerrr I mo ro ExrsT srRUcruRE 6raE<('r1PY <TellrTltPF. AFL Network Sen ices (Nikita I Clear Form Print E o,g' 1 sqdtNiT\C ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPL CABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity Application Number (offlce use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Date July T B, 2018 4845 Canetuck Road CITY Wilmington ztP 28411PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: Cape Fear Habital for Humanity PHON E f LOT#: R04306-005-001-000 910 .7 62.47 44PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:20 N 4th St Ste 200 CITY Wilmington z|P. 28401 ADDRESS:Wilminston ST: la ZtppHONE: 910.617.7139 28401 9 1 0 .6'1 7.71 39 20 N 4th St.. Ste 200 CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:Esmond@capefearhabitat.org EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'.*1' ! Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) n Porch (SF) ! other (sF) E Sunroom (5F) E Greenhouse (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ Is the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jot proposed work) Heated:1,148 Unheated:175 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S 65,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No IsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyes!No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves E lto Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work 3 bedrooms l]ffUc t8 2r47Pll laws and ordinances and regulations The NHc Development services center wlll be nottfied of any changes tn the approved ptan's anJgeciticutions o]. change in contractorinformation'**NorEiAnvworkperformedwithouttheappropriatepermitswillbetnviotationoftheNcstateBldgcodea;dsubjefi;tiiesuptoS50ooo.*+ owner/Contractor: Esmond Anderson signature: "Licensed Quolifier" print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E lto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area; ---- sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No W ATERT VCF\UA E Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E cFpUA tr Community system #rivate Septic E Central septic E Aqua Zone: -- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -- City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) -- BFE+2ft= Comment: Permit Feei S 6) CONTRACTOR. Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity g1p6 116E115g g. 46532 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Esmond Anderson PHONE: .:1,-"'/ € {c APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: AODRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLt CATIO N ryPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilitl/' l--'-<:-- D+. t z)k-:€kl Application Number (office use) o"r",P I I ,? CITY tlt!-^Nu zp: 2g t1 ') CITY BI-DG TICENSE #5)t05 sr: LlLztPl Zgt4 re Print 0ll'r"ortr4lK-- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: C.t^,^dn t/,,rp.an- / g,4,,^l!rffffi;q b 2.1 417oM-ze;a'75'CZt lA'tuar c_- r qa G- (n^o G-ox CITY:i'\- PHONE: PHON E: EMAIL ADDRESS Didt Ca:-:L--> 2_'1 4 tc, L1 s37 3vr Oa' <-\ ! EXISTING CONSTRUfiION: ! A ation E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION rect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation .fT*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AlL THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** PROJECT CONTACT PERSON D Att Garage (st)o 2 L-l 5unroom {51-) ! Greenhouse {SF)_ work bein tura I Line ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ng?esnN ! Det carage (sF)_ D Pool (SF) ! Porch (sF)9i?1 ! Storage Shed {SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? E Yes No ! Deck (SF)! other (sF) tt"rt"dr TrJ 'J unt ""t"a, /E5l 0cTOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S qoo K ls the proposed work changing the num ber of bedrooms? E Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical lf the project is a Relo€ation, is there a Na netotheAccessorystructure E Yes E No onthecurrentsite? E Yes E No o l E ls 3:Eit Family E ouplex n T house Description of Work:1r bL€ fu,,n,,_fLz-Si Sanc-Qt laws and ordlnances and regulationr. fhe NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and speclfications or change in contractor inlormation. "'NOTE: Any work rmed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractori "Licensed Quolifier" is the propertv locat Signature:fo ft-o...- 7-r-er715 J-/2-. ed in a floodplain?es!No Exirting lmpervious Ar"", O ,o ,,TotalAcr€s Disturbed pervious ", )15(o Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbin8 Permit: E yes E No D Community System E PrivateWell I Central Well E Aqua New lm WATER: SEWER:CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(tH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BrE+zft= _ F Comment: Cs.'|nh{ anm3 /crOue Permit Fee: S t*\7$" suBDtvtstoN: '-lL!Lrx- LJ + t- K- IOT fl: 4 ) a Clsar Form t/ Property Use/ Occupancy: S -4' - tlq /,..zotS-M1l \r CITY lJri-l,l'!e7oJ LOT ,1 APPLICANT'5 NAME:( PROJEcT ADDRESS: 1i L: \ Date ztP 'l t1- QLc:'71e3 SUBDIVISION: OWNER'S PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:PHONE # ^DoREsst )ol, fl), r U* ss De rvL CfiY: htzu ZIP:o-2513 il,,lrtCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: n Att Garage (SF)- n sunroom (sF)-_ D Greenhouse (SF)- tha ^t l\tuc c JC.. CITY BTDG LICENSE H sr| NC t/27o2t PHoNE:914-? pHoNE: q14 - 1t4 - o5l3PROJECT CONTACT PERSON </ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIoN:,tfurect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation It1!:'PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*i"I' - Det Garase (SF)D Porch (sF) Pool {SF) tr Deck (sF) L l 5torage 5ne0 [5r) D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changin8 the existinE footprint? ! Yes E No TOIA| SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated @ Unheated: --e- TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes D No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy Single Family n Duplex f] Townh 5e J ,i+ nformation. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate pe in violatlon ofthe NCState Sldg Code an subject to fines up to $500.00r*+ Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Areai _ 5q Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! No WATER; ! CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E PrivateWell D CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic ! CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: lA) - (V) - (N)- BFE+2ft= - ;:SEDescription of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor Comment:Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TY PEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESIIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project ResponsibilitY' a 1 * .4q -t1 ll i L ^l'.v ^..^t (Lrc,,r .O1 ^4.,\\t'Y}\rtt,i; lr 'r,ffi;l' ,'.rltf|" ,'\'_Q&_." ":,i:-/ ffi74 E7NET{ HAI\IOV€R CO{Jfr'fV BUfI.SfMG P€ APPLTCAIIaN IyPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AIISI,0ER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOIJR PRO]E' -project &esrons jbilitlf APPL]CANT'S NAME: DEVELOPEf,: North State par Erue LL PROJECT ADDRESS: 15 c4 souLh EasL Har:bor CilV: ui-im.i PHONE #: 5T: i,ic ZIp:2ea. ! PIIONE #: e1o-21A - 917 L CTTY:ltniSUBDlVISION:Sou :h Ea6t Harbor ZIP l 29aae BLoCK #: Lor *: 36 PHONE #:PROPERTY OhNER'S NAME: W nfie L ObS{Eq, S ADSg.ESS: t5o.l Scu Lb,East lta!_bor CONTRACTOR:t te Pa t ruct LL LICENSE #: 7oo4GADDRESS: p. o. Box 3ss ElilAiL ADDRESS; ofrice@no staEecustor.bu i l de PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: .iim wlseman CITY: I,r:.i tsvl1ie Beach ExrsrrNc coNsr&ucrroru: I alrrRarroru [ neuovarroru I GENERAL REpArRs I nrlocarrolr NEU COl.lSTRUCrru'{ r fi enrcr fiEll ?EsrEancE o" I morrroru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE,.*PLEASE CHECK AIID AI{ShIER BELO[,{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: Att €afrA6E *-__ .sF SUNROoIY ""_--5F GREENHOUSE -_ SF TOTAL HEATEO 5Q FT:204a DEt cAkAGI sr fl noncH tB?._ _sFpool _--- sF ;ft sronaor sHED ____-_ sF DECK SF oTHER: sBB (carDort )5F TOTAL SQ FT UNDER nOOF: a}t ?ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: 36/ 6 ts Anv EllcrAtcAl, pt&cr$fl{it or iiEtihhtcAt !,lork 6eing tbne to the Accessory structure} p} ves [J xorf the projcct is a Rerocation, is there a Naturar 6as Line on the current tra"r il,ii ilr,Is there Electri.at pohien on this Building? l-l'l yu, FFI lo TOTAL PROIECT C0ST(ressr-or): g 450,o0 # 0F SIoRTES: I PROPERTY USE / OCCUpAIICY: El S CIE rnr'lrrv I ouerrx I Torir*rousE a iderrceEESCRIPTICN OF ho&-(: con6trucr s uqI e ?aaii:ly Re pJSC.LAITUEfI I herely c€rrr,lhat.?il-infirm6rton-in $iB eprltcrlon is corBr and allin'orr(lIit .ompty wirh the s1!ie Buirding Code and a, otqr sFpli.rg! Stare andand ordlnances and reoulalions. The NHC Devetop.nenl Sarvces Center wilt be notfied ofany chanqss in th€ apcontacbr lnionnadon. ,+NOTE: Atry WorN p€romed W/O th€ ADgrorrisi€!e inP€rmrs wir(be t4 Violairon orlhe NC S!€le Erdg Code *r**** *** )i. )t *x** x)a* * *:*:t ****** **** REVISED OATE 94l11l12 c(y OWNER,/C0NTRACTOR: irjm wiseman SIGNATURE: ,r,(** *** **** *x** ** ******** *JIl*l liTl** ** ** * * * * * *:*:r*** * jrr.n+ IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED :N '" FLCODPI.AIN} IX] YEs ffi NO EXISTING IMPERVIqJS AREA: O SQ FT f'lEht' rl..tpEhvldls AFEA .. r sQ Ft TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: Ertst [at6 Uts?Ungltdc FEt{rf: f,J yEs m ruc, mrrn: Mi $eun I cor,4Mulrry sysrEM I pRrvATE wELL I crurRal urlr- sE ER; l crnu.o f] cENTRAL sEprrc M pnrvarr seer:c f] coMMUNrry sysrEM ZOIVE: .- OFFJIER: *** SEPAHATE pEnfir]"s BEQUTRD roR ELEc'r, riEcfi, PLBG., G s E0urp_, pREFABS & rNsERrs .+*pA\nE T r*rfl.D: ficrsn ff cxriK (,A'ABLE ro *.1 fi-*r.r; ;;;, "i3-rirrrJo.''ffrrr.orr* :t:*****x +**,t* * 'r* * * 't * * * i. *,r)*:* ** ** *+* rr ** *,t * **,i {. * + *** * {.** * *,t,},t. ** )t* * )k,*+** )t*x,* *** **:** ****x**r*** (FOR OFFICE USE OiiLV) SE I'8ACI(S: F:LH:_ RH:_ BAppnoval:_ Citv: _ DATE: FLooD:BFE+2ft= i,JComment: LV Qv 4 lxnv,' / Nnc zo^n7, PERMIT FEE: Dg- p-ifidi-rou Number (Office lrse)4P DATE: ST: Nc ZIp: 28480 PHONE *; 9ia-442-7s./4 ffi) NEW HANOVER COUIVTY BUILbfNG PERII{II APPLICATIa] rypE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE A'ISWER ALL qJESTIOI{S APPLICABL€ TO YOTJR PRO]ECT -Project Responsibilit)d CIW: wllminoton znt-E1'rt L8-2347 APPLICATIOI{ Nunber (Office Uie) APPLICANT'S l{A}lE: Norrh sEar e Partnera Con6truct i , LLC DEVELOPER: PROIECT AIn RESS: 1504 south Ea6r Harbo! Ptot'rE #: ZI,P: 2e4o9 36SUBDlVISION:South Ea t rbor LOT #: PROPE RTY O^ ER'S tlAl.lE: winfield and Lavonne Donat P}ONE #: O.IIER., S ADORESS: 1604 sourh Ea6r Harbor CITY: wj.lminqtpn ST; Jg_ zIP: 284oe COT,ITRACTOR:North State PartnerE ConEtruction. LLC LICENSE S: '7 o046 ADORESS: P. o. Box 359 CITY: wriqhtsville Beach ST: Ig ZIp: ggg EilAIL AIDRESS: office@norrhararecu6 tonibuilde16 . com PHTIVE *: 910-2oo-91?4 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSOOI:m liiseman EXrSTnE COarSrRUCrrON: l-l arrrrarrot I n$ovarrol I eeNennr nerarns ! RElocaTrol,l NEt{ corirsrRucrrori, I rnrcr E!{ RESTDENcE or ! 4s,91116x ro ExrsrrNc RESTDENcE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI.IER BELOII Al-L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECTT [an eana* _.s]I sunnoor"r _ sF I cneeuotse _ sr fiom e*nr,cr _5] E]p*ar g_sF f'lEll flqpEhvldjs AhEA: , r ZONE :OFFICER: I coor- f| oecx SF SF 5F STORAGE SHED SF OTHER: .5!g (carport ) TOTAT HEATED SQ FT:204s ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 333s TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 3338 TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot) : $ 45q,ooo * OF STORIES 'ts Any EltcihicAf, t(r{$llc or lit"cis{lcat r,lork betng bone to the Accessory struciurer IE yes E] ibIf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural 6as Line on the Current site? [ v"r I Ho Is thene Electrical Poh,er on this Bullding? [ ves [t to pRopERTy usE / occt pal{cy: I sr}l6l-e rar,ur-v I ouerex I To[,]$]tousE DESCRIPTTON OF hIORK:Con6truct si nqle Fahilv Re8idence prSqAUrEt lher€by c€rlify th ot all intormElion In.lh is €pplicalion iE corcc1€nd al i,ortwill comply n,it tre 61B1e Buitding C.d€ end d olnet spplicabl€ Stsb snd 8nd ordlflanc6s snd reoulatjons. ThB NHC Dovelopmenl Servlces C6nb, wlll be notfed olany changes tn h6 approved plsns and lncontetrr hbrmaion. .6NOTE: Any Wo Perlom6d WO the Appoprials Pemttswitlbetn Vlohlton otth6 NC StsE Btdg Code OhNER/CONTRACTOR r Jim wiseman SIGI{ATURE : *,r,i *,r'r* **:** x '**,. ** ** ***** ** *(iltll Iil"J * ***** ** * r* .l *,* *:t,i *:t * *,t * !******** ***,t*rt:i**,t*:*)* rt t:l rt ,t ,t *:* *:i rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN a rlooorlau? [l vrs EXISTIT.IG IMPERYIOUS AREA: o qr SQ FT sQ Ft Eruo TOTAL ACRES OISTURBED: >1 MTER: I creun f] cofrvluNrw sysrE SEI.,ER: D CTEUA f} CENTRAL SEPTIC Nl Extst [rt6 Dtsfl,hgtt{c FEhrtt: I ves lTl ro PRrvArE wELL f] ceurRel uell [l enrvare senrrc fl colrrrJrrry sysrEM ++* SEPAI1ATE PERI4IIS REQUIREO FOR TLECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFASS & INSERTS *'* pAyr'lE r ri.rErHoD: ! cmx I cxecK ( PAYABLE ro wc1 fi mrnrc* ,rr*r$ El rcryrsr I orscoven 'i* t:t * 't 't * * * t + t *+ *,t+t*++ * *t****,t*.t,1**** *:*,* * ,| *t**'t*i.*:*,* *,t***,1*:t'l*,t**:t**,t** ***,t *:****,t+ 't * ***:* (Foi oftl(E usE oN!y) REVISIO DAIE O4l11/r2 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: approval:_ clty:_ DATE i_ FLoOD: _ corment : BFE+2ft= N PERMIT FEE: DArEt _fJ]212!]S_- BLOCK *: PTONE #: 9to-442-'i 5,74 ( \^Jl-\ APPI.ICANT'S NAMI PNO,,ECT ADD 5S: SUBDIVISION: \ PNOPEETY OWNTR'5 NAMEI OWNIR'5 ADDRE5S: CONTRACTOR: ADDR ESS €MAll- ADDRESST .\u- fC.\Cle\@ o.r\\cx:k.$Yv\ PRO,,ICT CONTACT PERSON c<- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD'NG PERMIT AP PLtCATION rYPEr RESIOENTtAtpLtASr ,,1Nswt fr Alt QUtSI tONs Aptt lcAULt To youR pfiottc I "Project Ra5ponsibility" 7p( 3-trtn '{$-+ffi lo,lt(c u!cl Oatc:t\r',\r< crrv: -!D t.\.{y}zrp:-_ j2,&lLLa*. LOT iJ pltoNE,l CITY zlP: 2- BTDG LICENSE 'I F- k)3 PHONT }.crb-).)&-&z v? tl--. ClrY: t$ i twrtv\e hyx Sr: -lL!}rpPHONE: 1./h -LL r- ..qY/l-* ItXISIING CONSTRUCTIONi [], nlteratioo : ) R{:novnlion t] CeneriilRcprir\ NIW CONSTRUCTION: :j Erert Nev,/ Residence l-] Addition to [xisting Rcsidence D (elocarion . ' T PIEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.I" IHAT APPTY IO YOUR PRO.,ECT" ' fl Sunroom 15F)l'l Pool ISF) l-l Greenhouse (St) _______ fl Deck {Sr)__,_ ls the proposed work changing the axisting footprint? il Yes fj No a Att Garage (SF)_n Det Ga.age {5r)___ Cih' lnpoclion REureo, 91 $254-W0l TOTAI. 5Q IT UNOER ROOr Uot proposed worl) Heated TOrAr pROJECT COST {[ess r-or): 5 Lff, . .-" l, the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? dyes tl lvo ./ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Moahanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure I Yer D No lf thc pro.iect is a Relocation, is thare a Natur, Gas Line on the current site? [1 Yes y'Uo ls thcrc Iiectrical Powqr on this Br]ilding? M Ycs tJ No Unhca ted Property Use/ Oc(uf) Dcs.riptlon of Work: Single tamil Du plcx:ownhouse t 1.631(a!tl$'r$-)c i,rlor..tloi. 'r'NOTIrA,ry work pei{ormcd v/lthoul lhe app.opriitc pcrrnilr rvill be rn \'iol:rlion h( li( Slare Ildg Codc ,nd !ubja(llo fi^s! up to 5500.00 a ,l Co munitySystcm :-l PrivntcSeptic [] Cent.al Scpt rcer: (A) _' lv) _ -,, ( Y1 r Owner/Contractor: "ticcnsed Quoliliet" SiEn!turc: Ir rhc property'oc.rtcd in i f,oodplarn? t -, yes '-/ Uo [xisting lmperviotls Area: ___ Sq tt IotalAcras Dlsturbed New lmpervious Aren: _ Sq Ft Existln8 tand Di5turbing Permit: i-l Yes l] No WAT€Rr $ CFPUA !l CommunitySystem fl Privatewell aJ CentralWell iJ Aqua 5[WE Zone n, J cr pun 8,1Yo") tc lB) Nl ll Aqua Approval city: rltIl ,fft"- Da te: Setbacks (f rnt NfAo,t ilfA, Co mm ent:i6,nl O(o Y'l NA. tnoo dl NlA BFE+2lt: Pe.mit tee: S $tr i:l Porch (sF)*- U Slorage Shed (5f )____ f otr,urlsrl S@ i:li4.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N ryPEi RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proje.t Responsibility" CITY zo( E - 8?m (8- L?SL t\rir\t( \,Jy{ APPLICANT'S NAME:Date SS LOT ]1 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME PHONE g OWNER'S ADDRESS CITY zlP 2-p- CONIRACTOR BLDG LICENSE S ADDRESS:CITY sr: iJcltP: a 8Y I l-- EMA|L ADDREss: 4\-r-ra-\S-tr <{9\ @ o.r\\.s[c-curn PHON E .IJJ\tr- R-)3-) PRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON C!-PHONE acrb->zk-&>Y 3 PROJECT ADD SUBDIVISION: IEXISTING CONSTRUCTION: dl Alteration D Renovation D General Repails NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,.**PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (SF) zre: 2 R(tlr E Att GaraBe (SF)-- L l 5unroom l5t) _ Ll Greennouse (5r)_ ! Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF)L o,n".(rr) E Storage Shcd (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? E Yes D No TOTAI, SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heatedl TOTAL PROTECT COSI lless Lol:5 zff - '- Propertv Use/ Occup Description ol Work: ingle Famil Duplex E ownhouse Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E/y", D tto / ls any Elect.ical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure tf Yes O No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natug Gas Line on the current site? f] Ves g/t'lo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? Ef Yes ! No r MER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this appIcatron is correct and all work will comply with the 5tate Building code and all oth€r applicabie State and local taws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in cont.actor I information. '1'NOTE: Any work performed without the apPropriate permns will be in violation NC State Bldg Code and sublect to fines up to S rfrtFt 9 500 00. owner/Contractor: "Licensed Q0oIilier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Z No Existing lmpervious A.€a: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes ! No WATER: d CFPUA ! Community System E PrivateWell [] CentralWell ! Aqua I SEWER: d CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septic fl Centratseptic E Aqua zone: _ offic€r: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - IRH) - (8) -Approval: _ city: - Date: - Flood: (A)- (V) - (N)- BFE+2ft= - Commenl Permit Fee: S tr{q )d/ /:i .: ffi ,+'&or( - 6?80 It-2Ro7 APPLICATIOI'l Number (office Use) /j Clear Form NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATI@I TYPE; CO1IIERCIAL PLEASE ANSIiIER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S lutllE: Bfue ocean construction DATE: 7/11/\a DEVELOPER: Balfey and Associates PRO]ECT : 6756 Gordon Road. Suite 190 Wilnington PIIONE *:910 346 8443 ZIP i 284\\ OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlAl,lE : Broadwalk Pizza PROPERTY OhINER'S tlAIvlE: Bailey and Associates OhINER'5 ADDRESS: 405-D western Blvd CO TRACTOR r Blue ocean Construction, lNC ADDRESS: 3121 redfield drive ElrlAIL ADORESS: scottmooreS 3 5 € hotmail. coft LICENSE #:643tt CITY: Jacksonville PHONE #: 910 346 8443 5T: NC ZIP: 28s46 ST: nc ZIP: 28451 PIIONE *:9204092i32 PHONE *:9704092'132 CITY: letand PROIECT Coi{TACT PERSON: scott lnoole lf Relocation, is there a Natura Gas Line on the trrent Site?r GENERAL REPAIRS - RELOCATIOITI li ruo ts aloc spFtrurrenrof- vesl- EXIST CoNSTRUCTION r No NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION REI\OVATION (check All That Apply) ES fl EREcr NEt"l srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK E SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Penmi.t #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building f. Yes f. NO t*t** IS THIS A CHAi{GE OF OCCUpAttCy USEff yES [. rc **rr* IF Yes, Hhat xas the Previous occupancy Typel _ tJhat is the t{e}, Occupancy IX8fi trrrror PR.FEssror,rAL :NC REG *: NC REG *:-ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL:-PH DESCRIPTION OF WORK: up-fit unit $ith ne\d kitchen, bathroon and sna1l dining area, As per plans TOTAL PROJECT COST. 130,00 # OF UNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SO FT 2 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? l. yesl- lto ls The Property Located tn The Ftoodptainz l- v"" fi No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all information in this application is conect and 6ll work will comply wirfi lhe Slate Building Cod€ and alloiher applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulatoars. The NHC DeveloDrnent Services Center will be nolified ol any chanoes rn lhe aDoroved olans and soeoficationsor chanoe in conlracior or conlracior i-ntormalon. "'NOTE: Any Work Pertormed WO lhe Appropriate Permils will |jb rn Violatr6i of the l,,lc Stare BIdg Code andSubiedlo Fines Up To $500.00'- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Blue ocean constructj.on SIGNATURE:(Oudmd) (P.hlN €) contain Asbesros or nor. You are required b callthe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Ai, Pollutants (NESHAP)at (919)707-5950 at lea9 10 days prior ro th€ demolition of any hcility or building. See Asbestos Web Site htrp //ww ep state.c uyep/asbeslos/ahmp hlm SO FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTUTOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: n/a NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: n/a PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNIry SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC ! (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? r YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FI APT CONDO OTHET tr ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION LH RH # OF STORIES f OF FLOORSRES SQ FT r-.I WELLIJ PRIVATE SEPTIC LI COMMUNITY SYSTEM PAYMENT IVETHOD f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHC) l5 AMERToAN ExpRESs f- urovrsr l- DtscovER ZONE: OFFICER Approval:- City: DATE- FLOOD Comment B BFE+2fr,_ da Ir N PERMIT FEE: :Yoo cQ Prtnt I/-: t;, \1 . PH: BUILDING HEIGHT: 2oft \\Q,o6 \J\f'- APHIOqNT S NAM E l-.tl Lso* PRO.ETADOFPSS SJBDVISON: Print NB/V I-{ANOVER OJNTY zul LDl NG FEFM lT AFFUCANON TY?E FES DENTIAL REASEAI.IS RAI CIJESflONSAFHICA&ETO \OIJR PFOECT " Projed kspondbility" Clear Form Zpr8$q8 Applic6(ion Number (offlce use) crne '/- lt-l(zL>ye)-OTY: #. PrcPERTY O\ANER S NAM E O\ANERSADDFBS PHONEf q74'7f\->'>ac: orY ,qa-Z? BTDG UCENS#:srtl4z pSuJt' FI-IONE qu- 0*>- J l3 \- ,l-5 t-(2 OTY; *W hONTRACTOR ADDFESS 3qe \€\) EMAILADOFffi tr Geenhoue ($) D(SnNGONSIFIJCnON: I Ateration g-.f,bnovation tr Cenerd Fbpairs NB/V@NSIFIJCIION: tr Eed t{e\ Fbddene D Addition to Bi$ing Ftsddence ! FHocdion --. REASCHEO(ANDANSA/BBAO\A/AI I TTIATAPPLYTOYUJRPFO.ECT-- ! P,tt C€raSe (S) _tr Det @age($) tr SJnroom (S)D tool (s) a,C*1s1 ->7( lsthe proposed work cfiarging the existing footprint? D Yes 5'1tb TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF(for proposed work) l-leated TOTAL PRO,ECT GI (Less Lot )4 ruo$ lsthe proposed work chandng the number of bedroom(.2 tr Yes D tlo lsany Eedrical, Flumbingor Mechanicalwork bdngdonetotheA@sry grudure tr Yes D No lf the projed isa FHocation, istherea l.ldurd Gtjneon the olrrent Ste? tr Yes tr No lsthere Bedricd Rcwer on thisAJilding? D Yes tr t',lo _/ftoperty Usd ocotpancy: gaSngle funily E atplex D Townhouse f:iJUL lB l:46Pti Desoiption of Work: oL{I .{-,LJr+\ US.AIMER I hereby oertify thaa dlthe irformdion in this4plicdion iscorred ad dl work will cDnply with the gde tuilding Ode atd dldher 4plidle Sde and local la$/s a,d ordinarces and regulations the MC&\ielop.rEnt $rvices Gter will be notified o{ any dlaues in tlle 4proved plansad geciflcdions or dlange in contrador inforrndion. "'l,lOTE Aty work perfonned without the epropride pemitswill be an violdion of the rcgde Edg Ode ad $bj€.t to fines up to $500.m..' Orvner/ Ontractor Lro,^Sgrature: L " LiGEed Qralifier" Ftint Mrne ls the property locded in a floodpldn? tr Yes O Nlo &i$ing lmperviousArea: -Q R Total Acres Clstufbed New I sArea:_Q R &i$ing Land Ddurbing rermit: D Yes C No (! Ocmmunity qgem tr kivde\ /ell D Gntrd \ /ell tr Aqua D Ommunity qgem (|ivde $ptic tr Gntrd Sptic tr Aqua cer: _ $t backs (D - (Ll0 - (Fl-{) - (B) - ,r( Zone offi Approval:- Oty:- Date; - Hood: (A)-M-(N)-BFE+2ft=- W.L/ krmit Fee: $ pFoEcr@NrAcrwr, Llo.ot& /5oLso.^ a<;te 9p-bt1'3/l't- E torcfi (SF)_ E goreB Sled (SF) tr qher (SF) - Unheated: -...-.--.-..- I \Tffi Omrnent: Cloar Form \) AFPU CAN I'S NAM E k lL( aAMUt //? -'27 Tl((: IL{ I Application Numbe. (otfice use) 8r N tb @UNTYzuITDINGFEFMIT AFFUCATIO.I TYPE FSIDENNAL R"EASEAAISMRAL OJESNCX{SAFRJCAAETO \UJII PROECT'FYojed rusondbility" olY r}]te: 1 - lt -t ( PRO.ECT ADORESS SJBD\4SC}'1: zP_)=yw]_ . ff€FERTYOAAHS NAM E k o\ /r.iERSAmR6s .1q *1-5 Pl-]()l'lEt Q ld '7 "t\- >'>ar-, orY fq-<-.ZP (DfflRACrOR ADOFffi roV /5 3 LIE EMAILADOFN C4 BL-DG UCB]S#, OTY \ ;,t *:t--ttze__>_!lJT_ftfiff qk/" 6.r>- j13 )-4 L PRq-ECl @l.lTACr PEFPN l1.ot"e h^ n Alt ftrage (Sn -.- n grnroom ($) _ D Geenhouse (S) L"0..Pl-lCX'lE Qo-0't'> -J/l>* AI Sn NG CONSTFI-]Cn ON D Ateration D-Fbnovation O Generai Repars NB/V CO|ISTFLCn CN: D Bed Ns/i k{dence O Addition to &igirg Reddence U rutocation . . , REASE CHEO( AND ANSAffi BEOW AII ]taT APPIY TO YOJR PRO,rcT ' ' D Det Garage (S) _ t_l neol ($) rr6ctlsl O turd' ($)_ D sorage sred ($) _ tr Clher ($)->z( lsthe proposed work drangtng the exjding footprint? D Yes Ef-No TOTAI S FI UNDER ROCF(for proposed work) l-leated IOTAL PBO.ECT Gr (tess Lot)e 4 t,ttl ls the proposed work dianglng the number ot bedrooms? t] Yes E l.lo ls any Eedrical, Flumbing or Medlanical work bdng done to the AEssory grudure 0 Yes C l.l3 lf the projed isa Fblocation. istherea NaturalGastine on lheoJrent site? D YestJ No lsthere Eedricd FDwer on thisalilding? O Yes E tlo Floperty Usd h../pancy: d/S,ngleFamtty D Drplex D Townhouse Description of Work (a u,*g 61- AS.AJM ER I he(eby cerlify th, dlths inrorrndaon in thrs +phcdioo i9 corrcd ard dlwolkwjll@nply wilh tho gdo Arilding Ode a.d dlothe. apdrcable Sde aM local ta,ys Jd o{dinanc€a a1d reguldlons lhe l6C&{elo9(rEnl $vices Gnter will be notifiad ol any daBeslnlhe approvcd pl{ls aid qxdlicatrong or dta.ge rn @nlrdo. inrormation . ..llOtE ,.by work porforrrgd wilhoot I he 4lproprire p€rmatswill bo in viodion of tho I'lC&8te Bdg Od€ aft, sbje\l lo fiDe3 up to t'S1.00' ' ' /.t- { sArea:..-qR Vo*t/ /SoLrr.,, ssnature f,- Rinl l.bme lsthe property located in a floodplain? n Ves { No &iding lmperviousarear -S H Total Actes Odurbed OMner/Gntrador - Ucensed O.|alifier" New I Zone. npproval: - 0E 0r 1*_.-.-+.J Aiding tand D$urbingFermit. n Yes O l\lo (anrn o ommunity Edem Ll frrvde vvell fl Gntrd \Abll Ll A4ua x (] Ocmmunity qdem rI Ftlvat io-st Ciil' lnsprlion Requrreo, gl 0.2e $ptic n &ntral Sptic 0 Aqua CXfrcer St baaks (Lr-r)lo @i) tD (B)Zs 54-09t Dat Hood: (A)v)_(N) X BFE+2lt I&nt,rent A^t v -Mrt,1vul'p-"1h"lEt{T;rbacP- (€Xur(ut'em ls &rrnit feer $ Prlnl 7( Unheated: _ DT(z NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' 2ot6.CIq00 )$r?e+ Application Number loffice use) APPLICANT,S NAME: HATOId BAbSON oate 711'112018 PROIECT ADDRESS: 530 qOVENOTS Td CITY:wilminqton ztP:28411 suBDrvtsroN:o PROPERTY OwNER's NAME: Cead{#t!,r ,..;5 t,t'-PHoNE #:910-43'l-3335 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 530 qovenors rd CIW: wilminqton ztP:28411 coNTRACToR: Harold Babson BtDG UCENS€ f ADDRESS: 13490 New britton hwy CITY: nakina ST;!L ztP:28455 EMAIL ADDRESS: iettiebabson@aol.com PHON€: 910€42-3632 PRO,ECT CONTACT PERSONI HATOId BAbSON PHoNE: 910-770-7804 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOT{: n Erect New Residence EaAddition to Existing Residence n Relocation *"PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'TI n Att Garage (SF)_n Det Garaee (SFl ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (SF)_F/o"rx $r)95 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ Fr UNDERROOF Uor proposed workl Healedi Unheated: TOTAI PRO.IECT cOsT (Less Lot)s4000 00 ls the proposed work chanBing the num ber of bedrooms? a Yes WAo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes lzfto lfthe project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes E No./ Property Use/ Occupancy: /single Family ! Duplex E Tounhouse Description of Work: t:JuL le 1r3gPlt laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Sewices Center willbe notified of any.hanges in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor inrormation. .a.NOT€: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00r*' owner/contractor: Harold babson Signature: >L "Licensed Quolifiel P nt Nome ls the properw located in a floodplain? n Yes Zz o Existing lmpervious Atea: -Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes E No WATER: &(CFPUA E community System E Private well D Central well fl Aqua SEWER: .Er CFPUA tr Community System n Private Septic n CentralSeptic [] Aqua zone: - officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - Gity: - Date: - Flood: {Al - (V} - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT #: [] Porch (SF)_ n Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (5F)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' Zot6-Bqq J Itrx@o Application Number (office use) vr7 APPLICANT,S NAME: NANCY MCKINNIS Date: 08/01/2018 PROJECT AODRESS: 206 CHEYENNE TRAIL CITY: WLITINGTON ZIP:28409 SUBDlvlslON: TANGLEWOOD PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: DAVID & NANCY MCKINNIS OWNER'S ADDRESS: 206 CHEYENNE TRAIL PHONE #: 910-297-8123 CIW: WLMINGTON ZIP: 28409 CONTRACTOR:BLDG LICENSE #: ADDRESS:CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE PRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: NANCY MCKINNIS PHONE:91 7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *T*PTINSE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'*I' [] Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)*storase shed (sF) 384 n Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I ves (ruo TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heatedl Unheatedr 384 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 12,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 3 v", y(uo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes I No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? ! YesXNo Property Use/ Occupancy (singte ramity E Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: sT: ) 1a ztP ,)l',tno7 F No 16 X 24 STORAGE SHED TO BE ERECTED BY TUFF SHEDS laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specjfications orchange in contractorinformation. *"NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to SSm.OO... owner/Contractor: NANCY MCKINNIS Signature: "Licensed QuoliJier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! yes n No ( Existing lmpervious Area:5q Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: [ ] yes ! No WATER: \ CFPUA U Community System n private Well D Centrat Welt n Aqua SEWER: \ CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E Private Septic n Centralseptic n Aqua zone: _ Offfcer: _ Setback (F) _ (rH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ -Y\"*N Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT #: n Pool(SF)_ tr Other (sF)_ ;lluE lB tBl296h €\*'g fii0: ffir APPI-ICANT'S NAME PROjTCT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: oo NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N rYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TC YOUR PRaTECI "P.oject Responsibility" e o-ctty lD lL _.. LOT H 25D*8?93//-Jz/a Dnte ?:1A'/j' ztP 2F l/S-g./oh OWNER,5 ADDRESSI ,/ P ROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Zrr*r.u 4 J v pHoNEr,: 7lo 3<,/'733/ li,=-l-Va.2,clTY: Lz,7 a ( CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:7APlrrra,^ 4rr- t &tztyetarrtef EMAIt ADDRESS I PROJECT CONTACT PERSON -Tuurk,- lbct,-I},tL 7t" fDLa- )^3jL U)el \4 Obc e6 crrY /u rc PHONE PHONE --sr: /!4tp Z-,J'/oe D)L .a'ot-l Att Garage (Sf)Z/D Det Garage (SF) _ fl Pool (S[) o \forcn(sr1-i:zf ]zu I l SIoragc Slre(i (SF)_ Il Greenhouse (Sf) - D Deck {sF) otlrer (5t) rs thp proposed work ( hang nE the exisrirrg footprinr ) E Yeq a No W'Ulfil/9dU&e TOTAT SQ tT UNDER ROO! Uot proposed work) Heated:"----'/rd3unheated: AAO TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S &o ts the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? ! Yer YNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure -l Ye5 B*" lf the project i5 a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ll YelF No ls lhere Fleatrical Powea on this Buitdins? ! v"r !(r,l l4FtU6 t"q 3:51P8 Property Use/ Occupancyr *ingle Family E Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work:zclr)/" z"-e--- OISaLA|MER: I hereby cerrify that all rhe informarion rn rhis application i5 corre.t and all work wil .omply w,lli l rt State 8L laws and ordinances and regulat s. The NHC Developnlent Service5 Center will be notified of nny chan8es . ll,€ aPprovc e appropriale permits will be in violation of lhe NC St 3to Sldg Codrnformalioo. r "NOTt: Any work Owner/Contracto.: "Licensed Quolilier" lu "44 f7b4 ding Code anl .rllother aTrlr ,crble 5lnlc n, n local Perr|lt Feei 5 ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious nrea, O sq ft New tmpervious Are", 3 46 6 sq ,, SiSnature Total Acres Disturbed -"tr *s Existing tand Disturbint PermitrY Yes ! No N/*" WATTR: n CrnUa $ Community System E Private well D Central well ! Aqua SfWfn: $ CTPUA tr Community System n PrivateSeptic [l Central Septic D Aqtra Zone: - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) Approval: -- City: - Date: - tlood: (A)- (V) (N) - BFE+2lt= - ,1S00 00 Commenl:cwua,p@ '-'z ,- 'z /2,2' ELDG L]CENSE ll: // \ 't': EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration n Renovation n General Renairq NEW CONSTRUCTIOru,{tr".r New Resiclence tl Addition to Ixisting Res]dence [-] Ilelocatlo1\*.I PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI- THAT APPLY TO YOU R PROJECT* * * ! sunroom {5t)_