AUGUST 24 2018 BUILD APPS,r tg- Ls*6 nkN D.tci B/B/18APPI.IC.AXI'S t,IAMI: PRoTECI AoDRESS: 2Q? G,eonwlch Lane- CITY PROPERTY OWNER'S NAM€Dale & I mrirv Ma,shall ZIF: 28409 tolt:S Ua Ol VIS I ON: La nsdol./-!r PxoNt rr 336287-5249 CITY: Wilm.ztP: 2MOg202 Green ch I aneowN€R's Ao0R!ss: CONTRACTOR Frank Nvo Bt-DG UCIMSt f AODRESS : 808 Deer Havon Cl -- ClrY: tf ilm. -._.-sr: !Q-ZlP: 28409 EMAtt- ADDfi ESS: OyA.fun5@IaXAo.C0O"-_--PHoN€: 919?gL5!Zl- r..ptEAsI €IIECI( AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'ECI... D Oeck (5r) ls the proposed work changing the exirting footplinl? C Yes E:No ToTAf- sQ Ff UNoIR fiool llo. ptoposed wotk) Hs.t'dr 150 TOTAI" PROJECI COST (te55 tot): S 21. n A$ Gar.rc {5r)- n Sudroom {5f)- rt Gr!€nhouie {SF) Zonei D Det Garage (Sf)- O Pool{sF} -unhcrttd: r I Por.h ISFI [] Sto.age Sh.d (SF]"*--- Cr6ttrer (sr)€n .l50 f s the propoted wo,k chlnging the nember of bedrooms? O yq {xo tr any H.ct|krl, plumblnt or M6h.nicrl work b€ing done to the Acces9ory Slru.ture (i.Ztcr ! No tf the project i5 a R!lo<.lion, i5 there a Natur 7.J5at Lrne on the cutrent llte? D Yrr lB'flo lJ ther. €lectrical Power on thir BuildlnET BaYer rJ No Proprrty us./ oc<uprocy: &fJintlt I.mily n Dlplcr n TolJnhout! OE(I^IMti; I huebyted,tYlh.t.I lh. rnform.tion in thr' rpptic.tion ir(or,.dand.llwort l,lr{l(omplywrth lh! Sl.t.8t,ild,n8 aod? tnd all o6et ,ppricnble Slil. rnd locrl l.Fr..d ddin.n..t.nd rc6u hlo.s.lion. "'NOI L'Any wo.l p. ormed i.re p.,i!i$ *{ll bc h viohlioo of th. tlc 51.1. BrdB Cod...d tub,ecl to ln.t uP to t5@.m"' Owner/Contr.clor: "licensed Quoliliet" Signature ls the p,operty located in a noodplain? f] Y.t {l}'l'ao fristing l.np.rvlour Ara.: - Sq ft TotrlAcleJ oistorbcd New lmprrvious A.en: .....-*.-Sq It friiting l,rnd Oi5turbinS P€rmit: l'-l Y.s n No t.t,o^r. rhe ||HC o!v.loprncnr 5.,v,.€rCerre, *itltre not,ti.d of.oI (h.nt., in tho nPProved Pl.nt.nd tpeca{i(.(iooi ot.h.n!ern conitacrdr 7-t,orflccr:-$!s,-- s.tb.ck!(rt NIA lrxl NiN 6n1 tt/A 101{i Ci'q, lnrycclion Requreo, gl 0"254.0g&l Approwl: --1Qf- city: -./!!! oatc $ltslft,",,a,lA) _ lv)IN) X BFt+2ft= ___ /nltrCommanti *k {Pirmll t!!r S II a,l 2a8-12a8 NEIJI/ HANOVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT APP LICATI ON TYPE.. RESIDENTIAT t'l I Ast ANSWt R nl I (lU€sTloNs APPLlCA0L t I O YOUR PRO' l Cl "Proj€ct Retgon!ibilit/' ; PRoJECI coNTAcT pERSoN: Frank Nve PHo E: 91G264'5075 EXISI]NG Co sfnuCllollI D Alteration f'l R€nov.tion L0zl6eneratRepairs N€W CONSTRUCTION: U Erect llew Residence L] Addition to tristing Re3idehce 0 Relocation wAlaRt VIFPUA U communitv syrtem Ll Private well O centralwell n Aqua SEwERt b/cFPUA C communitY Sys&m 0 Private seplic g Centralseptic C Aqua u,Jf'^ -2ot8-?2tz-- lfr _2s% Application Number (office use) :, lt.',m NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERM]T APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prored Responsibility4 APPLICANT'S NAME:ll,(rc*+zL s. Loue P=/[o--,2(a N, t?+'z- 4i1 CITY:/LlPROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION:w PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI /<oA . U^/4a4-,4 /1v2^J6oeA PHONE f: owNER's AoDREss : ZI Z '{' I > t- 97.CITY: CONTRACTOR:ll t trc-*z C 9 - Lo rue F=t b,-J ADDRESS: / co Z Eo s2'< eT clliYt Lt Date: 7-iz-t8,-! ztP: LOT $: ,v €- ap BI.DG I.ICENSE fl:54(05 st LLztP 2E EMATTADDRESS: 5A4+o,ti. to^:a* //o-4 foEitk ( , <o,ur PHoNEt ? la 23a 2-+S-./ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:.3/4-rvt L PHONE:>7ft11 2- EX|ST|NG CONSTRUCnON: E[ Atteration E Renovation E Generat Repairs h2/4L o Ra(a(r'oo/ -01/'qx) NEW CONSTRUCrION: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI, THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECF.. n Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (sF)7b ( Sunroom (SF)7b ! Storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes S No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed u/ork) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S AK ls the proposed work cha nging the number of bedrooms? Ll Yes E: No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory StructureXVes tr ]{o lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes El No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes Ll No Property Use/ Occupanry: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: tr11- L-"k"4 ilzzt t*n7y 0lNqa,/4Llap- CDVIAIA porz<14 ,U.O fue*:)*of€t(.ry zau= owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/ DISCIAIMERT I hereby cenifythat allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcomplywith the State Buildlng Code and allother epplicable?r-.r:750 Statdand local Zrru laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notifled ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information. "'NOTEi Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violatlon of the NC State BldS Code bject to fines up to 5500.00..' Mrchmc s, (o,.erntGd Signaturei ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes #No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbeat O New lmpervious Area: _5q Ft Existing l-and Disturbin8 Permlt: n Yes E No WATER: fi CFPUA ! Communitysystem E Privatewell E Centralwell f] Aqua SEWER: fi CFPUA tr Communitysystem E Private Septic E Centralseptic n Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (Vl - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S tr Pool (sF) _ tr Other (SF)_ t,ef^' NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUItDING PERMIT APPLICAfl O N fYPE : RESIDENTIAT PLTASE ANSWTR AlI OU€STIONS APPIICJBTE IOYOUR PROIECI "Project SesponrabiliV' )019'1217 /7, _23t6 ffi 'LK AppUcANT's NAMEr tU t c *.4-z L. 9 . L.arv a P< /b^,-l Datet 7- / 2- -l z PRO,,ECT ADDRTSS: SUBOlVlSlONl 2t 1-L-CITY:,.v al?v(a '3 /tR /*E-/IOT fl: PROPTRTY OWNfR'S NAMT Kt\ {5 owNlg's ADDRtssr Z// '4 1 7 t- '; CONIRACIOR il t rk*, L 9. Loru<. */[0,-i l./ v QN $otJt"\PHONE Ii" / t* tJ ') aw, [{.)t/ttlrrt kn ,tC.. ztP:-q!1:0.\ 8LD6 LICENSE Si 5 Ll l05 ^DDREi! 1( C.tl lr.:.r.4 df.cfivt I tla^-d-ST: !: zlP 2Z ,/ EMAIL AODRESS:it\it,:i. ton:i*" //o-v (;' q,+u,k( , <o 'tt pHoNE: ?1o ?-oo S*ryt t-PHONE: a41t( L z./3-q PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ExrsTtNG coNsTRucTtorui El Alteration [] Renovation E GeneratRepatrs ih?-t4 [" rD RA(8/5-'oA/ -O// - L{x) NEw CONSTRUCTIONi E trect New Residence tl Addition to Eri5tint Residence A Relocation ...PT€ASE CHTCN AI"ID ANSWER EELOW AtL IHAT APPIY TO YOUR Pf,OJECI"' O Arr 6ara8e {5F)_ d sunroom {sf) -74-.*[] Greenhouse (SF).- n Dot Garase {SFl F' Porch (SF)-/€' O Storate Shed (SF) _ A't ut t'vt t..( u-\ ilrt t t^,t /f tr PoollSF) D Deck (st) ls the proposed work chan8lnt the existinS foorprlnt? O Yes F No TOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOF Vor yoposed worl) He.ted: TOTAi. PRoJECT COSI (tess tot): $ 5l( ls the proposed work changinS the number of b€drooms? tr Yer E:No ls any Ele.tri.al, Plumblnt or Mechenlcalwork b€lng done to the Accessory StructurervYer fl No It the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural6at Line on the current tite? I:] Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildln8? El Yet 0 No Property use/Occupancy: B Slngle famlly fl Duptex fl Townhouse 0ercraptlon ol Worl /(') Urheatedi ct(l /7 'AL,/tt2-v Lt'2^l l-a DlSctAlMtSr r hereoy (enlfy lnat all lhe lnlorm.liotr rn thit appraario. re co.rect and a ll work will (ompty wilh lh. Slate Eulldhg Code.od allother apprlcable sl,t hwrard ordh.ncei and reSulalion!. The NHC o.velopmenl Servlc!, Ccntern,illbe nolillrdofanYch6n6at in theapproved plrns and speclflanllonJ or chanSe n aont,a.tot Informarton. .. rNOTI: Any eo,k performed w(hout lhe.pproprlate parmlts willbe ln vlohrlonolrh!licsrrle 0rd8 code a lobj.ct ro finer 0p lo 55@.00"' /rftl o*n"./conr,"ao,' it{{rhft'.( S' (/'}(6lt1Ltlr sienatu'e' "Licensed Quolilier" kint Nome ls the property locate(J in a floodplain? O Yas No Eristint lmperviour Arear _- Sq ft ToialA'res Dittutbed New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft ExlstinS Land Olstutblng Permlt! n Yes E No WATERT X CTPUA [.] Conrmunity System D Private well Cl Centralwell Il Aqua SEWE y Systenr E Privatesepti. r! Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: Approvali cr(y lLitl N) -!! are+ztr= -- 1) u#ffi);t N\NfL$r$J/h-$ ^tfl eii1, lntpcclion REutreo, gl &254.0g01 d: [A) -- (v) Per Comment |AJIY il a;, nn" I bl 5'r''r1 n DL^).N 6A rlu mlt tQe: $ ar-<J tr Other {5F}_ _ cile ffi Clear Form a f rint r 2otg-1s t I t3 "L5L(T Application Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt lIUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "2roiect Responsibility" ctl:(),.5) f e*,,111\ "ztPffi PHONE f CITY APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PHONE 15 PHONE Date:8-7 -Zo18 ? lo'l?( -v+33 PROJECT ADDRE SUBDIVISION:r al-.l r' PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: ADDRESS: ,al 28\)O 3 BLDG LICENSE #?bgsq cfft:k) : ) mtro*..:Sf:* ro ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONT PERSON --/ urr.'AE/a-ouJ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fi Alteration ! Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSfRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att Garage (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) ! Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF)_ ! D other(sF) cag -< l0l; ! Sunroom (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ft Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) l{eated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)S lr bur. ob Unheated: rJ lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? tr Ves ( lto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEves$]{o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes ft trto lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? fl Ves tr No Property Use/ Occupancy:Sing Duplex E Tqwnhousele Fa Description of Work: Fr M/lr/sD *oa loD information. "'NOTE: any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe ,, (%*.- *r.Q* rr>; Ncltr*€ Eldg Code and sublecr to fines up to 5500.t10"' ( /D,r+r#rn*-€Yvn€r/contrado "Licensed QuoIifier" Signature:7 ls the property located in a floodplain? fr ves tr trto Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA Eltommunity System E Private Well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA fl community System frrivate Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S CONTRACTOR: D Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (SF)_ laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approv€d plans and specifications or change in contractor ! tu NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIiIIT APPLTATIOII rYPf, : RESIOENTIAL PLEASE AI{S|JER ALL OU€STIOTIS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibilit/' 2o(6 -? 223 APPLICATION illtllber (Offtce use) APPLICAI{T'S |lAllE: Jason orEiz DEVELOPER: P}DIIE *: PRO]ECT AIDRESS:301 oakhurst Road CITY l{iLminqt.on ZIP i 2a4o9 SITBOMSIO{: BLOCX *:LOT S: PROPERTY Ott{ER'S MI'18 :Michael Jans PHO{E *:910-297-5004 Oh,NER,S ADDNESS:3 0loakhur6t Road CITY: lri.tmi t.on ST: JS_ ZIP: 2840e COI{TRACTOR: cape Fear solar svstens LICEIISE #: 655?7 ADDRESS: 901 MarEin sLreeE CITY:l.ri on ST: Nc ZIP: 28409 EiIAIL ADDRESS: suppolt@cape fear6olaray6tems . com PtO E *: 910-s99-0428 PHO E *: e10 -€9e- 0{28PRO]ECT CO TACT PERSOT{:sur)Dorl@caDefear olar . com EXrSrritG CO STRUCTTOI: fl AlreUrrOt I nrrcVarroN ! eeuemr- nParns ! RELOCATTON IElr cor{srRrrcrlq{ r I rntcr E]l RESTDE cE o" ! morrrot To ExrsTtl{G RESrDEI{CE !.PLEASE CHECI( A D AI{SI{ER BELO{ ALL THAT AP9LY TO YOUN PROIECT: I err cauee - sF ! orr crnece sr ! eoncH - 5F I surnoor -sF I eoor- - sr I sronaee sHED-sF E cneerxousr - sr I oecr SF OTHER:SF DESCRI9TIOI{ OF NORK:rnstallalion of Eola! eIectri c arlav uDon loof slructure DISCLAIMEF[ I hereby clrtily hat s[ inbrmation in his applicaton b conoct end al urort willcomply wih hs Steta B{lilding Codo aod dlohsr applbablo StaE 3nd locel laws snd odinancos 6nd regul6lbns. The NHC Devebpmsnl Services CenEr rvillbe nottod of ,ly chaues h he appro\6d pEls aod specifaelions or chmge h conlracbr or contrebr hbflnston- '_NOTE:Anyvlolk Perlomed W/o fi€ AppropribE Pormils will b. in Viohlion oflho NC Steb Code and Fnes Up To 3500.00- oblt\tER/Col{TRACT0R : Cape Fear Solar Svstems SIGNATURE : :**,r *,1+,i ++.,r i*,r)r* * ** * *** **** JI!'ll,ltT] * * **** **r*,rr* +'i +* *:i*t ***,r I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FLOODPTAIN? E YES E 1{o EXISTII{G ITTPERVIOT,S AREA: -5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: NElr l4pERvr(rus AnEA: -sQ FT Exrsr LAiID DrsruRBrilG PERilrr: fl YEs E No WATER:CFPUA ! cor+rulrw svsrem ! pRtvATE wELt- ! crlrnrl welr ra )r,r,i * {i rt * + *+ +,t,r,t* * **+ +*:t* ** srurn: I cFpuA E cENTRAL sEPTrc I enrvlre seerrc ! coilr'ul{rrY sYsrEM **. sEpaRA] E pERIiITS REqUTRED FOR ETECT, M[CH, pLBG, GAS IQuIP, PREFABS & I Stnts r*' ,orrro rrrr-]- tr.^;; tr;il (,A'ABLE ro **1 [ -r.,.* .,,*ttt E rcrursr E orsco"n *:f:t:i'i++*l:l*:*:****+**r.'|.r.r*{.+:a:l'}:}:}.t* *,t **:}:t* * + +:r:* *:} :l. +*:t' 'x:l'*:l:t '}:} 'l':t ,l.:* *:t*l:l** + t:} * * '* *:1"* 'l':t * + ++ + ']t* ZONE: - OFFICE R: (rOR OFftCE USE qrrY) REVIgED DAIE '''111/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH: RH:- B:- Approval:- Clty:- DATE:- FLooD: - 8FE+2ft= - Avtl Coflnent PERIIIIT FEE: L8-2552 DATE: -__9S!91!_ TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL SQ FT tl{DER RoOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROIECT COST Gcss t-or) : i ze.osr..oo S 0F STORIES: rs Any EtEcTRrcAL, pLtrtBrttc on ttEclu rcar $ork Betng Don€ to the Accessory structur\el f] v"t ! no If the project is a Rel.ocation, ls there a Natunal Gas Line on the current site? flYes I lo rs there Electricat Power on this Building? f-lves Iro pRopERry usE / occuPA cY, I srNele ramrr-v f] ouer-rx I ro],NHousE ( 2ot8 -1223 Cl4, lnspmlirxr Requlreo, gl &254.0g01 NEl,lJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT t8-2552 wfrff APPLTCAIION IYPET RESIDENTIAL PLIASE A S!iER ALr QU6S]r0li5 APPLICAB|E 10 YouR Plolt€r "Project ResponslbllItY' APPLICATION Nurnber (offlce use) APPLICANT'5 NAIIE; DEVELoPER r DATE I osAuqI8 PRO]ECT AODRESS I 30r Oakhurs! Road CITY: llllsllslon zIP | 23!32- PHoUE $: 910-599-0428 SUBDIVISI0N r BLoC( *: - LOT *: - PEoPERTY Ol,lNER'S NAME:Michael ifans6e 9HoNE f: l:L3g:l!-93_ CITY: wilmirqton - ST: -U!- ZIp:393!!- TICINSE #: 656't't CITY: wilnipqron ST, -E- ZIP: !31!.?. ollNER'S ADDRESS:301oakh\l!st Read COI,ITRACIOR:cape Fear solar Sya 9ot MarEin Scree! EIiIAI L ADDRESS: supDorl@ca Defea!solars PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:solarsvste$s . com suNR00r4 -=__ sF cREENHousE - sr I orcr - sr oTHER: EXrSrr 6 CONSTRUCTTON: z ALTERAIION I nrHOVArrOl !erueuu nrerrRs ! RELOCATTON NEh' CONSTRUCTToN, I rRecr rEl,J RESIDENCE on f] AOOrrrOl To ExrsrrN6 RESTDENCE TTPLEAS8 CHECK ANO ANS!]ER BELOI'I ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PROIECT: [-"] arr cnancr sr ! oer ernlcE sr ! roncl --sFI eool - sr I sronact SHED- sF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: - TOTAL pROIECT C05T pess r.oq : $ ze,osr.Q 0F ST0RIESI r -Is A y ELECIRICAL, pLUflErtG or I'TECHANICAL r.tork Being Done to the Ac.essory structure) f] v"t I uo If the pro1ect 1s a Relocation, ls there a Natural 6as Lj.ne on the current Sltel IVes Ino ts there Electrical Power on this Euildlng?E}v"t IHo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:srNGrE FAMTLY ! ourt-tx I rowlrouse DESCRIPTION OF I,{ORKi Ins tal Ia L on of 6o1ar elec!ric alr DISCLAIMER. lh€rsbycorlily Oal6ll inbr.nalion in hlr applicston is corocl,nd sl wo snd odinsnce! snd regulatjons. Tn€ NHC oov€lopmen I Solvlces conbI wlllD€ nolifsd conrr.cror inbrm.lion "'NOTE: Anvwork P€,lormed wO fio Aprropiab Pormils will rk$/illcornply wrh !r€ Sl.l9 80ildrn0 Codo and a[ ohor app[aable Slal6 3nd hcal lMs o,any chang€s l[ oe spploved plrns End 3peci,lc8uons or cf6nqe in ao,llr.cbr or OlilNERICONIRACTOR:cape 8ear Solar sv9tcms b€ in violalion o, rhe Nc slab Codo and Su Fin€s up Tot50000"' SIGNATURE: *,t,t * **)*,I** *,i,***t** *****,3r* *,r,t * t *,ti* *****{ NEld II'IPERVIoUS AREA: - 5q r{ArER: f] crrur ! coMlluNrrY sYsTEM I nRrvarr wrr-r f] cENrflAL t^tELL sElrrER: n crnun I celrnnl sePr:c f]PRTvATE sEPTrc I comuururw svsrem + r * ++* r i., i'{r* +' --.-- -- -. -(ii'Il}i1"}' * * ******. rs rHE pRopERTv LocATEo rN n rlooolurltl f] ves EXTSTING IIIPERVIoUS AREA: -*.*-Sq tr NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: Exrsr LAND DTsTURBTNG pERmrT: E vrs l-"] tlo /,U/ *,, ^J/i u'-dd'*"ooo"*""" y BFE+2ft= _ FT FT R-/io,,,.,n,'!0.,, -7- .r. SEpanATI ptsltlrs REQUIRTD F0R El"tcT, l,lfcll, PL8G, 6AS tqJIP, PRETABS & I SER',]5 * pAyr,rENT HETHoD: EcosH EcHrcx (PAYAst[ To Huc; I elrnrcal rxrntss lJ uc/vrsl ll orscoven *rr***t******,i*)t,t*,i*)t*ttfi*,r+t***,r+*,t***i*,*,t*lta*++f*,t*rt,I,*,t********tr!t***')**)t*l*i(**'f'*'r***rt,t (f0ll oFFICE rlsE ONL ZONE:TBACKS: F: npprovat; 0[ clty: l/ [1'1 DATE FLOOD: N Comnent: s L ER}IIT FEE: $- PHONE S: ADDRESS: PHoNE *: 9ro-s99-042B .\^ RECEI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPIICATtOif TIPE : RESIDEIITLAL PTIASE ANSWER AU. qUESTIONS APPUCABTE TO YOUR PROJCCT 'Prorect Rtspoodbllly 2ot6-?zt I /3-usoZ Aprll.atlon {otficr u:a) APPLICAMIS I{AME:'ot*CITY:L-.( *, a -,-\?"1?zt?'-E@_\- Date -11 (PROJECT AOORESS! suEDMS|ON:LOT * PROPERTY OWNER,g I{AMEI [.o Lt;lsa*PHONE #:2 -?t?? OW ER'S ADORESSI 1t7 I rl 5r OTI: t /;zl|:'){'tu' COIJTRAdOR; ADDRESS: EMAII- ADDREsSI 9n I tnt;c, gTY; BLDG LICE'{SEs,EEaq;>Y!JT- PHONE 4ti(rt-2 6-a2- PHONE, €p--7 7a--730'{ ? PROIECT CONTACT PERSON:tL Lol h,ber, EXETI c coNgfRUCItON: E/etteration E Renovation E General Repairs Et , coNsIRUcTlol{: E Erect New Resideflce E Addhion to Eaistlhg Residene El Relocation .**PLEASE CHECK AND AI{SWER BELOW AtI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' (c-_ ToTAL Sq FT UNT ER Rr)OF lfot prorysed wor&) Heated; TOTAT PRoJECT CO:'T (L€ss lot): 5- Property us€/ occu *nn,d(rn ru D of work:t,oL- 4 , r)fu ls the proposed wortchanging the nudber of bedrooms? tr ves U,d lr any Elettdarl, Plunba1,g or Mealgrac4 wprk b€lng done to the Acmssory structure E Ycs p,fo lf the proiect ls a Relosation, i5 there a Natural Gas Line on the currEnt slte? Gl4cr El No ls there EleGtriE.l Power on this Building? Efaes E t{o rl Pordr lSFl E Stor.ge ShEd {SF) - El Other (SF) - Unheated: lnfornr{on. ... N cm: Any ra/ork performed without the a pp,opflate permits will be invlolatlon o{ the Nc State sldgcode and -L- )/*.44i"bjy nnEt up to $sm.oo"'r'u J tai/_ Ol3Cl]AlM!t I hereby certify S'at allthe lnform.tion inthis.ppllodon is conect and all work wtll comply with thr strte Eulldlng code.nd allother appll.ablestdte and locl laws and oldinan.es and regulstlon5. The NHc DeveloPmEtt servlcE cE nerrrill be nodlled of aoy .hanges in the approvgd 91.n. .nd sP.fiatiot|! ot ahange in € tt-dcto' 'Lkensed Quoht el Print Norne ls the property located in a floodplain? tl Yes E'flo GriitlhS lmpervious Area: -4- sq Ft Ilcw lmpervlous area, fy' ta o Total Acres Disturb€d: txisting Land Dlsturblng Ptrmlt: n Yes E o wAl8R: E'ICfPUA D Community System E PrivEte Well E Ce'tr'l Well E Aqua SEWER: E -CFpuA E Communlty system E Priv-dte septic E Centr'lseptic E Aqua zoro: - Offtcac - setb.Eb (O - (lttt - (RH) - (B) -Approual: CommeIt: - ctry: - D.tE: - rlood: {Al - M - (I{l - BrE+2ft= - P;rmit Fee I E Att Garage (SF) - E Det Garage (sF) - E sunroom (sF)- fl Pool (sF)- E oreenhouse (5F) E-D€ck (sF) '5r/ ls th€ proposed work changinS the existing footprint? Ei'fes fJ No Grner/cootractor: llon'rlL ..f5oL*^ - sisnature: EECTI B 2o$-W?f /8*usoz ..$L., Appl,.itlon xl,nb.r {otff.€ u*) APPLICANrS AMEI rv Drle:'7 - *>t-l ?frrur_,PRO':CI ADDEESS: suStxvts,oN! crv; Lol fi PAOPERTY OWNTBIS NAMf:1.,/'l/* owNelt's ADoRESs: COT{TBArI0R:Lsr^ 9tal;cc ADDFESS: {.*PHONE N;t -?t?1 CITY:?tPl 8tD6 UCflrls! l: ST:htcae.>Y737' PHOt{t:4/v*t,F>-) lz l- ( CITY: 8MAII. ADDf,E9g:L PBOJTCI CONIACT Pf ft50Nr tl.Ll h" ExEIHc coNsfnufllONl E/Atteratlotr D Renovation E Generatfiepnlrs tw coNsllucrlo : [: Efect flew Residsnce f) Addition to ElistlhS Resldence f] Selo'adon .,'PTIASE CHECI( ANO Afl$WEN OTIOW At! 'HAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJICI"l PHONE:Qr-17 /*230'{e. TOrAr PROJECT COSI (L€er tot)l OrYne/Contlsctolr t/-U*n "lk ntrd Quoliliet" Pitl Nan2 ls ths property located ln a floodplain? tl Ye! Q/xo f,xlstlng lmpervioui Ar"u, ----!- 5q Ft Tottl Acres oilturt'ed: n Ati Oaroee {Sr)_*- O Sunroom {5F) E Greenhauso (5F) B Dot caraEe (Sf) *--_ fl Pool {srl - n Pord (sf)- tr storugE shcd ISF)- tl other (SF) _"-.-.-.-*- {Jreq, gl0"?54-0!i Permit fter S El.D€ck (Sr! ls the proposed wo,k ihrnglng the cxistlng foorptint? El/fe5 D tlo TorA[ sq fT UNDIR naol lfor pfipossd worl) Heai€d:Unheetadl Lx)*J_{nx) -I {e} JS ' {A}Iv](Nl bfEr2ft' _ ls the prapoted wo* chsn8ln8 the number of bedroomr? D ver fed l, .try Electrl(al, Plumblng or Mechanlcal wo,k behS done to the Aca€ttory structutc fI Y€r E',fo tf the pro]ect Is a Rolocstlon, 15 thdle I Natural Gas une on tho current llte? ov{es Q l'lo ls there Electri.al Power on thir Building? Ar'Ye, fl t'lo ,tope.ty ut€/ octu panar&hdert n J. Dsscrrptl of Wo*; fn4/-lqc.C- ..t ,.n!J g,ra!{Mltu | h.rebv (srtffy &.t rll th. lrforn.tion in lhlt .rpllrtioni. cornct rrd tllwork wlll.oarplYwith thc slrt. allldln{ Cod€ snd a,l olhlr .ppll.nbL Sttt! ind }ocal law, tnd o?dln.n.e! and ralulailon|, the NHC O€vcloprnlrd Scryk!{ C..tlc'trlll or ahange ln .onttadrt lnforoatlon. ... NOT!: Any'ro* perlotm€d uthoot tir lpproprlata p.rmitr wi 95m.@.. lew lmpc.vto$Aro,, *--- fl_*sqrt [r,ftin' lrnd Dtsturb,ng p.rrflttr n yes D Ho y11ggx1 g4ffUl n Communltysyitem i pltvate Well fi Contral Well I Aqua sEw[Ri BacFptJA communltysystem I] P.ivate septic L:l r-entalseptic o Aqua 'lniO'f,lim ]i$q zon ,R$ ofli"""DfG* s€tb Cllln 2rl d rtooaIA!proval: Crrmmenl:I'f,IT t- /- ir.C^6e S lflL|ex ,'id i U CL rc$K iued. selt ^c/ u(l'o K'/t lee* NE1,1' HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT 6T iO N fW E : RESTDEII|IIAL 70t8- ?rst 18-2539 Application Number (otfice use) RMIT OJECT E PR P t G A o N NT DL D LE U s CAB lity"b B RE LIP ns NTY po U to Res N TION o ES c ject R Pro VE CA At- o PPL RE NA A HW ASELE EN RUoT ETYPE:I PsTUa p31s; 7-30-18esmoHu lte 4e. 28412ntongmctwndSado71 SUBDIVISION:Del Webb Riverliohts tOT $: 01 134 PHONE f: 843-353-51 19 owNER,s ADDREss: 3504 Faringdon Court coNTRAST9R: Pulte Homes g1p6 1169115s s. 1931 1 ADDRESS : 3504 Faringdon Court ctw e Beach sr: SC Zlp: 29579 EMAIt ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com PHONE: 843-353-5119 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Tiffany Du nn pHoNE: 843-353-51 19 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: Ef Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation Garage (sr) 538 room {SF) E Greenhouse (sF)_ ER BETOW AtT THAT APPTY E Det Garage {sF) tr Pool (sF) orch (SF)105 E Storage Shed (SF)_ E other {sF) Vou #," ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n ves n t.lo TOTAT SQ FT UIIIDERROOF Vor proposed work)11ga1g6; 21 7 4 unhg3lg(;643 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 137574 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYesENo lf the proiect isa Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes [J No//Property Use/ occupancy: I sinde Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Martin Ray ELev LCIB with sunroom and owners bath #3 DISCLAIMERT I hereby certify that all the information in this application is aor.eat and all work will aompV with the State Building Cod€ and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinance5 and regulations. The NHc Development services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and speaification! or chen8e in contraator information. 'i*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ot the NC State Bldg Code and sub fines up to SS00.00"' Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Sitnature:\ "Licensed Quolifiet' Ptint Nome / / ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes d lo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E trto WATER: E CFPUA E Community System B Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System fl private Septic E Central Septic EI Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ 00Comment:Permit Fee: S 5 Mine Dr PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: PUITE HOMES ctw; Myrtle Beach 71p. 29579 212 ! Deck (sF)_ ZotB-4>r!j*oi+.+l+y . . -, -.:;j...-r -,a val I c-: r..1.,.. :,.:, - .: .!t Z : '2.o ?r-2 /:,.t' zt? _. cc';:..:'^r.gr.116 t-iaa,lsa, - I :,r_ _"',1_' _- - z.'.t . J _ ,:7 ,; ,,17 . pRotrcl c. ..._ . :! .. . /._.. .. , .1 '../., ;. . - { /' -: AxC.r!'5f) - s'nrootn':t - -- Un':_:!d; ./"/ ) c,-^.'' - .. ' ?o\€^-q)>? Date 1'')1;-lNEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APP Lt CAf t O N ryPri RESI DENTIAt PI IAST AIIS\,VTR AII QU'SfION! APPLICABLT'] O YOUR PRO]TCT "Project Respontibility" i APPI |C.ANT'S NAME:8-a+'t6 alq a'?'./ . ,:PROI€C7 ADDRTSS SUBDIVISION: CITY to-r n PROPTRTY OWNER'5 NAMI: OWNER,S ADDRESS: PHONT II 3, CITY zlP: CONTRAC-IOR * k;t1,,.4ru+i ELDG LIC!NS! } CITY //);) *!.f, .4/sr 3::: ztP TMAIL ADORTSS:PHot'lt. .:' ., a,.:...i -., PRO]ECT CONlACI PERSON i.-r Atr Garage {sr)___ _, , - Greenholrse {SF) __ _ , PHONT rXISTING CONSTRUCTION: | : Altt.aiion fa Renovation : GeneralRepairs NtW CONSTRUCTIONT I trect New Residen.e a I Addition lo [xisting Residence Lj Relocatior ..*PLEAS[ CHICK AHD At.ISWTR BILOW ALT THA] APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT"} n Det Gi,rrce (5F): Porch (SF) :: Other 1SF) i-j Sunroom (SF)". Pool (51) - Deck (S[) lsthe propoleC worl changinBthe exilting foolprint? : Yes -rl-No i-r Storage sh€d {5F)__' TOTALSQ n UNDTR ROaF lfot ptopued work) Heated:.4./. TOTAT PROJECT COSI tLe'1 i.ot). S-lL - - Unheated: 15 the proposed work chaneing the number of bedrooms? D Yes i lilo ls anlr ealrical, Plumbin8 or Mechsnlcal work beinB done to the Accessory St.uclure ii Yes : No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Linq on th€ current site? i:-'l Yes i: No r< the,F fle(lflcal Po\^'p. oa lnrs BJrldlnS Yes _ No Property Ure/ Occupancyr i l-Single Family Der.ription of Work: Duplex i ,To!r,/nhou5e ny si)r\ tr.roimt t *rrlotll lli€ epp,lta,,irli ;).rnlit! *,lr la li !r.l;iior 01lnt Na 3l.jie Cla Signalurei :c a.tt Ir lo 9lll!.oa"' r'r-l ' .) | . tri.1 -,, \r. ITSCLAIMtR: I h.rcny.e l:rs and ordina.ce, afti r.lr.marrcr "'frOrt:A OwnerfCootraalor Iriln;lion! Th€ hHC Devclopme.l S0rv cer C. er wr I bo nori{red of ant !ha.!.s rn the aflrover !hne and tpe.il rrrkrns or ahange i. ccnlra.'io' .. -/l - ''L,c?n\.d Qrallfi€t" F/ini Nome 1s th€ proie{y loc;jled in ! JlooCplain? : I Ye5 -' No fxistinB l&perviout Are3i *-- -. Sq ft Total A.res DiJturbed New lmpervior]t Area: -_-- Sq [t axisting Land oitturbing P€rnit: ] Ye9 -; No WATrR: t' CFPUA '-i CommlnllY 5Ys1e:rr -' P.,vnle \\je ir C€nrr.l UJell - Aq;a SEWER: i: CIPUA L CommunilYsytlrm i-.r P.lvalc5epti. ,-l Centrai s(ptic i; Aqua Zgnet ...."..._.-_.ur.ce li settra.ls {r) _- {IH) {8H)-- (B) ..---. Approval: - ,-, City: , -,- Datt: - ---- - rlood: iA) --,. {V) (N} .. --, Brt+2ti: - --,-Per it fee: S i:*fFqb' Commenti _. l-, APPLICANT'5 NAF1E: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: b\01)51 | 8'2st3 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) ,orr, ry/tqf 8,?82-Q:s3a1 a.\, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICAIION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANsl4lER AIL QUEsTIOIIS APPLICABLE T0 YoUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" CITY i OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlilE : hrL.,o+ lBrr,/e*: . r,.e- PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY: CONTRACTOR:LICENSE f: ADDRESS;CITY: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSON: (Che.k All Ihat Apply) PHONE # 27P.,4 5r{o I pHoNE *: 710-2/?-@ez srt,,t4zlP:2* qo i srrurzw't2*4cq PHoNE s: q/O;A)- O <A i PHoNE s: ?/0-,?62- O<p ) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?n Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Ives No RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION NEl/,l CONSTRUCTTOru, pzeneCr NEW STRUCTURE I rnsr rnaCX ! SHrr-r I ACCESSORY STRUCTURE : .Z-/2-zze- UPFIT AOD TO EXIST STRUCTURE vnl-rza If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit $: IF Yes, what kas the Previous occupancy Type? Is Elect Power on this Building ****r rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupaNcy usrr [vrs 6*,.. 6' Eruo aF A1i ^\) +F15\ FSe_qC\\C-tss .N s t S What is the Nei/ 0ccupancy Type? PH NC REG #ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL : ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :PH NC REG S DEscRrprroN oF woRK: frpd ,".et ,r Bt^rellrlpq lsfoodorbeverageso,",","oo,"".*ffiTheProp8rtyLocatedlnTh€Floodplain?f]v".Eh6. DISCI.AIMER: I hereby certfy lhal allrnformal, "no local laws and ordina,rces and reoulal,ons or chanoe rn conlractor or conlraclor rilormalioSublecilo Frnes Up To $500.00"' this application is correcl and allwork will comdy wilh the NHC Develooment Servrces Center willbe notifi€d of anvNOTE' Any Wo'l Perlormed w/O lhe Appropnale Permrls wll6e rn Dlans and sDecificalronsNc Srare Bldg Code and The Siale Euildinq Code and allolher applicable Stale in lhe approved SIGNATURE:4o, t%--!,r,-.-OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (o\rlfi.r),.7 contain Asbeslos or not. You are requked lo c€ll the Natlonal Emlsslon Sl6nd6rds for Haardous Alr Po darts (NESHAP) at (91 9)707-5950 at leasr 10 days p.ior ro lhe demolirlon ol any faciliiy or buildlno. Se€ Asbesros Web Sh6: lntpJlrv,r.epi.slale.nc.us/oprasbe9os/ahmp.html # OF UNITS: jTOTAL PROJECT COST UILDING HEIGHT: TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR:c)# OF STORIES: Z TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS: -Z EXST LAND DrsruRarNc peRirrrr Tl ves [ ruo NEw IMPERVIoUS AREA: / 3q/SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2- PROPERry USE: IOFFTCE lneSreUmNr lUenCmrLe EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: SQ FT WATER; SEWER: COMMUNITYSYSTEM EWELL CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATE SEPTIC E]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION COMMUNIry SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD:[clsn [cnecK (eAvABLE To NHcl flauentcaH exeness ffirursa florscoven g$+ua IETCFPUA ,o*.(-5Uil npprorJq ll,Z- c [.1"J?o]*'l-n* 3'a,r{{FOR OFFICE REVISED DATE ]Vl142 ICER: DI-b ity: t OYn DATE FLOOD:-- X ere+m= Comment /? AVel&cLs ar N C,il ins6riciion iequrau' Y ru'rJq'u'u')/o/ o laf wiJth -et e ACRES DISTURBED: -.i : . , rl , PERMIT FEE: $_ aorgq)3l lG )3t3 APPTICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI O N ryPE; RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" e<- CITY Date 'l /arfi r zP:2 < l/o t LOT ]] PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR 6q"b..cu 6",'/clerz -f^-c- CITY -oo BLDG LICENSE # ztP:R7@ I a6(oqADORESS EMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON fav &.&n- CITY e, PHONE o-( -TExlsTtNG CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Reparrs ''-NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *+ *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* * * 6orchlst),20 Det Garage (sF)_ D Sunroom {SF)_ Ll breennouse (5r)_ ls the proposed work changingthe existing footprint? O Yes Edo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work)Heated: ,/2// tr Pool(St) ! Deck {st) D Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other {SF) U n heated rorAL PRorEcr cosr ltess tot): 5 /2 5 ?. 8A. @ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes B'fto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure fres 5 t'lo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? I Yes E/f,,lo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? dYes D No./ Property Use/ Occupancy: gf Single Family ! Duplex D Townhouse ?gJi.L l8 3r 6lPlt Description of Work: t laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developrnent Services Center will be notrfied of any change5 in the approved plans and spe.rfications or.hange in contractor information "'NOTEranyworkpe ormedwlthouttheappropriatepermitswillbernviolationoltheNCStateSldgCodeandsubjecttofinetuptoS50O.0Ol*1I sisnature: f,-, l&.-l--- frtel c,,' Qr^ptlka Owner/Contractor "Licensed.QuoIilier" ls rAt/property located in a floodplain? tr Yes IfNo ExisNng lmpervious A rea: 4l!4lsq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmp ervious Area: I 3 ?t Sq Ft Existing Land DisturbinB Permit: I Yes E fio waTER: U/aFPUA ! communitySystem f PrivatewelL Central well ! Aqua-/ SEWER: rCFPUA f] Communrty System D Private Septic f Central Septic f Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) (RH) _ (B) _ Approvali _ City:_ Oate:_ Flood: {A) _ {V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S {mt t%-n\r.,r-/v @ffi PHONE #: "m-2/2'o 7.2 I n Att Garage (SF)_ -*, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEI-E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibillty'' ?ag-1tq-?L8-2540 Application Number (otfice use) CANfs NAME: Pulte Homes g3gg; 8-1-18 PnOtrCr lOOneSS: 574 L bird Ave SUBDtvtStON: Del Webb Riverlights crw: Wilmin n 7p. 2841? rOT f: 01057 pRopERTy oWNER,s NAME: Pulte Homes pHoNE r: 843-353-5119 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3504 Farin on Court coNTRAcToR: Pulte Homes CITY: M e Beach 21p. 29579 g1p6 U6gN5g s. '1931 1 ADDREss: 3504 Faringdon Court CITY:e Beach sr: SC ztp: 29579 EMAIT ADDRESS:Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Tifia Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO :E Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs./ NEw CONSTRUCTION: {zdrect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation PHONE; 843-353-5119 E sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Det Garaee (sF) ! Deck (SF) PHONr: 843-353-5119 OUR PROJECT*" orch (SF)184/atte","ge1sr1; 'PTEASE CHECK AND A ER ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAI SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl 11g31s6;1775 unhs3lsi;621 DISCIAIMERT I hereby certify that all the information in thas application is correct and all work will .omply with the State Buildin8 Code laws and ordinances and retulations. The NHC Development Servi(es Center will be notified of any chanSes in the .pproved plan5 andintormation. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits f,,ill be in violation of the NC St Code Owner/contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature: and all other applicable State and local 5pecifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500.00... 'Licensed Qwlilier" P nt Nome / ls the property located in a floodplain? tr V", /No Existlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes fl No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) --Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: {A) _ (V} _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ ffi D Pool (sF) _E Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (SF)_ TOTAT PROJECT COSf (tess t-ot): S I 1 50'13 ls the proposed work chanting the num ber of bedrooms? E Yes El llo lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeintdonetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? O Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes O No,r Property Use/ Occupancy: Msingle Family E Duplex E Townhous€ Desffiption ot Work: Abbewille W sunroom and screened porch comment: permitFee:S I.0L?.OO=7.- b!J,\\ Cloar Fom Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CAT lO N rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PI-TAs€ ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPTICAEIE TO YOUR PRO'ECT "Prolect ResponsibillV' ?or:\e o.tL,*\.' OTY: W\(]A APPI.ICANT'S NAME:tu.+L (., PRO',ECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsroN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: v St' CONTRACIOR ADDRESS: €a&u tor^lo EMAIL ADDRESS: E Sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (SF) Descrlptlon of work: a---q> Date: t LZ^LT zt?: LOT d LLC- pxo E r;4ttr (!t*,.+o CITY:lktc,*-ztp,?QLl01, Ne. BIDG tlcEr{sEl: Ll4'90d CITY:Lu^sT: VlLzlP: 7.Q4 Oqw-rxoilr' qrg 6lt S1.{ O PHor{E:q{o 6t t-5it6 D stora8e Shed (sFl -! other (sF) 23JUL rB I l:478!l Cr*la.L' zo,u'aziG Application l{umber (ofri.e uf)\\ L \ra <\ \[.".,f,n<- PROJECT CONIACT PERSON t::k-otl^\ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; E Alteration fl Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: Bfict New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .'.PI.EAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW AII" THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'I' fl Att Garage (SF) - E Detcarage{SF) - tr porch(SF} E Pool(SF) D Deck (SF)8o Property Use/ occupancy:.ffib Fam EDu D Townhouse v t^ c.t ?A ^(taC5) r DlSCLAlMta: I hereby ce(afy that allthe informatlon ln this application ls (orreat and allwort Mllco.nply with lhe Stata BuildinsCode and allother appllcable State.nd local laws and ordlnances and.eSulations. The t{HC oevelopment Serulces Center wlllbe notifled of anychanges ln th€ app,oved plans and lpeciftaattons or chanSe in information. "'NOTE: Any p€rformed without the appropriate permitiwillb€ ln violatbn o{ the ttc ode and su lo llnes up to S500-m"' ?orikOwn e./Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? El Yes Exlstlnt lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Aiea: _ Sq Ft re TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturblng Permit: E Yes E lto Permit Fee: S dG WATER; EI.CJPUA E Community System E Private Wetl E Centralwell El Aqua SfWen: /CrpUa D Community System fl Private Septic E Centratseptic E Aqua zone:k3- omcer: ?yF seoacrcry \6 lutt$inxt4,15'rar ji/{?erhftocdrn BADV-t-1lB rpprovar; 0L ctty; |.J\(IY\ oate,]Z0, !-tp66d: (A, - (vl _ (Nl K err+zrt= Commenti u)u'ttofrtad 361 ei!,' lnsccclon Reoureo, 91 0-254-0{-lil +wb+ ls the proposed work chanSing the existin8 footprint? ! Yes E No TOrAt Sq FI U!{DE RROOF got proposea wor XeateA: 1,VO Unheated: -rorAt PRoJECI cosl ltess totl: S-l2QltfrD- lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes El tto _- ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structure EzYes E No lfthe project is a Relocatton, istherea Natural 6as Line on the current site? D Ves tr ]{o 1 ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes E{6' as ,{ Cloar Folm Prlnl zay-e2 2Z Application Number (oflace use) APPLICANT'S NAME:(\^+4.c-Datei E 22 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: CITY:Lh^ZlPr Lors: <lLlbil- .r$"PHoNET: ?(O b\?"53q6( I a-L-{ c-L-t^ , rliq CITY: O *n rzt rttt; r.-- tO *t - t|-/L u C<tr- P )I{E: ow; (r-r-r . Ut---.ztP: Z.h<l 0ttA< ErDG ucENsEr: 1931"6WsftilLAP:2(b+oe7 \- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EMAIL ADORESST Property Use/ Descriptlon of L?nt.Li& [\a-nn. -pnom, tl 0 (-p (4b1\ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCTION : freaiew Residence ! Addition to ExistinS Residence D Relocation ...PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AII. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI'I ' ! Att Garage (SF) - - E Det Garage (SF) --- - D Porch {SF) D Pool(sF) D Deck (Sr)A-n C other (sF) D Storate Shed (SF) _ 12: ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF llor proposed work) Heated:ltoo Unheated: ToTAL PROJECT COST (less Lot)lac>,ln o lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D ves E tto ls any Electrical, Plumblng or M€chanlcal work beinB done to the Accessory Structure Yes D No ?,:i.lul l6 I l:45fl1'1 lftheprojectisaRelocadon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthqcurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? El Yes El-d-o occuotncy, d{r*f.mly tr Duplex El Townhou*. rWort: Co* .rfa,.-. (- th. nn t. r"'r Ca vr\Ur l.t^ Ov^ 0o C-Y 9 c.-lzr" ( DlsctAlMER: I hereby(erlifythatall theinformatbn in this applic.tion iscored and allwo ( yrillco.nply urilh the Stale Sulldins Codc and allother appliceue 5tate end bcal lawl and oldlnancer and rqulatbns. The l{Hc ocvelopmeni Services cente. willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plansand spedfications or change in colltrador &o lW o,e +\Eil{ information. "'NOTE: Any performed wilhout the appro9riate p€rmits willbe in violatlon olthe NC State 8ld8 code and& ?"-O y(- cn C(l fines up to 5500.00"' Y !\0Ar r.\ 2lt= _ Bck0d{/BftLV-\-'lls o\Sitnature:(*s ls the propertv located in a floodplain? O Yes Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: _Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Exlstlng Land Dlsturblnt Permit: E Yes D trto WATER: Elzc-FPUA E Community System 0 private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWERT 6PVA E Community System O Private Septic 0 Centralseptic D Aqua zone: E-3 officer:9LF setbacks(rll5 (r'r)*I5'(*rt 5' tstS!f-?er rpprovat,0!- crtv,h]tUf\ o.t",120. LSFtood: (Al - {v} - (n} K are. Owner/Contractor; 'Licensed Quolifret" Comment:BADV- \-rrs tlu-Permit tee: $ tr-6' 5\yr,P\'o,n.fn in (-\0t tD 9x0od 351. Crr' ln:'rrfion Reouteo, 91 0'254'ry'0rl "J'* NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM!T AP PI I CAT IO N TYPE.. RESI OENTIAL PTTASE ANSWER ATL QUTSTIONS APP[ICASLT TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect RerponsiblllV' D sunroom (SF) __ 6 Jr \\p{r\ Clear Fom '.1) L Print NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAf I O N ryPf.. RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER AtL QUTSTIONS APPTICAELT TO YOUR PROjECT "Prorect ResponsiblllV' CITY:tcw.. z6\8-1ZLt5 Applicalion (ofrice u5e) APPLICANT'S NAME:Date: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDlvlsroN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMI: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: E sunroom (St) ! Greenhouse (SF) "'tr Deck (SF)fio ls the proposed work chanSing the existinS footprint? E Yes D No TOTAL 5q FT UNOER ROOI lJor proposed work) Heated:q b0 unheared: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):S ood P:- a- I t^tL -T- PHor{Efl: 9ro (,(? bT*c-t CITY:aP 7q+q \.;gt"o tr other (sF) zt LOT fl: ca l.\,\L_ C \_ x.- r.to .\c-BtDG TICENSE fl <,, l qTY: t.,L\ a Y\'*, {L:p;@$3 EMAII. ADDRESS:C)PHON E a PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Qa*'a..t- d o.*o,,^-PHo'{E: o(o 6(+ 52r)O EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEw GONSIRUCr|oI' D461.t tlu* nusidence U Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ...PIEASE CXECX ANO ANSWER BETOW AU THAT APPI.Y TO YOUN PRO,ECT'4' tl ltt Garage (SF) - E Det Garate (sF) ....-- tr porch (SF) tr Storage Shed (SFl - C lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? B Yes E No ..- ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure EI Yes E No stint)Pthecurrentsite? D Yes E Nolf the project is a Relootlon, is there ls there Electrical Power on this Buildi a Natural Ga ?EYes Property Use/ Occupancy:Family E Duplex D T useownho?v\O.{-o-.^)Descrlptlon ot work:o \/\-Kffl- G ^iae A-Q9r &^c-'' \v.-c{- laws and o.dinaoc6 .nd reSulatlrn!. The t{HC O€velopment Se iceJ Centei will be nottfhd of any changB tn inlormation. "'NOTE:without the appropriale permils will be in violat-ron of the Owner/Contractor 'Licehsed Quoliliet" ,^.L "d-; ature: TotalAcres Disturbed: Exisllng Land Dlsturbing permit: E yes D No approvat: 0L city: t Jltfl'\ oareil L0,18 rrood: (A) _ (v) -. 1ru| X err+zt=-t It Fee: Svw+ 5 oxo.4 351 Comment: ?t4-n. o O_r;r..rlcrowQ Ci',' lnprcilon Requreo, gi &25{.0tf,l D Pool(SF) - a.V1 t^..D cr \,, lsthe property located in a tloodplain? E Yes Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpeivlous Area: _ 5q Ft wafrn: ffiul D Community system E private well El centralwe O Aqua SzWeAt dlpVa E Community System E private Septic D Centrat Septic E Aqua zone; -3 otfrcer: t-YF setbacks(ry \5 11rt4.15'tnxt4.95'(e)5!PcrBoAotDtaEADV-t--lts ;,*;; I Pril NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL|CATI ON TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PI€ASE ANSWTR AIt QUESTIONS APPTICABTT TO YOUR PROJECT "Proied R€.ponCHliqf d E J l('>uVrp n\U' oc,l APPLICANTS NAME: PNOJECT ADDRESS: ,O,g- tittti (a^ crrv: (! .lvu,^c,h-D!t!: ?' zt {-t suBDtvtstoN:r,rC r.or s: ll q PROPERTY OWNEPS NAME: 5 OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:t/ EMAIL ADDRESSI 8:EPHON/'/ '),lto - C)4- 6'orc oir^ CITY:€cL ztP1€2fq.k, q ELDG LICENST S:) (JrtY l))gtA hL,Y< lc,,/lsr: U2aP 2(?to PH0NE: 4/z' - € 2./1- 6Ct,F^c- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:\lc,n 2,cta. s PHoNE: Qld - EXlsnNG CONSTRUCIION: D Alteration n Renovatioh ! General Repairs/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: UJ Erect New Residence Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ..*PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW AlI THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT"' tr Au carase (sF) 6,2 Fl Det Garace ISF)! Porch (SF) D Pool(SF) (t-c) 8qq 4(6 l,^t / t 7o Bn L- ! Sunroom (sF) - I Greenhouse (SF)_fl Deck (sF) ls the proposed lvork changinS the existing footprint? E y., /Ho lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes J* Dt'q'' /*,ls any El€ctrlcd, Plumbln! or wlech.nl('l wo.k bein8 done to the Accessory Structure F Y.5 lftheproiectisaRsbctuon,isthereaNaturalGasLineontheclrrentsite?EY.6gNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes Z tlo/ Property lrs./ Occtlplncy: U $nda F.mily n Duplax ! Totrnhor6. Descrlption of Work: )J A* 5',nqt. fzr^,'L n.e//,ao/--./ DlsClAtMtR: I h.r.by c.rtir th.t all th. info.ru.tirn in tl'b.pdktion is conect.nd.ll 'rorl will co.nply wfh the State &riuin8 Code and .n orhcr applbbl. State and loc.l laws.nd ordinahcE and 'egulations ]lle NHC Derelopm€nt S€Rices Cent r \rill be notjfied of any d,.ng6 in the approv€d phns ar|d spe.ifetions or chante in contrdctor inf.rnation. "'NOTE: Ary uo.r Frfo.n'ed *itho'rt the approp.i.te Frhits will b. io virlation o, th€ ir Statc 8U8 CodG.d subFct to fines up to S$O.m... Own€r/Contrlctor:TAonas D Dcku )r Signaturer "Llcensed QuoliJiel {n" 7-z/2=/z- ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yer Exlning lmp.rvious Are.: _ 5q Ft Naw lmpervlous Area \ftr Sq Ft Exlstint Land Dlsturblng P.rmh: E Yes ! No CFPUA E Commuoity System D Private Well E Centralwell ! Aqua CFPUA E Community System fl Private Septic E Centrdlseptic D Aqua WATER: SEWER: { / Zonei _ Officer _ Stltb.cks (F, _ (LHl _ (Rlll _ (8) _ Approvll: _ Otyr _ mr: _ Floodr (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Commant p.mit Fsel s (cQauN \r*r\\k\ I98r,O E Sto.age Shed (SF) tr other (sF)_ ToTAtsQ FT uNDER RooF {Jor proposed workl x*ta, 21 11 unheqted; C12 ToTAL PRoEcT cosT ltesstotl:S ?C/,'Ad4_..7- Tot l A.r€5 Dlsturbedi Form Prlnt Ao8-gt5? l8-aqq< E ) m v?. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI ?rorect R€5ponslHlty -a!APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Date OTY r ) rn^zt?: ) SUBDIVISIONT i."LOT H:l)t PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: oWNER'S ADDRESS: ?l ? Z'*ie*-- Z- "l- 2SD frn fl,,z./"- 61,.',,,o L/ L PHoNEs: ct//, - (1//-6d'j'r ClTYt h),)^. /-tz^ztp 2 .tlr' tc) 7,CONTRACTOR: ADDRESSI EI\/|AIL ADDRESS: 5JUr /)!-j 1s,r f q 7-7, ,te . ce,-..- ctrY E|DG UCENSE #: /:) cr: ,Lt uP: -'Z/fu /r' - ler"- --rPROTECT COI{TACT PERSON : ,7 PHONE EXETING @NSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E GeneralRepairs ,/NEW CONSTRUCTION: EfErect New Residence ! Addition to ExistinS Residence ! Relocation ...PTEASE CHEO( AND ANSWER BETOW AU THAT APPIY TO Y(x'R PRO'ECT..' D Det Garage (SF)_dz{orch {sF\i9// D Sunroom (SF) /?o /^* I Greenhouse (SF)_ n Pool(sF) Ei6-ecr (sr)/)0''/' ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? n Yes D No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF (hr p@pased work) He.ted 2 775 unhertcd: 6 r 2 , l4( ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Ele.trical, Plumbing or ltiedlani.al work being done lf the projed is a R€b<rtion, is there a Natural Gas LiZ on ls there Elestrical Power on this Building? ! Y6r g tlo,/Prop..ty t se/ occuplnsy: E single Flmlly E Duplex D or- g/* to the Accessory Structure E Yc5 the cur.ent site? a Vq V(U To'wnhouse */* Descriptlon of Work: "Licened Qualilei Prtnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? a Vcs Z/lb E dstlng lmp. lousAr€i:_Sq R Iot l Acc. Diturbed: New lmpervious fuear 7t7/Sq Ft Exlstlng L.nd lxstu.blng Permfti ! Yei ! No WATER: M' CFPUA ! Community System n Private Well E Central Well f] Aqua SEWER: U CFPUA E Community Synem fl Private Septic fl Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Sorbrcis (Fl _(tHl _ (mr) _(B! _ Approml: _ Gty: _ D.to: _ Flood: (A) _ (V! _ (N) _ BFE+2ft- C.ommant: CI PUA -P..-i, F*, 5 {at-aa,,eelsil 6/) ! Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Other (SF) _ TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): $ 7a z . . r a DI9CLAIMER: I hereby c€rtiry that .ll thc info{.nation in thb appli..tio.r is con€.t and a[ €rI will cornply with thc sEr. &ildin8 code and all oth.r applk bte State and toc.t la6 a nd ordinanc6 :nd r.guhriorE Il€ l{HC D6/€lopment S€pkes Cenlpr will be notified of any dBng6 in th€ app.orcd pLns .nd speci6c.tio,E d clEnte in .ontre.td information. "'NOrE: Any yrorl p€rfo.rned without thc.pprop.i.G p€rmits will bG h vilatirn of rh€ ir Stet. Bldt Code.nd subjecr to frEs up to S5OO.m... owntr,lcqtrrr,ton -,/.(tnt s ) ^t) (k^s' )z- s6ndur.: 7-= 2a->az=:> . tbgb 00 apraii\ ( L8-f5-NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT APPLICaTIaN rypE; COltlltlERCIAL PLEAST AIISWIR ALt QUESTIOa,TS ApptIcaBLE ro ycl{JR pRo]Ecr ..project Responsibitity,, AFFTTEITMI Number (O+fi.e Us€) APPLICANT'S NAIitE: p6y,sr,5 riiqh Development, LLC _ DATE: 61 . 62 . igDEVELOPER: PRO] ECT O{INER'5 ADDRESS: Robert High Develo ment, LLC ' 324 Greenville Ave 223 creenvill.e Avenue CITY: w11.;nq16n _ PHO E *:910-?90-9490 zIP:2eaa- PHOi{E *:9io-790-e4eo 5T: s; ZfP:2s493 5T: N6 ZIP: 2sa93 $: e;?ec-e;;;- . Wr lminqton OCCUPANTIEUSII{ESS trlME : Rober! }iioh De.,p r PROPERTY ONI{ER'S l{AllE: RHJR properries. LLC opment, Lt,C CONTRACTOR: Roberr High Devel opmenf,, LLC LICET{SE S:,-ona'r CITY:Wi lmington hdevel o nt - com/caro1 ni.rcbert h i.hdevel ... PHONE; Toni iohnson & Carol y.n t{bi ce ADDRESS:223 Greenville Ave EMATI ESS: ton i,Droberihi PRO]ECT CONTACT PE PHONE #:9to-790-9490 EXIST CONSTRUCTTON:ALTERAIION lf Relocation. is there a No EI,,J CONSTRUCTION: Natural Gas Line on the U ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: R E I'IoVAT IOt{ rrent Srle? f ES GENERAL REPAIRS li ruo tS BLDG S ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACI(SHELI UPFIT RELOCAIION KLEREDTi Yesf ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell penmit $: DESfG PROFESSI0 AL: CoEhran j.iarrrs Architecru'e €}IGR OESTGN PROFESSIONAL -CBHF Engineers, PLLC .r*r* rs Tl{rs A CHJ\ 6E OF OCCUPAIICY USE? liis, what eas the Previous Occupancy Type? wareh^,.rse - llhat Is Elect Po|rer on this Buitding li Yes r YES [-. m ***'r+ is th€ fleti Occupancy office NO IF Ye TvDe? ARTH PH:916-793-3433 NC RE6 #:11s4296 Nc REG *;!ll!!!-- OESCRIPTION 0F trORK:.oii!i".o,., from irarehouse ro office OWNER/CONTRACTOR: nolerr u ursi,SIGNATURE No,€'Oemol&on notrlrcallons 8 asb€slos renrovat permi! ap IO be sJbmr[ed usrng the dpprEarror tom toH]rs ) whothe.$r€ lacrhly or blild,ng was tound toconlain asbestos ornot You are requtr€d 10 ca lhe NadonalEmrssbn Srandards lor Hazardoss Ar Po|ur?nts {NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 a €ast 10d3ys pr;, ro,hedemoliljon o, any fac(ity or buildmg Seg Asbestos Web Sjte: hllp:trrrww eptstate nc us/epr/asbestjgahm TOTAL PROJECT COST: sel,ooo.oo BUtLD|NG HEtcHT: 1e,3,# OF UNITS N./A TOTAL AREA SO FT I a 56 o SO FT PER FLR # OF STOR|EST 2TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 7, s2e ACRES DISTURBED: d OF STR UCTURES: 1 i OF FLOO115: - PH :910-791-4000 ls Iood or beverages preoared or served in this structure?f Yeslf- No ls The property Localed tn The Ftoodptainf ye{f_ llg:yly-t: I nereby cenily lhar all rnlormat'on in (h,s appticatlon rs cofect and a[ worr wrlt compty wrsl the Slale BLddrng Code srE dlr other apptEabre Sratea.d.locallaws and ordinances and regulBlloos The NHC D€v€tooment ServEes Cenier wg,tffq3"n,?l$"r"+g*"aTgH.t*t"*r,b" ;;ticiii7,i.y-wi,iili;ftfi;iil,:,.d:i,;,llpT,lr"J,1'#""J,?ll,tffii;nmffg,,f"r^lte,?ljjfr*::g; NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA Approval:_ Cityi_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM " T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT CONOO OTHEI SE CLASSIFICATIONWATER SEWER SYSTEh/l CFPUA CFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I fl csr.rrnnr- sEPnc D PRI r-l zoNrNG u D-CoMr,!uNtry WELL VATE SEPTIC f,. SEPARATE PEPI,IITS FEOi]IaEo FoR ElEcT, MEcH FIEC GAS EcU]P. PREFABS & INSE,iTS PAYMENI I/lETHOD f cAsH f cHECK (pAvABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN EXpRESS li McA/tsA f DtscovER(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH RH B:-.-....----- BFE+2ftAVN (4 (Checr All Ihat Appiy) PRopERry USE: EIoFFTCE I nesrnunar.rr I MERCANILETI EDUCTI APTD PERMIT FEE] I ,.'.---'.'.;.,.,:r. i ..:... .. ffi; .L-o(6 _1t1( NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERIIIIT APPLICATIoN IyPE: COI!}IERCIAL PIEAS€ AllSliER ALL QUESTIOT/S APPLICABLE TO YOUR pROtECr..project Responsibitity', A8--t5 aFFIT. acATro unber (office use) APPLICANT'S lIAlrlE : eoberr High Devetopment.,LLC - DATE: 01 . 02 . t8DEVELOPER: ""o".. ,,h Devel T, LLC ; !.|ilmington -PHO E *: 91c -7eo - e4 eo zrP | 28403PRO]ECT ' 324 creea}vi.lle Ave OCCUPATIT/8USII{ESS LArlE i Roberr High DeverophenE, LLC PROPERTY OlrltlER, S AIiE: p6sp p1 erties, LLC OUT{ER' 5 ADORESS : 223 Greenvil.le avenue C0 TRACTOR: Roberr Hish Deve1 opmenE, IJIJC ADDRESS : 223 creenville Awe EI'IAIL ADDRESS: toni@loberEhi hdeve]nt . com./carolPRO]ECI CONT P!RSOlilI Toni JohDson & Carol !'I19Jhite (chect Al.t rh.t Apply)EXIST COiISTRUCTIO :ALTERATION RENOVATIOiI lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line oo the urrenl Site?r _ LICEIISE *: toeq . CITY:wilmington 5T: Nq ZIP: 2s463 rthi hdevel r _PHONE $: 910-190 9490 PHOI{E S: 919-796-9496 CI i wilm.ingcon _PHO!{E *: 910-790-9490 ST: yf ZF.2saol l-l GE ERAT REPATRS l--] RELoCATTOflYE;li. No rs aloc sp-RtNrLenEDE yesf . ::... -:! i uNo I'lEW cot{STRUCTIotrt:ERECT IIE[{ STRUCTURE FAST TRAC( ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE fs Ele€t *i,** rs rHrs A cMt{6E oF occupa cy usE? lii.IF Yes, rhat ras the P.evious Occuparcy Type? l^,srs66rs. - Hhitivoe rARCH DESIGiI PROFESSIOf{AL: CoEhran HarL i6 ArchiEecEurertfi R OESIGI{ PROFeSSfOUI- lffi Poyer on this Building li'. yes f NO ves f-. no r**'t* i.! the t{ei Occupancy office PHi910-?93 -3413 NC REG *:NCa29o PH:910-791-4000 rK R€G *: !l!![!- DESCRTPTION 0F h,ORK: .orrGilio,, rrom \,rarehouse r.o office ls food or beverages prepared or served in this srudure?f- Yesli- No ls lne eroperty Located ln The Fbodptainf-_ ye{E. _N'gc*'ora , ne'"o,."n y thal all nlcrnaion in lhis applicarbn is conecr and aI work wI corn ty wirh the slate Bu drng co<,e and alt ofer apptEabte state Offi#*r*U*rt*li"*";i",t,re.Ngf;qr,flflTf;i:F#H::g,ru"Jy[,];#,".f,8;",ri;#,i[f";v$:#rffi9"$fl!EEHrid[*xT; OWNER/CONTRACTOR: norerc r.r nrqrr SIGNATURE: ll0lg: O€motiuon notfratons & asbestos renroyal pemit apdicalioris ale !o be submin€d using tie applcarion tom (DH whe6€r Ot€ laofiy or U]ilding was lcund roconlam asoesros o. not_ You are ,eqlired !o c" tho Natir.al Emission Sla.daftts for Ha:!.dous Ar PollutanE INESHAP) al (9tg)707.595o al,€asl lO days pnor lo Ur€domolili)n o, any racitity or bliBirc_ S€€ Asr'e$os Wsb Sile: hrpi/ yww.epi.siat€.nc,ur6rr6sbel TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5e1,o0o.oo BUILDING HEtcHT: 1e,3. TOTAL AREA SQ FI: 4s5o SQ FI PER FLR TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ?, s2e # OF STR UCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED # OF STORIES: 2 # OF FLOOR EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM COMMUNIry SYSTFM CENTRAL SEPTTC D TlWELL Tl ZONING USE CLAS FTFIIVATE sEpTlc D-CoM MUNt]-y CFPUA CFPUA SIFICATION ' SEPAR/\IE PERMTiS REQUIBED FOR ElECT. r,rECH pl6c. cAS EOUIP pp.EFAaS 6 tNSEFTS PAYMENT METHOD l- clsn f-. cxecK (PAYABLE ro NHC) f , AMER|CAN Exeness li_ rr,rcnrrsn l- otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE E ICER DA EDU APT CONDO OTHEI ..S -in * n _B* _ BFE+2ft, zoNE:0Yf.l[o\oFF Approval:- 0L C 4w SETBACKS: F FLOOD VN &.t3(0ur(rNpeRMrr FEE: : H Comment,\eOt *s-Tats'eL(tc ABhq_A,rd.Rewl*l^6ep Cih' lrspcclbn Requreo, 9 I S254{90) If ITPFIT - The Shell permit fi # OF UNITS: N./A Jg\6% O^INER'S MlrlE:a r^l 11 PL DATE: PHO E #: BLOCK *: -- LOT *: APPLTCATION Nurben (oFfice Use) 3-7-t7 2w^ APPLICA T'S l|llfiE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDTWSION: PROPERTY OhINER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:Uvl ADDRESS: EI4AIL ADDRESS: PROJECT COI,ITACT PERSON: NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI@TION 7YPE.. RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSI'ER ArI. QUESTIONS APPL]CIALE TO YOUR PRO]ECTGProject ResponslbilitJp e 4_ CTTY: r PTONE *: CITY: LTCEI,ISE CITY: , C O t/r'\*t@lE.ra- ST: ZIPI ACCOUI'IT *: PTIONE *: PxoNE *: llo^bl6-7a1t Dcrsrrr'rc coirsrRucEoir: K alremrron f] nmovarroru [ e euener_ REpArRs f] RELocArroN NEt{ CONSTRWTIOI{: I rNrCr HEN TESIDETiEE Or I ADOrrrOr TO TSTSIG RE5IDEICE**PLE{58 CHECI( A}S AI{sI{ER BELO}' ALL TTIAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJEC?: ATT GAMGE SF ! orr e*naoe sr I eoncH _ sFI-l surunoor,r <F I-l eneerunarse qF I eoor-_ sr I sronear sHED _ sF PSOPERW T'SE / OCq'PAflCYS SINGLE FA]4ILY EJP LE( DESCRIPTIoN OF hlOR(: € X R DECK iOO SF OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED Sq FT: _-- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ ToTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROIECT C05T lussr_oO : g # oF sToRIEs! L rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, purttBrNc or r.rEcliANrcat- l^lork Being Done to the Accessor-y stiucture? [ v", $ uorf the pnoject is a ReLocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the curnent site? fives KNoIs there Electrical powen on this Building? F I V"s fff r,ro DISCLAIUEFT I hGreby €iiry hat all llbr.n3too in hi6 arpft.e*rn b co.rEct ard Fgulatons. The NHc o6lelopm6nt servic€s c6nEr v/il b€ noified of any ch8ngos h h6 spprov€d ptans and 8nd 3ll vprk$4g co.nplywih $e S€6 B{itdhg Oode and €I ofier 6p€cifcaton6 or changs h con!*b. or applicablo SEb srld local lae.s cont_acbr Inbrmalon, ENOTET lxy or,JNER/CONTRACTOR:Brran't SforL<_ O.de snd Sr.rbj€ct l+ To 95oq0o-w/O heApprcprE€ P6nni6wlt b€ in Vrohtion ofthe NC S6E SIGMTURE: *)r* **:!* *+*+*** + ** ** ** *** ** JlillJi'*1**++t+*+****+**** *+*+ *** +****+*+ +*** *++ *+** +***:!**++*r5 TBE PBOPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN} T-K YES Etr T,lo OCISTII'IG IfiPERWot s AREA: _SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: irElt rMpEEurot.E aREA: _ sQ FT EXrST LArO DISTURBD,TG pERr.trT: [-.l yEs l]:l inc MTER: I cFpuA E cq'/n'4uNrry sysrEt4 El pRrvATE htELL ! cerrmr- uell ?ror w.tt sEl.rER: S crpuA E CENTML sEpTrc I rnrvare sEpTrc E coHUNrTy sysTEM ':c sEpuarE PE&rrs REqUTRED FoR ELEcrr HECH, PLEG, GAs Egurp, p&lFABs & rtrsERTs t"Fi paynEr{r r,rErHoo3 filcnsr [.rco< (payABLE ro n*l t],r.i ,.."r* 'Ef ".r**-'- fr orr..r..**+**:t******:Frt*i*:ti************:t*****:ts:t:t+***;Ft;tit**:t;arB:Fila*rhFrt!a:a****.a;t:t*r**:i:i;t:t*:t:f,*titrtit:tr*i. ZO IE: _ oFFICER: (FOE OTFICE t SE Onty) BEyrSED IIATE O4l11/1? SETBACKS: F:_ LHt RH:_ B:_AppnovaLl_ City: DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft= AVNCoflnent:PEruITT FEE: Lar-Ane t] -;b* c .n;;'jLr:\1. PRO]ECT AD : 2110 wesl Lakc shore dr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAITON IYPE.. COIVII,IERCIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALI Q.i]TSIION! APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJIiCI "Project ResPonsibllity" :.wimlnglon 2otg-q1t )"a-+?42 AFFI:tITTON umber (offlce use) DATE: 615/10APPLICANT.,S NAI'IE: xe1y Hodges -PH0NE tl: 256.a366DEVELOPER: H8rotd K Jord.n and co C].I Y ZIP;2sa61 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Lokcs:de neserve PROPERTY O,'INER' S NAI{E: 6ee6 55 erd Ccnler CONTiACToR i tiamd K Jordanand co AoDBESSI 1966 613.src Rd sule 201 IY: luhtnolon LICTNSE *; 26a31 , PHol.lE #: 763-73a4 5T: p6 ZIP:26a61 STi NC ZIP: 27539 PHOl,lE Sl 795 5293 - CI'lYl Ap€x JHONE tr: 91s7e552e3EI'IAIL ADDREsS: PRO] ECT CONTAC il€, cortttr.rro*, PE ; Kelly Hodges (chsck al1 rh.t rpply) ;HiJ.,:::::1i:11"1,;H :::'JlJ::T',"8,:ffi[]'p EF'-il^' Hlj5.tr PR INKLEREDT-- YesJi - RELOCATION €RECr NEUJ sTRUCTURC nFASI IRAC(E sHEtt I UPFrr n ADo TO Exrsr sTRUcruRE perntit tfi rs Elect poHer on this Building I*. Yes li. N0 !.*it$* IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YES Ii' IIO *.-*, IF ves, what }las the Previous oc(upancy Type?t,lhat ls the Nelr occupancY I)iEfi 'DESIGiI PROFESSIOI'IAL: fise'l(resterArcltitecls NC RE6 'I: EN6R DESIGN PRoF E SS IONAL :- Flrher Reed PH:9199670158 PH:91982.17140 NC RE6 ' DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: New cortsh,clion apa.lmenls ls lood or beveragcs Prepared o. served in this structure? I- Yesli - No Is The Propeny Located tn The Floodptain? f ves [i ble Srate ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE I If UPFIT - The Shell d€.-oiirio otany,aciliry or buildii(J. TOTAL PROJECT COSTI TOIAL AREA SO BUILDING HEIGHT: 16 s It OF STORIES: r N DISCLAIMEn I her€bv cenily lhrl ultrnlo(n'3uon ""ii lrd law$ and ordinancos€nd regulalons I Ji itionce in c1],ttraclot p1lplq9r.lor rnrot,nollon. Sulll'cl-lo Fines UP lo sruv uv r ns aDo[carion,s mrr.tct nad ollwork wrllcomply rrh lre Slalc &li'ding Codc and ilM#d{11;"[}i";:f it €; g,:ut yl,Tml*t'q9,r.ffi "ft",;Uti, i;{L'i,HDlans 6nd sDecdical onsNC Sralc Bldq Co(lu and --7/ OWN ERiCONTRACTOB: xetlY rooqes SIGNATURE Nole. Dsmotiiion no$tcatbns E ssbeslG ,€moral psrmil apdicalions are lo b€ sub{nirtod usiiE tho applic.Uon tom{DrlHS 3 her rh6lecilly or boidl.o vas lound to conBin Arbegos oa nol Youae /eqrtred lo c.[ lhe Nallonal Emisslofl St]ondnrds ior Fszsrdous ak Pol{bnts (NESI1,\P} 3t (919)707-5950 tl ead l0 doys FIor lo $c SBe Asboslos Web Snoi l:l!!'r".',{'l] 'r,:' r! '4 r1.i.i.rr ,.,, a.1,.-..:r 'i ) ) rr I l FT r rsr r EDUC APT CONDO OTHE' WATER CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM WELL ZONING USE CLASSIFICAT'ON SEwERi CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SEPl IC COI\,,IMUNITY SYSTEM CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)RrcAN EXPRESS J-- UCrulSn i* - OISCOVen TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF; uz ACRES DISTURBED: .! NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: gsar pRoPERTY USE: IIOFFICE ! nesnuner'rr I MERCANTILED PAYMENT I\{ETH (FOR OFFICE USE O zONe:IlF'L R:tr\SEIBACKS n pproval City DATE EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -{i.YES TNO SO Fr EXISTING II\TPERVIOUS AREA: --- SQ FI f_ AME l:)L ,J_ FLOOD:-_-- LH RH BFE+2ft._ PERM]T FEE; I\ Ir Comme t^)t f,JL [blcn :, ' ' h^'1')flim llcoL:illl qln 1r ! q^rl' l CO i ohNER'5 ADoRESS: 81t Marrr,, s! tr OF UNITS: a so FT PER FLR: 35ar d OF STRUCTURES T ,I OF FLOORS: I r cAsH l- 2ot 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI ON rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUEST]ONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" CITY Da te 7 ztP LOT 1' 6 z,P:A*gz I BLOG LICENSE d APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: o PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S AOORESS: 6,2?,/r'fo,D <4. ,/ CONTRACTOR &r!>ro B,)lders. 7'u-. A D DRESS EMAIT ADDRESS PROJECT CONTACT PERSON tr@* ,t,eo.-t d)a.u el(,'*rq cttv (t),'trt^t,Lfla.- sr:,L, -crtp ,22i4dqpnor'r,'A1O-J6)-ojA I HONE t'I CITY PHONE ?o-A/2.otP t -T EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs -..NEW CONSTRUCTION: EzErect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Reiocation ,I,I.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**'} D Att Garage (SF)-a Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (5F)tr Pool (SF) ! Deck {SF)! Greenhouse (st)_ ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes Ei-lo ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF Uor proposed work)geatea:,///4 rorAt PRoJECT cosr (Less Lot): 5 /'/r 4/2,OO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes E/No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure lf the project is a Relocation, isthe.ea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fYes tr ttto Property Use/ occupancy: E/single Family n Duplexn Townhouse ?AJUL IB 3:O1F.H !No trNo Description of Work: a),) DISCIAIMER: Ihereby c€ laws and ordinances and iniormation. "'NOTE:A Owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoIifier" rtify that allthe rnformation in this appllcation 6 corect and a I work will .omply regulations. The NBC Development 5ervices Cenler wil be not fied of any chanBe nv wo.l perfor-ed w,r'1out ihe appropiaie perm(r w,l be,l vrolal.on of rhP r',lC , { . t4-' lo, ^- sisnature:'f;-, Eo*l*,^ with the 5tate Euilding Code and all other applicable State and local s in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor State Bldg code and subject to fines up to 5500.00'ri -2. ls the property located in a floodplain? I yes d'G Existing lmpervious Area Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areat l46Z SqFt Existing tand Disturbing Permit: D Yes E,4fo WATER: gfFPUA n Community System E Private Well f-l Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: #PUA n Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic fl Aqua zone. - Officer; - Setbacks (F) - (LHl - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City:- Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - $53x- Comment Permit Fee:S ffi' A_<6 <-7 Unheated: 6* - Porch ls ,ZZ- E Storage Shed {SF)_ tr Other (5F)- I APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS OCCUPANT/EUSINESS NAITE : PROPERTY OWNER,S NAi'1E : OWNERJS ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Et'4AI L ADDRESS : PROIECT CONTACT PERsoN: "7Ro a 2ot8 193 APPLICATION Number (offic€ Use) NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIITER ArL QUEsTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" CITY: oore, 2//q// 8 PH,NE rt?_!gj4L2:922O ztP;2fi@/ "^.1 PHoNE #: ?J!:2t553_&6 sr 1zlzlP | 2 h$o I e-ts v l" c LrcENsE s: 636 59 CITY:sT t,,(,/!:zrp I g gqol PHONE S: ?C,2€2-Ou2 I PHor,rE $: ?f>A60 -O,[L 1 ((he(k ali rhat Apply) RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION l{ Rolocation. is there a Natura Gas Line on the Currenl Site?nYes E rru IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[ves fiuo E NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:,1-<),<t€. NC CSIf UPFIT - The shell Permit #: IF Yes, [hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: *f**'r rs rHrs A CHAN6E oF occupAflcy usrl [ves ff*...-.lrhat is the Nei/ occupancy Type? Is Elect Power on this Building ffr"' D to P*?l?-r3*" ' 1NC REG #: PH: NC REG 3: DESCRIPTION OF I^IORK Er"rr| lreor., O"".1-l[ t'us -a- ls food or beverages pr€pared or served in this sruaure? [ ves ffi ," *" ,ro*r,, Locsted ln Ths Floodflainf I V.s ffi DISCLAIMER: I he,eby certly thal allrnlormalron 'nand locallaws and orornances and rmulalions. The or cnanoe rn corlraclo or conl aclor iiiormalron. "' Subtectlo F nes Up To S500 00"' this application is correct and allwork will comdy wrth lhe Slale BurldLng Code and all olher appl cable Stale NHC Develoomenl Servrces Center wll be notrfied ot anv chanoes rn lhe aooroved Dlans and Soecrllcalio.lsNOTE Any Wort Perforned W/O lhe Appropflale Perm,{s wllbt rr V,olal'on ol lheNC Slale Bldg Code and trS-t.'LD= Not€: D6mottton norlfcattons & asb€stos rsnoval p€rmh appllcstlons 6re lo b€ submitled using lh€ applicatlon lom (DHHS-3768) Melh€, lne lacll[y or buildln! was found lo contsln Asbestos or not. Yo{i ars r€qulrod to csll the Natioflal Emlssion S'tan&rds tor Hazadous Alr Pollutarn! NESHAP) 6l (919)707-5950 al leasl 10 days F.ior io lhe demolhlon or any facility or buildlng. S€e Asbesios Web Shei htlpjlr!'/w.epi.slals.nc.us/€pa/3sbeno6/ahmp.html A TOTAL PROJECT C OST: /!QITD^@- BUILDING HEIGHT: - 45 / TOTAL AREA SQ FT . /2O6 SOFI PERFLRI /206 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (qralir6.) ToTAL SQ FT UNDERR}oF: /3 44 # OF STRUCTURES: -Z SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS; -Z # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURgIIO PERU Z I-I Y S SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: F F sN a + r-) N \ ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOLJS AREA I49B PROPERTY USE floFFrcE ! nesreunnrur WATER: SEWER: COMMUNITY SYSTEM cENrRALsEPrc fl EDUC APT EZONING USE CTASSIFICATION: fl coMMUNTTY SYSTEM SQ FT CONDO OTHER: ffio MERCANTILE flWELL PRMATE SEPTIC S -s:s6 { BPAYMENT MEIHOD: lClSn flcxecr lRevmLE TO NHC) [eUentCnN eXeness .-/fiucnlsa Ll DrscovER (u (FOR OFFTCE,o"#-5 A\brrrcen, D IG USEONLY)./ / ./ I REMSEDOATE &1142 KS: F: rz LH:t/.1 aa:!.!a: tz.6 Agproval: Ok City: lt-ltA DATE:FLOOD:-- )C BFE+2n Nqlls co yol-e uh o,i* 'Sail"a.ck r6 :$ rche n a1 ctt d. o.<p to f, PERMIT FEE 'in lo ^f<$uir<-d ", lncnmtinn Peor urqrt ql n-r(4.nm, Comment f2ar !;Scluo-eL-. i* r vl- It K EXrST CON5TRUCTrON: E ALTERATTON E tr \ St15: t'-r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT I O N ryPE: RESI DENTIAL PIfASE ANSWER ALL OU€STIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" br PHONE 1I Date,-\ ztP APPLICANT,S NAME: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:lLtl".E). C e CITYPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:LOT # WNER'S ADDRESS: /r CITY ztPo L.€2r'1 BLDG LICENSE dCONTRACTOR ADDRESS ctrv: UI I EMAIL ADORESS:a ,(o PHONE PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW coNsTRUcTloN: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *'}'I,PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW A[I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** , $: //ZztP 252 fit tl-lo D Att Garage (5F)- D Sunroom {St) ! Greenhouse (SF)- - Det Garaee {5F )E Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)-! Pool (SF) tr Deck (Sr)zitner \sr)0 !s the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? ! Yes K TOTAL SQ FT UNoER ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated rorAl PRoJEcr cos r tt"x totl, S X?,340 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A yes Ko ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure tr ves B'do lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturafas Line on the (urrent site? E Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this quilding? EfYes E No ./ Property Use/ occupancy: (Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse U n he ated: Description of Workl t),/e i '"6t</+t I SXL l8 1:49Piru{<-r lor of DISCLAIMER: lherebY ce laws and ordinancet and tnformation. "*NoTE A owner/contractor SEWER that allthe information in lhis application is corect and allwork wiL complv with the 5t lations The NHC Developrnent Services Center will be notl{ied of anv change dormedwithout the appropriate PermiG willbe rnviolation ofthe NC Building Code and allother applicable State and local olU-a r .hanasia-€ont racl o r Ssoo 00"'Co hS g"tbl" "Licensed QuotiJier" Print Nome Is the property located in a floodplain? I ye' E/no Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Arear - wata: {ctPua D community 5 g/uruo = communitv s Total Acres Disturbed Sq Ft Existing I'and Disturbing Permit: D Yes ! No ystem n Private Well ! CentralWell fl Aqua ystem ! Private Septic I Central Septic I Aqua SiBnature: ,^6. officer: setbacks (F) - (tH) - {RH) - (8) -Approval: _- City: - Date: -- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2II= -Comment: Permit Fee: S 1s- Aalk,-1 ffi dB o.vl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT I O N IyPr; REst DENTIAt- Pl.tA5t ANSWtn AtI QUtSTtOi(tS ppLlcABrE TO yOUR PROJECI "Proie(l Relponribility', 1.'1n L./ entqtn 6 -1s-'- AIPTICANT'S NAMI PIIOJECT ADDRTSS: Sl,JBDlVlSlONi Da .W,_,cCcrTy to t PROPERTY OWNER'' NAME OWN€B'S AODR[5S: // )a-.tL^{c.)z e r _-__ PHONT i' CIIY: @) ZIP:_, * _ CONIRACION AD DRTSS tMAl! ADDR[55l PRO][CT CONTACT P€RSON lrt c OIDG LICENS[ lJI ctrv: Ul I sr: ltZzp )sr'/:T//t*pHore ,-2lL.{ PHONE ra.(d n()J<JA.ilt nld A AlrcEXISTING CONS]RUCTION ration l: Renovntion ! Gcnernl Rcpairs !_-l trc.t Ncv,/ Ilcsidence ,-l Addition to I.xirling ltegidencc I Rclrrcation ... PTEASE CHECI( AND ANsWER SEIOW AI.L THAI APPLY TO YOUN PflO.,ECT" I Ntw coNsTfrucTtoN :'l Att Gira8e (5!)_-_, j Sunroom {St)_ i:l Grccnhouse {5F) - SEWER Zo he n oet Garagc {SF)_*- i-'l Pool (st)-----* l j Po'ch (sr) il Sto,rgc shed (5F)*___ tdno,sr l0o SFLl Dcck {5li ) ,5 thc proposcd work chaoging the cxi!riog tootprint? f Vu, 6 IOTAI 5Q FT UNOER ROOF {lot propotcd war*) Heated: ToTAt PRoJEcT COsT (tcss tor): S 8.t4tt 0cscription of Work: d,/e i ,,x.l-er l,*'pf '\0, t a.t $o/l pc.rc,,,c'l i 1t ,,^rro,'dn"tb$ Ir the proposed work chnn8ing lhe nunrber of bedroorns? g tes d<o ls any Ele.t.i.al, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being dono to the Ac(essory Structure ll yes L7-ftto li thc projeci ir a Relocation, i5 there a NaturajlSns linc on Ihc currcnr srrc? f Ye5 [j No ls thcre tlectr,cnl Power on Lh r5 9r/ ildint ? y'- Ycs f No/Property Usc/ O.(upancy: Z SInSle Famllv 1- Duplex {- Townhousc t,. [- Privi,le wc:l : Centr.lWeil : Aqua lcrn Priv,rte 5c Cenlral Scplrc I ,AqL,,') L*-I Ij,JL tf; I r4!r,r OISCIA!M[,]: I h{,rrbt (e.liIy thJt .ll thc in{ornr)lion in thii arpl (alion 't co4L'cl ,nd ili\eo,k erllcon ply will) ll'e 5lal ouldi[ Cod( Jid .rllolher xnph.nbll. SIirc rn,, l.,.rl l,l$5 a.d ofdrnanccr ir.d r.gulalio4, Thr! NllC Oc! cloPm e,ll ScM(etCenle, wilb. non,irrOr)lan'i!h.lngcsrn I nd rr)a( iii(.tion5 or rhr.g{ ro(ont.r.lc, eel lhe approg,ialr pe,mrlr $;rlhc in vio!;llion oI the N(roJriti ur ro l500oo"' owncr/con ''Lcehted Qeatiiet' Ptint Nan)e 15 thc propcrty locatod in a floodploin? f : yes {No Existint lmp!rvious Area: --- Sq tt Ncw lmpervious Arca: - - Sq Ft waTtR, / Cll.UA - Cornnrun,ty Systcnl .l/ctrrsn '., co$orunity sys _,5iSnature TotirlArrcr Oislurbed €rilting !.nd Oiltlrbing Prrmit: .-l Yet : No ptic Approval: .,u,,r-Qd 'tlzbl6,,." (;lD orri."hAt surr 1L 11 1O (nrrl l-O * tu)25 $.gq!'!-uvg+s (V) ., _ (N) -2i- orruzrt Pcrnil F ee: 5Comment: 0at dr (A) Ciil' lnsrnlion Requreo, 9l 0.25,{-090,i ,p l0r)Unhcated: ou'l city:-L-}1^ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TY PE; RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' E : tEr.- tu\\-%Y5 ,-Jr.u,( S C,*-Date r(- 45il Application Number (ofri !se) /x SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 27b u) l^) Joo "-Jrb CITY:PI PHONE S CITY: CITYi PH ON E: /.t'7 / ztP LOT S: Hi ztP 7I <'o Jzv-oJ g Loe- BI-DG I-ICENSE #: r il)( zn . auol EMAIL ADDRESS Lro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHoNE: qlo-'bt1 '\ggb ExlSrlNG coNsTRuCttotl: ( llteration ! Renovation E General Repairsr NEW CONSfRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation **.}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALI, THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'T'I' E Att Garage {SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF) tr Porch (5F) D Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (sF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? E TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S IV60 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves [ ruo lsanyElect.ical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYeslNo lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on th e current site? n Yes ! No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes ! No Property Use/ occupancy: (single ramily ! Duplex ! Townhouse Descripti on of work:6 ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft X No TotalAcres Disturbed: '":ffi^Tttu?n**., L DISCLAIMER: lhereby certifythat allthe information in this ication is correct and a work willEomply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and reSu ment Services Center will be notified of any changes in th€ approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any w e permits will be in violation of the NC State ald8 Code and subject to lines up to 5500.00*" Owner/Contractor "Licensed Qudlilier" Signature: New lmpervious Arear - Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes n No.,/ WATER: XcFPUA fl Community system ! Private well D Central well D Aqua Sewrn: ! CFPUA E community System fl Private septic ! Central Septic I Aqua zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Co< Comment:Permit Fee: S h U< d I ! Sunroom (SF)_ tr Deck (SF)_ ' -nD& \gqS' ^PPt rcANT's NA^4t: - J,,. L'.. l PRorEcr ADDREss:. Jl0 3 ,5r.suBDrvrsroN: y' u.CS/.. ..(/r(S PRoPI R1Y owNtR's NAME: i /r//f OwNtR ( ADOqISS: . ,;1/L,3 5 //.6i cal,.u.rJ,t/- O - coNTnACToR -[kraf ADoREss SQ: S?. 5.o rM^rL ^DDRrss -/dauas' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAf ION IrPE: RESIDE NTIA l- PrFA\EAUs\./tRAtI QUtSTr0l5art'trtAELt TOYOUR PROIt(I "Proje.l Responeibility'' L^as?rl"ff]-ir7. -;*-tEl,+Io //q t:Lato ztP 'R& qa3 t8-Ab),du -4S D, tc t-oT f : rB -q83 c__otDGr.rcENst ,, 76-t /? ,4{y4 tr,,11azy eY/€9ctl Y //": fl Det Garaee (5Fl ,- C Por(h (5F)__. D Sto.age Shed {5f) if other lstt JJ.5.{ .-- ( ,],1 PHONt pno,rsrcoNlAcrprRsoN 'TriL -/A*a; -pHoNE: eru:hJ|:5r3, €XISTING CONSTRUCIION: D'Alleration ! Renovation D General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCIIONj ! [rect Ne,x Residence D Addition to fxitting Residence D Rclocation ...PI.EAJE CHEC( AN D ANSWER BTI,OW AI.I, THAT APPTY 1O YOUR PRO'ECT"T l-) Att Gara8e (5t) D Sunroonr {5f I ! Greenhouse (SF)-- D Pool (Sr) D Deck (St) ls the proposcd work changirlS (he existlng footprint? L-] Yes Ll No IoIAI 5q FT UNOER ROOF llat proposed wor4 tteated: -. /Jf {- roTAr rRo.,Ecr cos 1 lLe\s Loits f?/ fol l,t the proDosed wort chan8ing lhe n!,rnbcr of btriroornsT Wid f: l5 arv flc(tri(nl, fluriblnB or Mc(hinltal work beilS done lo the Ac(c rl lr.,'0ro.c(t:! J Rclocntlon. it lh{Io a tlJlurnl 9gttine ()n tlle (L/r,errt ls r'r(.re llc(lll(nl lo\rer o,r tlrs Eugi gl { fc5 I I No No 55ory Sli u(tu{e Ir,rYcs il No s,te ?i!t-{-cs ! No /,0 Property use/ oc.uprn.r, 3/r,*1" frnilY D Duplex 3 Townhouie Dc5cription ol Work l,,er uo tr., S5m 0O" ' .rr.if- ureo,9lG254-m0l 410,E .Carvc,/ir,1 i.,,J 4lwtu"$ur["/ Amic),a l-o in,orm.r,on."NOTt:Anywo.tpcrlormedwitholrrllreipp.op.,nterc/rniltwrllbern!ioldlionolthellcSralcBld Code .i rJ, owncr/Contra(tori 'Ltcensed Quohliet" frA 5if,na ture: Total Acrer 0i5turbed <. ls the prope rtv lo(ated in a lloodplain / l-l vcs tfft'6-- tristinE lmpervlou5 Area: _ 5q Ft New l peryiouJ Area: - .. Sq tl Existin8 Land Disturbin8 Pcrmit: ]l Ye, . I No WATER: Lf(Ft,UA O Corrrmunity Systeor D Privatewell C Central well C Aqua sEwtR: l./or,u^ rJ coi,nrl,nitysystem ! Prrv.rteseptir^[l cenrrar septic ff n*Cii]'lnsfCliOn Rgq t,no, R'15 orrice,, --!)j-(2 setback' (r) NA r,.nrN /A r*rr dlA- ror .rl-/A Approvat: -Qf city: -lL)'11 o.,"'fl:liL{- rlood: (A) --- {v) - {N) {-Br€+2ft= con,mcnr /4[rvirrr Loof.L or,i] 4 (rO al,v\vrqg Jp ltotflio.,\ ,-- .Pc',nit,rce:s t 4 t 2 ntr 1p;-a (r".,thid vu)<-1 ttt| ) ?{ a 3t'1:<lu ra .('l<(\i^1 lrv t@ PHONE '/lirv,/*//),i8 -ii'-airoJ U nheat ed: (E nfi-qQ> \T. LE?\ Application Number (office use)lrlAPPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAT I O N ryPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECI "Ptoject Responsibility'' lo- CITY a LorG ztP: 1-9ko PHON #:So rr 3 a soo CITY:ztP:1-?l+o< Date SUBDIVISION:L PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:L OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2 CONTRACTOR h ri A* B I roe ucense o, /Go B l* \- b"&, zrt 2 I l* 1oADDRESS:q EMAIL AODRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:r HallLt ExISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration Renovation n |. o-CITY: IOr oNE: q\0 68s lhk< PH ON E:1to 6es /Lk(<./ General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Addltion to Existing Residence D Relocation .*ItPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.T THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E) Det Garage (5F)_ tr Pool (SF) n De€k (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed workl Heated: 6 crO Unheated: Description of work: \*. rorAL PRorEcT cosr (res lot), SlF4-lrOQ-qo ,/ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes fNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ffi Ittheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Naturalo.B Line on the cu rrent site? tr Ves E-*6- ls there Electrical Power on this Building? EzYes f] No Property Use/ Occu O.nn, U6rr. r. ily fl Duplex n Townhouse trNo "'NOTL:Anv work oerformed withoul the aoDrooriate oermfs ontractor: dlo lll-* -Tt*, lr* Vo- ?^o lines up to Sso0.0o"' le- r-e a a laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications o. change in contractor Owner/C willbe in violation ofthe NC State Bldg bje Signature: "Licensed Quoliter" lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permiti E Yes n No -,,,WATER: []l-CFPUA E Community System D Private Well fl Central Well E Aqua- .t- SEWER: E/CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic ! Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityi _ Dater _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Co m me nt:Permit Fee: S ! Att Gara8e (SF)_ ! Sunroom (sF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) ! Porch (5F) _ D Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ A/Zot$ 1q?- 19. a_v)\ FLOOD ZONE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA| ION ryPET RESIDENTIAI PLTASI ANSWTR ALL QUTSI]ONS APPLICABLT TO YOUH PNO]TCI ,P/L/ta "Pto O 1!. j€.t Rerponsibjlity'' lon {ori,cs L,1c) _,u",3 f lJ,Lo rePRotrcr^DDnfss: 231 6 _ O-r tr^._ sutlt)tv,srotr L a" Q\. Lu\\ PROPERTY OTVNER'S NAME] LO., A APPTICANI'5 NAMf: oWNEB'S AooRESs: 235 (,O ct cr.. CON T RACTON cll"fl ADDRT5S J"1 \\\".,qL CIT Y - _?.tp ._Lg l.r o< T I,: ptl IY +1s qa ztP.2 grro( se ,, /to s 4OrBl0GlrcrN\. L"* tl\lAll ^ODRt SS: lO t. crI Y llP 2eL'go ",\\,- i PHONE q\0 6Br t&L<,o PtlONEi 1to 6e s /Lh(PROTtcl CONIACT PtR50N ExlSI ING CONSIRUCTION: fl Alteralion Renovation f Gencral Repairs NEW C0NSTBUCTION: fl frect New Rcsidence fJ Addition to €xisting Resldence D Relocation ...Pi.TASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BII,OW ALI. THAT APPIY IO YOU R PRO.JTCT"' E Att Garag€ [St)O ['orcl] (5t)0 oet GaraSe (SF) ._ D oeck (5t) ___ C Storate Shed (5f) D Other (Sf) -_O Greenlrouse (5f ) ls rhe proDosrd work changinB tl)e eristinB footp.irrt? ! Yes ! No IOIAL SQ fT UNDtn AOOI Uot ptoposed vrork) Heated; -_6 dO __ Unheat€d: 'roTAt pRoJEcr cosr {re5s Lot); sLrorcrooJo ls the proposed work chanBinB the number of bedrooms? C Ye! "("ls nny flcctri(al, Plumbint or Mechari.al work beiog dore to the Accessorv Structure Property Use/ O(.upancy:Single famlly ! Duplex O Townhouse vds*" lf the project s a Rclocation, is there a Natura]1i.3 [ine on the (urent 5'te ? (] Ye5 lr.-aa6-- ts there e(tr (al Po'/ver on lhis lJuitdinB? trlYes O No 0cr(llptiorl ol Work: . .--- --,[-J.t:-,-.*\.\*...t Vo'a taw! and ord'nanc€t and reSulrlronr. The NliC Oevelopmenl Servi(er Cenler w'll be notiri€d ol any chrnSs! in lhe tpproved plrns aod rpeaificationg or (h,n8e rn (ontredor ^lormatlon "'N0lE:Aoy work Dc,loL) owne rlconraaor: (1/ fuQ ''ltcet$ed Quohte."?2 Trr rr wrllb. tr' !l(tr.r'on ol rh! l.()Y..- . - _.signature: (!40 l,fc, u! ro $1r1) (r. "lcr- {e a NC Stdre {ild8 rir Totrl n rrcs Disturbcd; [tislin8 Land Oi5turbinfi Pernrit: D Ycs l] No D Aqua lltt+2fr rs the p.openy located in a lloodplain? ( v., i: lo ExistinB lmpcrviou5 Area: -.".**_ Sq Ft New lmpervious Areal,_ 5q Ft R-?o,,,,0, WATER:I PUA D Community Systern fl PrivateWell [-l Ccnt,alWell fl Aqua cib, SEWfRT ctPu^ il Inp:ctrrrr Regureo, gt /-,-254.W) ot6 lc l,5l ?on{l Approvr I City Co,n nr en t No )oe L-/ ComrJ'tunity System [l Private Septic O Ccntral Septrc . Qp s",r,.r, rrt .N1E trxt AB (nH) N1t1 (s : \lltlfl\ oare:9-O.l$. rrooa'rarClq1OpA tru rtion 4. 4%id-{!LE& -vn SEI+A. Nu cr,trrAojc Arrftri^{d.o {Qtu".-. Permit Fce: S jts dt E Sunroonr (St)D Pool (5rl _-._-- ?cB- 96r r8 -aaa{ Application Number (ofiice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT lO N TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect ResponslbilitY' CITY PHONE # CITY: CITY PHONE aP:AV(AJ I.DG TICENSE #7Lt7? sr.llLzt* 1Y/& ata-6/L-3r3, Date ztP ft unl SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER,S ADDRESS: LOT # EMAIL ADDRESS: )asL //*vtasPROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTTOT'I: 3-{l-teration n Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation **{.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.t THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* C Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)_ I Greenhouse (SF) lf the project is a Relocation, is ther ls there Electrical Power on this Buil El Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) tr Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (sF)Lrf/ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: rorAL PROJECT COSr lLess Loi:5 f?/ <'('r() ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? Unheated: s{* t n, ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure g41., I tto ea NaturallPs'line on the current site? e? D/Ves fl No g,f-"r ! I,ro n Property Use/ Occupancy:Single Family ! Duplexn Townhouse /Description of work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servicer Center willbe notified ofany change5 in the approved plans and specifications orahange in contrador information.'1'NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permit5 willbe in violation of the NC State Bt Code and s to S50o.00"' "Licensed Quolifiet" //1o /n ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Oisturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permitr ! Yes D No W ArERt @6UA D Community System fl Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER:CFPUA n CommunitySystem E Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approvalr_ City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A)_ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ sComment:Permit Fee: ?- o*n"rtron'"rror' -)&/. -7ht/2df sisnaturer e-fr6-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L,CATION ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECTiBc.e c"P.o Re!ponsibility' uarlaN CITY 4rr-(<_ br>9lvc (cffic€ u5e) APPLICANT,S NAME PRO'ECT ADDRESS: suEDtvlstoN: I Oate Z rl ztP: LOT fl PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESSI }14 h&I\)A[€-PHO CITY 0lt#: glO b^$go ts ,zs3 I ztP 31L CONTRACTOR AODRESS: t,l.:,D t {-TtbN BLDG tICENSE ,, CITY EMAIL ADDRESST PHONE pRorEcrcoNrAcrpr to^,-f>P-t tE t-*K LbrtL PHON E Ll Att Garage (SF)El Det Garage (5F)_ sr:14-zr P {lf ZS3 ['i Sunroom (SF)- D Greenhouse (sF)_ D Pool(SF) D Deck (sF) ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tl Yes {No ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tl yes X l\lo lsany Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB d one to the Accessory Structu re - Yes lftheprojectisa Retocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yesi&No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildlng? i( Yes n No {*o Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy:fami ly Du lex tr T oescription of Worki aol' laws and ordinancet and regulation5. The NHC Developmenl Services Centerwillb€ notilied ofany chanSe5 in the approv.d plans and specif;cations orchanBe in.ontractor ,nfo,mirr,on. "'NOTI AnIAork pertormcd without rhe dppropriare permits willbe rnvrolalion ol lhe NCEte BldB Code o,"nerlcont.".tor,i5 -* e- l:o LF t< tw signature: i$ * nd subjecl to fines up lo S500.0o"' 'Licensed Quolitet" ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:5q Ft WATER: JBTCFPUA Ll Community System SEWE PUA Ll Community System Zone:oricer: .0[f- setu Approval: n, Xcr 11_NA ut N/An t N/A ot 4/a v'No Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes E No ! Private Well [.l CentralWell fl Aqua D Private Septic ! CentralSeptic D Aqua Permit fee: SCommentr Cityl Date:tlood:A) _ (v)1u1 X _ arr+zit l. fir&qg EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [-l Alteration C Renovation flGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation I,'IPLEASE CHECX AND ANsWER SEI.OW ATI" THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* *I D Porch (SF)_ L.l Storage Shed (SF)__ rl other (sF)___ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOI llor proposed wort<1 ueatea, l$1 Z- Unheated: P ToTAt PROJECT COST lLess lot):5 ZLP,Y& Nl,\\\-d1 t.-4,aP tt flo-n= \?aB-qtqq c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PI,EASE ANSWER AtT OUESTIONS APPTICABI-E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prolect Responslbilitl/ oL.ls PHONE i CITY: lg'Joo1 Numbe. {otlice u3e) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRtSSi 3 aa a ill Dvivc ctTy SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME;N'"/L B.+L Pc^,s owNER's ADDRESS: 1433 S ",^{L C)^ " ..i/ ) Qriv c- ; ,/"^.1; .l ll Greenhouse (SF)-i Deck (SF) Date:5o t7 ztPs: 8S rq o t6 - 72t13 BtOG TICENSE 77t7q '. sf I t(C zp: 2,64 o 5 00 320 ztP: 284 O3 CONTRACTOR:c AOORESST /' I'CITY EMAIL ADORESS:oL t PHONE: PRO'TCT CONTACT PTRSONI t\€J.PHON Ei IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [J Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: Erect New Residence E Addition to txisting Residence :l Relocation ."PI,EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW At.I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECTT" J Att GaraSe (SF)_D Det Garage (5F)_.__-.'* f, Sunroom (5F)_O Pool (5F)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAI SQ FT UNOIR ROO| Aot ptoposed work) Heated:15oo TOTA| PROIECT COST (tess Lot): S loo t ooO ls theproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yes El No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorySructureDYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes D No ls the.e Electrical Poweron this Building? E Yes 0 No i+LProperty Use/ Occup D€scrlption ot Work: an : E} Single Fam !D up x,trhr Townhouse k;an ,J cas1 o Ctr tn crt ol;"Jt ," wi*L hcw -lrl kilrL e. ,rl* l c h4sa {o'r *i o 'ULY c t't 6 ra a- EMherebyDISCLAIM .erlifY th.l all rh€on in thi! applkation it rhe Srdte B Code end allother applicable Sr.te and tocal 'awt tnd ordinances and regulntions. Th€ NHc Development seavketcenler will be nolified of any ahaog€s,n the approved planr and specit calions o. chinge in contractor,nfolmalion. "'NOTE: Any work pe,formed wlrhout the appropriate permi!5 will b€ in vioiation ot the NC stare I d8 Code and s!bjed lo ftnes up to SSOO.m... Owner/Contractor.' "Licensed Quoliliet"t6tu lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yer E No Exiiting lmpervious A ,ea, 7 l l 3 sqit Tqtal Acres Disturbe a: N o, (2 New lmpervlous Area:/t/ o, t,Sq Ft txlrting Land Olstu,bing Permlt: ! yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem D PrivateWe[ E CentratWell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E privat€ Septic D Centratseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Ofllcer; _ Setbacks (F) _ (!H) _ (RH) _ (g) _ Approval; _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Feer S D Porch (SF)_ I StoraSe Shed (5F)_ E Other (SF)_ unheated: lt le--.-.--1.-----_-- W NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION UPE: RESIDINTIAT PTEASE ANSWERATT QUESIIONS APPI.ICAEI.ETO YOUR PROJECI "Prol€ct Responrlblllty'' 2ri,u4auO t8-26].s oWNEn/S ADDRESSI NC CITY:ZlPr CoMTRACIoRi Charler Buil no Grouo SLDG TICENSE 'IA00REssl108 Glles Sl,lt6 104 ctrY: lultrLu&i-- sr: NQ- zlP; 28403 EMAIL ADDRESSI tonva6ohartorbulldl PHON Er9'107692440 PROJ€CI CONTACT PERSON rS6an Lewis PHONE:9102625809 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoNT fl Alteratlon fl Renovatlon fl General Repalrs NEW CONSIRUCTIONi Ef4tect New Resldence E Add ltlo n to Exlstlng Reslde nce El Relocatlon T..PTEASE CHTC( AND ANSWER BEI"OW AI.I. THAT APPLYTO YOUR PROJTCT'TI tr Att G6ra8e (srl 705 El 0et6arage (Srl-. E sunroom (sF)- ! Pool(sr)-.,- fl Greenhoure (sr)- O Deck(sf)- lsthe proposed workchanglng the exlstlng footprlnt? tr Yes 614{0 ToTAt SO tT UNDER ROOt lfot proposed wotkl tlealedl 2t01 Doscrlptlon of workr C frlillng tond D,JlurbrnS Perrrlt: D yes Q No O Por(h (5F)503 tl Storase Shed (5F)-- D olher (sf)--.-. BE!+2ft" _ ToTAt PRorEcr cosT (tcss tot): $330308 ls the proposed workchanghg tho number ot bcdrooms? O Yes El/No ts any El€ctrlcat Plumbln8 or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Acc€ssory structure g Yes G/fto lflheproreclb a Selo.allor, ls th€rg a NatutaJGas llneonthe curenlilte? E Yes Erl{o ls the.e ElectrlcalPoweron thl! tulldlnS? D Yes E/No PropertyUse/ occupancyr 6/lngte ramtly O Duplex tr Townhouse i,ie- o OlsctAlMrsrl ;eby.!rtw $al3ll the lntormatbn la thli appllollon l, cor€ct.ndalllilolkl/t{llcomplywhhthe Stite Sulldln!code aM rll other tpplkab'e SEt. and loGl hwl and odhaffcs and r.Sulath^t ]ho tlXC oev.lopnx^l SeNkes ctnlcr$lllbe notlfied ot cnychan8.elnlha algroved pht! ti1d spedflcrtroru orthanS€ l'tonlrador hfomalton, r..NOT€r Any wort pcIforn ed vrlthoL,t the spproprLle plrm,ltwllt!! ln uohtlon of (hc flC ro 0neJ r,? to J500.@r " Owner/Contra.tot: Tonva N€sselroads -SlSnaturoi 'Llaensad Quol$e/' Ptlttl Noma ls the ploperty lo.ated ln a floodplaln? C Yes Exlstlng lmpeNlout Areu, hl,C., sq r, New lnpo,vloutAreat 4507 . sg Fl wi wAr€Rr oy'cFPUA tr ,rrrr*, n4rrrA n ,on.DLfBn?,",, CommunltySyttem D Communlty System O lD(ls"tta' Prlvatewell O Centralwell Cl Aqua dffi'-"fi)f ,fi [il]:,"066'it't,,'notkmtuquteo,st,t2541,9,) Apptoval: Comment: cl (v) - DAnu9 faooN th J tyi (Datei tlood (A) Permlt FeerS I AppucAilT,s NAMEI chertsr Blildlno Grouo o"r"t .-.t- I f'(8 PRolEc?AoDREss! @ c[Y: y{Inllglg0--- ztP t 28412 su8DlvlsloNr Rlvo.llohts IoT fl:qq___---'- pnOPERTY OWNER'S NAME| Call Nl€sn€r & Mollssa Norton PtloNE l,i..------- Unheat€d! lzQL--- I I I j i I Totat Acres Dlstu,bedr SffS--t )d+-qeoo 18-2515 &plkatlon lorncs ','e) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIrITION TY PE : RESI DENTIAL Pl.rAsE AI{SWER AI.T QUESNONS APPTICABII Io YOUR PROJ€CI 'Prol€d R$ponslblllh/ APPIICANT'S NAMEi Charler Buildlno Grouo Date:.3- t+-/8 PNOJECTADDRESS:34'14 Ovstor Tabbv Drfu6 clTYr Wlmlnqton 2U 2 suEDtvtstoN:Rlvsrllohts LoT B:55 PRoPERTY owNER'S NAME: Carl Nlosnor & Mellssa Norlon PHONE #: OUTNER5ADDRESS: CITY:-ZIPi- CoNTItACrOn: Charler Bllldlno Gmup BLoc LICENSE ,:67629- ADDRESSI ,08 Gllss Avsnus Sults 104 clTY: Wlmlnaton ST: NC 2IP:28403 EMAIL ADDRESS:tonva@charterbulldinoorouo.com PHoNE:9107692440 PRO.IECI CONTACI PIRSON:Soan Lgwls PHONET 9102625899 EXISIING CONSTRUCIION: D Aheratlon fl Renovatlon E G.neralRepalrs NEW coNSfiUCIlON: Effrect New Resldence El Addltlon to Exlstlng R€sldenae E Relocatlon ".PLEASE CH ECK AN D ANSWER BETOW AIJ. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT.I T EI Att Garage (SFl40_ El oet Garage (SF)- I Sunroom (SF)- tr Pool(st)- E Gre€nhouse (sf)- O Deck(SF)- ls the proposed workchanglng the existlnS footprlnt? E Yes Ertrto ToTAI sq m UNDrR RooF llot ptoposed work) He8ted t2701 TOIAI PROJ€CT CosI (ters Lotl: S3!03q4- ls the proposedwork changlngths number of bedrooms? tr Yes tsaNo ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work belng don€tothe Accessory Structure tr YeS Effro lf the pmJect ls a aelocatloo, 15 thero a Natural Gas lloe on the current rlte? E Yes Eallo ls there tleddcal Power on thls Bulldlng? tr Y€3 B/1lo Property use/ occupancs E/slo8l6 rahlly f] Duplex 0 Townhous€ Descdptlon of Wo : olsctAlMti: I c.rt4 that .! the lnfomatloo In thb ,pplkatlon b .oned and all $rort wlll cofiply wlth lh. Stat€ oulldlnS Code and lll othar rPplcatle SLte and loal l.ws and ordtn.nc.r . nd ngulatlont.It tlHC O.v.lopm.nt Servic4i ctnt€r wlll b. noui.d of sny changes ln the approved pltn3 .nd ,perlicitlons o. change ln contr.ctor lnfom.tlon. ... XOTE: Ary wort perfonnad rv,thoirt the .pproprbta p!.m[! wlE b. ln vloLtlo.r ofth! l{C Bdtcode rnd to fn€r up to 3500.6r.. Oirrner/Cortractor @ SlSnatqr€: lkent dqnwlc.' &lnl Nonc ls the pmperty located ln a lloodplaln? O ues WK Editlng lmpervtous Area: -lAlE- sC Ft fv€w lmpsrvlous Anea | 4j44--9q Ft ExlJllng Lard Dlrrurbha PeImlL E Yes E No D storaBe Shed (sF)- tl other (SF)-- WAIERT Ey'CTPUA O Communlty Synem O Prlvate Well O Centralwell El Aqua sEwtf,: Er'cFPuA O communlty System O Prtvate Septlc E centralseptk O Aqua zone: - olllcer: - setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RH) -IB! -Approvalr- cltyr - Date:- rlood: (A)-(V) - (N) - gFE+2ft= - nkt Comment:P€rmlt Feei $ tr Porch lsF)603 unheatedr 129L__ Total Acres Dl3turbedr <',l13 i l a {\r,, ?-cl1 -qzo) L8-2537c 2 u 1.aFmfffiIdil Number (offl(e Us!) APPLICAI{T'S lt|A}lE: Brian Barefoot, Bluewave Deployment obo American Tower LLC DATE: 8/1/tB DEVELOPER: Arnerican Tower LLc, T-MobiLe _ PHONE f: sts-'1'j 2- 2594 PROJECT :6124 carolina Beach Rd :.rlirmington Nc ZIP:29412 OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS ilAltE: American Tower LLC PROPERW Oi{NER'S l{AllE: ARFA Hotdinss LLC _ PHOI{E f: ,n166sn Ot{tiER'S ADDRESS:6124 carolina Beach Rd - CITY: wi 1mi191q6 ST: pg ZIP:26412 CO TRACTOR: TsC Construction LLC - LICENSE #: rs619 ADDRESS: 129 Brown srreet _ CITY: J6hnsqn g11y ST: Ny ZIP:13799 EIIAIL : Brian0bluei{avedeployment . com PHO E *: PROIECT CONTACT PERSO : Brian Barefoot - PHOlrlE *: 9t9-29L-L625 (check Al.I lhat Apply) EXIST COI{STRUCTION lf Relocation. is there a N :E atural ALTERATION Gas Line on the nt Site? f , GEI{ERAL REPAIRS l- No lS BLDG s trPRIN RELOCATIO KLEREDI- Yesf - RENOVATION es NoEti co sTRucTro :fI EREcr NEr{ srRucruRE E FAsr rRAcK E SHELL E uPFrr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The ShelL Permit *:Is Elect Po er on this Building f. Yes f N0 ..r.r rs THIS a cHAitGE oF (rccupAt{cy usE? r yEs F_ ilo **... IF Yes, rhat Has the Previous occupancy Type? - l{hat ls the Ner occupancy TvoelARIH DESIGN PROFESSIOT{AL i Arnerican Tower services gtg-468-OrL2 NC REG *:p-1177 EI{GR DESIGN PRoFESSIOiIAL:-NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF l'lORK: Reptacing exisring antennae wj.th new antennae at the same height and location (Auatfiod end N.nto) conlsin Asbestos o( not. You .re requlrcd to 6ll ih6 Nsdonal Emlssion Standsds tor Haz.rdoos Air Poll'JtanE (NESHAP) et (919)707-599) at least 10 daF prio. to rho demolilion of any facility or bulldino. S€e Asbestos Web Site: htlp://www.epi stale nc us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25,OOO.OO BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS: PH: PH: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struclure?f - Yeslf - No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainli- Yef -NoD|SCLAIMER. I h€reby certify that all information in this apdication is conecl and all work yvill comply with th€ Stale Building Code and all olher applicable Si.te and local laws and ordinancgs and regulatrons. The NHC D€velopment Setuic€s Centerwillbe notifod ofany changes in lh€ app.ovod plans and speci0cations or chams in contraclor or cohtraclor i-nto.rnation. "'NOTE: Any Wort Pertornod w/O tho Appropriat€ Perhfrs will 5e in Violalion of the NC Stato Bldg Code and sur'iectro Fin€3 up To 1s00.00"' -, !: rig;."r:;ff-".d*". OWNER/CONTRACTOR:arian Bareroot SIGNATURE: -, i" - '' SffllH. -* SQ FT PER FLR: . # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERW USE: EOFFICE ! nesrnUnerur MERCANTILE EDUq-l APrl-1 CONOO OTHEt"erl tower E CLASSIFICATION # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SQ FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM trtr CFPUA CFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL T-[ ZONING US flceurner seerc f] FHIvATE sEPrrc I-T'CoMMUNITY -, SEPARAIE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH. PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD:f CASH l-.cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMERICAN ExPREss T- McA/lsA I-- otscoveR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH , RH.- B_, Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD:-- BFE+2ft'- AVN Comment NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION |YPE: C0ltlltlERG IAL PLEASE Al{Sl,ER ALL QUESTIoiJS APPLICABLE T0 YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' TOTAL AREA SO FT , _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ZONE: V PERMIT FEE: i - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAf ION WPEr RESIDENTIAt PIEAST ANSWTR AtL OUES]IONS APPIICASI.I TO YOUR PRO]TCI "ProJect Rcrponrlblllty" €"L,ls ;tl bta gtcL? tg'aoal Applk.llon Num&r lolli(!!re) ortr' 7/go)tt7r7-tzfq67 SUBDlVlSlONl PROPTRIY OWNER'S NAMT; owN!R's A00Rrss q3 coNTs-ACTOR aoDnEss: /1// NI IrI APPI,ICANI'S NAME: PRO,ECI AOORI5S: owner/contractor: "Li.ented Quolqet" Ptva ciw CIIY: oT lt 8s L CL"." ;J"^]; ^t ,^L Br*L a (t1 5 PHONE #: PHON D ii I C'IYI e-2q, ztD 28.1 03 L* 8l-06 uctNsE f 77t74 s\ l)c ztP: 76'l 05^ EMAIt A00RtSSl Cl Alt Garage (SFl ---- :l Sunroonl (SF)--.--_ i-l Greenhoute (SF)- 0escrlptlon ol worll c Crt k; 0o 520PROJTCI CONTACT PTRSON 0h € oLols P I{ON E tXlSTlNc CoNSIRUCIIoN: [J Alteration E Renovntlon O Gene.al R€pairs NEw coNsIRUcIl0Nr fl tr€.1New nesidence fl Addltlon to trlstlng Relider.e O Relocatlon ...PI.EASI CHECX ANO ANSWTR sItOW A!I THAT APPTY TO YOUR ?ROJECT"' n Det GaraEe lstl ls the proposed work (hangint the existio8 footprint? D Yes E No TOTAT SQ FI UNDEI ROOF llor p,opoted wotk)Hcaredr 16oO TOTAL PROJICT COST (L€ss tot): S loo t oo0 ls theproporedworkchangingtheoumbergtbedrqomt? D Yet E No ls any Ele.trlqal, Plumblns or Mechanlcalwork bein8 done to the Accetsoty structure n Yer E o tf the prolect ls a Reloc6tlon, I5 there a Natursl6sr Line on the cu.renl titeT O YeJ El N0 ls therc €leclrlcal Power on this Suildlns? [ll Ye3 O No Property Ute/ O(cupa/1c :8 Slntle Famlly OD!D Townhouse {f Pool (SF) -...-.-.-.__ rJ Deck (SF)-.*--- ,tltfh w L an il ,lr ," wi*L 677/ la;lcLc, tsle, IL cL on aN - a t'|<-3 c6sa o cr\o ol rMt harebycerl ty thnirlllh€ I Ion ln thlr.ppll(illon It ,rywil rhe stdt€ 8 gCoderndallolh€rappli(abl.st.l!.ndto{.| h,ormBlon. . .'NOT !: lny eo.r per loffi.d wltho\rt lh. .pp,o0,lil. pormilr ,ill be ln vrol.tlon ol lhe I'lC 5t.le BldS Code .nd teblncl lo fhi I !p to 5500 @' '' )tlv ls the propeny located ln a lloodplaio? O Yes E No ExtrtlnS tmpervlous Ar or, 7ll3 sqa TotalAcres Dltturbedi Ncw lmpervlous Area: Nolt, sqft txlltlng Land Dlttuiblnt Permltl O Yei E No WATtf,r E CfPUA O CommunltySYstem rJ Private Well O CentralWell E Aqua sEWEnr ,{ CfPUA fl Conrmunity System C] P.ivate Septic D CentralSeptic [J Aqua zon.,-,lft;P otflcn,I(i -!)-.{r- cny' ) Ll* oarc Flood: (A),**-. {V)(N) "A*- 8Ft+2it, **_ S lgnalgre I hlA+hh^uy (2 setou dlA- t,*r dlA r*rt -dIA rer Ni& ei[, hslmkn,teffrec, g] [rl5{ !,ogl Approval, Commentl Yto Zbuta Permlt feei S tLO S. ttl- lvtl6YP/aql \ V\o-ns 1.. ffi ?,4 D Porrh (SF)-_ n StoraSe Shed {SF)_ E Other (SF).--- unheated: lt ll -7|_ ti+,.c APPTICANT'S NAME:fqML PROJECT ADDREsS: SUBDIVISION: Y(/'Idot( -1141 2625 -/5-/g 'j':1i' Bft.'iilrf.qtE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATI O N rYPE; RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proje.t Responsibility" 11-CITY Cli +A PHONE # CITY 4/o JU) - 6ass Bro Date ztP l/- PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME Ba OWNER'S ADORESS me ztP lab 0CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: c BLDG LICENSE iI cfiv: h)t PHON E *,rytLzn, o?9t/DS EMAIL ADDRESSi r, PRO.JECT CONTACT PERSON a r/O 11 PHONE lro - Sl7-3/4b I EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ffi Renovation L General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI'*1' n Att Garage (SF).-I'1 Det Garaee (SF)E Porch (SF) D Sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF) - Deck (SF) lGas Line on the current site? ! Yes ! No Yes ! No aorl ! Storage Shed (5F)- D Greenhouse (SF)-p ott,er 1sr1 fu+h re*tn rQ Ils the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor ptoposed work) Heated ,35 0 unheared TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S )5,0Db ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I Vesffr'lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicat work being dgne to the Aciessory Structure I lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Na ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIjlier" DISCLAIMER: I her€by certify that allthe ioformation in this laws and ordinances and regulation!. The NHC Developmen information. 1*'NOTt: Any work performed without the ap nn application is corect and all work will complY with !he 5t t Services Cente. will be notified of anY changes in the uo ation of the Nc Stat tu ra X Yes f No m0 Jn) ildinS Aooea <- and all other applicable State and local specrfications or chanSe in contractor to fines up lo 5500.00"* eroperty Use/ OccupancY: f single Family D Duplex I Iownhouse Description of Work L nd"L Signature: -P ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft New lmperviouS Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes n No WATEn: ! CFPUA ! Communitvsystem E Privatewell E centralWell E Aqua SEwEa: f, CFPUA D CommunitySystem ! PrivateSeptic D CentralSeptic E Aqua a^no. officer: setbacks (F) - (LH) -- (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: _- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) -- BFE+2ft= .- Comment: Permit Fee: S N No TotalAcres Disturbed +l 0,00 LOT 1li f,.or&- qt6Ll O81A1/2atg 11 : 20Atl 9107628188 .,r!ir.tIii,.PAGE b2/b3 €0 D'$$01 1$$ L\NEL,I HANOVER COUNIY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION TYPT; RESIDENTTAL ,trasf aalllti aL! Q1F1rt4!s /.pptl(^!tf lo yoin Fiorrci 'Froject tl.srroni lblltty' R-alvs n pLICATI0i{ l,luobc r FROPTR]Y OUTJER'S II HE; EINCSI T'ACY PHONE S: o,5rrR,s ^rnRrss: -llS.ljffiffiatffl*q:*,__ *..ifrtt**_tr]1[rsffi***.r lJj:ZIF:.?n417 ATFLICA|II'S tUr{E : t!lr&y_-lnErd_OATE: DIVELopIR! rhdrDsdn Rosroration dbr s6rwr ot l{a1/ lla.over Pl{OLE {: 9to-?6?-8ria PRCIJECI AO0f,tSS I 1695 slo,:&ridg? PkE crlv: whnd,n ZIP'.?!.!!_ 910-616 7,105 Coa.lTnACIOll: :ho|!psrr Rcrtor!t-itrf i,l.i!: ssrvr.:. r. rilr [IC[ S6 d: d]9lJ ADORFSS: .r51.) !rln,lr :: ina -._ CIIY| 4i lnrn,:tor SY:]ll ZIP: ii:lgi f!$IL AITDRESS: cqo*sreoc.vorgolnerhanoeo!.c,lr p80[C {: 9lO ,62'8.1-8j PRO]ICI CfrfTACT PtRSorl: r.trffy snEecl PHoI{E C: e10-!6l!!lL €xtslrN6 COISTRUCTTONr n aLTEflATrOll I ntnW,rtrOU cEruERAt REPlrtrs E netccarron, NE$i Cor,rsrnufiror,lr f] rnecr fllH REsrotNc[ or f]aoo:rrou To txrsrr 6 xrsro[[cE i.rt F^sE aflE(X Ar& ArisD,tR SELqr ltr rHll !,PLY rc YOUi lROJ(Crr I r-r rimcr -..--.-.,- sr t] orr canace sr Dpotctt ..*.-sr I suruloor -_.-*sF f] rmr- -.-... sr fl srorinct sHED--* sF o ,t-n SI,[ 'lcxresc,usr .- sr f] rrrc< --. sl' TOTAL IIEATEO SQ Fr: 1542 TOTAL PROIECT COST iLrrl.c) : IOTAL 5Q FT UNOER ROOF: -'_*- 9.Uoo.u0 D O,' STORTES I t fOT l AflEA 5Q FI: *-_,., , rr:any tttcttl{AL, PLlr4SDlG o. ,,lECH}ilIC L uork 8tlng Donc tu tlc A(({tn)r')/ stru(turel I ves ! lo If .the B|.qject ls a Relocirtl"on, ls therc a Natu.al Ga5 Linc on the Cur|ent site? Ey"t E uo rs there Elcct.lcl1 pcu?r oh this Bul.ldirglE ves f]No PROPERTY UsE / OCCLPATEY:srr(GLE rAfiILy ! wr"rx I rol,rruousr D€SCRIPII0I OF l/$ll( |Slruclurai rcl6irs due to lglrtnrng stt ike lo horlre. I here are no cltanges to existirlg layout. Ooly replacemenl to lloor coverings, dryvrnll, lnsulalion, paint O(sOtlJrcE rhd.hy..dt rh.r rl irlrmdirn lrl hl. .Fplc !lol o .on!.t sd d ro.r rll.omdywlf' ho 6ln1o ar ldlr!0 crde md 0t otd q)plc.l,!o $t E rd Ioct lrw! r, o^!Lrl5q.trd llqura.d lrl€ XrC CEE]o?.trant & Na-. (>.a vril ba rolied ulsy dleolc ln ha qrrovod Bar! ald !pc!6a.li$6 o c.frrc h.dltEbr o, <..r.ru htr'tn||o6. '-figlE: art $dat lbrt . dWr, !.,t"o!n.b,h.lnlt| 'il ao.l4ottn o,t&15 uLb Oi,f! [ R,/CONTRAC ._.- SIaI\IATURE:TOR: Javi r rh,rlr), Csu) nyz, K-7- oFFrcER: .--!slP-. (raR ortl(t lrif 6LY) . ,. qFrlt^a(s : t, N// .,,, 6/ts/l{ '..nn', "".' lq , tJu (1,a..*1"stJ 1A rrH' N//. a, rJlA &rco Rtv!slD ldrr c. 'rrir) _-,X--. BFt+2ft. r...r,|r*.r* r.r r r*'-r...-",.9:tl il?r..[ ] !r r. r'. "4r.*(i..t..t*rs tHE pRopERry Loc,r,rEo rN a rloort r.llu? ff vrs l-] ruo EXISTING IUPERVIOUS AREA: --*-SQ fT Ntlt I'IPERWOIJS ABrA: - SQ rr TO'I'AI. ACRTS OISIURI}ID: rxrsT LArD OrgruR8rMr pERlirr:. f] ves fl ro ITATER:crr,'rn l] colsr.r{rry sysrfm n PRtv It HILL I clrurtnr urut sEr{En: f} crnur [] cENr,{AL sEPrrc I oRrvale str-rrc f1 colvlurv svsrrr'r rrr Stplia.rE ptR,tIIs R€gtInFD [(]R E!t(r, iifcrl, pLocr GIJ tQUrp, PRErAt9 & lNSEllTs {. pnyrr|{T xET]oDr ff cAsx [ 6rr<x (t'AyArLE Io 1v6; [ ru,lrnrcal rxrless I nc/vtsa Eorttovrr rn4a*....rr...r.r , a a t t t t ' a r f I ' r r I r epproval:---!2]L crtv MTE : ci)v',*tl-'' l,tlnvior tJo{L on.t, sxielinlj Cil,' lnop:clbn Requreo, 91 0'254'0901 ("u+ ?,,nr Il IIII SUBDIVISI0N: ULoc( $: _-.-. __ LoT [: 4ot6- g'6q EB/87/zALB 11: 28Al.,l 9:1.07628188 SER!FRD NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoiI rypE; RESIDENTIAL PI EAST ANSWER AL- QUE5TI']JS APPI.ICAEIF TO VCUR PrcJECTr.Project Responriblllt5d PAGE 62l83 01 1$$ N\S R-aivg AI,PLI CATI ON Numbe|. (oftice Ure) APPLICANT'S IIAJTIE:DATE: - DEVELOPER: TholilDson Restoration db,, sErvpro Dl l,{e, lla.over CITY: wrtr,neton PHONE #: 910-?62^9rBo ZIP | 2a412 PHoNE #: !10-616 7,165 ST: I{q zIP: rad1Z ST : l!g_ zf P: :9.! o s P80NE *: 9lO-J€Z-B18o PHoIIE *: 910-36?-06i3 5F PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVI5ION: 1505 Stockbridqe Place BLOCK S: LOT $: -_=_FROPERW ot,fNER,s |lAr4E I Ernest-Iracy OHNERTS ADDRESS: 1505 Stockbridge Placa CITY: Wrlminqton CONTRACIOIT:ThomDscn Restorati.o n dba S€r!-prc of NH LICEiISE II:i't 931 ADDRESS: 65J6 1{1ncn111 rqav CITYr;,iiIIllni-rrc,rl EIiIIAIL ADDRESS:{(qser ofnewhanovEr - conr PR0IECT COi'ITACT pERSON: rorrrv snee.t EXTSTTI|G CONSTRUCTToN: I llrenarrOlr f] rruwrtrroru GENERAL REPATRS RELOCATION NElr CoNSTRUCTIOIJ r f] rngCr Ehr RE5TOENCE or ! mo:rrgru TO EXrsTrNG RESTDENCE *I9LEASE CHEC( AIO ANSIdER EEL(,LI ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT! I lrr amrer -- sF f] surunoou - sF l] enrrwousr ='_- sr DET GARAGE f] eoor- - sr DECK 5r PORCII SF OTIIER: SF STORAGE SHED - SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FTT 1542 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: -=_- TOTAL AREA SQ FT! - ToTAL PROIECT COST (Less tot) : $ 9,000'00 # OF STO1IES: ri'tiry H-tcTnrCnL, PLUIIING oi itEcMNICAL l,lo.-k BEing Done to the Accelso]y Structure? ffi Ves [ ruo Tf:the:.project is a Relo(atlonr ls there a Natural Gas Line on the Curf'ent Sitef IYes ffiruols the ne . Ele ctrical Power oh this guildtngr ffives ffiruo \ pROPERTY UsE ,/ OCCUPANCY:5]NGLE FAi4ILY f] ourlex ! rowrrcruse DESCRIpTfoI{ oF UtoR( 1 Structural repairs due to lightning strike to home. There are no changes to existing layout. Only replacement to floor coverings, drywall, nsulation, paint. Dlsdt liff l h6rby carily hrl al ini5tmElion ln tl ls dppr cauoo h co.rocl s. d dl xork vr ll comply warr fa stsra Bullthg CodE end s]i othar .pplrcr HB St E snd loc't tiwe cr4 orlhscBs and l€! ub$0n5. lh6 NHC OewloFment 6s Nicsa cstrler w il !c no1ifi€d of Eny chsngea ln h6 q,prcvdd plar ? and sp e.ifcEtioos o. chano e in conjrocr,r or .onircQr lnbrmato.. .k {OIE: tury Wo.k PBrror;ned WO iloAppllpnlb Pormlts villlbo in Moradon oltl,e NC SisiE $500.0tI* Ot^nlER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE :Davi.s ThomDso^ {F.lnt NaP\*****+*,* **,r:l*+* *.* r, *,ra**r,r*i,r,r, *. r.*+ Is rHE PRoPERTY LoCATED Itt a rrOoonUrul ffi vrS I r'o EXISTING IIIpERVIOUS AftEA: -5Q FT TOTAL AcREs oISTURBED: NCII I}4PERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT EXIST LAIu) OISTURBING PEPfiIT: Ef VES ff NO MTER i CFPUA f] copl.,ruNrry sysrEM f] pRrvArE l^tELL f] ce r,irur u,tru srwen: I crpuA E cENTRAI. sEprrc I eervlre srenc f] coMrvluNrry sysrEu *,* sEpAtATE trtRtlITS RGq,IRED [ot{ ILECTT lYlEcHr pLEG) GAs EQUIP, pREFAIIS & INsERTS **' PA\+IE T fiETHOD:il casx ffi.rrcx ltavm.u ro uic; ffi ru,rrnrcaN ExpREss E i{c/vrsn I nrscovrn *,*,!* *+!t r,l.:** +:t*if :l a )n li ,l,r.r(* '*r.rr * **++,1+ *4tr)I**^* *,***** *,*++r**+*;I,aA,r *tv***:*:**+* +++*******:r**** *+ ZofiE.: oFFICER: (FoR OFFTCE USE o{Ly) REVIIED DArr 0./1!/la SETSACKS: F:_ LH: ._ RH;_- B: *** ai * t*y:r *r*+a*1 ***rv+*+*i::r+**+**,rrr(*izrr+,1:r {i+r*+ Approial:- Cityi- DATE:- FLooD: -_ BFE+2ft= - X NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI C ATI O N TY PE., RESIDENIIAT PI-TA5t ANSWIR ALL QUESIIONS AI!PLICABLT TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" Zot(-1rM Appt-tCANT,S NAMEr Pulte Homes g21a;7-2-18 CtTy: Wilmingtor 21p 28412 sUBDlVtstoNr Del Webb Rive.liqhts tOT I1 : 0'1 1 33 pnOpERTy OWNER,S p4p1g1 Pulte Homes pHoNE H 843-353-5119 oWNER,s ADDR€sSr 3504 Faringdon Courl CIIY ch gLp6 t-1g6iJ5g ,. 1931 1 zlP.29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulle HorncS ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court clTyi Nryrtle Beach srr SC ztp 29579 EMAtt ADORtSST Tiffan Dunn Pulte com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: I Dunn IXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT L.j Alteration i.j Renovation n General Reparrs PHoNE: 843-353-5119 pHoNE: 843-353-5110 NEW CONSTNUCTION Erect New Residence D Addjtion to Existing Rcsidencc [] Rclocation 1*'PI.EASE CHEC( AND ANSWEN SE[OW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJICTN'* J^tt Garage (St)539 u,,Porch {Sr)tr oelGaraBe (sF)_-_334 fl Storage Shed (sF)-_,__- I I other (sr) Lj sunroom (sF)_ Ll Grcenhouso (sF) _--__il Deck (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existin8 footprint? D Ye5 i,l No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Uor prcposed work)11s31g6;2037 9nyr"31q6.873 TOIAL PRO.IECT COST {Less tot): g 136479 ls lhe p.oposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 0 Yes E No Ir any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork beiog done to the Accessory Structure f] Yes E No litheprojectisa Relocation, jstherea NaturalGas Lineon thecurrentsite? tr Ye5 0,Ng" llthere [lectr ical Polver o n this BuildinB? D Yes g No (/ li,/ Property Use/ Occupancy: dsingle ramlly D Duplex E Townhouse tt..;lirr : inrolmalion."'NOIE:AryworkFerfo!medwilhouttherpprop.iatepernrilrwillbeinviolatlonofthel!CSt.leEld .t lo liner up ro S50O @"' Descrip tiorr o, Worki Caslle Rock wilh loft, oaraoe extension and screened porch owner/contra.tor: fljlgl!|lry[].1_ __ slsnature r_ "Licented QLtohlie/ Ptinl Nome / ls the proper(y loc.rted in d l,oodpldrn? tr Y", d r'i, Exlstirrg lmpervious A.ea: _ - ,,* Sq Ft New lmperviou s Area | *,_-_- sq Ft Exiitlng Land Dlsturbing Permit: n yes E wo WATIRi D CFPUA E Cornmunity Syste,n E PrivateWell D CentralWell D Aqua sEWIR: Q QFPUA [] Comn)unity Svstern E PrivateSeptic f] centralSeptlc I Aqua ,""",&1 (D) omcer. DTb* setuo.r.rald-trHt lo'tasl s' tal:i.- apyovat: Q!- ciry: lL\44 orr",75l& Tot.rl Acres Dlsturbed rlood: (A)_ (v) __ {N} X * errrzft= __- L ii" lns lion Requtren, gl 0.254.09{ll ; l{lttcl hnr,lq.,./f.-- eerrnit reer gotConrment leas.l to/bel$cef ffi pROTECT AODRES5: -40-20 Ruddy DL/ck Way _ -- _ fl Pool (SF)_._____ t \>?8Lqi,''!8 Application Number (ot ice use) E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TYPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI-ICAELE TO YOUR PRO.]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" AppLtCANT,5 NAME: Pulle Homes Oate: 6-1-18 pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 341 'l La hin Gull Terrace SUBDtVtStON: Del Webb Riverlights crry: Wilmin ton 71p.28412 1s1s.01068 pRopERTy owNER,S NAME: Pulte Homes pHONE fl: 843-353-5119 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes sloc rrcrNsr * 1931 1 ADDREss: 3504 Faringdon Court CITY : Myrtle Beach Sr: SC ztp: 29579 EMAL ADDREss: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pROrEcT CoNTAcT pgqggl; Tiffany Dunn ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIOru: !4rect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *.lPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* T * pHoNE: 843-353-5119 pxorur. 843-353-5119 V{orchlsFl 330 n Storage Shed (5F)_ ! Deck (sF)tr other (sF) /nn e"rre" (sr)555 ! Sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl 11271s6;2775 Unheated:885 TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 17 7 405 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E lrto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No ,/ Property Use/ occupancl: d single ramily E Duplex E Townhouse Description ot work: Tanqerly Oak with screened Dorch and sunroom laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Seryices Center will be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specificataons or chanSe in contractorinformation. "'NOTETA owner/Contractor: ny work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in T ifFa D Dunn violation ol rhe l{C 9!ire BldB Code .nd subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... ,,rn*u,",f,4*[{D} tAJ "Licensed Quolilier" tuint Nofie / ls the property located in a lloodplaint D yes /No '0u 0 Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedi New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl ves D No WATER: n CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: Officer:setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Flood: (A| _ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S . owNER,s ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court c|Ty: Myrtle Beach 21p. 29579 tr Oet Garage (SF) tr Pool (sF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATON TYPE; RESIDENTIA! PLEASE ANSV/ER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICADLE TO YOUR PROIECl "ProJect Responsibility" Lott-4tuo I pROlfCl 4ODRESST 3411 l-aughing Gull Terrace ClTyr Wilmington 71p. 28412 SU BDlVtstoN: Del Webb Riverlights pRop€RTy oWNER,s NAMEr Pulte Homes PHoNt r,: 843-353-51 '19 OWNER,S ADDRESST 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy: Myrlle Beach ltP.29579 coNTRA6T0R: Pulte Homes EIDG tlcENst H: 19311 ADDRESS:3504 Faringdon Courl clrv: Myrlle Beach ST; SC ZtP 29579 EMAtt AD0RE55; I'iffany Dunn@Ptlte.com pttOUe:843-353-5119 pRor€cT coNTACT pERSON: Tiffany Dunn PHON E 843-353-51 19 €xlsIlNG CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration : Renovation I GcncralRepairs NEW coNsTRUcTloN; [i4rect New Residence [] Additaon toExistin8 Residence 0 Relocation *1PL€ASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*, T /-y' Atrcdraee(sF) 555 E Detcarage(stl --- i).{orch lsq)330 ll Pool (sF)i-l Sto.age shed (S[)--. __*ll Sunroom (sF) ! Greenhouse (SF)--! De€k (sr)l Other {sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? i l Yes [l No TorAI Sq tr UNDER Ro9t Uor proposed wotkl Heated:2775 Unheated:885 TOTAL PROiECT COST (Lest Lot): S 177405 ls the propo5ed work chan{ling the number ofbedrooms? g Yes n No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the AccessoryStrlrct(re!YesEtto ll the projec ls therc Elec Property us Descriplron olSCtAlMtR: t hereby .€rlily th.l rlllhe inlormalion in lhitapPlk.lron re.o(ECt aod laws , nd ordrn.ncet d nd .egu lations The NHC Dele lopff ent s€ rvket C€nter will hc n i{rtorrrdlion. "'NOTE. AnY work per,ormed wilhoul the arpropri.lc permits rvill be Owner/Contracton "Licensed QuoliJicr" T iifa D Dunn allwbrk will comply with olified oI inychan8et in ii' violation ol the Nc st.t the Siaa€ Burlding Code and all olher .pplicable 5l!te and rocal the rpproved plan! and specili(.lioni orch.n8e ln conltr(tor :ir Blds [ode and rubjecl lo finet up lo 5500.00r" ls the properly lo.ated in a floodplain? tr Yes Exlstlng lmpervlous Ar€ai - 5q tt New lmpervlous Area Sq Fl WATER: Ll CTPUA fl Conrnlunity SYstenl Commu niry Systenr Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: O ves C t'to tfl t'lo SEWER: E CFPUA E ,on"' P-1(o}u,,",\)-I u serbacks {o LrJ-- tl.Hr 5-l- rnHt,-.5' - tat --5-- tii.i tnqrction Peqr,.,reo, g t CIt S 4.Ag 0t ) E Private well n C€ntral well E Aqua D Pravateseptic E central Septic D Aqua Approval: Cf - city: lllrt Date .lefJd rr""ar1n1 - -,tv) -.,-. {N)-) ,- BrE+2rt"..,,.--- 1/6' k)b{Lo.4t 3lt tc i i.ieJCofi fie nt:1 ic r.r--01url-lr+U-li | - -- permit ree: I _lbXs:oo I e$ It Appr"rcANrs NAM€:I!L!-elg!:lgl-- 331s 6-1-18 * lor tr: !l!6..,- ,( .. NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC,.TIO,! rYPg.. RESTDENTIAL PLEASE ANSTER AIL QUESIIOIIS AOPTfCABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT<pnoject Responsibilibf 6Yfm lutr .t kft ot4 tlftoA,li Ltc Pt()t{E #: A,or(- qr 1D(b-*z_ APPLTCATION l&rlber (oFfic€ Use) APPLT@I{T'S MI,IE: DEVELOPER; PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUEDNIISION: PRoPERTY oIsIER,s !A E: U €FTL 0{,t t'lER}s ADORESS: q CITY: (- -Ara')LTCENE *: zn-,@c '3 LOT *: _ st: N(ZIP.. CTTY BLOCK *; A P CONTRACTOR: ADDRES5: t'-l ACCOUT'|T *:!.CITY: L . r,o Crh ttNA $tt*c sTt r-!!aPt L X41 *:EITIAIL ADDRESS:o,,l^PHONE A N ALt PHONE #; ALTERATToN fl nercvarrou n ewenai neearns I RELocATToN I{EH coNsTRtETIor{, I snrcr NEH REsIDEr,tcE or f] AD,916(,[ To filsT]r\ts REsIDEt{cE '*PLEASE C}IECI( I}O AXSI{ER BELOi ALL TtUtT APPLY TO YOI,'R PRO]ECT:! orr eenaoe sr fl ror+r _ sFfl eoor- _ sr fi s'roaaee sHED _ sFI oecr I PRO]ECT COI{TACT PERSOI{: DCISTII{G COiIS TRUCTIOiI : ffiTlrolt l'{o E I-l arr cnnear qF l-l suNnoorta <F fl onerrtnrdtse -- sr TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: xrA TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RO6F: ,5b T6TAL AREA sQ pr, I6D TOTAL PRoIECT CoST1;essr-oj : g 3ooO. - # OF STORIES: t t/Xb Is Any ELECTRICAL, PUI.IBING or IiTECHANICAL ork Belng Oone to the Accessory Structure? [ V", $rf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the curnent site? pves Is thene Electnical pewer on this BuiJ.ding? FlVes q] r,io pRopERw usE / occlrpAr{cy t fl-srruol DESCRIPTION OF UIORK: I &(. E FAmTLY ! ouer-e< [ roru'+rouse tn No ,il(5t1 rAe DISCIAfiEFL I h€rEby €njt flat a and odinanc€s and Egutatons. Th€ hbrmadon in his applcaCofl b coaEct NlilC De\ElopnentSeryic€s c6nErwill b€ noifed of any changaa h he appovsd €fid allvprk$I complywih tle Siab tuildhg Code and dl oh€r applicabt€ SBD sfld lo.al la,^rc conn-actlr inbrnado,.r, iNOTEi Any Woft P€rbnned w/O h€ Apprcpriat lsin Vrohlion ottieNC SEtUffnt] flAye k"J)t, To SIGI.IATURE ! + ++** *** ****:C:**:e ,tffi PERflTT FEE: $Y 5 OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIT,I} EXISTMG IIIIPERWoIJS AREA: _ SQ FT NEL, IIiPERVIoIE AREA: _SQ FT *:!*+**++++ **:*+ ******* ****kSJr*'JIIII]]I**** ** YEs E rco ToTAL ACRES DISIURBED: _ Exrsr LAtiD DrsrlrRBrr{G ee*r,'rr, f] ws III lro MTER: SEWER: ffi creua ! cowuluw svsrrm ! pRrvArE wELL I ceurnnl wrup crnua E ceNrnar- smrrc I pRrvATE sEprrc f] coruururw svsrav ..* SEPARATE PER'{ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, AECIi, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & TISERTS *''I pAytlEr,rr r.lErHoD: ficlsrr flcnecr (pAvABLE ro n"c1 f] rrr.i *.** 'E r.l**- - 81r""*r*:i** **** *****+x * **lc************ * *ii **i.ilri+*:t+*** tihi,t:if t *:t*,t *i:***+:t ***:i. rt+** ***:t:t** +***:r;r* i** * ZONE: Approval: CER: city: SETBACKS:iiJL *, I .{'7 . f$a oare oatttta DCo rpnt: OFFI DATE FLOOD: Ciiy irpcctron Requrso, ?i 0-25,ityr.',1 *.., tr/lo Il& $: SF OTHER: -- sF $7 RECEIVED AUO 15 2018 I{EW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOING PERMIT APPLI(ATI ON TYPE : nESlDtNTlAl. PTEASE ANsWER AUOUTSTIO SAPPUCA8I! TO YOUi PRO,IICT 'ftolrct Rrrpo0dblltf d,ot?'q lla- l3 )ta3 I Appldor (offictura)ffi APPUCA AS }JAMEi PRO,IECT AI'DRT55I Pr.s\ i c Po'\s Datel 8^/ r-lR ztPCI!Y: SUSOlVl5lON! PiOPERTY OW TrS t'lAiNE:Qrro, OWNER'S ADORESSI tr Att G.ra8r (St) _ n sunroorn lSFl D Grcrnhou3c(5F)- E DccI {SR - lr thc propGd worl drryIlot thr cir[n€ foonprbt? tr Yrr E tlo IOTA! SQFT UNDEi nOOr Uor O D.l G.r.g€ ISF) _ /r-,64 qq9 yortl HarEd: ,MO t atd 0trD-6t5^6A v\? CONTRACIORI E UC$tSE AODREsS:OTY: EMAIL ADoRESST PHOttl; PHONEPRO,I€CT COITIACI PEi5ON; gEflNG CO SfruCTk t{: B Altcfltion D Rlnovttion E G.n r.lRcp.in llEW @tlsInUCTl(,X: E Ercct Nar Rrridcncc D Addltion to Erirting R!3ldence ! Raloc.fon ...PTTAST CHECTATD A SWEI IITOI' AII AT APPIY IO YOI.|8 'ToJECTtT' o , 51571 ztP 1l - 61q1 tr Porch (SF) tr Stor.t! Shld (SFl _ C Other (SF) Unh..tcd: TOTAT PROECT COST (Lesi Lot) b th! p.opold uorl drrndr{ tha rumbcr of bedroorns? O Yar tr Xg li any Elcctrlcal, Plumblt{ or Mrchr{rd wort bclr)8 done to th! AcEasory Stucturc 3 Yoa El lgo ll thr prolcct b r n bc.dol! bth.r? r Nrtnl6l! tlrc on th! c1,rr!nt5ttr? tr Yr. O fto lsth.rp El€rtrlral Powtrorthls 8llldlng? tr Y.. tr llo Prcplrty ur./ Occup.ncy:F.rnlty ! olphr 3 Townhourr Dcr..lptton o( Work:(wt M o OrSCl rlrtlfu Ihaabt canilytlfi aL ltr irforlrltbo in rnlrarpllrtltd. i cor.q.nd rl rlh ttr 5lrt! !ul!L! (6!. an6 r$ otiar apCdbh ltrt .nd 661 :5ffUG !3 I S: ?4Rt' t.forlrlrtro.. ...tCm: Alry rq.t prrfo.rEa $tlDut t|! rpFopndr FarmB tr{ ba ln vt!6o.r ot tta ttc SEt! }d8 Cod. ard $t ..r !q tln.t u, to lJS.@... Ownrr/tont'irtor: 'Llaantcd Qlto r2t' 5hone \("sniK sllnnurc: Pdnt llot1l,c ls thc property locrted in a floodp,.ln? = tan \ no Exlrtlnt lmp"wlourArGt:- Sq tt fot.l act6 olJturbld Nsw lmplrvrollr Are., - 3q R En*lst tald OlsurthS Prrmhl E Ye! E: No *,orr*$arru^ E community slstem : Prlvate wlll = clntralw€ll El aque SEWER !/CFPUA C Communlty Sydern E P'ivate SEplic ! Clnfal Scptic D Aqua zon", ! oftlccr: - sltb.ckr (F) - {tfil- (RH, - (t} -oopofl- a,rr, -or., - rtood: lA) -(v) - (N) - BFE+zE -Comlnrnt Ptrmit fca: S \5,oC A P CITY Iik , ; gors- q l(3 rB -257V APPLICANT,S NAME: Application Number loffice use] slr/'r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N W PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projed ResponsibiliV' AnJrea Ar,/rr<u^Date: PROJECT ADDRESSI SUBDIVISION: I t€5 CIIY: bi ztP: .2f 4/ / LOT # ,l RousePROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: PHONE f CITY:ZlPl "',1,1, C" - ctaCONTRACTOR ADDRESS "Licensed Quolifrer" B LICENSE S. <zto3l EMAIL ADDRESS: "J IA E Greenhouse {SF)n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? fl Yes E[ No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:l@ srt hC 7p. l_€y./3 PHO N E:16 -;1r- q27 t qrc-sl?-'lalf CITY €,/'S g (,A PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHON E: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration I Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation .}*'*PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}** D Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) Unheated: f l,tnbtU8*o TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S /(, cao ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr YesENo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu lf the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes ! No Property Use/ OccupancyrE Single Family E Duplexn Townhouse Description of Work: l\!?0t ,.L ik Va" laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notifled of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in conlractor information. +'*NOTE: Any work pedormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bl code subject to fines up to 5500.00'*. Owner/Contractor; I Signature: ls the property located in a floodOlain? (*Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft ' Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System ! PrivateWell E CentralWell t] Aqua SEWER: X CFPUA ! CommunitySystem ! PrivateSeptic n Centralseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval:_ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee:s trY 85.CD lJ-'a- tr Porch (SF)_ ! Storage shed (st)_ El other (Sr) l@ Jotr- l tT'l )B-Zus APPLICATION Number (office Use) I l,.l \rf ,, ,- la NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLI.ATI)N rvPE; COMMERCIAL Q cttasc arrrsltER ALL QUEsrroNs AppLTcABLE To youR pRolECf "Project Responsibility" G-P"., Re.s\.ro\o.., ( 9 .\l APPLTCANTJS NAME: DEVE LOPER: DATE PHONE S: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OWNER'S ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME PRoPERTY OI^JNE R' S Nr$ilE: Pce.*r.,.- o 9..* Oo\lor., AD{ s zrP A:HA. PHONE S: qUX 9Q-83oo sr:N( zrp:e? fylT CITY: t CONTRACTOR:Go ?... Q"*kt CITY: crrv: h)i \rnf 6\c, tr ..,{! zrP:rElltqro-6iq -Ja66 ADDRESS: t?3 =-nle\ frc ST PHONE S: PHoNE $: 1Ll-6t6-03(15 PRIN RELOCATION KLERED? f] v"r I No EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC T PERSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curr ACCESSORY STRt,,CTURE: ((h€c( all rhat 4,rply) RENovATToN 7[ cerurnll neplrns ent Srre" L_l yes L_j No tS Bl DG S If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #; IF Yes, ,hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? ***** rs rHrs A cHArlGE oF occupailcy use r flves d* -,*, Is Elect Power on this Buildin8 E Yes d*o What is the New 0ccupancy Type? PH: PH: NC RE6 # NC RE6 S ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DESCRIPTION 0F I4JORK:E SO FT EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: [ves [ruo REsTAURANT f]uencenrle f] eouc ner lcottoo ornen, flWELL DISCLAIMER: I hereby certly lhal all rnto' mairon rn lhrs appllCalron rs correcl and allwork ' rll co.ndy wnh lhe Stale BJ' and local laws and orornances and reoulalions. The NHC Develoomenl Servrces Center wll be nolrhed ol anv chanoes i or cnanee rn corlraclor or conlraclor rilormalron " NOTF Any Work Perlormed w/O lhe Approprele Permr{s wll ble inSubtectlo F nes Up To $500 00"' lding Code and all olher applicable Slale n the aDoroved olans and soecificatrons Violarion ot lh€l.lC Slare Bldg Code and ls food or beverages preparad or served in this stucturs? nYe" ffruo b Th" Property Located ln The Floodptain?[Yes SIGNATURE (oralirer) No SQ FT I j rg6Ftl contain Asbestos or nor. You areroqolrod to callthe National Emlsslon Slsndards ror HazErdousAir Pollutarns (NESHAP)al (919)707-5950 al le8sl 10days p.ior to lhe demolitlon of any facility or bullding. S6e,6beslos Web Siie: hilpJ ^4,,^,!.epi.slale.nc.us/eprasL'es,1os/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST BUILDING HEIGHT: I6f TK..2-# OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERry USE: lOrrrCe f] wArER: EfCFPUA SEWER: fl CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEMceHrnelseetc f]f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEMPRIVATE SEPTiC PAYMENT METHOD:flcnsn f]cnecK (eAvABLE ro NHcl flnuenrcnt.t exeness /'fl ucrurse l_l orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: REVTSED O TE 4/11/12 ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:_ City: RH:B: FLOOD: - - -BFE+2fi= Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ LICENSE S: tr NEh coNsrRucrroru, f] rnecr NEW srRUcruRE I rasr rnacx I surrr- ! uerrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE oWNEFYCoNTRACTOR:'Dear.\, 5\.^\6e- I SQ FT PER FLR: - # OF STORIES: # OF STRUCTURES: # OF FLOORS:-- \--.i i; i t,; g aDrS-q tY'1 )0-Zux APPLICATION Ilufiber (offJ(e use ) x Jrq \rs NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATI,N rYPEr COHIIERC IAL ? uarott' Ansrtn A!L eultrIor{s apPll(l8lt To YouR PqolEcI "ProJect Respons1billty" APPLICANT,S l\l*,. GO PCo \n-"oV.,.t ( DTVE LOP E R i. ffi DATE PHONE 8: PRO]ECT AODRESS: Pre,.<r.,,r 6 P'..'e On\b,r A${ s ztPt&i3[), criorr a: Q(yllft{3oo srrNC zrPr;llldlA CITYr OCCUPANT/BUSINE55 NAHE I PROPERTV OI,INER,5 NIITIE: T OI.JNER'S ADDRESS I CITY: CONTRACTOR:Go ?.", Q*,A.src,LlftNSE $ ADDRESS i CITY I PRO] ECT CONTACI PERSON: OWNERiCONTRACTOR:teer' Sh^\s,e SIGNATURE: l:.". ST pHo!,tE n: PHONE I: BUILDING HEIGHT: Id trL.P- # OF UNITS: I SO FI PER FLR d OF STORIES:_ # OF FLOORST - {)<- zIP:rE\\l {to-erq::aro<lk)- 6t 6-03n5 ExI5l CoNSTRUCIIoN: l]ALTERATION PRIN RELOCATION rL.rne or I ver [ru.ll Relocstlon. is lhere a Nakral Gas I ine on the Curtenl Sile?n NE1.1 coNsTRucTlolr I rnrcr NE!J 5TRUcTURE Irnsr nacxI sHrlr f]unrfrI aoo ro !xrsT sTfiUcTURE If upFlT - the shell Pernit f : Is €lect pouer on thi! Buildin' n Yes dro ..... rs THrs ^ cHANGt or occupAlcy use I flves g-* ""' IF Ye9, whrt Nas the prevlous Oc.upan(y lypc? *-.--- Ihat ls the Nel, 0((upancy'lypef ARCII DESIGiI PROTESSIONAT: ENGR OTSl6N PROIESSIONAT : t/C RE6 { t]( RE6 { f]ES( RIPT ION OF NORK:E ts food or beveragos ptopsrod or 6erv€d ln thts struaure? [vcs ffio b The Ploporty Locsted lfl ]i]to Roodplsln?EYes No RE NOVAT IOII r lq!_8)! I, ) It4 GENERAL REPATRS Yes LlNo ls Bl DG s DtSCtAtMER: I hcrebv ctrLlv har alt ,nro,rnar'on rn lhrs applrcalroir rs cofl gcl and all,r'oll $rll(o'ndy l^tll' Ll'c Slalc Builri .rd IMt la*s and oroin.tncB's aou rclulauons Tl,e NllC t)ev..lor'rrerl Se, v cos C€nlsr wtll bo noufied o, an,chanQesir I or ctanire,nior,rractor or contrclor,iilornrJl,on "'NOrE Ar'yWo'l l)erlonn€d wO he /.pprapllalE f elTrils wllltie rnv S,D)ccrIo r'nes t,p Io 1500 00"' ng Code and alldhe, aBrl,cable Slrle h€ aooroved nlans and soc(,llcitionsolaroo ol UrelJC SEre Eldg Code ano P}J Plt lB Jr66f dorlolitton ot sny bdlity d bdldlig 5€6 rsb.stos wab 5116: hllpr^.\y, ed slal6.n usi6pUasbcat&r,ahmp.trlri'J TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R # OF STRUCTURES: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I vrs f] No NEW I[lPERVIOUS ANEA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAr pRopERTY USE: flOrHCE EneSraUneUr [rvrenceurrlr f] rouc eer [coNoo orxen IOTAI PROJECT COST WAIER: ETCFPUA SEWER: ACFPUA fIcoMMUNTTYSYSTEM LIwELL ECENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATE SEPTIC f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION D CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM SQ FI pAyMENr r"lETHoDr flCesH f]CUeCK (PAYABLE TO NHC) nAMERTCAN ExpRESs l,tcusa I orscovrn (FOn OFFTCE REVISEDDATE 'lll l/12 zo App [i,l?ii/t*,1[ RH:^I)A B ^thD: _ _ __,A_ BF E+2fi=FLOO N PERMIT FEE: $lco oco* "n, /r*Y,bv' R DATE 11 e eil; ir rllitciicrri ftequreo, 9i 0-2b4-uir], EiqAII" AODRTSS: ACRES DISTURBED, Zo(e- -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATION fYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' Application Number (office usel AppL;CANT,S NAME: Pulte Homes p31g; 7-2-18 pROJECT AODRE5S: 4020 Rud Duck Wa SUBDtVtStON: Del Webb Riverlights 61ry. Wilmi ton aP.28412 LoT s: 01 1 33 pRopERTy OwNER,S NAM€r Pulte Homes PHONE f; 843-353-51 19 OWNER'S ADDRESS : 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy: Myrtle Beach y1p 29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes s1p6 u66xss x 1931 I ADDREss: 3504 Faringdon Court 61ry; Myrtle Beach Sr: SC Ztp: 29579 EMATL ADDRESS; Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION {Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation J^tt Garage {SF) 539 I.**PLEASE CHECK AN D ANSWER BETOW AtI, THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*I* EI Det Garage (sF)l+/Porch {sF} PHoNE: 843-353-51 '19 ! Sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_ ! Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) 334 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed work)11ss1s6;2037 Unheated: 873 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 136479 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lftheproiectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EyesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No /Property Use/ Occupancy: [I Sintle Family D Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: Castle Rock with loft, qaraqe extension and screened porch laws and ordinances and re8ul.tions. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8€s information'"'NOTE:Anyworkpertormedwithouttheappropriat€permitswillbeinviolationoftheNCs in the approved plans an 8 Code and sub d specificationg or change in contractor ct to finer up to S500.00'** Owner/contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature; Bld 'Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nome II ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E ruo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E yes ! llo WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well a Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA tr Communitysystem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _(RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Commentl Permit teei S d) l;t t;( \-c ffi pR6JECT6ONTACT p5xg91; Tiffany Dunn pxore: 843-353-5119 D Storage Shed (sF)_ tr orher (sF)_ NEhI 2:_4,-r -=\,-y2 HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDTNG PEWT s APPLICATInT IYPE: COIIIIERCIAL 5 PLEASE AI{STJER ALL q.rESTIofaS APpLTCABLE TO YOUR PRoI€CT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICANT'S llt E: DEVELOPER: OCCUPAIIT/BUSINESS NAIIE : PROPEiTY OUNER, S M}tE : -,/. OI,,lttER'S ADDRESS:a CONTRACTOR: ADORESS : EMAIL 55: PRO]ECT CONT If UPTIT The Shell. Parmit *i Et{6R 0ESI6'{ PRorE55IO|AL :- DESCRIPTION 0F tloRK: ls food or bovorages prepar€d or in this Jo C-u LICENS' #:2 - CITY:ui/tn;,uf.^ L8 -2354 AffifelTi-oN l{unber (Office Usr) _o[tEt 1'Z1-lf -PHof|E r:l/a 26? .7?@ Z7?: ZNO\ - *rcrt *: f7asr:il-zw-!@ srUC ztP':ZliW ng Cod€ dd all adler apdi€H€ gate the dens and so€cill caUonsllc StEte Bldo Cod€ and # OF STORIES: C OF FIOORS e a2 f PRO]ECT ZONE: Approval: Commen o : t s!1-,t* 3n loa / r .PH0IE $: ?a 933 2!'/z .PH$|E *t ?/6 27 '/37c (Ch.ck all That aooly) ERECT NET STRUCTURE FAST TRACX tr SHELL n UPFIT il AT'D TO EXIST STRUCTURE Is Ellct Pouer on thts Bulldlng f. Yes ftaNo - EXIST COiSTRUCTIO I T-.'I ALTERATIOIiI T-l REM)VATI T I-.] GEI{ERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATIOTTI r Retocarion, 16 th€re a ruathjt cas L,ne on theHnent sire? J-- *JJ-- r.r" IS BLoG SPFn\KLEREIT -Ye{tZDrt ilt* .ontr*u.rro*, g ACCES9ONY STRI}CTURE: rI... IS THIS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPAIICY US€? T, YES E} tO ..*.. IF Yas, uhat xas the Prcvlous OtcuPancy Type? - tdtat ls the tter Oc(upancy TVDE ?ANTH DESIGN PROFESSIOIAL;'n'16?l:3!3-L'H'fueJflifp NC REG S NC REG S tzts1W- - Yefi..|to ls Ihe Prop€rty Located ln Th6 Floodplainf -Ye{t /-tle- o, the OWNER/CONTRACTOR (aua!Lr) SIGNATURE: Not6: O€rnollton notlkathna t .6b€sE rdnoval p6nri1 .pdicanons .re lo be subnitlod l,rlng ale aopfudon bm 3768) wi$hor lhe {aclli! or bulldlng waslound lo conbin Asb€sto. or not YqJ ars roquired & call }le a,lrlirsl Emissior Stsndrrd3 Lr H.a dous Ar Po rrBnE ( aSHAA 01(9tg)707"5960 6l bss 10 d8y5 prlot io ths dcnolition d any f8cility or bu{dhg. S€3 Asbedos Wob ShE: htlprilrHy.cd.sbto.n6.udorihsbo.lotatuip.hml BUTLDTNG HEtGfi: /f ', OF UNITS: 1TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL 8O FT UNDERAOOF.. /I?" # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED: .Zd NEw IMPERVIOUS AREA: lg?a PROPERIY USE PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l-.CseCX (pn EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? .r YES J- NO so FT EXtSTING IMPERVTOUS AREA, -7 t tlcl I SO FT floFFrcE ! nesreuner.rr I MERoANTLE T1 EDUfl Apr[ coNDo orHErlli+<..........__ WATER: SEWER: SYSTEIM r]CFPUA f-'I COMMUNIW SYSTEM T-1 WELL TlZONING USE CLAS EJcFpuA El CENTRAL sEprc f] hlvArE sEpflc BToMMUNtw."SEPARATE PERMIIS RiQUIRED FOR ELECI, MECii. PLBC. GAS EOUIP, PBETAB6 S INSERTS MAJ-,ol.r ix B-llt SIFICATION AMERTCAN EXpRESS r_ MCMSA r DTSCOVER *n4Z RHFFICE YABLE ro r,lHcl f-_ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F N PERMIT FEE: C DA tooD Ci[' lrrpclicn Requreo, g I 0.25{{?6r) /;\ let TIlr\Irl /-a l/7 88"*r.* Rvt,259 IIEW I{ANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PTRMIT APPLI CATION TYPE: NESIDENTIAT PTEASI ANSWEN A[[ qUESTIONS APPTICABIE TO YOUN PROJECT "Prdect tlesponslblllty" LaR-4ZtO LgE26g3 ADpll.allqn Nurllber (olflce use) APPUCANTS NAME:H & H Conshuctors of Fayettevlllo, LLC Dato:08t131201I PROJECT ADDRESS : 4062 Enduranoe Trall CITY:Wlmlnston y1p1 28412 SUBDIVISION:Rlverllshts PROPERTY OWNEB'S NAMEI H & H Constructors of Faystlsvllle , LLC PHONE 'I; 910.219.1485 OWNER'S ADDRrss: 1 107 New Polnte Blvd., Sulte 1 611y; Leland TlPi 28451 EMAIT ADDRESS:lullcaffertv@hhhomes.com/ ierrybranni nq@hhhomos,com PHON r:910.219.'1485 PRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON: JJ Bronnlng PHONE:910.219.1485 EXISTING CoNSTRUCTIoN: tr Alterhtlon E Renovatlon E GeneralRepalrs. NEW coNsTRUcTloN: Et Erect New Resldence O Addltion to Existlng Residence E Roiocatlon +.TPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW AIL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT+*'I El Attcarase (sn 523 tl DetGar,ge (sr) *- E Porch (sF)382 u Pool(sF)E Storage Shgd ($F) tr other (5F) _ lJ Sunroom (SF) El Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (st) ls the proposed work changlng the existlng footprint? D Yes E No ToTAt sq FI UNDER RooF Vor proposed work) Heated:2010 ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less lot): S 126 745 ls thereElectrlcal Poweronthls Bulldlng? E Yes E No ls the propqsed work changlng the number of bedrqoms? tr Yes E Nq ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Accessory structure ETY6; lf the prol€ct is a Relocatlon, lstherea Natural Gas Llne on the currcnt site? E yes E l\loi Ii -E No :: ,l ,. :. 1t 111; ',i :.1; l'j' 1 r I Property Use/ Descrlptlon of Occupancy: El slngle Family E ouplox EI Townhouse work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING **THE PLAN IS A RILEY, C. ELEVATIONT* r vtrIrTr.n Sl \fg-Wt:llfll,Eft laws.nd ordlnance5 and regulatlons, The NHc Develophent seNi.es ccotcr wlllbe notlfled ofany plans and rpeclfi catloDt rulrrecl tp ,lnes up tq or chai8eln contracto, $soo.oor trlntornlntlon. r.tNoTE: Any work perfornled vllhout the apDroprlate petmltJ wlllbe ln vlolalloii of Own€r/co[tractor JJ Brennlng Slgnature: "Llcensed Quollltet" tulntNane ls the property located in a floodplaln? E Yes E ttto Exlstlng lmperulous Area: --Sq Ft TotalAcles Dlsturhgd | .134 New lmperuteu5[1gs;3433 Sq ft Exlstlng Lahd Dlsturbhrs P€rmlt: El Yes E No wATEn: E CFPUA E communlty System n Private Well E Centralwell E Agua SEWE E Prlvate Centralseptlc E A{ua D (RH)(B) R: EI CFPUA E R-7 c'P,)*,, Septlc F TH} LZone:5 Approvalr DE cttyi lL?r7 Da&l Flood: (A)_ (v)_ (N) ct0Cornment: /O- be+w4en -ftvuChave.5 Jd 8FE+2ft= Permit Faei $.oo tor rr:3!9--- coNTRAcToR: H & H Constiuctors of Fayottevlllo, LLC sLoe UcrNse f: 74158 ADDnEss: 1107 New Polnto Blvd,, Sulte 1 Clry: Loland sT: NC ap: 28451 Unheated:905 Clfi,fpfilo,t fl,qraoo, glg5il.tJg|. lot g'qzt'*#E4 RVt,167 NEW I{ANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMI'T APPL'CAT ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAT PI-EAsE ANSWEN AIL qUESTIONS APPI.ICASTE TO YOUR PNOJECT "Proloct Responslblllty" pollcnllon Nuatber {ofllce ll30) APPTICANT,S NAME:H & H Conslructors of Fayettsvillo, LLC Date:0811312018 pRorEcT ADDIiESST 4829 Wavos Pointo CITY:Wllmlngton ztP, 28412 sUBDIVISION: Riverlights LoT ll: 167 PnorfcT coNTACT PEnsoN: JJ Brennlng PHON E: 910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoNT tr Alteratlon E Renovatlon E GeneralRepahs NEW CoNSTRUCTIoN: E Erect New Resldence E Addltlon to Exlstlng Resldence E Belocatlon *t+ ++* trl Att Garage (SF).- E Detcarage (SF) 528 E Porch (SF)282 tr Storage Shed (SF) - tl Sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (SF) tl Pool(SFl t1 Deck (st)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changlng the exlstlng footprlnt? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER RooF Vo( proposed worl) Heate d:2601 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):153 540 Propety Use/ occupancy: E Slngle tamlly E Duplex E Townhouse Unheated:810 ls the proposed work chan8ln8 the number of bedrooms? El Yes E No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or MechanlcalwQrk belng done to the Accessory structure,{tr,f.qf , E No ,..',, ir, .: ,r. it 'i ii lf the pro1ect ls a Relocatlon, ls there a Naturol Gas llne on the current slte? E Ves fi 1r1b' r.J !l i'\';t]': ' t t l".ll ls there ElectrlcalPower on thls oullding? E Yes E No I, ( r,ttV l:),,; . 'i I \i :;i i .i'(1 i 'i 41 1 ,1.:r t,l/i Descrlptlon of Work : SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING r) ."THE PLAN IS AN OLIVER WBONUS, A - ELEVATION'T' lnforinatlon. "'NoT{: Any wo.k p€rformed wlthout the spproprlate permlti wlllbe ln vlolatlon o, the NCSIt(e and Jubre.t to llnes u0 to$500.00... owner/contracto r: JJ Brennlng Slgnature: "Ltccnsed Quoltlef Pdnl None ls the property located In a floodplaln? E Yes E No Exlstlng lmpejvlous Area: _ Sq tt New lmpervlous Arear 2933 sq rt Total Acres Dlstsrbedr .1 I Exlstlng land Dlsturblng Permlt: E Yes E No WATER: E ctPUA fl communlty systern E Private well E centralWcll E Aqua SE Septlc E cen ttc EWER: E CFPUA E n",R-1 c"Pnl,,communlty system E Prlvate iXb sewacrts(pt /0'( iJ4o,,",tlnltr,'"0 kalSep 6 )cua C[], ln pccf,on nbqweo, 9le?C4.0,400 Zo Approvat: --..10L ctty: ll "torl-YA ).is lcns I LH) 5 (RHl (B) : (A)(v)(N)BFE+2ft=_ Pennlt Feei 515'ou L h Comtnent: b(ftrtun tl !v(s,,QYa3e a c V€ hu^(,Y"tchnwnt lnu* PRoPERTY owN[R's NAME| H&HConshuotolsofFayoltsvlllo,LLC pHqN511; 910.219.1405 - owNER'S ADDRESS: 1 107 New Polnto Blvd., Sulto 1 _ CtTyr Lgland 21p; 28451 g6111114g19R; H & H Conslructore of Fayetteville, LLC EIDGI-fCENSEfl:74158 ADDRESS: 1107 Nsw Polnto Blvd., Sult'e 1 ctly: Loland sfr NC ztp: 20451 EMAttADDRESSI Jullcafforty@hhhomes.com/ lerrybrenhlng@hhhomos.com ptorur: 910,219,1485 (, (ao'4ZZO 5 RVL26t NEW I{ANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAT PI€ASE ANSWER A[qUESTIONS APPIICASIE TO YOUR PnOJECT "Prolect R€sponsiblllty" APrlkallon N[mber (olll.euse) APPI-ICANT'S NAMEI ll & H Conslructors of Fayeltevllle, LLC Date:0811312018 Yt A ta : 4063 Endurance Trall , CITY:Wlmlngton 7tp.28412PROJECT ADDRESS SU0DlVlSlONr Rlverllghts PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:H & H Construotorc of Fayettovllle, LLC 1911; 261 PHONE:910.219.1485 1107 New Polnte Blvd.Sullo 1 CtTY: Lsland y1p; 28451OWNER'S ADDRESSI CONTNACTOR;H & H Constructors of Fayeltevllle, LLC BtDc tlcENsE,,: 74158 1107 New Polnte Blvd.Sulte 1 CITY; Leland sT: NC zlPr 28451ADDNESS: EMAIT ADDNESSI julicaffertv@hhhomes.com/lenvbrennlnq hhhomes.com PHONE:910.219.1485 PNOJECT CONTACT PERSON : JJ Bronnlng PHoNE:910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTnUCTION: E Alteratlon E Renovatlon n GeneralRepalrs NEW coNsTRUcIloN: [A Erect New Resldence E Addltlon to Exlstlng Resldqnce E Relocatlon *.*PI.EASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW AlL T.HAT APPLY TO VOUR PROJECii* I E Porch (Sr)367E Att Garage (SFl 523 E sunroom (SF).- E Gr€enhouse (st! Property Use/ Occup Descrlptlon of Work: tl Det Garage (SF)- tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF) tr Other (SFl_--- ls the proposed work chan8ln8 the exlstlng footprlnt? O Yes EI No ToTAt sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed workl Hg31g6; 2010 TOTAT PROJECT COST {loss Lot): S 126,310 ancy: E slngle Famlly E ouplex E Townhoqse ls the proposed work changinS the number of bedroorhs? E Yes E No ls anv Elsattlcal, plomblng or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure El Yos lf the project ls a Relocatlon, ls there a Natulal Gas Llne on the current slte? tr vos El nq( , ls there ElectrlcalPoweron thls Bulldlng? E Yos E No UnheEted: 890 ONo ( I FAMILY NG IS A RILEY. A. ELEVATION"- olsclAlMEttr I herebycertlty thal allthE lnformatlon ln thh appllcatlon ls corre.t and all r'/ork wlll comply wlth th! 5t6tc Butdlog codg thegpproved planr.and and qll oth€ r appll.able State and local lswl a[d otdlnances pnd re8ulatlons.The l{HC De\rlopment s€Nlces cenler wllllre notllled o, aoY changes ln spedll(atlofli or .ha ng€ tn controctor lnlomatlon. "'tlOTEt Any work perf6rmed wlthout the dppropdate p€rmlts wlllD€ ln vlolrtlon ot the t'lc State Cod. .0d subrect to flnEs up to S500.00'r' owner/contractor: JJ Brennlng slgnature; "LtcensedQuomei Ptlna Nome ls thepropertylocated ln a floodplaln? tr Yes E No Exlstlng lmpsrvlous Ares: -sq ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .137 NewlmpervlousArea:3441 sqrt Exlstlng tand DlsturblnS Permltr E Yes E No WAIERT E CFPUA El community syskm E Prlvate well El centralWell E Aqua SEWER: E cFfUA El ,"rrrrg'7:iPA'pTto Communlty System E Prlvate SePtlc E centralseptlc E Aqua Crit, lnpocttOrr ne$ffoo, gl$254{g0rj (rH)5 (RH}(B)s Approval:ciry: 0 tryl d: (A)- (v)x BFE+2ft: _ rCommcnti 4vL lka /o 4 h^ Z (- (N) Y<g Pennlt fec: S OO EIE t: IZ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CATIO N ryPE.. RESI DENTIAL PTIASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prqiect ResPonsibilitY' zqg-lzo ! tt - xs+6 (office use) Date:8/8/18APPLICANT,S NAME:Frank Nve wich Lane CITY ZtPt 2UOgPROJECT ADDRESS:202 G SUBDIVISION: La LOT f: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Dala & T mv firarshall PHoNE r: 336-287-5249 Lane ctTY: Wilm.ztp: 28409t2O2GOWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR : Frank Nve BLDG LICENSE S:-- ADDRESS:808 Deer Ct crTY: ldjlE- sT: Nc zlP: 2M09 EMAIT ADDRESS:nvefun hoo.com PHONE 910-264-5075 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Frank Nve PHONE : 9'1 EXISTING CONSTRUCIIONT ! Alteration ! Renovation l*lceneral nepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation TT.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*.. ! Porch (sF) 5 n Att Garage (SF) - E sunroom (sF)- ! Greenhouse (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated:150 Unheatedr TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S21_800 ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes ts/ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure n Det Garage (SF) tr Pool(sF) D Deck (sF) n storage Shed (sr)- E/6ther (sF) Kitchen '150 !B,(es tr t'lo lfthe proiectisa Relocation, istherea Naturarcas Line on the cu rrent site? [] Ye' [I]'ilo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? gYes E t{o Property Use/ occupancy: B/single Family ! Duplex ! Townhousr taws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development services Centerwillbe notifi€d ofany changes in the approved plans and spe€ifi.ations or change in contractor Description of work: Relocate 6' section of wall 14': relocate dishwasher water source.existino outlets. add outlet. install exhausl fan. information. r*NOTE: Any work performed out the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe Nc Stat€ BldS Code and subject to fines up to S50O.00r" owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet'' Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes lEf'f{o Existing lmpervious Area: _ sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Eristing Land DlsturbinS Permit: n Yes E No w,iiERt BlfPuA t] community system I Private Well n central well n Aqua sEwER: tUlcFPUA ! community system n Private Septic n centralseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ S€tbacts (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (il}_ BFE+zft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ ,/\7--'-,.",,l i