HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 27 2018 BUILD APPS08282018105032ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A PPLI CATION Tf PEt RESIDENTIAL PIEAS€ ANsWEff Att qTJESIIONS APPLICABTE IO YOUR PROJECT 'ProFct R.rponsbifv 7p(8-qZtqLffiW3 {, t. // atP =gq/7/ rrr 7/20 APPLICATJTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: r Datei stlBDtvtstoN PROPERT'Y OUT ER'S NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS: , r/re at) lbn Fvnn cfit: ty't CIIYi OTY: toTf: ADDRESs: EMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT COIITACT PTRSON D Det Garage (st) -[-D pou{so 0 PHONI # w,z,(+10 BTOG UCEIIsE #? ztP:v ,^.rr, 2// il! 7/20 D lto O(ETltiG COI{SIRUCnON: D Aheratlon C Renovatjon D G€neralRepairs/ t{EW CONSTRUCnO : d Erect N€w Eesidence E Addlton to €xlitinS Residcnce D Relocation .''PT.EASE CHCCI( AI{O ANSWER OEIOW AtI IHAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'I' tr att Garage (SF)+1 E Gr€enhouse (sF)D De.k (sF) ls the proposed wort .ha nging the €ristlnt footprint? D Yes C No O Sunroom (5F) TOTAL sQ FT UNDER ROO! Uot P.oqosed ToTAL PnOIECTCOST (Ie55 tot) lfthe project is a Relo.rlion, ls there a Na ll,0 {vo o *o tur.l Gas Llne on the current sne? E EYesDNo 22/{ ls th€ proposed work chan8ingthe number of bedrooms? ls any€le6ri.el, Plumblq or Mechanl..l work bein8done to the accessory Struo*" J.r* Ye3 Ef ilo ls there Electrical Power on Prop.rty u*/ Oc(upanq: Degcription of Wori ilv E Duobx O TornhoutrfAtt4rLf 6Ef t2trlrIlL Dlsat lMaR: I heeq ertilv rh.t rll $e irform.tih Io thh .pplk tion is con*t and .ll wo.t will .omph witn rhe siite s{lldiq Corle a,n Ell orh.r .pEliFbL St t .^d lFr Ls .nd ddinanc and .aguLtrons. The NHC D.Elo9lmt !4fti..r C.da ell b. notifi.d or .'iy d6is- h rrE .9'9.o id OLnr .nd rpdrtarbnr q .h-tA. tn @t.ador lnL.nato^ 'ttNOTEi Any ,qt D.rl@ed $thout th2&ibins? d ti.,rr. t"rntL///-Le TrL4 Cv,1l/ wfll be h viohrta ot $c rrrc 5r.r€ owner/Contr.6or;SltnaturE: lsrhe property located ln a lloodplaln? ExistirB lmpervrous Are.: /,c a no Sq Ft ,52Total Acr6 Disturb.d: n -np*our N.., '162l Sq ft **ng ono o*.,n;;;;;;7"o wArER: E (FPUA E commr/nity system E Privare well 0 cenralwell A equa CARQLIrI SEWE8: dCEPUA E community Synem D erwate septrc E cenE.ts,epric O Aqua zonq _ ofllce.: _- sdDa.tu(rl_(tI)_(nHl_(B)_ App.ov.l: _ Clty: _ Det.: _ Foodr lAl _ (V) _ (tl) _ BFE+2ft= _ vard EPWc E Comm.|rt -- Permh tee: $)344 oo O r","ntSrl 277 D stonge shed (sr) Qo othe.(sF) U "***u 70JS lB 2',28q ffi @ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I C ATI O N f Y P E,' NESIDTNTIAT ,,r E/\St Ar.rsritF. t lt 0lll5Ttor;s APirt.tc^6L[ :o icu( p,io][c I "Proie.t Rcrponslbilily" ctry \^l i\ NPPTICAN'I'5 NAMT PROTTCT ADDRtSS: SUBDIVI5ION: Dn te 7ir'r-lrtr-ttz,Qg_!12 owNEn's AoDnlssr -Li I-q coNTRAcroR: -\rr. r,,,. <i ^oDREss: -k\til IMAlt ADOntSS: _ *tr(Kfiti e. pRorrcr coNTAcT pflrsoN: -..}'cLElp S Kifrt:f , EXISTINGCONSIRUCTION:I I Altornlion funuu",,;ou: c!,ncrrl8r'pai,\ PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAM' NtW CONsIRUCIION: . Irecl Nee/ Sesidenc. LOt /l \-__ap.il,siti3 n.rn,,ar"rr,,,'??(/'!--' -- --- sT: ztp,-x,.L!.:t$ .J PrloNt,r CITY:U- crrv KC\typxndr o, ro r e -33-Llr*.1*.:ff I t g/ad,iltiuu tu t,trting nesade{:.e :l R.lo.alion ...PtTASf CHIC( AND ANSWER BEIOW ATt TIIAI APPLY TO YOUR PROJEC]"' T1 0at Grr;rpo ISI I'.-1 Arl Gnrale 1S:l !_: Sunroom {Sl } _ _. _ _. Gree l"oute (sil_ -- I lrooi(5rl :l oert lsr)_____ llo (] Porch (SFl __ __-- i.i 5lora8e shcd {SF)--. /o,r',"rtsrt ?J, -TOIAT SQ tI UND€R ROOF Uot ptoposed wotk\ Hcaled ?a ls lhc proposcd work (hanging lh.'existinf ,'Jotprirl? /r:q5 ;-, Descriplion o, Worki & susrelc.L unheared:- O - -- - TorAL pRoJrcr cosr (r"ss ror) s-@L@ ,j, O00 ls lhe proto5eJ wort(hrngmB lllo nu,nbrr of ocdroorrrs/ I Yes rs .rny de(t.i.al, Plumbin8 or Mcchanical work beinS ao,ro to 0r,) A /*, c(cssory Staucture v lllheprojecl is n Relotalion, i! lhcre n N,)tu?l6as trnc on rhr rufl,'nr \r1,,) X/Ye5 il No s rh!re e(t,r(,rt Pow(. on thie Bu,ldi,re? l{ Y(! , No Propcrty Usc/ Oacupt | :: Single Famil { oupr OI9CLAIMtR: rr,r,rIv r.il ry rhrl irl the,n,o'Frri ppl,..lirn ( (.r€.r and.rlr.!rr w'lr!odr'./erlh tl'.5!rr. F!,iil!^, Cod!allll ntrolh(r rprl',.abtc Slrie lad lo.nt .i).6.,1or " '^rl) r E An,wo !.,loi,red $*1.!r thr app.op,'rr( p., 1irt!,.r5r'n!,{jlJr3no,rh{frrCStit.tllce(.cdi..4rrbj..rtolirluproS5r{tltt,!. u,,rpdous,y'Lr,f.s s Owner/Contractor: r5lnt' pr opcr ly Iocn (dc'-rl J /^ , vcs L/',Jo ?L'a{,.,,.4.-(1(dc,,c -, rlr<chrl r,,," \ X,*"8-Signdl urc TotalAcrcs 0i5turbed: '' Y€! :.' No . {N, X_, srrr2ri= -_ _ Perrnil F[e:5 lS.;-q1 ted in a floo(lphin i Exi5tint tmpcrvio!r Aruo,]]!}- sq r, New tmpcrvio{,s arer:, &frUl sq ,,'}?/lVAItR: l,/ Ll PL.r,r. Cornnrr,a,ry Sy5rrn' 5twfR V alP'rl, _ :c,rr,.."1/\,ri:r1 ,"*,LS-- ou,,",, D-T(, sctbacks rr) IxirlinB Iand Disturbing Pcrr ir ,,rLv 1cW!,t CcntrrtWoll il A(Ua r),!r,!1! \ci)l;. - a\ 11,.) !!'olia _ r\r!,. 1P vt 1-1nrrl '1-. 1a; -15- l?4!&,ooo,rnt- - rut (.,i' ii;:rrriion,keqiiiis0, gi i,.2r4-iri0,_ approvar: -.fl1 ciry: L!Ly! Drre co,nme nt:.- t/l/l wt t yvtl t I E -S selboc*5 \ \-/ .$NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilitf E TE ?D(r-17*Vtz*w8 Application Number (office use) sltolnAPPLICANT,S NAME:Stevens Fine Homes-Date: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUADtVtStO : Round Tree pRopERTy owt{ER,5 Nair5; Stevens Building Company oW: Wil y1p. 28412 LOTS: e pxolr *: 910-794€699 owNER,s ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 ctw:Wilmington z.P. 28403 ADDRES5: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 q1y. Wilmington sr: NC ap: 28403 q(o fllSTlNG CONSTRUCnO : E Alteration D Renovation n General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCIION: d Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEqSg CHEC( AND AIISWER BETOW AtJ. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** datta"r"ee(sr) 100 W,r, E Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n TOTAT SQ FT UiIDER R@F lJor proposed work) lteated: TOTA! PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S 120,000 tr Pool (SF) n Deck (SF) Yes D No mll ?l{o unheeted:51b ls the proposed work changing the number ofbedrooms? E Yes IZ, lto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D ves d fo ls there Electrical Power on this Euildinga tr ves d lo d*o Property Us€/ Ocopancy: E Sngle Family Duplex C Townhous€ Description of Work:Construct new sinole fami residence laws and ordinances and reSulations. Th€ NHC Oevelopment Servic€s Center willbe notifred ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contraEtor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate p€rmits willbe in violation ofthe NC State nd subject to fines up to 5500.00..+ O*mer/Contractor:Michael Craig Stevens Sitnature: "Licehsed Qudlilie/ Is the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing tmpervious *""' 3 { 15 ,o ,, d"o 1gtal Acres Pisturb€d; 1/3 New lmperyious Area:n[l5 Sq Ft Existlnt Land Disturbing Permlt tr V", dno WATER: d CFPUA E Community System E Private Weli E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic d lqua Zone; _ Officer: _ Setbacts (r| _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ C]ty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S OD 69s1p661g1; Stevens Building Company g1pc gggxgs s. 31626 EMA1LADDRES5: snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com pxotr:910-794-8699 pROJECT cOmACT pgXs6x; Staci Nictolson pxOtr: 91G332-8515 D Storage Shed (SF)_ tr fther (SF) _ 0, ,6d , NEtttl HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP|:ICATIo,'! rvPE: R.ESIDENTTAL PLEASE ANSIIEB ATL OJEsTICIIS A'PLICABLE TO YOUR P8O]ECT '?roj ect Responsibi-}it}P crry: 8L0C( # E: t '9 TAkquq 'b- tb\L APPLTCATION Nunben (oFficc Use) APPLICNNT's tlAflE: DEVELOPER:PltotlE #: LOT $: PHoNE *; ql sr: L[lzrp: ACCOUIIT }: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDI\rI5ION: O,{NER'S ADDRES5: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMATL ADDRE5S: suNRocf4 _ sF 6REENHOJSE z_tP LICENS E CITY: PHONE #: PHoNE #:13tPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EfiSTT|'}6 CONS TRUCrIONI GENERAL REPAIRS f| ne locarroru NEW cot'isTfitrcTfoN;ERECT NEl,l RESIDEME or I norrrroru To EgsrrNG REsrDEr,,cE .rpLEAsE cHEcK ANo $tsNER EELotl ALL THAT tpplY ?o YouR pRoJEcr: Elarr enmoe 50O sr fl orr eauor sr [f eoncH +lO A LTEFATION RENOVATION 5F POOL DECK 5F fl sroRaor sHED _5F 5F O}IER:SF rorAL HEATED tq flrmK1 rorAl sQ Fr uNDER noor= 3Q1 TOTAL AREA SQ FI:t1 roTAL pRolEcr cosrressl,o r $445DOO # oF sroRrEs: I .5 Is Any ELECTRICaL, PtlJl{BIllG or ,'IECHANICAL l,lork Beih8 Done to the Accessory structure? f] Yes If the proj ect is a Relcicationr is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fives f] t'to Is there Electrical Pqwen on this Bui.lding?Yes No DESCRTPTION OF I.]ORK ,tlulnh0 AMrLY E pgp1s4 . ffiro,nnouse ffsrnlo nl,4 PROPERTY USE /OCCUPANCY S1N6LE F No te Crrf Dts wll b€ In @oply yvih i16 &b Et ldbg @da a,rd al o+}€rapPIabJs sEb.nd ,ocal la4s y cisn966 h fi6 app,Dv€d pians and .psclrBtoflE q. dan96 h oontEbr or Vrolatio.r of fie N c Shb BH! Cod€ .od Srbitct b Fh.6 l} To tsoo,O0- OI{NER/CONTRACTOR:5TGNATURE: (Priit fi.tc)*+*+++*+*+++*++++r:t++++*+++++++++**++******r.*****+**************+**++*+*+*++***+*++++*+* ZONE: _OFFICER: ( I5 THE PROPERry LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? T,::] YES DGSTING TMPERWoUS AFEA: --.......:-- sQ FT NEUi BPERUIOU5 AREA: - SQ FT NATER.Z.FNA sEt^lER: z CFPUA dw TOTAL ACRES .DISTURBED: EITST LAIID DTS]UREITIG PERHTT: f:] YEs co,$,tuNrry sysrEm I eRJVATE wELL f] crmful wrlr- cel'rRaL srPruc f] pnrvarr sEPTrc E cor"$4uNrry sYsTRl *.t SEPA.a.aTE,PEOI{ITS REgJIIIED Fo! ELECT,.IIECH, PL86, CAs EqJIP; PREFISS & JIJSERTS *G* PA./HENT }tfiHODT Es*,cHEcK (pAyaBLE ro rnc; f] arlL acco.,rr E tclwsl fiorscovrn********t++t**+**f,*+*************i***********t*++*ii***i*t***:f***:f*f***a*+*ii**t+*******rt (ro8 oFFrcE uiE drly) tadsEo oAIe n4lilta SETBACIG: F:_ LH:_ BH:_ B:_ Approva.l:_ city;:_ DATE:_ FLooD: _ BFE+zft= _ Col rEnt:PEffirf FEE: g oo DATE: PROPERTY OI^INER'S NA]4E: '1 l-r I NT)or--..^-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING P APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt ,1467 ?,Dtt "4zq> Application Number (office use) Date:e0 ti {fimr %^ APPLICAT{T'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Slevens Fine Homes pLEASE ANswER ALL euEsloNs AppL|CABLE To youR phJEct "Project Responsibilit/ gln Wilmin 1 ZlP.28/.12 suBDtvtsroN : Round Tree Ridge LOT # PROPERTY owNER,s NAME: Stevens Building Company pxoxr t: 910-794.€699 OWNER'S ADDRES5: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 OW. Wilmington ztP.2UO3 CONTRACTOR . Stevens Building Company sLDG g66x5s p. 31626 ADDRESS : 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 glTy. Wilmington sr: NC zt 28/.03 EMAIL ADDRESS: snicholson@stevensfi nehomes.com PROJECT cot{TACT pERSO : Staci Nicholson EXEnNG COIiISTRUCIO : tr Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs Ew@ sTRUcnoN: d Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation prorr: 910-794{699 pxole: 91G332-8515 *PI.EASE CHECK A D AIISWER BELOW ATI THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT''* E Det Garage (sF)- d Porch (sF)d rtte"r"e" (sR I 5 0 loa n sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (sF)! Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UI{OER R@F (lor proposed work} Heated:t15 o Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)120,000 5se. s ls the proposed work changingthe number ofbedrooms? tr Yes [L o ls any Electri<al, Plumbint or Mechankal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lftheprojectisaReloetion,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?Everdlo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildinga tr ves d ffo dno Property Us€/ occupancy: E Single Family tr Duflex tr Townhouse Description of work Consfuct new sinqle family residence. laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment services Centerwillbe noti{ied ofanychanges in the plans and specifications orchange in contra.tor information- '*'I{OTE: Any work perfo.med without the approprjate perm it5 will be an violation of the NC State subject to fines up to S5Oo.oO'.. owner/Contractor:Michael Craig Stevens SiSnature: "Licensed Quolifie/ Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves d m Eristing tmp€rvious er"", X0Ol sq rt New lmpervious Areai L00l Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Pe]mit: tr ves dlo wAftR: d CFPUA E community system E Private well E central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community system E Private septic E Central Septic d aqua zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approyal: _ Oty: _ Date: _ Flood: (l) _ (V| _ (il} _ 8FE+2fE _ Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 Comment:Permit Fee: 5 lnq * E storage shed (sF) _ ! other (5F)_ \ir /L', \s\s Za7 -q z'1D L8-ztTO-NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO TYPET COiIIIIERCIAL PLEAS€ ANS*ER ATL QUTSTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT 'ProJect Responsibility" aFFfIEIrro-rcarror l{umber (Offtre Use) APPLICANT'5 ilAIrlE i J6spq Ngwman . DATE :7-30-201E DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT : 33og Jaeclle Driv€ unit l10 0CCUpA I/BUSINESS tlAltE: Garh€red D6sqn : wtminglon ZIP: 28,{03 PROPERTY Olr{ER'5 tlAr,tE: Nonnan Bradsford _ PllOf{E $: 763-51 1 1 O${ER' 5 ADDRESS: Bumt Mi1 Busrness p.rk COI{TRACTOR: NewmanBros AIDRESS:,02 otd Easrwood Rd 82 EI.iAIL ADDR . ,n6dm9n nbros com PRO]€CT CONTACT P R : jsr{Er n man CITY: yv1m1n91s6 5I: n6 ZIP: 2gag3 ST: 6e ZIP: 26ag3CITY: ,11i1111;n91qn _ PlioNE s: . PIONE l: 526-6126 (Check All Tnat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERAIIOTI ll Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the No T{EI{ CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I-'] REt{OVATIO I--] GENERAL REPAIRS T-'] tdnenr Site? ; H6 ruo rs BLDG sPhl.I RELOCATIO KLEREDtr_ Yesl- _ E EREcr r'rEhr srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK E SHELL UPFIT E AID TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt f: 2017-11t.3 IF Yes, Hhat rras the prevlous Occupancy Type? fitfi ?oesre* pRoFEsstoraaL : GoodrEh sronrtedu," *.... rs THIS A CritttcE OF OCCUPAICY tSE?r YEs J-. m.r'.' _ tthat ls the Ler occupancy Is Elect Porcr on this Buildlng l-. Yes r N0 - PH:93-1667 NC REG s: 7a31 €NGR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOIIAL :- McDoYrell . PH,.270-371j NC RE6 s: 23933 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ofic6 upftt t,l65 sf ts tood or beversges prepared or served in this srruaure? l- YeslE. No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz l- ves li xo Stal6 Buildrn€ Code 8nd all other applicable Staledlam6 ln the Sooroved ol€ns and soed0catronswllr& in Violsrrd ol rheNC Sr6re Bldg Code and DISCLAIMER I h€reby ce.tty lhal sll rnloniaton in lhis 6pplic6lifi i8 corEct and all ll/ork will conpry wilh lhe and tocat laws 6nd ordinances and.€gul6tons. The NHC OeveloDrEnt Servlces Canter wtll be nouf,ed of 6ny cr*Tffi,l,,glificlT ffil$ago. ii'lormsrion '..NoTE Any work Perfo.nEd wo lh€ Approprlsre PermG SO FT PER FLR' -_ , OF STRUCTURES: I OWNERrcONTRACTOR: psper ne*,rnn SIGNATURE: lorr.lilii) (Pftl N.llt) tlorar Domolllion mrlficallons E .sbesr6 rcmo6l pGmI 69plk do.E !.a lo b€ submitEd rrsirE tha rpdlcalbn fo.n ( @rnlin Asb€sl6 o rol You ,a roqullod to c.l fro Nali,lrl Emlssaoo Slaftbrds br H@rdous Air Pdlul8 s (NESiIAP) domolition ol eny tlcllty or buildirE S€€ Arb.slc W€b Sal€ hlp://u/sw.ad.$a|e nc rdep./asbe9odahmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 516s.666 BUILDING HEIGHT: 20 n lho Lcillly or bui5ino w6s lqn1d !o )707-5O5O ar hasr 10 (bls p.ior ro lhe , OF UNITS: 1 tr OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS: ;-TOTAL AREA SO FT : tos sr TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: a rrn. ACRES DISTURBED: .a EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? JT YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: na SO FTNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SO FT CONDO OTHET WATER CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC E DWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC E corr,,tuurtry svsrerrt E ZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON SEWER CFPUA.- SEPAFAIE PERMITS REOUIRELI FOR EI,ECi MECH PLSG G.AS EOUIP T'RTfABS E INSERTS ''pAyMENr METHOD: l- CASH J- CneCX leaVeeLE TO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS lr MCA/ISA r_ DTSCOVER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH_ RH_ B_-Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOO BFE+zft, Comment N PERMIT FEE: ] /:/:, PTIONE ': - LICENSE S: 71912 pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE ! nesrnunaNr I ri,,lencnr.rrrr-e l-l EDUCE_ AprE DEVELOPER: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS T{AiIE : PROPERTY Oi{NER'S NMEt -f1 i O}'INER' S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS : EMAIL ADDR PRO]ECT COiITAC ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: A.ott -clAo'T L8-2354 aFTfTdi-ror Number (Offtce Uie) -DAIEt 1' Z.t-/8. -PHoNE $: ?, 76? . 1?@z-rPl!AB t,a L _ PHO E *: ?/,srti/<zrPl3fu LICENSE #: . CITY:Ui/tq:,tf*,,ST U( zwTAEZ zC '7 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATImI rYPE: COIafiERCIAL PLEASE ANSI]ER ALI QUESTIdIS APPLICASLE TO YCIIJR PRO]€CT 'Project Responsibilitf ;/eAPPLICA T, S iIAI'IE :I I l) / J . PHONE *: ?/a 933 2t'/7 PHO E $:?/a 22E./37c (check Al1 That Apply) EXIST CoNSTRUCTIoN: D ALTERATION lf Relocation, is ther€ a Natural Gas Line on the T-'I RENOVATION T-] GENERAL bJrrent site? ;-- H;-- ru" REPAIRS IS BLDG SH,RELOCATION KLEREDT_YSS,riZ t $E .orrr*r.rr*' g EREcr NEhr srRUcruRE f] FAST rRACx E SHELL Sforatz 8-.'ldtna UPFIT tr ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE !If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:J rs Elect Polrer on this Building r Yes l'i? No rrr.r rs THrs A CHANGE oF occupAl{cy usE? l- yEs p. o *+*** fF Yes, xhat uas the prevlous occupancy Type? _ tlhat Is the Neu O€cupancy Tvoe?ANTH DESIGI.I PROFESSIdIAL E GR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOI{AL DESCRIPTION OF UORK:3*ot.t. R,-ildlA, ls food or beverage" pr"p"r"d o, ""rvJ ln ti,i" "trrarr"ff - vesf-g.+to ls The Property Located ln The Floodpla in|- -Yeft /-Ua NoDISCLAIMER. lhqeby cenify lhal allrn{ormaton in and locallav/s and ordinances and regulalions. The or chanoe in co taclor 0r contradq lifonhatjon. "'Subjedlo Frnes Up To S500.m-' this application is correc{ and NHC Devoloomsnt SeMcaE NOTE: Any Work Pertormod Code and all other applacable State ol theDians and soeof rcelions|.ic Srate Bldg Code and OWNERiCONTRACTOR: Guaffiei) PAYMENT METHOD: ZONE: OFFICER SIGNATURE: Name) Nolo: Demolltion notilicalions t asbestos removalpermit applicalions are 10 b6 subnitled usin0lhe application lom 768) whe$er lhe tacilily or building was lound to contain Asbe6ios or nol. You are requirod to calllho Nalioflal EmiEsion Stand6rds for Haz6rdous Alr Pollutanls (NESHAP) ar (919)707-5950 at loasl 10 d8ys prior 10 the demolilion ol any lacility or bullding. See Asbestos Web S]tei http/www.epi,slale,nc.us/epyasbestos/ahmp.hrnl TorAL PRoJECT cosTi 1lDnAO4i)4)-TOTALAREASQFT:JL2L WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM BUILDING HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDERROOF: /blo # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED: ,zd EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 7 /?' SETBACKS: F LH # OF UNITS: 1 fves-|-rot L/.-/SO FTNEW IMPERVIoUS AREA: llAt PRoPERTY USE: noFFrcE ! neSrnUnrrur f!MERCANTILE EDU APTf-[ cor.roo orHEt Sfar.o.. r-.I ZONING USE CLAS BToM[,,ruNrrY SIFICATION *'SEPARATE PER[IIIS REQUIRED FOR ELEC], IT,IECH. PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFAES E INSERTS PAbo{*. ixB;19 f cASH [-. cxecx lenvnBlE To NHc) f-, nueRrcnru expREss f- McMSA f_ DtscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) B 8FE+2fr,Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD N PERMIT FEE: IComment tLl c+,,t RH fio etb$ PRO]ECT "r,L/691)3!SJ_ nc ne.o *: t-D3,,7@. r'rcREc*::7t=z:_ # OF STORIES: ( # OF FLOORS: -- r.]CFPUA T-lCOMMUNITY SYSTEI\4 T-'1 WELL f[creua fl ceNrnnr sEplc D FHlvArE sEprc ,tlL# Appll@tion Number Ioffce u3.) ctl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L|UTION TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AIISWE R AU QUESTIOMS APP LICABI.E TO YOUR PRO,IECT 'rrrolact Blsponslbllltlf 5LAPPUCAI{T,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRTSS: suBotvlsloN:6,+Y o hetg D.t!-l^l tcrnrt5n-J6CITY ztP PROPERTY OWNERS NAMT: OWNER'S ADDRISS: CONTRACTOR: 6 ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDREsS: PROjECT CONTACT PENSON 4 -^J- A^- PHONE 8 CITY: PHONE PHONE -6/ ELOG [ICENSE { ST: ZIP s( zt c ,,l,l,l CiTY v 31e7 Le 7ro-663g j6 ExlSTlItG CONSTRUCTIoI: il(l*trlforr El Renovatlon D GeneralRepalrs iiEct, j i ! ElEwlpgl6nucTloN: tr Erect New Residence E4aoitionto Eristing R$idence E Relocation ...PtfAST OIEO( AITD AI{SWER SELot'I' All. THAT APPLY TO Yol'R PROJECT"T fl Att Garage (SF)_n Det Garaec lSFl El Sunroom (SF)O Pool (SF) B Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work dranSlog the eristing footpmt? {Yes D TOTAI Sq FT UNOER ROOF ffor proposed wort) He.t€d:Unheatedr Yo sq -< TOTAL PRoJECT COST (Less lotlr S 15 the proposed work chartring the numbcr of bedrooms? n V"t Bd ls any Elcctricll, Plumblu or Mech.olcrl work belnt done to the Accessory st ucture Eivo D tio lf the project ls a R€location ls there a NaturalGas ljne on the cunent 5he? tr Vcs ts'fo ts th€.e Electrk l Pqwer on thls Bulldit8? E {es D o Propeiy Use/ Occupancy: q'SilEh F.mlty tr Xrupler n Townhousa 2aoo.'-5 b<)c<) qi'- Descrlp9gn ot Work: f-o rti't <o bvtd- S-<uo F Into(mrtron. ..'NOI[r Any worl plrtorm€d wlthout the ippropnate permhs wlll be h vblatl,on ol th€ NC State Bldg Code a.d eutriect to fln.5 uptoSS@.m.'. Owne/Cont actor:L SlSnatur€: laws and ordhances and tcgulrtions. The NHC Devdopm€ni SeMc.r Crnter willbr iotlfed ol anych&8e3 hthe apprv€d pleni and sp€cli.atlons o,r chtnt.ln conlrector 'Llc.nsed Quglfict' Prlnt Nome ls the property located ln a lloodplain? trl Yes D No^,..E lrting lmperuious Area: C) sqFt TotalAcresDisturbed: O New lmpervious Area:?t\sqR Exlstlng Land Disturblnt Permtt E Ves g/no WATER: E CFPUA E Community System Ef irivate Well E Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: E ZFPUA E Communrty System O Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua Zone: _ Offi.er: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval _ Cityr _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFET2E _ Commenti Permit Fee s LOT #: Morch (SF) -- tr Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (SF) _ \ ,! Zo$-Q5 SaElbNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-T QUESIIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "PIoJect Responsibillty"(o,llce u5e) APPTICANT,S NAIv]EI PROJECT ADDRESS: Do,.,., ,r'aJ;n Date c:rrr 4,,/,n, n^./n /1 ztP 2l4l / 4Ei,fr--,,.l A PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME:e PH}NEfl: q/0.-93 /- .?4/'/ OWNER'S ADDRESS:cttY: /,U;/,n; na lot.t zrp:-'2!Q/ CONTRACTOR: - B|.DG rrcENsE #: 7ls 14 ADDRESS:ctl: /)a.nttslea) sl NC aP: At44-3 EMAIL ADDBESS:tiloNe d?//t-?b3-a 43 t PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: - PHONE:Qto {,t 3.,/3 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration D Renovation I General Repalrs NEw coNSTRUCTIoN: El/Erect New Residence E Addition to Existin8 Residence O Relocation *I*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW A[L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'*' E Det Garage (sFl..-tr Porch {sF) tr storage Shed (sFl- D Greenhouse (SF)_f,o D other (sF) Is the proposed work changlng the exlstinB footprint? El Yes [7 No TOTALSq tT UNDTR ROOt llor prcposed wark)H""1s4 2313 unheate& fA rorAL PRoJECT cosT ttesstort:5 244flt. , ls the proposed work chan8lng the number of bedrooms? E Yes ElNo ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mecha nical work being done to the Acc€ssory structure E Yes EI No lftheprojectlsaRelocatlon,lsthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?[YesgNo lsthereElectricalPoweronthisBuilding? E Yes D No SUBDIVISION: Property Use/ Occup Descrlptlon otWork: 1) D Pool(sF) d Deck (sF) ancy: Ef single Family E Duplex tr Townhouse, 1/,,,: /) t f -/ lr;r"..o, ,n,),,l;t lo"-" laws and ordinances and ae8ulatlons, The NHC Development Se&,lces Centerwlllbe notlfled ofany changes ln the approved plans and spealflcatlons or chanSe ln contractot lnfornlallon. "iNOTEr Any work perform€d without th€ approprlate pe.mlts wLllbe ln vlolnlloo of the Nc State Bldt Code and subrect to,lner up lo 9500.00"' Signaturei &,,",,t A,*;, (ao/; nss Owner/Conlractori "Llcensed QuolAer" ls the property located ln a floodplaln? D Yes EfNo Existlng lmpervlous Areai Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbedi 0 New lmpervlous Area: _ Sq tt Existlng Land Dlsturblng Permit: tr Yes D No WATER; D CFPUA D Community System Ef P.ivate Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER; tr CFPUA D Community System ryP.ivateSeptlc El centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Offlceri _ Setbacks (F) _ {IH) __ (RH}_ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty:_ Dato:_ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ Bf E+2ft= _ Commehtl Permit Feer S fffin-ll lErrnt-l g E Att Garage (sF)_ El sunroom (SF) - NEI^I HANOVER COT NTY BUILDING PERIIIIT APPLICArI(N TYPE : CO}II'IERCIAL PL€AsE AXSXER Ar.L QUtSIIOa{S APPIICAgLE TO YOUR PROIEII "ProJGct ResponslbUltr, APPLICAI{T' S ilAriE: rodd srickl€r DEVELoPER: Inf inity E r9i4q6r4s jr9!LpRolEcT ADDEESSI-- 26ao calolina B€ach Rd.CITY: trilnf nrtoo OCCUPAT{T/ EUSINESS A}'lE: Bank ot Arn€rica PROPERTY OhllER's flAllE: 16q Roa6myr corporation, ceorga u. Harvin O{ltER'S AIDRESS:231 s carnetr Str6€t CO TRACTOR: cooke E ,t6sociates conarruction co. - LICEISE t: 4tlt]{ ADORESS: 1994 SlantonBburE Rd._ CIIY: croenvilte EitAI L ADDRESS : perrnittingerBcroup. ner PXOJECT CO|{TACT PERSOT{: xry6Len La croix ((hc.r ^lI Ttat apply) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: No$ re$ot€ Driv6 up AtH uith neo I0' driwe up lane 20\6-qJgl1&-2573 AFFTIC_TTM Nurber (officc Ui.) -DATC: 94 71s 72 916 - PHO E ,: 913-434-4770 ZIP:2s461 PHO E ':ST: ps ZIP:2 7 53 6 ST:p6 ZIP:27934 _PKr E t: es2l 756_13s3 . PHO E : ot3-434-417o EXIST Coi|STRUCTIoI{: ! AITFRATTO T-l REmVATTO T-'l GE ERAL REpATRS n ll Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on thebuJnent siu? f Hf No ls BLDG sPkl* REI-OCATIOI{ KLEREDf _ Yesl- -NotiEli coitsTRUcTIo :EREcr r{Er{ srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAc( E 5HELL E UPFrT fl aoo ro Exrsr sTRucruRE If UPFIT - The Shell Pernit *:Is Elect Porer on this Building f Yes li' t{O rF yes, rhat vas the prliilirs l:[:":rtffi: oF occuPAxcY "-'ll-* l"t.F -: ;::;"*, TvDe IAI TH DESIGT{ PROFESSIO{AL! cenaler & Associat€s - PH:913-2 O{ -9 OOO EI/GR DESIGII PROFESSIOIAL : Infinity Enginee!.ing croup Pll:813-43'l-4770 NC REG r:7693 nc nEo l:li!fifi- DESCRIPTIOT{ OF tORK: r.,llllf-ilil.3aore drive up Arr, eirh lO , drive up rane ls lood or beverages prepared or served in thb stuctrre?J-. Yefr- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf - Yefr _ $g"a^rME*, , ,-"On "-rfy Itrsl6ll iofo.h€tbn in tlis apdicali,l b @rect snd a[ wo(l will comdy with the SraE Buildno Code ard 6[ ot lGr spdiu ble StaE and bcal l€ws and ordinsnce3 ead reoulsaon3. Ih€ NHC Oeyebomenl S€rvrces or c$aog€ in @otr6clo. o. contrsctor mbrmston -NOTq AnyWori P€dormed Subiecr-ro Fin* Up To 35m 00* (OOU€ r *Strrt r,rtCS (olSVL<t OWNER/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECI COST: s 150,0 OO BUILDING HEIGHTj 1t ' e SQ FT PER FLR; u/e TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: N/A # OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED: .02 SQ FT r'oi ol *'e ltc S # OF UNITS: o * OF STORIES: o # OF FLOORS: o EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES J- NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/4 parkils Lot Nd€: D.rxfriro i.atic.lixB E asbd6.6rlDv!l ,!6drl 6pdic.ti'|3 .r€ b bs.uboi!€d lsrng lho apgli:atiro h.m {DHHS376!) u,Hrr t leciliy q bu.diig was tor,|d to cohlDh A3b6toa o. not Yo(, ar€ roqtlt€d lo €3l th€ Hrli)IlalEn&6bn Stritderd! tor Hazardo6 Air PoluisnE (NESHAP) rt (919)7075950 sr h€Er 10 d.F p.io. to t ro d€ndinon ol tny t ciliy or bulding 56o Asb6AG Wob Sle hnp "w*v apl srsro nc ueepi/astesros/ghdp hlmr SO FT pRopERT./ usE: EoFFtcE !nesraunrnr ! ruencaNrtr-ef] EDUCTI Aprf]CONDO OTHET ATH WATER SEWER SYSTEM r-lcFPUA nCOMMUNTTy SySTEM Tl WErl r-'l ToNtNG usF cLA flcreua I crru rnaL sEplc D ffivnrr srprrc DtoMMUNtTy SSIFICATION ns PAYMENT MFTHOD f cAsH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) f _ AMER|CAN EXPRESS l-, ucnflsa l-- orscovrn ZONE: OFF ICER (FOR OfFtCE USE ON[Y) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD: commenl A v BFE+2fi. N PERMIT FEE - CITYI gen651s66 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : s0 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:x7a parkins Lot ! ffi 2o$'Q8E 1444!6 APPLICATIO,I umber (offlce Usc) DEVELOPER: PRoPERTY Odl,lER'S ilAltE: Eric Linton PloilE s: 919-623-8811 otlliER'5 ADDRESS: 4401 Tollinqton Drive CITY:l{iLminqLon ST:qZIP:28412 LIC s oF ST0RIES: z Is Any ELEGTRICAL, PLIT BIIG or TIECHA ICAL t{ork Belng Done to the Accessory Structure? E V"t E no If the project is a Relocation, 1s there a Natural cas Llne on the current Site? [ves InoIs there Electrical Polrer on this Euildingi@vus Iffo PRoPERW tSE / OCCUPAT{GY: E} Sr[er-e rAmrlV ! Otrer-eX ! TOTINHOUSE CONTRACTOR: cape Fear solar syat.em6 ENSE *: 6s671 AIDRESS: 9 or. Martin street CITY: wilmioqron sT: g zIPr -?!3le EitAIL ADDRESS: Eupport@capefearsolar6yst.ems,PHO E *: 910-s99-0428 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ja6on ortiz PHolrlE fl : e1o-s99-0428 EXrsTr{G CO|STRUCTTOT{: I alrenarroru ! nerovarror ! eerrnal neearns ! RElocarroN NEr{ COilSTRUCTTOT{, fl rneCr IEU RESTDEilCE o" ! mOrrrOr rO ExrSTr[G RESTDEI{CE ...PLEASE CHECX AI{O AI{SI{ER BELON ALL TITAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! arr oanacr - sF f| oe r came e sr I roncx - sF I suHnoou -sF I eml - sr ! sronace sHED - sF ! cnreuuousr - sF ! oecr SF OTHER:SF ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: _ ToTAL AREA 5Q FT! _ TOTAT PROIECT C0ST tr-ess rort : $34, 655.00 DESCRIPTIOI.I OF WOR(: Mr. LiLon's home. Inatallat i of 601ar electric arra the roof structure of conra.br inbmatibn. "'l{oTE: 0r {ER/@i{TRACTOR ,i ,i,i i, ,i:i a * i,r.:r. )i,r.r,:r **.* *** *.** Jiltll Jilt] * * ** *. **** * **,r r + *,rrt *+ *,r+,*t rs rHE pRopERry LocATED r r rloooplarrl [-'] vrs l-l ro ExIsTIls IJitPERyIoI,s AREA: -sQ FT NEt{ IiIPERVI(US AREA: _ SQ FT Any Wbr* Pedo.mod : caDe Fear WrO ho Appopriab Fann[8 wlll ba h Sola! Svctema Vbl8don o, th€ NC Sr.b Bll$do and Sublecr b Fin€s t p To tS00.00.'/,/SIG ATURE: lza.-_ --.,' ueren: ! crrun ! co0rlluNrw svsrell ! pRrvATE t,llELr srwrn: ! creua I cE TRAL sEprrc I rRrvlre seerrc {* ; * * * *; *A ***'r:r * * **:r + +:r TOTAL ACRCS DISTURBED: EXIST LAI{D DISTURBITG PERITIT:l-'] vrs l-l uo ! csrrnal wrr l ! commururrv svsr rr.r *T' SEPAIiATE PERI'IITS REQUIREO FOR EI-ECT, IIECH, PLBC, CAS EQUIP, PRETABS & INSERTS '*' pAyrirE r itErHoD: lcmx flcrrcx ('AyABLE ro t.lrc; ! orrnrcA* ExpREss f] ncTvrsa E orscorr* * !t t t 'l * *:t:t,t * *:t * * ,t,r,t 't:t:t 'i *:t*,i:t+*+ t+*,i*:t:* '* ** t:t *:t:t +,a,t ** ** ++it * +* + *.t*+,t *,i* *,t,t:t *** t*,t,*:t*t,i tt,|* +* (toR ottrcE usE qiLY) iEvtt€o DArE oal11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ZoNE: _ OFFICER: Approval:_City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft= _ AVN Coaflnent: NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER!4IT APPLIATI I TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PIEASE AISI.IER AtL QUESIIO'IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI -ProJect Responslbillty" APPLICANT'S tuflE: DATE: ---9llgg1!_ PHO E *: PROIECT AIDRESS: @ CITY: Jillluglg- ZlPz W SUBDIVISIO i BLOCK *: LOT S: - DISCLA$ER lh6Gby corti, ba! atr anbmalibn h fiis epplic6hn b coroct and el *or* willcomply yvitr h6 Strte Bullding Code 6nd allohor epplicable SraB snd loc6t t6rs and ordinances and rB0ulalbn6. The NHC Dovabpmont Seryices Cencrwillbo noofod ol any chsngos in h6 spprovsd l,lsns and lp€clficatbns o, chengo in @ntacbr or PERI,IIT FEE: )ct ? 82'1 3 r<J7W. NEW lfr - t5/)HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L IAT IOII TYPE: COIIII'IERCIAL prtasE AftsrdER ALL QUESrroilS aPPtrcABlE T0 YoUR PRoI€CI "Project Resporsibility" $FEcr-rror Number (0ffice u5e) APPLICAIT'S llAllE; y",,s..111 eons.rucrriJl .olp _DATE: 5.9.16 DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD _ PFOIIE 8: e1o.?et.81oi RE55: 4roo sungloi, Drive CIIY: wi1mit.,9con ZIPt:etog OCCUPAII/BUSIIIESS tlAttE : cr,oa Academy Bui Iding PROPERTY O'{{ER'5 Al,lE: rodd codbey oi$lER's ADDRESS: oog s cott.cu no.o COIITR.ACTOR: Morreich cons!ruet ion Corp I Admin CfTY: xi1*i,,"qo,, -PHO'{€ l: 910.338.s2s8 5T: c ZIP:284c3 -PIO E f : 910.791 .gto1 _ IICEIISE f i .!;Ig ADDRESS: 32 N Fronr sEree! E AIL ADDRESS; m! ravaq I i a,monge i !hco. com PROJECT CONTACI PERS0i{: yi16 rravaqlia CI : wi t.i,,qro', -PHO E f:910.409.?9.18 (che.k aII ln.t Apply) EXI5T COI{STRUCTIO : f] ATTERATIOI{ T-.'I RE OVATION N GEI{ERAL REPAIR5 TI RELOCATIOI{ lf Retocarion, is there a Narurat cas Lin€ on rheurrent Sire? 1 6 J- - r,,ro ts BLDG sPtt'tNKLERED{- _ Yesl- . If UPFIT - The Shell Permit $:Is Elect Pouer on this Building f Yes f NO ...r. Is THIS A CHA,{GE OF oCCUPAXCY UsE?r YES [-. 1rO..... IF Yes, rh.t ra5 the P.evlous Occupancy Typ€? _ Hhat 15 thc etr occlpancy I[8fi ?r.trn" PB.FEssroML :t{C REG I: t{c RE6 }:EriGR 0ESIGll PROa ESSIOiIAI" :_ PH PH DESCRIPTI0N OF UORK: e.*, adm1ni$tration buildins;offj.ce, ki!chen, cafeceria & sjEe canopies this applicarm is con€cl end €ll work will comply with rh€ Srate Eualding Co<l€ 6nd Bll orher applEabl€ Slale ts food or beverages prepared or served in this struaure? lf Yes[-. No ls The Property Located ln The Ftoodptainr f- ves li No OWNER/CONTRACTOR: fr-rrV_ r \.r rv:t<lltA SIGNATU RE {Pd n.d Nole O.moflion i.nfie$on t asb.stos r.ooval pcmn appLcarions ar. b b. iubmincd using r,he applicaton ,o.m (HS.3 *helhe.lhe lacilily or boildino ras lound to TOTAL AREA SO FT : 12 6:. {SO FT PER FLR I OF STORIES: , # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF f OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE oFFrcE ! RESTAURANT E MERCANflLEn EOUc[aerf]CONDO OTHEI OISCLAIMER I h€reby ceiit rhsr 3ll inlo.mat on n and locsl bws and o.rlrna^crs €nd ragulations The or chanoe n contraclor o. contractor nlormatbn "' Sub,€ctlo Frn€s Up To 3500 0O"' WATER: TaCFPUA r'l sEwER: [4 cFPUA LI NHC Deygloomsnr S€rvr€s Cenrer will b€ nodfad Dl Env chan@s rNOTE: Any Woli Podormed WO teApproprisr€ P€imils will & in d.6ol(ion oI ady b€n'V o. buik ing Sce A!6eslor Web Sile n(p ANrrw €pi sr'te nc uvopt/asaesroyahop hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: 2?' ,OFUNITS: lol,l8v lS i:i t'1i:1 CENTRAL SEPTIC tr E wELr PRIVATE SEPIIC fJ zoNrNG usE cLASS|FtCAT|ONCOMMUNITY SYSTEM n COMMUNITY SYSTEM. S€PANATE PERMITS REOO|R€O FOR ELECT, MECH. PLAG, GAS EQUIP. PREFASS E ITSENTS -' PAYMENT METHOD r CASH r CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) r, AMERTCAN EXPRESS r - MCI/|SA [- OrSCOven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH RH BApproval:_ City _ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2fr._AVNComment PERMIT FEE:: ffi 5T: Nc ZIP: 2s.101 Noi,iEw corsraucrror: E EREcr riElr srRUcruRE ! rAsr rnAcK n SHELL f] uprll fl ADo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOING PERI{IT' APPLIcrtrut rYPr: COilllEf,CItL Fllasc rr{st€i At ! Qlr€srIOxS Apprrc aat It wu. ,RoJgft "proJ€ct R.sponslbllity- 2>rc-K2.17 l3 "/srs AFFfiaITIoN l{umber (otflr. sJ.) APPIICAIIT' S llAllE : ,1_,,."i.ir .JnJ. ! sai:!.r. a-:!L DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ' "l: Ci Srnaio( ,rlv.'iilininrt5r, PROPEiIY 0t0tER'5 MIEI :o,ld 3od OTfiTR'5 ADORE55t ecr s ;o:!eqe t..rd , OAIE r ..-,. La - lICStlSl {: {t3te PHOllE r: er,.. r3t.8loi ZIP; "81o5 _ PHo E t:9rc.16.52ss 5T: c ZIP:j?lol 5Ti N. zIP: 2sror PHONE {;91).;J1.9rri C : nil::tl COt{TRACT ADDRESSI 0Rl }ltnre:.ch cons!ruaa:or.:Corp 12 N Front srree! EiAfL ADDRESS: nr!.,;monta ! iScc . conlpRot€rT coYT ERSON: Hi,<. tr.svactia CITYi '7;i 1.11g1en . Pllo E li gto ..rlg. r:lt EXIST CONSTRUCTIoI: Dlf Relocstion. h th8ro a Natural ((he(t All th.r rgply) T-l RENOVAIION N GENERAL REPAIRS T-"] RELOCATION Hnenr Sire? f H|- uo ts sroc sJHi{,xLeREDT- - ycsT- ALTERATIOX Gas Llno on the If UPFIT - Th.sh€ll Per$it *:fs fle(t PoHer on thls Building T Yes f tlo ...'. r5 THIS A CM!I|6E OF OCCUPANCY USErr yEs f-_ [O r'.r. IF Yas, l,i.t r,as th! Pr.vloqJ o(clprncy Ty9!l - tah.t ir th! fer occuprn€y IIPE ?orrro* PRoFEssroirAL :trc RE6 s: IC 886 r;-EIIGR OESIGII PROFES5IOiiAL I- D€SCRIPTIOi{ 0F I./ORX: s.[!fl-.. *i.3d]e s.hocl ctassrccft bu1!d ls food or bevoragos pr€pared or serv€d io this structure? [- Yesli lto ls fhs Property Located ln The Floodplain? l- ve" [i No ?H PH OISCLAIMER: I hereby E dry ullr dl lnlor.nallon h aM localLra ard o.diruncaa aftl ragulaticni. Tho oa cianoa ln @.rlrador oa Eonhaclor Inlo.mluon, "'sdjocllo Flnrr Up To 5500.00"' Stato SIGNATUR lPmrNr tt.mov.l p.rmd.rpliqdcnr rn !. b. tlJ!.nin d{llr8lt .prl6{e. |o crll lh. t{.li.nrl E {E$ofi S|nd.ftl5lo, Harrdour & Po&n nB *h.ficr tr1c tacilit or hrilding v.5lolnd io ,0?.5950.116!31 l0 days p.ior lo lhe t '-"1iii:/ 1i i' FICATION CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS T. OWNERICONTRACTOR: (ou*.,l l{olc: D6{idhlnotllc.lb.t A.!&no. [{\'\-r =r.r ,,r41111 conLro Arb.3r6 or n.,l You a.' r.qurrd IflESXAP).4 [913) dedolirio. ol tnr lsolry o( fuidi,rg SaaAsb.ltoa We! 5{. 1.1. i,r1 rr.!:r'r,a1. r.i ,r.ri: }n-.i.,.. n}'. Lr'.rr TOTAL PROJECT COST; :,2ol,ooo.ao BUILDING HEIGHT: rr,2" EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? .T YES T NO SOFr EXSTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SOFT ACnts orstuREED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERrY usE: noFFrcE fl nesreuneNr f| MERCANTILE EDUCDAPTD CONDO OTHEI WATER: SEWER: CFPUA T"I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T'] WELL T''I ZONING USE CTASSI!-{ r-1 r--r _rJCFPUA IJ CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC LL COMMUNITY SYSTEM ', arrir,'.a:p:r.r,,tr^;",,o:o;JEa",:.:riar.rrB::.G.rsEilinp.pn!tl,EsElrii.:rtr!"' PAYMENTMETHOD: T zor.re'(.I0 ffircER Approval:--.!$- CitylA\Lk1A Com troRoarrc€ usE oNLY) SETBACKS: F,* r-x 4( n MCAIISA T - DISCOVER B--tk BFE+2f1.._ aa N ?ut\, FLOOD N MIT FEE: : 0CCUPAII/SUSINESS NAIIE: Glox Acrd.nv suildinq 2A ! 2B l,liddl.-sclrpo!_ NoNali cor{srRucrrox: B enrcr NE}r srtrucruRE n rAsr rRAcK I serrl f] uprrr ! aoo To Exlsr srRucrurE ACCESSORY STSUCTURE: , OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA sO FT :lij::__ SQ FT PER FLR: { OF STORIES; I TOTAI SO FT UNOER ROOF:_ OFSTRUCTURES:2 ,OFFLOORS:_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERIIIIT APP L I car IoN TYPF; COIII1ERCIAL PIEASE ANslltR AlL QUESIIOI'|5 APPLICABLT TO YOUR PRoIECI "Project R€sponsibillty'' APPLICAT'IT' S NA,!!E : ;4or.q "1 g 11 Cons!! scc lon ccrp DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD[E554;1oc s;;CITY-: wi;inqr;; ffi 2dq,{zLll t6:15/s APPLICATIOiI Nunber (offlc. use) _ DATE; i. 9. r8 , PHONE #: s1o .7e1 slol Low Dr ive OCCUPAIII/8USII'IESS l.lAllE: cr,on Academy Bulldins 2a & 28 t"tiddle schoot PRoPERW O}lt{Et'5 AriE: rodd Godbey OUNER's ADDnESS:606 s colleqe Road CIW: e;i1*i,.,qso', CO{TRACT0R: Monceirh Cons!luct ion corp , LfCEilSE S: +.:: r g ADORESS: t2 N pronr srreeL CITY: fii 1mqnr1., E AIL ADDRESS: mEravaql j.a?monrei rhco, com PROJECT COI'ITACT PERSOi|: 1ai1u rravaqtia (Che(l All rh.t Apply) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PlOtlE f: ero.138.s2sg 5T: c ZIP i 2B1a) 5T: N- ZIP: 28ioi - PTONE ,: 910. ??r. B1ol - PIO E t:910.409.7948 EXIST CoNSTRUCTIO : n ALIERATIoN lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the r..I RENoVATIO I-.I GENERAL REPAIR5 I-.I tinentSite? f *Jf r'ro rsBLDGsPh/N Not'lEt{ coNsTRUcTror{: RELOCATIOII KLERED!-- Yesl-- ERECT r{Er.r STRUCTURE n FA5T TRACX E sHErL D UPFrr ADO TO EXIST sTRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect PoHer on this Building f- Yes T. NO I5 THIS A CHA,{6E OF OCCUPAT{CY USE' T YES T rlo _ lrhat Is the N€u occup.ncyIf Yes, vhat iar the P.evLous occupao<y Type? IXPEto.rro, pRoFEssro AL:PH PH NC REG *: NC REG S:lxGR DESIG}I PROFESSIoIaAL:- DESCRIPTION OF l^rORK: ErecL new niddl.e school classroor buildings ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? l- Yeslf No ls The P.operty Located ln The Floodplaint [- Ves li lto DISCLAIMER: I he€by certit thar all mformation h this .pplic.lioo is co.recl and all lfo witl 6mply rih lne and tocal laws rnd od|nsncas aod regulallons Ths NHC D€vologmenl Sorvrc€s C€nter will bO nolifed ol any or dlanoo in conlraclor or co.rtrlcror filormrtioh "'NOTE Any Wod Pedorm€d try/O uE Appropriata Pe.misSubi6c!Io Fin€s Uo To 3500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: fOr\Z]11',,14 lrlt TOTAL AREA SO FT :1g4f__ SO FT PER FLR SIGNATU R Nol€. Oenolilion notiforions & asbc5tos removalpemrr applicatons are lo be submined usrng lhe .pptic.rjon ,o.m (wnetnar the ,acdity or bldding was,ound ro conrarn asbeslos or not Yo'/ a.e rcq.irsd to call lh€ Nalo.el Emisson s6nda.ds io. Ha2ardols air PollutanL (NESHAP) el (919)707-5950 . €.st 10 days p.ror to lh. demolirb. ol a.ry laofiy o. buildino S,aa Asba3i6 Wab S'te ntl, / iw e9l $ate .c utatt/asb€stora&np nht TOTAL PROJECT COST: 2,2s6,666.q0 BUILDING HEIGHT: ::,2, TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISIURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE WAIER CFPUA SEWER CFPUA ZONE: ApproYal:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD Comment E coMMUNtTy SySrEM. fIWELL EzoNtNGUSECTASS l_J cerurnal seerc L,l pRrvArE sEprc E coMMUNrry sysrEM State Building Code and all , OF UNIIS f OF STORIES: 1 # OF STRUCTURE f OF FLOORS SO FT EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: CONOO OIHEf IFICATION B Srate Code and tBHflY 18 8:44 B iurt .. SEPAF TE PERMIS NEOUIREO FOR €LECT, VECH, PI.BG. GAS EOUIP, PREfABS A INSERIS'-PAYMENT METHoD: f cAsH l- cHecr lelveaLE To NHc) f - AMERIcAN Expnei! i - r,,lcrrlrse J- orscovEn(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) f]oFFrcE flnesreunar.rr ! MERCANILEF[ EDUcD AprD OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH RH: BFE+2ft Va N _ PERMIT FEE: I ZIP:2 g.r o s : ,ftS, 6S NE[.J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L ICAi ION TYPF; COIIJIIERCIAL PLEASE ANsI{TR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responslbllity" )bt(-82\+'t t8-t50AFFiftIfrofl tlumber (offic€ Ure) APPLICANT' S I{AHE : ..;-r,i -. (,. .- rrls., L.J - :: r. ._ J,.r_. OATE: DEVE LOPER I PRO]ECT ADuxt55: r roo sunqio," orrve Ll I Y: $, i.inicon PHONE #: ,i11.791 .31!.1 zIP:2p.i o; OCCUPANT/BUSIHESS tlAflE: c,-cr Acaler.y B,ri1.tin! .l |,tedta aer,!eI PROPERTY OlltlER'S tlAr(E: :..jd crjoe) Ot{tlER'S ADDRESS i . :-. : ,--:.-- -.-. - -----r: icdf CITY: .. . , -, - -, -- COIiTRACT0R: ,.:on.er Eh aDnsr::u:r:on cclu ADDRESS: l; Il Fr.rnE ;i ree:- CITY: g, ";n"x^.EI|AIL AITORESS: n,!la.ragtia inoni e i: hcc. corx PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN:,.1ii. ar-a...aJi i.1 (Che(k A11 Th.t apPly) ERECT IIEI.I STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: - PHOtlE {: 9t;.llB.s2>s 5T: -ZfP:; -:; - : ST: :. ZIP:2s.lc, - PHOiIE f: gtr. ?91 . 3101 PHOt'lE t: gi.) .;i9 .1.)11 EXI5T CoNSTRUCTIoH: nlf Relocatioo. rs there a Nalural ALTERATION Gas Line on the r-.I RENOVATION T"] 6EI{ERAT REPAIRS T-'] bJrreot Site? T vH f ruo rs BLDG sPh/N Not{EI.l CONSTRUCTIOTI:n FAsr rRAc( ! sHELr I utrrr ! eoo ro Exrsr STRUCTURE RELOCATION KLEREoI- - YesT - If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permi.t S:Is Elect Pouer on this Building f Yes T N0 i.... rs THrs a crAt{GE oF occuPAr{cY usElr YEs [-, flo r'.'* fF Yes, nhat eas the Prevlous O.<uprrcy Typ€l _ Hhrt ls the l{er Occupan<y IXEfi 'or.ro* PRoFEssrornl PH:NC RE6 f: NC REG f:EI{GR Dt5I6f PSoFESSIOIAI-:-PH: DESCRIPIION OF I./ORK: ls food or b€veragas F,repared or s€rved in this structure? T Yeslii No ls The Property Located ln The Flo in? [- ves li No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify lhar .ll inlorrnstion rn lhis apphcatron i! corracl and allwo.t will comply with th€ 6nd localLaw3 and ordina^ces and r€qulalon3 Th€ NHC DEvelooment Servtca! C€nt€r willb€ notili€dofanyor ch.nqe in contr.cloror contractor ii\tormatbn "'NOTF:AnyWort Perlormed W,O th€Appropdat€ Permrls Subj€crIo Fn€s UP To 3500 00"' Srat€ Surldino CodG and allother IFICATION MCA/ISA T DISCOVER B #-_. BFE+zfi Nol. Olmolilron nolilir.tioG 6 !sb.!los rc,ioval 9€rmit €pplic€tion! alolo bc aub/rrtted uslno ln€.ppllce$on lolli (OHHS.3 )wrl.lhlr U..l.cility orbuiEi.g was [ound lo de,nolilio6olanll.cililyo.buiknngS€eAsbcrlosW.bSitEli'i.r...-r--,j!::1:.:,,:i::i..::'nft:.r ::.r;.i,:: :;ttlil I TOTAL PROJECT COST: 1.p;a,s6s.,10 BUILDING HEIGHT: :: , f OFUNITS: IOTAL AREA SQ FT: /.1..r! SQFTPERFLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:, OF STRUCTURES: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM ? -T YES .T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOIJS AREAI SQ FT CONOO OTHEI E OWNER/CONTRACTOR (au.lrli''l PAYMENI SIGNATU T CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) npprora@-c ity trt64t-b-iie1-E II rr-ooo RH I( Commenl WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM D WELL CENTRAL SEPTtc lJ pnvate seprrc E} ZONING USE CLASS I couuuHrrv svsrela tr ti tt '.,..r.\1r!_p:!ilii:;,1::r':i:tt1)r.tE::.t :.,E;r! r,:9i c.\sEcutp.cS::iEs3ri.l!:.t:ij ZONE('il''%tcER: ZW SETBACKS: F \f LH N tA affarXa g - stlbadCsL * MIT FEE: : _ tICEliSE fir l::rg , OF STORIES: If OF FLOORS: r ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTY IJSE: EoFFtcE ! nesraunaHr I MERCANITEEI EDUCD AprD /\-/L)ts-tr 23 ? M-t5t7r-----.J-APPLICATIOTI Number (0ff1.€ ure) |. ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A,PPLIcarIoN IrPf ,: COIIIIIERCIAL PIEASE AITISI{€R ALI QIJESITOiS APPLICAELE IO YOUR PRO]€CT "Project Responeibtlity'' APPLICANT' 5 liAlvlE : 14,r,'g. 1 1 1, lonsL ! ucE r on lorp D EVE LOP ER : PROIECT ADDHEs5: rloo su,,.r** Drive CITY: OCCUPAIIT/8USIa{ESS I'lAllE:61sw Acacemy BuiIding .r Medra cenEer PRoPERTY olfllR's [AtlE: rodd GodDey c*lt{ER'S ADDRESS: eo; s co}leqe acad CITY: 3y 1*i,.," r o', COTITRACTOR: Mon!eirh cons!ructron corD - LICET{SE S: st:rg AD0RE55:32 r Frcn! slree! E|IAIL ADDRESS: mEravaq 1ia rmonrej. lhco. com PROIECT C0NTACT PERSO|I: yi1. rravastia ((ne.l All lh.t apply) l,l i 1mi.nqton Plol{E f:910.791.810r Z!? i 281a5 _ PHO E S:9to.llB.525a ST: a ZIP:26.1qg CITY; !qi lminqrcn ST; NC zIP: 2s4! r - PHotlE *: 9to . ?9t . 8101 - PIO E f:910.iJ9.79i8 EXISI COT'IsTRUCTION: It Relocation. is there a Na r-I ALTERATION T-] RENOVATIOiI T-1 GEilERAL REPAIRS I-'] rHr Gas Line on ttreunent Srrer T Hf - No ls BLDG sphirN RELOCATIOT{ KLEREDi- _ YesT - If UPFIT - The SheII Permit {: It Yer, what ras the Prevlous occupancy Typel Itr8fi 'rrrru* PR.FEssronaL : '.... rs THrs A cxar{GE oF occuPAr{cY usE? r YEs [. m "... Is Elect Poxen on this Building f Yes f NO _ tJh.t 1,5 the t{ev occupancy PH EX6R OESIG PROFESSIOI{AL:-PH TC REG *: DESCRIPTION OF HORK: s;;r "", media cenrer bu!tdin9 ts food or beverages pr€pared or served in this structure? l- vesll No ls The Property Located ln The Ftoodplain? T Yes lf No inq Cod6 and 3lloth€. ot lh€ OWNER/CONTRACTOR lqr.|l[.) t/SIGNATUR No|e oemohlon nolilications E asb.sios romoval Dermit apolic.laons arc lo bc aJbmined osing $e appliolon folm (DHHS.3 wheher tnr Lciliry o. building eas lound lo cont ,n Arbesros or nd You.re Gqurod ro c5ll$e NahnalEmisson Sl.odadslor Ha2ardous Ar Pollutan6 (NESHAP) ar (919)707'5950 ar lcasr l0 days pnor ro rh€ dcdrolnon o{ anyfactlity o. buiuin€. S.a Asbestos W€b Sne hup /r*]^,w eri sr.b nc ,sJepr/tssbesao9ahmp html TOTAL PROJECI COST: 1,050,000.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: zz, I8',$v 18 8t448ft TOTAL AREA SO FT : ?, 1rs TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE noFFrcE ! nesrnunaMr f|MERCANTILE # OF UNITS SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: 1, OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS: i EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: EDU APT CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER TACFPUA N COMMUNITY SYSTEM T.1WELL N ZONING USE CLASSI El.r"ro El"."r*o,- aa"rc E pnrvnre sEprc E;oMMUNrry sysrEM FICATION - SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIR€D FOfi EI-ECT, MECH. PLAG, GAS Eot.}IP, PREFAAS T INS€RTS - PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH f- CXeCr (plVeeLE rO NHC) T. AMERTCAN EXPRESS l- _ UCryrSl f- - OTSCOVeR {FOR OFFICE USE ONLY} ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH_ RH_ B_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ AVN BFE+2fr, Comment _DATE; s.e.la NoiiEu colsrnucrror: E EREcr t{Ehl srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK f] SHELL f] uPrrr n ADD ro Exrsr srnucrulE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SO FT }iC REG I: PERMIT FEE: I ! tu trs )otr e1J )5-/5n.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION lype; COI'IIIIERC IAL PLEASE A,{srtl alL QslslIots arrltcAStE To youi psolEcr "ProJect Responsiblllty,, aFP-[I-ffio-r{ ,tumber (otfl.! ur.) . LrcEisE S: 4rrre PIONE 8: e1,..,,c.525r ST: - ZIP::._.i a l . 5T:tii ZIP:2!i.. NE *: ,ti. 19] . aror PHOl,lE $: 91g. 109. 79,15 PROPERTY ot{t{ER'S N/l,{E: ro.t.l ;cl.e oHNER'S ITDRESS: i.j s i 'rr r irin?!on coNrRAcTOe: i:onLeirh con6l rrrcE ion corp ADDRE55| j. N Front S . CITY: Hr l.i PRO]ECT CONIACT PERSOII:I'tik€'ir.,r.1 r,r Exrsr consrRucrrorir T-'l ALrERArro{ - rr^,Ji[illli 'ii?tlil*,. REpArRs r-'l RELocarrol lt Retocstion. is ther6 a Hathdt Gas Line on rheHrrent Sire? f ftJ f . *o rs aloc spln-i'lrlenEotr - Ycsf - tf UPFIT - The Shell Permit {:I5 Elect Pox€r on this Building T Yes T llo ..... r5 THr! A (H^IGE or occupA,lcy usElT yE5 l-. rc r.... IF Ver, rh.t rlr the P.avlour occlpln<y Typc, _ rhat 1r th! llev occup..cy Iltfi?oesro* PRoFEssro.{AL r PX: kc RE6 g: €li6n DES16ll PRoF€SSIOltAL L PH lr nEC l:- DESCRIPT!0ti OF IORK: Erecr nc, htgh lchool .la6e!ooi! bu!:d i.nq ts foqd or beverages prepared or seryed ln ihis slructure?l- vesli lo ls The Propedy Localed ln Th€ Floodpl ain? [- Yes li llo wilh ho Srrl€ Sundin! code aod.ll Sr.lc ol OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (osr.ri SIGNATURirit,J '. L,v.?i.. Noti. Dano{to.! nolikrl,oG t a!D.r6 ..mov.l p.rmil .ppli..lio.! .r. lo b. $bmi[.d urhC he .pDll..lon lorm ri.ti.r lh. l.dil, or bllring ilt lound lo .o^i.hA!€3ros o. nol. You.r...quod !o c.ll h. N.lE r.l Em,3so^ Sondrds lor H.r.rdou! & Pollul.iB (NESTUPI !l 1919)707.5950.1 l.t!l 10 drYi pd, !o U. d.,rolilion of !n, bOlty or bul(flg S.. Albcslot W.b Sla l... r,?,.:tr!l:t.ftJ,rt h!1.)3r).,. rli.O ilml 1.,"i ' 1: !r.{,tii TOTAL PROJECT COST. j, :.-..r , i: i . ::gUILDING HEIGHT: :3 . : 'f OF IJNITS n OF STORIES: r, OF FLOORS: Exsr LANo orsruR8rNc pERMrr? _T yEs _T No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA; ACRES OISTURBEO: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERry usEr f]oFFrcE f]nesrnunarr f] uencaNr[e@ eoucl-leprf-J coruoo orHEr WATEB: SEWER: ECFPUA ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM t] WELL _D ZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON l'J cFpuA LJ cerurRar seprrc lJ_ pnrvare seprrc L[ col+lur'rrw svsreu "S::rr.'l'aFEPlliSneA!A:O:lii,:_''l':;rrE.-rS.G\SEO\rl,_;n:I^isarrlijiiij*' PAYMENT METHOD: T ,o".[tD%r,. epproraTTE- - ciry cesx l- cHecr IcAYABLE To NHc) T. AMERTCAN ExpREss T. (roR oFFrcE usE oNLY) ER:sETBACKS: r,-lP LH_[l nx FLOOD l,rcnrrse [-'. DrscovER aV- 6FEr2fi' Commen "l ? DA MIT FEE; : APPLICANT'S NAIIE i :.r.rrcerri, !L:.-r!r.rirr!:: _.rL DATE: U!VELUI'tK:-pHol,lE S: 9:r:. :it. etoiPRO]ECI ADD OCCUPAIITlBUsIIJES' EltA!L ADDRESS: !.,rrava_e I ia,nr3nre 1ih.o. cc.. No ir-ard coflsrRucrto : E EREcr HEI{ srRucruR€ f)rasr rucx ! sxtr,r. ! urrrr ! aDD To Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCE5sORY STRUCTURE: TOTALAnEA SQ FT: =j;.1__ SO FT PER FtR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF:_ ,OF STRUCTURES: Z__ Dott_gzql NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L Icar IoN IrPEr COII}IERCIAL PIEAST ATTSIER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICAATE TO YOUR PBO]EC' "Prolect Responslblllty" APPLICANI'S l,lA!18 i u,:nrertt, ConsE!uc!roo coro a .t, , h0r fl&"AFFEaITi6N l{umber (offlce uie) -DATE: s.e.16 DEVELOPER: CITY i vii l.trr.,ror.t - PHOilE *: 910. ?91 . gt ol ZIP ,2 a4 osPRoIECT ADDRESs;,rroo sunglow orive OCCUPANT,/BUSIIIESS l{Al4E : g161,{ Academy Buitdinq PROPERIY Otlt{ER'S ilAI,tE: rodd cocbev OTNER'S AD0RE55:6aa s cctlege F.3ed CONTRACT0R: Monreith Coostrucclon corp EIAIL AODRESS: mrrava {A & 48 Hiqh Schooi - PfOt{E *: 9}0.318. s258 CITY:.,1ri"i,.r..on ST: c ZIP;2a{ca - LICEltlSE Si q:l.s CITY: pi 1n i "n s o,,5T: Nc ZIP: 28{ol l ia dmontei Ehco , com PtOt{E $: 910 _ ?9r. 01ol PIONE f:910.409.79q8PRO]ECT CONTACT P 0N: yipu TravagtrJ EXIST CONSTRUCTIOII:ALT€RATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Lane on the NoNEl,l CoIISTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (ch€rl AII th.t appty) RENOVATION rrent Site? f ERECT NEI./ STRUCTUR€E FAsr rRAcK n SHELL n uPFrr GEI{ERAL REPAIRS I-'] RELOCATION l-. No rs BLDG SPHTNKLEREoI- - Yesf ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE U If UPrIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building T Yes T NO .r... ts THIS a cHArKE 0F occuPAr{cY usE}T YEs [-. lo ..... fF Yes, rhat vas the Prevlous Occupancy Type? - t{hat ls the tl€t, occupancy TvD€?ANTH OESIGII PROFESSIO AL:NC RE6 T: t.JC REG fl: cFpuA E coMMUNtTy sysrEM DWELL DZONING USE CLASS|F|CATTON cFpuA LJ cENTRAL sEplc L=L pRtvATE sEplc E coulututrrry svsreu PH PHEI{GR DE516TI PROFESSIOML I- 0ESCRIPTION OF I'JORK: Erecr ne, high school ctassroorn burtding ts food or beverages prepa.ed or served in this structure? l- veslE ruo ls The Propeny Located ln The Floodplainl l- ves lf No DISCLAIMERT I h6rsby cenify lhal allinformslion in th€ Srare Euilding Code and all Slats and local laws and ordi o. chanoe rn clnttador Subledlo Fnss uP To nsnc€s snd reguralionr Thsor ltrl.acro. iirform.lion "' 3500.00-' DlanNC OWNER/CONTRACTOR: 1fl ttt,4 Tr t,va 0l trir SIGNATUR Nore Denohion nolfcaions E aib€slo. rcmoval permil applic..Uons 3r€ lo be submilled uiing lhe lpplicalion Iolm (DH 768) stether lhe ladliry or building was iound to codrin Atb€sros or nor. Yo! 3.e roquired lo c.ll lhe Nstonal Emtlslon Si.ndads lor Ha:adous At Pollutanrs (NESHAP).r 1919)707-59:{ ar l6.sr 10 dsys pnor !o [te demolitjo^ ol aoy la.jlity o. buildi.E S.e Asbcalos Web Sil.' hnp /Arw cpr ilala nc uncfrasbogogshmp hlml l6l{Ry !8 8r448nTOTAL PROJECT COST: :,zso,ooo.oo BUILDING HEIGHI: z:,:, #OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT i r e SO FT PER FLR f OF STORIES: : # OF STRUCTURES: 2 f OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA,SO FT EXISIING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER ZONE OFFICER -. SEPARAT€ PERIIITS REAUFED FOR ELECT, MECH PTSG, GAS EOUIP, PRETASS A INSEFTS -' PAYMENT METHOD: T CASH I- CXCCX IEEVAALE TO NHC) T.AMERICAN EXPRESS T.MCA/ISAT- OISCOVCN (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FL0O0 SETBACKS: F LH RH B B FE+2ft. Comment U ,Oz, oF P,--r A ( E^Jv uLrH N PERMIT FEE: : )6 -15/?. ADORESS: l2 N FronL srree! pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE ! nesraunaNr ! ruenceHrLeE. eDUcD AprD I OTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED: 2cr f .f zV3 L<J|,T , NEW i3 -tirl ffi HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERI''IIT APPLICATIOTT rYPf r C0lfi ERCIAL elta5E a/sratr Ail QUtSlIOrS agrllCAEIt To vc{Jx P80lr.c, "Project Responsiblllty" APPLICA|II ' S NAIIE l ;,:-r.r...irr, r-,,j:r\...-::.o -,..:r ^PHOI{E !: .rli -.ir.al,:i aFF[7IITI6x llunber (offl.. vr!) . DAIE i ZIP:: s.r i s OEVELOPEf,; PROJ ECI ADOREs5l;;-;r;,,w i;iv3 CITY:;Jjmi,;-o;i oCCUPillI/BUSIHE55 lJAllE : :;i,p..;q13 1i-r_. !!t.4ltta I 4.!!.!, PRoPERTY oI.,NER' S IA,,'IE:1.11 ;,5;., 0ll.l:R/S AoDRCSSI,:,_: _: ::3ti".i? ;,).,r CIIY: .,.-...,-.ST:c ZIP:-ii, r COIITRACToR : r:.::i..:) I :: :J,.r: r J..: : r:-. c.:- LlcEilSE ': it.,i , AoDRESS: t: N fro:l! s::e,:r CIfY; .,u1:*.,,1.,"u St: N.. zIP:;tc.lr. P8O]ECT COTITACI PERSO l, Relocalion. is thqr! a NalJra ; Mik+ :&r\'.rgl r,r - PIONE r: rl; -rr l . 8l .l PHOIJE f : q1.1 r;i ,7113 ((h.(k ll Ih.t tDply) ALTERATIO lGas Lrne gn the GE}IERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATIOTI T. No ,s eLoc sPhd{xlenggzl- Yes[- RENOVATIOI{ (enl Srte? T es If UPFIT - The Shell Pe.riit t:Is Elect Pore. on this Suilding f Yes T N0 ..... t5 THIS A CltAr.lGE 0F o(CUpAX(y Us€l T yEs T. r,to ..... II Yer, rJhat ras th. Pr.vlolt O€<upan(y Typti - Ihtt 15 the Ner oc.up.ncy IvoeiATtX OESIGII PROFESSIOTAL:NC RE6 T: ilC R€6 r:-ttlc( 0E516ll PRoFESSIOMIT- PH Ptl DtSCRIPlIOli 0F WORK; rr..,,-r noer a.tm:ni,i(.r.t.-L$1 burrdr6aj o{ ti (i;, i:t.lrer), cat']tel'l.i ! .riEc (:.I:cplrs ls food of beverrges prepared or served in this structure2li Yesf- No 15 lie Propany Located ln The Floodptain? f- y", li lro OISCLATMER lherobyconily |har .ll inlormarion ,n lhat.pplicarih a! rono<t !nd 8nd locsl l.*! snd o.d'n na€s !4d reqolaliorir Tha NHc Davelooment sefv(osor chanA. in conll.clor o, cohtr.do. nrlo,mdton "'|lOtE. Any Wo.t PorlormedSubj.dlo Fhes Ug To t500 00"' Canl!rwrll bo nold.d ollnv (haaoos r.WO 016 Appropnsro P6,mi1s s , & r^ V (he qpp ally&lk wil comply tirlr rho Sr.te Buitdinq Code an3 sU olh6r sppl'c6bl6 Slil6 SIGNATURE: 1. ,r'].. l::J OWNER/CONTRACTOR rovrrri l"rr.r .'I1.r. A!!€tioiofn6r You.,o raqvrc( O cll tna N.t.o..r Emrr.on Strry,.d. lor tt.aatdoliAi polut.nB {NESAAP,at i9l9.,{mr'l'6h o, .rt l../nly oi bu!d'.€ S.a tbe3ror Wrb Sit! hih lrre,r 40, 9r1:. .,. rr lrrr rr! ! tr.) nr . r., hno ,r:, r,/or. Oaoolir,o. i(,r'li<rror3 a ,gc.ro' .coov.r pc.6rt :Apli.no^r .re to b. 'trDfried w.! tr!. arptiall 06 to.d I ) rhem.r lh.lacilt, oi bu'!d6! war ro,J.d ro ]70r.S95t.r r!s!r l0O.r! pnor lo rho IOIAL PROJECT COSTI rOTAL AREA Se FI: ,-Jl- 8U'LDING HEIGI1T: i,, ,B OF UNITS SO TI PER FLR TOTAI. SQ FT UNOER ROOF: ACRES DISTUREEO: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: // OF STORIES l' OF FLOORSf OF STRUcTURES Exsr LAND otsruR8tNc pERMtr? f yEs f No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVTOUS AREAj CONOO OTHEI SO FT WATER S€WER ECFPUA ECOMMUNTTY SySrEMr E WELL _E ZONTNG USE CLASSTFICATION El crpue ! cexrnal secrrc I.=[ enrvarr seerc I cour"luNrry sysrEMsErii:,\rf P[,l\tt1i lli:clulrt r. t) fQl t l :1 t . yt c,, fl.8(i $Asaiurf t PAYMENT METHOD ',,..GflldoEIL.J OFFICEn:txF SETBACKS: F lk_ CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) T AMERTCAN ExPREss T ucnrtse f- otscovER B.ff_ BFE+2tt' ,o*r8- (TOR OFEICE USE ON Approvalr__])L_ Ciry:]Allun_ DATE FLOOD Comment &- ool qr*aduA plsnr. LH N PERMIT FEE , PHotlE [: ;i,;. j]s.;;56 EfiarL aDoREssa ot. ,r"c t , i inf,::rrrrt,.o :.:- EXIST CON5TRUCTION: NoliEw corusrnucrror; I rffcr Ell srRucruRE D rAsr TRAcx n 5H€LL n uprrr f] AoD To €xrsr srRucrunE ACCESSORY STRUCTUR€: pRopERr.r UsE: EloFFrcE ! nesrauaeNr ! raencaNllsl-l eoucf! aerI RH