HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 4 2014 Board Meeting/  Department Of Emergency Management and 911 Communications 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 115 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-6920 Fax (910) 798-6925 wlee@nhcgov.com  Warren Lee Director    Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board Members  From: Warren Lee, Director  Subject: December 4, 2014 Board Summary  Date: February 26, 2015   A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday December 4, 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Emergency Operation Center, 220 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Blackley Tim Corbett Jerry Brewer Tim Burgess Warren Lee Matt Holland Matt Davis Cynthia Deacon Sharon Braxton Zach Augustine Guests Andy Whitley, NHC Emergency Management & 911 Debora Cottle, NHC Emergency Management & 911 Steven Still, NHC Emergency Management & 911 Matthew Langley, NHC Emergency Management & 911 Marcus Scott, NHC Fire Services Jennifer Smith, NHC Fire Services Dustin Stream, ILM Fire Chris Graham, WFD IT Harry Baumann, WPD IT Steve Mason, WFD Mike Gomes, City IT Frances Downs, City IT The meeting was called to order at 10:01. Chairman Blackley asked if asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from October 23, 2014 meeting and if there were any questions, comments, changes or corrections. There were none. Chairman Blackley asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Matt Davis made a motion and Cynthia Deacon seconded. All in favor; none opposed. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: AVL Chairman Blackley asked if there was anything new on AVL; Chris Graham said Engine #9 is still having issues. They are working on a solution; GPS over WIFI and it is currently in testing. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Blackley asked Zach Augustine if he wanted to talk about the Freedom App. Zach stated City Fire, County Fire and EMS have expressed an interest in the Freedom App. It would have to be added to the agenda for the IT Governance Committee. The committee will have to discuss the benefits of the app, who would have what access and how it would be paid. Zach will send out the completed IT form today. Chairman Blackley added that it is a companion app that goes with One Solution. You can use a tablet rather than a computer for access to CAD information. The City is considering moving away from a more expensive computer to a tablet or smartphone. This would also offer users more mobility. Matt Davis stated you can monitor and track calls using Freedom app. It can map where units are located and it seems very user friendly. Ultimately, this should improve efficiency and reducing costs and challenges some agencies are facing. Zach added if this is approved, the earliest it could be implemented would be July 2015. If anyone has any questions, please email Zach. Chairman Blackley asked Warren Lee to explain the NC 911 Surcharge Fund since the One Solution upgrade has occurred and when he explored the possibility that surcharge funds can be used for licensing for tablets, smartphones and MCTs. and what the money could be used to purchase. Warren talked about the history of the Fund and the purpose was to purchase anything in the 911 Center used to find a caller. Each phone has a surcharge collected on behalf of 911 and the NC 911 Board calculates and distributes funds according to historical use. Warren also distributed paperwork regarding our funding. The letter sent to New Hanover County about the funding from the NC 911 Board (a), an email from Marsha Tapler with the NC 911 Board regarding funding (b), New Hanover County’s YTD Expense report for the 911 Fund account (c), Lynn’s excel spreadsheet of expenses charged to the account as of the end of November (d), the amounts she has encumbered (e) and Amy Akins disbursement statement (f). (attached) Warren also talked about the Capital Improvement Project he has submitted for a backup 911 Center and EOC. A portion of the project is surcharge eligible. Any money over the amount in the account for this project can be obtained with a grant through the NC 911 Board for the 911 portion of the backup center. Warren had also provided the NC 911 Board Eligible 911 Fee Expenditures and the General Statutes Article defining Emergency Telephone Service. (attached) If there are any items not specifically listed on the Eligible 911 Fee list; the party must petition the NC 911 Board and they can allow items to be purchased by rarely do they go outside the listing provided. Warren asked if anyone had any questions. Chairman Blackley asked about the third page of the NC 911 Board list; the CAD licensing costs for mobile computer terminals, smartphones and tablets. Some of the items the agencies are paying for separately may fall into this category and be surcharge eligible. Warren said that some portions that some of the agencies have are not eligible expenses like RMS and Firehouse. There are others that may be eligible. Chairman Blackley asked if the $4,900 per year that City Fire pays for MCT licensing is eligible. Debora Cottle said that the MCT is covered to the point of when you arrive to the address of the incident. Chairman Blackley asked how he could he get New Hanover County using surcharge funds to pay for that portion of the MCT licensing. Warren stated that the petition would have to go before the Board for approval as long as it is an eligible expense. Zach stated IT is currently paying for the annual maintenance MCT licensing for CAD for New Hanover County. Matt Davis asked if New Hanover County has ever paid costs for any outside agencies like any radio upgrades or reprogramming. Warren stated that those were not surcharge eligible expenses. Chairman Blackley asked if it could be looked in to see if there was a way to use the funds without reducing funding to the 911 Center. Matt Davis stated when Jennifer Smith, Frank Blackley and he went to Sea Trails in September, there were a lot of counties that were frustrated with the counties that administered the funding and how they were using it. Chairman Blackley stated he wanted to make a motion to research what funds can be paid out of surcharge for maintenance of MCTs at other agencies, the Freedom App and the software costs. Matt Davis said that his vision is the mobile app with pictures and patient care the device in hand would be more efficient and helpful rather than the stationary device which has a lot of limitations. Zach stated the cost is about $65 per device per year with an initial cost of $400 per device. Chairman Blackley made a motion to have Warren to investigate the cost for the software licensing as long as it doesn’t affect funding for the 911 Center. Matt Davis seconded. Matt Davis asked Warren how that would work if New Hanover County paid the invoices. Warren stated that he was not sure how that would work but would have the New Hanover County staff look into this. Chairman Blackley stated there was a motion and a second; is there any discussion? All those in favor say aye, opposed, none. Tim Burgess abstained. Warren asked that everyone get Lynn a point of contact for the numbers. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any new business items. No one had any. Matt Davis stated he had something that pertained to old business. They had met in October for a medical facility response discussion. They have identified locations to make modifications to responding to a medical facility. Andy Whitley stated they have not built the mapping buffers and plans to do the geo auto spawn in CAD; he is working on the new nature code determinants for EMS. When he is done with those he will be able to work on the codes to be built for response for fire and overrides. Matt Davis asked if Andy had an estimate on when he would be able to complete that. Andy said it might be about 30 days. Matt Davis also said there were several people that wanted to meet to evaluate times. Chairman Blackley said there was a meeting directly after the Board meeting. Chairman Blackley asked if there was a time frame set for the at patients side item. Debora said that should just take a few days when Andy was done with EMS. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items for old business. No one had any. OTHER ITEMS AND REPORTS 9-1-1 Center Chairman Blackley asked Warren Lee to update everyone on the Center. Warren introduced Matthew Langley; he is the new telecommunications trainer. Matt had been shadowing Susan Rossiter with the new class. Susan retired at the end of November. Matt has been a telecommunicator for several years. The new trainees are in the 911 Center and will hopefully be fully staffed shortly. Warren also informed everyone that the newest version of the recorder has just been installed. Technology has evolved to the point that all audio is captured as well as every movement on the screens. This is more user friendly and is a tool for training. IT Chairman Blackley asked for any news from IT. Zach Augustine stated the 911 Center computers have been replaced and are running smoothly. Change Management Chairman Blackley asked Andy Whitley if there were any new items from Change Management. Andy stated they have not met since the last board meeting. Chairman Blackley asked if there were any other items for discussion. Meeting adjourned at 10:41 a.m.