09062018 September 6 2018 PB Agenda Package SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 6:00 PM Meeting Called to Order (Chairman Ernest Olds) Pledge of Allegiance (Ken Vafier, Planning Manager) Approval of Minutes REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. 1 Public Hearing (Staff Presenter: Brad Schuler) Rezoning Request (Z18-13) – Request by Bayshore Estates, Inc., property owner, to rezone approximately 2.66 acres of land located in the 7900 block of Market Street from B-2, Highway Business District, and R-15, Residential District, to O&I, Office and Institutional District. 2 Public Hearing (Staff Presenter: Ben Andrea) Rezoning Request (Z18-14) – Request by GSP Consulting, PLLC, applicant, on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC, property owner, to rezone 8.04 acres of land located in the 2600 block of N. College Road to (CZD) B-2, Conditional Highway Business District. 3 Public Hearing (Staff Presenter: Brad Schuler) Rezoning Request (Z18-15) – Request by McKim & Creed on behalf of the property owner, SENCA Properties, LLC, to rezone approximately 14.57 acres of land located in the 1100 block of Pandion Drive, from R-15, Residential District, to (CUD) R-10, Conditional Use Residential District, in order to construct a high density development. OTHER ITEMS 1 Election of Officers (Sharon Huffman, Deputy County Attorney) 1. Chair 2. Vice Chair NE W HAN O VE R C O UN T Y P LAN N IN G B O AR D R E Q UE S T F OR B OAR D AC T IO N ME E T IN G D AT E: 9/6/2018 R egular D E PART ME N T: P lanning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Brad S chuler, C urrent P lanner C O N TAC T (S ): Brad S c huler; Wayne C lark, P lanning & Land Us e Directo r S UB J E C T: P ublic Hearing (Staff Presenter: Brad Schuler) Rezoning Request (Z18-13) – Request by Bayshore E states, Inc., property owner, to rezone approximately 2.66 acres of land located in the 7900 block of Market S treet from B-2, Highway B usiness District, and R-15, Residential District, to O&I, Office and Institutional District. B R IE F S UMMARY: Baysho re Es tates , Inc . is s eeking to rezone 2.66 acres o f land loc ated in the 7900 bloc k o f Market S treet fro m B-2 & R -15 to O &I. Becaus e this is a general map amendment and no t a c o nditio nal rezo ning, uses that wo uld be allowed on the property are tho s e allowed by right o r by S pec ial Us e P ermit in the O &I district b as ed on the Tab le of P ermitted Uses in the Zo ning O rd inance. Us es p ermitted in the O &I district generally includ e a variety of professional o ffices, and med ical, educatio nal, and religious related us es . S taff has provid ed p reliminary comments o n a c onc eptual site plan proposing to cons truct an early education fac ility on the p ro p erty. Traffic impac ts are analyzed at the time a develo p ment is p ro p o s ed . Any us e that exc eed s 100 AM o r P M peak ho ur trip s will be required to have an ap p ro ved Traffic Impac t Analys is (T I A) prior to d evelopment. Even if a T I A is not required , imp ro vements may b e required when any propos ed us e is reviewed b y N C DO T d uring the driveway permitting p ro cess. T he 2016 C o mp rehens ive P lan c las s ifies the property as C o mmunity Mixed Use. T his p lace typ e o cus es on s mall- sc ale, compac t, mixed use d evelopment p atterns that serve all mo d es of travel and act as an attrac to r fo r c o unty residents and visito rs . Types o f appropriate us es includ e offic e, retail, mixed us e, recreatio nal, c o mmercial, ins titutio nal, and multi-family and single-family res id ential. T he p ro p o s ed O &I rezoning is generally C ON S IS T E N T with this p lac e typ e bec ause it allo ws the types o f offic e, civic, and res idential us es rec o mmended in the C omprehens ive P lan and is identified as a typic al zoning c atego ry fo r the C o mmunity Mixed Us e plac e typ e. S T R AT E G IC P LAN ALIG N ME N T: Intelligent G rowth and Ec o nomic Develo p ment R E C O MME N D E D MO T IO N AN D R E QUE S T E D AC T ION S : Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 S taff rec o mmends ap p ro val o f the ap p lication and s ugges t the following motio n: Mo tion to rec o mmend ap p ro val, as the Bo ard finds that this reques t fo r a zo ning map amend ment of ap p ro ximately 2.7 ac res from the B-2 & R -15 districts to an O &I d is tric t as des c rib ed is : 1. C ons is tent with the purp o s es and intent of the 2016 C o mp rehens ive P lan b ecaus e the O &I zo ning d is tric t allows for the types o f us es rec o mmended by the C o mp rehens ive P lan fo r this area, and is identified as a typic al zoning c atego ry fo r the C o mmunity Mixed Us e p lac e typ e. 2. R easonab le and in the p ublic interest bec aus e the p ro p o s al immediately ad jacent to existing c o mmercial and offic e us es and will provid e protection for the adjac ent res idential areas through the s ite d es ign requirements of the Zoning O rd inance. C O UN T Y MAN AGE R'S C OMME N T S AN D R E C OMME N DAT ION S : (only Manager) Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z18-13) Request by Bayshore Estates, Inc, property owner, to rezone approximately 2.66 acres of land located in the 7900 block of Market Street from B-2, Highway Business District, and R-15, Residential District, to O&I, Office and Institutional District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 2.7 acres from the B-2 & R-15 districts to an O&I district as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the O&I zoning district allows for the types of uses recommended by the Comprehensive Plan for this area, and is identified as a typical zoning category for the Community Mixed Use place type. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal immediately adjacent to existing commercial and office uses and will provide protection for the adjacent residential areas through the site design requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: Motion to recommend [Approval/Denial], as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of approximately 2.7 acres from the B-2 & R-15 districts to an O&I district as described is: 1. [Consistent/Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistent]. 2. [Reasonable/Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments]. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 1 of 8 STAFF SUMMARY FOR Z18-13 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z18-13 Request: Zoning Map amendment to rezone 2.66 acres from B-2 and R-15 to O&I Applicant: Property Owner(s): Bayshore Estates, Inc. Bayshore Estates, Inc. Location: Acreage: 7900 Block of Market Street 2.66 acres PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R03600-005-020-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped The property would be allowed to be developed in accordance with the O&I district Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: B-2 & R-15 O&I SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Oak Grove Baptist Church, General Office Uses R-15, O&I East Single-Family Residential R-15 South Marsh Oaks Clubhouse, Undeveloped R-15, B-2 West Porters Neck Tire & Auto, Liberty Tavern B-2 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 2 of 8 ZONING HISTORY July 6, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 5) June 19, 1978 A portion of the property was rezoned to B-2 (Z-41). COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Ogden Schools Ogden Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Trask Middle, and Laney High schools Recreation Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources ZONING ORDINANCE CONSIDERATIONS  Because this is a general map amendment and not a conditional rezoning, uses that would be allowed on the property are those allowed by right or by Special Use Permit in the O&I district based on the Table of Permitted Uses in the Zoning Ordinance. Uses permitted in the O&I district generally include a variety of professional and medical offices, and educational and religious related uses.  Staff has provided preliminary comments on a conceptual site plan proposing to construct an early education facility on the property. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 3 of 8  The property is located within a Special Highway Overlay District (SHOD) that extends 500’ from the right-of-way of Market Street. Areas of parcels within the SHOD, including the entirety of the subject parcel, are subject to additional regulations for site design per Section 55.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, including a minimum building setback of 25’ from the northern and eastern property lines, limitation on signage to 6’ in height and 150 sq. ft. in area, and lot coverage limit for buildings of 50%.  Development within the proposed O&I zoning district would require additional building setbacks and landscaping buffers along the adjacent R-15 zoned property. Specifically: o The building setback required along the side property lines adjacent to the R-15 zoning would be a minimum of 25’ or 2.75 x Building Height, whichever is greater. The side setback would be 20’ along the northern property line adjacent to the Oak Grove Baptist Church, as the church is a non-residential use. o The building setback requirement increases along rear property lines adjacent to the R-15 zoning to a minimum of 30’ or 3.73 x Building Height, whichever is greater. o Landscaping buffers would be required between the development and the residential properties. The buffers must be at minimum 20’ in width and provide 100% opacity. o In addition, all lights must be shielded in a manner so that light from the fixture does not directly radiate into adjacent property. TRANSPORTATION  Access is provided to the subject property by Market Street (US BUS 17) and Marsh Oaks Drive (SR 2734).  Traffic impacts are analyzed at the time a development is proposed. Any use that exceeds 100 AM or PM peak hour trips will be required to have an approved Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prior to development. Even if a TIA is not required, improvements may be required when any proposed use is reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. Traffic Counts – October 2017 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C Market Street 8000 Block 41,474 43,700 0.95 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 3 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 4 of 8 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 4 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 5 of 8 Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Bailey Shoppes on Market  4,800 sf of Office  6,600 sf of Shopping Center  1,200 sf of Fast Food Restaurant with Drive-Thru  2,400 sf of High-Turnover Restaurant  Approved February 20, 2018  2018 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a southbound right-turn lane from Bump Along Road to Mendenhall Drive  Installation of a traffic signal at a future u-turn movement to be located approximately 800 feet south of Alexander Road Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  Aldi at Marsh Oaks  Amberleigh Shores Phase 2 Development Status: No construction has started at this time. 2. Oak Landing Shopping Center  4,100 sf Harris Teeter Expansion  Outparcel 4: 16,000 sf Office/Restaurant  Outparcel 5: 10,000 sf Retail/Restaurant  10 fuel pump stations  Approved May 15, 2017 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of:  Installation of a westbound left turn lane on Porters Neck Road to a site access. This improvement must be installed in accordance with NCDOT’s standards prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued for the fuel pumps or outparcel developments. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: The fuel pumps and one outparcel are under construction. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 5 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 6 of 8 3. Aldi at Marsh Oaks  18,900 square foot discount supermarket  Approved July 6, 2016 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of:  Installation of an eastbound right turn lane on Marsh Oaks Drive to a site access Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  US 17 retail – Walmart Shopping Center (Bayshore Commons) - accounted for in annual growth rate Development Status: Completed 4. Amberleigh Shores – Phase 2  288 apartment units  TIA Approved November 3, 2016  2018 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consist of:  Installation of a southbound left turn lane on Market Street to Marsh Oaks Drive  Installation of an eastbound right turn lane on Marsh Oaks Drive to a site access  Extension of an existing right-turn lane on Market street to serve an existing site access In addition, improvements will be made with STIP Project U-4902D (Market Street median) that will support the traffic generated by the development. Construction of the development and required transportation improvements have not started at this time. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: No construction has started at this time Two projects are included in State Transportation Improvement Program that will impact the portion of Market Street near the subject property:  STIP Project U-4751 o Extension of Military Cutoff Road from Market Street to I-140. Construction is underway.  STIP Project U-4902D o Installation of a center median on Market Street from Middle Sound Road to Marsh Oaks Drive. Also includes the installation of a sidewalk on the western side of Market Street and a multi-use path on the eastern side. Construction is expected to begin in early 2019. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 6 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 7 of 8 ENVIRONMENTAL  The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas.  The property is within the Pages Creek (SA;HQW) watershed.  Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation), and Class II (moderate limitation) soils. However, development of the subject property must connect to CFPUA services. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN  The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 7 Z18-13 Staff Summary PB 9.6.2018 Page 8 of 8 Analysis The subject property is located near the intersection of Market St., Marsh Oaks Dr., and Mendenhall Dr. It is immediately adjacent to existing commercial and civic uses and a residential neighborhood near the Porters Neck Urban Mixed Use area and growth node. Uses of this property that provide for the needs of adjacent residential neighborhoods and/or provide an orderly transition to the adjacent lower density residential areas would support the integration of uses and development patterns encouraged in the Comprehensive Plan. Because this area already provides the type of use mix intended for a Community Mixed Use area within close proximity, commercial, civic, office, and residential uses could all be appropriate. The requested O&I rezoning could allow for many of these uses, and O&I is one of the typical zoning categories identified for the Community Mixed Use place type. Consistency Recommendation The proposed O&I rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with this place type because it allows the types of office, civic, and residential uses recommended in the Comprehensive Plan and is identified as a typical zoning category for the Community Mixed Use place type. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application. Staff concludes that the application is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the O&I zoning district allows for the types of uses recommended by the Comprehensive Plan for this area, and is identified as a typical zoning category for the Community Mixed Use place type. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal immediately adjacent to existing commercial and office uses and will provide protection for the adjacent residential areas through the site design requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 8 BONAVE N T U R E DR V A L E DR C O U N T R Y H A V E N D R S A L O S T RAINTREE R D MARYMOUNT DR SANDERLINGPL MI D S T R E A M D R KEYSTO NEL N B L U E P OI N T D R GREYT H O R N E CT M A R S H R E A C H D R BUMPAL O N G R D HI L L I A R D C T S O U T HERL A N D F A R M R D BAYFIELD DR C U MBE RL AN D P L AVERYDR KO O N C E CT FURT A D O D R SANS B E R R Y C T LI L L Y P O N D L N QUIN N D R A Q U A RIUSDR B E A U F ORTCT H AZELTON CT MARKE T S T BED D O ES DR FAIRFAXWAY MENDENHALL D R B L U F F T ONCT HIGHG R E E N D R K A U R I S T A MA R Y L LI S DR WHITE MARSH P L MARSHOAKSDR A L E X A N D E R R D TRACE D RMONARCHDR C OUNTRYLAKESRD L A N T A N A L N AMBERLEI GHDR P A WL E Y S L N O L D E P O N D R D PL A CI DDR P O R TERSC R O S S I N G W A Y SHACKLEFORDDR PRI VATE H A Y S L N S W E E T W A T E R D R F OLLYISL A N D C T CUD R-10 CUD O&I CUD B-2 R-15 CZD B-2 CITY O&I B-2 I-1 Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning/Use: Z18-13 7900 block Market S B-2 & R-15/ Undeveloped O&I 0.5 Miles R Z18-13 Neighboring Parcels 102 KOONCE CT 7828 SANDERLING PL 104 KOONCE CT 7830 SANDERLING PL 106 KOONCE CT 7900 SANDERLING PL 110 MARSH OAKS DR 7900 TARRANTS CT 112 MENDENHALL DR 7901 SANDERLING PL 112 SWEETWATER DR 7901 TARRANTS CT 113 SWEETWATER DR 7902 TARRANTS CT 117 MARSH OAKS DR 7904 SANDERLING PL 204 MARSH OAKS DR 7904 TARRANTS CT 205 MARSH OAKS DR 7905 SANDERLING PL 209 MARSH OAKS DR 7908 SANDERLING PL 7654 MARKET ST 7909 SANDERLING PL 7720 MONARCH DR 7910 MARKET ST 7757 MARYMOUNT DR7910 MARKET ST 7759 MARYMOUNT DR7912 SANDERLING PL 7761 MARYMOUNT DR7913 SANDERLING PL 7763 MARYMOUNT DR7915 SANDERLING PL 7767 MARYMOUNT DR7916 SANDERLING PL 7769 MARYMOUNT DR7919 SANDERLING PL 7771 MARYMOUNT DR7920 SANDERLING PL 7773 MARYMOUNT DR7965 MARKET ST 7775 MARYMOUNT DR7971 MARKET ST 7801 MARYMOUNT DR7978 MARKET ST 7804 MARYMOUNT DR7979 MARKET ST 7805 MARYMOUNT DR7979 MARKET ST 7806 MARYMOUNT DR7980 MARKET ST 7808 MARYMOUNT DR7990 MARKET ST 7809 MARYMOUNT DR7998 MARKET ST 7810 MARYMOUNT DR8001 MARKET ST 7813 MARYMOUNT DR8001 MARKET ST 7817 MARYMOUNT DR8005 MARKET ST 7821 MARYMOUNT DR8006 MARKET ST 7826 SANDERLING PL 8015 MARKET ST Physical Address Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 CUD R-10 CUD O&I CUD B-2 B-1 R-15 CZD B-2 CITY O&I B-2 I-1 R-20 BONAVENTUREDR V A L E DR COUNTRYHAVENDR S A L O S T RAINTREE R D M A RY M O U N T D R SANDERLI NG PL MI D S T R E A M D R KEYSTO NEL N B L U E P OINT D R GREYT H O R N E CT MARSHREAC H D R B U M P A L O N G R D HI L L I A R D C T S O U T HERL A N D F A R M R D BAYFIELD DR C U MBE RL AN D P L A V ERYDR KO O N C E CT FURT A D O D R SANSBE R R Y C T L I L L Y P O N D L N QUIN N D R A Q UARIU S D R B E A U F ORTCT H AZELTON CT MARKE T S T BED D O ES D R FAIRFAX WAY ME N D E NH A L L D R B L U F F T ONCT HIGHG R E E N D R K A U R I S T A MA R Y L LI S DR WHITE MARSH P L M A R S H O A K S D R A L E X A N D E R R D TR A C E D R MONARCHDR C OUNTRYLAKESRD LANT A N A L N AMBERLEI G H D R P A WLEYS L N OLDEPO N D R D PL A CI D D R P O RTERS C R O S SI N G W A Y SHACKLEF OR D D R P RI V A T E H A Y S L N SWE E T W A T E R D R F O L L Y I SL ANDCT New Hanover County, NC Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning/Use: Z18-13 7900 block Market S B-2 & R-15/ Undeveloped O&I 0.5 Miles R Z18-13 R-7 RFMU RA R-20S R-20 R-15 R-10 PD O&I I-2 I-1 EDZD B-2 B-1 AR A-I SC Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) Incorporated Areas SHOD Zoning Districts Sewer Main Water Main Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 4 - 1 CONSERVATION URBAN MIXED USE COMMUNITY MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL BONAVE N T U R E DR V A L E DR C O U N T R Y H A V E N D R S A L O S T R AI N T R E E RD MARYMOUNT DR SANDERLINGPL MI D S T R E A M D R KEYSTO NEL N B L U E P OI N T D R GREYT H O R N E CT M A R S H R E A C H D R B U MPALONG R D HI L L I A R D C T S O U T HERL A N D F A R M R D BAYFIELD DR C U MBE RL AN D P L A V E R Y D R KO O N C E CT FURT A D O D R SANS B E R R Y C T LI L L Y P O N D L N QUIN N D R A Q U A RIUSDR B E A U F ORTCT H AZELTON CT MARKE T S T BED D O ES DR FAIRFAXWAY MENDENHALLDR B L U F F T ONCT HIGHG R E E N D R K A U R I S T A MA R Y L LI S DR WHITE MARSH P L MARSHOAKS DR A L E X A N D E R R D TRACE D RMONARCHDR C OUNTRYLAKESRD L A N T A N A L N AMBERLEI GHDR P A WL E Y S L N O L D E P O N D R D PL A CI DDR P O R TERSC R O S S I N G W A Y SHACKLEFORDDR PRI VATE H A Y S L N SWEET W A T E R D R F OLLYISL A N D C T New Hanover County, NC Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning/Use: Z18-13 7900 block Market S B-2 & R-15/ Undeveloped O&I 0.5 Miles R Z18-13 URBAN MIXED USE RURAL RESIDENTIAL GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER CONSERVATION COMMUNITY MIXED USE COMMERCE ZONE Place Types Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 2 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 4 Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - S e p t e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 8 IT E M : 1 - 7 - 5 C O U R T K O O N C E MARSH OAKS DRIVE U . S . H W Y . 1 7 S A N D E R L I N G P L A C E Pl a n n i n g B o a r d - S e p t e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 8 IT E M : 1 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 8 NE W HAN O VE R C O UN T Y P LAN N IN G B O AR D R E Q UE S T F OR B OAR D AC T IO N ME E T IN G D AT E: 9/6/2018 R egular D E PART ME N T: P lanning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Ben Andrea, C urrent P lanning & Zo ning S upervis o r C O N TAC T (S ): Ben And rea; Wayne C lark, P lanning & Land Us e Directo r S UB J E C T: P ublic Hearing (Staff Presenter: Ben Andrea) Rezoning Request (Z18-14) – Request by G S P Consulting, P LLC, applicant, on behalf of College Road Development P artners, LLC, property owner, to rezone 8.04 acres of land located in the 2600 block of N. College Road to (C ZD) B-2, Conditional Highway B usiness District. B R IE F S UMMARY: T he sub ject property was approved fo r an 88-unit apartment develo p ment in an R -10 C ond itional Us e District (C UD) in May 2016. T he owners rec ently reques ted the p ro p erty be reverted bac k to the R -15 and B-2 zo ning that was in effect prior to the existing C UD being ap p ro ved p er S ec tion 55.2-6(1) of the Zo ning O rdinanc e. T he P lanning Bo ard rec o mmended approval o f that req uest at their Augus t 2, 2018 meeting, and the Board o f C ommissioners will hear the req uest at their S eptemb er 4, 2018 meeting prior to the S eptemb er 6, 2018 p ublic hearing for the c urrent rezo ning req uest. T he c urrent req uest p ro p o s es a limitation of us es on the p ro p erty as well as limitation on b uilding lo c atio ns and heights. T he applic ation includ ed a lis t o f us es that wo uld not be p ermitted on the p ro p erty, and when c o mp ared to the Tab le of P ermitted Us es in the Zo ning O rd inanc e, the res tric ted us e lis t trans lates to a variety o f us es that could be permitted, inc luding a broad range o f retail, s ervic es , s to rage, mini-wareho using, offic e us es , and others. T he staff summary inc lud es a lis t o f us es that could b e permitted o n the p ro p erty. T he s ite plan inc luded with the applic ation ind icates that b etween 75,000 and 150,000 s quare feet of to tal b uilding area is proposed in two areas with height limits o f 14’ and 24’. T he s ite plan als o shows a driveway to an area that is o uts ide o f the proposed build ing areas that could ac commodate a p ermitted us e that wo uld no t req uire a build ing. T his d riveway would require an NC DO T driveway p ermit, and NC DO T previo usly commented that this area o f the s ite wo uld need to b e acc es s ed internally and therefo re the propos ed additio nal driveway may not b e p ermitted when a revis ed driveway p ermit applic ation is reviewed b y NC DO T. Any proposed us e will be reviewed fo r zo ning c o mp lianc e p rio r to develo p ment. T he Zoning O rdinanc e has requirements for build ing s etbac ks, buffering, parking, land s caping, and lighting that mus t b e complied with and are intend ed to mitigate the imp acts from a no n-resid ential us e adjac ent to a res id ential us e. Traffic impacts will b e analyzed at the time a develo p ment is propos ed. Any us e that exc eeds 100 AM o r P M peak ho ur trip s will be required to have an ap p ro ved T I A prior to develo p ment. Even if a T I A is no t req uired, improvements may be req uired when any proposed us e is reviewed by NC DO T during the driveway p ermitting proc es s . T he 2016 C omprehens ive Land Us e P lan classifies the sub ject p ro p erty as C ommunity Mixed Us e. T his P lac e Type foc uses on s mall-s cale, c o mp ac t, mixed us e develo p ment p atterns that s erve all mod es o f travel and ac t as an Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 attrac tor fo r c o unty residents and visito rs . Types o f appropriate uses inc lud e offic e, retail, mixed us e, recreatio nal, c o mmercial, ins titutio nal, and multi-family and s ingle-family res id ential. S taff conclud es that the proposed B-2 zoning dis tric t is generally C O NS IS T E N T with this p lace type bec ause it wo uld allow the typ es o f s ervic es fo r nearby res idents rec o mmended in the comprehensive p lan. Us es o f this property that wo uld p ro vide for the needs o f adjac ent res id ential neighb o rhoods and /or p ro vide higher dens ity residential ho using to transitio n to the ad jac ent lo wer dens ity res id ential areas wo uld sup p o rt the integration of us es and d evelopment p atterns encouraged in the C omprehensive P lan. T he req ues ted c o nditio nal B-2 zoning district c o uld allo w for the types of commerc ial services ap p ropriate for a C ommunity Mixed Us e area at the edge of a no d e, and d evelopment regulations wo uld require land s c aping b uffers alo ng res idential p ro p erties, vis ually separating and mitigating any effects for the adjac ent neighborho o d . S T R AT E G IC P LAN ALIG N ME N T: Intelligent G rowth and Ec o nomic Develo p ment R E C O MME N D E D MO T IO N AN D R E QUE S T E D AC T ION S : S taff rec o mmends ap p ro val and s uggests the following motio n: Mo tion to rec o mmend ap p ro val, as the Bo ard finds that this reques t fo r a zo ning map amend ment of 8.04 ac res from (C UD) R -10, C ond itional Use R es id ential Dis tric t, to a B-2, Highway Bus ines s District, and R -15, R esidential Dis tric t as desc rib ed is: 1. C ons is tent with the purp o s es and intent of the C ommunity Mixed Us e p lace typ e in the 2016 C omprehensive P lan bec ause the proposed B-2 zoning d is tric t would allow the typ es of s ervic es for nearby residents rec o mmended in the plan. 2. R easonab le and in the p ublic interest bec aus e the c ond itional B-2 d is tric t would provid e a reas o nable extens io n o f an exis ting B-2 zoning distric t while protec ting adjac ent res idential uses thro ugh red uc ed heights in the p o rtions of the property closest to homes and limitatio ns o n p ermitted us es , in ad d ition to the s etbac ks and buffers required by the Zo ning O rdinanc e. C O UN T Y MAN AGE R'S C OMME N T S AN D R E C OMME N DAT ION S : (only Manager) Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z18-14) Request by GSP Consulting, PLLC, applicant, on behalf of College Road Development Partners, LLC, property owner, to rezone 8.04 acres of land located in the 2600 block of N. College Road to (CZD) B- 2, Conditional Highway Business District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of 8.04 acres to (CZD) B-2, Conditional Highway Business District, as described is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Community Mixed Use place type in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed B-2 zoning district would allow the types of services for nearby residents recommended in the plan. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the conditional B-2 district would provide a reasonable extension of an existing B-2 zoning district while protecting adjacent residential uses through reduced heights in the portions of the property closest to homes and limitations on permitted uses, in addition to the setbacks and buffers required by the Zoning Ordinance. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: Motion to recommend [Approval/Denial], as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of 8.04 acres to (CZD) B-2, Conditional Highway Business District, as described is: 1. [Consistent/Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistent]. 2. [Reasonable/Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detriments]. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 1 of 11 Z18-14 STAFF SUMMARY ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z18-14 Request: Rezoning to (CZD) B-2 for up to 150,000 sq. ft. of buildings Applicant: Property Owner(s): College Road Development Partners, LLC College Road Development Partners, LLC Location: Acreage: 2608 N. College Road 8.04 acres PID(s): Place Type: R03408-001-002-000 R03408-001-003-000 R03408-001-004-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped (previously approved for 88 apartment units) The majority of uses allowed in B-2 would be permitted with limited exceptions Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: (CUD) R-10 Conditional Use Zoning District (pending reversion to R-15 and B-2 at press time) (CZD) B-2 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Institutional (Laney High School) R-15 East Single Family Residential R-15 South Commercial (Taco Bell) B-2 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 1 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 2 of 11 West Mostly Undeveloped; Barber Shop, Electronics Repair Shop R-15, O&I ZONING HISTORY July 7, 1972 Initially zoned R-20 July 13, 1998 300’ strip adjacent to N. College Rd rezoned to B-2 May 2, 2016 Rezoned from B-2 and R-15 to (CUD) R-10 for 88 apartments April 3, 2017 Request to rezone to (CZD) B-2 denied (Case Z17-01) September 4, 2018 Request to revert to B-2 and R-15 considered by Board of Commissioners (Case Z18-12) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and Sewer is available through CFPUA Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County North Fire District Schools Castle Hayne Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Trask Middle, and Laney High schools Recreation Olsen Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 2 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 3 of 11 Z-951 REZONING PROPOSAL (FROM 2016)  A (CUD) R-10 Conditional Use Zoning District was approved for the subject site on May 2, 2016 and allows for an 88-unit apartment complex in four buildings on the site.  The following conditions were placed on the approved rezoning: 1. A 10’ multi-use path shall be installed along N. College Road in accordance with the Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greenway Plan. The multi- use path shall be constructed to the adjoining properties and shall include any necessary crosswalks, boardwalks, or bridges. 2. Existing vegetation must remain within the rear buffer and be supplemented as necessary to provide the 100% visual opacity requirement. Z17-01 REZONING PROPOSAL (FROM 2017)  A request to rezone the property from the (CUD) R-10 to (CZD) B-2 was submitted in February 2017 (Case Z17-01).  The proposal included 72,850 square feet of self-storage units in four buildings, along with access drives and parking to serve the development.  The rezoning request was recommended for approval by the Planning Board but denied by the Board of Commissioners. Z18-12 ZONING REVERSION REQUEST  Because the Z17-01 rezoning request was denied, the property remained in the (CUD) R- 10 Conditional Use Zoning District for 88 apartment units that was approved in 2016.  In July 2018, the property owner requested the property be reverted to the B-2 and R-15 zoning that was in effect on the property prior to the (CUD) R-10 pursuant to Section 55.2- 6(1) of the Zoning Ordinance.  The Planning Board recommended approval of the request at their August 2018 meeting.  The request will be considered by the Board of Commissioners at their September 6, 2018 meeting. ZONING ORDINANCE CONSIDERATIONS FOR CURRENT PROPOSAL  The applicant’s conditional district proposal is different from typical conditional district proposals in that it provides more general information and it proposes building areas and a range of total building square footage along with a list of uses that would be not permitted on the property.  Some of the uses proposed for limitation by the applicant are not permitted uses in B-2, such as Junkyards, Adult Entertainment Establishments, and Group Homes.  Other uses proposed to be excluded include Electronic Gaming Operations, Bus and Taxi Terminal, Demolition Landscape Landfill, Recycling Facilities, Stables, Mobile Home Dealers and Prefab Building sales, Septic Tank Vacuum Service, Entertainment Establishments, Bars, Cabarets, and Discos, Automobile Rentals, Manufacturing Uses, Vehicle Sales, Boat Sales, and Kennels.  Comparing the list of uses proposed to not be allowed with the Table of Permitted Uses in the Zoning Ordinance, 77 uses would be permitted on the property; 71 uses would be permitted by-right and 6 would require a special use permit. These uses include a broad range of retail, services, storage, mini-warehousing, offices, and others: Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 3 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 4 of 11 Uses Permitted Based on Applicant’s Proposed Limitations B-2 1 Agricultural Uses P 2 Veterinaries P 3 Wholesale Nurseries & Greenhouses (12/13/82) P 4 General Building Contractor P 5 Landscaping Contractors (12/13/82) P 6 Special Trade Contractors P 7 Special Trade & General Contractors with no Outside Storage (12/5/88) P 8 Commercial Marina with Floating Structures (4/2/84) S 9 Commercial Marina (2/14/84) P 10 Dry Stack Storage of Boats: (1/7/08) As a stand-alone warehouse P As accessory to a marina P 11 Electric / Gas & Sanitary Services P 12 Electric Substations P 13 Mini-Warehouses P 14 Post Offices P 15 Recreational Vehicle and Boat Trailer Storage Lots (2/3/14) P 16 Telephone & Telegraph Facilities P 17 TV & Radio Broadcasting P 18 Warehousing P 19 Water Transportation Facilities P 20 Other Communication Facilities Including Towers (2/5/96) S 21 Antenna & Towers Less Than 70 Ft. In Height & Ancillary to the Principal Use (2/5/96) P 22 Cellular & PCS Antennas (See Section 63.5-1 (H) P 23 Amateur Radio Antennas (up to 90 ft.) (10/07) P 24 Wholesaling With No Outside Storage (11/2/81) P 25 Wholesaling Seafood With Water Frontage P 26 Apparel & Accessory Store P 27 Building Material & Garden Supplies P 28 Convenience Food Store (7/5/85) P 29 Drug Store P 30 Eating and Drinking Places P 31 Farm Implement Sales P 32 Food Stores P 33 Fruit & Vegetable Stand Produced on Same Parcel as Offered for Sale P 34 Furniture, Home Furnishing & Equipment P 35 General Merchandise Stores P 36 Handcrafting Small Articles P 37 Hardware P 38 Miscellaneous Retail P 39 Retail Nurseries (12/13/82) P 40 Historic Restaurant P 41 Boat Repair P 42 Barber / Beauty Shop (10/90, 7/10/06) P 43 Business Services Including Printing P 44 Camping, Travel Trailer Parks (2/14/83) P 45 Drive-In Theater P 46 Electrical Repair Shop P 47 Equipment Rental & Leasing P 48 Funeral Home P 49 Hotels & Motels (12/13/82) P Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 4 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 5 of 11 Uses Permitted Based on Applicant’s Proposed Limitations B-2 50 Indoor Recreation Establishments P 51 Outdoor Recreation Establishments P 52 Indoor Theater (2/14/83) (NTE 3000SF) P 53 Parks & Recreation Area (4/2/07) P 54 Personal Services P 55 Resort Hotel / Motel (1/4/83) P 56 Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repair P 57 Child Care Center (10/7/13) P 58 Family Child Care Home (10/7/13) S 59 Libraries P 60 Museums (5/2/83) P 61 Churches P 62 Lodges, Fraternal & Social Organizations (5/2/83) P 63 Fraternities / Sororities, Residential P 64 Accessory Buildings or Uses, clearly incidental to the Permitted Use or Building (see Section 63.2) P 65 Christmas Tree Sales (7/6/92) P 66 Circuses, Carnivals, Fairs & Side Shows of No More than 30 Days Duration Per Year P 67 Dwelling Unit Contained within Principal Use(4/85) S 68 Evangelistic and Religious Assemblies not Conducted at a Church (7/6/92) P 69 Government Offices & Buildings P 70 Offices for Private Business & Professional Activities P 71 Pumpkin Sales (7/6/92) P 72 Principal Use Sign P 73 Research Facilities P 74 Single Family Dwelling S 75 Single Family Dwelling-Attached (1/4/82) S 76 Special Fund Raising for Non-Profit Organizations (7/6/92) P 77 Temporary Sign P Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 5 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 6 of 11  The site plan included with the application indicates that between 75,000 and 150,000 square feet of total building area is proposed. As shown below, the site plan indicates two areas for buildings with height limits of 14’ and 24’.  The site plan also shows a driveway to an area that is outside of the proposed building areas that could accommodate such uses as storage that would not require a building. This driveway would require an NC DOT driveway permit, and NC DOT previously commented that this area of the site would need to be accessed internally. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 6 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 7 of 11 TRANSPORTATION  Access to the site is via an existing driveway serving the subject site as well as the existing fast food restaurant (Taco Bell).  A Traffic Impact Analysis was completed for a development proposal on this property in 2013, which included a fast-food restaurant and a mixed-use building consisting of 120 dwelling units and office/retail space. The existing driveway and center turn lane were installed after that TIA was performed.  An updated TIA was not required for the 2016 or 2017 rezoning proposals because the proposed developments did not exceed 100 peak hour trips.  A bus stop for WAVE Transit route 207 is located on southbound N. College Road approximately 500’ south of the property across from Long Ridge Drive.  Traffic impacts will be analyzed at the time a development is proposed. Any use that exceeds 100 AM or PM peak hour trips will be required to have an approved Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prior to development. Even if a TIA is not required, improvements may be required when any proposed use is reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. Traffic Count – June 19, 2017 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C N. College Road 2400 block 31,524 29,300 1.08  The wide variety of uses proposed includes high traffic-generating uses such as restaurants and drug stores to low traffic-generating uses such as wholesale nurseries, mini-warehousing, RV/boat storage, and funeral homes.  This area of N. College Road serves as a link for traffic from I-40 and northbound from Wilmington to Northchase, Cape Fear Community College North Campus, and Castle Hayne.  In front of the site, N. College Rd. has one northbound through lane and one southbound through lane, a center turn lane, a right turn lane that continues to Laney, and a right turn lane serving the existing driveway. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 7 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 8 of 11 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses will expire if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Dunkin Donuts  3,200 sq. ft. fast food restaurant with drive-thru  TIA approved April 14, 2015  2016 Buildout year Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 8 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 9 of 11 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of:  Construct an eastbound right-turn lane with appropriate taper on Murrayville Road at the shopping center driveway. Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: Building Completed Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 2. State Employees Credit Union  8,526 sq. ft. bank with drive- thru  TIA approved December 17, 2015  2017 Buildout year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of:  Optimize signal timing at N. College Road and Northchase Parkway SE intersection.  Construct an eastbound right turn lane with 100’ of storage on Northchase Parkway SE at the site driveway. Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have not yet been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA:  None Development Status: Building and site currently being developed. ENVIRONMENTAL  Portions of the property are within the AE Special Flood Hazard Area with a Base Flood Elevation of around 32 feet; the area around the stream is AE Floodway. All proposed development will have to adhere to Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance standards at time of development.  Stormwater management will be reviewed by the New Hanover County Engineering Department and by the NC Department of Environmental Quality. Any development will utilize, and improve as required, the existing stormwater pond located on the site.  The stream on the property is subject to additional buffering standards required by the NC Division of Water Resources.  The subject property is within the Smith Creek (C;Sw) watershed. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 9 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 10 of 11 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN  The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the comprehensive plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Consistency Analysis Community Mixed Use areas are generally intended to include a mixture of uses. The subject property is located along N. College Rd., immediately adjacent to both existing auto-oriented businesses, Laney High School, and a residential neighborhood. It is located at the edge of a commercial node at N. College and Bavarian/Murrayville and near the Northchase planned development. Uses of this property that would provide for the needs of adjacent residential neighborhoods and/or provide higher density residential housing to transition to the adjacent lower density residential areas would support the integration of uses and development patterns encouraged in the Comprehensive Plan. The requested conditional B-2 zoning district could allow for the types of commercial services appropriate for a Community Mixed Use area at the edge of a node, and development regulations would require landscaping buffers along residential properties, visually separating and mitigating any effects for the adjacent neighborhood. Consistency Recommendation The proposed B-2 zoning district is generally CONSISTENT with this place type because it would allow the types of services for nearby residents recommended in the comprehensive plan. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 10 Z18-14 Staff Summary 9.6.2018 Page 11 of 11 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application. Staff concludes that the application is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Community Mixed Use place type in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed B-2 zoning district would allow the types of services for nearby residents recommended in the plan. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the conditional B-2 district would provide a reasonable extension of an existing B-2 zoning district while protecting adjacent residential uses through reduced heights in the portions of the property closest to homes and limitations on permitted uses, in addition to the setbacks and buffers required by the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 11 NORTHCHAS E P K Y W FERNDALERD CRANBROOK DR FIVEACRERD CALABASHCT KERR AVE N P R IVAT E NEIL CT B RI D G E WATER C O VE BAVARIANLN O X BOWLP BENT TREE C T HAMSTE A D CT NEWVILLAGEWAY ONEAL PL CRICKET CT K N O T T YCT PENNH U R S T CT DAN NYPENCE DR MAIDSTONE DR BAY P O I N T E COV E B A Y O U W A YMA R I G O T C T C O L O N E L L A M B D R MURRAYVILLERD WOODBERRYCT HIDDE NCOVE F A L L E N T REE RD CANDL E WOODDR OLSEN PARK L N C ORPORAT ED R FAR L E Y D R L E A NING T REECT S T UMPY CT HOB A R T D R CAMPAGNA GREGORYWAY HENSONDR S H A L L O W B R O O K R U N B ROKEN L I MB CT C ARTHAGEDR NORTHSHOREDR CHARTHOUS E D R PINEKNOLLRD KENNETHE.MCLAURINDR CANEY BRANCHRD ST I L L C R E E K D R ROCK WELLRD OW L S L N LONGRIDGE DR SI RIUSDR RE D H A W K R D N E W T O WND R I-40 W I-4 0 ECOLLEGE RD N CUD B-2 R-15 CUD R-10 O&I B-2 PD R-10 CO L L E G E Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning/Use: Z18-14 2600 block N College Rd (CUD) R-10/ Undeveloped (CZD) B-2 0.5 Miles R Z18-14 Neighboring Parcels 2601 CRANBROOK DR 1951 CORPORATE DR 132 LONG RIDGE DR 152 LONG RIDGE DR CM HENSON DR 114 LONG RIDGE DR 2605 CRANBROOK DR 118 LONG RIDGE DR 4321 HENSON DR 2500 COLLEGE RD N 124 LONG RIDGE DR 2520 COLLEGE RD N 122 LONG RIDGE DR 5725 MURRAYVILLE RD 128 LONG RIDGE DR 2624 COLLEGE RD N 4312 HENSON DR 93 LONG RIDGE DR 148 LONG RIDGE DR 2610 COLLEGE RD N 2608 COLLEGE RD N 2618 COLLEGE RD N 140 LONG RIDGE DR 105 LONG RIDGE DR 4304 HENSON DR 109 LONG RIDGE DR 2619 COLLEGE RD N 129 LONG RIDGE DR 136 LONG RIDGE DR 133 LONG RIDGE DR 4308 HENSON DR 137 LONG RIDGE DR 4300 HENSON DR 141 LONG RIDGE DR 144 LONG RIDGE DR 145 LONG RIDGE DR 2623 COLLEGE RD N 149 LONG RIDGE DR 2519 COLLEGE RD N 2700 COLLEGE RD N Physical Address Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 CUD B-2 R-15 CUD R-10 O&I B-2 AR CUD I-1 PD A-I R-10 NORT HC H A S E P K Y W FERND A L E R D CRANBROOK DR FIVEACRERD CALABASH CT KERR AVE N P R IVAT E NEIL CT B RI D G E W A T ER C O V EBAVARIANLN O X BOWLP BENT TREE C T HAMSTE A D CT NEWVILLAGEWAY ONEALPL CRICKET CT K N O T T Y C T PENNH U R S T CT DANNYPENCE DR MAIDSTONE DR BAY P O I N T E COV E B A Y O U W A YMA R I G O T C T C O L O N E L L A M B D R MURRAYVILLERD WOODBERRYCT HIDDE NCOVE F A L L E N T R E E R D CANDLEWOODDR OLSEN PARK L N CORPORATEDR F A RLE Y D R L E A NINGT REECT S T UMPY CT H O B ARTDR CAMPAGNA GREGORYWAY HENSONDR S H A L L O W B R O O K R U N BROKEN LI MB CT CARTHAGEDR NORTHSHOREDR CHARTHOUS E D R PINE KNOLLRD KENNETHE.MCLAURINDR CANEY BRANCHRD ST I L L C R E E K D R ROCKWELLRD OW L S L N LONGRIDGEDR SI R I US DR RE D H A W K R D NE W T O W N D R I-40 W I-40 E COLLEGE RD N New Hanover County, NC Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning/Use: Z18-14 2600 block N College Rd (CUD) R-10/ Undeveloped (CZD) B-2 0.5 Miles R Z18-14 R-7 RFMU RA R-20S R-20 R-15 R-10 PD O&I I-2 I-1 EDZD B-2 B-1 AR A-I SC Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) Incorporated Areas SHOD Zoning Districts Sewer Main Water Main Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 CONSERVATION GENERAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE EMPLOYMENT CENTER NORTHCHAS E P K Y W FERNDALERD CRANBROOK DR FIVEACRERD CALABASHCT KERR AVE N P R IVAT E NEIL CT B RI D G E WATER C O VE BAVARIANLN O X BOWLP BENT TREE C T HAMSTE A D CT NEWVILLAGEWAY ONEAL PL CRICKET CT K N O T T YCT PENNH U R S T CT DANNYPENCE DR MAIDSTONE DR BAY P O I N T E COV E B A Y O U W A YMA R I G O T C T C O L O N E L L A M B D R MURRAYVILLERD WOODBERRYCT HIDDE NCOVE F A L L E N T REE RD CANDL E WOODDR OLSEN PARK L N C ORPORAT ED R F A RLE Y DR L E A NING TREECT S T UMPY CT HOB A R T D R CAMPAGNA GREGORYWAY HENSONDR S H A L L O W B R O O K R U N BROKEN LI MB CT C ARTHAGEDR NORTHSHOREDR CHARTHOUS E D R PINEKNOLLRD KENNETHE.MCLAURINDR CANEY BRANCHRD ST I L L C R E E K D R ROCK WELLRD OW L S L N LON G R I D G E D R SI RIUSDR RE D H A W K R D N E W T OWN D R I-40 W I-4 0 ECOLLEGE RD N New Hanover County, NC Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning/Use: Z18-14 2600 block N College Rd (CUD) R-10/ Undeveloped (CZD) B-2 0.5 Miles R Z18-14 URBAN MIXED USE RURAL RESIDENTIAL GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER CONSERVATION COMMUNITY MIXED USE COMMERCE ZONE Place Types Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 8 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 9 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 10 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 11 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 12 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 13 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 14 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 2 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - September 6, 2018ITEM: 2- 9 - 1 NE W HAN O VE R C O UN T Y P LAN N IN G B O AR D R E Q UE S T F OR B OAR D AC T IO N ME E T IN G D AT E: 9/6/2018 R egular D E PART ME N T: P lanning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Brad S chuler, C urrent P lanner C O N TAC T (S ): Brad S c huler; Wayne C lark, P lanning & Land Us e Directo r S UB J E C T: P ublic Hearing (Staff Presenter: Brad Schuler) Rezoning Request (Z18-15) – Request by Mc Kim & Creed on behalf of the property owner, S E N C A P roperties, LLC, to rezone approximately 14.57 acres of land located in the 1100 block of Pandion Drive, from R-15, Residential District, to (C UD) R-10, Conditional Use Residential District, in order to construct a high density development. B R IE F S UMMARY: T he ap p licant has req uested this item b e c o ntinued to the O c tober 4, 2018 meeting in order to allo w the W MP O and NC DO T to c o mp lete their review of the T I A c o nducted for the p ro ject. T he item is s till includ ed o n your agenda bec ause the req uest fo r continuance was made after p ublic no tic e was c o mp leted and the Bo ard must autho rize the continuance at its meeting. S T R AT E G IC P LAN ALIG N ME N T: Intelligent G rowth and Ec o nomic Develo p ment R E C O MME N D E D MO T IO N AN D R E QUE S T E D AC T ION S : C O UN T Y MAN AGE R'S C OMME N T S AN D R E C OMME N DAT ION S : (only Manager) Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 3 Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 NE W HAN O VE R C O UN T Y P LAN N IN G B O AR D R E Q UE S T F OR B OAR D AC T IO N ME E T IN G D AT E: 9/6/2018 O ther Busines s D E PART ME N T: P lanning P R E S E N T E R(S ): S haro n Huffman, Dep uty C o unty Atto rney C O N TAC T (S ): S UB J E C T: Election of Officers (S haron Huffman, Deputy County Attorney) 1. Chair 2. Vice Chair B R IE F S UMMARY: S T R AT E G IC P LAN ALIG N ME N T: Effec tive C ounty Management R E C O MME N D E D MO T IO N AN D R E QUE S T E D AC T ION S : C O UN T Y MAN AGE R'S C OMME N T S AN D R E C OMME N DAT ION S : (only Manager) Planning Board - September 6, 2018 ITEM: 4