AUGUST 31 2018 BUILD APPSfcr---;rF;l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLt CATI O N TYPE : RESIOENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER AtI- QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsiblliv' ctw ,r4 cl [-2 ol -45w Number (of{ice use) nS-c--F' APPLICANT'S NAME h PROJECT ADD suBDrvrsroN: Date ztP ,Q.tqo'1 LOT g 201 PHONE f 9itt - kt,g-2 sstPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:!- OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR CITY tt: )t?01 A LDG TICENSE E //14) $:foN AP:1ADDRESS: EMAII- ADDRESST PROJECT CONTACT PERSON XDet Garage (sF) ! Pool (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? KYes D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated: PHONE ?it - qv 3 "aqt7 tr Porch (SF) e. CITY:lc,r t Lo yv1. w{: Unheated: PHONEI EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I alteration D Renovation D ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *I'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*' 6 r,T TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 0 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingl fi-ves E trto 0.oa ,/to^ k Sn,'*A c ves (no to the Accessory Structure X Yes E No the current site? tr YesF No No Total Acres Disturbed: ) ?4JUL tg 1r34|:i Y Property Use/ Occupancy:le Family E Duplex E Townhous€tgxtl ta )qx2Description ot Work:aa- q laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servi€es Center willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved s and spe(ifications or chan8e in contradorinformation. "'NOTE: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permits will be in violation ot the NC State Btd8 Code d subiect to /^14 C>Owner/Contractor:Signature: 'Licensed Quolifier" lsthe property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious 1r"", i5 I ( sq rt New lmpervious Areai IrS L Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Ves p trto WATER: S CFPUA E Community System E private Well E Central We E Aqua SEWER: \ CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone; _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ 4 Comment: permit Fee: S .) on Print '-. s- aot | ,d/ ( n Att Garage (5F) _ E Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n other (SF)_ F"*;l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAI PI-EASE ANSWER ATI QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' I -q Number (ofllce use) B.;id on , B/B//g EE|\- (!aao APPLICANT'S NAME:h I oL. PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBOIVISIONT CITY: Yl-lrr za,lqzt? PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:AL PHONE #:9tt>-6t1-\o:,2- OWNER'5 ADDRESS:79r-<.Sa.'..rt- r.l rrw: Slazr.zn,Z8''lGl CONTRACT ADDRESS: 'oes-n :IJ .A BLDG LICENSE # 5T $no)P: EMAII. ADDRESS:/hc-^lo PROJECT CONTACT PE PHONE:to EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: E Alteration d Renovation fl General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation *,*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*}'} n Attcarage (sF)-*- ! Detcarage(sF)_ [ porch (sF) ! Sunroom (5F) [ Greenhouse (SF]- ! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint?E) yes D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated: rOrAL PROIECT COST (Less too: S Z6t O()O ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes ,i ,{o ii,il,'jl[.iT';?1ffiil:,I;"]:"jT:ff:i:::T^'""::[j::*",',]:]'['TX"J-:". " *fLOOD ZONE ls there Electrical Power on this Building?,ts yes E tto Property Use/ Occupancy:E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: @ CITY: \ Unheated: DISCIAIMER; I herebyrertify that allthe information jn rhis application is correct and allwork will laws and ordinances and reSulations_ The NHC D€velophent Services Center wiltbe notified ofain{o.mation....NOTE: Any wort performed without the appropriate p€rmitswill be in complywith the State Building other applicebl€ State and local the approved plans Bldg tions or chan8e in cont.actor uP to SSm 00"' Owner/Contractori 'Licensed Q\olilier" violation oft Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? dyes Cxisting lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft WATER: EI CF SEWER: F cF Zone: Efkc*tv<- lre- rZ No .il rffLltfi\Ltllty kE 12- Total Acr€s Dlsturbed: PUA E Community System fl private We[ E Centrat We E Aqua NO -U C H_:_, ryTl:kff$ffi, J fl ;lil:, u'" ?c,r ra,r c{ lpproval: 0!.- City:&).L10 Date: (, . I q . I $ Ftoodt lAl h -Lth lv) - (N) _ Brr*r* &eCh L( kr.u'.."\- N, stv,YLr.e P),o 5ft+*. Com c AC Permit Fee: S (7 Print ralr,,'- D Pool (sF)-_n Storage Shed (SF)_ .E ottrer (sr) 50 ?a}{..cooa-r €xisting Land Disturbing permit; E yes D trto ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP L, CAflO N fY P E : RESIDENflAI PLEASE ANSWIR ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Project Responsibillty' e5|g-q6a) L8-2456 Appli..tion Number (omcc us.) APPTICANT'S pap1g. Addis Conslruction + Property Maintenance, LLC Date: 07131118 PROTECT ADORESS:' 22LB Barnett Ave 61Ty Wilmington a?.28/03 SUEDtVtStON:LOTfr PROPERTY OWI{ER'S NAME:H+1, MAG, lnc pHONE f: 910-538-5353 coNTRAcToR: Addis Construction + Property Maintenance, LLC BTOG TICENSE C:52117 ADDRES5: 511 Shipyard Blvd 6py. Wilmington sr: NC zrp. 28412 EXISnNG CONSTRUCTIOT{: fl Alteration n Renovation C General Repairs NEW COI{SIRUCrIO : ! Erect New Resadence fl Addition to Existin8 Residence E Relocation ...PL€ASE CHECI( A'{O A'{SWER EEIOW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..' 0 Att Garate (SF)_n Oet Garase {SF)tr Porch (SF) [] Sunroom (St)tr Pool (sF)n Stora8e Shed (SFl _ ! Other (SFlfl Greenhouse (SF)-! Deck (5r) ls the proposed work changint the existing footprint? E Yes E No g6hg51s6; 112 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S 172,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? [ Yr3 E tlo ls any Electrical, Plumtint or Mech.nlc.l work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes ! ,{o lftheprorectisaR€locatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYe3f]No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Buildint? E Yes E o Property Usc/ occupancy: I sintle Family n Duplex C Townhouse Desglptlon of Work:New Construclion laws and ordinance! and regulations, The NHC D€valopment serviaes centcr willbe nolified ofany ch.nges in information. " ' NOTI: Any wort performed without the appropri.te permits will be in violalion of rhe NC Stat€ d plans.nd sDa.ifiaationt or chaoSe in contreator to frne5 up to 55fi).m"' Owner/contractor; Brooks Addis Signature: 'Licensed Quoliliet' Print Nome lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? E Yes E t{o E stint lmpervious Arca: 0 sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed: 042 Naw lmpervious 41s3; 1 ,590 Sq rt Existint Land DisturbinS Permlt: , Yes . No WAIER: E CFPUA n Community System D Private well n Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: I CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua zone: - officer: - s€tbacks (Fl - (rHl - (il{) - l8l -Approval: - City: - Date: - flood: (Al - (V) - (Nl - BFC+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S I owN€R'S ADDRESS: 511 Shipyard Blvd 6lly Wilmington 71p: 28412 EMAtt ADDRESS: addishomebuilders@gmail.com pxoltg; 910-452-'1663 pRorEcT cot{TAcT p6j591; Brooks Addis pg6xg;9104521663/910t1432638 TOfAt Sq FT UI{DE R iloroi lJor prcposed workl Heated: 1,478 ,,'*a010 ,-l:-:i,\. ffi, APPTICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT I O N IYPE: RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" tl 1-;U i6 E t;6 1t{ i11 ft,(r Da te ?l-1 g11y. L- ,I tyr, , PHONE ,, /' zlP I PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME owNER',S ADoRESS: lq/l) N -c,'')l1'rz,r,*Q51"-+- LJ^:(a 5el3 Ao'-',<: 'r- ZIP 1 1 );'b L- L. ,( L-r' lcr-.l (4. ,,/ 4- * (Lt,.- CITY ST: zlP: EMAIL ADDRESS:I PRO,,ECT CONTACT PERSON ! Att Garage (SF)- D Sunroom (SF) n Greenhouse (5F)- E Det Garage (SF)- tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) ! Porch (5F) n storage Shed (SF)_ y(oter 1sr1 t^ II L " /Y19 PHONE PHONE ( Q rt't .S tlc -<43 .t /l c7 c EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E4'enovarion E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: D Erect New Reria"n." ! Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation *,I *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW AI-L THAT APPI,Y TO YOUR PRO.'ECT*** Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroom s? 3 ves pKo ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure V lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E-No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E tes ! No Property Use/ oc€up ancy: ffingle FamilY E Duplex E Townhouse .'fr No Description o{ Work 1 ot'4 Le'*rst.1, izts DAa-brJlrt laws and ordinancer and reSutations The NHC Development Se.vices Center will be notiiied of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. +*.NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permi5 will be in violatlon of the Nc state Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00"' Owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoIiIiet" €)tz aLdL Mlc{,- (Signaturei /Y\t ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft v6 Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: - Yes a No wafER ,/C CFPUA ! Community system D Private well tl central well fl Aqua SEWER fl CFPUA f] Communitv System n PrivateSeptic f] Central Septic D Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment Permit Fee: S c ? t"oT ii: ./BLDG UCENSE #:- CITY: .) I ls the proposed work changin8 the existinB footprint? ! Yes tri \ yrl ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJot ptoposed work) Heated: I I I/ TorAt PRoJEcT cosr (Less Lot): 5 llL I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibllity'' roU-Q53) w-=2684 (oflice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Carrie Fales Date. 0812012018 PROIECT ADORESS: 4608 Serenitv Point CITY: Wilminoton. NC ztP: 28409 SUBDIVISION: Serenilv Point PROPERW OWNER'S NAME:Carrie Fales PHoNE fl:989-50'l-0895 OWNER'S ADDRESST 4608 Serenity Point CITY: Wilmingion NC Z\P 284O9 CONTRACToR: John Urban BLDG LtcENsE {:38837- ADDRESS: PO BOX10537 CITY: Wilminoton sTr NC_ZIP: 28404 EMAII. ADDRESS:l rrheni/6)r rd2rah aom PHONE ql n-256-5074 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: John tJrban PHoNE: 910-443-5869 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: El Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence g( Addition to Existing Residence i Relocation .+,PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI,OW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT''' ! Att Garage (SF)_E) Det Garage (SF) 952 D Porch (sF) ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) Ef Deck (sF) tr Storage Shed (SF)_ ! creenhouse (sF) _100 tr Other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: 12'16 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 100k lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes g No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Elr,Ilo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Ef Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: Ef Single Family ! Duplex O Townhouse Description of Work: l3w5 and ordinances and r€tulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notilied ol any changes in the approved plans and specilicationr or chanee in contractor information. r"NoTt: Any work performed without th€ eppropriate permits \eill be in violation of th€ NC State EldB code and subje.t to fines up io S5OO.OO'.. Owner/Contractor: John Urban Signature: "Licehsed Quolilier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? M/Yes ! No Existing lmperviousArea: 6204 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb€d: .02 New lmpervious Area: 7715 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes Ef No WATER: ! CFPUA EJ Community System E Private Well E Centralwell f] Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA g Community System ! Private Septic ! CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ {RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft: _ Comm€nt: NiltAlcU Permit Fee: S \ t) tOT |4608 Serenity Point APPLICATION Number (office Use ))/ D^tEt ? / tR / eoU- PHoNE *: Qro-?o0'7{?( il NEt^i HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANShIER ALL QUESfIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]I(I "Project Responsibility" rrdAPPLICANT'S NAME: DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT ADORESS: PROPERTY OKINER,S N'U{E : ot^INER's aDDRESS r 3d.f CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS; EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO] ECT CONTACT PERSON: /", CITY: 'e,/t LL LrcENsE #: CTTY: ZIP i-lc /+\ 7ro-*lo /trr OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAME :C,{v /'/" PHONE *: h*sTt LLztP I lte/_ sf twzr?ta?y0 c43 Exrsr coNsrRUcrroN: 6L ALTERATToN lf Relocation, is lhere a Natural Gas Line on th RENOVATION ent Site? fl Yes GENERA M'r"e Curr NEhr coNsTRUCTrOt'l: ! rnrcr trw srnucrunr I FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PHONE S: ltd- )oc-) vii( PHoNE s: 9to - )oc -79Y6 L REPAIRS RE LOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Ives ffilto SHELL UPEIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ((heck All rhat apply) )iLvAt I If UPFIT - The Shell Permit # If Yes, r.rhat h/as the Previous Occupancy Type? ***** rs rilrs A CHANGE oF occupaNcy usrl flvrs E[ro ----- What is the Nev/ 0ccupancy Type? Is Elect Power on this Building EI Yes E lo PH PH 1to-?re.ow\xc nee *.Sa.rveARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: s (t DESCRlPTION OF WORK: TOTAL PROJECT COST n 0c BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTTJRBED tvA NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: I | 11. - tlsa 4No NC REc #, a - /o ).< ls food or beverages pr€pared or seryed in this s.tructure? E YesfilNo ls The Proporty Located ln The Floodplsin?nYes/KNo ng Code and allolher applicable Slale ha app Bldg Code and A&he(oua!n€, / lPn Nsh.) - V- contaln Abeslos or nd. Yd, ere,€qulrod !o call lh6 Nalooal Embslon S'landerds fo. H€z6rdsus Alr Po uarns (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 st ban 10 days prior to lhe demolition ofany racjlity or bulldlng. See Asbestos Wab Siler hllpJ rww.epinde.nc.us/epi/asb€nos/ahmp.himl 14f,UG ii 8t3ifrtlss++# OF UNITS t'-# OF STORIES 1 # OF STRUCTURES: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T'IYES E NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC Enpr ECONDO OTHER: COMMUNITY SYSTEM flWELL EZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON PRTVATE SEPTTC fICOMMUNTTY SYSTEM SO FT PAYVIENT METHOD flcesn [cnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) IAMERToAN ExpREss &r"r,.o Iotscoven PROPERTY USE]XOFFICE E WATER; SEWER: g'creue ELCFPUA zoNe: fl D orr npptor"-il--TiC- c CENTRAL SEPTIC ICER: l,J t SETBACKS ity: ll i}1 DATE LOOD: "JIIA-r""r# aa: N k a: N fA (FOR OFFICE USE REVISEO DATE 4/11/12 ---)- BFE+2ft= I N PERMIT FEE: es l.r r t\ f€l(<ter l\(ILc-l. a Q.{ Fp-rupr.lq l<hes5 Comment h r"nc( extzvrov apgrcva{\\\o /1 l-/ ah^ir lnspcctirxr Requrreo, 9 I S254S0l )btfl.qq]4 t+-24> I CITY: I SIGNATURE: SQ FT PER FLR: - # OF FLOORS: _ r) ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATT0N rYPE: RESIDENTIAT PLTASE ANSI,IEN A[[ QiJESTIO}I5 APPLTCAILE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Resporsibility'' nr-*..n"- |Lw, srul'tL Lt<- CITY BLOCK t: _ LOt r: zc(*qqrct#762 APPLICATIOI.I Number (offt(! Uer) oa*r84'(-i7APPLTCA!'T,5 M'{E : DEVELOPER: ADDRE5S:12 PRO]ECT AODRESS: suSDrVrSroN:a-y od PIOPERTY OT.'NER, S I,IA''IE:Gt^r-r.,H"!"a itr^. OhITIER,S ADDRESS:CITY: J-l.t,?..-P LICENSE i:6 blllp CITYr el P HONE zte: ZA{oQ ?,1 PHONE *:?t f-e ru -8/b,*@;zza,rv *N1!.ue'Z7A /Y i.qlg-.122-Ar?O t EI1AII ADORE55: J?o pRoJEcr coinAcr pe,nson, --A qccos 2o, ok PHoNE f : q9-l 15J9.24 3 ExrsTrM coNsIRucTIoNr ! alrrurrotl ! neuovarrot ! eerrnrl REPAIRs fl RELocATIoN NEl, coNstRUcTIot: E|.erecr NEul REsIDENcE o" ! aoottrotl To ExIsTItlc RE5TDE[6E ..PLTASE CHEC( AT{D A'{sWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUS PRO]ECT: Eoii **ou f (po sr florr ornacr sF El PoRcH !67 s, ! rrr*oor - sr I rool - sF I sronact.-sttto - sF fl onerrurouse - sr f| oecx - sr orxERt '/z z --s 5 c-ff'a-- TorAL HEATED so rr, 3i rt' --rora,- *;T,I,*F*'i. r, , r,, if,io r{ri'iT, TorAL PRoJEcr cosr (L!s5 Loo : $2o1 ,oo o # ot sToRrES: Z ' a'tt <- rs Any ELECTRICAL, ptul,lSltlc or ttECflAtlICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Strwture? [ V91 [l fo ff tie proiect is a Relocation, is there a tlatural 6as Line on the Current Site? f]Ves FLHo rs there Electrical Power on this Building? EI.y"s flHo PRoPERW USE / OCCUPA CY: E.srr,t6lE FA^.rrrY fl ouelu E ror.rmpusr DESCRIPTIOTI OF NOR(: OISCLAIMER: I hotcby c.riit |h.t atr inbm!$on h hts apptic.ion 15 conccr and rll wo*rvll comply wit he Slale Eulldhg Codr ind.ll oh.r spplc.bl. St t lnd bcsllawt and odhanccs.^d IeCul.l'ons.Th.NHCOGvEbp.ntSl.Ivke!crnGrwilbenolfic6ol.n)dlgl9.sbthoagprovcd9lan5rd.D€dficttbntordranl.hcontecbror Appropriat P..mlrr wll ba h \robson ollh. Nc siat Bldg c.d. .nd subirl b sUpToconrracbr hb.ma!on. "1{oTE: Ot{,NER/CONTRACTOR 51ut (Prlnt lt'i')rr r:r a*a a * * a a + * r +* +* * *t +* ** iil;i i i i * { ai a * *+ * * ** it + t+** ** ** 'r +* +,} + * + +*tar**a* * * +* * * a + + ** +* +* rs rHE PRoPERTY LoCATED-IN A-FLooDPLAT ?'l:l YEs-84 No - EXISTIM II,TPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEO: NEN r pERvrous AREA3 _ sQ Fr EXIST LAND DI5TUREING ptn rr, l--l VrS El ruO lrArER: [[CFPUA D comtlulrrv sYsrEM D PRTVATE IIELL f! crNrrrl urelt sEr.lER: F.rFpuA ! ceHrul sEprrc E pRrvArE s€prrc f] cour'ruurw svsrtm ..' SEPAIATE PERTIIIS REQUIRED FOR ELEC'I, I4ECTI, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PRETAES & INSERTS ..' ,orr,r nrr*oo, - E.ns* f].*i.K (PAYABLE ro nuc; ! rue nrcAl ExPREss E ltt"to fl orscovtn **t*rtt***,t,l,l*)t***t*+:|+**:**+*'t**,*+*rt****'*'***l+**r******'r******'l*l'+*'+***t*++****+*** (FOF OIFTCE USE Orll.Y) iEwsEo oArE 0r/11/12 SETEACKS: E:- LH:- Rll:- 8:- FLOOD: BFE+2ft An! Worl P.rlomcd w/O , (i*k, , c,.r.5IG!,IATURE: zoNE: - 0t FrcER: fi tv'DATE:u(a COI{TRACTOR : PHONE 8: ,Jsv 2ot&-Qqz 1,,' NEW HAM)VER COUNW BUfLDItttG PERII{IT ApplrcAtro,t rr"r.. C0{|{ERCfAL PLEASE ArlsrEn aL[ QuESTrOtts lppLIarLE a "rr, ,*oraa, 'prorect Respomibititf .", /c 'u,t 6. c.. F.o."_,/"APPLTCAiIT'S AIE: OEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: occuPAr{T/Blrslt{E5s M}tE : a PROPERW Ot ltER'S tA E: OHT{ER'S AIDRESS: Po.u-o.,f, EtqAlL tfiRESSt ,vL a,,, PRO]ECT COiITACT PERSO : NEr{ COi,TSTRUCTTO{: ACCE'SORY STRIrcTURE: APPLICATIOII ltftben (offtc. Us.) D r* e -.Lg- up: q *c/llcrw: L.-z-t LICEiTSE *: CITY: C 6 a'P}O E S: Plor{E P ,.IE *: zal c- (a C..oM sr *tq/.1 -?2/- at.- -,-i', st.1!!uez2ttrt2' ./z-ztp,2-l/s,(a-zt4.Eji.. filo -J"j- ot>7 co TRACTOn ! AI'ORESS: .t a../ PHol{E *: (O|tct All ll|at lpgry) EXIST CO STRUCTIO'I:ALTERATlol{n REiOI/ATIOI{!GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATTOfltrlf Ralocation, is there 8 Natursl Gas Une on the Curred Site?trYes No lS BLDG SPRTNKLERED?flves flto EREcr f,Elr srRUcruRE I rlsr rracr I snrr.r_ ! upFrr E aD To Exrsr srRUcruRE 4k LZ If UPFrT - The SheII Pennlt *: .*... rs rHIs a ot .l6E IF Yes, rlrat ns th€ P'!!'idrs (kcup.ncy r}Ile? Polrer on this auitding ffi E Ho Yts [m.....is the its Occupancy Typ€t _ Is Elect or ocormv usrr Il,lat ARCI{ oESIGI', PROFESSI0i{AL : EilGR DESIGT{ PIOFESSIo Atr NC REG *: NC REG *iexitt/t 1itr" x f'o4*-l ,zt/,ly'.<,' PH: PH: OESCRIPTION OF hIOR(:z l'*ta, AcREs DISTURBED: _ D.ST rAND DTSTURBTNG pERMrn f] yES I xONEW TMPERVTOUS AREA:_Sa FT D(|ST|NG IMPERV|OUS AREA -pRopERTyusE EoFFrcE flnesraumnr f]uencannr-r Deurc fiAor flconm onre*yAH:E3ffi,lEffi H't*trffi*",cEA?;1;,?,T'ffi FEATI.,t SO FT .. SEPARAIE PERM|TS REOUTRED FOR EIfCT pAyltENT TiETHOO: ICASX fiOreo< pavaau ZONE:_OFFICER:ApprDvat Cit),r-DATE: . FLCpD: Commsrt . MECH. Pt3c. cas EQUtp. PREFAaS r lNSEtrs h ro Ntlc) EerenlcAil E)(PRES finclrcn florscoven FOR OmCE US€O&Y) SETBACKS:F:_LK_RH:_B: -BFE+2fr il PERMIT FEE: RFVEED OAIE fifi2 a CEI\/ED AUG 3 1 ?01$t 0$t4.r )rptc" D"^\t) %)--13- 5tr1 r-4datud^ffiRE APPLICANT'S NAflE: DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTIIT APPLICATId\I IYPE: COI4I1ERCIAL PLEAS€ ANsLlER ALl, QUESTIONS APPLICABIE 70 YO.,8 PRoIECI "Project Responslblllty" Ch.^.q ('.s,s ,-tr ?->,1 GJ.-J.,s L7 - 402L aP-PLrcarroN I'lumber (Offi(! urc) D,oE. l->-9'11 occuPANT/8U5UrtEsS MlilE :c- PROPERTY OtiNER'5 !,lAr'tE :t{-tl.urui-t< ALTERATION Gas Line on the -.1 ls food or beverages plepared or served rn this stru PRO]ECT D IOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBEO: gla <.r.1g NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ;{le-I PHONE #:zrP:)[rlr, ST: -ZIP4- .sr;t.LzrPt >glll -PHONE *:g-1o.39>-.6gf,V . P}ONE *:1to'21 a .aarl to RELOCATION OtINER,,5 ADDRESS: ._!A\ CO TRACTOR:h"^t l,'olol / _rrcmse r: lS8?S 0t- ADDRESS;a c - CITY: Ur.*i PsJl-r EIIAI L o PRO]ECT CONT (Ch..k Atl Ih.t rrply) EXIST COI.ISTRUCTIOiI: Elf Relocalion, ls there a Natural T-'I RENOVATLJCurrent Srle? rot{GEt{ERAL REPAIRSresNo lS BLDG PH KLE 't NC REG *tt)-nt? SE CLASSIFICATION aeyl'-v."f - NEI,I CONST ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY If UPFIT - The Shell Permit fi fs Elect Poxer on this Building f. Yes NO .r.1* rs THIs a cltANGE 0F occuPAlCY USE?f YEs f. ilo...., IF Ycs, rhat ras thc Previous Occupancy Type? - Yhat ls the eu Occupancy II8fitrrrr* PRoFEssroM!: tt -un. 4."uG . pn, j{a.l€c> Nc RE6 *: lo-?1G No RUcrrovg/E*e STRUCTURE: cr NE!.J SrRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK ! sHE ET{GR DESId'I PROFESSIOiIAL DESCRIPTION OF hORK: No OISCLAIMER.I hcrcby c.rtity ul3t eI inlormauon rn snd locslhws erd o.din5nc6! and rcqulaions. The or ctanoe ln conkacloa or conlraclor litorm3lon "Subi€dlo Fines Up To 1500.00-' . ,o*ri*r"o*r*"ro*, Y"l.CL.! I. 9 ( SIGNATURE: L # OF UNITS: o t-t # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: es J- No Llt c,CA. Prope,ty Located ln The FloodplainP/_ Ye{-_ lie sl,ate Building code and a,l other applic.ble stalo ohns and sDeclficalionsNC Srale Bldg Cod€ a.d SO FT cf-IAPrTlcoNDo oftrer L,t/o{T:se NH NO Nole: O€moli0o.t nodc€ions A asba3los removal per mil app rcatons are ro be submin€d Ushg lno 6pck rron to.m (DHH$3768) whdher tE bcjtiry or blldang w63 tound b coobin Asbeslos o, noL Yoo a.o requircd lo calrhe Narional Emission Sri,rdards lor li.2.rdous l\ir Poltrants (NES}aAP)er (9!9)707.5950 sl ban 1O dsys pdor to ho d€flolltbn ot al!, fadlty or bundhe. S.c A3b€slos wob Sto I rp r^r2i , : .r .c uVep/asb€stogahmp.nlinl PRoPERTY USE: T-]OFF|CE l-l nesrau werca: ydrpif, ncorr,ril-uurrv sv ,rl'r?fi 2o':i-,H^::Illi: :':' BUILDI SOFIP d OF STR SO FT RANT I,4ERCANTILE EDU C STE [4 f;rVA TE SEPTIC WE LL T.[ ZONrNG U SiCotvtt"tuutw i :] ' .]8 iIL' ', MICII, PL8G. GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS A INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l- CHrCrlelVnul[ roNHC) T.AMER|CAN EXPRESS r- MCA/|SA f-_ OTSCOVEn (FOF ar rrCE USE ONL,r,) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RH B UPFIT "bJ-( .{$,ul SQfo sn L€#rt- . PIlo E f: Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2tt_A v - fll ,4<qComment_ - PERMITFEE:I _ r -__ l I C<) /{d,' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TYP E: RESIDENTIA| PITAST APPUC]qI{T,S NAME: PRO,ECT ADDRESS: suEDlvlsloN: PROPERTY OWNENTS OWNER'S ADDRTSSI T.IAME: CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: t lr.- EXIsTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration fl Renovation D GeneralRepairs Addition to Eristing Residence E Relocation 2ot8-qqn "-7 az2 TO YOUR PROJTCT CITY: CITY Date CITY NEW COI{STRUCrIONT fl Erect New Residence I ..'PttAsE otEo( AilD O Det Gara8e (sF) - tr Pool (sF) O Deck (Sr) €xistinE footPrint? D Y No IOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF (Fr TOTAL PROJECT COST (TC55 LOt} ls the prop€rtY locat€d in a floodplain? E Ye' 6 No Eristint lmPervious Area: ..=- 5q rt Tolal Acres oisturbedi PHONE C 4/2,I 7zt_9 P: LOT f B ZlPl L s6 6) uctNsE P P'IONE:? 29765s A?{SWER BELOW AI'ITHAT APPLY TO YOUB PROECT"T fr ^ncailsetsil 57b E Sunroom (SF) - El Greenhouse (SF) -- E th€ ProPos€d work dlanglng the A Porch (St)JZD fl storage shed (SF) -' "" /922 76Unheated: tr other (Sr) - ts the proposed work changint the numb€r of bedrooms? E Yet A o b any Ehctdcrl, Plumtiru o' rvr""r"nrrai"lJ*irrg jo"" to ti'" o"cessory stucture El Ycs l' No ,t iil pr.f* o , *"catlon, ls there a watural Gas llne oh the current 5he? E Yes 'LJ{ots there Eiectncal Pswer on thls Buildlng? El Ye' E) No PrcpertY Use/ OEcuPancY:0 Singlc F.mllY tr DuPl€x tr Toynhoure D€scrlption otworl: DlsclAr{El: I hercbY c.nifYthai 311 ih!hlonhslbn in thlt appllc.ttcn It conEt Ind .ll u/o* t lll c.rnply vilh the SEle AulldlngCod€ antl all other .pdi6ble 9:re 'nd b(.L NHc DerdoPrD€nr SErvlc€! centcr will b'notlflrd of .nY chrte3 ln ihe rhan8e ln conttactor and ordhanc6 and rcgulationt fhe will bt tn vbtabon ol lh€ N ro 956.00"' Into(matlon. "'NgTt: aiY Ovrner/Co ractor: 'Llccns.d Quolil2t' w slSnatu New lmPervious Area:l1A0 scFt Erlstlng Land Distltblnt Permhr E Yes P No WATER: D CFPuA E Community System D Private w€ll E C€ntralwell D Aqua snr,ER: C CTPUA tr Community System g Private Septic D Centralseptic D Aqua Comment: zone:.-offi.eIl--setbacks[F}-(LH)-(RH)_-(B}- Approval: .'-- CitY: - Date: -_ ftood: (A) - (v) - (N) - 8fE*'* -*rn ,"", $ ?uutS$' 00 >-)