SEPTEMBER 6 2018 BUILD APPSLDII.IG PERMIT ERCIAL 2ot8-wM L8-2653NEI^I HANOVER COUNW A?PLICANON NPEt CEFT (FOR OFRC€ t SE o$tLYl B Pl-EtsE Ar6HrR Atl. QU€SrIoXS ApPIICAB T fO YOI'R PRO]ECT 'ProJect Responsl Irty" APPLICANT'S tIAI.lE I -Mobile - F c litie e# oEVtLoPEnr Dewber En Ineers PRO]ECT ADDRESS I 3 tsvill Avelue oCCUPANT/BUSINESS MrlE:'l',bile PRoPERTY ol IER'S ilAt'lE: 0 NEB's ADDRESs: 3330 Wrishtsville Avenue CoNTFACIoR: Infi nity Comrnr.rnicatiols for T-Mobile ADDRESS: 110 Litho Wav tl\tAll AoDRESS I PROIECT COITACT PERSO : F ((h.ck all lh.t app! '+I'' IS THIS A CH.A}I6E OF OCCUPAITY US F}rIl., ctinl\-) |}o!..: Dqnollhll not !a!do.!. a ls!-!a omov.l psamn !9dkaiofi. ut D b .ubmltbd Llr10 :32 APPL ICTTIOI{ tild€r (of*t<e u") DATE:-.!Ar!g- PlOilE * r Wilmi ngtoD,]JC--- ztP't 2ELQI P}ONE *: srr jj_CzIPr284Ql E *| SSJALD-* AccouNr t: Durham sTrllczIP:27703 bl6 St 16 NC stat6 #fi cd}I, CITYI IIC E CTTY: EXTST CONSTRI.'CTIO'I! It Rolocdon, b there 8 NBI ffi llrrnarrox I nerovarrou I ural c.&s L.ino oh the C,Irrent Sjle? LJYos tr ERAL REPAIRS RELOCNTION IS BI. DG SPRII.IK uneoz l]] v""nNo Eh' COrlSTRUCTrOi,t, I tnrCr Ell srRucruRE I rasr rnacx sxer-l I urrr ffi ADD ro Exrsr srnucruiE ACCTSSORY STRUCTURE: Is E ct Polr€r on this 8u1ldlng E Yes E lo ffvrs fflriP ""*' IF Yor, rtrat ra3 the P.evlous Occupancy Type?!.s the Nerr, OcsuPancy Type? PH:NC RE6 SlAncH DESTGN PROFESSIoML I ETJ6F OESIGN PROFESSIOML:fi: ctl9,-42a-37t8 Nc REG [: 02990f,- DE5CRIPTION OF hPR(: lB food or b€vfiEo€o tr€parod a .svcd ln tde *uttnoz flves ffi No Iho ftoFty Loccsd In Tho EoodCdn? E ves ffi No B IGNATURE: rvhctt.r fii l&lu9 o. boildlv ll!€ idi,ld ic! !.otln A.a..b. o, rbt You .re ttqultd D o.ll lh. fi.lorrl €hhd.o Sgtdlda h. rt-no€Pdulnr (N€SMP) .l (e19)m7.5t5o .t L.{ 10 d.yr Fo. b Il. .bmoiio.l ol.ny tbdllv or hMilq. 8.. ^rbcau ylob Sln: hrprl$^m eli..!!lo. M roTAL PRoJECT cosT: $lJ5QQfuQ[-- SUILD|NG HEIGHT: IOTAL AREA SA FT SO FT PER FLR:f OF STORIES:--t OF FLOORST-***IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ---__* t OF STRUoTUFES: ACRES DISTURBEDI -,EXST D DrgruRBrNG PERMTT? EJYEs f] No NEV'/ IMPERVIOUS ARE,'f 1).so Fr Exls l,lN IMPERVIOUS ARE,& PFopERryusE Elopnce f]neoreunerr lurncarnu I Eesr trOONDO OTHETT WATER ECTPUASE\I/ER fj CFPUA SA FT ElzotlNa usE clAs{irFrcATloN: COMUIJNTTY SYS]EM CB pAYirENr MErHoor EcAsH f] drEo< (PAYAELE To !8rc) ffBl ACOoIJNT IUOVSA I Orscornn flcotrlruuNnY SYSTEM EWEII [:CENIRAL 8EPTIC LI PRJVATE 6EPT1C LA ZONE: Apgorsl:_-.1f, 4- cft1r t,Llrl- LH.--P -FSi: o B: ID(._ ere*2fr_ N nEvr€ED r]^rE lll 1n 2 PER}TIT FEE $-conn*n, fl'lt r ,Ib FLoOD-- A Ci[' ln$tnction Rs$Neo' 91 S254'W00 I ?lti{E *t 919-42!:3718 gtoxE * 919 -424-3718 If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt *: , OF UNITS: I I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIT APPLICATI@I rYPE: COltlilERCIAL PI-€AST AI{s}'ER ALI QUESTIOIS APPI-ICABLE TO Y()(JR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" ,DB-q;O1 LW516 APPLICATIOII Number (office Use) DEVELOPER: r,Mobi t e APPLICAI.IT'S iJAT4E :T-MobiLe 5r{I0543B DAf E': I /'t /2078 PHONE *: ST I Nc ZIP : Zlq PtO E *:9t9-'t9't-2334 PHONE $:919-2a2-2249 RENOVATION tr GENERAL REPAIRS tr RELOCATION Current Sile?D Yes tr No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?I ves No PROIECT ADDRESS: 76s4 Marker srreer OCCUPANT/BUSII'IESS tlAitE: r- Mobi 1e CONTRACTOR ; rnf ini.ty communications LfCE SE S: ?4 619 ADDRESS: 110 Lirho l,[ay CITY: Dur.ham El't/tlL ADDRESS: 6 spence r@i.nf ini tycomml l c . com PRO]ECT COI,ITACT PERSON :Shane SDencer ((he.k All ,h.t Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON tf Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the rrtEr.l co srRucrro{, ! enrcr EU srRUcruRE ! rasr rnlcx ! sxrr-r- ! uerrr fl eoo ro Exrsr srRucruRE If UPFIT - The SheU Penmit $:Is Elect PoHer on this Building I Yes E*o ARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIOIIAL: Dewberry Enqineers, Inc PH PH :919-891-99-3L NC REG f: :919-881-9939 NC RE6 *: 021930 029930 Ei{GR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML: Dewberly Enqineers Inc. DESCRIPTIoN 0F tloRK: Addinq diesel qeneraEor to existinq pad. ls iood or beyerages p.epar6d or s€rved in fis anrarre? [ ves I Ho b Th6 Propsty Localed ln Ths Rooddalnl I ves p No and all other StaleDISCLAIMER: lhereby cerlit thal allinformation in snd locsli8ws and ordinances and reoulations. Theor chanoe in conrador or conlractor fntormalion "' Subjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ AcRES DISTURBED: - NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA DcoMMUNrry SYSTEM fl WELL f]CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC with the Slate SIGNATURE: f OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: flzoNrNG usE cLAssrFlcATloN: fl CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM and OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: (adii) Nolo: DomdEm no{i€rhns I enni r r€rnovol p€mlt .Ir b bo rut nltH uslng th6 epdlc.doo iorn o. bultsho Yras tourld lo TOTAL PROJECT COST: 32OOO BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS J asDostoo ( TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES: EXST TAND DISTURBING PERMT? EYES fI NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SA FT PROPERTY USE [orrrce flnesreunaNr luencmrtu [eouc [ner lcomo orHER: ,,' SEPARATE PERMII S REOUIR€D FOR ELECT, MECH, Pt BG. GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS E INSERIS '' PAYMENT METHOD:f]cnsx lcnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERIcAN EXPRESs I ucnrrsa I DISCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISEO DATE alll112 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:_ RH:- B: Approval:- City:-DATE: FLOOD: -- - BFE+2|F AVNComment PERMIT FEE: $- CITY: wilminqton, NC Zlp| 29a:.1 PROPERTY Ot'l ER, S ]UlliE: T-Mobite PHONE f: 919-42s-7611 Ot ER'S ADORESS: @ CIW: S!g49!!S- ST:IS ZIP:?9?11 ACCESSONY STRUCTURE: r**.a Is THIS A CHANGE oF ocGJPA cY usE? YEs Bm.-.-'IF Yes, rhat xas the Previous Occupancy Type? - Hhat is the 1{e!, OccuPancy TyPe? - cont ln Arbosto6 d lm You .r! |lqdrsd to call ths ttrdorEl Emb.ho Srsndsds fu lhzsntoua Ak Pollulenrs (NESHAP) rl (919)rc7-5g60 ti L6l 10 deF P.lor b nre donolitron of any 6dlty or buldlng. S.o AsbcBrG W.b Slt r ht9Jrw$.w.o9l.stare.ic.tE/e0Ubsb€68/anmp.tnml NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERHIT APPL ICATI,N rYPE: COltllttERCIAL PLEASI AI.ISI{ER ALI- QUESTIOI{S APPL:CA8LE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project R€sponsibility" ,Dl8 LH556 APPLICATIOI{ Number (office use) APPLICANT'S l,lAilE: r-Mobile slil0s4lB DATE, a /'1 / 2ar9 DEVELOPER: r- Mobi Ie PHONE *: PROIECT ADDRESS: ?6s4 Marker srreets CITY: pi161nq16n, 116 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS llAilE: r Mobite CoNTRACTOR: rnfinity cohmuni cat ions LICENSE $: 74519 ADDRESS: 110 LiEho riay EtitAIL ADDRESS: s spencer@inf i ni tycomml t c . com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: shane spencer:PI0NE #r 9t9-2a2 2249 (ch€(r Alt lhat Apply) EXIST COI,ISTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION tr GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes D No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?! v""No If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit *: ARCH DESIGN PRoFE5SIOiAL: Dewberry Enqineers, Inc ENGR DESI6I{ PRoFESSIO|IAL: Dewberry Enqineers, Inc DESCRIPTIoII 0F WORK: Addinq diesel qenerator to existlnq pad Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes Ero PH:ry19f:- PH: 919-881-9939 NC REG ,f: 029930 NC REG *: 029930 OISCLAIMER: lhereby cenify thal all information in and local laws and ordinances and reoulatrcns. The or chanoe in conlractor or contractor i-nlormation "' Subiecllo Fines Up To S500.00"' au and allother ble Stale roved of the cations and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Douqlas Fulcher SIGNATURE:(odln.4 (Pnri N.m.) Nolo: Ocmollio.! notlflcldons a ssbGtos r€movsl pomh.pplbrdorE lrD to bo sl&ritbd uslng dl€ sppllcadoi bm (OHH wholhor th€ facllity or bolldhg was iou&l t, co. .ln Asb.sb! or not Yo! ere rBqdFd to call th6 tletlon l Embd6 S'i.nd6ds ior lhardous Air Pollut nt3 (NESHAP) .l (019)707-5950 Et l€e5t 10 deys Flor ro $o dornolldon ot .ny bcllry or buldhg. S€e Asbano6 Wcb Shor hth//vriv,w.epi.sl.ate.nc.uyepuasbestos/ahmp-lnml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 32ooO BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO FT ZONE:_OFFICERApproval:_ City: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DISTURaTNC penurrr l-l ves l--l NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERwusE: floFFlcE EnesreunaNr f]uenceNrrue !eouc f]aer NDO OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA flcoMMUNlTY SYSTEM fl WELL flzoNlNc UsE cLAsslFlcArloN: SEWER: E CFPUA D CENTRAL sEPTlc Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM " SFP/\l.UtE t,EFf.,lllSlr[(]llllll)lr)lll lt-l I Nlt (H ILBG GASEOLTII-llrtlAtiSdll.lsl lilS' pAywrENr METHOD: f]CeSn [cxeCx lervmLE TO NHC) [ruUenrCm exeRESS E MCA/|SA I orsCoven SO FT (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH FLOOD: B BF E+2ft= Comment RH: N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISEO DATE 4/l1/I2 S,*,W ZIP: zee:r PROPERTY OWNER'S llAltE: r-Mobile PHONE *: 919-42s-?611 Olll{ER'S ADDRESS: @ CITY: sEgglgllS- ST: AL ZIP:@ CITY: !!I!eE_ ST: NC ZIP: 27703 u tr NEr4l coNsrRucrroN: ! enrcr NE!,r srRUcruRE ! rasr rmcx f| sxrr-r- ! urrrr ! noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ***** rs THrs A c111 GE oF occlrpANcy usrr flvrs Ian ..t-- IF Yes, lrhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ what is the l{eu Occupancy Type? _ ls food or beverages prepared or served in rHs sruar.ne? [ves p ruo b The Proporty Locatod tn tne Hoooplain? [ ves [ ruo # OF UNITS: oCCUPANT/EUSINESS titAltt: 'I' M bile PROPER]Y OhWER'S AJTIE: NElrl HANOVER COUNTY BU LDIN6 ERCIALAPPLICATIO IYPE: pLtAsf aflst{tR Ar[ ql€gr]oils ApPtI(Aa € 'O YO{,R PRO]ECT "Praject Respons lity" APPLICAI{T'5 I{A''lE I -M bile - Facilities U rade #5WI05 oEVELoPERT Dewber E lneers PRofECT ADDREsST 3330 Wri e Avenue olTE: 8/15/18 Wilmington. NC zlqt2840a Wilminston STr NCzrP:28403 T ': -.-.-......'...-st I IJC,ZIPi 27703 E #r GC 74619 - Accoul 2ot$-q4:M PERMIT 1B -2 653 APPLICATION umb€r (olfl.e o3e) sll oth., rDoUcsbl6 Star6 olansano iicfications NCst6ts Bldo code 6nd OIINER'S ADDR CCE{TRACTORI €s5:CITY; tICE C TTY: sville Avcnue Inffnitv Comrnnnic tions for T-Mob le lf R6locatlqn, is there 8 Nalural Ges [.ino on lhe Currert Slo? R EI}OVATIONnYos tr GI ERAL REPATRS TI RETOCATION IS BLDG SPRINXLERED? [ I YES LJNO EXrST CoflSTRUCTTOil I ffi llrrUrrOx n lrEH coirsrRucrroil: I rnrcr Et,l srRUcruRE I rasr rucx sHELr I uPrrr E] A00 ro ExrsT srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRIrcTURE: rf UPFrT - The sheu IS E ect Pouer on thj.s Bullding m Yes il l,o ADoRtss: 110 Litho Wav Durham EIiIAIL AOORESS: PRO]ECT CO'ITACT PERSON: (Che<t rtl fh.t app Pe.mlt #: ri.T' IS THJS A CHAMiE OF OCCUPA$Y US IF Y65, tiat wat the prevlous occuponay Typa? Ives ffir'P .'''' at ls the Ncal ocsuParcy Typrl ARCII DESI6I.I PROFESSIOML: EII6R OE5I6N PROFESS'OMI: PHi NC REG S: frt 919-424-3718 Nc REc e:!2!903_-- DESCRIPTIOi] OT hORK: lE fmd or b6vnagi€6 lr+ared s seved ln trle *unrez fives [lruo fto ftoF.ty l,,ocst€d ln Ilre Foodddn? E ves ffi No OISCLAI$ER: Ihoroby c€rtfy lhal 6ll lnlolm8llon ln and bcrl lah.s snd ordinsncaa a nd ,oo ula$ons. Iltod.$s^d6 incsnt sctor o{ co.lr8clor hlormotion. _' s,Jbl'cIo Fmoe Up ro15c0.00"' wilh rho stbto 8u OWNER/CONTRACTOR:-TUREI (oJ.n ) F tr&D) ilob: D.rnolt'(.! tlotac.dorl. a.s!-!. rsDov.l Po.mn!*b.ta.BUt t, ba srrnBid l.lr8 ooplk dofl t ,. (olsls3Tfo) wna t.r 66 ilcll,ty o. b{ildir! u.?6 lqJrd io co6rl. A$.3b. !. mt Yo{, ..e ,ioulld ! o.ll lh. Nllorrl €oLd.fl &..d.rda h. tb:r.do€Pollllrllr (NEB}i,1P) .r (919)707.5e5O rt L.d 10 d.y. dor i) ,l. d.moliion ol.ny hd,lt or bdOiro, 8.. ArD..Ea Wob SiEi iisp: r'r*rvns.s t lt..n.L6r{'i' roTAL PRoJECT COSI: $13.000.00 BUILDING HEIGHT1 J OF UNITS: I OF STORIES: - t OF FLOORS:_*-*._*TOTAL t,]iEA SO FT ;32 SQ FT PER FLR] TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF: -- I OF SfRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBEP:--..--_EXST D DISTURBING PERMIT?E]YES N NO NE\Y IMPERVIOUS AREr'', 1?,SOFT EXSTIN IMPERVIOUS ASEA;SQ F' pRopEAwusE ffilornce flnsoreunerr [urncarrtu f]Ensr Dc<lloo orHER- WAIER ECTPUA6EWER fj CFPUA COMMUNIIY 8YSTEM PAYMENT METHoor ECA6H Eld{Ed( (PAYABT-E ro $rc) f]Bl AC@lJNr EMC^ilS{ [ OrsCOrnn ElmturruNnYsYsrEM flWELt I]CENIRAL SEPT|C LI PRIVATE 8EPIIC EZONING USE CLnsslFlcAIlON: CB ZA*}CEFT r)'I b (FOR OmC€ USe 0 LY)SEVI€ED B^IE '"N2l.il: d RilQ-*a_Q-F (o ZONE: approral:_ :34_ ctr-{!l+-Y BFE+2ft- N PERMIT FEE $--crn n"n, fllu FLOOD- A Cl'ry lnsPr+clion Roqureo'910"254'09CI) PHOI{E *: ....--- PHOIE I: Ptlpi$E *t 919-42!:3718 gttottE t: 919'424-37 18 , iir:...., ..., t: rL2-' co't NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT I O N TYPE,. RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT iect Responsibility" ?ots- Qtt4u )6-nut Application Numbcr (office use) il)"3{'aAL Date B-at -nAPPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CITY LOT # 7lP)€*r5- 4 /o -- 2/b - aqtz+s'L PHON E 1/PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNTR'S ADDRTSS I I Att Garage (SF) _ I j sunroom (SF) lrl CITY CONTRACTOR CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:L 94cL PHONE txlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: i Alteration Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: i l Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *}TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*i'* c 51 ,1(C 71p d8ClrS 4ro {dq - 3/r'b E Det Garage {SF)l-l Porch (sF) __ fl Storage Shed (SF) __ I I Grecnhouse (SF)_fr otr,", {s7 1h ,alq)rru d,vlQls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed wark) Healedi Doo ToTAI- PROjECT COST (Less Lot): 5 Description of Work:7t Unheated: l:, the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? 3 ves I l5 any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Acce lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current ls there Electrical Power on this euildine? ! Yes E No \, Property Use/ occupancy: { Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse lroorv st.urtur" ! Yes ! No site? tr Yes X No olscLAlMER: I hereby ccrlily that allrhe information in thrs application is correct and allwork will comply with lhe laws and ordinan.cs 3nd re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Centor will be not lied oi any changcs ?$BUB lF 1l:ARfft1 I aode and allothcr apphcable Srate and local vpd plan5 and specifications or chan8e in contr:ctor rll Code and !ubject 1o fines up to 5500 00'**inlormation "'NOTE:An Owner/Contractor: "l icensed Quolilier" ut thq approp lu'h;c ,/Lt si performed witho r\n riate permilt L lation of th gnature: ls the property located in a floodplain? [_] Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: -__ Sq Ft h No Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes I No wnff n, M CFPUA Ll Community System E Private Well n Central Well n Aqua SEWER: Al CFPUA [f CommunrtySystem {] PrivateSeptic E Central Septic ! Aqua zone: officer: _ setbacks (F) (LH) (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: city: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) (v) _ (N) BFE+2ft= _ Commenl: Permit Fee: q $ ,lto,OD ,'j ffi zlP'. A DDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PTRSON: BLDG LICENSE iI PHONEi n Pool (SF)_ Itr Deck (SF) _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLTCAT t O N ryPE: REsl DENTIAt PI EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" !.or"1 " io*G7 obOate APPLICANT,S NAME PRO'ECT ADORESS: CITY zl LOT SUBD IVISIO N PROPERTY OWNER,S OWNER,S ADDRESS: PHONE #Jdq ^NAME:ztP:2N 4 I cCITY BLDG LICENSE f CONTRACTOR CITY ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration F Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence l=l Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* * * - Porch (St) E Att Garage (5F)"- ! Sunroom (SF)=...--- ! Greenhouse (SF)- fi$zn 28 41? PHONE 0lJ 03 O Det Garage (SF)--- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D TOTAT SQ FT UNDER RoOF lJor proposed work) Heated: rorAL pRo.rEcr cos r ltess Lotl,54.l..{9t DQL eroperty Use/ occuPancYi(single Family D Duplex fl Townhouse Description of Work: ?t1 Yes N *o 2oq ooo /n4 o?ob rr. D Storage Shed (SF)-- tr Other (SF) roved plans and specifications or chanS€ in contra'tor ode and subiect to fines up to t5o0'00"' tr Pool (SF) a Deck {sF) ts the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! les<ryNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the'Accessory Structure E Yes R No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes'lE No ls there Electrical Power on thit Building?F Yes D No information in this application is correct and allwor e NHC Development Services Center willbe notified Un he ated: of any changes in the aPP rion ot the Nc slate Bldg c with the State Suilding code and all other applcable State and local DISCLAIMER: I herebY certifY owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIiJiet" flR ls the property located in a floodplain? I v"t! f'ro Existing lmpervious Area: -- sq Ft New lmPervious Atea:Sq Ft informalion. "'*NOTE: Anv work pedormeIawt and ordinancet and regulations Th d withoutthe appropriate permitswill be inviola Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permitr I Yes X No WATER: trCFPUA E community System SEWER: D CFPUA D Communitv System D Private Well n CentralWell E Aqua Xf Private Septic ! central Septic D Aqua zonei - Officer: _- Setbacks (t) - (tH) - (RH) _- (B) -Approval:-- City:_- Date:- Flood: (A)-(V) -(N)_-BFE+2ft=- Permit Fee: S Comment ,ffi lii FLOOD ZONE W. i,iTil APPIICAN]'S NAMt, \ t,RortfT ADDtttss: 9UI]DIVISION: CON'I RACTOR ADDR E 5 5: EMAIL ADDRISS ^\...$NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L I C AT I O N IYPE : Itt5l IIENTIAL i Li,i!l n il!., Lll ii I ()ilL!T lirrjt /\r'l'l I /,0l t 1 (] l(-1L,ll pllfllt Ll "Project lle5por)Jil)rlity' )i'.{;/tq1@ztP, , t "L( t 1X-'2k5'l J I.II tc DilcorY I ir J i,i pl IoNt ir LOT r ';(ll)ROPi fil Y OWNEli'5 NAMt: i. owNt n'5 ADDtttsS:).L::----CI]Y '-)t-(I]LDG tICtNST li ST /PCITY I p^o,rc' coNTAcr pr ^ro*, (! {-'t ;':,- r--., f: 4l'Jos (P}lONE prror.tr '//t ., ''.. ,36 72r'f (t, txlSTlNG CONS'IRUCIIONT :t Alterntion [-1 nenovalion -- 6cncr,rl llcpnits NIW CONSTRUCTION t rccl Ne,, Iie5rdcnce :j ,lddition to t rrttrn[l Rr'siden(e ' Helo.alion . . , PT€AS€ CHECK AND ANSWER OTI-OW N T[ TIiAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO'ECT"' Atl G.r..]tj,r (5t ) 5!ir o.irr (\l ) (irr.,nhor,5r (51J ls lh. propor('d v/ork ahrfgrrrtl (hc cxisring footp n Drt G.r',rge lsr) _. :J Pool{Sl) I Deck lsl )- rint?.Ycs-:No Heated: U,rhcatcd t( -- - Porcn ISF) A Srora8e sl,cd (sFI_ lL L ' . :,: Othcr lsr)___- .,. IOIAL SQ FT UNDTN ROOF (IoT p ed work) TOIAT PIIOTECT COST (Lcs5 lot): S '< { 5 rlr(,propos('(i v/ork changing the numbcr of bcdroorrls? : - Ycs ,'tNo !, y cclri(al, PlunlbinB or Mechanicalwork beinB donc to rh!'Ac(cssory Strtrcttrrc .:i/Yet ,l No li lrre projc(l r5 a lletocation, il therc a Natur,rlGas Lin-e on thc currt'rll sltc2 i l Ycs L{No ls ttrore tle(tri(nl lt)rvcr c,fl thi5 Buildint? i' Ycs ll'ruo Property Usc/ O(cupanc Dcs(ription of Work: 5inglc Family : Duplex - To!vnhousc Owll crlco nt ra. tor -' : i- -t,, t , t ,\.,t Qunl !,.t Ptiht ltonlc ' rl',,nr, o,' r,, 1.,.r1,..r i,.rlk,odplu n? f,Ves fVo [xistinE lnlpcrviout Arcn: Sq tt N.w lnrpervioLls Aroi): . - _,-, Sq Ft ,_ .Cify lirqcctrur Roqureo, g l &2S4{g00 C_ -.t .': SiSnrturc 5 Tota Ixisl lAcre5 Di5turbcd inB Lirnd Di5turbing Pcrnrit: - WATER: \tJl'tlA: i Conrnrunity Systen) : PrivJleU/cll ir CL.llt.. \t\l/fil \ Ltt,'.r r .r r)I| ly 5./,r(,cr F f,rtr,\.,lrlr( , (r,r't ,",,,' P- t5 o,,,,",,(@) sctract, (ryplp 1,n1f!',10,,; App,ov,r,: Cirv:Nluh Date:15:.llq t,oor, tot A6&'rt(on,,,e,,r:frut4Jt h Wn&l u:t fUi,,lm.i"r, 3EQ\nuk{z 12 oqt\ fP'c{ '^'itr'u^n ptl5'd Not iu,,t'"ww' (N) oo,.r,t- \-Q Pcrnlit I ce: 5gN4gvu l//i^rrvd ,D "ffd1. \ / -) '-)' .t' /Y 'r r' '-'r,,/t-. ) z|l' lo NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcATIott |YPE: RESIDENTfAL PLEASE AltSnER Arr QU€sTIoflS APPLTCAEI E IO yOtR PROIECT "ProJect Responsibluty" ?n$'Qur4Lffi€T APPLICATION l{umber (Offt.e Use) APPLICANT'S llrll,lE: xen Coffer DEVCLOPER: .p r.tilt, Lr€ PROIECT-ADDRESS: 4521 Hunt6nan-ct. SUBDMSION: ParBons Mrl1 Fartn PROPERTY Oi[{ER'S tlAr'lE: .p uillr Lr,c O NER'S ADDRESS: 1202 N r,ak€ Park Brvd CoNTRACTOR: secof construction conpany, rnc ADDRESS: 1202 N r,ake Park Blvd EIi'IAIL ADDRESS: .kenjrtBeoofconstruction.com DAIEi I / 9 /20L8 PHONE #: 910-4s8-s605 CIry: Hilmington - ZIP | -2A129- - . - BLOCK fl: LOT S: 2 PHoI{E S: 9r0-458-s6os LICENSE S: i08248 CITY: cerolina Beach ACCOIJNT S: sT: t{c PHONE #: 910-458-560s PHoNE S: 910-833-4065 ztP | 28428 pROIECT COI{IACT PERSOII: Ren coffe! Exrsrrruc coNsrRucrrou: f] llrrnlrrol I narovlrroH ! arrenal neparRs E RELocATToN NElll CONSTRUCTTOU: [l rnrCr irEt,t RESTDENCE o" ! AOOITIOH TO EXTSTTNG RE5TDENCE '.PLEASE CHEC( ANo AI'ISl,llER BEI-otl ALL THAT APPLY Io YOt R PRoJECT: fl arr olnnot lrr I surnoom fl enrrHxouse ! oer ernaer E pmr I orcr sr @ eoncx 4os sF fl sronaee sueo OTHER: SF 5F I ves f| to SF SF SF SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2oo9 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R(X)Fi 2s93 ToTAT AREA sQ FT: 2893 ToTAL PROIECT CoST geus r-or1 : $ Srao,ooo # OF STORIES: 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUiIBII'16 or ECflAIfCAL l,ork Belng Done to the Accessory Structure? If the project is a Relocatlon, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the current Slte? [Ves a No Is there Electrlcal Power on this Buildlng? f]Yes I No PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCY: ISrUCLr rnr.rrrV I oUerrx I towtrousr DESCRIPTIoN OF trORK: siogle Fahlly Hodle on slab. Energy code perspective. OtSCltlliER lhelBby cs.lit hal allinb.mrlion ln fiiE applksdon b corect.nd 6[ lrork wiE comply wih $€ 6bts B,ldlog Co.,. and s[ oher 6pptaabto St ts sid tocd is$r! and odinance$ aod regulaliom. Tho NHC Dev€loprn€nl slarvic€s c€nbrwlllbe noffed ol€ny chsnges h hs epprorEd plans afld specifcatoN orch6n06 in cont acbrorconr*br inbmstorr ''llOT€: Any Wo* P6rlormed WO fie Appmpdab FomlE wil be h Vro hton o, $€ NC Stab Btdg Code OWNER/CONTRACTOR : xen cof fe'SIGNATURE I *+++:i+** *++++++:i*** *.* **** J*iTlli1l *:i+***,i,r++a:|,l,ia,t,t,t,il+++******,t*+++*+***,r:t,a****+ +****,r rs lrE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rlooopurm l*-l yes I Nq EXISTII{G II'IPERVIOUS AREA: 5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBEDI flEH IITPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT EXIST LAI{D DISTURBING pER,lIT: fl yes l--l Ho urrrn: @ crnua ! comluNrry svsrrr'r I pRrvArE I,,ELL f] cetrRru urrr srwen: I crcua fl cENrRAr sEprrc I enrvlrr sEPrrc fl confluNrry sysrEM i** SEPARATE PER''IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I1ECHJ PI.BG' 645 EQtJtP' PREFABS & INSERTS **I payuElrT r,rETHoo: fl casr ! crr.* (eAvABLE ro nrcl [erll rccolnr flmc/vrsl ! orscovee***+**)t+,i+++,r,r:*+*+l*:ts+*:**+,trit+**++*t+***,t,*:t++,1*,*+**,t***,t*++++++*,t,|,|:a,a+:t*++*jt,|,*,1*)t{r+,tt+,}+ ZONE : Approval: Comnent: OFFICER: city: B BFE+2ft= N PERI{IT FE€: $ OATE: (foi oFFrcE usE ctltY) SETSACKS: F: F LOOD i LH: l?Ll1 00 ,/iil ,,\t" (ffi, RwTSEo D Tt O4l11l12 CITY: Carolloa Beach STr irc zIP: 28428 RH: [}arr onnnet szr ! suHnoon flenerlxouse sr @ eoncu 3oo sF I sroRaor sneo OTHER: ?,olQ'QastF%26 APPLICATION Number (oFftce Use) 5F 5F I oer emre e ! eoor- fl orcx NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESTDENTTAL PLEASE AriSl,{ER ALL QUESTToi{5 AppLTCABLE r0 yO{rR pROlEcT "Project Responslblllty'' APPLICANT'S NA}IE i xen coffer DATE,: algl2at| DEVELoPERT p HlLt,r,rJc PtO E #: 9to-4sg-5dos *-:=_lR0:IEcLADDBEsqi:,r5t4=Bunr6d!an.ecr6*.@;*G[-try,.*fl,i,Iminqron j!:#E;#€hllp,tdr€{t9 &.!.*!* SUBDMSIoN: Parsors MilI Farm BLOCK S:LOT $: f8 PROPERTY OWIER's M'4E: .P Hi1I, LI,C ovJ En'S AoDRESS: 1202 H r,ake palk Blvd PHONE : 910.4s8. s605 CITY: carollna Beach sT: Nc zIP: 28428 COrTRACTOR: s6cof constructioo cornpany, rnc ADDRESS: 1202 N r,ake park BIvd EiIAIL ADDRESS: keajre6ecofdonstluotlon.con LICENsE t: {82{8 CITY: calolina Beach ACCOUIT r, sT: NC ZIP: 28428 PHONE S: 9to-{58-s5os PHOiIE $: 9ro-s33-{055PROIECT CO'{TACT PERSON: Keo coffer Exrsru,rc coNsrRucrroN: I alrenarroru ! nnrovlrron ! eerenal arearns I RELocATToN NEN CONSTRUCTION:ERECT l,lEu' RESIDEI{CE o" I aOOrrrOr TO EXISTING hESIOENCE TTPLEASE CHECX A'{O AI{SI{ER BELOi{ ALL ''TUIT APPIY TO YOT'R PROJECT: SF SF SF SF 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 2354 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF 3 3T75 ToTAL AREA sQ FT: 31?5 ToTAL PROJECT C0ST 1r-e+s ro1 : $ $tas,ooo fi 0F SToRIES: l.s Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUT.IBING or I'IECHAIUCAL Work Belng oone to the Accessory Structure?I ves ! Ho If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current Slte? lves !No Is there Electnical Power on this Euilding? nYes I No pRopERry usE / occupANcy: fl srNolr rmrtv f! ourr-rx ! Tor,INHousE DESCRIPTION 0F tloRK: Sinq.le FatdLy ttoDe on Ra.lsed Slab. Enelgy code perspecriv€. OElc{A ER lheBby c€dry hat a0 lnb,malibn ln hb sppfcston i! co[ectand 6srrc lvill comply$ih he srEt€ &rildin! Cldo md dl oi6r apptlcabt6 Sl.ts e.d locat trws and oadh6nc€3 and lelulalbns, Tho NHC DoEhprnont Sarvi:ss ConE, wlll b6 noffi6d olanycha!|oe3ln h6 apprcrrd pbns and speciiicatiirns or chango in cantacbr inbtmaion. "'NOTE: Any Wo Pedomod w/O fl€ ApprcpdaE PBmlts will b€ h Vbbuon ot Ue NC S|DE BldO Cod€ and Sublect b Ftn$ trpTo ..-21 '1 .,--.-' 00'" nEvrsrD oaIE 94111/12 OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: xen coffer . ***rlri+ +**+ + *r***** *** ** * ' *(ilTl *liT] rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rtooopuru l-l ves EXISTIT{G I!4PERVIoI,S AREA: SQ FT NEI.I I PERWOUS AREAI SQ FT SIGNATURE : * t +,i+ + *,1++,r * * *,i* + ++:l + **:i,t,t + * *,i,i+ +*** ** *,lt )t + +,i ++ + *,t + I NO TOIAL ACRES DISTURBED: Exrsr I.AND DrsruRBrNG pERflrr: ! ves [ ruo WATER: [l crnua ! coi$ruNrry svsren f] pRrvarE NELL ! ceuml well sEr'rER I A cFrul I cEr'rrRAL sEpTrc ! nnrvare serrrc ! coMr4uNrry sysTEt4 iI* SEPAI1ATE PERJiIITS IEQI]IREO fOR ELECT, I'IECH, PLB6, CAs Eq]IP, PREFAEs & IIISERTS **i paynEflr lrErloDr Ecasx ncxrcx (pAyaBrE ro nffi1 [arll acco,rur flnc/rrso I orscoven * ***,4,r:t *)r:r * ++ + +,* + ++ *+* ++r* * **+ + *,r + +*,*:t *:t** *:t't +,1+ + **** **:* * +*,a + +,8 *,f * )r + + +rt+ +** +***,t,|,** +* ** + * ZONE : Approval Coflnent: OFFICER: Clty:8FE+2ft= N PERI'IIT FEE: $ DATE: (foR oFfrc€ usE o{tY) SETBAC(S: F: FLOOD: LH: It|l t'^ -,-..': ,,',.i\i,.; ,t. .'\ iJdg)., HJLI /.4V .t RH: Lc-t e - 4z't-l NEuJ HANovER coumTy rBUf[DrNG pERMrr *ffi8-f3: tr LPpt-rcMrs tu${t: DEVELOPfR: P8O'ECI APPLTCAIIOII lluobor (Offt(. t t., DATE:7 o.,* IIRO'ECT AODSE5SI SU'DIWSION:e PROPESIY OIS'Ei,S [AHE: otfER'S IODIESS ! CO IRACI1OT !l-t - ?..!,qq$G ADDRESS:2 EitArt tDoSEsS:)6 tRolEcr c0 lAcr PlRso{: CITY:ztP LoT t! ,zELoCX tt 66 Pta0t{E rt 5f3 ztp ! slul-C-ue ?7/" /y P&X|E t:qtq-4zz-t ,70 Prq{E ,: .ll?- 7{5-8e1ll ExErr[6 coflsrBuclIo[: E A[EMTrofl [ nr[wnnox ,E erurul r:rans I RELOCATTON Ngr coilsrnucrrorr @-recr irEt{ REsroExc: or I momol rc rxrt$rc REsroE[cE ..rLEAtt Ct{tcx at{D arSHEa ltlot aLL flaI Appty I0 voui ttorEcl: ffinrr crucr -998- sr I suxnom -sF D cnrerxqJse - sr PnoPERW UltE / OCO'PAICV' B 5I!I6LE FAI'III,Y tr BJPLEX TO'{NI]oUSE DEscltpttofl 0F l0R(3 roIAL HEATED SQ Ftt 2Z TOTAr 5Q FT UilDEr Noo1z 3&1 ToTAL AREA Sq t;p1ll ToIA! PRorEcr coslcr.'r,0 z $ lltfu9- I oi Sronres: z. rr Any aECfrtCAl, PtU{lttlo or ircfl/lf,Icll lork selng Done t0 th. Accessory Stn.tturcl ft Ves $fforf th6 projsct ls a Reloc.tlon, ls thore . [.tuml Gss tlne on the curftnt stto? Eves Ehorr therc Elsctrlcrl PouGF on thls ru dlng? EhrGs Ef ilo ?lEltXi FT otscUlHEE I n!ob, c..r8,6!l.l hbrlollon h 6b.r!&.t I L ecdlcl.nd r0 r!*io aslC,wlfi a! sl!t! &ddh! O{t o||t crthdtEt .r{ r.gul.&!..lh! lotc o.llbfltlnl Sotvba.a Canlt *{l bo noilhd old!, d3!e!t h a! srDrDv6l datt r.a ont!.b, hbm!&n. "'l{oTElAn, Wott Po.6mld W0 ttr AptoFlal Podtirtr br h tth&n ath! NC stb 8!e Odt !tl(l d on . !9r&.lt! 6hb nrd trlttar.,radltltbia q ci!{o h Gonttclr oa lrC 8s!J.ct D Fbr. t,, To *t00,0c- oHilER/CoNTIACIoR:SIGTIAIURE: (P.l^l l(l!.,aaaa aaaaa aa aa aaia aiata aa ta aaaa aa. aaa a aa a+ a aaa aaa alaaaaaaataaaeaalaaaaaatt'taataaattaa .-r5{HE-:giof ERf{-+ocArED -!l{-A=Ftooor unt -[l EXTSTIIG II,IPERVIOUs AREA3 -SQ Fr NEtt I}IPERVIoUS AREA3 - SQ FT ACRES DISIUREED: l$ff lH:::JlE.'#sllif :'h*llr1ff ':Etr.ffiTlJ'j#'tnwtutwm, 9te25/.w)... gCPeruTE PEnUls REQUIREo foi ELECTT flEctl, PL86, GAS EquIP, PeE AIS t II6ERT5... rAy,{E rr nftdoot E casx E crtcx (pAyasrE r! uc1 [ utnrcnr txrnes E rcnrsl I orscowr a,raaa,t'tia'taaaaatt'ataaa'tatt'taaaaa'llataaltaailatlaaaaaaaa'|alallla'lallltlalaallallaal|aaaaaaa MF.lv'I0,,,,,,, vav-9L--cLtY 4U wovV (aor otrtca utt 0/1, 5 IG: T:ia- *':1Rx,(' s ,K'lMltD o^ll a/!ulr ZONE: :-LlzhA- omr F LCDD:Apprc ?et TvL r 5?6 aPQYca4a g4o6t x 8FE+2ft. _ APPL'CAfION Itasg arslm dProJsct A-,l:.... ! oer ouce - sr Bwacn {Li . sr E roor. sr f] sroucr $ED_SFfloecx , sr orflER: _ sF hss I I Exrsr Llrto DtsrulBrrc lrmrr: I ws f] rc Tote -qaL{1 1&--2&t3 ffi APPLICAI'I, 5 |{A''IE : DEVELOPER: Au"n,'e,,.*, {t*,,ruitL LC-_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|IoN TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE Al,lSl.lER ALt- QUESIIoIS AppLIcaBtE T0 youR pRolE(T ..project Responsibillty', APPLICATIOiI Number (Office U6!) ,otr. 5-z( -- ig z 't,'7272;- a2SPRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUsDIVISION:e PROPE RTY O}.'N ER , 5 '.IM E : OM'IER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:J=L- ?.-fa ADDRESS: 12 .1 .+ EI4AIL ADDRESS: J?O O-v,Le CITY:----- 5T: Z!D. zrp:38a$r2.zz *{-C-ue,2ZA /y PI0NE $: q ll- ,/2" - 6r?O PHor,lE *: jtt- fqS=8a,3 EIcrw: BLOCN S:LOT r: PHONE #: LICENSE fl:t"bilL CITY:.e! PROJECT COAITACT PERSON:6 rer.r.Y c-l^- ExrsrrNc cor.lsrRucrroN: I alreRarroru [ Rrtovnrrot ! cerenal neeerns I RELOCATTON NEtt' CONsTRUCTIOI.I: @-NSCT NE]^I RESIDENCE Or fI AOOTTTOI TO EXISTING RESIOEIICE ..PLEASE CIIECI( ANO AI,ISWER BELOI.I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ffitarr eauce 5,98 sr ! oer crnree sr [t roncu Ll.l SFfl suunoom - sF D eRreHrouse - sr PROPERW USE / OCCUP DESCRIPTION OF tlOR(3 I eoor- _ sr I oecx _ sr LJ STORAGE SHED - SF OTHER: <. TOTAL HEATED SQ TT 2O*) TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOFI 3&1 TOTAL AREA Sq rrZ'b67 ToTAL PRoIECT CoST1r-essr-or1 | $ Ur{bro.- # OF STORIES: Z Is Any ELEcrRrcaL, PtullBrr{6 or ttEcHrlr'lrcAl l,lork Being Done to the accessory structur€? [ ves $ruorf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal 6as Line on the current site? [ves fi+oIs there Electnical Powen on this Building? [l+es [ruo trANCY:SINGLE FAI.IILY tr DUPLEX TOI^/NHOUSE conlftcbror (P.ln1 r'r.)t*:taa*tti****'*t*r*,**+*++++*r**{t}**i*i+.+*+*!t***'t:}**a*a***+*:t*r{***+*t**++**++****t+*+,l I5 THE,PROPERTY LOCATED TN I TIOOOPU:HT I:::l V NO EXISTING ITTPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NE!,J IllpERVIous aREA: _ SQ FT ExrsT rANo DTSTURBTNG penurr, l_.l vrs [-] ruo wrrER: fil creua ! coMMUNrry svsrrr,r I pRrvATE wErL fl ce Hrnal well sEwER: ELcFpuA f] ceNrul senrrc I pRrvArE sEprrc fl commururw svsr$r t*' SEPARA'TE PERTIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I4ECH, PLBG, GAS EqJIP, PREFABS & JI{SERTS '*TpAyrilEflT fiETHOD: E CASX E CHEC( (PAYAELE rO rUCl I menrcAt,l EXPRES5 [ rncZvrsa I orscovtn * + i t {,r * ** * *tt* '} rr *,t*+ t + t + t *,} * * + * ** * * t** r} *:} I I t **,t+l ri t:t '} ****:f *r *++ t* *,t * +t+:* *,i*:t* +* ***,t **** ** zoNE: _ oF FICE R: Ann..rva l : CitV:OATE: (toR oaflc[ USE OILY) REVISID D rE O4lrvr2 sErBAcKs: F:_ LH:- RH:- B:_ - lVlyq.O"F1000: BFF+?+r= t !," \.< oltilER/coNTRAcron: # 4tcr , C a i. {hltes,rr i*{ sI6},tnTuRE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEAS€ ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prorert Responslblllty'' c CITY: Wilminoton e.,ltv*1SqS Applicatlon Number (office use) a)# APPIICANrS AME: Ashlev Rvder Da|,r 712412018 PROJECT ADDRESS: 3101 S ZtP:28409 suEDrvrstoN:Creek at Willowick PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Ashlev Rvder PHONE ,: 9'10-622-5990 OWNER'S ADDRESSr 3'101 S. Rocklund Court cIIY: Wilminoton ztP 28409 CONTRACTOR: Graceland Portable Buildi L ADDRESS:07 HWY West EMAII. ADDRESS: E BLDG LICENSE #: ctrt:,WlwabzkLy) sr *r,@/PHONEffircBm Iq32to-3t5g PHONf:PROJECT CONTACT PERSON IXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT L.- Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence Ll Addition to ExistinB Residence Relocation r1*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' D Att Garage (SF) _E Det Garate (SF)_Ll Porch (SF) r] Sunroom (SF)D,dforaee Shed (SF) vestr Pool (SF) tr Greenhouse (SF)E Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes EH\lo ls any Eledrical, Plumbing or M€Ghanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes [o-fio lf the project is a Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Llne on the current site? E Yes f] No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl YGs [f,-flfo Property Use/ Occupancy:Family f Duplex nhouseT Description of Work:hovnc to'r rt ' laws andordinances and retulatlons. The NHC Development servlces Cenler willbe notifred ofany chanSes in the approved plans and speclftcations orchange in contractor lnformation. "'NOTE: Any work perfolmed withoul the eppropriate permlts$,lllbe in vlolatlon ofthe NC State BldS Code and suqect tofine! up to S5O0.OOr.. Own e r/Co ntracto r: 'Licensed Quoliliet" A6h\d-e-r %r ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes . No Exlstlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: I Signature: Total Acres Dlsturbed: _ WATER: SEWER: Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes I No CFPUA - Community System f Private Well fl Central Well fl Aqua CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic C CentralSeptic n Aqua Zoner _ Officer: _ Setbacl(s (Fl _ {tH} _ IRH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Oate: _ Flood: (A) _ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+zft= _ Comment;Permit Fee: $ $]s- LOT f: 149 n other (SF) -- ls the proposed work cha nging the existing footprint? E Yes EH{6 TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor prcposed worl<) Heated: _ Unheated: 160 ( 10' x 16') TOTAT PROTECT COST (l.ess to0: $5,000 : ffi ATPLTCI.JIT, S MltE 3 OEVELOPER: Znt q -q@'Lq APPLICAIIOI{ tlur!bor (otflc! Ur.) NEh,, HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERI4IT APPLICArIO'T"8, RESIDE',IiIAT PTEASE tXSy€t A(t grEsllolrs lpp(rcarE ;TO 'touB ,Pi0J EctnProjsct Rosponslbtltt/ G,,^.-,L t:'-I CtTY! oAtil 9-n:lg Pl{axE t:PRO]ECf AODRESS: 5U80lwst0!l! PIOPETTY OT EN,s U'IE: olNER'S AoDnEss: COrJIRACIOR,J-r,- ?o"A LoDRE55! E}IAII AI}DREssI J o cuY, CITVI ':iGb t! tor *3 Pl(,llE tt ST3 _ ZIPr_ zqdtattz *!-Lu4!111Y .. 3 l?- .lzz - er?D * 9ta.l1g.9213 I ,ioJEcr colvrAcr rrtsor, Q,6{.g}p''Lo*PHNE PME ExrsrrilE cdrsnucrtofl: E ArrER IIou ! naovmor E ceHeML rreuns I RELOcArroll flE CO SIRUCTIOil: sereCr NEH RESIOENCE o. I momol T0 ExISr$G iEstDEICE ..PLEA;E CTIEC( I,lO IIISI{TR BELO}I ALL 'I{AT AP'LY TO YUN IIOJTCI! fiterr crucrJSS sr I sumoox - sF El crermare - sr I oer cmrer -.- sF! rool - sr [-] orcx sF ETtr wrcr 4!fi. sr gmXAGE S{ED <F onlER: <r TorAr I{EATED sQFrz?oBO ToIAr sQ FI UfilDEi wort Z\L1L rorAl AREA sQ FT! 'OG7ToIAL PRorEcT cosTGlrlt 0 . t l!!D!.!- fl oF sToRIEss z, rr Any E|ECIBTCAL, Ptl,IBltlc or ttEclll,ItcAl lrork Eelnt Dom to tie Accessor, Structurcl fl Ves E[,fotf the prcJ€ct ls a Relocatlon, ls th6re a tlatural 6.t Llne or the Cumeflt Sttel [Ves fl+rors th€re Elec$tcst Power on thf! Bulldtng? ElYes !uo PIOPERW U'E /0coPA!{CY IYE U'P x E roluous: OESCIIPTIO OF TIORX:I lEl OISC(AI:uER lnallb, aad, 60l .l hbr,rtlon h 61. !pr!o.!6n ts cofi.! .nt d/ lo.hl! cciC, rii h! &rh 8ddh9 Oda !d d ohr!Dt!c.Db ELb .rd bcsl kris on hlrc.t .lrd rloshtbnt lha NNC OalrbDlllonl &rvh.a c.ntsr rll !. nolllra at r., d!i€!t h 6! aprt lli !Ln. &drpodblbna crd&EahlqrffilaG.i!..b. hblEs&L'-ltOTE:Atry !. h\tLb6 olho flC tFTo 0xnER/cot{rRAcT0R: lPtlnt Llcl a a aa aar aaaaalaa aa aa aaa aa ra ala i'la'tt *at aait aaal aa ilt'ttattiaaa't'taaaaaaatttaaaaaaaatar,|t --r5-{fl HEoPEB-T{-LOGATEo -tn-{+ LoODrl*Il{ l-El EX$rIMi llPERllIoUl AiEA t -SQ rI tlEll rllPERVtOUS AnEAr -5Q Fr Exrst uxo DrsruRrrflc r:urrr fl ves I lo lxr P.rlonild W(, !i. Ar?l!(LE Patlnn rfl Orxr,n ;cr^- tltrespi SI6IATURE 8rl Ed! Oa. Erd &blEt, ilrrlr*r- TOTAL ACf,ES OISIUISED: urEn: E crpue E co{rituNrry svsrem ! rrrvrrr le tt I cE rMt sEtt Cil'!nW^r^- - srlrER! *FpuA fl ceurul srprrc El pRrvArE sEprlc D coruruHrrv svsru '"'4ll0l\Wfr *,",*, *i*oJ"t',ffflEffffT:^;::,:'ff'#'Hik,ifi l$ii;,*"fi',lrffi"'80,,.* ,'' o'o"n'W a taaaaa+aataaaaaaaaaaa aaaa a aai aaaalraalaa +aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aataa'aaaaaaa aaaaa*'liata*aalaa zo* ME[.oFFtcERl Approval:-]0E- crtY v{l\ urarr ^ (t08 oat<€ lrta qllY) ,tE\/IJtO O rE ll/tvlt'm. , sEl84cxs: rz-!{ ta: 1' M: f,' o: /S/ ' 'tJfu-oxerfl!ffitLooD:- - x BFE+2ft!- 9q'r?cl$Q9 ..ffiro,tet ^Pton{ r Lrc & /IPPLTCA'{',5 MIIE ! lot*-Qtott( NEw HANovER couNw BUTLDTNG pERMrr +HATS APP Ll CAII ot ry"E: RESIDEI,ITIAL PTEASE Altslti Att QUEsTrOlls AppltcarlE To yom ,toJEcI.?mJect Respon3lblllty. O,n". ).o."- 1Lr^,5t*ltl (_olr,E.8-lT:lA PHOIE T; CTTY: APPLICATId{ f,uEbrr(offlc. Ur.) DEVELOPEi! PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIO'{: PROPERIY ONS'ER,S il/IIIE: BI!|ER'S ADOR ESs I CO TRACTOR !J-1,- ?o.Jr ADDRESS:2 ErtA:IL ADONESS: J ?6 PxolEcT col{rAcr rrnsor: Q,g4Lg}-} EXTSTIIS CO STB,CTrO : I ar.renarrot er)PHoflE zn;69le- *[L7prZ74 /y *z 1t?- 4zz - At71 BLoCX ': ,-- LOT ':P}O E r: CITY: LtcENsE t: G Oll L CITYI Pl${E r: ltc-Q75- 9213 ft nerwnrrou E cenenar- neuns I RELocArror ET CO'{9TRUCTIOI{: II.INSCT Er RE5DETCE Ol. I AOOMOI TO EXISTTTE RESIDEiICE ..PLEASE CHECT AIo AIETIER BELO}I ALL IIUIT APPIY TO Vq.lT PIO'ECT:58[l arr clnace 5F flsulnoo.r - sF fleReeuouse- sr ! orr clmer E poor- sr loecr _ sr sr ffieorcx SF I sronler $ED _ sF OTHER:5F TOTAL }IEATED SQ FI:/o BO rorAl 5Q FT TOTAL PROI ECT C0STttogto : I lbt*o PRoPERTY USE / OCcl,PA CY!I{GL [YE DESCRIPTION OF K)RX 3 €t\ u DER RooF: 3OL7 ToTAL AREA sQ Fr: ,oG7 IT OF STORIES: Z ! ro++ouse rs Any ElEcruclt, Pllr[8rllc or llEClllTIGAL tbrk Belng oo1l! to thc Accessory stpuctu]rt I ves S[,norf the proJect is a Relocatlon, ls there a itatural 6as Llne on the curnent sitel [ves B+oIs there Electrical Polrer on thls Eullding? filVes IHo ]iaFr O|BCI,A0TER I h.6by c.rdt h.l rl lnbm.ton h tlL .r9&.ton b conEcr &rd dl r,o.lr[comCrdt ho St r!BulUlng 6d! d .! ohor.pp&dta $!b lnd Scal hwr6,ld ddhric.E lad rlgublbnr. Th! ,'|HC arov.bplnlnt Sanbra Ccnbr wlt bo nollbt ctu,d*nert h !i.8pprv.d phnt !i .9.dibr&nl ddliea h coitlcbr o.conb!8lt hbt a6on. "'flOfE: Arry Pcmlts u0 b. h vbbton ol fi. NC b up To OIfTER/GOI{TRACTOR:SICNATURE a?rlnt !oai!*t+ta*tta*ttttatlt* ttt ***t *]t-t a tt I * tt ttttaatttttrttta tttaatt ritt tia*laaattttttattlta +atrtf tt ----{5 -:0iHioPER-T{-LOGATED -+lH-rLOOOr Urr l -[l EXTSTIM' IfiPEf,lrlot 5 AREA! _SQ FT rOTAt ACRES DrsruR8EO: t{Et{ II'IPERVIoUS AREA: _ 5Q FT EfISr LA D DIsn RBr c Ei,arT: I Ves Q r,o uArER: [l crpua E co]o.tuNrry svsrer,r E pRrvArE ]|ELL ! cemRal uelt sE||ER! EkFpuA ! cerurut seprrc E pRrvATE sEprrc ! co+nruw svsrur .rr sfpalaTE pERtitITs REqrriED roi ELEcl, t{EcH, pLBc, GAs EqJIp, pRttMS I JI{SGRTS .r. pAy Err IETHoo: E casx flcr:cr< (pAyABtt m mrc1 [ oanrcan rxeress El *.rrrri I orscomtai* atilttl*ll||l,it*'t|lt|l+l|l* *t*t*,|,|tl+ti.litat*|ltltll|}.tlt||tt|l lrt ll+ lll!.alat{' *tttat*+tttt *t*att (foi oFIIC: lrSE dty) iEvrso oArE !{/rvr2 zoNE: _ oFFTCER: - Anoroval: CitY: DATE! SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:- B:_' FLqrD: nFF.rfr= OO lloxaI.^ 26tZ-aLa39 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPEAfiO TYPE.. RESTDENTIAL PLEASE ANSTER ALL QIJE5]-IONS APPLICIBLE TB YOUR PRO]ECTrproJ ect Responsibititlp APPLTCATION Nunber (offi.e Use) t{-18 PHOttE #; LOT *: m: tA ttc\ / puore *:qh'' L 71-*(b srz Y97;lP: LPt{c ) ACCOUT\IT *: ST: aPl PTONE *! 4-2. ra APPLTCANT's MI|IE: DEVELOPERT PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBI'TWSION: (v.-,(4 oarcz 1- -7 CITY: BLOCK *: PROPERTY O[trtIER, s NIWE: OOINER}S ADDRESS 3 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EIIATL ADDRESS: -_ . .. IIOI-ECI CorfiAcT PERSON:r.drl;. dr :l'l OGSrING COIIIS IRUCIION : e c) CITY: n utcE sE *: CITY: ALTERATToN I nelovarroN I ea.renaL REpArRs n RELocATToN NEht corsTRucrlo :ERECT flEt| RESIDEiTE on I emrrrot To frrsTrlt6 RESIDE|{CE **PLEASE C}IEC( ArO A}r5 ER BELOIi ALL TtutT APPLY TO YOI,'R PRO]BCT:flarr onnaee _ sF D oEr esnqceI surrrnoo,l _sFI eReemrarr _ sr PHO'IE *: sF I PoRcH -sF I srouoe sHm _ sF SF OTHER:SF fl eoor- _ srI orcr TOTAL HEATED 5Q rt t 2-7>it TOTAL SQ FT TTNDER noorz 7C1>7 TOTAL AREA sQ FT, ?.17 ToTAL PRol ECT C05T 1rs L4 : $ ) 5c: , r.t c a # OF STORTES: rs Ary ELECTRTCALJ pLUlrBrNG or t{EcHA ICAL tJork Being Done to the Accessory structure} fiv", wrf the project is a Rer.ocation) is there a Naturar Gas L;Jrd on the cupnent siter ff ves f,ffiIs thene Electnica] peh,en on this Building? E y", E[-r,ro PROPERTY USE / OCCITPA CY:SII{CLE FAMILY !EJP LD(! rorrn'+ouse DESCRIPEON OF hIORKI * +* ++:i * *+,! +**+ + +*** *** **** *(iHlJS] ****** **** ******I5 ITE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINT I'-I YES DCISTIIIG IJiIPER\IIoT}S AREA: -SQ FT NEr{ IT4PER,VIO(E AREA: _ 5Q FT R-5 oFFrcER: *+******+**** *+*+ *:!+ ++++ ++**:i++*+* NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED r actsT LAIO DISTURAIM PER}ITT:YES Eu: wlTER: SE}IER: PuA n copxluNrry sysrEM I auvare wELL n cENTRAL r4lELL CFPUA ff CENTRAL SEPTIC I enrvarr sEprrc f| co!$4uNrry sysrEM ..t SEPAIATE PEnJ.iITS REqurRED FOe ELECT, t{Ecfl, PLEG, cAS Equrp, PREFAAS & MSERTS .s PAYi,IEMI fiETHOD:tr csn F-l cHEo( (PAvABLE ro ur1 [ ert.t- accerur rqclwsA***********************,tt***:t **+:t :t**** its***:r;}*:ali **,FiF,t ts*:!:t **,t+;$:*** **+ (foR oFftcE osE oILY, S EIBICKS: F: ZOApproval:_ Ci e'?-l t-tl LH ,lE-an, ? I o:scwer *:t,a+ ti*:t :tt,t * * * ,_l!]*'*"*,'"'''BZONE: .o.'-',t. 51 tC q 1,-Ioh t{u4f I --( BFE+2rt= PERI'IIT FEE: g Lol crru,nrql 1FPUP lc6vr qf'a*, J /s oMbJ,'fiy,t\ltI F LOOD: Cil' lnsrrctron Reourrco, 9l 0.254-0g{i O${ER/CONTRACTOR:STG|MTURE: