SEPTEMBER 7 2018 BUILD APPStiEr{ANOVER COUNTY BUILDIIJG PERMIT t-. 1'^... .)\ iYp.:r ias::.ri "-l iL a1l ;,l5rl. ir,,;,.!!':an ien,,ai8it'a i,., rri,1)r1l rs ibII ity" ZoB'142o , - - \t -r-,lG-uc2 APPI IC/TNIJS IIA'4E : DEVtLCir": PnOlaai A}JRT59: ilf ,. SUEO:VISION: -- D,:. #+ ts ^:o'eoft P8.CII 5: -..: .-" _-..': j zlP; P'roflt ,, 1,0*al,rtOiST:.,:,.:r; ;:'lll SLOCX l:_' L:PtoPttTY or{\ a n '5 BAna: 3idt.a:'5 ar:iiirt iii;:.. , * --\r :K.ir. :t-",._ . :.^. -__.._-.. ai/rr".. _. LictNS[ 'r:rt-., .ill,, -:_r_ --_ sr, i i.rr",l..,tii :BAII" a!0R€JS: ,_-.;: /(..i-l , ti..,.-.:.- --- -. ..._ c0NTRr.:- jr ADDRES5: I PRCItCI (Oi[!a' PtfisoN:/ EXISrIir6 CoNSTSrJ i i'rr I. IEH co siiJi:ioN: L i"]r- i r.pLtA5f (HtCx ANO rtliao ii l-j ^'r 6^R,15r _-, 5i ] su,.i:r." ,-"-----, s. i - GR;:)For.rj€ -.-, ... Sa PIOIiE J: ,llr:1,,-:]ri . _l 8 tJvr-t)N i_.16 .. rAL -'rlrRs L riL oC^ItL\NJril;r .iilotl.:I or :: Ar0l-:.r'J I0 EXIS-: t: Rf_ j ,a^/Ct 9,n a![ TSAT ApprY To YcuF P*ortct:J-lil oer cnrrrr sr L_lPoF(r _ _si |_- rrL _.,.. . s; I i----rrc: s,iax __ :,r -ii */* t t-l r..\,\/" ToTAL HEA-:I- sQ rr; ff'fu.ll lotrr- sQ ;- utoiF Roor:-1. i'-'_- TorAr. AREA se rr: _G);1.)( f T0TAr pro)i(T c.'.i: ^.,, ,4 2-AP c f,F s::lrrs.lf\./- \ :s r^! t.t rL, o. "-th6 €, ,!(nAtIC!,I ": \ i::ng C. ir '.. :r.e i ..s,-- ::-,.iL,v, * rr. , 1.:' :f :'i r.oj((: :r l rpl).at-cr, .is t-e.c 1 t._' :', : 6.r9f,:,1 .. _ : l---... r,t.: c,"Iq :h(,., :I((:-t " Fo*:. -ril;his 3u:)cing, . ir, j- tic pRoptR't r/5: / O--"PAliCY: l."S:A6tf ElilltY L-_.O- ttx j'- '.,^, - cEscRr:-:)\ or ,cnx. -t:1 !,,,r, F..,.^q--1-.r -,,rr( i.l. e1*'*r.r\ :-t,J asc:,rlrrrr . -r..|,-.. : i! i. i "':r'-.?*\, -! _!r,- i4a-:_ nr ClHl'lE Rl at\TRACIOR :,7';;:ii:.hrr',c, :S rH! PflOITPTY LOCA-a',r Jh a rrOOoctalr,) j VeS E1::-:N:G ll): lvl6us APr!: 15 O tp ,' ft0 'oTA:- ACl.. f :1-URSED: IXISI LAIIO oISTITRBING plRe:. '. ^.1 VtS [J ACfit,J Irr.i','Icus iR€t:5Q: ,,.JAI'[' 5 6ir€R '" !i.,\V-'Plllr PtY"tl;: r.-rl : :4a58 t1<;vI9a-._. r,rQli::ilr ,a.! iL:-,, ,t.}] -i,r::.l, :,. t.,...t, . .. arfcx lr.YnBLa ro rtrrc ) At!RItrN !;::.155 ] o:sroue* .._ olrt(E,i {pp_ora.i _ t i:y r_,AI !-. ,. I I i..'.. , ,.tii 1 1CX5 | '-, - tloc) J '75,ro AI l-l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT ION W PE: RESIDENTIAL PLIA5g ANS'"VTR ALt Qt'TSTIONS APPIICAETE IC) YOLIR PRO]tCI "Proiect Respon.ibility'' CITY PHON E J] CITY zDto-q14"3 - oate,#,.+ ++t'*APPI-ICANT'S NAM€ PROJECT ADDRESS:71P SUBDIVISION:t"oT * o ft//o)PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME OWN'R'S ADDRESS:,-ztP :. II $r BI.DG LICENSI,I " YIIhfi-5\o- t CONTRACTOR { AD DRTSS EMA!L ADDRTSS i,r Sunroom {st) De5cri ptior: ol Work Owner/Contractor ., t-ia e nse d e uo ttf e r,' t-. 'r CITY ,e,).b{,OLiotC\(. +/.1 - PHONE cl ta -52 lfrf's,fr {*o -tl0i PRO]€CT CONTACT PERSON / EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteratron I Renovatron d General Repairs N€W CoN5TRUCTIONi . E.ect New Residence f Addition to Existing Residence : Relocation ...P1!A5E CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.,ECT" T ./ a^ :y A uardpe ((F) '1O LlC El Dct Galage (5F)- - - D Porch {sr) : Pool (5t)[] Storage Shed {SF) _._ -:l other isr).- Gree house {SF)_-- iJ Deck(sr)---- -.-- t. rhe propospd *ork changinB the exrsting footprrnt? I vn, druo TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF l{ot ptoposed lvork) Heated TOTAT PROJTCT CoST {Less Lot)r S Unheated: {." ls anv Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB drne to the Accessory slructute D Yes lf rhe projecl is a Relocation, rs th*" ";"t;;; ;"t ,7on the current srte? D yes [}/ruo ts trr.e Electflcal Powel on tllls Buildingr E ves 6 t'to / ls the proposed work changing the number of bedtooms? D Yes property Use/ o.cupancy: d single Famil E ouplex D To,rnh 5e I'T law! 3.s orcin.n.er a6d retlrllnons. fhe NHC Developoent S..Ji<et Cent€r will be notilied of.ny chrn8es an the approved pl.ns .nd sp€cification! or.hi iniirmar'on "'NCrE a.!yrorlFe.tormed*rrhoetrheapp.opri:tepermilrwrltbeii!iol.tionottheNCs eldl p ro S5!0 Signa t u Yes {*ols the property lo(ated in a floodplain? txisting tmpervious Area: ____ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: -*..__.,. _-_ New lmpervious Area: ,* -_,,-- 5q Ft Exi5tirl8 Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes D No ,L wATER: .X CFPJA I ccntmunrty slslem f) Privatewell fl Centralwell E Aqua SEW€R: tscfPUA 3 communrty Systern Cl Privateseptrc C Central seprrc D Aqua Zone:- _ Olficer: _ _ Setbacks{t) -__{l-H) _(RH) _(S) _-__ Approvllr ,_, Ciiyt ___* Oate:__-, Flood: (A) _ *, (V) __. _ {N) _ __BFE+2tt:_ _ $?: L3 p"r.'ii]6i's' i. a.. ffi' tiI I T FrnnY PHONE Commentl ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT APP UATION TYPEI RESIDENTIAL Pi.EASE ANS\','EE ALL QUES'iICNS APPLICABLE TO YOUR :ROJAC'I "Prorect Re3pontibiliV' CITY; 2o@- 4,ula-*ffit:t tp!llr;i cn Nr.:lber ./2 ?3+t LAPPLICANT'S NAME: PROJEcI ADDRESS:zrP SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S HETVIE: SEE F.;ET-OII/PHONE: OWNER'S ADDRESSl CITY ZIP I il CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:*2o EMAIL ADDRE5S: = Sunroom (sF) BLDG LrcENsE #; 349812sr,Nt2zrp@3 PHONEorz-t t0.b.t1 + = StoraEe Shed (SF)- CITY: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alt€ration : Renovation : General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIO x, drea Naw Residencr f Addition to Exirting RcsiCence : Relcc.tion .. . '.PtEAS€ CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW ArL THAT APPLY rO YO{,R PROTECT"' {taea,aeefglt *32- = Dercar€se(sF)- &r* \sF) tr Pool (SF) I Greenhouse (SF)- = Deck ls the propojad work changjng the existing footprint? E Yes (sF) TOTAI SQ FT UNOERF,AOF (tor prcposed v/ork) Heatad: rorAt PRorEcT co sr {tess totl: $/!!!|!QQ ls the proposed work chan8jng the nember of bedrooms? tr y"t Eflxo ls any Electrlcal, Plumbint or M.chanicelwork being doneto the Accassory StrvstLrre fl Y€s lf the project is a RGlocation, is ther€ a Natural Gat Line on lhe cur.ent site? tr Yar ffio 15 there Electric.l Po.#er on this Euilding? EI vrs ElzXo Unheated:Toti {'xo Property Ure,/ occup3nry:6n de Famlly El Duplex B Town house Description of Workl in:arnrtion. i.'liOTEi Ai! worl pa!.,a.n.c ,rhhout thr .Fpic?riata F€.r!t'r si ! b! :' viol.t;or er th. l.ic Srtr SiCE Cod. a.c i,rbj.!r !o firer !p tc S:,9O.OC"' Owner/conrractor: c Llv I k ?€vgalqh+l Signature 'Li.ensad Q!olite/' ls ihe prope.ty located ;n a floodpiain? E Yes Existing lmpervious xea: -2Q-sq rt &o Total Acres Dislu rbed:o.t+ New tmp€Nious Ar.r, 2,l"lcl sqft Existlng Land Disturbing P.rmit: tr Yes E4-t WATERT E4PUA E Community System E) 2rivate weii EI Cenral \'veli E Aqua sEwER: g/cFPUA E community systein E) Private septic E c€ntral Septic B Aqua Zona. - Officer: - sctb.ck! (F) - (LH) - (RH) - tB) -Approvalr - city: - Det.: - Flood: {A} - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft" - Comment: P€rmit Fea:s pRojEcr coNrAcr pERsoN: OLIV l* W-L-(\Ay'*^l pHoNE, 4lq.9g ' 3O'4 /*^.,,r^ lon( ?r+Tto) APPLICANT'S NAMEI PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAf ION ryPE; RESIDENTIAt Piar-s! -ifislJ !P l.I! QU;slrcxs A.o?LicAS:.r Tc !iou? ?lojaa'i "Proiect Reip6nsibility" C iTY 2ot& 1ts't/ LWNT ir:f:. i!:' 8,'2 zre,ZULLL- 5UBDIVISION: PROPEPTY OlilNER'S NAMI, €F:t- REI -b1"./FHONE: OWNER'S AODRESS:Clrr-ZlPr -CONTRACTOR ADDR553;*2o EMAIL ADDRESSI , PROJECI CONTACT PERsON }Ltvt* wE-Z-'{tr,,t,++J eaont,nln'A?.,'38* o rz-'. qta. 4b 11lll CITY ilLrJO LIL PHoNE: 414'Sg .38-& enst -" . 5'l 'cE Lp sl:EL2zP: al)3 ExlsTl\G CONSTRUCTIoN: : A':€.6:io. I ienova:'o.: : G-'ne'!, R-'ieirs NEw coNsTRUCfloNi t'reci \€*' iesicar.= : A;d;i:cn to Exis'iing l.i ience : ,i.lc..i:or ..P!fAIE CHECI( AI,ID ANSWER BETOW ATt THA? "' {^- ,, ,u, ,t,, * 3 2- : Dlt 5are6e isFi - V/>6'2" g:; :_ c. ..^-i : (:l i 9ooi{SFj : Gree.house iSFl-= De.k (S;) l: rhe procosed wo.i aha.t;nC the existing foo:pr;nt? = Ye5 : S:cragE Shed (S:)-*- 4*",lo2_t?,+1-1o :- .l Propert'/ Use/ occLrp De5cription of worki ?ncy,v6ngle tan'rily E Duplex I Townhouse ls the propcseo wo.k che:git€ the ileirlbei ol bsdiocrn5? E vu, /tlo ;s :ny Electrical, PlL,mbing c. Meaha nical work beiii g done to thr Acc€ssory Srr'ucture E Ye5 i;ihe piojecirs Ralocation, islher. a N3tu.ai Ga! Line o. the .Jrreo! site? J Yer E-(o ,s ther3 Eiectrjcel ?rrre- or tlir Eu loing_t D Ve, /t'io €wl :r::-irr:i... !..\3fi:i:! !..ri:.;a.-€. iil.c!t:h! apri.t)'i2i: E-lii r'i!:e ":i3rni.a.'t1!\a5:.::-1jtC.a{E:.iJbj.:t:.a..3:.t.Sta!.a-t"' O!vne{Cootraatori :.-.!,. - t. ti.?' o)_lvlk ?MA-l\/5ignaturs: la :l s irope.:t- jo.z:et :r E ilaccoi: r? = Yea Existing lmperYiou3 A ,".t ,6 sq:ft New rn petuious Area, ?r l1ol tqr, \\ |:lERt ail?uA a :cir,ri!rii'/ sY-:eT1 |IZ NO TottsrAc.es Disturbed ' O,l+ :\i5ting tand Dis!u'binE Permit: : yes K I ?i:,,,ai3 \,re:l E C€iIi6i ,ri:l ! Aq!3 Ceiri?lSeptic E 1rr:A I Ccr-,,'runr;y S-vslgi. C :r;.rx Lppro,,atr dI- R: lVCF?\.t dr1@l ci.r: -lLl!f, Dat I /l t?"tbzck. t.F) -lD-.'fl!f!\$'roo t""t s'l t"t 6s_5€{ Lt-1) d: iAi - (v) - {N) 2( air+;ft=- u Permk Fee:;Co mn" ent e^61 lo ,fu w 5fu^ch^ye3 Cih' lnmctirxr Reourreo, 91 0'254{90r) _4,f ]. l{1ic TOTA!sQFTUNDER Raol id ptalosed trcr'<\ xeated: lffuQ-- unh "r"6, 7O(-o TorAr pRorEcTcosr ttess'.ori,l ?-1L0, *OO **'-*" NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION WPE: RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proj€ct Responsibility'' Zo8.1rotl L8=2749 Application Number (office use) APPLIcANT's NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Date,8l24l18 PRoJEcT ADDRESS: 4023 RUDDY DUCK WAY clTY:WILMINGTON ztP 28412 sUBDlVlsloN: RIVER LIGHTS AQ PH1 SEC 2 tOT S: 132 PRoPERry owNER'S NAME: LELAND & CAROLYN DIXON PHONE #: owNER's ADDRESS:4023 RUDDY DUCK WAY clw Lful INGTON ztP:28401 PROr€cT coNTACT PERSoN: BRIAN WALSH PHONE:910-777-33bJ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Resldence tr/Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ."PLEAsE CHECK AND AI{SWER BELOW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'** n Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (sF)n Storage Shed (SF)_ C Greenhouse (St)_n Deck (SF) ls the proposed wo rk changing the existing footprint? gf Yes n No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work)Heated:231 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S56s00 ls the proposed work changing the nu mber of bedrooms? fl Yes E/No / ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure d Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes dNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? f,/ves ! No Property Use/ Occu pancy: { single famiry n DuplexI Townhouse Description of Work' laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified oI any ahanges in approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. r**NOTEi Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Cod subject to fitd J,-Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Qudlifiet" ,J ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes g4o Existing lmpervious Area: q909 sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 3.600 5q Ft wArER: gfcFPUA n community system Total Acres Disturbed: 0.005 Existing Land Oisturbing Permit: D Yes /No n Private Well n Central Well E Aqua ;] AqUASEWE Zone; Approval: Comment: n: g/Cr-eu4 kl9.l, n Communi cer:1'Wrciron p6or,rltu X BFE+2ft=city: fLPl (r Permit Fee: S Z5 ''' J' ',ffi coNTRAcToR: PORCH CONVERSION BIDG tlCENsE r'76rr'7 AODRESS:6821 MARKET STREET CIw:WLMINGTON sT: NC zIP:28405 EMA[. ADDRESS: porchconversion@omail.com PHONE: 910-777-3363 dsunroom {Sr) 231 Unheated: ! Porch (SF) _ fl other (sF)_ lr, PRO]ECT ADDRESS:{62e - Paf$pns jV\il!o+Crrv:r,,. d.nqr6.=_-_-_:"-_-_----r+q--+g,ar,e._--*:_ SUBOMSION: Par6on6 l,rrlL Farm PROPEBTY OI,*{ER,s NAI,IE: P Hi1I, LLC Otf{ER's ADDRESS: 1202 N r,dke Park BIvd PHoNE S: 910-4s8-s60s CITY: carollna Beach sT: NC ZIP: 28428 APPLICANT'S ilAIlE: Ken coff€r DEVEL0PER: p Mi.rf , r,Lc Coi{TRACTOR: Secof conetruction Company, Inc ADDRESS: 1202 N Lake Park BIvd El'IAIL ADDRESS: kenJ re secofconstruction. com PROJECT COIiTACT PERSON: Keo coffer NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIIT APPLIcArIott rvPr; RESIDENTIAL PI.EASt ANsI,IER ALL qJESTIONS APPTICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibtllt}/' Lo&Qrols 1€-4569 APPLICATION Number (offlce Use) DATET I /e / 20re PI{ONE #r 9ro-4so-5605 LICEITISE S: {8248 CITY: calolina Beach ACCOUNT S: sT: NC zIP: 284 28 PHONE #: 910-{50-sGo5 PHoNE #: 910-833-{06s SF I sronaer sxro OTHER: Exrsrrlc colsrRucrror{: I ar-renlrrot I nrnoyerroru [ erruenar- rrrarns I RELocATToN NEt.l col{srnucrrol l @:n:cr NEN REsrDEr,rcE o" f] morrrol To ExrsrrNc RESTDENcE .'PLEASE CHECX A'{D AIISIiER BELO{ ALL ]ruIT APPLY TO Y(ruR PROJECT; flarr eaneoe rus sF ! oer enmee sF A PORCH 40s 5F! suunoonI enrrunousr ! eoor- fl oecx SF SF T Yes ! tlo SF SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FTI 2434 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R(X)F: 3318 TOTAL AREA sQ FT: 3318 ToTAL PRoJECI COST sass ro9 : $ Srso,ooo S 0F SToRIES: 1.5 Is Any E|ECTRICAL, PLUttBIt{G or ItECtI NICAL Uork Being Done to the Accessony Structurel SIGNATURE : ,*,t *'i+* *'t** ++ * * * )a*,i,a:a:f,t*,i )t :t ,t *)t,* ***r.* **r *** If the pnoJect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunrent Slte) lVes r No rs there Electrical Powep on this Building? EYes T No pRopERry usE / occupAlcy: E srruer-r rru.rrr-v I ouelrx I To,rlxousr DESCRIPTIoN 0F HORN: sluqle Panl.ty llo&o on slab. Energy code perepective. DISCIAIMEE lhereby codly fi.!6U hbm3ton h hb aPglt.lion k conecl and dlrvorkwin complywlth ho Sr,are &rilding Code md att ohff spplbsbto Sr.rb ar|d k cd lawt and onlinanc€a gld ,e0ul6l,on. The NHC Oewlopm€ntSoni:as C€nbr wlll b€ noafied ol€ny chan9os h h6 apprcted pl€ns snd +€ct[caD6n! or chan!e in con conrebr inbmaton. '_lfOTE: Any Work Perromed w/O t€ fupropnaE P€rmi6 w l ba ln VDlatloo ot tle NC Strb BHO Oodo .nd OWNER/CONTRACTOR 3 (on coffer * +** rr,r +,r+r +*:!:! **** *** ** ** *(li'llJil"J rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN n rLooopLnrNl [-l yrs I O EXISTIT{G II4PERIIIOUS AREA: SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEl,l IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT EXIST LAND DI5TURBING PERI.IIT; I_I ves I--l uo wATEr: I crrul ! cor$ruNrTy svsreu I pRrvATE t,Et r I cerrnar- wrrr srwra: fi cFpuA El CENTRAL sEprrc D pnrvlrr serrrc I co r4uNrry sysrcm +TT SEPAIIATE PER}.iIT5 REQIJIREO FOR EI.ECT, HECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *" pAyrirEan $Eruoo: E .Asn E cxr.* (PAYABLE ro nrcl fl erlt ecco,,lr E nc/vrsa florscovrn**+,1*+*+,t*:i,t*lot+rt++++:t**1.*:**,1++:t:i*:+:i**:fl**'i***:i**+*++++***:t*,i+++*,tit,**,t,t:t+'t*+*,1++*****t,t,t REyrSED 0ATE 0rl1:/12 ZONE: Approval r Coment :. OF FICER: City: B: BFE+2ft= N PERI1IT FEE: $ DATE: (FOR OtFtCE UsE oltrY) SETBACKS: F: F LOOD: LH:RH: )53t1 * ,-'..1 . : \,'. .1. ':'r iffi, ',.-,..' ELOCK S: LOT *: sl i;." l :.... ffi Acltr'- qs1L 1€41ti*€-NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIdt rvPs r COIiI}IERCIAL PIEASE ANSWER ALL qJE5TIONS APPLICABI-E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" la.-i l -r,r tl.l C-fsd APPLICATIT, S NA'{E DEVELOPER:;lo +tI{-C' aFmeATro-TroN Number (Offi.e Use) DATE:- 5Jg }}!-r PRO] ECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE: PROPERTY OtltlER'S ttAtlE : OI.INER,5 ADDRESS:la CONTRACTOR : - PHONE *:l,'3 CITY:t*tN Co 4c5 (:1o)341- loo= ST:ZIP 2 L_.vag*3 P f,fArJ PHONE S: crrY: \|.J twur I NGFqt.l sr: a{_zIP: Z E4S5 riG rcEt{sE r:-74A4E',J .s9- ADDRESS: Zij,C EIAIL ADORESS: \,*Jr ,a PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: (Check A11 Ihat Apply) NoI{EH CONSTRUCTION:tr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: iJ RELOCATION PHONE *: PHONE :5t2 EXIST COI'ISTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Na f7 ALTERATION I\7 REiDVATTON T- GEI{ERAL REPAIRS T--I tHtl cas Lrne on ttreGrrent Sire? ;- *J;- *o 's u.oc s"hid,KLEREotr- Yeslf, - No If UPFIT - The Shell Permit s:Is Elect Porer on this Building E Yes T NO .**i* rs rHrs A GHATGE oF occupAr{cy usEtf yEs Bhat is ttrl{e ller OccupancyIF Ye5, l{hat uas the prevlous Occupancy Type? IXEfi lorrrur PRoFEssro{AL : Da*-t PH:i<:n4i EI{GR DESIGN PRoFESSIO{AL:-PH:,<r DEscRrprrON oF r4toR(: @VE-VnrrZ lzlfLrhaxr I D,..,*,G FR ra6fa..r(.-+^r7 ls Iood or beverages prepared or served in this structure? lX yesl- lo ls The Property Loc€ted ln The Floodplain? l- v". ff, ruo L OWNER/CSIreI9I],$ro-ts1nt b|.f,:.,*t* sIGNATURE: (Or,.li6er) (P,id Na@) @ntaan Asbesios or fiol. You are Gquked lo call lh€ Naional Erdssion Sandards ior Haz6rdous A[ Polluta s (NESHAP) al (919)707'5950 at lEaS 10 days prior to th€ denroliton ol any lacilily or buildin€ TOTAL PROJECT COST: See Asbeslos W€b SneJ6o,.,..o DISCLAIMER I hereby certily that all informalion and local laws and ordrMnces and tegulalioos. I or chanoe in @nlraclor oI contraclor intormalonS'ruect'lo Fines Up To $5m.00"' # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrr? J- vrs |- r.ro SO FT EXISIING IMPERVIOUS AREA EoFFrcE ffi nrsmunaNr ! uencnNrrlrl-J r he NHC Devel"'NOTE: Any in lhis applcalion rs correcl and allvyork wll comply wilh lhe Cenler wrll be nolfied ol anvWO rhe Apploprhle Pe,mils Slate Buildrng Co(b and ail other apdicable State wrll 5e rn Viola of and and httpr^rww.epi.slate.nc.udep/asbestos/ahrnp.hhl EUILDING HEIGHT: [intfrNL # OF UNITS: I SO FT PER FLR 7- I or.IOTAL AREA SQ Fr: ZI0Q TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: l-loe #OFSTRUCTURES l ACRES DISTURBEo' rr /.4 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: i.J //1 SO FT WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM T'I WELL T-I ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION - L-J CENTRAL sep c Ll pRrvATE sEPTrc Ll couttuNtw svsreu PROPERTY USE ffi ZONE: OFFICER APT CONDO OTHET LH RH B SEPARAIE PEIIMI IS IIEOUIRED FOR ELECI. MECTI. PLB6, GAS EOUIP, PRII'AI]S A INSERIS PAYMFNT METHOD f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) f - AMER|CAN ExPREss l- rr,|cr,rrsa f- DlscovER (FOF OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD: BFE+zft AVN ,;ISD:EEIT -r II Comment EREcr r{E}r srRUcruRE f}FAsr rRAcK f] sxrr-r- ! urrrr E ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE Nc RE6 *: 517 22- Hc arc *:@f PERMIT FEE: : : cr.i ffff,<E'_. , : lECErvEr :r 0.?il€tErvED tul 1s ,.gt1yg.l77+ i. 1, I .1 ,". ; l , '.;,,".i li, ). NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT !t : - .-i -- APPLICATION Number APPLICA| ION TYPE, RESIDENTIAL PLEA56 ANSI^rER ALL QUEsTIONS APPIICABLE TO vollR PIIOIECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAT'IE : DEVELOPER:1q,r; ;e.ry tl. l,1uli lns CITY: ',,ii In:nqEcn BLoCK $: _ LoT : l_ pHoNE #: s4C 537-24C6 oaTE: t-r+-++ 9-7- /3 5T; j]s_ zIP: 23{r.3 PHONE *: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:9C0 ?ilc!s R:Cce Rd Pr. lcts :t idqe PRoPERTY 0I^INER'S NA E:.lerrv w. Mullins OI,^]NER, S ADDRESS:9C0 pilots ridqe rd CONTRACTOR:,f erry W 11 ins LICENSE s: ri/. ADoRESS; 9oo Pi r()ts !idqe Rd CITY: w! lninr.ron EI4AIL ADDRESS: I e r r:y.ii.i1l.)r'.weal L i--l:.,et:i-.s ...:r:PHONE *! sao,s37,24o6 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: Jcrrv $. r'Jl:ini EXISTIN6 CONSTRUCIION:ALTERATION I aelovarroru [ cetenar nreuns f] RELocAlroN NEW CONSTRUCTTON, ! rnecr NE!.,] REsTDENCE o" ! aOOrttolt To ExrsTrNG RESTDENcE "PLEASE CHECX AND ANSI,IER B€101,'J ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRoIECT: ATT GARAGE - SF suNRoor,r _sF GRE€NHOUSE SF n oEr canrce - sF I eoor- - sr PoRCH _ SF STORA6E SHED DECK 5F OTHER SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: Ioo TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: ]!!- TOTAL AREA SQ FT: ?CC TOTAL PROIECT COST(tessLoo : $ zo,ooo.co # 0F STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING o. ltEtHAltICAL Nork Being Done to the Accessory Structunel I ves f] uo If the p.oject is a Relocati.on, is the.e a Natural 6as Line on the Cu.rent Site? [ ves I lo fs thene Elect.ical Power on this Building?ves I no pRopERTy usE / occuPANcY: fl Srlrcr-r ranrlv ! ouPLEx n ro(NHousE DESC R I PTION OF NORK: .,irerat:cn o! 111 existinq full bath, Alt of {1) exislinq off:ce 1n!beC:oc:: T Converl bonus spacs i:rlo bedroom Nilh ne'.{ full bath Add fu}l batLroom i.1s.:de existinq bedrccir: conrcbr nt msdon "'NoTE AnyWork lrer,ormed wo f'eAr'propnae pemrl3willbenvolaho. orlhe Nc Ardq Code 8nd SubFcl b F nes Up To S5O0 C0"' OWNER/ CONTRACTOR :ierrv ',{. l.lullins SIGNATU ,r *r,x**+'r* *i4**-.-..",-.--(g:T!lt'-"].,-"'-..---*-*1ir ******** ,lr* 1* *i, * ** i *1l * * ** I5 THE PROPERIY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINI E YES EXISTING MPERVIoUS AREA: -SQ FT NEl^] IMPERVIOUS !REA: - SQ FT NO ToTAL ACRFS 0ISTURBED: ::- . EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERT1IT:YES I NO (FOR orrr(E irSE 6rLY) iavrlf0 oari 94l11/r2 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ l,lATER:CFPUA CO'!$,lUNI TY SYSTEM PRIVATE I^/ELL CENTRAL l^JE LL seren: f] cFPUA D cENTRAL sEPrrc PRIVAIE SEPTlC COIYMUNITY SYSTET1 *.T 5EPARATE PERiITTS iEgJIREO FOR €LECT, I1ECH, PL86J GAs Eg]IP' PREFABS & payilENr fiErHoo: Ecosn fl.nuc* (pAYABLE To Nrcl Ia,rrnrcau rxeness I r'rcTvrsn I orscoven ,** * * *+ * * * r ** **** * * * * * r j ZoNE: _OFFICERi Approval :_ C ity r_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft= _AVI,I I Conment:PER[1IT FEE: I ZlP,2t1--2 SUBDIVISION: cITYt Hitnrnrr on. NC sTi NC zrP: 284I: PHONE l: s4c 53?-24a5 \,Jt /1'" {$t' Clea. FoIm Print ffi u\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility"(offrce use) AppLtcANT,s NAME: EHIC LAZZAHI 9619.6812018 pRO1ECT AODRESS: 115 ANN ST crw: WILMINGTON aP. 28401 5UBDIVISION: pROpERTy OwNER,S pays; PAUL BIANCARDI p11gx6 s. 919-452-5453 OWNER'S ADDRESS: SAME CITY ztP'. coNTRAcroR: LAZZABI CONSTRUCTION INC BLDG LICENSE #5€894 ADDRESS: 445 SHIPYABD BLVD gsy; WILMINGTON 51; NC 21P, 284'12 EMATL ADDREss: EBIC.LAZZARI.CONSTHUCTION@GMAIL.COM PHONE: 910-200-4187 pRoJEcT coNrAcT p6x56x; ERIC LAZARI p;6xs; 910-200-4187 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCnO:EErectNewResidence[y'AdditiontoExistingResidenceDRelocition *..PITASE CH€CK AI{D AI{sWER BELOW AI.I T}IAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'.. tr Att Garage (SF)_El Det Garage (SF)_{Porch(sF) D Sunroom (sF)tr Pool(sF)tr Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF)D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tl Yes n No TOTAL Sq fT UI{OER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: 136 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 6800 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I ves dlno ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes E/l{o lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?trYestrt(o ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? UzVes tr t{o Property Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family a Duplex g/Townhouse 13b 25,rill 1g 3eB{Pl! Description of Work: EXPAND CURBENT 60 SQ FT ELEVATED DECK TO 136 SQ FT SCBEEN POBCH laws and ordinances and reSulations. T}le NHC Development Services Cente.willbe notified ofany chanSes in the approved plans and speciffcations or chan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed withort the appropriate permits will be in vlolation of the NC Stale BldS Code and a netlconlracton re/C U?ZZQA stgnature: l,qO-, A "Licensed Quolilief Print No,,e f *" fines up to S5m-00"+ lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? E Yes E No E{sting lmpervlous Area: 60 Sq ft Total Acres Dlsturbed New lmperviqus a1g3; 136 Sq Ft Existing l,and Dlsturblng Permtt: I Yes f] No WAIER: A CFPUA E Community System ! Private Well ! Centralwell E Aqua Srwrn: a CFPUA ! community system I Private septic E centralseptic D Aqua zone:!!!- ( offfcer: - setback (F) - (ul) - (RH) -(B) -Approral: _ Ctty: _ Date; _ rbod:(l)_(vl_( l_BrE+2ft=_ Commeit: Permh Fee: I btg-*tostft4z( vtr4/il-L \.\' Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAT PTEAST ANSWTR ATT QUESTIONS APPIICABLE IO YOUR PRO'ICIrProJect Rerponrlblllty' ?pts'ono3 l6-zLl7L 1- APPTICANT,S NAMT: EHIC I.AZZARI lomceuse) p3161 6/82018 pROJECT ADDRTSS: 115 ANN ST 61ry, WILMINGTON zrpiralgl-- susDtvlsroN toT lt pROprRw OwNER,S ulrur: PAUL BIANCARDI pg6x6 x 919{52-5453 OWNER'S AOORESS: SA[rE CIIY:?lPl coNrn,1crop. LAZZARI CONSTRUCIION INC BtDG UCEflsE #:58894 1ps6659; 445 SHIPYARD 8l-VD 66'y. WILMINGTON 51; NC 1pr 28413. -.- fXlStlNG CONSInUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovalion ['l Generalnepairs Ntw COI,ISTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence lllzi'ddition to ExistloS Resldence fl ielocation .I,'PIIAsE CHECl( ANO AflSWEfi BEI.OW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJICI.,. D 0et Garage {Sr}___-E?"'Porch (SF) il Pool(SF) n oeck (SF) J )toraEe Sneo ()r, X Other {SF) ls thc propoted work.hanginE the existint tootprint? [f Yei O No TOTAT Sq FT UND€R ROO, Vot proposed work) Heated gn1r"31"6. 136 TOTAI PfiO,,ECI COSr (Lesi Lot)j S 6800 15 the propored work changin8 the numbe, of b e<koomst n yes dio ls any Ele.trlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal wo.k bein8 done to the Accessory Structu.e tJ Yei A/No lf the project ir a Relo.ailon, is there a Natural Gat line on the .urent site? f] YeJ rytgo ls lhere Electrical Poweron thas BuildinS? EiYer fJ l'ao Property U5€/ Occupancy: : Slnglo Famlly [-l Ouplox lLftownhouie fl Att Garage (SF)_-_ __ E Sun.oom (Sf ) *-____ [i Greenhouse (SF] -- tJb iSjill l! lrr'r'l,,! 0es.rlptlon ol Worl: EXPAND CUBBENT 60 SO FT ELEVATED DECK TO 136 SO FT SCHEEN POBCH t.*! rnd ordtn..c?r and re8u bnonr. Ihe NHC O€velopd€nr S.tuaer Cenlar w l b€ nol,,led of iny .h.aget !n the apPtor'ed Pl.nl a.d 3Pa<ifhalionr or chen8e in .onl,.dor hlormnrion- ... NOIE. Any wort p?rfo,ft€d withour rhc.pproprlarc pnmh! willba h v,olrlbn of tll€ {C 57e 8ld8 Codt.), tubieyo nne3 up to S5m.@"' ownqlconr.a.lor Er?'c Lr) l/')n -9tgnrtur"t (,)l/.L,, ^ f*4./{14 "ltc"nted Qnollfrei Pttnt Nome .i'( ' ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Y€sX o txlstlng lrnpervlous Area: !0--- sq ft Totala.res Dlsturbed: New lmprrvlous Area: t36 5q91 €xlrtlngland olsturblng permltr I-l Yes ll No wATtR: I\ cfPUA L.i CommunitysYstem Ll Private well n cent(alwel, fl Aqua s[wER: t] crPUA Ll communitysy5tem ll Private septi( n centrals€ptic Ll Aqua zone:!Q1(- 961s",, i,ift setu ) * (rx)-lL-(nntg-tet-.*, Approva crlvt -lL!!7,. Datel trua,$l lv) _ (nll__ 8rE+2tt t"l .zI vuo Prrmit Eeei ICommen*[tJr!a Ciiy lnwcnon Reryreo, 9 I S25ti+nil ffi rmrrr rooRrs: EBIG.LAZZARI.CoNSTBUCTIS!!@q!4!49U_ pnorr: 919 3S-1191-=-.-_ pRorEcT 66NTACT pE6s6xl ERIC I-AZZARI pxgtig; 910-200-4187 1)1,,,_.1i. . dh\. ' fr[; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT'ON TYPE: RESIDENIIAI PLrr\sr AfiS\!E8 AU OUtST|ONS AFPIICnB(t TO YOUa fSoltcI 'Prol.ct R.rpontlbllltlf Ll- Joie bl"1l Yo l? t't>s Dar", s'-J_i24_16, ztP' Z- *'1 <.' 3 - APPTICA}{I,S N PRO,IICI ADDR suBDlvlsloN: ar,ar, -f-n qL\ i^ rss, B\t tvrth c!cc JI s:rvl crw: w1!y1- PROPE RIY OWN EN'S T'lAM T : owNrR',s AOORtSST \ \)q s !r.r \l- L t PHoNr.,, C{l c - Q' > > - 1 1 ql c,rr. - rl?.- .- ap-ziYct sr r.b 6 4. d-(- ,Lj__ztz ).9 \l^tCONTRACION AODRI5S:"lkt IMAIL ADr,RI55: -$1llY PRO'€CI COMIACI PERSONJ Owner/Contr.ctor ,-lv C,, !BLOG tlCTN 5Tl\tr"'c CITY] -\&-l &-"1^ -PlloNti l1\L->0c bc2Ll.-V}1 c,c dr. ,' -_1Y\cr r/ -)pHoNE, a( I air '2ca 6 u21 tXISTING CONTTRUCrION: - | Altc,alion d Renovalion Tl Gene,al Repalrs NtW COHSTXUCTION: iJ fre.t New Reslclence Il Additlon to Existin8 Rerldencc C f,elotalion ...PIEASE CHTCK AND ANSI^ITR SII.OW AU THAT APPIY TO YOUN PNOJECI"' Ll Atl Garage (SF) - a Sunroom lsf)- E Greenho!ic (5F)-_- l_ Poor(Srl wd"cton -l!lJa-_., rs the propo3ed work chandng the existinS footPrint? i I Yet D4ro TorAtsqFTUNotR RooE Vor Nopos?d wotkl Heated:--- Unheatcd: r0 B Det Garage (SF)-D Porch {5F) _ fl StoraBe Shed (SF) ___- !'l other (sr) _ _,-- - TOTAL PROIECI CO5T {l.crr lot): 5 1) Slgnalurc: ls the proposed work chanSing the numb€r of bedroomt? L) Yet Lll'do t5 any al€ctrlcel, plumblnS or Me<hanl€l work belnS done to the Accer3ory Strocture ! Y€5 it+'t{o tf the project,, a Reloaallon. ls lhe.e a Natutrl 6as Line on the turrent slte? 0 Yes Mo l! there tle(tricilPowet on thl! Sulldlng? M Yes Ll t,lo An rA .rn,fr,,rJ" P.operly Ur€/ Oa.uP.ncvxsinsle ramllY n ouPlqr D Townhoule Dctcrlption ol work &'+r4 --wc.-,\ JzLk- iv., Ua t)t -e{ u, usz llrhe hlornDrir n lr it aop ..rl* rr corld.nd.)r tro.t( *'tll loaprY qflh th.slala BulldrrS arde . M .ll olrra .PdioblE gsu rnd bo l.$! a^d ordh.nltr and rtlJlal c.t Tt€ NrKOcv'rotr nt Se64<', (..t€, wlrb. mlln?dclanych!nB.,lnlh. ipp*ovrdy'a',and rtt.'n.atlo'roi cha't'rlconlr&lq trlo{hrt!ol ...NOfriAiy wnt parfo.ned wllholt ,re .otrorn.r.p€mrlrwll,b. rnvkhlro.ol rrt. c st re Bld0 &ce .6d tubi.d 10 li.tr ep lo 5500 0o"' wAT€Rr Iy'CTPUA :r ConrmunitY System : P'lvatc well :l Cenlralwell f- Aqtro StWtRi ll | ( t .\,' U-r-o-rt /'tfd- E|2tt= __ P.rmit fee: 5 L ls the prop€rry locat€d In a lloodplaln? tl Yet Z'No b(htin! lmpervlou! Arca: ** -_- sQ Ft New lmPervloul AIeir Sq fl lon€ Totalacret Oirtuttred [rlstlng Land Olrturblnt Pe.mit: ! Yes L- No I u 15,\r\. f vcrvl!\v.<ei -o lii" ln:'rlction Requtte'et' 91 0'254'0901 LOT !: ilr :i nal fl P,ivrte Septic ! CentralSeptit L-l Aqua 5 9- tr-rt 65 t^nt -$,5- s 7'o fic (eY il NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATI ON ryPE, RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAEI.E ]O YOUR PROJECI "Pro.lect Responslb lq/, \ot?'tat? ve 18-1940 PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'5 ADDRESS: NAME: llary Evans rdn CONTRACTORi Redland Devcl NEW CONSTRUCTION X Oescrlptlon of Work; h h el ird CIW: Wil 10n zlt 28,111 C BLDG I.ICENSE # ADDRESS: 6622A Go Road CITY:lry{minqto EMAII AODRESS: Redland't @ictqu!.!gm PHONE PROTtCI CONTACT PERSON: M!I!1]1 Sorcnsen , 5T: 1\L zlP:.?q411 PHONE:910443-2700 IXISTING CONSIRUCTION: tr Alterdtion [l Renovation !l cenerol Rcpairs Erect New Residencc [-l Addition to Existing Rcsidence D Relocation +T'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER SEI.OW AI"I, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT" IT I* Att GaraPe ISF) 620 n Sunroom (SF)_- f Greenhouse iSF)--,_ ls thc proposed work chantsing the existing footprint? Ll yes r No TOTAI SQ fT UNDER ROAF Vot proposcd work)Heated: r940 Unheated: IOIAL PROTECT COST (Less Lot)S367 E Det Gara8e (Sf )_-_ t -l Pool {SF)__ ._ n Deck {sF} lsthoproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? :l yes tj No ls any Electri.al, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB done to thc Accessory Structu re i:l yeli lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ff Ves n td\ ls there Elcctrical Poweron this Building? I'l yes tj No - - UJ Profrerty Use/ Occupancy; ry Single Family n Duplex ll Towrhouse flt3r m*g$mmmr OISCLATMtR: r hereby c€rtify rhar ett rhe lnlormatton irl this appliration is aor.ect and aI rvork wil compv wnh theStirlc I 8 Code and.,l oth€r applirable St.'re .nd k,olriws.nd ordinrnc.s and regulations. The NHC OcvctoplnenI ServicesCenr.r wi be nontied of any chan8es 5 and rpecaficationr orahanSe in conlractor fl formatlon. r. rNOTEi Any wo.k perfo riatepermits willbe in viol.tlon ol the NC s rubject lo linos up to 550000... Owner/Contractor Signaturei "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? LJ yes l-l No txisting lmpervlous Area: _- Sq Ft Total Ac.es Distt,rbed: .2 *,1l/0 Flood: (A) R.CIW FQev*ewv [t'.K,eqruw:ed I!/Yes n ruo __M I f*u', New lmpervious Area: 4505__, Sq Ft Eristing l-and Distu.blng permil: WATTR: MCFPUA [-] Community sysrem i I prjvatc Well I I Centrat We - Aqua SEWERT !/CFPUA ! Communiry System n prjyrre Septjc Lr Centralgepric fJ Aqua (v)-.-.. _ {N)gFE+2 ft=(ct a b0A (e Permit Fee: $ apwouat 0Y- city: -t![1{- oa commont: All vt otP--?zLattttc I /oa;iJinlJ ole Scfefa t1i'i, ln:n',rlion Reourreq, 9 I 0.254.09t))l SUBOIVISION; Autumn l-lall LOT tii 134 PHONE f: 910-616-4005 m APPLICANT'S NAM€:8edl3& !9ue_l-oiug0t !LrA, -..*._,---..-- .-_ Dare:6/18/1p , _PRoJECT ADDRISS: '1004 Midnioht Channel Roa-d--*- ClTy: ,W!l|l]i!-1glon . -- _ __^. --, ztp.le M Porch (sF) jqe__ [J Stora8e Shed (5F)_-_ tr Other (sF)- .- Aort-c,5 o FLOOD ZONE \lN r't 1 l-8 - 152 5cNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLTcarIaN TYPfr CoI4ME RCIAL PLfAst ANsIJER ALL QUESrIoNS AppItC SL€ rO YoUR PIi0IECI "ProJect ResponsIblllty" iI I o <APPLICATION t{umber (ofrl(e ure) DEVEL0PER: TRrB{JTE TNvEJtTxENT & Dlrvtl,opl'1E rNC PRoIECI ADDRESS: 1s40 sourl{ 2Np s'r'REB'l sulr8 120 CITY: firr,MrNcroN OCCUPANI/BUSINESS NAllEr cus.toM EyEs - oprtcrANs OFFIcE PROPERTV OHNER,S NAI'IE i GRETNT,IELD STREE,I' PROIERTTFs OI.INER,5 ADDRESS: Io SoUTII CARDINAI, I,R CITY r 9IIt,NlNCTON CONTRACTOR: TRIBU'}.E coNSTRUCTION. INC LICENSE f: 6oo1 PHoNE f:9ro 512.15't3 PHONE S: 9ro.2r1.5o3o 5T: Iq ZIP i 28401 ADDRESS: EMAIL ADD OUTH CARDINAI, I)NIV!CITY; HII,I.IINCTON RE55:ibu trec PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSON:JAMES MULLIGAN ,JamesM@ORAArch I tecture. net 919 - 32'1 -'.]048((icck all rhat APgly) ACCESSORY 5 fRUCTURE; N,/ If UPFIT - Ihe Shell Permlt *: 17 2so6 Is Elect Power on thls Eulldlng I Yes E to r**** rs rHrs a cHANGE oF otcunmcv us:l f]vtsHhat is the Nel,/ Occupancy Typ PHol'lE #: PHONE g: EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATTON f] neruOVlrrOlt li RelocatloD, is lhere I Natural Gas Llne ol lhe CJrrerl Sile? Ll GENERAL REPATRS E ro rs BLDG sPRINKLERED? RT LOCAIIONI vu" lroYos NEr,l CoN5TRUCTroNr I rnecr Nrl4 sTRUcTURt I rrsr rucx f] sneLL @ unrrr I aDD To Exrsr sTRUCTURE IF Yes, what was the Prevlous o(cupan(y Typel ARCH OESI6N PROFESSIOML i ORA A.{CHITECTURE PHl 919.'154.9924 DESCRIPTION OF I.,ORK: FULL INIERIOR COI4PLETION UOR MERCANTILA (8YB GLASSES SALES) 18 food or beverages propared or sorvod ln thls arucluro? fivos No 18 Th€ Property Located ln Tho Floodplaln?Yes No 'marron rn ttrs oollk€lun r\ clrrecl a1o al work trlll conply {,lh lha t:ons Tho NHC Devel,'omprl Ser!kes CDr13. tyilrbo nodfied ol snylna on. "'!OtE:A^y Work PeriornBJ w/O rltu Atrprot/,alo Pdnnls c.hsaqos ln rlra doDroved DLns andw I tic ln Volaud ol rhcNC Sl8le sralo ELlldrng Cods 6nd s lolnor opplcable Sl3le e? tr NC Rt6 {: 6685 ENGR 0ESI6N PROFESSIOIUU: ADDITIoNAL ENGR - sEE APPtsNDIx B PHI=-.-. NC RtG ir: - EXISTING BUILDING RENOVATION i RECONSTRUCTION. SHELL WORK FOR NEW MECHANICAL, OISCIAIMER: I lrerelry (srtt lhal all lnlo lrnd locallawg End ordhances !iod rc0ula or cnanou ln conlr6ctor or conlraclor lilol Sublecllo Finca Up Tu i500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: {oiBilr.r) Nole: os m olllon normcalions & .!bdlo! romoval o€rnil '^'stfARATF Pan lrsnEuul,lEI)lurlltl().Mfolt,PL8G,Li sEQUII'.l'nft/10s6lNsLrlrs'" (FOR OFF CE USE ON SIGNATURE ono 6,0 to Ds 6l,bmlned wlng tho.ppllcatlon fgrm (oHHS-3708) wholhar llliy or bulldlng wot foundto l0doysorlor to lht TorAL PRoJEcr cosr' 65, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: 35.# OF UNITS; N^ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1-299-39-, OF SIRUCTURES: r -R t,r,, OF FLOORST 2-RU sri[r,r, ACRES DISIURBED NA EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I ves fl uo NEW I[,1PER VIOUS AREA: NA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARE SQ FT pRopERry usE: florrtce nnesteumnr fiueRcnrurlre f]eouc leer [coHoo orHER: ^- 2, r,r & B condn Asbostos ornol. You rro ra{urred ro callrho Ne0onal Enlssloir Slrnda(ds lor H0zEldoos Alr Polubnls {NESBAP)al (9ll)i07-5 d€molllon o{ 6ny tscBlty or bul5lng. 56.A!b.3t t wob Sk6: hllPr flww,epi..l6r6.nc.uvepUash€tlotrohmP.hlml WATERI SEWER; gl V) CFPUA CFPUA -COMMUNITYSYSTEM T-'IWELL ficenrmr srcrc E d-nvnrs seortc flcoMMuNtwsysrfr L,l.lc. l.\-< A c .'iDZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: PAVVENT METHOD:ficrsH f]cnecr (pAyABtE To NHc) UAMERIcAN EXPRESS E Prp,LllruararLl 115 IMCl4sA L-l D|SC/OVER (-^r.': =-c,,]() o n(D,.or; ?d I--l; (f l.)(rt (-'oQ zoNE,l,tfli1,tr OFFICER SETBACKS: F: Approval:(if ciry 4ri+A DATE r{r FLOOD; LY] r..\ /r, r-n'r.\lrt nnN}le,N/A r,<'ri (ui, .\ v (l ( rrlt.,.l' rlcrt I -*,or' r-\' AF .] ri l. \' tr')1( r iL\ v' t))'\ BFE+2ff=tl' PER|lllT FEE: $Commont\{Yt t,,-l 'P(( I !I ktu )-ot[-tAta-b ) ii I I ii ? APPLICANI,S NAI'IE I JAMBS MUr,LrcAx - oR AR(:H |f r.tcl trRR PH | 91 9 . 't 5 4 . 9 9 2 4 Exr 104 0ATE:04.1?.2018 z IP: ?!3gL ST rJq ZI P: 28401 IOTAL AREA SO FT i -l--2-0-a--s!-- SQ FT PER FLR: H oF sToRlES: 2 Nri strEt,r, ..ss NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT MPLTUTION TTPE.. CO}IIiIERCIAL PLEASE AiISI{ER ALL q,ESTIOIG APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECTnProject Responslbiltty" ?otT-QiSU18-2 688 EPPLICATIOru Numben (oFfice Use) APPLICAT{T' S llArilE: xevi! caiBorr DEVELOPER! New Hanover cauncy PRO]ECT . 230 Goverltment centser Drlve s190 PROPERTY OUINER'S NAfiE: New Hanower CourEy : 230 Governncnt. CeDter Drl.ve . CIW: !{ltmingroE CO IRACToR: f,evir Cai6on - LICEI{SE *: z:glr 2O0 Dlvision Drl,v6 -DATE: I / L3 /).a - PIIONE *: elo -798-4338 WllmlagEon ZlP 229463 - PHONE *: 910-?98-/1338 ST :11g ZfP:26as, . CITY:wir.t i-- .5T:11q ZIP:2sa61 OWT{ER' S ADDRESS Et'tAI L PROJECT . com RSON: 16yi4 961"o' (Che.k Atl rhrt Appry) ALTERATION RENOVATION GEN ERAL ERECT EId STRUCTURE FAST TRACK Gas Uns on the Site?B trYesDHo REPAIRS N RELOCATION rs BLDG SPhfNKLEREDE ye5fl *:910-?90-4339 . PHONE #: 910.:?9+-{gJa_ . 26F ATzo SHELL UPFIT tr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE P][)t{E EXIST C0 SfRWTIoN: f-l lf Retocaton, ls there a Naruraul il8w cor,rsrnucrrorrr, 3 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Pepmit #:Is E1ect Por,rer on this Buildlng I&Yes tr oF occuPANcY usE?E YEs _ Hhat ls [} t{o tr**t the ileu occupancy PH PH I'tc REG f : C Ree #;- NO' *it*.* rs THls A ct{tNGE IF Yes, Hhat eas the Preylous Occupancy Type? ItEfi ro,sr* pioFEssrorulL I EI,IGR DESIGN PROFESSIONITL ls food or beverages prepared or selved in thh srructurezfi Ye.lil No l" Th" p.operty Locared ln The Floodp,ain? Eyes E No 6llwork wlu wilh the State Eullding Code andbe the SIGNATURE: lPri^rNah.) appllceuong aG to be submh€d !6lng me Epplcslion form (DHHS3768)whalhor $E bdllty or bulldtng u,s6 lound loNeliooal EmlsCon Stonda.ds for llBzadous Alr pollutant3 (NES|IAP)al (919)70.5S50 ar teast tO days pior ro lheWeb Slta: hnpr,1,\,ryw.€pi.6tatE .nc,us/€pl/ashesloslahrno,h[nl all olhor Bppllcablo 6tat€ Plens and soor:llicatiorsNC Si.l6 Al,do Cod6 and ToTAL AREA se FT: rr, s-ai-IE- soFTPERFLR:. ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF: # OF STRUoTURES::-- OWNER/CONTRACTOR: {Oiral6Gl) Nolr: Dg.noldon nollicauons & a3beslos removrlpornlt conlaln Asbeslos or nol You Ele requk€d to aalltho doat{[on of Bny hcnlry or bolldlng. SeB Asbestos TOTAL PROJECT COST: 9103,?22.46 BUILD|NG HEtcHT: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:'SQ FT PROPERry US WATER: SEWER:CFPUA ZONE: OFFICER: # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOOnS: - BFE+2't: EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r-lyEs nNOD(ISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SETBACKS: F: LH: _RH_B_ SO FT oFFEE fIRESTAURANT E MERCANnLEE EDUcfl_Apr[CONDO OTHET r..I COMMUNITY SYSTEMt-llJ cer'nnel seprrc lJ_El zoNtNG USE CLASSTfl colar,,turuny sysrer,r FICATIONEwEu PRIVATE SEPTIC -'SEPARATE PERMTT-S REQUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS '.PAYMENT METHoD: I cAsH f] cHecx lenvmLE ro NHc) Arulrenr'Cau exi+iiil'3 r,4crvrsa I DtscovER6on orrrce use oFdl Approval:_ City:_ Comment FLOOD LL. N PERMIT FEE: I ADDRESS: OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS Mt'lE : rax DeDarrmerxr DEscRrPTroN oF t''oRK: we-aEi6Eilns Ehe carpet, cubLciee, dala rinea aad elecrrlc ia Nsc rax pepar! - *r'a{#F NEI,'J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N TyPE: COI,IIITERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitf' APPLICANT,S NAME: John F BT:eSheaTS DEVELOPER: N,/I- PROIECT ADDRESS: 1650 creenfreld Street OCCUPANT/BUSINESS t{AI,lE: New Hanover county Health and Human Services PROPERTY O[{NER'S NAI{E: New Hanover County OI'INER'S AODRESS: 200 Division Drive CITY: Wl lmington CONTRACTOR: Monteilh Con struct i on APPLICATION Number (offi.e use) DATE:6.19.2018 PHONE f: N,/A ZIP i 28 4a1 LICENSE #: 43319 NC CITY: IiJi lrninqLon PHONE #: 910.798.4338 ST: NC ZIP:28401 ST: Nc ZIP i 28 447 PHONE #: 910.791.8101 PHONE #: 979 .920 .2691 ADDRESS: 32 North Front street EiIAIL ADDRESS: byoungGmonteithco. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: John Breshear.s (Check A11 Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: Yes GENERAL REPAIRS E ruo rs BLDG sPRIN RELOCATION KLERED? [ v". [l r.rolf Rolocation, is there a Natural NEr{ coNsrRucrror: f} enecr NEl., sTRUcruRE ! rlsr rntcx I sxell ! urrrr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Mobife Construction office Trai.ler NOT oPEN TO THE PUBLIC If UPFIT - The shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruo ***** rs rHrs A CHAI{GE oF occupANcy usel fivrs [|rc ***** IF Yes, xhat xas the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML: What is the Neu Occupancy Type? aLTERATToN ! neHovnrroru Gas Line on the Current Site? [ NC REG #: NC REG #: EcoMMUNrry sysTEM flwELL flzONtNG USE CLASSTFTCAION:Ll CENTRAL SEPTTC L_l PR|VATE SEpTtC fl COMMUNTTY SYSTEM PH: ls food or bevsrages prepared or seryed in this structure? [ ves I lo b The Properry Located ln Tho Ftoodplainu I ves [t uo DISCLAMER: I hereby cerlify that all information in lhis-applicalion is correct and all vrork will comply wrth the Stare Building Code and a other appticabte Stateand local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Cenler will be notili;d of anv chanoes in th6 aDoroved otans and ibecificarionsor channe rn conlractor or .ontre.t.r infomation. "'NOTE: Any Wo* Performed w/O the Appropriale Permits wi 5e in Violat6i of theNC Stale BIdg Code andSubjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:John Breshears SIGNATURE: Jdm B re*Ears (aU8 l€O Pdni NEme) co eln Aib€stoo or rlot You aro l€qull€d b call tho Nstorlal Embsbn Stan&ds foa Hazantous Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5$50 at l€€3t 'lO daF prio{ to tle denlolldoo ot any racility or bulldlnO. S€o fubesbc Web Sito: htFJ xww.opi.state.nc.urepi/asbestos/ahmp.ht nl ENGR DESTGN PROFESSIOiAL:PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Mobife Construction Offlce Traifer with Te mp E.Iectrica1 Service # OF UNITS # OF STORIES # OF FLOQRS:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? l.l YES I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERTyUSE: EoFFtcE EnesrauRnHr lutencnNrLe leouc leer CONDO OTHER:const office WATER: ZCFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA *, SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD: ECASH T cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHC) EIAMERTCAN EXPRESS I rr,lCnflSe f] orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY-)REVISED DATE 4,/1UT2ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_DATE: FLOOD:__ _ BFE+m= AVN PERMIT FEE: $_ ^0 w/.],\ tr Dlbt. W CIry: wi lmington TorAL PRoJEcr cosr: ..-!2Qr-Qn TOTALAREASQ FT. TflT- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ Comment ffi APPTICANT'5 NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: $h^r,". 2,or9 - {ss3 L8-2722NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CAT I O N TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PI fASI ANSWIR ALL OUESTIOI'I5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR FROJEC'I "Proiect Responsibility" +d\ for.ar Date ) SUB D IVIS ION PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAME:, kr.f.+-d(fr owNtR's AooRtSsi )o +\ PHONT II )-)o zo.-)fu1 ,,(.2-c9r7 4,:t BtDG LICENSI f, CITY lh TOT ,/ ;;rk CIIY CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: t- CITY ST: _ ZIP:__ EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON e$L,nr ., PH)NE: f(6 D2Z- lr. jo PHONE /to ->77'so8o <(t . .{." A6a c: ( 5. n*r 5 apcl l @- ."t(r'*t<. vqktu t3< r 5 i ExlSTlrrlG CONSTRUcnON NEW CONSTRUCTION: f k:Alteration ! Renovation l.l General Rcpairs/ - /rd<n o? u4lt) Erert New Resrdencc F'Attionio Existing ResidencC fl Relocation ... PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWIR BEI-OW AI-I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.IECT* " n Det Garape lst)! Porch (SFiE Att Garage (St)-- tr Sunroom (5f)-- El Greenhouse (SF) -- ls the proposed work chanBinB the existinB footprint? I vesX tlo D Storage Shed (5t)_ x other (sF)r*aYt -Bo '<r< t" SlAq . ! Pool(5F)_ I Deck (SF) e,J.lr.e ToTAt 5Q FT UNoER RoOt Uor ptoposed wo*) Heated:O o unheatedi TOTAL PRO.,EcT COST (Less tot)S c2 Co oo/ ls l ho proposed work changinS t he numbe r of bedrooms? E ves ff no lsanyClectrical,PlumbinsorMe(hanicalworkbeingdonetothefccessoryStructureFvetDNo lf the proiect i! a Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yer F No ls there ElectricalT;wer on this Buildin8? F Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy: F Single tamily L Duplex I T hou +"I ara€ rt,Dei.ription of work:,d.\ lawt and ordrnances and retulations in,ormalion "'NOTt: Any work d without lhe appropriale 9€rmrl3 wrllbe rn!rol.tiono{ rhe liC ':ffiir'axff"}u ,t/* HC Developmenr SErvrcer Cenie. will be notifi€d of any chang€r rn the app.oved planr and rpcc,fic.taonr or change in contrartor 00 00"' Owner/Cohtractor: 'ltcensed Quolit?r" Signature: ls lhe property lo.ated in a floodplain? L l Yes N No Eristing lmpervious Area e/n Sq rt 1VO Total Acrst Di5turbed 4 New lmpervious Area:,*sqft Cl'+hl''l Q€ Existing tand Disruting permit: - ye5 I No WATER: f CfPUA ! Communitysyslem XPrivateWcli fl Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: ;( CFPUA D CommunatySystem Ll PravateSeptic I Central Scptic L] Aqua zone: -= Oflicer: __ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (nH) _ {81 _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: lA)_ (Vl _ (N) __ BFE+2tt= _Comment: Pelmit Fee $4oo oo o3')) -N tl 28ft/ _ $H ,Slat COI'ITRACTOR: AIDRESS: <-tL N*t APPLICANT'S MitE DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIYISION : PROPERTY OIINER' S Ot tlER,S AOERESS: EI{AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COT.'TACT PERSON: rOTAL HEATED SQ FT: NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPLIATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSI]ER ALL QUESrJO S APPLICAALE TO YOUR PRO]ECT nsibiEEP cIw mt watL rr /r(f CITY: -77o7 APPLICATTON t&mben (offi.ce Use) tbll DA,TE: PHOfaE tr: 11 PI{o E *, ST: ACCOUNT #: PHONE *: r Zl:P: N6i;- 6Lln LICENE $: CrrV: W,t UNDER ROOF: # OF STORTES: ST z:p:dtV4l I A LTER,ATION I nelovarrou E eer,renar- neearns I RELocATToN NEW CONSTRIJCTIOITI: I rNECr NEfiI RESIDENCE Or ! NOOrrroi TO HT5T]'{6 RESIDENCE '*PLEASE C}IECK A'D AXSXER BELOI{ ALL TH'TT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI: l--J arr anneee _ sF ! orr eenaoe SF LI PORCH SF flsurunoo,l SF f] emr-_ sr ! sro*ace sHro SFI oRerrur,olse _ sr fl oecr SF OTHER:d fl^"n rorAL AREA sa n, lDA P4 $L. TOTAL SQ FT TOTAL PRoJ ECT C05T lres r-os ZDO rs Any ELECTRTCAL, pLUttBrNG or IiiECHANTCAL t,lork BeinS oone to the Acsessory st.ucture? il v"a druorf the pnoject is a Rel.ocationr is there a Natunal 6as Line on the current site? flves g{ Is there Electrical Powen on is Buildins? pf"s ffllro PROPERW USE / OCCT,PAIKY I SINGLE FA}4ILY I ouer-a< [ row+usr DESCRTPTTON OF hIORK:L 0^-l a A fl^-(.i.--.Lt) DISC].AI ER I hqBby c€r1i,ie corcctsnd dl yDrk!\dll conplywih he Stab Itrildiflg Cod@ md €ll ofi€r apptcable S6b a.d lo.at lar6and ordinances and Egulatons Se ic€s CbnEr will b6 notfed ofsny ci6n9€6 h fie appoved o( charge in contebr oroont_€cor inbrmaton. FNoTEt ohrNER/coNTRACTOR - lPrirt tt.r.)*** +*+* *** ++++ * ** +* *+ * + * *;Ff* *i * * i ** b€ in Violaton of$6NC SEE tr Fln66 l-lp To S5O0,0cr_ SIGNATURE: +***+****++*************+**++*******:t+***+*++******+* BFE+2ft= N PERI!,IIT FEE: $ AIy Work P6rbr.n€d w/ro he Aroroo.laE Psrmibwtl,&c q fiirds NEIJ IIiIpERWOt S AREA: _ SQ FT E(rsT LAN, DIsTuRBrr'lG prnnrr: FJ yrs l]] rlo MTER:! SEhiER: cor4,,1r.,Nrry svsrem I pRrvATE wELL f] ceurnnr- uelr cENTRAL sEprrc f] enrvarr senrrc f! colx!,ruNlTy sysra4 *.3 sEparatE pER4ITs REqUIRED FO& ELECT, AECH, pL8G, cAs EqUIp, PREFAES & rIISERTS +*' PAYttEr,rT r,lErHoD: ! cosx [.re.* (PAYABLE To txcy I err.r. lccqJlrr ' E r,rclyrsl I orscoren *8* **** **********ic*** ********r.***:t rt:t:i:i:t:t !i*i** * i * *;t:arts:tr:t *rt riii 't:t++:i ** t+:i. i.* * !i** **** **** ***:ttt* ZONE: OFFTCER: (FOF OFEICE USE OflLY) 8E!.I5A' DATE 04111112 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_AppnovaL:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ A Comnent: LoT *: _ PHor,rE #:?pg1S:gUB DCISTII'IG COiIS TRUCTION: I rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN n rloooruon I yes d* DGSTII{G I}tPERWOt}s AREA: _5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DISIURBED: druog{rcua (}at L a0, t'