SEPTEMBER 10 2018 BUILD APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT|ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUF PROJECT "Proiect Re5ponslblllty'' Lq K-ltqz Applicatlon Numb€r (om.e ulel APPUCANT'S NAME:PORCH CONVERSION oate:8124118 PROTECT ADDRESS: 649 HAMPTON ROAD clw:WLMINGTON ZtP 284Q9 suBDlvlsloN: HAMPTON TRACE SEC 1 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: JAMES & SANDY FRAZIER PHoNE f:719-569-0342 OWNER'S ADDRESS:649 HAi'PTON ROAI-)clrY: \MLMINGTON ZIP: 28409 coNrRAcToR: PORCH CONVERSION BLDG LICENSE T:7A? 47 ADDRESS:6821 MARKET STREET EMAIL ADDRCSS: oorchconversion@qmail.com PHONE:910-777-3363 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: BRIAN WALSH PHoNE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E/addition to Existing Residence f, Relocation ."PLEASE CHE€K AI\IO ANSWER BEIOW ATTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT.. ' E Att GaraSe (SF) _E Porch (sF) D Sunroom (SF)! Storage Shed (St)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF)Fllorher (sF)'154 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? dyes O No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed wo*l Heated: ToTAL PROTECT COST (tess tot): S22.392 Unheated: 154 ls the proposed \ rork chao8lnt the number of bedrooms? tr Ves E/trto ls any ElectrlEal, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work beint done to the Accessory Structure dYes E No lfthe prolect isa Relocatlon, is therea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E) Yes E /No ls there Electrical Power on this Bullding? dYes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E/Slnde family E Ouplex tr Townhouse Descriptlon ol work: PROPOSED S€REENR9€M ABEITION €ONSTRUGTEB eN NEW€ONGRETE SEAB 6N 6R BE, lawl and ordioanaes and regulationa. The NHC OevelopheIt S€rvker Cenl€r wrll b€ notifi€d ofanY (hengel the approvad nsand ip€cifi(atronso, chanSe ln aonractor information. "'NOT€: Any work p€rfo.med wilhoul th€ appropriat€ permitr wlll be in violatiDn ol lhe NC e gldSCode Jubier( to fines up to 5500.m"' owner/Contractor:AGENT JEREMY TIN SiBnature: "Licensed Qwliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Exlsting lmpervlous Area: aqgz- sq Ft Neu, lmpervious Arear !!!-- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: 0.0047 d*" Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! No WATER: g/CFPUA E CommunitY system D Private well E central well D Aqua sEwER: OfctPUA E Community svstem D Private Septic O centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - ofllcer: - s€tbacks lF) - (tHl - {RHl - [Bl -Approval: - Clty: - Dat€:- Flood: (A|-(vf -(N|-8tE+zft=comment:Permlt tee: S ,l &+847#t- I(.lf B )A crrY: WLMINGTON sr: NL zrP: 28405 El Det Garage (5F) tr Pool (sF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TY PE.. RESIOENTIAI PLEASEANSWES ATI. QUESTIONS APPLICASI.€ TO YOU'I PROJ€CI "Prorert iesponslblllty" gotk'T't4Z Le--*#t lpplir.tlo4 {ofiice urel suB0rvlstoN: HAMPTON TF sEc 1 N DDRESS:6821 MARKEI STREET cIIYTWLMINGTON srr NQ_zlP:28445 TMAIT- ADDRESS : oorchconversion(Aoorail.com PHoNET 910-777-3363 PHoNE: 911)|i177:3363PRO'ECI CONTACI PIR5ON BRIAN Sl.l EXISIING CONSTAUCIION: C Alteralion fl Renovatlon D GeneralRepairs N€W CONSTRUCTION: D Erect NewResid"n." fa/nd,ii,ion,o Exls n8 Resldence :,1 Relocation .t.PLEASf CIIECl( AND ANSWTR S€IOW AII,IHAT APPI.Y IO YOUR PNOIICI"' D Att GarrSe lsF)_-n Det Ga,aBe (5F).- E Sunroom (St)O Pool(5t) E 6reenhouse (sfl_0 Deck (Sr) ls the proposed work changlng lhe existlnE footprintT dYer D No TOTAI Sq fT UNDER ROOq Uol propoted wo*) Heated: rorAt PROJ€CI COST (tess l-ot): $22,392 Unheated:154 ls the propo5ed work changlnB the oumber ol bedrooms? 0 Yes EiHo l, any Eleql.l.al, plum blnE or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory St ructure gayes fl nio lf the projact ls a Relorallon, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current slte? E Ves E/t'lo ls therc €lectricalPower on thi5 BulldlnS? gr Yes E No property Uge/ Occupancy; Efslngle family E Duplex D Townhou!e Oegc,Ipi|on o, Wor,(: PRoPOSED€€REENfl€EM+BEI+IE +ONSTRUOTED.OI{-NEIAII€€NSRE:FE.SIA8€N€RASE_ hwr a.dordr.ren.o! and reSul.tlont. The NHC oevebpme nt Se,vk.i Ccnl e r will be nollflcd o, anychnnSetl r rnd rper ficrtion! or rhrn8e in ronrracloi inform ion. "'NOItrAny wo.k periormed without lhc rpp.opiale p.rmllr wlllbe ln viotallon ot (he NC S le 8ld8 CodE suble(r ro lln€i up ro 35oo 00..' Owner/Contractor; AGENI JEREMY MARTIN Slgnatu.e: "Ll.ensad Qiol|ler" ls the property located lo a floodplain? 0 Yer Exlrting lmpsrvlout Arer: aqgz_ Sq Ft [ili' ln$cclion Requrco, 9l (}254'0900 d*, Total A.ror Olsturbed: 0.004/ New lmpe rvlous Area: 208 Sq Ft fxl5tlng Land olsturbin8 perrnit: 0 Vei D No W,i:ERT {GPUA E Communlty Sy5tem El Prlvate well C Central Well fl Aqua SEWEfi: 0aCFPUA E Communlty System E Private Septlc 0 Centralseptic f] Aqua zonu, €- 5- ofttcen -Q!12- setl,ack5 (r) 5o (r at g:-tnul Jjt@ zsl Approval; OE clty: l(.lzl1 Drte:rlood: {Al .-- lvl_ lN} ,L orE+2ft= --+Comm€nli Permlt Fee: $ J $$ tof ,r:24 * APPLICANT'5 NAME: PORCH CONVERSION _ oate.Bl24t18 pRorEcr AooRrss: 649 !JA!!IP.ToN ROAO C|TY:WLMTNGTON ;im pRopERry owNE,r's NAME: JAME$ & SANDY FRAZ|ER pHoNE d: 719-569-0342 owNER's AoDREssr 649 HAMPTON ROAD ctlv: WL.MINGTON ztp:28409 . coNIRAcroR: PORCH CONVERSION E1DG UcfNs! f:Z6r1L- fl Porch (SF)--*-*-. n StoraSe Shed (5F)-_* Eilother (sF) 154 NEW HANOVTR COUNW gUItOING PERMIT APPUUI@N TYPET RESIDE T,ATpu^sa Afisv/an Au ouEsTtousApPuc^8Lt ro vou* pnoJEaT "Projcfi R!rpon!ibllW" 1,0\$'115w)-*7s3- AFPI.ICANT'S NAME:t,l Oat!: l ltpPROJECI ADD SUBDIVITION: Rtss: PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAMf: owNrn's ADDsr!5:' CONTRACTOR: AOORESS: oe$rlptlon ot Owna./Conltactorl 0 Pool{St) -__- n oeck tsFl 5 rhecurentsitc? E Ye5 E Io qr(o !1: ,, CITY.). '-L,1t PtioBr n: 8LO6 LICINSE ll sr:,({ l HONar Pfioilr: fift--rl e:/: " zt b, CITY IMAIT ADD PROIICT COMACI Ptf,SONr €xltllN6 CottsmufiloNt {:.1 Alte.ation [.]l ienovrlion f-l G€neral Repairt NEW CoNSTEUCIIONT Ode(t New icsldence B Add(lon lo fxilunt ie3idtn.e Ei fielo(ntlon i:'./ t o,*li.,r*"un {ttl 0 sunroom (srl __*-- O 0&t Garaie {sF}--*__-Porch l5r)/Y", :l Gre€nhouse (sFl ,...---,.--- ls the propos€d wo* chanSing the exl5linB [ootpllnt? f] YQs fl No TOfAt Sq fT UNEEi ROOI Vo. prcposed wotkl xearea: i'i )12 Unhoated: roTAL PRorEcT cosT (te5s Lotl: S /"0r? 1t/.!t ls tlio proposed work chEnsing ihe numbsr of bedroonrs? lr !ny €ledrlcal, Plurnbldt or Mo(hanllllv.ork being done lf the proj..t it a Rolocollon, 15 the.e a Natural 6ns Line on ls ther. tlectriaal Power on this Buildln8? E Y6a 0 No n Yal O tlo to lhe Ac€estory Str! clu re E Yes Cl No Propony Ur!/ o(.uprnff III-'sf;e f.mllY O ouPlex E Townhou!€ ! olsar^rMl|rl nairb}(.rttfy tirrt ill rtd lntom.thn h lNi rprrL.llon lr.or..l .nd all lrdl lrtll(!m,*y wlth fa:i5 L,,'.^d ordnaMaa .i{ refulalon! rla NHC I gaNtc!!€an!€rrrlll ba nol!,iad ot try cna4Sar h approvad pl.nr and !!arll!(allon, oI allhSa h.{rlrrxioi l.lo,nitian. r"tlolt: nY et'rlt !pi.o0.llra p{.n lrr }/ill b.lnvl6la!ii. a{ ol{ Llc:l.li,d 6ublerr (i, nn.r u, ro 9t0o o0"' S (r''1 'll.antcd Q olifrt/ P nt0ofic .r, r! rho property loc.ted ln r floodploln? tr Vcr t'no Exlrtlnl lmp{'vlolr Arca:. - - ,--SqFt lotalA('6 olilurbed: ''lJlA sqr, SISnolurc! J) ls.- txlnlnt t nd Dlstlrblng Pettnll: D YEi E f',lo H#ffir : :::::il]:::: : :::::::fJ*L:::.I l':i""cif1', rnp,,r,on tuE 0rrrtf) d I !/s:ll_tr,,""0 t na,flt4onnigt?- :eo rtl)5 {nll)rur,n1-, Approv.l : (A) ...--_ {v} --- lN) -X* sx{xft= --'- a 'al Commen Datel *!-A*- (E gu I rl uza l.6---- Pe rm rt FEo : $u roo, 9]&254.{1900 I f, Storag€ Shrd {sfl --* 0 other {5R - crry: IL/[- NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUItDIilG PERMIT APPU AT1O N rYPE; RES| DENTIAL PLEAST ANSWER A[ qUESTIONS APPUCAAE TO YOUR PRO,IECT 'Prolect nrtponslbllM Zotg-q1<aLffiS3 Appll(,tlon ?{umber (offic. ur.) APPLICAT{T'S NAME: PRO',ECT AODRESS: Ut Date:.) ztPCITY:/hi, suBotvrsroN:f: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:PHONT fl: OWNER'S ADORESS: 0 AODRTSS: EMAIT PROjTCI COMTACT PERSON: UFnNG CONSTnUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E) General Repairs NEW OO SfRUCflON: Ozect New Resldcnce E Addition to ErisdnE R$idence El R€locatloo COI{TMCTOR:BI.DG LICENST I:sI:!! NE: ?lto*Eti? 10 I 0. t - 6'-/'l Porch (SF)/s/?o-{otu",""."tro (8tt D Sunroom (SF) - E Gr.lnhouse (Sf) ls the propos€d work changint the existlng footprint? El Yes E No Unheated:L?..-toTOTAT 5Q FT UNDER ROO? llot propoted workl x"a"o' I? }. TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Iess Lot):7a5,oLP ls the proposed work chantint the numb€r ot brdrooms? El Ycs EI l{o lsany€Lctrlcal,Plumblnso.McchanlcalworkbcintdonatotheAcacssoryStructureEYesEt{o lf the proiect is a R"locrtl,on, isthere a NaturalGas Line on the current site? E] Y!5 E o 15 ther€ Electrical Power on this Building? E Yca E No ,,. ProD.rU U3./ occup:ncy: llJfnlh Frmlh E Dsphx E Torrnhousr Description ot tl (f laws.nd ordinanars aid raSul.tiont. Tha NllC Dc^rclopmant SaMaas Ccntar wlllb. notifiad of any ahanllJ In tha aplrovtd plant and spaclflcltloE or drnt€ in contractor lntornatbn. "'I{OTEr any uork ormacl .pproprirlc parmlt5 will ba ln vioLtl'tn ol lhc NC St t iubiact to finls u_p to 9500.m"' Owncr/contractor:S crt Sitnature: 'Liccnsed Qtolfiat' Ptint Nornc -/ ls the property loc€ted in a floodplain? tr yer ffi Erisdng lmp€rvbut Area: -'- Sq Ft fot'l Acr" Dlsturb'd:,Dl.s- Sq tt &isting L.nd Dtnurbln8 Permit: E Y.3 tr No Community System E Private well E Central Well E Aqua Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic O Aqua &mi _ 0fnEri -- mil$ (n -($l -lnil)- ([l -Approvel: - Clty: - D.te: - Flood:(A)-(V)-( l - BFE+2ft! Comment:Permlt Fee: I llbq'o 2*\-1t(.) c/- tr Det GardEe (5F) _ tr Pool(SF) - El Dftk (sF) - E storage shed (sF) _ o other (sF)_ WATER: SEWER: B ? E NEtl HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N IYPE: C0ltll{ERCIAL PI-EAT l,lsTER ALL qJESTIOIG APPI-ICASLE TO Y{IJR PNO'ECT -ProJect ResPonsibiuty" APPLICANT'S llAllE : ro,ner Bnqineerinq prof essiotrats Inc DEVELOPER 3 PROJECT 006 Maeonboro Loop Road (SwI05034): $limlnclon, NC ZlPi2ga69 PHO E *: 5T: Nc ZIP: zzsre ST:ps ZIP:277s3 PHOTIE * Profegslonal6 Inc)- PHOtilE *: s'o -202-s894 9,/(ov 8 098 AFFTiGTfOT t{ultb€r (OFficG lr5€) _O,IE.5/2a /2ota P}() E *: .4 occuPA[T/BUSIt{E55 MttE : PROPERTY Oi ER'S t{A}tE: Anerican Tot er ation OtINER'S ADORESS:3soo Resency Parkway, suite 100 Cary COI{TRACToR: rnfiniry - LICEI{SE *: zlstg ADORESS: 1ro Lirho 11ay _ CIW: pg166m EiIAIL AIDRESS:v/-)a )Y.>1SJ KJE\#5 \JqJql7 PRO]ECT : Mary Mccarit y (lower Enqiaee!ing Exrsr co srRucrroN: r-'l ALrERArroil n REr#fiirfri Ti?rlil*l REPATRs n RELocArro{ I Retocarion, is rhere a ruaHt cas Line on thebdnent Site? f Yts'f- ]b lS BLOG SPFINKLERED{-- YesJ-- ilgu consrnucrror, S ACCESSORY STNUCIWE: If UPFII - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Pouer on this 8u11d1ng f- Yes l-,NO ..'r. rs rHrs A cHArcE OF Occtplrrv usE?r. YES l-. ]l0 ....r IF Yes, rhat xas the PreYlous Occupancy TyPe?_ t0rat is the ld (kcupancY I[Bfi ?rrtru* PRorEssrc ^L: PH: E GR DESIGN PROFESSIflAL L PH: DESCRIPTIoN OF t'loRK: adding a aieaeI generator and {x8 concrete Pad to exiat ing area ts food or beverdges prepared or served in tris stntchrre?f - Yef - No ls The Property Located ln The Floodptalnf - v{- arB $8"*u.*, local laws I h€rcby certify and oadinances thar sfl inb.rnatbn in thls apdicaliro and b cdrsct a.d all u,o.k wii cornply wi'l d|e Stre Buildirlo Code ard 8ll otlPr app$cable Stale NHC of in ard of tlE and ERECT r{E}r sr ETI,RE E FASI rRAcr E sHEtL f:l uPFrr f] ADo ro Exrsr srnwnnE or chanoe SubJedlo ih cor raclor d cdrttitclol Fines Up To 3500.00"' OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: {oditu) SIGNATU Note: Demolilion mtificatorB & ssbestG rormval p€mlt b b6 submild using ttP applicaton lorm (0HH93768) t{helhsr tro tadliry or b'ilding ilas fourd to cDntain fub65lG q id" You 9.o .€qujled to 6t the t'ldoisl Emtssm SBndards br Ha..dous ff Po{t ants (NESiiAP) 6l (919)707-5950 al le6l l0 doF prio.lo lhe domolnion ot any bcility oI btilding- S€e Asb€3ios Web Sho:htDJ/tllrv.epr.sl6te.nc.tdopu6bosloc/shmp.hlnl BUILOING HEIGFIT: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: - f OF STRU ACRES DISTURBED, - NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? .r YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SO FT PROPERTY USE: !oFFrcE fl RESTAURANT E MERCANTLEII EDUcf] APrD CONDO OTHEI CLASSIFICATION # OF UNITS: SEWER:CFPUA CENTR L SEPTIC D r-.I WELL TI ZONING USE h{vnre sepnc DToMMUNIwWATER:CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM E SYSTEM -. SEPARATE PERMITS FEOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP' PREFAES E TNSERTS TOTAL PROJECT CoST: e, ooo. oo E PAYMENT METHOD: r cAsH l- cxecx (p ZONE:OFFICER: nppro"J]City: DATE- AYABLE TO NHC) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS T. MC/VISA (FOR OFFICE USE ONLN SETBACKS: F:- LH--- RH- B-- l-- otscoven BFE+211,- Comment elr FL N PERMIT FEE: I Do tIC REG *: NC REG }: .)t) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION TYP Ei RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ATT QUESIIONS APPLICAEI-E 'O YOUR PRO]ECT "Pro,ect Responslbillt/' aorg-tra8 \ t bLA -2324 Appli6ation {ofrlce ure) APPLICANT'S NAMEI Crane Buildi no ComDanv. lnc oate 7118118 1152 Arboretu m Drlve CITY Wilmin0ton ZIP 28405PROJECT ADORESSI PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMEI Paul & J ruelino Jakubielski PHoNE f: 203-515-1563 1817 Si Tvler Drive,r415 clwr Wilml n LtP]8/t09-OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:Crane Buildino Compan v, Inc BTD6 LICINSE d,11Aqq crflr SouthPort ST; NC ZIP: 28161PO Bc,x 11219ADORESST EMAIL ADDRESST robvn larobuildin comoanv.co PROJECT CONTACT PERSON : Thom as Waldki EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tl Alteratlon a Renovatlon n General Repalrs NEW CON5TRUCTION: fi Erect New Residence D Addltlon to Exlsting Resldence [] Relocation r**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATL TI{AT APPIYIO YOUR PRO.IECIT*T D Att GaraSe (sF) q!9- n Sunroom (5F) "--_- E 6reenhouse (SF) E Det Garage {5f)_-D Porch (sF)496 E Pool(5F)tr Storage shed (5F)--- n Deck {SF}n Other (SF)Terrace 190 ls the proposed work chanSlng the exlsting footprint? [] Yes n No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:2078 Prop€rty Us€/ Occupancy: $ single ramlly [] Duplex n Townhous€ Descrlptlon of Work; PHONE 9'1 0 70 PHON E:910-477-1546 TOTAT PROIEcT cosT (tess Lot): $577.256 00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes iFi No ts any gtectrical, plumblnS or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure I Yes ts No lftheproiectis a Relocatlon, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yss XNo ls there Electrical Power on thls Bulldlng? E Yes Cl No New Sinqle Familv Resi dence lawJ and ordlnaflces n OISCLAIMERT lherebY od retulstiont. The NHC Oevelopmcnt Servicc5 c€ntcrcertlly that.llthe lnformetion ln thls appllcatlon It correat and all work wlll comply with the State guildlnS Code and nllother applicable State a willbe notifled ofanY changet ln the:pproved plan5 and SPecifications oa ahan8e in cont nd local information.'4'NOTE Anywork performed dthotlt the approprlate PermitJw illbe in !io Jtlon of lhe NC Stale gld8 Code .nd 3ubieci to rlnes op to $5OO OOr" owner/contractor: Georqo W. Crane ,.--- slSnature: Total Acres Di5turbed;5 WATER: El ctPUA D CommunltySystem i: Private Well n CentlalWell ! Aqua )p*l,r "Ltcensed Quolilie/' Prinl Nane ls the property lo€ated in a floodplain? fl Yes Ef No Exlstlng lmpervlous Arear llIL-- Sq ft N€w lmpe.vlous Arear 9;009-- Sq tt Community System I Private Septic ! CentralSeptlc n Aqua I .ii1 ' Insotlron [equyeo, g t a.25 4_0,orrt ) SEWER; H CF?UA'C ,"*,P-eD UFJ.U setb rH) /5' (RH) -3o (B)a.ks$lllo'I llzs ftt ,,oooApprovalctty; -!LA- oatel 4 : (A) - (v)-. (Nl X BFE+2ft= -.Commentl ..9c) e c\e) h.,ol'zt4 Permlt FeerS ,. , l-ir ffi,, su8DtvlstoN: Landfall/Pembroko Jonos Park - toT d:50 - unheated:!920- ExistlnS Land olsturbing Permltr n Yes E( No -Jo' (Ec t?RMIT: (t ir-l )o 18'q'?+ $-Lfi*2a , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSHER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTTS l,lAME: 14qKin1sy Building corporarion DEVELOPER: oak Ridge properties at porters Neck PRO] ECT z AFFIIEI=ift'N Number (office Use) DATE :8-8-1 i 208 Porters Neck Road ; Wi lmington _ PHONE #: eta -232- 63.t c ZlPi2B4tl PROPERTY OIJNERr S NAItlE: oak Ridge properLies at porrers Neck OWNER'S ADDRESS: po Box 4or4 - CITY: qi 16in CONTRACTOR: McKinley Building corporation _ LICENSE #: :oegs ADDRESS: 380? peachtree Ave., suite 200 - CITY: 6i1*1 _ PHONE #: 9ta 232' 631,6 ton ST: Ng ZIP:2sa65 5T: 116 ZIP: zaao: _ PHONE S: 910-39s-5035 ton El'tAIL ADDRESS : bI i sk@mckinleybui f ding. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Brandon Lisk - PHONE #: 910-39s-6035 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Na ALTERATION ural Gas Line on the u (check A11 rhat apply) RENOVATION rrent Site? f _ES li- No IS BLDG S GENERAL REPAIRS FAST TRACK SHELL trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDf * YesJ-_ UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE NoNElll CoNSTRUCTIoN: L--l ERECT NEhl STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building f. yes l- N0 *'*** rs THrs A cHAllGE 0F occuPANcY UsElr YES lr. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy Ix8fi? ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: 1is1q Arch, EecEure - PH:916-753-5653 NC REG #:79s3 OESIGN PROF E SSIONAL :-Dav i d Simms Associares .PH :910-791-801G NC REG #:7136 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Shett BuiLding Consrrucrion DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that allinformation in ng Code and all olher applicable State and locallaws and ordi in contraclor Fines Up To OWNER/CONTRACTORI erandon Lisk (Ooalifeo (PrintName) Note Demolition notilcations & asbeslos removalpermit applications are to be submitted using the a or chanoeSubtecl'to nancea and regulations. Theor mntractor information. "'$500.00*' WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA the a olans and soecifi cationsltc Srare Eldq Code and (DH 3768)whether the lacility or building was foLrnd lo SQ FT IFICATION RH- B-- BFE+2ft, SIGNATUR TOTAL PROJECT COST: sooooo TOTAL AREA SQ FI : 9668 SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: eeeg # OF STRUCTURES: I # OF FLO ORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES J- NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE oFFrcE E RESTAURANT E MERCANTLEl-1 EDU APT CONDO OTHEteus iness COIV]MUNITY SYSTEM IWELL EZONING USE CLASS PRIVATE SEPTTC E COUl Urutry SySrcUCENTRAL SEPTIC .'. SEPARATE PERIVITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS 8 INSERTS "' ENT METHOD f CASH J-. crecr lenvnBLE To NHc) l-_ nuenrcnru EXPRESS l-_ r,rrcn/sn [-_ otscovER NE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: oDToVaI: CitV: DATE FLOOD II Comment LH N PERMIT FEE: I qa6 eo- OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlAfiE : cak Landrnq ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? l:- yesl!- ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainl l- Ves li ruo contain Asbeslos or nol. You are required to call the National Emissjon Standards lor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar leasl 10 days prior ro lhe demolition ol any facilily or building- See Asbestos Web Sile: htpr/www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html BUILDING HEIGHT: 19,-0, #OFUNITS: NEW I[,4PERVIOUS AREA: qs\l zDlg-a'7barffi5a APPIICANT'S l,lAME:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC Datel rnolrcrAooRts: $1 13 VA.w'r: Aulvur>CITY:wllmington SUBDIVISIoN:_tor fi: ?t) PROPERTY OWI{ER'S NAME:Bl[ Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC p116X6 g; 910.350,17,14 owNERfs ADDRESS: 127 Racine D.ire, Suiia 201 cIIY 7p1 28403 CONTRACTOR:Bill Oalk Home6 ol wilmington, LLc BLOG I.ICENSET:34586 ClIy. Wllmington 51. Nc 2p; 28403 PHONE:9'1o.350.17 44 O0sTlNG Col{STRUCIlOil: E Alt€iation E Renovatlon E General Repairs NEw CoNSTRUCIIONi Ei Ered New Residence E Additlon to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PLEASE C+IECK AIfD AI{SWER BELOW AILTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTA"A,- -)E Att Garase (sFl I}22- E Det Garase (sF) - E Porch (sF)2-q.l tr storage shed (SF)- AOORESST lAtlcin. Driw, Suite 201 EMATTADDR€ss llfi*@Ul,,t I Cl arz U11or- , \ r,,- eaow,910.350.1744 PRorEcT cor,rrAcr PERsorv, = (za sH --?c-.L E sunroom {SF)- E Greenhouse (5F)- tr Pool (SF) - O Dect (sF) - E other (sF)\) ls the propos€d wo.k chan8lng the erlstlng footprint? E roTAL Sq FT UNDER RooF llor prcpos.d wo/iil H.atedr Yes Ei No l\064 rorAr pRorEcr cosr (r-e "L.n,S 124 ,1'l b ls the proposed work chenginSth€ number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls eny Clactrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work beinS done to th. Accessory St.ucture E Ye3 El No lfthe project isa Relo<atlon, is the.€ a ilaturalGas Llne on the cuff€ntslte? E) Y.s El No ls there Electrlcal power on thi5 Bullding? EI Yrs E I'lo Property Uae/ ocdprncy: E sindeC.mdy E Duplex E Townhous€ Description of wo*:n6w constuclion of dngl€ t mit lesrd6r'ce lnfomdon. ". oI!: Any mrl p!.fm.d w$out the.pproPri.te p.frlc,{l b. ln vaol.don oltn. Nt olds cod. and tu6j.cr to fiG up to 9500,00"' Own6./Contridor o"\ OrSO,lMatu r h.EbV t.rtlly th.r .ll rlE lnlo6.tio. ln nB .pflr..tiq b co.r.d .nd .I work wtl @mpt wlor th. Sl.te suildlis cod. .hd .ll oth., .ppl-Ehl. SttE .nd lot l tM and ddtnane .nd .!adniol6. rhe Bc o.v.lopm6r s€wlee c.nt r wlll te notifcd ol 3ry ch.nt.. h th. epp.d.d ph6 rnd srcifr..tbnt 6 .rr$9. ln dtnctor ls tha property located ln a floodplain? E Yes El o Edrdng lmpaMoua Aree: - Sq Ft Ne* tmpeMous arca: -OI)22- sq Ft Exbting land Oisturblq Pennltr E Y.s E o WATER: E CFPUA El conolnity system E Prlvate well E Gntral Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Cornmunity system E Private S€ptlc E centralseptic E Aqua zon.: _ offf@r: _ s.tbackr (n _ G}l) _ (RHl _ (s) -Approval: - Crty: - Date: - rhod: (Al - (vl - (Nl - BfE+2fF -Comrn.nt: P.rmft Feer $ Ltr P LL/4_ lrm NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P U CAfl o N f YP E : RESIDENTIAL PIEAsE ANSWER AIL QUESNONS APPUCAAU TO YOUR P8O'ECI 'Proiect R6ponslbmqf unr,""t"a, tl2-O roter Ac'G! Dlsturted: 0, g 4 TO 7 \ryQEKIN.q QAY-S IUSNAROUND TIME (FAST TRACK)FOR NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL _ STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING t,Vtnfut* $, bn CWt tUdtht!&;t$ur,n,ng an apptication for a new resldentat construction building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: @ I have attached an official CFpUA document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFpUA. I I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off ftom the Gity of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. E lhave attached an official proof of an approval granted bythe New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete wlth the required drawlngs, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are nofurther clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Goungr ean guarantee that the buildlng permit wlll be lssued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) worklng days after the official submittal datelffme (the stamped date/time notatlon made by the Building safety Department on the application or submlttal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only beglns when the application is submitted orior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Slgned In acknowledgment:w Jfus")0r^t( NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BLILDING SAFETY 230 C,OVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I 70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.730E Fox: 910.798.781 I lntemet : www.rtcgov.corn Printed NameSignature Address for the proposed residential work: Date A-t f/ e',lts