SEPTEMBER 24 2018 BUILD APPSNEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPUCAT,ON TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLTASI ANSWER AI-T QUTSTIOT{S APPLICAE[! TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prol.cl ResponiibllM L,I ;1 ,, CITY /ht?, I Date:2)ltl A?: 2 i: l!P----t, Blrrg ucENsE * 1) )'i'1sr'(affi 2o\g- l0J?5 LW755 Apltlc.tbn Number (ofiice ur.) APPTICAi.T'S NAMt: PROJECT ADDRESS: a.r.rvnonotu!frl -? suEDtvtstoN:,JN PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMEI PHONE 6: OWNCR'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:0t AODRESS: EMAIL PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: lSTll{G COI{STRUCTIOI{: f} Alteration O Renovation D General Repairs NEW CO flnUCnON: O{cct Ncw Residcncc O Additlon to Existint Residcnce E Relocation E PHON E, o.1(o","..tro 96tt O Grecnhous€ (SF) E Det 6arage (SF) _ n Deck (5F) Porch (Sf)/sb E Storage Shed (SF) _ ,ubJro to fin.5 u], to 55m.@''' ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? E Yes E No U'toTOTAI Sq FT UNoER ROOI Aot ptoposed workl He.rad: lqlQ Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S r ls the proposed work drantint the numb€r of b€drooms? tr Yaa E xo lsanyElacrhal,PlumblnaorMachanlcalworkbaintdonctothcAcc€ssoryStructureEYr3El{o lf the pro.lcct ls a n bcdlon, isthere a NaturalGas Line on the currentsite? E Yas E o ls ther€ Electrlcal Poweron thls Bulldlng? E Y6 E No ./ProD.rty Ur./ occup.ncy: El.,Slnd. Famlly E Duplq tr Tounhor6c Informatbn- ...iloTEi any work padoflnad DlSClllM:n: lhlraby canify thatallthr Intonnailon ln thl!application i! cqract and allwo.l wlllaomply with lha State Bulldln8 Cod! and alloihcr apdlt bh Stela and loaal liws and ordinanclr aod ragulstioo! Thc NHC gcvrlogment Scrvlcal Clntar wlllbG ndifiGd ol any ahrngcs in the approvad planl and rpecificltions or chanse in aontraclor flo,,ff*tr** *n'n,, (t violatio^ of the NC Stata SBnaturc: 'Licchscd Qwlifrct' Ptilt Nome ,/,. ls the property located in a floodplain? E vcs El'fto Exlstlnt lmpcrvious Area: _ Sq ft Tot l Acrer Dl3turbcd: ownar/Contractor: .blr !w lmpeMour.Arc"' .3 ?1 I Sq Ft Ert dn3 t nd DhurblnS Permh: E Y.. E No w$faRt {cFPyA E community System O Privat€ well O Central well E Aqua SEwERt 6F?UAE Community System E Private S€ptic E C€ntral Septic E Aqua r0nei _ finclr: _ lrrbilIr (tl _ (Hl_ trl) _ (Bl _ Approv.l: _ Oty: _ O.te: _ Fbod:(Al_(v)_( ,_8FE+2ftr- CITY: Comtnent:Permil Fee: $ -l ?rl {,' D Sunroom (5F) _fl Pml (sF) - O other (sR _ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPI,ICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' pot6 -rcA9 I L8-2757 Application Numb€r {office us€) Oate: S 7)\( ZlPi . APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PRO.IECT ADDRESS: Lrt CITY th tt', SUBDtVtStON: n Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (SF) Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet' 'o tlt t 1 t BLDG LICENSE fll rsr /-( ztp PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:PHONE # OWNER'S AODRESS:CITY CONTRACTOR 0t ADDRESS: EMAIL ADD PROIECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E dect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation /,f2. Zl*--), PHoNEtq/O lb ? - {r/.-1 ,fiu"r"r",r4 gttt E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool {SF) n oeck (SF) Porch (SF)/5b ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? I Yes n No U.toTOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed wort) Heated:l71t Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 7oS,om lsthep.oposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElect cal, Plumblng or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E t'lo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves E lto -,/P.operty Use/ occupancy: lE.,Single Family 3 Duplex E] Townhouse Descrlption of inforrhation. "'NOTE: Any wo.l performed u,ith approp.iate p€rmits willbe in violataon ofthe NC State Bl nd sublecl ro fines up to s500.00"' S al Signature: law3 and ordinanaes and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of anychanSes in the approv€d plans and 3peciflcations or chanSe jn contraclor ls the property located ln a floodplain? A Yes # fristlnt lmpervious Areai _ Sq Ft New rmpervious4r""r 1.J -t 7, ,o,, *orr,, irruoollilirrr,em u Privatewerr SeWel: 6Ua E Community System E Private Sept t'TotalAcres Disturbed: I ' klsting Land Disturbing Permit: E) Yes fl No E centralwell D Aqua ic E Central septic E Aqua Z0i!t _ offi lut _ S!tb!!k (t) _ {tli) _ {Rl'l} _ (8} _ Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BtE+2ft= - Comment: ,1 E Storage shed (SF)_ tr other (sF)_ Permit Fee: S - r\N I l: APPLICANT'S NAME: q SlOr.'^, Q.e-pc^rs S#tord -t03t5 1reffi APPLICATION Numbe r (office use) Clear Form Print eMail NEt,{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSUJER ALL QUEST]ONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" (-lt,t ^) a 5l4l .L . DATE :4zq- DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AO occUPANr/BUsINEss NAIIE: ru,C*arff -- h]fOr"qlO,A Nt PROPERTY OWNERJ S NAME: OWNERJ S ADDRESS: ,r/Wftr-wotD eL sorf lloo CITY: CONTRACTOR:e \LICENSE *: ADDRESS:CITY: EI.4AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERsON PHONE #:il ZIP i PHONE # s ' 1a/-@-/167h7 zrPta14{-7 Gf--a9.9 (aheck Ar1 rhat Appty) RENOVATION FI.GENERAL REPAIRS Erent srte? f V6i;- r'lo rs BLDG sP-RrN sI':AlL zrPt ztqll PHONE #: PHONE #: IL' RELOCATION KLEREDf YesJ- EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the No NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: UT ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shel1 Penmlt #: ***** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? IF Yes, u/hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? - W IXPfi 'ortro* PRoFEssroNAL : ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIONAL:_ DESCRIPTION OF II]ORK Is Elect Power on this Building fiv"'NOr I ves ffro,-.---hat is tfie New Occupancy PH: PH: NC REG +: NC REG +: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? l- v."[f.lo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz l- ves fituo DISCLAIIVER: I hereby ceniry that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Build ng Code and all other applicable State O and local laws and ordrnances and -egulations. The NHC Developmenl Servrces Cenler w ll or chanoe in corl'aclor or conlraclo- n'or.-ratior. "'NOTF' Anv Work Performed W/O the ASJbieclIo Fines Up -o $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: -\Or"A: [1"-d be notified of anv chanoeppropriale Permils wll b;e SIGNATURE: Bldq code and s nthea in Viol /a/ (ou6life4 (P nl Nam€) Note: Demolition notilications & asbestos removalpemit applications arc lo be submilied using the applicaijon form (DHHS-3768) contain Asbeslos or not. You are required ro callthe National Emi*sion Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutanrs (NESHAP)ai (919) demolition ol anylacility orbuilding. See Asbestos Web Sile: htpTl/vww.epi.slate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hhl or buildinq was found to !t l0 days prior lo the TOTAL PROJECT CO TOTAL AREA SO FT : BUTLDTNG HErcHr: 441:. 3i-o4/ # OF UNrrS: ,Z clO SQ FT PER FLR. . Zl, @o # OF STORIES: I ST TOTAL SQ FT UNDER o F NEW IN.4PERVIOI.JS AREA: PROPERTY USE ZONE: OFFICER # OF STRUCTURES 7-#OF FLOORS: I Exsr LAND DtsruReltc eenutru -|- ves OFFICE RESTAURANT IVERCANTILE EDUC APT COND X"ro SQ FT o\orrttr p2 61(6 11tt st (. FICATIONIfl::.E:::r PAYMENT METHOD: EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "', l- cesn l-_ cnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) f_ AMERIcAN EXeRESS |{ vcrursr J-_ otscovER (FoR oFFrcE usE oNlvt / \ CoMMUNTTYSYSTEM fl WELL E ZONTNG USE CLASST cENTRAL sEprc Ll pRtvere srprrc I covtttut'ttry sysrEM SETBACKS: F RHB BFE+2ft.Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment c,\\ LH PERMIT FEE: I ACRES DISTURBED: ".{-!!1.}j- ALTERATION SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOIJS AREAI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AII qUESTIONS APPLICAEI-E TO YOUR PROIECI "Prolect Responslblllty'' ffit}- lo3)t2 L8=2760 Application Number (omce use) APPTICANT'S NAME:Seventy West Bullders, lnc.08t27/2018Date: pRoJEcT ADDRESS; 802 Bradshaw Terrace g1ry. Wilmington 4p1 28412 SUBDIVISION:Riverliqhts CONTRACIOR; ADDRESS: PO Box 1070 West Builders, lnc.s196 11661'156 s 64926 ctTy: Hampstead Sl: NC ztp: 28443 EMAIL ADDRESS:melissa@TOwestbuildsrs,com pHor,rE: (910) 324-4447 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON. R)/AN BAiIEY PHONE. 910-547 9362 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation E GeneralRepalrs NEW CONSTRUCTION:trect New Residence E Addition to ExistinS Residence [] Relocatlon ...P[EASE CHEC( AND ANSWER 8EI.OW A[I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"* TOTAL SQ fT UNDER i,OOF ffor proposed wotkl Heated: 2589 Unheated:958 TOIA! PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S 280,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms?Yes No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbln8 or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure Yos No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current site?Yes No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E Yes No Property Use/ Occup.n"y,[ Slngle Famlly E DuplexE Townhouse Descriptlon of Work: Dweyer-Letl-A laws and ordinances and.egulatlons. The NHC Development SeMces Centerwlllbe notlfled ofanychanget lnformatlon. *r.NOTE: Anywork performed withoutthe appropriate permltr wlllbe ln v,olation of the NC S lnt plans and speclffaationt ot che nge ln contaador brect to fines upto Ss(x).mr.. ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Exlstlng lmpervious Area: -q- sq Ft SEWER: Owner/ContractoT: Craig Smith Slgnature: "Licensed Quoliliel P nt Nome No Total Acres Dlsturbed: 0 17 New lmpervlous Areal 2894 Sq Ft Existing land Dlsturblng Permlt:Yes No WATER:CFPUA E community system ! erirat" w"tt I centratWetl E Aqua CTPUA E Communlty system ! erivate Septi" ! Central septtc E Aqua zone: _ Ofrlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval:_ Clty: _ Dater_ Flood: (A) _ lV) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft. --Commenti permlt Fee: $ 1s1 L 282 pRopERw owNER,s NAME. Seventy West Builders, lnc pHoNE s. 910-324-4447 OWNER,S ADDRESS: pO Box 1070 CtTy: Hampstead Apt 29445 I att oarage 1sr1 516 lDetGarage(SF]- E Sunroom (st) - E Pool (sF)- ! Greenhouse (SF)- ! oeck (sr) - ls the proposed work changing the existing tootpanttI Ves ! Ho I eorctr 1sr1 232 ! Storage shed (st)- I ott "r 1sr1 210 fi."\', 1a ?o16- lo3 )f L8-27 68NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION rYPE; COI4I1ERCIAL PLEASE A sI,{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" AP-FfffAFfoI Number (oFfic! Ure) APPLICAT,IT'S tAriE : DEVELOPER: P,,l {, Jo,ri,r//, lo,"l,, L/"t..1"/r "i l/-OATEi. /./ /)r-,,. -.2 f-u,<t PHONE #: PROJECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAITE : PROPERTY OHNER,S t{AItE: OWNER'S ADDRESS: ztPt2 gA)5 _etwe *.(yp6)ylo jg5 *: nSa-re : e12p1 . sT:l//ztt i.<7r, PHONE S: Pll()NE S: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS : LICENSE f: CITY: d, EIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT EXIST CONSTRUCTION: tf Relocation, is there a NaKtural urrent Site? f.J-- r,lo IS ELDG S trPRINKLEREDtr_ Yesf_ ALTERATION Gas Line on the RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION es NoE}'I CONSTRUCTION:f] EREcr NEU srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK f] sHELt fl upFrr E ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: :TX,.** IS TTIIS A CHAi,IGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YEs IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ what is t Tvoe?ATtH OESIO{ PROFESSIOML;PH: # OF STRUCTUR Is Elect PoHer on this Building K Yes f N0 E he Net, Oc€upancy NC REG #: El'lGR DESI6{ PRoFESSIoIIAL L | 53ttr DEscRrprroN oF woRK: fiVTT Lattl a.*aut< lo es, ls food or beverages prepared or served in tni"/"trrarr"r l- v""(ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz [- ves (lo all olher applicable State Dlans and soecifi cationsl.tc sEte Bldg code and (O!alfie0 Nots: Demolitlon nolmca ons & asbelos remov6l permh applic6$rns 6.e lo be submltted lslno the application fofm (DHHS-37il)whether the facillty or bullding was tound b ,n'W7rWA0-/4'/6- t{c REG # s liro .e// huer cont€ln Asbesto6 or nol. You 616 r€qulr€d lo call the N6lioml Emlsslon Slanclads for Hazardous AIr Pollusnls (NESHAP) 6t (919)707-5950 ai least 10 d6ys p.lor to tha demollton of any facllhy or bulldan!. See Asb€slos W6b 5(6: hllp://wv/w.€pl.sl.l.nc.usr6pyasboslos/ahmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT : *r( 000afr-BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -l- YES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI COMMUNITY SYSTEM "a"r*ot- s=tflc E BWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC m zoNrNG usE clAsarrcetoN i,/l ;l ;l (*o SQ FT WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA \_/ COMN,lUNITY SYSTEM SEPARATE PERMIIS REQUIRED FOR ELECT MECH PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFASS & INSERTS (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER:LH RH B Aooroval: Ciw: DATE FLOOD: BFE+2ft, AVNComment PERMIT FEE: : /o u,re r (ch€cl All rhat &ply) L iaa , Xaro arsc I TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:_# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: pAyMENr METHOD: [- CASH p( cHeCX lenveALE TO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS t-- nCmSa [-_ OrSCOvrn &^;,)'9^t c-s'tc RECEiyE0AU63020S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII^OING PERMIT APruCATAN |YPE: RESIDEi|NAL PI€AS€ ANSWER Att qJ€5TIOt6 APPUCAALE TO YOUR PiOJICT 'Prorrct nGponCblly ;\016 - rDa5/ tt -;S$Applkation {off'.e ur€) suEDrvrstoN: CONTR.ACTOR Searg Home lmpro\rements grDG 1166 59s; 47330 AODRESS: .1523 Green Point Dr #'t t3 oTy: Greensboro sr: NC ZP: 27410 EMAIT ADORESS:dvt7612@aol.com PHo E: 336-647'1970 PRolECT CONTACT PfRSON:Danny Townsend PHot{E:33&E47-'1970 gEnt{G OOI{SIfiUCnoI: fl Aheration {*nouation E General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Eristing Residence D Rebcation ..*PTIASE CHEC( A'{D A'{SWER BEL ' AIT ..' D Att carage {SF)_ E Der Garage (sF}_ tr porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool(Sf)E Storage Shed (SF) _ 0 other (sr) _E Greenhouse (SF) _Cl oecf (Sr) ls the proposed work changing the exlstinS footprint? E Vq ffio IOTAI Sq FT U DER ROOF lJot Uoposed wort) Xe.ted:Unhrated: TOIAI PROJTCT CO6I (Less Lot);s 9,691 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E tes Ytxo ls any Elect.kal, Plumlirg o. Mcchankal work beint dohe to the AccBsory St.ucture E yes El,l$o lftheprojectisaReloc.tion,isthereal{aturalGasLin€onthecunentsite?EYcsENo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildlng? fies D rc '/Property Usa/ Occupancy: E/Singl! Famlly O Dupler E Townhous! Oesartption of Work:Reolacino I windows. DP45. Lorv-E. Double Huno.Reouestinq buildinq Dermit. lau6 and o.dinanc.r and regul.tbns. nE NHC Oelelopment Servi.cs Crnt.r will be ndtfl€d of.ny dranscs tn thc .pproyed ad +.rifrcatbns or dranS€ in contrrctorhfoh.rion. .'.NOT€: Any wo* p€rformed witholt rh€ .ppropri.t. pcrmG t.ill be tn violrtk o sf th€BldS Codc and to sso.o... Orn.r/Cont actor Oanny Townscnd $tn.t c: 'Li.eDtcd Quolirl.t' Iitnt NonP- ls the prope.ty located in afloodplain? 0 YG3E o Erhtln! lmprMour Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acr6 Disturbed: Ncw lmpcrYlous Arcar Sq Ft Exlstin! LEnd lrlsturilry Pernk E YGs E t{o WATER: B CFPUA E Community System D Prlvate Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWERi tr CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zoas: _ Oficer: _ Setbrcts lF) _ lrH) _ lnH) _ lB) _ App.oval: _ Chlr: _ Dtt.: _ Flood: lAl _ M _ (ill _ BFE+2lt= _ Commene Permlt Fe€: S 65- oo Appuc flI"s NAME: Oanny Tounsend, Sears pgt3; 8/30/2018 pp6156 asp6ss51 806 Red Lighlhouse Lane Ory: \Mlmington 1y 28112 LOT s: _ pROpERTy OWr{CRt A1UE: Parn€la Mack pxoltr. 910-352-5077 ow[ER,s ADDiEss: 806 Red Lighhous€ Lane oTy: Wilmington 21D. 28412 RECEIVED AU6 1? 1a-rs NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDIilG PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESIOENTIAL PLEAE Ai{SWER ALt qUESIIONS APPIICIBLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project tesponsibiltv &or8 - rcAS5 6. Rzb Appnc.Uon (ofUce us€) AprucAr{fs NAME: Danny Townsend, Sears s16.8/3112018 pRo1ECT ADDRES5T 4716 lndian Com Trail cFY: Wilmington a9 28129 LOT # C6NTMCToR: Sears Home lmprovemenls BIDG ucEt{sE r. 47330 ADoRess: 4523 Green Poinl Dr.#1',ts 6py1 Greensboro ST: NC zp: 27410 EMAII. ADORESS:dvt7612@aol.com pHo E: 336-8,t7- 1970 PROJECT CONTACI PERSO{V:Danny Townsend pxore:336{47-'1970 E(lm G OOI{STnUcno : D Alrerarion Eln",nor"tion El General Repairs NEWCOSTRUCnO:EErectNe$,,ResidenceEAddltiontoEisungResidenceERelocation ...P!!A'E CHECX AI{D AITSWEN !E[OW AII THAT APPTY TO YOUR Pf,O.IECT..' n Att Gara8e (SF)_ E oet Garage (SF)_ tr porch (SF) E Sunroom ISF)tr Pool(sF)-tr Sto.ate Shed (SF) _ tr other (Sr) _E G.eenhouse (Sf) _tr oeck (SF) ls the proposed work chantiog the eristlng footprtnt? D yes E No TOTAL Sq FT U'{DER ROOF Vot ptopsed wo*l Heated: 175 Unheated; Usinq exisling plumbing lin€s. Requesting building permit. DlSOll ER: I her€by cently that .ll the informetion in rhls.pplcation b.on d and .ltrort w$ cornlt,ll.h thc Si.te Buildlry Codelaws .nd ordlnances and ESulations. Th€ NttC De\dogned S€Mces Cemlr wlll be noflfled ot enylnfo.matloh. " 1NOTE: Any wort perform€d without the appropriate p.rmlts wilt be tn vtotst.ron of dun3el in the approved plans and thc {Elds cod€ and.ll other applkibh Stat. and loc.l specifications or ch.n8€ in contractor to th.s up to 55m.m... ouner/contractori Oanny Townsend sttn.ture: 'Licchsed Auofifref Pint Norne ls the property located in a floodplain? B Yls El o Exktlnt hpcrvlous Arcai -- Sq Ft Ncw lmplMous Areat _ Sq Ft Tgtal Acr6 Disturbcd: Exlstln! L.nd Dlrturbln! pc.mh: E y!5 E No WATER: D CFPUA E Community System E private Well O Centralwell E Aqua SEWER:tr CFPUA fl Community System E privateseptic E Cent.alSepti. EI Aqua oficer: _ Setbeck F) _ GH) _ lnH) _ lB) _ App.owl: _ CltV: _ DatG: _ Ftood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFG+2lt= _ Comrtlenti permlt F€e: $85" 0() suBDtvlstoN: pROpERTy OUr Cns flAtr6; Jack Todd pnOnrr: 9iG675-9027 Ow{Cn'S ADonEss: 4716 lndian Com Trail cny: lMlminqton 71'p. 26429 IOTAI PROTECT COST (Less lot): S 8,888.79 ls the prqposed wort changing th€ number of bedrooms? E y., fro ls any Ele.trlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes Ei-No tf the project is a Rebcatlon, is there a NaturalGas l-ine on the cur.ent site? E ycs E No lsthere Electrical Poweron this BuildinS? EaVes D lo ProFrty Ur€/ (k up. ,rcv{!il[r,y- tantty E Duphr E Tounho{s€ Descdpttoo of worls lnstallinq ne{v Ouart countertoDs and backsDlash, undermount sink, and new bucet. RECEIVFN sEP 0 4 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPEI COI!1I.,1E RC IAL PLEASt A,JSI'Ea A-L QUEsTlO,.ls AePt ICABL! TO tolR pR0lt( I "P.ojert Responsibility" AppLICANT'S NAIIE: -r:.j lic,,,, enc OEVELOPER: o,,.i,u.i PRO] EC I ADIJ fo tE - Loall t8-2726 AFifi-ATIoN lJufiber (0rf1ce urc) DATE: a/ri.r :40?-14?-it5l t{t55i to2 s. coil€ge Rd CITYI y;e111lngg6n ZIP:2sax1 0ccuPANT/BUS INES S PROPERTY OI,]NER' 5 O'NER'S ADDRESS: NAI1E i outback SLeaj< house NAlilE: s{13. 1 3 9, 11,s PHONE S: SI s16-71n 4915 py ZI P: i 15.i 7 5T: ZIP I ll6 Glenwood Rd CITY i clenxood Land!ng CONTRACTOR: ADDRISS: 'I U! PRoIECI CoNTACT PERSoNi John Keen (Che.k All Ihat Arply) EX I5I CONSIRUCTION ALI ERATION RENOVATIOI.I 6ENERAL tr CS T- l'ro RCPAIRS T-'] RELOCATION rS BLDC sPhiNKr.ERt,DlE- resl- - L ICENSE fi CITY: PHONE 'PHONE # No NEI.J CONSIRUCTION ll nclocation, rs lhero a Natural Gas Line on the urlent silo? ERECT NEI,J STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(SHEtt UPIIT I\CCESSORY STRUCTURE i 4a1-)4.t-4r\) ADD TO IXIST S'TRUCTURE If UPIIT - The Shel.] Pe.mit ii Is Elect Po*er on this Building f. Yes PHi3jO- 572 ltoo llc REC * t.0 tlC AfG ttr- r ..*.. ]S THIS A CHANGE IF Yesr rhat was the prevlous 0ccup!ncy Typel 0F occuPANcv usEr ri yEs Ii. rJo ...,. - i,lhat is the Nev occupancy Itr8fi to;srcu PRoFEssroNAL : EN6R DESI6U PRoFESSIoNAL:_ DESCRIPTIOtI OF ll0RK: ioLer.!o! !.ei,odel. oI exid!in.t resLauranE Pll ls lool or bever.rges pr€parod or served in lhts structrlrel I-!i Yesfll No ts l he propedy Localed ln Th6 Ftoodptainl [- ves li, ruo olscLllMEa lhe,ebY certly lhal rI rnlolmalron n llis applic€lron is cofiect and allworx wll compt wdh th6 Srale Burtdrng Code and a othcr appt,cable State 3;i.Bti!ffii^l,'"13;tit-Td',r""l',""?ij?lJl:""lle.$3?r"il"y"'&T& is#tft9,%ityx#jf;,j#""J,"jtT,,,"t"":;1,x,",f8ftl,,r"ilii,3i3 ja",.$:1,:1; Subts.l'1o F nas Up To !500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:.roIrn xeen STGNATURE: {ouJ 164 (psrfi.@) ien.rl 1 on o, a o, Iac 'r,r/ cr L u t rurg srd Asbc sros web s,l. hup /,\rN €p,.srre.nc u tep/a sDelto9.hs p.hvnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: ]oo, oo0 BUILDING HEIGHT: d oF UNITSj ] OTAL A[]EA SQ FT TOiAL SQ FT UNDER ROOI; ACRL:S DISTURBED NEW JMPERVIOUS AREA PIIOPI RIY USE /,i1 j !rt si:,,t:;,.FPUA SO FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTURES PRTVATE SEpTTC n COUl,rururrv sysrEl",l IFOR OFF]CE USE ON I/ OF STORIES f OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA OFFICE RESTAURANI I,lEFCANTII.E EDUC CONDO OII It' CFPUA cof,l[1ut]ITY s /sTEt1 D y/ELL D ZONTNG USE CLASStFtCATtON SQFI ''':jir/.\it/\ll pi:liutl:r NiL,IIlil:t) t(Jit Ei.E(jl lJ!cll. !LBit. GrlS LoUtlr , pliLtAus d t|M. s.., PAYMENT Ir'IETI]OD: T CASH T, CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T. MC^/ISA T.. DISCOVER CET]TRAI SEPTIC lz I- SETBACKS: FzoNE R O oFFtcER l"'NfA ,, nt|*n, r,lfl, ,rl/lApprovat. AL Crty. IUV\/BF E+2fl ICorna nc nl PERMIT FEE DATE FTOOD Ciii' lnso:clion Re,qurreo, 9 I G2S4.Ul0r) EMAIL ADDRESS i (i&,) CITY: 18'2632 Apglk tion Number (oftk€ us€)WAPPTICATfS NAME: PROJECT ADDRE S: st EDtvtstoN: PROPERW OWNER'S NAMC: OWNER,S AODRESSI CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADORESS: PROJECT CO TACI PENSO : C|TY: Oatc: r LOT T: Etoc t; sr,UE 161, CITY: PHO C: Pr€lrE:4w,za.& Oostl G @ITSTRUCnOI: fl AlteBtion E Renov.tion E GeneralR€p.lrs/ NEl , OOxs nucnor{: Ef EEGI New Residence D Addition to Existlnt RGsldence E Rrlocltlon ...PI,TAS€ ctIECT AT{D A'{SU'EN BEU'W ATT IHAT APPTY TO YOUN PTO'ECT.. ' E/an eanse (sr)5qL /sunroom (sr)tb+D Pool (sF) - tr stontc sh.d (sF)- E Gre€nhous€ (SF) tr Deck (SF) - ls thc proposed work chan8lnS the exlstint tootprlnt? E Yes E No tr Oher (5F) _ TOTAI Sq F UxOEi rcOt Vor ptopo*d x/ort] Hri.d: ToTAt PnorEcr ootsT (Isrs lo0: Sj@.!E Unheated:Atz ls th€ proposed yvork ch.ntint the number of bcdrooms? n tcs E/* ls any Elcctrlcal, PhmblnS or Mldunlcal wort bcing done to the Acc$sory Strudure E Yca lf the proiect is a Rclocatlon, i3 there a Natural Gas Lioe on the current site? 5 vcr g/Xo ls there Electrical Power on thir BuildinS? tr v.3 E/xo Prop.ny U..y' occupencv: &/gnClc ram[y tr Duphr tr rovnho.8. {ro Dcscrlpdon of Wolt: rJa^t DGCffHf* I h.r.t c!.dfy d[t .I th. tnlorm.tioi h t t.pplc.tlon b.o.r.ct.nd .[ ro.t ulll Go6pl, whh dlc Sut lulldllrt C.d. and Cl olhr. apdkrur SLt! arld bol hrorftadon. '.'t{o?E: Any *o* partortld ult ioqt ttE app.oFlrt! paflnhs xdl ba h ylolttlon of tha NC Stttt Uda Codc and to 6nea up lo Ownlr/Contractor: 'uc.nt.d QuoW'Prina Noi,a ls th€ property located in a floodplain? E Yaa ErlrUnS lmpervtous Araa: - Sq Ft d lmpcrvlous Ataa: - Sq Ft {ro Tot l Acr6 Olstuttcd: ElsdnS Lnd Dbturblnt Permlt: tr Ya5 tr o WAITR: El CFPUA tr Communlty System D Prlv.te Wqll fl Centralwell E Aqua 58WER: tr CFPUA E Communfty System D Pritrate Septic tr Centnls€Ptic E Aqua NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIl"O!ilG PERMIT APPLKAIION lt?E: RESIDEI{flAL PI"EASE ANSWER ALI qUESNO S APPUCAAE TO YOUR PAO.IECT 'Ptolcct B.tgondullv UCENSI prr 30O 2o16- Lo41 l<-ffins {olfice ur.) Da:r-, R'28'Zo(B ZIP: Z 8'-tc->3 W e3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPEj RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" G,-,APPTICANT'S NAME:a PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION: CITY t-ol # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: ?2L €-.-rl d,lts On PHONE 'I qto -3qq-Bzrz CITY Fo.usf H,l s CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Cr,h-- 3'b-,'--BLDG LICENSE iI crry: k).. t,n.^,,lo sr: A.)(ap: 2 8q a2zelarcc((si EMAIL ADDRISS l l Att Garage (SF) CL^S,U,-,^ PHONE pHoNE:9 lo - 35q -825f h PROJFCT CONTACT PERSON IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: a Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: i l Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Resadence E Relocation **TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*}* D Det Garage {SF)n Porch (sF) n storage Shed {5F)_ I I Grecnhousc {Sf) _ n Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF)E other (SF) ls the proposed work chan8inB the existing footprint? fl Yes TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work) Heated:Un heated ToTAt PROIICT COST {Less Lot): S 5.o,q.D ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family I Duplex E Townhouse oEN 1b 18fiu6 lg 12: *2Pf1 {,",{". Description of Work K,+chcn laws and ordinanccs and rcBUlatlons. The NHC Development Services Cenlcr will b€ notified of any changes in the proved plans and specifications or change in contractor informalaon '**NOTET Any work perlormed wrthout the appropriate permits will b€ in violalion ol thc NC Stat subject to flnes up to 5500 001'* Owner/Contractor: "l icensed Quolilier" Signature: ls thc property located in a floodplain? [ ] Yes ff No Existing lmpervious Area: __ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: __ Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing permit: lf yes L_t No WATER: II CFPUA I Community System E Private Well ! Central Well E Aqua SEWER: NCCFPUA [f CommunitySystem ll PrivateSeptic E Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Orficer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _(RH) _(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:P€rmit Fee: S ztP: t L l Sunroom (5F) PrintClear Form EIVEI]A E ZorQ,- lc3S4 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility"(office use) AppLtCANT,S NAME. Neil Senter oate 8/23118 PRO,IEcT ADDRESS: 7014 Cayman Court ClTy. Wilmington ztP 28409 SUBDtVtStON: Lucia Point LOT H 24 sec 1 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME. Mjchael & Samantha Ward PHONE #. 847 -873-2127 coNTRACTOR: Senter Home Builders, lnc ELDG LTCENSE d 58420 ADDRESS: 6109 Wayfarer Tra I g1ry. Wilmington sr NC zrp 28409 EMATL ADDRESS: heather@sandwhomebuilders.com pRoJEcr coNTAcr pgg5gl Neil senler EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT n Alteration = Renovation = General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTlON: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation ** * PTEASE CHE ALL THAT APPLY RPR PHONE 910 524-4900 PHONE.9'10-619'3809 E Att Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (sF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) D Det Garage (sF)_D Porch (5F) I Pool (sF) n Deck (SF) ! storage shed (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes = No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor ptoposed work) Heated 4oO uhheated TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 65,000 lstheproposedworkchangangthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes = No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes C No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes = No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes ! No loeuB 1! l7: luFN Property Use/ Occupancy: = Single Family ! Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: replace exrsting kitchen cabinets, counterlops, and appliancesi move sink and dishwasher to island; remove wall al drning/kitchen. add column; add recessed lighting at kitchen; remove and replace hardwoods at living & sunroom laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services Center wlll be notilied ot any changes in th€ approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. +1'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be rn violation of owner/contractor: I signature "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes = No Existing lmpervious Area: __ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes = No WATER: E CFPUA ! CommunitySystem ! PrivateWell ! Central We E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E PrivatesepticnCentralseptic!Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F)_ (t-Hl _ (RH) _ (B)_ Approval: _ Cityi _ Oater _ Flood: (A)_ (V)_ (N) BFE+2ft= rhe Nc stare dg and subject to fines !p to 5500.00**i Comment: permit Fee: S Cil'l OWNER,S ADDRESS. 527 Old Maccumber Station Road Apt 126 _ CtTy. Wilmington _Ap:284O5 n other (sF)_ APPLICANTS NAME:n PROJECT ADDRESS: '7'i suBDtvtstoN: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI-iCABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" CITY .,*vP ?o$- tE- tc3u 1At'-) Cr r\7 Application Number (oflice use) Date(ZIP: , #: PROPERW OWNER'S NArUr: 7Z OWNER'S ADDRESSI PHONE f ctw ztP."2 ? i/// 7 BLDG LICENSE #:d*;rzCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ! Att Garage (SF)_ fl Sunroom (SF)_ n Greenhouse (SF) ClWl I PHONE PHONE ST: ZIP: 1/2- saa r/ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Aheration n Renovation n General Repairs ,.. NEW CONSTRUCrION: E Erect New Residence El'Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .*.PIEA9E CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJEC'**' @To**"rrrr?fu ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? n yes dlo TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: ToTAL PROJECT COST lLess Lotl 5 <?, /(( Cr ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being don lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturgl Gas Line o ls there Electrical Poweroothis Building? Zf Yes ! No /9rt unheated:2J-? n Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ U(otnu, $rl LNO it,oo SrxML { ;'-r E tB 9 3E5F il n Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) n Yes No e to the Accessory Structu re ENo n the current site? [ Yes g'x"/", Property Use/ Occupancy: ! Single Family ! Duplex [] Townhouse Description of Wo*;JAo laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany dEnges in the approved plans and specifications orchan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work OtYner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJie/ ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes ExistinS lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:a"Q'Sq Ft the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to S5m_0O... Signature: EJ No Total Acres Oisturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes No WATER: D CFPUA ! Community System n Private Well ! Central Well g/Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Septic n Centralseptic dAqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S : ffi aj Clear Form \rYt - Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER A[QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responsibillty" CITY Pc,t4-lc9lIt*t Appllcatlon Number (omce use) (L I8APPLICANT'S NAME:Date: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: ztP Si PROPERTY OWNER]S NAME; OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3 CONTRACTORI A ADDRESS:a, EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECTCONTACTP ERSONI ?Q V{ { CZN\ COIA Ll Sunroom t5ll fl creenhouse (sF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated: pnorrrr, 104 'V oo - loaA I Y CITY: ctw:0 0, BtDG LICENSE L ZIP,'U40{ llo J5'PHONE f: (l vl PHONET ("{?ST zp:1-ll lt),NI0(0 EXISTING coNsTRUcTlON:E Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocatiqn *T."PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtL THATAPPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** [] Att Garage (5F)-n Det Garage (SF)n Porch (SF) n Pool (SF) TorAt PRoJEcr cosT lt"r, totl s A,4 3S-' 0 A E Storage Shed (SF)_ X other (sF),Z {t" ha4 /*" a Naturalras Une on the curent slte? tr Yes U,/fto ine? E/es tr l,lo LJ nheated: 0 ?!Bu! 1.q ?rs5frtl ls the proposed work changing the n umber of bedrooms? E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there ls there Electrlcal Power on dthis Buil #^",Property Use/ occupancy:e Family ! Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: U ul {n olu DlsctAlMER: I h€rebycertlry that allthe lnformatlon ln this appllcatlon is correct and allwork wlll comply with the state Bulldlng code and ailotherapplicable State and local laws and ordinances and reSulations, The NHC oevelopment Services centerwlllbe notifled of any changes in the approved plans and speclficatlons or change in contractor lnform.tion. "'NOTE: Any work performed withor,t the appropriate permits wlll be in violatlon ofthe NC State Bldg Code and subject to flnes up to $500.00+*. Owner/Contractor:?rtur 2rn\la Slgnature: €D L2"Llcensed Quolille/ ls the property located in a floodplain? [ Yes Exlsting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exlsting Land Dlsturbing Permit ! Yes fl No WATER: D CfeUa ( Community System n Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: a CFPUA Fl Community System D Private Septic n Centralseptlc ! Aqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (l-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFEr2ft= -- H rvo-7\ Yran Comment:Permit Fee;$ lsany Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanicalwork beingdone tothe Accessory Structure ! Yes Nd7 2o16-/03qa Application Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERM]T APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilih/' APPLICANrS NAME: Shane Smith Date:08/07/2018 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1304 Wlliamsburq Ct CITY: Wlminoton Zl?: 28411 SUBDIVISION: Brittanv Woods LOT S: 105 PROPERry OWNEtrS NAME: John Sneed PHoNE #: 9'10-833-4924 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 134 Wlliamsburo Ct..CITY: Wilminoton zt? 28411 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Shane Smith E Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint?8, Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: !60 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 58,960.00 lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure XI yes n No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natura I Gas Line on the current site? n yesE No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Euilding? ^gl Yes I No Property Use/ Occupancy: B Single Fami[ n Duplex n Townhouse PHONE: 910-264-2075 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:!ErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation *i..PLEAsE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*** ! Att Garage (5F)D Det Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) Unheated: 29fiU6 t8 1l: t zfiE Oescription of Work: - Add bedroom , bathroom,and closel attached to back of existinq home laws and ordinances and regulatlons. The NHc Development services centerwillbe notified of any chan8es in the approved plans.nd specifications orchanBe in contr.ctorinformation "'NoT[: Any wo* performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the Nc stat?Ud8 code ano s(ryftt io nys]o to Ssm.od... Owner/Contractor: Shane Smith Signature; "// - , "/ , / /"Licensed QuoliJier" Pint Nome .<J t Lct^-\/-- \l '4'U/ ' - - ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes D No Existing tmpervious xeat 2,lb A sq n New lmpervious Area: 460 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: fl yes F No WATER: E; CFPUA ! Community System n private Welt n Centrat Well n Aqua sEwER: ECFPUA ! Community System ! private Septic D Centralseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Caty: =-_ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl -- B Comment: FE+2ft= Total Acres Disturbed: 0 sPermit Fee: CONTRACTOR: Coastal Buildino Concepts BIDG LTCENSE f.7115{ ADORESS: 518 Trails End Rd.. CITY: Vvitminqton ST:llZtp: 28409 EMAIL ADDRESS: shane@coastalbuildinoconcepts.com PHONE: 9i G798-2880 tr Porch (SF).- ! Storage Shed (5F) _ I o.hetlsil 4GO Ctre-NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT lO N TY PE: RESI DENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pro.iect Responsibility'' got\-to4a J Applica!ion Number (office use) APPTICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADORESSI l-4wrznce h.;qq5 Date 3 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: 't JJ ctrY: Nille ztP: ZStl O 9 PHONE f CITY: PHON 3 ztP BLDG TICENSE H N4 ST:ztP b h ,l- OWNER'S ADDRESS:Prtllq D. CONTRACTOR 5 rr) - T-' er'(hCe ADDRESS:, y'e- EMAIL ADDRESS:hwrpncarialaa uatil , ct>.^ o11 CITY ar )J-J PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Lau)Q*tcz- ! Att Garage (SF)n Det Garase lsF) fl sunroom (5F)n Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ffies A no oddiqlk uistinl TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROO! lt'or proposed !a/ort) Heated:LlL,/-Unheated: PHONE ,/'EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: MAlteration ! Renovation n General Repairs./ NEw CONSTRUCTIoN: ! Erect New Residence M/'Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *I''PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'I*'I n Greenhouse (SF)_ n Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ {otn", $il l'ttd€|a bedvwr,\ $ot1-,"1 f u"u TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S C5-L, ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being don lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf E'lYes 3 Ho eto Yes ! No the Accessory Structure es!No ?IfiUG 18 9;378l,t an n the current site? n Yes No Du E TownhouseProperty Use/ Occup Descrlption of work: ingle Fa ly laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Centerwill be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contraator information. "'NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subje€t to fines up to S50O.O0*.+ Owner/Contractor:ll v2r euc e rr|rS Signatu re "Licensed Quolifiet" *4ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existing lmpervious Area:_ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areai Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! No WATER: E, CFPUA E Community System C Private Well fl CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: M CFPUA ! Community System fl Private Septic ! Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date;_ Ftood: (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _ Comment:Permit Fee:s LOT #: \,'Zot$-lo4o5 APPL ICATIOIi Number (orl i(! Use) D,nE:q1C'j{ \) NEI{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTA|tON ryPE: C0l'll4E RC IAL ,,rt/,5t A 5l,ttr{ Al I QUtllIotJS appLICAStt l0 y0u8 r,,tolt(t "proj ec t Responsibllity" PRO][IT ADDRESS OCCUPANI,/BUSIN€SS NAXE PR0PtRTY ol'lN€R'S NAI'It : OHN6R'5 ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR; ADDRISS: NSE f PrioltE fl PHONE fl: ZIP i c CITY: LICE CITY i 2C,"1A11'1/86.0tr,@=r'&J5 ,r[Lrro,'2K]03 EI1AI L A0DRtSS: ,__ PRO]ECT CONIACT PTRSOI'I:O-{hrkM,vr ll lleloc€lion is ther{i a Naturn astineonl ^CCT SSORY STRUCTURT: (o,(( I rll lhar Atitly/ GENT RAL RIPAIRS R I LOCAIION lre Clrr er)l Sile?Yes Eruu IS BI tX] SPIIINKLENE D? PHONT {: PHONT fl:\6:, IXI5T CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R E NOVAT ION ['r,,. I l'lt) IREcT NEt,t STRUcTURE f-l rasr rnncx [-l surlr l--l uprrr [--l loo ro ExrsT sTRUCrunr.\+tun Jn-Atpt (il:dtl-- Building E Yes rur{Il UPfIT - The Shell PPrnrit 1l It Ycs, l.,hat Has thc Prrvious O((upan(y Typc] Is tlcct Porer on 5 .,.t Is Illls A cllaNct 0F 0(cr.rPANcY us[)YE5 Pll l6iLl6 t3 1l r3i:8fl so Fr ARCIi DE 5I6N PROTTSSIONAL IN6R OESIGN PROTESSIOIIAL DISCLAIMER: I he'eLy cerlly ll'.1,r[d lc,cal l!'ls and c,rdrnances a,lour rr'nr or rr cmlraclor or Lo.ki.lr\rrl,tc' r'10 t ,n€s Up To 3500 00"' OWNEFJCONTRACTOR: lo!.rd..) I( Ut6 d lt( RL6 $lri D[ 5( II I PT ION OF I,JORK ls lood or bgveraoes prepared or servsd in this strr.,cturo?Yos No ls Tho Proporty Loc€ted ln The Ftoodploln? flYes !ll '(orrar on rn lhis appli.alron rs cc.rccl and allv/o{k v,lllco,ndy vrillr ll'e Slale 8urr.)r,'rl,or,s,rcllriCDa.('J(.rnrrIScrv.(esCerter^.llbcnol(cdoldr.vddrces, ,lir, .rr .. ""lOi t ^nv i,,.,f l)crlorq cd V.,/O lne l.ry{co"ale I erm.ls Blll['e ,. all olrcr apf,l,caue Slaki !'lans and scecrfical orlsN('Slale Blca Coae ar,! ldrng Code and , OF UNITS: -'\. SIGNATTJRE: conla,. AsbGSos or ^ol Ydr .r e requlr sd ro .all lhe Na tiorEl E mh 3lon Slandard s ,oI Hazardous AJ, Pollurall|s (NESHAP) El (9 t 9)707'5950 st rea sr 1 0 aays trlor ro rhe SO FT PER FLR: \---- denrcldion o{ 6ny lacihy o. buildhg S6e lOTAL PRoJECT COST: 1-, hlrt, /re/d tt,r sralo rLc us/epi/asb(slos/dhflr! hlml I}UILDING HEIGIiT: TZ {I . TOTAL AREA SO TT.I OTAL SO FT UNDE Conr nr e nt ___Ilylut I CErtu^r\ (A i.(qv\4. ,or, -c,fr.or0,..^, ((*Q) _ "srT;ffi"'"Jzo'rH: 2o'6H, 0' s lo' RwsEooA'!{rrr? Approvat:- citv.Wtr.F6nre.9:Z;l g FLooD: __ -..-'-_.E_are-Zc f OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:R ROOF T' OF STRUCTURES A(JTti:S DISTI]R8EO EXST LAND DIST U RBING PERI",lIT?YI,S NO I.JI:W ITIPERVIOUS AIIEA SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE; IOFFtCE RESTAURANT MERcANTLE !rouc I ecr [couoo orurH WATER SEWER N CFPUA CFPUA fl coMMUNTTY SYSTEM f] CENTRAL SEPTIC L]DWELL I]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION PRTVATE SEPrC fl COMMUNtTy SYSTEM pAyMENr r,,rEIroD: flcasr.t Icurcx lenva.alE To Nrlc) [ntrenrcRl exnness cnrrsa f] orscovrR N _ PERMIT FEE: $_ Aiaq vd Ci[' lnspcclion Requreo, 9 I 0.254.0rCI0 APPTICANTJS NAHI: D[Vt L0PER r NtI,J CONSTRUCT IOI.I: D D u what 15 thc llerJ O(cupancy lype) _ CIIY: c5 2ot&M0S APPLICATION Number (Oftice Use) .pr /^ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATI1N rvPE r COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,.JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLITABLE TO YOUR PnOIE(T "Project Responsibility" CITY: i\ ',/ PRO]ECT ADDRESS OCCUPANT/ BUS INE 5 S NAME APPLICANT,S NAT1E: DEVE LOPER: PROPERTY O9'JNER'S NATE : OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE #: PHONE f: z7P NC REG # NC RE6 # 267-111-q&o CITY: LICE CITY: NSE $ RE LOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Iv". Ir'ro UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE t,@i' lb *'Muc,Q$!r-tJ PHONE f: PHONE $: qlaSS-1q/1\qio-<t<--<s6t Building E Yes ru6' EMAI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: (Check AII rhat Apply) ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS ll Relocation, is there a Natura as L ne on the Current Sile?n Yes E rro NEW CONSTRUCTION ERECT NEI,I STRUCTURE T TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit i:Is Elect Power on ***ra rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupaNcy usrr Ivrs 5 NO **+** It Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROTESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DESCRIPTION OF I,JORK: PH PH I6FUE lB l1tl2ffE ls food or beverages or"o"r.o o, ""*fr **, a*ffi ls The Propefiy Locared ln The Floodplain? E Yes and reoula!ons. The raclor iilormalron "' lhrs applcalron rs correcl and all worl wll comdy wrlh lhe Slale Bur NHC DeveloDment Servrces Cenler will be notilled of anv chanoes iNOrE'AnyWo Perlormeo w/O lhe Ap opiale Permils willble in lding Code and all otherapphcable Stale olans and soecrfi catrons LlC Srare Bldd C6.le:nd v{ DISCLAIMER: lhe ordin cer!ty SuUecrlo s500 thal all informalion ln 00"' SIGNATURE: n th€Vrolali f OF UNITS: -"'\- Nots: Demollton notlfcations & asbostos rsnovalp6rmn apdicatons ar€ ro b6 submltted usinolhe applicatlon lorm (DHHS-3768) MElher the lacilny o, building was lound lo m.raln Asbestos or not. You sro requlrod lo callthe Nalional Emlsslon Slandsrds ror Haardous Ajr Pollularns (NESHAP) 3l (919)707-5950 31le6sl 10days giortolhe OWNEFI/CONTRACTOR: (Ou.,m€r) # OF STRUCTURES d€mohbn ol any fadlity or bulldln TOTAL PROJECT COSTI nlp:fiM./w.epi.nals.nc us/opi/asbeno6/ahmp.hlml BUILDING HEIGHT: iZ++, TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDE SQ FT PER FLR: \--'- g S€e Asbestos Web Snai R ROOF f OF STORIES # OF FLOORS o SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA /'a SO FT PRoPERTY usE: EoFFrcE Mesrounerur EMERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHERI WATER SEWER N CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC flWELL flzoNrNG usE cLAssrFrcATroN PRIVATE SEPTTC DCOMMUNTTY SYSTEM , PAVVTENT METHOD: flCeSX lCneCX lenvasLE rO NHC) laUenrCnN EXPRESS cmse florscoveR ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2fl=AVN Comment c6olcz-l PERMIT FEE: $_ Ghrkrrrrner oo',r,f-tC14 ExIsT CONSTRUCTION: fl tr CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: What is the Neir Occupancy Type? EXST LAND DISTURatHC pERrtrrrZ l*"lVeS REVTSED DATE 4/11/12 2r:tT-b1ltCLg-vta3 APPLICATIOT{ l.lulnber (offj.<e Uee) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOING PER'IIIT APPLICAf Iott rvPf r COltll'IERCIAL ptIAst Artslrtr a!L QutsTlolrs aPPr.ICAStt ro YOui pRoltcr "Proje€t Rrsponsibi11ty"\,: APPIICAIT'5 NA''TE: RACTOR: DEVELOPEi: TRtauTL tNyESTMEN! & trEvrlorri.lr:N'r INc pnOlECT ADDR€SS: ts4o sor-rrH 2xD s'r'IrrrET surTE 220 CITY: Hr t trr NG'roN OCCUPANT/BUSINESS t{Ai[: yoeA s ,T - ycaA $ylDla RIY 0.INER.,S llAI,lE; GliEEi.{FI{LI) srklii} tRopt;Ri]t:i PHO E $: 9ro.6r2.l6.rl PROP ohE /cc,fi./ ^,\ EIi.IAI\\\ pRol E PHOi{E r: 91o,2sr. solo B'5 ADDRESS: :.0 s?u'rir cAR:1lin:, l)i CITY: 'r: :,r.i r r;lr.:i 5T: !L ZIP: 2e,1ol lltJ 6'fEo < c o N s.r4i <,-l40 rJ t LL.-' LICEI'/SE S:ot,t 7?)@r r.-t$dl ESS:?ogo,. t9l3 atTY: !ffirEfisc-trgr{ F,ocE\ tutouNf SII Nc ZIP: a4.rd, L ADDRESS:pHo E f: ECT COIITACT PERsol'a: .Ja1n!:!.-rr!:'rln.?tii,!1 Mlto€r< i.tl vL P$OtlE $: .{u}-gH4r+l zez . ?itg. a1 Oy € stao c. 6 ,ocolO, ao ((i,.cl,l l rht! apply) EXrST CONSIRUCIION: D ALTERATTON n RENOVATION n GENERAL REPAIRS N0 lS BLDC SPRIN RELOCATIOI xle neor fl v"" Imll F8locatton. is ttlere a Natura, Gas Line on the Cu.renl Site'?n Yes u NEU COJSTRUCTTo.J: I er:Cr NE]l srRucruRr f] rmr rrlcx I suer-r-ulrrr I ADo ro €xrsr srRucrunE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N,")". It Yc5, r,hat *as the p.evloug occlpancy Typel _- l,ttat 1t th€ tlex O((upao(y Type ARCH DTSIGN PROFESSIOTAL: CR.}. ARCHITECTURS PR:919.?54.992{ flt REG !; 6685 E GR Dt!l6l{ pROFESSI&AI: ADlt:TIOl,lAL CNGk SS€ ,rppEN}1x !Pfi: DESCRIPTION OF IirORK: ls tood or bov6ra0as prspBred or sBrvad in this sruar.ne? fives No ls The Propsrty Localod ln Th6 Rooddaln?I ves f] no I{ UPFIT - The Shell Permlt $: 1?-2506 Is Elect Polrer on thj.s Bulldlng Yes ElHo !.... rs rrts A cHAriGE oF occuparcy usrl f]ves co.rt io Aib.36 o. no( Yoo a.. r.cL{rad to c.l 11. Nr{o6d €rnlr.bn SLad..da t, tb:.do(l. & P&lrhtt (}GS}IAP}.1(81S)m7 dsftolitJst ol6ny Ldny o, bolldn! 516 Alb6lar Wab Slt6: lnrl] l,$!D sti llnra &: r!,6!i1s6ba$16/rt"tt hlmr TOTAL PROJECT COST: .]Tn I, {,BUILDING HEIGHT: r! TOTAL AREA SO FT: j.2s9 5p @SUITE 220 SO FI pER FLR. Io-rAt sulLDlNG ls.e8s rOTAt SO FT UNDER ROOF: . . -' i.; }jr f OF STBUCTURES: i ;,r! :.iii-::.i t OF FLOORS: ? -,ilt $r$li.:.,(asulTt 220 ACRES DISTURBEO: tiA EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERV,OUS AREA: ]iA a YEs DNo SO FT ;e \) $\l a\\ \ OISCLAIIIER: I ne..by corlly lhrl ,rl rlorms(,on rn lh's rp{rral'on 13 co.rfi a)d ell vio.k wrrlcornd/ wlh lhe slalo Bur,dlng CoOc and .nrt torrllrw! ,rxi ord,rsnE€s artd ,r.(,u dtrcn5 ,ne llHC Develoo.rdal S€reaas Cenlor wrfi be nol,lied o, ,nv chonoes ia lic roorovad or c!$nee rn oorrlrir.:tor d cs,i.8?:!cn ';'lormalron "'{OIE Any Wo.f Pc.loant d WO lhe Appropriale Pem$15 wlll & n Vrclaton ol lheSuqcdlo f :rrr up Io S5m 00'- all dher applraHe Stlle Dlaru Jnd sD€clfrcsliorr!Ilc Srate Eldg code 6nd.t l) \() D *'OWNEFUCONTRACTOR:g_SIGNATUREL(q/d..) tFalr ulr) LoL: Ort orioi ll.dltc&bt! ! arb..ba ,tlrio,.l p..n{r.t &ihl' ... b b..*r H u*tO &€.edLl{oi t{r,n (0ftl8€?68} t*Llh,o. lrrfld$ rrt bund to 10 diyr ,.lor lo oc NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: !,E SO FT WATER; mCFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA DcoMMUNrry sysrEM nWELL DZONTNG USE CLASS|FICAT|ON: L.I CENTRAL SEPIIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC DCOMMUNITY SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOO Commanl flcrsn flcHecK (eAvABLE To NHc) nAMERtcAN ExpREss fiuwrsa I orscoven R€VISED OA]E .I,,1 'J 2 N PERMIT FEE: $ (FOR OFFTCE USE ONtn ZONE: . OFFICER:=-.-.-"- SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approvali_ City:_DATE:_ FLOOD: _*- _ BFE+2ft= oNTrL4..fa4 n&€ rqt€ cOt I 1rary, t9o4.e IOA t t- Lu7Nr1r T/,1t e RU)<.o)A/LUPF /T-. ! I a c Lt/ e.SNF€TY CO,:-tTaa6TOna DAIE:_!:jjljl!t!_ ZIP:284c1 ,,1( REG l; # OF UNITS: f OF STORIES: 2-k: sHEt,t, pRopEFry usE: florHce f]nesmuRur [uenceHrue f]eouc [arr f]coruoo orHER:;, .t.;, ).:... \ t. \v @ NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcATIot! rYPE: RESIDENTIAL Pt-EASt AttSI,tER Atl- QUESTIoIS APP|-rCAB|-E TO YOUR PROIECT "Proje€t Respons ibil it)/' 2018- tasaS w<2833 APPLICATIOIiI Number (0ff1(e Use)ffi PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: 7865 Bri6Elecone Dri,ve CIW: r{i lminqton ZIP:28411 BLOCK $:LOT S: PROPERTY Ol'lt{ER'S tlAr,lE: David Kesler PHO E f:248-703-6040 OUIIIER' S ADDRESS: ?86s Brisrlecone Drive CITY: $i lminqton sT: NC zIP: 2 8411 LICEIISE $: 5 56?? ADDRESS: 901 Martin streer CITY: wi lmincton sT: l!_ zIP: 28401 EIllAIL ADORESS: 6upportocape fearsol arsyst emE . com PRO]ECT CO TACT PERSON:Ja6on ortiz PIIO E S: 910-s99- 0428 EXrSTrr{G CO STRUCTTON: I llrrnnrrOl I neHOVarrOH 6ENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION r,rEU cot{sTRucTlol: ! tnecr NEul RESTDE cE o" f] aoorrron To EXISTING REsIDEt{cE ..PLEAsE CHECX A'{D A'IS[{ER EELOT' ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI'R PRO]€CT: f| arr cluee - sF ! orr eanae r _ sF I sunnoom _sF ! emr- _ sr PORCH _ SF STORAGE SHED SF I eneeHuousr - sr I oecx SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL Sq FT UI{DER RoOF 3 _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAI PROIECT COST cass rorl : $ lo.se:.oo # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any EI"ECTRICAL, PLUtrtBIt{G or }IECHAIIICAL tlork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? ! V"r f] Ho If the pnoject is a Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Line on the current Slte? ! ves I to Is there Electrical Power on this Building?r ve s J-'l to PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTIoI{ OF }JoRK: rnst SINGLE FAMILY DUP L EX TOWNHOUSE allation of sol r array upon Lhe roof of Mr. Kesler's home. DISCLAHER: lh6roby cerlify hal al inbrmalbn in his applicalion is cofi€ctand all rork willcomply wih the Slal€ BuiBing Code and rl oher appk.bb Stab and toc6l l6ws End ordinanc€s and rcgulalions. Tho NHC Dev6lopmenl S.lvice! Centsr wil b6 nollled oranych ges in lle approv6d plan s *ld specificstions or chang e in con tracbr or contacbl inbmaton. '.'NOTE:Any Work Per{omed w/O tr€ AppropriaE permirs wittbe in Viohtron o{$e NC St6b Crde and S!b Fines l.h To t500.0cr" OIINER/CONTRACTOR: cape re Solar Sy6tems SIGNATURE : (P.tnt taa.e),t ,t :t:l :l * * *,l *:l +**, 'l * ** {t ** * *:}* *-* * *,r *!+ *:}** *!* *:t * * **:t ** * *,},t * *t* t* +,t ,f,| * )tlt * rt*,* +*:t* *:***,t * IS THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTIITG IiIPERWOI,S AREA: - sQ FT I{EN IIi,IPERYI(US AREA: - SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:f-l vts [-l ro I^IATER:TF PUA fl cowulrrv svsrer't ! nnrvrrr werl !CENTRAL t^JELL srwrn: I cFpuA f] CENTRAL sEprrc ! nnrvare sEprrc E coMluilrrv sysrE YES NO (roR oFrtct usE otLY) SETBAC(S: F: LH: RH E PAYTTENT I.IETHOD: ***,lrt*,1:***t E PtRT4ITS REQUIRED fOR ELtCr, ilEC|1, pLB6, CAs EQUrp, pREtAES & INSIRTS .*r clsr ll cxecx (payABLE ro mrc1 [ anenrcm rxrnrss EI *rurro I orscown+,l,t,t*:a:a+*:l,t*t**:****:t 'l *.t * *,i***:ta *t*,1t,t**,trtrt:t** *+*** ***,*,*,G* **,t* I * *:l ,I,l +:l :t * E PARAI OF FICE R: StvI5tD D Tt 04lr1l12 ZONE: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ B BFE+2ft= AVN PERTIT FEE: Corment : APPLICANT'S NAIIE: Jason orci z DATE: __114gsf!_DEVELOPER: PKI{E *: 248-?03-5040 CO{TRACToR: cape Fear solar svstems PIIONE f: 910-s99-0428 SF OTHER: ?ot0l05oS18-2809NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI*IIT APPLICArIoN TYPE r RESIDENTIAL PTEASE A}IS}/ER ALL QUESTIO S APPI-ICAELE TO YOIJR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslbillty'' APPLICATIOI{ l{umber (offtcc Usc) APPLICAT{T' S l{AllE: rricia Mirr.r.er DEVELOPER: p A PIO E #: 910-599-0428 PROIECT ADDRESS: 192s Hudson Drive CITY: wi rminqton ZIP: W PROPERTY ffi{ER'S MltE: rricia Mil.Ier P}O E #:910-599-0428 Olrl{ER'S ADDRESS: r925 Hudson Drive CITY: wi Imloqt on 5T:qZfP:2s403 CO{TRACTOR: cape Fea! Solar systens LICEI{SE #: 6s6?? ADDRESS: 901 Martin Street CITY: lli lminqton sT: NC zIP: 28401 EitAIL ADDRESS: SupportGCapeFearsolarsystems. com PIIO E *: 910-s99-0428 PK)NE f: 910-s99-0428 EXISTIl{G COTISTRUCTION:ALTERATToN ! nercvarroru ! errrnar nerarns ! RELocATToN l{Er{ CO{STRUCTTON: n ERECT NEr{ RESTDE CE o" f] ADOrrrOr TO EXrSTrl{G RESIDEI{CE ..PLEASE CHECI( AID AI{sIIER BELOI ALL T}IAT APPLY TO YOi'R PRO]ECT: ! oer canaer SF! arr cnnaer - sF fl sunnoor,r _ sF tr GREENHOUS E SF ! eooL ! oecx SF OTHER: 5F PORCH _ SF SToRAGE SHED _ SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST tr-cgs Ldl : I 2L,382.00 # OF STORIES: 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBI 6 or TIECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structurei fl Ves [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ves I Ho Is thene Electrical Power on this Building? El yes l-l uo PROPERW USE / OCCUPATrcY:sTNGLE FAr,.rrLy ! ouer-rx ! rowrHouse DESCRIPTIOI OF UORK3 Installati.on of so.Ia! electric paneLs on the roof of Ms. Mi 1Ier ho DErLAhIEFI lheloby codiry hsl aI hbmslion h his +plc6aon b cor.cl and all wo* willcomplywih tr€ Strb Boilding Code 6od sfl ohor opplcsbL stab 'ld bcet tew3 'ld o.dh$c.3 ad logulalibns. Tho NHC D.v€bpn nt Servtrs Cenbr wil bc nolf.d oI 'ly chdDos h he app,ornd pbos dtd 5pacifcations or cirt9. h contlcbr or co.rlrrcbr hbmelon. "'|{OTE: Any Work Porbmed W/O h. Apploprilb PomiE wllbe h Violalibn ot the NC Stab Bld0 Code 6nd SubFcl b Files up To SsID.Ool.. (x{NER/COiITRACTOR: Jason orriz SIGNATURE: *,i :r ,i + ++ + + + + +*,r,r **** *** ***a *(li'll |i1"] * * **** *r***:i* *,B,r,r *:*:r:r :r:r + * *:i + + + + ,* ,r +,i :r ,* +,i + + r r :r,r,r:f ,f r,r:i :i + rs THE PROPERW LOCATED rN A FLOOOPLA {? l--'l VeS E HO EXISTING ITIPERVIoI,,S AREA: I{EH I PERWOUS AREA 3 ZONE: _OF FICER : TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAITD DISTURBI G PER}IIT:l-l ves E m (for oFFtcE usr otly) REVISEO D TE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ SQ FT SQ FT rArER: ! cFpuA E co ,tuNrry sysTEfl n pRrvATE [{ELL ! crtrml wrll s$rER: ! cFpuA f] CENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvare sEprrc fl co,$uNrry sysrEH *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTs *** payrrEirr rEnoo: ! csx I crrcx (payABLE ro lr) Ela ERr.* ,p*.i, [ rc7vrsa ! orscwen:t*a:|a:i*+t*t,.**:t:t*:t:l*,*'**,t*'t't*+ttt*,trt:l:t)}+t:|,t,1****]:it,t,t,t*:t:*+,tt,t*,.:r*tti,a:**+t*t ltrta+t,t***+t,'| N Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FL@D: _ A BFE+2ft= ,.irffi) DATE: _j1i4sgll1_ SUBDIVISIq{: BLOCK *: LOT }: - PROIECT CO{TACT PERSol{: Robert Parker ffi T{EhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIfi.T TYPE,. RESIDENTIAL PIEASE At{St,ER Al-L QUESIIoflS APPLICABLE TO YoOR PRoltCT "ProJect Responsibility" ?pt\- lDel 18-2808 APPLICATION Number (Offlce Us€) APPLICAT{T'S llAllE: Jaaon ort.i.z OATE: o7 8 DEVELOPER:PK)NE *: PRO]ECT ADORESS: su8oIvrsroit: 5939 Masonbolo Road CITY: wilminqton zIP i 2w BLOCT( *l LoT Si _ PRoPERW OI{ER'S M E: Ralph Konlady (*T{ER'S ATDRESS:5939 Masonboro Sound Road CITY:Wilminqtoo ST: g ZIP: 2840e CoiTITRACTOR: Cape Fear solar svstems ADORESS: 901 Martin street CITY: j!:]@._ ST: I!_ zlp: :!g LICEiISE S: 6s6?? EI,IAIL ADDRESS: guDDorr@caDefe aolar€ystem6. com PIO E $: 9to-see-0428 PRO]ECT COI'ITACT PERSo.{:Ja6on or tlz Ptot{E $:910-59 9-0428 EXrSTrr{G CO$InUCTIO]{: ! llrenarrou ! nrrovarror ! eetenal neearns ! RE LocATroN r{Et{ co sTRUcTror: ! rnrcr IEH RESTDEI{CE o" @ morrrou To ExrsTrilc RESTDE CE .*PLEASE CHECX Al{D AI{SI{ER BELOII ALL TH,,IT APPLY TO yot R pROJECT: ! arr cauee _ sF ! oer eanaee sr [ rcncx _sFf] surnoor"r - sF ! eor- _ sr f] sronacr sHED _ sF ! cnerurouse - sF I oecx _ sr orHER:SF ToTAL HEATEO SQ FTr _ TOTAL SQ FT U]{DER RooF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST rr-cts ra) : $ :z,seg.oo f OF STORIES: 2 rs Any ELEcrRlcAL, PLt fiBIxG or iEclt! rcAL t{ork B€lng Done to the accessory structure} [ ves I HoIf the proJect 1s a Relocation, ls there a t{atural 6as Line on the current Site? [ ves EtoIs there Electrical Power on thls BuildIngl I ves [ ruo pRopERw usE / occupAr{cy: I srlrcle ramrr-v ! orlex ! TohlN]tousE DESCRIPTIOT{ OF }',ORf :In6taI l ati.on of aol.ar electric arrav uDon roof s tructu!e. UgCLAn ER I hooby corlit h 6nd ordinances end fBoulatbns. conrecbr inbm8ion.'"NOTE stel inbmetlon In fiiE applcston b corrBctand 6tr rork wi!complywah ha Srare Buildtno Cod6 ond sltoher sppticGbto Steb end bcellawsThe NHC Dev6lopm6nl So.vic63 CenErwll bo notf€d otanychangos in h6 epprov€d plans and specltcstions orchengs in conlrcbrorAny Work Pertomod WrO he Appropneb paflnits wi be in Violalion or$6 NC Srab Code and Slbirct b Flnsr Up To $5m.0C.. SIGNATURE : :**:r.* **,1**:r* *:r** ** ** *** *r** Jll'll,l!fJ ** **** ******* *** rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED tt{ l rrooorurxl I ves tr] EXISTII{G II,TPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEhI II,IPERVIOT,,S AREA: - 5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: N VCS J-I ruO warrn: ! crnua ! cof"lluNrTy svsrem ! pRrvArE wErL ! cenrRal well SEUER: ! creul ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! nnrvarr seerrc f] coHnuNrry sysrEM pAyr,tE*r r,rErHoD: I casH [ *rrcx (pAyAsLE ro nnc; I anenrcAil ExpREss E aclvrsr ! orscovrr*'t** *** )t* *:i ,l ,i:l * ,t )* * )* * **,r* *+ +,t*,t*** )t )t* *,f't*x **,t* *)** )i * ,t,i ,*,t,t + ,* * * )* +,* ,k *,t * * ** *,*,*** * *** *,i )i*,**** ** zoNE: _ oFFICER: (aoi oTFICE USE O|LY) REvrsED DATE o4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_Approvaf:_ City:_ DATE:_ FTOOD: _ BFE+2ft= M' i++* *:* *:I :t:*,1,1 *:l:* * *,r Coflment:PERIiIIT FEE: PKXTIE f: 9to-228-962! OIII{ER/COI{TRACTOR ! cape Fear sotar svetems ( ,,At ll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE,, RESIDENTIAL PLEASE Ai{5WER ALL QUESTIOI{S APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' zp$-ioslo L8-27 96 APPLICATION Number (offlce Use) APPLICANT'S iIAME i Robuck Homes Trianqle, LI,C DEVELOPER: Robuck Home6 Trianqle, LLC PHONE t: 919 a't6 92oo PROIECT ADDRESS: 1241 waterway ct CITY: wi lminqron ZIP | 284).1 SUBDMSIoN: southHaven ar Anchor'6 Bend BLOCK S:LoT S: o1o PRoPERTY OTJNER's NAME: Robuck Homes Triansle, LLc PHONE #: 9)-9-a't6-9200 oWNER'S ADDRESS: 513r. Fal1s of Neuse Rd. ste 200 CITY: Raleiqh sT : Ig_ zIP :2f!!9_ CoNTRACTOR: Robuck Homes Tri.anqle, LLC LICENSE #: s 7083 ADDRESS: 5131 Falls of Neuse Rd. Ste 200 CITY: Rar eiqh ST: E_ ZIP: 2f!!a EiIAIL ADDRESS: inorbech@robuckhomeB . com PHONE S: 919-B?6-9200 PROIECT CONTACT PERsoN: ,Jai Norbech - i norbech@robuckhomes. com EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: ! AlreRarrON ! nerOVarrON ! Crrurnnl neeArns ! RELOCATTON NEI,J CONSTRUCTION: M ERECT NEW RESIDENCE O" I EOOTTTOH TO EXISTING RESIDENCE +*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOiI ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: flrrr canacr !12- sF f] otr cnnncr - sF E PoRCH 183 SF su N R00t''l SF POOL SF STORAGE SHED SF GRE ENHOUS E SF DE CK SF OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FTi 29t9 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3?37 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 373? TOTAL PROIECT COST tress rort : $251590.00 # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRTCAL, PLUl,lBIl,lG or IiECHTT ICAL Work Belng Done to the Accessory Structure? ! v"r I rO If the project 1s a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Curnent Site? E Ves I tto rs thene Electrical Power on this Buildlnglpves l-l ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCV: [I STTEIE FAMILY E DUPLEX E TO,{N}IOUSE DESCRIPTIO'I 0F 1,l0RK: new honre and odlnarces 6nd eoulations. The NHC Delelopmenl S€IVIC€S C€nler wlllbe notf€d ol ary chano6s h he approv€d pbns and speclficatbns or chaoge lfl contracbr or conlscbr hbmalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Pa.formed WrO he ApproprisE Permlts wlll b€ h Vlobllon or lh6 NC Sl,ab Bldg Cod6 ond Subroct b Flnes Up To $5m.0(r" SIGNATURE:'2OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: cnartes ,r. Bishop rv (Prtnt Nane)+*+****t*+**+++,t+*+ +++ **** * +l ****,********* +*+ *****+* **** *** *** ** *,**f ** *,t*,t,i,i,t* * **** )+ i' T NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEDI 33I EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l--l ves [-il ruo CENTRAL WELL IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINI I-I YTS EXISTING IMPERVIoT S AREA: LSQ FT NEt{ II4PERVIOUS AREA: 2868 SQ FT WATER: I cFpuA E coMMUNrry sysrEM n pRrvArE h,ELL SEWER: I cFpuA fl CENTRAL sEprrc E pnrvarr srprrc ! commuurrv svsttt't **,} SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I.IECH, PLBG, CAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *Xi} pAyr,rENT METHoD: Eclst Ecnec( (pAyaBLE To NHc) E ar'rERrcAN ExpREss E r,lclvrsa l-l orscove* *r.*+)**,1,1*,*,****,*,t*:l*t:1,*:i***,t:l**:l,i,t)t)t**:***,1)**t**+***t***f**++++***+*,tf+*+*,t+++i(*,N:+:*:!*:+:i:|:l:* (FOR OFfICE UsE OIITY) REVISEO DATE €'Il11lI2 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ZONE: OF FICE R: Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLooD: _ N BFE+2ft= DArE| _ r3/221j3__ PHoNE f: 919 -2't't lt2a \)RECEIVEDAUGsO2OlS NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILOING PERM]T AP P LrUn ON fWE : nESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE Ai{5WER AU qUES'lOfts ArPLtcAitr 7D YOUi PhOrtCt 'hoi.ct f,t?ollrlblfirY )otg'lo330 ?E+ lK- zwK A9plodor t-30-t8,-aPPrcrr#s *^ME: Pt. st il c ?0.\ s pRorEcT AoorErrs: T',TlrTd-r-M.-ls+ 0+ Date.*, {rlilFnr f.n ae, 2sLF'1 5UlDtVlSloll: PNOPEBlY OWNEirs MME:I OWNER'S ADDRISS: CO ?RACIOR os 1k AODRESS: EtTtAIL ADaTBISSI tr Grlcnhousr(sB- f, D.d (SF) - It thr propocGd wo* drrrdn! th€ df 116 footprht? E) Y6 E No {or* o OTY: PHONE ':CITY: PHONT 9to"a0 -qibo a LlCtt{Sf ti 5\911 ST ztF PRO'ECT COITTACT PER:IONI o EXlStlt{G COI{firuCnO : rl Ahcrrtlon E Ranovrtion E Gcmral R€p.lrr NEI/1, CO SnUCnO : tr Erect Ncw Ncsldcnc! tr Additlon to histilrt Rlsldcnce El Rdocstlon ..,PrtAsE clltcr A D A Sint lltou, All lHAt APPIY ,o Yqrn ,noJEcl.t. U Att G.ra8e tst) _n D.t Grr-&c ISF)tr Porch (SF) E Sunroe.n (SFl - (Poor (sn ** 1l -101- c1q+ tr Sto.at! Shrd (SF) _ tr Othe. {Sf) tOTAt 5Q FT UNDti BOOF llot ptopos?d wort) lt!.t!d:Unt!3ated! TOTAT PiOTECT COsr (l.e!5 Loqi S 0J6 l, thr propo!.d *orL ch..llna tht numbar ot bcdtoorns? E Yaa tr xo lr any Elcctrlcal. tluitbtg or Mcchrahrl wort bdry dm! to thc Aa.assory Structur! E YGt E t{o ffth. p.or6t b I ialodtf b thsc a N.tur.l6ls UtE on !h! qrrrlrt slt!? D Yat tr tlo rs thcr.e g.ctrbl Powlr on tnb BullClllg? tr YG tr llo Propcrty Ur€/SlnfL telnliy n Dupbr O Townhout Dcs.rlptlon ol worti }^ 5 EWER: hlofmnron. ..1toTt: Ary *c.t prrtsrnad wfiholn ata .pprognr!. pamr,J *l Da h vlo5on ol tha I{c tlrtt aac coda ad r.dr.d ro frn.l ut to l9o.o'_ Owna/Cont'a.tor: 'Llc./rt2d d)o l.r' 5 hona l(os niK Slt'lrtura: lstheproperty locat€d lni floodplaln? C YGt ! No Erlrtln, lmpervlour Artr:- Sg Ft fotllactct Dltturbcd: N.u, lmpcrylglt Ar€ar -_ Sq R Etldng fard Dlrtlrblni Pcrmh: ; Ycs a t{o CFPUA E Comrnunity System i Prlvrte Wlll : Centr.lwell E Aqua CFPUA E Communlty System E P'ivate S€pttc I Centrrlslpdc E Aqut Zone: - oficlr - stt!.d$ (F) - (tfi! - (Rlll - (ll -App,lval: - Clty; - oilt: - Flood: {A} -(v} - (ll)- BFE+2fF - Comlnent:Plrmit Fcc:5 $ ?5- \1 L' D /.t/ 9-^^-A NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L I CAT I ON T Y PE.' RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QU€STIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projc.t Responsibility'' dork.letl7 APPLICANT'S NAME PROJICT ADDRESS: Pulle Hornes ClTyi WilDi zp: 284123934 Floaling Bridqe Trail suIDtvlsroNi Del Wqblrr8jy_e.ll]9ll s 191 x. 1001 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Pulte l-lontes owNER's ADDRE5S: 3504 Faringdon Cotrrt pHoNEl, 843-353'5119 coNTRACToR: Pulte Homes 0tDG lcENsEl, 19311 aOOnrSS: 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy: Myrtle Beach sr: SC zrp. 29579 EMAtt ADOAESST Tiffany Dunn@Pulle.com pRolEcT coNTAcr pgp56N Tiffany Dunn pxor'rs 843-353-5'1 19 p119119 843-353-5119 il 5unr oom l5l l rl Pool (sF) ! other (sF) O tto D Storage Shed (SF)_ IOTAI 5Q FT UNDER ROOF (/o/ proposed workJ H".1s6. '1355 gnhs21s6;655 TOTAL PROJTCT COST (Less tot)r 5 92 865 lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberofbedrooms? O Yes E No ls any Electrlcal, PlumbinB or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes lf the project is a nelocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Ves C ryo, ., ls there Electrical Power on this Building? 0 Yes [:] No ii" ll Property Use/ Occupancy: Ksintle Family ouplex D Townhouse Degcrip tion of worki Steel Cieek Elev LCl A W screened porch Owner/contractor: Tiffany D Qunll Signature "LicetBed Quolilier" Print Nofie l5 thc property loc,.rted rn a lloodplain? tr ves ( Existing lmpervlous Area: __ Sq Ft New lmpervious Arear _ Sq ft Total Acres Dlsturbedl ExistlnB Land Dlsturbing Permit: D ves I No WATER: ! CFPUA D Community System D Private Well E Central Well B Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E communitysystem E Private septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua -5-' t.t s'Cill lnspclion Requrreo, 9l 0.254-090,; Appro )-(N) X BFt+2ft= {r\ rli itr,ormation. "rNOTt: Any worl pe.fo.nred wiihoul the appropriate pernrit! will be ln violallon of the NC Slate BkrS Code and subiecr ro line5 up to S5OO 0O , No Comm /{PMJ^Irou,5 _ -_..____...._._, Date: 9L1!_-, C|TY: Myrtle Beach ztp, 29119, EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT I Alteration :i Rcnovation n General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCIION i Il Erect New Residence D Addition to ExistinB Residence ! Relocation . * *PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER SELOW ATT THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROJECT' * + [.] Att Ga.age (sF) 433 El Det Garage (sF) __ D porch (sF) 2?2 __- fl Greenhouse (SF) _ fl oeck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing lhe existing footprint? fl Yes E No ,"..\i :l ,,^", -P.-1 Cd,'lPJ, D(G lo/ city: 1ffi- W NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsibllit\/' aats' 'f irl gos Application Number (office use) pRoJEcT ADDR€ss: 3934 Floating Bridge Trail 6gly Wilmington 71p.28412 SUBDtvtStON: Del Webb Riverlights pRopERTy owNER,5 payg; Pulte Homes pHoNE f: 843-353-51 19 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3504 Farin don Courl coNTRACToR: Pulte Homes CIIY:Myrtle Beach 71p. 29579 3196 ugsx5s 6 1931 1 ADDRESS:3504 Farinqdon Court C|Ty: Myrtle Beach st: SC ztp: 29579 EMAIT AODRESS:Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pHONE: 843-353-51 '19 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Titfany Dunn pxOnr: 843-353-5119 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs t{EW CONSTRUCTIOT{: E Erect New Residence E Addition to txisting Residence E Relocation .+.PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJCCT'I' n Att Garage (5F)433 n sunroom (sF) I Greenhouse (SFl _tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? U Yes n No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOT (Ior proposed work)Hs31g{; 1355 lJn[s316{;655 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 92865 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E tto ls any Electrlcal, Plumbint or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Sitnature: "Licensed Quolilief Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervlous Area: _Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permiti E Yes E No WAIER: D CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl_ (lHl_ (RH) _ (B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood:(A)_(V) _(N)_BfE+2ft=_qr'l07Comment:Permit Fee: S AppLtcAI{?s I{AME: Pulte Homes oate: 9-7-18 tOT i: 1001 E Det Garage (sF) n Pool (sF)_ a Porch lsFl 222 E Storage shed (SF)_ tr other {sF)_ Property Use/ Occupancy: El slnde Famlly E Duplex El Townhouse Description of work: Steel Creek Elev LClA w/ screened oorch laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC D€velopment Services Cenler will be notified of any chanSet in the approved plans and spetifications or chanBe in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any worl performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State gldg Code and subjeat to lanes up to S500.00... NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT ION TYPf: RE5IDENTIAL PLIASI ANSWIR ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLT IO YOUR P{iO][Ci "Proje.t Responslbility" JotS- to335 AppLtCANT,S NAME: Pulle l-lomes loLl.e L.ie) qvp; B-27-18 pROJECI ADDRESST 3938 Floatinq Brid ge Trail CITY: Wilmi ton y1p; 28412 sUBDtVtstoN; Del Webb Riverlights t-oT l,too-L p6op€RTy owNER,s NAME: Pulte Homes pHONE#:843-353-5119 owNER'S ADDRESST 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy: Myrtle Beach 71p 29579 coNTRACI6R: Pulte Hom€s g1p6 i;g6Ngg ll, 193'11 ggppgg5; 3504 Faringdon Courl CtTyj Myrtle Beach sr' SC ztp 29579 EMAIL ADDRESS: Tiffa Du nn Pulle.com PROJECT CONIACT PERSONI TifTANY DUNN pHoNE: 843-353-5'119 ppole 843-353-5119 ! Greenhouse (SF).__.____,,_ D Deck (SF)___ ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? D Yes D No ls there Ilectrjcal Power on this Building? D Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UN DER ROO! Vor prcposed wotk)11ss1sd; 1440 TOTAT PROJECT COST {tess Lot): S 94488 ls the proposed work chan8ing the number ofbedrooms? E Yes n No ls any Electrical, Plurnbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No Lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No r\ , , I) It:.,. i'l t,ii , r',,::,. Property Use/ Occupancy flSncle ramilv D Duplex n Townhouse 0escript ion of work: Taft D|SCtAlMERr hereby ce(lfy ihat all rhe informaUon in thie applicatio,r is coi.ect and eil work wlll com ;'i her applkallle Slale and local informatior). "'NOIE: Any work perfor,ned wilhout ihr appropridlc p0rnrits lvill be in !ioldtion of the NC 5late Bld finer up lo 5500.(10'" owner/contractol l,llq!,y__D__O_rLl]l_ .- _ ___- ---__ slgnature: "Licensed Quolifier'' Ptint Nome ls the property located in a tloodplain? A t", /no Existint lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt Total Acre5 Distu.bed Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: U Yes I No WATTR: N CFPUA ! STWER: D CFPUA tr.-, ^ (co) Tnne:14- I - olfi.et oo,o-[-.,,, setbacks {r) -[21o"t",fful! rno ltuy tol 1nr1 5/ 101 d: ln) _ {v) _ (tl)FE+2ft= _, Community System E Private Well I CentralWell D Aqua CommunitySystem I PrivateSeptic n CentralSeptic E Aqua I _)!_ B Cli),/nspqctrbn Pquneo, gt0.2a4q90i ll 1lfrL Comment 6 +Permrt t ee: 5 ..,' j .;, .i.. m' EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONi [: Alteration n Renovation D GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: t/rrect t,tew Resid€nce U Addirion to Existing Residence ! Relocation I * * IPI.EASE CHECK AN D ANSWER BELOW AI.t THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCTTI* ty'o,, cr..g" (51-) -440 E Det Garage (sF)- {Porcn 1s1 fiA - D Sunroom {SF) _ tl Pool (SF)_ Li Storage Shed (SF) ! other {sF) Unhs3lg!1 546 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICIBTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibili\/ Application Number (office use) AppltCANT,S NAM€: Pulte Homes Oate: 8-27-18 pRoJEcT ADDREss: 3938 Floating Bridge Trail ctw: Wilmington 71p. 28412 SUBDtVtStON: Del Webb Riverli hts pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Pulte Homes LOT T:toa'L PHoNr 8: 843-353-51 19 ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court CtTy: Myrtle Beach Sr: SC aP: 29579 EMAIt ADDREss: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com PHoNE: 843-353-5119 EXISTING CO STRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTlOtrt: /trect new Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation -, T "PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' t fiy'an 63v3gg 15p1 440 E oet Garage (sF) {Porch lsrl 106 E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (sF) fl Greenhouse (sF)_C Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAI SQ FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed workl 11s3gs6; 1440 Unheated: 6 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 94488 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes D No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E Yes D o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E ttto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy:/Single Family E Duplex D Townhouse StreetDescription of Work: Taft lawl and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Seruices Center will be notified ot any chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or ahange in contractor information. "'NOTt: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Code and t fines up to $5@.0o"' Owner/Contractor: TiffanY D Dunn Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome / ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes flNo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbint Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E community system D Private well E central well E Aqua sEwER: E CFPUA tr community system E Private septic E central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City; _ Date:- Flood:(Al-(vl _(Nl-BFE+2ft=_ Comment:Permit Fee: S l-ro'O'oD dc,tg- (o)25 L8-2906 owNER,s ADDRESs: 3504 Faringdon Court ctw: Myrtle Beach ztp. 29579 69NTRA6TOR: Pulte Homes g1p6 11951156 6. 19311 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: Tiffany Dunn pxorr: 843-353-5119 E storage shed (sF) _ tr other (sF)_ ,@ '"'7a|ra?e Application Nulnber (offlce use) "ft\0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResPonsibilit'/' /r"^-zot/'e APPLICANTS NAM€: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlsloN:C PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: CITY:zlP zf'//z' 71p. lU Q- - BLDG LICENSE #: sT: /lEzlP z-/, t/ /z- PHONE.2tt 4v3 z Y5-7 PHONE:1c3 4{ PHONE #:13 2 </5- LOT !. o- OWNER,S ADDRESS:)2 a 0o Aou /LV CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS;c\ EMAIL ADDRESST lJC PROJEgT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: NEW CONSTRUCTION: E n Att Garage (sF)..-- E sunroom (5F)- U Greenhouse (sF)- lf the project is a Relocation, is there a ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin CITYal General Repairs to Existing Residence D Relocation r E Det Garage (sF) .- M{Erl 1 q2-^tYeS tr Deck (sF)_- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes EHt[6- lV A- unheated:3qJ. !)- ! Porch (sF) - E storage shed (5F)- D other (5F)_.-.- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOf (for TOTAL PROJECT COST (LEsS LOt) work) Heated: ls the proposed work changing number of bedrooms? EYesffi ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicat work being done to the Accessory Structur Natural Gas{ine on the current site? ez t'Yes tr t{o Yes"6o*o6 75EP l8 9:88fiI L-r-e r'/of ?/e4'1, -'t' Property use/ occupancy: O/single Famity E Duplex E Townhouse Descripti on of work:ZT z,L OISCLAIMER: I hereby cert-Ify th3t allth€information in r}lis apPlication is correct and all wo* will comply with the State guildinsCode and all oth pplicable State and local laws and ordinances and reguletion5. The NHC Development SeNices Center willbe notified of any changes in the ap plans and specification s or chanSe in contractor lbe in violation of the NC code and subFct to fines up to 5500 o0"' 'NOTE: Any work Performed without the appropriate Dermils wil ",JOwner/Contrastor: "Licensed Quoliliet'' ls the property located in a floodplain? Ptint Nome 6a ro Existing lmpervious Area: -- sq Ft New lmpervious Area: ---- sq Ft wATER: E CFPUA El communitY system s Signature Total Acres Distutbed: Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes EI No E Private well E Central well E}4qua SEWER: D CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic Erqua zone: - officer: -- setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -- Citv: - Date: _- rlood: (A! - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft: - Permit Fee: S oo L Comment: 1E.o O I tr NHII/ HANOVH @I,INTY zuI I..DING PHVI ITff fl I An gp 7t1g FEg DENTT AL HEASE ANSiIER AICN.JESn0{SAFHICAS.ETO \OJFI FFOICT "Proiect Responslblllty" a_og - tD313 L8-2666 Appllcation [bmb€r (ollico us) Date ,11APPLICANT,S NAME:Herrington Classic Homes, LLC'1355 ltdalwalk Dnve oTt/, Wilmington 4P: IWAIK 413toT#: pRopERry owNER,s NAME: Mark & Kelly Godf rey PHONEf OWNER'SADDFES OTY Henington Classic Homes, LLC ATXNEB EI\,lALADDFE heather@ herringtonclasslchomes.com ! Geenhous ($) lsthe proposed work chandng tr tuol (sr) E Ded ($) u a 2646UOTY PHOl.lE E(SnNG @I,ISITIJCIION: n Atoration tr Fbnovalion ! C€nerd tupairs NBIV @iISIH'JCnOI{: = Eed Now Fbddence tl Addition to Eddlng tuddenoe n Fuocation ' - - ntrEGlE(AtlD AtlS/lrB BEol/1/ AJ-THATAPPLYTO IOUB PmEf .' f] Art Garage (SF) - tr Det Carage (S)- E tur& ($) L! &nroom ($)tr Sorage $ed (SF) '1760tSrlE Other (SF) the exi$ing footprint? tr Yes n M TUrALS FT UNDH ROAF Uor ptopd worlt) t,lE,€dj 3064 unt "atea, 5624 TOTALm.Er @Sf (Less tot)$54q000,t() lsthe proposed work changjng the numbe. of bedrooms? O ttss tr No lsany Beddcal, Humblngor MeclEnicalwork beingdone to the AGssory Srudure E Yes tr tlo ll the proied isa relocatlon, islhereafldural Gas line on theorrent dte? tr Yes tr No lsthere Bectrical Fowor on thisBrilding? E Yes I No Ibslption ol ifflPrF"B4SH TownhousPropeny Ud ence O$rlM ER I tEreby c€rt ify thd dl th6lnformdlon in this 4,llicdion is corred and all work will comply with the Sd€ tuildlng Ode ad dl other appllcable gate ard lo.d laurs ard ordinaEes and reguldions the lSlC De\El@ment Srvices Gnt er ryill be not llled ol any dlcEEs in plans and specificd lons or dra'rge in contrador ln,ormdion. t' " t'lolE Any \ryork p€rformed wit hout I he approprido pormits will bo in violdion ol ths srb,ed to lines t,p to $500.m''' O ner/ Ont ractor:Craig Johnson Sgnature: "Llcensed Quoltlef frint l6,nla lsthe property located in afloodplain? tr Yes tr No Edging lmpervious Area: ,qR Nel,t| lnpervlous Area:3349 qR Edstlng land DisurblrE hrmit: tr Yes D No WAIR E CPUA tr Ommunityq/sem E Rivate Well n GntrdWell tr Aqua sa /ft E CrPUA D ftmmunityEdern tr frivate splic tr Gntral Sptic tr Aqua Tsre: __ Oflicer: _ $tbadg(D _ (lll) _ (Hll) _ (E _ Approval: - Oty. - Date: - Food: (A) (V) - (N) - BfErZt=__ Total Acres Dldurb€d: bmnpnt:furmit Fe: $Qo3 oO q tEr|tldor,lat. 68106 pFCr.Er6NTACrr*g,u. Craig Johnson pHo.tE 910-442-7500 680 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITOING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEAS€ ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" *dr-r?il^ Application Number (office use) AppLtCANT,S NAME. Pulte Homes p31g; 8-17-18 pROJECT ADDRESS: 807 Broomsedge Terrace ctw: Wilmington 71p. 28412 suBDtvtstoN: Del Webb Riverlights tOT r: 02197 OWNER'S ADDRESS : 3504 Farinodon Court CtTy: Myrtle Beach 71p.29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes s1p6 u6sx5s 4. 1931 1 ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court crTY: Uyrtle Beach sr: SC ztp. 29579 EMAIL ADDRESS:Tiffany.Du nn@Pulte.com toN:Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs PuOr'te : 843-353-5119 pssx6; 843-353-5119 204 U Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) pRorEcr coNTACT pERsoN: Tiffany Dunn EXISTII{G CONSTRUCT NEW CONSTRUCTION:Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation / ' * *PLEASE CHTCK AND ANSWER EEIOW ALt THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT*.. 5/a116313gs 15p; 573 E oetcarage(sF) A,/orch lsrl E sunroom (sF)n Pool (sF) n Greenhouse (sF)_! oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changingthe existing footprint? [ Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work)11gs1g61 1859 unhs3ls!;777 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 124001 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yer E ,to lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No / Property Use/ Occupancy; Vsln3h ramlly E Duplex E Townhouse Descripti on of Work: Summerwood LC1A w/ screened porch laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC O€velopment Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specificationr or chanSe in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work pedormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the ld8 Code and subiecl Iines u to 5500.00r'* owner/contractor; TiffanY D Dunn "Licensed Quolifiel Print Nome ,/ ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes El'lo Signature: Existin6 lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area;Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D community system E Private well E Central well D Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone:_ Officer: - Setbacks (F) -(tH)-{RH}-(B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A)-(Vl -(N)-BFE+2ft=-Comment:Permit Fee; S l"i 3. oo (& pRopERw owNER,s NAME: Pulte Homes pH6x5s. 843-353-5119 Total Acres Disturbed: _ Cloar.Foml RECEIVEDAUi2T2OIO t-a[]m A0\6 - to*2'1 la.e-15u N\t83&t IUEW HANOVI:R (:OUIIJTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI t:A,T lt) N 1\'P E; RESIDENTIAt PL!Ast ANSWTF r,tL qU:!.1Cli1;Af r'LlCASlt rOYOUrl PUOrF(T "Proj er:t Re ipol]sibility'' Ctry Wilmingion (ollceulr|] p33s 8/i5/20'186pp116g111,5 ;..,14y5, Oaniel Pata{tel pRolECT ADoREssr 9410 Voy"g.r" Vl'af--y1p 28412 SUI]DIVISION Caplran's Wa k al Saponias Pointe LOT II pRopERTy OWNER,s NAME. Daoiel Palattella p119x51 919-218-'1247 OWNER'5 ADDRESS 9.t10 Voyagers Wtly C|Ty Wilmington zlP z74 tl TMAlL ADDRf SS. dlpalallella@gmali.corn p 11911E 919.218'1247 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON Daniel Pirlattella PHONE 919-218-1247 €X|ST|NG CONSTRUCTTON: L Alte,ation E llenovrlion D (lcnerar Repaic NEw coNS"IRUcIlON: E [recl Nelt Residence E Additionro Exrrtrng neiide.ce E R€locatlon 'r'Pr€AsE cHEcK ANp.lN${!&B-E!9U-A!!jlxAIAf P-t-,r-A Y. uBl8oJlcf "' !:1 Att Garugc (5F) -- I Det Gi'r,8e (5I).-- -l porch {sF) -- fl creenhouse {sr) -- I0eck{tf)-----.- ls the proposed work changhS ihe exl5liog foolprint? fl l'es ii l'k) ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RAOF Uat ptoposLd \rorl) Heated un heated TOTAL PROIECT COST {Lest Lot)r S 130 00 ts the oroDoted work changing the number of bedroo:rls? D r cs ii tto ls ony Electrical, Plumblng or Mechrnlcalwork bernE don. toth.l(cl'sscrystruclure Ei Yes E No lf the projcc! Ls J Relocation, rs lhQre J Natural Ga! tinc or thP .rrr( lrl sll0? [l Yes B No ts rhers €lectrlcal Power on thi5 BuildinS? E Yes E No Property use/ o(cupanry: E single tamily O oupler t-l To'xnl$uie Owner/Conlractor Daniel Palattel,a ____ Sitn atu r "Li.anted Quohlcr" lJtln, None l5theprorertvlo.atedio;floodpiain? E yes E N,r Existint lmpcrvious,qrea; - 5q fl J Sunroorn (SF) _- _- New lmperviout Area: --, - -,- 5q f t WAIER: IJ CFPUA 'J Cor)Inunity svsle i l, )ol (: f)|3 'l otel !,crer Ilitl!abed: .,- -. P(vareSeptr( :l Ccntrnlseptic A Aqud : SloraBe Shed (Si) tr Othcr (SF) -.- Descriptlon o agrl6ovapoollolrackyrrd Pool\{'lt€irl)ir9lnssunit&v/llbesclrnr.ound. Unlis4 deeplwrllblslrrounded ' .,f nlornrJrion "'No I!i Any wor! pc,{orrnad wrhiul lhe 3rproprj.l. pc'mr13 v'ri )': ir vroirlroi o, th. Nc Sli)le 8ld (,nlr !p ro J5C0.00r" by a cement slab that is 13'x 27'(9€o pltgI ?reilsvrlnii{( rrr'n}18-:i184 t \r..tIr8 !ard Drsturbing Permit: O Ye5 [-] No ri'/rr. well :l i.:rntrriw.,ll 17 Aqua SEWER: 0 CFPUA E CommunitySyttenl Zone: Officer: - Setbackj I )_-. .- llr]f _ - ." (RH) . _ (B) _,- Approvali -- citY: *--- Oate: - --- f laed: (A) -- -- -.-. {v} -*- (N} -- 8f E+2ft= --'15.(D Comment Permit Fee:5 ---- coNTRACIoR Property Owner / Daniel Palatlela _ _ _- ____ BtoG LtctNsE r _ 4p9pg55, 9410 Voyagers Way cllyr wr mrlglon __-_ sr [c, ztr 28412 _ RECE|vED SEP 10 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM]T APP UCAflO N |YPE: RESIDENTIAL PIIAS€ ANSWER AI.T QU€sTO}Is APPUCASIE TO YOUi PhO,ITCI 'Prol.cr nlJDonrlbl hf )o8 - rcq Jq fr" 6-7SqZ APPUCAI{I'S TIAMEI Pr.s\ i,r c ?0"\sZOEI&IiY A<.irr f)r. Applbllon o.,., '1--l'l(crw tV iT^* r,vJo,.---------..----. LOT 1: n;a ^sioT_ PROJECT ADORESS: suEoNlsloll: PROPERTY OWNEBS I{AME:51t.rn-*rvirv r,l,)1" OWNTR'S ADD{ESSI COMRACIOR: ADORESS: EMAIL AODRESST 0 Sunroom (sf) ot ik I Llctt{5r \- 6211 , 6rt571 6b4rY+(ft TA cy-{ s D., <. c/^ PHONE PHONE: CITYi o CiTY:ST:zrp,l8{ll - PROJECI CONTACI PERSON: EX]sniaG COI!aSIRUCnOI{: E Alter.tion O R.novation D GeneEl Repalrs t{E:W GOIfIIUcIlotl: O Er€d Nelv R6ldcncc 0 Additlon to :rbti4 Resld€nce E Relocat'on ...PrfArtE o{to( Ar[D a SurEi Blron,AttrH^, ArPtY ro YolrR tnoJl6p.. E Att G.rage (SF) _E Dct Garage (SR _ J.rdo,vt \Jhi+e(,*n', llo -{91- 61q?. O Porch (SF) -- d,t(roo, 1sr1/ tr o."r (sR tr Stor4e Shed (Sr) _ D Orrer (SF)E Grcenhousr (SF)_ lr th! Fopolad wor* dranglng the eristin€ footprht? E Y!3 E tlo TOTAI Sq FT Ut'lDll iOoF lJot ptoposcd wort) Healad:Unhe.ted: IOTAL PROTECT COST (te55 Lot)3a ooo ls thc propo8d work ch.nalit th€ numbcr of bedrooms? fl Y.r E o lsanyELctrlcll,numurl.orMacltanL.lworkbelngdon.tothcAcc.ssoryStrudurctrYr.D]{o It th€ prcJcct ls r ialoa.doi, is thlI€ a Nibrdl Gas Une oo the aurrant 5te? D Ytt O iio ls there ElectrlcalPowlr on tils Bllldlng? tr Yr. E] tlo Ppperty ur./Duder r] Towrhouta l05EF l:i 9r89EH z1rr9 rJ t.t rtptlon of \ l\ ,v.. OSCU,! €* Lhlnbf aanfylha.lr$. lrton dixr in thrt aprhetls' It conad,M.I $ort rllr aonply rth tt! SEE ldrdtnf cod. .ri .$ obr .p*ou. s.,rr .,!d bal lnlormrtlon. ..'lgTt: Ait wfft plrfonnad wtthout ti..pproprlet p.rmlt5wlt b. h vbbdon ollL c5Dta lldgCode.i|d qrlt Et to lint! uP to 35O.00t" 5h"e- \(oS nl K Sltnalur.:owmr/ConE do.: 'Llcan cd Qtrol,iar' ::il"ffi;#,'11:'-',.'Y- Nt* llnpcrYlous Ar!a: ..- Sq ft WATER: D CFPUA E CommunitY SYsteh Stwle E CfPUA E Community System Total AcreJ Oirturbcd: Erl.dnt tltd DltErbl{ Pctmlu tr Yet E No Prlvate well 3 Centralwell Cl Aqua Privateseptic B Cafalseptic D Aqua - (r-H) -([H)-lB] -P!rmit Feel B zonei - - officlri - setbadi (F) Approv.l: _- CltY:- Datc: - Floodr (A, -(14 - {nl- 8FE+2iF -commenl:..s $7s- irJ ffi L Clear Form Jason Roper EECEIVEO AUG 2? ?OlE Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW EUIIDING PERMIT AP PL I CATI O N rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTiCABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibllity" &ote - to+3 I '/. ^ -t / G(b- urb !.l- APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUSDIVISION: B Street CITY ZIP: ?A 11 UE o nt toT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: PAtTiCiA STUTMAN PHONE #: 701-7?7 -)92 oWNER'S ADDRESS: 625 Karrri Street ctry: Wilmington z'P:_28-411 CoNTRACTOR: JaSOn Roper BIDG LTCENSE # ADDREss: 28 Elisha Drive crrY: Wilmington sr EMAIL ADDRESS: ia son @ca rolina-craftsma n om pHoNE: 910-2 NC zrP 28405 64-2319 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON J ason Roner il Porch (SF) :_1 Storage Shed (SF)__ y'o,r,". (sr)112 bath ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? ! V", y'f o ls the proposed work chanBinB the number of bedrooms? :, Yesgf No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being doae to the Accessory Stru lf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturalGas tine on the cu.rent site? [J ls there Electrical Power on this BuildingZ grlves 3 ruo , Property Use/ Occupancy: y Single tamily - OuplexE Townhouse Unheated cture [_'j Va, { Yes No !/N" Description of Worki addition of 1/2 bath to FROG lalrs a.d ord n.nces and.eg!talions The NHC Oevelopmont Seryices Centerwillbe nolifred ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifrcations or ahange in cont,aclor informntion..,NoTErAnyworkpedormedwrihou!rhe.ppropriarepe.m(swilbeinviolationofrh€NcslateEldScodeand5ublectrolineruPlos5000or'l Owner/contractor ''Licensed Quoliliet" J ason Roper Signature Ja*o* eoper lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? :l Yet txisting lmpervious Areal - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: - 5q ft {No TotalA.res Disturbed: EristinE Land Disturbing Permit: , Ye5 , No WAIER: V(CTPUA : Community System f Private Well ll Central Well I Aqua SEWER: y'CFPUA -l community System I Private septic : centralseptic Il Aqua Zoner '- Officer: _- Setbacks (F) *- {tH}- (RH) - (Bl -Approvar: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A)- (v)- {N) =- BFE+zft= - Permit Fee: S Commentl ?s.oo App rcarion N!mber (orr.e use) Date: 8-27-18 Pxorur: 9'10-264-2319 t EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: \( Alteratron I Renovatron General Reparrs NfW CONSTRUCTION; - Erect New Residence I Addrtion to Exjsting Residence - - Relocat on ..*PTEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL TIIAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*" tr Att GaraBe (SF)_ [] Sunroom {SF)_ L] Greenhouse {5F)_ i Det Garage (5F)_ D Pool (SF)_ tl Deck (SF).-- TOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOI Vor Naposed work) Heated TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): 5 10,000 \td t ottf,lER' s aoDREss: HEId '{AI{OVER COU}{TY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoT| rYPf ; COIIIIERCIAL PIEASE AiI${EN AlI QUEST1ONS APPI]CABII TO YOUR PNO]ICT "ProJect fi esponslbilit)," =F=OBAPPLICATION I'lunber (0ff1.e ur.) DAl€ r lune 20APPL ICAl,lT'5 t,lAltE: Robinson Brown, manager & sole member, 3538 South Perry, LLC DfVEIOPEn r PROl ECT l south Front Siiaet OCCUPANI/BUSI'IESS HeriE: 3638 South Perry LLC - PHOITE i--:*rTrv,-_lrii;;;i;;- -_iIF 1-zrg,Ot P+toNt t: 415 205 1482 -t1irv:-\Nilmington 51: NC ZIP: 28403 _crfy: b€rL+eLe\ PHOiIE f: PHONE #r CONTRACT AOORESS I OR r Work b 0 See above 2lo rob@ame ncanv ate CL5t Dz:,p 547-l EI4AIL ADDNESS i PRO]ECT CONIAC omes.com , PEESONi Rdhin<on Brown If UPfIT - The Sh€lI Permlt S: na Is Eiect Pouer on this 8'.iilding n. Yes f l,lo Ixrfi?DE5I6N PROTESSIOML:NC REG {:PH: ls lood o, beverages prepared or served in this slructure?l-! Yesff; No ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainT-L Ye{-X- Ole Slae Bualtlino Coale and all other applitzble SlalE in o, tt€ OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Robinson Brown, 3638 South Perry,llc SIGNATURE:y', clnr6in Arbeno! or aoi You ar' ,equi.ed ro calt rh€ NatorBl EmBslon StsDdan s ,or tlazsrcous Ar Polulsnls INESiIAP) d (919)70?-5950 sl least 10 d6ys Prior lo lhe demolilion ol 6ny tacil\y o: bulding. Se€ AsDesrca WeD Snei hrlp/4.*-epl.s!aG .c [s1€pirasbesbs/ahmp h|ml TOTAL PROJECT COSTI 95666.IOTAL AREA SQ FT . NE TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:, OF STRUCTURES BUtLDtNc HETGHT: 1 storv * OF UNITS: commercial f OF STORIES:SO FT PER FLR , OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERI"IIT? T YES T1 NO EXISTING IIVTPER\/IOUS AREA ZOI.IING USE CLASSIFICATION CBD-H SETBACKSI F LH ts SO FT coNDo oTHEf vacant WATER SEVYER SYSI E h1 CF PUA CFPUAtrlxl T-l corllrrr}I-.' s/sTEll il WELL flceunr.'. seerrc f Fd,.,ere s;'rrc t\t Lru r.r ITY r:7r;r-,tt;n./.;:ii.i-:a.::;: ir_-:.?a:; ai3 i,:S:C.ri.FF:riasr",.se.:: pAyrltEr.]l tvlElHOD: f CAS5 l- CHECK (PAYABLE-Io NHC) f'. AMERICAii EXPRESS Ii- MC^/ISAf - DISCOVER IFOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: SFFICER RH Approval:.-- Cily: - DATE- FLOOD---- BFE+2f1: AVN Comment PERI/.IT FEE )av 8zr3 PnOPERTY oHNERTS NAfiE: 3638South Perry LLC - LICEf'|!E #: na 415 205-1482 *r*+' rs THrs A caaflGE oF occupalrcy usE? J-l yEs l-x1 No *...- IF Yes, uhat ras the Previous O.cu9ancy Type? _ t{hat iE thc lle}, Occupancy [N6fi DESTGx nnOTESSiO AL:,ffi_-. "r,lf-o E6-_9LSL Nc REe r:ffifi DESCRIPTIoN oF ffiRX, iEIiEiEe the existinq east walI of the warehouse _ ExrsT coNsrRr.rcrror{: fl aLTGRArror n *.*ilii'r}ti jitl'il*. REpArRs f-l RELocATrorr rl Rcrocahnn is lhere a Nartdr Gas line on rhetdrrenr sire? f; yEdm No ts atoc sfFli{rleReofl; ves[iJ'n NoNEN cONsrRUcTrON: I ERECT NEN srRucrURE I FASI rRAcK fl SHELL I UPFrr fl ADO 10 EXrSr srRUcTUsE ACCESSORY S?RI'CTORE: ACRES DISTURBED NA NEVV ILiPER\/IOUS AREA] na pRopERT/ uSE, []oFFrcE I nrs-rr.unr.nr fl MERCANILED EDUCI APTD :...'.. 'ffi,,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT ION ryPEi RESI DENTIAt PIFASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect ResPonsibility'' d'o(8 -lobob 18-2810 APPLICANT,S NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Date: 8/29/18 PROJECT ADDRESS: 112 TALAMORE COURT clTY: WILMINGTON ztP 28412 sUBDlvlSlON: LINDEN RIDGE PH 3 lo'l #177 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: BRUC t&ROSITA MESSIER PxoNE #:910-367-2386 OWNER'S ADDRESS :112 TALAMOR E COURT CITY: WILMINGTON ZIP:2841? coNrRAcroR: PORCH CONVERSION BLDG LICENSE B 7 A?47 ADDRESS: 682,1 MARKET STREET clTY:WILMINGTON 5T: NC ztP..28405 EMAII- ADDRESS: Po nversion@q ail.com PROIECT coNrAcT PERSON: BRIAN WALSH 144 I Greenhouse (sF)-! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? n ,., /tro TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heated: 144 ToTAt PROJECI cosT (Less Lot)300 PHONE q 0-777 -3363 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration d Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *T*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT" n Atr GaraSe (SF)"--! Porch (SF) n/sunroom (sr)E Storage Shed (SF) --tr Other (sF) Unheated; ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes /No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Structure y'Yes Cl No lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea NatuTl Gas Line on the current site? n Yes g/ tto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? El Yes E No / Property Use/ occupancy: E/single FamilY D Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: DIStLAIMERT I herebY cenify that allthe information in this application i5 correct and all work will comply w laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHc oevelopment services center will be notified of anv chanSes information. *"NOTIr anY work performed without the appropriate permits will b€ in violation of the NC S owner/contractor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN signaturei "Licensed Quolifier" Prinl Nome ts the property located in a floodplain? y'Yes D no ith the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local in the app ans and specifications or change in contractor Bldg Cod ect fines up to S50o.0O"' Total Acres Disturbed: 0 ___- -- Existing l-and Disturbing Permitr n Yes I No D Private well D centralwell n Aqua ! Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua Existing lmpervious Ar.ea; ZW-Sq ll New lmpervious Ars2;0 Sq Ft { rrruo n community system'{ ,oruo I communitY sYstem WATER: SEWER: zone: _=-- officer: --- setbacks (f) - (tH) -- (RH) - (B) --- Approvat: .- city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= Perm; Fee: S g5.oo Application Number (office use) E Det Garage (SF) tl Pool (sF) - ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLICATI ON rYPEi RESIDENTIAI PttAst ANSWTR ALr QUtST|ON5 APPUCABLT T0 yrluR PROjECt "Proiect Re5pon5lbility'l FLOOD ZOhIE aDtS- (D5ot L8-27 90 APPtICANT'S NrrME: f aSSe_QAOSlru!:l Ajl- ardleyelApnr{)nt inc Oater 8-28-2018 PROJICTADDRISS: L4?1siroo Q_rer:I.,1_fie -_ctly Wilmingtol,_ _ ___ztp _28409 _ _ SUBDIVISION: ShjrI[Qree_K_ -,-LOT 'I PROPERIY OWiIER'S hrAME: ErL-a0CL r: bli.S.lr]]egolan__,_ _. pHON€ ,,: 77 3.-354-6BZs CIIYi ldJlnl __.-" _ztP 28409 CONTRACTOR: l:a_s_s-e_elns1ruelr,ot)jjJ)LDevelopment inQ_- OwNER'S ADDFESSj 6421 Snnt) Crc,d _ EtDG LICENSE L:.21841- ADDRISS: P,O..8ax 221 _- ._clrY: Wrigh.tsyille Beach- 5r: m- zlp:?8-480 -, PHoNe 9'102321414 PHoNE: 91Q23214 /4 EMAIt ADDRESS: pam @ [a s S exoos tr u:]lion. co in EXISTING CONSrRUCTION:' ; Allcrit (ln (Rcnovation I Gcneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: i I trect Now Rfsidence q'Addition to txisring Residonce t-l Rclocarron i ' iPtl:AS E CHEcK ANO ANSWER BttOW Atl THAT APPTY To YoUR PROIEcT* " I I Att Garage (SF) SIWERT :l ( FPUA ! n Det Garage (5F)[ ] Porch (51) Ll Sunroonr {5,:) __ Ll Grecnhouse (St)__ t-l Pool {SF)--_--L I StoraSR Shcd (5t) ls the proposed !vork (hanSinB lhe cxistinB footprint? l-l YL's il No TorAt- sQ FT UNDER t iooF llor p@i)$?tl wolk) Heatedi -5VjL Untreatear * [!i- . - TOrAt PRoJEcr cOsT [css iotl: S --. I .5O, @ ls thc p.oposcd work r:h,lngrne thc.1r atbcr of bedrooms? ls any Eleatrical, Plumbing or Mechari,;al work being done lI the proj{]ct is a Relo:alloh, is therc,] Natural 6as Line on ls there tlectrical Power on this Build n8? ,( Yes Il No Property U5e/ Occupnncv:,,'r'f SinBIe tamily l i Duplex [-] Addi .'tr:.1-&"f n'Dcck {sF) -f1"6oaror,F [q ottrer 1sr; -}n$-flblr tV"Y b ^+hst-ls+{ Xiv", L ruo rothcnccessorystructurc fifYes I r No rhc current site? tl rYes l-l No ,"-*"r-_ _ n a lcDmplv w (rr (he Stale Euild,nB code ,nd rll other appli(rbl! 51al( Jnd local o*. OISCIATMfR: lhe,c.y(erlil'/ lh.rl alllhe intrni r o{ in thit Jppliaat lawt Jndordi.3^.t,and,c8!lr!ions rheNtlC )(,el3pm.ntServicc ,. to,mrr,on "'NcIi l_y ^o,t oe',o.rn94tulr'oul lhc a.qoplial Owner/contractorr ---------!::::'Li.ented Auolitct" 1il! __ - (;ity:VJ h ion i5 (or.ert rnd .ll wolk w r (entc. \villbe nolined ol a e p.rnnl! wilibe in vrolstion ny changet in th€ approved pla^5 and sot(.lrcrtiont or (hdnte nr.o.l.!ctor ot tfic NC Stil. Brdg Code ind rubied ro rinos up to Ss00 00"' ;!{- signoturer ,, (" ,",", o.,", r,,,,101j1 hEc-fun fuourr6o 9, l5 the property located in a floodplaini EristinE lmpervious ,,rea: -. - - - 5q Ft NewtmpcrvioJsAre :. {. -...-Sqft Existing I'and oislurbing Pelmit: IlYe5 l-] No WAIER: 'lS(FPUA i ] comnrunilv S'/slem Jl Privatclvell I CentralWell ij Aqu' sINo !,/stenr J r Private scptic Ll Central Seplic I Aqua tr254#a) itv zon.,p49- ottir",,!;ctba(ks(F)q8$ Approval IQO care,1:ZL8- rtooa: @q _rl: LComment:b, ila.Arb Ow< yrYA^ PC-a at5 B FE+2IT Permit Fee: S PROTECT CONTACT PtllSONr Pant_l:e .:$e 1{EW HANOVER COUNTY BUIUDING PERMIT APPLTCATION WPE : RESIdENTIAT prEAsE a\swFR AI QUtSTTONS APP CABtt TO YOUR PROJtCl "Proiect Responsibility" 3ot8" (olq L8-27 90 NLrmber (off,ce us€) on and Develooment inc Date: 8-28-2018APPLICANT'S NAME: fasse Constru!:l PROJECT ADDRESS: e[21 Shinn Creel SUBDIVISION: S;hinn Creek ClTY. Wilminolon zl P:28409 PROPE RTY OW ER'S ^IAME: Ed and C hnstine Dolan PHONE #: 773-354-6825 OWNER'S AODRESS: 6421 Shinn Cr€r€ f) Sunroom (sr)--- D Greenhouse (SF) k I ctrv, witm ztP 28409 CONTRACTORT FjssqConslruclion iI rd DeveloDment inc ADDRESS: P.O. Box 221 CMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Pa&-F?E €XISTING CONSTRUCrTON: n Alteral (,n VRenovation -l General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: a Erect New Residence q'addition to Existing Reside fl Att Garase (SF) CITYr Wriohtsville Beach ST: 6p_ZIP 28480 PHONE: 910232'1474 PAoNE 9102321474 ce fl Relocation Ll Storage Shed (SF)- 8l.DG I-ICENSE f :71841-- '* IPI.[A5E CHECK AND ANSIA'ER BETOW AI.T THA APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'}** E Det Garage (SF)! Porch (SF) D Pool (SF) El'Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes f No TOTAT sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor prop$?d work) Heated nheated: Yes [l No t8: other (sF)L\^ - t.,. t' I',,t/",'r,.7 (1I -,- \a J ITOTAI PROTECT COST (l ess tot): S-- ls the proposed work chanBing the nl nrber of bedrooms? !i"., fl tto ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanir:al work being done to the Accessory St lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n ls there Electri(al Poweronthis Building? XYes I No ,J.tr," fi(v., s r,ro Property Use/ Occupancy rJ{ single Family D Duplex n Townhouse Description of work: r; r,l .' 1., ,., q'{r\ttl\..;rr'\,.u)r'1d{, \,.f I i ;;i ,:tt'(it- rr nt.. '','ilir''" DISCIAIM€R: I herebycertifv that allthe inforr r lon in this application is correct and attworf wlltcoin lawsandordiiance'i.ndreEUIations.TheNllCl(velopmentServi(cscenterwillbenolifiedofanvcha ply with the Stete Suildine Code and all other.pplicable State ahd local nges in th€ approved plans and specrfications or chan8e in contractor p€rn\its wilJbe in violation of NC siat. Bldg code and subiect to lines up to 5500 oo"'informatron. "'NOTE: a'1y rort perlormrd{vrll^odt lhe :qopriale owner/contra€tor "Licensed Quolifer" 1Signatu ls the property located in a floodplairti'sENov.i" Eristint lmpervious Area: --- 5q Ft New lmpervious Are : - L --- Sq Ft WATERT \(FPUA f] CommunitY svstem SEWER: RCFPUA f] Communitv Svstem [f Private Septic D Central Sep]tlc S lqua zone: -- officer: -' Approval: -- (ity: - Total Acres Disturbed Existing Land Disturbi n Private Well n CentralWell [.] Aqua ,:::ll;i:l,iil- .t ng P€rmit: D Yes I No (B) _ (N) -- BFE+zft= - Petmit Fee: SComment:_. -- ,{,0 oo LOT !: _ +2\ l). e ,l \.: i. ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT I ON TY Pf; RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER Lt QUESTION5 APPTICAELE TO YOU R PROJECI "Project Resp onsib ility,, ao 18 - (o rt( AppL1CANT,S NAMEi Puite Flomes (frrKe !3e) Date:7-31-18 pROJECT A6DRESS: 550 Lyrebird Ave clrY: !i[ning-lojl 71p 28412 SUBO1VtStON: Del Webb Riverli lr ts pRopERTy OWNER,3 614p1E; Pulte Homes roT r,r 01054 pHoN€ lrj 843-353-51 19 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court CITY: M rtle Beach ztP.29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes BIDG LlcENsE /li 1931 1 ADDRESST 3504 Faringdon Courl 6gy. Myrlle Beach 51; SC 21p; 29579 EMAtt ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn @Pulte.com pRoJEcT coNTAcT p6q56N Tiffany Dunn E CHECK AND AN TOW ALT THAT AP Y TO YOU R PN tr Det Garage (5F)_ PHorur: 843-353-51 19 pHoNE 843-353-5119 Porch {SF)64 Ll storage Shed (sF)__ n orher (sF)_ y Att Garage (SF) Q/sunroom (sr) 517 120 [, Greenhouse (sF)fl Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? t I yes f_l No TOIA L 5Q tT UNDER ROOF (/or proposed work)flss1sf,1 2367 gn1',"s1q6;58'l ToTAL PROJ€CT COST (Less Lot): S 146453 lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEyesnNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas tine on the current site? E Ves E ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? fl yes ! No / Property Use/ Occuprn.y, d Slngle Famlly E Ouplex E Townhouse No Descrip tion of Work: Abbeyvllle with loft, sunroom and Qaraqe extension la!v5 end o.di.ances and re8ulatio s.Th€NHCD€valopmenlseruicesCenterwillbonolifiedofanyrhangesinrheapprovedptantandrpe.ifcalionrorchan8einconlractor information. "'NOTti Any work perfornred without the appropriate permit! wilt be in viol.tion of the NC Stite Bld8 Codcand tutrject to llnes up to 5500.00.". Ownerf Contractol Tiffany D Dunn __, Signature:l.tL "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existirg lmperviour Area: _.__., Sq ft New lnrpervious Area: _ Sq tt Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Dlsturbing Permlt: ! yes n No */-. WATER: D CFPUA C SEWER: D CTPUA E zon",&21?t,, npproval: llll- ctty: co n,n,unt, /l( ,.J0v ltI ( -TJ,2 y Systerr fl Private Well D Central Well D Aqua ySystem D Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua setnacrs(r) /0 /(Lx1 5 1nri1 5' 101 5' _lun_,"",hhJll Citi' lruorlron Requreo, g1 &254.0901 Communit Comnr u n it l) Floodr (A) -_ (V) -_ {N) x BFE+2ft= /-ct o lx-rv < permit Feel $4lez,';l /o bl.J 5lvuLl L! y-€5 -pLanS-- EXISTING CONSTRUCTTONT [] Atteration rJ Rerlovation l] Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: /Erect New Resitience ! Addition ro Existing Residence ! Retocation ! Poot (sF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLTCAT tON |YPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/ Application Number (office use) AppLtcANfs p419g; Pulte Homes ps1s.7-31-18 pRoJEcT ADDREss: 550 Lyrebird Ave 6py.Wilmington 71p- 28412 suBDtvtstoN: Del Webb Riverli hts owNER,S ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon court CITY:Myrtle Beach y1p.29579 cONTRACT6R: Pulte Homes s1p6 1s6s1gs s. 1931 1 EMATL ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pRoJEcT coNTACr PERSON: Tiffany Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCnON: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CoNsTRUcTI On: {erectNew Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation Pxone: 843-353-51 19 PHONE: 843-353-5119 / tt' y'an 6313ge 1561 517 /sunroom (sr)120 n Greenhouse (SF)_ K AND AN RBE WALLT Porch (SF)64 APPTY TO R ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOT Vor proposed work)Heated:2367 !1[gs1gd;581 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 146453 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E lto ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes 0 No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No ./ Property Use/ occupanry: E single Famlly D ouplex El Townhouse Descriptlon of work: Abbewille with nroom and qarage exlension laws and ordinances and aaSulations. The NHC Development Services Cenler will be notified o, any chanSes in the approved plans and specifiaations or chanSe in contractor information. 'i*NOTE: Any work perlormed without the appropriat€ permits will be in violation of the NC gld8 Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00'r' Owner/Contracto 'Licensed Quolifiet" r: Tiffany D Dunn Signature:L /*ls the property located in a floodplain? El Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: EI CFPUA El community system D Private Well E central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RHl - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood:(Al-(V) -(N)-BFE+2ft-- TotalAcres Disturbed: Comment: permit Fee: S /-.j r'1 .Jo(f - (o5 tlL8-2634 tOT *: 01054 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Pulte Homes pxOlrrt s: 843-353-5'1 19 aooRtss: 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy: Myrtle Beach st: SC zrp: 29579 E Det Garage (sF) tr Pool (sF) _ tr Deck (sF)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_ D other (sF)_ l snr. oD----=-_ ?ot\toaL8-2882 Appli.ation Number (ottice use) )lNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM]T AP PLICATIO N rYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" App1tCANT,s NAM6; Pulte Homes 9319; 8-23-18 pRoJEcT ADoREss: 542 Lyrebird Ave ctw: Wilmington 7p.28412 SUBDtVtStON: Del Webb Riverlights tOr s: 01052 pRopERTv owNER,s NAME: Pulte Homes pHONE #: 843-353-51 19 oWNER'S ADDRESs: 3504 Faringdon Court crry rtle Beach 71p. 29579 ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court cFY: Myrtle Beach Sr: SC ztP' 29579 EMAIL ADDRESS: TiffaOy.Du[,]1@Pq!!e!om PHONE: 843-353-51 19 pROJECT CONTACT psp56p; Tiffany Dunn PHONE: 843-353-51 19 *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EETOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*1* E Det Garage (SF)dorchgel 373 D Pool (SF)I storage Shed (SF)_ tr Deck (sF)tr other (sF) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs,/ NEWCO STRUCTIO]{: Q/erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation /tt earage 1sr1 517 ! sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl y.g61s61 ?247 Unhealed: 890 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 148505 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes E tto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lfthe project isa Relocatlon, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current sile? E Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Blilding? E Yes E No// Property Use/ occupancy: I sintle Family D ouplex D Townhouse laws and ordinances and regulatlons. The l',lHC Development Servaces Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any wor* performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code subiect to rines up to SS@.0O'.. Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Slgnature: 'Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodptain? El Yes No Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedr New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: D Yes E t'to WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic El Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(tH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood:(A)_(V) _(N)_BF€+2ft=_ Comment: Crp-:a,C;L Permit Fee: S /i (x F/ 69111pq616p. Pulte Homes 9196 U6git5g g. 19311 Descrlption of work: Abbewille with qarage extension, screened porch and loft wit bed/bath NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Lt CATI O N rYPE; RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' wts- lonb wte-Z,lsz Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'5 NAME: l\ilichael and Lisa Evenson Date: 01/08/2018 PROJECT ADORESS: 4 CITY: Wilminoton ztP 28403 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: lvlichael and Lisa Evenson PHONE #: 910-524-0963 OWNER'S ADDRESS:6107 I vdden Rd CONTRACTOR: l\,1ichael Evenson ustoms lnc ADDRESS: 6107 Lvdden Rd.Clw: Wilminqton BLDG LICENSE # ST: T(L ZtP 28409 EMAIL ADDRESS:cl rslomwoodartiql6)livp com PHONE: 910-524-0963 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: l\,ilichael Evenson PHONE:910-524-0963 tr Att Garage (5F)_E Det Garage (5F)tr Porch (SF) ! sunroom (sF)! Pool (SF)n Storage shed (sF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_p Deck (sF)21 3 tr Other (SF)adJ"+i an toQS ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? 63 Yes fl No Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes Ef No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure I Yes n No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: : ( Single Fami,ly nDu ! Townha ov1 .-K o{lJ,' laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment Servaces Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. '*'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO.., Owner/Contractor: Michael Evenson "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E No WATER: fi CFPUA n Community System E Private We D CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: fr CFPUA tr CommunitySystem n PrivateSeptic E Central Septic n AquaIZone: Officer: Setback (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ OOOror",:- City: Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - sisnature: Z4ttZ".r'a Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT #: CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28409 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation & General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence tr Relocation **,.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** ( TOTAT SQ FT UNDE R ROOF Vor proposea worrl aeated: l0 Lo3 ToTAt PRoJECT cosr lLess Lotl: 5 I 3 5 , O O O ,l\.4 rld q ,q6qq56L8-2495z E c i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: C0ltltlERCIAL PLEASE ANs}/ER ALL QUESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibilit)/' aFFficArro-N Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'S MriE: Joseph ctark - DATE: 67372s16 DEVELOPER: crown castle usA rnc PRO]ECT :4616 caiolina Beach Rd oCCUPAT{T/BUSIi{ESS tlAr{E : r-Mobi 1e slrr o s 4 4 B PROPERTY Oldl{ER' S l{AItlE: ss11,n1,1nson Lodge it343 Loyal ffilER'S ADDRESS:4610 carolina Beach Rd CO{TRACTOR: Tsc constructlon LLC ADDRESS: 129 Brown sr EfiAIL ADDRESS: gary jebui ldrsc. com : wi tmington _ PHOI{E *: 704-4os-65?9 ZIP:29a63 CITY:61161ngs6n ST: Nc ZIP: zaa tz ST: py ZIP: i3796 _ LICEI{SE *: rse rg _ CITY: .1p665e6 qlgy - PHOT'IE #: PROIECT COi{TACT PERSOtl: car.y JLrknevicius - PHO E $: 607-239-9900 (€heck AII That Apply) Exlsr col{srRucrlol{: E ALTERATIoT{ fl RENovATIoN fl lf Relocation, is there a NaltEl Gas Line on thetinent sfte? f YEi tr^KLEREDf _ YesJf _ GEiIERAL REPAIRS li No rs BLDG s RELOCATIOI'I NoET CONSTRUCTIO :ERECT r{EU STRUCTURE E FAST TRACK n SHErr UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRIICTURE : p7n If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: N/A Is Elect Porer on this BuiLding f. Yes f NO r...* rs THrS A cHAt{GE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r yES lr. NO r**+* IF Yes, rhat xas the Prevlous Occupancy Type? g1i1i;r7yi". _ lhat ls the IeH Occupancy Utility/Misc Tvoe? ARCH SO FT WATER: NCFPUA I-.IIJ IJ SEWER: LICFPUA LI coMMUNrrY SYSTEM EWELL EI ZONTNG USE CLASS CENTRAL SEPTIC LI pnlvnTe sepT|c E coMMUNIw SYSTEM DESIGI PROFESSIOIIAL:PH:NC RE6 E GR DESIGT{ PROFESSIO AL:-Ladson M Breartey, Jr / EDH - PH:919-? 56-10{2 NC REC DESCRIPTI0N OF tORK: T-Mobile equipmenr up-fir ar LTOfr on the existing Crown Castle ce]l tower OWNERYCONTRACTORI.Tosepn crarx SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST; S15OOO.OO BUILDING HEIGHT: O # OF UNITS: o TOTAL AREA SQ FT : O SQ FT PER FLR: l]# OF STORIES: o TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: o # OF STRUCTURES: o # OF FLOORS: o ACRES OISTURBED: 0 EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? -r yES Jr NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:o SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERry USE noFFrcE ! nesreunnrur f] rr,rencer'rrrr-e [-1 EDUcI-1 Apr T1 coNDo OTHElcett rower s *18443 ls food or beverages prepared or sarved in this structure? l- YeslS- Ho ls Tho Property Located ln The Floodplainu l- ves Ji ruo DISCLAIMER: I horoby co.tify that 8ll inlormation in this apdicalion is con€cl and all rro.t will comply with th€ St t. Buihing Cods and all oth.r applicable State 6hd bcal l6rvs ahd onfnances aM rogulatrons. Th€ NHC D6v6looment Sorvices Center will be noiifad of anv dlsno.s in lh€ aDo.oved Dlan3 snd soocifications or dlamo in contreclor gr contsactor lnformali{rn. "'NOTE: Any Wo* Perlomod w/O tho Appropdate Pormfls wif & in Violatiori ol t|e NC Sialg Bldg Codg sndSubioc{Io Fines Up To 35{D.00"' (q(*.) (Prin il.ll.) cofilaln Asb.sto6 or rlol. You ere r€qulrrd to call th6 Neionel Eml..lon Standads ior Hazadou! Alr Po[utanE (NESHAP] .t (919)707-5950 6t Lasl 10 d6yr prior to th€ demolllion ol eny lacillly or building. Saa Albe 06 Wcb Site: hnp //www epi slale nc us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hhl IFICATION .., SEPARAIE PERI\,IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT [,4ECH PLBG GAS EOUlP PREFABS A ]NSERTS -' PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l-. CneCX IeAVABLE TO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS r_ MC/V|SA r_ DTSCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LHr . RH_ B_-Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, Comment N _ PERMIT FEE: I - PHO E #: