OCTOBER 3 2018 BUILD APPSii,.tir. .fts:' 0acup^rT,/BUsl [5s NAHE pR0PtRt Y or.iI€ti, s r.la E : o|{NER'S ADDR€SS | . .. , Pii0 J tfi ADD ;tis5 uEVt Lot,tt tolrRL55 aotl;R/raTOR i i:rrl L .'rLi)i[55 Fncltcr coriracT J)Et{soN: .XI5 T COtiSTRUCIION: fiar; CoIJSI RUCI I0N ACCE SSONY STNUCTi]RE: : i llp;;1 .. lhr shell .:F Yes) tilrat Has tha treviou5 0ccrrpincy lype: Iitll'rr,ro, P,.orEssror^L I tfi61t ttsrS pftcri5srctllt. i 1,,, ',:- ii -),.)l':Ir.r,ii. i(ril 'i(11,\- .,1;l i:,'. i-i(] iT-:. r:-rI I :..:: i:-i:l',: .'. il:i i..: Ll S .liljr:{' Crnrrr,,:rt i,a.f7y|nu,,^1o i i. I '' 11 i .,,:i;'ri. .,(-'i-l---.cir,,cr:,., - O{G-- ri,.;.'r,; "" i 1Z :r,. rfrl-.. t,:t,t 1[7la!1{ APPLICAIIT,S I,,AHF: :' ,. i , .,. , , r0.log ll Clorr forrrt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPt,t.ICATt1N rvPf I C 0t1[1E R C 1A L /.rn\l ,-, , , , , i, I : | ,i I I iiril! ii n,) ni,,, jr.,1ri t 1a /(: ii t,tn)ltir "Proj ect Re sponsib.i I i ty" CITY: CIIYi 1--2883 APptia,n'til li!r,11)cr D,1TI Pl{0ltt rr t\i) L ICTNSE ,, I CITV:ST: ,,7.tp EnECI !fl.i STitr.icTURt ALTIRATION fi tNcvarr0N pll0NE l': llt0Nt {: :- r r,;r rl Sl:e" I_ 6EtIERAt REPAliS T r,-, is irr oi; s RELO(A]IO\ ij vas I rio 'r.r.j t tllt l,l, CLcupirrcy FAST rRACX ll.1 srrLr [:] uerlr Lf ^00 r0 I Si,trtc IUItLEXl 15 tlect porcr or tiris ilur.ldinll f Yr,.. I :i'i.; ....) IS TNrS ,1 CHAhGE OF O((UplUCy Ust)f_ :, 1lt :l I iit,i l.rli:::l Sr(ihlA-auitE: lllke Grif iin, Jr l,t.:'-.--- d, vld inq : r.. 1 I r.r .,. ir:l :Oi I :j , :,] ):,.] EXSI l.Ar.it) DrSTi,tlBiNG pi:t{"1tT? J-- yL:S Ixrs t tNG ivpErivtc)(JS nRLAr:il-1 , I i--ior r rcr, :: 'j::i rriJri^:r T ll r,rrlt;,iH r rr,[ ]r.nlcf-j r,erfI ccr{i)c o rirr r L'liFC( lnAy^r.ir i. ro N C) l Af,lLSrcilN t.xt,,ii:ss T- t"lc,vrsA I ' a)\r v r 51/tr Lr,rql ri,,NA u_^l/A ,X__ t1r-t ':'rr PER\1IT i:I t: l,frtt,lriiL: rilACl(s I t oot) L i rt ';":::tlllr ll'.*It:v.t 913 111 \i)lr;r PHo I llI sr,_.1 zro, _ _-.___ *' Clear Form r NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATT1N TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Res pon s ibility" ?Atl-to1ll 1€-+A€ 3 n-pplrcnrrot Number (office Use ) APPLICANT'S NAME: 11i1" s.r1gr,,Jr.- DATE :9 /1A/ta DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDKt55: 572 5 Oteander Dr Unit A2 crIY: wilrninqton OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIIE : PROPERTY OWNERTS NA,4E: Nasser! properries PHONE S: ST;OWNER'S AoDRESS: p.o. Box 14el CITY: wrioi,grrlffe Beach nc ZrP: zaqao ST: NC ZIP: 28404 CONTRACTOR: C.M. criffin Buitdins Ccrp ADDRESS; p. o. Box 1o?99 _ LICENSE $: zazgacrrY: wit*ir,9.o. EMAIL ADDRESS: mike..irocmsrlff inbuildl q.com PHONE $: 9to .6:12 . o4o, PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Mike Grrffi-n, Jr PHONE S: 910.612.0466 (check all rhat apply) lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site? EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION IS BI DG SPRINKLF REDzf- vesl-- SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST 5TRUCTUR E r l-- tloES No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: fF Yes, lJhat was the Previous occupancy Type? IXEfi ?rrtrot PRoFEssroNAL : **'|*r rs THrs A CHANGE oF occUpANCy UsE?f yEs l-. No *rr** Is Elect Power on this Building f. Yes r NO _ l"]hat is the New Occupancy PH: PH: NC REG # NC REG # ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f yes[-. ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplaanf l- yes l- llo DTSCLAIMER I hereDy cerirfy rhar allrnformation in this application is correct and all work will comply with ihe State Bullding Code and allolher applicable State ano lo.al laws and ordrndnces and reoulaiions. Ine NHC oFveloDmerl Se-vrcps Cenler wrll be 10r f,ed o'anv char oes r1 lhe aoo'oved oldns and soecrfrcaton5o chdrqc,r conl acior or conrracior rilormalron. "'\O]L A1y Work oenor.'eo w/O tne appiopIJrF Perm,ls wrll de .n v,olalron of lhe'NC SGle Eloq Cooe ano Sublecrlo Frnes Up To S500.00"' STGNATURE: l\'like Griffin, Jr. ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:. DESCRIPTI0N OF WORK: Add parriat demising \,ratt between Units AI-A2 & A2-Al OWN ER/CONTRACTOR: Mike Grirr1.JT demoliton olany facility or building. SeeAsbeslos Web Sile: hnpr/wwvr.ep.slale.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: Src,o0o BUILDING HEIGHT: (oualrne.) (PrinlName) conrain Asbestos or not. You are required io calllhe Nalonal Emissron Slanda.ds for Hazardous Air Pollulanls (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 al least 10 days prior io rhe TOTAL AREA SQ FT :7.1 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FI PER FLR # OF STRUCTURES: . PROPERry USE OFFICE RESTAURANT I\lERCANTILE WATER CFPUA SEWER CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEIVI CENTRAL SEPTIC f]-E WELL PRIVATE SEPTIC # OF UNITS l # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS: r EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES T NO SO FT EXISTING I[NPERVIOUS AREA EDU APT CONDO OTHEf ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION !_ cor,,r nr u u rry svsre n RH B SQ FT PAYMENT METHOD f cASH f CHECK (PAYABLE r-o NHC) f AMERToAN EXPRESS l-_ wrcrursl l-_ orscoveR (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: FI "'SEPARATE PERI\,lITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT,l\IECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS "' ZONE:LH Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft. AVNComment PERMIT FEE: : OFFICER L" lCe€uo-lrro rnrch lso Plry ffi Print I - PHONE S: ZIP: zeqoz If UPFIT - The 5hel1 Permit #: ACRES DISTURBED: iNir,ol8- t09 ia B ZZbT APPLICATIOi{ Number (o+fic€ Use) HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI,N IYPE: COMI1ERCIAL PLIASE ANsWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUB PRO]E(I "Project ResPonsibilitY" NEW /u,\c-(3 AI ?"1 r,TA .\L zIP:r[, tll APPLICANT,S NAME: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:fllts C ITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAiIE : PHONE #: PHONE #: I a AlrotI ch"o/'-1.lo- q52- tllo?- PROPERTY OWNER,S NAHE:rAi CONTRACTOR; ADDRESS CITY: CITY: LICENS 5r:r,rc zrc:f,!j(.,f I PHoNE s: qlo-At l' ttf \ PHONE f: Ives nro sT: ZIP i C Slale ( EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXrsT coNSTRUCrrON: fl aLTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the If UPFIT - The shell Permit +: IF Yes, |,rhat was the Previous occupancy Type? K,::i3x"1"s GENERAL REPAIRS Elruo rs BLDG sPRIN RELOCATION rlenroz Iv"" Iuo (Che.k ^Il th.t Apply) Yes NE!.l coNsrRucTrot, fl rnrcr NE|/,t srRUcTuRE I rmr rnacx ! sxrr-r- Futrrr I mo ro Exlsr sTRucTURE ACCESSORY STRI,jCTURE : ***** rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupAlcy usrt [vrs llJhat is t Is Elect Powe r on this Building Elro.-..' h'e -[ew occupancy Type] ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DISCLAIMER: I hetebv cerulv lhal all'nlormairo,r and local laws and ordinancea and regulalrons. T or cnanoe in conlraclor ot conlraclor lnlormallol. Sublecllo Frnes Up To $500 00"' he NHC Develoomenl Servtces"'NOTE any Work Pedormed PH PH L co ls food or beverages preparad or served in this stluclure?[v"" p no h The Propafiy Located ln The Floodplsin?ves firo in thrs appllcalion is correct and al Code and allother app|cable Slate wolne appropnate Pe I work willcomdydol with the sla1e Buildrng anv chanoes in the a rrnr{s wll6e rn Vrolalr pproved Plon of the N specrficalions Bldg Code andCe OWNERl/CONTRACTOR:Sc\ct,.".?"\or;"s Te- demoftton o, any laolty or buildlng. oo (ot.r'n d e'i Ntn6) Nol6: Domo ton noufcatons & asb€$os rsnov6l p6mit spdlcations are to b6 submltted uslng the appllcallon lorm (DHHS-3768) whelher the tacllny or boildlng w6s lound lo conrain Asb69o6 or nol. yo, .re r€qulrod b ca rhe Natioial Embslon Standards fo. Ha26rdous Ajr Pollul6rts (NESHAP) al (919)707_5960 al leasl 10 days prior lo lhe http:fir\M /-epi.stale.nc.us/spilasbeslos/anmp.hllnl BUILDING HEIGHT: ,' SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES TOTAL AREA SO FT ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DrsruRerNo eenutr [--lves I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT PROPERry USE: fIOFFICE E ReSreuRmr MERCANTILE EDUC ner flcoNoo orHER: Churek WATER: ECFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM ffi wer-r- f-lzoNrNc usE cLASSrFrcArroN PAiVATE SEPTIc ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM ': .r '1,'ir.s !: -:1, SEWER:F CFPUA PAYMENT METHOD;flcnsH f]cxecK (eAYABLE ro NHcl f]nueRtcan exeRess CENTRAL SEPTIC MCA/ISA ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REVISED DATE /VI1/12 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - - - BFE+2fl Comment 6111[,ru ) N PERMIT FEE: $ i,.l oarr, 1- t/'lf <^^,1 OWNER,S ADDRESS: tr DESCRIPTION OF I^JORK: TOTAL PROJECT COST: NC REG #: Nf REG i: stcNAruREt 4--(Z--Z- # OF UNITS: 3 OF STORIES:_ # OF FLOORS: - flotscoven 10, ( \54 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT I O N TYPE.. RESI DENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" ,s -7;'6l; Application (oflice Lrsc) APPLICANT'S NAME:Date 7- q-/8 /o - 37d- L{/L PRO,,ECT ADDRISS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ,t& c OWNTR's ADDRE5S, -,7L? - CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:k1 FMAII ADDRFSS /Z-os t -fnd-a [ ] Sunroom (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? dves n llo ctrY: (,1) r /rw sr.Ltzp: >F7 // O PHON E ?/o- za/- /"ff7 ZIP BLDG LICENST 1}7g /3o PHONE ?ro- Zc7Lqt'7 PHON t Ii CITY LC PROJICT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: CAlteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIoN: l-l Erect New Residence y'nadition to Existing Residence tr Relocation *,}*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THATAPPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** El Det Garage (Sr) _tl Porch (SF) tl Pool (SF)[] Storage Shed (SF) r" l Grccnhouse (SF)__ TOTAL Sq FT UNDTRROOF Uor proposed work) Heated U n heatcd TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 000 I ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a ves rto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Ves t'fito ls there Electrical Power on this Building? g/Yes fl No ,l Property Use/ Occupancy: ly'Single Family D Duplex E Townhouse , /{o 4:iEP tg lir zFRll d^o Description of Work: "4 law! and ordinancos and rcBUlations. The NHC Developmenl Servic€s Centcr will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor rnformalion "'NOTE: Any work performed without thc appropriate permits will b€ in violation of th owner/contracror: & rS 7'n 6/, sisnature: c NCStat€ BldB Cod "Licensed Quoliliet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? f l yes E1lNo fxisting lmpervious area 2TY L Sg Ft Total Acres Disturbed: e and subject to fine5 up to S500.00"* New tmpervious Ar "r, 2't 4L Sq ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: ! yes fzlNo wATtR: Ea CFPUA [] Community System fl private Well n Central Well n Aqua SEWERT aflFPUA l l Community System f] private Septic n Centrat Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _(B)_ Approval: _ Ciry: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) (N) BFE+2ft= Com mcnl Permit Fee:s 'i&'#/a CIIY: I Deck (sF) _ zrp. Z?Ya) I I Att Garage (SF) _ [] Other {SF) Clear Form RECEIvEo cii0i2319 Prlnt ellail NEW HANOVER COUNTy BUI1DING PERMTT APPUCAfl ON TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PIfASE ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPUCAALE TO YOUR PROJECI "Prolect Responslblliq/ 2o16-106t5 t8-xb* (offrcE us€) .,'' 'i.":'.. '1 ffi,'j APPUCANTS NAME:Sou / CITY: PHON b- ?ae- N/s CITY;J BI,DG LICEITSE #:- sriJLztt >837K Date lo l- ztP 7- Dtq Q to- dl?..-Qtlt Ci-' PROJECT AODRESS: SUBDrVrSrOr{:o aqNAME:!qSdnPROPERTY OWNER,S OWNER'S ADDRESS:lDa COt{TRACTOR:sI aSf '{'''o-, ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Sho."fac\on D Au Garage (SF)- tr Sunroom (SF) - E Greenhouse (sF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? El'Yes [] No TOTAT Sq FI UNDER R@F Vot proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S 4a.sor. q prop€rty Us€/ oc.upancyrzf-slnele ramih E oupbx n Townhouse lsthe proposed work changingthe numberol bedrooms? ! ves fr ffo / ls any Becrical, Plumbing or Mechankalwork being done to the Accessory Strudure tr Yes p o lf the projecl is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current 5ite? tr Yes F o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildint? f v"" g no ( cnY PHONE:b- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:ntlr)PHONE: ExlsTlNG COI{STRUCnON: D Alteration E Renovation P/GeneralRepai6 ilEW CO SnUcIfO : D Erect New Residence D Addition to Exining Residence E Reloc:tion "'PLEASE O{ECT A D ANSWER BELOW AU THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*' unheated: lns latt 9 €xhrior ft:uncl.ntiat PtlrsDesslprion ot work h- ao fq tt-tbitiu^rjn ta-u)ta (t EJ OISCIAIMER: I hereby certit that allthe infonnatlon in tfiis appllcatlon ls corr€ct tf.hft8;t Code and alloth€r apdic.ble stale and lo(.l laws and ordhahces and regulatbns.lte i.lHc D€v€lopment SeMces center wlll be notllied of.ny chanFs in th€ approved plans and sp€cifications or chan$ in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work perform€d witholt th€ app.oprlate permlts wlll be inviolatbn of the Nc Stlte BldS Code and subiecl to fines up to S500.O... Cl''rB Z Fk-r,.W Signaturel lsthe propertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes F No Existln8 lmp€rvious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Ac.es Oisturbed: New lmp€rvious Area:Sq Ft Erlsting l.and Oisturbing Permh: n Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System fl private well D centralwell Ll Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E private Septic ! Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Of6cer: .- Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B| _ Approyal: _ City: _ Datei _ rbod: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+zft= l J Owner/C.gntractor: "Licensed Quolifiel sComment:Permit Feel E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (sF)_ tr Deck (sF)- tr Porch (SF)_ E storage shed (SF)- tr Other (SF) - Eot8-rbo1 r-tis (lN6 cotsl RUCIION: -_t fieners ltgpa''s A(ldition to Eristing ftesldenr! f- Rel0(3tion colls tJCIlOltr I Errc" li€!' Resiotnce -r *!-oI1gg!I{-tly-9-!-'l NPFOlrcT'r' "'}r{sLcttt!L'-lry n A55VJ[f; A... (ial.ii( {Sfj --*- s,r,r,,:-ift {Sl') ---- ;i1,,'-rgr-- fer<}l (!f).--- I I Stcrtrgr Sh'rd isf) -*- - 0ri:cr i!fl n0. .--:1.tk {!ti &n& sr-IL -J\l' \ /8'Za1(D ,\rrlialrior. NEW I SUlll)tvlSlON: --- aDcnESSr - Appuc.{lT'5 NttMh t- ?0.\s cllv' 1lo -'tol'61q?"lMn[ ADDtItSS i -\ !'..,.'puoht: PROlccr c'Jtn A[T Pt&sott:f"rdrr \.1\ritaYcl