1974-07-15 RM Exhibits R ~1 J C, July 9, 1974 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Dan W. Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Larry J. Powell le Tax Administrato SUBJ: Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located in the county: 1. Dallas Langley $ 2.83 2. Glenn D. Hughes 15.82 3. Susie B. Godwin 7.06 4. Debra A. Johnson 7.06 5. John Jenkins 16.10 6. Charles Jarman 65.34 7. Walter K. Moser III 18.65 8. Charles S. Bruton 11.58 9. Robert Ruth 68.25 10. Lutha D. Mintz 16.10 11. Albert L. Speer 101.70 (1970-1972) Request the following taxes be abated as they have been double listed 1. Mary Williams 6.50 (1972 8 1973) 170.89 (Refund) 2. Thomas Williams 6.50 (1972 9 1973) 161.64 (Refund) 3. William A. Armstrong 81.10 Heirs of Mrs. W. W. Southerland requests the 1973 tax valuation be reduced by $5,000. Mrs. Southerland qualified for the Senior Citizens' exemption; however, she failed to request the exemption in January of 1973. Total tax release would be $85.62. Request the taxes in the amount of $134.54 charged to C. L. Reavis for 1971 be released as this is a keypunch error. M'r. J. C. Miller, Jr. requests his taxes in the amount of $147.04 be released as he should not have listed in New Hanover County for 19 7 3 . Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of July 15, 1974. cc: Mrs. King LJP/pjr all 0 rr 1? LARRY J. POWELL MAE B. STUART Tax Admiriistrator Listing Supervisor l =PJ RAYMOND E. BLAKE, JR. E &AO JANIE B. STRAUGHN Appraisal Supervisor Collector of Revenue 119 No. Fifth St. l[rittttgt011, , C. 28401 762-0391 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU JUNE 30, 1974 1973 1972 Regular Scroll Charges $5,636,844.85 $5,355,582.25 Discoveries Added 1,345,404.66 1,058,878.20 6,982,249.51 6,414,460.45 Less Abatements - 15,778.04 - 17,583.66 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. 6,966,471.47 6,396,876.79 Total Prepayments Collected - 344,471.89 - 386,692.34 Collections To Date -6,429,364.75 -5,810,505.56 Outstanding Balance 192,634.83 199,678.89 Percentage Collected 97.2% 96.9% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 361,200.30 $ 436,216.30 Less Abatements - 6,949.47 - 4,839.76 Total Collections To Date - 171,108.00 - 204,822.06 Outstanding Balance 183,142.83 226,554.48 Percentage Collected 48.3% 47.5% Personal Property Personal Taxes $ 319,437.58 $ 270,931.59 Less Abatements - 260.60 - 128.86 Total Collections To Date - 46,557.38 - 17,800.45 Outstanding Balance 272,619.60 253,002.28 Percentage Collected 14.6% 6.6% Total Money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $11,195,333.81. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1973. J nie B. Straughn llector of Revenue JBS/pjr A T, ribute To the Dog by-George Graham Vest - The! bibst friend- a man has in the world ma turn against him - andbecome his enemy. his son or daughteY that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. lhise who are nearest and d6arest to us, those whom we triast with our happiness and ours -good name-may become traitors to -their faith-. The money tha a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps whe k,.he needs it most. A man's reputation may be-sacrificed in moment of ill-considered action. Teh people who are prone to all on their knees to do us- h-onor when success is with - us,'may be the first to throw the.stone of malice when failure -settles its -clomd upon our heads - - ~ ---T-he- one -absolutely unseif'sh--friend tha t---man- -can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one - that--me-ver--proves-ungratof-ul-cr--t-"a-chrerous_-is his- doff;-. -_A- man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health -a din selaiess e s-e n--thy--eo3d _ ~p--s -g-reund, -xfh-e r€- ' thelwintery winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only a_ - he 3~-be- near-has matters--side:-- e- i33- is-s---the--hand--t-hat----- hasi no food to offer; he will lick tie wounds and sores that - _-c-or in-enc-ounter--w-it-h=tie--r-e-ugh-ne- -s-j6#- tie-wt~u3 fie- g in s:- - - the,sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. 'Qhen - 3' other--f end - d irt- fie-tame-ins_~_ 1-hen -r-i-ehes tak-e--wings_~_ andjreputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love - -a s__ ;'the_ __s-ice 3 Sts jeur - - - - !---1f-f-or ~--d-3-ve-s .the-m s r-for- ~a -0 tca-st--in-_the---v.i-e r1- -I- friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher - privilege- dan~er, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene ' and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if .fr- .ends pursue their.--way-,---there----by-the- graveside - will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his -ey-e mod-, but open- in alert_wa-tch-ful-ness-~-fa-ithful and true eve~ in death. I - INEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1974-1975 BUDGET ORDINANCE C~ Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, N. C.► in regular session assembled: Section is The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the oper- ation of New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 19750 according to the following summary and schedules. Estimated Fund Balance Total i4MARY Revenues Appropriated Budges Appropriations Ot neral Fund 4,654,143 $ 473 x 862 $'5,1280005 $ .5,128; 005 ldon-Tax Fund 2,5350605 311,583 21847,188 2,8470 18,8 Court of Justice Fund 41,ooo -0-- 41,000 41,000 De ra°t Service Fund 19 349 , 808 215P778 1 r 56 5 r 86 1► 565 r 566 Airport Operating Fund b4-0884 50,000 8849 884 884, 884 Public Assistance Fund 1,785,611 118,725 1,904,336 1,904:336 Health Fund 811039 184, 680 .996 419 9960419 Mental Health Fund 106,920 20,000 126,920 126,9n :Public Schools: Regular Fund 3,812,847 2000000 49012,847 40012.8117 Supplementary Fund 1,013,510 1159000 1,128, `10 19128,53.0 Text-book Fund 93,000 (12,000) 81►(1)00 81,000 Capital Outlay Fund 141,415 115 9 425 256 , i,,,4o 256,84-o ns,-l.ons 236 r X30 -0- 2.36 r a) 3o 236, 5::30 Special Accounts 1,493931-5 12,000 195059191.5 1,505,315 C'ape Fear Technical 1 n tit u te. Operati-ng Fund 94, 6,?6 30,14,05 125,081 125,081 A~ t o sue Sharing Trust 1,194, 0oo 6,039 1,200,0'39 1,200,0)9 :ca.r `t'echnical 1.1(,3t:I..tute Gonstrue tion ~U11(i 3,340,023 4,98x6.37 3r8°38r66o 3r8.38,66o -0- anti Jail c. c.1i 1 1 :°aa a t:l orl l1 and 1,1.96x087 2v151x134 3r..:)' ^47r221 393117r221 rTr 1. tz 1;i c, uioyl Fund 4,72,925 -0-- 11,72 925 472r925 1,t,cJ,:al C, ove rnment 1:3uil,- ,s a~,3.Ye lrrqJa, Dal Reserve ,:ilz:i.l.cxit'lk, Capital vk` und 1 9c)0 -0- l,y()Q 10900 Map- Ga.l Reserve t,135,0,50 .d.--1,0,550 2759600 27 ],600 Ir! c ;:,chools Capital . 1w Vunt3 206 ,171 4,80 x 000 686,171 686 ,171 e i,U :.'d. Health Capital 2.; A iL1 ve 1.4'und 100000 271,000 281,000 281,000 U(,.Inerai. Capital Reserve I°`und 269.9„35 60.000 329 , 9 3j 32, a t`o`Cal Budget Section 2s That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following; Code, Department, Appropriation 11 410 Governing Body 53:500 1.:1. 420 Administration x:11,269 11 430 Elections 73,994, ll L113.0 Finance 102 ,265 ll 445 Contingencies 2009000 11 450 Tax Listing & Collecting 358,635 11 4.70 Legal 11.0, 000 11 480 Register of ,Deeds 135t82? 11 490 Planning & Ironing 90,550 11 500 Public Buildings -0- 11 505 Buildings and Grounds ~ 127P832 11 510 Sheriff 895,502 11 520 Jail 196384 11 522 Juvenile Services 135:466 525 Civil: Preparedness 28i701 ' 11' 540 Inspections 282,929 11` 555 Garage' 41:794 11 600 Coroner 24,121 1,104 725 1161o Social Services 11 615 Agriculture and Economics 58,900 11 625 Museum 1.9,768 11 64o Cemetery and Park _p.. 11 66o Non'Departmental Expense 985 -Total Appropriations General Fund P28 00 Section 3s It is estimated that the following General Fund.revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 toLmeet, the foregoing General Fund appropriationss: Code Revue Source Amount - 11 301 74 Taxes: Ad Valorem -'1974, 526.983 11 301 73 Taxes: Ad Valorem -,1973 7,000 11 301 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem -:Prior 70:000 w 11 317 00 Tax'Penalties & Interest 55:000 11 318 00 Tax Advertising Fees 8,000 11 325 00 Privilege Licenses 230000 11. 329 00 Interest on investments 8~~ , 000 1.1 331. 00 Rents and: Concessions 2,400 11 33r' 00 Miscellaneous Revenues 42,500 ~ 11 ,336 00 A.sse:sment;s -Other Government, 101596 11 339 00 1nte.n i'bles Tax 28:4:361 11 348 00 Sheriff Fees 12,000 Federal GovernmenGrants: 11195 11 34y Ol Y.D. Unit 11 311•9 02 Crime Prevention 1: 3,14.55 11 349.03 Records l,500 1.1 ; 349 04 Training 11,250 45:000 11 349 05 Drug Squad 11,11"000 1.1, 349' 06 Communications 65 r 100 11 349 o7 Juvenile Staffing ll 311.9 08 County Welfare Administra'4.ion 581.500 11 09 Food Stamps 3v500 349 13,000 1.1 319 1.0 C iv=~.1 P:cai~a~c~d~c» ,1 .1 31,9 1.1. 3ureau of Outdoor Itscreation 25 P 000 11 349 12 Ocean Scicizce' In titute 1.11.6:251 11 ' 349 1.4 Cxroup 0,,Ir.e Lorne: 38011-7 S to.t o la f `oan t±.i S .11 350 01 I.D. Unit 788 1.1 350 02 Crime Prevention 1~5 ll 350 0 l1ecarcx:a 138 11 350, 0 Training 5000 11 350 05 Drug Squad 3::667 11 350 o6 Communications 11.350 07 Juvenile Staffing 5:426 11 350 08 County Welfare Administration 53,000 11 350 09 Food Stamps 3:500 11,350 12 Ocean Science Institute 8,125 11 350 13 Transportation Planning 10,000 11 350 14 Group Care Home 2,152 . 11 351 00 Court Costs and Facilities Fees 13,000 " 11 352 00 Youth Help, Incorporated 2:.153 11 357 00 Inspectio Fees 1201000 11 00 Jail Fees 110000 3a~3 00 Juvenile Evaluation Vasa N, OaU 11 380 00 Sale of Fixed Assets 1 , 500 11 397 16 Transfer ' from ',Non-Tax Fund 2,421,012 ll 397 31 Transfer , from Airport Operating' 19.770 Total Revenues, General Fund .14, a4,1.1,= Section 4s For'said`fiscal year there is hereby appro riated out of the Non-Tax Fund the sum of - ; a2 f 4~' P a. ~t Section 5: it is estimated, that the following Non-']:ax Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending 'June 30, 97 5 to meet the foregoing Aon-Tax Fund' appropriations w 'Revenue Source Amount Code 16 '329.; 00 Interest on Investments 15,000 16'331,00 Rents and Concessions 2,605 u 16 ,341 oo Wine and Beer Crown Tax 105 r 000 r: 16 342 00 Register of Deeds Fees 3.60,000 16 345 00 Local Sales Tax 1,950,000 16 547 00 A. B. C. Revenues 21.5,000 _i.o 313 00 Fees Municipal Tax Collections, 660000 l/ 3/7 00 `Pax Refunds -State 21, 000 16 380 00 Sale of Fixed Assets 11000 Total Revenues - Non Tax Fund ,,2 535.60 Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Court of Justice Fund` the following: Code Department Appropriation 17 470 District Attorney $ llr043 17 516 Clerk ` of Court 21, 957 q 17 630 Law Library 81000 Total Appropriations Court of Justice Fund " ~41Ono Section 7: It is estimated that Court of Justice Fund revenues from Court Costs, Fees and Charges will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and endint?; ,:rune 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Court o Justice appro~:~x ~.ations in ?i 1.. ' the amount of 000 Section 8s For said :Fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Debt' Service Fund the follov1.i.Y11' Code Oft; o f L'ncta turn; Appr Lion . 21 660 81 Principal P.]atu.ri ties on :Bonds y 663,000 2;i, 660 82 Interest on Boild a 901,580' 2i 660 83 :fond Expense 1,000 To l,4-~1 Appropriations Debt Service J,!'und ~ ~ 1 r r f 6 6octi:on 9: It is estimated tbo t the J ollo,,Ang Debt Servi.ou Fund revenues. will be available during t he J,.`i ;cal year beginning July l ~ l9"j4 and, ending June 30 r 1975 to meet, the foregoing Debt Service Fund appropriation.,; s Code Revenue; ISourt:<< Amount 21 301 74 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1971 ~1►217,967.'` 21 301 73 Taxes: Ad Valorem, - 1973 90000 21 301 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 3,800 23,329 00 Interest on Investments 42,000 21 331 00 Rents and Concessions 18,000 21 339 00 Intangibles Tax 59..047 Total Revenues Debt Service 'Fund R 1 Section 10: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Airport Opera•tir►g Fund the sum of 884 84,884 Section ll s It is estimated that the following Airport Operating Fund revenues will be availably: during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending Jung 30, 1975 to meat.the foregoing k Airport Operating Fund appropriations: Cade Revenue Source Amount 3. Code Revenue' Source Amount _31 331 00 Rents and concessions $ 116,681 31 `333 01 Landing Fees 36x192 31 333 02 Aviation Gasoline 21x500 Federal Government Grants s 62 31 349 31- Quick Response Fire Truck 17,9 31 349 32 Taxiway Lights and Fencing 235x571 A 31 349 33 Master Study Flan 60252 31 349 3~, Y- Crash :ruck 82r000 31 ,49 35 Fire Station 115r000 State Grants: 31 350 31 Quick Response Fire Truck 1,972 31 350 72 Taxiway Lights and Fencing 39,2621 ~1 ; o 34 Crash Truck 13, 000 31 350 35 Fire Station Y. 31 350 ja Arts II Radar Equipment Building 40,060 31 367 00 Tax Refunds State 0 << 31- 397 16 Transfer from Non-Tax `Fund ? 99.942 Total.Revenues - 884 Airport Operating Fund ~gN- Secti.on 12s Fo. said fiscal year there is'hereby.appropriated out of the 9Q4 ~6 Public `Assistance Fund the sum of' - ~k. Sectkon I it is estimated that the following Public Assistance Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1 1974 and 'ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing ,Public Assistance Fund appropriations& Code Revonue Source Amount i.,.. Ol °',4 Taxers Ad Valorem - 19714, $ 388r89~ t..'~ 3 1 41 301 73 Taxes. Ad Valore-;3 1973 4,700 41 30100 Taxes: Ad Valorem Prior 2,100 41 329,00 Interest on Investments 2,770 41 339 00` Intangibles Tax 19,011 State Grants: )+l 350 03 bgablic A s cstanc:e _ A.F.D.G. 1-x.1-1..3,906 41 350 011, a]"a1 A"'+ r i s~d.a,_Ir e 125,000 w ~xe2sc. 41 350 08 'Public Assistance Gther 8r000 4.1 350 09 Child Welf"are S er v ~ c es 12l .230 Total Revenues Public Assistance Fund 61.1 L;l For said ction` 14. \For sr' id fiscal. y'3~ fl'~c aye: is hereby appropr.:.Loted out of t1te f. 4! Health Fund the sum of _ 9()6 ~ l,l t~ Sc.ctien 15: It is estimated that the fol:Lowing Health Fund revenues will be available. during the 'i"Juscal ye@.r beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June: 30, 1.975 -to meet the foregoing Health Fund appropriations W Code Revenue Source Amount 44 30174 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1974 $ 455,764 44 ' 301.:73 Taxes: Ad Valorem 1973 7 r 500 44 301 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem Prior 102,000 ,000 44 329 00 Interest on Investments 25,006 44 339'00 Intangibles Tax 37 r 000 14 359 00 Fees' - Other + 44 368 o1 Orientation Reimbursement g 500 hapel Hill r 469 44 368 02 U.N.C. - Chapel-. 44 368 0 Federal and State Grants 79 . ,ina.a r tehinr - P1 p Oqc 4LP 168 05 N.C.. Matohing - Jre inage 50t 44 368 06 N.C. Matching - Insect and Rodent 7 r 000 12,218 44 368 07 N.C. Matching - T.B. Control 45'Q00 41P 368 09 Medicare` and Medicaid 45,000 44 368 10 Family Planning 60 , 022 Total Revenues - Health Fund 311,3 N Section 16: For said fiscal. year -there is hereby appropriated out of the Mental Health Fund the' sum of - 126,~2U 4 Section 17. It is estimated that the following Mental. Health.Fund revenue: will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1,-l9', and erring June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Mental Health Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Bourse Amount ~r ` 47 '01 74 fluxes: Ad Valorem - 1974 $ '47,943 r.7 301 73 Taxes: Ad Valorem 197 3 700 47 301 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - Prior 150 47 339 00 Intangibles Tax 31012 47 341 00 A.B.C. Bottle Charges 2~. 085 Total Revenues Mental Health Fund $ ` 1061220 Section 181 For said fiscal ...year there is hereby appropriatedout of the F ' Public Schools Regular Fund the following, Code llepartr~ent Appropriation 51 660 General. Control 279P51,0 5i 660 Instructional' Service It 714 392 51 660 Operation ox 'Plant 613,605 51 660 Maintenance of Plant; 607,595 ~t r 51 660 Faxed 'Charges 533,610 51 660 Auxiliary Agencies 115095 z., 51 660 Other Expenditures 148,Z4o s Total. Appropriations Public Schools Regular Fund L, Section 19; It is estimated that the following Public Schools Regular Fund revenues will be, available during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, 1974.and ending June 30, 197.5 to meet; the ors going; .public' Schools ' Regular Fund appropriations s Code Rove n.ue Sou,i c o Ainotint 51, 301 V4 Taxes; Ad Va:l o e'i'Ii $2,665P873 ~)Cl ,re ' 30~. ?3 Taxes S AU Val{;1,.(" e] II 1.973 1 6, 0 U U 51 3011-00 Taxes. Ad Valorem - Prior 5 r 500 5,11329 00 Interest on 1nvestments 35r000 51 3-9 00 lira t o.n[2.;ibles Tax 133,569 51 ; 349 00 Fed(,-~ral Funds 62,025 51` 3.50 0.0 State Funds 6l_6, 380 51 399 00 S'irxe and Forfitu:res 250, 000 Sr. High Athletics (xa°te Receipts 28,000 Yard Sales and Dartxages 00 Total Rovenuc~',s 'ublic. Schbol.w 1c L ular Fund 8 7Z $~P~7 Section 20. For said fiscal ,yetxr there is hereby appropriated.out of the - public Schools Supplementary Fund the sum of 'I .X. 28L510 A,, Section 21; It is estimated that the following Public Schools Supplemen- tary Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending; June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Public Schools Supplementary Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 51 501 74 `.axes: Ad Valorem 1974 ~ 923,400 51 301 73 `faxess Ad Valorem.,-,1973 80000 51 301 00 Taxes s Ad Valorem - Prior 3,000 51 329 00 Interest on Investments 160000 51 339 00 Intangibles Tax 44,735 51 349 00 Federal Funds 161900 51 350 00 State Funds 1.475 Total Revenues - 1; 1.0 Public Schools Supplementary Fund $)l 0 Section 22s For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the :public Schools Textbook Fund the sum of - $ 8 UO Section 23: .It is estimated, that the following Public Schools Textbook Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, 197? and ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Public Schools`Textbook Fund appropriationss Grade Revenue Source Amount 51 301 74 Taxes. Ad Valorem _ 1974 $ 87,640 51 301 73, Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 200 51 301. 00 Takes: Ad Valorem - Prior 10 51 329 00 Interest on .Investments. 495 51 339 00 intangibles Tax 40205 TextbookFines and Sales Total Revenues Public Schools Textbook,Fund _3.000 Section 24: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Capital Outlay Fund the sum of ? 56 840 Section 25: It is estimated that the following; Public Schools Capital Outlay Fund revenues will be available during the :fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Public Schools Capital Outlay Fund appropriationss Code Revenue Source Amount 51. 301 r, 4 Taxes: Ad Valorem 1974 ~ 1110660 51 301 ; 73 Taxes: Ad Va.lbr er,7 - 1973 1,925 51 301 00 Waxes: .ltd Valorem - Prior 320 51 329 00 Interest on Investments 5 , 200 51 339 00 aniangir~les `.l'~ax 8,320 1 51 349 n0 _ Federa:l. Funds 1.3.990. Total Revenue-:, Public School.; Capital Outlay Fund 1~ Section 26s For said fiscal ye,t.r there j .,s, hereby approprirated out of the r3~~~?3 Public Schools Pension, Fur d the ;um of - 2 Section 27:, It is estimated tlla at tape a: o.l.: o% jinx Public Schools ;Pension -Fund revenues will be avail-able during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, 19'rl s.nd ecru i_ June 30, 1975 to meet the appropriations t foregoing- Public Schools .i.arl Fund Cade ~:v(::e7ue of-Irce Amount al 301 74 Taxes: Ad Vr= l-orern - 19'711. 229,252 51 301 00 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 'Prior 2, OOO 51: 339`00 Intangibles Tax .x.278 Total Revenues Public Schools Pension Fund X33 30 Section 28: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Special Accounts Fund the sum of - Section 29: It is estimated that the following Public Schools Special Accounts Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning 'July 1, 1971P and ending Jpne 30N IM to meet the foregoing Public ;5choolz Special Acoaunt Wnd appropri- atione s Code Revenue Source Amount 51 331 00 Rents and Concessions $ 3,000 51 349 00 Federal Funds, 22,000 51 350 00 State Funds 1,068,315 51 397 74 Transfer from Public Schools Capital ]deserve Fund 399,500 6. Total. Revenues Public Schools S ouecial Accounts Fund '_4_,23 section 30: For said fiscal year 'there is hereby appropriated out of `Lhe Cape Fear Technicl institute Operating Fund `the sum of 081 Section 31: it is estimated that the following Cape Fear Technical In- stitute Operating Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 to lr~oo t the foregoing Cape Fear, Technical Institute Oda erat~ ng Fund appropriations; Code Revenue Source Amount 53 301 74 Taxes: ,Ad ' Valorem 19784,988 53 301 73 Taxes: Ad Valorem 1973 1,000 53 301 00 Taxes: Ad'Valorem Prior 325 53 329 00 Interest on Investments 2,000 53 335 00 Miscellaneous Revenues 50 53 339 00 Intangibles 'T'ax 49563 53 350 00 State ` Grants 900 Driver Education Fees 850 Total Revenues:- Cape-Fear Tech- nical Institute Operating Fund 94,6x a 16 Section 324 For said fiscal year there is hereby appro riated out of the' Revenue Sharing Trust Fund the ti-gum of - 1, . 0() to 3 43ction 33. It is es tiuiated thct t Tr u.,.;t Fla7,(I revenues from Federal Govern-ment Grani.'s will be, available during ..the fiscal year beginning July 1 19`4 <and ending; June Sts ► 1975 to mee t -the 'foregoing Revenue Sharing Trust Fund appropriations in the amount of ;lectao:r, 343 For said fiscal year there: is hereby a:E)propriated out of the Cape F ear 'ethnical 1.:i7st s.`;utc: Construction Fuaid the sum of - 3 66o Sec tioaA 35: 1`t is estimated th,a.1-; th, following Cape 1Pear Technical In- stitute Construc;tio.,i Fund. w c::ven- es will be available during the fiscal year be„inning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 19"'75 to meet the forego n( Cape Fear Technical Institute Con- struction Fund a:ppropriatiol'is : Cody: R~eveaauo Sou c°F Amount 61 301 73 `,faxes; Ad Valorem - 1973 ~ 21250 61 301 00 `:'axes i Ad Valorem - 1:')_'°a or 300 !al 329 00 Interest on lnvo°.) t menu 35 ► 000 61 336 00 Assessments 012ior Governments 4,27 r1P73 + l 385 00 Sale of Bonds/iNotcs 2,8 ,000 Total Revenues Cape Fear Tech- niQal Institute Construction Fund ,,,aft 0 , 023 Section 361 For said Fiscal. year there is hereby appropriated out of the Courthouse and Jail, Construction Fund the sum of - 12,_ ~P7.12.z 1 Section 3?: It is estimated that the following Courthouse and Jail Con- struction Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year-'beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing.Courthouse'a.nd Jail Construction Fund appropri- a~:i.ons s . Code Revenue Source Amount 63 329 00 Interest on Investments 100,000 63 397 17 Transfer From Court of Justice Fund l.lP, gla 63 397 56 Transfer From Revenue Sharing; Trust Fund 1► 079 r 269 63 397 72 Transfer from Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund 1.900 Total Revenues - Courthouse and =Z Jail Construction Fund_ _ 2L6 0=8 Section 38: For said Fiscal. Year there is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Construction Fund the sum of Section 39: It is estimated that the following Water and Sewer_ Con= structi.on Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet f, the foregoing Water and Sewer Construction Fund appropri- ations: i Code Revenue Source : Amount Federal Grants s u4 349 60 201" Greater Wilmington $ 92,906 64~ 349 61 20111 South 22 ► 500 State Grants: 64 350 60 11201" Greater Wilmington 1504,05 64'35o 61 61201" South 3,750 64 350 62 Planning Advance 620050 64 397 16 Transfer, from Non-Tax Fund 276,234- Total 'Revenues Water and Sewer Construction Fund 2a2 r Section 40s For said fiscal year `there is hereby appropriated out bf the Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund the sum of - 1.900 Section 4~1 s It is estimated that the following Jail Builu.:i.ng Capital Re- serve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet -the foregoing Jail Building Capital Reserve Fund ,.).ppropriations s Code Rovez'lue Sou):^c o Amount y 72 301 73 Taxes: Aid Valorei,,i 197:3 1, 500 72 301 00 Tares: Ad Valorem - ~'rio,:• 400 Total lluti''(?nue J ' )_l Building Capital eso:t.ve Yta-id I' 1_..1200 xc c uielzZ 42s For said fi.scal ycar tll6re is, Fiereby a.ppropri-ated out of the .~eval.uat:i on a ;cz '1' 7!r ^ ~~;:,:i.. ~ i.<< x7 i.`t l l Oserve 1"lind the surn of I r. boo 43: It is .:'ls t..asaatcd !'t~+_~_1 i'~'d:1no. c'.v 1ll:lt.l 711 arid rt'cl.x tV~'lt)-- p.i.~1F. ti4L i 1.`t;i1.t tios{'rvo i' 4ia:tii 1 + ..i"li•l~? %,vri t.l be i.,,, :1lablo du:C'.l.n the fiscal year 01_1:ly 1, 19"74 and ending June 30, 1.975 to meet the, ~,c,~~ i ~a{ R'ovriiuation and Tax Mapping Cap- ital Reserve Fund ee.:>lre)~xia`l;.i.or~ss Code l~e~rr xIt'to Sou.rc~e Amount 73 301, 74 Taxes s Ad Valorem 1974 $ 121,195 73 301 73 Taxes; Ad Valorem _ 1973 1,600 7330100 `Faxes; Ad Valorem - Prior 6 000 73 329 00 Interest on investments V 73 339 00 Intangibles Tax 5.905 Total Revenues- Revaluation and 3-5 , 0 50 Tax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund Section 44-0, For said fiscal. year there io liereby appropri;,vbed out of the PUbljc Schoolp Capital Reserve Fund the um 02 9 6__E6, Section 45, It is . estimated that the following Public Schools Capital. Re- serve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal. year beginning July 1, 1974 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Public Schools Capital'Reserve Fund appropriationss Code Revenue Source Amount 7 301 74 Taxes; Ad Valorem'- 1974 ~ 176,369 Code Revenue Sow Amount, 71P 301 73 Taxes.- Ad Valorem - 1973 $ gpp 74, 329 00 Interest on investments 20 000 74, 339 00 Intangibles 'lax 8.902 Total Revenues - 'p'ublic Schools Capital Reserve :Fund > 206 1 1 uec-tion 46s For said fiscal year there 'is hereby appropriated out of the id;ental Health Capital Reserve Fund the sum of - 281.000 Section 47: It is estimated that Mental Health Capital. Reserve Fund rev- enues from Interest on Investments will be available during the fiscal year beginning'July 1, 197 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing Mental Health Capital Reserve Fund appropriations in the amount of 1-0 000 Section 48: For said fiscal year there is hereby ;appra riated out of the General Capital Reserve Fund the sum'of 2 Section 49s It as estimated that the following General Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, x.974 and ending June 30, 1975 to meet the foregoing General Capital Reserve Fund appropriationss f Code Revenue Source Amount 761301. 74 Taxes; Ad . Valorem 1974 $ 254 P 589 76'30L73 Taxes: Ad Valorem - 1973 3,000 76 339 00 Intangibles Tax 12.346 Total' Revenues General Capital Reserve Fund , - ~ Section 50: There is hereby' levie(:i for the fioc:al_ year ending ~lurle 30, 1975the following a,. < e of -L os on each one hundrf:d dollars assessed Vi~1:.u~~,5.'.-t i.. of a (",!')100), _on ~Ja ~i~;«.xab1_e property as 13:ti,ted as of January 1, 1974 for °a lie ~n pose o:.' 'raising the revenues fr oin current year's property tax as set forth in they foregoing es- of revenue, an(:, in orcac;r to finance foregoing approp- ria ti ons s t;e:nera.l Fund .0571 Debt Service FLind .1320 luk>l:ic A, sistan.ce Fuild .0422 Health 'Fund . 04.94 Mental health Fund .0052 Public School.;, s Re -aular Fund .2887 'upplenientary Fund .1000 Tex -book Fund .0095 Capital. Outlay Fund 0121 Pension; .0248 Cape Year Technical Institute Operating Fund 00092 Revaluation and 'l'ax Mapping Capital Reserve Fund .0132 Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund .0191 General. Capital Reserve. Fund .0275 Tax rate per one 'hundred dollars ($1.00) assessed valuation AL. -2 2 00 Such rates are based on an estimated total a~praised value of property for the y purpose of taxation of :,972, 000, Q00. with an assessment ratio of 300% of appraised val iAe A Esti- mated collection rate of 95`1 is based on fiscal, year 1972- 1973 collection rate of 96,.88"o Section 51: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Manager and -the County Auditor' of New Hanover County, North Carolina to be kept on file by them for their direc- tion in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts appropriated. Adopted this 15th 'day of July 1974 9•