OCTOBER 19 2018 BUILD APPS10222018123204NEhr HAN,,ER couNTy BUTLDTNG or*rrr2"'l 0" ilq63 'eth-&nwftlmben (qFflce us€) APPLI&TIOI,I TYPE,. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI{S!{ER ALL QUESTIOI{S IPPLTCAALE ro YIUB PRO]ECT 'Project Res pons ibi},ityf APPLICA T'S MI'iE: J o t*u Z,V *005 OATE:d /r PK,IE *: q )b 6?0CtW. lr\l F--r4l\ o PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTYISION: ZI'P: - BLOCK *:LoT *: _ PROPERTY OhNER, S MI'IE: O,INER'S ADDRESS: Pty-ltrc rh l- A,ltL11)pl@ Dt( CITY: CTTY:5 ST: _ ZIP: _ EIIIAIL ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR' ADDRESS; ll5 \)€/.{)t &41rCE SE *:bq D6A accour.rr *,*,U|fr;A z4ol 0.-^ PHONE *:q/() VSJ A6qO SToRAGE SHED _ 5F I oaeeuHo-rse _ sr I oecr SF OTHER:5F-\l *tr*op- ATOTAL HEATED SQ FT:hm TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - wqr.i( { rorar- PRolEcr cosr (uassr-o! : g tu0lL # OF STORTES: ls Any ELECTRICAL, PLUl,lEIl'lG or l4ECBrlNICrlL t4ork BeinS Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ve" ffi-noIf the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent site? [Yes plfl-o Is there Electnical Por.,,en on this Buildj.ng! EK' E no PROPERW USE / OCCUPAiTCY, I Srlrcle remrlV ourlex I rowuouseckta PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE #: I aeueul neearns I RELOCATION NEhr corusrRwTrot, I tRrcr NEN REsrDEr,rcE o" ! aoorrror ro Exrsrmc REsrDErrrcE *TPLEASE CHEC( AT@ A s}JER BELOIi ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Arr GARAGE _ sF f] orr oamee _ sF suNR@4 _sF I eoor- _ sr n poncrr - sF ZOT]E:cKs :LH Approval :_Qft__ city :_lL![_ recl DISCLAIMER lhsBbycerDr tlarallhbi.marion if $is app[cadon i6 cor,ic!€nd allv,grkeal cor.ply Mh tlg SEt Buildh! Cbde snd all otpr applcablo St8b srd local l€'#€ and odinanc€s and rBgulations. The NHC D6\alopm6nr Sorvic C€nEr willbe notfi€d of sn y ch8nges in tr€or cfia.1g€ in con!_&Dr or cont&br in brmatort, '-NOTET Any work P€rtorin€d Wr'O fie AppopriaE Perm 116 wll bo in violalion of tre NC t-.p To $500,00'- oI,JNER/CoNTRACToR: . \. Ho ce (l lnt-s SIG}.IATURE : (Print ll.!.)+********+******+**********+*+++++*+++++:i+*++++++++++++++*++*** **** *** **** **** ****** rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN a rLooopLant l--j vrs [ ruo EXISTING IHPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEW II,IPERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEDT E(IST LAIO OISTURBIIG PERHTT:flves fl rrc l,lATER:creun I copr'4uNrw svsrem f] pRrvArE I{ELL f} ceurmr- ueli cFpuA L] CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvare searrc I covluuNrTy sysra,l .** SEPAIATE PERI4ITS REQUIS.ED FOR ELECTT I{ECH, pL86, 645 Egtrp, PREF,qBS & II{SERTS ..' S EI4E PAYIIENT ETHOD:E.lsn f].rr.x (pAvABLE ro nnc; I err-l ecca'ur E rczvrse f] orscwen ******* ******+*******r.*ri.************* ******** **** )t**********++***** **** *{r* **x;t ******* **)B (roR oFFICE USt Ori LY)aEWSED OAYI 64111112 ?-.tS oFFrcER: O{v 'ttlA au, N/Ae,i/A€tl0Eil*r,,r: r.l/{ lnrn'firnn Qefl "!94 9 l 0'154 'Yt' Coment:l^ leti o r otV DATE:,0 t6 F LOOD: PHONE *, ExrsTrNG coNsrRucrro : ! ar-renarron q{r*uo-rlo" DESCRIPTION OF WORK: PERIqIT FEE: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT I ON TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' cfrY: U )l L--U."- LOT f J]oi$ - llq 63 TELIv-ffi-( (office us€) APPLICANT,S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: x LVkvs A,z Date o lt l( PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: 3-ztP PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:M At>K o- f 4*fLtc tA Jorta,,rl pHoNE#: q to {r}E e:flt x PL CITY ztP. >6r1trj| CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ,r.f:'t6 o t-oY n*e p a*kN 6z_ EMAIL ADDRESS:\ [] sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes n No j(*otor so., u*DER RooF r proposed workl Healedi TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less tot): S cny: l,D / r!.<_sr I tOCalP HONE c- pHoNE: I ro &'5 JObTr\ LQC-BLDG LICENSE f o ,L\].. PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: <)? IKJ C EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration EfRenovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation I,**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI'}'} D Det Garage (sF)n Porch (SF) ! storage Shed (5F)_ n other {sF) Unheated: w'"o Accessory structure E Yes [l-do rrent site? E Yes Edo ls the proposed work changing the number oI bedrooms? E Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the lf the project rs a Relocation, is there a Natural9as Line on the cu ls there Electrical Power on this Suilding? B,'{es D No .n r,W(rn, I loCT lg 4r39Pi Property Use/ Occup Description ot Work: le Fam ily tr Duplex E Townhouse f ctlt Ll,4J Cr-.,,q'*o tt Et€CT fr.[, t+O*< l.,JnNk laws and ordinanc€, and regulationr. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will be notified of any changes an the approved plans and specificali n5 or change in contractor information. "'No-fti Any work performed without the appropriate permit5 will be in violation of 5 BldB code and subject to fines u !o 5500.00"' Owner/Contractor:Jothr €Eva^.,| "Licensed Quolitier" Prkt Nrll/;--V ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E t',to Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq rt ExistinB land Disturbing Permit; E Yes ! No WATER: { CFPUA C community System E Private Well fl central Well D Aqua srWER: S CFPUA E communitysystem D Private Septic E central Septic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Selbacks (F) _ (tH) _ IRH) _{B}_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S ! Att Gara8e (SF)_ ! Pool (sF)_ N'] Y ,l\a a NEI{ HANOVER C(ruNTY BUILDI]IIG PERI.IIT APPLICArIOTI IYPE: COI{IIERCIAL PLEASC Ar{Sr{ER ALL QUEST!of{S AP?LICABLE rO lOJn PioJECTrPr.ojcct R.3pons1b111tf ct ey'es /zc tct6- llqltl L8-2723 aF [ltf?lsr lt nban (O#tc. u..) -urrt tr//f//t tz 7/7-4&- rooorDEVELOPERT PRO]ECT oGGUPANT/BUSIiIESS ilAltE :c PROPERTY O}SIER' S tlA'{E: OII{ER's ADORESS: CO TRACTOR:L ADDRESS: EI'IATL PROJECT EXrST COi6 ALTERATIOI{ It Rslocalion,Gas Lin€ on he ACC C z/< Atn -LrcErsE * 14/57crw: -ProtrE t! ?t7-)k7-rcoo sf ../17_ztP. ci)7ra3 . STityt:.z,;ez 77f32 7-FFNE T: PTI)I{E ': NEPAINS RELOCATIO{ IS BLDG yesfl. SI{EL L UPFIT tr ADO TO EXIST SIRIJCN'RE TRITCTIOilT Eb trgre a Natural r-] REuIVATI(I{ T-] GE ENAL t'u*rrtsrrr f_lkJn* (Cn.ct A1 lh.t &ely) DNoilEltCffiIntrcTIo : fil,enecr IEI sT1[rcnnE ff15r rnrCx Essof,Y STRUCnnE 3 ./y/.'f If IPFIT - The ShcU Permlt *:Is El.ct Por.cp on thls 8u11d1n8 ri Yes n N0 FF{o .."' th. llr Occupancy ..... rs nt l cure of ocoralrv usEt n tF Y.3, ftt ni th. Pr.vtou. OccrD.ncy Typ.t - *d DGfiro.rre. more$ro{al: YE5 IIC REG *: BI@ DESIG PROFESSIOIIAL L G,5dF I{C REG SI c i77b DESCRIPTION OF IOR(: all olhor sl!b OWNER/CONTRACTOR:tl's.o SIGNATURE: It PH PH and NoLr O..r.lHoi D. k do.ra t aa!-t6 Dmoral p..rnl applhaioG an b ba a/brnlEd 'rrhe tll. FpLabn lofln (DHils37E8) whadE lla hctly or bull(lrg waa lound !o co.rtaln A$aaioa or rcL You !l! ,tqdlld b cll Ora tLbnal EmLabn qrl(larda h. lffirra Ar Polrt.nia (}EStlAP) at P1e)707€e50 at bd 10 d8ya pab to thr d€rndltoo oa aru fldlly o. buid&R. S.. A.b.rbc Web th.: hlpr it , ,.pl..t E.n .ur/.pt/rlb..sarCrrD.html BUTLDTNGHEtcHT' a3//( SoFIReRR-n:. 3>5F # OF STRUCTURES, __]_ TOTAL PROJECT COST: 6rd @c) TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER ACRES DISTURBEO: . 76 ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:_ City: DATE- FLOO f OF UNITS: #OF STORIES: / # OF FLOORS: D(ST UIND OTSTURBTNG pERMrn JFyeS J-'NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SETBACKS: F: LH: RH BBFE+2fr._ SO FI pRopERryusE: Er'orrrcelaesrauaexr[MERcANfl[EflEDUcf]-AFrncoNDo orHEr -WATER: IiCFPUA r-l COMMUNTTY SYSTEM r-l WELL r-IZON|NG USE CLASS|FTCATTON sewen: El6rpuo E"t*r*..etlc E i*-'uorEsEprc [iouuuluwsysrel,r - O' OTE "*'''" REOIJIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLSG. GAS EqUIP. PREFAAS ! INSEBIS ''' PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l-, CneCX lreVe*e rO nXCl l-- eUeRoAN EXPRESS f- rACn4Sa l-_ OTSCOVER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) Comment NHrz{x.t lsnleilw N PERMIT FEE:: APPLICAIT's iIATE: r.\.lrl:l{{ B bod o. b6r*a9€ prepered o. 8.rvad ln thb ttuane? E vesE}/No b Tho Propoq Locdad tn The Floodptah? I]lvea Efd NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ffi PLLA!T ^N!TIR ALI QUFSIIONS APPL ICASI( TO YOUT P']OJICI "Proj€ct Rcsponslbllity" d Slorln\ &tlwgt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI9\! TYPE: Co|IMERCIAL ZotS- tlqt I Storm Damage APPLlCATION OEVELOPER PHONE f: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PROPERTY OTINER'5 NAIIE: i,..tr, Oi,lNER'S ADDBESS: ?. E.t 56al C ITY ZIP CITY: ii: ,, : ir.rr PHONE {: ST \a CONIRACIOS: ADORESS Reslo6lron Conractors. LLC LICENSE * CITY EtlAtt A00RE55: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: Exrsr consriucrroNr n aLTERATToN 3.*;;fi;'rili 'Ai'Ji'r.^. REparRs fl RELocarrol ti Retoca on ls uere a Narurar Gas Lrnc on rhe C;ren1 51"r I r"?f]rr.o ,s sroc spR N-"Le"eo, !""" fl.r" NEr,r coNsrRUcTroN: ! rrrcr rew srnucrunr ! rasr ralcx ! sxtlt- [ uerrr I aDo ro Exrsr srRUcruBE ACC€55ORY STRUCTURE: If UPFII - The 5he11 Per it f If Yes, what Has the Previous occup.ncy Iype? .r*. I5 THIs a C6ANGE oF o(cUpAN(y UsEi !veS B19 .r... ls El.:ct Power ofl this 8lildi.flg B ves I ro Hhat is the N.! 0c<up.ncy Type? NC REG 'N' RE6 ' ls tood or bovss06s proparsd q g€rvod in lh6 61ructurez ! v*s I llo ls Tho Property Localod ln Tho F]ooddsin? D Yes n No oISCLAIMER lh.,eD) ce't1 rhar 5ll i1'onna un '. rh's npllLsr01's (o''*tand.I *o,l *'i(,mpLyw[1re Srrie 6-'ru.ne Codo 0"6.lrur. apprcaoi-Sr'e ,nd Lr6r l.rs anJ ord,nancds and MUlalDn.. Itrc a\.lC O€ve oomenl Se^ices C.nrs *,loE noLl'6d ol anv cl,anoer 'n rne.ocror,n'o,nanon "'\Olt A y Wudi Pedom s wO rh€ App og or!P<'r.'ls*ind! rvL,cli! orr.NCsrrreBhocdea''l 5ubrec11o Fn€5 uo ro S5oo oo_' Shr.qla.€placemenl O^^tall lldinq lnm. .nd ,nsllaton ,€Dbc.m6nl Plun$'.!. ol.ch.al, mecha^ical@oa'6 TOTAL PROJECT COST: '-"5,C'I EUILDING HEIGHT d OF UNITS: DE5(8I PTION OF I{ORK ACRES D STURBED: OWNEFYCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE C,14Zw"Ka4(o{ra) (Pd ,.D} / Nor.: Dd.dll6 ,!dltol6! & &b6lrE roov.l pdnrr .rolLltqB d. io b. subhin a u.rn! t]. .pdlc.lio ,m (DnHs-J 76s) *f,rrw c. r-rry i u,r'ea "o ro,o o drr.ir A.!-i- - rbr. Y@ s...quJtd b 6rl n N.!od En.ro s1.dad.ld Hurd@t A, pdldl! OESHAP) ar (919)707.5050.r r.el10 d.y6 Fq b,Eeidoo ol .., rr<ir[, d tdd€. s4 A.tE!o. w.a 9r.] hro/^,w- co..sraio e 6/.praiborro{i/€rnp.hhr ' OF STOR]ES B OF FLOORS] ExST LAND OTSTURBTNG ntnr',4tr I vts p ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAI SO FT EXISTING IMPERV OUS AREA:SO FT pRopERTyusE: lorrrce f]Resrnunqrr luEacrqrrlr leouc @ncr flcottoo orue*- WATERI ECFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA fl coMMUNrry sysrEM EwrLL lzoNh,G usE cLASSrFtcATroN: -CENTRAL SEP]!C L-I PRIVATE SEP'IC !COMMUNITY SYSTEM PAYMENI METHOD: IC,rSU f]CXeCX IeAYABLE TO NHC) !AMERTCAN EXPRESS DMC/vlSA I OtSCOVen (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:- Bi_ZONE: OFFICER: Approva,:_ Cityr-DAT Commenl FLooD:__ _ BFE+2ft= AVN PERMIT FEE: $ APPLICAIIT,s NAfiE: DATE:-]]-::-:_:i OCCUPANI/EUSINESS NAfiEi:.! i,. (r:,, i:,,i----:-. :- , ._j- :: -::: sTr@zrP:E@ PHoNE fl : Fr-i765;;-----l pHoNE { : Fldr"-3i5-----l ARCH OESI6N P&Of ESSIOTIAL: EN6R DE5IGN PROFES5IO|tiA!: TOTAL AREA SO FT : - SO FT PER FLRi [!!:l TOTAL SO fi UNOER ROOF: g,!- , OF STRUCTURES:]-* I,o /z1g-tYt9 {S-foart OWDh€q ZDtb'ltqs NElil HANOVER C0UNTY BUILDING PERMII APPLICAruON rYP€r CoIVIMERCIAL PLEA5E AX5IN'R AIL Q!!5IIOIlS APP ICNBT' IO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJe(t Responsiblllty') APPLICATlON Number APPLICAI{1'S NA'!E .ONIRACIOR ADDRESS: DAT€r :,.:,', .' PNON! B:OEVELOPER: OCCUPAiII/SUSINESS llAllE : :ie pi.e,:ca A.r r !me.i s - Drarie C ITY:ZIP:@ PROPERTY O|,I|{ER'5 NANE : OI"/NER'S ADoRISS: rt a,.CITY:.1 l PHONE S: ST:ZlPt - t' : r!: l- rr: ! E'iIAIL AODRESS PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: PHOiIE S: PHONE {: i01 2i6 3.73 {.h..r r rfJr $rly) txIsT coNsrRucrror{: ! aLTERATIoN ! nemverror @ ctrtnal nerarns ! RELocarrjl 'rR6locarlon.,srhceaNalLralGasL'reo l'nCu-enrSlu" Llyes LlNo lS BLDG SPR N(LERED? Ll'cs llll \o NEw coNsTRUcTloN: ! earcr tel srnucrun: !rnsr rnecx ! srtrr ! uerrr I aDD To €xrsT 5TRUCTURE ACCESSORY S]RUCIURE: Ives !rctIf UPFIT - Ilre She1l Permit $ It Ye!, whrt *a5 the P.evlour o..upa.cy iy?el Is Elect Powe. on this Sui.Idlng 'r"' Is THIs A c)tAN6E oF occrJpANcy u5E? !vrs [rc ..... l,rhat is the N.w occupan.y -rype ? AR(H OEs'CN PROFESSIONA!i EN6R OEsIGII PROFESSIOMLi ls food or bov*agss Fopar€d 6 s€avod ln lhrs sln clur6? !v* Q l. b Th6 Prop€r, Locat€d ln The Ftoodgah? ! ves I no OISCT IMER.,rs'sty c.at lhar all,nldm.l'o6'r lhBappl(a d, rrh lhe Srsle SL'rd'no Cde an6 a[ oh.r rDot,@bk Srlt€and lr.l lM .^d ordins(es and eqd.[ons The NHC Dev.rormenl S.ru'c.r C.nle, *,lr b! mn'4n ol anv cE-aer m tha amved ola6 a.ld sNdroMeu ( hd.06 i \ @ru r rd d @atado, ;nrolmrm. "'NO-E An, wFt Pe.lormod wO rh. apsopr '.ro Pe'nd! , ll lie 'n volalon o, F! NC State BhO Code andSub,ft rlo F,6 LJo to S50O.00"' OWNEFYCONTRACTOR TOTAL PROJECT COST: :--1 TOTAL AREASQ FT BUILDING HEIGHT SIGNAIURE Noto O66olrio rcnnera a !sb6sio6 m@.r p.mlr .pprrcrn6! .rs ro b. rubmr[od 6r.! $. .pqka[@ lm (DHHs-376a) $Bm.r !\. a&,idEh A.b6re ( d. Y@ a.. r.qsEd ro €ll,E N.d@l €iE.ion sr.ds& lo Hu..d@ l\, P!i!n.r lxEsHee) a (919)707-595n al tert I o d.yE Fd lo ur d.n'olhion oi my holiry d btild$s. 56 Asbeb6 w.b Sl|e. hno hw 6.,sr6 rc u6i.o'/orb66ro!Janmo hhr # OF UNITS: . # OF STORIES # OF FLOORSITOTAL SO fi UNDER ROOF: jil)- ACRES DISTUREED:- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAi # OF STRUCTUREST r Exsr LANo DrsruRBrNG renurtr I ves NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: (FOROFFTCE('SE ONLY) I SO FT WATER: ECFPUASEWER: E CFPUA f]COMMUNIry SYSTEM EWELL DZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: L] CENTRA]- SEPI IC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC f]COMMUNITY SYSTEM PAYMENT MErHoor flcesr flcxecx eAYABLE To NHc) IAMER|CAN ExpREss I rucnrrsr !orscoven ZONE:OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH: RH: B:Approvalr_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOODi __ _ BFE+2i--_AVN Comhent PERMIT FEE: $_ (%oZza,<o,,- ---------------- Storm Damage PRO]ECT ADORESS: LICENSE {: CITYr sr:@zrP:@ ffi PN: N. RE6 d: PH: NC REG {: DEsCR IPTION OF HORK: SOFTPERFLR:E pRopERTYUSE: f]orrrce larsmuurr lLlenc*lr[e !rouc @ner [coHoo oruea, lrltb'lll(oS ' ,i, ffi Cl6sr Form Print oMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I cAf I0II ryPFI COIIIf'1ERCIAL Ptt^sE A{SWE8 AtL QU[9rIO(S Appl-rCAELE rO yOuS PROIE(t "Project Responstblllty" t&#pv tlumber (offl.e use) - DATE: to l lt DEVELOPER: PRO] ECT ( OCCUPA I/BUSIIIESS NAXE: PROPERTY O NER'S I,IAfiE : 0 NER'5 ADDRESs: jg PHONE B:I ob '5 ((x.-t CITY: - LICENSE r: I {rb\\\ CITY:(h zrp:.2 (\tZ - PHON€ #:-.1tlt- tiu/r,L5r1l sr:F[zlr:3g!_1) sT: ritzrP: Lt'7'l') ( C .. 4\ L. coNTRAcToR: C ( ,,..,..,\cai ADDRESS I EITAIL AO \r.:r ^(J o \\( ORESS: PRO] ECI CONTACT PERSON:C\ ((h€(l All Ih.t Aoply) \ PHONE f: pHoNE fl:-fu.tTB.tn C hls Bullding 7. ves _l-)to \u.f EXIST CONSTRUCIION:AL TE RAT ION RENOVAT ION H,KL ERE T)).1e,7GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATIONr.lf Relocation, is lhe.e a Natural Gas Lino on lho urrent Silo?o lS BLDG S NoNEI,I COI,ISTRUCTION:ERECT NEI4 STRUCIURE FAST TRACX SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCIURE ACCESSORY STRUCTI.,'RE: (\I e\cc{,tr.r\(\n IS EIect PoHer on tIf UPFIT - The Shell Permit l,r ..*r' rs mrs A cNArlcE oF occupar{cy usE?f yrs ffr0...*.IF Yes, vhat ra5 the Prevlou5 occupancy Typei -\rr..d ( C - Phat ls the Ner occupancy Itr8fi?o,src, enoressrouu ' ( g\\(c\o6 , 16 \. PH: €N6R OT5I6N PROFESSIOHALI-PH: DESCRIPTION OF I,IORK: NC R€6 S: NC REG 'I: \!,tl\3 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this slruc(ure? f Y;x No Is The Property Located ln The Floodplain? f- Yes 0ISCLAIMER: I horeby c6(iry fiat all informatlon ln lhls apdlcalion is colrocl Euild'ng Cods and allolher 6pplrcablo and loc6l laws and cdi.ancos 3rnl rdtJUlirliolls Ih6 NHCdor lnlormatio . "'NOT Ooveloom.nl SPrv rovod rrans and smoficolionsorrheNc sr,ars Blds cujs dndor chame tr) ccmlrador or conua Subie.i lo t,nss Up To S500.00' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: \SIGNATURE Nolo:Ocnxririon mrril@lbnr A nllx)slos rerrcvalporn'il sptlicnlinssro lo bo submltled uiing lho opdrcrimla.m (D $+,6lher tholoc ny or buldin! wa3lound lo ,, OF UNITS I' OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROO # OF STRUCTURES:,, OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBEo, .-5 Exsr LANo DtsruRBrNG pERMrr? I- ves ;--g-o- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA .-7 )SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOI.JS AREA .4 SO FT pRopERTy usE: noFFrcE flnesrnunnNr MERCANTILE ED CONDO OTHEI No domolnx)n ol sny l6adiy or brrildino. Se€ Asheslo3 Wob Sll€: nll0 ,^*w sfi tl:)le ft ue/q*asbasl(,tnhmp htrnl TOTAL PROJECI COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : t tur.r)BUILDING I]EIGIiT SO FT PER FLR: E E N,I IFICATION '.,'.l,.l|.l'ii]l:|,iiLl,]'']])]i:|l]ili:J:,,lllll,ti:.]]:,.,ll'.,1j|iil,.i,.]|,.i p^yf,,l{:Nr METHoD: T c^Srl f* CHeCr lenvneLE To NHC) r-AMERICAN EXPRESS T- MCA/ISA I-- OtSCOVen (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC fl WELL _D ZoNING USE crASS pRrv rE sEpnc l.JL coMMUNrry sysrEM Approval:___..rDE_ city: lt-rr1 bere rclaltd rtooo r,r/A LH ru/A nH r,J/A o_.idAx BFE+2fi zoNE:aND oFFrcER: DrO SETBACKS: F Comment N PERr\.41T FEE: : APPLICANTS HUe ;'ipr.,r\ tr ['Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN TYPE; COIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER AIL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" zot6-lllbs t##,kt| Number (office Use) \ APPLICANT,S NAT,IE: DEVELOPER: 58..,.\DATE :o-}Q PRO]ECT OCCUPANT/BUSII{ESS I,IAfi E : PRoPERTY otJl'lER' 5 tlAltE : ONNER,S ADDRESS: 3 E crw: cor{TRAcroR: C r ur^r.,.- LICEI{SE ", .lirb\q ADDRESS:. CITY:Ch^(\ o \k EIi,IAIL ADDRESS:tor.-r PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:C\{ (Ch€ck All that Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REP PHONE #: ZIP: .Z crqlL -pHoNE #:1ut-tlof.LJr (l ST:SLZIP: ZAZI? . sT:N_zrP: Zk?1'J PHONE #: PHOI'IE #:Arq'ql5-tt? arRs flLDG SPRIN y4esf - RELOCATION KLERED ilc r on \t>\A3 L o6\ t C\n L lf Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the arrent Site?ES NoNEt/ CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:c'.tr C\. If UPFIT - The shell Permit #: E[{GR DESIGT{ PROFESSIOiAL :- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FAST TRACK SHE LL n UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE A e\t r o ISB Is Elect Powe this Building f Yes .E)o.:i*r* rs THrs A cHAt{GE oF occupAilcy usE} f yEs ff* ***** IF Yes, xhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? -tS\rie ( _ What ls the New Occupancy Tvoe?AlfF'DEsrG PRoFEssroiraL: -k O H rle \oc i tc\PH: PH: \trcr nc REG *: \gtlY3 NC REG #: No ls The Properly Located ln The Floodplain? l- Yes No work will comply with the Slale Building Code and all olher applicable whelher the facility or building wasfound lo 6 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? f YesE- OISCLAIMER I hereby cerrrry thar all inlormalion in ttris applicatron rs correcf anJall and locallaws and ordinances and requlations, The NHC DeveloDment SeNices Centerwill be notffied of anv cha or change in contraclor ol lqnEactor information. "'NOTE:Any Work Performed W/O the Appropriate Permils will Subiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' in the aoDroved olans and sDecificationsviolatidr of theNC Stare Bldg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: \ \r.SIGNATUR conrain Asbestos or not. You are requined to callthe Natronsl Emission SiBndards for Hszsrdous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at leasl 10 days prio. to lhe dernolilion of any facilrly or building. Se€ Asb€slos Wob Sile: hltp r'www epr slale rc us/epr/asbestos/ahmD.hlmi TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : b (cu-o0 BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: Nole: Demolilion nolificatrons & asbeslos removal permil applications are to be submiiled using lhe applicalion iorm # OF UNITS f OF STORIES TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROO # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: /-O EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARE A. .-ZNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: .-O pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nesreunar\rr MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI tr-6' SQ FT WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNTTY sYSrEM. fI WELL _E ZONTNG USE CLASST E cerrnel seprc Ll -RrvATE sEprc n coNlMuNrry sysrEr\IE FICATION PAYMENT METHOD ;- cnsn [- cxecK (eAvABLE To NHcl f--nuentceN ExpREss f - McA/rsA l-_ otscoven ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F;B Aooroval: Ciw: DATE FLOOD BFE+2ft, Comment LH RH N PERMIT FEE: : ERECT NEW STRUCTURE .I t) *Qrta\i (ra-v- f,nalrntt- nl Claar Form Prinl €Mail NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER'{IT APPLICATIaN rYP€r €Ol4ilERCIAL r,-rasi: {ri(,l,Ji ii rltL Qlltsl lcrt! n,rrL l(i8L: ro yolq pRoltct "P.oject Responsibility" ')alb lllkS #mv {unber {offj<" ur.) APPLICANI,S NAI4E: ] .. .'\-olrE: to i )tt[vEt opER PRO ] ECT Ol,rNER'5 ADDRESS :':.1 -PH0NE r*: i:*.1 1\\l I liZIP'. - (. .: , OCCUPAT.ITlBUsIN€S3 NA,'{! : PROPERTY OI]*NER'5 NAfiE: tr,'i' (- pHo E #; _1t1 \lri t j(0 , r.r,,- i;rli\i.. LICENSE *r 'l r&.\\.\ Sr:\.-LzIP: 7EZ l') sr: \{zIP: 'I 8 ?-l- ) PF.ONE ,,': eHoNE f: i{q,.\ 15 .1\? L A'O TO EXIST STPUCTURE c .ONlRACTON: ADOR€55: ENAI L ADT) pRolEcr cor't:Acr TXI5I CONSTRUCTION: -. 1l ila.i:l rPN!N (i.EaeD t:::,'.--.i,...:.::' GENERAL A€PAlRS R ELOCATION I ),loNTI{ COtiSIRUCTION IIPfiiorsron pRo'Essroriar , ;...\ R€NOVATION r()nl 5il.r? f"' ER ECT NEh STRUCTURE SIIE L L ll . !{ndt .is the !,lew O(<upn.<y l- Yes jT_'No -a\u r , PFIT E i \t r'\'. r.ACCESsORY 5'TRUCTURE: l! Elart Por,re r -an this Building A aHAnoE oF occupAr'/cy usrt 1 ve s $. ro \ttllY-1tl*68 t[S16N PnorEgSIONAL :, D'5Cii I?TION OF WOiK: erly Loceted l The FlooCplain, T Yes i\ r-, LHRHB F.FF +)h:AoDroval: CrN DATE SO iT OWN ERTCON iHACTOR ! L SUILOING I{EIGHTICTAL PRO.JECT COST TOIAL AREA SO FT : t-,# OF UNITS S{: FT PER TLR I OF STORIES 4 OT FLOORS Exsr LAND DtsiuRsrNc pERMrr? ;|_ vrs f:rq6 SQ FT ExlSrlNG IiIPERVIOUS AREA: -.-?': CONDO OTI{{: I }OlAL SC FI UNDEP NO A.RES D,STURBED- ..uTI NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA ,.{: pliopEFTy usn f]oFncr flne srirunerur tL) WATFR T.]CFFUA T-]J.,,1 t-lsrlvra LJ crpue Ll COMMUI..]ITY SYST CENTqA. SEPTIC f.] WEI I N ZONING USE CLASSI|ICATION pRrvATE sEprrc Ll covr,luNrrv srsrer,r PAYME*-I METHOD. 1* CNSTT f CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T.AMERICAN EXPRESS ' T!,lCruISI T'- DISCOVER , FOF OFEICE JSL ONLY/ TONE _- r.i :a UPrIT - ihr She11 Pe.mir *: IF Yes, what i,ras the Prevlous Occuprncy Typei .-\-\, Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEA5E ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibil,Y T CITY 2pt0-l)5A4 lb30f3 Application (offce us€) APPLICANTS NAME:I r\Date PROJECT ADD suBDtvrsroN: RESS PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER,S ADDRESSI CONTRACTORI ADDRESS: ZIP: Z 8: PHONE #:Qto ttz ctw ZIP: NL BLDG IICENSE # sr:NLztp:CITY: EMAII. ADDRESS:PHO N E: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE:)a ExlSTlt{G CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation fi General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* * ! Att Garage (sF)_tr Det carage (SF) _! Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) ,ff Deck (SF) rT' E Greenhouse (SF)38q ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed wolk) Heated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves d lo ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re E Yes lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes A"olsthere Electrical Power on this Buildingl E[Yes E ttto N*o u rlof chaa5,,g cr is*r'a5 {of Nnt n storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) ":A;, Property Use/ Occupancy:Sintle Family E Duplex E Townh 5e Description of work:L Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/' Pnul tlonbot/ Z+0^L 21.2,, 1"-r zs allother applicable State and local ifications orchange in contractor nes up to S5m.00'*' t DISC|JUMER: I hereby ce(ify that all the information in thas application as correct and allwork will comply with the State n8 Code and laws and ordinances and reSulations. Th€ NHC Development Se.vices centerwall be notified ofany changes in the a plans and information. '+*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriat€ permits will be in violation of the NC State de an fi Signature: lsthe property located in a floodplain? tr ves [ ruo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: /CFPUA E Community System D Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: /CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic n CenhalSeptic E Aqua Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S Ciqar Form roTAr pRoJEcr cosr (Less Loo: s ',ill ouJ Unheated; _ ,'r.io.f'otit hr.i l::i v.r prri&n.arl'r r'.:', ?,\RECE\IED 0c1 05 ?01t Drts-16tu9 Char Fo.rn AppuCj11T,S NAMEr Joshuo M Fsrm€. I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA| ,ON n P€; R€SIDENTIAt PLtA5[ An5WtR AtL QUIST|ONS APPIrcl8tt TO yOUS PnOjrCT 'P,or€cr R6porrlblllY \0-3oog q616;10,0412018 pROJ6CI ADDRE55: 1010 Harrcv€r Sl Ory: WJmington ZlP. 7-ol JuBorvrSloN: pROpERTy owNER,S NlLlg Margato1 M Farmer PHOI{I r: .lto oWNfR,S AODBtSSi 9604 Machado Dr Charlolo, NC 28079 CtTy; lndian Trail cONT1,4cTOt: Joshua M Farmer BLOG tICENsE I, N/A 1pDsp5s. 96O4 M8chado Dr qry, lodlan Trail Sr: NC trp 28079 €MA1. ADoREss: larrrcreek @icloud.com p11611p 7047437146 PROJtcf CodrAcT ptRsoN: Joshua Fatmer p119x6.7047437146 trlSIlNG coNsrRuclloliiD Aheration fi A"nor"tion fl General Repai.r NtW COI{STRUCT,ONT l-l Erecl New Reridenc€ D Additionlo ErirtinS Seridence 0 Relocatlon . '.PUASE CHr€( A D ANSWtR SEtOW Au. I}IAT ^pprY rO YOUR 'ROitCTr.. 79 El Att 6ang€ (Sf) _ O DetGalagclst)_ fl Sunroom (SF)-*-._- U Pool{5Fl_ fl Greenhoure (5rl-- o Dcck (stl-- l! rhc proposed wort cha.glnB thc arlrthg footortnt? tr ver ( xo TOTAL Sq fT UNoEn ROOF Uot ptopotcd wotk) llc.ted Unhast ad:/ TOTAT PnorfCr COST (l-es5 tot): S 1 5,000 lr rhe propoted work ch.nting the number ol bedroomr? 4 Y.s D t{o ls any tlrcrlcal, Plumbln! or Me.h.nlc.lwork beinS done lo the Acce!!ory Suucture fl Ya, lf rhe proiect ir a Relo..tlon, i! therc a NaturalGar Llne on thp currnt slte? O Yer 41 tio ls rhere 6edrical Powe, on lhii Euilding? ff Yo! [:) No Ll Porch (stl_ O stor.t. Shed {SFl_ E Orher {5fJ general rePEirsr( 4n" P.op.rty Ur./ oc(uprruy4 r.mlly O D€r{rlptlon ol Wo.t tQclnt-a] ^L.rqL Oupler Townhoura lt-at $ tn lrfl.nd oron.n.2r ..d ..8uLrbnr. Ilc NrlC txyeh rm.hl s.rvkc, C.itpr villb. nolllad of.nydr.ntei ln lharrr{.red pl..!.nd rp€<Ifl(rilo^r or(hrrtt ln.onnrdor hlo.rnatloo.'rmrEiAny*o.lpcdorm.d*llhtulrh.rprrolhi.p.rmhtrlltb.h!bhlrrioltnr(Ctr.r.Erdt(ci.rndrubl6tronirruptorsmCO'..ryu7^I M Fsrrnerowner/contrn atori 'Licensaal (boliiet' zonn, R-3 oficer, Approval srtuacrr(r)Nllf-( o"ru,l0[dl6 rrooa 15 the prope(y locatld ln a floodplalo? U V"r { fro Ednlot lmp€rvlolt A, r.; gtO -Sqtl TorolAarcr Olrturbcd Stnrtu.r: 4 rxrN/Arnxlt{l}, terilA (Al _-,{v} _ (r',) _--.rL_ BFr+m. llaa lmpcrvlout 4rc6:d 5q ft Erlrtlnt land Dlllurblnt Permit: O Y.! fl No wAttRr 6 CTPUAO Commuoity Syirc,n E Prival.Well O CenlralWell O Aqua SEWER; 4 CrPUA D CommunitySysr.m O Private Septic O CenlralSeptic D Aque Ir,Y(a rjer,4)o-rk q! i ttt,inkComment ,-P!- c,,v,, /1<paS( fo te ffrirn i'lnsrllclion Requrreo, 9l 0"254'0901 #I Prlr [oT r: I I Chct43C5 Pe.mit Fec: S er! REgE\vED oc1 051$1t 2or8-llstug \B-3oog Applkitlon (oflke us€l Cloor Form Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIT.DING PERMIT APPLICATTON TY PE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATI- QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TOYOUR PROJTCT 'Prolect RBponslblllt/ AppuCANfS NAME: Joshua M Farmer p61g; 10O42018 pRoJEcT ADDRESS: 1010 Hanover St 61Ty; Wilmingon ztP L ol suBDrvlsloN:LOT f: 6ONTRACTORT Joshua M Farmer 8I.DG I,ICENSE fl:N/A ExlsnNG coNsTRUcnoN: E Alteration Q Renovation fr General Repalrs NEWCOSTRUCnO:QErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoEristingResidenceDRelocation r,I PTEASE CH ECI( AN D AT{SWER BEI,OW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOT.|R PRO'ECT" ' tr Att Garage (sF) - E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ O Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_tr StoraSe Shed (SF)_ ( ottrer tsr)general repairs/r(t: Deck (sF) l! the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 4 Yes O No ls any Electrl6l, Plumblng or Mochanlcslwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Ycs lf the project is a Reloc.tlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes fi tto ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? @ Y6s E No 4no Property Use/ Occupancy:@ slngle Famlly Duplex Townhoute /t,tt b tnDescriptlon of Work: tG<-lnta] rut-l<zL laws and ordinances and reSulatlons.The NHC Developtnent Servlces Cent€rv/illbe notlfied of eny dranSes In the approved plans and speclflcatlons orchaEe ln contractor lnformatlon."'OTE:Aryworlp€rfomedwlthoutthe.pp.op.latep€mltswlllbclnvlolrtloooftheltcStar€8ld8Codeandsubiecttofinesupto55m.00'.. ,h-Chmer/ContrEcton M8rgaret M Farmer SBnature: 'LicensedQlo fiet" Pint Ngme lsthe property located ln a floodplain? tr Yes Exfsting lmpervlous A ,"", -!p-5qtt {no TotalAc.es Dl$urbed:tu/4 New lmperylous Araa:d Sq Ft ExlstlnS Land Dlsturblnt Permit; O Y€s ! No WnfER; Q CFPUA D Community System tr Private Well D Centralwell . Aqua SEWERT 4 CFPUA E Community System E PrivatesepticECentralsepticEAqua zone: _ Officeri _ Sctback3 (Fl _ (LH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty:_ Date:_ tlood: (Al_(Vl _(N)_8tE+2ft=_ commenti Permlt Feer I 1 & pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Margaret M Farmff pxone t: 49o 1LL Ll-7 lL owNER,s ADDRESS: 9604 Machado Dr. Charlotto, NC 28079 crn: lndlan-Tail------------- 19pxg55; 96O4 Machado Dr. OTy; lndlan Trail Sr: NC ap: 28079 aro,r ooo .R.JECT CONTACT pERSON: p6px6. 7047437146 ls the proposed worl changlng the er(istinB footprlnt? E V.t ( no TOTAL SQ fT UNOEi R OOF lfot proposed wotkl He*edt qoo UntreateU: y' TOTAL PROJECT CO$ (tess Lot): S 15,000 tr Porch (SF)_ /n ^f"*L 7-- X qUo\r€,tn S-cinah'e $e C{ear Form Prrnl eM3it NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT a? P LICAT IOtl rYP€ : COMIIERCf AL pil^!a ANsrilR /\Lr ouEt-i1oNs ipptla:A6ri ro yot_rR tio)acT "Project nesponsl.bility" ,-i e r8_ llSl ) itrill i ^FEiit^t ro-N APPLICANT'S tt*tt: -;. ,r ! ?,lufiber (orfi.e Use) oATE: ii l i! ZIP:7 \-irl DEVTLOPER:PHONE i: PHONE tr: r'1 r/EUSINESS NAt{E: ') PFOPERTY OHNEN'5 iIAI'!E: OIINER'5 AoDRESS: i.,-;\r"' , oq li,'', !* r:w PROI tCt 0ccupar{ AOORE EIlAIL .{ . r\ lC CI']'Y: _ |-ICEN3E 8: I i/l.l!.1COBTRAtrtoR: (r.*".! 1ut,\t r SI:!t ZIP|2.i7 lJ sT: ^L zIP: /E? l I_ cIrY: { ir*.- 1.. h < RtNOV.lTIOrt 6EItTRAL N€PA]RS trrenl S[e? i-y'1to ERTCT NEW STRUCTUR€FAST TRACX n sHErr n uPFrr fi aoo ro Exrsr srRUrruRE ACCESSORY STRUCIUR€: . ES5: \o NEH CONSTRUCIlON: TOTAL PROJECT COS' - P110NE * - PHONE *: (i.y .4 I (-r\?7PRO]ECT CON]ACT PER EXIST 'ONSTRUCIION: AL IENATIOTJ RELO(ATION KLEREDT- -YesT- N ^.\J DPRIN )A tr--${If TPFIT - Ih€ she1l Pe.mit lt:Is Elect power on this Buj..l.ding f* Yes ..'., fs rxts A cHATGE oF occllpAlcy usrl1-. yEs ;--16.,.,.IF Ye5, rh.t r,,as the previorrs o€.upancy rypei \5;.ri - tlhat itihe Netr o((upancy t!f.t,.. ^tfB )DESICt{ pRor!5Srott^L :i{...1'{}\ i)r|l.\r-,(, \i.1 P'1 ls tood or beverages prepared or served in !h6 st ucture? l- vesf,,-{o ls The Prope*y Localed In The Floodplain? T Y {\, NC!r l.,r.l .Jw OWNERlCONTRACTOR TOTAq AIIEA SQ FI ]O rA SO F : -\De3 HOOE API CONDO orHer {L',.,(r- SQ ';T PER FLR t,I OF Ur.JlTS EXS; LAND Drsrul]BrNc pERL T? f- yES f- NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA AC!IiIJ DISTI]}IBED NEW IMPERVIOL]S AREA PROPERTY uSE: IOFFICE I neS'rnUner'rr SQ FT wArER nCFpuA r-1 :or.'tt'/tJNlrv 3YSrEv Tl vlEL-Ll - l.-{srwen LIlcrr'urr Ll cE:u;H.r- sf prrc Ll PRIvATF SEPr'c r-.] TONING USE CLASSIFICATION CCMMUNlTY SYSIEM pAyMENTME'rHoD r* cAsH t-- cHEcK iPAYABLE To Nllc) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS r-rrrclvtsa f- - orscoven B3FFICER {FOF OF'ICE 'JS€ ONIYI SETBACKS: F- tHZONE: AoD,.-{i, CrlY - DArF---- FLOOD B tjE-11{'r Corrrenl riFl N PERMIT FEE X QUnl i{r0r 5''5rrr}rnru ( APPLICANT ' DEVEI.OPER i Cb?r Form Prini eM:il NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERPTIT aPP L I€AT rcN trPr : COltltlERCf AL r!!IASI AISUEc ALL QlJttrloils .'\Plili^gli lC v.Olli Pe0lEai "Project Responslbility" '/r:10-)131 \t ;E-*\@cl AFFffaITIoil llumber (of+i.e Ute) -oare: i6-1 1!S iiAmE: l ,PHoNE *:1ul .l \t, lt ? 7, PRO]E'T , LIcENs€ *: 'l (.[ \!\ ZIPi i.!'t.. :, - pHoNE 4: 1 iJ.l ri,ri .Li(t i 5T: l,i.P: r-( z:l; ZV I -; PHONE S: cmte *:@2 REIOCAT]ON OCCUPANT,/EUSr ESS NA{a: PROPERTY q{NER'5 NANf: {( ":\\c ( lo OT,JNER'5 ADORTSS: 'r..; ..r. !c..ri!.d!rt V! Oli CI'IY:)j !1 l CONTRACTOh {L :1 '. ADDi E55; ETIAIL AODNESS: pRolEcT coNTAcl rlll: crrY: ( [v"T"] sr: EX]ST CONsiRLiCTION: lf Relocirl;on. is ihere a flaturall G.s Lrne ori the At,T ERATION il CU RE NOVAT IOI,{ rrenl S,le? f PAIRS BLDC S trPP IN I unrrr ffi mo KLEITEC ,i7 ,6NoNEI CONSTRUCTIOT,{: I I A€CESSOnY STRIjCTUIE : 1,., No lS .) CT!Rt NEI.{ 5IRUCTURE FAST IRACX (.t{- ERAL RT Yrlsi- EXTST STRUCTURE r ItsI. UPFIT - lhe Sheil Permit n: ,I CHANGE OF O'CUPA}.JTV USEI IF Yes, rhat ir.5 the P.eviou6 Od(upro.y TyEe? EN6R OESIGN PROFTSSIONAT : Is flect poxer on th]s B,.jilding f* Y€s S vts;rfiii.,.., (, _ i,{hat 1s the t{er oc(upancy I{Sfitourrun rnorrssroru*: (",,\\\!:'t'i3 bt',.a( ls tOOd or beverages prepared or served n th;s structlre? T y ls-lho Propefly Locate.i ln fhe Floodptarn? f. y '(r",i tr? f yes -f_Nd' e9tsruo ACIIES DTSTURBED, . -4:. f CF UNIIS OWNER/C ONTRACTOB; NEW IMPERVTOUS AREA 11,: Appro,,?l: C # OF STORIES: * OF FLOORS: EXST LAND OiSTURBING ?ERM EX'STING II,IPENVICIJS AREA lry --- DA-rE-- FLOOT) SQ FTnoFFrc€ l-l i,e sraunarur F-'ll-t!\'AiER f-]CFpLt,t t-.1LJ L--.]se weo Lic=pr rn Ll CONDO OIH:I COMi,4UN'IY SYSTEIu ceuruo. ar"r,a, I fl lrr'Ell entverr s;nrrc ! f. c^sH f* cHECK (pAvABLE To NHcj, T _ AMERIcAN EXpREss I- _ r.,tcr.,,,rs.,r f*, orscoven?rOqO.r,CF.lit:)NLw) SFFICER SETBACKS, F f] zONiNc USg CLASStFICAT,CN COIIMUNITY SYSTEM LFI F;I C0tnnle,tl , PERI,'IIT FEE; ( i.,t,\r- Lf ! roIAL PROJEar cOST \,- \ll i,i BU|LD|NG I lE lcrrTroil- AREA so rr __: :1?.: so Fr pER FLpToti.i- so E: U\DER rrooF:- c o. srRuciunFs:- Clear Form ]Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPLIcaTIa TYPE: C0II]IERCIAL PLEASE ANS}'ER ALL QUESIIO{S APPLICABLE IO YO{'IR PRO]EC] 'Project Responsiblllt}/' )otE - l5'lo L8-2902 AFFETATIO{ llunber (Offlc. ur!) - DATE: 6 9 716 716 Pll(n{E *:910_791_8101 ZIP | 28405 2 I a c DEVELoPER: Monteith construction company PRO]ECT ADDHESS:1?40 Airporr Blvd GIYI r^,i r^i.sr." OCCUPANT/BUSIiIESS tlAltE: New Hanover county Airpolt Autho!iry PROPERTY Ot{l{ER' S llAllE: New Hanover county Ailport Aurhorj-r v(H{ER' S AITORESS: 1?40 Airporr Blvd CIW: wi t^i ngton CO TRACTOR: Monteith constluction company - LICET{SE #: q:stg ADDRESS:208 princess st reer CITY: pi1^in ton EI|AIL ADORESS: efordgmonteirhco. com PRO] E CT r Erln I orcl (ch€(l AII lh.t Arpty) -Plrc E S: 910-2s4-4398 ST: NC ZIP:2840s . ST: NC ZIP: 28401 _ Plo E *: B2B_302_s3s4 - PHO E $: 910-791-Blor ExIsT col{sTRUcTIo{: E ALTERATI0{ ll Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site? l- T-] GENERAL REPAIRS TI RELOCATIO{'IvE[ uo rs BLoc se'",RTNKLERED7 - yesF RENOVATIOI{ No l{Er{ CONSTRUCTTON: E ERECT NE},I STRUCTURE EFAST TRACK E SHETL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: UPFIT ADD TO EXIST SIRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ..r.. Is flIs A cHArcE OF oCCUPAI{CY USE?r YES IF Y.s, vhat ras th. prcvlous Occupancy Typc? _ Ihat ls t Is Elect Polrer on this Euilding [. Yes f.NO F he l{er Occupancy Tvoe?ARTI{DESIGII PROFESSIOIIAL: ?he wi1so., Group Architects _ PH:794-331-9747 ilG REG *:51146 E]{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOI{AL :-cheatham and Associates PH:916-452-421g NC REG #: c-10?3 DESCRIPTION 0F IORX: RenovatioDs to Baqsase Handlinq Alea OWNER/CONTRACTOR: r.yre aaewooa SIGNATURE: -. ,'; TOTAL PROJECT COST: 1,7es.soo oo BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES J- NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERW USE: IOFFTCE ! ReSreUnrNr flr"rencar.rrrr-el-J EDUcnAprD CONDO OTHEIn11p6.1 WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC D r-.I WELL T-I ZONING USEHvlre seprtc a?olrt'lulr rw ls lood or beverages prapared or served in this struclure?f , Vefr_ tlo ls The Property Located ln Th3 Floodplainl-_ YeE-_ NoDISCLAIMER: I h€.rby cediry thsl 8ll inlo.rrto.r in this applicado.r i. co.rocl and a[ v,oIl will co.nply with ttl. St te Building Co(b ..!d all ofEr.pplkabb Strt.nd local lavts and ordin6nc6 ond llgulalit|3. Tha NHC Drvaboaront Salvira Centc. will bo adifad of 6hv d|onoaa h the eDdov.d ob.l! e.d rEcificatixrs o. dr.mc h conlrador oj co.rt .clor inlofm6rbn. -'NOTE: Any Wort Pq{otrngd w/O d1e Arprop.iat P.rm ! will 6b h Vrolarioi ol fl. NC Ststa Bhg Cod€ ardSuq.dlo Fin s Up To 1500.00'" (0r'.166r) (Rirn N..m) cod.ln Aabestos or not You ere rrqulrad to collthc Natlonal Emb3lon Sbndards lbr Hszardous AIr Pol[n.nB (NESHAP) er (91r)707-5950 rr h.st 10 daF prio. ro th6 d.oogtion of ary facility or buildinC. S€r Asb.stos W.b Sit€: hllp //www.epi slate nc us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp html SO FT CLASSIFICATION .'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT MECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOO f cAsH lf . cxrcx lenvlBLE To NHc) f - AMERTCAN EXPRESS l-- ucnrrsa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LHr . RH_ B_-Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2rt,_AVNComment PERMIT FEE: : p, APPLICAI{T' S l{AlilE ! yqn66i6h construction company SQ FT PER FLR. - # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: 1 # oF FLooRS: i-- Nl y NEW Slo rn a" f* ANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COIiIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI4IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" 2olh" llrllo2 Storm Damage APPLICATION Number (offi.e use) PHONE f: PHONE f: z , o c N APPLICANTJ S t,IAflE ;Chad McKay DATE :10110t2018 PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY;n OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI{E : PROPERTY OWNER'S i,IAI4E:Housing i,,lanagement Resources PHONE #:617471-0300 OITJNERT 5 ADDRESS;500 Victory Road CITY:North Ouincy 5T:ZIP i 42111 CONTRACTOR :Elusky Restoralion Contractors. LLC LICENSE #:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY: EIIAIL ADDRESS:cmckay@goblusky.com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (Check All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Na Centennial 701-226-3178 470-2334580 ALTERATToN l-l nercvlrrou 17 crurnlr nrparns cas t ine on the Current Site? LlYes L_l No lS BLDG S RE LOCATION rrenroz f] ves T NoturalPRIN NEtrl CoNSTRUCTI0N:ERECT NE["J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: - Buildi T5 frttl4'Lt If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? ***** rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupat{cy uset flves I N0 * *,** * Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E tO tlhat is the t{ew Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIoiIAL I z 21 2i6,812,1__ nrf,*:PH NC Sht Drywa , trim, and insulation acement, Pl , electrical, mechanrcal ls food or beverages prepared or served in this slructure? EYes No ls The Prop€rty Located ln The Roodpain? [ ves I to DISCLAIMER: lhereby certfy that all information in afid local laws and and regulauons. The this application is correct and all work will compiy with the NHC DeveloDment Serv'ces Cenier willbe notfied ol rnvNOlE Any Worh Perlormed WO lhe Appropriaie Permiischanoes in the aDDroved olans and soecwrllSe rn Vlolatlon of lheNC Stale Bldg State Buiiding Code and all other applicable Strate ificationsor chanoe in contraclor or coSubjedlo Fines Up To S500.Code and contain Aab*tos or not You 610 Equlr€d to call th€ Natonal Embslon Stendads fcr l-l6z6rdoGs Air Pollutants (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 et best 10 days p.lor ro the dernolilion of Bny fadllty or bulldlng. S€€ Asbaslos Web Slle: htF:/irww.epl.srele.nc.uyepUasbestoyahmp.hunl 00"' OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST $55,000 TOTAL AREA SO FT WATER: mCFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA Chad McKay SIGNATURE:C/,rZ BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF 8000 # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsruReri{c penirrtz I-l yes NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE E nesnUnmr MERcANTLE leouc finer lcoruoo orHER: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: flcoMMUNrrY SYSTEM Ll WELLf] CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC flzoNrNG usE crASSrFrcATtoN: ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) PAYIVIENT METHOD flcesn ficnecK (PAYABLE ro Nxcy fleuenrceN ExpREss I rrrcnrrsa I orscoven SEPARATE PER[/1ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS REVISED DATE /Vl Vl2 I 2 I zIP:Eiio5l sr: Ia6-l zIP: Edfi- lT dewater Townhomes IJI IMA DESCRIPTIoN 0F l^loRK: (ou€mor) # OF UNITS: ZONE:_OFFICER:_SETBACKS:F:_LH:_RH:_B: [\ r..,Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2F I''',A v ' .'r-f*--Comment PERMIT FE - ll0ooF-t, U NTY.Ca *- Shor rn \ -z,\ {opu( ruew xnruoVrR couNTY BUTLDTNG APPLICATIOT'I IyPF: COIIIIIIERCIAL 20 Itr-l l*ta t Storm Damage PERMITa a t z E, APPLICANT'S i,IAI{E : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E: PROPERTY OWNER'S IJAME: OWNERJ S ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: PLEASE ANSI.JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" (Check Al1 That Apply) APPLICATION Number (Office Use) Chad McKay DATE :10110t201a PHONE #: ITY:Wlmington NC HoLrsinq Management Resources PHONE f:617-471-0300 CITY:North Quincy ST:MA ZIP i 42171 CONTRACTOR:BluSky Restoralon Contractors, LLC LICENSE *:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial EI4AIL ADDRESS:cmckay@goblusky.com 7 01-226-317IPHONE #: PHONE #:470-2334580 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation. is there a Natural Yes NEIJ CONSTRUCTTON: ! eneCr NEW STRUCTURE I raSr rnaCX I Snell ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCIURE aLTERATToN l-l neruovarrolr Gas Lrne on lhe Current Sile? L_l GENERAL REPAIRS E no IS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION rrrneoz ! ves No @liilzir Tidewater Townhomes 'ldtiFlcl- loques I If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? '*,**,*,* rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupANcy user flves t\to ***1* Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E no What is the New 0ccupancy Type? kooARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOI,IAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: 3 PH NC REG #: I DESCRIPTION OF I,JORK:Shrngle replacement. Drywal flooring trm and nsulaton replacenent Plumbng electrcal mechanic€lrepairs ls food or beverages prepared or served in this sruaure? lYes No ls The Propefiy Located ln The Flood4ain? [ ves ! no Chad McKay $55.000 BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR (OdifieJ) (Pn N€mo) / conteln A3bestos or mt You are rcqulr€d to call th€ Natonal Emlsslon Standads br He2adous Air Pollutents (NESHAP) et (919)707-5950 Et leert 10 days prlor b t|e denDlhiofi of any facility or bulldlng. 566 Asbostc Web Stte: htOJ f,$wepl.state.nc.us/epuBsbeslos/ahmp.htnl # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES pRopERTy usE: EoFFrcE Enesreunmr luencarrru leouc ner lcottDO OTHER: WATER: mCFPUASEWER: m CFPUA flcoMMUNrrY SYSTEM fl WELL fIZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON:fl CENTRAL SEPTTC LJ PRTVATE SEPTTC fICOMMUNTTY SYSTEM ". SEPARATE PERT,4ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS '" PAYMENT METHOD flcasx lcnecK (pAyAa[E To Nncy filuenrmr ExpREss ! ucnasr f] orscown (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL'REVISEO oATE {1 Ul2 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: ADoroval: Citv: DATE: FLOOD: BFE+2fu;VN I 2 Comment PERMIT FEE: $ zIP:PEo-f-.l sr: laol zrP: l5oii- TOTAL PROJECT COST:# OF UNITS: ACRES DISTURBED:- EXST LAND DISTUnetNO peRMtru -lVeS El r'rONEWlMPERVloUSAREA:-SQFTExlSTlNGlMPERVloUsAREA:-SoFT 1500 V,cto.y Road tro Fooo 18000 ll t, ffnlN,t' IHANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIoN TYPE: COMIT1ERCIAL 2dl? -lllb O Storm Damage N Pt 2 I C 9 NEW PERMIT PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTJ S t,NfiE : DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques L APPLICATION Number (offi(e use) Chad [4cKay DATE : PHONE fl: CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}IE :T dewaler Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER'5 t,IAItlE:Housing [ranagement Resources PHONE #:517-47T -0300 OWNER'S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road CTTY:North Quincy ST:ZIP i 02111 CONTRACTOR:69914 ADDRESS:9767 CITY:sT: @ zIP:801',12 EtTAIL ADDRESS:cmckay@goblusky.com 701-226-3178PHONE *: PHONE *:470-2334580 (Che.k All rhat Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes trGENERAL REPAIRS tr RE LOCATIONRENOVATION No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Restoration Contractors If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is E1ect Pouer on this Building E Yes E ,O DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Shingle replacement. Drywall, 1loorinq, trim. and insulalion replacement, Plumbing, electrical mechanical repairs ls iood or beversges p.epared or served in this struclure? E Yes No ls The Property Located ln The Floooptain? [ ves I lto DISCLAIMER: I hereby certly lhat all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the StE and local laws and ordinances and reouiations. The NHC Develooment Services Center wll be notified of anv cha or chanqe in conrracror or conuaclor rilormalion. _.'NOTE Any Work Perlormed w/O rhe Appropriare Permiis willSubiedio Fines Up To 5500.00"'b"e rn ilding Cod in the aooroved olans and sDecifications of theNc Siate Bldq code and te 8u e and allother applicable Staie (ou€rirar) (Pinr r.r.re) - Nole: Demolilion no fcadons & asb€slos rernoval perm il applications are to b€ subm ned using the appllc€tlon iorm (DH HS-3768) wherher the facility or buildino wss found !o contein Asbeslos or not You 8re rsqulred to c€ll lhe Nafonal Emission StanGrds fur Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 6t le6sr 10 &ys prtor ro ihe demolition ofEnyf8cillty or buildlng. See fubestos Web Sile: http;/ r/ww.6pi,state.nc.us/6puasbeslos/ahmp,hlrnl OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:Chad lvcKay TOTAL PROJECT COST:$55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: SIGNATURE:Clzzw",<",/ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF 8000 # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND Drsrunatnc peRulrz [_l ves NO PROPERry USE: EOFFTCE lneSraUmnr MERCANTILE EDUC ner lcouoo orHER: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM fl WELL EZONTNG USE C|-ASS|F|CAT|ON:E CENTRAL SEPTTC LJ PRTVATE SEPTTC fl COMMUNTTY SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD:lcesn f]cnecK pAvABLE To Nncy fleuenrcnN ExpREss I rucnlsa ! orscown .,. SEPABATE PERIIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' ZONE:_OFFICER:Approval:_ City: I 2 I Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ 14110t2018 Iwlminglon, NC{355 Greendare Dr - Buildins 13 ZO?- -711. LICENSE #: zrP:ltudi-1 I v"" firo LLC Centenn al IFYes,},hatUasthePreviousoccupancyType}-what1sthet{ewoccupancyType?- ir:::::g1y21122,_yyy'l\n\ls2o17ar+-,zoa/nq4prztz,Zll^s;fl 'l/'--_ DH._ fira EFC lr. *'',,**,* IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUpANCy USrf [VtS fi O ***** # OF UNITS: NEwlMPERVloUsAREA:-SQFTExlsTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:-SoFT (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED OATE 1U11l12 l2o 1100o t-------------t I1 lc l 1- I!l c l>,aa z I 4n[Yn-' P.tPa'tc 2btg -ltvs/ Stonm Damage NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE AiISWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S iIA}tE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: EIiIIAI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques APPLICATION Number (Office Use) Chad McKay DATE: PHONE #: CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E:Tide\ ater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER'S I,IA}IE:Hous ng Managemenl Resources PHONE f: OWNER,S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road ST:MA CONTRACTOR:LICENSE #:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave 701-226-3178PHONE #: PIIONE f :470-2334580 (Check All Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAsr rRAcK I sxeu ! uerrr f] noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATToN l-l neruovattot'r 17 crrutn-aL neplrns Gas Line on the -Currenr sireu I ve?! ruo ls BLDG sPRIN RE LOCATION xLeReoz I v""I No storation ontractoas LLC If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: IF Yes,what was the Previous occupancy Type? *,,,*',,, rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy user Ives I Is Elect PoHer on this Building I Yes Eruo What is the New Occupancy Type? 2 .L "A 2*NC REG #: NC REG S: ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT,JAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML I PH DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Shingle replacement. Drywall. floohng, trim, and insulation replacement, Plumbing, electrical. mechanrcal repairs. ls food or beverages prepared or served in this *nraure? ! Yes No ls The Property Located ln The Floodpalnf I Ves ! uo DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that allinformati and local laws and ordrnances and reoulalrons.or chanoe in contraclor or conuactor i-nformatroSubjecllo Fines Up To $500.00-- on in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code andThe NHC Develooment Services Center will be notified of anv chanoes rn lhe aDoroved n. "'NOTE: Any Worr Pedormed WO rhe AppropI'arc Permils will bt in Violali6i of the olans and soecilicationsllc Slate Bldg Code and all otherapplicable State OWNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE:C/LaZZbX".L TOTAL PROJECT COST:s55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT :SO FT PER FLR: (ouam€4 (fthtN3mo) V Not6: Dsmollton nodficatom & asbGtos r€moval p€rmlt appllcatons erc to b€ submltEd using th€ eppllcaton iom (DHHS-3768) wh€ther rhe facility or building wss bund to contain Asbeslos or not. You are required to callthe NatjomlEmisslon Slandards br Hazardous Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) et (919)707-5950 at leart 10 days prlor b ihe demollllon of any hclllty or bulldlrE. S€e Asb€stos W6b 5[6: http:/ rrvw.epl.stat6.nc.uvepi/6sbestos/ehmp.hlrnl # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRerNc penMrrr f]yes NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE ! neSrnUnnNr MERcANTTLE leouc finnr lcolroo orHER:_ WATER: mCFPUA SEWER: E CFPUA ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:_ City: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH FLOOD: flcoMMUNTTY SYSTEM ff WELL I]ZONTNG USE C|ASS|F|CAT|ON fl CENTRAL SEPTTC LJ PRTVATE SEPTTC fICOMMUNTTY SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD flcesn [cnecK (pAyABtE ro Nxcl fieuenrcmr o<eREss I ucnasr I orscoven SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS "' B: BFE+2ftr I lay I Comment RH: N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISED DATE 4/11/12 10hat2a18 CITY: CITY: ztPz@i.E-l zIP.@i7-1 sr: Ieo zrP: lEdi'itl TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1E666------'l Iwlmington, Nc lor ?4 ?1{3oo lNorth Ouincy IGntenn,al 120 l4ooo I 12 - ll iln N N Tv z I c c NEW APPLICATION TYPE: COMIVIERCIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,S t.IAIilE: DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (Check All That Apply) v^ 'r 2l1v'11't5+Rl!a^-t storm Damase HA]IOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Number (office use) TSfu EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the RENOVAT ION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION xLeReoz I v""No ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Chad McKay DATE:10t14t2418 PHONE *: CITY: OCCUPANT/BUsINE55 NAI'IE :Tidewzter Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:Housing Management Resources PHONE f:617-471-0300 OHNER,S ADORESS:500 Victory Road CITY:sT: @ zrP:42171 CONTRACTOR:BluSky Resloration Contractors. LLC LICENSE f:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial El,'lAI L ADDRESS:cmckay@qoblusky.com 7 01-226-3178PHONE #: PTONE #:470-233-4580 a Current Site?Yes No IS BLDG SPRIN sxell ! uerrrNEl.l CONSTRuCTTOiT, I eneCr NEll STRUCTURE ! resr rmCr ! ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect Powen on this Building I Yes Eruo ***** IS THIS A 6HANGE oF OCCUpANCy uset [veS IHO ***** IF Yes, uhat was the previous occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: 1)I L NC REG #: NC REG #: ls food or beverag€s p.epared or sen ed in trls sruaurez lves I lo ls The Property Locatsd ln The Floodplain? [ ves f] lto DISCLAIMER: I hereby certjfy that all information in this application is correct and all work willcomply with lhe Slare Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and reoulations. The NHC Develoomenl Servrces Center wll be nolified ol anv chanoes in the aDDroved Dlans and soecificarions or chanqe in contraclor or conlraclor i-nformation. "'NOTE Any Work Performed WO the Appropriale Permilswillb_e in Violatidi o, the NC Slate Bldq Code andSubjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' ,PH DESCRIPTIoN 0F l^loRK:Shingle replacement Drywall iooring, trim, and insulaton replacement Plumbing, electncal, mechanical repairs Note: Demolilion notiffcalions & asbestos re.noval p€rmlt appllcatons are to be submhtsd usln0 th€ appllcaton brm (DHHS-3768) whethe. th€buidlng w6s found io OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: (olJarifer) TOTAL PROJECT COST:$55,000 TOTAL AREA SO FT Chad McKay SIGNATURE: contBln Asbesbs or not You 6re lEqulled to call the Nadoml Emlsslon Srtardards br Haz8rdous Alr PolluEnts (NESHAP) al (919)707€950 si least 10 days p.tor to the demolltion of any faclllly or bulldlm. See Asbestos Web Slte: htlpJ /vww.epl.state.nc.us/epyasbesios/ahmp.hEnl BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR 4000 # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: PRoPERTY USE: EoFFrcE Enesrnunerur lueRcmrrrc [eouc flner lcor.roo OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL flzoNlNc USE CLASSIFICATIoN: sEwER: EIGFPUA fl CENTRAL SEPTIC Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC ECOMMUNITYSYSTEM .,.SEPARATE PERi,I TS FEOUIIiED FOF ELECT. MECH. PLB(: GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & II]SfFIS "' 2 2 (FOR OFFICE USE ONLn REVISED DATE /911/12 zI?:EEtrdi-l sr: lab-l zrP: E6-1i- tJhat is the New Occupancy Type? IWlmington NCtsltcreendale Dr. - Building 11 Z>+- Z'+4 lNo'ih ouncy ACRES DISTURBED:- EXST LAND DISTUNEING PENU Z I'-]VCS [I NONEwlMPERvloUSAREA:-SQFTEXlsTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:-SQFT PAYMENT METHOD: [CaSn lCneCx pevmlE TO NHC) flnUenrcm eXeneSS I uCnasn I orscoven ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B: e \Approval:_ City:- DATE:- FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2h lV,OA v r'r ---r Comment PERMTT FEE: E-_ f-e<- 120 18000 lr t\ 1- z I, o NIY a C *5tot 2"61Y-l1q5u I Stonm Damage NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT,S I.IAIIIE : PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (Check AIl That apply) APPLICATION Numben (Office use) Chad McKay DATE :1At10t2018 PHONE *: CITY:Vvilm ngton NC OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}1E :Tidewater Townhomes Housing lr,4anagement Resources PHONE S:617 -471-0300 OWNER'S ADDRESS:500 Vlc1ory Road CITY:North Qu ncy ST:ZIP t 02171 CONTRACTOR:BluSky Restoration Contractors. LLC LICENSE #:69914 AODRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial EiIAIL ADDRESS:cmckay@qoblusky.com 741-226-317IPHONE f: PHONE f:470-2334544 EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTOru ! nrruOVArrOru fircrlrrnal nrrlrns lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Currenr Site? L_l Yes LlNo lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION KLERED? [ ves I r'ro NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: ! en:Cr NEW 5TRUCTURE I rasr rmCr ! SXer-r- ! Uerrr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Is Elect Power on this Building flves Erc 'l*{,** rs THrs A cHAr{GE oF OCCUpANcy user !vrS Im.....IF Yes, h,hat was the Previous 0ccupancy Type?what is the New occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiJAL: hL tu Pt'l:NC REG #: PH:NC REG #: Greendale Dr. - Build '10 DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Shingle replacement. Drywall flooring, trim, and insulation replacement, Plumbing, electricsl mechanical repairs ls food or beve€ges prepared or served in this sruaure? !Yes No ls The Property Located ln The Floodgainz ! ves [ ruoI OISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlily thal allanformati dnd locallaws and ordinances and reoulatrcnsor chanoe in conuactor or conlraclor ii{ormatioSubleclio Fines Up To $500 00-' this applicalon is correct and all work will comply with lhe State Building Code andNHC Develoomenl Servrces Centerwrll be noilf'ed of anv rhanoes ln lhe aDoroved NOTE: Any Wort Perlormed w/O lhe ApproprBle Permils will 5e in Violatoi ol lhe Dlans and soecrficalronsNc Stare Bldq code and all other applicable Siale The OWNER/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST:$55 000 TOTAL AREA SQ FT SIGNATURE:A/-z '71'/"rKaa (audire4 (Pdm Nam€) Nols: Demollton notfcalions & ssb€slos r6.noval permlt appllcations are to be submitted using tl6 appllca{on tom (DHHS-3768) whelh€r lhe facility or building was bund to contaln Asbeslos or not You arc roqulred io call rhe Nalional Emlsslon Standards br Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at le6st 10 days prior to lhe domolltlon of any facilily or bulldlng. S€e Asbesto6 Web Slt6: hltpJ rww.opl.state.nc.uyepUasbastoyahmp.hlrnl BUILDING HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR:4000 20 1 # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:# OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsrunsrNc penNtttz l-l yes I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTy usE: EoFFrcE E nesraunnm luenceNru leouc APT CONDO OTHER: SO FT flzoNrNG usE cLAssrFrcATroN: fl CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM "'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH, PL8G, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD lcasn lcnecK (eAvABLE ro Nrcl lnuenrcax ExpREss I ucnrrsr florscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE:_OFFICER: Approval :_ City:_ DAT SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: FLOOD: BFE+2fF N PERMIT FEE:Comment F. REVISED DATE {1 1/12 DEVE LOPER: PROPERTY OWNER,S T.IAME: zIP:EFdi-] sr: Iao zrP : Fdri-- If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f: # OF UNITS: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: IEbbn'--------'l WATER: EoFPUA fl CoMMUNITY SYSTEM fl WELL sEwER: E CFPUA fl CENTPAL SEPTIC Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC lChad [,lcKay 12 NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIA] TYPE: COiIMERCIAL PI-EASE A}ISI,/ER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S T,AME : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (check A11 rhat Apply) Chad McKay DATE :10110t2018 PHONE #: CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E:Tidewater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNERJS NAME :Hous nq Manaqement Resources PHONE #:617-471-0300 OWNER,S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road CITY:North Qulncy ST:ZIP i CONTRACTOR:Blusky Restoraton Contractors. LLC LICENSE #:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial sT: @ zrP:44112 EI'IAIL ADDRESS:cmckay@goblusky.com 7 01-226-317I sl,fr,n 20ls- l[t-=t Stonm Damage APPLICATION Number (office Use) PHONE f: PHONE S:470-2334580 EXrST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATTOT',| l-l nrruOVArtOru |Z CrUrml nrpnrnS l-l RELOCATTON tf Relocation. is rherea Narurat cas Lrne on the Eirent sire? EY;ENo ts sr oo spRlN-xLrnroz I v"" [ruo ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Y 1- z o I N IF Yes, hfiat was the s occupancy Type? ****'r rs rHrs A cHANcE oF occupANcy usrr !vrs I Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E tO t{hat is the New 0ccupancy Type? NC RE6 # NC REG #: ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOT{AL: ENGR DESIGN PNOFESSIOTIAL: PH PH DESCRIPTIoN 0F l,ioRK: ls food or beverages prepared or serued in this sruaure? [ves I No ls The Property Locded ln The Floodflain? [ ves ! r.lo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy lhat all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the Sta and local raws and o,dinances and reoulatlons. The NHC Develooment ServrLes Center wrll be notrlled ol anv chaor ( hanqe in conlracbr or contraclor r_nformalion. "'NOTE Any Work Performed WO the Appropnale Permrls willSubleclio Fines Up To 5500.00*' noes in the aDDroved Dlans and sDecifications 6e in Vlolaton ol lheNC Stale Bldo Code and te Building Code and all other applicable State # OF UNITS: OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:Chad [.4cKay s55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT: SIGNATURE:c@?6*t(ou€rtn€.) (PnrnNff1€) T contain Asbesto€ or not You are Equlr€d to call the i,lationol EmBBion Srandads fo{ Hazadou3 Alr PolluGnrs (NESHAP) 8t (919)707€950 ar least 10 &ys Flor to tle demolltCon of 6ny f.dlily or bulldlng. S€€ fub€sto6 Web Sh€: htF:/,\{.wwepi.sl8G.nc.ust/epuasbeslos/shmp.hunl TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:EXsr LAND orsrunaruc eeRlitrrr I-l ves lil NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE lnesraUnam lUenCeHrrLE leouc fleer lcouoo orHER: pAyMENr METHoD: lCnSx ficnecx leavesLE To NHc) f]auentcru.r o<eness ! ucnrrsa I orscoven ", SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) Shn acement O . Plumbi electrical mechani.]al, trim, and insu at on te 2 Comment N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISED DATE {1 1/12 ZIP:F di-l NEw coNsTRUcTrou: I enrcr NEw srRUcruRE I rasr rmcr E sner-r- ! uerrr f] noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ffi IMA I Fzn If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: WATER: ECFPUA fl CoMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL EzoNlNG UsE cLASSlFlcATloN: sEwER: m CFPUA flCENrRAL SEPTIC L-l PRIVATE SEPrlc ECOMMUNITYSYSTEM ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B: h IApproval:- City: DATE:-FLOOD: --- afe+ef-l\! l2o l4ooo I t, Isooo l F 1. 1 z !t *St-DCn^ ,, 2a ' \ l2tPen{ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI0II IYPE: COiIIIERCIAL 'lt.- I lts z Storm Damage PLEASE ANS}JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECf "Project Responsibility" PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques APPLICATION Number (office use) APPLICANT'S iIAI4E:DATE : DEVE LOPER:PHONE #: PROJECT ADDRESS:CITY:\Mln ngton. NC Tidewater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER'S t.IAilE :Housing Management Resources PHONE S:617-471-0300 OWNER,S ADDRESS:500 victory Road CITY:ST:ZIP t 02171 CONTRACTOR:BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC LICENSE *:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centenn al Sr: @ zrP :80112 ElllAIL ADDRESS:cmckay@qoblusky com PHONE #: PHONE #:474 2334584 (Check AlI That Appl.y) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Na NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESsORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION Gas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes atrtural RENOVAT ION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION No IS BLDG SPRINKLFRED?tr Yes I No ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Greendale Dr. - Buildi 8 ARCII O€SIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: ENGR OESIGI'I PROFESSIOi/AL : If UPFIT - The SheU Penmit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruO PH PH NC REG #: NC REG *: te Building Code and allother applicable Sl,ate noes in lha aDoroved Dlans and sDecifi.anons6e in Violalion of lhellC Slate Bldg Code and # OF UNITS 5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ls food or beverages prepared or se.ved in this struaure? lves [l ruo b The Property Located ln The Floodflaln? [ Ves [ ruo DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlify that all information in this applicalion is correcl and all work will comply with the Sta and local laws and ordinances and reoulatrcns. The NHC Develooment Servrces Cenler willbe notilied ol anv chaor chanqe rn conlraclor o, ' onlraclor rilormalron. "'NO lL. Any Work Performed W'O lhe approprute Permrl. wrll Subieclio Frnes Up To $500 00"' Nole: Demollton nolific6dons & asbestos r€.nov6l perrlh appllcatlons are lo b€ submitled uslng lh€ applicaUon fom (DHHS-3768) whsthsr the facility or building wss icund to conlaln Asb€slos or not You are r€qulred to call lhe Nalional Emlsslon Standards icr Hazerdous Alr Pollulants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior ro rhe demolition of any hcility or bulldlng. See Asb€sto6 Web Siie: hnp:/ ww.epi.state-nc.ls/epi/asb€stos/shmp.hllnl OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: (ouariier) $55 000 TOTAL AREA SO FT Chad McKay SIGNATURE:C/,r/ BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsruRarno penurrz I-"lves lil NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PRoPERTY USE: EoFFtcE flnesrnunarr MERcANTLE leouc I eer lcoruoo orHER: # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: WATER: ECFPUA fl CoMMUNITY S\€TEM flwELL EZON|NG USE ctASStFtCATtON SEWER: E CFPUA fl CENTML SEPTIC Ll PRTVATE SEPTIC ECoMMUNITY SYSTEM." SI P/.FATE PtRI\/IITS FEOU]FED TOB ELECT. I,IECIi PLAG. GAS EOU]P PREFABS & NSEHT.C ''' PAYVIENT METHOD:fimsn f]cnecK (eAvABLE ro Nxcl fleuenrmu E(pREss I ucnlsn I orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) , trm and insu electrical, mechanical a rs.umbi D41E411t12 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE: zIP:EETo-i-.l tr 10110t2018 INo.th o,-rncy 17 o 1-226-317I *,*i!,i,* rS THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUpAT'ICy uSrr [veS Im....-IFYe5,whatwasthePrevious0ccupancyType?-whatistheNew0c€upan€yType?- TOTAL PROJECT COST: ZONE:_OFFICER: _ SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B: .l^Approval:-City: OAfe FLOOD:- Afe+Zt----.|lp AVN,.'comment pERMtT FEE: $ [=<& 14000 JBooo lr YN p'-" NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COIIIVIERCIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 2ott-tlqv Stonm Damage z T, 1-APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S t,IAItE :Chad McKay DATE :101'10t2018 PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY:Wilmington. NC OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}1E:Tidewater Townhomes PROPERTY OI,{NERJ S T,IAIiIE:PHONE #:617-471-0300 OHNER,S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road CITY:No.th Quincy CONTRACTOR :LICENSE *:699'14 ADDRESS:9767 E EasterAve CITY:Centennial 7 01-226-3118EI4AIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques 470-2334580 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this Building T Yes EHo ***** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupAlcy usrr Ives N0 **r** IF Yes, [,hat was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? 3 3 PHONE #: PHONE *: ARCH DESIGI'I PROFESSIOT,IAL : ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiAL: PH: PH: NC REG *: NC REG #: anaqemenl Resources Co LLC T DESCRIPTIoN 0F l^,oRK:Shingle replacement. Drywall, iooring, trim, and insulation replacement, Plumbing, electric€l mechanical repairs. ls food or b€verages prepared or seryed in this stru<lure? ! Yes I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodgainz I ves [ ruo OISCLAIMER: I hereby centy lhal all rnformalon rn lhrs applrcaiion is corecl and allwork willcomdy wilh lhe end local laws and ordinances and reoulations. The NHC Develooment Services Center will be notilied ol anv or chanqe in contractor or conlraclor iilormalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O the Appropriate Permils Subjecl'lo Fines Up To $500.00"' State Building Code and all other applicable Slale chanoes rn thai aDoroved Dlanwrll6e rn Vrolalion of the l.,lc Bldq code andStale (ouamsd (Ftror Name) / Note: Demollton nolifcadons & asbeslos r€movalpermlt appllcatons are to b€ submlltod uslng the applicaton brm (DHHS-3764) whethor th€ laclllty or building wes bund lo contaln Asbestos or not You Ere requlr€d to call lho Nadon€l Embsion Standards br liazadous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 at l€€st 10 days pdo{ b *16 demolttioh of any facility or bulElng. S€€ Asbesto6 W6b Slter htQrl$/ww.epi.st6te.nc.uv6pUasb€stos/ahmp.htnl OWNEFYCONTRACTOR TOTAL PROJECT COST:$s5,000 TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:8000 ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SIGNATURE:C/o/7a.rKo<- BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES 20 # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DrsruRerNG peRr'rrtz J--lyes I NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA [eouc finer lconoo orHER: flzoNrNG usE CLASSTF|CAT|ON: ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM SQ FI PROPERTy USE: fIOFFTCE EnesrnUmrr lUenCnHlrc WATER: ECFPUA fl coMMUNlrY SYSTEM fl WELL SEWER: Z oFPUA fl CENTRAL SEPTIC LIPRIVATE sEPTlc PAYMENT METHOD:lclsrr lcxecK (eAvABLE ro Nxcl lnuenrcnl ExpREss ! ucrursr I orscoveR ,,.SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFAES & INSERTS "' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLOOD: ___ BFE+2bAVN .ay 2 2 REVISED DATE {1V12 ( E zIP:lEdi-1 sr: Ifrr-l zrP:liri7-Tl sT:laolzrP: fs-c1fiT- (Check All that Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTOru ! neUOVArrOr I eerrUl nrnnrns ! RELocATToN tf Retocation. istherea NaturatGas Line on the Eirent Sile? EY;ENo ts gloo spRlN-xrtneoz Iv"r INo NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: ! rneCr NEW STRUCTURE ! raSr rnaCx ! SX:r-r- ! Unrrr ! mo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: what is the New Occupancy Type? _ 14000 J1 Comment pERMtT FEE: $_JL(AZ_ \)NTY k Starn^.261{-llLtrc Storm Damage APP LICATION Number (Office Use) a E z I,.L NEW H NOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN rYPE: COltlttlERCIAL PLEASE ANSI./ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ALTERATION Gas Line on the tr 470-2334580 IS BLDG SPRIN sxell I unrrr KLERED? ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE APPLICANT'S t,IA}tE : PRO]ECT ADDRESS:lMlmington NC OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA'i1E :Tidewater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER'S i.IAME:Housrng Management Resources PHONE #:617-471-0300 O}'/NER'S ADDRESS:500 V ctory Road CITY:North Qu ncy CONTRACTOR:LICENSE *:14 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial sT: @ zrP:80112 EIIIAIL ADDRESS:701-226-3178PHONE f: PHONE f:PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (Check A11 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:RENOVATION a GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATIONtr lf Relocation. is there a Natural Current Site?Yes No NEt,J CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRAC( had =reEffi EEEEUEE EBY.TE-51f.- Blu pblusky.com If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes,uhat }ras the Previous Occupancy Type? 3 ***** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupaNcy user flves Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes Eruo what is the New Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESS]OML: PH: PH: NC REG #: NC REG #: I DESCRIPTION OF I,JORK:Shingle replacement. Drywall. fooring, trim, and insulatron replacement. Plumbing electrical mechanical repairs ls food or beverages Eepared or served in this sruaure? ! Yes I No ls The ftope.ty Located ln The Floodpain? [ ves ! no DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all information in this application is correct and all work willcomply wilh lhe Stare Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordrnances and reoulations, The NHC DeveloDment Services Center will be nodied ol anv chanoes in the aDoroved nlans and sDecificahons or chanqe rn conlractor or contractor i"nlormation. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed W'O the Approprate Permils will b-e in Violati6i of the NC State Bldq Code andSubjeclio Frnes Up To $500 00" sTGNATURE: C,k/ 7hr1"<- laLrsrHt6.) (ftiln rbm) /Not€: Demollton notfcatlons & asb€stos removal pe.mll appllcallons ar6 to b€ submltbd uslng the appllcallon brm (DHHS-3768) wheth.r th6 tacillty or buildlng was bund to contaln Asbeslos or not You ar€ l€qulrod to calllhe Na{onal EmBslon Standar& br H8zardous Alr Pollulants (NESHAP) 6t (919)707-5950 ar leasl 10 days prlor to th6 defiElhlon of any hcilhy or bullding. S€€ Asb€stos Wsb She: htPJ r w.epl.state.nc.us/epuasbestos/ahm p.ht nl OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Chad [.4cKay TOTAL PROJECT COST $55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES:l # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE I nesrnUnnm MERCANTILE EDUC ner lcouoo OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA fICoMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL tlzONlNG USE Cl-AsslFlcATloN: SEWER: EICFPUA fl oENTRAL sEPTlc LIPRIVATE sEPTlc fl CoMMUNITY SYSTEM ,,, SEPARATE PERI,4]TS REQUIIIED FOR ELECI, MECH, PL8G, GqS EOUIP PREFAES & INSERTS '- PAYMENT METHOD:flcasn lcnecK eAyABr.E To Nncl flluenrcar.r D<eREss ! ucnlsl ! orscown TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 2 REVISED DATE ZVl I/12 olre : l---iITlorzo r-6--l CITY:zIP:lTEdd-l sT: m zrp:liriTll Iv"" [l r'ro ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Restorat on Contractors LLC # OF UNITS: ACRES DTSTURBED: - EXST LANO DrSTUnaruC eenUrrr I VeS [l HONEwlMPERVloUSAREA:-sQFTEXlsTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:-SQFT (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B: ,^ \Approval:- Cit}r DATE:- FLOOD: -- - BFE+fr N/OA v n -------l- Comm€nt PERMTT FEE: $--FeL-- Iro 14000F6- I Y -L z I :/ c x ffiW^r*2olK.lt q Ll3 APPLICATION Number (office Use) PHONE #: PHONE #: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION TyPEj COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTJ S i.IAIiTE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: Chad i,4cKay DATE :14t1012018 PHONE #: CITY: 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr'tE :T dewater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER'S },IAME:Housinq Management Resources PHONE #:617471-0300 OWNER'S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road CITY:ST:ZIP I 02171 CONTRACTOR :LICENSE #:69S14 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centenn al sT: @ zrP :80112 EIiIAI L ADDRESS;701-226-317I PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques 474-2334584 (check A11 That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes trGENERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION rleneoz ! ves I No RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEr.r STRUCTURE ! rlSr rmCX ! Srer-r- ! Uerrr ! aOO rO ExrST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (y Restoration Contractors, LLC If UPFIT - The Shel1 Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes Eruo # OF STRUCTURES; PH PH NC REG #: NC REG #: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ls food or beverages preparsd or served ln ttris snraurez I ves I lo b The Propeny Loc€tsd ln The Floodflain? [ ves [ ruo DISCLAIMERj I hereby cenify that all information in lhis application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all olher applicable State and local laws and ordrnances and reoulalions. The NHC Develooment Services Center will be notified ol anv chanoes in lhe aDoroved Dlans and sDec rcarionsor chanqe in conlraclor or conraclor i"nlormation. " NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O the Appropnale Permils willb-e rn Violali6i ol the l.lc State BIdg Code andSubjectlo Fines Up To S500 00*' sGNAruREi C/a/Z/cKa4 DESCRIPIION 0F I^IORK:Shingle replacement. Drywall, iooring, trim, and insulation replacemenl Plumbing electical. mechanicalrepairs. OWNERYCONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST:$55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SO FT PER FLR: (ouameD (PndNsme) - Nole: Demollton nolifcatons & asb€stos rernoval pomh apdlcatons or€ !o be submltbd uslng the eppllcaton form (DHHS-3768) whethor lhe fucility -or buildlng was lound ro contaln Asbeslos or not You ere requlred to call lhe tlatonal Embrloo Standards br Ha:ardous Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707{960 at lessr 10 dsys prtor b the d€rnohbn of any facjlity or bullding. S€o Asbestoo Web Sne: htFJr*ww.epl.stat6.nc.us/opyasbestoVahmp.hunl Exsr LAND DrsrunerNG penMrrt Il ves NOI NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT pRopERry usE: florrrce EnesreunaHr fluencarurrLE leouc Ieer [coruoo orHER: WATER: ZCFPUA SEWER: ffiCFPUA flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM fl wELt EZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ONE CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATE SEPNC NCOMMUNIrySYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD: lCaSn lCneCX learsLE ro NHC) lnmenrCm o<eness I ucnnse ! orscovrn ,,, SEPARATE PERIIITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS "' (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:_OFFICER:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ Comment REVISED DATE iul 1/12 Stonm Damage zIP:EE?i5-l *r,*** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUpANCy USef lVeS INO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ tJhat is the New Occupancy Type? _ ARcH DESTGN pRoFEssrorlAl: l/vf il-s 3tt, :tq, l^ L .a^ 1 EI{GR DESIGN PRoFEssIotoL: ' lZ<J 32+ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: lt66-tj---------'l ACRES DISTURBED: _ SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: lwilmington. Ncl3a5 creendale Dr. - Building 5 3l ?- 3 eS lNorth Ouincy IMA - Fnoa-12 l1 JO *20t*-l1Llv) Stonm Damage NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSidER AII QUESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S tJAfiIE:had M DATE:10t1al2a1a DEVELOPER: PHONE l: YN Storvn k!,p z I 7 C z APPLICATION Number (Offi(e Use) PRO]ECT ADDRESS:C ITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINEss NA E:Tidewater Townhornes PROPERTY OWNER'S i,lAME:Housing Management Resources 617471-0304 OWNER,S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road CITY:ST:ZIP i 42111 CONTRACTOR:Blusky Restoration Contractors. LLC LICENSE #:6S914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial 7 01-226-317IElllAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (Check All That Apply) PHONE $: PHONE #: EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 474-2334584 RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS n RE LOCATION Current Site?trYes tr No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?tr Yes E No FAST TRACK SHELL ! urrrr f] mo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE GTEEEEEEEUffiiEEIE'Iil IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? Is E1ect Power on this Building I Yes Ero ****'* Is THIS A cHAt{GE OF oCCUpANcy uSel !veS It19 ***** What is the New occupancy Type? DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Shrngle replacement. Drywall. flooring, trim, and insulation rcplacement. Plumbing, electrical, mechan cal repails ls iood or beverages prepared or served in this *ruaure? [ v"r [ ruo b Th" Property Located ln The Floooplain? ! ves I uo ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL NC REG #: NC REG *: DISCLAIMER: I hereby certly thal all inlormali and local laws and ordinances and reoulalions,or chanoe in conlractor or conlractor i"nformahoSublectio Fines Up To $500 00* on in lhis applicalion is correcl and all work will comply wilh the State Bu The NHC DeveloDment Services Center will be notified ofanv chanoes n. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O lhe Appropnale Permiis will6b in in the aooroved olans and soecrficationsViolati6ir of the l.lc Stale Bldg Code and (aurffq) (fti Mma) /Nol6: D6mollion nolifcalloos li asbestoo rqnoyal p€rmit apdicatons are to b€ submitbd uslng fie Epdlcalbn brm (DHHS-3768) $,hdf'€r the tadlity or buildlrE w6s burd to conteln Asbecto3 or mt You ero rcquircd to call lhe Natknel Embslon Standads br Hazardou9 Alr PollutanB (NESHAP) at (919)7076950 at least 10 deys prlor to the d€molltlon of any feclllly or bulldlng. Se€ Asbestos Web Slt9: htQ:/ r.wwepi.staie.nc.us/epL/asb6sios/shmp.hml ilding Code and all olher applicable State OWNER/CONTRACTOR:Chad N4cKay SIGNATURE:C,hZ?t/"rKa,+ TOTAL PROJECT COST:$55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT 2o # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR 4000 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND Drsrunenc penuttz l-lves I NO PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE lnesrnunmr !MERcANTTLE leouc I eer lcoloo orHER:_ # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: pAyMENr METHOD: [ClSn lCxecx leaVsLE TO NHC) flnuenlcnru excness ! ucnnse ! orscoven WATER: flCFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA ZONE:_OFFICER: ffcoMMUN|TY SYSTEM fl WELL LICENTRALSEPTIC L-l PRIVATE SEPTIC EzoNrNG usE cLASStFtCATtON: fl coMMUNrrY SYSTEM "'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT,I\4ECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSEBTS "' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:Approval:_ City:_ OATE:_ FLOOD:BFE+2fF LH RH N PERMIT FEE: $ REV|Y D TE 1r11l12 t..Jo ZIP:EEtro-i-l PHONE #: sr: IZO zrP: IEdII- If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: NEwlMPERVloUsAREA:-SQFTExlSTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:-sQFT Iwlmington, Nc lNorth our.try 12 18000 l1 a---oat TY a : z :c, Starrn ^ \,w,u(-\ ?::Y",^'^',y"'rrueui uaNoveR coUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAfioN TYPE: COIIIIvIERCIAL APPLICATION Number (Office Use) PLEASE AI{SNER AI.L QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTJS NAflE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques x' Chad McKay PHONE #: CITY:Wlmington, NC OCCUPANT/BUSINE55 NAflE :T dewater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER,S NAiIE:Housing Management Resources PHONE S:617-471-0300 OWNER'S ADDRESS:500 V ctory Road CITY:ST:ZIP I CONTRACTOR:BluSky Restoration Contractors. LLC LICENSE #:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial sr: @ zrP :84112 EIi{AIL ADDRESS:7 01-226-317IPHONE #: PHONE S:470-2334544 (Che.k Alt Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lI Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes tr NEI.' CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI./ STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION tr RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION rrrneoz fl ves I No If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: L?5 + Is Elect Power on this Building Yes Eruo NC REG #: NC REG #: ***** Is THIS A CHANGE OF OCCupA Cy USer flvts It1g ***** what is the New Occupancy Type? ls iood or b€verages prspared d servod in Uis sruauret lves I No b The Propeiy Locatod ln The Flooddain? E ves fl ruo OISCLAIMER: I hereby certify lhat all information in this application is correcl and all work will comply wilh the Stale Building Code and all other applicable Stale and local laws and ordrnances and reoulations The NHC DeveloDment Services Center will be notified of anv chanoes in ihe aooroved Dlans and soecrfrcllionsorihangerncontraclororconuaclorinformalion.'NOTE:AnyWorkPerformedw/OrheAppropriatePermilswill&inViolationof$eNCStaleBldgCodeand Subjeci-to Frnes Up To $500.00-' srGNAruRE: C/"/ 7ar,r#q- DESCRIPTIoN 0F l^loRK:Shingle replacement. Drlavall, foonng, kim, and insulation replacement, Plumbing electric€l mechanic€l repairs OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST $55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT:20 # OF UNITS; TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: (auarro4 (Pnnr Name) // Nolei Domolllon mtfcalions & asb€stos r€moval pormlt appli:atons sr; to b€ submltbd uslng the appllcaton fom (DHHS-3768) wholhor fte tacllhy fi bulldim was bund to contaln Asbestos or not You arB rBqulrEd lo catl th€ llatoml Emb3lon Standards fu( tbzadous Ar Pollutents (NESHAP) at (919)7076960 ar lo6st 10 dsys prior b th€ demolldon of any tacilhy or bulldlng. See Asbes!06 Web SltE: htQr ,!.ww.epl.state.nc.usJepussbestos/ahmp.hlrnl TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND orsruRarNc peRirrrz -lves NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE Enesmunmr MERcANTLE leouc @mr lcoNoo orHER: 1 # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: @ CFPUA E ooMMUNTTY SYSTEM fl WELLf] CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRTVATE SEPTIC flzoNrNG usE clAssrFrcATroN: DcoMMUNTTY SYSTEM "'SEPABATE PERI\,4lTS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. [,4ECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD lcesn lcnecK pAvABLE ro Nncl flmlenrceN EXeRESS I ucnrrse I orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ _ _ BFE+2ftAVN I 2 I Comment PERMIT FEE: Ril**',"n' orrr : [-- iI7iD6]El zIP :Efias-l lNorth Quincy IMA lo217 t lahad McKay 14000 l2 Isooo 1' z =, I I v a 6 gn ( Yv',Aas-ttq3l NEW H a ER COUNTY BUILDTNG Stonm Damage PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COIIIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST]OIIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTJS tlA E: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEl,lJ STRUCr{'RE FAST TRACK ! snrr-r- [ uerrr !ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: APPLICATION Number (office use) Chad McKay DATE : CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE :Tidewater Townhomes PROPERTY OWNER'S t.IAIilE:Housing Management Resources PHONE #:617-47i.4300 OWNER'S ADDRESS:500 Viclory Road CITY:North Quincy ST: @ zrP:02171 CONTRACTOR:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial sT: @ zrP :80112 ET'IAIL ADDRESS:701-226-317 8PHONE #: PHONE #:470-2334580 Exrsr cousrRucrroN: E ALTERATTo, 3 *r,uJffii'i6'r''EE'il*t nrrrrns ! RELocArroN lf Relocation. is rhere a Narural cas Line on rhe Current Site? EYes f] No ts aLDG spRlNf Leneoz ! ves I uo Contracto LLC If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: IF Yes, what was t Previous Occ upancy Typel .1 Is Elect Power on this Building PH: I Yes Eruo ,*r,r,i*,r rs rHrs A 6HANGE oF occupAr'rcy usrr flves Im.-... what is the New occupan€y Type? PH NC REG #: NC REG *: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Shingle replacement. Drywall, llooring, trim and insulation replacement, Plumbing, electrical, mechanrcal repairs. ls food or beverages prepared or served in rhis srucfure? [ves I No ls The Property Located ln The Flood4aln? ! Ves ! Uo DISCLAIMER: I hereby certily thal all informatjon in this application is correct and all work wll comply with the Sl,ate Buildrng Code and all olher applicable State and local laws a n d ord rnanc es a nd reo ulation s. The N HC DeveloDme nt Services Cenle r will be not ed of anv cha noes in the a ooroved Dlans a nd soecificatron s or chanqe in contraclor or contractor informalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O lhe Appropriate Permils wrll 6e n Violalion of the l.lC Stale Bldg Code andSubFcllo Frnes Up To $500 00-' sTGNATURE: C,k/ ?,aryKa.t (ou6rifi*) (PdnNlnE) /Not6: Domolilion no{ffc€dons & asbesios removal p€rmll applicadons are !o b€ submllbd uslng the appllcauon brm (DHHS-3768) whothor the fucility oir buildlno was lound b conteln ABb€s!06 or not. You ere requl€d to cell tie Natonel Emisslon Stendards br Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at le6sr 10 deys prior ro rh€ derlolhion of any fadlhy or building. So€ Asbeiqs W€b Sfte: htF:/irww.epi.state.nc.uyepi./asbestoyahmp.hirnl OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:Chad [4cKay TOTAL PROJECT COST $55,000 BUILDING HEIGHT 2A # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR 4000 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRarNc peR[itrz n ves I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE E nesrnUnnNr MERcANTLE leouc []ner lcotloo orHER: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SQ FT WATER: ACFPUA SEWER: m CFPUA flcoMMUNrrY SYSTEM fl WELLf] CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC EZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON: flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM 'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT,I\IECH, PLBG GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' PAYMENT METHOD: lCrSx flCXeCX leeVla[E TO NHC) [nUenrCeru exeness I ucnasr I orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __BFE+2ft= N 2 2 Comment PERMIT FEE: REVISED DATE 4'1 1/12 10t't0t2018 LICENSE f: PHONE #: zIP'@G-1 frrq, \rs\Rr\osokt\r"[* \rcn ogQg.&drg\p{r\ !.lnft< ') f.Cnz oC lwlminqton, Nc 18000 11 I NIY. a,z I a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcATIott rYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" EIi4AIL ADDRESS:cmckay@goblusky.com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Ken Roques (Check All Ihat Apply) APPLICANTJ S i.IAME :Chad [,4cKay DEVELOPER: PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME :Tidewaler Townhomes PROPERTY OWNERJS TIAME:Housing Management Resources PHONE #:617 -471-0304 O}'iNER'S ADDRESS:500 Victory Road CITY:North Ouincy ST:ZIP I 02171 CONTRACTOR:Blusky Restoration Contractors LLC LICENSE f:69914 ADDRESS:9767 E Easter Ave CITY:Centennial X-9-,tW^,+&a t. lt4.Y Stonm Damage sT: @ zrP: PHONE #: PHONE #: 80112 701-226-3',l7I EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural NEr,'r coNsrRucrroN: E EREcr NE[,J srRucruRE ! rasr rnacx ! snrr-r- ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: fl urrrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE aLTERATToN [-l neruovarrot [7 eerutRar nrperns l-l RELocarroN Gas Line onrheCurrenr sirez lves INo ts eroo spRtNrrenror I ve" flr.to -Bu 2 w@r If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes EHo ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIoIIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: PH PH NC REG #: NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Shinqle replacement. Drywall llooring, trim. and insulation replacemenl Plumbing electncal. mechanical repairs ls food or beverages prepared or served in tlis sructure? [ ves I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodgaine ! ves ! No DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy lhat allinformaton in and local laws and ordrnances and reoulalions. Theor chanoe in contractor or contractor r-nlormation. "" Subiectio Frnes Up To $500 00-' this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and NHC DeveloDment Services Center wlll b€ notilied ol anv chanoes in the aDD,ovedNOTE Any Work Performed W/O the Appropr iale Permils will bie in Violali6i of lhe all olher applicable State Dlans and sDecrficalronsI'lC Stare Bldq Code and OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: (Oualtrer) Chad McKay SIGNATURE:Cj.z Nore: Demolltoo oollfics{ons & asbestos removal p€mil appli@tons are to be submltted uslng $e sppllca on form (DHHS-3768) whether th€ fadllty or bullding was bund io contaln Asboslos or not You are requi€d b call the Naton6l Eml$ion Stenderds br Hazadous Air Pollutantr (NESHAP) ar (919)7076950 ar lesst 10 days p.ior to Ule demolltlon of sny facllity or bulldlng. So€ fubestos Web Slte: hnp:/ ^,ww.epl.siate.nc.us/epuasbsstos/ahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST $55 000 BUILDING HEIGHT',ff # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT SO FT PER FLR TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsrunarNc peRirtra [-l ves I NO pRopERry usE: floFFrcE EnesrnuneNr luencnNrrr-e !eouC Iner lcor'roo OrHER: WATER: ACFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: flcoMMUNrTY SYSTEM E WELL EZONTNG USE CLASS|FICAT|ON:f] CENTRAL SEPTIC L-] PRIVATE SEPTIC f]COMMUNIrySYSTEM ..SEPARATE PERIIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT,I!1ECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS "' pAyMENr METHOD: ICA.SH [CXeCx lCnvrsLE rO NHC) fiaUenrCaru o<eness I ucuse I olscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 41 1/12ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLOOD: ___ BFE+2fr=AVN ) 2 Comment PERMIT FEE: $ a APPLICATION Number (Office Use) Oaff:@ zIPt@di-1 ***** rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUpANCy uSrl lveS Im.....rF Yes, Lrhat was the Prevlous occupancy Type? _ what is the t'lew Occupancy Type? _ t n NEWlMPERVloUSAREA:-SQFTExlsTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:-SoFT E?023:.4s80 @ Jsooo l1