OCTOBER 31 2018 BUILD APPS11012018122308tr -t;t'7(,\9 /P\NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; RESIDENTIAL ptEAlt alJsl.l i ALL glEsrtot5 appllcaaLt Io yoi.lR piolrcr "Project Responslbllity', /l - zeza APPLICAIION l{!imber(offt(. U!. ) AppLrcArtT,s **r, .'trr,,r: i'..' i-:,,,,, .: - /),1 . , ,., / . . . , , .- ' '.. . . . ' ,.... oorr, Ogfy:f lgOEVELOPER: pHONE ff: V t PRorEcT AoDREss:- tDt>!'[t,rnt:t'rr:, l"i'12 t C crlyr t/;/ni,r4|o,i-'- up,28r/(,5SU8oMSIoN: /-r^AICl I 'LOCK s: ' t-OT t; pRopERw o;r\ER,s wel , pt.ly ( l, or/A,,,^. plioNE t, !f,i< .,, t - . ,." '' o,,x!ER,s AooREss: /u)1ja1/ ( ,.,a -. ),ou,i' ctrvt ,;lt tttn N..7,n srtl/Czrp )t-+,.i covtF'ActoR.)qfi(i i,'.!,,tt,.. -,1/.-'r,L:1.)t.t',"t. ),_ rrcetse.o, i.,.-tt:3AoDREss: cl1,r ia;.'t,.. ,'.,;1, ,"",,. ', crly: -t),-:a,.'),-1, sf ;.'t_ ztpt.'. i EITAIL ADoREssl ltt:, r ie%.l r12u,,,.;16n9tr1,^y',t1,.,^stp. pfiNE fi(,1/O68C-5r70 pRorEcT coNTAcr pERsoN: Jrn^//' ) ll ,, t '- pwr.z u,(.0,1)1t/j-J')9, EXISTI G COfiSTRUCTION: llrennfrOtt { ntruovartot 6ENERAT REpAIRS RELO(ArroN NEl., CO STRUCTION: . -] CNECI NEW RESIDEI,ICE Or -. ADDITIO{ TO EXISTII{G RESIDEiICE .'PLEASE CHECX lrr0 A!{SllER 8EL0t{ ALL THAT APP|-Y IO YOUR pRotECT: ArT GARAGE sF ) ' oe r cnnrcr 5f -t sr .1j conor 6} 5 s, SUNROO]!1 SF P@L 5F SIORAGE sIIED SF 6REENHOU5E 5F )ti OtCx iitr SF OTHER: SF TorAL HEATEo sq rt 1/t) I ToTAt sQ Fr UNDER *oor, -iitj..i TorAL PRolEcr COSTTL"*Lar: $ J?:7t, :i:,",' . '.'.'.) f oF sToRrEs: TOIAL AREA sQ rr: -:-li._ Is Any EIECTRICAL, PLUllBIilc or I'iECHAIICAL l.lork Seing Oone to the Ac(ersory st.u(turel l-! Ve: Fl to If the project is a Relocation, .is there a Natural Gas Linc on the Current Slte) I"l ves []-Ho Is thene Electri(al PoHer on this Buildin8? [,]ves il Ho PROP€RTY UsE / OCCUPANCY: Z,.5THOTI TANILV OUPLTX TOI,INHOUSE C',- I orscLdrMEtt rhoeby ce6t 6ar.! inb,daton h ii. agpr(.ron is <d.<r -d ar mrr wrr cor9r, wr,\ no slnr. &idi.g /.,)/ ad,! oa,cr aprlc*r€ Strr od tocaJlas a.d crdr6nces a^d Glurrtbns.Ih. lrlc O.volopr4^l Sdrtot Ca^br w lrO. nor6od ol0.1, che!os il ho spriowd conra.b, nbmdto. " NOTEiA.yWot Penodled W,O hs Appropri.b Penni'.s w'rlbo.i viohLio. o, $o NC SlaE Uk0 '1ant n t; i ssoo{o' 0r^rN E R/c0NTRAC r0R :SI6ii^TURE; rs THE pRopERTy Loc^TlD rN l rloooplarrl [-l ves I;<i rio EXISTING II,IPERVTOUS AREA: SQ FI ToTAI ACRES DISIURBEo: NEH I|IPERyIOUS AREA: SQ FI EXIST LANO oISTURBING PERyIT: f j vrs J-l ro TER \creua.Col'l.,1UNITYsY5Tt}1PRIVAItwEtl(ENIRAtw[lll,I crpul CETITRAL sEpTIC pRrvATE sEpr]( (fir'r{rNl Ty svsttm ''I , -, .;, , ,o*o'l*Xoo tt !1- SEHIR: .r. 5EPAflArI t'tt(t1]IS REQUTRED tOA tLtClr l,lt(H, P!86, 6AS EgJrP, PntFAES & TNStRTS ..' pAyfiENr r,4ETHoD: i--l crsx i -'l crrc* (oovogrr ro Hxc) | lorrnrcrui rxpnrss f-l rclvlsa f-l orscoVrR,',rr..rrrraa.atrrrr. Dir., \LYq DArr: l0 i,,rof P OJ1 (f0R 0rFI(t ust cr{ Y) , seranc xs, r , ;.1 i71 lz'tl't'l ,r*0, , N " r-\..^r..1e I BFE' ztt= . , xlvlsto oat6 a4lrl/ll ,rr'1iJfi ^r,'!/l o, rrV[ Approval Coifient: FIICTR: . CityUV (!l lc ();,-.t PERtlIT FEE I i ,(uv v\.Y \OV Ciiy ln$nclitm Requueo' 91 S254-m00 /1.i:: i'i:,. ': ti: tit'ffi, Etr I 20iE't2t1; ( l"A-tP' ,.,,,';;':\1), " NEtl HANovER couNTy BUTLDTNG pERMrr /fi - Zef B i; ffi ;, ,.,^,,f;:lil#,,Ti,i;LillliL'i^' '*,,,.0,,* \iEl$rl,' "ProJect Responslbllltr" ** "to"tt ,rl'r::",I", ororr..r,, Nane, jn,n: 'i bl.r,, '. !t',n;,,:V,,sl .,r,,-'i-.... '-,- oorr, OSlAsl tgOEVELOPER: PHONE *, -i" -l pRorEcT AooREss:- lOOl'/in.titcrrl (/at,C-. crrr, U);/ninqio;,-'- " uptrtt/(t:i SUBDIVISIoN: 4i.q f C / / --/ BLOC* fl,t J LOT S: pRopERTy or{,rER, s n/A.e, , ry4y{ 6.or}9,n- propE e, Af,l ;,., ,. ^ . "r' or,lrER's AD0REss: /42 btal (a6q JpL'lp *v, .l)'/y|?v.f1n s,-l/Czipijf i; ,o*r^orro^.4ftr, Q .bo, ,,-- fi1';irrxl,lu(0".,'74 r-rcerse, o, 3nr z AooREss: A1l i/Or.{,: lti;., l'4..,.). ', c\ry,, /i ttl7f" ____. sr , /t_' zrp t .-. 1 ___ErArL aoonEss: lAl?(ie@ i(burr.isConSlrur hnlt.2.1t7y..' pmp; d(i\6g(:ii70 pRorEcT coMrAcr or*ro*, J .a. ,4 b,,t t i pnn- o,irt;),/41-Jlri €xrsTrNG coa,rsrRucTIoN: orre^a{ro* ! nerovarroru GENERAT REpArRs RETOCATTON NEt{ C0 STRUCTTO ! :-l rrrCr NE9' RESIDENCE or -,- ADDITION TO EXrsTr G RESTOENCE ..ptEASE (HECX A D AflSt{ER BETOH ALt THAT Apply rO y JR "Rgl€Cr;A'rr 6ARA6E sF \] orr cannc 5{/J sr ;l eorol -6}-5_ s, SUNROOaI SF P@r sF SroRA6E 5t1EO SF SFGREENHOU5E sF 'fl OtCx ,/i 0, sF oTHERi rorAl HEATEo sq w, //tJ I rorAL sQ Fr uNDER noor t 505,1' roTAL pRorEcT cosTiLosLor) , $aa?,aCIa.r{) f oF sroRrEs: ,i- TorAL AR€A sa rr: :)!..' Is lny EI"ECTRICAL, PlUr,lBI G or lllCHAllICA!- l.lork Serng Done to the Ac(.ssory Structurcl f-l yeS fil lOIf the project is a fielocatlon, is the.€ a Natural Gas Llne on the Clrrcnt Sltei I-lyes Fl-toIs there Electrlcal Power on thts Buildlngt EZ[ves l-i Ho PROPERTY US€ / 0CCUpA|'CY: 2/ SllrClr ra,rrly DUPLEX TOIJNHoUSE Up€;+ k,t'c/r ^ i' /!,, lh.r€!yt.n! nar at ht.6.to. ilr'i! rr9icrlon b cdocl -'d al wt ril ronDr, *i6 to Sr.b &,ildin!6r.l olsraprcnbl. Slab ad bcr rr{s md ordh6nc.r rd,rlur6iirnr Tn. NHC O.wloodr^r Seric.! Canb. srlb. nolnod ol6.lr.haners h t ?n owd ocil..inr or.n'l!o h.mi.ebr oi crnt8. b. hb m.!o^. "N OTE: An, Wd t P.dooned lv'o h. Approprilb Pe.ml6 will to i,r Vioh[o6 ol lho NC St6r Bt t rb Fi.{.ur lo s50o00 " ,-;Y;:" 4'.44 owNER/coNTRAcroR| :J4n?s' {( Dq f r ; : SIGNATURE: ,r.,.-..,.qlTlli1"l ....r.+,,ia. rs rHE pnopEnry LocATED rN l rtooopurrr l--l ves ffiHo EXISTI'IG IITPERVIOUS ANEA : I.IE IiIPERYId'S ANEA: IO'AI ACRES DISTURBED: EX,ST IANO DISTURBING nrnlrr: ]-'-1 ves DEsCRIPIIO''I OF I./OR( : creul l-_-i coa+.tuNrrY sysrEll CrPUI . CrtltnAt StPttC i ... SEPAIIATI PERI,IITS REQUIREO SQ FI SQ FI HATEN: SEI,.]ER: ,orrR-)%rrr..*, DIt appnoval: OP. city: \ LY\ oat,l0 .r*"n1,. f,rl f criqv \rJo { V- 4;}e0.1 , PRIVATE I.JETI CENIRAL I.]ELI. PRIVATE SEPTIC ' CO*t*LtlttlV SVSrfm A F-.'; i,, ). r -'t) -' 1 t fOR ELECT, I,!'CII, PL06, GAS EqJIP, PREFAOS & IIISENTS 'T' l l-1 H3 -, -i,'1 l, ' i ' PAY'1El{I I{TTHOD: . t!*rr r.* 44 *r1*r 1* r **r ti i ra r t a rt i.rLJ casn f-lcHrcr (payagrE ro Nra) l"lafiElrcal .xpngss l,ll ,crv:sa f-l orscovrn (rox orrr(a !!E 0{,.Y) , sETsAC(s: r: NiALn; lz't!r'{ o,*,, , No r-\r."^w1€ to N/A NiAx , xrvrs(u o^la g1/rr/,rr s, lq\ BFE+2ft-ckf'x Rtll t PERltIf FEE: tn\ cL CIry lnPcclion ReCurco' 9l&254'0901 drt/\?oa - talqs /l-ze%NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIm,I |YPE: RESIDENTIAL PL€Ast AXSXER ALL QUESIIoIiS APPIICAEIE T0 YOIR PROJECT 'Project Responsibilit/' .,fr^rsL 6uc fl sfuwhonl-a APPLICATIOI{ Number _ P|'0NE #:14 / n2 APPLICAA'T' S I,IA}IE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADORESS:too!-|inndfcl/betS fla i5 c CITY: SUBDIVISION:_LA CITY: LICENSE f: n,Corr't BLOCK # --- 5T: ') CONTRACTOR C AIDRESS: ,A / EIiIAIL ADDRESS: DESCRIPTIoN 0F [,ORK: ej"hp" SfIi/'- zit,ZtLli ZIP:-6e / nrlt.e *,:(tc)/a8C:597o etane *,(Qto)4!-3--37// {/)s SF 048 3 5 CITYI abutt,s 4an sarwTa PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXTSTTI6 CONSTRUCTTON: i ]alrrnl ON )(l arrwrrror I I errrnar ncperns IiRElocarroN bqrris NEW CO{STRUCTTONT ! rnrCr NEW RESIDET{CE or - ADDTTION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *'PLEASE CxECx AllD AI{5UER EELOlt ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR iYlECTr Arr GARAcE sF ! oer eaarcr 51.3 sr ( eonor 6)5 sr suNRoorl SF j poor sF [! orcr 1lb, GREETIHOTJSE TOTAL HEATED Sq fi, 4TAI TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER NCr,T 5.b5.{ . TOTAL AREA 5Q FT:{a(( rorAL pRorEcr cosrrressror) t g4{!lp|,oo # OF STORIES: A Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLU!iBI|G or IECHATIICAL l{ork Eeing Done to the Ac(essory Structure? f=lVes ffiffoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? l-.l yes El-ruoIs there Electrical Powen on this Building? EIves l-l no PROPERTY UsE / O€CUPANCY: f{ Srrue re ramtlv DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE ,. 1 STORAGE SHED 5F SF OTHER:SF ?iBU6 lB !t 27Frr,1-A$!tl,trj!L*OLtb IamxLhurit - f_te]Jj'f. -alp!rc ttp : i-M r A-Qf tOy' hoeby cenit hat a[ inbrnarion in tis Epplicalion is c(rer rd all work wjll complywih to SBte Buirding a.d an ot)er applcabls Stab a.d ,ocal laws and ordhancos and Egulalbns. Tfio NHC O.Eloplnsnl56 i:6s Cenbr wilr b€ nodfiod ofally.h.nges il ho qproEd o. drangs in coni.acbror conract r i.bmato.. "ltOTErAnyWort PerLm€d W)O be ApproprisE Peflnns willbe in Vrohtbn of rhe NC SraE 8id9 b Finss Up To 3500.00"' <D/;^ ,""iliur*', IUTER: \ SeWen: { OWNER/CONTRACTOR :SIGI,IATURE: rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rlmoplarrl Fl yes EXISTING II'IPERVIOTJS AREA :SQ FT Elro TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: t{Et', IIIPERYIO{rS AREAi SQ FT EXIST LAND OISTURBING PER}IIT: crpur 1.1 ccm4uNrry svsreu l l rnrvrre weu j l cENTRAL wELL cFpr.,A ; , CENTRAL sEprrc [_] pnrvare srrrrc i- cs,l]ruilrry sysrE],1 fl vrs lntho+4 I Elm I fi,,* , d St n'.vilalev*** SEPAIIATE PERI4ITS RTQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'IECHJ PLB6' GAS EQUIP' PREFABs & INSERTS *** pAyIEirr n€rHoor E cesx F-l oreo< (PAYABLE ro rrr) f-lanenrcrr rxpnrss E nclvrsa I orscmrrn +*,t* ** + **** ***'rr *:t,t*)**'* **** +*+*+*,1+**:t**,[* *,r *,* *** ** ++ **** *]r * ***,]**,]*++,]* * +,t *:]t,t tt,]* )t*,],] l,] ZONE: (FOB OFFICE U5! OrLy) R€VISEO DAiE O4l11/12 OFFICER: SETBAC(s: F: LH: RH: B; Approval:-_--_- City: _,___ DATE:.__._ FL@D: Comrent: cL BFE+2ft= N PER IT FEE: ' pRopERry or{rrER,s ru$rE: - Fra n l( G.orfra2.- otflER's ADoREss: 142 bcgs\ Ktad S,oL^l{ i 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI.L QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project Responsibility" tB"tziqL Application Number (office use) AppucANrs NAM6; McKee Homes, LLC Oate:10124118 a suBDtvtstoN: Hanover Fleserve LOT B: pRoJEcI coNTAcT pERsoN: Jon Beard pxotr: 910-475-7100 758 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration - Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PLEASE CHECX A'{D ANSWER 8EI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'I' E Att Garage (sF) 717 El DetGarage (SF) E Porch (sF)366 E sunroom (5F)! Pool (sF)! Storate Shed (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF)tr other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl Heated:2809 Unheated:3892 TOTAT PROJECT COST (l-ess Lot): S 182,585 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E lto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descrlption of Work:New Construction. Sinole Familv Home laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Se.vices Centerwillbe nolifled otany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work perform€d without the appropriate p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subiect to fin€s up to 5500.00... Own€r/cont126161; Kelsey Rivera sign"gu.". Kelsey Rivera otirt t.d 'l (dq Fw. 'Licensed Quolifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? El Yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .24 New lmpervious 1793; 2368 Sq Ft Exlsting l-and Disturblng Permit: E Yes E no WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Prlvate Well ! Central Well D Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl_ (RH)_ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _ Comment: Permit Fee:s 3021 * pROrEcT ADDRESS: 7309 Springwater Drive 61n. Wilmington 71p. 28411 pROpERTy OWNER,5 N41yg; McKee Homes, LLC qHONE t, 910-475-7100,727 oW{ER,s ADDRESS: 109 Hay St., Ste 30'l c[.r: Fayetteville 2;p. 28301 69191p,1616j; GML Development 9196 11691155 x. 63970 ADDRESS: 109 Hay St., Ste 301 ctw: Fayeneville st: NC ap: 28301 EMAfL ADDRESS: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com pHONe 910-475-7100,727 ,l\t a a NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRTVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www.nhcgov.com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING t,am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an offlcial CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr t have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Kelsey Rivera 10/24/',t8 Signature Printed Name 7309 Springwater Drive 1t Rivera Address for the proposed residential work: Date NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P L I CAT ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJICT "Proiect Responsibility'' ?atb-)n+q ?E+ l( -3d{ffir""J {oftace use) ,u", )o I t, f 17 t qJ LtvAPPLICANT'S NAME: PRO.'ECT ADDRESS:(p L crrY: (1 ) / A{^,rr, L8'' t"oT #SUBDIVISION:ll ( PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: f t6-ZFfe-B Lq/--'-Scorr +- Jo+,tlrr\ 6tlJ.s+tfifurlrs: 33G-b(r-{7tz CITY: V) | t-L--ZIP: ) )t: S t6*,i .A e J€PU,A)T LL<-BLDG LICENST #bq DV [.CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:/ trs 16 PROJEgT CONTACT PERSON u) .b fo €ri-t CITY: L.\lJ-JL^sI l2t:ztP zatu+ c-,/'- PHONE PHONI 9to V.3>Dr^o o {. TOTAT Sq FI UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:do,Unheated TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S [a) Property Use/ Occupa 11fitT ls 4 | I?Ft't n.r, E/sinrl" F"rnily E Duplex E Townhouse f,. , r.i tts p' N ct i-"o D lr-fi cr.,,-- ,D/ P t ,r-+ A € r€cT . rf r/l-cDescription of Work: \rrolL l( laws and ordinances and re8ulalions. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and specitications or change in conlractor information. "'NO'fti Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violalion of 5tate I Code and 5ubjecl to fines up to S500.00*" Owner/Contractor: 1 )It t €d+-s l-Signature:O "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes O t,to Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes fl No WATEn: $ CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Central Well D Aqua SEWER: CFPUA tr Communitysystem fl PrivateSeptic n Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ {RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Commenl: Permil tee: $ /-*7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration G/R/enovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation *** *** D Att Garage (sF)_ E Det Garage (st) tr Porch (sF)_ n Sunroom (sF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ E storage Shed {SF)_ E Greenhouse(sF)_ fl Deck(SF)_ tr other(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes E No ls the proposed work changing the number oI bedrooms? fl Yes E{{o Is any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes EPfo lf the project isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? El Yes Eft{o ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinB? /ves E tlo 2or8- EIa3 tB 3o qaNEI{ HANOVER COI'NTY BUILDING PERIIIT APPL ICAT ION TYP6.. COHiTERCIAL PLEASE A'\6TEI AIL qJESTIOiE APPLICAAI ru YqiA PRO]ECT 'Drolect Responsibilit}f AppLrcrNT, s xaiE: Landmark Commercial, lnc APp-IIATIAl.rb.r (oFftc. Us.) -orrE: 10/18/18 0EvELoPER: LandmarkCOmmercial,lnc PRO]ECI : 890-28 South Ken Avenue ,PlotlE *: 910_392_7201 ficupam/BusrlEss flAxE: Grinders' Caffe pRopERTY O!aER'S A E: Landmark cOmmerCial, lnC o {ER's ADoREss: 5022 Wriqhtsville Avenue crrY: Wilmington coNrrMcroR: Landmark Commercial, lnc,, LICEiEE *: 71397 ADDRESS: 5022 Wnqntsv rlle Avenue cIrY: Wilmington EIiAIL ADOiESST wcste hen an mco.com PRO]ECT COI{TAC'I PERSO :|;t't s (crEr AII DEt atly) Wilminoton zle:. 26493 _ PrD E ': 910_392-7201 5r NC zIP: 2MO? . sr:56 zrn: 28403 pHoNE *1q1O-?q2-7201 PHotlE s: q10,392-7201 GEi'ERAI, REPAIRS RE LOCATIOII -Ye[fi9 UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCTI}RE rxlsr cofisrRUcTrox:ALIERATIOTI rxxRExOvATro T-lfi,*r 5,1"r 6 E l-- No rS BLDG NoIEH CO'6TNUCTIOi:ERECT HET STRUCTURE FAST TRACX 58ELL If TPFIT - The Shell Pernit s:Is Elect Pn"r on this Buil.ding fX Yes f i/o ...., rs T}{I5 a ourGE (tr (xclparry usElr yEs Mro.....IF Yas, r,fiat l.rs the Prwlous Occuparcy Type? _ llhat ls the l+ei, Occuprncy IXH?orsro, PfioFrssrrlrlA!: N/A PH: tlc tEG *: PHi NC REG I:tlSR DE5IG'{ PRoFESSIo,I l:-lJfA DEscRIPrIoil oF HORK: tr&lliionE] upflt for lenant relocatino due to storm damage Is bod or b€ve{Bges p.ep€red or s€r'ved in this stnEture?Fc(Yef - No ls The Propefty Located ln ItE Floodplainf _ Ye{-_ d.rrdlkr d 'ly ffit o. buldr{ Se A!* WrO Sih hnp r/r.rw 6F slaE nc.ur.puastc6to4*mo l-di Ngc-,r** , **, "-r, tlEr { irldmatEr h lB rrffi.' ir mnr{!.{ an !4?t laf a:.1*::rn !i. St:a 3rH?! 5i. i J ong.aDdlc* Slre.nd lGl laYa &d od.ldrcr5 trld Iegdalicrs TIE NHt. Ur{iirro.r..fl S€.vr(E C5rns, \ir']) he rhtfdJ ,, dN i-td re3 .n :hr alleed olEaB *rC sEdftdffig&^B PElffi Ed:dFS"in,onrEri,1. -\o-'T {,'y'.van tunF.'€d w,o ri, r€l,tue^"}.:'.m, t. *xr t r, v.r$r;., riroNc stde thg code sl'd owNEFvcoNrRAcroR: steve Dave*Fgg sTGNATURE: 4$, e41-'l lE Don rh6o ndltdo,B & ffi E !*lp.,rn.9dL.lirE r! bb. aard!.d lAiu iia leacen to.r'l (DHH$3IE) yrHE rt! ldiy or Eldhg Fs idrnd to co.ybh ^.!.rlB d rd, Ydl r..!qdd E dl tr tt h.d Enbsbr Srri{ad. ftr Hrr..6d! a, htuE\b (NESHA4 ar (919)m7{$O n t al10 dryr lrb b n IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROO f OF STRI'CTURES I ACRES DEruRBED: N/A Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG eERMI? .|- yes J-No SO FT EXIST]NG IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FINEW IMPERVIOUS AREA IOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AFEA SQ FT ; 7 s00 EUILDING HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR: rY usE: floFF rce flnesrauurr FluencaNrtef[ eurfl mrl-l coNDo orHEr _ COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL N ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL SEPnc T1F'FlvArE SEPIC 3t{ruuuxrw PROPER I^,/ATER: SEWER: SYSTEM ffifBUi E AV Comment,orscr-ltn - s€Pl.RArE pERtaIA REOUiRED FOF ELECI, tEcfl,4AC, 0A6 EQtJtp, PREFADS E tXllERTS pAyMENr METHoD: f cAsH l-. cHEc( e^,r#**lBJiff,"[-OAMERTcAN ExpREss I- rrcansn I- D6cor/ER ZONE: OFFICER SETMCKS: F: LH.- RH--* BFLOOO: BFE+2|1,Approval,_ City:_ D \] - PERMIT FEE: IS tiON. REFUNDABTE cpua.\tz\c6"u *N0 f OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATI O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AN5WTR Al.I OUESTIONS APPLICABI.ETO YOUR PRO.JECT "Project Responslbltlt/ CITY: PHONE #: '1 , CITY:l^J Date:U IY zt D ZlPi o7 BLDG LICENSE #:135ev x,V*zrpt2-4?i1 od 2or$-))tq I L8-3L29 Appllcatlon Numb€r (offlce use) APPLICANI'5 NAME:b PROJECT ADD suBDrvtstoN:#i PROPERTY OWNER'S N Er OWNER'S ADDRESS: Ia{CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:o CITY: EMAIL ADDRESS:PHO N E: PROJECT CONTACT PER5ON:PHONE; U Att Garage (5F) _ D Sunroom (5F)tr Pool (SF) _ E) Greenhouse (sF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes tr No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF (for prcposed wor4 Heated:Unheated: ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrlcalPlumblngorMechanlcalworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lfthe projed Is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Une on the current site? fl Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Buildlng? E yes D No Property Use/ Occupancyr < Single Famlly D Duplex E Townhouse @ \ ExlsTtNG coNsTRUCnOHh Afteration f] Renovatlon E General Repalrs NEw CONSTRUCflON: E Er€ct New Residence E Addition to Existlng Resldence E Relocation TTtPIE[58 CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'I* E Det Garage (SF)_fl Porch (SF) _ E Storage Shed (SF) _ k( other (s Osl -tf)I TTNTikEE Descriptlon of Work;(S laws and ordiaances and regulatlons. The NHc DevelopmEnt Services center wlll be notlffed of any changes in th€ approved plans and speEificatlons or change ln conua€tor information. '..NOTE: Any wo.k perfunned wfthotrt the approprlate permits will be Ih vlolatlon of the Nc State Bldg code and to fines up Ssoo.oo.". Owner/Contractor:GdraN ?apz Signature: 'Licensed Quotifief iantruiine lsthe property located in afloodplaln? E Yes D r{o Existing lmperylous Area:-sq ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Arear _ Sq Ft Existing Land Dlsturbing Permlt: 0 Yes E No wAIEffi CFPUA tr community System f] Prtuate well E central Well E Aqua SEWER:\E] CFPUA tr community System E Private Septic a Centralsepiic 5 Aqua zone; _ Offlcer: _ Setb€ck (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - clty:- DatE:- Floodr'(A) - (V) -(N) - BfE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S .--etsa. ToTAt PRoJEcr cosr (r-ess r-ot): S-L9.QQ- ora, -tLtlb EAPPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:7C NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMI APPLICAIION ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWIR AIL QUTSTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" CITY 0a te 7tP D suaDtvtStoN: PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: ! Sunroom (sF) ,fl*nr,. G^/L Loo .f{c I o PHONE # OWNER'S ADDRESS 7 CONTRACTOR nrc,\ ADDR ESS ,o 7 ctrv: 1,./ I fi .ztP,:2.&/ / frtt l,ii 0 CITY StDG LICENS ST:IP PHONE 0ar"u,.6L2 71"1oPROjECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE n Att Garage (5F)_D Dct Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF) D Porch (SF) E Storage Shed Sn t/' D other (5F)D Greenhousc (sF) __ _l Dcck (SF) ls thc proposed work chanSinE the cxisting footprint? il Ycs E No TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROO! Vor proposcd work) l-leated TOTAL PROJECT COST (toss Lot): 5 Property Use/ O.cupancy: ls the proposed work changing thc number of bedrooms? Ll Yes qJ No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being donc to thc Accessory Structure a Yes F No lf the project is a Relocation, is therc a Natural Gas Linc on the current site? D Yes 7 No ls there Flcctri(al Power on thrs Burldins? M Yes Tl No '\ f SinCle Family E Ouplex fr Townhouse fi,.,;/,/ llailon N^/1rDes.ription of Work; laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Development 5ervices Cenler wlll be not information. 'r*NOTE Any work performed without the app ?.. rrrErerT,iswillbein btvs k-t Signature: anSes in the approved plans and specifica s or.hanSe n contractor e NC State Bldg Code and subject tof pto S500oo"' z?1rOwner/Contractor P4rr1a f,, "Licensed Quoliter" s the p.operty located n afloodpla n? lr Yes ("o Existing lmpervious Area: ___ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area Sq Ft WATER: E CFPUA L_l CommunitySystem SEWER: -- CFPUA E Community System Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No ;y' cl.iuo," W"tt i I centralWell ! Aqua { o|,iro,"ror,,. E CentralSeptic ll Aqua tul 3t t*attfl oldt (A) _ (v) _ {N) _ BFE+2tt= _ Permit Fee: S ilil. U zone: - olficer: - selba.ks l llh Approval: -- city: - Date: / Flood Comment: f LOT # I EMAIL ADOR€SS:I, ,,. ExISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteralion L Rcnovalron lCcncral Rcpairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: L l Ercct Ncw Rcsidcnce Ll Additionto Existing Residence fl Relocation ,},}*PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** C 7 //7,,/1Unheatedt 7 0/( ' J+ / ,/:,;.,,7 ii. r v:,tu^ P**- Lakl?cst- HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIYIIT APPLICaTIaN rYPf r C0l,lltERCIAL , NEW APPLICANT'5 NA}{E: Kg1, rtod*g PLtA5t lr{s\tR AtL QUtSrlOilS APPLICAStt TO YoUn pROltCr "ProJect nesponsibillty" AFDTieli:6N Number (Offl(c Urc ) DEVELoPER: |lalotd Jodan PRO] EC I ' 4644 SlrllMead6'/lOrlnil109-112 0CCUPAI'IT/SUSINESS l,lAilE I sr,lMaado,v! , PTONE Si 256a366 oAIE | fit1gt1i ZIP t 1412 PRoPERTY otltlER' S NAI'IE: s3616 s616n s6666 - PH0NE X: 25631s6 C[{tlER'S ADORESS: 51AOteande,.tr CONIfiACI0I: Harotd Jordan and co CITY; w171,nsto.l ST: nc ZIP | 26,105 - Lrct sE s: ADoRE55: 5129o1u-6u,6,s1e261 EI'1AI L i lMger@hliconll.ucton corn CITY: "ir,ninetqr PRoIECT CONTACT PER50N: Ksly rlodes5 PH0NE fl: 256a3s6 PHONE f (ah.(l All rhrt &ply, EXIST CONSTRUCIION: ll Relocallon. is lhera a NaturalGas Llno on thetrALTERATIONn(-Lr r GEIiIERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATION I- ruo rs BLDG sPhrfrKLERED4i Yosf R ENOVATION renl Sile? f es NoTEH CONSTRUCTIOT'I:ERECT NEI.I STRUCTUR€FAsr rRACK n sHE[r n UPFrr ! ADo TO EXrST SrRUC'ruRE ACCESSORY SIRUCTURE: If UPFII - The She1l Pe.mit fl:Is Elect Pouer on this Bullding l-Ycs r NO .r... ls THts a (HAN6E 0F occuPANCY usE?r YEs l-. lto.i..' IF Yes, ehat rras the Pr€vloue Oc(upan(y Typel - Hhat 15 the t{er o(cupan(y It8fi 'rrrron PRoFEssro*L,NC NTC T: NC RE6 ,,;TNGR OESICN PROTESSIONAL:, p[: Pl{:- DE5CRIPTION OF I{ORK: Inslan;;;i;oo. drywal and noo.69 du6 to srormdamago Ir food or beveraoes prepared or served an thls strucluro? l- yesli lto ls f he Propeny Locared ln The rtoodptain? l- yu. F No OTSCIAIMFR lnaret l ced,ly lh6l all,nlolmalion in lh,! and 10(6lbws andod,nancos ond (eoulauons Tho Nllorch.noo ln conlraclor or conlraclor 'nlormaUon "'NO Suuccl]o Finos Up To 3500 00"' application is m(ocl and6liworl will comply y U rho Srrte aoiklino Code.nd C Dcvcloomenl Scrvreg Ccnlcr willbo nolrftc{ olanv chanoos n tho sDr,ovcdTF' Any Wort Pelornred W/O rhe Apflop,ialc Pc,.nils wi[ 6c in Volar,oi ol th5 ),tc S Illd, Coilc and all oll,c. ,ppli:sbre Slolo do.iol on ot 0^y lscilily o. bv'ldin0. Sso suolro! web Sre f(r, nL;, rr,! slrl' n"i OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xerry xoaees Approval:JU!-CI SIGNATURE BUILOING HEIGHT ,l OF UNITS FLOOD: "->i* EFEr2rt N PERMIT FEE: : -zg- f OF STORIES: 3 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ,J OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: IO EXST LAND DISTTJRBING PERMIT? T YES Ii NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOTJS AREA:SO FI pRopERTYUSET EOFFTCE !nesreunar'rr ! MERCANTTLEn EDUC! APrE CONDO OTHEIr,,lurr, ra y Aga'r,{er- TOTAL PROJECT COSr .lg_ TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 6r?l SQ FT PER FLR: - f OF STRUCTUREST r - coMi,ruNrTY SYSTEM fl WELL f] zoNlNG us€ cLASslFlcATloN Eaar',^n,uaor,a ! il'vare sEprtc ! co['tNluNtt y sYSTEM wATER: r-ICFPUA sEWER: tlcFPUA PAYMENT METHOD: r,i ..,tt....., at :-i: i, .-; irji f CnsH i cHEcK (pAyABL[ To NHC) f AMERIcAN EXPRESS f MCA/lsA f DrscovER zoNE\ttoFFrcER l2 OFfICE USE ONLY) irenC*i'r ,v/+ uPlgangfoz aP )fi Conlmenl DAT o (FOR CiiI lnsmclion Requreo, 9'l tt254'ultli ST: nc ZIP:2s405 I 1..;:::,,'':,;..., ". mi ft'o.,,t K*Pq."-zb{v'tzosc NEh' HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPEr C0tlllERCIAL PLTASE ATSXER ArL qrfsrloars APTIICASLE TO YOJR pRolt(r "Project Responribility" AEFTIATTON Number (0fft(! ute) APPLICANI'S llAllE: xcry Hodges _ PlloNE t; 256,(J8o DATE: lo/19/lg ----zIF;*nD€VELOPER I Harord Jdd6n PRO]ECT ADDRt55: d624 St, Meed@s Dr unll lOE_ll2 CITYI y161691e6 OCCUPANI/BUSItJE55 tlAtlE: 51p1e6666n7s PR0PERTY 0WtlER's l,lAI{E: s,1616 s5y66n 366 gs _ PIONE S: 2553as6 oWNER,S ADDRESS i 5129 Oteande, d.CfTY: 11i1616g166 5T: 6s Z I P; 2s{s5 5T: n" ZIP: 2ga65 CoI'ITiACTOR: Hafdd Joidan rnd co ADDRESS; srzg oieander dr sto ml EIIAI L ADDRESS: khoc,sss@hkiconst(rcton co.n . LICENSE S: CITY: 61nn"r1- PROIECI COIITACT PERSOII: Koly 1od9€s . PH0I{E #: 255a366 (Cno(k All ,h.t ipplr) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION Gas Linc on lhc ,.rcnt Sile?rR E iOVAT ION It Relocalon, rs lhere a Na1!ral If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt X:Is Elect Po!€r on this Building li Yes f No .*.. rs rHrs A CHA 6E 0F occupANcy usEtr yEs lr. lro ,.... IF Yes, xhat ras thc previous Occupancy lypel _ Ih.t ls the New occupancy Iltfirotsrcri PRoFEssroM(: PH: r{ rI GEiIERAL REPAIRS TI RELOCATION*d;- ro rs BL DG sPkdlKlrRr:Dfi vesl- NoNEt.] CoNSTRUCTToN: D ERECT NEr{ STRUCTURE D FASI IRACK n SHEt-r f] Uprtr f] A€CESSORY 5TRUCIURE: ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUNE ENCR OE5I6N PROFESSIONAL:-p[:c 8t6 B: NC REG s:- DESCRIPIION OF l,rJoRK: 1no"11 ;n*61o] 6owat, ,E 0ao.'n9 .tu€ to storm dam.go OISCLAII\IFR lhercby (erlry lhar all rnlornErion rn and bcrl,.r*s ond ordrna.ceisnd rerula ons The or chrno6ln con(&cror or conurcror hbrm ion "' Sutlccl1o F,nc! Up To 5500 00"' lhjs applicalion is conod and all worl will comflly withlho Slale Buildin0 Nllc 0orcloomcnl S€rviccs Ce^ler w;llbc nol.l'm oleny cianoes m thcNOTE Any tvo.r pedo.nred w/0 Ihe Apuotlriale Pcrm'lrwrllE:e in v'ora Code olld 8l olher spplicabb Slare uoi ol lho NC Sra16 Eldq Coda ond SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST, IOOOOo zoNE\(-l-!oFFlcER np pr ou a : j{ City : -!-LUL- o AI E damoliion o, a.y lacl'ly o. or,ilong Sea lsbelbs Woo Srte: nlir' **r e,: s'.ntr,.,,ii'n rl:litrt ii'r,,.!, r BUILOING HEIGTIT SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO FT : oJ27 TOTAL SA FI UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTUREST , ACRES DISTURgED: o NEW li,lPERV|OUS AFEA: o SO TI EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? r YES li NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE loFFrcE I nesreuneNr ! MERCANTILEI EDUC! APID coNDo OTHElum ramrry &oryrcr tr ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION lTOR OFFICE USE ONLY) I' OT UNITS d OF STORIES: 3 H OF FLOORS: i- N SO FI WATER, ECFPUA ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM ! WELL sEwER LJCFPUA !.]cerurnarsecrtc lJ PRIVATESEPTIC ! couuuurrv svsrru . .,t ., _,r.r,,,j:lr:i \r,t ;i1.... pAyMENr METHOD. f CASH f CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS f MCMISAT DISCoVER SETBACKS: F Ft,OOD A ,w n olbRH 8w BFE+2|t, Comment Ciii, lnsprclircn Requreo, gl &254.09tI) PHOI,IE T: I ls lood or boverages prepsred or served ln this structure?l- vosli. No ls lhe Propefly Located ln The Ftoodplaio? f yes li to OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rery Hoages PERMIT FEE; g/o,^ P*V,Zo/Y - lZoL/ F NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL I CAf ION IYPE; COIIIT'IERCIAL PLtA5€ Alskti ALL qJESt!0N5 APPLtC^gtt TO Yqrfi p&orECI "Pnoject Responslblllty" ' ,1620 StillMeadq,vg Or uo( 109 l12 OCCUPAiII/EUSIIIESS NAIIE : sr,l Mesdows PRoPERTY ol.lNER'S l.lAllE: tiarotd Jod.n and co OWNER'S ADDRESS I sl29 oles.do.dr CITY: y,11669qq1 CONIRACT0R I Harotd Jo.d3n and co LICENSE 'IADDRESS; 512966366661 3q5261 CITY: y1111;69166 EIiAIL AD0RE55 : rho:dg€rollicqrst,ucrron corn PRoIECI coNfACT PERS0Nr Kglr llode€, APFTETTi6' Nunbea (otft.€ ut€) APPLICANT'5 NIJIE i Kely Hcdgeg - PIIOHE {r 256a336 DATE i 1o/19/j8 ZIP':2ga12 DEVELOPER: Harolcl Jordan PRO]ECT - PHOl,lE *:2563as6 SI:lf -IP:26a65 ST: * ZIP: zeacs PK)NE f; 256a3s3pto0E s: ((ne<r All ,h.t rpplr) EXIST CoI{STRUCrroN: E ALTERATT0T{ r-1 REinVATION T7 GEt{ERAL REPAIRS T--l RFLoCATTON rt Herocalrcn, is rhere a NalE?6r cas I rne on rhebJrrenr s,ro? ;- EJ- r.ro rs tst t)G SplfllKr rnt.D-lti yesf NoNEl., CoNSTRUCTIoN: Ll ERECI NEH STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE; FAST rRACK n SHILL fl Uprrr D ADD rO Exrsr STRUCTURE If UPrIT - The Shell Permit B:Is Elect PoHer on this Building li'. Yes f N0 '*.+. IS THIS A CHAIGE 0E oCCUPANCY USEIr yts lE. ttO..'.. IF YeE, rhat ras the prevlous occupancy Typel _ Hhat 1s the lla}, occupan(y Tvoe ?ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:PH: NC REG ,: Plt:- NC RtG {:-TNGR DESI6II PROFE55IONAL:- DESCRIPTION 0F I,rloRK; g6sb1n3u;3rjoo. dryrval a,E n6{ing du6 ro rtorm deoggo ls fqod or beverages prepared or served in this structure?[- Yesli. ruo ls Th€ ProDerty Located ln The Floodptain? f Yes li No oISCLAIMER. lhcrobv ccrrik lhor 6llrnlorrla on ln and locrllsws and ordiMncoi snd re{ularionr Tne or chamo rn contactoror conkaclor hlornunod "'suqccllo Frnos Up To S5Cl0 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xetty ttooses his applicarjoo ls ao(ocr ond 3ll work w ll comply with lho Shlo Suildin0 Codo and altorlor app{icable SlUeNllC Dovelopmonl SctuL?s Cenler sll L,o nouflf{ olany chad!cs In ho sOO,o/ed olans aftJ soc(il|CJloflsNOTE:Anylvo.k Perlormed W,O lhe ApFop&le Pe,mrls wll6e in Violatofl o, rhc}JC Sls'e 0ld0 Code €nd SIGNATURE Note'DeflDtition nolificatioos E slDestos remoyalpe,mil applicalons 619 !o b€ submirod usin€ iho applicalion lo{mlOlnlS.S/68 ) wheu'er lho la.iliry o. trJlldir! w-ds contrin A3boltos or not. Yo! ar6 rcqurred to cal uo Nau,lal Em's3ion Sbndara,! lo. llozardou! Ai Poluunl. ll* Sl IAP ] al {g I9)70,r'595O ai loarl I0 days paor ro rho domolitjon ol ony rr.ilily or burldng seo Asbesto5 v'lob si!o: frii.A,.J'\1,,1.)",,i,ri']i"1tlt!liri.r,."rirrrr TOIAL PROJECT COST lOoOoO BUILOING HEIGHT SO FT PEF FLR: I OF UNITS: ,I OF STORIES: rTOTAL AREA SQ FT: 6r?7 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:_,, OF STRUCTURES: I t OF FLOORS: i ACRES DISTUREED:EXST IANO DISTUREING PERMIT? T YES Ii NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAr o SO FT EXISTING IMPENVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE floFFrcE !aesrnunerr ! MERCANTTLED EDUcn APT! CONDo OTHEIIaT:ru ramay apanmon SO FT PAYMENT ME'rHOD: f zoNE\RlLorFrc Approvat:JDIL-CIIY n ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION COM['UNITY SYSTEM CASH T cIi;CK (P^YABLE IO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPIIESS T MC^r'ISA l- DISCOVER {FOR OFFICE US€ ONLYI U SETBACKS: F: nr'/9 FLOOD $ple RHN|,fi B!-tfr BFEr2ft, N PERMIT FEE: : Commonl ER DATE Ciiy lnoprlbn Requreo, 9l S254-UitJd ,'. -) t ':,,. i.J. -,, ,.m,, WATER T']CFPUA T] COMMUNITY SYSTEM E WELL sEWER f,cFpuA Ecerurnelss"r,c [--] entvete seertc 5{"-v,\,P--*2ott /zc 3l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL|CATION rYPEr COIiIMERCIAL ptEASE Arisrfl att qrtsrlortls aPPTICABTE ro yoJl p(or€cr "Project Responsiblllty" APPL ICATION llumber (0fft(. Usc) DEVELoPER: ltarouJordan -PtOt{E f :255as6 PRO]ECT ADDRE55: lizs St,ttttteaaoas D. ur,t t09.t I2 Lr I Y: wtlrlngtol Ili'a841' PROPERTY OI{NER'S tlArlE i Ha,otdJo.dan a.d co - PH0NE f:2563466 ol{tlER'S A00RESS: 5j2g oteatt,et dt CITYT r,r,41a;1nq1oil 5r: ""--ZIF . zaros C0NTRACTORI H.rdd Jordan and co LICENSE S: ADDRESS: 513 61@66d 6151s 261 CITY: d;,r'16910o 5T: a6 ZIP: 26a65 EIiAIL ADDRESS : khodgc.@htponst ucton..om - P}IONE E:25643a6 pRoJEcr co rAcr-1-EE36T;-[ ;s€" ---. nmrr *: (Cnelk all lilnl Alply) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFII - The Shell Permlt f:Is Ele€t PoHer on this 8u1]d1ng li. Yes f NO EXIS] CONSTRUCIION: ll Relocalion, is thcre o Na f-l aLrERATr0r{ J-l sEinvArroN rJltE;tcas Line on thct;rrent Site? l- Gi G€IIERAL R€PAIRS T-I RELOCATION l- ruo rs aroo soH{xlrne D'fi vcsl- NoNEN Coi{STRUCTTOt'l:n ERECI NEr,r STRUCTURE ! FAsr rRACx n SHELr E upFrr f] aoD ro Exrsr srRucruRr EN6R OT5I6N PROFESSIOTIAL: PII NC 8E6 'l:,rF lc nE6 r:- 0ESCRIPII0N 0F l,oR(: ts food or bcve.agas prepared or served in lhls structure?f vesli ruo ls The Propeny Located ln Tho Ftoodplain? l- yes li no .rt.. I5 THIS A CRAllGg IF Yes, l{hat ra5 the Prevlour o(cupancy Type? trX8fi?orsror PRoFEssro AL: TOIAL SO FI UNOER ROOF ACRES OISTURBED: o oF occuPANcY usE?r YEs lr. rc ....' t?hat ls the lter Oc(upan(y I' OF UNITS II OF STORIES: : t, OF STRUCTURES: I # OF FLOORST i EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? TYES JT NO So FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SO FT f]oFFrcE Inrsraunnrr ! MERcANTILE! EDUcf]CONDO OTHEl Llyrt, Fam,ty Apanmer OTSCLAIMER r hcreby ccnrt rhsr allnlormaron D rh,s applicaton rsco,.ocl aftl all wo,t wlll comply wlhtho Srslo auldlno Co.lo ond dllorhor sppt€st ra Sraro and b.albws and ordinances and.€{ur.lbns Thc NtlC Oeycloofionl Scr}icor Cefllor tr'lll bo nolified of a nv chanoes in rho sooroved olans and sml:,fud ron\ - E,u]enS fl#lt"r.iJSo"gt[is.ror inb,marion "'NoIE ^ny wo,k Pc,dmed w/o rho^pFop,i€ro Pemils wirr6€ r. v'or.rri66 oI rhoNc sute Bba cooo/9' OWNER/CONTRACToR: xcrryHooces SIGNATURE: 7-4? 7L4- l(l!.r'L4 lPtE N 4, t / do.lolllon olsnyta.ilily oI Duildho. St3fubcsloswob S'le 'nri' nr,'{'j rr.).r'.!sfi'|rirar\tr'.F'Lph'rr TOTAL PROJECT COST: IOOOOO TOTAL AREA SO FT : 6127 BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR WATE R SEWER CFPUA CFPUA E WELL _fl zoNlNG usE cLASs pRtvarE sEpTrc Ll couMururrv svstru NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:o PROPERTY USE E E PAYMENT MEIHOD CAS zoNE.T\Y*LoFFICER: Approval:J2!!- Ci COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPIIC E H f cHEcK ( Dfo DATE 'O IFICATION FLOOD: - ------x- BFE+2ft'- PERMIT FEE: I ::,i,., r,.i 1. r.,..^.i , , L.;I--...I: - PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T MC^/ISA T DISCOVER (FOR OFFTCE US€ ONLY) SETBACKS: F,9/B LH PJO RHIJ)A B.UIE ,,\roo N Comment ,A/A Ciii lnepction Rqureo, 91 0.254.D0, ,,.':,'ll t;;:''; '',m' -DATEt 1o/r0/lBAPPLICATIT'5 llAl'lE i Kelly xodses 0CCUPATIT/BUSINE55 l{Afl E : Sr,ri Mesdo*.s 5 *tt""*p-.p"-..-2nlt- l7cs'/ INEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATTON IYPE; COIfiERCIAL 9!tA5E AISTER ALr gJ€stIoUS AppttaAELE r0 yqJt P80lE(r "ProJect nesponstblltty" . 4640 S![ Meadow9 Dr !or1 109.112 OCCUPANT/SUSIiIESS t'lAr4E : sl,t Meadows PR0PIRTY OI,,JNER' S l,l!.ME: 1b1616 J616qa s66 q6 Ol.lNER'S ADDRESST 5129 oteanderd,. CITY i Wh,rurql CONTRACTOR: Ha.otd Jordan snd co - LICE[5g f: AD0RESS ! 5129 oteander d, .t€ ?01 CITYI *1.16016n ElttAI L ADORESS: 166616"61, PRO]ECI CONTACT PERSOII;Xelly llodgos AFFI?MiIO.N Number (Offlc. Ute) APPLICAUT'5 l{ME : Ksly yodssg ZIPi 2aa12PROJECT - PHo'JE S:2563488 SI; 6q ZIFr 23a65 5T; n6 ZIP I 26a65 - PHOl,lE &: 255a366 PHOi,IE ': ((hE.k rl I rhar &ply) EXIST CoNSTRUCIIO : n ALIERAIIOT'I lf Relocalion. is lhere a Nalural Gas Line on the ,,H'KIIRrDF Yesf REI'IOVATION 6ENERAI RIPAIRS l- No rs BtDc s RELOCAT ION 0rrenl Sile?r es NoNTH CONSTRUCTIOfl:n EREcr t{E!,t srRUcruRE flFAsr rRAcK f} stell I uprrr n aDD ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTUR€ I .T'Ti IS IHIS A CHAIIGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE?T YES Ji" lTO IF Y€s, what ras the p.evloue o..upancy Typel - t{hat ls the t{e, trtrtfi loesrcnr PRoFEssroNAL :Plli ETI6R OESIGN PROFESSIOML:Plt: If UPFIT - The Shel.l Permlt f:Is €Iect Power on this Eulldlng Ji. Yes T N0 Oc.upency NC Rf6 ll t{C RtG l:- ted ln the Floodplain? l- Vu" lf ruo u dmo Code and 0ll othcr 6p0licable Slare s in lho aDoiovc{ olsns aod socolulDnsn Vlolarofl ol rhcNC Sr.ro 8ld0 Codc ond ls lood or beverages propared o, served in thls structuro? l- vesli No ls Ths Prop€rty Loca D|SCLATMER. I hereby ccrr,t rhal a[ inlormaton in this aDplicouo.l is co,,ecl ond all$ofi Mllconply wlh lho Slal6I rnd bcallaws and ordinancor ond rgoL,lalbns, lhe l{HC oovolopmenl Solvtc€s Conlo, wlluo noulied olanv chanuo ot chonoo in conractor or aontaclor h,ormEtion "'NOTE Any Wort Porro,ocd \rVlO tho Appropdoto Perm'k willSc suLrjocltu fmos Up Io 1500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR : xetty rotges SIGNATURE: l{ore:Oonohtldl notifi.stlonr t osb€stos remotalpo.m{ applcalions a.e looe subm{bd usin! he applicalon lo,m (0 115-3768)w r lio,ociriryor Ou{drno wos lou.olo demohio. olony lacil yortuildrng S.€ A:boslos Web Srle r!1, Lrr.rLr'.r'r .,i'ri' i-liraia,rrlr:4rhi|r ToTAL PRoJEcr cosr. ..199999__ TOTAL AREA SO FT ; 6r?7 TOTAL SO FI UNDER ROOF ACRES DISIURBED: 'oNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o ZONE\v-LOFFICER: epp,ouu-ilf-city 6 FLo SETBACKS: F:/V/P LH ttl* antt)h BN-)O BFEr2ft, # or uNtTs f OF STORIES rf OF FLOORS: i EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? TYES FNO SO FT EXISIING IMPERVIOUS AREA (FOR OFFICE USE ONIY} SO ET pRopERTy USE: noFFrcE I nesrnunaur f] MERCANTTtEn EDUCD APrfl CONDO OTHEll,ot1 Fam y Apadn,c. WATER NCFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL T] ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION sEwER. tlcFpuA tlar*r*o. ,.or,a fl fr,ror. sr"r," E7ol,,,trru,r, srsr., 'A'MENTMETH.D: r'dni, i .i,."*rroriui.ii'rni|f ;i',;iii"i*.;";iii f MC^/rsAf DrscovER OD:-{ cha N +I PERMIT FEE: :Comment DATEI Ciiy lnsprclion kqureo, 91 &254.0,,0,1 - oATE: 1cv19/10 OEVELOPER: Halotd Jordan -PHOtlE llt 256a3g6 . CITY: OESCRIPTIOI.I 0F tt0RK: 1n.]lliffifr3lwal and Roo.r]g (tu6 ro storm dama'o BUILOING HEIGHI: _ SQ FT PER FLR: f OF STRUCTURESI;-- 5+-F--P 7o tr- rccrl1( ?v\ NEt^l HAN0VER C0UNTY BUILDING PERIIIIT APPLICATI0.N rYPEr COMfiERCIAL PLIAsE AISh.fR ALL QUtSTl0{S AAptI(A8tE tO Yq]R PiOIECI "Project Responsiblf tty" i 4616 SlrrlMeadows Dr unrl 109'112 0CCUpAllT/BUSINESS l,lAilE I Sritr r,toadows PR0PERTY OWNER'5 llAllE; Harord Jodan and co oWNER'5 AoDRESS: ir29 orcander dr . CITY: wrmi,xrol CoNTRACIoR; Hardd Jordsn 6nd co LICENSE S: AD0RE55: 5129616noordr sre 201 CIfY: *111n91e,1 ElitAI L ADDRESS: knodgo3@httconstrucloo co.n PR0IECT C0NTACT PERSON: xqny s166nu" ((hc(l All Ihrt lpolr) rFf'flItrTIdH Nul,lber (offl(. ute) APPLICANT'S NAll€: x61y 11e6ggg - PIONE {: 2564366 DATE: to/!9/18 ZI?t 26a12 DEVE LoPER: Haro|d Jordsn PRO] ECI - PHONE S: 2s@as8 ST: nc ZIP:2oaos ST: n" ZIP: 2sa65 - PHONE fl PHTONE S: 2564388 EXrST CotrSTRUCTror,': fl ALTERATToN r-l REMTVATTON ll Rclocarion, is the.c a Natural Gas Lino on thetdrrcnr Srts? l- 17 6ENERAL REPAIRS T-.I RE[OcATION€;- ,u rs Br.DC sPh*Kr flrrD'4i YesT No i.iEr., cor{sTRUcrroN: E EREcr N€r.l SIRUCTURE fl tAsr rRAcx D sfiELr ACCESSORY SIRUCTURE: UPFIT ADO TO TXISI SIRUCIURI If UPFII - The Shell Perm1t 0:Is Elect Poue. on thls Building Ji'. Yos f N0 .r'r' r5 THrs A cMflG€ 0t occupAficy usElrIt Yes, rhat ias the Prevlous o.(upan<y Typo? _ lhat IItfi ?orsIcH PRoFEssIo*AL: Y€s lf ilo r1"' ls the lex occup.n.y ENGR DESIGN PRoF[SSIo AL r, PHi NC RE6 f: Plt:- Nc REG !:- DESCRIPTION OF l.JoRK: 1n5161 ,n5e6rion. drytva[ aft, nooring du6 ro {orm damage ls food or bcvcrages prcpared or servod in this structure?[- 'resli. uo ls The Propeny Located tn Thc Ftootlptain? t- yes lf No OISCIAIMER lhorelry ce.l'ly lha( alli,ttormotion i,l ond k crlhwg 6nd ordinances 6nd rcguLlions. Tho o, chdnos lnconl,acbr or.ontr6cto, rnlormation "'Subjccllo trncs Up To 1500 00"' this applicirtion is co ccl a l6llworkevillcomply$$ thc Srato 8u'rd'n9 Codo a.i, alother agol,csblo Stato ilu%DH"JfrT,$"sf#*:;9,:E",l,xIJi?ff;[#""],,"1t,],,,,T""il[li8ffftilf"rJ,is,:l"ddffi.3lllfl& OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xely ttooqes SIGNATURE Nore tlelrlolrtloll hori,icarions t astxrsroi ronovol rodnir applic"rro.s arr lo b€ ruutrnEd utng oo applaluon [c.m lol1lls.3768)wheth€lhorac4rl/o, blrldi.g !ros lound ro donrolr,o. o, o.y lacrry or hr'rding sea Asbolrrs web srlo Ir!! ,$n.t,rr,'r! ( )rcp,,rtr\-rrlr<.ri:r it l TOTAL PROJECT COSTI I oo0oo BUITDING HEIGHI SO FT PER FLR: ,, OF UNITS: IOIAL AREA SO FT : 6r?r fl OF STORIES: r ,/ OF FLOORS: ;--# OF STRUCTURES: r NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:o EXS"[ IANO DTSTURBTNG PERMIT? l- ves li r.to SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOIJS AREA:SO FI PROPERTY USE DoFFtcE f] nesrlunaNr ! MERCANTTLEI €ouc[ Aern coNDo orHErMun, FemLry Apanme. TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACBES 0ISTURBEDT lo WATER ECFPUA ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM I WELL _E ZONTNG USr CLASS|F|CAT|ON sEwER: [J cFpuA Llcenrnalseprrc LJ pnrvnreseprrc E couraurulrv sysrru N - PERMIT FEE: I PAYMENT MEITIOD f cAsH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f AMERTCAN €xpRESS f Mc^/tsA f DtscovER (FOn OFFTCE rrSE ONtY) zoNEh\fLoFFrcER )Yt,SETBACKS: F,Nl*tutrlpRlpJg Bgbl Approval:J2rEi- City: t e H' DnteTolJolB rt )( 8FE+2ft, an )DConrmen Ciii' lnspclion Requrreo, 9l S254-S/0,1 . ', j, ,r;.. ,ffi, aoff-t2651 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I car Iott rvPrr Colill'lERCIAL PLEASE Ar{Sl{t8 ALr QUESTIO 5 APPLIaABLE TO yqJr PRO)ICT "ProJect Responslblttty" AFFIIGTEN unber (0fft.. ure) APPLICANI'5 NA|IE: x61y 1166963 DATE I fit19t1g DEVELOPER: HarotdJordah . PIONE S: 2s5.{388 PRO ] ECT ADDXESS: 4612 St,t l\ieadows Or ix !O 12 -- .TfTYr wl;srxl ZIP i 26a12 oCCUPANT/BUSII{ESS NAIIE : sr;rrr,reaoows PR0PEiTY Ol.lNER'S tlr[4E ! Harok Jordan andCo OWNER'S AOORESS; 5129ob;nderdr CONTRACTOR: Hrrotd Jo.dsn end co ADORESSi 5129 6163n6s167 516 2O1 EMAIL 'OD €khodos!@hlJcooslrucuon com . CITY: r7,1!dngldl - Ptl0l'lE S: 2553as6 STI n6 ZIP:2sa65 ZIP i 26as5 L IC Et{SE #: CITYi,al1rnlig16n PROIECI C0NIACT- PERSOT; Kely lodsss PHONE PHOXE 2564388 5T t: t: ((he.l All Ihnt lOOly) EX15T CONSTRUCTIOT'' lf Reloc€lion, is lhere a N : T-1 ALTERATIoN T-l REM)VATIoN m GENERAL RIpAIRS f'l artiJt cas t ine on rheHrrenr stre? ;- €J- r'ro ts BtoG sPlT[ RETOCAIION KLERED4i_ Yesf No iIEW CONSTRUCTION:n EREcr NEr.l srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAc( n sHEr.r. n upFrT n aDD To Exrsr sTRucruRE ACCTSSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - rhe Shell Permit n:Is Elect Power on this Euil.ding lii. Yes f NO .r... ts Tfirs A cHAnGE 0r occupA cy usE?r yEg lr. m..... IF Yes, !rh.t wa' the Pr€vlous occuprnay Typel - What ls the l{er oc(upanry trr8fi?DES16H PROFESSIOTIAI. : Pll i N( R€6 #l NC REG *:-TN6R OESI6N PROTESSIOfiAI: 0EsCRIPIION 0F WORK i rnsrarr rnsurarion. d ll end fl duc lo slor damsge. ls food o. boverages prepared or served ln this slructure? [- yesli lo ls-the P,operty Localed ln The Floodplaio? f Yes lii lto OISCLAIMER lhoreby cerl't Ihar all lnlormal,o4 'o0n bcslhns and ordrnancos sn\i lqoulalnos. Thc or cha oo rnconlroclor or conkscto, mlormauon "' SuDic(l10 Flnos Up To 1500.00"' lhis opplicaljon iscolteclEnd all wort will cornply wirh Ue St8ro BuildingCoi0 and NrlC Dcv oloflmcnl Scrvlcss Cenlor wirllr€ notfied olanv chsme! ln tie aoo.ovod\OTe Any Wo,[ pcrlormed W,O lhe Appropflolo Pcrmr{s wilr & 'n Viol6ti6n ol thn aIotherapplE blo Srate olans end soo.rfica llonsNC SIil^ Sldo Codosftl BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR] OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xery nooser SIGNATURE cooritin Aste$ros oi nd You aro ,cqoi,ed lo catl he Nolronal Emission Slandnrds ,or tt?6rdou3 At Pollutrn6 (iESh^P) at (9I9) /07-5950 at toast t 0 drys prlor lo lhe dl}lnol,lon olO y l6crl'to, bu'ldlrg So!AsbeslosWeb Silo: trtL' ,^s, "r trrr. r. r,<trii sialilrr, n,i, Arrl TOTAL PROJECT COST: r oooo0 TOTAI AREA SO FT i 6rzl l, OF UNITS d OF STORIEST 3 # OF SIRUCIUREST I C OF FLOORS NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o EXST LAND OTSTURBING pERMtT? r yES lr NO SO FT EXTSTING IMPERVIOUS AtlEAl SO FT PROPERTY USE floFFrcE !nesraunarur I MERcANTTLED EDUcD Apr! coNDo orHErnurrrFannry AFrr e. TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: to WATER, T-ICFPUA T.ICOMMUNITY SYSTEM TI WELL N ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIo\ sEwER EcFpuA E"a*r*.au"r,c E il',ro,u sEprc E;oMMUNtTy sysrEM PAYMENT ME]HOD CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NI.IC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T MCAr'ISA T DISCOVER (FOn OTFTCE USe ONLY)b FLOOD zoNE;rnvl oFFtc Approval:JzEl_ City SETBACKS: F,1{4 LH N l9 RH a-aJo BFE+2f1,- )4/ .^ pERt.rtr rer' ,0 hComment $ ER DATE Criy lnpcclion Requreo, 9l $254rt90d 9*o-^ E-.F* Pll: efo"*' F*V^"-- 2ot3 -lzbztr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L ICA| ION TYPE; COiI}1ERCIAL PI.IAsE AN9h'ER ALL QUESIIOIIS APPLICABI,E IO YG]N P8O)TCI "Project nesponslbll.1ty" AFPI]rIIT6N Number (0fflce utc) oATE; to/tg/18 PHOtlE f: 256a366 PRO]ECT ADDRE55: 1521 g11gs556,1,s D, unit tog-j12 CITY: r,V61nqon ZIP':2ga12 OCCUPANI/BUSINESS l,lAllE : srrrrcaooas pRQPERTY OIJNER' S NAI4E: Harotd Jordan and Co - PH0NE [: 256ys6 O[{NER'5 ADORESS: 5rzs oroander;r CITY:;a11ns691q1 5l: nc zIP:2u0,, C0iITRACT0R :,ls.old Jo.dan sndco LICENSE E: ADDRESs; 5l2goteanderdrst620t crrY' :lrg!r9!--PK'NE STr n" ZIP; 2g165ft 2;;88EflAIL ADORESS: rhodges@httconst rcljon cofl PRoIECT CONTACI PER-oil: x..Iy Noaeu"P}iONE S; {(ne(t lll th.t Aprly ) REIiOVATION N N ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I{ UPFIT - Thc Shell Permlt l,:Is €lect Power on thls Euilding F Yes f N0 ..... IS rHIS A CHANGT 0F oCCUPA CY USEtr yES lii. X0It Yes, uhat rar the P.evious O((upan.y Typel - t{hat ls the tler 0 c ( upan(y Itr8fi lossran PNoFEssro*L: ENGB O€sIGtl PROFESSIOi{A| :- EXrST Coi,rSTRUCTroN: f] ALTERATTON ll Relocation, is lhere a NaluralGas Line on the urrenl Silo?r es GENERAL XEPAINS T-'I RELOCATIOK I- ruo rsBI.DG sP\TI[Kr FRFD'4I Yesfo-Ell CoNSIRUCIIoN i L_l ERECT r,rEW STRUCTURE D FAsr rRACK n SHELL n UpFrT E ADo rO EXrST STTUCTURE PH PH Nc R.6;- NC Rt6 x:- ls lood or beverages prepared or served ln lhls struclure?f veslf No ls The Propeny Located ln Ihe Floodplain? f yes li ruo apdlcatlor is { onrlcl aid allwork viillcomply w,lh lh€ Slrlc Suirdi'|q Codc ood 6l other appl,csbte Slaro e Oevelopmen! Sqrulces Cc ttcr w''lbc nolrfied olaly Lhanoes r. lhc opDrovcJ D'd1s dnd snc.rfralonslf; Any Wo.k Pedormod WO lhe ApproprllD Pom,ls w,I frc ln V,olitrcn ol lhoNC S|,JrD Bl(tg Corlu br*J SIGNATURE olSCtAlM€R I tlirct y cc,tiiy l,nar ellh,o,maljon in lhis 6nd locsllarg and odinarror 6nd lo0ulal,ons. Tho Nll or ch.rnoo in conl,s€lor 0,.lntacto, rnlormalion. "'NOSuuc{l10 rinos Up To t500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xetty xooees de{rloanlooolanyr66llryorb(rrdi.r.sooA8l,sibswobs:ro:rr'.v.\x.!i3f:i,.\i1}:r!t{s,-\,rriri!,rrrl TOTAL PROJECT COST: Io00oo TOIAL AREA SO FT ; 61?/ BUILOING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: ./ OF UN]TS H OF STORIES: : 6 Of FLOOIIS: t EXST LANO DTSTUREING pERMtT? -T yES F NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:o SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT E WELL PRIVATE SEPTIC rr:r.'-- ,li. ..1 D E zoNrNG usE cLASSTFTCATTON_ COMMUNITY SYSIEM IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISIURSED: o T] COMMUNITY SYSTEM El..rr*o, r.or,. n ..,,,,''11,:|... WATER ECFPUA SEWER LJCFPUA PAYMENI MEIHOD:r CASH r CHECK (p YABLE TO NHC) r AMERICAN EXPRESS T MCA/|SA r D|SCOVEn zoNEfnF- LoFFTcER {FOR OFFICE USE ON SETBACKS: F'l)/otntt,lp anq)ardC eppr,ouJ11231- ciry DATE FLOOD BFE+2lt ./ "reRnlt ree, ' , OF STRUCTURES: 1 Comment Ciiy lnsfrlion Rqureo, 9l S254-0900 ,a'; I'i' j,,,, '|db APPIICAI{T'S NArlE: Kely xo(&es DIVELOPIR: ltarord Jord.n DESCRIPIIOI, OF I,JORK: los;li;;;;;;;wal and noorrls du€ ro rromdam.so pRopERTy usEi EoFFrcE I nesreuner.rr ! MERCANTTLE! EDUcn Aprn coNoo oTHEh,rur, F.m,,y Aea'1n,or $1-v"r F*p.-*?-altr^/2oa4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL ICA| ION IYPT; COIIII'IEBCIAL pLEAst AN5I{ER ALt q./E5rtoir9 APptlCAStt rO Yqll PRoIECT i'Pr,oject Respons1bt11ty" AEFfrtaTmN Number (0ffl(. ur.) APPLICANT'5 NAr4E: Xe[y Hodges DATE; I 0/19/18 oEvELOPER: Horo]d Jodan - PIIONE S: 256a366 PRO]ECT ADO t(15); 4SOOS ljosdo*sD/unrt 109.i12 LIIYI h/{mington 71P l2ga12 0CCUPANI/BU5It'1E55 l,lAl,1E r sr,rr r',lear.ro,r,,s PRoPERIY otlNER'5 NAIIE i Harotd J.(den and co - PHONE f: 256a63 oWNER'5 ADoRESS I s129 oroenderdr CITY I 611616g16a CONTRACTOfi i Harcld Jordan and co - l-ICEt{S E tr ADDRESS: 51296;666dcrdrsre 201 (ITY: ,,a1161;69166 ST: n" ZIP: 26a65,U,t -O PH0NE f: zseoee PROIECT C0IITACT PERS0l,l: (s1r 11669.' .PIONE r: ((hr(k lll Ih.t Amly) EXIST CONSTRUCIIOTI ll llelocation, is lhere a N : Tl ALTERATIotI n RENoVAIIotI Fl ati?rtcas line on thetdrrcnt Srte? f- 6 GE',IERAL REPAIRS T-'I RELOCAIION l-. No rs BLDG sF\fltKl ERFDfi YesJ- NO tlEH CONSIRUCTIOI,I : L_.1 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ERECI NII,J STRUCTURE ! FAsr rRAc( [ 5HEU. n upFrr ! ADD To Exrsr STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt f,: Is Elect Poxer on thls Bulldlng lE. Yes r.r'. rs THIS A CHA 6E OF oCCUPAflCY USEtr YES lr nO.r.r. IF Yes, khat ras the Prevlous oc(upancy Typel - what ls the Nc!.r oc(upancy r NO Ittfi'OES16T PROFESSIOflAL:NC REG ':NC RE6 S: OISCLAIMERT lhoroDy cediry lhal tll lnlormelion and loclllo\rs andordlnsncos snd rc9uhtions. Torchrnod rn conlrrclor cv conlraclor inlormalioo Suojecllo Frn€r Up To 3500 00"' in his arplication it co(ccl and Ell work will coorply wilh |he Sl,Jto Euilding Codo aod a ll oth€r ,pplic€bh Statc he NHC Ocyclopmcn! Scryicos Ceqlc, wllr Oc nolfied olany chsnocs In tro aoorovcd olan3 anil soccrr(arrcns"'NOTE' Any Wo,k pe.lotmed WO rhc Apgopriarc Porn,[! *i[ b'o n Viorabon ol thoNC SHic Sldg Co{o,rnu Plt T GN DESIGN PRO'ESSIOIJALI.Pilt ts tood or beverages prepared or served in this slruclure?l- Yeslf. No ls The Propeny Localcd ln The Floodplain? f ves Ii uo OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xerty t-tooees TOTAL PROJECT COST. looooo IOTAI- AREA SQ FT: 612r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBEDT m NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o PROPERTY USE f OF UNITS l/ OF STORIES: r d OF STRUCTURES: r H OF FLOO RS: r SO FI EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? ryES liNO EXISIING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PERMIT FEE: : SIGNATURE: dsooll(lon ol 8ny la(ll'ty o. bullding. soo l3bolror wob sllo: f.r !i , nf, ! *rii (rJri r. r lr.fit rs llPsror,,r rF u(r SO FT loFflcE InesmunaNr ! MERCANflLEn EDUcfl Aprn coNDo OTHEltu4uh p6"ril, Apa{me.. wArER. ECFPUA ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM E WELL _D ZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CATTON SEWER. LJcFpuA LJcerurRntseprrc LJ pnrvnte Srprrc LJ colh,rurrrv sysrev pAyMENr MEftrOD. l- CeSx l- CHECK (PAYABLE TO NnC) r. AMERTCAN [xpREss r Mcn/rsA r DlscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) zoNE$LL oFFrcER, .. p(b , sETBAcKs r,NfO .lqf B an_A)e a_UJp Approval: l3,( Cityt t L M DAIE to4t6 FLOOD: _ >a BFE.2lt,_ N (tComment Ciiy lnsprlion Requreo, 91 0254-090,1 -. r: 'l' i;..:.' i.. ':' -. 'm' sr:lf--1Fr![!-- DESCRIPIION 0F I'JORX ; hsla[-;;t;tioo, orywall and foortnq ooo lo slorn damase BUILOING I'IEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR: NEL' HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L IcAr IoN IYPEr Co|4|'IERCIAL PLfASE ANSxtn ALt gJrsrlofiS APPIIC SLE lO YOrJs PSO]ECi "ProJect nesponstbtlf ty" lott-Bor& APPLICATION Nunber (oftl.e U3.) APPLICANT'S NAIIE I Ksny thdsse - PIION! B: 256a96 DATE: 10/1!/18 ZlP l 29412 DEVELOPEfi : Ha,ordJordao PRO]ECT AODt(t55: 4652 91 l,e666,*6 O, uo( 109.112 tIIYi Vr{.t6910n OCCUPAIIT/8USINE55 llAllE : srir lleadoes PR0PERIY 0l,{tlER' S NA}IE: H6re16.1qd36 3.d 6s CITY: q;66n1* - PH0ll! t:2563asg 5T: 6a ZIP:26a95OHNER'S ADORESS: 5r20 Otea^derdr CONIRACT0R: Harotd Jo.dan and co AO0RESS: 5129 oteander d. sta 201 EiIAI L ADDRCSS: khodgcs@hkJconslruclroo co,n _ L ICEfis E f! CITY:,a1n141on . ST: nc ZIP: 20405 PROIECT C0NIAC i-FERSD : Kely 3oje""PHOIE #: ((hack All th.l Apr.ty) rTi.t I5 THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE? T YTS [, IIO ""'IF Yes, irhat eJas the prevlous orcupancy Typel - lfhat ls the NeH o(.upancy Ivoe? ARCH PJ]J OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xetty xooees SIGNATURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect PoBer on thl.s Bulldlng li Yes NOr OTSIGTI PROFESSIONAL: EiIGR 0ESIG PnoFESSIoNAL:-p,l NC BEG tr llC RtG r:- DTSCIAIM E R l he,oby cedrty rhsr ,ll niorma0on n rhis oppliaa on is co.recl 6 nd all wort wall comply u/i& lIo Slaro Buildrno Codo 6nd and locollsw! afld ordrnanccBs6d rcouratbn! ]ho NHC Ooroloomenl So,vices Conlcr *illbo nolrfic{ olonvch6noos in lh6 srrDroved oachanoo in conlroclo. gr co0uactor rnformatlon "'NOIE AnyWort Pcrlormodw/O lhoAppropnale Pcrm'b wiltSo ifi vrolst,oi olrho SubJc'cllo fhee lJp lo Ssm 00"' 3ll olhcl applicable Slate olans and socrilftrhnsNC Sbrs BId! Codc and /I OF SIBUCIURES, I f OF STORIES; 3f OF FLOORS: r - EXST LAND DISTUREING PERMIT? T YES JT NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT DoFFrcE flarsraunarur ! MERCANTLE! EDUCE APT CONDO OTHEIysxlFam,yApadme. I zoNtNG usE CLASS E couuuHrty svsrEr,r @orain sbesroi or nor You n,o ,cquirod lo call lio Nolonal I mlttiod Slandardt {d tla2a.dour Ai PoIu!6nB ll[St lAP, at (919)m7.5950 st lcasr l0 days prlo, to tna {,omolllon ol3ny laciliry or tjujldino Soo Asbaslos Wab Siie nlrri ^r.,n.r, sl!,rl '_ L.!'.r,,,r!lj.-!r$,rr:r onlri IOTAL PROJECI COST lOOOOO TOTAL AREA SO FT : 612, BUILOING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLRI TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: o NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o PROPERTY USE Appror"@city IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD:r CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T MC^/ISA T DISCOVER zoNEf\F. L orrrcEn (fOR OFFICE U5E ONLY) r,Nlg u ttfowlilfrBNI4 BFE+2fl, SEIBACKS FLOO N . PERMIT FEE: :cha t/Comment DATE Ci'ry lnspcclion Regureo, gi&254.0g0,1 ,,1: i:!. I l. ffi,' g*o.-- P*?_-- - PHONE f: 256a396 rxrsT coNsTRUcTroN: E ALTERATT0 f] REAnVATToN El 6ENERAL REPAIRS f] RELoCATToN It Rerocarion, rs the.e a Nalt?6tcas trne on lhet-urrenl srrer l- y'6il- ruo ls BLoc spRIIiKLEREDE YesT Noiiit,t coNslRUcrroN: E ERECT NEl{ STRUCTURE I FASI rRAcK I sHE!r E UPFrr f] ADD r0 EXrST STRUCTURE ACCE550RY SIRUCIURE I ,, OF UNITSI I I 0ESCRIPTION OF l,,l0RX: rn.iliE;r-'-"u"r.' d,y,ur,r"a noor,ns o* ro.ro,'c"."9" ls food or beve.ages pr€pared or served in this struclure?l- yeslf No ls The Prop€rty t.ocaled ln The Floodptah? f yos li ruo WATER NCFPUA T'] COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-'l WELLlJ l_l _ r_J sEwER LJcFpuA Ll celrrRar sEprrc LJ pRrvare seprrc 9t"-,t P.-po 2,>f.-l?oS I--J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLICATION TYPE; COMERCIAL PLEA'E ANShTR ALL Q'JESIIOI]5 APP!ICABII IO YOUN P8O]€CT "Project R€sponslbulty" APPLITATION Nunber (0f*1.. ur.) EI'IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECl CONTAC ihodoosohkiconrtrud,oo com T PERS0tl: xely Hodg6s 2564388 APPLICANT'5 NAfiE i Kelty riods€s DATE: t01st8 DEVELOPER: Harotd Jo.drn - PK)NE {l 256a3s6 PRO] €CT ' !626Slilltvl€adowsDrunn 109.112 ZIPt z}a12 OCCUPANT/8US IflE SS l,lAilE : srirr r,,rcaoows PROPERTY OWNER'S |lAllE: 16p16.16,13n un6 66 -PH0NE fr; 2563a6s O}4N€R'5 ADDRESS: lrzeorsaJ;oi - €ITY: t.r,1m;nslql ST; n6 ZIP;2ga95 C0NTfiACI0R: Harord Jordan snd co LIC ENS E fl AODRESS: 5129 olurnder dr sto 2Or CITY: .7r1h16g1on ST: nc ZIP: 28405 PHOI,IE fl: PHONE f: ACCESSORY 5TRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt I:Is Elect Porer on thls Buildtng lf Yes f N0 ..r.* Is THIS A CHANG€ 0t OCCUPAICY USEar YES Rhat lr tlr he ller 0c<upanayIF Yes, xhat $as the PrevlorrS oc(upancy Typel Ittfi trrrro* Pno'EssroN^L: ENGR oESIGN PROFESSIoNAI:_ SIGNATURE NolaiOonbliiio. nolrr.alion, &arb€llo. remov.l pernlir amliclrJor3.ro lo ic lirbmille{ u.nu lospd,.a ontolm (DrlUS.3,168) wnether rho lacjlit! or uu(ling was tou TOTAL PROJECT COST: r0oooo Exrsr cor{sTRUcTrol: rr ALTERATToN n REilifi'I;ll 'li\T?'ilro, REpArRs rr RELocaTroN rtRerocalron.isrhoreaNahijlGasLinconrhobJrrcntSirc?; #;- ru" tsBtDc srhlT[klEnEDfi yest- Noll€W CONSTRUCIION;f] EREcr NEk sTRUcruRE I rasr rRAcx ! sHErr I upFrr I ADD ro Exrsr 5TRUCTURE PII: NC RTG {: PII: N' RF6 '] OESCRIPTION 0F !,JORK: 16efiiffiffi. drywa,t6nd roo,n! duo ro lrorm dsmago ls lood or beverages propared or served io this skuclure?l- Yeslf No ls The Property Located tn Tho rloodplatn? I- y". li lo D,SCLATMER' I heroDy cc,l't lhar oI rnlormation ln lnis appllcal,on i! snd loc€llaws gnd ordmsncgs and lat0ulslbns lho Nllc oevcloralo or ch.nqa in conuaclo,9t ttluactor m,ormarron "'NOTE Any Wort Suhccllo Frnos Up To t500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xerry xooees corrcct and allworl willcDmply \errh lhe State B'rildrng Codc and aI other €lplicabto Starenr Serylces Ccnlor wllbc netficd olanv chanoca rn the aooroycd otsns snd soec'hstionsPerrormcdw o lI0 Approp,ialc FClmil5 wil Li! hvioraron o{thcNc slsto 8ld0 code sn,, co.'b'. Asbostos or nol You 6re raquned lo crtl lho N8l(Y1al Emrsslon sta.dard3 lo, tlorardous Air PollulanB (l{EsMP) ar (919}707-5950 al teasl l0 days onor to ths domolnOn ol any laallily o, drtrdi.O. Scc Asbcatos Wet, Siror .r, . ^-r , ! r; 5r r.i :. ! r rf,iJri'sr ) I d rr., r trt ,r i OF FLOORS EXSI r-AND DTSTURBTNG PERMIT? r yES Jr NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAi o SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD CASII T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T MCMISA T DISCOVER BUILOING HEIGHI SO FT PER FLR:TOTAL AREA SO FT: or27 Jl OF UNITS] l/ OF STORIES: 3 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: o zorue$F-LorF,cER OTb ,= :::T;T$:::'ila LH tlA RHNIg App.ovat. Ol< Cr.y: ILH DATElolbl A FLOOD: X f OF STRUCTURES:1 SO FI PROPERTY USE: DOFFTCE IneSrnUnar.rr ! MERCANTITEn EDUCL ApTn CONDO OTHEIM,n, Famry ^parrnlef....WATER SEWER EcFpuA lcoMMUNtTy SYSTEM l-l WELL r-'l ZONTNG USE CLASS Ecroun E cerurnel se prrc fl luore sr"r,c E- Tou,,,ruury sysren, N B_a.lb BFE+2fr, PERMIT FEE: :Comment Ciil,lnr*" Oqutieo, 9iu2o4.uyu,j ,lt-- t{-*^ R--rl^--- 2O l8- |z8>9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERIYIIT AppL I CAT IoN IypE.. COIiII1ERCIAL 9LEAST ANSHER ALL QUE5II0N5 APpLICAALE ',rO YqJR tRO)fCr "Project Responslblllty" AP"FffrtrfroN tlu ber (offl(. ur.) APPLICANT'S NAhE: xotty nooges -DATE r 10/ l9/ l8 ofVELOPER: ria,ord Jo.dsn - PlOllE S: 256a366 PRO] ECT : 4608 srfl Meadqrs or unit 109.r 12 zlP| 26a12 PR0PERTY 0WNER'S NAI1E: xarotd Joroan ana Co _ PH0NE $l 256yss oliNER'S A0DRESSt 5129 oteandor dr . CITY: yq16*1-ST: 66 2IP:2s65 C0 TRACT0R: ltarod Jordan and co . LICENSE f: ADDRESS: Sl29oteandord, ire 20t - CITY: *rmnor; EiIAIL AD0RESS; tnodgcs@htlcon slruclion com - PlOllE fi: 256as6 PR0IECT CONIACTIEFSON: r(oly 6odsc"PTONE *: Shte 6!ildln0 Cod6 and all olho. applicrblo Sbte OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rery ttooees SIGNATURE: (O'eldbn {Ptln| ,r'., Not€j Domor .o oourtalion. & os0€slo6 ,€floral p€rml .pdrc.loot alg b n€ slbmitled uslng 0'o .pplicalon lo.m (DH!.lS-3r6€)lher he faCilaly or blJilding wss lo!.d to dcftor[on o, 6ny ,rc'lity or Olihino Soo A5!€slos Wcb S' !s 1.r , r',, \'r)( , 'r -o rl,, I IOTAL PROJECT COST, !OOoOo TOTAL AREA SO FT : or?r ond local laws sndordlnances snd .cgultlions. Iho or chanoe ifl (onlra(lor or conuador mlormalon "' Subledlo Frnos Up To 1500 00 ' lhis rppllcdtionlsljrrroclr,ndsllworkwill complywjththe N HC Dr,vc loDmonl Ser llres CaI rar wll bc norifiod ol a nv,{O It'Any Wort per,orrned w/O tho ADprop,lalc Pcrmrlschiinoos rn ho snDroye( olang ond sDccificswillSc hVlolariori oflh€ NC Srato AldO Cod If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt s;Is Elect Polier on thls Suilding l- Yes f N0 .r,.. rs THts A cHtNcr 0F oCCUPANCY USE?T yEs f-.. n0..... IF Yes, t{hat rias the previols Occupancy lype? - Hhat 19 the tleer Occupanty IX€fi toruro* PRor EssroriAl I PH PH llC Rt6 tr NC RTC ':-EN6R DESIGN PRoFESSIoIAI":- DESCRIPTI0N 0F IOR( : 1631311 rcutrto.r, (,rywat end noo..flg c,ue lo ilorm d6,nags ts food or bevcrages preparcd or served In lhis structuro?l- veslf. No ls The P.operty Located ln The Floodplsin? f ves F Ho DISCLAIMEn: Ihcrcuy cfllity lhol alln otmatio0 in AUILDING HE16HT SO TI PER FtR d OF STORIES: 3 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ,, OF STRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTURBE D: E EXST LAND DTSTURB|NG pERMtT? f- VrS li r.tO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT # OF FLOORST i- WATER: ECFPUASFWFR LICFPL'A COMMUNITY SYSTEM TI WELL TI ZONING USECLASS CENTRAL SEPTIC L'- PRIVATE SEPTIC LI COMMUNITY SYSIEM IFICATION FLOOD L-----__x_ BFE+2t|,AVN PERMIT FEE: ] r,AYM€NI METHOD f CASH f CHECK (pAyABL€ To NHC) f- AMER|CAN EXPRESS [- MCA/|SA f Dtscov[R L orr,"u , OTe (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ulo .lrulr+ anNlOa p1@ ,.ii-i]li!,]']lil.l]]..l'''.ili.'.,i|l,l,.i,.:,i'.1.'i'.i:: SETBACKS: FzoN Approval Commenl City DATE Ciiy lnspnction REuneo, 91 &254.0400 ,..'.'r':)l: 1' 'l 'i.ffi. OCCUPAiII,/BUSItltSS NAl4! : Sl,1 Meadows 5T: 66 ZIP; zgaos ((ne.k All rhdt Apply) ExIsT CoNSTRUCTIo T ! ALTERATION n REilovArloll fJl GEi{ERAL REPAIRS l-l RELoCATIoN I netocarion is rhero a Nalura-t Gas Line on rhet-u(enr sirc? f *if No ts BLDG sPJTIilKt FREDTIE Yesf NoiiE},,l coNslnucTroN: ! EREcr N€r4 sTRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcx n sHELL I upFrr I aDD To Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE r pRopERry USE: DOFFTCE I nrsraunerr ! MERCAN LEI EOUCfI APTD CONOO OTHErr,,r*3gg1gger ,, OF UNITS: 5k^E-<fc---')otg-abft NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION IYPE, COI4IIERCIAL PLEASt ANSBER ALr QUESrloiS APpllCAEat IO YdJn PROIECT "Project Responslblllty" ; 450,t SrrllMeadow! o. unrr 109.112 OCCUPAiJI/BUSIIIESS NAHE : S11raeaooqs PRoPERTV OWNER'S NAIIE: a,ord Jo.dan.nd co OWNER'S ADORESS: 5r2s orsandsr dr CITY: y11m,691qn C0IITRACT0R: Harold Jordan and co LICEI.ISE fi: ADDRESS: 512961€n6sr61316261 . CITY:yrilrnln!ton Plot'lE ZIP: 26a65 APPLICATION Nunber (0tft(. use) APPLICAIT'S NAIIE: 161y 166ese _PHOflE f: 256a3s5 DATE: r 0/19/18 ZIP | 2}an DEVELOPER: tia.old Joroan PRO] ECl E AIL /IDoRESS: rhoosesohhcon;trt; corn - PH0NE fl 255366 ST: 6s ZfP:2saq5 :256.380 T I #NEHOPPROI€CT C0NTACT PER50N: x"1, po6n"" ((hect all !h.t &ply) EXIST CoNSTRUCTIoN: fl ALIERATToN r-1 REibVATror.l 17GE ERAL REPATRS r-l RETOCATTOiI tt Retocalion, rs rhero a Narii;t cas Line on lheHurrenr Sire? ; B;- r'ro ts eLoc spldlfi*t rnrDfi ycs[- NoiiEl.l coNsrRucrroN: fl En€cr NEr4 srRucruRE IrAsr rRAcx f] sHErr n upFrr ! aDD To Exrsr STRUTTURE ACCESSoRY SIRUCTURE r Is Elect Power on thts Buildin8 li Yes f N0 *4..r rs ]|{Is a aMNG€ 0F occuPANcY use?T yEs li. no.*... IF Ye5, what ua5 the Provlous o<(upancy lype, - l.lhat ls tha lleH occ.lpnn(y Tvoel ANCH DESIGII PROfESSIONAL:PH: NC RtG ,:PH:- Nc Rt6 r:- If UPFIT - Ihe Shell Permlt l,: €NGR OESIGN PROF'55IONAL:. DESCRIPTION 0F l,lORK : 1,1s161 ln3u1suon. dryw.g and fiooring duo lo storm demsoo ls food or beversges prepared or served ln lhis strucluro?l- vesli.lto DlscLAllvEn' I hoaeby Ced,t lh8t 6u lnlo rurion,n thiS Applrcalbn rs collc(l end 6ll rrorl and locll lans and ordinancos ond .eoulalon s Thc N HC Oevcloomcnt serylcca Ceatcr vr or chanoe lnconlrocloroi conrtsctor i-nlorm6$on "'NOTE AT/ Wo,* Performed W,'O lllosublecrlo Fims up To 3500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xetty rooees ls The P.operty Locared tn The Ftoodprain? f yes li lto wrllcomply wllnlle Slale Bu d,ng Codr an.l otr othq apptrcBbro Ststc ill Uc notlicd ol6ry chanaos ,n lho eDoroved otan! snd smrrtrrtbnsApp,optr6te Pcrm,lswrl6a in Voriludi ollho NC Slnro Sldg Codesnd SIGNATURE: COMMUNITY SYSTEM r C^SH J- cHccx lerrvlot-E ro NHc) l--AMERTCAN EXPRESS l- rVrCryrSa [- DISCOVER (FOR OFEICE USE ONTY) FICER 01tr SETBACKS: F: ,y'h LHNIgRHNIb AN)A FLOOD:-BF E+zft , OF UNITS n OF STORIES: s 'TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ll OF STRUCTURES: r ,l OF FLOORSI i ACRES DISTURBED: O EXST LAND DISTUREING PERMIT? T YES Ii NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA SQ FTNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o pRopERTY USE: LOFFTCE I nesmuneNr I MERCANTTLEI EDUCI APrfl CONDO OTHElum ranlty lpanmer f1 ZONING USE CIASS'FICATION denrolirlr{l ol rtry laolily o, buildin! see Asoono! web site. tr '| tlr i!;J I n lri1',r' -.r!ail,'rrr'rrr'1ir t'i' l TOTAL PROJECI COST, lOoooo ToTAL AREA SQ ft : 612, BUILDING HEIGHI SO FT PER FLR: WATER ECFPUA SEWER: L'CFPUA '''i. PAYMENT ME TI iOD: zorue:Y\Y{or App,ouaT--E-{ Tl COA4[4UNITY SYSTEM TI WELLl-JE "r*roo,- sutl," D "*vnrr sFPrtc E N +PERMIT FEECAanConrmonl city:_LLu-D{rE Ci[ lnpcclion hquueo, glt]2c4-ui[J,] -,; ., t. ,':: ,: i,. 't', . dR,m' . CIIY: I i I I iJt'i ''i; m'' €-/o.^ F*p lu?- t?c'z b<r. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLI.ATI1H IYPE: COMI;IERC IAL PLtaSE AIS*!R ArL g./ESTIoIJS APPLICASr.E IO YqJR PRoIE(l "Project Responslblllty" ' {52'0 SIril Meedoris 0r un{ 109-112 oCCUpANT/BUSINESS NAIIE : s[ r rrleaao*s PROPERTY OWllER' S NAI1E: Haroid Jorden andCo oI^INER'5 AD0RE55: 5t29 oroand€, dr CITY:1y1611n1o1 CONTRACTOR: Herotd Jordan ar.t .o LICEI'I5E f: ADORESS: 5129 olurnderdr sle20l CITY: *i61*son EIiIAI L E55 ; rr,odgu"@ltttiron"t."t* -.rtPR0lEcT co TACT ?Ensoflt i;l-y iod'eg AFFETATTdN t{unlber (0trt(c ute) APPLICANT'S NA!4E; ssny s6696s 0ATE I 1o/19/10 0EVEL0PER: HarotdJordan PRO] ECT -PHONE f: 25643sa _ PHOI{E f: 2563asg 5T:,6 2IP:26aq5 5T: n" 21P: 26495 . PlOilE f: 256a36g PHONE f: EXIST CONSIfiUCTION: ll Relocation. is there a NaE arrERAlrori turalGas Line on lhe ((ha(l Alt tn.i Apply) R E TIOVAI IOII u(enl rSile?es GENERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATION I-. No tsBrocs,t xLrnLDfi ycs[- NotIEI,I CONSTRUCTION:n EREcr rEr.r STRUCTURE n FA5T rRAcK n sHErr n upFrr n ADD To ExrsT sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCIURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Pe.mit lrr Is EIeCt Power on this Buildin8 lf. Yes NOr..r.. rs rHrs A CHA GE 0f occup^t{cy usE}r yEs l-| 10..... It Yet, rJhat wat the P.evlous o(cupancy Typel _ l{hat ls the NeH oc.upan(y It8fi'o*ron PRoFEssro rLI El{GR DtStGN PROr ESSIOiIAL :, Plt PH ilc ntc f: NC REG tr:- DESCRIPTION OF IIORI(: l^stall nsulatron, drywan and lloorlnO duo lo slorm damago ls lood or bove.ages prcpared or served in lhis structuro?l- Yosli tto ts the Property locatcd ln Tho ftoortptain? J- Yes E ruo 0lSCIAIMEn: l nerebyccrUfylhar0lllnfo{mnlio{r Bft.l locallaws ondordilsncos ond requlalions. I o, chanoo m conlrucro, o. conlraclor mlormationSubicrllo Ftrrcs Up To 1500 00"' in lhis apdicalio.ls co,rcal ond allwofi wjllcompl, withthc Slate Burtdrng Codo snJ sU olhe. spptcaue State ho N{e oe,/Eloprncnl sqr vrc€s cctlo, wdlbo notfred olanychanges tn uto s0D.ovcd oran! 6nd 3oecitrcauons"'NOTE' An/ Wo,k Pcdormcd llil//O rhe Approprisre lcrm,te wll6c,n Vda06i ol rhc NC Srat ! Bld! Cadn snd OWNER/CONTRACTOR : xotry noas"SIGNATURE ACRFS DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAr o EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? TYES JTNOSQFI EXISTINC IMPERVIOUSAREA: SO FT cod6 n arbssr,os or nor. Yo! aro roqunod !o carl0ro Nslronal Ernlailoo siadard! lor llazardous AI PouuBnrs (lG stl,\P) al (919)70/.5950 €t lersr 10 @ys !.br to th6 de.rolnD{ o, 6ny l6<i[ly o. hrldrno se. Asb6!l,o! web silo rr r;: r!, r .. L sr.u ] . rJ!fl)i .Bt|c r:.s/. _ r i! f 'n . TOIAL PROJECT COST; i000oo EUILDING HEIGHT: flOFUNITS: WAIER NCFPUA sEwER. tlcFPUA PAYMENT ME TIIOD: E COMMUNIIY SYSTEM CENIRAL SEPTIC E fl WELL PRIVATE SEPTIC fI D ZONTNG USE CLASStFICAT|ON COMMUNITY SYSTEM N , PERMIT FEE: : f cAsH f cHECK (pAvABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN ExpnEss f MCMtsA f DtscovER ITOR OFFICE USE ONLYI zorueN\E Lorncpn Approvsl:___l2X_ City:j..ttru_ DATE TBACKS: F:,y'/A LH II IA RH N]AFLOOD: V B_N)9 BFE+2ft' SE aCommgnt Ciiy lnspcclion Requrreo, 9l$2b4.0g0d .(TIY:lrP,,2u12 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 6rar SO FT PER FLR: C OF STOR|EST 3rorel se rr unoeRE66F-- noF srRuc IUREEii- roFFLooRS: i- PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE ! neS'rnUnerur I MERCANTTLEI EDUCE AprD coNDo oTHEtraunr Fam,ry Apa,r,nef ,/.,p'i,rl,_ m, Ao-,^ (,-p 7c>17,'l'Zc\bLl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{IT APP L IcAf ION TYPE; COMIiIERCIAL PI-EA5I AIIsHES ALL QUESIIOXs APPLICAEIE IO YOUR P8O]I(T "ProJect Iesponslblllty" . .166,1 Sl'llMerdom Or unrr 109-112 oCCUPAi|I/BUS I NE 55 tlAllE: sru rrreaoo,"s PR0PERTY OIINER'S NA!1E i Harotd Jordan ard Co OHl.lER'5 AODRESST 5129oreanr,e.dr . CITY: 961ny6g1q1 CONIRACI0R; Harotd Jo.dan and co _ LrcE St s: CITY: *1.hglqn-ADDRE55: srzg oreanaer or lte z0r EftAIL A0DRE5S : khodges@hlcoosll:clrm com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: 66xr 11669u" (Che(l All ll'.t Arrly) Itr8fi loutrcn PRoFEssroNAL r Ell6R DESIGN PRoTESSIoNAL:- AFPr?CITI-6N l{umber (offt.e U3o) APPLICATIT'S NAIIE : 16ny 166geg - PtiOl{E fi: 256a366 ZIP't 2g,112 0EVELOPER: Ha(oldJordan PRO] ECT _ PH0NE f; 2563agg ST: 7E ZIP;2sas5 - PtOl,lE f : 255a366 PHONE f: EXIST C0i/STRUCIIou: E ALrERATloti l--l REAIOVAIIoN f?l tl Rclocarion, is lhcro a Nari;;, Gas Line on tnetirrent Silez ;- *i 6ENERAL REPAIRS T''I RELOCATION l- No rs 8LDG sphi{KLEnED-li vesl- No tIEW COI,ISTRUCTION:n ERECr NEr.r STfiUCTURE D FASr rRACK E SHELL E UpFrr !ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTUNE: If UpFIT - The Shell Permlt S: Is El€ct PoHer on this Euildlng ,i Yes f ilo .lrr. tS THrs A cHAitGE 0F oCCUpAflcy USEtf yES l-. rro.i... IF Y€s, Hhat srs the Previour o.cupancy Typcl _ Uhat ls the tler occupan.y PHi NC 8EG r: PH r- C REG o:- DESCRIPTIOTT 0F hORl( : lolra rnsulaLon. drywaltand tloorang du€ to rtorm damago _ ts lood or boverages propared or served in rhts structuro?f- vesla No ls Tho Propony Located ln Tho Floodplain? f yes li f'to DISCt AIM E n l hcre b, clr !& lhot all nlorna llon rr ll s appric6lton is correll and all wort wil comply with lho 6rd krcsllsrs and oril'nonccs ond rc.oulo0ons thcNHC Devcloomcnl Scrvrcrs Ccnle.mllbc nolrl'cd ol elv or chanoc rn clntaclor o. @ntractor i,ormalion "'NOTE Any wort Pedormed WO lh6 prropnate Pclnrb Sub,ccrlo F,ncs Up To S500 00"' Sbto Building Codo and allorhcr apptrcablo Stalc chanoe3 in lho lDoiovod olans and loocwill6c In voloron ol thcltc St6tc BldO Codo OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xeny Hooee"SIGNATUFE Nord O.nnrilon norrlcarions t asb€sros re,t)ovsl po nll ,pplicoliors 6r o lo bo subn'itled usino te agplical rcr lo,n {Ol ll 15.3768)olher fio f.riilyor buildino wa! ioonn ro conEln Asbesros or ior. You ore r€quircij lo callUr6 Narionsl Emission Slandards lor ll.r.rdou3 Ai, Polrohnb (NtSttAP)al (919)707.5950 l!.sr 10 days pror ro $e drholiuon ol 3ny lasiry or bu,rdin! Seo Asoeslos lYob Silo: alrf r:r{ rf' sF\tni ,<.t I i}..':<l:;i .'*9 nh! rOTAL PROJECT COST rooooo TOTAL AREA SO FT : 6r?/ BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: TOIAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBEDT o NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA o PROPERTY USE noFFrcE ! ne srnunarur I I OF UNITS # OF STRUCTURES: r ,, OF SIORIES: 3 f OF FLOORS: r EXSr LAND DTSTURB|NG pERMtl? .r yES lr NO SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SO FT MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHEtuuq Famty Apatune. Rl{v FLOOn WATER .lCFPI.JA T-1IJ I-J sEwER L]CFPUA LJ COMMUNITY SYSTEM I)AYMf NT MfTI]OO:r CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T- AMERICAN EXPRESS T McfuISA T DISCoVER CENTRAL SEPlIC D Tl WELL Tl ZONTNG USE CLASSTFTCATTON pRrvATE SrpTrc LJ covr,,,turlry sys rrrv '..):. t... .i zoNEhqY.LoFrIcER. DTb {FOn O SE FFiCE USE ONLY) IBAcKs; F.l(/E LHNfA BNJA BFF +?h.Approvarr__l2ll_ City ll PERMIT FEE: :commont $ DAT Ci ry lnsp.xlion Rquueo, 9 1 S254ff00 .DATE I t0/r9./t8 . ST: rc ZIPi 28a05 I tj 5-l-kp*.-'1-ot8* lZ OQ: aFrrIfArrdx Nunber (Ofrt.. u'.) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcAtIoN rYPtr Coltl.tERCIAL FrEA5r ANsl{rR ALL glE5rlofl9 APPLICASTE TO YOJR rf,OlECt "project Re!ponslblllty" APPLICANT' S NAliE: K6xy 11669g9 .DATE i 1tvr9/18 DEVELoPER I r|a otd Jordan PRO]ECT ' a66O StllMoado#3 O. unit 109-112 0CCUPANT,/BUSITJESS NAIi{E r sn[ Mcado*s - PllOt{E fl; 255ag3-----zrq,.r", PR0PERTY Ol.lNER'S NAME i 11erord Jodnn 6nd co - Ptl0 E lr 25s3.10s OI,INE R '5 ADDRESS: 512s oloander dr . CIIY: Wtmrngton ST: 66 ZIP:2sas5 ((hork rll rhat arply) ExIsT cotisrRucIIot{: D ALIERATIoI{ l-l REI{ovAIIot{ l7l6EI{ERAL RtPArRs [l RELoCATI0I{ rf ncrocalron. rs rhere a Norii;r Gas r.ine on rhct"urrenr Srrc? ;- Vad;- r.ro tS aLoc; Sphfuxte RED?tf yesf No r.iEH coNsrRucrroNr ! rnecr NEUJ STRUCTURE D FAsr rRAcK D sHELr D uprrr ACCESSORY STRUCTUR!: ADO TO EXIST STRUCIURE CONTRACT0R: Harcrd Jordan.nd co - I.ICENSE f: AD0RESS : 51296s6nd616; 516 2g1 CITY: w,|nrnol;5T: nc ZIP: 2s105 EflAIL TOORESS : thodg€s@hrlconsrructor com _ Ptl0NE f; 256as6 PROIECT C0NTACT PERSON: son, ne46..PHONE #: If UPFIT - Thc 5he11 Pcrmit :Is Elect po!rcr on this Euilding lf. Yet r.N0..rrl rS Tttrs A ct|ANGE 0F oCCUpAtiCy Usrtf yas li. t0 r.r.. If Yes, rrhat lJa5 thc Prcvlous Oc(upan.y Type? - Hhat is the tler o(rupan(y IItfi rorsrcn PRoFEssror{aL r NC RTG X: tt( RtG l:-ETIGR DTSIGN PNOFE55IONAL:.. DfSCRIPTION OF IJ0RK I 1651s11 l6sulstioo. dryv.afl snd floonno dle lo slo.m damage ts lood or beverages prepared or served itrlhls structure?f- yesF lo ls The Property Localod ln The Floodptain? l- vu, li No PH PH DISCLAIMER lhereby certt lhar all inlormauon m $'s appl'catlon is afrl bc&r hws stul udlnan Bs and,c'oulolbns The NHC Durcloorne orchanoo m conlraaror oi conLsclo, r-ntormalon " NOIE Any Wort SuDle(r1o Flno3 Up To t500.00"' core.l aod all work will comply wirh the Staro SUil(,ro! Codc oM nl Services CenlgrvrtllUe rrol,fioJ olanv uhoDoos rn ho andovedPcrlormcd WO rho Aooroorlsro Pemilswrlfu rl Vo'ariot ol ho 6ll olher applicablo Stdto rrans andsDeofuauons NC SLrie AIdq Code aod cdlsl. Asbestos or.ot. You s.o.c{unod lo cal Oe Nrrion l E m3!io. Sl3 tdard$ lor liarardou3 Ak Pol0lants llf SHAP) et 1919)707.5950 ar le.sl 10 d.r! Fior lo tne demotdion ol any Lofly o. boilrino so€ AsDoslos wot sno hr r. ; ,'r'r .. ljrri,, :- i rs rt rsrr:)siosilhn! hrri BUILOING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: 0WNER/CONTRACTOR: xerry Nooses SIGNATURE: lqErtn) tPml rla,..l II OF UNITS ,, OF SIORIES: 3 # OF Fl OORS '# OF STRUCTUREST r ACRES DISTURBEDT s EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES Ji NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FINEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE Inesreunnrur I MERoANTTLEn EDUC[I APrn coNDo OTHEIT'.rte11 p2,11y 6pa,!n.. {toR ofrlcE usE oNLY) WAIER NCFPUA T-IIJ TJsrwra LJcrpurr LJ COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-'I WELL CLN IRAt SEPTIC I.-J PRIVATE SEPTIC fl zoNrNG usE cLASsrFrcATroN n coMt"tultrrv sysrsr,a '..,i.'ii r' ,Iir,! -.a.i,:.: ,, r!;i'l|i:..r! r,, il'i l.ir t,iil l:i '. ri r PAYMENT METHOD: T CASII T CHECK (PAYABLE TO N C) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T MC r'ISA T zorur\FLor App,oraT]ffi-ciry: r tE olr,{io}nl$ FICER ()L sErBAcKs Ft4A_LHah R B_Arh BFE+2It H FLOOD N PERI.4IT FEE: :Comment Ciiy inspcctron Requreo, 9l &254-'IErl DISCOVEN CI IY: TOTAL PROJECT COST, IOOOOO TOTAL AREA SQ FT : dr2? TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:I Slo,*, 7n7-'.-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIO1I ryPf ; CoHfiERCIAL kot? )'/b@ I,..'1':,'-t ;'1',.. ;.../ ,, \:r.., ,: J.i'ffi PERMIT pr€AsE aNsrER aLL QUESTIOUS APPIICA8IE r0 yOUt PSOlt(r 'rProject ResponsIbIltty" AFFTTCTTTo l{utnber (ofllce ure) APPLICAHT'S l{AllE : 661y 1166e6e oATE: 1U19/10 oEVELOPER: tta.otd Jordan -PHONE I: 256a3SS PRO]ECT A : 4656 St.[ Meado\m Or un,t 109-1't2 , Llt ZIP i 26412 0CCUPAfII/BUSII{ESS l,lA}l€ I 9 r Meaoo*s PROP ERTY 0t,NE R,, 5 llAllE :,iarotd Jo{dan sncr co _ PHOtlE X: 256y66 ot,lNER'5 AoDRESS : 5t29Orcsndo.dr COiITRACT0R: larotd Jordan and co ADDRESS : g129 6;g6nds 6r.1. 201 EMAII ADDRESS I thod0os@hkponslru.r,on com CIIY: y661191e6 CITY: 1q,r1;11g1o6 ST:6 ZlP:26a65 STI n6 ZIP: 26a65 . LICETSE f: - PH0l'lE f: 2564366 Pfl0lECT C0NIACI PERSON: 6gxr 1166*"PHOTJE S: ((he.k Ali rhat rrpty) ExIsT cot{srRucrloN: fl atIERATIot{ J-l REilovATIoN l-71 GENERAL RIPAIRS T'l RELoCATIoN rf Rerocarion, is rhere a Nari?;l cos Linc on rhotirrent Srte? [ 6[ ruo lS BLDc sCHT&KtERED-fi Yesl- NoiIEI,J CONSTRUCTION:n ER€cr NE!{ STRUCTURE ! FAsr rRACK n SHELL f] uerrT t] ADD To ExrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSONY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit ,l: DISIGN PROFTSSIONAL: Is Elect Polier on this Building lf Ycs f N0 '1r.. rs mrs A CHANGE 0F occupAflcy usErr yEs lr. m r.*,, If Ye5, rhat ra! the Prevloui o.(upancy lype? _ tlhat is the Neu oc<upan.y IXTfiI NC RE6;;- H( RrG *:- Plt: TN6R OESIGN PROFESSIONAL!,, PH: ls tood or beversges preparcd or served an thls structure?l- ysslf. No ls The Propeny Locsled lo Tho Floodplain? f yes lf ruo ond locolla s andordlndnco3 atrd,€oulallons Ths or chanoe ln conlrscto, o. conlrcdor lilormation "' Suble(t 10 Frnos Up To 3500 00"' oISCLAIIIER: I hcrcby certrly lhal all inlormolion in lhis opplicsljoo ls corecl snd.ll*olt willcomply witr hc Nrlc Oeveloomenl Servkes Cenler lalll bc nol,l'ed olan'NOTE' ny Wo,l Pcrlo,med WlOrhc Applopllare Pcnnrbchrnqos in lnc approvodw ll be rn Vi.lal'on 6l lhn St !s ouildlng Code 6nd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xerty xooee"SIGNATURE: {arJdid) {t,lFrNdic) Ahro: Oormlitlon norilkations t 63beros renroval pcnr* rpplca&n! a,o o D€ sltrnilcd ,sfnq tho apdicarioo ,orn (OHHS-37G8) x,nah bclity or Duildno r6s lound to conlah sbasro6 o. oor. You aro,oqutod lo callrho Nalloorl Efllrslon sbndards lor llaaardoosA, PoluEnls (t{EsHpl at {919)707.5950 et l€e3t lodays lrbr to lh. dornoldron o, anl l..lit o, br,rldino sco Asboiro! wob sie tnc i n-r^ nrr sbre af,r1.irrr6..jr01rat.i1, hrar IOIAL PROJECT COST looooo TOTAL AREA SO FT orur NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o Approval: 0L City: lLm OATE lo FTOOD U AUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: , OF STRUCTURES:' d OF UNITS: , OF SIORIES:;- f OF FLOORS: i-- EXST LAND DTSTURB1NG pERMrr? ryES JiNO SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FI OTHEI;1e1x 63n,'1, 4rr,1-". SETBACKS: F RH IOTAI SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: o PROPERTY IJSE floFFrcE flnrsrnunrr.rr I MERcANflTEf] Eoucn ApTn. coNDo WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM n WELL _E ZONTNG USE CL SS U cerurnal se prrc LI pnrvnrr srprrc l-l- cor,.tuur.ltv sysreu zor.rEf\Y-Lornrcen: ffle irix LH /'/A ,il E IFICATION ' :,'ii,r'i,tiiiri_.r;., rr,,.:'.!1 i,ii,.,..i,r:r_4.,i,,:r::,,!..1 r .. PAYMENT METHOD CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE-TO NHC) T- AMERICAN EXPRESS T MC^/ISA T DISCOVER BFE+2ll' Comment 6|"yj.l 4. City np?clic)n rco,910-254.0900 N . PERMIT FEE: : DESCRIPTION OF TJORK: 16.]jfrfr1f,frfrr^,a1a,14 Roorins du€ lo srorm dsmaoo. {FOR OFflCE USE ONLY) ll:..r;t : >7o 1e,2ot8-l;caY NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERI{IT APPLICATIOH IYP€ r CoI'$1ERC IAL PLEASI AJIISI{IE ALL QUEStIONS APP!ICASLT TO YdJN P8O]ECI "ProJ€ct Responslbllity" : 4516 sril Mea.bws Dr un( 109-112 W,tlxnglo.) 0CCUPANT/8USINtS5 llAllE: srtr neaoorvs PRoPERTY olll'lE8' S l{AliE: Harotd Jodan rnd co 0tlNER'5 ADDRESS: 5129oreand€r(,r CITY: qa;a1a916n C0ITRACIORI ltarotd Jodan enc, c,. LICENSE Sl CITY: *61,1n1oi---ADDRESSi 512g 6162n6s161s16 291 EMAIT ADDRESS : rhodgos@hr!.onstruchon com pRoJEcT coNTAcT tEFmn r Ke y riods"s AFFIICITI-oN Nudber (ofat(c usc) APPLICANT'S NAHE: xenr 1 0EVEL0PER: Harotd Jo.dan PRO]EC T oATE: lo/19/!8 -Plloll€ Sl 25613s3 ZlP l 2ga12 - Pll0NE lr 2563a36 Sli nc ZIP | 2uos 5T: n" ZIP; 2sa65 -Ff,ONE *:2564388 PHONE f: If UPfIf - The Shell Pernrit {Is Elect Porer on this Buildln8 Jf Yes f N0 .*r. rs THrs A CHANGE 0F oCCUPANCY USEIr YES lr. tO r."*r IF Ycs, rhat was the prevlols occupan(y Typel _ tlhat ls the Ne,, occupancy IX8fi ?oesror PRoFEssroNAL:PH: 8NGR oEsrcfl P8oFtsstoMt r-- Px NC REG II: ItC RtG r:- DESCRIPIION 0f l€RX: lnrli]lffiffillf,*o,r and noonne dus to storm damas€ ,s lood or bsveragos propa.od o. served in lhis struclure?l- yesF ruo ls Tho Propeny Located ln The Floodptain? f yes li ruo DISCL^IMERT lhereby cerljly lhal sllinlorn|8lion rnoftl k'.ol lsws and o.d inancas ond rmuhlions Tho ot chrnoo In conlraclor or (on[ador hrormalion "'sub,ocllo Flnca Up To 3500 00"' thrr applicaUon rs cofiacl aftl all work willcompl, with tio NHC Dc!alooncnl Sorylcos Cenrer w l bo nol'ficd otEivNOIE Any Wo,r Pc.lormcd w/O thc Approflrialo PeimlLs chsnocs in thc aDD.ov€r.l ulans wlllD'o rn Vlolauori ot El,JC S or applicablo Stale Ldra 8ld0 code 6nd st8ro Euarding cde end aI ottl # OF UNITS d OF STORIEST s fl OF STRUCTURES: r fl OF FLOO RS: I EXSr LANO OTSTURBTNG pERMtT? ryES JiNO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: So Fr OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xerry ttoaqes SIGNATURE Norcr Ooorolirion noliflcatlons e arboltor rcmovol pomir applkalEns aro lo bc submirred urno tho olrri(,lroo lofir (Ol il do,nol,ion rrant la.r,ly o. btiiring Seo Asb€i6 Web Sile \:rr'.1nir i,,r.' 1;roi! rrl,\hi'n,rrii rir' TOTAL PROJECT COST IOOoOo TOTAL AREA SO FT . orat BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED o NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: q PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE I nesraunerlr I MERCANTILE EDUCI.APTE coNDo oTHEtyLrh Fa41 y Arartmer WATER T.ICFPUA TI COMMUNITY SYSTEMt-/ lJ sEwER EcFPUA Ecu*r^ol seolc ! N WELL PRIV^TE SEPTIC f]D ZONTNG USE CLASStFtCATTON COMMUNITY SYSTEM -. .., ii r.l, : :, , . ., -i,: 1 , PAYMENI MEII.IOD CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC} T- AMERICAN EXPRESS T MC^/ISA T DISCOVER (FOF OFFTCE USe ONLY) ZONE\[*LOFapp,ouifl-FICER;SETBACKS: F FLOOD :NfD nilfp nu BW BFE+2ft' N . PERMIT FEE: :nCommenl Crly L DATE Ciii, inspclirm Requreo, 9i t|254.0r0,.) ((he.t all ,lt.t Apply) Exlsr coNSIRUcTIoN: E ALTERATIoiI f] RENoVATYoN E GENEf,AL RTPAIRS D RELoCAIIoN tl Retocarion, is lhc.c a Nalura-l Gas Lrnc on lh(,l t[rrent Srto? [- v6s-l- ruo lS BLDG sF]llftKtEREofr vcsl- Noiiiw colrsrnucrror: I rnrcr Etr STRUcTURE ! FAsr rRAc{ E sHllt D upFrr n ADD ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCIURE: '-1i';',;:. . ffi'':'': ,] 9/o.,< z,F"-__ 2uttr-izoll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIqIT APPLICA|I0N IyPf j COI4MERCIAL PLIASg AIiISWEE ALt QUTSIIONS APPLI(A8Lt TO YO]R PFO]T(I "Project Responslblllty" ; 4528 StllMeado$s t unrl 109.112 0CCUPANI/BUSINE55 llAl4E I srrrr ueariows PRoPERTY ol,lllEB' S NAIIE; a@td Jordan and co OHNER'S ADDRESS: stze oreardeir CITY: w,16in916.r C0NTRACTOR: Harord Jordan and co . LICENSE fi: ADDRESS: 5129 otea|lder d. sle 2Oj CITY: $/,1rr1, EHAIL ESS i riodg6@hkj.onsyuctron.om PR0IECT CoNTACI PERSOlJ i (61y 1164qs5 PH: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xerry loaeer AFFTTTtrTI6N Number (0ffl(. Ute) APPLICANT'S l'lAI.lE: Ksly s1.dsq5 - PIONE ld: 256a366 DATE: 10/19/ 18 ZlP':6412PRO] E CT _ PH0NE f; 2553466 ST: n" ZIP 12s465 . ST: nc ZIP: 2sa65 - PHONE f: 255a3s6 PHONE f: (<he(t llt ll.t Doly) Exlsr coNsTRucIIoN: f] ALIERATIoTI T-l RENovarIoN fa GE'IERAL REPAIRS T] RELoCATIoN rt Rerocarion, is rhere s Nafi?itcas Line on thotirrcnr Srto? J- Gi;- to ts 0t-DG srlFTftKLERtD'jii vesf- If UpFIt - The Shell Permlt S: Is Elect Por€r on this ButtdinS li Yes f NO ..... rs rHrs a cHAlt6E 0F occupar{cy usEtr y€5 lr.[0 ..... IF Yer, i{hat xas the Prevlo!. Occupan.y Typel _ Ihat 15 th€ Ner, o((upan<y IXEfi ?orsr*, pnoFrssror'rAL : INGR DTSIGN PROFtSSIoNAI:.Plli DESCRIPTIOTI OF WORK: |nsEll rnsulatron, dmvail and lo 6torm damago ls food or bcvctagcs prcparod or scrvcd in this structurc?l- yoslf lto ls Ihe Property l-ocatod tn The Ftoodptain? f yes li ruo DISCIAIIIEQ. I hc.eby.erlily lhal ollil,ormarjoo an NC R[6 [: HC ntc l:- sndbcallawssndordinancasandrooulalions. Thoor .hanoo n conlroclor oI conuacto, hbrnrauon "'Suuj(.cr]u t0os Up To 3500.00"' lhrr applEat'on ,! coflcct and 6Ino,k willcomoly s'rh rhc Sr.1ro ourtdrno Co& on.lNllC Ocvcroo.nonl Sorv,cos Ccntsr wrllbs noi.,iird ol6nvchanoos rn rh; eod.vfttNOTE Any Woil P.dormed WO tio Anflopriatc Pch!|3w,[ & In VDt;i,on ot th;NC Shro Sldg Nole: Ocmolrtion nolilicalo.! E aslellos,oeovrl .o. ain Asb 1o3 or.ol You aro ,equ(&J lo call 0r d€nrouion oI any la.I'ry o. bllilding. Seo Asbosros pomi.pOlrc6rrmi arolo be lubnnlod urt.C !\€ .pptkation to'rr (OtiHS.j7OE, wheher lll€ taollyo,OuitdhC was tound bs NaiooarEln66br Sta.da,d.,or nrrildolr A, poturml6 {iESHAP) at (919,70,r.S950 .t tco, 10 d6ys prbr to lheWob Sde: 'rr na^.-.r, s'r. .!\r!,r.n(tc ACRES DISIURBEDI NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o zor'rr\$._Lorrrcen: Approvalr DK Cit a{ oh(]. applicablo Sralc Codc 6 SIGNATURE EXST LAND D|STURBTNG pERMtT? f- VeS fi r.roSOFT ExlSTlNc IMPERVIOUS AREA| (ron oFFlcE USE ONIY) TOTAL PROJECT COST, lgry_ BU|LDING HETGHT: _ f OF UNTTS TOTAL AREA SQ FT r orar SQ FT PER FLR , OF STORIES: 3TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF , OF STRUCTURES, I c Or FTOORS: i-- pRopERTy USE: IOFFtCE I neSrAUnlHr ! MERCANTTLE! EDUCfI ApTn. CONDO OT]tE[Murri ram,ry Aparlmer wArER ECFPUA E COMMUN|TY SYSTEM. E WELL n ZONTNG uSE CLASSTF|CATTON stwER LJcFPuA LlCerurnnlseplc LI pRrvetr Seprrc ! cor,aiuururrv svs rr u','.rr.. ir,,.. r i,i ji\r'rr iri ..n ,,, i,. \, rr1(, ,_r i ,,... 1,. ,., :i ,j PAYMENT MEIHOO: T CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NIIC) T, AMERICAN EXPRESS l MCn/sA I SETBACKS: F ,FLooD , lllQ tn lrt / o au ltJt " _ALf BFE+2II Nnf PERtrlrr rer: : 0Commsnt J' DATE Ciii' lnpcclion Requrreo, g I 0.254.0q0,1 DISCOVER DEVELoPER: Ha,otdJorda,l NOiifu coNsrRucTroN: ! EREcr irEr,u srRucruRE n FAsr rRAcx n sHErr ! upFrr f] ADD ro rxrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SO FT . i.i:1i . .j., t :": 'm' S*or,r,,- kP"--'2o rQ,- tZcS+ i ,16,48 St,rtMoedors Or un,l r09.112 0CCUPANT/8US INE SS lUlllE : srrr t'.teaoro,*.s PR0pEnfY 0rlllER'S NAIIE : Harold Jordan and co oIJNER'S AoDRESS r sjag orcandc.' dr CITY: y46;691611 CONTRACTOR: Harotd Jo.dan 6nd co LICEIISE S: ADDRESS: S j 29 ot6a rdor dr sle 20 l CITY:,a11616gq96 EIiAIL ADDRESS : t61dgos@hktconrt^icton corn pRol E cT cotJrac T TEESol,l : Ke-ry Hodses AFF"[ff[rrON l'rumber (0ftlc. ute) APPLICATIT'S NA|IE: Kely llodqcs . PXONE *; 256a366 0AT6: 10119/10 ZIP t 2gq12 oEVELOPER i arotd Jo.aan PRO]ECT - PHONE S: 2563496 SII 6 ZIP:29a95 5T: 66 ZIP: 29a65 . PH0NE fll 256a366 PHONE [: EXIST CONSIRUCTION lf Relocalion. is therc a N I n ALIERATIoN aturalGas Line on lhe {(hetk All lhit lpp t, ) REiNVATION ur(cnt Site?r es GETIERAL REPAIRS f-No rsBLDGs,H.RELOCATION KLEREDE., Yosf UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Noiie'w corusrnucrron: E EREcr NEI.J STRUCTURE EFAsr TRACx ! sH,tL E ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Perrilt f:ls Elect PoHer on thi5 Building F Yes f N0 r...r r5 THrs a cHAr{6t of occupANcy usEtr yEs fi. tro.,.-. e5, rhat }rar the Prevlour oc<upan(y Type? - llhat is the Nee, occupancy ? tr Y Ir8fi OE516I'/ PROFESSIOML:PH: PH r- NC RTG C: NC REC flitNGR DESIGN PnOTeSSIOXAL:-T DESCRIPIION 0F LiOR(: In;i;;;;;. drywalland fioodng duo to sro.m damao. th,s appl(arnn rs Lotrcrl dnd a ll worh wrll comply wrlhthe S9lro Burldrng Code and NllC oaveloDmcnl Scdrces Cenlea wrllbc noll(d olany chonocs.tr lho aoo(ovoilNOIE An/ Wor* p.ridfled WO lh6 Appropria,e Pcrmrlsfrrr 6u 'n Vrolarlo,i ol the State Noto: Oo,noririoi nor.fcd ons A asbrsros romovrr ,o,mrr applic6rbns lrro io bo robmited usio9 rho applrca!,o. {orfir {ol ll tS.3 768) whe lhe laciiy or build,no w?s Iornd ro OISCIAIMERi lho,cby cerlily lh6l ali inlormaliDn in snd locsllaw6 sndordinonc€s 6nd rcqulolbtrs Iheor.hdndo ncoolroclo, or mnLactor lnlormolron- "'Subiccrlo Fi^€s Up To 3500 00"' demolirioi ol a.y l6.i[y or buildhg Soe tu66si8 W.b Si! ra,,, ', ,r-,]asl".(.):Jr,:rr:I., TorAL PRoJECT cosT, ]9999_ TOTAL AREA SO FT r or27 BUITDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR, IOTAL SO FI UNOER ROOF ACRES OISIURBEDi E d OF STORIES: 3 C OF STRUCTURES: I tt oF FLOORS: r EXSI LANO OISIURBING PERMIT? TYES IiNO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA; SOFT I uencarurte! EDUcn ApT CONDO OTHElUurrr Fain,,y Aparlm€. NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: e PROPERTY USE: nOFFTCE I nesrnUanrur WATER T'ICFPUA T-ICOMMUNIIYSYSTEM sEwER IcFPUA EIce rurno. s.pr,c !f] WELL E ZONTNG USE CTASS|FTCAT|ON PRTVATE SEPTTC E COnUUNrtv Systera PAYMI N] M[ IIIOD f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro N c) f AMER|CAN ExpREss f, MCA/tsA f DtscovER {ron orFc€ usE oNLY) zoNE\ELoFFrcER rcacxs:r 140 tHNlp RH NfA s lLrhFLOOD:_ \ BFE+2fr,_.Agyoval:_-jfCtry Aan '1o PERMIT FEE: : u Commenl DAT Ciii, lnspclion Requrreo gl $254.S0,1 NEtrl HANOVER C0UNTY BUILDING PERilIT APPLTCATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PrtASE iiSN€R ArL qJtsrlor5 APPII(A8IE I0 YOri Pnoll(I "Project Responslbllity" I ls lood or beveragos prepared or served in rhls strucluro?l- vesli ruo ls The Properly Located ln The Floodplain? f yes li ruo OWNERICONTRACTOR: xeuy roaees SIGNATURE: ,, OF UNITS: {rnc,-qenc-, NEId HdNOVER t ,-> r/ott KeP1,'-LG PERMIT 2Ac &\;i.\z\. ,.;.5+o..-\ AP PL ICA| ION IYPE : COI4IIERCIAL PLIAST A$TE8 ALI QUESIIO{S AP'IICABL€ TO YOJi P8O'EC' "Project Responslblllty" OUNTY BUILDIN APPLlCATION Nulllber (0ffl.c u3!) APPLICAI,II'S NAll€ : K6n.7 rc6sgs - PHONE t: 2g6a33g 0ATE: 10/tyt8 ZIP t 26412 DEVE LOPES: Ba,oid Jordanpn0lEcT: 4668 S0ll M6ado\rs D, unrt 109.112 0CCUPANI/BUS ItlE 55 NAI{E: Sr'rl,leaoors PRoPERTY otlNERr S NAIIE : 651616 .1676n 666 s6 CITY: y61;69166 _ PHONE f: 25634s6 ST: 66 Z I P: 26ae5 5T: 66 ZIP I 26a6g PH0llE f: 256a366 oWNER'5 ADDRESS: 5t29oteanderdr CONTRACTOR i ltaro{d Jordan andco ADDRESSi 5129 e1sen66r 61316 291 Ei4AIL ADDRESS : lEqg!3@tkl9913l!q!! com . LICETSI T: CITY: *{d,1q1oi1 PROIECI CONTACT-DERsol,lr l(ely l{ods€s PHONE f: EXIST CoN5TRUCTIofl: E ATTERATION E l( Relocallon. ls lhere a Natural Gas Llnc on lhe Cu.rcnt Sile? f (Cne(l All rh.! appLy) R E IY9VAT I0N CS GTNERAL REPAIRS I-. r.ro rs BLDG s,mRELOCAIION KLERED'{I _ Yesf If UpFIT - The shell Pe.mlt C: Is Elect Porcr on this Suildin8 li Yes f N0 *r... rS IHJS A CHAx6r 0F oCcUpAflCy USE'f ygs lE. NO..*.. IF Yes, xhat va5 the Prevlous oc.upancy Typel - Uhat ls the llel{ oc.upincy II8fi?oesror PRoFrss ror.^r : INGR DESI6IJ PROfESSIOMIL PH: Pll:- ta( RIG f: iifit I lit r,lc lt6 t:- DESCRIPTIoN 0F l,lORK i rnsral rosutalo.r. dry,ran and floorrD duo to 610r.r! damaqo ls tood or bcvcrsgos prcparcd or scrved rn lhis structurc?l- Vesli lo Is The Property Localed ln The Floodplain? J- yes lE lo OISCIAIMtR I horpby cc,rrt rh,)t aJ 'nlormaron 'nand lr.6l lrwc snd ordrn€nc€s and ra\ourauons. Theor chanoo in conlraclor or mntractor irbrm€lrafl "' SuDtccr lo Fincs Up To 5500 00"' this.lppllc.rlon is cofl.rl drrl allrorl wlr comply with Oo Sl,alo Suttd,nq Code and a[ otllcr apptrcauo St6toNLle O€veloprnen! S€NiCes CenGr sllbo not led olo.y(hartoe3 rn thcspprovcd plang and Soocr.(€UonsNOTE'Any Wo.l Podo,nod WO rhoApp(opfloto eor^ib B,r60 in Vorcrc6 ol ftc IC SlrlE BIdO Cdc;nt OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xetty Ncases SIGNATURE: conraln Adb€sror oi nol Yo! o,o rcqured ro call fi9 Nalionar E missbn sk.da,ds lo, Hrr6,dos ,/\lr Pofurr tr (usuAl, ) at {919)t0l 5950 at le6rr t0 dstS prior to lhedEmolirionolsnylacdltyo.blildin{.See&O€srosWebSXerl'r'i-,^,.i'rtil,i'f.,-').,r!tr!,rInap!nr IOTAL PROJECT COST: tooooo TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 6127 TOIAL SO FT UNDER ROOFI SUILOING HE16HT SO FI PER FLR: WATTR -ICFPUA T-lt) t-lSEWER LJCFPUA LJ COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-] WELL CENTRALSEPTIC LJ PRIVNTE SEPTIC f} /, OI UNITS I' OF STORIES: If OF STRUCTURES: I # OF FLOORS EXST LAND O|STURE|NG pERMtT? l-ves JiNoSOFI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: I zoNrNG usE cLAsslFtcATtoN COMMUNITY SYSTEi,,! ACRES DISTURBEDi NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SO FI sE oNLY) KS: F PAYMENT METHOD r CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE Io NHc) T AMERICAN EXPRISS T MCfuIsA T. oIScoVER(ron oFFrcE u SETBAC NIL tap/n anQfla*,1ffrzoNe\\-Lorncen ApTovat l lL City: I LH OAIE FLOOD Lhan + N - PERMIT FEE: :*oCommenl0 CiiT lnpclion Requrreo, 91 0.254.090,1 Noiiiw corsrnucrror: E EREcr NEr.r sTRUcruRE I FAsr rRAcK I sHELr D upirr f] aDo ro ExrgT srfiucTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTUNE: pRopERTy usE: noFFtcE ! nesreunnNr ! MERcANflL€n EDUCE AprD CoNDO OTHEry,n, Fanrry Aeadmer BFE+zlt .'- i. .. ffi ia,I v\ilvn 18-3023 .DATE:10/x9l20la NEId HANOVER COUNTY BU:ILDING PERMIT APPLtcAfioN nzPE: COl'*ll'IERCIAL PLEASE AXSUEF. ,\LL QUESTIO S APPLTCABLT: TO YOt R PRoIECT "ProJect Respons tbi lity" APPLICANT.,S l,lAl4E : narrell pendergrapt. DEVELOPER: N/A : 37::5 t{llghtEville Ave:xue ITY: si1,11nggpr1 0CCUPANT/EUSINESS tl,lflE : wrishtEville DdnEal PROPERTY 0tflER'S NA{E: p1. .rio eaine; O{I{ER' S ADDRESS: :?:r4 Hrtghr6ville DencaI - CITY: ilningsql C0 TRACTOR: Blantcr construcLi.on servi,reE, hc. -LICENSE *z tzglt AIDRESS: 4?9 t{aplr Branchea Drive SE CITY: ss1r11i; EttAIL ADORESS : dgper.dergraph@yahoo. qom PR0IECT COI{TACT PER:lOtl: e31ss11 pendersraph PHONE S:__=ITII;;; PHOflE $:91c-?99.r699 sr:FZIEE:ii6l- . ST:xs ZIP':26459 Ttt-6tlE *: g'iilne s.o'ri-l PflONE S: 910.228.0159 EXIST CO{STRUCTION:R ELOCATIO'I Kr-EREDf _ Yeslij _ll Relocation, is thers a hlatura lGas Line on the Noi'iEw coNsrnucrro{: l-] EREcr NEI',| srRUcrURE I rAsr rRAcK f] SHELL n upFrr f] ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ADD TO EXIST STRIJCTURE If UPFIT - The shell Pernlt S:Is Elect poser on thls Bulldlng li. Yes f N0 *..r'. Is THIS A CH,TNGE OF OCCUpAt{Cy Usttr yES fj. [O .r".. I. Yes, tdrat Has the lrrevtous Occupancy T:Oe? _ t{hat ls thc lleH O(Eupancy T rDe,AICH DESId{ PROFESSI0{AL: 117a NC RE6 *: NC REG S:EI{GR DESIGTI PROFESSIO'IAL :.N/A DESCRIPTIoN oF t{oRK: n"iJilE6fll" :ocf shingres,R&R 32Ef ceili.ng drywa}: &inEutarion, painr reiring- ls food or beverag€s pr€pared or s6rv6d ln this st.u(ture? [: yesli- No l; The Property Located ln The Floodplain? l- \'er; If No and lccal lat4s O SCLAIMERI I hereby cenif.v and ordinances that all inrormatron n REilOVATTON |-7 GENERAL REPATRS ntirrenrsite? f -Vaif -,,1o tsBLDGSfiTir .PH PH or dranoc in @nlDctor or conlreSr,hedlo Fhes Up To $500.00' nc regulauons. T ctor infornadon. in this Bprliqrtior is conect aM a[ wqrk v'ril cf.ndy wilh lhe State Build he NHC Devcloomerl Selicc8 Cenler rr ll t e notilisd ol anv chsnoes ia"'NOTE: An,, Work perlornod w/O the Apxopnalo PeTnlls v/ill 6e ,n \r TI)TAL SO FT UNDER RC)OF: ? , 8oo A3RES DISTURBED: rrl;e SO t'T PER FLR: .3120 , 3:2 r , 156 o # OF STRUCTURES: T n0 Cod€ and all oth€r applLc€blr Strale tho and licirtions to and # OF STORIES: 2 . s # OF FLOORS a CTWNER/CONTRACTOR: revin R. Blanrrcn IJIGNATURE: (Ou.mefl P.tn l.m.) d(molilion ot rny trolit/ or butrd n( . Se€ Atbcrt6 Web Sitc: h p,r^.^M.epi.srare nc.!s epi'asbesros ahmp.hlftl T,f,TAL PROJECT COST: TI)TAL AREA SO FT : unl $26,000 BUITDING HEIGHT: 35. :nown NliW IMPERVI0US AREA:u A EXST LAI.JD DISTURBING PEFMIT? -T YES Ii NO SO FT EXISTIAl(i IMPERVIOUS AREA:onknovn SO FT PIIOPERTY USE:oFr:rcE n RESrAURAr,rr flMERCANILEfl- :DUcf]- AprTl C')NDO OTHET WATER: ECFPUA [-ICoMMUNITY SYSTET/. D WELL -_.L] zoNlNG USE cLAsiS stjwER: E cFpua [-l ceurnar- sEplc Ll pntvere sEpnc t I coMMUNtry sysrriM IFICATION PIITMENT METHOD: r CASH l- CHeCX lelraBLE TO NHC) r- AJ'TERTCAN EXPRESS lE. MCA/SA r_ DTSCO\/r:R (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZCNE: OFFII)ER:___ SETBACKS: F: _ LH_ RH-- B_Approval:_ City:_ DATE__ FLOOD:__._ BFE+2ft,AVN - PERMIT FEECcrnment @4S_ @wRw*w AFPITiTTTdil l,lumben (offlc. Use)\{_ PROJ ECT (Ch..k All rh.t Apply) ALTERATION # OF LINITS: 1