HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-929 Variance Narrative (003)PROPOSED VARIANCE NARRATIVE
Subiect Zoning Regulclion, Chcpter ond Seclion:
ln the below spoce, pleose provide o norrotive of the opplicotion. (Addítionol poges moy be ottoched to lhe
opplicotion if necessory)
The Zoning Boqrd of Adiustment mqy gront o vorionce if it finds thot strict opplicotion of the ordinqnce results in qn
unhecessory hordship for the opplicont, ond if the vcricnce is consistent wilh the spirit, purpose, ond intent of the
ordinonce. The opplicont must exploin, with reference to olloched plons (where opplicoble), how the proposed use
meets these required findings (pleose use oddilionql poges if necessory).
l. Unnecesscry hordship would result from shicl cpplicction of the ordinonce. lf sholl nol be necessory lo
demonsfrole lhot, in ffie obsence of lhe vorionce, no reosonoble use con be mode of the property.
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Vorionce Applícolion - Updored 3/2017
2. The hordship results from condilions thot cre peculior to the property, such as locolion, size or
topogrcphy. Hordship resulfing from personol circurnsfonces, os well os hordshþ resulling from condifions lhof
ore common fo the neighborhood or generol public, moy nol be lhe bosls for gronling o vorionce.
3. The hcrdship did not resull from aclions loken by the oppliccnt or the properly owner. The ocf of
purchosrng property with knowledge ilrof circumsfonces exisf thof moy iuslify the gronflng of o vorionce sholl nof
be regorded os o self-creofed hordship.
4. The requesled vorionce i¡ consistenl with the spiril, purpose, ond inlent of lhe ordinonce, such thot public
sofety is secured, ond subslonticl iustice is ochieved.
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Vorionce Applicorion - Updoted 3/2017