2018-10-04 Special Meeting Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL CALLED MEETING October 4, 2018 PRESENT: Bill Blair, Mayor – Town of Wrightsville Beach Craig Bloszinsky, Mayor – Town of Kure Beach Anne Brodsky, Hotel-Motel Owner – Kure Beach Jason Bryant – Vacation Rental Properties Natalie English, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Kim Hufham, President/CEO – NHC TDA Patricia Kusek, Commissioner – New Hanover County Nicolas Montoya, Hotel Manager/Owner – (150+ rooms) Chuck Pennington, County Bed and Breakfast Daniel Perkins, Hotel Manager – (150+ rooms) LeAnne Pierce, Hotel – Carolina Beach Angela Rhodes, County Restaurant Bill Saffo, Mayor – City of Wilmington EXCUSED: Lisa Wurtzbacher, Mayor Joe Benson STAFF: Jeanette Foster, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Linda Brothers, Financial Analyst, New Hanover County Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director GUESTS: Amanda Marinelli – Clean Leah Knepper – French West Vaughn Emily Featherston – WECT Ken Dahl – WBMAC Committee Mary Baggett – Blockade Runner Resort Chairman Nicolas Montoya called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 9:15 a.m. at the New Hanover County Government Center in the Lucy B. Harrell Conference Room. Chairman Montoya thanked everyone for coming. ITEM #1 – EXCUSED – NICOLAS MONTOYA Lisa Wurtzbacher, Mayor Joe Benson. 1 ITEM #2 – 2018 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING FOR POST-STORM TOURISM RECOVERY EFFORTS – KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham stated she hoped everyone had been receiving the updates from the CVB on recovery efforts on Hurricane Florence. Communications have been ongoing. Wanted to commend the staff for all they have done and how hard they have worked. Have done some post-hurricane photography and pro- active media outreach. Recovery e-blasts have also been done as well as contacting State officials. “Open for Business” press release is going out today. Many interviews have been done with follow-ups upcoming. Due to Florence, Iron Man and NC Realtors both had to cancel, but plan to rebook. NC Youth Soccer Tournament has reformatted their schedule and will include a fund raiser. Eye Con (One Tree Hill) plans to be here. USTA will be here at Althea Gibson Tennis facilities. Shows some very positive things are going on. Kim reviewed the CVB Recovery efforts to date, working with Clean and French West Vaughn (see attached New Hanover County Hurricane Recovery Presentation (10/4/18). Discussion followed. Kim said we are asking for a total of $195,000 from the Beaches ($65,000 each) to add to our budget of $300,000 toward our recovery plan. This would allow us not to have to go into the fund balance. The plan would be from October 2018 – February 2019 to get the word out that we are open so visitors can make their plans for the fall and spring, etc. Mayor Bill Blair has concerns about the damage Wrightsville Beach has experienced. Says they are at a crossroads at this time. Two of their major hotels are down, several restaurants are closed as well. He said they want to be part of the fix, but not ready at this point. He indicated they have to be careful about advertising that they are ready to open. Has concerns of not being in as good a shape as some others may be. Says if extra funds are going to be spent, wants to make sure they are ready. Commissioner Kusek noted there has to be communication with other areas as to how they’ve dealt with similar situations. When we put the welcome mat out again, we better be ready. Natalie English added that we can learn from other communities on what can be done to reopen to tourists. LeAnne Pierce reported Carolina Beach is about 90% ready from a business stand point. Cosmetically there are still some areas of concern. 2 Anne Brodsky stated they are starting to get November bookings. Says Kure Beach in relatively good condition. Most restaurants are open. Mayor Bloszinsky said although they do not have hotels, have condos, etc. Kim reiterated awareness is toward spring; how to shape things up for future plans. This is the reason our agencies are here so they can hear the various comments being made by our Board members; wanting visitors to know what to do for their future plans. Mayor Bloszinsky asked further questions about funding. Kim advised would be reluctant to take funding from our fund balance. Only current 3% funds being used and reallocated. Says beaches have access to the second 3% rollovers. Kim Hufham stated getting the word out is an integrated effort and takes time. Most important now is leisure traffic. On convention side, the sales team is still attending the scheduled trade shows and has the ability for direct contact with planners as well. Jason Bryant noted that overselling could be damaging in an effort to get visitors back. Mayor Saffo stated his focus is on the City….that it is open. Have to have some mechanism in place. Visitors do not think they are yet open for business. It was asked if the funds could be layered to take care of areas that are open and ready and also that everyone is in this together. Nicolas Montoya commented that the infrastructure is different right now. Have to talk about this collectively. Have to have an assessment of what our inventory looks like, what is active. Messaging is very important at this time. Visitors need to hear the realities of the area as to what they are. Has to have the help of each municipality with each putting in marketing funds. The nuance messaging and active messaging are very important. Have to get on with this and be smart with planning. Kim reiterated this is about perception, working as one umbrella, that the current $300,000 is not enough. Have to have the help of the beaches. Natalie wanted to know if the funds could be layered. Others commented on the importance of being on the same page and moving forward. Kim Hufham requested that the Beach Town representatives go to their council and request funding toward recovery. If a decision could be made by 10/12/18, it would allow the plan to move forward. Commissioner Kusek stated we need to go to the national media outlets and invite them to come back to see that we are open. Kim indicated she has contacted our 3 local legislators reference getting any additional funds available for marketing and would be happy to share addresses, etc. with those who would like to do the same thing. ITEM #3 – OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS N/A ITEM #4 – CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS – NICOLAS MONTOYA Next meeting is 11/1. Along with the importance of our recovery efforts, need to keep our Strategic Plan moving forward. This Plan fits in with what is happening now. ROT structure needs to be kept strong. As there was no further business, meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Next meeting – Thursday, November 1, 2018 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Daniel Perkins, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XIII 4