2018-08-29 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS August 29, 2018 PRESENT: Joe Benson, Mayor – Town of Carolina Beach Bill Blair, Mayor – Town of Wrightsville Beach Jason Bryant – Vacation Rental Properties Natalie English, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Kim Hufham, President/CEO – NHC TDA Nicolas Montoya, Hotel Manager/Owner – (150+ rooms) Chuck Pennington, County Bed and Breakfast Daniel Perkins, Hotel Manager – (150+ rooms) LeAnne Pierce, Hotel – Carolina Beach Angela Rhodes, County Restaurant Bill Saffo, Mayor – City of Wilmington Lisa Wurtzbacher – New Hanover County Finance Officer EXCUSED: Commissioner Pat Kusek, Anne Brodsky, Mayor Craig Bloszinsky STAFF: Jeanette Foster, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Linda Brothers, Financial Analyst, New Hanover County Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager John Sneed, VP Sales Shawn Braden, VP Marketing GUESTS: Ad agencies – Clean Design and French West Vaughn Sam Black – Blockade Runner Resort Bill Bagget – Blockade Runner Resort Chairman Nicolas Montoya called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 5:40 p.m. in the Merrick Conference Room at the Hotel Ballast. 1 ITEM #1 – EXCUSED – NICOLAS MONTOYA Commissioner Pat Kusek, Anne Brodsky, Mayor Craig Bloszinsky. ITEM #2 – APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES FOR MAY 30 AND JUNE 13, 2018 – NICOLAS MONTOYA \[Motion made by Mayor Bill Saffo, seconded by Daniel Perkins and unanimously accepted to approve the May 30 and June 13, 2018 TDA Board minutes as read.\] ITEM #3 – FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT – LISA WURTZBACHER New Hanover County Finance Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher gave two reports. The first report is for July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. In the over/under revenue category stndst for 1 and 2 3%, we were $350,000 over on collected revenue. In expenses, 1 3% nd was under $222,913; 2 3% was $1,645,240 and Convention Center was $24,496.00. There was a total of $142,000 increase in fund balance which is a great position to be in. For Fiscal Year 2018-2019, not much to report for first month of July as all revenues reporting in 2018; total expenditures of $396,669.00 which represented 6% spent due to tradeshow expenses paid ahead of time, etc. ROT collections for FY 17-18 – outside the Convention Center district, all jurisdictions had an increase except for the City of Wilmington. As a whole, however, we are slightly up with Embassy Suites now open. BUDGET AMENDMENT: BA#2019-001 is to appropriate the Purchase Order rollover for Audit Services and the Strategic Destination Plan and account for the payments against the FY in which they are paid. New budget amount for contracted services is $70,788 (original was $64,000 with amendment of $6,788 making a total of $70,788.) {Motion made by Chuck Pennington; seconded by Mayor Joe Benson and unanimously approved to accept the budget amendment as read.}. Amendment located in Budget Amendment notebook. th Lisa mentioned that the audit work for FY 17-18 will begin on sight September 17. She also noted want to begin compliance work on room occupancy taxes next month. Increasing number of people are setting up accounts on-line. ITEM #4 – EXPENDITURE REQUESTS – CAROLINA AND KURE BEACHES – KIM HUFHAM 2 President/CEO Kim Hufham presented funding requests from the Towns of Carolina and Kure Beaches. CAROLINA BEACH:  The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $87,600.00 as a donation to the Pleasure Island Chamber of Commerce for expenses incurred providing family entertainment for all ages including fireworks on Thursday nights, movies on Sunday nights and annual events such as the Carolina Beach Music Festival and Seafood Blues and Jazz Festival (FY 2016-2017). (2008)  The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funding in the amount of $78,266.07 for the Carolina Beach Life Guard Team providing ocean rescue and other services during the period of September 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018. (2003)  The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funds in the amount of $29,696.39 for the Boardwalk Makeover (now known as the Carolina Beach Downtown Initiative (CBDI/PIRA) for family entertainment for all ages during the period of January, 2017 through December 20, 2017. This includes family nights music and magic shows on Tuesday nights and music for Thursday family nights before the fireworks. (2008)  The Town of Carolina Beach respectfully requests TDA funds in the amount of $11,568.82 incurred by the Town of Carolina Beach Parks and Recreation Department providing family entertainment for all ages at the Carolina Beach Boardwalk as well as Christmas by the Sea (June, 2017 – January 2018.) (2008) The total requested amount of TDA funds is $207,131.28. Funds are available and are requested upon approval by the TDA Board. \[Motion made by Mayor Bill Blair, seconded by Mayor Joe Benson and unanimously accepted to approve the Town of Carolina Beach’s TDA funding request in the amount of $207,131.28.\] KURE BEACH:  The Town of Kure Beach respectfully requests funding for expenditures that were incurred for maintenance and improvements to the Ocean Front Park Pavilion for the upcoming 2018 tourist season. This has become a favorite destination for tourists visiting Kure Beach. It is the location for many tourist-related activities including Boogie in the Park concert series, weekly markets, programs for children and educational programs. The location of 3 the pavilion (which can also be used for private events) in proximity to the ocean is part of the draw, but also leads to a variety of maintenance issues. The expenditures total $22,343.00 and are for electrical repairs, playground improvements and concrete repairs and are supported by documentation which was attached to this request. (2013) The total requested amount of TDA funds is $22,343.00. Funds are available and requested upon approval by the TDA Board. \[Motion made by Mayor Joe Benson, seconded by Chuck Pennington and unanimously accepted to approve the Town of Kure Beach’s TDA funding requests in the amount of $22,343.00.\] ITEM #5- PROGRAM OF WORK PRESENTATION – KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented the Program of Work for 2018-2019. (Copy located in Exhibit Book XIII) A full presentation to be given to our constituents on September 12, 2018. Presentation began with the State of Tourism:  2017 tourism expenditures of $578.22 million which equals a 4.32% increase.  NHC generated $51.58 million in local State taxes.  More than 6,320 employed in travel and tourism related jobs equaling 141.3 million dollars in payroll.  Each NHC resident’s taxes were offset by $226.98.  th Maintained 8 ranking among NC’s 100 counties; #2 ranking among coastal counties. Kim discussed 2017-2018 ROT collections being up 3.52% with current year (January-June) up 3.73%. Legislative Issues: School calendar law  Occupancy taxes  Short term rentals  Visit NC marketing funding  Beach renourishment and inlet dredging funding  Off-shore drilling  Film grants  Environmental issues  Advocacy Issues Continuation: Support Advocacy issues identified in Strategic Destination Plan  State and local relationships  Long-term sustainable funding for beach renourishment  TDA relevancy and local tourism advocate  Stronger TDA presence  Seat at the table with Economic Development  4 Challenges Mirror Advocacy Issues: Beach renourishment and inlet dredging  Off-shore drilling  Short term rentals  Marketing  Crime  Industry participation  Infrastructure  Environmental issues  National trends  Kim went into detail on marketing pertaining to perception, brand strategies, inquiries (FY 17-18 – 344,586 total inquiries), 17-18 engagement metrics, travel intent indicators, media outreach results, total social subscribers (154,155), FY 2018-2019 new marketing strategies and tactics, coverage highlights and public relations/communications. FY 18-19 group sales results, strategies and tactics discussed consisting of group sales, convention sales, sports sales and services. ITEM #6 – CVB REVIEW STRATEGIC PLAN SCHEMATIC – DCG CONSULTANTS – DON ANDERSON AND GARY SHERWIN Don Anderson with DCG presented the Strategic Plan Schematic. Don shared some of the big issues that need to be considered for new initiatives. The Strategic Plan is for the destination as a whole. The TDA, as the owner of this plan, once approved, gives the green light to the TDA management team to go forward to consider or enhance new things for FY 19 and beyond. Don said they have conducted strategic planning over the last 3 or 4 months. The management team has taken some of the results and included in the current plan. The Plan will be fully implemented starting FY 2019/20 and ongoing for the next several years. Don stated it will be important that the TDA Board reflect on the 20 initiatives in the plan. The Board’s input on the initiatives is vital. The plan has been built on a three-year perspective and is a “rolling plan”. If there are things we are not able to do in one year, can certainly continue it on as well as add some new things that the plan is considering as we go forward. The whole intent is that the plan ties into our marketing and operational plan on a regular basis. Want to make sure we do not discount things that we should be doing as we move forward. Don presented the one-page draft Strategic Plan Schematic. The results of the Destination NEXT survey, staff and industry interviews were reviewed and the results used to identify the major challenges. 5 Gary Sherwin indicated his role is to give some perspective as to what CVB’s are doing at this time, how some of the best practices can be enhanced. He indicated that the philosophy behind the Strategic Plan includes three parts: 1) Listening to each of the TDA Board members; 2) Infusing the plan with the best practices; 3) Looking at the plan through a different frame work. Gary stated the Strategic Plan is customer-centric. Need to look at what is important to the customer. Don indicated as the plan moves forward in future years, it will become blended. The result is the opportunity to drive more visitors to the area. This plan is to articulate and spell out those key issues. It is not designed to solve all of the problems. The three-year Strategic Destination Plan Schematic FY 2019-2021 identifies 7 challenges and Don and Gary discussed each of these in detail. Verified with the Board, these are the ones we need to look at to attract new visitors. Discussions took place on these challenges as well as the rest of the draft and what needs to take place for economic growth and quality of place with branded visitor experiences through productive partnerships and working together. Need budget to help bring this to fruition. Definitely need a larger voice to bring visitors to the area during the off-peak period. Need to be selling Wilmington and beaches together. Talked about purpose and direction from the TDA. The Board owns the strategic plan. Question as to how the plan is to be activated. Has to be front and center and approved and addressed in order to move forward and go after new visitors. Don and Gary discussed 10 initiatives that address the challenges. Will take time and money over next several years. TDA needs to seriously consider these initiatives. This is a road map for the CVB management team to implement. Once TDA approves the plan, where do we go from here. Next steps would be to have plan approved followed by a TDA retreat to go through the 20 priority initiatives (on schematic) to determine which ones are important and settle on the top 6 for 2019/20. TDA input is essential. Discussion by TDA members followed. Chairman Nicolas Montoya thanked Don and Gary for their time and hard work. This is to energize the TDA Board on what we need to work on. Need to rethink and consider carefully to move forward on the Plan. Nicolas said he would like to take the next Board meeting and change it into a st 4 to 5 hour retreat (November 1); have open discussions specifically about how we want to address and prioritize the 7 points. After this, outline these so the Executive Committee and TDA Board, along with the CVB Management can get on with the tasks at hand. 6 President/CEO Kim Hufham mentioned that in addition to the retreat, we could have our TDA meeting first to present our FY 17-18 audit presentation followed by our retreat. Board members asked when a vote would be taken on the Strategic Destination Plan Schematic. Mayor Bill Blair stated he had some concerns and would like more time to review before voting on approval. It was noted by Nicolas that nothing should change until we have a good understanding, but with that understanding we can be more sophisticated and require those approaches to actually consent and do better. We are here collectively representing the visitor. We don’t often think that way. Nicolas said that is what he likes about the process. It requires more thought. We’ve worked hard to get to this point. This body is also meant to take this on and it is our responsibility to move forward as well. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to further review the Plan Schematic before voting for approval. A date will be identified after further review. ITEM #7 – OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS N/A ITEM #8 – CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS – NICOLAS MONTOYA Called for adjournment As there was no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Next meeting – Thursday, November 1, 2018 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Daniel Perkins, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XIII 7 8