NOVEMBER 13 2018 BUILD APPS11142018102525a ,,\l O/f Ntl b U NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPU CA1DN IYPE : RESIDENTIAL PIEAS€ ANSWER AI.I- QUT STIONS APPI.IC-ABTT TO YOUR PRO,,TCT 'Projcct Responsiblllty" Jatf-/24 / 7 aprllc lon 4 APPLICANT'S NAME:Oate CITY ltP:I &.L,no LOT s: _ PROPERTY OWNER'S t{AMT: OWNER'S AODRESS: AODRTSS: EMAIL k ^-'l b\PHONE T: SLDG LICENSE T, zlP PHONE:b qL ZIP! PROJECT CONIACT PERSON:l( lsTlltlc @NInUCTION: E Alteration E R€novation O Gln.ral Repairs I{Ew CONSTnucnOr: 0 9d( new aesidence E Addition to Existin8 Resid€nce n RelocationL-.- PLTASE CHECK AI{O AI{SWTR BELOW AU THAT APPLY TO YOUR PNOJECT"' O Det Garate (SFl - n Porch (SF) E Pool(SF) - PHONtT l D Storate Shed (SF)- D other (sF) Att Garage (SF)ilq, E) Sunroom (5F) n Greenhourc (SF)tr Deck (SF) unh.rt d: q'/ ) ls the propos€d work chan8int the number of bedrooms? O Y.3 O No lsanyELctrkal,PlumblntorMcch.nlcalwortbeingdonetotheAccessorySt.uctureEYcsENo lr the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gag Line on the cutr€nt !ite? E Y6D o ls there Electrical powaron this Buildint? E vct E t{o ./ P.oDGrty ui./ occugrncy: E}'Sln3tc rrmlty O Dupl.x E Townhout! Description ol work: .1 OICLAIMEI: r h.rcby.anrly thrt rlltha inform.llon rn thls.gplicetion with th!St.ta &rlEintcodaand all olhlr . Ppliaabla St.ta .nd loaal Lya and orali^an(at and ratulatlon!. th. NHC O.v.togmfi! SarYL6 Cantat ,rll ba no(or chtnla in conlrador mfo{,narro. " "lotl: ant rp.t p..lonnad tfhoqt tita .ggtoDrla!. p.rmb will bc in Owner/Cootractor:liym 'Liccnted Quotifi.t' P n, Noi,c ts the property locatcd in a floodplain? El Ycs El-tto Erl nS lmpervloG At!a: - Sq tt N€w lmperviout Area:Sq Ft ToialAcr€r Dislurb€d Exlstiog L.nd Disturbint Permlt: O Yes D No No,"r-i W,;iatt A-(FWA E) community system E Private well E Centralwell E Aqua./ SEWER: EaCFPUA E Community System O Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zon!: _ gfllreri _ 5eoilb (fl _ (tfll_ nil _ {31 _ Approval: - Clty: - D.te; - rbod: (A, - (v) - (N, - BFE+2tt= -Comrn nt Pcrmit fcc: I CIW: L L: t 2. I at {Urt 4/a-l-qq- t R',\ CONTRACTOR t ls the propored work chantint rhe existint footprint? E Ye3 ! No TOTAI SQ FT UNDEi ROOF lJot ptoposed wor*1 xcated: =.[l![-'); r'i 'TO?A[ PnOrtCT COSI lle3r totl: S ",------------7.----_-_ 1 -<Slan.tura: ,'- 4 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAgLE TO YOUR PROJECT ect Responsibilit/' Jatf'z.lz ar Appli..ation Number loffice us€l K {e APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: I Lac-Date LoT tt /1 a ztP: suSDrvrsroN: WATER:F SEWER;CFPUA rL&lPROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACI ADDRESS: E:t/PHONE #: CITY: D(Dc ,10 klt ZlPl BtDG NSE Hi 5T:ZIP: _ PHONE: 1 L tcl 1l/ EMAIL PRO,ECT COMIACT PERSON I Sunroom (SF) n Greenhou3e (SF) New Impervious ,1E EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Altgration D Renovation D General Repairs/- NEW CONSTRUCIION: Q/ect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ...PITASE CH:CK AND ANSWER BETOW AtI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..'./', i24tt earage 1sr1 9(.:'' I E oetcarase(sF)- Q-rdicrr (sr)7L tr Pool {SF) ! Deck (SF) tr storgpr gd,n"r(s Shed (5F) F)6o ls the proposed work chanSingthe existin8 footprint? tr Yes D No TOTAISQ FT UNDER ?OOF lJor proposed work) Heated:,:.'l+,' r -ii .Z-a)t . 1 ., .,, ,TOTAT PROTECT COST lLess Lot): S . _ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Y6 El No ! / t2 unh.ated: l,'l() lsanyElactrkal,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetoth€AccessoryStructureEYesENo lf theprojectisa Relocation, isth€rea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E tlo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildjpg? E Yes n No ,,. Property Use/ occupancy: DZSin3le Famlly D Dupler E Townhous. TotalAcles Dirtu.bed: ,.' (. - Descriptlon ol Work: olSClArM€nr I h€reb'y c.rtify th.t allthe intormation in thil ron is coareci and all willcomply with the Stata Buildin8 Code.nd allother applicrble Stat. 3nd local law!anal o.dinencas and re8ulations. The tlHC Oev€lopment Servlce3 Centar willbe of any chang€s in the plans ana, lpecifacations or change in (onraclor ed our th€ appropriete permits willbe inviolation ol lhe NC State and subject to lines up to 5500.0O"' SiEnature: "Liaensed Quoliliet' Ptint Nome ls the property located in a lloodplain? E Yes E No Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft a'.)Sq Ft Existint Land oisturbing Permit: E yes E ruo E Community system E Private Well E Central well E Aqua E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Icilr - 0ffirorr - sautlG {t) - tLll} - tRll) - tB} -Approva[ _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+zft= - tCITY: L a ,, \a /, Comment Permit Fee: S P 1< 4 1ffV ) I \-i .1 I I lt 1 lr-r /* .\ Lt^ yt1 lh 1A,,, rnlorm.lion "'NOTE ,,t!*+,.->\) /."/ r' 'i.,W RECETVE0 ]']I012018 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERM]T APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtI qUESIIONS APPUCABT€ TO YOUR PROJEcr 'Prorect R6ponslbllly ?or6- lloT \8 -Aqba Applicetion Number (omce irs€) APPLICANT,S NAME:A.lem lhom6son Date: 08-29-2018 PROJECT AODRESS : 3855 Malvern Roari CITY: Wilminoton zt 28403 SUBDIVISION: Lincoln Forest LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:A.lam Th^mna.rn I Fl I ennon-Thomoson PHONE f: 910-619-5296 OWNER'S ADDRESST 3855 Malvern Road CITY: Wilminoton ztP: 28403 A th"rr''.)n BLDG LICENSE f:-COMRACTOR: ADDRTSS:CITY:ST: ZIP EMAILADDRESs: aAam+l-'o s PROJSCI CONTACT PERSO :A at l- Cprn PH ONE 0 PHONE: EXISnNG OONSTRUCTION: E(Alteration C Renovation E General Repairs I{EWCONSTRUCnO:-ErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceDRelocation .*.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI-t THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT" ' E Aft Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) E Sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) df\Gtq -za.9"ct (sF) ! Storage Shed {SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) ! Deck ls the proposed work chan8ing the existinB footprint? fl Yes o!ftr'r4tTOTAI Sq FI UNDER ROOF llor proposed wor*) Hertcd:Unheated: TOTAL PROJTCT COST (Less Lot):t3r5G, ls th€ proposed work chanSint the number of bedrooms? U Yes E No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E(Yes D No lftheprojectisaRelocatioIl,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Elecrical Power on this Euildin8? \E) Yes D No Property Use/ Occupa ncy:rK Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse Description ol Work: allerino a half heihroom io 1 lbalhroom laws and ordhan(e3 and regulations. The NHc oevelopment Se ic€r c€nter will be notilied of any chanSes in the a pprovad plans and 5p&ificationr or changc in contractor informatlon. "'NOTE: Any work d without the appropriele permits willbe in violation ofth€ NC State 8ld8 Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolilier" --./'1I ll o,,t Signature: t Nofie lsthepropertylocated ina floodplain? ! Yes E r{o Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Eristint Land DisturbinS Permit: fl Yes f No WATER: XCFPUA ! Community System fl Private Well D CentralWell fl Aqua SEWER: ELCFPUA fl Community System E Private Septic B CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Offacer: _ Setbackc (Fl _ (l,Hl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S D Other (SF)_ D I-C- NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE I RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSkTR All QUESTTONS AppLICABLE T0 l0U8 pnotECT "Proj ect Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAI1E: Robuck Homes Trianqle, l,LC &otB t )U)7 APPLICATION Number (0ffi(e Use) DAIE: tl./oB /18 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1229 l{aLerlrav cL SUBDIVISION:SouLhHaven aL Arr CITY: oJi Imill9Lon ZIP:2a411 00?BLOCK 'I PROPERTY 0I'INER'5 NAIIE I ltobu(:k Hor rs rrianq.Le. LLC OWNER'5 ADDRESS: 6131 Falrs of Neuse Rd. sce 200 CIIYr Raleich CoNTRACTOR: Robuck Homqs lriangle, LL!LICENSE #: sr08l ADDRESS; 61111 FalI6 ol Neuse Rd. ste 200 C]TY: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Jai Norbech i norbech@robuckhonres. com LOT 'i: ST: r.rc ZIP i 2'l6i9 5T: IL zIP: !:!!z PHoNE ll: 9le 2?, r126 ExrsTrNG coNsTRUcTroN: f] arrrnarror,: I neltovnrrou E]cerurnar neenrns I RELocATIoN NE'J CONSTRUCIION:ERECT NEI^I RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSI,JER BELOl,l ALL TIIAT APPLY T0 YoUR pROIECT: ATT GARAGE - 5F SUNROOIVI - SF GREENHOUSE SF DET GARAGE - SF P00 L _ sF DECK SF PoRCH _ 5F S]ORAGE SHED SF 5FOTHE R: ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: _ ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: _ ToTAL PROIECT CoST lress Lor) :$_ S OF STORIES: Is Any ELEaTRICAI, PLUiIBING on I1ECHANICAL Work Beint Done to the Accessory Structune? E Yes If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Sj.tei AYes r No llc Is thene Electrical Power on this Buil-dj.nB? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: @ SrUCrr rnmrrV DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Eempered qlass rcDlacemenL So<Q<lrviy * arir}.+,-197 I ves f] no ouer-rx I rowNHousE cont.cro, i.ttrm6ton. "'NOrE: Any lYork Pedo,nred W/O {re Appropiab Pe.mnsw[! be h virlallon ol lhe NC S!a@ Bldq Code 6nd SuUiecl lo Fines Up To 5s00.00"' srGNAruRE : --'l:; )z//S/H,OI4NER/CONTRACTOR: chartes ;r. Bishop rv IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING It'{pERVIoUs AnEA: _SQ FT NEN III1PERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT I vrs I NO TOTAL ACRES D]STURBED: ,v.** * * ** * * **+**it *+t * * +* *i(** )tx )i * r*,*:** * * +*iti * ****** *:f *)t **x* ***, *x *x ** *,f,1 * )r * +l + * +* *'* * * *:i* **I EXIsT LAND DISTURBING PERNIIT:YE5 NOI l^,nTER: I creun I coMMUNrry svsrrm I pRrvArE WELL I cerurnal well 5EWERT E creun ! CENTRAL sEprrc I nnrvlrr senrrc I coffi'lljNrw sysrEr.l 1+1 qFPARATI: PERITITS NIQUIRED TOR TI.ICT, I,lECII, PLOG, GAS TQUIP, PIIEFA85 A II.JSIIiTS '1i PAYT1ENT TTIETHOD: CAsn Cn.Cr (PAYABLE TO rttHC; I nmenrCAn rXnnrSS E ralrrtO OTSCOUTO +*+**** * * **** ** *,t ,t,ii *,tr * +* i!* )t,t * *,t** *)t +*:f* ** +,1* * ** ***** ****,t**** + * *)r * * ** ** *,* * r** * * **t * +**,t* (Fofi oFFrar usE orLY) RavIsED D rE 64111/12 ZoNE: oFFICER: SETBACKS: F: LH; RH: B: Approval Comment; City:_ DATE :_ FL00D _ BFt+2ft= N PERI"IIT FEE; $'1; oc &,,r ( r kp?^ce S(azS r6N\F".d d <Z r5 V(v \\lttrs i.ffi. DEVELoPER: Robuck Homes Trianqte, LLc PHoNE #: 919 8?6 gzoo PHoNE li: 919'€ /6 92oo EMAIL ADDRESS: i norbech@robuckhomes . co,n pH0NE #: grg s:e_gzoo 2VL,?uv+1 )o \ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{TT APPLICATIOI TYPE.. COIftE RCIAL PLEAsE A,lslrER ALt Q()ESIlOrs APPLICISIC lO YOJq PnOIECI "ProJcct RcsponrIbiLity" - olrr: AFFfffATfon t{urb€r 8/31/2018 OEV€LOPER: N/A PRO] ECT AOD REss: 725 wELLTNGToN AVENUE crw: wwrNclolt OCCUPATIT/8USItlE55 tlAllE : FAITH LtFE FELLOWSHTP lNc PROPERTY OnaER' 5 llA}lE: SEAMIST pROpERTIES LLC Crrll'lER'S ADORESS I 3SO7 pEACHTREE AVENUE #2OO . CITY: yyg1y11.167611 - LICE'{SE I: P}l()llE ':27P t 28401 - PtlOiiE *: 9102089450 ST !'N!_11r@ CO TRACTOR I ADORESS: I T:CITY:PAn, ZXt, o=st *'t T:3184584210 EITAIL ADOR€S PRO]ECT CONIA NoNEIi CO{STRUCTIdI: DISCIAlMEAT I hq.by and lo.al bill .nd ordio, ctDM h c..lr6clorSubFllo F6.. Up To : scorl FoRREST 1" EPl() EXIS] CONSTRUCTION:ALTIRATIOII R EIOVATION lf Rolocation, rs ther€ a Natur€l Gas Lino on lh€Sto? T KL dE RECT NEI{ STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(SHELL UPFIT ADO TO XIST STRI'CTURE accESsoRY STRITCIURE: R€NOVATE EXIST|NG ADD ROOM FACILITIES If UPFIT - The 5he1l Perhit f Erl6R o€5l6al PnOFESSIOML L . PH:irc R DESCRIPTIoIi 0F IIORK:TE EXI TING ANO ADD oolJ 1Ch..k lr th.t appry) *r.o.nlro,,.#.v*li_GENERAL REPAIRS lf - xo rs BLDG s I5 Ele(t Poler on this gulldint l. Yes f N0 ..... ls llrrs A a8^r6E 0r Gcrp^ncy ustt f yEs li. rio ..... IF Yes, rfi.t r.a th. Preyloua (kcuP.ncy TyP.? - l.'|.t 15 thc Xd Oc.!p.n<y IXSfitorrr* ProFEssro,r L: Pn: NC REF Ef s ts iood or b€verages prepared or s,6rved in this srflJcturs? li yosl- No ls lt. property Locst€d tn The Fmapieint [- vos NO dlity rhlr .1, inld@oo.r inMn6 End rsoulslion3. Th€o. 6nlrs.td liim8tlon -'ts60 m- NHC Osyglosm€nr S€rqcs! Co.nor wll b,o ootGdNOIE Ary \,Vorr Pdh.m.d lYrc rE A)groprrrle IhB apdic.lih E dred 6.d .{ Er FI c'rpry rith ltE Sr6rc 6uidn9 Cod. SO FT OWNEFUCONTRA CT OR,. 5'-O iI Q*zes i sreueruRE # OF UNITS # OF STORIES I oF FLooRs 50! LoFT B Nor6: E\.dD&ro. turiliori@ a .$.srdr Gmov.J D..dl .pplicllto.E.l! !o b. iJ.,iu.d 6h9 th. 4fadl,on lbm (DtlH9376E) ,id$. nr crnbii A3besa6 o. rcL Yc! !l! Equi..d b on lh. N!tj6.l Enisirh grrr,srt! ld 8.!r(bu6 ar tulubr{s (NES,HAP) !r (919)70?.5950 fri ddn<rtion or ,q laoliy d &adi.E s€ asb€rB lir.! sii: hnp r,'**r,6d.ad..du.roprarbG!to!/.hmr-h'rl t .Iry d borr& i.. rard ro 16r t0 d.F fiq !ouE TOTAL PROJECT COST: 20 000 AUILOING HEIGHT: 25 FEET TOTAL AREA SO FT : SOOO SO FT PER FLR:.4500 MAtN ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF: 4566 t OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERIY USE ZONE OFFICER Approval;*- City:- DATE- FLOOD EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? SO FT EXISTING IMPERMOUS AREA: fves J-ruo [oFFrcE I nesrnuneur f] mencrrnle[ eoucff nrr[CONDO OTHEI CHURCH FICATIONWATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA.. SE COMMUNIIY SYSIEM TI WELL D ZoNING IJSE CLASSI cENTFAL sEprc L-l pntvrtE sEprtc E- cot,tuuNtrv s'sreu P^R^rE PERITTS REOUIREO FOA ELECT. MECH PLSG GAS EOUrP PREFABS a INSEnTS'_ PAYMENT METHOD: I- CESX J- CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T. AJ|4ERICAN EXPRESS J-- Mc,visn l-- orscow lFOR OFFICT USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F' I gBFE+2ft,t0 Comment LH RH PERMIT FEE: : "::i:'i-';-, i,ffiri APPLIcAxT'S ilAltE: SCOTT R. FORREST d,D6- (atuA( 18-3288 Appliaation (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PL€ASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI ?roiect Responslblliy SUBDIVISION: Munayville Crossing Ow'{ER,s ADDRESS: 131 Rscine Drive Suite 201 ClTy. Wilmington 71p. 2&a03 ClTy. Wilmington 51. NC 21p. 28a03ADDRESS: 131 Rscine Drive Suite 201 EtrfAl[ AODRESS: bredge(ldfiodon.com pHONE.91G33&6017 PROTECI CONTACT PERSON: Sean Reynolds p66119. 91tr52&1689 EXlSTlilG CONSIRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: El Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ...PLEASE CHECT AITD ANSWER 'I* E att Garate (Sr) 417 D Det Garage (SFl - E Pordr (SF) a8 E sunroom (sF)tr Pool(SF)D storage shed (sF) _ D Greenhouse (sF)E other (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? E Yes E No Unheated: s TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):105'170 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lI the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural 6as Line on the current site? [ Yes El t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No owne/contla ctor. Barry Edge Sitnature: 'Llcensed Quolifiet' tuint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes E No Exlsting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .17 New tmperviousArgl; 2844 Sq Ft Erlstin8 Land Dlsturbing Permh: E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Well D Gntral Well D Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System D Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua Zon€: _ Officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ tlood: {A} _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ lawsand ordinances and regulatlons. The NHC Development SeNlces centerwlllb€ notmed of any chanSes ln the approved plans and sp€cmcatlons or change ln contractor lnlormation. "'NOTE; any wo* pe.formed without the appropriate permits wlll be ln vlolation of the ttc State gldg code and Jublect to fines up to 5500.00...'F44 l-- Comment:Peamit Fee: S \ JQ.oo AppltCANT,s NAME. Barry Edge Date: _px6l661appxsss. tffi 6rry, *;,n91_,t ;r*!_ I.oT #: 7 PROPERTY OWNER,5 laggs D R Horton, lnc PHONE d. 9'1G33&6017 CO1;TRACTOR. DRHorton, lnc g1p6 g66 96g.29676 I Deck (SF)_ TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed nork) Heated: 1618 Property use/ Occupancy: E Slryle Family E Duplex E Townhousc Descdpdon of Wort: Ncw tiitrd. Ftrit R"i&rE ehwr 2oPatr s 7ot&lStnt BNEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: COIjIHERCIAL PLTASE ANSI{IR At L QUESTIONS APPLI(A8r€ TO YOUR PRoIE(I "Project Responsibility" o Dnv CITY: APPLICATION Number (of{ i(e Us€ ) appLrcANrs Hamrr unitgel Rr$retrcn 3rurrcs,LLC DEVELOPER: N |4 PRO] ECT ADDRESS :rLLA CITY: oaIEt)9:29:8- 8,3 CONTRACTOR:Roto on e e ADDRESS D EMAI L ADDRESS: c. PRO] ECT CONTACT PERSON: OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: EXIST CONSTRUCTION ll Relocation, is there a N LC Lrcelsr s:1691-7 CITY: rces PHONE f: ztP.)E10{ sr:NL zrP: 2840f srl.lc zrP: r-8{ry PHoNE f : R4,l'qGA'2q'Io PHoNE #:85>-fiI-qnq e er (Che.I all fdetY;EALTERATIONRENOVATION NERAL REPAIRSNo lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION rrrnroz Iv"" IttoaturalGas Line on the Currenl Sile?tr NEI,I CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCIURE I rasr rnacx ! srrr-r f]UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shel1 Permit #: Is Elect Power on this Bullding E Yes E *o *'*** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occuPANcY usrl Ivrs E to .-'-. IF Yes, \ihat wa5 the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EtiGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: DE5CRIPTION OF WORK: PH NC RE6 { NC RE6 #PH )rt LI hi" ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure? DISCLAIMER: Ihe certly thal all information in and reoulalions. Thraclor i-nformation ' nish Floors ves [ ruo ls The Prop8rty Locsted ln The Floodplain?[vu" fio Code and allolher applicable Slale d 6ndc slale Code andSubjecrloFines Up To F/CONT s500.00"' OWNE RACTOR:r.oa(SIGNATURE NolorDomo,hion ootlfetiong A 4b6stos rmoval p€mh 6ppllatlon6.r€ ro b€ eubnrhe., u6in9 tho appll.srloi toft (DHHS-376a) wherher rhe racltty oi bu)rdrng w6s roundro co aln AsbeSos or not. You 3re requlred !o callthe National Emlsslon Slandards tor HezErdous All Pollutanls (NESHAP)Bl (919)707-5350 at t€ai 10 d6ys p.ior lo the demolnlon o{ any racility or buildlno. See Asbestos Web Site: ttlpr/ww-epi-sale.nc.us/eprasbeslos/ahmp-hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST Sco,ocD BUILDING HEIGHT: JO.# oF UNITS: i b TOTAL AREA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR: {oot <F , OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF i4;;o-# OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERry USE: DoFFrcE flnesrnumur [uencmrrru [eouc Imr gdor* o.n." WATER: T/CFPUA SEWER: ACFPUA CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM flWELL EZONTNG USE CtASS|FICAT|ON CENTRALSEPTTC Ll PRrvArE SEPTTC fICOMMUNTTY SYSTEM ..'r: .ii: ::- i :ir; l;i:l :a:i.l l!..ri:i PAYL4ENT METHOD: nCASH ffirrCr leo"oelE TO NHC) lar,,lrnrCaH EXPRESS ffiCnrrSn I OTSCOVEn I lFOR OFFjCE USE ONL'REMSEO DATE lJ11]12ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:- DATE:- FLOOD:__ _ BFE+m= AVNComment PERMIT FEE: $ lgOr,cd 0or etoU r.p ";( / W \\l sltg OWNER'S ADDRESS I PHONE Sl I.rhat is the New O(cupan(y Type? _ ll Slanr.' V.p I a\2o16-1illl 3 appLrcANr,s rime : L-lnrted Resbra*ron e-.r u !ce.5. LLL DEVELOPER: N A PRO] ECT ADDRESS OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT aPPLI.ATIoN TYPF; COMMERCIAL PlEAsE ANsTITR ALT QUTS1IOIIS APPLITABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" PLace CITY: PHONE #: 27P | 2840{ PHONE f: PHONE PHoNr $:856- Tlr-qtlg REPAIRs RE LOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Iv". Ir'ro ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE APPLICATIOI,I Nunber (Office Use) DArE !!$fi-- PROPERTY OWNER' 5 OWNER'S ADDRESS:8 eNAME: CITY: coNrRAcroR: tln,Jed Rertomtmn Serv rces L(L LrcENsE $: nLq21 ST: NC ZIP:J.6qO5 sr:{L zrP: L8{.Df#,844-41.al1'.t) ADDRESS: EMAIL AOD ,rds RESS: PRO] ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION ll Relocation. as there a Natural Gas Line on the Currenl Sile?tr (Check all R ENOVATION I./ GENERAL Yes l_lNo NE I.] CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI^J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permi.t #:Is Elect Power on this BuiLdin8 Ives Ero IF Yes, what was the Previous O(cupan(y Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: PH PH NC REG { NC RE6 # DESCRIPTION OF WORK D..unl.l Ai,ntir'L h ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this sruaure? [ vus fl No h The Proparty Locat6d ln ThB Floodplain? [ Yes al" DISCLAIMER: Ihe lhal all inlormalion in all olher applicable Slale I or chanoe in conlracbrSubiedlo Frnes Up To lhrs applicairo'] rs cored and all worl wlll comply with rhe Slare BLrldrng Code and NHC Develoomenl Servces Cenler wrllbe notrllpd of anv chanoes rn rhe aoorovedNOTF Any Wofi Perlorm€d WO tne Appropfiate Permrls will b-e rn Vrolari6n o' rheNC Stale OWNER/CONTRACTOR ct,.t a.X<SIGN {oreffeO demolhlon ofany racility or buildlng. See llsbsnos W€b Sile: hltpJ rwlv.epi.naie.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/aimp.hhl Nolo: Deholll,on no fcilron5 A asbo6ro5 r€.novel p6mh 6ppll@tlons €16 to b3 Bubmhsd ucing thB applr@tion to,h (DHHS 3754) \r'6rher rhe lacilhy orbuirding wss loundro cornah Asbeslos or nol. You are roqulrad to calllhe NationBl Emlsslon s]andards lor Ha?erdous Ajr Pollurarns INESHAP) ar (919)707.5950 al Ean 10days giorrolhe TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Wxsf # OF STRUCTURES| , ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT PROPERry USE: lOrrrCe !RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC I ner ffCor'roo orHER._ TOTAL PROJECT COST PAYh,IENT If,IETHOD: E CASH .4rn,aD?, OF UNITS IL WATERi SEWEBi -/t'sfctPuA fIcoMMUNTTYSYSTEM flWELLffireue EceHrRn seprrc fleh-vere seelc f OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: ff coMMUNTTY SYSTEM {*"*,so I otscovencx lcrvrem ro runc1 fl AMERICAN EXPRESS (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:- FLOOD: -- _ BFE+2fr AVN PERMIT FEE: $_Comment Al$rea lo, oa,nnfir ^$, Vt ttq$ B CITY: .*r*. rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupAN(y usrr Ives E]ro ....- Hhat is the NeriJ occupancy Type? _ ( BUILDING HEtcHT: 1?i SO FT PER FLR: faDa 5f RE\1SEO DATE IV11N2 \:Sh.,e.n %WcS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL 2a*-lzutb APPLICATIOII Number (offi(e Use) :: ,./ PLEASE ANSI,JIR ALL QUESTIONS APPLI(ABLE T0 YoUR PRoIECT "Project Respons ibility" APPLICANT'S NAME:I lxrrel Rarrlelarro* SERUTcE5 LtJ.oalt: t6 Z1' lB DEVELOPER: N PRO]ECT ADDRESS:t)CITY: OCCU PANT / BUS INESS NAME: \)NIF]I Or- lr}+ , )ol- 2c6, ',?or-.l)Ll PROPERTY OI,JNER'5 NAME : OWNER'S ADDRESS:813 vE CITY CONTRACTOR:Serurces LIcENSE s: 16qL1 ADDRESS:CITY: n PHONE fl: :-rp,l84aJ PHONE S:sr,5gE@5 sr:Nc zrP; 18{05 PHoNE fl: B4q-4bo.zqTo PHoNE #: 85 O- Zq 7-Orr, EMAI L AODRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACTP RSON (theck 41l rh.t r6plfd etY;E v) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION RENOVATION NERAL REPAIRS No lS Bt DG SPRIN RELOCATION rreneoz Iv". Ittoll Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on lhe Curreni Site?tr NEI4 CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEr^r srRUcruRE I rrsr rnacx f] sxrlr- f] uerrr fl noo ro Exrsr srRucrunr ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE r If UPFIT - The Shell Peimit i: If Yes) what u,as the Pievious occupancy Type? .**** rs rlrs A cnaNGE oF occupANcy usrr Ives E*o ...'. Is Elect Power on this BuildinB E Yes D ,ro NC REG { NC R€6 # ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: PH PH DESCRIPTION OI |/.]ORK R-P., D"vrotl, hi"tina , Flnish Floors tstoodorbeveragespr"p.r.do,""rr"dinttir'"rrarr"rIv".[,Jo',,*",ropertyLocatedlnThenoooptain?f]vesffi lhis applicalaon is correct and allwork willcomdy wilh the Sla1e Buildlnq Code and NHC Develoom€nl Servrces Center willbe nolrlied ol anv chanoes rn lhe aoDrovedNOTI Any Worl Periormed WO lhe Applopftale Permi{s will 6e ln Vrolat,on ol ihe ali olher applicable Slal€ Slale 7"o.(€SIGNATUROWNEFYCONTRACTOR (Ou.Ln€4 NorB: DeDorhoD .orlfierron. A *b.Etos rhoval pemh oppllcallon3 ar€ ro b. EubrDrhod u.in! rh€ apdl€rio^ rorm (DHHS,376a) l,lrrh6, rh6 taaltry or bu dhg was ldun! ro con h Aib.slos o, no!. You are raqulrad lo c5ll the Naronrl Emisslon Sandards for Hazerdous Alr Polldarns (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 .r least 10 days prior lo rhe domolillon ol any lacility oI bulldlng. See Asbenos Web Sile: ml9:rwww.epi.$ete.nc.us/epi/Bsbesto€/ahmp.html roTAL PROJECT COS-r: .&l), @o BUTLDTNG HETGHT: z? t # OF UNITS:IL IOTAL AREA SO FT : - ToTAL sQ FT UNDERRIIF@,F SQ FT PER FLR: bO4-# OF STORIES:, OF FLOORS:# OF STRUCTURES: EXST LAND DrsruRarHc eenr,arru I-l ves I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PRopERry usE: lorrrce f]nesrnunaNr MERCANTILE eouc flrer plcdlroo orneR, WATER SEWER dtrpuaffi,retx COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL sEPTrc E flWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC PAYMENT METHOD: ICeSX HEcK (eAvABLE ro nHcy flnuenrcaN ExeRESS L]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: EcoMMUNTTY SYSTEM -/ftfficrursa fl orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REMSED DATE 1J11h2ZONE:_OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2nAVN Comment fttodJ! roru^ rag[*F,fitl tlattg PERMIT FEE: $--- !,Jhal is the Neur Oc(upan(y Type? _ ACRES DISTURBED APPLICANI'S NAME: 9toern W:Pa\r3 ZotE-Da1$NEI^, HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATIaN IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEAST ANSt4,tR AIL QUESTIoNS APPLI(ABI€ T0 YoUR PROIE(T "Project ResponsibiLity" 5erv APPLICATION Number (tff ice Use) RESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINE55 NAME : PROPERTY ONNER,S NAfiE: OWNER'S ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS:L PRO]ECT CONTACT P RSON: CONTRACTOR: ADDRE5S:706 S Aiv C ITY: n r LVE CITY: LLC lrcrnsr *,76121 CITY:tn on s oar:t:lb-L1'2018 ztP 2E4DS sr: Nt zrP : 28'105 ST: NL ZIP: 28TO' L DEVELOPER: PRO]ECI ADD N A PrioNt ,: PHONE #: n(I 3 e e tc9 PHoNE {: 64,1- {L0' 2ct'lO PHoNE r: 85b-717'9l'l? EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION PRIN RE LOCATION rrrneoz Iv"r [ruoli Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Sie?tr NEI,J CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI,J STRUCTUR E FAST TRACK SHELL fl uenr I noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE (Check A11 R E NOVAT ION tut ipt y tl7I crnrnll nrplrns Yes LlNo lS BLDG S If UPFIT - The Shell Permi.t *: IF Yes, uhat Nas the Previous Occupanay Type? .*... rs rHrs A CHAN6E oF occupaltcy usrl flves [rc .*-., Is Elect Power on this Buildin8 E Yes E m PH NC REG * PH NC RE6 T ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DTSIGN PROFESSIONAL : DESCRIPTION OF WORK o(5 UeLL A@Trs)Er;rS ls food or beversges prepar€d or served in this srruaue? flve" flruo h Th" Proparty this application is correcl and all work willcomdy wilh lheNHC Develoomenl SeMces CenEr willbe nolilied ol anvNOll Any Wort Perlorned WO lhe Aptropriale Permils ){r.,""(e SIGNATUR {rooa.t Locsred tn The Ftood6ainr I ves P(o Sl,ale Building Code and allolhe, applicable Slale chanoes rn lha aoowill 6e rn Vrolar,on C cotnain Asbesos or nol. You are r€qulred lo c8ll ih€ Nalional Emlsslon Slandards lor Haz8rdous Ar Poluants (NESHAP) sr (919)707,59:,0 ar teasr 10 days p.ior ro lhe 06mohbn o, anytacilfyor buildlng S€€ Asbenos WeD Sne: hll9li1./!vw.epi.s1al hrmt TOTAL PROJECT CO TOTAL AREA SQ FT : BUILDING HE # oF UNITS: lU SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:rorAL so Fr uNDEaaoor, JlAw 5f f OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRarNc peRr,rrr Tl ves SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE ! ReSrlUnnNr MERcANTLE leouc lmr pc6Noo oruen: WATER SEWER gfreue. V1 ETCFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEMcrlirnal srerrc !DWELL DzoNtNG usE cLAsslFtcATtoN PRTVATE SEPTTC E COMMUNTTY SYSTEM (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE OFFICER SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- BApproval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ff=AVN Comment REMSED OATE 4/11/I2 Appoued h nwry,ri u61 r%r.(\/s /(0 PERMIT FEE; $ i-l '(t' I ln,ted Pe-strro*io^ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: l.Jhat is the Ne}? O((rrpan(y Type? _ 3cDrDeD I pAwrENr METHOD: [CnSn ffinecx lenvaeLE To NHc) [aurnrcaN ExpRESs ffiCwSa I OTSCOVeR \r, I y ._--fjyoun &parr.S 2ot6-Db83NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERHIT aPPLICATIoN TYPE r COMMERCIAL PTIAS€ ANST'TR ALI. QUESIIONS APPLI(A8IE TO YOUR PRO]TCT "Project Responsibility" . CITY: aJ re o u r CITY: ttcENsE i: 1b Z1 APPLICATION Numbe r (of{ ic€ U5e) AppLrcANT's xnuE, L,l n ited Restara{zon Se-rrlrp<. , LLC DEVE LOPE R : PRO] ECT ADDRESS : OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPTRTY OI^JNER'S NAHE: OWNER'S ADDRESS:8 3 CONTRACTOR; ADDRESS: EMAI L AODRESS: PRO] ECT CON]ACT PERSON: PHONT I DATI :_ PHONE #: LT sr;NC zrP:r-840s r c STr_ZIP:_ ce PHONE d: PHONE fl: .i{-,t6 -Lqlo 50- EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ll Relocation, is there a Na ALTERATION Gas Lane on th {ahe(r all Ihat rPply) RENovATToN liTcrHrnar enl Sne? [l yes LlNo R EPAlRS RE LOCATION tural e Curr IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Ives [ru0 NEt,J CONsrRUcTrOu, f] eReCr NEI' 5TRUCTURE I rrSr rnaCx ! Sxrr-r- ACfESSORY STRUCTURE: UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The She1l Permit #Is E1ect Power on this BuildinS I ves E rlo PHARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL I ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: NC REG I NC RE6 flPH DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Boofs, DrVoat[, hinhr,q . Frnrsh Fioors OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: (ou.lfi.r) Je SIGNATUR d€moliilono, any facility or buildlng. See Abenos Web Sie: mtp://!vu/uepi.state.n€.us/epi/asbesi6/ahmp.htmt TOTAL PROJECT COST ls lood or beversges prepared or served in this s,tructure? nYe, flruo" 'ls The Property Located ln The nooOptain? E ves ZI(o this applicalion is correcl and all work wili comply wilh the Srale Bui NHC DeveloDmenl Servrces Cenler will be nolrlled of anv chanoes iNOTF Any Work Pedormed WO tne Appropnale Permils will6e ir ldingnlhea Violari Code and allolher applicable Slate on ol Ue NC Slale Cod! Nolsr Domolton .oth€raons 8 a6b€alos rhovar p€mh appllc.tlorc €r€ ro b€ 6ebmhr3., u6iog rhoapplielion rdh (OHHS,375a) tltErhor tho racjtiry or 6uirdh0 w6s romd ro cortaln Asbesos or nol. Yo! are,equlr6d to c6llthe Nalio.lal Emlsslon Stndards tol Hozarclous Air Pollda s (NESHAP) ar (919)707-59$ a basr 10days triorlorhe TOTAL AREA SO FT : BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES Exsr LAND DrsruRsrno eenurr l--l ves I NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PROPERTY USE: flOrrrCr I neSreUmrur MERCANTILE EDUo I APr f,]eoNoo ornen, ., ,., .ril i i.ar als a l:Jsi.,ri,l PAYMENT l.ltETHOD lcesu [ffnecK (eAvABLE ro NHcy f]auenrceru ExeRESS ficrvrsa I Comment (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) AEV5ED DATE 4/11N2ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2n= DISCOVER AVN _ PERMIT FEE: $-- AW..d $ ao.n 16pair n[firt l\d0 ZIP : CITY: tr ..'** rS THrs A CHANGE oF ocCUpANCy usrl IvrS E*o -.-r- IF Yes) what was the Previous O(cupancy Type? _ what is the NehJ occupan(y Type? _ 7,\OfD # oF UNITS: i U # OF SToRIESj a s or rloons, ---3-'rorAL so FT UNDEa aoor: 31p00 bf, ACRES DISTURBED: - WATER: TTPFPUA f]COMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL f]ZONING USE CTASSIFICATION:SEWER: flCFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC E PRIVATE SEPTIC ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM rtr, i r L\rRRr o*.xE +ok€rlcir I Sr.-.tPrn NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcatIoN rYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWTR ATL QUEsIIONS APPLI(A8IT TO YOUB PRO]E(T "Project Respons ibil ity" )il611;ioo,-,/, APPLICATION Number (oftice Usc ) oarr: 10-29- l8APPLICANT'5 NAME:t I vritd Re4nrator Servtses LLC rITY: DEVELOPER: PRO] ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAI'IE : PHoNr #: 8,1,t" {bD .28 .05 ztP LE.\O'' r:NC zrP:28q05 d 5 NEPHO OWNER'S ADDRESS:8,3 tfe Dr rv CITY:ton LICENSE # i 761 27 ADDRESS:Place 611Y;6Ijlnrin ton EMAI L ADDRESS:r(t \fl ces PRO] ECT CONTACT PT RSON:ce srt ttC ztpt 2t.l0l o, E{,l-%o--zqtoPHONE PHoNE s:850:7q7-1tnq EXIST CONSTRUCTION: It Relocation, is there a Na {( Ler r Alt rhal lPptl) aLTERATToN ! neruovarroru fforrrnar- Gas Lrne on the Current Srte? [v". I uo R EPAI RS RE LOCATION tural IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[v"' flruo NEW CONSTRUCTTOru: fl rnrCr NEW STRUCTURE ! rnsr rnaCX I SXrr-r ACCEsSORY STRUCTURE: UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ***.* rs rHrs a cHANGt oF occupANcy usrl Ivrs IHo -..t- Is Elect Power on this Buildin8 E Yes E to Pt.lARCH DTSIGN PROFESSIONAL : ENGR DTSIGN PROFESSIONAL:PH NC REG fl N( RTG I DESCRIPTION OF WORK Dr S ls tood or beverages prepared or served in this slructure? nYe;V{No ls The Proporty Located ln The Floodplain? E ves fft'lo lhis applicalion is correct and allwork willcomdy wilh theNHC Develoomenl Servrces Center wllbe norilled ot anvNOTE' Any Work Perlormed WO the Appropfiare Perm,{schanoes in lhe aDorovedwll6e rn Vtolalron ol lhe Slale Building Code and all other applicable Stale and conlain Asbeslos or nol- You 3re roqulrod to c.ll ihe Nationa! Emlsslon San&rds ,or llaz8rdous Alr Poluarns (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at leas 10 days p.ior io lhe demolnbn or snylaliltyoI buildlng. See Asbeslos Web Sile: ht1p1t /r4w_epi.srate.nc.usrepi/asb€no6/ahmp_hht TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT rorAL so FI UNDEaaoor, !4tu 1F ACRES DISTIJRBED Comment .ficrr""l €SIGNATU BUILDING HEIGHT: ,A ' so rr pen rlR' EJ4- EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: # OF UNITS IL # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE: [OrnrCe I REsTAURANT luencnr.rrrre I eouc flmr lyfdoruoo ornen SO FT WATERI SEWER: radrpue Tt E-crpue E COMMUNITY SYSTEM f]WELL CENTRAL SEPTIC L,] PRIVATE SEPTIC flzoNtNG usE ctASStFtcATtoN ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM pAyrvrENr METHoD, j"oa* 6u"* fro"*.= ro'^n", trr :i?. ti:: r. I jl ::._ AMERICAN EXPRESS ffiirse [orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) REVISED DATE 1/11/12ZONE:_OFFICER: _ SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH: B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:__ _ BFE+2nAVN PERMIT FEE: $--- Apgord lr,aru r1*it ^(y - W ttbfiO E coNrRAcroRi t-lnited Restorp.tro, 5e rvrces LLL If UPFIT - The 5he1l Penmit {: It Yes, uhat u,as the Previous O(cupancy Type? _ lhat is the Nelr Occupancy lype? _ # OF STRUCTURES: rl I r ,_'-Sloarn Q'&tr-s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATI1N TYPE: COI|IMERCIAL PLTASE ANs}JTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLI(ABIT TO YOUN PRO]TCT "Project Responsibility" La&t;ogs APPLICATION Number (of{ ice Use) . ',/ APPLICANTJS NAME United Restorotion Servrces, LLC DTVELOPER:PHONE fi PRO] ECT ADORESS:AP}E a CITY:h up: A84oS OCCUPANT / BUS INE 55 NAIV1E:n PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAIV1E :e*l OR PHONE f OWNER'S ADDRE 55 crrv: Wiina.inqton sI: N]L zIP :r8{ OS coNrRAcroR : tlniterl Restovrton Service s, u t-C (, tlCeNSE a: 7b?,| ADDRESS: EMAIL ADD Zo8 t^-linds"-r e.sf Placeffi CITY: l-r-li Innr-lro ton sr: NC zrP: ?8-!!5 ervrces I [a c%- pnonr *, ?Ll|-lt"o'zq1D pRorEcr coNrAcr i{ason, C hqrl Prlce pHoNE s:850.7 11"qt7 1 If UPFIT - The shell Permit fl: If Yes, what uras the Previous o(cupancy Type? ...** rs rHIS A cHAr,lGE oF o6cgpAr,t6y USe t f]vrs Em -r**- tJhat is the Neu oc(upan(y fype? Is Elect Power on this Bulldine n*o PH NC REG { PH NC Rt6 fl 6", ARCH DESIGN PROTTSSIONAL: ENGR DTSIGN PROTESSIONAL : DES( RIPTlON OF I^IORK:R-F, D.,rurutt, Airdino. Fi,,rsA Floors ls tood or beverages prepared or servsd in this srruauree flves I No h The Property Localed ln The Floodpla lhis applicalion is correc! and allwork willcomdy with lh€ NHC DeveloDment Servtces Cenler wllbe nonlled of anvNOrt Any Wort Pedormeo WO lne Appropnale Perrnris Slale Building Code and all olher applicable Slale in lhe ol lhe lJC ! comain Abestos or not. You are roqulrod lo call lhe National Emlsslon Slandards lor tlazardous A, Potluanls (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 rr teasl l0 days Fior lo rhe OWNEF|/CONTRACTOR (Arar,6.r) SIGNATUR demolitlon ol ony lacility or buildlng. Sse Asbeslos Web Site: httpj dww.epi.slale.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.himl 4o', OF UNITSrorAL PRoJECT cosT: ?,C0, (0(2 BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR:&xo<F rr ,.-r:1,: i. :: - (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL\1 OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:--DATE:_ FLOOD:__ _ BFE+zflAVN )L R ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXSr LAND DrsruRarHo pEn[rrr Tl vrs [ ruo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT PROPERry USE| lOrrrCe ! neSrlURarur MERCANTITE eouc flacr fifcoHoo ornen, TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDE wArER: VGI)A ff COMMUN|TY SYSTEM flwELL DZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ONSEWER: ffCFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC Ll PRIVATE SEPTTC ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM PAY\IENT METHOD: ECASH cHEcK (eAvABLE To xncl [ar,,trnrcAN ExpRESs EhfCrutsa D DISCOVER REMSEO OATE {11/12 Commenl pERMIT FEE: g \gseJ P"4ot$'\ tePitony - tstl (yS,*' DArE:lo 2q'18 Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E aLrERArro, 3 .r*Jiiiill"J 'ffiil*o. nrmrns I RELocArroN tt Relocstion isrhereaNatural Gas I ine on the Currenl 51", f]ves[ruo tS SLOC SpnllttxteneOz Iv"t Ir.ro NEtll CON5IRUCTrON, I rnrCr NEW 5TRUCTURE IrnSr rUCx f] Sxrr-r ! Uerrr! mO rO Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ( # OF STORIES: 1 I Or rlOOnS: --:7- ZONE: Slorzwl P'g-Par r-S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATI0N rYPE: COMF1ERCIAL PIIA5I ANS}/tR ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUB PBO]E(T "Project Respons ibil ity" Zc$-lrtu97 APPLICATIOIT Number (offrce Us e) DArE : lo.2t' zo itAPPLICANT,S NAME:United Restomfron Ser\rEei. L Lc DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:It LT ctrv:h PHONE #: PHONT #: zrP: 28405 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIiIE:Vlllane *+ rvqius;r,re ilon ourr.rER,s ADDRESS, 6A8 fi,|tJfiiie f iB'f>ive ciiv: urila,trngton srti{c- ztPt Lglo{ .'LIc€NsE t: al63z1rLLCONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI'1AI L ADDRESS : PRO] ECT CONTACT P RSON: Crrv : LrJ i lrvr rv.qt-o n sr: Nc zrP:2r{05 pnonr *, N(.*t"o.zqrc PHoNE $: P,so.7q1.ql'l 9 J L If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: If Yes, h'hat uas the Previous O(cupancy Type? Is Elect Power on this Buildin8 **'*r rs THrs A cHAr,,GE oF occupANcy usrl Ivrs Erc -,--- W("' E *o ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROTESSIONAL: PH PH DESCRIPTION OF WOR(Roo-0s, Dr,ru.,a((. Pcinti"a . finish FLoors ls food or beyeraoes prep8rcd or served in this srruaurez Ives I no b ne eroperty Locat€d ln The Floodptain? [ ves ffio this applicalron is conecl and allwolk will comdy with the NHC DeveloDment Servrces Center willbe notfied of anvNOIE Any Wort Pedormed w/O lhe App'op,iale Permilschanoes in lh€ aoorovedwill b'e rn Vrolatron ot lhe Slale Buildlng Code and all olher applicable Stale de andNCSlale OWNER/CONTRACTOR:,l SIGNATURE: domohlon o{ Bny ladlity o{ buildlno S€€ Asbeslos web Sile: hllpj d'.^ i.€pi.nale. nc.us/epi/asb€sto6/ahmp.html # OF UNITS ILrorAL PRoJEcr cosr: 3g2JlEQ_BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: il TOTAL AREA SO FT ,Dd.iF # OF STORIES: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ?4,nrar(# OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED NC Rt6 { NC RTG # lqEL6., FnnlN66.) contaln Asb€sos or nor. You .re roqulrod lo call rhe N8rionsl Emlsslon Stndards tor Hazardous Alr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 sl teasl '10 d.ys p.lor lo lhe EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: YES NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERry USE: DOFFTCE ! neSmUnnHr MERCANTILE EDUC APr L4eoNDo orHER: SQ FT WATER ,ICFPUA T.I SEwER: E-cFpUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM fl WELL PRIVATE SEPTIC ',:. i flzoNtNG usE CLASStFtCATtON: tlcoMMUNtTY SYSTEM ]l],1;?.1:.i:..1.]i|.i'' CENTRAL SEPTIC PAYMENT t,4ETHOD flcnsn plcnecK (eAvABLE ro NHcl leuenrcen exeness grfi-ovrse I DISCOVER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REMSED DATE d/11/12ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH: RH: B:Approvat:_ ctty: -oare Flooo: - - -eieEff=Comment AprodQ nour\ rrpir - Et( \t loltb N PERMIT FEE: $_ /,i, {,1 \\ l(he([ A]l that Arply) Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: fl aLTrRATror l--l neuovarror ffcrHrnlr nrllrns I RElocarroN ttRelocation.6 rhere a NaruratGas Lrne onrheEirenr Sire? flY;ENo ts eLDG spiiixLrpEpr Ives Ilto NEW CONSTRUCTTON, fl rnec'r NEW STRUCTuRE ! raSr rnrCx ! Sxrr-r- [ uerrr f] noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: tlhat is the New Occupancy Type? _ l SYorun ?npt6 NEt^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIvIIT aPPLI.ATIoN rvPE; COHMERCIAL PIEASE ANSh'TR ALL QUTSTIONS APPLI(A8T€ TO YOUB PBO]E(T "Project Responsibility" r.,tniterl Restorufton Ser,r r ?d\-DtaqA APPLICATION Number (of{ i(e Use) , APPLICAN],S NAME DEVEI.OPER: l_r r ztP:2tl\t 8sa.'l.q,L'11 PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/BUSINE55 NAI,1E : pRopEBry owNER's NAME: Yrllqqe &t t]ta rtfatre dlA n PHONE #: PHONE 8 otrlNER's ADDRESS, 6613 Sr: xfC zrp: 28{05 CONTRACTOR:llni*el Restorot lon S ra rces. LLL LrcENsc a: 7c? Z'l ADDRE5S: 7o8 t) tnd-sweot PLar e,CITY:sr:Nc' zIP: ,J{O 5 fe3 44- 460-zq.lofEMAIL ADDRESS: PRO] ECT CONTAC T PERSON:LE PHONE #: PHONE #: EXIST CONSTRI.JCTION:ALTE RATION PRIN RE LOCATION 111gpgpr Iv". INoll Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curr NEW CON5TRUCTTON: nERECT NE[,J STRUCTURE IraSr rnaCX f] SHrr-r- [ Ulrrr ! mO rO ExrsT sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 1f UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruo .**** rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupar,rcy usrt Ivrs E"o.r.-,If Yes, what v,Jas the Previous Ocaupancy Type?Nhat is the New occupancy Type? (che(l a) I Ihaupply) RENovArroN lTorrrRaL Rr plrns enr Srle? L_l Yes LlNo ls BLDG s ARCH DESIGTI PROTESSIONAL: ENGR DE5I6N PROFESSIONAL: PH NC REG { NC RE6 #PH DEsc RrprroN or woRK : Koofs, 0rVdq tl, Pa,r,t,r,a, 6nti h Flnort C ITY tn -------- ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this srucrure? flves I No ls The Property Localed ln The Floody'ain?flYes d," lhis applicalion is co.rect and allwork will comEy wilh lhe NHC DeveloDmenl Services Cenler willbe nolrlied ol anv\OrE Any Wort Perlormed WO lhe Appropnale Permrlschanoes rn the aDDroved Dlanull6e 'n Vrolalioi ol th€\lC dg Code DISCLAIMER: I nereby cerUty lhar all ,nformarion in and ltEllaws and ordrnances and reoulatons -f he or cnanoe rn collraclor o, conlraclor rilor.nalron. "'Subre.rlo Fines uo To 3500 00"' o**i""o**"roR' {d.."[Srt""/e (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F Slale Euilding Code and allolher applicable Stale t # OF FLOORSi REMSEO DATE 4/11T12 SIGNATURE cDriain Asbenos or nol. Yo{, are requrrod to call ihe National Embslon Siandards tol Ha2ardous Ar Pollutads (NESHAP) et (919)707-59:'0 ar leasl 10 dsys p.ior lo lhe domolillon ol any ladlily ol bulldlng. Sa€ Asbestos web Sile: htlpJ vw.epi.Sale.nc.us/epi/asbenc/ahmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST D BUILDING HEIGHT # OF TJNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR:a , OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURESIU@s ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT PROPERTY USE: fIOFFTCE ! nesrnUnAnr MERCANTILE rouc ! eer ffc-ouoo orxen, EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: flves I No WATERI SEWER: gftSeva ETCFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM flWELL fIZONTNG USE CTASS|F|CAT|ON PRTVATE SEPTTC D COMMUNTTY SYSTEM .:r.r. PAYMENT METI-JOD [cesn p]C]rrcK (eAvABLE ro NHcl f]auenrcaN EXeRESS gfr'cn,rse I orscoven _ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ AVN ZONE:_OFFICER Comment A6utJ 9or 6q0l. {ceCot[1 -n\ \Elro PERMIT FEE: $_ oalE:lO L1 'LOl8