NOVEMBER 21 2018 BUILD APPS11272018101613NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICAEIETO YOUR PROJECr "Proiect Responsibility'' !ot? t3\b? ta-=3396 Applicatlon Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Charter Buildinq Group oatet11l13l18 PROJECT ADDRESST 3350 Oyster Tabby Drive clTY: Wilminoton ZtP 28412 SUBDIVISION: Riverliohts PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Charter Buildino Group OWNER,S ADDRESs: PHONE #: 910-769-2440 CITY ZlPl CONTRACTOR: Charter Buildino Group BLDG LICENSE #:F'76,7A ADDRESS: 108 Giles Avenue Suite 104 clTY: Wilminqton sT: E zlP: 28403 EMAIL ADORESS: tonva@charterbuildinqqrouo.com PHoNE:910-769-2440 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON Sean Lewts PHONE:9'10-262-5899 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E/ffect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation 'tT1.PL€ASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** d(Garase (sF)949_ E Sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) ! Deck (sF) tD-forch (SF)371 D Storage Shed {SF)_ tr Other (SF)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor prcposed workJ Heated:2400 Unheated: 911 TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot):5350000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves E/No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to th€ Accessory Structu re D Yes B4lo lftheprojectis a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Urlrlon the current site? 3 ves 6z(o ls there Eledrical Power on this Building? ! Yes E]/ No Property Use/ Occup"n"yr Edingl" frrily tr Duplex tr Townhoulc Description of Work: New Sinole Familv with attached oatao eDwellino laws and ordinances and reSulations. Th€ NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notilied ofanychanSes ln the approved plans and speclflcations orchange in contractor information. +'*NOTE: Anywork performed wlthout the approprlate p€rmlts wlllbe ln violatlon of the NCState Eldg Code and subject to flnes up to ssOO.trO*** owner/contractor: Tonya Nessetroade/cBc sirnature: fit1,.;a11.|/]lQy- "Licensed Quolifie.""- 0- Is the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes I Existing tmpervious Ar"", ----..,f,1-!- sq rt dro Total Acres Disturbed: <1/3 New lmpe rvious Area: 3770 5q Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: D CFPUA E Community System ! Private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWERT ! CFPUA D Community System tr Private Septic ! CentralSeptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approvalr _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S )r.r1t ," tOT f:50, Phase '1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAf rcN fYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICASLE TO YOUR PROJICT "Project Responsibility'' Dl?- lstgl r.8-3395 /1I APPLICANfS NAME: Charter Buildinq Grouo Oate:1'tl13h8 PRO,'ECT ADORESS:3350 Ovst6r T bbv D CIIY: Wilminqton zt?28412arive SUBDIVISION Riverliohls PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: Charter BUJIdina GroUo PHONE B:910-769-2440 OWNER'S ADORESS:CIIY coNTRACTOR: Charter Buildi Gro BLO6 TICENsE H ADDRESS:1 08G venue Suite 104 clTY: Wilminqton STi Nq ZlPi 28403 €MAll. ADDRESS: tonVa@cha.terbuildinqqrouo.com PHONEi 910-769'2440 PROJECT CONTACT PERSONI Sean Lewis PHoNET 910-262-5B99 €XISTING CONSTRUCIION: O Alteration - Renovation E 6eneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: [i//rect New flesidence E Addition to E)(istlng Resldence C Relo.alion ** +PLEASE CH€C( AND ANSWER EETOW ATI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO,,ECTI " ZIP:- dr D Greenhouse (St)_ Garage (5F)540 n Det GaraPe lsF) fl Pool(Sr) E-P6r.h (5r)371 D other (SF) tr Storage shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? D Yes O No TOTAI- 5Q FT UNDER ROOI lfor Woposed wotk)Heat€dr 2400 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less tot)s350000 Unheated i:fflffil;il*1il::il1H:*il::l;:;TlT"?;"jgl,:rys,ruc,ure c, y€s G,4io Rffiv\f Revilew [il:lJ:i::l;::l:;"":'::1;;,'ffiilJ,".;'1.!,"ffin'n"'*'u..''it€? o Y'5 0'{o Fgnm['t Requfr ned Property Use/ occupancy: g{iagleFanily E Duplex E Townhouse Desaription o, Work New Sinole Familv Dwe,linq with attached qaraqe law5 and ordina..es and retulalionr. The NBC Oev€lopmenl Se.vl.es Center wlll be .otiiied oI a.y cha.Ber ln the approved plaB and speci{icalions or chan8e in cont.rctor lnformaiion. ... NOTtr Any w6rk performed without the approprlit. pemittwlllbe ln violaiion oflh€ NC5rale 0ldg code and eubjecl ro line3 up ro Jsco.cro " t owner/contractor: Tonva Nessolroade/CBc sirnature: ffl1,-v.1CAl0pl- l5 the property located in a flooqplain? ! Yes Existtng tmpervious 4r"", d llt so ,, {*" "" ti,tinipectic,n nsqurcq 9t 0.2s4.m0rl New lmpervious Areai 3770 Sq Ft Total A.r€s oisturbed: <1/3 Existing Land olsturblng Permit: D Yes O No ,r llaLlryr,(ft= wATfR: E ctPUA E communitysystem C PrivateWell E c€ntralwell n Aqua SEWER: E gfltlA\E CommunitySystem O PrivateSepti. D CentralSeptic D Aqua zon"$j\ffi r:9-V F setbacks{F)-[L:(rH) .1' (RH) ]' (B) 3' , ,. n Approvat: :M- citvrt.n) I i01 oatu, i I . ltr>. lSrtooa, (A) - (v) - (Nf J-YtlI comment:flhlsl frmOIu ul &t::VtrLt[ CA'l *(lhacKs.AlLu'r,rfc pel Lt)t\\r-F Tp.; aBdA pi;P;l pG** Permit F€€: S I LOT fr50, Phase'1 -___ E Sunroom {Sf)_ [] Deck (SE)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION fY PE : RESIDENTIAt PtTA5E ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI-ICABI-E TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Re5ponslblllt1/' jorB- lSlv\L*Az* ApplicaUon Number (ofllje utel APPLIcANT'S NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Dare:11/15/18 PRoJEcr ADoREss: 1046 ANCHORS BEND WAY clTY: WLMINGTON Zl?;28411 susDlvlsloN: PH 3 ANCHORS BEND PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: I4ATTHEW & CARRIES WLD OwNtR's ADDRESS: 1046 ANCHORS BEND WAY coNTRACToR: PORCH CONVERSION PHoNE f:910-514-8757 ClrY: WLMINGTON ztP 28411 BIDG TICENSE I:74247 ADDRESS: 6821 MARKET STREEI clTY: WILMINGTON sTi NC ZtP:28405 EMAII- AODRESS; oorchconversion@qmail.com PHoNET 910-777-3363 PRO.,ECT coNTACT PERSOIITI: BRIAN WALSH PHONE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCrIoN; tr Alteration D R€novation E General Repairs l{EW CONSTRUCTIO i D Erect New Residence qr'Addition to ExistinS Residence E Relocation ...PTEAsE CHECK AND AIIISWER EETOW AU THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..' E] Att Garage (SF)_E O€t Garage (Sr)_E Porch (SF) 0/Sunroom (Sr)128 E Pool (5F)E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)E DeEk (5F)C Other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the exlstlnt footprint? y'yes 5 tlo ToTAI sq FI UNDER RAO| I,fo( proposed work) Heated:128 Unheated: TOTAT PRotrCT cOsT (tess tot): S?O99Q- ls the proposed work chantirg th€ number of bedrooms? O yes Efto ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure /ves g tto ll the project is a Relocetion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes E/No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Ey'yes D fo P.op€rty Use/ Occupancy: /slntte ramllv E Dupler D fownhouse D€scrlption of work: liws and o.dlnanc.r and raSoLtlonr.Th! ?lt ( Dlvelopftent se.vl(es Center willbe nodfi€d of enychinSer kr lolormallon. "'NOT[: Any work parformed wlthoul the approprlale p€rrDit! wlll be h v;olatlon ol rha NC sta Owner/Contraaor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN Slgnature: 'Licans?d Quoqiet' Ptint Nom. ls the prop€rty located in a floodplain? /r", O no Exlrtlnt lmpervlous Area: g20E_ 5g Ft roved plans and lpecillca!lon! or chan8e ln conlraclot and iublecl to fim5 up to SSm.m"' Total Acreg Olsturbed: 0 New lmpervlous Area: L Sq Ft Existlng Land Dlsturblng Permit: D Yes E No WATER: Ef CFPUA D Community System E Private Well D Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: D/CFPUA D Communlty system D Private septic E Centralseptic El Aqua Zone: _ Otficer: _ Setbacks (r) _ {t}l} _ (RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ Oty: _ Date: _ tbod: lAl _ (Vl _(Nl _ BFE+2fG _ Comment:Permlt F€e: S .DD .1 ffi ft ta NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLtCAfl oN TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLENE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPUCAEIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Rerponslbllltlf 9q0-t36 {-9€i}37- Applkalon Number loffice urel sUEDIvIsIoN: YORKE MEADOW VILLAGE AT MOTTS LANDING PRoPERW owNER's NAME: GREGORY & CARMEN CRAFORD PHONE t:312-505-8819 owNER's AooRtss:214 GRAND CHAMPION ROAD clTY: WLMINGTO ZtP:2841? CoMTRACToR: P0RCH CONVERSION BtoG |ICENSE {:752rlZ- AoDREss: 6821 MARKET STREEl clrY: WILMINGTON sT: Nq zlP: 28405 ExlSTlNG COi{STRUCIION: O Alteration d Renovation B General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCrION| D Erect New Residence D Addition to Exlstlng Residence E Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK AiIO AiISWER BETOW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJEST.,' EMAlL AoDREsS: Dorchconversioo@omail.com PROIECT CONTACI PtnSON: BRIAN WALSH 0 Att Garage (SF)_ /Sunroom (5F)329 E Greenhouse (SF)tr oeck (SF) ls the proposed work chanBing the existint footprint? E Ves d ruo TOTAT 5Q Ff UNDER RoOF llor Noposed work)Heated;329 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 tr Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (5F) t,nheated:0 TOTAT PROJECT COST lLess Lotl;7.875 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ve: glt t'lo ls any Elettrlcal, PlumblnS or Mechanlcal work beint done to the Accessory Structure /yes E No lf the proiect is a Relocation, i! there a Naturrl Gas tine on the curren t site? El Yes Ei r{o ls there ElectriEal Power on this Building? [ Yes ! No Property Uee/ Occupancy: dslngte ramlly D Dupler E Townhouse Descrlptlon or Work: law,and ordlnana!5 ,.ld .afuLtion 9. The t{HC D€velopment servkar Cenlar willbe nollfedol any ahaBes in the.pproved pLns and rpeclll(.tlonr or chanSe if con!.ador lnfolm. tiofl. ' ' 'NOT€: Any wo.k pe.formed *it houl the approprlate permlts rdll be ln violation of the NC St.le Bldg Code e nd rubiect to flncs up to 5500.00' '' owner/con traaor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN "Liacnsed Quolifrer" Slgnature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Ye5 Eristing lmpervious Area: 4341 sq Ft d^o WATER: sEWER: Total Acres Dlsturbed: 0 New lmp€rvious Area: 0 5q Ft Erlstlnt Land Dlnurblng P€rmlt: C Yes E tlo V( CfpV D Community Sysrem E) Private Well O CentralWell D Aqua drrr'O E Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic El Aqua Zone: _ Otflcer: _ Setbarks (f ) _(tHl _{RH} _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Oale: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _Comment: Permh Fee: S 5 OD I ffi APPUCAT{7S NAME: D"t",1!9119__ PROJECT ADDRESS: 2'I4 GRAND CHAMPION ROAD CIW: WILMINGTON ZIP.ZU1Z- LOT {:230 PH 28 SEC 2 n Oet Garaqe (SFl D Pool (5F)_ -2otB'\3)11 1j=33J€ tu NEt'l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOTI rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI,ISWER ALI- q.,E5TIOiIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibllity" APPLICATIOII tlLmber (Office Use) APPLICAI'IT'S IA}IE: DEVELOPER: N/A Jaaon Orliz DATE: o?Nov18 PIO E S: 910-s99-0428 PROIECT ADDRESS: 301o sunnybranch Drive CITY: HilminqEon ZIP i 2a4tl ST,BDIVISIOTI:BLOCK $:LOT S: _ PROPERW O.lt{ER'S MIiE: Delr.ic Becker P}O E *: Otll'lER' S ATDRESS: 3o1o sunnyblanch CONTRACTOR:Cape Fea! Solar Syate ms LICE SE #: 6s6?7 ADDRESS: 901 Martin sEreeL CITY: l{ilminqton ST: NC ZIP: 28401 EIIAIL AIDRESS: supporrocapeFealsotarsystems. com PHoliE f: 910-s99-0428 PRoIECT COI{TACT PERSOI{: Ja6on ortiz Plo'lE *: e1o-ss9-0428 EXTSTTNG COI{STRUCTTON: @ nlrrRerrOru ! reruOVarrOn f] OrNrnll nremns I RErocATroN NEll CoNSTRUCTIO{, ! enrCr EU RESTDENCE o" ! mOrrrOr TO EXTSTT{G RESTDET,ICE *TPLEASE CHECK A'{D AI{sI{ER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I arr orucr - sF I oer camor sr ! eoncn - sF ! sulnoor,r -sF I eoor- - sr ! sronaer sHED - sF ! cneeuxouse - sr I orcx - sr orHER:SF ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL 5Q FT UIIDER RoOF: _ ToTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PRoIECT COST (166s Lor) l, S 2t,tst.oo * OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBI G or ttECllAltICAL t{ork Belng Done to the Accessory Structure} [l Ves ! rc ff the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Llne on the current Site? [ Ves f] lo Is there Electrical Power on this Building?I ves [Ho PROPERTY rrsE / O(CUPATaCY r @ Srrcle raurlv ! ruplex E rollNHousE DESCRIPTI(X 0F I.loRX: Inatallalion of sola! electric panele on Lhe loof of Mr- Becker'6 home DISCTLAIMER lheroby carlit hat 3ll lnbm8lion in his applca[on b con€ct end sll work willcomply wih h6 Sta|e Bualding Cod€ 6nd ellohor applicsble Strb ond locst ta/vs and odinancos and regulalbn6, Tho NHC Dav6lopmont 56rvicss Conbr wjllbe nodlied ofany chang€s ln be 6ppoved plens and speclfcsllons or chsngo in contracbr or contebr hbm6libn. '-NOTEr Any Work Porlomed W/O h€Appoprieb OIilER/COI{TRACTOR 3 ;agon orriz Psmits willb€ m vblBron olhe NC Slab BIC! Code end Subiecr b Fino6 Up To 3500.0C" st(l$TUREt Lr/t ^{ rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN e rtooopurr? I-l ves E rrc EXISTIT{G II{PERVIoUS AREA; _SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEDT l{Ew IItrPERvIot s AREA: - sQ FT Exlsr LAt'lD DISTuRBING pERl.ttT: l-l YEs !,IATER: ! cFpua E corfiuNrry sysrEM E pRrvArE NELL ! cerrnnr well sEwEi: ! cFpuA E CENTRAL sEprrc ! eRrvnrr sEprrc E coMurJNrry sysrEm pAynE}{T fiErttoDr Ecos, Ecrrcr( (payaBLE ro NHcl I anrnrcAN ExpREss [ "c/rrso tr (foR oFFrcc usE oiLY) R€VrsEO OATE Oztl11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ (r.t.t i...):r a *:*:i,*:* *r*:r *,rrr * t, *,x *** ***r, {** * +aai * r,,x a*** * **+*+* * *:r,r :} ***:r* *,r I;;;K----;,..--.--- Erc DISCOVER * *:** )i )i )i *)t:** )i,t:t * :t **i t+ri t++,t **,t,t:t*t **tt **:t,|***,t **)* ******:t*,t *:t* ** ****)*:t)t*,i * ** *,t,* * ,l,i r* + +*,*+ +* ZONE: _ OF FICE R: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ gFE+2ft= _ Dcofire nt : N PERiUT FEE: ' a) 550- 246 - 99'19 CITY: wilminct.on 5T: NC ZIP: 28411 HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN rYPE: COI{MERCIAL PTEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 4tz,/ a (, I C ITY APPLICATION Number (of{ic€ Use) ,Orr, -.) ;-';l' PH}NE *: l.ttt a1z '.1658in-Z;42t PHONE S:?p-b* o{tr' rh iI,(-c'trpuott PHONE s: /- &act 832 69 RELOCATION IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Iv". B]ro SHELL ! ulrrr f] noo ro Exrsr srRucruRE 2c(8 -t3t ) srt 4tCzw.28/27 sr trl (zrP I Z Y4-a 1 s, i-taatlrr:+e/8 NEW A(\J APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: PRO] ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/ BUS I NE S5 NAME : PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI'1E : OWNER,S ADDRESS: i C4trr./ CITY:J CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: LIC ENS E CITY: EMAIL ADDRESS:0-lo l, Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes W{,o NEW CONSTRUCTTOT, ffrneCr NEW STRUCTURE I rASr rnaCX AccEssoRy srRucruRE: 76KZO llladula r utni'l- PRO] ECT CONTACT ERSON: (ch€ck all Ih.t Aprly ) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS i2. If UPFIT - The 5hel1 Penmit * r**** rs rHrs A cHANGE or occupANcy usrl f]ves EM ----- IF Yes, v,,hat uras the Previous Occupancy Type?l.ihat is the Nel,J Occupancy Typel ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EI,IGR DESlGii PROFESSiOI'IAL : PH PH NI REG S NC lEG ]1 DEscRrprloN oF woRK: 'ZX Z I wV du,lw t tn 't ls food or beverages pr€pared or served in this struaure? [Yes ffio ts ne eroperty Located ln The FlooOptain? E ves E lo OISCLAIMERT I hereby certrly lhal allinformati and locallaws and ordrnances and reoulalionsor chanoe rn conlra.lo' or contraclor rilormalroSubtecrlo F nes Up To S500 00"' pplicable Slale The Bldg Code and --( Nole Deftoliton ndllic6tions E asbeslos reanoval pemit apdlcalions are to b€ submiu€d usholhe applicalloo lorm (DHH contain abenos or nol. You are rsqulr€d lo callrhe National Ehlsslon slandards lo. Hazardous Air Pohnarns (NESHAP) domomion ol any iacilrty or bulldhg. See Asbenos Web Site: h{pr^ru v.epi.slale.nc.us/eprasbenos/ahmp.hlml - Gl6t uaretrer me tacttiry or Durtdhs was tound ro al {9'19)707-5950 El l63sl 10 days trior to rhe OWNEFYCONTRACTOR (ao.rr6r) TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: Yu WATER: DCFPUASEWER: E}CFPUA EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS: / f OF STRUCTURES e 'b'' YES NO NEW TMPERVIOUS AREA:/ pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE lnesreunaur luencanr[e Ceouc Dapr CONDO OTHER: SO FT COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC E ErWELL f]zoNrNc usE cLASsrFrcAroN PRTVATE SEPTTC fl COMMUNTTY SYSTEM REVISED DATE 1J11/12 PAYMENT METHOD: flCeSn ICXeCX leaVnelE TO NHC) [aUenrCnH EXPRESS [rUCruSe I OTSCOVEn (FOR OFFICE USE ONL'ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:__ _ BFE+2fi AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: $ i:/ ), ,81 Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes Eifo b/, # OF STORIES: / # OF FLOORS: / R-t{ &" RECEIVED II81/2U 2O1O NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLrcAfi Oil rrPr: RESIDENTIAL pt[ast AIsl,{tR aLL Qut5rro[s APPL:(^3!I T0 YoUi PioJEar "P.oject Respon5ibiLity"-K-L." 5. Ph:tr-:p, Z(}rt{- /o'l-?'}-"Pt: z- \{-zz1'3 zctq-lotltY APP L ICAIIOI{ lluInber (Offlca Usr); )a, - /6 -,4 DArE,: lo- g- 14 QttrAPPLICAM?,S NAt'lE 'DEVELOPER: 9RO]ECT ADON SUEOIVISION: EsstM Fo iotr l+. r,t, e.1-, ?a: ^.t2, Ot)zwt 23jl63611y; UJ, l^.,6i P}loNE f : PHoNe *t 9 lo ' 111 ''76ot sT:ry!: zrP: a tv ,7 ST: _ ZIP; _ P|tcflE f : f'PROPERTY Ol,'ltlER's tultE : O{.JI'IER, S ADOREsS:I y1t, t |Ji,.,ASa.CITY: far ,-t!4 A 3 $ LICINST : CITY: cotfTRACTOR I ADDRESS: Exrsrrlc cor{srRucrtor: fl ArrrRArroN f] nrrovrr:otl I crttnal nrerrns f] RE[ocArroN NE}l corsrRuclroN, [ :ntcr tt4, REsrDEtlca o" I aoorrror To Exrstr]rc RESroEtlcE .'pLtAs€ CllECx Ar\D AllS En BELOII AIL rHAT APPTY TO YOIrR PioJ€CT: I ar-r eamce - sF @ oer eanacr S7 > sr I eoncx - sr I surnoorl - sF ! eoor, - sr ! sronaer sHEo - sF I cn*mra,rse - sr ! orcx - sr orHER:SF ER RoOF: ,IZ* ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: - r OF STORIES: TOTAL SQ FT UND O ooo"/ pnorr r,9lo'zq1.*60) gb )de TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: - TOTAL PROIECI COSTttes.r-.,1 : i PROPERTY USE / OCCUP DtSCRrPTlOr oF woSx: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUitBIllG or xlctlarllcAl" &ork Seiog Done to th€ a((esso.y Stt'uctlrel fi Ves I no If the project is a Relocation, is thcr€ a Natural 6a5 Line on th€ Current Sitef Ives I uo rs the.e Et€ctrical Power on this Euildin8l [lves l-'llo /rt,cY: E F SINGTE TAHILY ! a:nlrx fl ro,,nxousr tLeb11nzt-tt- G tr ,\) Cral(-, Dtscl^tuE R t hr€by crrr,ry brl al 6blmrton n nts appla€ton 6 conrc r and d *o.t {l conplr *1!r n. slae 8!i5kg co!. rnd al ons spplclble sl.E a{ b.rl h1{s rrd ordn.ncesi,ld regulauon3. Tne Ntrc oev.bgnenr service3 c.nEt wtl !G norjt€d otrny chanoe! in '!e lppm\ed glans rnd s9cciflcarlons or chance n conrscnr or cont .cbr 6 b mi&n "'NOTE Any Wort Pe.rooed \{//O oo appropriae Pemrls rrl ts r Voh lion o I lbe NC SliE 8ld9 Cod€ and Subiect b ai.€s Lrp o rt000(I" OT^/tIER/CONTRACIOR:I SIGTIATURE: /). rs rHE paopERTy LocATEo rN l rtooocr-llrt f] vrs lOTAI. ACRES OISTUREED: EXI5T LAND oISTURBING pERnrT: f] vsS l-'] tO ,JATER: gl crnur f] col,r4uNr ry svsreu I pRrvarr uELL I crmnal uer.r-'4.- sEw€R: E[crpuA I ctrurnt srcrrc f] pRrvarE sEprrc I comrunrrv svsrrr .'. s€paiAfE prRrlrts RTQUTRED FoR tL€cT, fi€cH, pLgc, 61s tQurp, pflEFASs t 'u5€Rr5 ". pAy6E r ileTHoo: fJ clsH !cnrc* (pry^BtE To *r; I orrnrrar exnrrss E ralrrro E orscorm**** rr 1r r( l1*** r*1t * a** r* **.. at*i 1t0r ottla, u9a orrY) r&ltlo orrt 64l1tl12 SETSAC(S: f:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ ,l EXISTIII6 IIiPEnVICUS AREA: -SQ FT NEI., II1PERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT ZONE OF F I(E R: Approval:_ aity:_ oATE:_ FLOOD Comment: _ 8Ft+2ft- PER'.IIT FIE; ' 8L0C( ,; LoT f: TIIAIL ADORESS: p'olEcr cor{racT or*r*' Rot.r* '}' ?k,ll.rs ylro Pt-til s x- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM'T AP P LI UTI ON TY PE; RESIDENTIAT PI.EASE ANSWE R AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibllity/ CITY Date:/t-7-t6 rr1 w,,284n1 LOT }: &ot 18-azt -txitt Application Numb€r loffrce usel {o APPLICANT,S iIAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBotvlSloN: PROPERTY OWNER'S ITAME: OWNER,S ADDRf'S: CONTRACIOR:h ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: V PHOI,JE #qb 0/b-q7)z ctt\t: /))t lt- ,zp:r*4A5 bb 400 CITY SLDG LICENSE f: v,Ctzp' 20,43 PH,NE. q/0 7bfa w ,+PH,NE: qtb 5qq-3/4b EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN: I Alteration fi Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIIONi n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation rT;PLAASt CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ATITHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT'T Owner/Contractor:.Dan t^-lA;Stna nate lerm"f n AR Garage (St) - E Det Garage (SF) _tr Po.ch (SF) n Pool (SF)fl Storage Shed {SF)_ E Gr€enhouse (Sf) _tl Deck (SF)X other{s.}Aoo ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes fr no TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work|Heated: &nb 5.2,Unheated: 3)TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S ooo lsthe proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? n YesXNo ls any f,lectrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure N Yes fl No lf the project ls a Relocation, is there a N atural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes D No lsthereElectrlcalPoweronthls Building? E Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy:X Slngle Famlly fi Dupler tr Townhousc D€scription of Work: 4 ( laws and ordinances and.egulations. The NHC Developmenl Servlc€r Centerwillbe notlfled ofanycbanSes in the a a nd spe or change in contrador inf ormition. "'NCTTE: Any work perlormed without the approp hs wlllbe ln vlolation ofthe NCState PROJECI CONTACI PERSONi 6n rS 11a Slgnature: New lmperyiousArea: _Sq Ft Exlstlng L3nd Disturblnt Permit I Yes E No WaTEn: I CFPUA D Communitysystem [] Private Well n Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: XCFPUA D Communitysystem C Privateseptic D C€ntralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Oflicer: _ Setbacks (f) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ {B) _ Approvali _ City: -_ Date; _ fbod: (A) _ (v) _ (Nl _ BfE+2ft= -_ fines up to 5500.m'.' /'la r ad Comment:Permit Feei S \ D Sunroom (St)_ "Licehsed Quolifiet" Print Name ls the property located in a lloodplain? I YesXNo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Ages Disturbed: 4to oo b\{ tr' 2uf-/sasg- -}ffi &p!(.Ucn tlumbel lofik! uo) IIVI,258 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,AflON TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PIEAS€ ANSWER AI.t QUESTIONS APPI.ICAOTE TO YOUR PRO,IECT/'Prolsct nssponrlblllty' APPLICANT'S NAMEI H & H Conslructors of Faysttsvlllo, LLC oate: 11/14/2018 pnoJECT ADD1ESST 4050 Endurancs Trall clTv;Wmlnoton 71p. 28412 SUgDlVlSlONr Rlvorllghts pnopEnTv oWNEn,S NAMET H & H Conslruc(ors of Fayeltovlllo, LLC owNEn's ADDnEss: 1107 New Polnto Blvd.Sulto 1 PHONE I'I 010.2 t0.1485_--- cfrv:L6land 21p; 28451 coNTtrAcToRr 11 & H Cons(ructors of Fayettovllls, LLC E sunroom (5F) - tr Pool(sF)- tl Gr€enhouse(Sfl_ O Drd( (Sf) _ ls th€ propo$d wort chan8lng tha adstint footprlnt? tr Y6s E No TOTAI Sq FI UNDER ROOF (fot proposed wotkl 6s116d; 2630 !n11s116d; 780 TorAL PsolEcr cosT (Lesr totl: $119r!39-- ls the proposed work changlng thc number of bedrooms? E Y€3 E No lsanyElectrlcrl,PlumblngorMcchsnlcalworlbelntdonetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lftheprolectlsaRelocallon,lstheresNaturalGasLlneonthecurentslte?EYesENo ls thero Electrlcal Poweron thls Sulldlns? E Yes E l,to Property Use/ occupan$ E slntlo Famlly E ouplex El Townhouso Derfflptlon of Workl SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING BIDG I.ICENSE 'I : 14160 AoDnESS: 1107 Now Polnt€ Blvd.Sulto 1 611y; Lolond EMAt t AoDnEsS: lullcaf ferly@hhhomes.oom/ geoflzamjahn@hhhomos.com PHoNr: 010.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteratlon E Renovatlon E G€neral8ep.lrs NtW CONSTRUCIIoN: @ Erect New R6ldence tr Addltlon to ExlsllnE Resldenco E Relocstlon aaa *a @ Att carase (sFl !?q- tr Det Gar0go (SF)- @ Porch (SF) sr: NC 28451 tr Storage Shcd (Sf) _ tr Other (SFl _ -.-THE PLAN IS A SYLVESTER lawt rid odlnan er lnd r€tublloE Ihe t{HC oa€lomrant Servicet Cenlar wlll be notlllod o, rny lnlornrtlon. ...M)Tt: Anywo* p€ oinad wlthout tha app,op,late pornllt vrlllbe ln vlol.tlon o, owner/contractor: JullCaffeflV slgnotu "Llcent.d Quolillel P nt Nofie ls thepropertylocated lna floodplaln? E Yes E No clan8et ln lhe pl.nr end rpealfl(.llont or (h.n8. ln contmcto( cod€.nd lo lina5 lo Ssoo.m"' it'11p Il1,irtlr:l'l fr'tlli'ilExlstlng lmpervlousAroai Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbodt .134 New lmpGrvlous Area:3095 Sq Ft Exlstlng tand Dlsturblllg Pormll: E Yes WATIRT El CFPUA E Communlty System E Prlvate WGll El csntralwell E Aqua SEWER: E C zono&11 Approual: 1Q!! clty: , (a+ Date:rlood: (A) -(v) - (N) X Ett+2ft" -comnre.' 6ui l{. *a lo f+r,{ tR[rvrv RevIew Permlt Fee: $ ?fr:l**fl.; ffiTi,,il?i[,H,. Fe nnrrr fr r Req na ii f,effi ] "l4t CFlu,a a t\ AoAotS t Ciil lrsfnlion Requreo,910-254-09CIt) toT d: 268 pnorEcT coNTAcT pEnsoNr G€ott Zamlahdstgvo Moore pBoNE: 910.219.1485 . !N |1, FLOOD ZONE . :.-....-...--. -, -^:- .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI,N IYPE, COI,IMERCIAL PLEASE AllSlrER AtL QUEsIIOIls APPLICAS|-€ T0 YoUi PSOIECr "Project Responslblllty" 2o tV_131&3 IcII -+€-.+525 APPLICATION l,lumber (offl(e us€) DEVELOPER: TRTBUTE tNvnsTMENT & DEvELopt{ENT rNc PRoIECT ADDREsS: ts40 souTH 2ND SI'REET surTB 120 CITY:.HIL},IINGToN oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAiIE: cu YES CITY: wrr,MlNcroN PHoNE f:910.612.35r:r ZIP i 2B4oL PHoNE #: 910,251.5030 STr NC ZIPr 28403 PHONE S: PHONE # STOM E oPTT CIANS OFFICE PRoPERTV Oi,lNER'S NAlilE i GREENFTELD .srREE'r' pRopriRrrEs OHNER,S ADORESSI 1o soUTI{ CARDINAI DR. CoNIRACToR: rRrBU'rIJ coNsrEocrroN, rNc ADonESS; Lo CARIJ1NAL DRIVE EI1AIL ADDRE55 T PRO] ECI CONTAC] PERSON: CTTY: wILI.{INGToN ,JAMES MULLIGAN I tecture , net 919 - 321 -',t048 EXIST CONSTRUCTIOTJ:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL RIPATRS RE LOCATION lf Rolocatlon, is lhere I Natural Gas Llne on lhe Current Sile?tr Yss Euo IS ELOG SPRINKLERED?Yes JamesM@ORAArch((hect All rhat Arrry) If UPFIT - The Shell P€rmlt $: rz-zsos Is Elect Power on thls Bulldlng Yes E*oI ARCH DE5I6N PROFESSIOML: oaA AXCHITECTUaIj PHt JJ!.:E!.2 _ Nc RtG #: 668s EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. ADDITIONAI] ENGR - SEE APP'iND'X B PII:EXmcTrdN:SHELIEo-F<FOR NEW MEOHANICAL, NC RE6 i': DESCRIPTION OF I,IORK: TULL INTERIOR COI{PLETION lOR MERCANT]LE (EI! !!ASSE! J4 E9 18lood or beversgoE prapared or serv€d ln lhts Evur,tu,e? nYos t No ls The PropeflyLocated ln Tho Floodptaln?vos I lto DISCLAIMER:l lor6bv c€r!b lhal alllnlormallon lo ti3 applcolim ls corrccl snd al work willcomdywllh lho ond locallaws snd ordlnEncss and rcorilotlons. Tho NHC Developmslt SerllcosCi.tfl $ll'bo notlllcd ol anv nr danoc In conlrEclor gr conlraclor lilotn1ation. "'NOTE: Any Wo.k Parlotn$d W/O thu Approp ial8 PolrnleSublerllo tincs UD Tot500 00"' Slalo Etrildin Coda 60d Bllolhor Eppllcablo S16i€phns NCS ificoUois B (orelll.4 Notei Domoll0on no0ic6tlons & .3brslor rdnDwl pomil as 6r. to bo , ubmlled l,llig $D spdlce on lb.m (OHtlS-3?e8) lirrlh.r lllry or buildhg was fouid lo conratn A!b6sto, or nor. You r.o raqulred lo csll oo Nsllonrl Emls ilon SEnda(d! lo. H8zadous Alr Poliibnlr (NESHAP) Er (819)707-5 dolnollion ar.ny hclllryorbu:ldln!. S€c A!b63lot vveb Sll.: hllpJldttw,orltlelo.nc.uvopussb€ilolrshmp htnrl 10 dayi fllor ro rht TorAL PRoJEcr cosr. 65, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: 3s,# OF UNITS; NA ToTAL So FT UNDER RoOF:1_2195a # oF STRUoTURES: 1-Rri srEr,r, flOFFLOO RS: 2-RE stiul,l, ACRES DISTURBEDi NA EXST LAND DISTURBING PERi'IT?r ves [ ruo NEW IMPERVIOTJS AREA: NA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT pRopERry usE: floFFrcE EResreuRenr fiuencrltrLe leouc [,rer !CONBO OTHER|A-2,r,r & B OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:C}rariL( -s€. SIGNATURE6 WATER: MCFPUA SEWER: M CFPUA r-I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-'IWELL ficerurmr secrc DP-RMATE sEPTrc E coMMUNry sYsrEM Ellcrlrv-e A_e .lLIzoNING USE CLASSIFICATIoN: _ .. SIPAMTE PENMITS NEOUIREO FOH tIIiCT, MEC'II, PLBG, G^S EOUII', PNEIr'BS & INSENTS " ("', .^: pAyltENT METHOD: ICASX ICHECX (PAYABLE TO NHC) [eUeRtClH eXnneSS I B'{-lLrru-nclq Ar'f MC/Tr'ISA LI DISCAVER 5 ,6o >@(D.-oa= ?6o; l\.)gr O-6Q (r zoNE:lllltx oFFrCER: Approval: C-14 . clty . DATE E. CxrnLr N commend\usl- ( c'rn,rll "ol l-RC- I\tf i a,ect Plrrrl-., . I I RlqSrvcd {i5r.'lwrtffi*r a'ort-Asou 0r,(.1 {-ur inlc'rou: o'[, tr n t i I I I ApPLICANT'S NAtlE; ,rAr4Bs l{ur,r,rcAN - oFA ARCH|}EC'1URE pHr919.?54.9924 Ex? L04 DATE : -.l1lL;!Z:2!_1_L |ICENSE f: 6ooI STr NC ZIPr _Z!3!A NEl,l coNsTRUcrroN: ! enecr NEta sTRUCTURE f] rlsr rnacx f] sxrLL @ unrrr f] aDD To Exrsr sTRUcTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N/A ***'*r, rs yHts a cHAl'rGE oF occupar{cy usE} [v:s flru0 *,*** IF Yes, lJhat rai the prevlous occupancy Type} _ l4hat {s the Ne!, Oc.upancy Type? x TOTAL AREA SO FT ; _LIo-A__S-E- SOFTPERFLR; - #OFSIORIES: 2-RE srBlr, E*o REVtsEo DAI E ,l/ l1/12 PERMIT FEE: $- b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU!tDING PERM!T APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilitf/ /2/ vt / ?6 Applicition Number (office use) Date ilr,l B {$ APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Stevens Fine Homes 611y; Wilmington 219; 28412 suBDtvtslot{Round Tree Ridge LOT S:A4 COI{TRACTOR:Stevens Building Company g1p5 gg6itgs s. 31626 ADDRESS : 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 oTy: Wilmington 51; NC 4p. 28403 *I+Ptf,ASE CHECX AIiID AI{SWER BETOW AIl. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT... tr Det Garage (SF)-d Porch (sr)1o tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (SF) E storage shed (SF) _ n other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n No TOTAI SO FT Ua{DER ROOF llot proposed work) }leated:1o1o ToTAL PRO.IECT cosT (Less Lot):S 120,000 d rtt a"r"e" (sr) l1tl E Sunroom (SF)- E Greenhouse (SF) lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes [I! lo ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Medunkal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Une on the cu rrent site? El Y6 d o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Ves d o t 4Hou 18 8r46fft1 laws and ordinances and rephdons. The NHC Developmenl Servk6 Center will b€ notified of any change5 in the approved plans and spe.ifications or dEnge ih contnctor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate p€rmfu willbe an violation olthe NC State nd subject to fines up to S5@.OO"* Onner/Contracor: Michael Craig Stevens Sa$ature: 'Licensed Quolifiel Print Nome lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? D Ves d ffo Exisung tmpervious o."". llrS$ sq rt New lmpervious Area:cuafl 5q Ft Exisdry Lend Disturbing Permh: tr ves dto WAIER: d CFPUA E community system E Private well E Centralwell E Aqua SEIIVER: E CFPUA El Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic /Aqua Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbact6 (F, _ {tH} _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approyal: _ Crty; _ Date: _ Flood: (A| _ (Vl _ (il} _ BFE+2ft= _ Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 Comment:Permit Fee: S ,.-- FK" pRopERTy owNER,s NAtiE; Stevens Building Company pxorr t: 91G794t699 OwxER,s ADDREsS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 ctrY: Wilmington y1p. 28403 EMAtt ADDRE55: snictrdson@stevensf n€homes.com pnote: 91G794€699 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pen56t: Staci Nir$olson pxOrf e: 91G3324515 EKSnXG COI{STRUCTIOI{: tr Alteration ! Renovdtion E GeneralRepairs l{EwCO,{STRUCnO:dErectNewnesidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidencenRelocation unn rnat 561 dno Property use/ ocorpencl D gryre famty tr Dupl€r tr Tounhouse Description of worlc Construct net single family residence. ^('' ,{h NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLI@TION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE Al'lsNER ALL QUESIIONS 4ppLICtALE m )€UR PROIECT 'Proj ect Respons ibi].iqP PERMIT ,1 JZ/,/a?/3 APPLICA NLBber (OFfic6 Use) APPLICAI'IT's MHE: DEVELOPER: A. k;..4,.s (zC_Datt /&,{ Pl()t{E #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIYISION: PROPERTY O{NER'S OI^INER'S ADDRESS: . L-1_ SIMLE FAI4ILY pHOI\tE *: cyA - '/z t -'1t sl.4g-ZtPz i c'' zlP LOT *: At r- 9oz 5F CITY; f SF OTHER: ./^ o4 I CITYI BLOCK +: e5 / COI.ITRACTOR: AIDRESS: LICENE *: CITY: lr, ,-- -- /> lJi> ACCOUiTT:7;. sr *:.&mP;w. EI'IAIL ADDRES .,L PHONE #: STORAGE SHED - SF PROJECT CONTACT PERsON:PHOi{E *; 'h D(ISTI}IG CONSTRUCTION:A TTERAIION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIPS RE LOCATION NE CONSTRIrcT]OII:ERECT NEN RESTDENCE o" I AOOrrrOl TO EXI5TTNG RE5IDENCE *IPLEA5E CHECK Ai[' AIISI{ER BELO|I ALL T}IAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 71 sF I orr oanaoe sF n PoRcH -1!|srsuNRoo',t _ sF GREENHOIJSE SF POOL _ 5F DECK rorAL HEATED sq rr, t\oo/TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - rorAL AREA sq fit 268/ TOTAL PROIECT COST rL"* L",l : $ 13 5 Ooo # oF sToRtEs3 n rs Any ELEGTRTCAL, PLuf,lEr G or ECHANXCT\L l.lork Being Done to the Accessory structuie? [ V"t I ftfo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the cupnent site? f]Yes ff,uo r on this Building?E Eto DU P LEX TOI,JNHOUSE Is there E1ectPical Poh,e PROPERW USE / OCCI,PANCY DESCRIPTION OF hIORK:4 ,);; r ,t/z/,,,r1 g,;/,/*/q DISCLAIMEFI I horEby coro, harallinbnnadon in !ii6 app tprk v!i[ cornply wih tl6 S6€ &rildhg Cbdo and a]l o$€r applirablB SBb and lo{al lal i5 and ordinahc€s.nd rBgulatons Ths NHC D6lelopmantSa {sd of an y changes h tls apprc !€d plan6 and sp€cifc€ionE or drang€ h con!_&o r or willb6 in viohlion otrh6 Nc sts6 Edgcont'acbr inbnnadon, 'nNOTEr Any Wolk Perfrnned W OI.JNER/COMTRACTOR: ***+**+ *** *******+++ I,IATER:PUA SEI.]ER:CFPUA I !r Fln63 l, trr$500,0r-/,1L t / BEVI'5ED DAft O4ltrlt2S e, ts' X BFE+2ft= _ N PER',ITT FEE: (Prlnt n.ec) SIGI,,IATURE : ++* ******+:l*+*+** +*** *** *+*++*+lr*+** +*+:t*** +*** *:i* + *+ TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EM PRIVATE lljELL CEI,ITRAL HE LL (roR olFrcE usE orl BACKS: F:iL LH: O RH: IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIXI r-l YEs d* EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT NEh' IiXIPERYIOUS AREA: -5Q FT B(rsr LAro Drsn RBrNG pERfirr: I ves f] uo COq\4UNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC I nn:vare sEprrc E coMt4uNrry sysrEM "* 5EPA'I,ATE PEN'IITS REqU]RED FOR ELTCTJ AECH' PL86' GAs EgUIP' PRI:FA8S & ITSERTs *'* pAYr,rEr,rT r,lErHoo I f c*n [.r,ecr (pAyaBLE ro tHcl Ierll accoJin E,rclurre I orscoien******* **** * *:t * +***** *+ )* **** ** )i ** ri* ** *+****** *********** *****+***** **** *** **** )t*** ***;t** ,*r' y')F-|1 oFFrcER: Approval: ,Og City lSrrooo, L<a DTt"5 Cril lrs lion Reourreo, 9l &254-090d Cornent : ' [[J(Yl oerE:t0 ? l-\ 14i0u l8 2:4]pr" rToi Jd,z/-z-zqr2- APPLICATTON Nllt[ben (oFfice use) DATE://4. 'jDr,t- b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLIGTION TyPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSUER ALL QUE5]-IOII5 AOPLTC4BLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT Aok;.o "Project Responslbillq/ APPLICAiIT, S Ml'lE: DEVELOPER; PRO]ECT ADDR SUBDTW5ION: s ( LC_ CITY: CITYi ESS: PHOI{E *: ZIP I BLoCK *r LoI *r -n PROPERTY OhINER' S otr,NER's ADDRESS: COIIITRACTOR : ADORESS: PHOI'IE *: ST (Xe' - 4z r -/taS---------=:-_L1 -,--'av2zfrtdqd'/' LICEI'IS E *: CITY: tt ' --/).)d.)).-,--ACCOUI,JT *I sr'aLzrP: EIIAIL ADDRES PRO] ECI CONTACT PERSON: EXISTTNG CONS TRUCTIoN r A TTERAIION f] neuovarroru [GENERAL REPAIFS RELOCATION ItlEUl CoNSTRtrcTlor'l: T.PLEASE CHECK AIO At{st{ER SELOI.I ALL TTIIT APPLY TO YOI',R PRO]ECT: [err erneer 71o sr ! orr ennloe sr ! rcnm E-srfl eoor- _ sr STORAGE SIJED .277: u ef PHONE #i PHONE *:'/7r- iLrx- SF SF rorAL HEATED sq rr, l\rod TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: - TorAL AREA sq fi, ?68/ TOTAL PRoJECT CoST tr-essroC : $133 OOo # OF STOETES: L Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLU,,IBING or I,IECHAT,IICAL lJork Bein8 Done to the Accersory Structure? fi Ves [ ruo If the pnoject is a Refocatj.on, is there a Natural Gas Line of the current Site? [Ves IUo Is there El-ectnicaf Powen on this Building?[v"t [ruo SINGLE FAI4ILY DUP LEX TOUMi9USEPROPERTY USE / OCCUPAIKY: DESCRIPTIOIi OF NORK:,.L*,4 /,/ngt 6,)/,:i",a ,4 DISCLAIIIEFI I ho,Bby cert, tlar all h brmarion in t' i6 and odjnanc€s and rsgLrlaions. The NHC Do,/6lopmsntS€ contEcElr in trmator, '-NOTET Any Wolk Pedrrhed W or.rNER/coNTRACTOR: 1*{l] comply wih h€ SEts 8!iEh! Cbd€ and allotBrappkabl€ SEb a'ld lo.al lalv€ of an y chEn966 ir 1h€ apprc v€d dan 6 and spocifcato,]E or ctargo in cont&Dr or willb€ in Vioration ofheNCSEE Sldg o Fln8s ?fossoo,ocr-1:1L t ********** ********** SI6T,IATURE: *+**+++**++** +*** ***+ **+**+++**1, ++*+*** **++ +++**+** *+ r5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIflI lf YEs EXTSTING IMPERWOUS AREA: _5Q FT NE!{ 3'IPERWoUS AREA: _ SQ FT DTt""'ts' o,-tr1 ^r' l,lATER:PUA COT \4UNITY SYSTEM PR.IVATE UIELL f] crrurnaL weli sENER:cFpuA fl CENTRAL sEprrc E pRrvare seerrc ! cq\4rluNrry sysrEl',1 +t3 sEpaaaTE pEnxITs REqUIRED FOR ELECT, AECH, pL86, GAs EqUIp, pRi:FA8S & IIEERTS '**pay|lErJr METHoDi E c*n f].rr.* (PAYABLE ro ntcl fieuu rccotur I ucTv:sr fl orscoven***********.************:t ******;l*****;i*+************+***x*ir**:i*******)t****++*:i***)i.******* (foi oFFIcE usE oltl L-4t8 TOTAL ACRE5 DISTURBED: E(IST LAT'JD DISN'RBII{C P yEs [f ruo / )tEvlseo DAYE o4/tt /12O e: lS X ere+zft= _ N PERI{IT FEE: ,or., y')F-fl oFFrcER: Approval; ,C)p City lSrr-ooo, 5 ? CKS: F: L<6Coflnent: : ltlffl oatr:t0 Crl',' lnsoccllon Requleo, 91 &2544-othl ERECT NEN RESIDENCE o" I aOorfrOl TO E]EsTlIwi REsIDErrrcE I oecr _ sr orHER: ! sultnool _sF f] oReeuHo-rse _ sr tr tr Clear Form APPLICANTS NAME: Pdnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDlNG PERMIT A PPLI CAT lO N TY P E : RESIDENTIAt PTEAS€ ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prorect Responsibiliv ?tz/-/p rqt </. llc-"t Vatr . ol,/i /,. t tz-C. l^.--,l,u1a( crw: itt, /n- Date: /,ZZ ztP ?r{r'gPROJECT ADDRTSS suBDtvtStoN: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: LoT f: /o PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME; OWNER'SADDRESS: / PHONE #9r" /zo' tra32 Z clw: kl,' /,r"zlP 2 ro/t z- t//+i s32s3-BLDG I.ICENSE i STCITY: Lc/:,t/=;rze, 4fy'o/7o; s'EMAIL ADDRESS:va 7 ( so.).lVC,PHONE: 2/ZT. S/u nn rt/-//- t anearagelsrl){S?! Det Garage (sF)_ ! sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF) D Porch (SF)/f/ /<-f E Storage Shed {sF)_ Ezottrer (sr)c ,L ,lh ,/2t fctZs'PROJECI CONTACT PERSON PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs '..NEw CONSTRUCTION: Zf Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...*PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*IT n Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:/7r t Unheated:{E TOTAI" PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E N" /A lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes El-No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes D No r'lA Property Use/ occu pancy: {single tamily E Duplex D Townhouse //{- ??oCT ti Sr?tpl{ Descriplion of Work:I OISCIAIMER: I hereby certiry that allthe information in this application rs correct and all work will comply with the State Bul code and all other a laws and ordanances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the ap pa and specifisati info rmation. *''N oTt: Any work performed without the app rop riate perm its will be in violation Owner/contraCtor: "Licensed Quolifier" Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed:.?3 state and local ge in contractor 00*+* ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: O Sqrt arG New lmpervious Area;24/1 5q Ft WATER; E CFPUA tr Community System SEWER: tr CFPUA tr Community System Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S ,, Existing Lrnd Disturbing Permit: tr Yes E}{o {Pr,ivatewell E Central wett E Aqua €f;t r - ^,t9#rivate Sepric D central septic E Aqua PZe- . 7 1l;7-4 'l.) 0,b "lbt{Application Number (office use) e 5 4e4-zptft- \/6 APPUCANfS NAT,IE Stevens PROJECT AODRESi: NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCAIION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI."€ASE Ai{SWER ATI QUESNO S APPUCAAE TO YOUR PROJEO "ftioiect ResponslbiEtf T/A Sbvens Fine Homes crry: lMhningfion Appli.ation Numt er (offi.E 'Jse) DaE: tl Iol,o ZlPl SUBDMSIOIi:The cl€ek at WxorYict LOT *la0 PROPERTY 6grysrs 1111Mg Sbvers OWI{ER5 ADORESS: ps6ras s 910-794&9 sfte€larffirir€€,rrite-2Oe l0t r/r cnv: W'&ningto[t aeW 1017' e{ f tro 6616pqcfoR;Sbvens BrDG UCE SEr 31626 ADDRESS:S{egcanffiri'cstib-i€0 cry: Wflmingbn ST: NC 41N Q, EMAIL ADDRESS:sni$obo€Sie*trmef res.corn It 0 psoxe 910-794{fi)9 PR(,JECT 661111161 p6156a; Sbci Ni#on PHOflE: Elfsflre Car STm,cflo : tr aErauon tr Renoratbn tr Genenl R+alrs Ew AoilSlHrclron, d er"c n* n"rilrt"" tr Addltion to Enihg R.cdence tr Relotatirn A a*e.r*On 150 tr oetcar*e(sFl- d eort 6rl tol- tr Sunroom (Sfl tr Pol (sl'l tr Ded( (sFl tr stordgE shed (sFl tr Greenhouse (Sfl 503- o 5 tr other (SFl thhested:14HBu l8 3r4bHl1 ls the proposed work cfianeing t E ]llJlrter of bedrooms? tr ves d xo ls any &drical, Pbmblng or MedEid rrort being done to the Accessory Stucure F ves d fo f th€ proiect b a Rdcdon, is th€re a tlatlral Gas uFe on th€ orn€flt sitef tr ves d ro ls there Elecri:al Power on tfib Buildng? tr vcs d ffo Property uee/ ocar*n* d cnd" *!, tr Drder tr Townlroue Descdption of Wort It{erv Re*refltid CoGstudbn ffiCfJlfaB: I h€rby cerdfv th- all the ffioi h t 15 a9Ccddt b cdrrct dd at rqk rd cordy rft t € StEte AltrrE Code rd a{ otttcr apB..6|e SAte aj tocal Eyrs rd s*Ec -d rtgtrHo.E liE ffHC Dcldoptnefi S€tvb C6tat til be idad of ity dsCE5 h tfte Ekls atd ap€ci6cair6 or dagircctaar hftrnrat'sr r"lOIE: Anyuoak p€rfonn€d, urtttE apprErirE p€rrnitsc be h t bHoi of dle c code to firE lT ro S5O"Or.r o{rn€/coaEacton Craig $evens tEnatlre: 'tieod@ulifef Pfifit Nom€ ts th€ property locaH in a flooddakr? tr ves d fo trlltg lmpen iols n-, 1119 q* Cif ' lruo:cllm fuourreo, gl 0.154.0900 Total Arres Dbarrted: 18 t{€nll lnpen ioos Atea:t11b sqft Edstir€ land DisurbilE PenntL E Yes E ilo wef* d CFPUA tr community system tr Private well E centsalwefl tr Aqua SES'E*d crpur tr Community Wm EI PrhEte Sepdc GBtral Septic Aqua Tsne:tI*)6lr sauo,stRil,' turl 5'(n$f.,' (st n'Officer: b'id 0 0 NEdEAi,'Z MEtr appr.ol, Olc ors t$iUl oete:ll,llt,lB Hood: (Al- M -(xl X, arezn= Fee: S m Sildttut' l#:B?3 ts the proposed tort drarEilE ttle €lidng tootprfttt? tr ves d rg rufAlsQFrrm walta:@vq*l tw 1150 IUIAL PRoEcI oosT (tess t.d}5l@-- hngtnee ,. I 0 S'$t/tz?t5 Application Number (office use) cAPPLICANTS NAME NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATION TYPE : RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' 'Lt Date: lo 7q lraI Ll6 0 a. l4an af":l Ca lJr,ctrY: Wi\ui'ta*oa ztPt 7?Llo-tPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:d LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME; C " fL, ia Fitzri^-'o,n OwNER'S ADDRESS: ( ,t 'r.\' A PHONE #(Lq- {Lt(- 6zt1 CITY ZlPl CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ,,tlir. 2 tzti,',.-oalrtu CITY BLDG LICENSE # ST:ztP EMAIL ADDRESS:r\c\cllo. Fitzsi^^- -ar @ A,wail . col pHoNE: (61 ' ltl6 -otrlJ PROJECT CONIACT PERSON ,,fl^io ?. Ftz r; ,,.v-o.\ t PHONE 86q- {\L - oL t'? EXISTING CONSTRUCfION: S Alteration I Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCrION: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation I.**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"*T Property Use/ Occup Description of work: ancy: x sinste Famity t] Duptex n Townhouse AJrt &l\ b[ i. ur..,5 a(< . M) v? o^a non- Nd I lu,t^r.r^[\ ."i\d ,". J,Li-Ir,rr^l , 5e,e o*orl^'4 Sl""r l^,. laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. **'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Codeand subjectto fines up to 5500-00*" Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Q!oIifier" c ^Vko ( fr)zi,^uo,,Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes F No Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: _ Yes I No WAIERT V6FPUA f] Community System ! Private Well n Central Well n Aqua SEWER: IGPUA n Community system E Private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S // ffi ! AttGarage(SF)_ E DetGarage(5F)_ ! Porch(5F)_ D Sunroom (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ D Storage Shed (5F)_ n Greenhouse (sF) tr Deck (SF)- C Otf,"r (Sf ) fS ls the proposed work cha nging the existing footprint? tr Yes XNo ToTAtsQFTUNDERRooFt,forpropo5edwork)xeated:55Unheatedi- TOTA|- PROJECT COST (Less rot): 5 6 0o0 ls the proposed work changing the n umber of bedrooms? I Yes E( No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n ves I trto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes g No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? trl Yes fl No A {btr'' NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIqTIOII rYPf ,. RESIDEiITIAL PLEASE AI.ISEER AI-L QUE5]IONS ITPLICIBLE To YOUR PRO]ECT 4.fr;..<Project Res pons ibiutld JaE-,/iaaa TTON APPLI@UT, S llAt'tE: DEVELOPER: , tLC_ PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: EfiATL ADDRES PROPERTY OSINER'S O,INER'S ADDRESS; CO{IITRACTOR : ADDRESS: CfWi CITYT LICE}ls E *:) J o<-)t ) ( I !4N{}U i8 ? i 4lPl BLOCK *: _ LoT *: PHOttE #: 77P PKINE *: c/e - z/.t t -/Og.LL CTTY: STORAGE SI.IED sr.4!{2.4P| sT.Z1>ZIP: PHONE *: PHONE *:"/7 r- 7ta'a SF SF .,. PROJECT CONTACT PERsON:'<-eZ EXISTT 6 CONSTRUCTTON:ALTERATToN I neruovarroru I oenea*l neca*s f]RE LOCATION NE COIETR[rcTION:EREcr t'rEhr REsTDENcE o. f] aootrror ro Exrsrrr,lG REsrDErrrcE *APLEASE CHECK A'O A}IsXER EELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT! Arr cIARAGE 71o sr SUNROO\4 -5F GREENHOJSE SF ! orr ennaoe sr ! rcacn r2o sr SF rorAL HEATED sq rr, t\ood TorAL sQ Fr UNDER RooF: - rorAl AREA sq q: 268/ ToTAL PRolEcT C05T 1r-assroe : $ l35,OOo # oF sToRtEs: --L-Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI1BING on ECHANICA! Wo.k Bein8 Oone to the Accessory Structurei I Vet [ ruo If the project is a Rel.ocationr is there a Natural Gas Line of the culnent site? [Ves [ruo Is there Electrica] Powen on this Building?Eruo POO L PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY;SINGLE FAI'IILY DU P LEX TOliMrOllSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: /-t?-. .',. .A6, i/o',anl DlsclAlMEF. lhe{Bby ceo, harallhbrmaion in his and ordinanc€sand rcOulalions- Ths NHC D€\€lopmsnt56 oont-acbr inbflnadon, 'nNOTEr Any Work Porbrmsd *:i* ** ** *** *x* * * *+*+ * I5 THE PBOPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTTNG II{PERVIoUS AREA: _5Q FT NEh, IIIPERWoUS AREA: _ SQ FT l.iATER:PUA $ll coorply wih tle Sbo tuildng Cbdo a)d all ofior appfcabl€ Slab 6od bc.l l?r,/E lled of an y chEnqe6 in he 8pprc ved plan 6 ahd sp€cifc€don6 or ctange h conr.&D. or willb€ in Violaiion ofdr€ NCSbE Adg D F1ne6 ?fas5oa00'-/,11.- t **+*+***** ******+ **** *****+ +***r: *+** *** **** **** *+* *** STGTJATURE: YEs L4No TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; E(IST LAIID DISTURBITIG PERHTT:Iws [ru0 S ENER:CFPUA fI COt4I4UNIry SYST CENIRAL SEPTIC fl rRrvare sEPrrc E EM PRIVATE I,,ELL (roF oFFICE USE OltL 5 C ENIRAL t{JE L L COV1I4UNIry SYSTEM PAYI.{ENT IIETHOD: *** * *** **c.** *** **:t * r.* ***,r*t* *ii**.* *i.ri.:* *+*;t **** ***x**:i***;i *+**i(+***** **** *)k* *;t** *rf,** **rt*** **3 SEPA&ATE PEMITS REqUIRED FOR ELECT, AECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP. PRIFA.BS & TTsERTS 'I*,} CAs H f] cHEc( (pAYABLE ro rxc; Isrll rcco:ur I u.Trrro f] orscoven flF-n oFFrcER: DTt"iLZONE: Approval: ,op City; ltjlt CKs: F: lSrrooo, REVIsEO OAYE O4l11l'2)ao' a: ,S V ocE,la+- N PERI,IIT FEE: $ 6 RH: Comnent: DATE: t0 z Cr6 Ciil inspcclion Requreo' 9l irzo4it/l'hi /< ACCOUI.IT S: ttraber (oFfico Us.) , oorr, Pr4;/5/ nI oecr _ sr orHER: otJNER/CONTRACTOR: ICI r\NEIAI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PPLIatIu,t rypE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI{SIIER ALL QUEsTIONS ADPLICAALE To YOUR PSO]ECT "Project Responsibil-1qP PERMIT JOZf-/3Cb 0.I \h LICATION r A.k;..(offIEe use) APPLICA T,S MI'IE: DEVELOPER; , ( LC_DATE: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTWSION: crw PK)ttE #: PHONE ACCOUI.IT *: 7tP r-or *i 6oBLOCK #; PROPERry O^NER' S OI{NER'S ADDRESS: 4-l_* (y(,- .h t -?0a5*'6;;<zrafCITY; LICEI'IS E *: CrTY: it, ),:, Ja, )CO TRACTOR: ADDRESS:sr.4,!L=.zrP: EI'IATL ADDRES Y SF OTHER: PHONE #: SToRAGE Sr.rED _ SF t-( "/7r- fc,*- ..L PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE #: EXISTII{G CONSTRUCTIO :A LTERATION R ENOVATION fl oeruent nennrrs I RE LOCATION NElal COLlSTRtrcTlot'l:ERECT NEhl RESIDENCE or E mOrrrOn TO DtrsTIl'lG RESIDENCE ..PLEASE CHBC( A'@ AIIS'IER BELOI{ ALL THAT IPPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: flarr ennaoe 710 sr ! orr eaaaor sr [rcncn -Esr P@L _ SF DECK SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:tr"06 ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER RooF: - TOTAL AREA Sq fi, 268/ TOTAL PROIECT C05T rr"ss r.l : $135 Ooo # oF sToRIEs: j- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING or I,lECHAI,lIcrtL |lJork Being Done to the Accessory structurel I V"t [ ruo If the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line or the Current slte? ftves [ruo Is thene Electnical Powen on this Building? fl SIMLE FAi"IILYPRopERW USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ves l-'] tlo --/"ouerex !l[rouurguse '; :- -f-*-.'t ,,/*,se r4H0u l8 ?:43PH,/./L/--4 oi^4,.;'/.(.,e DISCLAIMER I horaby cerdt hat al, h brmaton ,n tr and odinancas and €gulatons. The NHC D€!€lopms oon'.3cbr inbrm3lion, '-NOTET Any Work Pertrfted CO4qUNIW SY5I CENIRAL SEPTIC nIS€ u,i[ comply wih ,rs SBte Buildhg Cbd@ aM al] ofi€r appkxbla SEb and local la,{s fied ot an y chBnge6 in i''s sppro v€d plan 6 and +€dfc€ton6 or cian! e in can!_&br or (E will b€ in \4olalion offieNCSEE Adg ******* +** *****++*++(Print thE.) IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINI EXISTING ITiPERVIoUS AREA: _SQ FT NEI,J B,IPERWoUS AREA: _ SQ FT *+*+*****+*****++ x+** **++*+ ****r: *+** *** **+***** *+* *+* 5IGT,IATURE: |3 Fhe6 7fd9500.00'"/-1/- t L-4t0 IIli[ffi8ffi#",m#ms'ft" (foF oFErcE usE o[LY) / YES CKs: F: lSDTt" I.]ATER:PUA Eti PRIVATE I,JELL CENTRAL I.'ELI CO!,1IV1UNI]'Y SYST EMPRIVATE SEPTIC *+t 5EPARATE PE&'{ITS REqUIRED FOR ELECT, AECHJ PLEG' GAS EqUtP' PRIFAAs & IIJSERT5 '"'f fl.rrcx leevaalr ro nHcl I BILL ACC(IJI'IT E nclr:* [ orscovenCASH *** ***x *)i******************* ***** ****;i******* *** * **ri. **** ***t** * ** +* * * * * *** **** **;t* rt** * it)r SENER:CFPUA fl ,or., y')F-|'1 oFFrcER: ApprovaL: ,oV. city l8rrooo L<6 / Re\dsED oAfa o4lt1lr2o e, ts'\/ ttr.rra= - N PERI.ITT FEE: $ 5 LTI; O RH: CorrrEnt: , tUM\DATE; [0 z I sulrnoo,r _ sF f] enrrnno-rsr _ sr tr ONNER/CONTRACTOR: PAYTIE}.IT TIETHOD: Cili' lnspctern Rq'ureo, 91 0-254 {gryl APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP UAAT/ON TYPE : RESIDEilTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESNO?{s APPUCAELE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prolect Responslbllff th LC CIfY: Appllcalion i,lumber {oftice use) o.t, /O-z/- /8'zrr,2.t+n3PRO,ECT ADDRESS: susDtvtstoN:LOT fl: OWNER'S ADDRESS:2_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Elestrical, Plumblng or Medunlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure L Yes El No lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr YesX t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ts V.r E J{o PHONE S: ztP BtDG LICENSE S:307grN,Cap, PHONE:9to-s3t-37 PHONE:"tto-sst473J l11.{ 6rere4 '@rn CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: qg'lesrl CTIY: r rlu^ A cnY:2. EMAIT ADDRESS:ort PROJECI CONTACT PERSON: E Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) _ koperty Us€/tr Descriptlon of work: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration fl Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEW @'{STRUCnO]I : Xfrea New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation aaa aaa E Att GaraBe (sF)- E Det Garage (5F) /Porch (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No ToTAt sQ FT uNDE RRooF ljor proposeO no*l tteatA. 11 lZ <a-* Unheared:Ao27.'-b C+a tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) Duplex F Townhouse ggf,T 18 1t !:1 ; C DECtAn ER: I he.cby cenify that all th€ info.malbn in thls appl'r.ation is co.rect and aI u,o* will comply with the St te 8{ildint Code and all othe, .pplkabh Srrre and local bws and otdioahcea and Egulatbns. The NHC Devcbpment Servkes Center wiu be notified of any draoges -n th€ approred plans and spedfiotions or dtan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any wgrl performed without the approprbte permits will be in violat'on of the BUe Code and subiect to fine! up to 5500.00"' tl Slgnature:Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolilief Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves ! no Existing lmpervlous Area:Sq Ft Total Aqes Dlsturbed: 2 New lmperviousAr"", 20 ??,f Sq rt Exlsting tand Dlsturbing permit X yes E No WATER: XCFPUA D Community System E private Well E Centralwell fl Aqua :, sEwER: KCFPUA D community System E Prirrate Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone Offlcer: _ setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl (B)_ Approval: _ Citv: _ Dat€: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BfE+2ft= Comment: Permlt Fee: zo(B -3O83€E$>- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:t-e;r 0 storage shed (sF)_ ft otner.lsrl r/4 R- HdqH(. rorAt pRorEcr oosr (ress Lo0: s]@,ceo- tr { I iiJr NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATION WPE: RESIDENTTAT PTEAsE AI.ISW€N ATT QUTS'IONS APPIICAEI€ IOYOURPROJECI 'Proiect Responslblllt/ a),LC Date:*t ZlPl zlP. 8r.DG llCEI{SE #: CITY:r-1 ST:'Czp: PHONE t- "tto-xt4)3J ll'1,{ lorur24 D storage shed (Sf) _ X orher lsF) unheared: a-o71 . s tb & r:r: i' r::. Applk.llon ,(ofti.e u'rl APPI.ICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDR€SSl crw: SUSDlVlSlONr _-- PNOPERTY OWI{ER'5 NAMII PHONE fl: OWNER,S AODRESS:z CtTYI CONTRACTOR clgkln .fio^s ADDRESS: tMAILADDRISSl ott} PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON PHONT: Exltlll{G CONSTRUCTION; 0 Alteratlon E Renovallon 0 GeneralReFalrs NEw cONsTRUcrloN: Xrrea New Resldence D Addltlon to Exlslin8 Resldence D Relocatlon .'.PLEAsE CHECX AND ANSWER 8[IOW AIT THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO.IECT''' D Au Garage {sF}- tr Oet Garage (St) - Mporch (5r} D Pool(sr)-D sunroom (st) E Greenhouse (sF)- D Deck(SF)- ls the proposed work changln8 the oxlstln8 footprlnt? fl Yes D No rOIAl, SQ FT UI{DER SOO! llot ptopoted wo*} Heatod; TOTAI PROJECTCOST (l,ess Lotl; $ lslheproposedworkchanglngthenumbe.olbedrooms? D Ye! B No lraoytleltrlcal,Plumbln8orMechanlcalworlbelngdonetotheAccersorystructurehYesDNo tf the proJect ls a Relocatlon, ls ther€ a Natural Ga5 llne on the current site? D Ver/& fo ts there tlectrlcalPower on thls Buildln8? b Yes E ilo Propeny Ure/ Occup Desqlption of Work: an n skrtle famlly [1 DuplexF Townhour€ lnfo{m.tlon. "'NOIti Any wor} gedormed Hilhout the apprwrial! pemitt wlll be ln dol.tlor ofthe .t€ BldE Codn rnd rub)ctt ro liner up lo t5O0 m"' Slgnalure:Owner/Conlradori 'tlcented Quol0ei SEWER: XCFPUA O-> --. (cD,') zone: (-.- ) ofllcer: ts the property located ln a floodplaln? tr ves ! no txlstln8 lmperuloui Arear Sq Ft lotalAcrer Dlslurbed. " OZ'/.b setbacks (F) 70 (ul)(RH),1 l8)t5 Datc:(N) X 8tE+zlt- ----s New tmpervlous Area, 1O ??,f q n Exlrtlnt Land Dlsturblng Permt: (lfl]U No ,rr r,rj ':.: WATER;Xcfpul O communltySyitem E Privatewell O centralwell E Aqua commlnitysystem E Privateseptlc O CentralSeptic [J lqua Olv ap-oratz 0l- cnt: ll,/l\It/t3y'8rm"u' 1ay P€rmlt Fee: S .-commenl: "(tut n \v7 1 Ch' lneprlion Requileo, 9l 0'254'0901 ,i"grr=8#;;r t; a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT,ON TY PE : RESIDENNAL PLEASE ANSWER A[ QUESNONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect ResponCbllltlr 11 LC CITY .1 - Lv,ve Applicatlon Number lofrice use) APPTICANT,S NAME: PHONE f: CITY: Date: ZlPl LOT S BLDG TICENSE #:*:N,Czp, PROJECI ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:2_ztP: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: eaglun r PROIECT COiITACT PERSON:PHONE: B(|SIING CONSTRUCnON: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw corlsTRucnon: Xerea new nesidence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation aaa ..t D Att Garage (SF)- EI Det Garage (Stl B/eorch (Sr) D Sunroom (SFl C Pool (sF) CITY: PHONE:?-') 7lo.sst4)?-7 ll1.{ 6rerd fl Storage Shed (SF) _ p ottrer.lsrl Cr gocT l8 12r 35Pt1 WE=-.i. ). EMAIL ADDRESS:o.t aJtrr'\ Greenhouse (SF) _D Deck (sFl ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes fl tto Property Use/o Duplexv Townhouse De$riptlon ol Work: ls the proposed work dlanging the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Medranlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure h Yes D No lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves! ,{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ts V"" tl fo DECIAn ER: I her€by ccrtify that all th€ info.malion ln this applkation i9 conect and all wo* wll comply with the State guihinS Code and all oltE appncable State and local la\xs and oidloanaes and re8lLtbns. Th€ NHC oevelopment servies cefiter will be notifed ot any drarge5 h the approved plan5 and ipecifcarions or dtan8e in aontractor information. '''l{OT€: Any woal peafotmed without the app.oprbte Frmfu will be in violation ot tlte BldE Code and sl,biect to fine5 up to 5500.00"' 5le-d"01+ E, C-art w*./Slgnature:Owner/ContIactori -Liceosed Quolifief Print NomeI ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves ! nro Existlng lmpervlous Area:SC ft SC rtNew lmpervious tuea:) o?9,{ Total Acres Dlsturbed: 2 Existint tand Disturbing fermit [Ves E No wATER:HcFPUADcommunitysystemDPrivatewellEcentralwellEAqua SEWER: XCFPUA E Community System El Pri\rate septic n Centralseptic D Aqua zone: _ Off,cer: _ Setbacls (Fl_(u{) _ (RHl (B}_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (ll _(V) _(Nl _ BfI+2ft= do Comment:Permlt Fee: S rorA[sqFruNDERRooF(forpropos "r ronl r.*r*, 11 lZ <b* u^r*r6. e-o71 . 9 55 rorAl PRorEcr cosr (Less Lot): S lYD, DCO rj;, ra r Ct". ." NEW HANOVER COUNIY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAT ION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEAS€ ANSWEi A[t qUESTIONS APPI.ICIBIE TO YOUR PRO,,Ecr 'P,oreqt Responslblllty, L CITY: 70(6-'t)ovz llumber lomc. ute, APPLICANT,S NAME: CONTRACIORi ADDRISS; qgle/.1 PHO T{: CIffi PHOt'Jt: Oate: ztP: tOT fl: BlI)c LtctNrE f: ST zlP b'p79 PROJECI AODRESS: suBDlvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNIR'S NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS:2-. CITY: IMAIT ADDRESS: Propeny Use/Occup Descrlptlon o, Workl PRO.lECT CONTACT PTRSONI PHON E: EXISTING CONSIRUCIION: D Alterelion tr Renovation D GeneralRepalrs NEW CO'{STRUCnON: XErect New nesldenre D Addltlon to ExlstlnS Resldence 0 nelocation '..PtEAS€ CHECI( AND ANSWEN BEIOW AtI THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI'' D Att Garagc (sFl - E oet Garage (SF)-- /porctr (sp) D sunroom (SF)O Poo'(sF) "tto-xt4)iJ ll1.f /ovoretr fl storage Shed lsF)_ p o$",.1sr1 11!1121gclt/c/ .D Greenhouse {5F)_D oeck (SF) ls the proposed wo,k changing rhe existing tootprlnt? f, Yes D No TofA[ 5q FI UNDER ROOi Vot ptoposed woll] Heated: TOIAT PnOJECI COST {tess tot}: S unhear€d: *471 . r 9(.1+ ls the proposedwork chanSlng the nu mber ol bedrooms? 0 Yes fl No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work beinB done to the Accessory Structure Lj ves D no If the project ls a Relocallon, Ir there a N3lural G.e Llne on the current site? D Ye3X o ls there El€ctrlcal Power on this Building? ! Y€s n No Srffir,r, rilli I i l2t:lirPlr vanE slnSle ra mlly n Duplex Townhou!e h \rr . nd ordlnancar .nd tegubllont.Iha NHC Oevebpm?ni Senlet Contar will bc notilled o I rn, ch.nltt lo lho,pFovrd pLna and 5p€<llkallonr or chanja I!|(ortraalor i.lorm.tion. I''HOTI: Any worl pertormed wllhout lfie trproprirle permllt eril be ln vlolillon ot lha lr!€ 3H8 code rnd !ubFct ro finei up ro r50o.m..' SI"+tq,,. P;. Coil tlal SlBnature:owner/conlractoi: 'Liceoted Quolilief el r I ls the propeny located ln a lloodplain? tr ve: fr ruo ExistlnS lmpervlour Area:Sq Ft Sq rt WATER:kcrpul O communtty system SEWER:O community systcm D Private septlc El CentralSeptic D Aqua TotalAcr€s Dlsturled , O4L Netrr Impervloui Area, LA19,{Exlstins l"nnd Dlrturblns P€.ry'fiixrygt, q::f g., E Pttvat€ Well E central Well D nqu3 {t'r' l' " l; 'r' r'i ! l Zone:; iYb setu Approval:q, lLIrl Datei (rH)1 (B)t5 ;.| , , 'li.i,. lr\,,i .. BfE+rtti 1 !4" ''' - acksl 20 rlplt a*d: (A)(N) x re Permll feer sCommenl: PU baoE bS qC 1 (RH} Ci'q, lnsprction Rqureo, gl 0.254.0g01 5-M, .i. 2p/B -l3o 7z APPTICANT'S NAME:)"LC CITY: Applkalion Number Ioflice use) o"r.' /O-4- lf ztP: zlP: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstot{:LOT fl: PROPERTY OWI{ER'S NAME: OWNER's ADDRESS:?- PHONE i: crrY: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: EXISTING CONSIRUCTION: fl Alteration E Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCIIOU: Xerect ttew Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation a*a att tr Att Garage (SF)- tr Det Garage (SF) /porch (Sr) n Pool (SF) CITY:sr:lV,Czp, PHONE:?-') 1ro-sst4)31 ll1.{ 6w,r4 unheated: AO77 . S n l+ @;1y,'. o9Jer,'r BIDGLTcENsE#: b3C73CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:oit an\ E Greenhouse (SF)_f] Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERR@i Vor proposed work) Heated:I TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Iess tot): S Property Use/ Octupa E Single Fam tr DuplexF Townhouse Des€rlptlon ot Wort: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? El Yes E Uo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMedBnicalworkbeinBdonetotheAccessoryStructureLYesENo lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr YesX to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ts V"t E lo Owner/contlactori 'Licensed Quolirief DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenity that all the intormation in lhii application is co.rect and allworl will compv with the State Buildint Code and all other applicable State and local hwr and otdlnances and reguhtioni. The NHC Development S€rvk€s Center will be notified of any th.nges in the app.oved plans and speailkations or dEnBe in contraator information. t "NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permiBwillbe in violation ofthe Bldt code and subFct to fines upto 55oo.o0'.. *.o!.ar &. Cot w".l Signatsre: Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves ! m Existlnt lmpervlous Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed:" o46 New lmpervious xea )o?9.{Sq Ft Existint Land Dlstuding Permit: ( Yes EI No wATER:XcFPUAEcommunitysy5temEPrivatewellEcentralwellElAqua SfWfn: {CfeUa E Community System f} Priv-dte Septic O Centralseptic fl Aqua zone: _ Offfcer: _ S€tbacks (Fl _ (Url _ (RH) (B)_ Appronal: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFI+2ft= Comment: Permlt Fee: / NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUlTDlNG PERMIT AP PL,CATION TYPE: RESIDEITTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPUCASLETO YOUR PROJECT 'Prorect ResponslbllM [6^f, D sunroom (sFl_E storage shed (sF)_ Rotn",.tsrt tlq t? Hdr"/td{.. a?6 BO NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P ll CAT lO N TY PEi RESIDE NTIAL PI.EASE ANSWIR AIT QUESTIONS APPI.ICJBIE TO YOUR PRO.'ECI "Prolecl Resporslbllhyr ),LC CITY: i/L 1.\ 12-Jg=:r.,'r-J APPUCANT'S NAMII oate PROJECI ADDRESSI suBDtvtstoN: ztP toT,l: PROPERW OW ER'5 NAME] OWNER,S ADDRtSS;?_ PHONT fl: crrr CONIRACTON AODRESS: EMAIL ADDRTSSI C- ofi Wa-.1 6, ee- ,fr.. Cart n sxnroom {5F)- n Pool{sF}- E Greenhouse (5F) _ O Deck(sfl_ ts lhe proposed work changin8 the exlstiflg tootprlnt? tr Yes B No TOTAI Sq fT UNOER iOOF llo( proposed wort) Heated: ztP Bl"06 Lrctl{s[,,690',, 137 "tto-xt4)3] tt1,f co?ore/ q9W;a L CITY: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: ExlSIlNG CONSTRUCIIOII: 0 Alteratlon D Senovatlon D GeneralRepalrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: XErect New Resldence D Addlilon to Exlstln8 Resldence D Relocatlon laa .a. E Att Gara8e (sF)- tr Det Garage (srl- k/porch (sr) Unheated;^o71 , g sb .g TOTAI PROTECI COST (Lesr Lot): S lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yei O No lr any tlestrlcal, plumblnt or Mechanlcal worl belng done lo the Accessory structure Lj yes E lo lf the project li a R.locallon, Is there a Natural Gar l"lne on the rurrent slle? O velQ Ho Ir rhere tlectrlcal Po\{er on thli gulldin8? E v* D no -iri l:r 1?: ,,t:l! PropErty Ur€/ Oc(up o€tt ptlgn o, Work; Ds e Famlly E Dupler,B Townhouse bwr and ordhln<es lnd reSuhtlo^r tha NllC Devebpmenr tervke! Croter wlll b! noldH ol anydrantai ln lhe apIroyed pLnr and lr€cllkrllonr or chrnSe ln (on!rictoi {nlo.6atlo.. "'NOT[: Ary t}orl pedormed wilhoul lha approprl.te p.mll! wallbe ln vlol.llon ot lh!BldB Coda rndsubl.ctio 0nei up to 5500.00".g<.t&v" B.Cotltto4 Itnature;s ls the property located ln a lloodplalnT tr Ver! ruo txlstlng lmpervlo!r Area:5q Fr TolalAcres Dlrturbed , D46 Owner/Contraatqn 'Licented Quallfle( Approval: WATIR;Xcfpua tr Communltysygtem E Prlvate Well E cenlralW€ll E Aqua rmlr:J{,Yej O Nb "il((i,ri lfli.\\ rl,. ; , ti,-l'r . -.New lmpervlous Ar€a t ) O?X,{ sqe,Erlstlng Land Dlsturblng Pe community System E Private Seplic 0 Centralseptic fl Aqua &rlms frew a,tiirsd srwrn, Xqrpu{ tr ,on"&--,5t8),",r OT[a setb Date:.S tH)IRH}1 (B)ts (v)_ (Nl X BtE a.ks $l Zo I ttlr3f d'."a t Y) Permlt Fee:$Commenl:us cttr: lLfvl b5 eq : (A) 1 Ciil' Insocclion Requreo, 91 0'25+W00 lolll(e ute) C Stora8e Shed (St)_ R othe, tsFt t& r?-*j!s*l rtrr-il,5n at. lt APPTICANTS NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATPN TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAS€ ANSIA'ER ALL QUESNONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'Prolect ResponCbllM (L1 LC crw .1 ?PB -t ? Number {otfice ure} o"r., /O-4- /f zn' Z&{o3 ZlPl PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDtVtStON: PROPERTY OWNER,S AME: OWNER,S ADDRESS:2_ PHONE S: CITY: LOT # ). d\k/.1 BtDc tlcENsE fl: 6 f O st:l!,C:ztp, CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:2. EMAIL ADDRESS:orttv PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: D(lSnNG CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW @NSTRUCTIOI: Xrrea New Residence El Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation a*a taa E Att Garage (sF) - E Det Garage (sFl - /porch (sr) ! Sunroom (SF)C Pool (SF) CITY PHONE;g-7 PEoNE 1lo'fit473-7 It1.{ 6r€rd unheared: ^o71 .s C+%l% C-t a,r'\ E Greenhouse (sF)-D Deck (sFl ls the proposed \ryork changing the existing footprint? fl Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERRo0E Vor proposed work) lieated: TOTAI PROJECI COST (tess tot): S Property Us€/tr E Duplexv Townhouse Descriptlon of wotk: ls the proposed work chanSing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Medranical work being done to the Accessory structure L Yes fl tlo lf the proiect is a Relocatton. is there a Natural Gas Une on the current site? tr Ves! to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ts V"r E ,tlo Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Qwlilief DI'CIA]MER: I h€reby canify lhat all the informatirn in this appl-rGtion is ao.recl and aU worl will compt with the State Buildint Coda and all olher applcebl€ Stale and local hw5 and ordinances and re8uhtbns. The NHC Developmenl S€.vker Crflte. vrill br notifu of aay dr.oges in th€ appIorEd plans and specificalions or dran8e in contractor information, "'NOTE: AnV work performed !f,hhout the appropriate permiti will be in violation of the Bldgcode and subiect to fines up to 5500.00"' 3le4il"ar fS. Cort w".l Sitnature: Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves I no Cxistlng lmpervious Ar€a:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: . O4 6 New lmp€rvlous Are"r 2O??,S sq rt Existint tand Disturbing Permir XYes E No WATER: X CFPUA E Community System D Private Well E Central Well E Aqua , sEwER: XCFPUA E Community System E Priyate s€ptic f} Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Off,cer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RHl {B}_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _(Vl _ (N) _ 8ff+2ft= r Comment permft Fee: $ E storage shed (sF) - Xotn",tsq rlq n- Hd^-/t/{. d h NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESI DENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROIECI "Project Responsibiliv, o 2-06 -D-L?- APPlication (ofrice use) APPLICANTS NAME:Date PRO.,ECT ADDRESSI suBDtvrsroN: CITY: LOT f PROPERWOWNER'sNAME: RO6CTrt, I{ff.JTA!.BAN 6ATTANDO PHONE #1lo q3t S,SZz zrP,_2.8{lj_ OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY:(',.<ilr ioyne tl2{.1 ?-'i CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:cttt: Qacll : hdy€r,-zte' 7 {9?t PHONE:EMAIL ADDRTSS: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONi P Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BTLOW ALt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*'* tr Att Garage (SF)_6 Det Garage (sr1 -73?Z Porch (SF)c33 5q D Sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF)n Stora8e Shed (SF) _ ! Other (SF) TOTAI, SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:,F unheated: tL66 s,= TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot)sb I cc0c7 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes ZNo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureZYeslNo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?trYesENo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? Ll Yes El No Property Use/ Occugzncyt fl Sintle Family n Duplex ! Townhouse ?7,tul tB 1?;84i'|i Description ol work: l laws and ordinances and regulationa. The NHC Development SeNices Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chang€ in contractor informataon. *'*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00,.. Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? Ll Yes Zf No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:a Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: a Yes X No WATER: U CFPUA f] Community System ! Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWERT tr CFPUA D Community System Z Private Septic ! CentralSeptic ! Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFEr2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S / t, '1:: W 7/z BLDG LICENSE S:- pRorEcrcoNrAcrpr*so,u, i(o6(i,o Morr;r^rnAru prorr, (lo 4 ?l (q8 z tr Greenhouse (sF) ! Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No R/F4t,€ # PROJECT ADO SUBDIV15ION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION I'YPE: RESIDENTIAI- PLLASI ANSWER AL! qUTSTIONS APPI ICIELE TO YOUR PROJ[(] "Proiect Responsibilit/' Ja4ls'/z 3- APPLTCANT'5 I{AME: &o_berl A C_9&I_qCle@rc9atlallSl Date: I 1/8118 RESS: 310 Smallwood Coutt CITY: Wilminqton LOT T: ztF:28411 PHoNE ni 9105475074 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 310 i .,. '..zlq:?84i1 BIDG I.ICENSE }': ST: r_1,c_ZtP:28027ADDRESS: 4435 Dawn Rid eP CrfY: Concord EMArt ADDRESS: cohani@hotmail.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: JASON COh ExlsTtNc CONSTRUCTION: L Alte.ation - Renovaton p Generaiaeparrs N€W CO sfRUCItONi l_ Erect New Rcsidence - Addition to Existin8 Rr.sidence il Relo6tion I.,I.'PLEASE CHECX A'ID ANSWER BELOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT" l-l Det Garaee iS[ I _ Porch {SFi ,, .i,. ::t ruo i! I --. Greenhouse (SF) ls th. proposed work chafigin8 the existjnB footpriot? I Yes Lt No TOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOI llor proposed work)Heated:12C0 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot)L 500 Unheated:200 ls the proposed work chaflgrng thc number of bedrooms? Is any Electrical. Plumblng or Mechani.!l work beiflg done lf the proiect is a RelcKition, rs there a Natural Gas Line on ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding?! v*t ..-] n" '-j Yes VNo to tho (:ccessorv str uct ur e./k1Yes - No the curreat site? f Y6_A No Property Use/ Occupancy:Single Family Duplex I Townhosse Description of Work:ilt}IIi€ff e+e€d{#a+ef --n€ry. ins+ilatsF-,-s.hee*€€*,.1rim-aa€i-P ar€+=- Minor eleclnc and some flew plumbinq ,nforme'.ion. "'NOTC: any work Ocrformld witholt tlte app.oprBte permrt! w,ll be in viol.tbn ol rhr NC Sra!. EldE Code and subi{.d ro fi*r3 up to Ss{O.m"' owner/contractor:an signature: , ,. t. l-, "Licenscd Quolilef Pit t Nome l! the properry toGted in a tloodplain? 4l ves 1 ffo Exirtin8 lmpewious Area: 1400 Sq Ft New tmpervious Area: '1400 - Sq rt Total Ac.es Disturbedt C fxisting land Dislurbing Permit: _ Yes -_ No WATER: Lr CfPUA il Community System I Private Well [] Centralwell .] Aqua SEWERT ij CFPUA [.] Community System E Privaae Septil E Cent,dlsepti( I_j AquJ zonei __ Offfcer: _ s€tbadG (Fl _{tH} _ (RH} __ (Bl _ Approvil:_ City:_ Date rlood: (A) (v)_ltl) _ BFE+zft= _ Comment:Perrflit Fee: S - pRopERTy owNER'S [{AME: wayne and sylvia &.t@!__ ,__ __ CITY: wilminqlon CoNTRACToR: Robert A. Cohan General C-qr !rcq!9l- PHoNE:7M7014735 _ PHoNE: 9102970933 . ! Storage Shed (SF)_ I Other (5F) __