ZBA-931 ApplicationNEW HANOVER COU NTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & TAND USE 230 Governmen: Center Drive, Suite I l0 Wilmington, North Corolino Telephone (910) 798-71 65 FAX (9 tO) 798-7053 plonningdovclopment.nh<gov.corn Nome Harold C. Petzold E ny VARIANCE Applicotion (Amended) Qwner Nqme Owner Nome 2 i - E9LOI Address d Beautiful LLC Applicont/Agenl lnformation Property Owner(s) ll different lhon Applicontf Agent Address P.O. Box 100 lP.O, Bov 100 City, stole, Zip Ramsev, N.J. 07446 City, Stote, Zip Ramsey. N. J.07446Phons Emoil -_20Emoil hpetzoldesq@yahoo.com tAddress/Locotion '1512 Burnett Road, \Mlmington, New Jersey 29409 Phono 1 12 gracewongnj@yahoo.com Subiecl Property I nf ormotion Porcel ldentificotion Number(s) R0851 1-03-001-000 (Lots 1-4, Block 3 Burnett Subdivision)Totol Porcel(s) Acreoge 2.9 ac. Existing Zoning ond Use(s) R-15 Cose Nvmber Dote tl /Time received:Received byr I Applicotion Trocking lnformqlion (Sro,fi Only) L$A'qt j 7\tE j.rS in. Pose 3 of 6Vorionce Applicorion - Updorcj 37 2O t Z Beyond Beautiful LLC 1 973-8004354 PROPOSED VARIANCE NAR,R,ANVE iAlecf lonlng l.rulodcn, Chcrlcr ond iedloor 51.&.5 and 51.1-2 (l lYc) h thc bolor- rgce, plocrc prcvldc o n rnotlw of rrhr qprcaron t^ddilfrl polprr mo, b. afi,sdr.d ro fioopplcollor f rrorqryt Propefi initially belongedto theWard hmily (Ilmothy Ward, hereinafter,Ward") whidr spents€wral y€ers seel(ing to develop a dry-stack storage Madna hclllty in this r€sidentdlneighborhood. His efiorb induded lelal actions against tho counfu and legal acdons with his neighbors. Applicgnt became tnvolv.eq w[h Ward when the opportunity arose torWa]d to reacquire lheproperty from the Bank, whk*r had foreclosed on it. We provieed 6ome funding to him, buying him furlher iime lo seek linancing for his project. Ward was rinable to aecure finan6lng and mo'rddr topres€rve our lnvestmenl, whlch was non-refundable, w€ do3ed on lhe property piior to the e)eiration of he purchase conract. Ward then liUgaged ageinst us, tyirig tip thb property for two and a half years. Thls propedy lies wlth the R-l5 zoning of New Hanoner County. Thb proporty was initally pre8ented to us by Wad as a 3.1 acre parcel whlch could be subdiMded inlo an Cight lot subdivblon meeting the requirements of the R-15 zone as it exlsts. Our eurvey of the property disclosed only 2.9 acros, which limited the property to a seven lot suMiviaion under cunent R-15 zoninq. section 51.&,2. Because of the ourchase canvino c-haryes and the litigation e)eens€s we ieeO tne egnUr bt to make the pdjected develoimEnt economielly viabh. ln order to do so we need a variance from the requirements of Sec,tion 51.&.2 of the New l-lanover County zoning and development r€gulations. CRITERIA NEQUITED FOR AP?ROVAI OF A VATIANCE IIrc Zotttg 8o.rd of Adlr.lttrrrr tna, Eqtt o wdoncc tf lt firdr ttor fio opplatlon of thc ordlncrro rtdtr h otmcmry hod*ts for rhc oppltcorn, qnd tf rtc wdon b oorfioo wrli ilp F rt, 31"pq.; g;-tdirt ol fir 1[t111ll1__.:f}1rlS...lpt rr w{rh ro6cr€rp io oiod pt " t.,l,.r opin jif.f, f,*, t.-pr"p.A ,".nEa fr!. rr$rhcd frnftp ly'ecr ur oddilonol pogr I ncoocr$ l. umranrry bcdrftlp wordi !!9 hT" rrtc rrr0dm cl thr cr{rrrro. ft riolt aot 6o aoooory to4mdrdr t rar, h ,}o d,o of ttrc v,odoro, no lrLondle ur or t ,!oe o, ,1,. erqF - -- ffiffiffilf1[ [ffi!*trofH""". df,gtrfi $Hffi}ffip,ffiili,triHini#ffiffiff ltflH'#:ffi ::'public utilities which rhe neigh$rs wouto tten be oij ro [irn]ii "-' ?q.1C,0Vcrlar Appncoilcr -Ufuf gl$tT 2' Tho hodrhlp rrrulb from cordlllonr thol on pocu[qr lc tho propoty, ruch ar loco on, .lr. ortopogrpfiy. Htdltp ra ulfilllg ttorn perroaol at currlonal or *ull os hordddpc rcrdtiag frorn oordiriotrr ,hot or1. Go.rmon lo flr acigfiSorM or groarro, p6rrc, mcy nol 6r tho borir lx gF-,fry o vqiono,. . . The harGhip results from conditions pecular to the property. No additional property isobtainable. The property is bounded on the east by the intracoastal wateruav, bn ihe west andnorth by public easement and public road, respectiiely. On the south the proberw is boundedby the property of the Estate of Violet Ward. This property is tied up in est6te iitiq;tion and isunavailable for acquisition in whole or in part within any r6levant tiire period if aiall. 3. ?hr hodrhlp dld nol rrtrh hom odlonr loLn by lho cp/lconl or lfto proporty ownor, llrl oct of oulrr}nliag rir.orr*df vith bowlodgo ,M circurnrtsaor crirl ltrrl nay iwttfy ttt granttng of a voric|,a dr,lt not 6e aqnrdod ar o rlf.cnord hordrhie. The hardship was not created as a result of any actions taken by the applicant or the property owner.. This hardship was created as a result in the actual size of the property as compaied io the original survey, provided by Ward, This was compounded by Ward with his 2 112 years ot frivolous litigation, which led to attorney's fees and carrying charges for the debt service. which now effects the economic viability of the project. f. fho nquortrd vorlrmcc lr conrblonl wlth lho rylrll, purpor, cnd lniurl of llt. ordlncnco, rucft tfid publlc rofety lr recurd, ond ruboicnllol lurtlcr lt cdrlovd. .. The granting of the variance is consistent with the spirit purpose and intent of the regulationthe property development will be served by public water and siwer, eliminatinq public hiealthconcEms over the increased density. The increased density is not of such a si6stantial natureas to.thwart the purpose and intention of the density regulaiion aimed at preserving puotiC - - health and safety.. substantial justice would be served,-not only for the applicant. vinb trjJalready committed substantial resources to the project but alsoto the neilhborin! land ownersin preserving the R-1 5 character of the neighboiho'od. pogo 5 of 6Vorlsnc. Apptrcq oo - U?dard 3/2otz APPTICATION REQUIREMENTS Slqff ,"ill use the following checkllst to delermine lhe completeness of your oppllcotion. Pleose verify oll of rhe listeditem: qre included ond confirm by initioling under "Applicont lnitiol". Stoff will not process qn opplicotion for further review until it is determined to be complete. t licotion fee - S4002 l4L3_Site plon or skctch illustroting requested vqrionce I I hord copy of ALL documenls 8y my signolure below, I underslond ond accept oll of the conditions, limitotions ond obligorions of fhe vorionce oPPlicotion for which I om opplying. I understond thot I hove the burden of proving why this opplicotion meers the require findings necessory for gronting o vorionce. I certify thot this opplicotion is complete ond thot oll informotion presenled in rhis opplicotion is occurote to rhe best of my knowledge, informotion, ond belief. lolso oppoint the oppliconl/ogenl os listed on this opplicotion to represent me ond moke decisions on my beholf regording this opplicotion during the review pse6g55. The opplicont/ogenl ls hercby ouihorized on my beholf to: l Submir on opplicotion including oll required supplemenfol intormotion ond moteriols;2. Appeor ot public heorings io give representotion qnd commitmenls; ond3. Acl on my beholf without lirnllotions with regord lo ony ond oll things direaly or indirecily conneoed wirh or orising out of this opplicotion. si olure of Property Own Jonathan S. WonL Member Beyond Beautitul LLC. Print Nome(s) Harold C. PeEold Eaq. for Beyond Beautiful LLC 5 5igno Prinl Nome(s) NolE: Form muJt bc 5lgned by the owner{s) of record. lf there ore multiple propcrty owher! o signoturc is rcquired for eochowner of rccord. "The lond owner or lheir otlo y musI be pre ent fol p Req uired lnf ormolion Applicont lnitiol Stoff lnitiol ACKNOWTEDGEMENT AND SIGNATURES cose e pu blic heo nq. For Sloll Qnly Applicotion Comments I Poge 6 oi 6Vorionce Appll.otion - Updoted 3,/20l7 Complete Vqrionce opplicotion Y\/ -.-iJ-- FIIU - tirirei!.i-raq,i!!E - ir r:: i!E:i !aEi; tillffi#Jiltl tq =re: i I I't{cts4![-tl-Yrt!441.- -. - --- gv0rD I I E: i ! !i:ri:_j!;i i lr:l ,Jl-!i_ plfursi plil lti d!iE!! al!iis i ilit !i!il ti! iii I ,t , I I L a J .gbz< I g A-qt u5d' !1"'i!t!!:li|l $_-i!li!'1ilt ''ii* "------'--'-f'-'- = E,Ec 3 azg 3 =I as+ i- I € ,E E .E s T ,9 ? 3 a E I T I, ,,II.lI!r! ,E B- T ,q t ?I di 4 I t. l! .'Ii, 2 I E # 5 !l.i!l';l:li ii: I 1 ) I II :l',i!ir''!it t!fi@W It I I tl d I iiF---------_t---__-_- lytratw II II itr oS iI 3 !i.i!i!, 'litt It !i!i:rt!' rj I : I F I II IIIII I I I III I-----11 tI :t-Iri lii ! ! I I iXr I !!--.t rl I ! !i i!tilil! q( E z 0t :i_- ilit Iit5 ir.!l!l lil' ! FI t tIt!I T I( A V) i, 1 ( g lI I j :l :\ i 3 :F6 :A1 TT 8ESi!fl ( !r ii,ili iti fiii I I I r r!l -I F A i T a) (D c 6 ! E. E I { EtI I TI x € 3s s I E al i-1!I!B ,.r i &d*o iiSBSi Bq) +rq) --t cn ofr 6! Q !.t!:rrr!i.,i! ti ! ; i i 5 &:Ail ! ! I ! I lslri I %i\<j(l q>, *|II 4 a !2c ()JJ fiE1 - o(JE&Z >rH Co:oPSbo H 6.Etr ..! E6:> €& dmv/ I