NOVEMBER 29 2018 BUILD APPS113020180934377 flondly.O.rDt.r l, 20t6 950AM m(fr)NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DIl{G PERMIT A PPLICAfl O N f YPE : RESIOEfi I ALPUll{ At{Wti ^lt 0{En0i! lpnls it I! youi norar"nd..r a.rorrl.lrf Jdzg-zssza w,ru*' ?rc# t3'zquo ,'ft/til RECEIVED 1 rlruc xrt tllrr: l!!!lEtl.r 0.r..,oa,il hQ.^l@PF0ICY ADoAfSSi 1228 Cstle tl.w. Road ClW. Witminoron Zt?2tao1 sJ80t\43t0ti:Hlritrca ParI t0Tr:21 noftrn ow,lar! ilm: tqrh tnd-l!1!!Jrrl!r PHOflE':58r20N!94r owitrllDDRESS 2228 Crtth H.v're Road Gltv: Wllmlnolon ZIP:28,t01 c0In^cTofl:Srtt {166 rb.v.)8t06 UC€ 3tr:_Ao0iESS: , 7718 ar.rb Hryn. Rrutr CITY:_$:_2|P: --EtlAlt ADoflE3Si xurl*..b.qD l.ldrd...m 585208!941 PROICT COilIACIPETBONI lsLie Kcetcr 58920019:t1 ExtGIl 6 cotl3'iuclrotl: tr Allmtlon tr nmov lor O BGn.d kD.ln tlEyi Co[tTRUCIto[i D tr.!r il.s iarldlnca E Add l0ol lo EnrllnC n drnG. O firlocrtlon "'Prfllr ottFcr lxo allSlYB EE 0wlll TIATAPPLYT0YoUn Ff,orfi"' O A(Crns.(8f)- tr 0!t G.r.C. (tD - tr Porli ltt)- D lunmom 6t) -- tr pool (st)- l0 Etorrll shld l$) ---L6(L O G.s.nho6. (GF)- tr D..rEfl- Irlh!propor.dr.tch Oho tt, rrLllll|lootpdnl? tr Y.. d ilo a orh ttn ToTAL 80 FI U(pt8 n00, I lot pno6.n vofi ll..l.d: - unh.I.t l l(0 T0ll L ,BofcI ColT ll. Er L.oi r 3,a000.00 PHO E: PH0IET l.thr Drooor.d oFll.h.n!lnc tha [umbll0l btdmoma? O Y.. il llo btnrEld.k.l,PhmblngorM.rnrnEirorltalnCdonilolhatuoE!rySlruclur!DY.tEN0 llthaplltr.lbrFtaloaalloo,lrlhalaaf,al0adGrllnaonlhalurrantalla?OYoErao [tniltElM ad For.r o0 lhb Buldlig, O Y., n t{o kop.rty thr/ oclur.nay.ll $nC.f.mlv tr D!91.i O Tclnhou.! D.larlD!lon ot Worl rsM"' .rr,{,{.d a}dn r hl,,, tlr', lrttu,mprrvloc.l.d iorllordplrh? tr Yar I t{0 t{rth0 hra.vlout Artli -5{ rt lolallttlt ollhtlbid I{ aw lmgaNlour AI.r: - gq tl Ed'llng L'n't Dlturbh0Prmll:E Yu E to tvAnn: E CFP|A O comnunllr By.t.m O Ptlvl|. Wnll O C'ntnll{lll O Aqu' SVltRi I CPUA O Commurltyry.t.m O Pdvrh t'Pllc tr tunlrrlSlluc El Aqu' !on.:- Olfl.n:-- 6.lD!'tt (f) - (tH) - {hD - (l} -Anprorrl: - Glty: - D.t':- lloodr (A)-(v)-(tl)BFE+2tt- -P,rmll fa.r I Gomlnanl: - l0 wld. gon.bla Dulldlng rp..t | ]t",t 1l r v.? ci&x NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPUqnON TYPE: REtl DEIITIAL FL€ASE AISWER AtI QUtSfi4r9 rrP UCllIE TO YOUi PtOJlCr 'Proj.6l ltTflttlblfltl, AolB -t336'1 B'esqs A9/Eron (of..la! ural P'.st i c?\so Ort i -\tAPPUCA}I',S NAME:o PNO'ECT AODRESs: 5UBOrVlSlOl{: EROPER?Y OWNEPS MME:Oos\i" Slr,& coNlRAclo*o:l k AOORESST o CITYi EMAIL ADDREsST ., Ct.r..\ J"rdo.vr \Jhilaka( = Gruenhouse (5F)_= Deck (SF) lsthr prppBrd work dirrylsltht lrirung fooE ttt? tr Y6 E fro TOTAT SqFIUNDEi BOOF llot fiopot.d work) H.tt!d: - Unhtrt d: TOTAL PROTECT COST (tess Lqt)r S e .rtt, ltf ,,"i ng$q.n - \, PHONE d: clrY -?|.?-3610 i zrP,lg{O SLDG I,ICE SE !:61511 PXONIi 1to sr Nc zrp, l grlla , {d9- (2+} ,,on* 110 -{01- G1q}PROJECT COT{IACI PEisoN: EXrSTlt{G CONSIIUCnO :B Aher.tlon E Rrnontlon D Gcnrr.iRep.tn NEW COIISTIUCTKTN: 3 Erust ew R?!ld!nc! E Addltlon to Eristi4 n6ld€nce E ndoc.tlon ,rns$f CtrEcf sD A sf,rlt tErox,ar.t rtAT At?t Y To yolri pioEcT." C Att G.rage (SF)_FI DCt G.r.!C ISFI tr Porch (5n 3 Sunroom (SF)_ffoot1s4 4t{o tr Stordgr Shld (Sf) _ tr Othcr (SF) - 0 ls fr! p.opor.d work chrrtJn! thr numbcr of bcdrooms? tr Yar D llo l! any tLct'Eal, numblllt or Mcchrlkdwork bctng don! to th! Aeatsory Stuctu.! 3 Yct E o If th? p.ollct li a ialordor, h th€rc r rtlrelG.3 Urc on th! dJrrantrft?? ! Yat tr o i3 thlr.e Ehctrical Powlr on drls B{lldlr{? tr YG E tao Proprrtv UrG/ O€uprocy;P&mt rrmrh I Du9ltr D Trytrhout l4H0! 19 ::BEPtl Dcsrrlptior ol Wo*: S w i ce it^, OrSCr.AfttEl: h.lrby.'l.ifyrh.t.i tt.libmrtbn m t\lt.pr!rtif b conlct.nd Jl ro*rr$ co.tF !,lt th! SlrLldldlrt Codc.rd r$ oti...pdou. !& rnd lo..l l^foflitlro i. ...roft: Any wofi ptrforfiiad noutthr agg.opnrta larinltrt.! !alnvbmi ot liarclEL ald.codaa,ra, t,bFcr tollnar u,to!se.r't otvnlr/Cont'.ston 5 hona 1(os k Sltn.ture: 'Llcens"d Quolnd' s the proeertY rocat d ln a ffoodplsln? c vo y( no Erlrtlnt hpervlout Anr: - Sq tt ' folrl Lt.r DhtllrMr Nlw lmplrvloet AI!.: - Sq Fl Eidr[ l.Itd Dlrtlfilnt trt th: E Y.r ! tto WAIER: XcfrUA E CommunitY Syst?ln E Prlvrt! Wdl 3 C.ntel Wcll E Aqua sfwft ICFPUA tr Communlty system i Prirdtrs€pdcOC."rals.pdcDAqu! Zon?i - olltcltl - s.t!td$ (R - (lll) - (Oll - (ll -Approvalr _- Clty: - h.i- Frood:(A)-M - (l{}- B'E+2'E - ..S$ Comrrent f|lrfilt F.cr S '15. +o # z'P ag\+0ol fl7 0rtuX tad,);r:;i NEW IlANOVER COUN'ry BUI[DING PERMIT APPUCAfl O N fYPE: RESlDENT,At !r a./!_({ ./r r 5w! q lrr. QUgsIrotS Arp Lr(,\rt! ro yolA Pnol tc'i'Prol.rr X.rDoirlbl,ll]. APPL]CTXI'5 !AMI !iorfc' Aoott5Ji SUBClvlsl0 r Pr.st il c ?0"\sI-to.f E-6,ttg Or, Ooc\n s S o\ a ?ror-is @9'^^;\cn -^/\t IXISTIRG CONSTRUCITONT :1 l1ll.ril or :l li!.caition : 6.ar/tlRrp.irt {tWCO{SInUaTION : l.€ct li.!v Rltlornla .-_: ldditron lo ;.rittinl Rarldaiac : i.lo<rricn ...plt^5t Cll[C]( Allo /rHlwts CttOWltl. r At ^Ptl.YIOYOUA,SOJfct... Fror€cr coi{rA'r prf,io* -. ,[r-dgl \Jhitak-gf h-qne \(osni K- ---_-srsnrt,,re:(. : iil6.r:r.lsrl_ E s',n,ocm (srl-*_f,r",,,1sr1 -(q0 J 6r..rtou,r (stl__-__ : 0€(t {Sl;__._* _ --., 3li. brcForrd wolt (irrtht the.rltu{ fooip.ln!? i_ Y", : I,j roTAi. iQ'a UNDIR EOOFVotptopcr.d e,ctk) l]r.rrdi-- u$no .d:, Tor L PRortcT cosr rlcr, t.o,r s 16 ,0 0D l, th. qroror.d wort ch.nglnS th. numbcr o, brdroelrs? f) Y.r I xo i, ,iv lllclrl(rl, ,,umblnt o. Mrdlrnkrl wort btlnS doo! to the A.cBso,Y Strirclur! I Ye! :.i Ho il to. proi!.t lr i tralocdoo ls lhere r ll urdl Gi! lho o. lhe (!fi .ft t rlltl : Y.t a Ho :9 tira.r frrllricrlpowar on rhis BuildkrE? I] Var n Bo Proprrty 9s!/ O...Js. otr.rlotlon oll{or*: - rv;fftn1l rrmrq --l Dupl.t I rownhrllto lrwr 104 o.ft.,x, t' rfNl:lio.!irrxlEo.sllrratrl.riorc..t.,w1,b.Drf!ct!'lrrttrlltt'lrt,fih'r!,"dr'dtl.(ri.dt4to. C O0t 6arrra (Sr)-_--._.. - lrti.rt,o. r..8ottr lar wl ,r.r.fi.C tittAdd ,. t odoa., r o.ti1t I l,J br l^ \bl.lPi 6i lA. r€ 5 (!h!I'o..ri/,o,rlfd .ifcolg'a.t ,. Ycr{ i6 tlrtlntrftupNloutA,(,.--5qll rolrla(r'tolllvrbtd: NEv tn1r.:liort art.: =--.- 5q tl ttirllnt lrnd Olttu'blr1t tt'mh: - ltt 'j Ro vrAlg8: XcI/uA ii com trv.rlY sYtt. r' - p'!r12\./Bil -i C€nlrsrw' f' 'acL! Sllt/!8: V frD.lA f ao-.1rrJnl:lSYttcr - p''i.rlcSe!ll'< l: C!_i'rrScpllc rJ aAUa .".K\So,n*,' CIU scrbr(kt (r) J{/4 lrH) -llq'- 1n''1 19' tet / 0' roorovrr: 6k (:h: ll crru, !1lt.Ll1$',""t 1a1 - --'u1 . t'rl'(- art'zt'" - -;";;, #d+- *.*--Lo' 5{s$iw r"'r",*\e?:i^st&ce-J ro'^trr" s Dcctct ^O ' -36'.t d a o O .)O..\. C:tr 0 ST: ?t,d rn !il-.i.n *lt'a -- - (ltY o*,, 104 - _il,lli{+" CI'IY: 0' ono*r, 110 ''*0 q?. il Forch lsf) __ i_- sl.orrtr sh.d (Stl :' Oth!. isf) 4ll0f l8 2:01ipll txi. l-it (6a..rr rob,( r knrrr,?1. l"F^-v \71 Crif insPclion Requtreo d-ttsdl I +v,[ffi I I lilicl+n;, Nc Unlial.ilel EtoG tlcrNsE #: 7f 3 6 3 e St,lC aP:2FlA? o{r: ?/6 - ?LZ -ltqt PHONE Qlo-z(z-lllt Sotz_ t337t /8 'lvApplication ilumb€r lo{ice u5el sfr b c lA r<,to, \j{L APPTICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:3a ? Frie n/(,. Ln NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPUUflON rYPE: RESIDENT,AI PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/ CITY: .C- LLC CITY Oate ztP 6 SUBOIVISIONT CONTRACTOR:+ PRoPERTY OWNER'sN ME: Jifi\ ;llqNLvnn Lqwl< r PHONT J'b -s23 -3 0 zo OWNER'5 ADDRTSS:J ctw z:'e:1{l9l ADDRESS:E o EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT COI'ITACI PERSON o Co o e EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration trRenovation E General Repairs NtW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Resldence D Relocation '*.PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWIR BEI.OW ATLTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROIECT*'* D Att Garage {SF)_ n sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ O Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (5F) E Deck (SF)u-dher {sF} b elri. r-q *ad17.,s the proposed work chanting the existing footprint? E \es D4{ TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF ffot proposed work) Heated:O O D Unheatedl TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less tot):9 f,o,'boo Is the proposed work changing the n umber of bed rooms? [ Yes w6- lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEY€snNo N/tr lf the project is a Belocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? - Yes D No ls there ElectricalPower on this Bulldlng? E fes E No-. Property Use/ Occupancy: g'fingle Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse N //r Description of Work: :rHoi, l8 !: t gBH Ec,..ovclis,,,F e;Lcr.^.nr+r bd .le-!A on/ lena/r-qr-ee,b --- a T- latys and ordinanceJ.nd ragulationr. The NHC Development SeMces center willbe notlRed ofanychanSes in the approved plans and sp€clficetionsor chan8e in (ontGclor inform.tlon. ..'NOT[: Any worl performed withoot the appropriate p€rmhs wlll be ln vlolation oflhe NC Bldg code and ol,vn€r/Contractor:SlBnatur€: "Licensed Quolifrer' 5 up to S ts the property lo€ated in a floodplain? Wles O ", ( V e) Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: -/ln New lmpervious Area: --. Sq ,, _-_ Exlnlng Land Disturblng Permh: n Yes E No WATER: tl CFPUA D Community System pdrivate Well D Central Well D Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA ! Community System lU4-rivate Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - Oflicer: - setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approvali -_- Clty: -- Date: - f lood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Prrmit Fee:5 4to.oo LOT E: ! Porch (SF) --L Storage Shed (SF) _ NEl,rl HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIvIIT APPLICATI(N TYPE; CotrillilE RCIAL PLEASE ANSI,'ER ALL qJESIIC{:i APPLICABIE TO YOUR PNOJECT *PPoJect nesponslblllty" APPLICANT'S NAI'IE: Kevln caiBoa (NHC Rep) PROPERTY OWNER'S iIAME: New Hanover county ONNER'S ADDRESS: 230 Govelnhent CenLer Dr CoNTRACTOR: co16tsy 6r,aff Ke(;n CaiSOn - LICEiISE #: ". 1-1q5 I CITY: (Ch€ck all Th.t Apply) ao\B - t33\? 18-3380 A-PP LrcATroN Nunber (office Us.) -DATE: y11s 12n1s DEVELOPER: llew Harover co,'ty _ Pl.lONE #: 91079g4338 PRO]ECT ADD OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE; NHc parks - PHONE #: 91079s{33 8 5T:Ng ZIP:2s! 63 ST: ZIP ! EXIST COi6TRUCTI0 : n It Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATION Gas Line on the r-l RENOVATION tdnent Slte? E ERECT NEr,r STRUCIURE E FAST GENERAL REPAIRS REL(rcATION ES No lS BLDG S rRAo( n sHELr n upFrr E ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE Yesf-'L ***** rs rHrs A cHAr{GE oF occupAr{cy usE}fl yEs l-1( r,ro .**** IF Yes, lihat uas the Prevl,ous Occupancy Type? _ t{hat is the ile!, occupancy TvoeJARIH If UPFIT - The shell Permit *: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: 919,1iqn6s &rgineering p1,r,c ENGR DE5IGN PNOFESSIONALI-PH DESCRIPTION OF WOR(: sr-iffifrl1.oic ehelger per engireered plaaE Is Elect PoHer on this Building f-l Yes E NO _ PH:916-523-ra81 NC REG *:625s52 NC REG *: ts food or bEvsrages pr€pared or served ln tnis structuret E YesEl No ls The Prcperty Located tn The Floodplaint [Ves I Uo with lhe State Code and lnwill OWNER/CONTRACTOR: xevlrr caigon SIGNATURE t (Outll,iar) a!.tt6ln asbestos or not. You 6le leqlrlred io callth€ Nadon l Ernlsdon s.tandsds lor H@dou5 Alr Polldonls (NESHAP) at (919)7o7-5s0 ot loas l0 days prlo. to the demolnlon o, any feduy oa !o[dlng. See Asb€nG Web Sltr: hrpr r..rn eplstato.nc.uteplb!!€slosrEtmp.ffinl TOTAL PROJECT COST: $10, 8OO # OF UNITS: na TOTAL AREA SO FT : 448 SQ FT PER FLR: .aa ToTAL sO Fl UNDER ROOF: aa8 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED:EXST IAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? IYES rtNO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pROpERTy USE: f]oFFtcE ! nesreunaNr ! MERoANTILEn EDUCD APrn CONDO all olher appllcablo Stale DlanE and sDecilicatlong NC Slale BldO Code and WATER: SEWER: r-lCFPUA Llcrpua E COMMUNTTY SYSTEM D WELL _B ZONING USE CLASSIFICA E- cerurml sepnc n- pnrvnte seprrc E coMMUNtw sysrEM TION " SEPAMTE PERMITS REOUIFED FOR ET€CT. MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS 8 INSERTS '- pAyMENr MErHoD,-[Cnsi I ciEcrileaveeLE ro NHc) t-I euenrcarl exeRESs n Mc/vlsA EL otscovrn (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Approval:- City: DATE- FLOOD SETBACKS: F:LH: RH B BFE+zfF ZONE: OFFICER: Comment N PERMIT FEE: l - - CITY: pi16g4gg6n ADDRESS: EIIAIL ADDRESS: kcalaoD€lrhcgov. com - PK)NE *: gro.rgsa:ag PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Kgyir g.i..r , PKrNE #: sro2111.t2o No NEN CoNSTRUCTIoN: I/ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: BLJILDING HEIGHT: 1o # OF STORIES: na # OF FLOORS: -OTHEFpark - ,13oJClo.r FoIm Prlhl ef{lll NEW HAHOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERITIT APPLIcArlott rrPf; Col.ltE RCIAL Prf-^st Arilrla atL Qr]rsTloris aPptl(A8Lt ro yqli pnolt(T "P.oJert Respoo3ibllit)/' tQ- 7tt t> aEF[fdna{ l{uriber (o(fl(! Uie ) OA,fAPPLICAIIT'5 l. t{E: Coas!al Cons!rucrlon serv}ces rnc DEVILOPER: PRorE(r Aoo[Isra :4 I / $r I i tdrv Curor r tid 5ui r.c 210 oCCUPATJT,/8U5INESS ltAllE : cu B re,r ! ee,J in ( r) e,l0F FII IY 01.,i!tk'S H,1xt mltR's AIDf,tss: l05t Mrtrr.ry Cetora Ad tittll CC{T[ CTO*; :onsraI Conetrucij,oir services :nc ADOflESS: 6,5q I Gcrr.n lrd EItAIL ADORESSi : r n?ce s: c L.c . urn PROIECT (OIITACI PIR50]t: 1i,n s13..1 CITY: Wtlmln,rron pK)fiE d 0.344-ti:,{jPHoNI t: 9 ((h.<t All thrt l9pi, ) €XIST Col{SIRUCTIO :At T€RAT IOI'itr,tovATr0,{ l, Rclocatjon. rs lherc a NafuralGas LinB on tho urrcnl Srlo?r es GET{ERAL nEpAIRs T.1 RETOCAIIO l-- r,,o rs or-oo srlrfi*le^Eo-rt- - ycsli- CIIY: pi 1,,rr.,n1,r" - LlCE1l5E 6r 69625 aI'tvr 6r:[-TtTrlsael ll Er: NL ZIP: 2slll ProxE [: 9 o-?s6-{{5inxorr [; fl6-ffie1jJ- q Ht{ CotlSTnUCIIofli I ItRECT Ntll STRUCTUR€L-J ACCTSSORY STRUCTUSE: Ii UPFIT _ Ine Shell Pc.nrr E: FAsT IRACX SHEtt UPFIT ADO Ib CXt5l STRUCIUsf Is El€ct Por€. on this 8u1ld1n Yes r Nu tK fiEG f:7a3aN[ REG l: -- closc!, I nisc ceiling t:les F....! I5 rHls A CIUi6E OF OCCUpAll(y UsE?r yts lif. iD ..... IF Y!r, ylrat r.5 thc P.cvlou! (kcuPancy Typal _ ltat l' th. xcr Oc(up.n(y IIEi lorsro, pioFEssroiAl: coodr rch Ptl:9t 0- 3,1j -t O6S t1 DESCRIPTIOTI 0F IroRK: R:p119! -99Mr, p,in!, 9!q s.!9li99 i3 lood or bovsrsgos F€pa.€d o, 6a^€d in lhis st ,rauo?l- Vg6 lE. xo r)i5rlLlt{.t_- i, ' . .:,'.r'rlr,5nr{r<rrrr' lriir'Yir,vl r,lvF\ r,J lt\!r. ". r u Nlr! U4.,1.{.,,a/ l S.rLr-'' ( } ,rnr s trJ6R 0E516rl PRot€55IO{AL :-.r/^ TOTAL PROJECT cosT: 2 9, 0OO ls Ths Poprfiy Loc{tsd ln Tho . ,,. \,ir Sllln trr.k,,,.l .,r, d!/ Ll'.!qo5 'h ., r.,r. , /.'l'. ^rU trj ,'r \'. ,! , Floodplajl? rHz.'{ir r{l- v""No olh (' OWNEFVCONTRACTOR: r', r,rr,,,'.e, SIGNATURE "rQ .- Lr!r''--r!EFqi.pr. (l,I.1 (tth|:nl Nols: Offitr.n,!o{dq*rr ! Gado. GrDd Flna aFaa.aa.r tt b b. r.it{id l. p i. .rC*r rrn lol+lgrlC) rrrdrr Ar *rry o fififng tr. br{ to .n !l.h a.!Gr6 o. hd. Y6J tt rtqurrt to ol tr 8&d €rtrb. Stddrl fs H.rrdort A, Pd.on! (NES{rA r 019)707-:,9:4, ba.t l0 dfyr pb. b tr d.hdfto. oa lnr aociq ., nuad.ro S., A!tt4. Wd Sa!: trpJ&di qr d.l! ft 6/rpyrta@/thn\p.tn TOIAL AREA SO FT : ( { 84 IOTAT SO Ff UNOER ROOFI Nra AUILDING HEIGHT: N/A SO FI PER FLR .N,/A I OF STRUCTURES: N,,n f OF UNITS: 'r14i _,1, OF STORIES N/r r Or FLOORS rlra -1 ' ACRES DISTURBED] X/A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: r;e Exsr reND D;siu;arNc penurp J- vES Ji No E.XISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA D ZONING USE CLASSIFICA-IIONn wELr PRIVA]E SEPTIC D COMMUNITY SYSTEM l-- orscovea SO FT EM ."SEPAR ltpERTJITSREOIJInFDFOHr(tC1 MECh pi-66. G S roul'', PnEFAES&?lSFAtS"' PAYMENT METHOD: f'CASH l- CxECX (pavloLE To NHc) r AMERICANEXPRESS T,MCMSA WAIER sEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNIry SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC zoHe (R(,D#acen D1 Approval: OL . City:-lg!l- com menr -161 4,^g 0.y-.yrg{ E (FoR O, FICE US€ ONl-n"|U#;[i,iA,rxJ1 Hu,ri/A a !l[?i/6FLooD.._ - X atE,?ft__ , lh at*rA. k firt1r'rrt"EHrrrrPFE +_- Cily lnspccion Requreo, 9i ti2b4{9011 a Z1 lr) D^TE l-,fi- I I ZIF:2d { r 5-rT pRopERryusE; EloFFrcE ! nesraunarur I MERCANTILED EDUCD^PTn coNoo olkEl ._-- / ril L^-)ry'r\A+c{\ S".k P[ao rn co{tS€hD - { Nrsr-s APPLICANT'S NAME:J Print EW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projed Responsibilit/' CITY PHONE #: CITY CITY: ,Cor* Date /0-l€-/8 ztP 2eL)4 LOT #q ztP:a_/6 BI.DG LICENSE H:7f56L srtNLztP: 291/0, PHONE cto -qzO-1t Q7 PHONE fio4'7O 76 f8 Nt Application Number (office use) PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PRCPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: Lo CONTRACTOR:L ADDRESS: EMAIL ADD RESS: n Att Garage (SF)_ VJ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs.r'NEw CONSIRUCTION: Ef Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEL AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** 3 oet Garage lS t(P tr Porch (sF) E Sunroom (sF) ! Greenhouse(5F)_ fl Deck(SF) ,2 ?? ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes D No ! other {sF) z Unheated: 2 ! storage Shed (SF)_ TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF lfot proposed wor*) Heated: rorAL PROJEST COSr (Less Lotl s qog oq\, eo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves dio ls any Electrical, Plumbing or M echa nical work being done to the Accesso ry Structure E/Yes E lto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E yes IB'6o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? tr Yes E6o /single Family E Duplex D Townhouse,t/t,t 1"^<4..llu* -l#*5jU Property Use/ Occupancy: Description of Work: laws and ordinancesand regulations. fhe NHC Development Servi.es Center willbe notified ofanychange5 in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor information. '''NOTE: Any work performed without the ap prop riate permits will be in violat ion of the N C State code and s to fines up to S500.00r*rc L Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier"e ls the property located in a tloodplain? E4es tr t'to Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes C No WATER; D CFPUA E Community System E Private Well f] Central well E4ua SEWERT El CFPUA E community system E Private Septic tr Central Septic #qua zone: - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH)- (B)- Approval: .............- city: - Date:- Floodr (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - TLu o Comment: Permit Fee: S L\,1 z Clear Form 2ot 8- )3s23 1f5tTo D Pool (SF)_ tu NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcarIot TYPE: RESIDEI{TIAL PLEASE AIISI{ER ALI- QUESTIO'|S APPLICASTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Pnoject Responsibiltty" APPLICATIO{ tturber (office Use) DEVELOPER: N/A PIO E S: e1o-s99-042s PROIECT AmRESS: 230 Lonq Leaf Acres Diive CIW! wirminqron ZIP: .?3g SUBDIVISION:8L0CK *:LOT S: CONTRACTORT cape Fear sola! sys tems LICEITISE S: 65677 ADORESS: 901 Martin sEreeE cITY: wilminqtoo ST: NC ZIP: 28401 EfilAIL ADORESS: SupportocapeFearSolarsys t ems . com PHr E $: 910-s99-0428 PRoIECT CoiITACT PERSOI{: ,rason ortiz PtIn{E f: 9ro-se9-0428 EXTSTTTG CO{STRUCTTOil: I alremrrOr ! nrrolarrot I cerrnal REPATRS E RELocATror,t IEli corsrRucTroi, fl enrcr Er RESTDE cE o" ! aoorrror ro Exrsrll{G REsrDEr{cE ..PLEASE CHEC( AI{D AI{SI{ER BELOT{ ALL I}U[T APPLY TO \4'T'R PRO'ECT: Iarr eamer - sF ! oer canaor sF n poRcH -sF ! sunnoor,r -sF ! eoor- - sr ! sronaer sHEo - sF f| cneeuor-rse - sF ! oecr - sr orHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROIECT C05T tt*u uat : i /t3,573.00 # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRfCAL, PLL[.tBIllG or f'lECHlrltCAL t{ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure?!ves I uo If the project ls a Relocatlon, ls there a NaturaL Gas Line on the current Site? fives I lo Is there Electrlcal Power on this Buildlng?ves [to pRopERry rrsE / occlrPAflcY: I srrele FA]rrLy fl DUpLEx E ro.,NHorrsE a DESCRIPTIO{ OF HoRK: Installatiolr of 1 t of Mr 6a11eher's home OISCtA ER: lhoroby coniry her olllnbrnatbn h his +plcaton b coracl and el rort willcomply -ih nl6 Sial6 Buildino Codo end dl0tl6r applicablo St b .nd bcstt.ws and ordin6nces and logulalions. The NHC Ocvelopmeot Se'vlcos C6nbr willb€ nolillod ofsny chan!6s h h€ eppor,€d pl6ns 6nd specifications or chmgo in cootracbr or contacbr inbnnation'1VOTE: o{r{ ER/cotitTRAcToR b Fin€s LJp lo i500.0O" (prj.it x.rc)***!r* ** r*,] ** **++ +r** *+'l !* *** !t**r!*{.,r **:t+,t *+* ++,t+ ++,r +++'r ++a+ ++,} +/** * * K, * * * *** * **** *** * * * Any Wort Perlomed \rVlO lleAppropriab Permitswillbe in Violation olthe NC : Jason ortiz SIGNATURE :r"y' i'* SEPAIIATE PERI,1IT5 REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IIECH, P186, GAs EQUIP, PREFAES & INSER]S *** pa\,[E rriErHoD: E casx Eor:o< (payABLE m r) EAiERrcA[ ExmEss [rcmsr E orscorcn ,r:|*:tt,t't*,i't't'l'l,l*.1*:l*t,t**'t'l*lhtaa:*:t:r*,*:t,t*,lta:ht'ttt*'t't*t'at+t*t++,tal|l+**t*'t't't*'iaa*,t*a't:*r*:itt*++ (roR oaatcE usE orly) REvrsEo DATE 04/11/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:-ZoNE: OF FICE R: Approval:_ Clty:_ DATE:_ FL00O: _ BFE+2ft=avt{ cofinent :PERIIIIT FEE: S u) 2cr0- l33tl APPLICAITT'S ttAtlE: DATE: o7Nov18 PROPERW O {ER'S ilA E: Earr calleher P}O E S: 910-s20-s466 (trt{ER,'S ADDRESS: 230 Lonq Leaf Acles prive CITY: !}]!j}I@-- ST: Jg ZIP:@ the loof rs rHE pRopEnw LocATED r{ I rtoooplltrt l-l y:s E rc EXISTIIIG IiIPERWOIE AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEH IiTPERWOUS AREA: _SQ FT EXIST LAID DTSTURBIT{G pER rT: ff VeS ! rc MTER: ! creua ! co$rurrw svsru,r ! pRrvATE I{ELL ! cemml weu strrn: f] crnua I cE TRAI sEprrc ! enrvare serrrc f] cofir{J}lrw svsrEm B RLa rra {soau 0tflffiRsJ({Y,, B3bg$$,EW HANOVER CO1tAPPUCA ON "Project PROJECT ADDRESs: 15 laurel drive --._ ._- _ CrIY: wrlmington SUBDtVtStON: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: CIiZAbEth hATMON UNTY BUILDING PERMIT n/PE: RESIDENTIAL IOXS APPLIIABTT TO VOI'R PROJECI Responsibilih/ Date:11272418 tor c owNtR'5 ADDRESs:15 laurel drive CoiITRACToR: Robert A. Cohan General Contractor ADDRESS: 4435 dawnjidqe place EMAILADDBESS:cohani@hotmail.com -_* .--- Ow: UlElington PHONE ,,: 9106759377 ztP - 28401 €xlSTlNG coNsTRUcnON: - ntteration --l Renov;rtron '(Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; n Erect New Residence -J Addition to Existing Residence [] Rclecation ..TPLEASE CHECK AND A'{sWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR P*O.,€CT:" I Att Gatage (SF) I Sunroom {SF) ,- E Det Garage {sF}[. Porch (SFi -...,] Pool {SF) i,r,..nl'l,a::iP i! F;:l{'til i5F I Stotage Shed (SF) _ :l Orher (SF) l5 the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I] Yes - No TorAL se Ff UNDERROoF llot proposed workl Heated: 1500 Unheated:0 roTAt PROJECT COST (Less Lor)0k ls the proposed wor* rhanginB the number of bedrooms? j ves { to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Ac(essory stru.tur".l$ Yes a No tf thc pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? :l Yes F l\to ls thcre Electrical Power on this Building? }( Yes tl No Property Use/ Oc{upancy:( Single ramity I Dupler -l Townhouse Des$iption of work: HURRIcANE-ST€RM REP^IRS, NEW INSULAIISN: SHEETROGKi MINeR EEEGTRIC-- - nforrnrt;on. "'l'{OTt: Any,a,ork gerform€d withosr the approprirte p4.rniti wrll bc !n vilarb{l of rhe NC Stat*Bldg Code rnd iubFd tofins un to S500.CO|" Owner/Contractor: Robe han Si8nature: ? " -- lr the prooertv located iR d floodplarn? .l Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 1200 sq Ft New lmpervious Area: !200 -. _ Sq Ft /oo Total Acres Oistgrbed: 0 Exislin8 Land Disturbing Permit: : Yes L ,rlo WATER: X CFPUA n Community System - Private Well f'l Central Well :l Aqua srwea, ) cFPuA L. community Sysrem Ll Private s€ptic J central septr. :l Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks [F] _ (tH] _ (RH] _ - tE) _ Approval: _ Cityi , Date: _ rlood: (A) _ (Vl _-_ (N, _ BfE+2tt= _ Permit Fee: S APPLTCANT'S NAM[: Robe4-A Cohan -.-_ ZtP.28401 Bt oG trcENsE ' 1465o clw:9oncofd. _ sr: !L zlP: ?8021 _ _ PHOI{E: 7047O14735 pRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: J_a.S-o_q.Coh an _ PHONE: 91029709_33 MINOR PLUMBING- NO STRUCTURAL. :ommenti