S18-06 Application PackagePHOTO PRESENTATION Communications Tower Group LLC Wireless Communications Facility Documentation The proposed 150.0’ AGL Telecommunications Facility is to be located at or near 4510 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412. The site coordinates are N 34° 9’ 26.21” W 77° 53’ 36.51”. The site elevation is 28 ft AMSL. The tower as simulated is at One Hundred and Fifty Feet (150 feet in height/altitude) above ground, at the centerline of the proposed tower facility location. GRAHAM HERRING COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE GRAPHIC SERVICES PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY SERVICES TO THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY Page 1 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Page 2 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 ¼ mile TOWER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NV NV NV NV - Not Visible 1 - Looking south by southwest towards site from Pine Hollow Rd. (441ft, 0.08mi) 2 - Looking southwest towards site from South College Rd at Pine Hollow Rd. (627ft, 0.12mi) 3 - Looking west by southwest towards site from South College Rd north of Mohican Trail. (497ft, 0.09mi) 4 - Looking west by northwest towards site from Mohican Trail across South College Rd. (777ft, 0.15mi) 5 - Looking northwest towards site from Crosswinds Dr at South College Rd. (789ft, 0.15mi) 6 - Looking north by northwest towards site from the Global River Church south parking lot. (985ft, 0.19mi) 7 - Looking east by southeast towards site from the end of Turtle Dove Ct. (507ft, 0.10mi) 8 - Looking south by southeast towards site from Pine Hollow Rd. (508ft, 0.10mi) NV = Not Visible CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Page 3 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 ¼ mile TOWER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NV NV NV CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Page 4 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 1 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 1 Page 5 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 1 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 1 Page 6 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 2 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 2 Page 7 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 2 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 2 Page 8 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 3 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 3 Page 9 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 3 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 3 Page 10 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 4 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 4 Page 11 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 4 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 4 Page 12 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 5 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 5 Page 13 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 5 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 5 Page 14 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 6 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 6 Page 15 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 6 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 6 Page 16 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 7 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 7 Page 17 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 7 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 7 Page 18 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 8 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC VieW From loCation 8 Page 19 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 TOWER 8 CTG# NC 0010041MOHICAN TRAIL/ARAB SHRINE CLUBWilmington, nC Simulated VieW From loCation 8 Page 20 of 20 • revision 20180913-1033 IMPACT ANALYSIS OF A PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER ON THE VALUES OF ADJOINING OR ABUTTING PROPERTY LOCATED ON 4510 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA AS OF NOVEMBER 16, 2018 FOR COMMUNICATIONS TOWER GROUP LLC 15720 BRIXHAM HILL AVENUE SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28277 BY DAVID A SMITH, MAI, SRA POST OFFICE BOX 51597 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27717-1597 PART ONE - INTRODUCTION DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA P.O. BOX 51597 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27717-1597 PHONE (919) 493-1534 smithappraiser@verizon.net November 19, 2018 Communications Tower Group, LLC 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28277 As requested, I have inspected the site of a proposed telecommunications tower and properties that adjoin or abut it. The proposed tower would be located at 4510 South College Road near Wilmington in Hanover County, North Carolina. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the effect of the value of adjoining or abutting property. The intended use of this assignment is to assist the approving body in determining if the proposed tower should be approved. The intended users of this report are officers and employees of Communications Tower Group, LLC and anyone they designate. As requested, a summary report has been prepared. This is not an appraisal, but is a consulting assignment. This report assumes that the proposed tower has been constructed. The properties were inspected on November 16, 2018 which is the effective date of this report and analysis. I made all necessary investigations and analyses. Based on a set of plans of the proposed tower, an inspection of the proposed tower site and the adjoining and abutting properties, an analysis of data gathered and facts and conclusions as contained in the following report of 19 pages, and subject to the assumptions and limiting conditions as stated, it is my opinion that the proposed tower will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting properties. I certify that I have personally inspected the site of the proposed tower and those properties that adjoin and abut it. I further certify that I have no interest either present or contemplated in the property and that neither the employment to make this analysis nor the compensation is contingent upon the result of the analysis. Respectfully submitted, David A. Smith, MAI, SRA NC State-Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #A281 DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 2 - TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE-INTRODUCTION PAGE Letter of Transmittal 1 Table of Contents 2 Certification of Value 3 PART TWO-PREMISES OF THE ANALYSIS Statement of Competence 4 Extraordinary Assumptions and Hypothetical Conditions 4 General Assumptions and Limiting Conditions 4 Purpose, Intended Use and Users of the Report 6 Definition of Value 6 Date of Analysis and Date of Report 7 Property Rights 7 Scope of Work 7 PART THREE-PRESENTATION OF DATA Neighborhood and Locational Data 8 Description of Tower Site Property 8 Description of the Proposed Tower and Leased Area 9 Description of Adjoining and Abutting Properties 9 PART FOUR-ANALYSIS OF DATA AND CONCLUSIONS Effect of the Proposed Telecommunications Tower 10 Conclusion 13 Qualifications of the Appraiser 15 ADDENDA Aerial Map New Hanover Zoning Map Wilmington Zoning Map Tax Card Deed Photographs of Subject Tower Detail Subdivision Location Map Big Cypress Tower – Antenna.com Info Deer Crossing Map Deer Crossing Photographs DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 3 - CERTIFICATION I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,... The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. My compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this report. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. No one provided significant real property assistance to the person signing this certification. The reported analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and the Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. As of the date of the report, I have completed the requirements of the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. This assignment was not made, nor was the report rendered on the basis of a requested minimum valuation, specific valuation, or an amount, which would result in approval of a credit transaction. Unless otherwise stated in this report, I have not performed any services regarding the subject property within the three year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment as an appraiser or in any other capacity. David A. Smith, MAI, SRA PART TWO – PREMISES OF THE REPORT DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 4 - STATEMENT OF COMPETENCE I have completed all of the requirements to become a state certified general appraiser for the State of North Carolina and all of the requirements for the MAI designation. In addition I have successfully completed USPAP courses and continuing education seminars for over thirty years as well as preparing real estate appraisal reports over the same period. More detailed information about the courses and seminars are in the qualifications section of this report. I have prepared similar analyses and feel competent to perform this analysis. EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS AND HYPOTHETICAL CONDITIONS An extraordinary assumption is an assumption, directly related to a specific assignment, which if found to be false, could alter the appraiser’s opinions or conclusions. A hypothetical condition is something that is contrary to what exists but is supposed for the purpose of the analysis. This analysis assumes that the proposed tower has been constructed. No other extraordinary assumptions or hypothetical conditions are made. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS The report has been made with the following general assumptions: 1. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. 2. The appraiser by reason of this report is not required to give further consultation or testimony or to be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made. 3. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which the appraiser is connected) shall be disseminated to the DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 5 - public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media without the prior written consent and approval of the appraiser. 4. Definitions used in this report have been taken from The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th ed., published by the Appraisal Institute, copyright 2010, unless otherwise stated. 5. I relied on a set of plans identified as “Mohican Trail/Arab Shrine Club Site ID:CTG-NC 0010041 4510 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412,” prepared by Tower Engineering Professionals and last revised September 12, 2018. For purposes of this report this information is assumed to be correct. Copies of pages from these plans are in the addenda. 6. I relied on public records from the New Hanover County GIS and Register of Deeds and antennasearch.com for information regarding properties analyzed in this report. For purposes of this report, this information is assumed to be correct. DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 6 - PURPOSE, INTENDED USE AND USERS OF THE REPORT The purpose of this assignment is to determine the effect of a proposed telecommunications tower on adjoining and abutting properties. The intended use of this assignment is to assist the approving body in determining if the proposed tower should be approved. The intended users of this report are officers and employees of Communications Tower Group, LLC and anyone they designate. DEFINITION OF VALUE The opinions of value in this analysis are the market values. The definition of market value is that used by federally regulated financial institutions. This definition is as follows: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 1. buyer and seller are typically motivated; 2. both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their best interests; 3. a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; 4. payment is made in terms of cash in United States dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 7 - 5. the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. DATE OF ANALYSIS AND DATE OF REPORT The effective date of the analysis is November 16, 2018. The date of the report is November 19, 2018. PROPERTY RIGHTS The ownership interest considered in this analysis is the fee simple interest. The properties may be leased or have other property rights transferred, but the effect is for the fee simple value of the properties. The definition of fee simple as used in this report is: Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of the report involves collection and confirmation of data relative to the property with the proposed tower and the contiguous properties. I made an inspection of the proposed tower site and referred to a set of plans for the tower. I also made an exterior inspection, from the street right-of-way of those properties that adjoin or abut the proposed tower property. I researched properties around existing cell towers to locate those that sold for comparison purposes. I located properties in a subdivision, Deer Crossing, near a tower in Big Cypress south of Wilmington. Some of the dwellings had a clear view of the tower and others were further away with no view of the tower. I compared these properties to judge the effect of the proposed tower on property values of the properties that adjoin or abut the proposed tower. PART THREE – PRESENTATION OF DATA DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 8 - NEIGHBORHOOD AND LOCATIONAL DATA The proposed tower is located in New Hanover County. It is not located in any municipality but it is a short distance both north and south from the Town of Wilmington. This area is primarily residential in nature and primarily single family. There are also townhouse units, residential apartments, parks and undeveloped land. To the south are several commercial uses at the intersection of US 132 and US 421. Other commercial uses are further west of US 421. The primary influence in the area is College Street which is also US 132 at this point. This highway connects the area and areas further south with the City of Wilmington. DESCRIPTION OF TOWER SITE PROPERTY Since the purpose of this report is to estimate the effect of the proposed tower on contiguous properties and not the property the tower is on, only a brief description of the site where the tower is proposed will be given. More detail of the site is in the addenda. According to public records, the property where the tower will be located is owned by Arab Shrine Club Holding Corporation. The New Hanover County tax office identifies the property with a parcel ID of R07110-001-024-000. The zoning for the property is R-15 Residential District. The site has trees along its northern, southern and western boundaries but it otherwise cleared of trees. It is improved with a Shrine Club with a reported area of 8,000 square feet built in 1985, and other on-site improvements. DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 9 - DESCRIPTION OF THE LEASED AREA AND THE PROPOSED TOWER The leased area will be 125 feet x 80 feet with a 50 foot by 50 foot fenced area. A 25 foot wide landscape buffer will be around the fenced area on three sides. The other side will be adjacent to an existing building. Access will be from Jasmine Cove Way across an existing parking lot and a new asphalt drive east and south of the tower site. The tower will be of monopole design 150 feet in height with a four foot lightning rod. It will be unlit and the antennas will be completely enclosed within the tower. In addition to the tower there will be a 6 foot 6 inch service rack and equipment sheds all lower than the proposed fence. DESCRIPTION OF ADJOINING AND ABUTTING PROPERTIES There are twelve properties that directly adjoin and abut the property. A brief description based on tax information and observation of the properties follows: Address Owner Parcel ID Type Size Year Blt Tax Value 4600 S College Korean Baptist R07100-003-045 Church 4470 1970 $443,800 4515 S College Jasmine Cove HOA R07100-001-025 Rec NA NA $0 4202 Jasmine Jasmine Cove/Silver Creek Village HOA R07110-001-094 Com Area NA NA $0 4500 S College S College Associates R07110-003-011 Buffer NA NA $200 4640 Pine Hollow Kevin Javorsky R07110-001-055 SFD 2202 2005 $258,400 4636 Pine Hollow William Harrison R07110-001-056 SFD 2631 1993 $274,200 4632 Pine Hollow Brian Rouse R07110-001-057 SFD 2180 1994 $234,300 4628 Pine Hollow Micah Phelps R07110-001-058 SFD 2135 1993 $236,900 4624 Pine Hollow Craig Thieman R07110-001-059 SFD 2208 1994 $239,500 4620 Pine Hollow Chad Porter R07110-001-060 SFD 2160 1993 $234,500 4616 Pine Hollow Erik Graf R07110-001-061 SFD 2073 1994 $242,400 PART FOUR – ANALYSIS OF DATA AND CONCLUSIONS DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 10 - EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER The potential adverse effects from any proposed improvement are: environmental hazards, noise, odor, lighting, traffic and visual impact. Based on the plans of the proposed tower and conversations with those associated with it, there will be no environmental hazards associated with the proposed use. Also after construction there should be no significant adverse noise since the site is unmanned and none of the proposed items produce any significant noise. The improvement should also not produce any adverse odors. Also traffic should not cause any significant adverse impact since the facility requires only periodic maintenance. If the tower is visible this has the potential to cause adverse impacts to other properties. The tower site will be fenced and landscaped as required. All of the non-tower improvements will be screened by the fencing and not be visible off of the property. The only potential adverse effect is the visual impact of the tower itself on other properties. The tower will be much shorter than most cell towers, 150 feet in height, unlit with no exterior antenna. Adjoining the property to the east is College Street which will be 364+ feet at its closest from the tower. College Street is a busy four lane thoroughfare and the area between the tower and the street is mostly cleared. Adjoining the property to the south is a two lane street, Jasmine Cove Way, 154+ from the tower at its closest. Beyond Jasmine Cove Way is a wooded parcel also owned by the Shriner’s Club. Adjoining the parcel to the west, about 158 feet from the tower, is a recreation/park owned by Jasmine Cover Homeowners. There is a row of trees on the subject tract and there is also a stand of trees on the adjoining property between the tower and properties further west. To the north, eight properties along Pine Hollow Drive adjoin the subject tower parcel. Seven of these have single family dwellings and the eighth is a narrow unbuildable parcel used as common area. The closest property line is about 246 feet from the tower and the dwelling on this lot is about 80 feet from the property line for a total distance of about 326 feet. There is a row of trees along the subject’s northern property line and the rear lots of the dwellings are wooded. On the north side of Pine Hollow Drive near College Street is an existing cell tower and there appear to be cellular antenna on an overhead power line tower also. DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 11 - Of the properties that adjoin or abut the property the ones most likely to be affected are the single family dwellings. The existing Shriner Club is between the tower and these properties and will block all of the equipment for the tower. The tower itself will be visible but partially blocked by the trees. To determine potential effects of the proposed tower I did an analysis of single family dwellings near an existing tower. Using a national web site that locates communications towers, AttennaSearch.com I located a tower on 1300 Big Cypress Drive in Hanover County about 3 miles south of the tower site. This tower is 147 feet in height and was built in 2009. It is unlit, of monopole design like the subject but has a triangular platform with exterior antenna unlike the subject. There is a neighborhood, Deer Crossing, about 300 feet from this tower. Deer Crossing contains some 130 single family dwellings mostly two stories in height. I did an analysis of the initial sales of these dwellings to determine if they are adversely affected by the proximity of this tower. I adjusted the properties for all significant differences: closing date, land value, year built, garage size, porch size, decks, patios number of baths, fireplaces and dwelling size. I then divided the adjusted dwelling value by its square footage. I analyzed the properties on two basis, proximity and visibility. Proximity – I separated the dwellings into four groups based on their proximity to the tower and analyzed them on an attached chart. There are five properties in close proximity to the tower and they gave an average adjusted per square foot value of $80.93 per square foot. The 25 properties a block away gave an average per square foot value of $77.28 per square foot. The next 35 were two blocks away and gave a per square foot average of $77.00 per square foot and the final 42 gave a value of $78.01. The overall average for all of the properties is $77.63. The indications are very close and the properties closest to the tower actually have the higher per square foot value. This indicates that the cell tower does not adversely affect property value. Visibility – I also considered whether the tower is visible from each dwelling and whether that visibility is from the front yard or back yard and whether the view is clear or partially obscured. 25 DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 12 - properties have a clear view of the tower from their backyards and gave an average adjusted per square foot value of $76.39. 14 properties have a clear view of the tower from their front yards and gave a per square foot value of $77.50. 6 have an obscured view of the tower from their backyard and have an average value of $79.36. 4 have an obscured view from their front yard and have an average value of $79.95. 58 have no view of the tower and have an average per square foot value of $77.85. Again the per square foot indications are quite close indicating that the cell tower does not adversely affect property value. PROXIMITY Address Closeness Sold Price Closing Date Year Built Garage Open Porch Deck Patio Full Baths Half Baths FP Total Adjust Adjusted Sales Price Living Area SF Per SF 1117 Deer Hill Same Block $187,000 8/24/2011 2011 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $130,305 1592 $81.85 1113 Deer Hill Same Block $287,000 3/29/2012 2012 484 272 3 1 0 40,542 $263,582 3072 $85.80 1109 Deer Hill Same Block $265,000 6/29/2011 2011 484 120 210 3 1 1 40,555 $238,464 3072 $77.63 1105 Deer Hill Same Block $204,000 9/29/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $159,837 2070 $77.22 1101 Deer Hill Same Block $211,000 7/14/2011 2011 462 85 120 2 1 1 33,462 $162,100 1973 $82.16 $80.93 1013 Deer Hill One Block $252,500 6/13/2011 2011 484 210 120 3 1 1 42,941 $219,617 3072 $71.49 1009 Deer Hill One Block $250,000 5/20/2011 2011 462 108 120 3 1 1 38,912 $219,487 3024 $72.58 1005 Deer Hill One Block $264,000 12/16/2011 2011 462 108 506 108 3 1 0 45,705 $226,729 3036 $74.68 1004 Deer Hill One Block $233,500 3/30/2011 2011 484 102 204 3 1 1 39,918 $201,224 3072 $65.50 1008 Deer Hill One Block $203,000 10/31/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $155,110 1980 $78.34 1001 Deer Hill One Block $179,500 10/28/2011 2011 260 105 120 2 1 1 28,209 $120,422 1455 $82.76 1221 Deer Hill One Block $206,000 5/20/2011 2011 462 102 120 2 1 1 34,027 $155,600 2004 $77.64 1217 Deer Hill One Block $200,000 10/12/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $151,596 1980 $76.56 1213 Deer Hill One Block $195,000 7/7/2014 2013 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $131,301 1592 $82.48 1205 Deer Hill One Block $248,000 5/25/2011 2011 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $217,902 3072 $70.93 1201 Deer Hill One Block $204,000 12/30/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $156,282 1980 $78.93 1209 Deer Hill One Block $191,000 5/28/2013 2013 260 105 120 2 1 0 24,554 $131,016 1455 $90.05 1229 Deer Hill One Block $200,000 4/26/2011 2010 420 85 2 1 1 31,431 $151,222 1994 $75.84 1225 Deer Hill One Block $241,000 3/12/2012 2011 462 108 120 3 1 0 35,257 $209,369 3024 $69.24 6402 New Hope One Block $213,000 4/5/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $156,318 1980 $78.95 6406 New Hope One Block $194,000 8/10/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $138,713 1980 $70.06 6410 New Hope One Block $199,000 8/21/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $143,541 1592 $90.16 6414 New Hope One Block $176,000 3/30/2012 2011 260 105 120 2 1 1 28,209 $117,327 1455 $80.64 6409 New Hope One Block $251,000 3/18/2011 2011 484 96 160 3 0 1 36,145 $229,880 3240 $70.95 6405 New Hope One Block $207,500 4/26/2012 2012 420 168 120 2 1 0 31,331 $148,994 1592 $93.59 6401 New Hope One Block $221,000 9/11/2012 2012 440 100 160 2 1 0 29,927 $174,546 2120 $82.33 6413 Fawn Settle One Block $221,000 5/24/2012 2012 420 220 120 2 1 0 33,056 $169,722 1990 $85.29 6417 Fawn Settle One Block $247,000 9/24/2012 2012 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $210,973 3072 $68.68 6409 Fawn Settle One Block $238,000 5/12/2011 2011 462 99 120 3 1 1 38,613 $204,452 3018 $67.74 1621 Soaring Spirit One Block $202,000 4/4/2012 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $151,826 1980 $76.68 $77.28 1304 Deer Hill Two Blocks $202,000 1/27/2011 2010 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $158,165 1980 $79.88 1308 Deer Hill Two Blocks $239,200 1/3/2011 2010 484 96 120 3 0 1 35,878 $214,724 3240 $66.27 1312 Deer Hill Two Blocks $232,000 5/16/2011 2010 483 99 120 3 1 1 39,229 $197,410 3063 $64.45 1320 Deer Hill Two Blocks $195,000 6/22/2011 2010 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $143,954 1980 $72.70 1324 Deer Hill Two Blocks $253,000 6/26/2013 2013 462 99 120 3 1 1 38,613 $212,196 3024 $70.17 1325 Deer Hill Two Blocks $204,000 1/14/2013 2010 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $152,014 1980 $76.77 1321 Deer Hill Two Blocks $224,000 6/28/2013 2013 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $169,756 2120 $80.07 1317 Deer Hill Two Blocks $190,000 12/1/2010 2010 441 277 675 2 1 0 39,266 $133,194 1973 $67.51 1309 Deer Hill Two Blocks $195,000 3/11/2011 2010 420 388 2 1 0 37,830 $140,659 1980 $71.04 1305 Deer Hill Two Blocks $174,000 1/25/2011 2010 274 299 2 1 1 34,256 $111,105 1399 $79.42 1301 Deer Hill Two Blocks $195,000 6/23/2011 2010 463 108 120 2 1 0 30,599 $146,183 2003 $72.98 6425 Fawn Settle Two Blocks $200,000 3/22/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $147,412 1980 $74.45 6421 Fawn Settle Two Blocks $202,000 5/29/2013 2013 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $139,175 1592 $87.42 1009 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $220,000 6/21/2012 2012 441 85 120 2 1 0 29,192 $172,603 1973 $87.48 1005 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $213,000 7/30/2012 2012 462 205 120 2 0 1 34,164 $159,275 2004 $79.48 1001 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $226,000 3/27/2014 2013 441 85 120 2 1 0 29,192 $172,477 1973 $87.42 1004 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $263,000 8/20/2012 2012 484 102 204 3 1 1 39,918 $230,607 3072 $75.07 1008 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $226,000 5/13/2013 2012 420 100 266 2 1 1 33,704 $170,120 1987 $85.62 1100 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $199,000 9/26/2012 2012 441 85 192 2 1 0 29,672 $147,717 1973 $74.87 1104 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $174,000 11/15/2012 2012 260 225 0 2 1 0 27,735 $111,437 1455 $76.59 1108 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $177,000 8/30/2012 2012 260 105 120 2 1 0 24,554 $120,292 1462 $82.28 1112 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $195,000 11/30/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $141,658 1980 $71.54 1116 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $193,000 9/27/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $141,376 1980 $71.40 1120 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $222,000 11/5/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $172,725 1980 $87.24 1124 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $244,000 8/8/2013 2013 484 48 120 3 0 1 34,285 $208,822 3233 $64.59 1129 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $200,000 2/10/2012 2012 462 102 182 2 1 0 30,785 $149,807 2004 $74.75 1125 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $263,500 4/19/2013 2013 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $225,865 3072 $73.52 1121 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $202,000 8/22/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $148,002 1980 $74.75 1117 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $213,000 8/8/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $156,318 1990 $78.55 1113 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $171,500 8/9/2012 2012 260 105 120 2 1 0 24,554 $114,268 1462 $78.16 1109 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $223,000 10/19/2012 2012 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $170,960 2130 $80.26 1000 Whispering Doe Two Blocks $199,000 5/13/2014 2013 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $131,925 1592 $82.87 1609 Soaring Spirit Two Blocks $268,000 2/16/2012 2012 484 222 120 3 1 1 43,339 $236,097 3072 $76.85 1605 Soaring Spirit Two Blocks $223,000 2/21/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $170,052 1980 $85.89 1601 Soaring Spirit Two Blocks $284,000 10/25/2012 2012 484 120 120 3 1 1 39,955 $253,933 3072 $82.66 $77.00 6432 Fawn Settle More $225,000 1/4/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $178,606 2150 $83.07 6436 Fawn Settle More $205,000 12/27/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $153,165 1980 $77.36 6440 Fawn Settle More $239,000 12/20/2012 2012 484 102 220 120 2 1 1 39,249 $194,241 2786 $69.72 6500 Fawn Settle More $255,000 12/19/2012 2012 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $218,199 3072 $71.03 6504 Fawn Settle More $208,000 5/22/2013 2013 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $145,715 1592 $91.53 6508 Fawn Settle More $237,000 11/29/2012 2012 440 100 192 2 1 0 32,855 $187,700 2130 $88.12 6516 Fawn Settle More $209,000 12/3/2012 2012 462 102 120 2 1 1 34,027 $152,587 2004 $76.14 6520 Fawn Settle More $196,000 12/31/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $138,251 1592 $86.84 6524 Fawn Settle More $246,000 2/5/2013 2012 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $197,661 2130 $92.80 6528 Fawn Settle More $228,000 12/20/2012 2012 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $176,764 2130 $82.99 6532 Fawn Settle More $274,000 12/31/2012 2012 484 102 120 3 1 0 35,702 $246,231 3072 $80.15 6536 Fawn Settle More $234,000 7/9/2013 2013 440 100 2 1 0 28,859 $185,964 2120 $87.72 6533 Fawn Settle More $234,000 9/16/2014 2014 441 85 120 2 1 0 29,192 $179,067 1973 $90.76 6527 Fawn Settle More $224,000 12/18/2014 2014 440 100 120 2 1 0 29,660 $166,522 2120 $78.55 6521 Fawn Settle More $182,000 9/4/2013 2014 484 119 120 3 0 0 32,985 $131,729 3064 $42.99 6515 Fawn Settle More $225,000 12/6/2013 2013 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $168,532 2120 $79.50 6509 Fawn Settle More $287,000 10/27/2014 2014 484 102 120 2 1 0 31,015 $259,540 3408 $76.16 6503 Fawn Settle More $283,000 10/7/2013 2013 484 96 300 3 0 1 37,079 $251,220 3233 $77.70 1508 Soaring Spirit More $267,000 11/9/2012 2012 484 96 120 3 0 1 35,878 $238,055 3145 $75.69 1604 Soaring Spirit More $191,000 7/2/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $134,661 1592 $84.59 1608 Soaring Spirit More $230,000 9/27/2012 2012 484 96 120 3 0 0 32,222 $198,940 3233 $61.53 1616 Soaring Spirit More $199,000 5/30/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $148,343 1990 $74.54 1513 Soaring Spirit More $224,000 8/4/2013 2013 462 102 120 2 1 0 30,371 $171,327 2004 $85.49 1509 Soaring Spirit More $194,000 9/25/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $142,537 1980 $71.99 1505 Soaring Spirit More $193,000 12/31/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 0 1 29,449 $138,965 1990 $69.83 1501 Soaring Spirit More $200,000 8/9/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $149,504 1980 $75.51 1413 Soaring Spirit More $218,000 1/3/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $168,123 1980 $84.91 1409 Soaring Spirit More $225,000 12/11/2012 2012 484 102 208 2 1 0 34,543 $182,279 2786 $65.43 1405 Soaring Spirit More $186,000 12/13/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $127,251 1592 $79.93 1401 Soaring Spirit More $224,000 12/10/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 0 0 25,794 $173,772 1990 $87.32 1202 Whispering Doe More $194,000 3/1/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $144,564 1980 $73.01 1206 Whirpering Doe More $253,500 11/21/2012 2012 484 96 140 3 0 1 36,011 $221,650 3233 $68.56 1210 Whispering Doe More $190,000 9/6/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $132,663 1980 $67.00 1209 Whispering Doe More $227,000 9/19/2014 2014 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $171,355 1980 $86.54 1205 Whispering Doe More $244,000 6/25/2012 2012 484 96 120 3 0 1 35,878 $212,600 3233 $65.76 1201 Whispering Doe More $238,000 1/4/2013 2012 484 102 120 2 1 0 31,015 $202,220 2786 $72.58 6502 Settles Dream More $242,000 11/13/2013 2013 440 100 280 2 1 1 34,384 $186,783 2130 $87.69 6506 Settlers Dream More $201,000 9/18/2013 2013 440 40 120 2 0 1 28,044 $144,514 1832 $78.88 6510 Settlers Dream More $225,000 9/17/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $173,824 1980 $87.79 6514 Settlers Dream More $212,000 11/15/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $152,960 1980 $77.25 6518 Settlers Dream More $262,000 5/14/2013 2013 462 108 108 3 1 0 35,177 $227,215 3024 $75.14 6521 Settlers Dream More $231,000 8/21/2014 2014 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $170,602 1980 $86.16 $78.01 VISIBILITY Address Sold Price Closing Date Year Built Garage Open Porch Deck Patio Full Bath Half Bath FP Total Adjust Adjusted Sales Price Living Area SF Total 6409 Fawn Settle Backyard $238,000 5/12/2011 2011 462 99 120 3 1 1 38,613 $204,452 3018 $67.74 6425 Fawn Settle Backyard $200,000 3/22/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $147,412 1980 $74.45 6421 Fawn Settle Backyard $202,000 5/29/2013 2013 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $139,175 1592 $87.42 6417 Fawn Settle Backyard $247,000 9/24/2012 2012 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $210,973 3072 $68.68 6413 Fawn Settle Backyard $221,000 5/24/2012 2012 420 220 120 2 1 0 33,056 $169,722 1990 $85.29 6533 Fawn Settle Backyard $234,000 9/16/2014 2014 441 85 120 2 1 0 29,192 $179,067 1973 $90.76 6527 Fawn Settle Backyard $224,000 12/18/2014 2014 440 100 120 2 1 0 29,660 $166,522 2120 $78.55 6521 Fawn Settle Backyard $182,000 9/4/2013 2014 484 119 120 3 0 0 32,985 $131,729 3064 $42.99 6515 Fawn Settle Backyard $225,000 12/6/2013 2013 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $168,532 2120 $79.50 6509 Fawn Settle Backyard $287,000 10/27/2014 2014 484 102 120 2 1 0 31,015 $259,540 3408 $76.16 6503 Fawn Settle Backyard $283,000 10/7/2013 2013 484 96 300 3 0 1 37,079 $251,220 3233 $77.70 1513 Soaring Spirit Backyard $224,000 8/4/2013 2013 462 102 120 2 1 0 30,371 $171,327 2004 $85.49 1509 Soaring Spirit Backyard $194,000 9/25/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $142,537 1980 $71.99 1505 Soaring Spirit Backyard $193,000 12/31/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 0 1 29,449 $138,965 1990 $69.83 1501 Soaring Spirit Backyard $200,000 8/9/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $149,504 1980 $75.51 1413 Soaring Spirit Backyard $218,000 1/3/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $168,123 1980 $84.91 1409 Soaring Spirit Backyard $225,000 12/11/2012 2012 484 102 208 2 1 0 34,543 $182,279 2786 $65.43 1405 Soaring Spirit Backyard $186,000 12/13/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $127,251 1592 $79.93 1401 Soaring Spirit Backyard $224,000 12/10/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 0 0 25,794 $173,772 1990 $87.32 1129 Whispering Doe Backyard $200,000 2/10/2012 2012 462 102 182 2 1 0 30,785 $149,807 2004 $74.75 1125 Whispering Doe Backyard $263,500 4/19/2013 2013 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $225,865 3072 $73.52 1121 Whispering Doe Backyard $202,000 8/22/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $148,002 1980 $74.75 1117 Whispering Doe Backyard $213,000 8/8/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $156,318 1990 $78.55 1113 Whispering Doe Backyard $171,500 8/9/2012 2012 260 105 120 2 1 0 24,554 $114,268 1462 $78.16 1109 Whispering Doe Backyard $223,000 10/19/2012 2012 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $170,960 2130 $80.26 $76.39 1117 Deer Hill Backyard Obsured $187,000 8/24/2011 2011 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $130,305 1592 $81.85 1113 Deer Hill Backyard Obsured $287,000 3/29/2012 2012 484 272 3 1 0 40,542 $263,582 3072 $85.80 1109 Deer Hill Backyard Obsured $265,000 6/29/2011 2011 484 120 210 3 1 1 40,555 $238,464 3072 $77.63 1105 Deer Hill Backyard Obsured $204,000 9/29/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $159,837 2070 $77.22 1101 Deer Hill Backyard Obsured $211,000 7/14/2011 2011 462 85 120 2 1 1 33,462 $162,100 1973 $82.16 1013 Deer Hill Backyard Obsured $252,500 6/13/2011 2011 484 210 120 3 1 1 42,941 $219,617 3072 $71.49 $79.36 6432 Fawn Settle Frontyard $225,000 1/4/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $178,606 2150 $83.07 6436 Fawn Settle Frontyard $205,000 12/27/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $153,165 1980 $77.36 6440 Fawn Settle Frontyard $239,000 12/20/2012 2012 484 102 220 120 2 1 1 39,249 $194,241 2786 $69.72 6500 Fawn Settle Frontyard $255,000 12/19/2012 2012 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $218,199 3072 $71.03 6504 Fawn Settle Frontyard $208,000 5/22/2013 2013 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $145,715 1592 $91.53 6508 Fawn Settle Frontyard $237,000 11/29/2012 2012 440 100 192 2 1 0 32,855 $187,700 2130 $88.12 1508 Soaring Spirit Frontyard $267,000 11/9/2012 2012 484 96 120 3 0 1 35,878 $238,055 3145 $75.69 1100 Whispering Doe Frontyard $199,000 9/26/2012 2012 441 85 192 2 1 0 29,672 $147,717 1973 $74.87 1104 Whispering Doe Frontyard $174,000 11/15/2012 2012 260 225 0 2 1 0 27,735 $111,437 1455 $76.59 1108 Whispering Doe Frontyard $177,000 8/30/2012 2012 260 105 120 2 1 0 24,554 $120,292 1462 $82.28 1112 Whispering Doe Frontyard $195,000 11/30/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $141,658 1980 $71.54 1116 Whispering Doe Frontyard $193,000 9/27/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $141,376 1980 $71.40 1120 Whispering Doe Frontyard $222,000 11/5/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $172,725 1980 $87.24 1124 Whispering Doe Frontyard $244,000 8/8/2013 2013 484 48 120 3 0 1 34,285 $208,822 3233 $64.59 $77.50 6402 New Hope Frontyard Obscured $213,000 4/5/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $156,318 1980 $78.95 6406 New Hope Frontyard Obscured $194,000 8/10/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $138,713 1980 $70.06 6410 New Hope Frontyard Obscured $199,000 8/21/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $143,541 1592 $90.16 6414 New Hope Frontyard Obscured $176,000 3/30/2012 2011 260 105 120 2 1 1 28,209 $117,327 1455 $80.64 $79.95 6516 Fawn Settle No $209,000 12/3/2012 2012 462 102 120 2 1 1 34,027 $152,587 2004 $76.14 6520 Fawn Settle No $196,000 12/31/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $138,251 1592 $86.84 6524 Fawn Settle No $246,000 2/5/2013 2012 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $197,661 2130 $92.80 6528 Fawn Settle No $228,000 12/20/2012 2012 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $176,764 2130 $82.99 6532 Fawn Settle No $274,000 12/31/2012 2012 484 102 120 3 1 0 35,702 $246,231 3072 $80.15 6536 Fawn Settle No $234,000 7/9/2013 2013 440 100 2 1 0 28,859 $185,964 2120 $87.72 6409 New Hope No $251,000 3/18/2011 2011 484 96 160 3 0 1 36,145 $229,878 3240 $70.95 6405 New Hope No $207,500 4/26/2012 2012 420 168 120 2 1 0 31,331 $148,992 1592 $93.59 6401 New Hope No $221,000 9/11/2012 2012 440 100 160 2 1 0 29,927 $174,543 2120 $82.33 1325 Deer Hill No $204,000 1/14/2013 2010 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $152,014 1980 $76.77 1321 Deer Hill No $224,000 6/28/2013 2013 440 100 120 2 1 1 33,316 $169,756 2120 $80.07 1317 Deer Hill No $190,000 12/1/2010 2010 441 277 675 2 1 0 39,266 $133,194 1973 $67.51 1309 Deer Hill No $195,000 3/11/2011 2010 420 388 2 1 0 37,830 $140,659 1980 $71.04 1305 Deer Hill No $174,000 1/25/2011 2010 274 299 2 1 1 34,256 $111,105 1399 $79.42 1301 Deer Hill No $195,000 6/23/2011 2010 463 108 120 2 1 0 30,599 $146,183 2003 $72.98 1229 Deer Hill No $200,000 4/26/2011 2010 420 85 2 1 1 31,431 $151,222 1994 $75.84 1225 Deer Hill No $241,000 3/12/2012 2011 462 108 120 3 1 0 35,257 $203,700 3024 $67.36 1304 Deer Hill No $202,000 1/27/2011 2010 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $158,165 1980 $79.88 1308 Deer Hill No $239,200 1/3/2011 2010 484 96 120 3 0 1 35,878 $214,724 3240 $66.27 1312 Deer Hill No $232,000 5/16/2011 2010 483 99 120 3 1 1 39,229 $197,410 3063 $64.45 1320 Deer Hill No $195,000 6/22/2011 2010 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $143,954 1980 $72.70 1324 Deer Hill No $253,000 6/26/2013 2013 462 99 120 3 1 1 38,613 $212,196 3024 $70.17 1221 Deer Hill No $206,000 5/20/2011 2011 462 102 120 2 1 1 34,027 $155,600 2004 $77.64 1217 Deer Hill No $200,000 10/12/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $151,596 1980 $76.56 1213 Deer Hill No $195,000 7/7/2014 2013 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $131,301 1592 $82.48 1205 Deer Hill No $248,000 5/25/2011 2011 484 102 120 3 1 1 39,357 $217,902 3072 $70.93 1201 Deer Hill No $204,000 12/30/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $156,282 1980 $78.93 1009 Deer Hill No $250,000 5/20/2011 2011 462 108 120 3 1 1 38,912 $219,487 3024 $72.58 1005 Deer Hill No $264,000 12/16/2011 2011 462 108 506 108 3 1 0 45,705 $226,727 3036 $74.68 1004 Deer Hill No $233,500 3/30/2011 2011 484 102 204 3 1 1 39,918 $201,221 3072 $65.50 1008 Deer Hill No $203,000 10/31/2011 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $155,107 1980 $78.34 1001 Deer Hill No $179,500 10/28/2011 2011 260 105 120 2 1 1 28,209 $120,418 1455 $82.76 1209 Deer Hill No $191,000 5/28/2013 2013 260 105 120 2 1 0 24,554 $131,011 1455 $90.04 1621 Soaring Spirit No $202,000 4/4/2012 2011 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $151,826 1980 $76.68 1604 Soaring Spirit No $191,000 7/2/2012 2012 420 48 120 2 1 0 27,349 $134,661 1592 $84.59 1608 Soaring Spirit No $230,000 9/27/2012 2012 484 96 120 3 0 0 32,222 $198,940 3233 $61.53 1616 Soaring Spirit No $199,000 5/30/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $148,343 1990 $74.54 1609 Soaring Spirit No $268,000 2/16/2012 2012 484 222 120 3 1 1 43,339 $236,097 3072 $76.85 1605 Soaring Spirit No $223,000 2/21/2013 2012 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $170,052 1980 $85.89 1601 Soaring Spirit No $284,000 10/25/2012 2012 484 120 120 3 1 1 39,955 $253,933 3072 $82.66 1009 Whispering Doe No $220,000 6/21/2012 2012 441 85 120 2 1 0 29,192 $172,603 1973 $87.48 1005 Whispering Doe No $213,000 7/30/2012 2012 462 205 120 2 0 1 34,164 $159,275 2004 $79.48 1001 Whispering Doe No $226,000 3/27/2014 2013 441 85 120 2 1 0 29,192 $172,477 1973 $87.42 1004 Whispering Doe No $263,000 8/20/2012 2012 484 102 204 3 1 1 39,918 $230,607 3072 $75.07 1008 Whispering Doe No $226,000 5/13/2013 2012 420 100 266 2 1 1 33,704 $170,120 1987 $85.62 1202 Whispering Doe No $194,000 3/1/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $144,564 1980 $73.01 1206 Whirpering Doe No $253,500 11/21/2012 2012 484 96 140 3 0 1 36,011 $221,650 3233 $68.56 1210 Whispering Doe No $190,000 9/6/2012 2012 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $132,663 1980 $67.00 1209 Whispering Doe No $227,000 9/19/2014 2014 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $171,355 1980 $86.54 1205 Whispering Doe No $244,000 6/25/2012 2012 484 96 120 3 0 1 35,878 $212,600 3233 $65.76 1201 Whispering Doe No $238,000 1/4/2013 2012 484 102 120 2 1 0 31,015 $202,220 2786 $72.58 1000 Whispering Doe No $199,000 5/13/2014 2013 420 48 120 2 1 1 31,005 $131,925 1592 $82.87 6502 Settles Dream No $242,000 11/13/2013 2013 440 100 280 2 1 1 34,384 $186,783 2130 $87.69 6506 Settlers Dream No $201,000 9/18/2013 2013 440 40 120 2 0 1 28,044 $144,514 1832 $78.88 6510 Settlers Dream No $225,000 9/17/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $173,824 1980 $87.79 6514 Settlers Dream No $212,000 11/15/2013 2013 420 100 120 2 1 1 32,730 $152,960 1980 $77.25 6518 Settlers Dream No $262,000 5/14/2013 2013 462 108 108 3 1 0 35,177 $227,215 3024 $75.14 6521 Settlers Dream No $231,000 8/21/2014 2014 420 100 120 2 1 0 29,074 $170,602 1980 $86.16 $77.85 DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 13 - CONCLUSION To consider the effect of a proposed 150 foot monopole tower, I researched the New Hanover area and located a subdivision near a 147 foot tower. This tower had exterior antenna and is much more visible than the subject tower. I located qualified sales in a subdivision and compared those closer to the tower with those further from the tower. I also compared those with various view of the tower with those that did not have a view. After adjusting, all of the dwellings gave very similar per square foot indications showing that the properties are not adversely affected by a cell tower. The dwellings near the proposed subject tower are similar to those near the existing Big Cypress tower and would be similarly affected by it. The other properties that adjoin or abut the proposed tower site are vacant and are less likely to be adversely affected by a cell tower. Based on this it is my opinion that the proposed tower would not have an adverse effect on the property values of adjoining or abutting properties. Cellular telephones have become a necessary and desired item in today’s world. Many potential buyers of real estate expect cellular communications just as they expect electric service and lack of this service or poor service could adversely affect value. In order to meet this need, telecommunications towers have become a common part of the landscape in much the same way that overhead power lines, telephone lines and other utilities have. Like these utilities, telecommunications towers are needed in locations throughout the country. As such they are in harmony with the area in the same way that other utilities are. There have been surveys that show that visibility of cell towers are undesirable. However, they do not ask the right question. The real question is: “Does the presence of a cell tower adversely affect property values?” I have not found that to be the case. View of a cell tower is only one of many factors that a prospective buyer would consider. Factors such as location, floor plan, condition, size, etc. are much more important and tend to completely negate the impact of a cell tower. Many residents did not realize there was a tower for several months and others forget they are there in a short period. DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 14 - Based on a set of plans of the proposed tower, an inspection of the proposed tower site and the adjoining and abutting properties, an analysis of data gathered and facts and conclusions as contained in this report and subject to the assumptions and limiting conditions as stated, it is my opinion that the proposed cell tower will not adversely affect the value of adjoining and abutting properties. - 15 - DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA DAVID A SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 51597 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27717-1597 PHONE (919) 493-1534 smithappraiser@frontier.com QUALIFICATIONS OF DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA The appraiser, David A. Smith, has been involved in the appraisal of real estate for over thirty years. He worked with his father, Charles W. Smith, from 1976 to 2003. After the retirement of Charles W. Smith in 2003 he formed Smith & Whitfield, Inc. and later David A. Smith & Associates. In 1988 he was awarded the RM designation. With the merger of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and the Society of Real Estate Appraisers in January of 1991, the RM designation was changed to the SRA designation. In 1991 he was awarded the MAI designation of the Appraisal Institute. He became a state-certified real estate appraiser in 1991 the year the state first began licensing real estate appraisers and his certification number is A281. He has also trained and supervised several appraisers and has prepared all types of appraisal reports. His primary focus is Durham County and the adjoining counties of Orange, Person, Granville and Chatham. EDUCATION: Graduate Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA, 1976 A.B., Duke University, Durham, NC, 1981 APPRAISAL INSTITUTE COURSES: Real Estate Appraisal Principles (Exam 1A-1/8-1), University of North Carolina, 1981 Residential Valuation (Exam 8-2), University of North Carolina, 1981 Basic Valuation Procedures (Exam 1A-2), University of North Carolina, 1983 Standards of Professional Practice (Exam SPP), University of North Carolina, 1983 Capitalization Theory & Techniques, A (Exam 1B-A), University of Colorado, 1984 Capitalization Theory & Techniques, B (Exam 1B-B), University of Colorado, 1984 Valuation Analysis and Report Writing (Exam 2-2), University of North Carolina, 1987 Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation (Exam 2-1), University of North Carolina, 1987 Advanced Sales Comparison & Cost Approaches, Atlanta, Georgia, 2002 General Appraiser Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use, Atlanta, Georgia, 2007 Online Business Practices and Ethics, Chicago, Illinois, 2007 Appraisal Curriculum Overview, 2009 Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Applications, Greensboro, NC, 2011 DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 16 - APPRAISAL INSTITUTE SEMINARS: Highest and Best Use, 1988 Industrial Valuation, 1988 Rates, Ratios and Reasonableness, 1988 Valuation of Leased Fee Interests, 1989 Current Problems in Industrial Valuation, 1989 Methods of Subdivision Analysis, 1989 Expert Witness in Litigation, 1989 Discounted Cash Flow, 1990 RTC Appraisal Standards, 1990 Preparation and Use of the UCIAR Form, 1990 Standards of Professional Practice Update, 1990 Commercial Construction Overview, 1991 Appraising Troubled Properties, 1991 Appraisal Regulations of the Federal Banking Agency, 1992 Real Estate Law for Appraisals, 1992 Appraising Apartments, 1993 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, 1994 Appraiser's Legal Liabilities, 1994 Understanding Limited Appraisals, 1994 Analysis Operating Expenses, 1995 Future of Appraisals, 1996 Highest and Best Use Applications, 1996 Standards of Professional Practice, Parts A & B, 1997 Litigation Skills for the Appraiser, 1997 Eminent Domain & Condemnation Appraising, 1998 Matched Pairs/Highest & Best Use/Revisiting Report Options, 1998 Valuation of Detrimental Conditions, 1998 Appraisal of Nonconforming Uses, 2000 How GIS Can Help Appraisers Keep Pace with Changes in R E Industry, 2001 Feasibility Analysis, Market Value and Investment Timing, 2002 Analyzing Commercial Lease Clauses, 2002 Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, 2002 Effective Appraisal Writing, 2003 Supporting Capitalization Rates, 2004 National USPAP Update, 2004 Rates and Ratios: Making Sense of GIMs, OARs, and DCFs, 2005 The Road Less Traveled: Special Purpose Properties, 2005 National USPAP Update, 2006 Appraisal Consulting: A Solutions Approach for Professionals, 2006 What Clients Would Like Their Appraisers to Know, 2007 Valuation of Detrimental Conditions, 2007 Business Practice and Ethics, 2007 Office Building Valuation: A Contemporary Perspective, 2008 Subdivision Valuation, 2008 National USPAP Update, 2009 Effective Appraisal Writing, 2009 Appraisal Curriculum Overview, 2009 Discounted Cash Flow Model: Concepts, Issues and Apps., 2010 National USPAP Update, 2010 DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 17 - Rates and Ratios: Making sense of GIMs, OARs and DCFs, 2011 National USPAP Update, 2012 Business Practices and Ethics, 2012 Marketability Studies: Advanced Considerations & Applications, 2013 Real Estate Valuation Conference, 2013 National USPAP Update, 2014 2014 RE Valuation Conference: National, Regional and Local Economy and RE Markets 2014 RE Valuation Conference: Economic Insights for 2014 and Beyond Analyzing the Effects of Environmental Contamination on Real Property, 2015 National USPAP Update Course, 2016 OTHER SEMINARS: Commercial Segregated Cost Seminar, Marshall & Swift, 1988 Appraisal Guide and Legal Principles, Department of Transportation, 1993 The Grammar Game, Career Track, 1994 Property Tax Listing and Assessing in NC, 2014 MEMBERSHIPS: Appraisal Institute, MAI #09090 Appraisal Institute, SRA/RM #2248 Durham Board of Realtors North Carolina Association of Realtors National Association of Realtors CERTIFICATION: State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser for North Carolina, #A281 OTHER: NC Property Tax Commission, 2013 – Present Durham Civilian Police Review Board, 2009 - Present, Past Chair Durham County Board of Equalization and Review, 2013 – Present Durham Public Schools Zero Based Budget Committee, 2013 - Present City of Durham Audit Oversight Committee, 2002 – 2006 Durham Board of Adjustment, 1994 - 2002 Durham City/County Zoning Commission, 1990 – 1995 John Avery Boys and Girls Club, 1994-2002 Historical Preservation Society, 1992 - 1995 Vice President of the Candidates, 1989, NC Chapter 40 President of the Candidates, 1990, NC Chapter 40 Candidate of the Year, 1990, NC Chapter 40 RECENT CLIENTS: DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 18 - LENDING INSTITUTIONS American National Bank & Trust Company AMEX Financial BB&T Citizens National Bank CommunityOne Bank NA Fidelity Bank First South Bank KeySource Commercial Bank Live Oak Banking Company Mechanics & Farmers Bank Pacific International Bank PNC Bank RBC Bank Self-Help State Farm Bank SunTrust Bank Wells Fargo Bank MUNICIPALITIES AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Chapel Hill Transit City of Durham NC Department of Administration Durham County Durham Public Schools Durham Technical Community College Housing Authority of the City of Durham NCDOT Orange County Orange Water and Sewer Authority Person County Town of Chapel Hill OTHER Allenton Management AND Associates Builders of Hope BCG Properties Blanchard, Miller, Lewis & Styers Attorneys at Law Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NC Boulevard Proeprties Bugg & Wolf Attorneys at Law Carolina Land Acquisitions CRC Health Corporation Development Ventures Inc. Duke Energy Durham Academy DAVID A. SMITH, MAI, SRA - 19 - Durham Rescue Mission Durham Technical Community College Edward Jones Trust Company Farrington Road Baptist Church Forest History Society GBS Properties of Durham, LLC Hayden Stanziale Georgia Towers, LLC Hawthorne Retail Partners Integral Investors Title Insurance IUKA Development Joelepa Associates LP John and Mary Hebrank LCFCU Financial Partners Manor Associates McDonald's USA Northgate Realty, LLC Property Advisory Services, Inc. Rand Enterprises Research Triangle Foundation Sehed Development Corporation Simba Management Southwest Durham Partners, LLC Stirling Bridge Group, LLC Styers, Kemerait & Mitchell, PLLC Talbert & Bright Attorneys at Law Teer Associates Thalle Construction The Bogey Group TKTK Accountants Treyburn Corporate Park, LLC Trinity Properties UNC Hospitals Voyager Academy Wilhekan Associates In addition, Mr. Smith has made appraisals for other lending institutions, municipalities, individuals, corporations, estates and attorneys. Appraisal assignments have been made throughout the Triangle, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Properties appraised include all types of single family residential, multi-family residential, office, retail, commercial, industrial, churches, schools and other specialty type uses, vacant and improved, existing and proposed. Appraisal assignments were for a variety of purposes including: mortgage loans, estate planning, condemnation, bankruptcy and equitable distribution. ADDENDA   1 of 3   PARID: R07110-001-024-000 ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORP 4510 COLLEGE RD S Parcel Alt ID 313518.40.7153.000 Address 4510 S COLLEGE RD Unit City WILMINGTON Zip Code - Neighborhood I5C01 Class LODG-Excluded Clubs/Posts/Lodges Land Use Code 792-Public Assembly Living Units Acres Zoning R-15-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Legal Legal Description CLUB TRACT - SHRINE PARK Tax District FD Owners (On January1st) Owner ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORP City WILMINGTON State NC Country Zip 28412 THE DATA IS FROM 2018 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Grantee Grantor Book Page Sale Key 18-OCT-01 $2,000 WILMINGTON CITY OF ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORP 3075 0660 294852 22-DEC-93 $0 CAPE FEAR UTILITIES INC ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORP 1732 1239 294851 01-OCT-77 $0 ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORP * NOT IN SYSTEM *1116 0245 294850 Sale Details Sale Date 18-OCT-01 Sale Key 294852 Sale Price $2,000.00 Grantee WILMINGTON CITY OF Grantor ARAB SHRINE CLUB H CORP Sale Source - Book 3075 Page 0660 Sale Type VACANT Sale Validity U-Unqualified Sale Flag STEB Instrument # Instrument Type Easement Adj. Reason Adj. Price Adj. Amount Link Click Here to view the deed for this parcel Commercial Page 1 of 5New Hanover County 11/5/2018https://etax.nhcgov.com/pt/Datalets/PrintDatalet.aspx?pin=R07110-001-024-000&gsp=PR...   1 of 4   Card 1 Building Number 1 Structure Code/Description REL-REL Improvment Name SHRINE CLUB Units 1 Year Built 1985 Effective Year Built 1996 Grade C+ Class E-EXMPT Other Improvements Other Imp Value Total Under Roof 8000 Building Factor 1 Percent Complete % Percent Good 69% Notes Other Feature Details Card 1 Int/Ext Line 1 Area Measurement 1 1 Measurement 2 440 Identical Units 1 Summary of Interior/Exterior Data Card Line Number Section From Floor To Floor Area 1 1 1 01 01 8,000 Interior/Exterior Details Card 1 Line Number 1 Section 1 From Floor 01 To Floor 01 Area 8,000 Use Group REL Class Physical Condition A Construction 5-5 Wall Height 12 Interior Wall 3-3 Air 1-1 Plumbing 1-1 Units Functional Depr. Economic Depr. Summary of All Other Features Card Int/Ext Line Area 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THE DATA IS FROM 2018 Misc. Improvements Card Desc Year Built Grade Width Length Area 1 CP-CP 1999 D 20 58 1,160 Page 2 of 5New Hanover County 11/5/2018https://etax.nhcgov.com/pt/Datalets/PrintDatalet.aspx?pin=R07110-001-024-000&gsp=PR... 1 UB-UB 1998 B 18 36 648 1 PA-PA 1991 C 240 100 24,000 1 YL-YL 1991 C 9 1 1 THE DATA IS FROM 2018 Permits Permit #Permit Date Flag Purpose Amount 31967 01-FEB-1990 C $800.00 69745 01-AUG-1997 C $20,000.00 32563 01-DEC-2005 C CELL $60,000.00 12-4382 01-MAY-2012 C MISC $12,500.00 Land Line Number 1 Land Type A-ACREAGE Land Code R3 Square Feet 190357 Acres THE DATA IS FROM 2018 Values Year 2018 Total Land $248,900 Total Buildings $614,400 Appraised Total $863,300 MARKET VALUE SHOWN - EXEMPTIONS TO BE REFLECTED IN AUG BILLS THE DATA IS FROM 2018 Legal Description Legal Description CLUB TRACT - SHRINE PARK Tax District FD Subdivision Code Subdivision Name Exemption Code EX Exemption Amount 863300 Sub-parcel(s) Info PARENT BOOK PARENT PAGE CHILD PARCEL CHILD BOOK CHILD PAGE SPLIT/COMBO #TAX YEAR R07110-001-025-000 19460 1991 Sub-parcel(s) Info Page 3 of 5New Hanover County 11/5/2018https://etax.nhcgov.com/pt/Datalets/PrintDatalet.aspx?pin=R07110-001-024-000&gsp=PR... SPLIT/COMBO #19460 CODE T PARENT PARCEL R07110-001-024-000 PARENT BOOK PARENT PAGE CHILD PARCEL R07110-001-025-000 CHILD BOOK CHILD PAGE WHO CONVERT Original Parcel Info PARENT PARCEL PARENT BOOK PARENT PAGE ACRES SQ. FT.CODE SPLIT/COMBO #TAX YEAR R07110-001-025-000 S 19513 1991 Item Area PVMT/ASP - PA:PAVEMENT / ASPHALT 24000 CANOPY - CPY:CANOPY 440 RELIGIOUS - REL:RELIGIOUS 8000 YARD/LGHTG - YL:YARD LIGHTING 1 CPY OV SLAB - COT:CANOPY OVER CONC SLAB 252 UTIL/BLDG - UB:UTILITY BUILDING 648 UTL ADDN - UTL:UTILITY ADDITION 216 CARPORT - CP:CARPORT 1160 UTL ADDN - UTL:UTILITY ADDITION 120 Page 4 of 5New Hanover County 11/5/2018https://etax.nhcgov.com/pt/Datalets/PrintDatalet.aspx?pin=R07110-001-024-000&gsp=PR... Page 5 of 5New Hanover County 11/5/2018https://etax.nhcgov.com/pt/Datalets/PrintDatalet.aspx?pin=R07110-001-024-000&gsp=PR... PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Street Scene along College Street in front of Site Street Scene along Jasmine Cove Way in front of Site PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Shriner Improvements Area of Tower (Tower Site in Carport on Left) PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Park to the West of Tower Property View of Tower Site from Park PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Townhouses West of Park Existing Cell Antenna PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Pine Hollow Street Dwellings on Pine Hollow Street A B C D E F G H I JASM I N E C O V E W A Y NOTES: LEGEND NO. A PARCEL ID:N/F PROPERTY OWNER B C D E F JAS COVE/SILV CRK VILL HOA PROPERTY INFORMATION G H BRIAN MARSHA ROUSE I WILLIAM & JUDY F HARRISON SOUTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATES CRAIG P THEMAN MELISSA M & MICAH R PHELPS KEVIN D & AMY F JAVORSKY ERIC J GRAF ETAL CHAD M PORTER DEED REFERENCE 2644-004 2091-757 5574-2143 3357-904 4632-088 5735-1926 1825-556 3158-789 4532-825 5 144337 TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TRYON ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27603-3530 OFFICE: (919) 661-6351 www.tepgroup.net MOHICAN TRAIL/ ARAB SHRINE CLUB SITE ID:CTG-NC 0010041 DO N O T U S E F O R CON S T R U C T I O N LE A S E E X H I B I T N.C. LICENSE # C-1794 2 09-05-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 3 09-06-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 4 09-06-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 5 09-12-18 LEASE EXHIBIT JKW JKW L-1SITE PLAN LEASE EXHIBIT 5 144337 TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TRYON ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27603-3530 OFFICE: (919) 661-6351 www.tepgroup.net MOHICAN TRAIL/ ARAB SHRINE CLUB SITE ID:CTG-NC 0010041 DO N O T U S E F O R CON S T R U C T I O N LE A S E E X H I B I T N.C. LICENSE # C-1794 2 09-05-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 3 09-06-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 4 09-06-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 5 09-12-18 LEASE EXHIBIT JKW JKW L-2COMPOUND DETAIL COMPOUND DETAIL NO T E S : JKW JKW L-3 TOWER ELEVATION TO W E R E L E V A T I O N 4 144337 TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TRYON ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27603-3530 OFFICE: (919) 661-6351 www.tepgroup.net MOHICAN TRAIL/ ARAB SHRINE CLUB SITE ID:CTG-NC 0010041 DO N O T U S E F O R CON S T R U C T I O N LE A S E E X H I B I T N.C. LICENSE # C-1794 1 09-05-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 2 09-05-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 3 09-06-18 LEASE EXHIBIT 4 09-06-18 LEASE EXHIBIT Tower Detail (Not Registered) - Tower (8) •Ownership Info Owner Company: AMERICAN TOWERS, INC. Contact: Not Recorded Phone: Not Recorded Email: Not Recorded Address:Not Recorded •Structure Characteristics Filing #: 2012-ASO-7284-OE Latitude: 34.117Longitude: -77.889 Structure Type: Tall Structure Status: Unknown Date Filed: 08/01/2012 Ground Elev: 19.0 feet Height Of Structure: 147.0 feetOverall Height: 166.0 feet Structure Address:Not Recorded © 2004-2009 by General Data Resources, Inc. For development purposes onlyFor development purposes only For development purposes only For development purposes only For development purposes only For development purposes only Map data ©2018 Google  Imagery ©2018 , DigitalGlobe, New Hanover County, NC, U.S. Geological SurveyReport a map error Page 1 of 1AntennaSearch -Search for Cell Towers, Cell Reception, Hidden Antennas and more. 11/6/2018http://www.antennasearch.com/sitestart.asp?sourcepagename=antennachecktowerreview&... PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Deer Crossing Dwellings with Tower Through Woods Deer Crossing Dwellings with Tower Through Woods PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Deer Crossing Dwellings with Tower Through Woods Deer Crossing Properties Adjacent to Cell Tower PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Cell Tower as seen from Fawn Settle Drive View of Tower Across Backyard PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Tower Across Backyard Cell Tower as seen from Fawn Settle Drive PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT Cell Tower as seen from Fawn Settle Drive View of Tower Across Backyard PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Tower Across Backyard View of Tower Across Backyard PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT View of Tower Across Backyard