DECEMBER 11 2018 BUILDING APPLICATIONSAP PU CAflON TY PE : RES|DENT| At PT"EAS€ ANSWER ALL QUESNONS APPUCAEI.I TO YOUR PRO,,ECI 'P.oiect R6ponslbllM APPUCAT{I'S I{AME: Gastell Group DBA BuilderPro LLC D*e:12nm1, PROJECT ADDRESS: 22qDerrY CoUrI CITY: Wlminqton llP: 2U'11 SUBDtVtStOi't:LOT f: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Syan Mansbery PHONE f; 910$855466 OW[{CR'S AIDRESS: 228 OoIrY Court CIW: Wtminoton ?lP: 284.11 CONTRACTOR: Gaslell Group DEA BuilderPro LLC BIDG UCENSE {. 787r 1 ADDRESS: 4403 C Oleander Drive Suite 123 CITY: \ ,ln{noton ST: !Q_ ZP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: ofice(@builderpro.contraclors PHONE: gl 0{59{397 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: JpSh Holliday PHONE: 91G431439O EXISTING COI{STRUCTION: E Alteration tr Renovation ,[.,6enerat Repairs - SlOf fn NEW CONSTRUCnON: D Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHEC( ANO ANSWER BELOW AI-T THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTI* q:Att Garate (SF) 192 E Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) Applic"tlon (ofticE uscl El Det Garage (SFl_ tr Pool(sF) tr Deck (5F) tr Porch (St) D Stora8e Shed (SF) TOTAT PRO.,ECI COST (Less Lot): 525687.50 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes ( o Descriptlon of Work: <6ther(sF) 7-l[, ls the proposed work char€ing the existin8 footprint? fl t"r y'No TOTAT SQ Ft UNOER ROOI lJor proposed wo.k) Heated:876 Unherted: 192 , BDED l8 3 r46P[ OISOAIMB: I he.Eby cErtity thet all thc hform.tbn ln thir application is correct.nd alt wort llilt comply wtth th€ Staie Buildtn8 Code and!appllcable State and lo(al laws.nd ordlnanae5 and rcguladons. Thc NHC D€vebpnent S€Mc.s enter wiltbc notfied ofary ciange5 inth. apgroEd d &or chanSe ln contracor information "'NOIT: Any eort perform.d wniout the egpropriate pcrmits wi be tn viotation of ttE NCsEte Bldr Owner/Contractor: Robert Gasbryirfl Sitna 6Jp{l'es '.Jp ro Ssm. CrO' .. 'Licensed Atolifiel P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? O ,- q(*o Exlstlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq R l{ew lmpervious Area: Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturb€d: Existing Land Dlsturbing Pennit: ! yes D No WATER: ( CFPUA fl Community System D private We[ E Centratwelt f] Aqua SEWER: ErCFPUA E Community System E private S€ptic E Centralseptic D Aqua setback (Fl_ (LH)_ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= Comnt€nt:Permit Fee: S rrlr4[*,\'rt B"ilderfuo PFcs./ED orc i o earlob Estimate 7o\9"\S+q DEo: Novemb€r 8. 2Ol8EctiEe# I I 19Ctr@rID: RM-001 460t Ccdar Avenue, Suite #l l2WiLningtoq North Carolina 2E403 Phone: (910) E59-83E7 E-Mail: offi ca@builderpro.contracton To:Ryan Maosberyffiffi Estimstor SErt Dars Date Tetms Rob Wadman TBD TBD See Bolow e Propose to provi e all labor, -"t" mplete this project in accordance with the work Description as written below. WORK DESCRIPTION Remove/reside gable wall on [,rH sidc ofhouse. CouEactor to march vinyl as close as possible. that rs broken down due ro storm all upper cabinets io kitcheE to "h* & g"og., boEiidoElGffiTr t 0'x I 0 area of floorins in kirchen- & walts, botb ceilings upstairs bedrooms #t & #2. office built-in and re-install to Conlractor to reuse as much fence as possiLl" . Need olElffive (5) 4,,x4,. posl to suDoon feuce. & l0'ofridse vetrt. or is uot rcsponsible for and is deemed as additional T & M charge. Carpet pad ro b€ installed h be&oom #l & #2. Deposit of35% S 8,990.63 Draw of 60% $ 15,412.50 Balance of5% $ 1.284.38 Acceptmoe of Proposal - The above prices, sperifications and colditions are satisfactory and are hereby acccpted. you are to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as Dste ot Acceptrnce Makc all chccks payable to Builderpro, LLC ffi ub n NEW HANOVER COUI{TY 8UII.I'ING PERMIT PPLTaflON |YPE: RESIDEIaTIAL PLEASE AI'6WEN A.L qUESIIOTS APPI.I€A8I,f TO YOTJR PiOIECI 'PYolc<t RaaForlslulty APPUCANfS NAM[: Shane Smilh Jazf-zsszt' 13-3*05- ^a,Ca..-r{mb.r(ffi.! al Dt|!:',ll/12/2018 PROIECTADORESS: 8629 Planlatron Landmo Dr.CffY: Wlfirnoton Zt?:2E111 suBDlVlSlON: Planlalion Landino lo1A:21 PROPERTY OWNER'S IIAME: Gerald Hanell P+€ E l: S'1M21{950 OWNER'S ADDREsST 8629 Pl€ntalion Landina Dr ar 28.11 cotfi RAcIoR: coastal Buildtnq concsots EIDG uCfilSE ,: Z31i:- ADDRESS: 518 TrErls End Rd orY: \ IHEbn 5I: !q aP.-2!!@- EMAIL ADDRESS: sttane@aDa$albuildinoconceots.ctrn PROIECT COI{IACI P€RSON Shane Sm(n glsnllc d)l'lSTRt qxrfl: E Alt ration E Rloovatioo D Gencral Repai6 l{Ew @fl'TRtfnol: t] Erect t{*, Resldrnce } tuditloo to trisung n6ldence E ReloE tion Prx)rE: 9rG79F2E!0 PHONE:910,264-2075 tr An GaragE {5F) tr Sunroom ISF) El Greeohouse (Sf) ...PI.tASE CH€CX AI{O ANSWER BTLOW ATI IHAI APPIY TO YOUR PROICI"' ,b D.t Gai{e (sF) 33!l-tr D tr Porch (st) C Pml(SF)Storag. shed (SF) tr D.d( (sr)Othe' (SF) ls dia propos€d wort dargilg the enidng f6tp.im? O Ye6 E xo TOTAL sQ Fr ul{lxR ROOf Vor propscd wot*l He'l,!4i hlt€rttd: gB_ TOTII PROJECT CO'T {Less too: 523.98O.m ls thc propos€d u,ork c,ran3irB thc numbar of bedroans? D ves h no ls any Elect ,lG.|, Flumtinl or Madrantc.l uort bairB done to the Ac;asso.y strucrure !E Ycs fl ilo ifthe proled ls a Rdoalbn,15 th.re a ?{atur.l66 Line on the curcnt stte? D Y.. !' o ls ther€ Electrical Powcr on this Eulldlns? h Ycs O ,ao ttoF ty Ur./Or.{pan<E fl Slttla F.nly tr Drd.x n rov$oua. o6.rhdon ol wort: aLrild deradred 18 x 20'detaci€d oaraoe !GEJrE|: I tE tr odr Utr f rrr l'rlthds! h rhb.ccbddl h ofld tn.I Et d citpt ddr tli srf orrldn!. Cd rd.( dn r.rtll4 slrE.ra bol (stlircro' wrr* ! Cfrul O Cdrrn dty Syrtdn tr Ftiv.t w.l E Clnir'.|lvcli E Aqua scwfn: Ff OPUA B Cd nl,Ilny q,rrE r tr Prtr.te s€pdc O Clolr.l SQd. tr Aqua zsEr - (ri.!: - 3.16 O-ltxl-(xtll -(8)-ApFoEl: - Ott: - h:- tuod (Al-M-(xl-afE*zfu- ts the property locatcd in . tloodPl.ln? O Y.5 F fao rrirdrf, rmp.rvrdl3 te ?216 xa N6r lmg.l.lrix6 Alt.: 3?o $ 3t Commentr NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 2t4O3 Telephorc: 9 1 0.798.7308 Fox: 9 10.798.78 I I Inlerrgl w4 at-nhcgov.com REGUI.AR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING APPLICATION STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING t,am submitting an application for a r€sldential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submltting the application, I check the borboxes bolow to acknowledgo that: I ldid not attach an official CFPUA document that ac*nowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I I did not aftach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Vvilmington. B I dld not attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I dld not attach the official proof of approvals along wlth my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantoe that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (3even) working days afrer the official submittal detertime (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the appllcation or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: Smith Signature Printed Name Address for the proposed residenlial lvork: zog-l36lk /Z Application Numb€r (olflce ur.l APPIICANT'SNAME, :Ao-,*- F. {)a-l- ---oat, lt k /rc PAorEct At,oREl,st .< Z e kcvln L,a L Cr-. ctw: tlil "u AL ztq zA 90< SUBD|V|S|ON: LoT {: PRoPERTY OWI{ER, S T{Av/l: KoLLi< Knaon PHOIIE fl:zg owNER's AoDREss: \26 Kc-roual< (n clT]l: l ")lq.t, APt ?<.-ent orocuaENrEi.2 zZ<l / NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP UAflO N TY PE; RESI DENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICABI-E TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prolect R$ponsibllitt/ CONTRACTOR: A DD RTSS:sft l/( ztqt z<+zq PHONE aP- 76<S- /o8 pdsrt /zo E StoraBe Shed (St)- t,r,l0[ le 12r16PH tr Pool(SF) tr Decr (SF) pRoJEcr coNTAcr P EPsoN: 5- 4A )e_ NEw CONSTIUCIIoN: ! Erect New Resldence gdddition to Existing Resldence E Relocation EXISTING CONSTRUCrIoN: Ezlteration ! Renovation D General Repairs fl Att Garage (SF)- E Sunroom (Sr) D Greenhouse (SF)- E Det Garage (SF) '"PLEASI CHECK AND ANSWTR BETOW AtT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT"' E other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fres ! No TOTALSqFTUNDER ROOI (tot ptoposed work) Heat€d; Unheatedr 1 ZC) TOTAL PROJECI COSI lLess Lotlt S j!-2J299-:-::- ts the proposed a ,r, do -/ ls any Elect?icaf e to the Acessory S:ruclure DlrQs ffio lftheprolectls n the current site? E Yes EfNo ls there Electrlc o ProDerw use/ occu prnq. {gnsleDescriptionorwofi, "lttt\-'.!)oYEJ,"i"Wra- laws and ordhanceJ and rlgulations, The NHC D€velopment Servlcas Centerwrllba notl0ed of.Fy chanS.s in the approved plansand specllicatlons or change in (ontractor ls the property located ln a floodptain? A V", 9K Existing lmpervious lfea't Z*)iQ-sq ll New lmpervious Ar€ar tZO sqFl wAlERt W{FPUA D Community system E Private well E Central well E Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA fl Community System C Private SePtic E Centralseptic D Aqua zonei - ofrlter: - setbacks (F) - {tH} - (RH) - (B} -Approval: - City: - Dat€: - tlood: (A)- (v) - (Nl - BFE+2'I= Total Acres Disturbe dt . o O l Exlstlng Lend Disturblng Permh: D Yes ! No comment:Permit fee; $ EMAIL ADDRESS: $r SUBOlVlsloN: CoNTMCIoR: - J7,,*,. g-11--4, eooarss: -l1L /,ot ?7a tl ntt G.ratc {St} -- O Det6o',r8c(Sf)-- f: Sunroom lSFl ----.i--C 6re€nhoui€ (St) - ll1lix,l"l"1{i:,['"''#'*"""1"1R,i:'Yi,,'ii*i:tiir* ls the ptoperrY lo(ated ln. (loodpl.rin? g 1", f".'d t xlstlnt lmpervloui Ar eal. /fq1)-Sq I t New lmpcrvlour Atca: t20 Sqet NEW HANOVER COUNTY OUITDING PERMIT APPLICA ON fYPE: RESIDENTIAT prfa-qr Ar{srvrn Arr outslr0N5 APPLlc 0l.t To YouA FRoJtcr 'Prolect RctponelblllV' '2oBt 136 )U llPt_?V e A c ,-2{z!19 APPtTc MT'sNAMtr Jcrru*-J.. Zo r*1, - PROTEGI ADoREss: .1z 6 - *:. n"'-rt c<JL-- -oft Cl Pool(Sr) i-: 0eck (5t) ts the progoted work (hantlng thc cristinE foorprint? fl4es Q No IOTAT Sq fTUNOER SOO1 Vot ptoPoted wolt) Heated: Unheaicdr / Z.-q- TOIAt PROrf cT COST { Less totlt SJ!-eJZgg:-2\' Totrl Acrer Dliturbedr . tlo / trlrllnt Land Oltiutblni Permlt: L t^lorm,tton.'.NoIt:rnrv?rl9!dormed*nh.etlh.rpplotnr(a!.rdltrEalluahvroSlblo,lh.llcslrleSldScldaandtubFctlo ornlr/contr..tor - &rl*t (<t,-*-+ -- sltn'tu?c: (/c't"""t" ( I 'Lt.Qnr2d Qtroii.r' Print llofi. / ot5CUrMti: lrr.by (!n ly rhrr. r lha '.lor.rEllon rr rhii .!pll!.tlorr rr (orr?(l.nd rll r'ort *ill (omrlv Bnh lha 5lala leil'lrg Cod. and tB! t^d ord.arn(6 r.d raeuhlronr, Tia Nlr o3?lopnanl sa,vk.t c.6lat vrtl ba noril?d orr.y(h.^tt, i^ llc rr4r.ovad y'.aj and tPat toT r,: ...prEA{! !r!!!! 4!9 4!!u'!3 BtLow aLl- Trl^r ^PPIY T0 YouR PRoJEcr"i 'kf'orcn$l [.] StoreBe Shed C Othe.(5r) Ycr {-_: No PRoPIRIY OwNtF's M taz: 1(aL- l, 1-s--. ?ttONE I -q) q.':Z owNER'S AooRtrS: - 3 Z 6 )<< ,t'r.L,. C,!,----.. on: ltt-ilzu') - EMAtr AoDRtssr.€-C octls-55.Q,)t ',rul) : LOuz. PlloNtr--71 pRoJECr coNrAcr Pt PsoN) .Jn+l t c- , - . Pllo ExTSIING CONSTRUcIION: .]dtcration :'l Renovation D G(ne,alRcpalI5 NtW COHSTRUcIIoNT D Eroct New Resld€nce &/ddhlon to tritlinE Re!ldcnce 0 Relo.ntlon wAtERt ,{,.(tPuA lJ communrtv SYrtcm i: P.ivarcw€ll C Centrallvell [f Aqui SEWERT @4Pl)A O ComnrunitY SYstcm il Privalc Septit fl Central St'pllc [] qu. ,on"r-R-19 0m,",, C0* serbackrlr) 3-Or tuit-/0' tnrrt-lot-tet-eC approvrr: @! cn , .125 orr", p'ft|lSrrooa,lnl .. --J,l . - . ltr) X Brtr2lt' - 1S254$\rl BtOG tq_^_I,.v-C4 +r/o\LIo cilYlnplen 2 NEWHANOVERCOUNry DEPARTMENT OF BTIILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORT}I CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www.nhcgov. com REGULAR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING APPLICATION STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I,am submitting an application for a residential building perrnit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the applicatlon, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: g/tliO-ngla[acn an official CFPUA document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. {tjl&l--=*^"nan officialproof of a Zoning sign-off from the Ci$ of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. U/!-diq ngUAaeb an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not aftach the official proof 'of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued wlthln 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Slgned in acknowledgment: Printed Name l,<l\1,.r- /YZ Address for the proposed residential work: Z 92 6 ul t1<- P v oL' C;'r- 2o- f,,*|s linl flor 9 -- _z\ AT&T 6 , ltl I F Tr'tL- 1-i PRO]ECT APPLICATION f: Project's street Address: The Revisions are foP: --,/-ll"l'auitatng NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CENTER 23O Government Center Drive, Suite 170 hll L r.,lIitGToN, iroRTH caRoLIM 28403 TELEPITONE (97O) 798-7308 REVISIONS (check oLL thot appLy) E g1".t"i."1 -[ ltechanical 2o(8- tAtU ,rrtxu DATE SUBI.TITTED: II/ZZ IT E nlumb:.ng ll zoning Is there a change in the occupancy Type from what is E Yes (explain below) Is there a Change or Increase in Square Footage from Hhat E vrs (explain below) E ri"" shor itinal applicatlon? is e original application? "32? 6 PLeose give us o brief but detaiLed description of your revisions: 27H0U tS I I I16fit1 l'lote: The building plans exaniner will determine require a new application. ,/1 t-\o,rnt t s La o*f 5 Print ame if revisions are considened "substantial" and + * * +* *,1**+*'* * * * *FoR OFFICE USE oNLy'r+'l++++'r'|*+****'**'r**'**'|'rr**.*r ATTENTION PTANS ExA INER: Please notify DSC lf these revislons may chante the permit footprint/square footage infomEtion andlor cost of the project. PLAN RE-REVIEW FEES ARE REQUIRED ON THIS PROJECT FOR: E eloe E rr-ec E mecn E pr-eo fl zorrrc E rrne E osc consuttant: Provlallng setvice excellence for our cltLzens in coorallnotion & coLldborotion ulth oLL deportDents, ogancies & jurisdictions in the construction & deveLognant of lle, Honover Couoty. 01h9 /2070 Name of Project:ContPactor: EmaiI: U)(,z O= tzoO-- 5$9z?l =O =t=6zoo r.uo z (, a Fz tU fzo cf)tLa No :irt;iI 3o F H; o iOa,e ',r I ee!i! ." f, lii EiE cr,ili E ii*,i Eii 'E:Ei 6 ;:;i;i /t/t NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CENTER 230 Government Center Drlve, Sulte 17O l{rLnrt{GTo , NoRTH cARoutM 28403 TELEPT.IoT{E (91O) 798 73OE REVISIONS _[l suttotng PIumbYru _n Electrical zoning l-l englneering Is there a change in the occupancy Type fror Hhat ls shom on the orltinal aPPllcatlonl J vrs (lf yes explain betoH)NO Is there a Change or Increase In Square Footage from Hhat is shoxn on the original application? JJ ttechanical l-l rt". J ves (if yes erplaln belor) J vrs (lf yes explain bclou) eotr- ltK2z RW^,rl I pRoJECr applrcaTro #: Project lD: 18-2721 DATE suBr,trrrED | 11126118 Project's street Address: 1011 Ashes Drive _ city: Wilmington contractor: Monteith Construction Corp.. Name of Project: MegaCorp Logistics Email: zmessick@monteithco.com - Phone t{unber: 910-616-8775 The Revisions are for:(Check oLL thot oppLy) t{, _NO Pleose gtve us a brtef but detalled .tescrlPtlon of your revistons lncluding chonges ln squore f@toge,if changes affect Proiect cost' dnd the u4ated prolect cost. This revision is the addition of the grease trap for the new kitchen being added. the initial esti- [-1 ottrcrlexplaln belot.) If revisions are considered "substantial" it nay require a neu Zack Messick Print Name Slgnature .ta.r.raarrrrr...+araait.r.'rrr FoR oFFIcE usE ol{LY alllli....raa+..14.*.+....++al aTTEI{TION PLAI{S ExAttIt{ER: Please notlfy Dsc if these revislons chanSe the Permlt footprint/square footage lnfor ation andlor cost of the project' PLAN RE.REVIEI{ FEES ARE REQI.,IRED O{ THIS PRO]ECT FOR: f-L er-oc [-L rr-ec [-L necx fa nr-ae fL zorirne fL rrne [L Dsc consultant: ptovlding sarvica axaaLLcnca for our aitTrans in coordinotion a coLlobototion rlth aLL daPort*ntst oganc{ ' e Juatsdictiors ir, trte corlttruction t devaLoFant of ev 'lonov?r county' aPpl ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUIIDING SAFEW 230 Government Center Dr. Suite 170 Telephone (9101 798-7308 Fax (910) 798-78tL Nicholas Gadzekpo Director of Building Safety ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** FOR COMPTETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTALS BY EMAII lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project electronically by email, please attach your electronic plans in the "pdf format along with your application" before clicking the send button. FOR COMPLETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTALS IN PERSON lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project in person on CD, please fill out the building permit application on line, print it, scan and put it on your CD along with the plans and Appendix B if applicable in the "pdf format" & bring your CD to the Development Services Center, located at 230 Government Center Drive; Suite 170. lf you have questions about the electronic submittal process, please call the Development Services Center at (910) 798-7308. Please note that we except Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards (American Express, Discover, VISA, and MasterCard). Thank you. Adf-lltzz P'L1,ro,, 3 J.€!.2J2+-"+€v3 s416 5rJ3f,U1yg9; 1 1/26118 clty: Wilmington contractor: Monteith Construction Corp,Name of ProJcct: MegaCorp Logistics Er"ll, . phone Number: _9f!:0-1!:9715_ The Revislons are for:(Chech oLL thot opply, {} fle(hanlcal -! -f! rt". -B othcr(exPlaln belofl) o Hhat ls shorn on the orlSlnal aPpllcatlon? atn bel.or) | rc Is therc a Change or Increasc ln Square Footage f.ofi Hhat 15 ShoHn on the orlSlnal aPpllcatlonl J vrs (rr yes explatn Delor) -I uo _T YEs (lf ye5 explain below) -E *o PLeose glve us o brief but detoiled descriptlon of yout revlslons lncl(/dlog chonges ln squarc footoge'lf chonges offect prolect cost) ond the u4oted Prolect cost, This revision is the addition of the grease trap for the new kitchen being added. the inilial esti- NEt,j HANOVER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CENTER 239 Governftent Center orive, Sulte 170 r,rrLr.tI 6T0t{, NoRTH CARoLJNA 28403 TELEPHoTE (910) 798 7308 REVISIONS pRolEcr AppLrcATroN f: Ptojecl lD. 18-2721 project'r Street Addressi 1011 AShes Drive permit while we finalize the If revislons are consldered "substantial" it may requlre a nex appli Zack Messick Print Name SiBnature '.*.......i..rrrr FOR OFFTCE USE O{LY 'r"rt"*r" r ''}t""'t"t'.'r' ATT€tltION PLANS EXAIIINER: PIe.se notlfy DSC lf these rcvl5lons (hange the Perntlt footp.lnt/squar€ footate lnformatlon and/or cost of the project' PLAN RE-REvIEl./ FEES ARE REQUIREO ON THI5 PROJECT FoRr fa aLoc f-L EtEc .l-1 rtcx f-L PLBG f-L zoflrt'lc TL FrRE E- osc consultant: P.ovlrtlae'eNlce.x..Ll.nc.fo.oulclttz.n'ln<oo.rll.ott.n..oLlobo'gtloadthoLLd.Dofl,.nts'oo.o.l.',''""6ili'ild;tff'niq.;fti3iirTilff11Fnoe'rc'untv with civil APPLICANT'5 NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUTSTIONS APPLlCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" UVi lb^ SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAMT: OWNER'S ADORESS: lAl\ PHoNE T: Glo - 262 ' th5qaryuire9 eLoc trcrr',Jsr l, 10 ORtCONIRACTOR A DOR ESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACI PERSONI EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN: fl Alteration fl Rcnovation Gencrat Rcparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION ! Ercct New Residcnce R Addition to Exrstrng Residence I Relocation 1**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI-L THAT APP[Y TO YOUR PROIECT" T ! Att GaraEe (5F)- ! Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)- ! Porch (SF)n Det Garape {SF) ! Pool (5F) ! Deck (5F) ! Stora8e Shed (St)- D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the cxisting footprint? ! Ycs D No 250CT lg I | 42Pi1 2otK*t1t2f (office ute) o"r", t0-25-lB zrP: X Sq oq TOTALsQFTUNOER ROO( Uor proposed work) Heated: t4AO Unheated: TOTAL PROTECT COST (Lcss Lot): 5 to \ ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 3 ves ( ]\lo ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanicalwork being donc to thc AccessorY Structure { Yes a ruo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes P No ls there Electrical Power on thrs auilding? !. Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy: N Sin8le Family I Duplex .- Townhouse taws and ordinances and regutations The NHc Devetopment Servrces center wrllbe notrfred ol any chanEes in the approved plans and specificatrons orchanSe in contractor ls the property lo(ated in a tloodplain? ! Yes { No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: -- sq Ft WATER: ! cfPUA ! communitvsystcm yl ,nu",o*"" ! Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA ! Communitysystem El Privatcseptic ! Central Septic E Aqua Approvalr-- CitY: - Date: Officer: '- Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH)- (B) - Description of Work: Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiei Total A.res Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: a Yes ! No Comment: rlood: (Al - {V)- (N) - BFE+2ft- Permit fee: S g$(o' Signature: sr Alc zrP, ZS+ t0 euor*rr orlQ--- !',[!-- 1!li PHoNE: 4tO-b65-t+q5 I ^{,u(^NI s r\^r\..' nlH XqW--TCr.lnr pnorrcr aoontts 1a13 lqrf6,,1o1/4 Q. sunorvrroN L-anJ tr-ll pRop,ry ov,^rR's rAM,.- N-: c\^rle 5pa.Vg orvNrR'l^oDlrss tq\J VCrrq z.tilo uOr. ..\ ', NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII,DING PENMIT APt'tlCAIlON |YPE : RESIDENIIAL r1l^';t,.rlllvll(,ltt CIU(II|O||SAoFrL 0lf rclot qPno,l(| 'Ptolc.t Rorron!lbllily- )il| -13t2'( 1,1 ,/ )'t- lt /\() ','. ,,.,,,. 10..25-'tS., t $tt 05(lrY vA,/ilYr - lOlI - ntrottn crro '-L02' W5qcrrv y.-1 1.y- - - - -- - ,iP -LaVO1 oLocrr(rN'r,, _1009s crrv. \ RJacL -- sr Crn ?rS$10._ _nroNr tr0_- (,95. {*[J. ,rrt:nr -4 t0, - ,65 : l+q5 Jor(r) isr) _--- - - _ ' Slo'rrx Sh.rlsri -_ ._ Pc,,n,t reu S tx,sllua, COr,JtrItlCllON ^,,' "'" y ', , , NtW CONsIllll(rloN ,,,,:rr.r, ll.\r' ,,r' ( i'r,r'r ' ,, r, , ."r"',l rn,"'t", l''')r'r i]1 "'0tr ,1tl (llt (( /1No ArJtw{ a 0Ll ow ALL lllAl APptY lo YouR prlort( r ' " - ntt 6 rrr8r'(lr) - \.,r ,,f4, i1: I _ -_., : rl,(r'.r.o!!,,1(ar - l)(t ISI I - Olhri lsri -. , . . - 'irric!rr'p?!,r'ro,\(1,'a/nl;lr,rrl l.tl'xillx"'l' l(\ :l(t rOT t 5O rI UNDTR RO0r ilJ,,rirl.(4,,/,,',rl ,,,'ut"u, t40O - Unh(rlcij:.,- ror^r Pnoir(r (osr il .,, t tO, OO0 )lF',f',p111:rr.o't(h.r :i.[lr,,i,ih.'rr''' !'''''' v"t (ru' . ,,' r, tlr(lri(Jl. Plsmbini (r [tt(hrnr(.'l s("rli''L"lir'r'(r{ilr'' ^((c!'orv(r'r'lu" XYtt uo i ' rlrlrrr::!'.t\,rAtloa.liotrr,llr(trr\JlL 'l(:r:!r' ';I r\-r'L t1(ri Ycr >l\io l, lhr,c I lcrl,.rl t'o#(r oa lh,t ll rtlrl'nd) )< Yr! tro P,opcrty Ut / O((uPrn(Y \ S'nftlc ramrlv UuPh r rownhour' OcacriPlro|r ol Wo.l: Lcm,odc/ l;)olea trlrli., lrnPc,viout A.co h ll,. ntooc'tt to(rt(Il {r .,1 ot,rlnlolttr Vcr (fft .rkri., rhn vio r A.co Sq tl TolnlA(Ict Ohlutbcd u(w ln,r,ctrn i^rcr: sqlt lr'\l'trElJndOitrurl'in[Pcrmil w^ror: ,,,,i / ' ! I rrr""' \: Ciiy lrWeclbn Requreo, 91 0254{ iL-l owrr,/(o.r'J,,o" fl" IlLew -Ioy ior u,''u''" r|'l i .r'j. r'i, ,' ' | \"''l 2e tE- l38z{ Keenan, Suzanne From: Sent: To: Su bject: Matthew Taylor < matthewtaylor95@yahoo.com > Tuesday, December 11, 2018 11:19 AM Keenan, Suzanne Re: Your permit lor \913 Yerrazzano Dr -- square footage? Total working are is 2,200 sq thanks Sent from my iPhone On Dec 11, 2018, at 10:30 AM, Keenan, Suzanne <skee na n@ nhcgov.com> wrote: I am working on this permit but we need to know the total square footage of the are you are working in. You listed 3900 s.f. on the application, but that appears to be the entire house. Please let me know the square footage of the area for remodel so that we can calculate the correct permit fee. Thank you, Suzanne Keenan I Development Services Specialist Building Safety New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 170 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7308 p | (910) 798-7811 f www.nhcgov.com HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" olY-Bg2l Appllcetlon Number (office 'rse) D^ei 11r27 ngAppucANTS r{AME: salt Rock Builders, LLc PRO,|ECT ADDRESS: 406 Brenda Orive C|Ty: Wilmington 19: 28409 LoT #: 74 Sec 3SUgDtVtStONr Clear Brook pRopERTy owNER,s 1r111yE; Mclntosh lnvestments, LLC owNER'S ADORESS: 406 Brenda Drive 69NTRACTOR: Salt Rock Builders, LLC pxorrrr *: 91 0-409-3555 ctTy. Wilmington ztp: 28409 s1p5 116sx5s s. 60508 AoDRE5S: 322 Smugglers Court CtTy. Wilmington ST: NC Ztp: 28405 PHONE:910-367-6123EMATL ADDRESS: jspiveyl @bellsorrth.net pROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Jimmie Spivey pHONE: 910-367-6123 EXEflNG CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration Z/Renovation - General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCflON: E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation **iPLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECTi'+T E Att Garage {SF) E Sunroom (5F) E Det Gara8e (SF)! Porch (SF) tr Pool(SF) ! Deck (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F)D fther (SF) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? D Yes g{o ToTAt sQ FT UNDER RooF (Jot proposed wotk) Heated: ]!!!-g6hs31s6;325 TOTAI, PROJECT COSI (Less Lot): S 54'050 00 ,,- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? = Yes ZfNo ts any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the \ccessory structur e a yes {no lftheprojectisaRclocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Z4es ! No ./- Property Use/ Occupancy: Usingle Family : ouplex I Townhouse Descrtptlon of Work. rior t!'im, new windows'/e'terior cloo?S' new lights' plumhing lixtures, landscaping, no change to footprint ol structure laws and ordinances and reSulations.The NHC Development Servicet Centerwillbe no information T"NOTE:Anywork performed withoirt the appropriate permits wilibe in Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Z'1[o ?lH0u l8 2r ?sPfi Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq tt New lmpervious Area: Sq tt TotalAcres Disturbed: Exinin8 tand Disturblng Permit: I Yes I No UTEn: \ CFPUA D Community Svstem ! Private well D Central Well E Aqua sEwER: \CFPUA E Communitv svstem E Private septic E central septic E Aqua Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - CitY: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) -- (N) - BFE+2ft=$*r Comment:Permit Fee: S \\oh€rPoffi i NEW 2cIr*l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLIU| lO N rY PEi RESIDENTTAL PLTAST ANSWTR ALL QUISIIONS APPLI(ABLT TO YOUf PNOIECT "P.oiecl Retponslbllity" 1pp11646;7,5 1,q6,q9. Sall Rock Builders, LLC pROJECT ADDR€SS: 406 Brenda Drive SUBDtVtStON: Clear Brook pROptRTy OWNER,S NAME: [4clnlosh lnvestrnenls, LLC OWNtR,S ADDRESS: 406 Ercnda Drive CONTq1CTOR: Salt Rock Burlders, LLC 499p695; 322 Smugglers Court LOf d:74 PltONt #: 910-409- EMAI. ADDREls:.i9Piy9y!19lqlEgLrlh nel pHONr: 91 PRorEqf coHrACI PtR5ON: Jimmi6 Splvey PHOIE:91 EXlSnHG CONSInUfiION: E Alteration E/nenovation E GeneralRcpairs fiEw COiiSf,RUCnO : D Ered New Residence C Addition to Exi5tint Residen(e 0 Relocation ... PI€ASE CHTCX ANO ANSWER I)tI.OW AI.I. THAT APPI.Y IO YOUR PROJ'cI"' tr Porch (5t) 9Q508 ?7H0U tS l5 the proposed work changlng the exiltin8 foolprint? [] Yes g{o TOIA! SQ Ff UNDTR R OOt llot proposed wotk) Heated: | 500 TorAt PRoJEcr cosr (l.ers tot): S!!!!Q!!-- TotalAcrei Ditturbed: ts the property located in a floodplainl D Yes E"fio Exlstlng lmprrylour Ar€.i - Sq tt New lmpervlout Area: Sq tl WAnn: \ CFPUA fl CornmunltY SYstem D Private well E CentralWell E Aqua 0 Storage D Other (5t) g6hs61€d;325 Eristing tand DiiturblnS Permil: E Yes O No tr An Garage {SF) --D sunroom lSFl D Greenhouse (SF)- D Det 6d.ate (SF) __ O Pool(sFl O Deck (Stl ls the proposed,,gork chantlnt ihe number of bedroomt? C'tes'Z/no ls any Eleclrlcal, plumblng or Me(hanlcalwork beint done to the ncceiJory Structure E Ycc {no lftheprojectisalelocation,;slhereaNaturalGnsLineonthecurrentsiteT; Yet C llo lr the,e Electrlcal Power on this Buildint? Efvet D tlo Prop.rty Uso/ o.cup. nqt {sngle ramlty E Duplex O rownhouse Oei(rlptlon of Work: ol slruclurs r,lictatMtt: I h.,.by c.nllYth.t.ll lha lnlorm.tioi ln thlt.rpli(.llon l! @rred 'nd ilr !'orl wiu tomplY wnh trtr sl'l' Sulldha cod"nd 'lloth"ta$i.^d ordin.naer and ragut.tionr. rh. llrtC Oeyelogm.nr sprvi(.3 C.nierwlllba nonflad ol.ny(hr.trr i,{. app.orad gtrnrlM l5.(rlkallo.lt iilor..rr-. ...,vorr, my worr p.do.m!d whhour rh..pproprisre permitr v.illb. in voLrioo ol lhe Nc slliylu. Co'lc rna ruqrqo fv"a i cxrner/contraaor: Jlmmlo Splvoy slSnliurer "Ll..nl,ed Qudifr.f .-l)*"?/ ^--,h (ollicc r,{ct Dltc:1 l27lt8 CtTy Wihinglon 21p.28405 Comment: E Aqua -L)JFf.-.rr.rn= (sf) System f] Private Septic E serb6(kr (F) -NIfl (tlil srwtRr \ctPUA C zonc, -ffi om."r' oate; \2- lD Frtooo: 1r1 (RH } zolv l3szt NEW HANOVER COUNTY Planning and Inspections 230 Government Center Dr. Suite 170 Wilmington, North Carolin a 28403 TELEPHONE (9 t 0) 798-7308 Fax # (910) 798-7060 CONDITIONS DOCUMENT Date: 12/5/2018 Name: Randal Gray Department: Plan Review 1. 2. J. Interion renovations, no plan Structural modifications may require engineering All construction is required to comply with the 2012 NCRC and be inspected 2olf - lZzl t it issued befo Project address: 514 Mcclure Circle, Castle Havne, NC 28429 Contractor name: Myers Restoration Group. 910-540-5142 Contact name: Blake Caramanica. 9]De&t142 Scope of work: Trge{ell onto home, Demo and were perfo . New T and mecha n to be From: Blake Caramanica Imailto:bdcnc(ovahoo.com] Sent: Monday. November 05, 2018 10:51 AM To : DSC <dsqQgh!ggy{9!!> Subject: Myers Restoration Group Hurricane Emergency Repair Permits Hello, as per your websites requirements i need to apply for three Repair Permits for the jobs below. Please let me know if their is any additional information needed. Thank you JOB E1 Contractor name: Myers up.910-540-5142 : Blake Ca 5L42 :Tree , Demo and servrces we and mechanical trades need to be was guttb(from storm dT lnspection: We are NOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just need Building are performed. JOB S2 s the housey'as gutted from tEEstoro-datrrage. \--l \rn:ltVe+,rdNOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just need BuildinB Permit issued before repa Project address: 405 Antoinette Dr. Wilminston. NC,28412. are performed. 2nl*2371 Pro,iectaddress:@Contractorname:MyersRe5torationGroup. 910-540-5142 Contact name: Blake Caramanica. 910-540-5142 Scope of work: Tree fell over onto home, Demo and emergencies serViCes were performed. New Trusses and meChanical trades need to be issued, as the house was Butted from the storm damage. lnspection: We are NOT ready for lnspection at this time. lust need Building Permit issued before repairs are performed. $ 00, ooo =' Blake Cara ma nica MRG:Wilmington 910-540-5142 o nto '.0 ltr - lz3q 0 From: Blake Carama nica Ima ilto:bdcnc@vahoo.com] Sent: Monday. November 05, 2018 10:51 AM To: DSC <dsc(anhcqov.com> Subject: Myers Restoration Group Hurricane Emergency Repair Permits Hello, as per your websites requirements i need to apply for three Repair Permits for the jobs below. Please let me know if their is any additional information needed. Thank you JOB f r. Project na nte; Myerq Group. 910-540-5r.4{Contact name: Blake nica.91A-540- 5142 Scope of fell over o\o home,and Trusses and mechanicaltrades need to , as the house lnspection: We are NOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just ng Permit issued before refairs are performed. Projectaddress:@contractorname:MyersRestorationGroUp. 5142 Contact narlr. Stake Caramanica. 910 a40-5142 Scope of : Tree fell over onto home, Demo and nrca issued, as\e ho s gutted from damage. NOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just need Building Permit issued before repairs Bla ke Cara manica MRG:Wilmington 910-540-5142 ?nq -Vuto Project address: 514 Mcclure Circle, Castle Havne. NC 28429 Contractor name: Myers Restoration Group. 910-540-5142 Contact name: Blake Caramanica. 910-540-5142 Scope of work: Tree fell over onto home, Demo and emergencies services were performed. New Trusses and mechanical trades need to be issued, as the house was gutted from the storm damage. lnspection: We are NOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just need Building Permit issued before repairs are performed. are performed. the brt-- lzlzt- From: Blake Carama nica [ma ilto:!p[g4q@p[99.ggg1l Sent: Monday. November 05, 2018 10:51 AM To: DSC <dsc@nhcPov.com> Sub.iect: Myers Restoration Group Hurricane EmerBency Repair Permits Hello, as per your websites requirements i need to apply for three Repair Permits for the jobs below. Please let me know if their is any additional information needed. Thank you t -lzy0name: Myers Restoration lnspection at this time. Just need Building Permit issued before repairs Project address: 405 Antoinette Dr. Wilmineton. NC, 28412.Zort - 1235U Contractor name: Myers Restoration Group.910-540-5142 Contact name: Blake Caramanica.910-540- 5142 Scope of work: Tree fell over onto home, Demo and emergencies services were performed. New Trusses and mechanical trades need to be issued, as the house was gutted from the storm damage. lnspection: We are NOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just need Building Permit issued before repairs are performed. l05K lnspection: We are NOT ready for lnspection at this time. Just need Building Permit issued before are performed. $(rE l< NOT ready for @r resS: p.910 5142 Contact na l Bla ke , Demo were issued, as the house ed from the storm d JOB fi3 Project address: 5142 Contact Caramanica.91 Demo alH€merge issued, as thelnru(e was Eutted from the damage. lnspection: We are are performed. Blake Caramanica MRG: Wilmington 910-540-5142 910-540-y1.42 of work: T ru55e5 a Trusses and 2C)9 a e'syE ydfell trades lLMyt k: T! I>,4 name of wo o Grou p. over o home, need to over onto to be se rvrce 5