DECEMBER 18 2018 BUILD APPS12192018100241ii#,NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATION TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWTR ALL qUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect ResponsibiliV' 2at?- zy'os-/^ ct rt za/r'./Yo (ofrlce ute) AppgcANT,s NAME: Pulte Homes 9619;11-20-18 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAM€i PUITE HOMES pHoNE#:843-353-5119 C9NTRACTqR: Pu te Homes BLDG LrctNsE *: 19311 aDDRtssi 3504 Faran don Court EMATL AoDREss: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com PROTECT CONTACT PtnSON: Tiffan Dun n ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCIION: D Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTONT #rect New Aesidence tl Additlon to Existing Residence ! Relocation r,**Pt-€AsE CHE K ND ctTy: Myrtle Beach sr: SC ztp: 29579 PHoNE: 843-353-5'119 pnott; 843-353-51 '19 orch (SF)50 tr oeck {sF)E Greenhouse (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yer O No Unheated:537 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): 5 141866 ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? tr Yes E No ls any Ele.trlcal, Plumbin8 or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory structure n Yes E No lf the project is a Relocatlon, js there a Natural 6as Llne on the current site? E Yes D No l! there Electrical Power on thisruilding? E Yes E t'lo// Property Use/ Occupancyr EI Sintle Famlly E ouplexE Townhouse 0escrlption of wo.k: Martin Rav M sunroom and garage extension laws and ordrnanceiend regulationt TheNHC Developmenl Servic€tCenter wrllbe notitied of any chanEes in the . pproved pl.nt and specificalions or change in contractor information. "'NOTt: Any work perJormed wlthout lhe appropri.te permil! will be in violation o{ the NC owner/contractor:Tiffany D Dunn Signaturei "Licensed Quolifler" Prin? Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervlous Area:Sq Ft ExlstlnS Land Disturbing Permit: E Ygs TotalAcres Disturbed: p to S5oo.oo..' 'or.. WATER: ! CFPUA O Communitysystem E Prlvate well E central Well ! Aqua Ok city: I Lrtt\ oate Floodr {Al- (v)- (t{) K sre+2ft=- SEWER: tr EFPU{E Communitysystem E Private septic D CentralSeptic E Aqua .on",R-7 ( coD;?"., (Df, setbact<s (r) -td (r xl <' {enl (t 9l , t ,14,8App.ovali Comment Cril' lnspclion llequneo, 9l 0-254-m0ti 5A Permit Fee: $ pRoJEcT ADDRE5S: 838 Broomsedge T€rrace CtTy: Vvilmington zp. 28412 suBDfvlsfoN: Del Webb Riverlights 1c1|: O2248 owNER,s ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court ClTy: Myrtle Beach 71p. 29579 E Det Garage (sF)_ ! Pool (sF)_ /411 66r3sg 1561 487 /r"^,"r^,r,r, ,u O Stora8e shed (SF) tr Other (SF)_ ToTAI sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) xeated:2306 I C/ rf t{'J Jt:t.i'-ly't.J-1 :t€+€€€= Application Number (office us€) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N WPE, RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbillty'' AppgcANfs NAME: Pulte Homes oate: 1l-20-18 pRoJECT ADDREss: 838 Broomsedge Terrace CrTy: Wilmin ton 21p. 28412 Lor #.. 02248 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: PUITC HOMES pHoNE f: 843-353-5119 owNER,S ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court CtW: Myrtle Beach 71p.29579 coNTRAcroR: Pulte Homes g1p6 Ug5Xg6 g. '193'l 1 AODRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court ctty: Myrtle Beach sr: SC ztp: 29579 EMATL ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pROJECT CONTACT pgX56x. Tiffany Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs,/ NEw coNsTRUcTloN: Ef Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation Pxonr: 843-353-51 19 pxOrur: 843-353-51 19 dn, dr'^ Garage (sF) 487 E Det Garage (SF)orch (SF)50 room (sF)212 f storage shed (sF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_f Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed workl Xeated:2306 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): S '141 866 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberofbedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanlcal work beingdoneto the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E) No ls there Electrical Power on this!uilding? 0 Yes E No// Property Use/ occupancy: M single Famlly E ouplex E Townhouse Description of work: Martin Rav W sunroom and qaraqe extension laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development SeNices Center will be notlfied of any ahantes in the approved plans and specifications or chenSe in contractor information. *"NOTE: Any wo* perforhed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC ld Code and sub to finer up to 9500.00"' owner/contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Sitnaturei "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nqme ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E ves E f,lo WATER: tr CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central well D Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA tr Community System E PrivateSeptic E Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) - (tHl- (RH) - (Bl -Approval: _ city: - Date:- Flood:(A)-(v) -(N)-BfE+2ft=-Comment:Permit Fee: $ suBDtvtstoN: Del webb Riverlights tr Pool (sF)_ tr other (sF)_ u6hs31s!;537 SWEFCHECI THA'I TC VB P'3 NEW HANOVERCOUNW BUILDING PERM]T AP P Ll CATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPI.ICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'Prored nesponslblllV' Jd/! /r'dY? +8-_335-5i Appllcatlon Number (ofiice use) );t AppL;CANT,S NAME. Barry Edge p31s. 11{-18 SUBDIVISION: Munayville Crossing LOT f: pROpER1y OWNER,S NAME. D R Horton, lnc p11gNgg.910-338-6017 OWNER,S ADDRESS. 131 Rscine Drive Suite 201 ClTy. Wlmington 21p. 24403 ADDRESS: '131 Racine Orive Suite 201 C|Ty. Wilmington sT: Nc zl 28/,03 EMAIL ADDRESS; bredge@drho,ton.com PHONE 9lG3386017 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Sean Reynolds p66116. 91G524-1689 eXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCnON: = Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation aaa taa = Att GaGge (sF) a16 E oetcarage (sF)- El Porch (5F)18 E Sunroom (SF) _tr Pool (SF)_! Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (SF)D other (sF) ls the propos€d work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTAT SQ Ff UNDER ROOF Uor proposed workl Hs31s6. 1862 Unheated: & TOTAI, PROJECT COST (Less Lot):S 122,892 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? El Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurelYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No Propeny Use/ occupancy: E single ramily E Duplex E Townhouse Description Ot WOrk: r{* Singr! Frdly R.tid.nc! Ourner/Contra661; MRRY EDGE Slgnature: 'Liceosed Quolifiet" Pint Nome lsthe propertylocatedin afloodplain? E Yes E lto Existing lmpervious Area: _Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: 15 t{ew lmpervious Are3; 30'12 q Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturblng Permlt: El Yes D No wArER: E CFPUA D community system fl Private well n central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: - Setback (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (81 -Approval: - Cltyr - Date: - Flood; (A) - (Vl - (N) - BFE+2ft: - lawsand ordihances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment services Center wlllb€ notlflad of any ch.nSes ln the approv€d plans and speclticatlons orchan8e ln contractor informatlon- "'NOTE: Any wo* performed whhoul the approprlate permlts wlll be ln vlolatlon ot the NC State Eldg Code and iubject to fnes upto SS00.m"' Commenl:Permit Fee: $ pgg1gg11p96g5g. 1721 SHALLOW BROOK RUN C11y. Whington 71p.28411 CO TRACTOR: DRHoion. lnc a66 g661159 g. 29676 19' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION TYPE. RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PROJEO "ProJect Responslbllltr/ Appllcatioo Number (office usel ,t SUBDIV;S;ONT Bass Lake @ Woodlake LOT #. 210 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: D R Horton, lnc p;gpg X. 910,3386017 OWNER,S ADDRESS; ,|31 Racine Drive Suite 201 ClTy. lMlmington y1p. 2&403 ADDRESS: 131 Racine Dtive Suite 201 CtTy. Wilmington sT: NC z 28403 IMAIL ADDRTSS: bredge@dfiorton.com pHONE 910-33850'17 pRq;ECT CONTACT pERSON. Sean Reynolds PHONE 91G524-1689 O(|ST|NG CONSTRUCrION: D Alteration f] Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation *aa aaa E ltt Garage (5r) 389 E Det Garage (sF)- E Porch (SF)105 ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)E Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOI (Jor proposed workl ;s31s6.3391 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 2U325 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurelYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isth€reaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYeslNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? f) Yes E No Owner/Contractor Barry Edge Sitnature: "Llcensed Quoltlet" Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervious Areai _ Sq ft Total Acres Disturbed: 27 New lmpervious Area: 2so Sq Ft Exlstlng Land DlsturblnS Permlt: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Agua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officeri _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (s) _ Approval; _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ laws ahd ordinances and .egulatlons. The NHc Development services Centerwillbe notmed ofany changes In the approved planr and specitlcations or chaoge ln contractor informatlon. .a.NOTE: Anywo* performed withoutthe appropriate permft3wlllbe ln vlolatlon of the NC State Bldg Code.nd sublect to flnes upto S50O.00...V, 1.\J Comment;Permit Fee: S JALl-ty'a S ,/rffiiss AppgCANT,S ;{AME. Barry Edge pn". 1ll8i/18 p661g614pppgs5. uffi crry. wi"rt"gton i, r*r't _ 69p1Xa61gp. DR Horton, lnc aLD6 Ug611g6 g. 29676 E storage Shed (SF) _ E other (st) _ Unheated: 4s Property Use/ (kcupancy: E sin8le Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work: Nflsnsl€Fst lv R63'dGnce vb R.3 Ja,r/-'.ty'ast- +8-3}4$5 Application Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CATTON IYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI" QUISNONS APPLICABT.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responslblllt/ ia SUBD|V|S|ON: Bass Lake @ Woodl8ke LOTi.203 CONTRACTOR: D R Horton, lnc ClTy YVilmington glDG U6pt\t56 g. 29676 51. NC 21p. 28403ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 EMAIL ADDRESS: bredge@drhorton.com p66p6 9l{r$E6017 pROJECT COI{TACT pERSON. Sean Reynolds p;911p.91tr524-1689 filSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: Ei Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation aaa aaa E ntt Garage (Sr) 495 D oet Garage (5F) - E Porch (sF) E sunroom (sF)tr Pool(SF)D Storate Shed (5F)- E Greenhouse (sF)tr Deck (SF)E other (5F)230 ls the proposed work €hanging the existing footprint? = Yes D No ToTAt sq FT UNDER ROoF lJor prcposed workl 11g31p6.'1983 TOTAi PROJECI COST (Less [ot): S 148725 ls the proposed work changing the number oI bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDlto lftheprojectisanelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E tto Property Use/ occupancy: E slngle Famlly D Duplex tr Townhouse Description Of WOtk: N€' Sngle Fsdly R6Bid€rE6 owner/contractor: L sltnature: "Llcensed Qudlifie( P nt Nome lsthe propertylocatedinafloodplain? 0 ves E t{o Exlstlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .24 l{ew lmpervious Area! 3603 sq Ft Exlstlng tand Disturblng Permlt; 3 Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA fi Community System D Private Well D Gnral Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic D Aqua zone: _ officer; _ setbacks (F) _ (tHl_ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: _ clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (vl _ (N) _ BFEt2ft= _ lawsand ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center wlllbe notlfied ofanyahanges ln the appro\,€d plan5 and sp€cifications orchanSe ln contrador information. ...NOTE: Aoy work performed without the approprlate permits wlll be in vlolatlon of the NC state EldB Code and subject to fines up to 55m.0O'.' Comment:Permlt Fee: S AppgCAN?S NAME: Barry Edge p31g. 11/U18 PROJCCT ADDRESS: 7102 Ontario Road CtTy. Wmlngton Al 2U11 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME, D RHorton, lnc pHONE#. 91G33&6017 OWNER,S ADDRESS. 13'l Racine Drive Suite 201 CtTy. Wlminglon p. 24403 Unheated; 857 N NEtil HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,|IT APPII(ATIoN D"T.. R ESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSIIER AIT QUESTIOIIS APPLIC'ATI TO \'OUR P8O]ECI "Proj eqt Respons jbillt)d { dry BLOCII #: CITY: LT zo16-l4cQS/&i/{/ APPLTCATION Nl'mber (oFficc Usc) APPLTCTNT's NAI|IT: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: DATE: LOT *: PRO]ECT ADI)s SUBDI\.[SION: PROPERTY Ot,'IiER)S NA}IE: CONTNA E PHCNE #;.lw1 ACCOUT'IT +: ADDRESS:5T PHONE #: PRO]ECI CONTACT PERsON:PHONE +: E(ISTINC CO STRUCMON:A LTEPATION RENovATToN ! ceunnr necarns. I RE Loc-AnoN NEht corrlsTRucTroN , ffmtcr NEl,] REsrDEr{cE or !ADDITION TO E{sT][G SESTDENCE -sPLEAsE CHECK AND ']IsT]ER BELOI,] ALL TTIAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECI: [lerr eanacr SF fl orr enmcr sr B roncH 5F 5F STORAGE 5HED sr: trLrrP: 5FSUNROO4 6REENHOJSE 5F 5F OTIER: fs there Electrical Pswer on this Building? FlYes l-J ruo pRopERTy usE / occupANcy: fl.srruelr rewlv p164 . pf'roulmous e DESCRTPTION OF I,]ORK: POOL DECK TOTAL HEATED 5Q FTi ToTAL sQ FT UNDER RoOF:7 ToTAL AREA 5Q FTr D50 roTAL PRolEcT cosrrasslo0 t g 4tlr50\)# oF sToEtEs r l'? Is Any ELECTRICALT Pl,.ll BING or IECHANICAL Work Beih8 Done to the Accessor-y structureJ ff Ve. f,l No If the project is a Beldcationr is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes f] no ftJnc(tRIA OI{NER/CONIRACTOR: (Print 8.r.)**r * * ** + *++*:! * +++ ++ *+++*+**+ *+++++* IS THE PROPERTY LOCTTED IN A FLOODPLAI}I? EXISTfNG fMPERWoUS AREA: -5Q FT NEhl I'lPERUroUs -AREA: _SQ Fr l.lArER: III SEI^IER: M uod(*ill 6mdy wih t)e $ts Euildhg c.d. a,rd aI ofl6 "pp[abb SEb dd b€liac &d of a.r y.ta1gs6 h hs appovld plan 6 and Ep€di.ato.lE or dangs h cont&b r .r. r.dl bs ln Vrolalioo offi6 N C Sbb 8ld! Cods sd Subi$t b Flns6 tt To $50o,OO- SIGA{ATURE: +++*++**+t***++*****+**+++++****++++*++****++++*++*+* YEs [| r,ro ToTAL AcREs DISTUIiBED: E{IST LAND DI'TURBI'IG PE ITT:YE5 TiJO Y crpue n cdr'c4uNrrv svsrrm I pRrvATE wELL cFpuA D ceNTnaL srprrc f] pnrvarr srnrrc .[ ZOa{E: _OFFICER: crlrhlL wrLL COIII,4UNIry SYSTEM ,.i 5EPI&ITE, PEEiqrTs kEQUIIED FoR ELECT, .HEc]i, PL86, 6As EgJIP; PREFIS5 & IiJ5ERTS .*+ PAYHENT AETHOD:E ersn E cnrcr (payABLE ro unc; ff arll accoln f] r.1v:sl fiorscaren***+*****+**r***t*********+**********+**+***i****+****:r***+;f****f**i***+*i**********+++ (foR ofFrct t sE drly) ta/rsED oAr€ 64/11A2 SffAeClG: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ ApprovaL;_ cityr_ DATE;_ FL0oD: _ BFE+m= _tavu coffne ht :PERI'ITT FEE: .. r ^l \l ot\rNER'S ADDRESS: -flal1b I AD t E},IATL ADDRESS: r|e-C"-- - ltq NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LIUTIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS A}PLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project ResponsiblliV' Application Numb€r lo{rlce use} APPUCANT,S NAME: PRO.lECT ADDRESS: suBorvlSloN PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER'5 ADDRESS: -s Oatei PHONE o rr: .l lrror5 -)i, qo b ztP ztP CITY CITY t COMRACTOR: ADDRESS: EtDG UCENST C ST: EMATL ADDRESS: k p,- Sc^ . o\ X YA 6 i-vi(r-l )- C ^.,-..PHONEd PROJECT CONTACI PERSO EXISTING CONSTRUCTIoN: D Alteration E Renovation Xceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to ExistinS Resldence I Relocation ."PLEASE CHECK AI{D ANSWER BEI.OW AtI.IHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT*'T '\ ls the proposed work chanting the existing footprint? n YesEtrto TOTAL sq FT UNDER RoOF (Jot ptoposed work) Heated E Att Garage (SF) - E Sunroom (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF) n Det Garaqe lSFl ! Pool (SF) ! Deck {5F} U E StoraBe Shed (SF)_ tr oth$ d c-!f i c-u--5 r.\ n eu) oV &-{- i t\1-veete{ Co istpqreDtnheated:e-vC Jo sslbl 0,5 hy o od{ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? Ll Yes trNo ls any Glectrical, PlumbiE or Mechanlcal work being done to the Aciessory Structure g Yes,(No lfthe project is a Retocation, is there 3 Natural Gas Line on the cu nent site? E Yes D No ls there ElectricalPower on thls Building? F/Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy:ngle ly ! Dupler D.TownhouseFami txscription of Work: OISCtAIMER: I hereby ifythat allthe inrormatlon ln thli appllcatlon h correcl and a)l rk wlllcomplywlth theState Building Code and allother appllcable Stat€and loaa lawr and ordinancei and .egulationg. The NHC Developmen! serytces center willbe notlned ot any chan8et in lhe approved plans !nd speclfications or ch.n8e in contractor lnformalion. "'NC|T[: Any work plrformed without the eppropriat pe.mitswlllbe ln vlolation ol the NCState Sldg code.nd 5 to flnes up s500.m"' .lq!!a r/Contra cto r:SlBnature: 'Licensed Quolitet" ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sg ft Total Acres Oisturbedl New lmpervious Area: --- Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Disturblnt Permtu fl Yes E No WATER: D1 CFPUA D Community System [] Private Well n Central Well E Aqua StwER: E CFPUA D Communitysystem I Privateseptic E C€ntralseptic n Aqua zone: - ofticer: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (8) -Approval: _ City: - Datp: - Flood: (A) ' -- . (vl - (N) - BFE+zft= - t- Commcnt:-P€rmit Fee: S PHoNE; qr!)L.(-s ::Anlj}. TOTAL PRoJECT cosT (Less tot): S itt {"@ . (. o tr Porch (5F) _ ZotT-t+to4 18-3255 Application Number (office use) ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICIBTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prolect Responslbllly APPLICANT,S NAME:Jon TriesVGreen Solar Technologies Date: 11/1/18 142 E Bedford Rd c[Y: Wilminqton 28411ztPPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:Queen's Pointe LOT #: pRopERTy owNEps I{AME: Vernon Gigax pHoNEfl: (910)471-7096 OWNER'S ADDRESS:142 E Bedford Rd crv, Wilmington ztP 28411 COT{TRACTOR: ADDRESS: Jon TriesVGreen Solar Technol res 2047 W Windgate Ct CITY: BLDG UCENSE fl:- nvtlle 51. frle 21p. 28546 EMAIT ADDRESS:iontriesl@vahoo.com pHoNE: (910)467-2904 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CO'{STRUCrION: El Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation T..PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT.. ! Att Garage (5F)_l-l Det Garaee (SFl tr Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)n Pool (5F)n Storage shed (SF)_ TOTAT Sq FI U]'|DERROOF llor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)23,600 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? C Yes E ,{o lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlc.lworkbeintdonetotheAccessoryStructureEVesENo lfthe proiect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? d Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupa Oescription of Work: Fam!lv Duplex n Townhouse inverter, disconnect, and wiring. Anay comprised of 20 - 290W PV modules. laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Seryices Center willbe notified ofany changea in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ...|{OTt: Any work performed without the appropriate permits urill be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.00"r g;:::!:a:::;,;;" 'on t''H,or" sisnature: V-" K7'-'* ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E No Exlsting lmpe;vlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Afies Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes n No WATER: n CFPUA ! Community System n Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic D Centralseptic fl Aqua zone: _ offfcer: _ s€tbacks (Fl - (tHl - (RHl - (Bl -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (vl - (t{} - BFE+zft= - Comment: permit Fee: S pRoJEcr coNrAcr..*ron. Jon Triest pxonr; (910)467-2904 E Greenhouse (sF)_ tr Deck(sF)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes m No El other(sF) 352 N ,4\,W NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERI,IIT APpLIaTIoN D"E.. RESIDENTIAL pLE4SE ANS,ET ArL qJESTIOiS AppLICjBLf TO )!UR pRolErT "Projeqt FesponsibiJielp CTTY DATE: P}IONE #: Z]P ELOCI( *:Lor *: aCr PHONE #: ST (- zTP: ACCOUNT }: PHONE #73 2at t+ APPLICATIOI'J Nurber (offlc. Us€) APPLICAI'T's NAIE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIITsION: PROPERTY O/JNER'5 t.L$IE: ot,lJNER'S ADDRESS: o CONTRACT ADDRFsS: ET4A] L ADDRESS: OR e CITY: LICETJ5E #: CITY: rn PROJECT CONTACT PERSOI.I: E(ISTI|'IG CON5IRUCTION:A LTEPATION RENCVATION I eereml neearns. I RELocArroN NEN conSTRricTrON, w eitct NEl^, REsmENcE o" f] mOrrrolr TO EcSTrlJG RE5TDENCE -.pLEAsE cHEc( AND aNsEaR BELC[,] ALL THAT apply To youR pRoJECr: ATT CARACE SF I orr eruor sr EIpon.H4l I sr suNRoct4 _5F GREENHO]SE SF STOR.AGE 5HEDPOOL DECK 5F SF 5F O*IER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:rorAl sQ Fr UNDER noor,3&Lo(/ TorAL AREA sq n, -1 tY{ ToTAL PRolEcT cosT {Lass 1"0 : $# oF sToRIEs: l.a Is Any ELECTRICAL, PtlJ}lBINc or I'IECHANICAL qJork Beiirg Done to'the Accessory st.ucture?Yes f] No ff the project is a Reldcationr is theFe a Natural 6'as Line on the ctirent site? flves f] ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? f]Yes No pRopERTy usE / ocqlpAilcyr I srnelr rar'lrr-v !u:prex . El rcuulousr DEs CBIPTIoN 0F lloRK; ONNER/CONTRACTOR:STGNATURE: :i+**+*r ++++*:r+****o********(ifi!{ii?+:i**++*+r+**+++***+*+***+$**+*****++*++*++++:i++++t*+* 15 THE PROPERTY LOCITED TN A FLOODPLAIN?YEs ffi r,ro DGSTING MPERUIoUS AREA: -sQ FT T07AL ACRES DISTURBED: NEI,I ]].1PERV.IOUS AREA: -SQ FT DGST LA!\D DISTURBIIIG PEB{TT: II]] YTS [.]] TIO MTER: EfcFpuA ! co.r'luHrw sysrEM fJ pRrvATE WELL sEilER: El'-cFpuA D ceivrRnr sEpEc f] cRrvare srnrrc .fl .ar sE2rltTE. PERjIUTS REqJIRED FOR ELECT, .8ECH, pLB6 6A5 EQUIP, PREF,IS & TIJSERTs *-ri PAY'{EUT ETHOD;E cnsu E cre.r (IAvAELE ro nncl f]aru n4carur E nclwsl I orscovrn***********+******l*******+************+*+***t+***+*+***+**f**++**f****i+*****+*t***iit+* (foR ofFrct usE dry) twll@ oA'tE oAlttlr2 SETBAC(s: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ I ?tlgu 18 3 OtSq-At[R lh6rEby cortt 'tatar i]'trmadon h tiE applalon b coflecra.ld alt rcrk${l @nply r{ih trE $E Bildhg Codo ard aI ot}er.pPlEbJs SED *1d lo.zlLq,,. ad odhancas ard rBgulsrbDs. ThE tqlc Da,,€bprn6n r S€ ruLbs csnbrwiU bE rDl&d ofa']y dsn966ln hs app,DlEd plan6 and Epscii5cauo',l6 or dam6 h contEbr or @ntsacbr hbnn36on. .-NOTE tuy Wod( P6rtrnnsd lvr'o h6 Apprdprlaa P€.mlbwllb€ ln VrolaIjm offi€ NG Sbb Eldg Cod6 End $rbj€6t b Fln66 Lh To [500,0O- cmlrAlL lrLL CO4I'4UNITY sYsTEl,l ZollE: _OFFICER: Approval:_ City;:_ DATE;_ FLOoD: _ BfE+2ft- _IAVN CotrYne nt:PERI'[rf FEE: I klrilrlerr rrD11^-Ifi ,- ,t lT), \minrrh t ,,+^ { pHoNE *:g.!Ojtrfl.qA(/ ,{q5 Yll:{,t-.'- ZolS- tq I t? -?1\3 Rev> NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJEcI "Project Responsibilihy'' favlna!n CITY a-A CITY CITY Oate:glzglt6 zlP: )-*4t2- LOT #:Li2_ PHONE #(&z-9'zo - 3Q'z-:t-- ztP /1- BLOG LICENSE #: sr,/LzvZ84l'>- PHONE:boL-'Z4z-z- PHONE:LaL-S1o -3qz?'- Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: e- suBDtvtStoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADORESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:z EMAIL ADDRESS Owner/Contrador: "Licensed Quolilier" G PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration f Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: [] Erect NewResidence E Addition to Existing Resldence - Relocation I,I.'PITASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' - Att Garage (SF)-l-1 Det Garase (SF)E Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (5F)- D Pool (5F) E Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Deck(sF) is the proposed work changing the €xisting footprint? tr YesX n Storage Shed (SF)_ v Other (SF)0A.lz-xtL No axl 145 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated 40o unheated: /+Ll ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ts Yes tr No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accesso lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? f, Ye5 rt( No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Ef Yes tr No Property Use/ occupancy: lfslngle Family qu Re)w.}.3 Qre'-, ry Structure tr Yes tsf No +'{r> 3 o.l be),roo,*,Oescription otWork:t1 Gog A,JL DTSCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that alithe information in this applicalion is correct and allwork wiil cornpty with the State Suitding Code and a lJ other spplicable State and locallaws 3nd ordinances and regulations. Th€ NHC Oevelop.nent Services Cenler will be notified of any chrnges in the approved pla ns and specifiEations or change in contractorlnformatlon. '..NOTE: Any work pe.formed withoLt rhe app.opriare permits wi be jn viotation of the NC State bject to fines up to S500.0O1'. F T h u5e h*i Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes E(No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: f yes f, No WATER: E CFPUA E Communitysystem E privateweli D Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA D Community System ! private Septic E Centralseptic i Aqua zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setback5 (F) _ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) -- (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _Comment Permit Fee: S ., j,r_ ,..:; ffi.p$- y'2,v1n ac ^ CITY a-A CITY zotg-l q g lz-r I taAPPLICANT's NAME PROJECT ADDRESS:'u SUBDIVI5ION Gn-PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: owNER'S AoDnESS: L[ 8 LI !{"-cc,rl'o,t CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Date ztP,Z84tZ- LOT II 2_32_ PHONE f (&z-S'zo- 3t{-r-n- ztP / )-- BLDG I-ICENSE #s,l)Czp,Z84l-t- PHONE t oL-92o-34-z--- PHONE LoL:E1o -3!2-- L bPROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration trRenovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*' n Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool {SF) tr Deck {SF) Signature: b/otr'",tsr) Rcr',t €rriAt ILXIL'' a.Xtrtt A16td-ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF Uor propased work) Heated loo TOTAT PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S bo L_l Greennouse ()t J D Sunroom {SF) owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoIiJier" U n heated + 2cBUB t8 I t:13F1'1 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? p ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes ts( No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? B, Yes D No Property Use/ occupancy:Ksincle Family D Ouple Yes n No the Accesso ReAn.,,^3Gr*"", ry Structure fl Yes El No ++o 3 ^loDescription of Work:t-l be)au,.^ Go+AalL laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development Services center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in conrra.tor T h use rnformation. *'NOTE: Any work perfo.med wrthout the appropriate permits will be ln violation ol the NC State Eldg Code and ubjecl to fines up ro Ss00.00..r b,-.# ls the property located in a floodplain? 5 Ves f,.No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ! No WATER: \ CFPUA ! Communitysystem E privateWell n CentralWe ! Aqua SEWER: \CFPUA D Communitysystem ! private Septic E Central Septic f, Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F)_ (LH) _ (RH) _ {B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Oate:_ Ftood:{A) {Vl _(N)_BFE+2ft=_ Comment:Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP Ll CATI O N TYPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" CITY: ! Porch (5F)_ n storage shed (Sf)_ B P-s Jel-t4ac s Appilcation Number lofflc€ use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CAT,O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALt qUESIIONS APPI.ICAETE TOYOUR PROJECI "Project Responslbilhf AppUCANTt IIAME. Barry Edge 666' 1 l{-18 pROJECT ADDRESS: 1717 SHALLOW BROOK RUN ClTy. V\,/ilmington 71p 28411 SUBDIVISION: Munayv{le Crossing LOT#: 55 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: D R Horton, lnc pH6i1g g. 910-338€017 OWNER,S ADDRESS, 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 C|Ty. Vvlldngton 21p. 2u03 ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 C|Ty. Wmington sT: Nc zl 2E403 pROJECT CO;{TACT pERSON. Sean Reynolds p11p116. 91&524-1689 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation E General RepaiB NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residenee D Relocation att aaa E Att Garage (sF) jg-- tr Detcarate(sF)- E Porch (sF)25 ! Sunroom (SF)n Pool(sF)tr Storage Shed (SF) - tr other (sF) _n Greenhouse (5F)D oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Ei Yes E No TOTAI SQ FI U I{DER ROOF llor proposed workl Heated: 13€Unheated: 43 TOTAT PROIECI COST (tess t-ot1; $ 88,638 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Y€s E No ls any Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes Cl t{o lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E slngle Famlly E Duplex D Townhous€ Descrlptio n of Work: Ne', Sinlle Family R6sd.nc€ laws and ordlnancei and regulations. The NHC Development S€wices center wlllbe notified of any chaog€s ln the approved plans and sp€clficatlons or chaoge ln contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed whhoutthe approprlate p€rhitJ willbe ln vlolatlon oI the BldS Code and subiect to fine. up to SS00.00'.'NC Stat€ 7=Owne./Contractor:BARRY EDGE signature "Llcensed Quolifief Pdnt Nome ls the property locrted in a floodplain? E Yes E No Eristlng lmpervlous Area: _ 5q Ft Total A$es Olsturbed: .21 New lmpervlous Area. 2598 Sq Ft Erlsdng land Olsturblng permlt; E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E Private Welt D Central Well E nqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic El Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ SetDack (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B)_ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _Comment: permlt Fee: S CONTRACTOR: DRHo on, lnc 6196 1169159 6. 29676 EMAtt- ADDRESS. bredge@drhorton.com PHONE. 910-3386017