DECEMBER 19 2018 BUILD APP12202018100739NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIA N ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAS€ ANsWIfl ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Retponsibility" 2olt-tu0 )z lorfire u5e) SUBDIVISION: n/a PROPTRTY OWN€R'S NAME: Concklin EnlerDrises. lnc. OWNE R'S ADDRESS: 4618 RiDlee Dr PHONE 8:970-689-4676 ClTY: Wilminqton ZIP:28405 CONTRACTOR: Uhl. lnc EIDG LICENSE 4i62082, - AD0RE55r P.O. Box 444'1 CITY: Wilminoton FMAII ADDRESS l rhlincoroorrlAdrA)omail com PHONE:910-231-1806 PROJECT CONTACT PE RSON: Gr.,ro t lhl PHONET 910-23'1-1806 EXISI|NG CONSTRUCTION: m Alteration 0 Renovation C General Repairs NEw CoNSTRUCTIONT E Erect New Residen.e D Addition to ExistinB Residence m Relocation *I'PI"EASE CHECK ANO ANSWER B€tOW ATL THAT APPLY IO YOUR PROJECT..' sr: NL zlP:.2L4!0_- n Att Garage (SF)-n Det Garage (SF)_D Porch (SF) D Other (sF) C Sunroom (SF)O Pool (SF) tl oeck (SF) Il Storage shcd (sF) D GreenhoLrse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changin8 the existint footprint? D Yes m No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed wotk)Heated: 1.320 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S10 000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes m No ls any tlectrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork bein8 done to the Accessory structirre D Yes m No lf the project is a Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas line on the cLrrrent site? D Yes I No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes m No Prope.ty Use/ Occupancy:Xl Slnelc Family E Duplcx ll Townhouse ocate house from 3'10 Bladen Sl. onto 1022 N. 4th St. oer the attached olot olanDescription of Work:Rel owner/contractori Greg Uhl 5ignature "Licensed QuoliJiet' Print Norne ls the property located in a f,oodplain? E Yes E No lxisting lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area: 1 .400 Sq tt WATER: ixl CF laws and ordinancos and regulation!. The Nllc Oeve opment Se.vices Center will be norified of any cha.Ees in the approved plans and speciflcations orchan8e in contractor info.rnation. " iNOII: Any worl performed wirhout the appropriate permits \4illbe in v olallon ol the NC Slale 0ldg Code 3nd subject to fines up to 9500.00"1 sEWE6k\CF zon"(@ ptic l-l Ce J , tt\Cl(! f (nn PUA [] community system ! Private well I cenrral well O oor. C//y /npeotfi)fuqrnoo, 9tLli4illti,)PUA U Community System DPr Oflicer: ivate 5e ntralSeptic fl Aqua serbacks (F)b, fnqx (rH )1illn rar-!J"]F Approval: Comment: - city: NILYh oate: \?'?'13 rtooa: (e)(v)- (N) )( BFE+2I Permit Fee: S Br' tc1 - 1-1;vr.? soen )-'oy 1a cy'd ..i, i ' ,ffi' I APPLICANT'S NAME| Uhl. lnc. ____-__ Date:121612018 PROJECTADORESS: 1022 N. 4th St. CllYrwilminglon ZIP:284O1 LOT d: n/a Existing land Dirturbing Permit: ]'] Yes D No +ffi*7 k l*oczNEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATI O N TYPE. RESI DENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' Application Number (otfice use) APPTICANT,S NAME: UhI. Inc.Date:121612018 PRoJECT ADDRESS: 1022 N.4th St.CITY: Wilmington ztP: 28401 SUBDIVISION: n/a PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Concklin Enterorises. lnc. OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4618 Riolee Dr. PHoNE f: 970-689-4676 clw: Wilminoton ZIP: 28405 CONTRACTOR: Uhl. lnc BLDG I.ICENSE #Arie) ADDRESS: P.O. Box 444'1 CITY: Wilminoton sr: trlCL ZIP: 28406 EMAIL ADDRESS: uhlincorooraled(Aomail-com PHONE: C1O-231-1806 PROJECT CONTACT PERSONT Greq Uhl PHONE: 910-231-1806 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT m Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation .**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.IECT*I* tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed workl Heated: 1 .320 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 1 0.000.00 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes m No ls any Clectrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes m No lf the project isa Relo€ation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes m No lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? tr Yes m No Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: ancy: m Single Fami Relocate house lex J Townhousely ! Dup from 310 Bladen Sl- onlo 1022 N. 4th St. Der the attached olol olan laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. *"NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... owner/contractor: Greq Uhl signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes m No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: 1 .400 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbint Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: m CFPUA tr Community System E private Well I Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: m CFPUA tr Community System n private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F)_ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ $r fr",.'d'l ,u,- mS Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al _ (V) _ {N} _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S J{) LOT #: nla n Att Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_ E Det Garage (SF) n Pool (SF)_ tr Porch (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (SF)_ )n th- i,iolt NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAI IoN IYPsr COi4I{ERCfAL pLEASE AXsr{ER AtL QUISTIONS llPt rtCABL[ T0 yoUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" *ffi252- APPIICATION Number (offt.e use) APPLICANT'S NAME: .3111 p1i1.,,r,,.1 1 _DAIE: [) /23/ tB DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD as ancl Bi.l I i.ir:ds 63:15 Market Streei , PHONE S! g1.9-64g-seg,.; w!lnl.n.Jtirn :2aqo:j 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIEi n11661ia Sp.rj a1d Bittiar,Js lrueL - PHONE S: 9i9,59:-tgt e 01,{NER'S ADDRESSI tO4 .r\r:lber iroo.i uu,t .c ST: p5 ZIP;27',i 6Clrapel gil l. CONTRACTOR: Renaissance Buitding Company, Inc. - LlCEliSE *: ag191 ADDRESS: 16a Amber rood Run . CITY:Chapel tlil I EiIAIL ADDRESS: wa r:r:endmi tche.Llpep gmaiL . com PROIECT COiITACT PERSON: po.'uu yi1"1u11 (Che(k Al1 lh.t Apply) ST: Nc ZIP: 2 7516 _ PHONE #l 919-s93-t916 PH0tlE #: 919-59j,1915 EXIST CoNSTRUCIION: nll Relocalion, is there a Natural GENERAL REPAIRS T-'] I-- r.lo ,. r,oo .rH* RENOVATION RELOCATION KLERED?f* Yeslf -. ALIENAITON Gas Line on lhe urrenl Site?ss o EU' CONSIRUCTIONI €RECI t'lEl,l STRUCIURE FAsr rRAc( n 5HELL D UPFrr ADD IO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCfSSoRY STRUCTURE: 4ga() sr ew warehouse r N N If UPFIT - The Shell Permit li:Is Elect power on this Bullding lf. Yes |**** rs rHrs A cHAr'r6E oF occupaNcy usE?f yEs FiIF Yes, what r"ras the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What ls the New Occupancy and lo.allaws and ordrnances and reEulatlons. Thsor Lhanoo rn conlraclor or conlracror ln(ormauon "'S blccrlo F,nos tjp To $500.00"' T NO Tvoe?ARIH 0ESI6N PflOFESSIONAL: Coth.an l.ta.rr.is Archj.tects . PH:9]O-793-3133 tlc REG tr: 4290 El,lGR oESl6il PROFESSIOTIAL:- David Stms and A:tsocrates . Pll:910-?91-8016 NC REG $: 7138 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 11.rs meLal buitding 4980 sf rarehouse .rith electrical and mechanicat q/- ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struclurc?f Yesli- No ls The Prope(y Located ln The Floodptainl f Yes lf No DISCIAIMER: lhcrcby ccdily that allinformarion in g Cod€ and allother Slare SQ FI OWNER/CONTRACTOR: warren D Ml rcha I1 SIGNATURE: Nolc:Ocmolirlon noljlicalions E asbeslos renpvalpemil applicallons arc lo Do submitled using the applicallor lorm 3768) whelher llre hcility or bdlding rvas found Io ol(919)70?5950 al le6st 10 daw prD, rolho TOTAL PROJECT COST: s325, ooO BUILDING HEIGHT:.18'-9 1,/2" # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 4 e8o SQ FT PER FLR: ,l9so TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 4e8o fOFSTRUCTURES: 1 /IOFFLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: _g.l:-js-E!_ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: e, ee5 Exsr LAND DrsruRBtNG pERMtr? f yEs JiNo SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: l4 4r6 PROPERTY USE [oFFrcE I nesnunar.rr MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET t{H5s. co^lain Asboslos or nol. You sr€ roqL,ircdro callOe N.(onolEmission Sl.rxjsds lor HozardoLrs Air Pollulonls { demolilion ol aoy lacXily or building. See Asbeslos Web Srlq hllpJ r\y!v.€pi srsle.nc ls/cp,/osbaslos/anmp.hvnl WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA Tl coMMUNrry SYSTEM flWELI nZONTNGUSECLASE.."r"o. r."r,c E- ffivnre sEprc EAMMUNTTv sysrEM PAYI,,4ENT METH ZONE: Approv Comment*R llrc f?tov€D .fr SIFICATION OFFICER: .(I,,l-StttsACKS. F:* LH ,h _RH * B* _al: 0rl Ciry DATE FLOOD BFE+2ft. "' rlcP nAlF rERHtTa] l]€QLrieEo Fc,R r:L€cr, uccll, 1,t8i:. 6 s e&ula,, pRtltiARs & tNsEfiT8 ,,. oD: r. CASH ff CUTCX lenVnelE TO NHC) f-,_eUrntcnN e xenEss r_ MCA/tsA rr_ DTSCOVER (FoR oFFICT USE oNLY) *o )a<rffi?""'ttff htl'ffir",}#"6R Rerouurt o"J ' ll z7 r8 I orJ CITY: PROPERTY OWNER'5 l,|AfiE: wiltlarn D 6iLcheIl ;.c and vu yitclcll nanily # OF SIORIES: I N - PERMIT FEE: : L\&olt"- tL{03+LffiZ* AFTEIEI?IEhI l{umber (offlce Use) : . zi 1 NE}.I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIT|IT AppLrcAfian rypE: COIiiIIERCIAL ,.r k PLEAsE AlSltER At-t- QUtStrOt{S APPLICABLE tO t*a "Orra' !J{ "Prorect -";;;';;;;t;; - ir\i'{ APPLICANT'S AltE: Bi.t 1 Mirchel-1 -DATEz 1n123yfi DEVELOPER: Artantic spas and Billiards _ Ptl0 E *:919-649-5g85 PROJECT ADDnES5: 6315 Marker srreer crw:.wit.i'gton OCCUPANT/BITSI ESS [AltE: Ar].anric spas and Bi]J.iards 11u51 - PllOllE *: 9r9-s93-rgre OIdNER'S ADORESS: rO4 An$er liood Run - CITY: chapel HiI I ST: 116 ZIP:27516 CO TRACTOR: Renaissance Building company, rnc- - LICEiISE *: sgrgr ADDRESS: 104 tunber wood Run - CITY: 663ps1 11i11 - ST: Ns ZIP: 27515 EMAIL : warrendmitchellpeGgmall. con _ PHONE #: 919-593-1916 PROJECT CONIACT PERSON: warren Mirchetl - P[0NE *: 919-593-191G (che.k ^11 Ihat App1y) EXrST CONSTRUCTTOT{: E ALTERATToT{ r-1 REI{OVATTOT{ r-1 GENERAL REPATRs l-'l RELOCATT(}I lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on thebdnent sltez [. H[- No ls BLDG sPh/NKLEREDf - Yesli -Noi,iEr.r corsrnucrro : fl EREcr EU srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK n SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 498o sf new warehouse UPFIT AI)D TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The shell Permit *:Is Elect Porer on this Building li. Yes f.NO ***.. IS THIS A CI{A GE OF OCCUPAT{CY USEIr YES li. rO r..*r fF Yes, rhat uas the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ Uhat is the eu Occupancy OESIGI{ PROFESSIOMLi coth."., Harris Architect.s _ PH:910-793-3433 NC REG *: 4299 EIIGR DESIG PROFESSIO ALL David Sims and Assocj-ates - PH:916-791-9615 NC REG #: 7139 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: New metal building 49Bo sf warehouse with elecrrical and mechanical. ls food or beverages prepared or served in tnis sruaure? I- vesli. ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainz [- ves li ruo TvDe?AR'H DISCLAIMER: lhereby cenify lhal all informatioi in and local laws and ordinances and r€Oulations. The or chano€ in contracbt ot contractor informalion. "'Subiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' NHC Develooment Services Center will be nolified otanvNOTE: Any Work Perlormed W/O the Appropriale Permits this application is conecr and all wo* will comply with the SEte Bualding Code and all orher icable State the ot the (oElir€r) (Prm tl8m) Note: Demolilion notification! & asbestos removal pemil epplicetions ar€ lo b6 subminad using the spplicaton conisin Asbe3to6 or nor- You are required to c€ll th€ Natonal Emislion Standerds rof Hezardous Air PollutentE TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 4 980 SQ FT PER FLR:, a98o TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 4eBo #OFSTRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTURBED: o-35 acres NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: g 995 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: liarren D Mirchelt # OF STORIES; r # OF FLOORS: i EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES Ji NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 14 SIGNATURE: demolrtion of any f8cJity or building- S€€ Asbestos Web She: htF:/$,lrw.epi state.nc us/epi,fasbestoli/ahmp.hgnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: s325, oo0 BUILDING HEIGHT 768) wlrether the tEcilily or building was ,ound to at (919)707-5950 at least 1 0 days prior lo lhe # OF UNITS: 1 SO FT t8'-9 ). /2" 496 PRoPERW usE: flOFFrcE I nrsraunnur MERCANTILE EDU APT CONDO OTHEI i1gsg. WATER SEWER GFPUA E COMMUNTW sysrEM, fI WELL _E ZONTNG usE CLASS cFpuA LIGENTRAL sEplc lJ pRvnrE seplc Il coMMUNtry sysrEM"'aar ora ra"r,r" *aor,*ao r*-aaua, ,aa" "uo L* *r". "*r.ou", ,*"a*ra '.. IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD:f cAsH lf .cxecx leevrBlE ro NHc) f-AMER|CAN EXPRESS [-_ ucuse [-_ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH tsApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:BFE+2ft, \)Comment 1{C?N PERMIT FEE: I )-T1- ZIP i 2a405 PROPERTY OINER'S Mf,{E: Williqn D Mirche11 J! and wD Mirchell Family C a +F 8a N ilrF',r(-* APPLICANT'S [AI4E: DEVEI.OPER; -WvsRECEIVED DEC O3 ?O'O NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIoN IYPsr CoMMERCLAL PERM PLTASE AIiSI.JER ALI qOESTIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO "ProJect Responslbi}lty" r",^.$.*$.- CTTY; .l'a- IT Bos '{3'o' APPLICATION Nunber (offic€ Usc) D,nEt ll'}-D- t O zIP: rF{61 OCCUPANT/BUSTNESS NAME:AJ PROPERTY OWNER,S NAAIE: OIINER'S ADDRESS: lo t*- e.r= b.O-f' PHoitE {l CITY:ST: ZIP i CONTRACTOR I ADDRESS : F}.$^ ,-r.rrg u, .t s sl YcrrY: Lj 'l- L. K EI'1AIL ADDRESS:S PRoIECT COI',JTACT PERSoN: -I-.^ r-.A( ST: NezIP: A F V6 S: PHONE #: PHoNE #i -3,o-3-6g^jotS3/'b- 3(j€c^ 1,6 t}6 Exrsr coNsrRucrror: M.arrrnarron 6 *rnlilffi 'E!!'i'r.o, .roor., lf Relocatlon, is thEr€ a Nallral Gas Line on lhe Cur,ent Site? ll Yes fllNo ls BLDG sP l-l nelocarroru RINKLERED? Ll Yes L_.1No r,rEt.t consrRucrroN' f] rnrcr NElt srRUcruRE ! rlsr rnacx ! sxsr-r- ! uerrr ffiooo ,o Exrsr srRUcruRE rl IY If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt s: IF Yes, what was the prevlous occupancy Type? r***'l rs rHrs a 6HANGE oF occupar,rcy usrt [v:s ffi* **".* Is E1ect Power on thls Building fiv"' hlhat ls the Neu occupancy Typel PH: Eruo <r- t, ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL I EI{6R DESIGN PROFESSIO ALI PH: allolh€rappllcable Slale l.lC Slale 3:DedncsUons BldQ Codc and TOTAL PROJECT COST: )IAOO BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT :lo c, TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: - ACRESDISTURBED: N/a EXsr LAND DrsruRatNc penurr l-l ves ffi Ho SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUSAREA: y / I pRopERryusE: EoFFrcE E nesrauRrrur luenceNr[e f]eouc !rer flcoHoo orxen, WATER: SEWER: gE CFPUA CFPUA DCoMMUNTTY sysTEM EWELL flzONtNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON: E CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUNITY SYSTEM conl8ln A3be3to3 or nol. You ar6 requir.d to calllhe Nallmal Emls6lon SlsndBrd8 for HazerdousAr Pollul,.nts (NESHAP) sl (S19)707-5950 al l6ast 10 dlyr Fior to lh6 demollllon ot any todllly o, b{lldln0, 56€ A3bo3o3 W€b Slls: hlip://Vm/w.opl,slal6.nc.us/opl,bsb€stos/ahmp.hllnl NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PAYMENT METHOD: ICASH f]CneCX leeVenr-r rO UC1 [eUrntCAN EXPRESS I l/|CmSe I OTSCOVEn " IiEPAfiATF piAl',lll:r r€( llllElr r-r,n ELi(l l.rECH. r,l8i:1, GAS EillJIt,. FREIA&s S lNSEr{r5 (FOR OFFTCE UsE ONLY)ZoNE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: Fl_LH:_ RH:_ B:_Approval:_ Clty:_DATE: FLOOD:__ _ BFE+ AVNCommentr PERMIT FEE: PROJECT AOORESS: REVISED OATE 1/] 1/12 ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: oESCRrprroN oF r4oRX, ?-.(, (..-,F,,^s;J- F(Js1'l;^ 6^^-tp- '& E^.1",(5 Ux.s{r' eL-- b lood or bevereges propared or servod in thls srruaure? [ Yes [fNq b The Propo]ty Located ln The Floodplain? [ yes ELruo t^J s161,1ffiups. a-U -=--o SQ FT PER FLR:_ # OF STORIES: N( REG f: - NC REG i}: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PIICATION TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI.! QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "PlE ect Respotlslbillt/ IatE- lVo+8 1E€€64. Appllcatlon Number (offlc€ us€) APPLICAT'IT,S NAME:Power Homs Solar- Pster Denicola oate:11D912018 PROJECT ADDRESS:3008 Tandem courl CITYr Wilminqton ztP:28405 SUBDIVISIO : LOT # PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: JUI|AN RCSENdEZ PHol{E #: 91G398-4549 owNER's ADDRESS: 3008 Tandom Court CITY: Wilminqton z|ptZ8/AS CONTRACTORT Peter Denicola BIDG TICENSE #.60946 ADDRESS: 919 Main Street clw: Moorceville sT: NC ztP:28115 EMAIL ADDRESS:BDhifer{@Dowerhome.com PRoJEcT cot{TACT PERSON: Brooke Phifer l-i Det Garaee ISF) n Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF)-***- TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PBOJECT COST (Less l"ot): S19,130.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes No Structure fl Yes No PHoNE; 704-635-2144 PHoNE:704{35-2144 EXISnNG CONSIRUCTIONT tr Alteration D RenovyF D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Restdence P/Addition to Existing Residence U Relocatlon r**PIEII'E CHECK AND AI{5WER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.i+ Unheated: D Porch (SF) E Storage Shed (SF) _ tr other (sF) Nols any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work bging done to the Accessory lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Naturgldas line on the current site? ls there Electrical Power on thislafldlng? E/ Yes E o Property Use/ occu ganc.!: {Snple tamlly n Duplex tr Townhouse Desc ption of work: 12 oanels roof mounted modules. orid tied 3.66kw solar instal n on existinq residence. laws and ordlnances and r€€ulatlons. The NHc Development Servlce! Centerwlllb€ nottfied ofaoy changes io the approved plans aod spedfications or chanSe in contractor lnformatlon. *+'NOTE: Any wo.t performed wlthout the approprlate permlts wlll be in violatlon of the NC State Eldg subiect to Unes up to SSm.m.*. Owner/Contractori Petor Denicola Signature: "Licensed Quallfier" Prlnt Nome lsthe propertylocatedin afloodplain? E Yes E No Exlstlng lmpeMous Area: _ Sq ft Total Affes Disturbed: New lmpervlous Area:5q Ft Eristing Lend Disturblng Permlt: ! Yes ! No WATER: n CFPUA n Community System D Private Well O Central Well E Aqua SEWERT E CFPUA tr Community System D Prhrdte Septic n Centralsep c E Aqua Zone: _ Offfcer: _ Setback (A _- (tH) *- (RH) _ {B} _ Approvalr _ Cttyr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ {v} _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft3 _ Duz il - ar-/g Comment:Permit Fee: S Qsz<s..---P'J\) D Att Garage (SF) _ D Sunroom {5F} - D Greenhouse (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? C Yes n No \-. LICEIsE S: CITY: epex )Dlt.1,W9+ l( -T)4- APPLICATION Number (Office use) I z\ APPLICAT{T'S MNE: DEVELOPER: Munqo Homes of NorEh Carofina, fnc.PK)NE #: oo3-221 8427 SUBDMSION: rhe Grove BLOCX *:LOT *: e PROPERTY OTJNER'S Ml4E: Munqo Homes of North carolina, rnc.PHONE #:ao3-22'7 -4427 O {ER,S ADDRESS: 2s21 schieffelin Road CITY: npex 5T: q ZIP:ry COi{TRACTOR: Munqo Homes of North Carol.ina, Inc '70466 ACCOUNT *: ADDRESS: 2 s21 Schieffelin Road ST: S_ ZIP: jry ElrlAIL ADDRESS: tberry@mungo. com (Tabacha Berry)PK)NE Sr Bo3-22't -8427 PRO]ECT COMTACT PERSON:Blad Tilvou (Droiect manaqer )PHONE s: Ba1- 60o -'t521 ExIsTIl{G coNsTRUcTIoN: I alrtnarroru ! ntHovarrOr ! crurnnr REparRS D RELocArroN r{Er{ corsTRucTror{: I rnecr NEH REsrDEl{cE o" fl aoorrron To ExtsTIt{G REsIDEl{cE .TPLEASE CHEC( AID AI{SI{ER BCLO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO Y(I,R PROJECT: flerr eanacr n2 sF ! oer caucr sF EpoRcH 42 sF ! sunnoon _ sF ! emr- _ sr ! sronace sHED _ sF I eneelrousr _ sr ! oecx 5F OTHE R:SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT::qe: TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: 312e TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 312e TOTAL PROI ECT COST tr-ess r,at : I * OF STORIES: - t6\,213 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBII{G or '{ECHA!{ICAL l.lork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"r I fo If the project is a Relocation, is there a l{atural Gas Line on the Current Site? lves [l to Is there Electrical Power on this Building?EYes No PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY' I STHCTT FAMILY E DUPLEX ! TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: New sinsle Family Residence and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Developmenl Services CenEr willbe notfied ofany changes in lhe +proved plans and specafications or change in contracbr or contacbr intormalion. ".l\lOTE:AnyWork P€rformed w/O he Ap OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: rauacna Berry for propriaE Pemilswi be in Viotalion ofthe NC StaE Munqo Homes SIGNATURE: and Subirct b Fines Up To $50O.0O"Mhl, )r* **,*,r+ *+*,r ***,* **** *** ** ** *(Ii'll Jil"J * * * ** * ** * *,+ * +,* *,r*,r,r*,r * )r )r *)** )*** *+ *+*)r,r ** )i *,r )r )i:i * + * + +,r ,i,r rs THE pRopERTy LOCATED rit a FLoODprAr[? El yEs E ro EXISTIM II{PERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ..17q tlEt{ II4PERVIOIJS AREA: 3o7s EXIST LAIID DISTURBII,IG PERitIT:fl ves @ ro ZONE:OFFICER: MTER: I cFpuA E con4uNrry sysrEM E pRrvATE WELL ! cerrRal hlrr-r- SEi,IER: E CFPUA E CENTRAL sEPTIc I enrvarr sEPTIc E coI4MUNIry sYsTEM *,* SEPARATE PERT1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQIJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAynEr{r r.rErHoD: I casn flcnecx (pAyaBLE ro Hc) EBrLr AccouNr ! r,rcTvrsl I orscovrn (FOR OFFTCE USE O{LY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: nEvIsEo DArE O4lll/12 - 8,-$ 1,31 I Brr+zrtl __*OAppnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ Corment : N I PERMIT FEE:'-s#5/- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcArIott TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI-E TO YOI'R PROJECT "ProJect Responslbuity" PROJECT ADDRESS: % CIw: IgEg@_ ztPt ry DATE|JIJJ@ ' ' ), i, ffi;' t""''l IIE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CAf I O N WPE: RESIDENTIAt PLIA5T ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOt]R PROJECT "Proje(t ReJponrihilit/' )Ck. /WrS- lolfi.eute) APPI.ICANT'S NAMT;?""Dale 2 PtrOIECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIONT CONIRACTOR AODRESS: C"-Ccrc-CITY *<LLLJctfi r*o.l l, C o,....r G c.. L o ^ ZIP: 2 e1j2 1 -{o l- €. oNr fl LOT d PRoPtRw owfl[R's Natur; l{a .* OWNER'S ADDRESSI o Plu"o{ !,d I LCPH C f zo- 3 r3* CITY zn:4 q L/oG TMAIT ADORE5S PRO]ECI CONTACT PTf, SON 5 ".^o-rA LJ EIDG r'lctNsE i: 7 s to a sr: !!!zn:O 6 PHONE: fP ONf ro ._52 o-lt3z shed (5r) J-< .o q2(J< )er L EXISI|NG CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration lI Renovation D General Repa,rs l.ltw CoNsTRUcTfON , 'i6*u* Auriaencc t l Addition to Existing Residence LJ Relocation -,/ " 'PttASE CHTCX AND ANSWEi B(IOW Atl THAT AppLLTo YOUR PROTECIT" '/z?(a earagels\ - 5 I L Il oercarage(sF) -=..-- 'frfirch (sr1 [.] storgge ,{,n",,,F)./ z-t'> ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? O TOTA| SQ FT UNDER ROOI Vo. ptopospd work) Heated Yes 0 No 2) t< ,c unh€ared: I ) g Descrlpllon of workl er D lownhouse'"1 < TOTA| PROJECT COST {less Lot): S a o<) Istheproposedworkchangiogthenumberof bedroomr? O ves D t'to ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcalwork beinS done to the Accessory Structure E Yer D No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes n o 2i80u l8 I I:'lIiri' ls the.e tlectrlcal Power on this BuildinS? 0 No Property Use/ Occupancy; n eFa Yes D-i,S liwr and ordinancer and regulalions. The NHC Developmenl Servi(er Cenler willbe noliliad ol inythantel lnlhe apptoved cilicallont or chan8e ln conka.l or intormdlion- "rNO]t: Any t relormed without the aopropriate p€rmrls v'illbe in violation o{ the NC Slate 8ld ro t500.00r,' 'Licehsed Quolilie(" Priol Nonle ls the p.operty located in a floodplain? fr yus ffi' Exrrttns rmpervtous A ,"", (87 O ,r r1 . . n New tmpervlousArea: *J)+f'{off t r - we*at @{mua O- a".",,**rr,",r D Privatewell L.)ol, . .L, ,,rn"rrr",Owner/Conlra.tor: Lt) 1 txlsllng tand Olrtsrblng Pe E centralwell f] Aqua Sew*, @(rpu* D Community svstenr D Private Septic f] centralseptic ! Aqua zon", K- l5 ofricer: -f,-iL: setbacks (F) -@:([r"r)]i-(nx) O' {Bl5-'* approvar:, 1)!-- cny, )lry ox., )lfZlf o 't, , . ,r,,1i 'i,i{{*{" ' ''-..',] TotalAcres Disturbed: 4 llYesllNo gEmer Kmvi rmit: -,,w od: (A),- {v) -- (N) "...-X* BrE+2rt= --- NorL otr t-<?c. frs Permlt tee: S ---- {.e t0' LfQ a-f rurrlLnr{-t nd subj€c Comment Aluref hr.City ln$eclion Roqurco, 9l S254'l; ;'l I lfi*75a2' Lj Sunroom (st)- fl Greenhouse (sF)_ l:.1 Pool (st)_ tf Deck (SF) APPLICANT'S NAME:€ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Proiect Responsibllity'' ryl -) .r- ZIP: 2 8.-/o a. \!):,r\a \.J (^\ .o. Application Number (office use) {o r- €,c PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:110,--plu.ofL: I toT#-7 LCCPHONE #:f ,o.-\/f -li3> / CITY t/ i \,-.'-1rr--4 ztp:2 84oG PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: K: C.-C o,.-CITY OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: /- -< u... ) <-r .o,?2 3\ EMAIT ADDRESS:LJ< LLL CITY; f^,- o. I , c (r'--'-.\ PHONE BLDG LICENSE #:Tssoa sr:lU(zp: 9BqA ? tr> -S 2 o-3s3Z Porch (SF)/77 ed (sF)_ ,/ "-/z J PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:o(^CL dw v-:5 L:,. ) .-. (,c\a PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUC-IION: n Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs'../- NEW CONSTRUCTION: *frect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT.. arage {SF)5rt- Description of work: ! Det Gara n Pool (SF) ge (sF)_ n sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? tr Yes E No 8)eTOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Healedi 2) -t o unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):S ?/aoo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes D Itto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building?EYesEruo Property Use/ occupancy: E single Fam ilrl 1- Duplex !Townhouse'"1 < E Stora_ge Sh Wderrsrl .a €(a<. 2iH(Ju l8 I I r 4sFli'l (^ laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services Center willbe notified of anychanSes in the approved cifications or ahan8e in contractor inlormataon. "'NOTE: Any performed without the appropriate permits will be an violation of the NC State fines to Ssoo.oo"' L,'J<J^-L( ls the property located in a floodplain? A V.s lkG- Existins rmpervious on.t 4.181 O XE , ., , e New lmperviousArea: ft*i-i --6i'r wa*n: d{pua o-* rrrtem D privatewett sew,iJr: d(rpua E community System E Private sept Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/ q urbed: t I sturbing Permit: E Yes E No I D Aqua ptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Total Acres Dist Existint Land Di E Central Wel ic E central se $1,ru.- and subject Comment:Permit Fee: S | """ I I rt\ Date: / /-2 7-/ I t ( t-. |,,".,I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PIICAT I ON TYPEr RESIDENTIAL PTEAS€ ANSWIR AI"L QUESIIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "P,orecl Sesponslbllity'' r-,)ak-lqoE Appllcatlon Number (ofli.e ure) vq.(v-Jr/' APPUCANT'S NAME: PRO.ItCT ADDRESS: ng*j<r LLC Date:zJ E ?r? \ Cc-S... Co .^ ,,- /-CITY:ztP susDtvtSroN; 0lSCt lMtR: Ihelebyce laws and ordinancet,nd inlormation. "'NOTIrA Owner/Contractor: 'Llcented Quolilie( O. 6-n /i ,31 l,v.C-tl Llfu4Le v\ PHONE l,:,?,"-3rj:-)ll?/ CrW, (,j'.!a*28,9'a(o PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAIV'IT OWNER'S AODRESS: l/, BIDG NSE Hl H(aaraeetsrt /l-n oet carage (SFl _ 0 Sunroom (Sf)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing lhe existing footprlnt? fl Yes ! No TOrAI SQ FI UNDTR ROOF llot proposcd work) Heatedr 2)qa Unheatedl TOTAI PRO.IECT COST (l"ess l-ot); $r5-<}t}o Property Use/ Occupancy; E Slngle tam CITY: Or"--- p11g1rig1 .J € t\,.',.6-_.L-.PHONT: ot to-SAo-35*4 d6chgrl /71 D storaSe Shed (5t)_ B-6iher (sF)/ -{7 Q-> o<." ) c> CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS: EMAIL ADORESS: PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON Descrlp tlon of Work: ),)'l!{zn.?cr o \o"^^ *1,,,.,.'L EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration D Renovation 0 GeneralRepalrs NEW CONSTRUCTION rect New Res,dence tr Addition lo €xistlng Resldence E Relocation .. 'PI.EAsE CHEC( AND ANsWER BE AI-I. THAT AP PLY 7O YOTJR PROJECT..T D Pool{sF) tr Deck (sF) lslheproposedwork changingthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes 0 ttto ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal wotk belng done to the Accessory structure O Yes lftheproject lsa Relocatlon, ls there a Natu ral Gas Line on the cu rrent slte? E yes D No* lsthereElectricalPoweron thls BuildinS? D Ves U t'lo g{r*rntownhouse rE. ,!i.. , ..1 t:' tt \i II , . ,.ii ^< ef a S t,".sc\,:'\il: )t rtifythat allthe lnlormalio. ilt thltapplication li co(e.t end allwork c/illcomply withtfie Slal€ Suildi.gCode and allothe. applacable Slata and local regulatlonr. Th€ tlHC Oevelopmeol Serviaet Center willbe nollfled of any chafi8es In the ap and r 5, pedormed wilhout the approp.iale pe rmltr trill be In violrtion ol the uC slats (t to llner up to S L,;,-J,("L 518nature E-6-ls the property located in a floodPlain? n Yes Existln8 rmpErvlous A r"r, 667o scrt New lmpervlous Area:"552 Sq ft ExlstinS tand Dlstulblng Permlt: n Y€s n No WATER:fu/rrruo E communlty system D Private well D central well f) Aqua SIWERi {crrvo E communitY sYstem D Private septlc D centralseptic D Aqua {LH)(RH)City lnpectron hqurreo, gl S254-ii;isetbacks (;t /D o"r",ttbdll tuo zonu,4-:-:F offlcer:lxz Apploval:citr tDry\ 5 (8) d:(A)_-(v)< BtE+zft= .--- c) _ode ind Comment: hcN<- lo fil Shuc\ur<E (N) Permit Feer S ffi c2 Total Acres Dlsturbed: -J*Q- tgJ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.IECT "Project Responslbllitl/' )at I ffi LLC Date Application Number (office use) / (-) -zt E^( -.t <-APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:?t? I Cc*Sq.C O * r- y'-CITY: suBDrvrsroN: L4O ,-- -.- (2 | c^ r-< /o -->32/(Let+.,*<4PROPERTY OWNER,S NA OWNER,S ADDRESS:,() n Det Garage (sF) E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (SF) _tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No PHONE S C[Y: l^.r r '*I -c4., '^-z'P: >?qdAJ BLDG TICENSE #7' f'-c^ 7 ,fo[zv, 29.r oA dfGchgrl /71 E Storage Shed (SF)_ Miher {sF)117 F: = o (CONTRACTOR -l< ADDRESS:-)CITY: EMAIL ADDRESS:C)G2--.- Pg611g PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION rect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation .**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** Att Garage (SF)s/L \ \o....^ *(^-. ....-L.oa 1. 6.- " L.-ot to-t(o-}5|}2 TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heatedi 2)'<a Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 (5 c).)O lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E No ?;rH0U tg t i r4BfrH Wduprc*o Townhouse N L.r e Property Use/ occupanry: E Single Fam Description of work:)(<'/\<o€ S,(ct ?o laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the app and s information. "'NOTt: Any rk performed without the appropriate permits will be an violation of the NC State to flnes up to 9 r^ C!Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" Signatu ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious erea: 6C7O sqn E-,r6-oTotalAcres Disturbed: / O New lmpervious Area:" 552 Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbint Permit: E Yes E tto WA:iERt {CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: 6/CFPUA E Communitysystem E Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl_ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V)_ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _$t ) eaflds Comment:Permit Fee: S 3le8 - JY I I LL NilY RECEIVED I.{0,/2U ?OiJ iiEW HANOVER EOUNW BUIIDINC PERMIT APP UA|DN IYPE : tES,DtNtlAl PiEA3g AXSWEt l'.r- QUrtrOr{S ApFrlcAgl; :O TOUR pEO]iCT "Prpj..r R!rpond!l[tf Pr"sti t ?0"\s ,oq- l(too ClWl I -t9 -t t1 *1 i1 st \iC :re, iBtlll -_lo-b?- LL{t Xlc"- ttloPliTY OWNIrS IIAME: J a o VL7 t c)v1 €AgTlNG COt{$nUCnO :! Alt.rBtion : Rcnov.tion J Glncr.lReprlr tlEW COi$mUCIOl{: I Xrelt Na,r, ieild.lrc. : Additio. to Ettsting REsid€nce E Aeloca!'on ...rtfAsE srrg al\ro rjvtwfi tBolu arl THA' A?PIY ro youF r,aot taT.r. . P,,,rur: ,1,10 -{01'61q} ; ttt €rra8e (Sf)_ : Sinrocrr (SF)_ ij greCnnOUSC l)1,_ n Del Cr.a.e lSFi X,corisil f, Porch {!fi _ f 5k]Bge Shld lsF) .- : cther {SF) 314 ir th! propojad wort drrnglng the erildnt tootprint? : YEj ; lt. 1OTAL SQ rY lNofn fiAAl Wt ptopolrd ,rar*: tlaa&rl ;914t PfiOIECT CtlS? {Le$ Lcl): $q 6D ,r ihr 'lppotrd wolk lhrnitna lha rurn!.r ot bedroo,ne? C Y.s E llo ts any akkal ttutnDlna c. Mlchmkal $srk brlrx done to il,r Arclrsory Slrqclrre : Y6 3 Na ,i iie PIolrrl lr a Lldi, is thr.e a Ns!.rral Grr linr on th. clnent sit.? : ytt I t$o ;5 thrre Elestri(al Pqvrar on liir Buildh!? I YcD o prsplrty Ulll O.cutajlgl,}( Snln r.r*y : O{thx : TowYtllour. Sari,t'*t tlscUri€tr h.abt.rrifylhrta"$anlonrrtaonri'}rapllrcriidrir6r!er.ldieo.t*l!raorryryi/nIr,.lilrt\rlrrt{.rn.rdallolrr.rdart!Salrt.na!r.. l".ri:l1:riicn. it't tti I lry $r.l 9rrlorr?Ed qalt'r.lt ,!a rrpr!9d.t! p.mrr'rl s& b! ln vtobrrfi ol tna ,lC lbta lld, Cor. e* s.!i.fl io {aar ur te 358.!6a.. {),,n ne,/Contra.ton "Lt?rired QvtlFrt" 5h"ne i(*5 nl $ ti. p.opcny .ocr!"d in 3 fioqdpl.ln? : Y.' a o fritrin, ,mp.rylo!, Arer: - tg ll TstalAaQr Dirturb€d; ira1,,lrtllrrrLur Ar€* _-'* & tt *trtllll lrd Oiitrr$llrt Prnnh: : Yai : lto WAIES: \:LCFPUA I Communrt./ Systen: : P-lvate W€ll : Ceot€l W€ii E AqL,a SfWt*! CFPIA : ao!-'rmunity Sysier!: I P+v.tr 5€p:tc : Cs^!-rlsepdc = Aqirst\ ion€i _ ofi.$: _ setle.rr lF, _ (tHl _ {RH} _ {8} _ Algr'vrl; -. ClB._ Drtrr*-. t,ood: lAi_*{v)_ {X}_3flr2h _ ra&!$snt _- , . . -_ *-'-''- Ptrrrlt f!{r t 1t2 ,,.._^/*,t') 15 fr,?, Pr.st il e Po"-BE$EEf,\-{<i..'/r l-IS Ln RECETVED r,'tO"/ 2 c 2010 $TW HAfiOVER COUNIY SUILDING PERM'T A? PLt CA1AN TYP € : RESIDENTIAL prg\58 A,{$rr8 iil QtrJriot{sappi,cABl! To y),:k ??dzct 'P.al&* nulonrlbl,lv' 2eit - \,.lcnrlww , l4^, rl-lg-rt;[Egq-[ Pto$RiY ow{t*s NArut: 0wt*gt5ADo&aS5i X 1 : An Grroge {St}_ .: )!nroclll l!tr_ '_j graenhout! l)ll _ a.L ik l€^l , o br'^\ a llo-)"n- bxoo e :-rv, _w! lqvyrto-i.tp )8'1tt 51511 s;' NC ar.Q8tlL..- ,'101 .6?4? L PXOlifi PT'ODE:1r -{o1't1q} EXlSllttC CO $Aajgtloi|: ll AlLr3tion If Senovrt:on [] Ge.€nl nerd|s litwCOaISTFUCIio : : E!'€ciNGw Residenre : Addltionto ExirtingBlsidenc€ [ ielocatlon .,.PLEASI dtllc( A]rt *rt SWrn SetOlY Alt ',"|4, AptLY ?O VOIJr p8o.,tcfit' i Dca oar3€ )(oo lsr] lsFj _ 31') _ t e(r (:i)_ ; Prrch {sli l, tha propgsld r&ott .trntirg i}le erirtiry footprhi?: Y.s:- ll. 1OT&l 3Q fT {r,!Ol& ROAF $or ptoposed wa*) r{asr,dl ,OlAl PiOJECI aOSI {Le!s lgtl S ooo0 l, th! proporcd rrarl ch.rgln, lhr numblr o, bedroorns? E yart o l$ 3ny lh.t'kd, fiumllnl or ,lr*atr kai work bs,r* ,ona !o ti:e Allrjsory alruatJre : Yss : ,r& lf tie i.olect ii a Llorrdon, 1! thers a ilatural 6!r i"ine on th! e]r.c'\t sit!? :: Yt6 : Ng s rher.e Eiestricei PEslr on thls Sulldlng? E Yr' F tlo creupancf,$ i.farnrlior r.'fi9TE: &t r?..t p.lrdlna! -i.llhr,.:t $. .rp.otnd. p€rfi[! rll b! l^ vt .!oJ1 al ll!€ Na staaa tsltg caa e ..a r.l!,ed l. ,ln.s -./i to 196.rt .. ,.\ )sgnetun; \,_r,( ' \_r^..-"' r'p,/nd -\,?o"\ 5honc.1(o.:niK..:t.. .:1, i5 the prop€rty ]rtsrco in s {lrgdplaln? = Yr' I-No tulrtlr1t ,rnpeNlc.ii Area: '-.- Sq il Ne'!., l'!p{rtlo!t lr€a: -* SC a frlrtlnt l d Dlttlrblnt 9e.rnit: : Ye!: lo waf:n){ CFUA ; corrnuoity sy.te.n : Priv.te w.ll f Cenlralwei! E Aqua sfwre, K CFP.ja = Com.nuntty svrlsft ! Pivcte sept'c : Ccntr l Septlc B Aqu? zonli- Crft.cr: - stdrctr {F} _(tH) - (RH}- (8,_ Ap!&veli -* altyi _- Drt.;-- f,ted: lAl..-(yl _-{ )__ Bft+2tt" -' ( ?s APPLICAN?S NAME: PROJ€CT ADDRESST q (ornE c RJ h);l*,'", L" - L 2,.9lll clrY: Print eMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT IO N TV PE : RESIDENTIAL PI"EASE ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROjECI "Prorect Responsiblllt/ -l oaret u/a?/$ ztP: 2&4tl PHONE #: gl3 - 8to -t 27u CITY: l! iluz i*la"T Clear Form *Nlc ()argf )Dth-fhzo (offlce vse) -i. \. ffi SUSDIVISION: F, PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'SAODRES5: n Ca,.nhz,' fl.)ZlPt LwttJ- CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: l6 L2 F;, t r/,>,, r 2l BI,DG IICENSE f bL|1{ sT: ^l(_ ztP: ZE4 EMAIL ADDRESS:\4'I - RbAD PROJECT CONTAfi PERSON:Bnb- Srlliva.PHoNE: qrO- 2L4-9Zl-7 EXlSTlllG COI{STRUCrION: B AlteEtion E Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *TTPEASE CHECT ANO ANSWER BCLOW ATL THAT APPLY TO YOI,,'R PROJECT'T ' Fl Det Gareee lSFl I Porch (SF) Orv: Lrl;l,rr€tn PHONE; qID - l, tr Att Garage (SFl_ E Sunroom (Sf)_ I Greenhouse (sF) _ tl Pool(SF) D Deck (sF) E Storage Shed (5F) _ DISCIAIMER: I hereby.ert0 tha! allthe information in this appllcatlon is corred and a,lwork willcompv with the Stale Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHCOevelopment Services Centerwillbe notifled ofany.hanges in the app.oEd plans and specificatlons or change in contractor C Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? D Ye5E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work) Heated:Unh€atedr IOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):S 35.ooo ls the propored work changinS the number ot bedrooms? n Yes BNo lsanyEleqtricil,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureIYesENo lf the projed is a Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? D Yes Ef No ls there ElectricalPower on this guildint? E/Yes E No Property Us€/ Occu : EJ Slngle ily D Duplex I Town Descrlption ot Work: ioformation. "'NOTE:performed without the appropriate permi$ wiilbe in vlolation of the NC Stale BldS Code and subjest to finer up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contrador:Signature: "Licensed Quoliliel Ptint Name ls the property located in a floodplain? Bf Yes E tlo Existing lmpervious Areal _ Sq Ft TotalAcrcs Dlrturbed: New lmpervlous Area: _Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturbing Permitr fl Yes EJ No WATER: E CFPUA E[ Community System r] Prlvate Well D Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA O Community System Ef Private Septic D Centralseptic - Aqua zona: _ offiGer _ setbacks (tl_ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approyal: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A| _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Commenti Permit Fee: $$tto- LOT #: zAls- / {tZt 0 Prinl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLIU ON TYPE: RESIDENIIA| Pt[ASE ANSWEs AtT QU'SIIONS APPIICAETE ]O YOUR PRO]TC' "Prolect Reipgnslblllty" l;c, C'\,: P" Cr*6 APPLICANT'S NAM€:a'tl Dat.: Il-J - 20tL\ zrP a0 -3551 PRO'ICT ADDRESS: 5U00rvrsroN: CITY: CITY: roT PROPERTY OWN€R'5 NAME:Lt) OWN'R'S AODRESSI P80NE 11i CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADoREssr -lli ll dtl)avt ztP 8t-DG t-tcENSE f __- _ -___ sl:lte: zlP bs-LA rA o - A/-po -,)S')') i ).r ,: \,11, TMAIL ADDRESS: PRO'TCI CONTACT PERSON ("1n5 P l*u'itr EXISIING CONSTRUCIION: i-l Alteration n [ehovation E]- General Repal15 NEW CONSYRUCTIOI'I: . [re.t New Re3idence 5 Addition to Eritlint Residen.e E Relo.ation ...PI-fASE CHECK AND ANSWSR 8EI.OW AlL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO,,EcT"' al Det Garare lsfl a Por.h {SF) L PHONE: PHON€ E Atl Gara8e (Sf)-- D Sunroom {St)-.-C Pool{sF)f l Siori8e Shed {SF) __ tJ othet lsFltJ Grcenhovse (SFl - n Deck (SF) - !s the propoJed work chlnging the etisting footprint? B Yes D No IOTAL sQ fI UttDtR ROOF llot ptoposed wotkl Heeredr lq / D Unh€eled roTAt PRortcT cosl lress rorl S /.f , A'CCr.l ls the propored work (hahging the nurllber of bedrooms? O Ye. ErNo ls any Electrl(al, PlumblnS or M€.hanlaal work belng done to the A.cessory 5trircture j Yes f No lftheprojectlg.Reloaatlon,i3lhereaNaturalGasLlneonthecu(entrhe?OyeJENo lsthe.e€l€ctri.alPoweronthisBuildinS? { Ves U tlo Prop€rty U5e/ Occupan.y: A SlnEle Famlly Ll Oupler D Townhouso Der(rlptlon ot W ).t 1o wahf)at-ShbaAt (ify lhrtall lhe inlom.rioninrhrtaoclkilron,r Co,tc.l .nd ,ll Borl wrll(oNply *rrhIll! 5t.r.8l)lldrIgCod. i.d alt cthet ,ppti(.br. St.t..nd lo(rl ret!|. tionr. Ih. Nrla Oalrlopn..! Saryic.e alnle, will ba ..li,lcd o, r ny .hif,ler l^ rh € appioted plr^l ,.d lp.(lrt.tionr o. ch.n8. h (on!...to, Oltct lMaRIIhrr.byce hwr.nd o.di^Jnc(t.nd l.lorhJli@. "'NOIt: A Owner/Contractor: ny *orlpe,lornl€d w'lhout ll,e.pp'opri.t. o.Inils w,ll b. ' vdl.tlo.or lhe r(/slJl. 8ld, Cqle ild lul,Jpcr ro lkrerupro 55@00r.t hr,> !--l loL^LLY --96n"r,*, (.1 ,\ -'' t ,Ual,'(/-" l, "Licented Quolilet" PtinlNome le the propeny located in a floodplain? i:l Yes U No grirlln8 lmpervlous Area: .---- Sq f! Total Ac.er Olrlu.bedi New lmpervlour Aren: _ Sq ft Exlstin8 Land Dlsturblng p.rmit; Ll yer Ll No WATEA: \ CFPUA il Com unitySystem tl Private Well l,l C€ntrnlWell J Aqua stwtn: \CFPUA U Comniunity Syetem [] Privnte Septic O CentralSeptic O Aqua zon", R - 15 orrcer: -Qti!1 setba tl.'r d/Ar.*rN/A rEdfA Cdy lnWeclicn REtffieo, glS2S{ 0i:,) od, (A) _ {vl_Approvali Comment; Dot€l {N) t) 8FE+2ft= Permlt tee:s I eMBll #-e/+, ffi i I Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATION ryPE RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' 2qK.l,ltZt Application Number (office use) tre cd% APPLICANT,S NAME:5o t a Date:tl-zt-aotB ztP, a7L/D1PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CITY Lor#: xot PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME:-rD OWNER'S ADDRESS: east urd-o$on PHONE #Q tc- 5ao - 3sst crw: [,()i lrninttrn ztp,?Z*{t1) BLDG LICENSE #CONTRACTOR ADDREss:'l cc,,/.? \ u *utdLsx Btod cnv: ( l, nt(n1 sr:NC- aPtab 3)fi EMArr ADDRESS: 3!t *uNor'tt- s C u-Tt+ E K:T H-@ at hA I t, LO t L E Sunroom (5F) ! Deck (sF) PHONE:9t0-*q't-O(qC ?io-3,t o-asoqPROJECT CONTACT PERSON .,S ilr PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation Z-General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation .}..PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"' n Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)tr Porch (SF) ! Pool {SF)tr Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)! Greenhouse (sF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed work)Heated: 14 tO Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S t'2, Uoo.E ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes BNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory structure E ves y' ruo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natura I Gas Lineon the currentsite? - Yes m No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinC? p Yes ! No Property Use/ occupancy: f Single Family n Duplex n Townhouse Description of work: 27lr0l !u Btzgfrl! a +L./+"s+j hu-S+abalt laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ".NOTE: Anv workpertormed wthout the appropriate permits will be In violation ofthe Nc-state Bldg Code and subject to finetup to S509.9O"' owne/contracto' thn> L Wndr sisnature: U-"- L Uu"y'- S "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Z No Existing lmpervious Area: _ sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes n No WATER; N CFPUA tl Community System ! Private Well f] Central Well E Aqua SEWER: \CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septac E Central Septic E Aqua Zonel officer: _ setbacks (F)_ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment; permit Fee: S ,',+[,-,: € $?s NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLIUTION TYPE. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONSA?PLICABI-E TO YOUR PROJECI "Prolect Responsibllity/ 201&- lttt23 Application Number lofJice use) PROTECTADDREsS: 3 ,3J- AJ"-h.^J + ,-e sUBDlvlSlO l PROPERTY OWNER'S NAM[. ,,vl^,1".- r!.h.r,, Dl.^).^ OWNEnt ADDRTSS: 3 3 f r r-r- - |r.a" ,+ l- c . PAONT d: 1la t4 3 6c13 ClWt C., ha H^1,< ZIP:Q')2q]7 _-__ Drre: A)o./ 20 / ly C[Y: Gr ]lc lL.v r.<aP'- A ! ?q71 LOT A CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 1Arr,,-.',.r,.1,i.., 6l^-\"^ /BTDG TICTNSE # -9^^<6 0ztl:o,ih.narr ctTv ST: _ ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECI CONTACT PERSON:atio ^ pl ;tt.ls,, Ol^-|'^ PHONEi q tr '1'13 .1 PHoNE: 4lo nq) (1c) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Trect New Resldence E Addition to Eristing Resldence D Relocation .**PLEASE CHECNAND ANSWER BEI.OW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUN PROJECTT'T {*i u,, "t" tt t !l:--, ^ I s u I D Porch (5F) ! Pool ISF) D oeck (SF) D Storage Shed (SF) _ fl Att Garage (SF) _ E sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changint the existing footprint? n Yes D No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for prcposed wo.k) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST {tess Lot)r S g ooo $ Property Use/ Oacupancy: tr Single Famlly E Duplex fl Townhouse Unheat€d: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A Ves /No ls any Elect.icel, PlumbinS or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes lf the project is a Relo.atlon, is there a Natural Gas Lite on the current site? 3 Yes Z( No lsthere ElectricalPower on this Bulldlng? fl Yes EJ No dno (< SlSnature: \d r l<sc^. n _ ., ; |., 31,.-. [\< ,.Description of Work; dt^ I Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quoliler" I o,- cD laws end ordinanc€s.nd regulationg. The NHc DevelopmeDt servlces center will be notlfled of any chan8es in the approved plans and spectfiGtions or chen8e in contractor information.'r'NOTE: Any work performed without the appmFnate permhs wlll be In vlolation ol the NCState Bldg Code and 5ubject to flnes up to 9500 m"' r-- P.tL ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes No Existlng lmperyious Area: -- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbe a, @ New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exlstlng land Disturblng Permh: n Yes D No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System Tfiriurte Wetl D Central Well D Aqua STWER: D CFPUA D Community System g4-rivate Septic D Central Septic n Aqua zone: ofri(er:setbacks (F)(rH) _ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval _ City: Comment: Date: _ F[ood: (A) _ {V}(N)BFE+2ft= Permit tee:1s -/f=4# AppltCANT,S NAM€: /rAa.jo ^ tr/ "r..l.r 01,,^ lo.'.. ,_ D Other (SF) -- N n,t Clear Form Print etTail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUI]DING PERMIT APPH OATION Tf PE : RESIDENTIAL PLE,ASE ANSWER ALLqUESNONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibilff t8 - | LHZLI Application (office use) APPUCANT'S NAME;John n JFM POOLS oate:121112018 PROJECT ADDRESS:447 drive OTY: Wilminoton-NC z,Pi 26.1 lt suBDlvrsroN:lr-rlarsh Oaks LOT *: PROPERTY OWt{EtrS NAME:Chris Reoina Smith PHONE *: 910-391-9555 Owl{ER'S ADDRESS:M7 Drive CITY:Wilminolon zt?:zt)Yt t CONTRACTOR;JFM BIDG IJCENSE r:- ADDRESS:5O7 r)livp CITY:SI: NC Z;lP: 28401 EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE:o't 0-251-2 t 59 PRO.,TCT CONTACT PERSON : John Mohan PHoNE;910-25'l-2159 TOrAI SQ FT UIIOERROOF lfot proposed work) Heated:Unheated: ToTAt PROJECI COSr (Less Lot): S $29.000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mecha[lcal work being done to the Accessory Structure EfYes tr No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DYe5tr1{o lsther€ Electrical Power on this Buildint? D Yes n o Prop€rty Us€/ Occupancy: fl single Famlly E ouplex C Townhouse r l0Er: li lgr5ll1l1 D€scription of work; huil.l 18 x 36 vinvi liner lazv L swimmino oool laws and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Developmem S€rvices Cent€r will be notified of any chaiEes in tfie approv€d plans and q)€cifications o. drange in contractor informalion. ':'NOTE: Any worl perfonned wrthout the appropriate p€rmtts will b€ in violatio[ of the NC state Bldg Code and subrect to fines up to 5sOO.OO"'/ /\t,y'--Owne/Contractor: John Mohan Signature: 'ucensed Qwlifie,' Prlnt Nqme lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? D Yes D No Exisdnt lmpe'.iolls Ar€a: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpe.yioG Area: _ 5q Ft Exining Land Oistulbing Permit: n Yes I No WATER: \ CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well n Centralwell fl Aqua SEWER; I CFPUA D Community System I Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Ofllcer: _ S€tbads (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Apprwal: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BfE+zIt= _ Comment:Pemlt Fee: S "--\ <'-.----.{r &-*s- o(lSnNG CoNSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation I General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCnON: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existint Residence D Relocation .T'PIfASE O{ECI( A'{D AT{STA'ER BETOW Att THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*}' t-l Att Garaee (SF) - E Det Garage (SF) D sunroom {sF}- EfPool (sF} 640 D Greenhouse (sF) - g/Deck (sF) 516 ls the proposed work changing the existint footprint? [] Yes C No tr Porch (SF)_ ! storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF)_ 2c-\x- I 4) IIEW HAM'B Cil'NTV BUll.B]E PMU]f ,PnE'frt,:f?EnEsDffilAt PIT^IEAT6h'B,AlLq.EMO'STPPUGAII. TOYOI.,R'AOET'?rolGR4lrdetlf Crnt tJrlrr. apilerltd€r (oftce u$) 'PucArrSrelEOIECIADreS rE AP:Akcal) nuvE0*F-r, te <t ToPEE OUT BS [Ame '\.\...^- N-^\-efldErr U'ilBSTDrc }TIIf,IIO|E qretfarfr {1598 DDNESS CITY: I/!A[.AffiE nilril,e qio RO,ASI OO rtcrPEptl:IS nG 9to-6tq- 9??o nsffiGol$flrcnotB Aa:rdon tr FsErer tr Go.tulnsFk3 trOilEmElor tr Ereaflel Brce tr Adetb ffi[ n*re tr Hottoo I Attcrltg6r!- El Dc€rte Gc, tr Pordt FR- I Sunoorn (SFl-q-eoaCrt Klo tr $sr3r5hdF0 tr odErtstl_J creerfroe($| B DcdFn- ; the rqocedmrtd.ffi dte€dtEf, 6@til? tr YG Efxo UrALseFf lmB',o,* lfu @rorQ lhe-- lre IrTA PSorEcr GOsT(r.66 tst):c,o \\\\.< O r ttl. praedlBtdsrflgthe mn&r of brdrcms? E It E-b I Ery'E,lrlcC, ntm&taE&r{Gdrl![tbciltdfi.bdraLBrrsr@? Elatt t] b f tha pr.&.tbe nCo.d!.t Etiona *aml Gas lhe ortheanisttcfu? EltE tr Io stherc Eecui.al Esrm$het!&ts? El-fc tr fo I 1oEE 1B 9 r2?Rl1 tog.rty lrr{ rusEdoo of Urclc o llr l-r ,fiq frB t tr.tliycrd?frdrhffii blttlr.pfH.ll l rllEtd { rstr .lodI$lbffiffi8dsld.ld3.p0btllse{d b(al .Bid o.&GrJ .l&..LnEDi &rd*rbtrrdbrffi dqfufshlbryotrdEdt!.ffi ort&eirdEfit , orriattolr -' CrfeArt,EtFtt lrGhbrb.lfr€Flafsattr[h.trti&idh i6iablrr-AbS6nlF- Imc ?rht E--,+ r)r-vd O.I:E =r&.ca<) &d =(J }rncr/Cffi{ffiUereAqdF rs dle prqcrty lotatst trl. froQtsh? E E E.t!It]€ntpEfiEr.G-tq ft Irt rhg€'t bt3&--sq Pt tdA.rcDEtd.4 @lld@PsrnG E YE3 E alo -}s"- t$s Ql(ttn Jr s(Qa n^n lrtNr'O fif6 tAFr . FBdFl..t tgf*_ tr hp&sB WA.rEi: 9BUm: tr Csrru*ygggn tI P.lre w€0 tr enrd wbl El Lfr. tr l) tr centrst S@c tr ACua 2o18- tl+l 33 AFF-L rcAT roN Nunber (offlce us€) APPLICANT'S llAl'tE : a16y 11.16"".DATE: rr rrp rr p DEVELOPER: N/,A PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADuKt55:1501 Casrle Hayne Road LII Y: ttilmington, NC ZIP t29461 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA{E : celt rover PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAI'IE: Corbert package corpany - PKIiE f:910-?53-9991 Ot\hlER'S ADDRESS:1200 casrLe Hayne Road CITY:1q11minqs6r,ST: Nc ZIP:28401 CONTRACTOR: andy Ha]dane, TEp rnc _ LICENSE *: 75a63 ATDRESS: ,,. +-,^- o.r _ CITY; p31s1gh ST:yq ZIP: 27593 EIil,AI L ADDRESS: ahal6ande@repgroup. net -PHO E S:919-Eot-6351 pROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 964 11oo...PHONE #: :rg-eor-ze:g ((heck A11 ,hat apply) lf Relocation, Is there a NaturalGas Line on the u.rent site?t'-,es li_ no ls BLDG s trPRINKLEREDqE,- Yesf_ EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATlON GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION No NEW CO STRUCTION:ERECT NE!,' STRUCTURE n FASr TRACK n sHELr n UPFrr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRI.TCTURE: No roirer heighg inclease. no elecr.r:ica1, no grounat Bork If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit #:Is Elect power on this Bullding Ii Yes r NO **,',*i, rs THrs A CHAIIGE oF occupAllcy USE?f yES li. ilo *]*.. fF Yes, nhat i{as the previous Occupancy Type? _ },lhat 1s the ile$, Ot.upancy AnCH DESIGN PR0FESSIoIOL: p7a NC REG *:. PH: PH: NC REG *:ENGR DES]GN PROFESSIONAL :_N/A DESCRIPTION 0F hIORK: Adding I int.r1n." and smatl ancillary equipmenr ls food or beverages prepared or served in this siruclure? f- YesE No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain? l- yes l- ruo OWNERi CONTRACTOR: nnay xataane lhisapplicaiion is conecland allwo* will comply wirh the Slarc SIGNATURE: BUILDING HEIGHT: 171 feec.# OF UNITS: N/A DISCLAIMER: I hsreby cenily lhal allinformalion in and locallaws and ordinances and requlalions. Theo.chanoe in conractoror ontactor iiformairon- "'Subt€ctlo Fines Up To $500.00'- TOTAL PROJECT COST: 18, ooo TOTAL AREA SQ FT : N/A NHCbeveloDmenl SeMcesNOTE Aiy Work Per{onned Center willbe notifiod ofanv chanoes w/O lhe Appropriare PermlG wll& in all other applicable Stale olans and soocifi calions'Na Sr,r. Bl.ld a6,tF and contai. Asbest$ or not Y6I] sre requir€d lo ca[ lh€ Nalional Emission Sland€rds for Harardou! Ai PolutEnls (NESIIAP) at (919P07-5960 at l€asr 10 days pdor !o Ue demoli$on ol any frcili9 or boild,ng. S€e Asb€slos Wab Sil.: hllpjr.fr.€pi.slate.nc.urepi/asbeslogahmp hlfrl TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: N # OF STORIES: 17a # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: N/A EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T'YES T] NO SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A SO FTNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: N//A pRoPERry USE: IOFFTCE I nrSrnUner.rr !MERCANTILE EDU APT CONDO OTHEtcell rower WATER: SEWER: ECFPUA E COMMUNTTY SYSTEM f] WELL _f] ZONTNG USE CLASS Ll crpul [:! cexrnal seplc L-]_ pnvnre seprrc Ll counrururry svsrEla -'aaoiioru or"rr,aa "aourREo F; ErEcr, rvrECH, pLBG. cAS Eou!p. FREFABS & rNsERTs -' IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD: TTCASH r. CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) l-_ aUenrCaU EXCnESS r. MCA/ISA r- DISCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH RH_ B_- Approval:_ City: DATE- FLO BFE+2ft, Comment N PERMIT FEE: I 18-3577NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATIOI,I rYPEr CoIOIERCIAL PLEASE AIISNER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAEL€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' SO FI PER FLR: x/A # OF STRUCTURES: !.r il ?xrg -14r39 P8OPERTY OI,INER'5 NME I 0l.lNER'S ADDiESS I 15a 9 al li olL co Sl]as Cre€k Patktay : nlnston 3at6n 18-3258 AFFETCANO Nufibar (Otflc. Ur!) DATEr tO/29l18 PHoflE fl zrPto,,o5 FHONE *: 5Tl 19 ZIP:27127 , ST: xg ZIP: 261q6 .PHOIE #r sq6-525-5569 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDII'IG PERI.IIT APPLrcarroN rvPE.. CofirilERcIAL pLEAs! $lsxEr arl QUEsTIq,is apprifrslE lo vouR pio:scI "ProJsct Responslblllt)P APPLICANT'S l,lAilE: nccee co ratlon PROJECT : 6308 [atkot st oCCUPA}IT/EUSINESS llME: cocas trl flllnlngton C0 TRACTOR: Mccee Colporntlon AD0RESS: 127gg pa!i rnd€p6!!q9!ce Blvd. E[larl ADDRESS: ahes. war!6nencg6eco!p. con - LICENSE $: 42571 . CITY: yls6hsw3 PRO I E CT CONTACTiERS-6I : Alre e qa r re n -- PltoNE #:800-526-5589 No NEI.I CONSTRUCTION;EREcr N!r,r STRUCTURE flrAsr rR cl( fl sHErL Replacernent canopy - FIolence Damago tr uPttf n ADD TO EXIST'STRUCTURE ACCESSOBY SIRUC If UPFII - The She1l Perml.t lt:Is Elect Power on thls sulldlnt Ji'i Yes f1 N0 EXIST COIISTRUCTIONI l, Rslocstlofl,ls thoro a Na (Ci!.| lll In t lltly) T-'I ALTEN,AIIO T-'l RENOVArIO T-I GETIERAL REPAIRS T-1 RELOCATIOTI ruraut cas Lrna on rrrodurent srter J- *dJ-; xo ts BLDG slHTl.tKLEREorf-.- Yesfi- ..rr. ts IHIS a clt/nIGE 0t occupANcy usE?EIf Yes, what was th€ Pr.vlou5 occup.ncy Typ0l - Htat YEs lfl ll0 "+rrl! th? N.r occupa[cy PH: '*. rro?- PH:- flc REG ;r- DESCiIPTIoN OF tloRK: Re;i;;;opy th.q !!q !t4'las!q qqrlllg Hurrlcano llorerca ts tood or bsvora06s prspared or s€rv€d ln thls sructu.o?nYoslEl No ls Tho Ptopsrty Located ln Th€ Floddsln? l-lYes lE] No ln lillr Cod! ard rllolhu Slat. rnd OWNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE: tlnllh l'b6ios o. noL Yo!.r r.qd,!d lo ..I he N.lhn l Eml5.lon Siroord! lor ti.trdolll A! Pohr.nlr (NESlt Pl.l lll0P0r595o I Ls rO drrr prl.l to tho d.,nollUon ol .ny Lclllv or blri(fi,r9. Slo A.b.!loi !Y.b Slt.: hngr^{,\Nw..d..t!l3.ic.u9.py36b..lo.,/akip. ml TOTAL PROJECT COSTi sas,zo't SUILDINO HEIGHT:.18' #oFUNlTSr TOTAL ARE.A SO FT: 2, ??2 ( SO FT PER FLR:. a, ?72 d OF STRUCTURES; 1 OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORST Exsr IAND DrsruRorNc pERMtr?.|]yES flNo SO Fr EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAI SQ FT PROPERW UsE: DOFFTcE f] RESTAURANT MERoANTTLEI EDUc[aerI COHoo OrXsr rOIAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA E coMMUNrry SYSTETVT DWELL _EZONTNG USEoLASSTF Llcemml seprc LL pnrvnre seprrc LJ cor,rnruurrv svsrenE ICATION PAYMENT METHoD: fl cAsH EICHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) TLAMERTCAN EXPRESS f-r_ t'lCr',,VtSl l-l otscoven (FoR oFFrcE usE o[.ltY)zoNe'?B orHcen,cD*tNfl LH, ^y'A RH ". AEPAFAIE PESMITS BEOUIi EO FOR EI"ECI, UECH,PI.BG, CAS €OUIP, PREFASS& INSENIS "' SETBACKS; F Approval:JZE_ City DATE FLOOD comrnent llrnlairA CdAoo! Will Cili e.Ail{. BJlLBFE+2rr,_No h.Q, Rlt/lT FEE: : v J rl __ ___1T_ Clty lnpeclion Reqrco, 91S254'W00 N .PE DEVELOPERI . Ltt t: IX8fi trrtru,r PRorEssror,r Li ENGI DESTGN Pnorgssloruu iT I I I ?b\8-)t+\ 3q 18-3268NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPLICAIIAj TYPE; COt{IIIERCIAL PIETSE AXSXER AIL QI'ESTICIS APPIICAAIE TO Yq'N PM]ECT -ProJect Responslbllltf APPLICAITT' 5 NAITIE: y66gs colpolatlon DEVELOPER: PROJECT : 63oa ualk€t st.wil.mington OCCUPAI{T/BUSII{ESS LAllE: cooa3 f 11 PROPERW O{I{ER'S t|llnE: Oualiry oLr company O|.I{EE'S ADDRESS: r5lo s1ru" c.e.k l..kruy . CITY: plnsgpn ga13p CO TRACTOR; Hccee corporatlon - LlCEilsE $: q25lr AIDRESS: rZZOr gast rndependence Btvd.- CITY: Mq366srr5 EitAIL ADDRESS: anee . warrenencaeecolp. con PROJECT CO TACT PERSOI{: trn". pu.."n (Ch..k ^ll ,nrt Apprr) PBOI{E T: DATE:10 /29/t8 AFEIt[fiEil Nunbcr (Offlc. Us.) .----llP:,-ffi PHO E S: ST: Nq ZIP:27127 . ST: yq ZIP: 29195 . PBOilE r: s0o-s26-sase .PHO E,! BOO-S26-5509 EXIST COT{STRUCTIOI{: E lf Relocallon, ls lher6 a Natursl ALTERATIOT{ Gas Llne on the T-1 REi{'VATIO T- tlunent snez J-. H l-- No ts BLoc GEIIERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATIOiI Yesl- NoilEW COiISTRUCTION: ACCESSORY ERECT T,lEhI STRUCTURE FAST TRACI(SHETT Replacenent Canopy - Florence Damage UPFIT ADD TO EXIST'STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt *:Is Elect Poyrer on this BuiLdlnt E. Yes l-l HO ilo ta.'t. t{!v Occuprncy r.... rs TNIS A CH t{6E OF OCCUpAt{Cy UsEt l-. yEs l-LlF Yes, hir.t ras the Prcvlour occup.ncy Typct - lilitt ls th! ITEF?DESI6II PROFESSIOIIAL:TIC REG I: ilC iEG f:-El6R DESTO{ PSoFESSIO|{AL DISCtAMER: I canily lh.t .ll lnlonmton in tl*Coda and atr olh€t slele PH PB rnd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST: S45,20? BUILDING HEIGHT:18' TOTAL ARF:A SQ FT : 2, ??2 SO FT PER FLR:.2, ??2I OF STRUCTURES: 1 t SIGNATURE: con!.hA!b.3bt d nol Yql.l! nqild !o (.tr 0t N.U.nJ BnL.b.i S{.rn dr in }bzlrdort AL tufiIltr OESMP) rt (S19m7.595O n b!.i 10 d.,t p.lor b !l! d.rndtron ol my l.cnty or hJl&E, S.. A.D..b W.b Sn : h@Jr$nv..rl..t i..nc.u!/lpU.rbrdorr.h,Ip.hl,ltl f OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED: , OF FLOORS:1 EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: DOFFTCE ! neSraUneNr MERCANTLEI EDUcfl_ APTD coNDo OTHET WATER: SEWER:E CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNTTY SYSTEM E WELL _BZON|NG USE CLASS lJcenrnn- seplc lJ pRvATE sEpnc lJ coMMUNny sysrEM IFICATION ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft' SO FT .' SEPARATE PERMTTS REOUIREO FOR EIECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS ! INSERTS -' PAYMENT METHoD: fl cAsH f---lcxecx leevmlE To NHc) f_. AMER|CAN ExpREss fL Mc/vtsA f: DtscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY} Commenl o\e,olcz N PERMIT FEE: : DESCRIPTIOI{ OF }ORK: RciiEaiiiiy thar war danaged durlnq Hurrlcene Ftorence - ls tood or bevsragas pr€percd o. sEn€d ln thb sEilctrc?E Y.sE No b th3 Propeny l-ocEEd ln Th6 Floodplaln? flYss ElNo SETBACKS: F: LH,_ RH_ B_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CAT I ON TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLETO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responslblllv 2r:rd- lLlI5l 18-3584 Application Number (office use) SUBDtVtStON: Regenry at Landfall pROpERTy OWI{ER,S NAM€. D R Horton, lnc pHONE #: 9'10-3386017 OWNER,S ADORESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CIfy. Wlmington aP.28/,03 EXISTING CO STRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: = Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *aa aaa E ltt Garage (SF) 416 n Det Garage (sF) E Porch (sF)108 E sunroom (sF)n Pool (sF)! stora8e shed (sF) _ n Greenhouse (sF) _! Deck (sF)= other (sF)'t20 ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? = Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT U]{OER ROOF Vor proposed workl 11g3gs6' 2390 Unheated: M TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less l-ot)227050 lsthe proposed work changing the number ofbedrooms? D Yes E o ls any Clectrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes O t{o lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes E ]{o ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E t{o Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Famlly E Ouplex E Townhouse Descript ion Of WOrk: N€lY Single Family Regderce laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servlces Center will be notified ot any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor information. "'NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wlll be in vlolation of the NC State BldS Code and subjed to fines up to S5OO.OO... owner/Contractor: Barry Edge Sltnature; "Llcensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes El No Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 17 New lmpervious 91s6. 2782 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes n Ho WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Welt ! Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH)_ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ {v) _ (rU _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: $ AppL;CANT,S NAME: Barry Edge Date. 11/8/18 pRoJEcr ADDRES5. sffi c5y wlmington zp,, ?!r,- LOT #; 80 66tr11Xa6T6p D R Horton, lnc glDG U6gt{59 g. 29676 4pgj655. 13'1 Racine Drive Suite 201 ClW. Wlmington 51. NC 21p 28403 EMATLADDRESS: bredge@drhorton.com p69119. 91G3386017 pROJEC1 COi;TACT pgXggl. Sean Reynolds pg6p6. 91G524-1689 Tctu-tvtS7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaiI TYPs: Coitl,lERCIAL PLEAgE ANS!{Ei AtI qJESIISIS APPLICA'L€ IO YOUi FiO]t(T "Project Responsiblllty' l-8-3465 AFFIIafroN llunlbel. (6rfla. UtB) . DATE:11119n0t8 ZlP t 26anx : APPLICAIIT' S NAl.lE i Jarpor NewoEo DEVELOPEi: PRO]ECI : 3328 Jaectlo Driv6 PHO ! T: PR0PEiIY OlflER'S NAll[: 1y61e 6qp6r61;66 - PI()NE *l 7635111 OlltlIR,5 ADDBESS:3205 Rend8tt Pkwy tt03 eIW: , ttr"l"or*ST: xg ZIP:26q93 ST: xg XfF: 26ag3ADDRESS: t02 OH EasModd Rd taz CITY: y1616g1q1 EMTIL ADDIESS I lnswn]a6@Jnowmrnbro6 com PrcNE t I PROJECT COIITACT PERSON: iarpor nowman . PH0XE S; 526.g126 ((fi..k All rn.l Alrry) EXIST CONSTRUCTIOiI; T'] ALTERATIO T'] RENOVATIOiI It Retocation, ls rhero a Nathit cas Llno on thettnenl Sito? l- T"I CEXERAL REPAIRS T'"I NELOCATIOTI*d6. Ho rs BLDG sptdrKLEREo?t-- vesli -No NEW €ONSTRUCTIOI{:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE n FA5T TRAC(sHErr E uPrrr f] ADD r0 Exrsr srnucTURE ACCISSOIY STRUCTUR If UPFII - The Shell Permlt s:Is Elect Po{€r on thts Eullding f. Yes li. tlo r.rri Is THIS a cIAflGE 0F occupAr.tcY ustr r, Yrs l-. N0 r{*r If Y€i, rhat ras the prevlour Occupancy Typo, - lhat ls the lleH Oacupancy lItfi?orsrc., pRorEssroarAl r oooddch o,cn PH:3{3"1065 NC REG t r 7.13.1 [N6n 0ESrG[ 9f,0FES'IoflAL a- Mcdo*ell En0ho€ring pu,7i6li7i-- ruc nrG r:1ffi- DESCRIPTIOTI OF I.,ORK : Erc<t oev/ oftc. bt ildlnc ls food or bevorages prepa,ed or served in lhts structuro?l-^ Yeslf. No ls The Property Locatgd ln Tho Floodptatnl l- ves li lo oISCIAIMER: llUobycc,rily tist0lln,orma on n th 6.d to€l lrwi and ordhonc8 8nd reouhlhns Th€ Nd ctsno€ in conuador or conlraclo. iilonmdoo. "'NSubFcllo FllEs Up To 3500 00"' 6ll ohor applL€Ue Stale Dbns snd so€dli(a oosNC Sraro Bldg Code BM 4P OWN€R/CONTRACTOR; prper nelnran SIGNATURE: {o!.xrii {P,atir.rt) t{oE: Omortro. m(fi.arhn! & astadoa rao&val pqml rpplEatiol!! ao to be sttmltlod dno ita orCh.lbo lofin lofllsin Arboalo6 oa .!ot. Yoo ar6 oqrr,6d lo co lho llatoo8l Eanlrsk n Sl..d€rds k, l€ztr&rrs Alr Polb6nts donrollbn ol cny ieifiy or ouldlng- S€e ,60ertos WBb Slrei httpr/r\Mm.6pl,rt8l6,ra.rrr,@/35ba6lo8/ehlnp.htr'1l IOTAL PROJECT COSI: 78I,ooo v?tohar lng holiiy or tuilon0 $6s fd,lld ro 19)m7.5850 6r r66ir t0 d6y3 glor b 0t. f OF UNITS: 1 f OF STORIES: I f OF FLOORS: i-- EXST TAND DSTUREING PERMII? F,YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: IFICATION NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ACRES DISTURBED: 2.! pRopERry usE; EloFFrcE f]nesmuneu f] MERCANTTLETI EDUcnApT CONDO OTHET oS t) FT.Jo n zoNlNG usE crAss E comuulrry sysrera ". s€pAn,lrt p€RtlrTs BEoLrREc, roR ErEcr. M€cn. PLtlG. GAs EOUip, pBEiAls B lNStRts."t.' c I\, 6€ PAYMENT METHOD CASH T, CHECK (PAYAELE TO NHC) r_AMERICAN EXPEESS fr. MC/lr'|SA r, OTSCOVER (FOn OFFTCE US€ oNl"Y) zoN OFFICER (w BACKS; F: )K tH t NH B.J&_ BFE+2ft,Approval: rE City: hl'r.M DATE. I Comment * ,-$ETlzwLOOD (\ r8. ERMIT FEE: I I I I oCCUPAIII/BUSINESS a'lrrt'lE r COfiTRACI0R: N6wmorgros,. LICEI{SE f: 71912 BUILDING HEIGHT: zo TOiAL AREA SO FT : 6.!e2, TOIAL SO FT UNDERIOO-F: 66r, - SO FT PER FLR:-orer f OF STRUCIURES: T WATER; TTCFPUA T'l COMMUNITY SYSTEM r1WELLll t-t SEWER: II, CFPUA LJ CENTRAL SEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC 2D6-lLltsq 18-34 65 -./ DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICArIOiI rYPt; COitl'tERCIAL PLEASE Ar,tSr.rER AIL qJESTIoNS APPLTCAELE TO YO.'R PRolECl "Project Responslbillty'' APPLICATIOI{ Number (Ol{ice Use) APPLICANTT S NAlilE i ;66p611.16ry66n PROPERTY OI'IICR'5 AitE: Abinro Corporation - OATE :11n92016 PHONE *: WlminOilon ZIP: 28.03 - PIIONE #: 76-5111 CIW: r446;69gen ST: x6 ZIP: 2sa63 - LICENSE l: 71912 CITY: 14116;11-. ST; xg ZIP: 26ag3 P}ONE S: PIONE S:526-6126 (Ch.(k AII That Apply) RELOCATIor{ KLERED'4-_ Yeslf _ FAST TRACX SHELT tr UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE : gaz6 Laeo.te Driw OCCUPANT/8USINE55 N/lr1E : COITRACfOR: NewmanBros AIDRESS : 102 Old Eastwood Rd ,82 EIIAIL ADORESS: ine*man@inslr.nanboscom PROIECT CONTACT PERSONi psper newman EXI9T COiISTRUCTIoI{: Elf Relocation, is lhere a Natural ALTERATI0t{ Gas Line on lhe T- REI€VATION T- GEI{ERAL REPAIRS T-"I t:uJunenr sne? 5 H6 no rs BLDG spklll NoEH COiISTRUCTION:ERECT NEt/'l STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit fl:Is Elect Pou€r on this Buildlng f Yes li N0 .r.+* Is THIS A CHAt{cE OF OCCUPAI{CY USE'r yES J-. XO ...*r IF Y€s, *hat ras the Prcvlous Occupancy Type? - lthat is the ley Occupancy IItfi ?oesrcn pRoFEssroNAL : Goodnch Arcrl - PH:3.(3-1065 NC REG *: 7a3. DESCRIPTIOI'I 0F hIORK: Er.ct n6^, otrc. buitdho ls food or beveragss prepared or serued in this structure?f veslf. ruo ls The Propeny Located ln The Floodpl6inu [- yes li No OWNERrcONTRACTOR: 1aspe, na ,",an SIGNATURE: (0!.16..) {Pdrlb.r.)tlotsi D€rnollbn rbtlficatlo.rs e alEos ,6morral parmir amlicaton5 aa lo bo ar5.nlltod uslio ,a appl|canon form (O DTSCLAIMER I hereby certty frol all lnforrlalion n thls apdrrurn is corred and and local laws and o(dinsnces 6nd rmulstbos The NHC DsvdoonEnl Sorvb6 $ffiff ,e,E|ffiJ titrt[?Et" iirorrDrion '-NorE . Any work Perforned cor rln A6bostos or not You 0r€ r€qulr6d to c.I th. tlrtldl8l Embcon Standar& br Hlrardoo8 Alr PolluEnts (IES denlollxoo ol any tadlity or buldlno. S€o Asbas16 W.b Slte: http:/ rw\r.epl.sr8r..nc.ugepra6basro6/ehmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 78i.mo BUILDING HEIGHT: 20 all other applcade State Dlians aM soecificalioosNC Stete Bldo Code Bnd Yt'l€o16r |tr6l6cilily Or tsJlldrno was louftl to 1 9)707-5050 !r basl 10 d6ys prlor to llle # OF UNITS: r f OF STORIES: ri OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? f YES T NO SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHEI TOTAL AREA SO FT : s asr .t TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: sagz SO FT PER FLR: saez # OF STRUCTUR WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA coMMUNrry sysrEM EI WELL _D ZONTNG USE CLASS CENTRAL SEPTIC LI pirvare seprlc E CoMMUNITY SYSTEM ACRES DISTURBED: I s NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE oFFrcE Tl RESTAURANT fl IFICATION ". SEPAKATE P'RMI]S FTOUIK'U FUA ELE'i MECH i'!EG.GASEOUII PRT'ASS6INSEi]IS..' PAYMENT METHOD: J- CASH !- CXeCX leeVaaLE TO NHC) r AMERTCAN EXPRESS li_ UCnrrSa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH_ RH_ B__Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft qg Comment Cf&\u1CRa,CZ N PERMIT FEE: : 0l En' S A)DiESS: azog nanoa1 p19,y 103 ENGR oEsrc rnorrssroMr-:_ffi pri:ii6li7i- rc neG *:1ffi- I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcIfrc ryPr: COIiIIIERCIAL PTEASE ANSUER ALL q,,ESTIOflS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslblllty" frltg-l9tto] 18-34 66 APPLICATION l{umber (Offi(e Use) APPLICAT{T' S t{A Ei Jasper Neuman OEVELOPER: PRO]ECT - DATE :1 1i 19/2018 PI'ONE t: 3 33rt Jaed<te Orive \ rlminolon ZIP: 28403 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS IIArtE : PROPERTY Ot{t{ER'S ttAfiE: Abmro Corporalpn - P[OtlE l: 763-5111 OlllER' S AIDRESS: aaOS n"nO.1 pxt y *ros COi{TRACTOR: Newman Bros AIDRESS: 102 Otd Ea6rwood Rd *82 _ LICEIISE t: 71e 12 CITY: r111,1;691on ST: i1g ZIP;2sag3 ST Ng ZIP: 26ag3 : 520-8128 CITY: y;611g1e1 EitAIL ADORESS: jnewmancl,n€rymanbros.@m PTIONE S PIONE TIROJECT COI{TACT PERSOii: 1s5psr newman (Check All Ihat apply) EXIST COiISTRUCTIOITI: T] ALTERATIOI{ I--1 RETOVATIOI{ I-'1 GET'ERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATIo|{ rt Rerocarion, is rtere a Narurat Gas Line on thetiunent sirer J- Ht- llo lS BLDG sPhIfiKLERED{- - Yesl- . NoNEI{ COISTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit s:Is Elect Porer on this Bullding f. Yes l- No ....+ IS THIS A CHA'{GE OF OCCUPAIICY UsE'T YES I-. iD TTTE* IF Yes, uhat xas the Prcvlous Occupancy Typel - t{hat is the iler Occupancy IIEfi 'oasre, pRoFEssrotral : Gooddrr ^,crr - PH:343-1065 ENGR DESIGT{ PROFESSIOI{AL :-McdowellEn0ineenng PH:270-3717 rc atG *:ll!ll- DESCRIPTION OF hlOR|(: E; n€$ ofice buitdins ts food or beverages prapared or served in this structure? f veslf ruo ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainZ [- yes li Uo oISCLAIMER: I hereby ceni, thal all inlorn€kfi n snd local lsws 8nd ordnsncrs aM rooulaions The oi chsne in conlraclor oI coartacto. rifoanralioo "'Suq€dlo FirPs UP To l5m 00- lhls appiGlbn rs conect snd 8ll w9.t v,illcoriply wilh the Stale Building Code and sll other apphcade SEle Nl,lC OeveloofiEnt Servlces Cenler wlll be noliiied ol anv dianoes m the aoo.oyed Dlans 8M soeoficatons NOTE Any Wo.I Pedonied wO dne Arproposle Permits wtll & in Virflion of the NC St8le BldO Code 8nd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: psper ne,.,rnan SIGNATURE: (Or.rai IPtl tL,rl) t{oie: Dornolhloo mt'tcalirrs E arbago6 raolovsl 9€rmh appllcatl.,ts ae lo ba &JblnliEd (d.O tL apCicalb. hl.m (O co.rlaln A!be3o6 o. no( You 6lo reqdrod to call lho Nauhal Emissixl Slandrr(b bt Bazrrooos arr Pdlutants (NESHAP deinolition ol .ny iaaillty o. fulldinC S6e Arbgc t^lbb Sfte hnpr/ r w ed.$al6 rr us/efi/asts5os,/ahm0.hltfil TOTAL PROJECT COST: i.364.000 BUILDING HEIGHT: 27 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : r t sztt SO FT PER FLR: rr 321 TOTAL SO FI UNDER ROOF: rr szr , OF STRUCTUR whorlcr lh6 bciltly or boildlrE w6s loora lo 9)707-:€30 rt ba$ l0 days p.lo. ro rhe # OF UNITS: r # OF STORIES: r B OF FLOORS: i EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? F YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT CONDO OTHET ACRES DISTURBED: z 5 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FI WATER SEWER CFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEMHrCFPUA LJ CENTRAL SEPTIC L]DWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC ! couuuHrw svsreur tr ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION "'SIPARAILPERMIiSIIFOI'IHTOi.()RFIELI MTLB PIEG GAS IOUIT] PIjEIA8SAINSLFIS'-' PAYMENT METHOD: t- CASH [- CXeCx leaVaeLE TO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS [- lACrurSl l-_ DTSCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:OFFICER SETBACKS: F; LH_ RH_ B_-Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft._AVNComment pERMtT FEE: I ERECT NEW STRUCTURE E FAsr rRACK E SHETL n UPFrr E AOO TO EXrST STRUCTURE NC REG s: 7434 pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE l-l Resmunnrur I r,/lencAl'rrrr-e[-J EDUCI-IAprD \\ZoE- )+\13 r6=-a:4 | Application Number (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME:R CL NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM!T APPLTCATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" CITY PHONE #: Date:z4 PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: suBDlvrstoN; ztP PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER's ADDRESS, 30 Z7 HNV <nb i,re CITY \{ CONTRACTOR; ADDRESS: 3 E EMAIL ADORESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON (l) Y\LL <- CITY PHONE PHONE: zlP BLDG LICENS SCDZ& ST ap. Lalos * /L/v ?rc - lE /q-b7 (>.Co 0- c.n ,ch a EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration / Renovation I General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation '}*'}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'** n Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage {SF)_ D Sunroom (sF). Pool {SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)A Deck (sF)ibo ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes d t'to TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed wotk)Heated: '+(n unheated: 250 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S /7,CL\L'I ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? X Yes ZaNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure Zf Yes tr No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes fl No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Z/ves n ]l.lo Property Use/ occupan Single Family I Du nhousepDT Descriptlon of Work:u&?Q klc.h. n o^..,)cl t\ laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notifled ofa.y changes in the approved plans and spe€ifications or chanSe in cont.actor information. *"NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00**, Owner/Contractor:Rr1 cr. l..r .,-f,.6 | gera Sitnature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? I ves Z/xo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Oisturbea Nt i1 New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Oisturbin8 Permiti n Yes EfNo WATER: Zf CFPUA n Community System ! Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER': Z( CFPUA E Community System ! Private Septic n Centratseptic n Aqua zon , B'2o orficer: - setbacks {F) 30 ' ( txl )5' leul 20' lul 25' Approvalr _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ A)). Comment:Permit Fee: S d Porchl*l 256 . Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)_ 2.'tN- gslg-a$a ) L8-3267 v NEhJ HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERI{IT aPPlrcarr(N Tvps: C0ltitERCIAL PLEAsE AIISIIER ALL qUESTIOI5 APPLICAIL€ TO YOUi PiO]ECT nProject Responslbluty" AFftlcfflo{ . lludcr (offt.. ur.) APPLICIIIT'S I{AIIE: y66gg corpo.ation .DATE:1.0 /29/t8 DEVELOPER: | 2424 d. co1l69e 3!.fli,IlI1ington 0CCUPAI{T/BUSII'IESS l{AllE: 6q66s 116 PROPERW Olt[iER'S tUUtE: euallry olt conpany Ot{tlER'5 ADDRESS: 1s4O sita3 creeh park$ay - CIW: lrir"t." s"I". COITRACTOR: Mccee colpolrriqn - LICEiISE : lzsr r ADORESS: 12?01 Easr tndepqqqelcg B!!,!L:- CfTY: M5g6hq11s EIIAIL ADDRESS: amee . rarren(lmcgeecolp. com PROIECT COiITACT PERSOi|: tu1sE 14;5;gn (6.cr Atl lh.t rrply) OSctA|MER: I c.nit lh.t rll lr o.fiathn h olq b c6.r.d 3nd .llwort wil witrl ttr. Sbt BuIdkE Cod. arld at b€ PHO E A: -IP: r84os _ P+tot{E *: ST: yg ZIP:27127 .5T: N6 ZIP: 2s165 - Pt(t E *: gOO-526-5599 . PtlotaE t: s00-526-sss9 REPAIRS RELOCATION IS BLDG Y6sr-L NoitEH CO STRUCTIoiII ERECT l{Er{ STiTTCTUnE E FAST TRACr E SHELL n UPFrT E ArrD TO EXrSr STRUCTURE RepfaceBEnt c.nopy - Florence DatrrageACCESSORY S If UPFIT - The SheII Pernlt s:Is ELect pouer on this Bulldlng li. Yes f: N0 EXIST CO STRUCTIO : E lf Relocatlon, ls there a Natur8l ALTERATIOI{ Gas Line on the I-'I NE OVATIO T-'I GEIERAL tiurgnt sltaz ;-. *J;-L N" .'... rs rHrs A cHAr{GE 0; occupAilcy usEt r. yEs 15. lo .*r IF Ycs, wh.t v.s the Pr€vlous Occupancy Typal - t{hat ls thC il.r, occupancy I[tfi?orrr* PR'F EssrolAl I PH: tlc REG *: PH.- ttc REG *:- DESCRIPTION OF HORK: *furulrlqarp ELoleng€ ts ,ood or bevoragos praparsd or s€rwd ln thls srudurB? El YssEi No ls Tho Proporry Locarod h Tho Ftoodptalnr [l Yes I Ho and Sl.t! SO FT OWNER'CONTRACTOR: (odi, TOTAL PROJECT COST: ${5,20? TOTALAREASOFT: 2,??2 BUILDING HEIGHT:.18. SO FT PER FLR: -2, ??2 # OF STRUCTURES: . 1 SIGNATURE: cont6lo A.b6.lor or ltot Yoi, .I! ttqul'ad b c.tr thr N.lbn l Emh.loo $!lrhr!.lor tLladou. Alr fuXrt nt6 (NESHA4 .t (919P07.5S50 ar Lan 10 d.y! pdor to dt d.nrolllbr of .ny ftdllt o. buldlnC. S.€ Arb..rG W.b an!: hfpr/yrYi{..pl.Ad..na.ur.plillb6b./Ennpnunl g OF I.JNITS:I # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS:1TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES J.-i NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE; EOFFTCE ! neSrAUmUr MERCANTLED EDUil APrf-l coNDo OTHET WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUA E coMMUNrw SYSTEM E} WELL _fl.zoNtNc usE CLASS|F tJ CENTRAL SEPNC I.J PRIVATE SEPNC tL COMMUNIry SYSTEME ZONE: OFFICER:Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOO ICATION SETBACKS: F: LH: RH B BFE+2ft N '" SEPAFAIE P€RMITS REOI'IRED FOR EIECI, IIECH. PtsG, GAS EOUP, PREFABS & INSENTS - PAYMENT METHOD: lll CASH f-l cxeCX leeVmlE TO NHC) l:- AMER|CAN E(PRESS rr MCNTSA r._ DtsboVER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) - PERMIT FEE: :Comment cPaUlntrcCe I*"o,llnq PRO]ECT EilGR oEsrcf, pnor tsslotlAL i-