ZBA-934LAW OFFICE OF MATTHEW A. NICHOLS RECEIVED DEC 3 1 2O1B NEW HANOVER COUNTY PI.ANNING &ZONING 3205 Randall Parkway, Suite 104 Wilmington, NC 28403 Ph: (910) 508-7476 Email : matt@mattnicholslaw.com December 3 1. 2018 Mr. Ken Vafier CFM, AICP Planning Manager New Hanover County Land Use Department 230 Govemment Center Drive, Suite 1 10 Wilmington, NC 28403 Re APPLICATION FOR VAzuANCE TO THE NEW HANOVER COLINTY ZONING BOARD OF ADruSTMENT for property located at 7419 Dunbar Rd., New Hanover County (PARID: R04500-001-009-000) Dear Mr. Vafier: I represent Paul and Sandra Seiferth, the owners of the above-referenced property located at 7419 Dunbar Road. Please accept this letter and the enclosed variance application with respect to my client's property. Please find enclosed the following: 1 Variance Application with attached Exhibits; 2. Authority for Appointment of Agent Form; and,3. A check made payable to New Hanover county in the amount of $400.00 for the Variance Application Fee. Please let me know if you require any additional information at this time. We respectfully request that this item be scheduled for hearing at the regularly scheduled January 2019 meetingof the New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment. As I previously indicated, myclients respectfully submit this variance request in the altemative and without prejudice to theirpending appeal (ZBA-932) and the arguments raised in that appeal. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. \.IA HAND DII,IVERY Mr. Ken Vafier December 31, 2018 Page 2 Sincerely yours, Matthew A. Nichols RECEI'v'trD Dtc 312018 Nqw HANOVER COUNTYPI.ANNING & ZONING MNinc Cc: Deputy County Aftorney Sharon Huffman (via e-mail: shuffman@nhcgov.com) NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Governnrent Cenler Drive, Suile I I O Wilmington, North Corolino Telephone (910) 798-7165 FAX (91O) 798-7053 plqnningd.volopm.nl.rhcgov..om DEC EIVED ..: . ffi8 VARIANCE Applicotion Applicont/Agent lnformolion Properly Owner(s) lf dillerent lhon Apfliconlf Agent Nqme Poul Seiferth, ond wife Sondro Seiferth Owner Nome Some os Applicont Compony Owner Nome 2 Address 301 2 Sturbridge Ct. Address City, Stote, Zip Allison Pork, PA 15101 City, slole, Zip Phone 1910) 508-7476 (c/o Appliconts' Atlorney, Motl Nichols) Phone Emoil mon@moltnicholslow.com c/o Aooliconls' Attorney, Mott Nichols Emoil Sublect Property lnf ormolion Tolol Porcel(s) Acreoge Approximotely 3.456 ocres Received by: I Dote/Time received: ApplicotionTrocking lnformolion (SiollOnly) )?l /r/\z Poge 3 of 6 Vorionce Applicotion - Updoted 3/2017 \: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Address/Locotion 741 9 Dunbor Rd. Porcel ldenlificotion Number(s) R04500-00r -009-000 Etirting Zoning ond Use(s) R-20, vqconi 7..b4 42Cose Number Sublea Zoning Rogulollon, Clhopirr ond Scdon:CNINGNHC Zodng Ordhonc Sec. 55..t h thc bclow rpooe, pl.or. prwldc o norroflrr€ of the oppllcodoo (Addtdonol pogs! moy ba onodEd to fic oppllcotbr lf nccr:ory) Appllconl r€gue,t o vorlcrrce fron lhe lrbw Honover County Con:crvotion Ovcrloy Dkald (COD Ordlrcncc) Chopror 55'l ln order to conrlrirc't o rlnglc fomlly-reddenca cr on R-20 zoned porcal vlrhh rhc COD :crbo*. Plcq:s :cs oltochad Exrlbh'A'lor fudhcr explonotior of fie d.ormnoncet leodL€ to the requerted vorlorice ond the losrlllcotlan for rorne. Ttn Zoning Eoord of Adlustncnt moy groi o vErlonce lf lt find: thot ,rld oppllcotlon of tha ordinone resultr ln on r.mnecessory hordrldp for rhe opplkom, ond lf fte vorlonca i3 cooslilrrt wlth the rplrh, purpoce, ord lntent of the ordlnote. Ilr€ oppli:orn mlrt exploln, wilh rorcroaco lo ottodd plorr (where oppltcoble), how the propo:ed usa meetr lhere requlred flndlngs (plco:e rre oddhlonol pogcs if necesrcryl. Unnxorory hodrhlp would rpruh lrom orld oppllcollon of lta ordircnc.. l, sholl aol be neassary iodernorffi ,hor, ia ltc obrace of ,he vorirnca, no roosonoble rrle con ba oode of ffic propedy. Pleose see ottodrad Exhlbtr 'A'. I Poge ,l of 6 Vodone Applkoflo -Updotcd 3/mt7 i:-UCEIV'LD ";0 3 1 J 2. fhe hodthlg ruulb from condtionr llrl on pcculior l,o lho proparty, ruch ot locolion, slzc ot-^'j topogrophy. Horcbhip rcsrlling trcn Frsonol cirwmsb,tres, os noll or fiorddripc reedling frron oodiliou llwt ore cornraon io lfie neighborhood or gcnrol pvblic, roy rct be $a bsis tx gronling o vonbaco. Pleore see ottoched Exhfllr 'A'. 3. Thc hordrhlp dld not raruh from cdlonr tolrn by tho oppllcor or thc propcrly owncr. the ocl of psrdoshg prOpcrty vith krcvldgo ltril ci.cumrtoncer oxirt ld noy iushly tla grwrling of o vorbne rholl rpl be regor&d or o relf-creohd fiordrhip Pleo.e i€e ottofu Enrlbh "A'. tl. lhc nquotrrd vorlonco lr condrlcri wfih fhc rpldl, purpor, ond llrlgt of lhc cdlncmr, sch that poHlc .of.ly l. ..cur.d, ond rubrlontlol lurtlcc b ochlcvrd. Pleore sec otodrcd Exhtbtt 'A". Pogc 5 ol 6 Vorl@rco AppIcofion - Updored 3/2017 -CEIVED Stoff wlll use ft€ followlr€ dreckllst lo delermln€ the complotencss of your opplkoflon Pleose verify oll of the llsted Items ore included ond conflrm by lnlrlollng trldcr 'Appllcod lnltlol", Stoff wlll not proc8$ qn opplicotlon for funher reylew untll It ls determlned to be complste. I U 'l-Y MIJ 2 -,.-rrrvqzUNll{(Appllcorion fee - $.100 /]Au 3 She or rketdr llluSlrorlng raqu€red vorlonce I I hord copy of AIL dooxflerft - IIT 8y my signoture bCow, I undorslond ond occcpt oll of |ha ondlttonr, llnliotlonr ond obllgofion: of thc vorlonca opplkotlon for whldr I om opplylng. I und€rtond thor lhovo the burden of provlng why thl3 oppllcollon maoB tha requlre ftrdlngc moe.sory for grontltE o vorlonG. I ccrfi thor rhb oppllcotlon ls cooploto ord ttror oll Infornrcrlon prela ed ln lhit opplicofbn li oco.rc e to the best of my kmwledge, lnformotton, ond bellef. I ol3o oppolnt the oppllcom/ogsnt 05 llred on thk opplicotlor to r€prers me ond mok6 ded:loG on my beholf regordlng tNr oppltotlcn durtng the revlew process. The oppllont/ogent ls hereby outhorized on my beholf ro: L Submh on oppltcotlon lncludlng oll rcgulrcd supplcmentol lnformotlon ond motorlolsi2, Appeor or pbllc haorlrE! lo glv6 reprd€r oflo.r ond commttmart:; ord3. Aa on my beholf wllhod llmltotlons wlth regord ro ony ond oll lhlngi dtrecrly or lndtrecfly cornaaod wlth or ori3lng l{OTlt Fom ou,nr bc dgrd by the owe{t) of rsord. lf ttrere ore mrhlpb pnoporty owrrr o tlgnotsro Ir reqd.ed tor oodr ownsr of rGcqd. Poul Self erth/Sondro Selferth Slgnoluro cf orrncr(t) our of this Slgnolurc of Applico nf/Agcnl Pdnt llome(r) Prlnt lloma(rl lrtonhew A. Nldrols Apollcation Commenlc Complete Vorloncc opollotlon *The lond owner or lheir oltorney musl be op.enl for lhe cose ol lhe oublic heotino. Fot Stoll Only Poge 6 of 6 Vorlorca Apptrortor - Ugdated 3/2012 , APPELLANT/APPLICANT AGENT: Exhibit "A" to Variance Application (7419 Dunbar Road) Paul Seiferth and wife. Sandra Seiferth Matthew A. Nichols Law Office of Matthew A. Nichols -Lq. l DATE:December 31, 2018 PROPERTY 7419 Dunbar Rd., Wilmington, New Hanover County (PARID: R04500-001 -009-000) State ment Annellants/Aonlican etitioners Project Narrative: Dr. Paul Seiferth and wife, Sandra Seiferth, are the owners of the subject property located at 7419 Dunbar Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC. (..Subject Property"). The Subject Property is a large, uniquely shaped, vacant waterfront tract of land consisting of approximately 3.456 acres with significant frontage along Pages Creek. The Seiferths wish to construct a single-family home on the Subject Property for their personal use. The application ofthe COD setbacks on this uniquely shaped parcel and the manner in which this property is situated on the creek, together with a large utility easement crossing the center of the property, creates a significant and unnecessary hardship on the utilization ofthis tract for a single- family home. Applicants Pending Appeal, New Hanover County Planning File No, ZBA-932I On or about December 4,2018, the Applicants submitted an appeal application to the Board of Adjustment related to a determination by County Staff on the issue of whether the COD ordinance regulations apply to the subject property, including whether the subject property is exempt from the COD ordinance pursuant to NHC ordinance $ 55.1-2(l) and/or (3), and other provisions of the coD ordinance. That appeal is pending and has not yet been heard by the Board of Adjustment. The Applicants respectfully submit this variance request rz the allernative and without re udice to their pending appeal and the arguments raised in that appeal. In the event that the Board of Adjustment upholds the County Stafls determination in the appeal proceeding (ZBA-932), the Applicants respectfully request a variance lrom the application of the COD regulations to their property as more particularly set forth herein and to be presented at the Hearing on this variance request. Criteria for Variance: 1. Unnecessary hardship would result from strict application of the ordinance. It shall not be necessara to demonstrate that, in the absence of the variance, no reasonable use can be made of the property. 080 Y Application ol the COD on this particular lot creates an unnecessar)' hardship on the Applicants' ability to make reasonable use ol this unique property for the purposes of constructing a single-family residence. The subject prope(y is essentially the remnant portion . of Tract 7 from the 1927 C.N. Dunn Place division map recorded in Map Book 2 at Page 128, New Hanover County Registry. remaining since a division of that tract in 1981. A 30-foot wide utility easement (shown on Map Book 43, Page 309, New Hanover County Registry) crosses the entire width of the subject property, effectively dividing the property into two unequal sides. This large utility easement, coupled with the application ofthe COD setback, significantly and unnecessarily reduces the potential building footprint for a single-fumily home. It is significant to note that the Applicants are still required to comply with all applicable State CAMA regulations, setbacks and building requirements, including all other New Hanover County and State Building regulations. 2. The hardship results from conditions that are peculiar to the property, such as location, size or topography. Hardship resulting from personal circumstances, as well as hardships resulting from conditions that are common to the neighborhood or general public, may not be the basis for granting a variance. The Subject Prope(y is very uniquely shaped and situated on Pages Creek. The hardship in this particular instance is due to the location, size, typography and situation ofthis property on Pages Creek. The unnecessary hardship created by the application of the COD setbacks on this particular property is not the result of personal circumstances and is not common to any other prope(ies in the vicinity or the general public. No neighboring properties are situated in the same manner as the subject property. Allowing a variance for this unique property does not establish a precedent for any other properties in this particular vicinity or the County generally. 3. The hardship did not result from actions taken by the applicant or the property owner. The act ofpurchasing property with knowledge that circumstances exist that may justify the granting of a variance shall not be regarded as a self-created hardship. The Applicants did not create the hardship in this instance, which results from the unique shape ofthe parcel, including its large creek frontage, and the adverse impact ofa 3O-foot wide utility easement running through what is essentially the middle of the parcel. The subject property is essentially the remnant portion of rract 7 lrom the 1927 c.N. Dunn place division map recorded in Map Book 2 at Page 128, New Hanover county Registry, remaining since a division ofthat tract in 1981. Additionally, the above-referenced 30-foot wide utility easement (shown on Map Book 43, Page 309, New Hanover county Registry) was established more thanfifteen years ago. The Seiferths acquired the subject property in December20l7, by virtue of, that deed recorded in Book 6l I 2 at page 845, New Hanover county Registry. The hardship in this instance is unique to this particular property. VED 4. The requested variance is consistent with the spirit, purpose, and intent of the ordinance, such that public safety is secured, and substantial justice is achieved. Allowing this variance is consistent with the spirit, purposes, and intent of the coEordircEplpi'i r including the intent of the exemptions cunently allowed in the CoD ordinance. Allowin!IlllF variance will not create any public safety issues, and the Applicants are still required to comply with all State and county building regulations, including all applicable cAMA setbacks from Pages Creek. Additionally, the construction of a single-family dwelling within the COD setback areas on this particular lot will have no negative affect on any adjacent property owners and will not adversely affect or block any adjacent property owners, view ofpages Creek. In the event that the Board upholds the County Staffs determination in the aforementioned appeal proceeding (ZBA-932), the Applicants respectfully request a variance lrom the application ofthe COD regulations to their property in order to allow for the construction ofa single-family residence within that area oftheir property generally shoun as shaded in red on the attached Exhibit "A1". | *-tEXHIBIT i-!IVF]tr NOVER COUNT\ ING & ZONiNG a.-=-:- i>**.=.2. ttit Z :,: ,:.i'-:-<Z=r1.- -Z:;1 :.i- a - '. - < \ /, u \}\ Y ,{ Z ct or <) -d 8 -,g o :ffi: I "s .{ lt --_na fi T a L )onj.]s 3l* .E{ --'7 eIz &U -8 ti si(tlg, (^. {Et' I ig )6,Els 3 .sl ,f dI I \d \ -l IE 230 Golernm Suite I l0 cm ( cntcr Drilq Print Form t)NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE AUTHORITY FOR APPOINTMENT OF AGENT Wilmington. NC 2840i 910-798-7165 phone 910-798-7053 frx t, *wrv.nhcgov.com ItJ '""11i. Please not€ that for qu{si-judicial proceedingsr either the land owncr or rn rttorney must be prcscnt for the case at the public hearing. l. Submit a propcr petition and thc required supplemental information and materials 2. Appeal at public meetings to give representation and commitmens on behalfofthe property owncr 3. Act on the propeny owner's behalf rvithout limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out ofany petiaion applicablc to the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. Cirt. Strt., Zip Wilmington. NC 2841 1 05 Randall Pkwy, Suite 104 I'his documcnt was rvilllully exccuted on the 0 .s+.dayol .20 {R D Otvncr I Signature Paul Seiferth Orr'ncr Agent Information Property Owner(s)Subject Properg' Matlhew A. Nichols O$ nar \rmr Paul Seiferth Addrlrs 7419 Ounbar Rd ( omprtr! Law Office of Matlhew A. Nichols F On rcr \afi! 2 andra Seiferth lddrcsr 3012 Sturbridge Ct. ( i!!, Str(e, Zip Wilmington, NC 28403 ('ir], Strte, Zip Allison Park, PA 15'10'l I'honc (910) 508-7476 l'hooc l.:nrril matt@mattnicholslaw.com I:m:ril ( rrc fumbcr llcf.rence:Dalc/l imc reccivcd:R.<.iv.d br: Sandra Sisnature S;iferth 09r14 .. . ,'ffi' 'l'he undersigned orvner does hereby appoint an authorized the agent described herein as their exclusive agent fbr the purpose of petitioning New Hanover County for a variancc, spccial use permit, rezoning request, and/or an appeal of Staff decisions applicable to the property described in the attachcd petirion. The Agent is hereby authorized to. on behalf of the propeny o$rncr: Prrc.l lD R0450G001-009-000 .\ pplicrt ion 'Ir..kioE I n fo.mrtioo (Slrlr OrlI)