JANUARY 8 2019 BUILDING APPS01092019092908,/\l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAf tO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslblllh/ 20(( -/r1c0 I*8436i2- Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS. ,q Oq Ll,Eari lr.e Orlrr SUBDtVtStON: Frb:r Lrr,trttr te \Ilr.llltlliwrr.ade n zP:1ltll a LoT#: tsq I Sr L tt CITY PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'SADDRESS: Cl lLebrvt !l. :[oLl- CI3^. rrr.r PHoNE#: q6q - q4q-601{ CIrY: g.rt l.- l^ r"zlP:a330 rAqta E. !& orrr tirl. " O reo rrc.z BTDG TICENSE S:CONTRACTOR AODRESS:ctwx3 EMAII. ADDRESS:thanirne'.il{Lt \r.rl.l"c.*a.viu\l I lrollru.Srrvr E Greenhouse (SF)_ ST: _ ZIP PHoNE: q6q- qaq.s,1i PHONE q6c- \{U60'1.1PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:4r-,r 13 t Lrr e EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: C Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: lf(rect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation 'T.,'PLEAsE CHECK A D ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTT'T tr Porch (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (St) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) H€ated:XAoo unheated: roTAr PROTECT COST (ress Lot): s a oo.0oo. OO + lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes I No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYes!No lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? D Yes D No Property Use/ Occu panct, #lngle famlly fl Duplex fl Townhouse Descriptlon of Work: \s \+ OISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that allthe information ln this application i laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Ce "NOTE: Any workJerformed without the appropriate p€ n,,no,, ^7rL' ^ Lr.ll.tt -- s cored and all work will comply with the State BuildinS Code and allother appllcable State and local nterwlllbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor rmits wlllb€ in violation ofthe NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to 5500.0O"'information.' Owner/Co Slgnature: "Llcensed Qualifler" P ntNome ls the property located ln a floodplain? /Ves tr ]{o Existing lmpeivious Area: _ 54 Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exlstlng land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes f] No WATER: fl CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well dAqua SEWER: ! CFPUA tr Community System D Private Septic n Central Septlc t'Aqua zone: _ officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LHl _ (RHl _ (Bl_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: - Flood: (Al - (vl - (Nl - BFE+2ft= -- OD tr Att Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF) _ Fl Det Garase (SFl tr Pool (SF)_ tr Deck (SF)_ ffir) t9 *c 5t( ttlt [r'fli''gr.r NEW HANOVER COUNW EUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPE: RESI DENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS A'PIICABIE TO YOUI PROJECT 'Prolect Responslbllit/ Irf0 Wzzt Application Numb€r lofnc€ us€l APPUCANT,S NAME:I L Det€: t'7 -t7 CITY l,Jt[p|*;{on zt* 2-8{ c,7GiPRO'ECT ADDRTSS: SUBDIVISION: o PROPERTY OWNTR'S i.,IAMT: OWNER'S ADDRESS; e_PHONE ,,: CITY:a Wztt2--BYo? CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITY BI,DG TICENSE T: (Sr V(ztP:ZN (Z- EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACI PTRSON: E Sunroom (SF) fl Greenhouse (SF) D€scription ot Work: PHONT: PHONE -2 e I ,,/ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D Renovation 6General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: ! Erect New Residence El Addition to Existing Resldence D Relocation .'TPIEASE CHECi( AI{D A]{SWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'i' fl Aft Garage {St} - n Det GaraR€ ISF)D Porch (SF) tr Pool ISF) D Deck (SF) 13 e- ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing {ootprint? C Yes E No TOTAL sq FT UNDER RooF (Jor prcposed work) Heatedi TOTAL PROJICT cosT (!ess Lot): S ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? D Yes D No lsanyflectrlcel,PlumbinsorMechanlcelworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYeslNo llthe projectlsa Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes D No ls there El€ctricalPower on thls Building? fl Yes D No Property Us€/ occuprncy: dtingh ramlly E Dupler f] Townhouse € ,t2 Y law5 and ordinance5 and ragulationt. The Ntrc Developmenl SeMce! C€nter will be notlflad o, anychanSes in the approved plansand rpeclfiGtions or chinSe io.ontractor inforrh,tlon.'.'NOTt: Any urorl partormed withoutthe appropiat€ permhswlll be ln vlolation ol lhe NC Slate BldBCode and Ilnes up to Owner/Contractot:ct?-g zo n, L 'Licensed Quotifier' Pn-nt nolA{ - ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yer D No b(isting lmpervious Arear _ Sq Ft SlBnature: Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Disturblng Permit I Yes I No WATER: fl CFPUA D Communitysystem fl Private Well D Centralwell D Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA D Community System d Private Septic E Centraiseptic E Aqua zone: _ Oflicer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ ApprovaL _ City: _ Dat€i _ Flood: (A) _ {v} _ (N) _ BFE+zlt= _ sC.omment:P€rmil F6e: * U Storag€ Shed (SF) _ E other (5F) _ Unh8ated: -_'=-.- OISCTAIMER: Ai;t o PRO]ECT NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI6ATI'N rPE, CO|IIIIERCIAL PLEASE AI5I.,ER ALL qJESTI(I{S APPLICA8LE TO YOrR PROIECT "ProJect Responsibility" APPLICAI{T'S llA}lE: rnrl.:rry ExpREss DEyELopMENT LLc : 59ao cenoltue BEAcH DRrvE . }III,MINGTON OCCUPAT{T/BUSI|{ESS AfiE: ExpRESs orI, cHANGE r TrRE PR0PERTY O{llER'S NAI{E: 1s1p11y ExpREss DEVETopMENT O'I[{ER'S ADDRESS: s805 MTDDLET9N RD - Cf TY: pUpHAl,, C0 TRACTm: rBD ADDRESS :CITY i ETTAI L 2otQ-5at8-32*$ AFFIT-ATT6il NuDber (offlce U3.) -DAlEt ys12612s19 _ PHol{E #: 843-298-5646 PHol{E #: 843-298-5646 ST: N6 ZIP:27713 ST: ZlP. - PHO{E #: . PHOiIE *: ?04-341-9900PERSOI{: 51gvE ENGELHARDT c EXIST CONSTRUCTIO :ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natura Gas Line on the CONSTRUCTION:EREcr ]{Ehr srRUcruRE f]FASr TRAGKI 5HELL I uPFrr fl ADD ro Exrsr srRUcTuRE ACCESSORY STRUCTUR (ch!.k AU rhat Apply) r-1 RE OI'ATIOI{ T-1 GEIIERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATIO Hunenr stret !-i kr5; no ls BLDG sphli{KLEREDfL ye-sf:_ No trtEt{ If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is El.ct Pouer on this Bullding Yes rN0 iD a.r'r. Ier Occupancy .i..* Is Tllls a ol^rl(iE oF occupAlcy lrsE? rl yEs rrffF Yes, rhat nas the Prcvlous Occupancy T!DC? _ Hhat ls the TvDelARTH conlaln Asb6slos or hol You 616 requlrod io call the Nadonsl Emlsslon Stlhdrrds for Hau€rdous Alr Poll'rtanls (NESHAP) al (9'19)707-5950 al l.asl 10 deys prior to tr. dcmolilion ol ony facility or building. Se€ Asb€stos Web Site: hnpJ/www epi slaie.nc.us;/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html DESIGIiI PROFESSIOI{AL : scopn ARCHITECTuRAL coNsULTING ls food or b€vsragas prepared or served in this structure? [-1 yesllf Ho ls Th€ Propgrty Located ln Th6 Ftmdptsinz flvas fi- t tlo Codo snd all oth6r applicable State of the olahs ahdNc srere so€cifcatrons Bldg code €nd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: q'nEjvr EN€ELii-grBr SIGNATURE: (qu€!fi€r) TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2,3oo,ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: 36. TOTALAREASQFT: 6504 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: osoq ACRES DISTURBED: O. 92 EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES Ir NO # OF UNITS: NA # OF FLOORS :1 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: rr oor SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SO FT pRopERry usE: EoFflcE ! nesreuurur I r,,rencenrrLE[ EDUcf-L Apr[J coNDo OTHElngl6 pspalp ICATIONe-z PAY[,IENT METHOD f cAsH f- cxecx lnavlBLE To NHc) f_ AMER|oAN EXPRESS !-- rlilcnrrse f-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH_. RH_ B__Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, WATER: SEWER: CFPUA E COMMUNTTY SYSTEM. E WELL _D ZONTNG USE CLASSTF cFpuA LJ CENTRAL sEpTlc LJ pnrvere sepTtc lJ coMMUNtry sysrEM "'aao[ora oa"r,r, aeourneo ron trrcr.,aa, "aro.ooa ,rp pREFAES 6 rNSERrs -. T q gt Comment NHcf:.s lzr'-@?a*-t N PERMIT FEE: I dK DEVELOPER: NA PROJECT - LICENSE S: @; <1", PH:764-341-9669 NC REG #: ?85G.r']I@ Nc REc r:Pll!--EI{GR DESIcII PROFESSIO{AT :-ffi DESCRIPTIO OF WORK: coMiiEii6 or NElt or1, AND rrRE cHANcE FAClLrry SQ FT PER FLR: .vanres # OF STRUCTURES.--]--# OF STORIES: 1 ' -?. ffi C.l.. \Y. b"', APPLICII{T'5 llA}lE: 1p11.111y ExpREss DEyEL9PMEN1 LLc lorct-t> }. 1H2?5 aFFtfdFfd l,lumber (CrFfl(! U5.) -DATE.. \o /26/ 2ora DEVELOPER: NA : sglc cmoltte BEtcH DRIvE 0CCUPAT{I/8USII{ESS llAllE: sxpREss orl, CRANGE r rrRE PR0PERTY O$IER'S llAfiE: TRrNrry ExpREss 9EVETSpMENT _ CITY: pgas61 C0 TRACTOi: sEo VrrrrDtel Cod9lvlr.lfrfl. J tt C.. - LIcEilsE S:1aL:4 AIX'RESS: l"7DD -TP.ottlt ' /+te _ crl"r, C4+ xlZ-LOTf 6 ETUUL ADDREsS: ttet C-t!tc-toA C-o*grf4,|6f\ oA - Cpl-t PROIECT COIITACT PERSON: s+;+!-=r!Er.HfiRrr -foA ,)axrj (Cn.<r AILlr.t rrpry) PHOIIE S: 843-298-5f45--- zF|unu PH$IE $: 843-29s-56{G STI p6 ZIP:27713 . PHOI{E sr$)LzrPt ZSZ;+*t 10*-t.lt!L. fuZZe:ffi-'PHotIE EXIST COtiSTRUCTIofl: nlf Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATIOI{ Gas Line on ihe T-'I RENOVATIO rl GEIIERAL REPAIRS T-'] ?unenr sire? 5, EJ- ruo rs BLDG sPhTl.l 16+-++1 - AoZ-' RELOCATIOIT KLEREDr_ Yesfl NoI,IET CTNSTRUCTIOT{:EREcr r{Er{ sTxucTURE DFAST TRACK D SHELL E UPFrr n ADO To Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheII Permlt {r Is Elcct Pou€r on thls BulLding l--. Yes fi No DEsIGtl PROFESSI0I,I L: SCOpE encElrscTURAL CoNsUlTlNG PH:764-341-9966 NC REG *: ?8S6 ENGR DE5I6II PROFESSIOIAL LSAaER ENGINEERING PH:704-j73-0059 NC REG $: c-2130 ls food or bovsraoos prsparBd or s€rved in this swcorerl-. Lvasl-. No ls Th€ P.op6rty Loc€ted In The Floodpl8h? flYss fi No lnq Codc Bnd 6ll otEr spDrEsble S_lEle ep l.lc S Bldg code snd ..... rs rxrs a cltaIGE 0r (xcupArcy usE? [f yEs fi" ito..... fF Y.s, yh.t uas the Prevlous Occupanty TtDe? - Ihat Is thc er Occupan<y mfi? co.{Bin Alt .106 o. nor You .r. EqUrud lo crll rhc Natlo..l E mlBslon St 'ldlrdr td Hlzr ho3 Alr Po(uEnE (NESXAP) ri (8r 0707-SgS0 3l ha6r 1 0 (hF p.lor b tne danolldm o{ any ho'fiiy .. buidnq. Ss. A!bG6ro! Wob Sh6: htlpr^r*q .d slate.nc uslepi/as b.llorshmp.htnl WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM ceNraer seprtc n PRIVATE SEPTIC COMMUNITY SYSTEM I rr.a;b!i:\ii,.i:. " PAYMENT METHOD:f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f _ AMERTCAN EXPRESS l- - ucr,urse l-_ orscoven ZONE: OFFICER {FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH B BFE+2ft,Anoroval: Citv. DATE FLOOD TOTAL PROJECT COST: s2,300, oo0 BUILDING HEIGHT: :o'd OF UNITS| NA TOTAL AREA SO FT: 6504 SQ FT PER FLR VARIES # OF STORIES: I TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 5so{d OF STRUCTURES 1 f OF FLOORS| I ACRES DISTURBEOI O. 92 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 27, eey SO FT PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE f] nesrrunar'rr ! MERcANTLEn EDUcf-I AprD coNDo OTHEIluro nrplrn D D ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIONB-2WELL Comment -it f,.,s I z-.ulcf tut^-, N PERMIT FEE: : NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcAtIoN rrPF; COI'II{ERCIAL PT€ASE A'IsXEB AlL qJES'IO'E APPLICAALE IO YSJR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsibility" PRO]ECT Lr. r Y: IItri,tING.ION O,IER'S ADORESS r 5805 t,TDDLEToN RD DESCRIPTIOI'I Or lEnK: g6;;6;A;6 oF NE1a or1, AND rrRE SHANGE EAcr1,rry O]SCLAIMEA Lt-{2 Exsr LAND DlsruRBrNG pERMrr? ]r yES Ji No SO FT EXSTING IMPERVIOUSAREA: o "n-,.^FLooD,zoNE )nlti-2ca 6ll all r{EW HANovER couNTy BUTTDTNG IERMtrT Z A PPLICAT,ON TYPEi RESIDENnAI pl fasr AN5wtlr ALr outsno s APPt-tcAatE To YouR pRoJtcr 'Prol.cr Re3F0nslblllv rc zqq APPLICANI'5 NA lvl t pr{)ltcI a0DRfss: t)trr i,"/!-; iu,- hbn ii(Oate c)/Jl /:a/f __ 2tP: 2l: qDt"/> > tltrtl( rtt CITY 5UB DIVISION PROPEfiTY OWNER'S NAME oWN€A's AoDRrssr 7fi A,r!,!-Atl -.- CONTNACTOR ll'liHl,?tt . i.,.t/ '-t;JitL'l lAtl D oet Garage (SF) -2__-) Poot (sF) (,.CL' -t-: Gre e nhouse (5F) te- I Deck(sfl r? ls the propored work changing the exlitlng footprint? fl YesItlo ToTAL 5Q fT UNDER ROOf Aot proposed walt) Heated: 'l LOT I PHONE I ,r3 CITY /v1 rr),tr,_2 l 'io j 8tD6 UCENSE f NLztPt !-'!4, /- ,-( -t' A CDRESS f MAIL A'DRE55 n1r, ) l- !,-.:^)n;ffi). ltt\a a Srh cnY: i'c:ktiliin l' sr- -liont; '-t,"" szi - as4 PRolEcT coNrAcT P€ eson: t/ft::2*,2 pxone, 1.i .5 .i'!- t) l'i EXISTING CONSTRIICIIONT L, Alteration ill Renovatlon L-l General R€pairs NEw CO^ISIR UCIIONT A €rcct New Rcsid e n.., /fr) A,l,lit,on to e rrt rn8 R es rde nce Ll Relocation ...PIT.A5€ CHECK ANO AIiSWER ETtOW A!I THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO]ECT..' I Alt 6rrlse (5F) .1.r - Sunroom {sFJ (:- n storage shed (SF)2 - f, Porch (SF) -j Olhc. (SFl Unheatedi A.i' r.1. IOTAT PRotECT COST (l.ess l-ol)i S q Js the proposed work (hin8roS the number of bedroomi? O Ye! E No 15anytlectrical,PlumblntorMe(hanlcalworkbein8donetotheAcc(JsorySlructureNYcrfmo it lhp proje.t G a Relocation, i5 therc a N,rturJJ6J5 Linc on thc current 5ite? I Y€r X No ls there f,eculcal Power on thls BuildlnST D( Yes ! No Prop!rty Ure/ Occupancy:)( SinSlr Family n Duplex. Townhou!c Oe3crlptlon ol Work: Lnfo.^railon "'|/OTa lnywoi< !e.loi,Jied wnhcut the apo.op.irle pirm Ir wJl be in nolJrioo oI l'rE,l ^Llcens.d ()volile(" D!5(tAMEF: lhcr.by ce,! fy rh.l alrthc lnform!llcn i. thir !ppl c.tiof ir co(!(t and .rlworl 6ill.od,ra*l and ordin.ncer .nd rerul.lonr The NHC O.veroprenl setuirer Cpnre, *'1lb€ not llad of any rha rdiat Cod..nd ailolher appllraHo Slate and iocal plant and rp.onaalroil or.ha.re n (ontracto. nd rubjecl lo liii., up lo 5500.00rr' Owner/Contra(torl Flyw,lhth! 5t0te BU N( 5tir.9J}! codr. /.1,^--Slgna(ure; TotalAcr€s Olsturbed: I I Yer M N, Jl^'&J Y o.',\ on Mr^ co{vLr^ ls thc property lo.a(ed in a ,loodplaini Exirtlnt lmperviour Ar"o, -- / 5q Ft ob ["+ >l Netv lmpervlous Area, - )i-__-- Sq f, Exirtin! Land Oisturbtng permltrfl yel n No war€n: fl cFpuA lJ community system t] pr.varewelr n cenrrarwelt |l rquu , . :i,.' liilll :r;ilr tf) ih,VllliftXr, Cit]_Zi4-tptJ, j SEWER 8._CFPUA ?<oFtfiirly sy5rem D privale Septlc n Ccntral Scptic n Aqua zon",7-15 offr.lq=M setbacki(F)Nlta (rH).10'(RH) l0' (B)_]O . --1 t- Approvir: _ ciry,NrL![ o*e,1e1_15 aooa,Al AVt tdtt I trt X nrr*rt= _- $ fS'""""',^,ili.fffi,ft,t*J:^,CI?i,ffi^e;&l,ilpe'r-F'-irr""'s' - - Prlnt eilall 2t (q-?o3 $-zqqL Appll(ltlon (ofi(e us€) NEW HANovER couNw BUrrorNG pERMrr WL AP HJAfl ON TYPE : RESIDEIfiAI PLEAsE ANSWER ALL QUEsTIONS APPUCABTE TO YOUR PROI€CT 'Ecct Rc6ponslbilly APPI.ICANT,S NAME, T,,I O H IV,I A rr ibrls /ntt. /tb n LiL.Da:',-: ctul /2/E PRorEcT ADDRESS: 4e; fl?itle, 9.1 SUBDlVlSlONr + PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER's ADoRESS: ?{i /+ir rX !-<-l coNrRACroR: llL,.t+lhg,: tT;i, r C:tJ rr*'.1 totl ,ec CITY:1fl LOf tt tJb.P PHoNEit qii t37 -fl|t zt". 7t 4pZ CIIYi /n ft) BLDG LICENSE }; ,?lloiPz ADDRESS:cm: f,a:k,tlan I 5T: I(z ZIP| 2i'4rf EMAIL ADDRES S: mrt:l l- €l )i-heuJcn r ')r15trr.trj i\o Zco-, -;LbNa, qfi- 52r'-aBqtTk t PROJECT CONTACT Pr t}n, i! 4'-:'-"t t,,paont 1,3-5 j'l- 0t?4 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration [-] Renovation a General Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCTIONT AErect New Resia ence.@ Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..' E Porch (SF)o ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ANo TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aot proposed wor.k) Heated:Unheated: t j/t t- TOTAI- PROJECf COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any ElectricaL Plumbing or Mechanical work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure fi Yes I t{o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes t No lsthere Electrlcal Power on thls Bulldlng? I Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy:;q Singlc Family I Dupl€xf, Townhouse lE15EP 15 11 !48flt'1 Descrlptlon ot Work: lr? l.ws andordimnce! and reSulations. The NHC oevelopment Services Center will be notifled of any changes tn th. approved plans and specrUcation3 or chan8e in contractotinformalion. I r'NOTI: Any work performed without thc appropriate permits will be in violation ofth,,.) owner/Contractor:0r.z Sltnaturei "Llcensed Qualilier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes E No Existing lmpervious lrea, )' I sq rt Total Acres Dlsturbed: ---\ /\/New lmpervious Area: .' / Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing permlt:ts yes E No WATTR: fl CFPUA fl Community System fl private Well D Central Well E .Aqua SEWERT E:. CFPUA n Community System D private Septlc D Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Otflcer: _ Setbacks (tl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: [A] _ (Vl _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ e NC SEt.rft Cod! and subjcrr ro linrs up to SSm.OO'., /')-^-^ Comment:Permil Fee: S $75 Clear Form n Att Garage (SF) r2- ! sunroom lsFl C D Greenhouse (SF) 0 n Det Garage ISF) a7 tf Poot(sFl LtC? ! oeck (sF) 0 E Storage Shed (SF)D f, other(sFJ D I ffi APPIICA fS '{AMEIPRO'ECI ADDRESS: CO TRACTOR AODRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERMIT AP PLICAT ION Tf PE: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER Att qUEsTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project R6ponslbillt/ CITY PHONE I: CIIY: Date:aLa /tB zlPt 2814A3 LOT B b*b ztP BLDG LICETTSE #;sr:$l zrp 299 ll PHONE:Qtt';- A-t>-1loa fl Storage Shed (sF) _ tr fther (sF) Applk tlon Number (offlc! utel SUBDIVISION: PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: ExlSnNG COI{STRUCTION: n Afteration D Renovation D GeneralRepairs l{Ew @NsTnt,cflo : B Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation aaa aaa Vafiearaee$n (al\ E Detcarase(sF)- Xeorch(sr) tr Pool (sF) CITY: EMAIT ADDRESs: fl Sunroom (sF) n Greenhouse(sF) do*On &ftl ls the proposed work changingthe existing footprint? [ Yes D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Ao( proposed work) lteatedr 3aq L unheared: TOTAL PRO,ECT @5T (Less Lot}: S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E t{o lsanyElec'tdcal,PlumblruorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the proiect isa Relocatlon, istherea NaturalGas Lineon the current site? E Y6 El t{o lsthere ElectricalPower on this Euilding? E Yes El No qq'|,+ol ll d slnde ramtlv--E Dupler Q rownhousct\gr"-) Rzt'.rlf,vrt'.rv\Property Use/ occupancy: D6criptlon of Work: la*s and ordlnances and reguhtlons. ne HC DeElopment Servrcei Center wlll b€ nodfu of any drsnlet ln the approt€d plans and spedfications or dltng€ ln contractor informatlon. "'NOf[: A Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Qualifiet- nywo perfo.med without the Print Nome permlts wlllte invlolation otthe XC Stat€ AUg Code and to fines to SSm.m"' Slgnature: TotalAcres Disturbed; ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Exlstlng lmpsrylous A."", D sq rt XN. New lmpervious Area:tltlbl Sq Ft Exlstint Land Disturblnt Permit: E Y6 E No WATER: XCFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: Zone: /attro E communitysystem E Privateseptic E cantrals€ptic E Aqua otfcer:- setbackslrf 5 I 1u),)' (nrl 5' (B).,$.' Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (l{) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permlt Fee: S '(D\q"LOl( L8-37 82 ,:r PRoJECTCONTACTPERSON: \:-k €{? s\^.16.',s-l pHOilE: qln -r,t^- 2rJ? Itt 'r EDQ-\Eg PROP€RTY OWNER,S NAME!PHONE f OWNER'S ADORESS:CITYI CONTRACTOR: AODRESS: EMAIt ADDRESSI PHONE; PROJECT CONIACT PERSON:PHONE; EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: 0 Alteratlon n Renovatlon f] oeneral Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Resldence D Addltlon to Exlstin, Resldence D Relocallon Snte.or.rsrt 618 O Det Garage (sF)....."_ O Pool(St)-0 Sunroom {5f) u Greenhouse(sF)- dr"*1s4 &At ls the proposed work chan8inS the exlsting footprlnt? E Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDIR ROOF Vor proposed wor,t] Heat€dr ,j Unheatedi IOIAL PROJTCI COST ([ess lot); $49'l,aol ll ls the proposed work changlng the numberof bedrooms? O Yes E No SUEDIVISION: ls any Electrlcal, Plumbln8 or Mechanlcal work belng done lo the Accessory lfthe proJect h a Rolocatlon, ls there a NaturalGas Llne on the c{.rrrent site? ls there Electrlcal Poweron thls BulldlnS? E yei D No Proporty Uro/ occuparr*, { ,,na,"ouplax To$rnhouse Descrlptlon ot Work, strudure [] Yei D No"tr ;; re,*]ry'' ffi m g I meert m g R.ffiW R'evEew ;.-,- ^--II NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PP LICATIO N N P E: RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWERATL QU€STIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI/'Prorect Responrlblllty" CITY: LOT fl L8 -37 82 Appl1(,llon (oln.e uie) VPorcr (sn 2fl fl storage shed (st)_ 0 orher (5F)_ APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECTADDRESSI Owner/Contrectorl 'Ltcensed Quolnef ls the property located in a floodplaln? tr ves p(l,lo Exlrtint lmpervlous Ar"r, D ,O ,, N€w tmpervlour Araa, !4 A I sq r, Dat6; ztP: BI.DG TICENSE f:+e,11tr:tv ztP: 29q llr;- lnforrnatlon. ...NOTIi Anywork padormed wlthout th. r te permltr wtl, b€ ln vlolatlon of lhe l,lc strte SldS aods.nd su to Ss00.00' . ' Sltoatur€: lolalAcres Dlsturbgdr Exlstlng Land Dlrtqrblng P€rmlt! E Yes O No ,r*r*, (.rrro tr zon", 1X om.er,r$rl ,)' Innl 5' (s) rI' WATER! XCFPUA fI communltvsystem D Prlvate Well E centralwell Cl Aqua Communlty System O Private septic E centralseptlc B Aqua b Approval:d:(A)_(DtE+2ft= _ City lrylion Requreo, 9'l $254'rilfl Comment: cw, illn Lr s? _(N) x Permlt fes; S OO ,ffi \, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI O N TY PEi RESI DENTIA! PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICAEIT TO YOUR PROJTCT 'Proiect ResponsibiliV' ?Otgf2bbo Applic.tion Number {o{fice usel APPIICANT'S NAME:,.TcFp.,, Lz-ztile. thqgd^rzd Dale: /2. PROJECT ADDRESS:- jy 1ffi5*6 nrc CITY h/ttmrtaror./zrP-_ rr'!--&l)1 SUBDIVISIONI PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNTR'S AODRESS: iL LOT } PHONE f: CITY: 3 zlP r9DEC tS 12!87P1'l q CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:€ITY: EMAIL ADDRESS:/.-o caltA PROJEcT CONTACI PERSON: _-_ t:] Att Garage (SF)-D Det Gara8e (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)_n Pool (5F) fl Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (SF) PHONT:{4o ,/ €xlSTlNG CONSTRUCTIoN: Ef Alteration @D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: f] Erect New Residence E Additlon to Existing Residence E Relocation ."PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ATLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*'T E/Porch (sF)Sgosr Property Use/ Occupancy: /Slngle Fam plextrDu To use Descrigtion of Work: 1.4/'4LL DISCIAIM€R: I hereby cenify lhat all the hlormallon ln thls appllcatlon ls conect and allworl wlllaomplyvJtth the State BuildingCode and allother applicable Stateand loaal laws and ordinana€r and r.gul.tion3. The NHC Developme Se.vlc€s Ce nter will be notlfled ofanychanSe! inthe approved plans6nd spe.ttiGtions or change in contractor Intormation.'.'NoTEr Owner/Contracto rmhswlll be ln vlolationotthe NC St.te gldgCodeand subject to Unes upto 9500.00... SlBnature: 'Lic.nsedQuotifcr" C7W Ptint None Is the property located in a tloodplain? I Ves SK txistlng lmperyious Area: _ 59 Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areal Sq Fi Exlstlng Land Disturblnt Permitr D Yes D No./. WATER: E ''CFPUA f] Community System f] Private Well E Central Well D Aqua,/'SEWTR: gCtPUA D Community System C Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Ofrir€r:_ Setba.ks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH)_ {B} _ Approvali _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) --_- {v} _ (N) _ Bf E+2ft= -- v 7L/ Anywork parformqd without the appmpratcre,,A/Ln-D,"^l/ Comment:Permit fee:s f^, E Storage Shed (SF) _ fl Other (Sr) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? /Yes E No ToTALsqFTuNDER RooF(Iorproposed"r"r,rr" r**O ;ktp u^h*t"d, 5tD(2tb a-4, aD DnTOTAL PROTECI CosT (l,ess [ot): S z ls the proposed work changinS the number of bedrooms? tr Yes EaNo lsanyf,lectrical,PlumbingorMechanlc.lworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYesDNo lf the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No ls there ElectricalPower on thls Building? EaYes D No Ro\Q-rcq.: ...). .), ,ffi,' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CATI ON ryPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI, QUESTIONS APPLICABL[ TO YOI,,R PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' 1€=-3fif4 Number (office use) APPLICAN?s NAME: PORCH CONVERSION Date:11128118 PRoJEcT AoDREss: 328 CAMBER DRIVE clTY: WILMINGTON ztP.28429 LOT #:41 PHONE r,:704-533-091 1 owNER's ADDRESS: 328 CAMBER DRIVE EMAIL ADDRESS: porchconversi on@omail.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: BRIAN WALSH PHONE: 91 0-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence y'naaition to Existing Residence Ll Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**I' TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor ptoposed work)Heated;191 [] Porch (SF)__ L-l Storage Shed (SF) _ fl Other (SF) Unheated: TOTAT PROjICT COST (tess Lot): 529,561 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tI Yes dro ./ ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure d Yes [] No lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Naturrl Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E/No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? M Yes n No ./Property Use/ occupancy: g Single Family D Duplex D Townhouse Description of work: SUNReeI.4.ADSlf]gN-T€*E)(lSrlNG EN€LOSE9,S€REEN-P€R€H-- laws and ordinances and reg ulations. The NllC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany chan8es in the approved plansand specifications or chan Be in contractor information. "'NoTt: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC S BldS Code and fines up to 9500.00+" Owner/Contractor: AAENI JEREI\,,lY MARTIN Signature: "l.icensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? O ,", dto Existing lmpervious Ar.eat 2741 Sq Fl New lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: i-r Yes [i,f No WATER: g CFPUA n Community System ! Private Well n CentralWell ! Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA tr Community System n Private Septic n Central Septic n Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) __ (tH) _ (RH) _*_-_ (B) _*. Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) ___ - (N) _ _ BFE+2ft: __, 06'mil E66. ( Total Acres Disturbed: 0.002 suBDlvlsloN: RIVER BLUFFS SEC 1 PH 1 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: GARY OCHS CITY: WILMINGTON ZIP:28429 coNTRAcroR: PORCH CONVERSION *____BtDGLtcE sEf.76^47 ADDRESS:6821 MARKET STREET __ ClrY: WILMINGTON Sr: NC ztp: 28405 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 t Att Garage (SF)__ E Det Garage (SF) _ dsunroom (Sr) 191 n Pool (SF) -[] Greenhouse {SF)_ D Deck(sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? d yes n ruo