01232019 January 23 2019 TRC Agenda PackageTECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA January 23, 2019 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in the Lucie Harrell Conference Room (601) of the New Hanover County Government Center located at 230 Government Center Drive to review the following: 2:00 p.m. Item 1: Trinity Landing (Site Plan) – Request by John S. Tunstall, P.E. with Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. on behalf of Lutheran Retirement Center – Wilmington, Inc. for a site plan for a senior living community consisting of 208 units and associated amenities. The site is located at the 4900 block of Masonboro Loop Road and is currently zoned EDZD. Trinity Landing - TRC Review Page | 1 To: John S. Tunstall, P.E. Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. John Frye Lutheran Retirement Center – Wilmington, Inc. ESP Associates, Inc (dthomas@espassociates.com) From: Brad Schuler, AICP Current Planner Date: January 18, 2019 Subject: Trinity Landing – TRC Review – Site Plan Review The following comments have been received for the January 23, 2019 TRC meeting: Planning, Brad Schuler 910-798-7444 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Update the density calculation. Areas within the Conservation place type, AE or VE special flood hazard areas, or CAMA Estuarine Ares of Environmental concern are subtracted from the gross area when determining density (site data table). b. Add the acreage of the open space provided (site data table). c. Reference the 2016 Comprehensive Plan instead of the 2006 CAMA Land Classification. The Comp Plan classifies the property within the General Residential and Conservation place types (site data table). d. It appears the parking shown for the independent living, dining/commons, and wellness center equates to 229 spaces (page C1). This may be to the additional landscape islands that appear in the landscape plans? e. It appears there is an error with the sidewalk illustration east of the clubhouses. In addition will the sidewalk be an elevated bridge/wood deck over the stormwater feature (C2.2)? 2. A tree mitigation plan, must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of and any land disturbance permits. The mitigation plan must illustrate the size and species of the significant trees being removed within the development and their method of mitigation. Specifically, twice the amount of caliper inches removed must be mitigated by either planting additional trees or by making a payment into the County’s Tree Improvement Fund. All replacement trees must be 2-3” Trinity Landing Page | 2 in caliper at planting, or a $295 payment may be provided in lieu of installing one replacement tree. 3. It appears the independent living building 1 is encroaching in the 200’ setback for three-story buildings (C2). Is this portion of the building less than 3 stories or a roof overhang? 4. Please add the flood zone boundaries to the plans. 5. Please add the COD setback boundaries to the plan. Areas within the COD setback cannot be developed unless as permitted in section 55.1-4(3) of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Please illustrate the location of proposed street lights. Street lights shall be included at the rate of one fixture per 500 linear feet. The rezoning plans included a site lighting plan detailing the type of light fixture (full cut-off) and placement. 7. Please provide detailed landscape plans illustrating the number of proposed and existing landscape species, and their sizes, that are needed to comply with the streetscape, bufferyard, foundation, and parking lot landscaping standards. 8. The conditions of the zoning district require an intermittent berm with indigenous plantings to be installed along the northern portion of the property as illustrated with the buffer strip section detail of the rezoning plans. 9. Any building or land disturbing activities within the CAMA AEC OAR 575 feet from high water will require a CAMA approval. 10. Please provide additional details regarding the proposed structure on the island. This structure will require a flood development permit. 11. The following comments relate to the EDZD additional requirements: a. 90% of new buildings must meet the HERO option listed within the Energy Conservation Code of the N.C. State Building Code. Additional information should be submitted with the building permit application. b. One building must be constructed and certified through: LEED, NAHB Green Building Standards, North Carolina Healthy Built Homes or Green Globes. The rezoning plan identified the clubhouse building as the building to be built to these standards. Please not this on the plan. Additional information should be submitted with the building permit application. c. Incorporate on-site nonpolluting renewable energy generation with a production capacity of at least 5% of the project’s annual electrical and thermal energy cost (exclusive of existing buildings), as established through an accepted building energy performance simulation tool. The rezoning plan noted solar panels will be installed for the main building and villas, either on the roof of each building or at another location within the site. Please provide additional information on how this requirement will be met. d. Please add the location of pet waste stations to the plans. Trinity Landing Page | 3 Engineering, Phil Bevilacqua 910-798-7072 C1 1. Include disturbed area, proposed impervious and soil type in site data. C3 1. Unidentified structure at entrance (decorative wall?) appears to encroach on CW-1 2. 18” FES in Masonboro Loop right-of-way; specify invert and label existing contours 3. DI-24; invert not specified C3.1 1. 24” RCP from DI-61 to FES is shown at 0% grade 2. JB-82; rim and invert not specified 3. FES outlet from DI-83; invert not specified C3.2 1. DI-79; invert shows storm drains at reverse grade General 1. Details are needed for outlet structures and spillways 2. Calculations are required for stormwater collection system and management practices with permit application Fire Services, David Stone 910-798-7458 1. All buildings regardless of square footage must be sprinkled due to only having one access road. 2. There must be a fire hydrant within 100 feet of the FDC servicing the marina. 3. All fire lanes must have signage or be labeled as “No Parking, Fire Lane” 4. Is it possible to extend the “fire lane” at the club house to allow for better apparatus access to the small club house? 5. No gates or traffic calming devices allowed without TRC approval. 6. The marina must meet the requirements of Chapter 36 of the 2018 NC Fire Code 7. Developer/Builder needs to be aware of new requirements in the 2018 NC Fire Code. This note is being added to inform the developer of a major change in the Fire Code and will come into play during the construction plan review process. (This is not the full requirements of Section 510. More information can be provided upon request): SECTION 510 EMERGENCY RESPONDER RADIO COVERAGE: 510.1 Emergency responder radio coverage in new buildings. All new buildings shall have approved radio coverage for emergency responders within the building based upon the existing coverage levels of the public safety communication systems of the jurisdiction at the exterior of Trinity Landing Page | 4 the building. This section shall not require improvement of the existing public safety communication systems. Exceptions: 1. Where approved by the building official and the fire code official, a wired communication system in accordance with Section 907.2.13.2 shall be permitted to be installed or maintained instead of an approved radio coverage system. 2. Where it is determined by the fire code official that the radio coverage system is not needed. 3. In facilities where emergency responder radio coverage is required and such systems, components or equipment required could have a negative impact on the normal operations of that facility, the fire code official shall have the authority to accept an automatically activated emergency responder radio coverage system. 510.3 Permit required. A construction permit for the installation of or modification to emergency responder radio coverage systems and related equipment is required as specified in Section 105.7.5. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a modification and does not require a permit. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. 2. CFPUA water and sewer can be made available by mainline extensions and construction of a regional pump station. 3. CFPUA has reviewed Preliminary Engineer Report from the applicant/engineer and has provided comments WMPO, Fred Royal 910-772-4120 1. There is no NCDOT STIP project along Masonboro Loop Rd. 2. Based on the provided information of 208 attached senior residential dwelling units, no TIA is required for this development. The 10th edition of the Trip Generation Manual: ADT – 811 trips, AM Peak Hour – 41 vehicle trips, PM Peak Hour – 52 vehicle trips. NCDOT, Nick K. Drees 910-398-9100 These preliminary comments are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. 1. A NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT D istrict Engineer’s Office. 2. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installation within NCDOT right-of-way. Trinity Landing Page | 5 NCDEMLR, Linda Lewis 910-796-7343 1. This project will require a stormwater permit. DCM, Courtney Spears, 910-796-7426 1. This project will require a CAMA Major Permit. The field representative for this area is Patrick Amico who I’ve copied on this email. Please let the applicant know they can contact Patrick directly either by email or by phone at 910-796-7423. Planning (Addressing), John Townsend 910-798-7443 Streets 1. Two unduplicated street names will need to be provided. One for the entrance road off Masonboro Loop and one for the circular road toward the rear of the property. o Trinity Landing Rd and Trinity Landing Loop Rd are too similar. 2. It’s recommended to provide several name alternatives so they can be reviewed by the Planning Office (John Townsend). Addressing 1. For addressing purposes I’ll need the number of residential units per floor, per building. 2. I will also need the number of commercial suites (if there are any) per floor per building. Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still 1. Please delineate flood hazard info on the plans. New Hanover County Schools, Marion Brill 1. Current district lines for the subdivision are Bellamy and College Road Early Childhood Center Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, and Ashley High schools. School Total Capacity w/Mobiles +/- Capacity Bellamy 616 516 100 CRECC 128 108 20 Myrtle Grove 748 738 10 Ashley 1930 1786 144 Comments not received at this time from: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison