1961-07-19 Budget Meeting Minutes of the.Meeting July 17th, 1961 Continued PETIT JURY - contin.ued Jurors- Week of August 21, 1961 Criminal Clarence D. Powell 2706 Chestnut Thomas H. Barker 219 Forest Hills Dr. J. Dallas Orrell Ft. Chestnut St. Raymond E. Creech 3715 Wrightsv. Ave. C. S., Singleton 4902 Park Ave. Harry Clay Jackson 228 Oakleaf Dr. Wm. Richard Dean 133 Sumter Dr. Al,len, T. Strange 1305 S. Churchill Dr. RECESS. =• . - Mr. Mayhan then offered a motion that the Board recess until 9:00.A. M. Wednesday, July 19th at which time the School Board would be invited to discuss their Budget further. It was seconded by Mr. Broa'dhurst and unanimously passed. " BUDGET NF-ETING Commissioners Room ,luly ly, lybl Wilminqton, N. C. RECONVENTION Pursuant to the recess of the regular meeting on July 17th, the following members of the Board of County Commissioners met to resume consideration of the 1961-62 Budget: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Ern Playhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bra Tillery. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The ExecutiVe :Secretary remi'nded the Board that the minutes of the meeting on July 3, 7,' lOth and 12th had not been approved. It was the unanimous common consent of the Board that approval be dispensed with at this time and taken up at a later meet- ing. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - c,p.,d?4? C• The Chairman announced that he had heen approached by the officers of the ' Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce with the request that they be allowed to appear before the Board to present their Budget before any final decision was made. ? SCHOOL BUDGET-, - I Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the Consolidated School Board, accompanied by other members of the Board announced that they were ready and willing to clarify and answer any questions relative to their School Budget. Chairman Hall then remarked ' that since.items #1 and #6 in their CapiLal Outlay proposal had already been approved they would continue consideration of that portion of the Budget at this time, if there was no objection. After discussing the various items, the following conclusion was reached. The furnace room at Carolina Beach School in the amount of $1200.00 was de- let.ed. In item #3, Chestnut Street Jun.ior High, the portion of that recommendation to convert.and remodel certain rooms into a shower and dressing room was approved .. 'in the _• amoun t .. of $4,700.00 inst.ead of the original recommendation of $9,814.01 In item #4, which covered the construction of a shower room for the Williston Junior High was approved as requested w.ith the proviso that further investigation be.made with reference to having it done as cheaply ss possibie. Item #5 covering the renovation _ of the Isaac.Bear Building to serve as an Administration Building for the supervisory staff was deleted in the_amount of $60,000. Item #7 covering new Library books to br.ing the Roland-Gris-e Junior High Library up .to accreditation standards was approved in the amount of $5,000. Item #8 for an additional school bus was approved as re- quested for $4,000.. County Auditor T. D. Love reported that in his conversation with the school authorities in Raleigh, he was informed that the "State would increase their appropria- tion on-Instructiona_1 Supplies by 38? per pupil, for Libraries 50d per pupil and for Clerical Assistance? $1.00 per pupil. CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in May of 1960, they had ? granted a right-of-way and easement to the Carolina Power & Light Company for construct ing a light pole on County property at the back of the Court House in order to instail the new electrical service in the building.' The old instrument which was executed by ' the Chairman was returned and they request a new contract be approved. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request for the right-of-way for easement be granted and that the Chairman be auLhorized to sign the agreement and the Executive Secretary to place the County seal on it. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. WELFARE BUDGET - Mr. Braak reported that'he had disc.ussed increases contained in the Welfare Budget with Mrs. Sneeden who told him that the Countyts portion of the recommended in- crease would.amount to only $3200.00 which could come out of the $6500.00 extra which the State has set up for prompt Budget ap.proval. Thus, the salary adjustments could be made without any cost to the taxpayers.of the County and offered a motion that the Welfare Budget be approved as requested.. There was no second to his motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. . RECESS - The Chairman declared there was no this time and the Board unanimously agreed'to July 20th at which time the Board of tducation Budget discussions. further business for consideration at recess until 7:30 P. M. Thursday e ening wou2d be asked to reappear for f?ther / z i? W.?G. Houc`k?'Executive t d eta? ? ? S ? ?